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V. N. Mos l ne t s and E. I . She mya ki n
UDC 622.235:344.3
Contemporary ore mining is one of the most active fields in the use of blasting in the national economy, in
which theoretical solution and practical realization have been effected for two very important scientific-technical
problems - to attain a given degree of crashing of rocks by blasting and to protect engineering constructions and
exposed rocks from file seismic action of the blast. The solution of problems in the seismic effects of mine blasts
is playing an important part in the successful development of contemporary mining production.
1. The importance and industrial necessity of solving problems in the seismic effects of mining blasts in
contemporary conditions is due to the fact that at the beginning of the nineteen sixties there were perfected very
efficient high-output roller-bit drills for open-cut mining and pneumatic-percussive and percussive-rotary drilling
rigs for underground rocks. As a consequence, in the mines there arose the possibility of drilling large volumes of
rock, and this entailed the necessity of reconsidering the accepted, and creating fundamentally new, technological
methods of working mineral deposits. Thus, in open-cut mines there appeared systems of working with multirow
blasting of benches, blasting in enclosed media, and blasting with preservation of the geological structure of the ore
masses. In underground mining, wide acceptance was obtained for systems with massive breaking-down of ore -
sublevel and level forced caving, subdrifts and crosscuts, and caving of strata. The fundamental distinction of these
systems of working for open-cut underground mine workings is that their effective action is possible only under the
condition that there is a sharp rise in the amount of simultaneously exploded charges. In a short time, the weight of
simultaneously exploded charges necessary to attain an effective mining technology rose from 20-30 to 200-300
tons, and in some cases to 500-1000 tons in open-cut mining [1-3]. and from 5-6 to 20-50 tons, in some cases to
50-200 tons. in undergound mining [4, 5]. The sharp rise in the amount of explosives simultaneously detonated
placed before the blasting theoreticians and practical workers a number of fundamentally new problems in the as-
sessment of the seismic action of the blast; though the "Unified Safety Rules" might ensure safety, they did not
permit effective blasting under these conditions.
Th_us, practical problems of estimating the seismic effect of a blast, arising as a consequence of the develop-
ment of production, made a powerful impact on the broad development of research on the seismic effects of blast-
ing in many institutes of the Soviet Union. The problem of the seismic action of blasting in ore mines has been a
continual object of attention by scientists, engineers, and miners.
Together with the problem of attaining a given degree of crushing of the rock by blasting, there has been a
common front of research on the national-economic use of blasting, in which a good deal of success has recently
been achieved.
A great part in the development of research on the seismic effects of mine blasting has been played by the
9 Institute of Physics of the Earth of the Academy of Sciences of the US~t rIPE A S USSR) where scientists have systematically
directed the inception and continuation of many investigations [6]. At the First All-Union Seminar on the Seismic
Effects of Mine Blasting, organized by the IPE AS USSR in February 196,3. M. A. Sadovskii. S. V. Medvedev, D. A.
Kharin, and others formulated for the first time those important problems in the study of the seismic pattern of
blasting to the solution of which many investigations have later been directed at the institutes of the Academies of
Sciences of the USSR. the Ukrainian SSR. the Kazakh SSR. and the Klrgiz SSR, together with branch institutes of
mining and teaching institutes. An important role in the formulation of problems in research on the seismic action
of blasting has been played by the production undertakings themselves, which have been led by the necessity of
Institute o f Mining, M o s c o w , Novosibirsk. Translated from Fiziko-Tekhnicheskie P r o b l e m y Razrabotki Polez-
n y k h Iskopaemykh, N o . 4, pp. 5 8 - 6 5 , July-August, 1 9 7 4 . Original article submitted Aprll 22, 1974.
