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Michael Psellus: Chronographia

INTRODUCTION by Professor J.M. Hussey [p.1]

SOME three years ao I re!"e#e$ a% e&'e((e%t ("tt(e !o(u)e #r"tte% by Professor
Nor)a% *ay%es+ The He((e%"st"' C"!"(",at"o% a%$ East Ro)e. I% "t he )e%t"o%s
M"'hae( Pse((us-s fa)ous a%e'$ote about the *y,a%t"%e S'(ere%a a%$ Co%sta%t"%e
I.. *e"% 'ur"ous to /%o# )ore of Pse((us I bouht the *u$e e$"t"o% a%$ rea$ the
Chro%oraph"a "% fu((. That "s ho# th"s tra%s(at"o% #as bor%+ for "t see)e$ to )e a
p"ty that E%("sh s'ho(ars #ho /%e# %o 0ree/ shou($ be $epr"!e$ of the
opportu%"ty of rea$"% th"s a$)"rab(e #or/ "% the"r o#% (a%uae. Stu$e%ts of
)e$"e!a( h"story "% part"'u(ar shou($ be%e1t. Certa"%(y %o other 'o%te)porary
author "!es so !"!"$ a% a''ou%t of e(e!e%th2'e%tury *y,a%t"u). I hope that th"s
p"o%eer e3ort )ay "%sp"re others to rea$ a%$ e%4oy h").
I #ou($ ("/e here to a'/%o#(e$e )y $ebt to M. E)"(e Re%au($+ #ho 1rst
tra%s(ate$ the h"story "%to a )o$er% (a%uae. 5(thouh th"s "%terpretat"o% $"3ers
"% )a%y po"%ts fro) the 6re%'h !ers"o%+ h"s "%7ue%'e #"(( be appare%t. I a)
ratefu( too for the /"%$(y "%terest a%$ 'o%sta%t e%'ourae)e%t of Mr. R. H.
*arro#+ C.*.E.+ a%$ of Mr. 8. 6. Ja'/so% 9%"ht+ #hose s'ho(arsh"p e&te%$s far
beyo%$ the :"r"("a% 1e($ "% #h"'h he espe'"a((y sh"%es. 8he% I 1rst u%$ertoo/ the
#or/+ the (ate Dr. 8. H. D. Rouse a!e )e sou%$ a$!"'e+ a%$ as I %eare$ the e%$+
Professor 5rthur E. 0or$o%+ of the U%"!ers"ty of Ca("for%"a+ o3ere$ so)e !a(uab(e
'r"t"'"s). To both of the) I a) $eep(y "%$ebte$. Nee$(ess to say+ %o%e of these
e%t(e)e% 'a% be he($ respo%s"b(e for the ")perfe't"o%s #h"'h )ust 'reep "%to
so (o% a #or/.
5bo!e a(( I a) ratefu( to Professor J. M. Hussey+ #ho %ot o%(y 'o%se%te$ to #r"te
the I%tro$u't"o% to th"s boo/+ but fou%$ t")e to re!"se )y %otes+ a$$e$ the short
b"b("oraphy+ a%$ )a$e so)e usefu( suest"o%s #h"'h ")pro!e$ the te&t.
E. R. 5. S.
Ne#bury+ *er/sh"re.
; O'tober 1;<=.
