2496 Contact With The Beyond .... Willingness To Give .... (Spiritualism) ....

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... through Bertha Dudde

Contact with the beyond ....
Willingness to gie .... !"#iritualis$% ....
&t is inco$#arably aluable to enter a state which results in
contact with the s#iritual 'ingdo$( because only through such a
connection is it #ossible to be guided into truth. )nd there*ore it
is( in *act( God+s will that this contact shall be u#held as long as
the hu$an being stries *or the truth.
Only the desire *or truth ,usti*ies such a connection( *or the
#ur#ose o* a connection *ro$ this side to the beyond is to coney
the #ure truth to earth.
-eertheless( eery #erson beliees that he wants the truth as
soon as he $a'es contact with the beyond. But it is o*ten only
curiosity( hence( the desire to receie in*or$ation about the
'ingdo$ o* the beyond( without being aware o* the tas' that the
receied 'nowledge should be #assed on to unin*or$ed *ellow
hu$an beings. For he who receies shall gie as well.
&* a #erson+s sel*ish loe is strongly accentuated( he will only
acce#t the 'nowledge *ro$ the s#iritual real$ *or hi$sel*. .his
does not corres#ond to God+s will( *or all actions and thoughts
should be based on the co$$and$ent o* neighbourly loe.
) loing heart receies and distributes again what it receies ....
/oweer( i* a #erson is unwilling to gie( he will also lose the
right to receie gi*ts. &* he neertheless $aintains contact with
the beyond( there is no guarantee that he will receie #ure truth(
*or then beings will also #ush close( which( on account o* their
sel*ish loe( are still *ar re$oed *ro$ the truth.
/ence( not all #rocla$ations need to corres#ond to truth i* they
were receied by a #erson who has not o**ered his serice to
God( that is( who has not declared to /i$ his will to wor' *or /i$
and the distribution o* the #ure truth. .his conscious intention to
be o* serice to God #rotects the hu$an being *ro$ untruth*ul
s#iritual gi*ts( *or God only coneys the truth to earth *or the
#ur#ose o* distribution a$ongst hu$anity.
.he rece#tion o* s#iritual gi*ts $ust be the result o* a loing
heart( loe *or his *ellow hu$an being $ust *irst $a'e the #erson
ca#able and worthy o* receiing s#iritual gi*ts.
But #eo#le with a ery low degree o* loe can also establish
contact with the beyond0 they will also constantly receie
$essages *ro$ the s#iritual 'ingdo$( but these will always
corres#ond to the being or the soul+s degree o* $aturity o* the
#erson who establishes the connection.
1ery #erson haing declared hi$sel* willing to receie $essages
*ro$ the s#iritual 'ingdo$ will be ta'en #ossession o*. )ll
s#iritual beings want to e2#ress the$seles( and they do so
according to their degree o* $aturity( that is( according to their
But the #artition between truth and untruth is erected by the
hu$an being hi$sel* through the degree o* his desire *or truth.
.he desire o* anyone striing *or the #ure truth will be $et by
bearers o* truth( by beings o* light which are united with God.
.hey can only i$#art #ure truth and also #rotect the reci#ient
*ro$ acce#ting error( *or they hae so $uch strength that they
can #ush all i$#er*ect beings away *ro$ the icinity o* a #erson
who only desires the truth and wants to receie it in order to
distribute it to the hu$an race liing in dar'ness ....
3ublished by *riends o* new reelations o* God 4 &n*or$ation(
download o* all translated reelations( the$e5boo'lets at6


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