9 19 75 Plenum Publishing Corporation, 22 7 West 17th Street, Ne w York, N. Y. 10011. No part o f this publication may be repro-
duced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any f orm or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, micro-
filming, recording or otherwise, wi t hout written permission o f the publisher. A copy o f this article is available f rom the publisher
for $15.00.
solving practical problems of production, namely, the seismic action of a blast near populated built-up areas or in
combined open-cut and underground mining, the stability of the sides of deep open mines, etc.
As a consequence of the formulation of the practical requirements of the problems, since the beginning of
the nineteen sixties, in many undertakings the efforts of the research and teaching institutes have been bent towards
broad seismological research. The results have been very' fruitful and have made a large economic saving thanks
to the increased weight of simultaneously exploded charges, the preservation of engineering objects surrounding the
undertaking, and the additional bringing into production of ore resources which had previously been lost in the ground,
in connection with the newly opened possibilities of solving problems in mining seismics of repeated or combined
working of deposits.
Important results in the seismic effects of mine blasting have been obtained by the Sverdlovsk group of inves-
tigators [7-11] who have developed a number of fundamentally new recommendations on the stability of buidings,
structures, and quarry sides, and have elucidated the features o f the seismic action of borehole charges spread over
the front of a mine working, and also the features of the seismic action of blasts with combined open-cut and under-
ground mining such as those in the Ural Ore-Mining Combines.
A large contribution to the study of the seismic effects of mining blasts has been made by the Branch Labora-
tory of Seismics and Acoustic Measuring Methods of Investigation of the Magnitogorsk Mining-Metallurgical Institute
[12, 13], at which there have been developed new ideas on the seismic action of blasts with short-delay blasting,
on the stability of buildings, structures, and underground pillars; studies have been made on blasting in frozen ground,
and some theories have been developed on the control of the seismic action of blasting in relation to the amount of
free surfaces and the direction of development of the detonation.
Important research on the seismic action of blasting has been undertakenlby scientists at the Institute of Physicsand
Mechanics of Rocks of the Academy of Sciences of the Kirgiz SSR [14-17], who ~have studied the seismic action
of blasting with propagation of a seismic wave through worked-out mine workings and underground cavities, have
developed methods of screening seismic waves in the building-up of limiting sides of quarries and slopes of hydro-
technical constructions, have created theoretical methods of determining the parameters of seismically safe blasting
with combined production in open-cut and underground mine workings over stowed and caved cavities, have created
a classification of the seismic stability of structures under the maximum permissible elastic deformation and veloc-
ity, and have on this basis calculated the safe sizes for the charges.
Important research on the seismic effects of mine blasting has been carried out at VNIItsvetmet Institute
at Ust'-Kamenogorsk [18-19], where fundamental investigations have been made on the seismic action of blasting
with short-delay detonation and on the propagation of seismic waves in fissured media, recommendations have been
made on the normalization of the parameters of the seismic action, and the spectral characteristics of the blast
have been deeply studied.
Important research on the seismic effects of mine blasting in open-cut and underground mines has been done
at the Scientific-Research Institute for the Problems of the Kursk Magnetic Anomaly [20, 2t], where scientifically
based recommendations have been developed for estimating the seismic stability of pillars between rooms, blocks
of untouched ore, mine workings, sides and slopes of quarries, buildings, and surface structures. An important result
of the work of this institute is the creation of the first classification of engineering methods of controlling the seis-
mic action of a blast, which is now used by many organizations.
A definite contribution to the solution of production problems in mine blasting seismic effects has been made
by the Institute of Mining of the Academy of Sciences of the Kazakh SSR [22], where work has been done to assess
the seismic stability of pillars and blocks of untouched ore in the operation of blasting in the Dzhezkazgan Combine
and various other undertakings.
Interesting work on the practical estimation of the seismic action of blasting in open pits has been done in
the UkrNIIproekt Institute [23] and at the Dnepropetrovsk Mining Institute.