0I**ON-S (ee%$ of a $e'a$e%t East Ro)a% E)p"re $"es har$ "% or$"%ary E%("sh
'"r'(es. *ut resear'h of the (ast ha(f 'e%tury shou($ by %o# ha!e )a$e "t
abu%$a%t(y '(ear that *y,a%t"%e '"!"(",at"o% 'a% ho($ "ts o#% "% the )e$"e!a(
#or($. That "s %ot to $e%y that "t ha$ "ts ups a%$ $o#%s a%$ 'ha%e$ a oo$ $ea(
"% 'hara'ter "% the 'ourse of )ore tha% a thousa%$ years. The e(e!e%th 'e%tury+
"% #h"'h M"'hae( Pse((us ("!e$+ #as a 'ru'"a( t")e+ %ot be'ause of the fa't of "ts
a'ute po("t"'a( $">'u(t"es 22 after a((+ the E)p"re ha$ fa'e$ $a%er t")e a%$ aa"%
22 but be'ause "t #as %o# brouht up aa"%st 'erta"% %e# a%$ o)"%ous
$e!e(op)e%ts both #"th"% a%$ #"thout #h"'h "t fa"(e$ to 'o%tro(+ a%$ he%'e "ts
tota( $o#%fa(( "% the 1ftee%th 'e%tury )ay be tra'e$ ba'/ to th"s per"o$. No# a%$
the% Pse((us sho#s part"a( u%$ersta%$"% of su'h $a%ers+ as for "%sta%'e #he%
he 'o))e%ts o% the !"ta( ")porta%'e of Co%sta%t"%op(e-s )"("tary $efe%ses+ but
he 'ou($ %ot forete(( the ather"% ")petus of the #ester% 'rusa$"% )o!e)e%t
#h"'h so !"o(e%t(y $"srupte$ *y,a%t"%e ("fe "% the 5eea% #or($+ %or $"$ he rea(",e
that the Se(4u/ Tur/s #ere prepar"% the #ay for the a()ost 'o)p(ete (oss of the
E)p"re-s reat storehouse+ 5s"a M"%or+ or that the ru)b("%s "% the *a(/a%s #ere
to hera($ the ro#th a%$ e)a%'"pat"o% of the you% S(a! %at"o%s. 5fter a((+ he
#as ("!"% a%$ #r"t"% "% the hey$ay of the e(e!e%th 'e%tury #he% the $"sastrous
tur% "% ")per"a( fortu%es #as s'ar'e(y per'ept"b(e+ a%$ #he% Co%sta%t"%op(e
'ou($ st"(( to so)e e&te%t bas/ "% the a''u)u(ate$ (or"es of the reat $ays of the
te%th 'e%tury #"th "ts '(ass"'a( re!"!a( a%$ "ts e&pa%s"o% of the fro%t"ers. 5%$
"%$ee$ #hate!er #ea/%esses )"ht ha!e a(ar)e$ a $"s'er%"% eye "% the years
to fo((o#+ sat"sfa't"o% 'ou($ a(#ays be fou%$ "% the stea$y )a"%te%a%'e a%$
$e!e(op)e%t of 'u(tura( a't"!"t"es+ 'erta"% aspe'ts of #h"'h #ere pass"o%ate(y
%ear to Pse((us-s heart.
8hate!er h"s father-s '(a")s to ar"sto'rat"' forebears+ M"'hae( Pse((us re# up "%
the )"("eu of a )"$$(e2'(ass fa)"(y. H"s #r"t"%s+ [=] a%$ part"'u(ar(y h"s fu%era(
orat"o% for h"s )other+ re!ea( a fa"r a)ou%t about h"s 'h"($hoo$ a%$ h"s o#%
perso%a( appeara%'e a%$ 'astes. I% phys"?ue he rese)b(e$ h"s father #ho ha$
)erry eyes a%$ #e(( $e1%e$ eyebro#s a%$ #as ha%$so)e as a -#e((2ro#%
'ypress-. *ut h"s father-s e!e%2te)pere$ $"spos"t"o% a%$ ?u"et #ay of ("fe+ )o!"%
fro) $ay to $ay as s"(e%t(y a%$ s)ooth(y -as 7o#"% o"(-+ #ere %ot "%her"te$ by the
so%. I% out(oo/ a%$ te)pera)e%t he #as )ore ("/e h"s )other #ho #as '(ear(y
the )a"%spr"% of the fa)"(y. Pse((us says that she #as attra't"!e a%$ -("/e the
rose %ee$e$ %o further a$or%)e%t-@ she #as a(so e%eret"'+ of ?u"'/ "%te(("e%'e+
a%$ abo!e a(( a $e!out Chr"st"a%. She 'erta"%(y be?ueathe$ her $y%a)"' ?ua("t"es
to her so%+ thouh h"s subt(ety of approa'h #as "% 'o%trast to her )ore s")p(e
a$here%'e to the Chr"st"a% fa"th+ a%$ h"s a'h"e!e)e%ts "% "%te((e'tua( 1e($s+
ho#e!er )u'h they o#e$ to her ear(y e3orts a%$ e%'ourae)e%t+ #ere "%
substa%'e h"s a(o%e.