A brief survey of the work done by these collectives reveals successes in the study of the seismic effects of
mine blastin~ the first results of which were reported to the All-Union Conference on the Seismics of Industrial
Blasting in December 1966 at Sverdlovsk. At present we can assert that we have available practical scientifically
based methods for solving complex engineering problems in assessing the seismic action of blasting, on the following
a) for quantitative estimation of the parameters of blasting in the general case, the corrected weight of
charges i n one del ay period, and i n t he case o f di st ri but ed col umn charges, t he wei ght of charges per uni t l engt h
of t he front ;
b) as a cr i t er i on o f sei smi c safet y, t he permi ssi bl e vel oci t y on t he wave front, wi t h addi t i onal i nf or mat i on on
t he "per i od" of sei smi c vi brat i ons;
c) t he wei ght of t he char ge for one del ay period wi t h subsequent br i ef - del ay bl ast i ng is chosen by t he " t wo -
thirds" rol e from an i sol at ed char ge; on condi t i on t hat t he del ay i nt er val exceeds t he dur at i on of t he posi t i ve phase
of t he sei smi c vi brat i ons, t he number of such successively expl oded charges is unl i mi t ed; when the del ay i nt er val
is less t han t he durat i on of t he posi t i ve phase, t he t ot al number of charges must be l i mi t ed to 8- 9 del ay steps;
d) t he permi ssi bl e char ge wei ght is l i near l y reduced as t he pot ent i al ener gy o f t he expl osi ves i ncreases i n
r el at i on t o Ammoni t e No. 6, and vi c e versa;
e) i n mul t i pl e blasting, t he per mi t t ed char ge wei ght is reduced i n proport i on to t he number of expl osi ons;
t9 as t he amount of free surface on whi ch t he expl osi ve char ge act s is i ncr eased, t he permi ssi bl e wei ght
i ncreases in proport i on to one quart er o f t he square o f t he amount of free surfaces;
g) when sei smi c waves ar e propagat ed t hrough scr eeni ng i nt erl ayers, cavi t i es, or underground workings, t he
permi ssi bl e char ge wei ght can be i ncreased by a f act or of 2- 4, accor di ng t o t he scr eeni ng c a pa c i t y of t he obs t acl e.
I n t hese cases i t is di f f i cul t to det er mi ne t he permi ssi bl e vel oci t y; t o est abl i sh this, use is mai nl y ma de o f
s t at i s t i cal dat a from l ong- t er m observat i ons.
2. Some progress i n t he sol ut i on o f many pr act i cal probl ems i n t he sei smi cs o f mi ne bl ast i ng has r ecent l y
furthered t he f or mul at i on of i mpor t ant t heor et i cal problems, sol ut i on o f whi ch may prove ext r emel y i mpor t ant for
further devel opment of met hods of cont r ol l i ng t he sei smi c act i on of bl ast i ng, de ve l opme nt of t echnol ogi es for i ndus-
t ri al blasting, and cr eat i on o f means of moni t or i ng t he devel opment of an expl osi on.
One o f t he concl usi ons whi ch has been f undament al l y conf i r med is t he pr esence of two mai n wave groups in
t he over al l sei smi c mot i on due t o bl ast i ng near t he free surface [24]. Thes e groups have di f f er ent vel oci t i es o f
pr opagat i on and di f f er ent rates of ampl i t ude at t enuat i on and spect r al composi t i ons.
Waves i n t he first group ar e l ongi t udi nal (di rect i n a homogeneous r ock mass) or r ef r act ed (in a st rat i fi ed rock)
wi t h r ef l ect i on from the surface. Thi s group has t he hi ghest spect r al frequenci es and t he most rapid at t enuat i on
Waves i n t he second group ar e transverse or surface waves of vari ous types (i ncl udi ng i nt er f er ence o f waves
i n t he surface l ayer ) . The appar ent "peri ods w of vi br at i on i n this group ar e sever al t i mes gr eamr t han those for
t he first group, and t he ampl i t ude at t enuat i on is less. I t is i mpor t ant t hat these waves be compar abl e at t he boundar y
of t he range of safe di st ances ( 1- 5- 10 c m/ s e c for the ma x i mu m par t i cl e vel oci t y ampl i t ude) : at cl oser di st ances
t he ampl i t udes of t he first group pr edomi nat e, and at mor e r emot e di st ances, those of t he second.