*or% "% Co%sta%t"%op(e "% 1A1B he re# "%to a% e&'ee$"%(y a(ert+ "%te(("e%t 'h"($
a%$ he #as brouht up o% Ho)er as 0ree/ 'h"($re% #ere a%$ are. H"s )other
)a%ae$ to pro(o% h"s e$u'at"o% u%t"( he #as "% h"s tee%s a%$ the% the %ee$ to
pro!"$e a $o#ry for h"s s"ster )a$e "t $">'u(t to support h") a%y (o%er. He
be'a)e a '(er/ to a pro!"%'"a( 4u$e+ but o% the u%e&pe'te$ $eath of h"s s"ster he
retur%e$ to Co%sta%t"%op(e a%$ 'o%t"%ue$ h"s stu$"es. He #as tauht by Joh%
Mauropous+ after#ar$s 5r'hb"shop of Eu'ha"ta+ but the% a pr"!ate tutor "%
Co%sta%t"%op(e. Joh%+ both fro) Pse((us a%$ fro) other sour'es+ "s re!ea(e$ as a
s"%(e2)"%$e$ s'ho(ar a%$ a )a% of reat "%ter"ty. He e!"$e%t(y 'oa'he$ a
%u)ber of '(e!er you% )e%+ a(( of #ho) (ater )a$e the"r )ar/ a%$ re)a"%e$
1r) fr"e%$s #"th ea'h other a%$ #"th the"r tutor. Joh% ."ph"("%us be'a)e Hea$ of
the 6a'u(ty of Ca# "% the U%"!ers"ty of Co%sta%t"%op(e+ the% )o%/ a%$ 5bbot of a
)o%astery "% 5s"a M"%or+ a%$ 1%a((y Patr"ar'h of Co%sta%t"%op(e. Co%sta%t"%e
Du'as+ a%other #e((2/%o#% )e)ber of the roup+ e!e%tua((y su''ee$e$ to the
thro%e as Co%sta%t"%e .. Co%sta%t"%e Pse((us 2 he (ater 'ha%e$ the %a)e of
Co%sta%t"%e for that of M"'hae( by #h"'h he "s usua((y /%o#% 2 )a%ae$ to )a/e
h"s #ay "% 'ourt '"r'(es a%$ the story of h"s r"se to po#er 'a% be rea$ "% h"s
Chro%oraph"a a%$ 1((e$ out fro) other 'o%te)porary sour'es.D
D 6or a re'e%t short su))ary of Pse((us-s 'areer see P. Joa%%ou+ Pse((os et (e
)o%astEre Ta NarsoF+ *y,a%t"%"s'he Ge"ts'hr"ft !o(. HH I1;<1J+ pp. =BK2;A.
The t#o pre$o)"%at"% pass"o%s of Pse((us-s ("fe #ere to et o% "% [K] the #or($
a%$ to pro)ote s'ho(arsh"p a%$ (ear%"%. Th"s 1rst 'hara'ter"st"' "s probab(y #hat
e)eres )ost p(a"%(y fro) h"s Chro%oraph"a. 8"th repeate$ apo(o"es he "s
a(#ays $es'r"b"% the ")porta%'e of h"s o#% pos"t"o%+ the e&te%t to #h"'h
")per"a( perso%aes $epe%$ o% h")+ a%$ he ("/es to a$$ $"ress"o%s $es"%e$ to
re!ea( h"s o#% pr"!ate fee("%s a%$ to u%$er("%e the s"%"1'a%'e of h"s e3orts
to#ar$s a'h"e!"% )ore e3e't"!e h"her e$u'at"o%. It )ay be $oubte$ ho#
re("ab(e a% a$!"ser he )a$e o% )atters of state+ but the fa't that he ser!e$ a
(o% ser"es of e(e!e%th2'e%tury ru(ers u%t"( 1ALL "s a tr"bute to h"s Perso%a("ty as
#e(( as to h"s a$aptab"("ty. Pse((us has to a$)"t to at (east o%e u%fortu%ate
ep"so$e "% h"s po("t"'a( 'areer #h"'h he (osses o!er "% the Chro%oraph"a as best
he 'a%. Threate%e$ #"th a re!ersa( at 'ourt to#ar$s the e%$ of Co%sta%t"%e I.-s
re"%+ he thouht "t 4u$"'"ous to abse%t h")se(f for a t")e. The %atura( th"% for a
*y,a%t"%e "% su'h '"r'u)sta%'es #as )o%ast"' ret"re)e%t #h"'h )"ht or )"ht
%ot pro!e per)a%e%t. Pse((us soo% rea(",e$ h"s tota( (a'/ of !o'at"o% a%$ retur%e$
to the se'u(ar #or($ as soo% as "t #as safe to $o so. 6ar other#"se #"th h"s fr"e%$