Among t he most i mpor t ant probl ems ar e those concer ni ng t he sources o f sei smi c vi brat i ons. The a c c e pt e d
concept o f t he wave source as a spher i cal s ymmet r i cal r adi at or gener at i ng onl y a compr essi on- t ensi on wave has i n
r ecent years been expanded and suppl ement ed. Thi s is of speci al i mpor t ance in: r esear ch on t he sei smi c ef f ect s of blasts
i n quarries and open pits.
Thus, i t h a s been shown [24, 25] t hat i n bl ast i ng by charges near t he free surface, t he radi at or of sei smi c waves
should rat her be regarded as a t wo- s t age source. I n t he first st age t here is t he usual f or mat i on o f a cavi t y and r a di a -
t i on o f t he l ongi t udi nal wave, and i n t he second st age t her e is a dome- s haped he a ve o f t he ground at t he epi cent er
of t he blast and gener at i on o f surface waves, mnsi on waves, and shear waves. A furt her devel opment is found i n
[29], * i n whi ch i t is shown t hat when di r ect compr essi on and r ef l ect ed t ensi on waves pass t hrough a medi um, causi ng
breakup of t he medi um, at t he boundary of f r agment at i on o f t he medi um t here must ari se, and unavoi dabl y do arise,
new sources o f vi brat i ons whi ch gener at e waves o f vari ous t ypes. For this reason, t he f ol l owi ng t hr ee pr i nci pal t h e o -
ries o f t he nat ur e of t he source and t he possi bi l i t y of its ut i l i zat i on ha ve been put forward:
1) A source of sei smi c wave can be represent ed as a chai n of successi vel y act i ng sources gener at i ng waves o f
vari ous t ypes.
2) Waves o f vari ous t ypes emi t t ed by t he same source are char act er i zed by a const ant vi br at i on period for
*As i n Russian ori gi nal ; t her e is no [29] for this ar t i cl e - Publisher.
this source. At t he same ri me, waves of t he s ame t ype gener at ed by di f f er ent sources ha ve char act er i s t i c i ndi vi dual
vel oci t i es o f propagat i on and absorpt i on gradi ent s.
3) Waves arising at di f f er ent stages of t he bl asri ng process ar e propagat ed i ndependent l y, are superi mposed,
and thus t he sei smogr am represents vi brat i ons whi ch are superi mposed accor di ng to t he pr i nci pl e o f superposi t i on
and must be deci pher ed. Thi s appr oach to t he assessment o f a source o f sei smi c vi brat i ons enabl es us t o solve bot h
t he di r ect and t he converse probl em, i . e. , t o det er mi ne t he par amet er s o f the waves gener at ed by a known source,
or t o find t he source from t he observed waves. Thi s is i mpor t ant for t he det er mi nat i on o f t he radi i of act i on of
charges i nvar i ouszones - pl ast i c def or mat i on, fissure format i on, shear def or mat i on, el ast i c, and surface vi br at i on.
Taken t oget her, this work shows t hat furt her devel opment of t he el uci dat i on of t he t rue nat ur e of sources of
sei smi c vi brat i ons may serve as a basis for t he cr eat i on of a number of t echni ques o f cont r ol l i ng t he energy o f a
bl ast and of obt ai ni ng i nf or mat i on on phenomena occur r i ng i n a medi um at various st ages o f di si nt egrat i on: these
may be used as cont rol l ed par amet er s i n t he converse r el at i on of t he process o f f r agment at i on wi t h its source.