a%$ 'o)pa%"o% ."ph"("%us+ #ho ha$ "%$ee$ fou%$ h"s #ay of ("fe. The"r
e&per"e%'es are $es'r"be$ "% )ore $eta"( e(se#here "% Pse((us-s #r"t"%s. Pse((us
ha$ e!"$e%t(y thouht of the )o%astery s")p(y "% ter)s of a 'o)fortab(e
ba'/rou%$ for a ser"es of So'rat"' $"a(oues "% the '(o"sters bet#ee% h")se(f a%$
h"s fe((o# s'ho(ar+ a%$ "s ha(f tease$+ ha(f reproa'he$ by ."ph"("%us for h"s
Pse((us-s t#o )ost attra't"!e tra"ts are h"s (oya(ty to h"s fr"e%$s a%$ h"s $e!ot"o%
to s'ho(arsh"p. 5(( h"s ("fe Pse((us stu'/ to h"s ear(y fr"e%$s+ )e% of 'hara'ter a%$
a'h"e!e)e%t !ery $"3ere%t fro) h"s o#%. Joh%+ h"s o($ tea'her+ #as a()ost
$rae$ to ")per"a( %ot"'e a%$ the% for a t")e he($ a (e'turesh"p "% the U%"!ers"ty
at Pse((us-s %o)"%at"o%. ."ph"("%us a%$ Pse((us re)a"%e$ "% '(ose tou'h+ thouh
after the )o%ast"' ep"so$e the"r paths for/e$ a%$ the"r $"3ere%'es of out(oo/
be'a)e )ore appare%t+ but "t e!"$e%t(y 'ut Pse((us to the ?u"'/ to be a''use$ by
."ph"("%us of u%#"se 'o%'e%trat"o% o% P(ato%"' stu$"es+ a%$ he #as s#"ft to pro!e
h"s ortho$o&y a%$ re"%state h")se(f "% h"s o($ fr"e%$-s oo$ op"%"o%. Co%sta%t"%e
Du'as #he% he be'a)e E)peror "% 1A<; ha$ %ot (ost tou'h #"th the fr"e%$ of
forty years ao a%$ he e!e%tua((y sho#e$ h"s 'o%1$e%'e "% Pse((us by )a/"%
h") h"s so%-s tutor 22 u%fortu%ate(y for the E)p"re as "t tur%e$ out+ for the you%
)a% tra"%e$ up o% the ("%es of a [H] ph"(osopher2/"% as !"sua(",e$ by Pse((us
pro!e$ use(ess at $efe%$"% fro%t"ers aa"%st "%!a$"% Tur/s or Nor)a%s a%$ ha$
to ab$"'ate.
Pse((us-s )ost fru"tfu( e3orts #ere "% pro)ot"% h"her e$u'at"o% a%$ "% the
"%7ue%'e of h"s o#% #r"tte% #or/s. H"s #as the $r"!"% for'e beh"%$ the
reora%",at"o% of the State U%"!ers"ty of Co%sta%t"%op(e "% 1AH< a%$ "% th"s
'o%%e't"o% h"s "%7ue%'e "% ")per"a( '"r'(es #as use$ to oo$ e3e't. There #ere
e!"$e%t(y a!a"(ab(e both a %u)ber of e$u'ate$ )e% to a't as (e'turers a%$ a
stu$e%t bo$y #"sh"% to use opportu%"t"es of th"s /"%$+ so that Pse((us-s
e&tra!aa%t re)ar/s "% the Chro%oraph"a o% h"s uph"(( tas/ a%$ 5%%a Co)%e%a-s
'aust"' 'o))e%ts "% the 5(e&"a$ o% the (o# ebb to #h"'h (ear%"% ha$ su%/ "% the
e(e!e%th 'e%tury 'a%%ot be ta/e% e%t"re(y at the"r fa'e !a(ue. Not that the e3e't
of Pse((us-s $y%a)"' perso%a("ty 'a% be $e%"e$+ %or shou($ h"s #or/ "% st")u(at"%
"%terest "% P(ato%"' stu$"es be u%$erest")ate$. It #as %ot for %oth"% that
."ph"("%us ")p("e$ that he #as )a/"% a o$ of h"s P(ato-. Pse((us-s ph"(osoph"'a(
(ea%"%s 'a% be $"s'er%e$ here a%$ there "% the Chro%oraph"a+ but "t "s o%(y fro)
the 'o)p(ete 'orpus of h"s #or/s that h"s a't"!"t"es a%$ a'a$e)"' "%terests 'a%
be fu((y re'o%stru'te$. Ph"(osophy+ #"th spe'"a( e)phas"s o% P(ato%"s)+ #as
'o%'e"!e$ as the 'ro#% a%$ su))"t of the s'ho(ar-s ("fe. Met Pse((us #he%
'ha((e%e$ #as the 1rst to a$)"t that su'h a't"!"ty #as !"sua(",e$ o%(y #"th"%+
a%$ therefore to so)e e&te%t (")"te$ by+ the a''epte$ Chr"st"a% fra)e#or/. It
#ou($ )oreo!er be "%a''urate to ")a"%e that Pse((us #as "%tereste$ "%
ph"(osoph"'a( to the e&'(us"o% of a(( other pursu"ts. He #as 'o%'er%e$ #"th
Chr"st"a% theo(oy+ #"th the Chr"st"a% "%terpretat"o% of the u%"!erse+ he share$+
for "%sta%'e+ the a()ost u%"!ersa( be("ef "% )"ra'(es ho#e!er )u'h he proteste$
aa"%st )a"'a( pra't"'es+ a%$ #as e!"$e%t(y #e(( !erse$ "% 'o%te)porary !"e#s
o% the $e)o% #or($. He ofte% '(othe$ h"s thouhts "% #hat see)s to us to be a
7oo$ of rhetor"'+ part"'u(ar(y "% h"s spee'hes a%$ (etters. *ut he ha$ a% eye for
$eta"(+ he #as a shre#$ 4u$e of hu)a% %ature+ a%$ he 'ou($ pro$u'e 1%e+
ba(a%'e$+ a''urate prose portra"ts of h"s 'o%te)porar"es. The Chro%oraph"a
spea/s for "tse(f a%$ 'a% )ore tha% ho($ "ts o#% #"th s")"(ar 'o%te)porary
("terature of the Cat"% #or($.
I% h"s "%tro$u't"o% to the Chro%oraph"a Pse((us e&p(a"%s that he ha$ ofte% bee%
presse$ to #r"te a h"story of h"s o#% t")es a%$ that he 1%a((y aree$ to pro$u'e a
br"ef s/et'h at the spe'"a( re?uest of a [<] reat fr"e%$. Th"s fr"e%$+ -)ost be(o!e$
of a(( )e%- as Pse((us 'a((s h") re)a"%s u%%a)e$ but )ay ha!e bee% Co%sta%t"%e
C"'hu$es+ a 'o)pa%"o% of h"s stu$e%t $ays #ho ha$ r"se% to h"h o>'e u%$er
Co%sta%t"%e I. a%$ ha$ be'o)e Patr"ar'h of Co%sta%t"%op(e "% 1A<;. C"'hu$es as
Patr"ar'h ha$ bee% persua$e$ to support those #ho a''use$ Pse((us of fa"("% to
obser!e h"s )o%ast"' !o#s a%$ ha$ $eta"%e$ h") "% the )o%astery of Narsou
%ear the #ester% #a((s of the '"ty. Pse((us )ay ha!e #"she$ to 'o%'"("ate h") by
#r"t"% the h"story #h"'h he as/e$ for. The Chro%oraph"a ho#e!er oes beyo%$
1ANK+ the year of C"'hu$es- $eath.D
D Cf. Chro%oraph"a+ :IIa+ < Ip. =<HJ+ a%$ :II'+ II Ip. =B<J.
The #or/ fa((s "%to t#o $"st"%'t se't"o%s of #h"'h the 1rst ta/es up the story
#here the te%th2'e%tury h"stor"a% Ceo the Dea'o% stoppe$ at *as"( II-s a''ess"o%
to po#er "% ;LN a%$ oes as far as the ab$"'at"o% of Isaa' Co)%e%us "% 1A<;.
Th"s "s the )ore ")porta%t a%$ the )ore ")part"a( se't"o%. The se'o%$ part+
probab(y #r"tte% (ate "% M"'hae( :II-s re"% 22 for Pse((us says "% "t that he has see%
M"'hae(-s ("tt(e so% #ho #as bor% "% 1AL< 22 "s (ess 'r"t"'a( "% to%e a%$ fu(( of (a!"sh
appre'"at"o% of the Du'as fa)"(y a%$ re")e. Th"s )ay be rerettab(e+ but "t "s
u%$ersta%$ab(e+ for Pse((us #as #r"t"% of 'o%te)porary po("t"'s "% #h"'h he
h")se(f #as 'o%'er%e$. He 'a%%ot for "%sta%'e be abso(!e$ fro) a ra!e error of
4u$)e%t "% support"% the u%fortu%ate o!erthro# of the E)peror Ro)a%us I:
D"oe%es "% 1AL1+ but he #ou($ ha!e bee% a()ost superhu)a% "f he ha$
prese%te$ poster"ty #"th a 'r"t"'a( a''ou%t of h"s o#% a't"o%s a%$ those of the
")per"a( Du'as fa)"(y #"th #ho) he ha$ su'h "%t")ate asso'"at"o%s.