Fi nal l y, an i mpor t ant t heor et i cal devel opment is t he use o f sei smi c vi brat i ons to obt ai n i nf or mat i on on t he
fissuring of t he solid rock, t he strengths of worked rocks for t he purpose of choosi ng means and t echni ques for br eak-
i ng t hem up, and t he acoust i c char act er i st i cs of rocks composi ng a cross sect i on of a quarry or mi ne side. Thanks t o
successes i n t he devel opment of met hods and devi ces for sei smi c measurement s, this appr oach is be c omi ng i ncreas: -
i ngl y popul ar in t he sol ut i on of vari ous engi neer i ng probl ems.
An i mpor t ant t heor et i cal trend i n sei smol ogi cal i nvest i gat i ons is t he r ecent work on t he spect r al composi t i on
of sei smi c vi brat i ons and t he di st ri but i on of ener gy a mong t he wave groups and vi br at i on spect r um. The results of
this research are very i mpor t ant for t he devel opment of met hods of cont r ol l i ng t he sei smi c ener gy o f blasts and of
scr eeni ng sei smi c vi brat i ons, and also for t he study of t he geol ogi cal char act er i st i cs o f t he worked deposits, the st at e
of s t r e s s o f t he rocks as t he deposits are worked, t he def or mat i on of t he slopes of hydr ot echni cal cut t i ngs, and t he
st abi l i t y of quarry sides, and i n est i mat i ng t he absorpt i on capaci t i es o f various st ruct ural cross sect i ons and sol vi ng
ot her probl ems. Long- t er m a c c umul a t i on and processi ng of this i nf or mat i on on t he spect r al char act er i st i cs o f sei smi c
waves wi l l enabl e us to pr edi ct a number of phenomena whi ch can ari se at gr eat depths i n mi nes - shock bumps -
and i n pr edi ct i ng dangerous si t uat i ons i n quarries and cut t i ngs.
On t he whol e, r ef i nement of our knowl edge of t he char act er of t he source of sei smi c vi brat i ons i n open and
underground workings and t he composi t i on o f t he wave groups ( accor di ng t o their ki ne ma t i c and dyna mi c char ac-
t eri st i cs) al r eady enabl es us t o i ndi cat e a uni f i ed met hod o f exami ni ng l ar ge quarries and mi nes from t he vi ewpoi nt
of sei smi c safet y. Thi s exami nat i on, bei ng based on a st andard met hod and apparatus, has t he ai m of r ef i ni ng t he
paramet ers o f sei smi c di st urbances char act er i st i c of gi ven me c ha ni c a l conditions, t echnol ogi es, and engi neer i ng
condi t i ons ( adj acent buildings and structures); t he cost of this ext ra work is usual l y negl i gi bl e i n compar i son wi t h
its e c onomi c ef f ect . This ef f ect arises owi ng to r ef i nement of t he bl ast i ng par amet er s (the wei ght s of si ngl e charges
and t he t ot al char ge wei ght , t he net work paramet ers, and t he del ay) and t o t he devel opment of mor e r at i onal bl ast i ng
t echnol ogi es - t he study of sei smi cs and t hat of bl ast i ng have a c o mmo n basis.
An i mpor t ant t heor et i cal aspect of work on t he sei smi c ef f ect s of mi ne bl ast i ng is t he det er mi nat i on of t he
cr i t i cal l y permi ssi bl e deformat i ons, di spl acement s, and accel er at i ons of buildings, structures, exposed rocks, mi ne
workings, and subquarry, i nt er r oom, and hydr ot echni cal pillars. On the success and val i di t y of t he results o f this
work l ar gel y depends t he advance of general engi neer i ng sei smol ogy.