Desp"te th"s u%e!e%%ess of treat)e%t bet#ee% the t#o se't"o%s+ the
Chro%oraph"a re)a"%s h"story of a h"h or$er. Pse((us ha$ '(ear !"e#s o% the
fu%'t"o% of a h"stor"a%. H"s a") shou($ be the prese%tat"o% of truth+ e"ther fro)
the e!"$e%'e of re("ab(e re'or$s a%$ #"t%esses or fro) h"s o#% 1rst2ha%$
e&per"e%'es. 5%$ so Pse((us tr"es to "!e a% ")part"a( a''ou%t+ at a%y rate "% the
1rst se't"o% of h"s #or/+ a%$ subse?ue%t e!e%ts "% the E)p"re-s h"story ofte%
'o%1r)e$ h"s shre#$ 'r"t"'"s)s a%$ pro%ost"'at"o%s. *ut %o se%se of the
h"stor"a%-s h"h !o'at"o% a%$ esse%t"a( ")part"a("ty 'ou($ $a)p the ra'y
"%$"!"$ua("s) of Pse((us-s approa'h %or the $e("'ate art"stry of h"s sty(e a%$
(a%uae. H"s e%("!e%"% $e!"'es+ h"s ("terary resour'es+ h"s r"'h a%$ !ar"e$
!o'abu(ary+ are a(( re!ea(e$ "% the e(ea%t br"(("a%'e a%$ s#"ft )o!e)e%t of h"s
p"'ture of *y,a%t"%e ("fe. H"s $es'r"pt"o%s of perso%a("t"es ha!e be'o)e fa)ous+
a%$ "% t#o 'ases at a%y rate h"s a''ura'y a%$ fu((%ess of $eta"( ha!e bee%
'o%1r)e$ by the re'e%t u%'o!er"% of the ")per"a( portra"ts "% )osa"' #or/
$e'orat"% St. Soph"a+ the 'athe$ra( of Co%sta%t"%op(e. Here "% the south a((ery+
#he% the (ayers of Tur/"sh p(aster #ere re)o!e$+ the e($er(y E)press Goe #as
re!ea(e$+ #"th her u%#r"%/(e$ s/"% a%$ p(u)p 'hee/s+ her pe%'"((e$ eyebro#s a%$
)a$e2up features+ 4ust as Pse((us ha$ /%o#% her. Sta%$"% o% the other s"$e of
the e%thro%e$ Chr"st #as her th"r$ husba%$+ Co%sta%t"%e I. Mo%o)a'hus+ a(so
'orrespo%$"% '(ose(y to Pse((us-s $es'r"pt"o% of the /"%$(y+ a3e't"o%ate+ a%$ o%
o''as"o% fr"!o(ous+ ru(er #ho ha$ bee% h"s 'h"ef patro%.
Mu'h e(se 'a% be fou%$ "% the Chro%oraph"a bes"$es ("fe("/e portra"ts of
"%$"!"$ua(s I"%'(u$"% o%e of the author h")se(fJ. There "s a oo$ $ea( of both
$"re't a%$ "%$"re't "%for)at"o% o% the *y,a%t"%e 'o%'ept"o% of the ")per"a( o>'e+
a%$ there are so)e h"%ts o% the re(at"o% bet#ee% E)peror a%$ Patr"ar'h Ithouh
Pse((us "s o% th"s o''as"o% !ery $"s'reet "% #r"t"% about the Patr"ar'h M"'hae(
Ceru(ar"us #ho 'ha((e%e$ the a''epte$ "%ter$epe%$e%'e of 'hur'h a%$ stateJ.
The Chr"st"a% ba'/rou%$ a%$ the #or/"%s of a $"!"%e Pro!"$e%'e are assu)e$@
reat e)phas"s "s p(a'e$ o% a oo$ e$u'at"o% a%$ a r"ht appre'"at"o% of the
"%te((e'tua( her"tae of the He((e%"' #or($. Mu'h "s o)"tte$. Th"s "s part"'u(ar(y
true of po("t"'a( a%$ a$)"%"strat"!e h"story+ espe'"a((y fore"% po("'y+ but su'h
"%for)at"o% 'a% ofte% be fou%$ "% other+ a%$ (ess ("!e(y+ h"stor"es of the per"o$
a%$ )ust "% a%y 'ase be supp(e)e%te$ fro) sour'es of a $"3ere%t %ature. The
p"'ture 'a% be 1((e$ out fro) su'h re'or$s as $o'u)e%ts+ usua((y e"ther ")per"a(
or )o%ast"'+ fro) ("terary #r"t"%s both se'u(ar a%$ e''(es"ast"'a(+ a%$ abo!e a((
fro) the )o%u)e%ts of the per"o$+ #hether )osa"'s "% St. Soph"a or the )ore
re)ote but %o (ess ")press"!e #or/ sur!"!"% "% su'h )o%ast"' 'hur'hes as that
of St. Cu/e "% Pho'"s.
*ut #hate!er "ts $efe'ts a%$ "%a$e?ua'"es there 'a% be %o subst"tute for the
Chro%oraph"a "tse(f. 5 t#e(fth2'e%tury sat"r"st #ho ")a"%e$ the $es'e%t of
Pse((us to the rea() of the u%$er#or($+ $es'r"be$ the #ar)th #"th #h"'h he #as
#e('o)e$ by other s'ho(ars a(rea$y there. 5%$ #"th oo$ reaso%. M"'hae( Pse((us
)ust ha!e bee% a 1rst2rate 'o)pa%"o% I#hether "% th"s #or($ or the %e&tJ a%$ he
#as 'erta"%(y a% e%terta"%"% #r"ter.
The Chro%oraph"a 'o)pose$ by the )ost (ear%e$ a%$ r"ht ho%ourab(e )o%/
M"'hae(+ "% #h"'h are re'ou%te$ the $ee$s of the fo((o#"% E)perorsO *as"( a%$
Co%sta%t"%e+ the Porphyroe%"t"@ the"r su''essor+ Ro)a%us 5ryropu(us@ M"'hae(
the Paph(ao%"a%@ M"'hae(+ %ephe# of the (ast2%a)e$+ #ho or""%a((y ha$ the t"t(e
of Caesar@ the t#o s"sters Goe a%$ Theo$ora+ a(so Porphyroe%"t"ae a%$ both
pr"%'esses@ Co%sta%t"%e Mo%o)a'hus+ #ho share$ the thro%e #"th the)@ the
pr"%'ess Theo$ora+ o%e of the afore)e%t"o%e$ s"sters+ #ho ru(e$ as E)press
a(o%e@ M"'hae( the 5e$@ Isaa' Co)%e%us. The H"story e%$s #"th the
pro'(a)at"o% of Co%sta%t"%e Du'as.
*5SIC II ;LN 2 1A=< [p.11]
;LN 2 1A=<
1. The '"r'u)sta%'es "% #h"'h the e)peror Joh% T,")"s'es )et h"s $eath ha!e
a(rea$y bee% $es'r"be$ I"% the h"story of Ceo D"a'o%usJ.DD1 *as"( a%$
Co%sta%t"%e+ the so%s of Ro)a%us+DD= #ere %o# the (e"t")ate he"rs to a% E)p"re
#h"'h throuh the e3orts of the"r pre$e'essor ha$ #o% )a%y tr"u)phs a%$
reat(y "%'rease$ "ts po#er.
=. *oth pr"%'es ha$ see% the (ast of the"r boyhoo$ $ays+ but the"r "%terests (ay far
apart+ for #hereas *as"(+ the e($er of the t#o+ a(#ays a!e a% ")press"o% of
a(ert%ess+ "%te(("e%'e+ a%$ thouhtfu(%ess+ h"s brother #as to a(( appeara%'es
apathet"'+ pass"% a (a,y e&"ste%'e+ a%$ $e!ote$ to a ("fe of (u&ury. It #as %atura(+
therefore+ that they shou($ aba%$o% the "$ea of a $"ar'hy. *y )utua( 'o%se%t a((
rea( po#er #as !este$ "% *as"(+ a%$ Co%sta%t"%e #as asso'"ate$ #"th h") as
e)peror "% %a)e o%(y. It #as a #"se $e'"s"o%+ for "f the E)p"re #as to be #e((
o!er%e$ "t #as esse%t"a( that the o($er a%$ )ore e&per"e%'e$ brother shou($
"%her"t the h"hest pos"t"o% "% the state. There "s perhaps so)eth"% a$)"rab(e "%
Co%sta%t"%e-s re%u%'"at"o% of )ost of h"s pr"!"(ees o% th"s o''as"o%+ be'ause
(ea((y he #as e%t"t(e$ to share h"s father-s "%her"ta%'e o% e?ua( ter)s #"th h"s
brother22a%$ by -"%her"ta%'e- I )ea% the E)p"re. 8hat )a/es h"s $e'"s"o% the
)ore re)ar/ab(e "s the fa't that he #as !ery you% at the t")e+ 4ust at the ae+
"% fa't+ #he% (ust for po#er "s )ost eas"(y /"%$(e$. O%e )ust re)e)ber+ too+ that
*as"(+ far fro) be"% a(rea$y a fu((2ro#% )a%+ #as st"(( a )ere str"p("%O to use
the 'o))o% e&press"o%s he #as st"(( -ro#"% h"s 1rst bear$-+ a%$ yet
Co%sta%t"%e [1=] a((o#e$ h") to ta/e pre'e$e%'e. It "s o%(y r"ht+ therefore+ that I
shou($ pay th"s tr"bute to the you%er brother at the outset of th"s h"story.