At our present l evel of knowl edge i t is possible to pose questions, not on t he sei smi c danger o f bl ast i ng, whi ch
can be fai rl y preci sel y predi ct ed, but on t he e c onomi c losses due t o t he sei smi c act i on of blasts, whi ch should be
det er mi ned i n each par t i cul ar case and a deci si on t aken on this basis - ei t her to go ahead wi t h l a r ge - s c a l e blasts
wi t h hi gh t e c hni c a l - e c onomi c i ndi ces of t echnol ogi cal product i on but with def i ni t e e c onomi c losses on t he r est or a-
t i on of buildings, structures, and workings damaged by t he sei smi c vibrations, or to carry out smal l er blasts t o pr e-
serve t he surrounding structures, but wi t h l i mi t ed t echnol ogi cal possi bi l i t i es o f mi ni ng out put .
Suceessful sol ut i on of t he probl ems o f t he sei ami e effect s of bl as t i ngi n t he mi ni ng i ndust ry, arising out of pr oduc6on.
is a basis for i mpr ovement i n t he t echnol ogy of mi ni ng oper at i ons and for i ncr ease in t he o. m. s, due t o i nt r oduct i on
of advanced t echnol ogi es of shor t - del ay bl asri ng of l ar ge masses of expl osi ves i n a compressed me di um. An espe-
ci al l y mar ked e c onomi c ef f ect o f posi t i ve sol ut i on of probl ems i n mi ni ng sei smi c ef f ect s is achi eved by secur i ng
st abi l i t y of t he sides of quarri es and open pits, cut t i ng for hydr ot echni cal constructions, subquarry rooms, and i nt er -
room pillars, where, as wel l as securi ng safe l abor condi t i ons, we can al so achi eve a mar ked r educt i on i n t he amount
of st ri ppi ng or ore dressing requi red. I f we sum t he e c o n o mi c ef f ect s obt ai ned by r eal i zat i on o f t hese questions i n
t he quarries and open pits o f t he Sovi et Union al one, we get an amount of many mi l l i ons of rubi es.
A marked economic effect is also attained by positive solution of problems in mining seismic effects due to
general technological methods of primary or secondary working of deposits by the open-cut method instead of the
underground method. For example, in the successful solution of seismic problems at the Khaidarken Mercury Com-
bine, thanks to allowance for previously formed underground cavities, it was possible to work out one of its ore
fields by the open-cut method instead of the underground method, and this was as good as the opening of a new ore
deposit. Similar examples can be given for some other deposits in the USSR, where deposits have been completely
worked out or are being completely worked out by the open-cut method instead of the underground method thanks
to successful solution of problems in the seismic protection of the surrounding structures.
The importance and industrial necessity of further research on the seismic effects of mine blasting are per-
fectly obvious, because the results will be extremely useful for a general solution of problems in scientific-technical
progress in winning minerals for the national economy.
8. On the whole, the state of research on mine blasting seismic effects corresponds quite well to present
problems in the development of the mining industry and will give realistic bases for the publication of the inter-
departmental "Instructions on Seismic Safety in Blasting during Open-Cut and Underground Mining Operations."
The present successes in the solution of practical problems of mine blasting seismic effects, which have created
a basis for the Interdepartmental Instructions, is largely the consequence of the productive work carried out at the
IPE AS USSR In the provision of all investigators with seismological apparatus. At present there is a pressing need
to unify methods of seismic measurement and to create a unified system of seismometric documentation of instru-
mental observations on the action of seismic waves in mines and quarries. For this purpose, the Section of Mine
Blasting Seismic Effects of the Interdepartmental Commission on Blasting has discussed and approved a "Unified
Form of Primary Documentation of Seismic Observations in Blasting" and on this basis has recommended to all
interested organizations that they should present their seismometric documentation to the Interdepartmental Com-
mission for correlation and distribution. Also discussed and approved has been the "Position Regarding Instrumental
Monitoring and Observations of the Action of Blast Waves in Coal Pits;" in connection with this, coal pits must
organize a service for monitoring and long-term observation of the seismic effects of blasting. It is of interest to
extend this position to other branches of the national economy which use blasting on a large scale.
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