K. O%'e "%!este$ #"th supre)e po#er o!er the Ro)a%s+ *as"( #as (oath to share
h"s $es"%s #"th a%yo%e e(se or to a''ept a$!"'e o% the 'o%$u't of pub("' a3a"rs.
O% the other ha%$+ ha!"% ha$ %o pre!"ous e&per"e%'e of )"("tary )atters or of
oo$ '"!"( a$)"%"strat"o%+ he $"s'o!ere$ that he #as u%ab(e to re(y o% h"s o#%
4u$)e%t a(o%e+ a%$ he #as therefore 'o)pe((e$ to tur% for ass"sta%'e to the
para/o")o)e%usD [D Cor$ Cha)ber(a"%.] *as"(.DDK No# th"s )a% happe%e$ to be
at that t")e the )ost re)ar/ab(e perso% "% the Ro)a% E)p"re+ both for the $epth
of h"s "%te((e't a%$ for h"s bo$"(y stature a%$ rea( appeara%'e. 5(thouh he #as
bor% of the sa)e father as the father of *as"( a%$ Co%sta%t"%e+ o% h"s )other-s
s"$e he 'a)e of $"3ere%t sto'/. I% ear(y "%fa%'y he ha$ su3ere$ 'astrat"o%22a
%atura( pre'aut"o% aa"%st a 'o%'ub"%e-s so%+ for u%$er those '"r'u)sta%'es he
'ou($ %e!er hope to usurp the thro%e fro) a (e"t")ate he"r. 5'tua((y he #as
res"%e$ to h"s fate a%$ #as e%u"%e(y atta'he$ to the ")per"a( house22after a((+ "t
#as h"s o#% fa)"(y. He #as part"'u(ar(y $e!ote$ to h"s %ephe# *as"(+ e)bra'"%
the you% )a% "% the )ost a3e't"o%ate )a%%er a%$ #at'h"% o!er h"s proress
("/e so)e /"%$(y fosterpare%t. It "s %ot surpr"s"%+ the%+ that *as"( p(a'e$ o% th"s
)a%-s shou($ers the bur$e% of E)p"re. The o($er )a%-s ser"ous %ature+ too+ ha$
"ts "%7ue%'e o% the e)peror-s 'hara'ter. The para/o")o)e%us+ "% fa't+ #as ("/e
a% ath(ete 'o)pet"% at the a)est #h"(e *as"( the e)peror #at'he$ h") as a
spe'tator+ %ot a spe'tator prese%t )ere(y to 'heer o% the !"'tor+ but rather o%e
#ho tra"%e$ h")se(f "% the ru%%"% a%$ too/ part "% the 'o%tests h")se(f+
fo((o#"% "% the other-s footsteps a%$ ")"tat"% h"s sty(e. So the para/o")o)e%us
ha$ the #ho(e #or($ at h"s feet. It #as to h") that the '"!"("a% popu(at"o% (oo/e$+
to h") that the ar)y tur%e$ a%$ he #as respo%s"b(e+ "%$ee$ so(e(y respo%s"b(e+
for the a$)"%"strat"o% of pub("' 1%a%'e a%$ the $"re't"o% of o!er%)e%t. I% th"s
tas/ he #as 'o%sta%t(y ass"ste$ by the e)peror+ both "% #or$ a%$ $ee$s for *as"(
%ot o%(y ba'/e$ up h"s )"%"ster-s )easures+ but e!e% 'o%1r)e$ the) "% #r"t"%.
H. To )ost )e% of our e%erat"o% #ho sa# the e)peror *as"( he see)e$ austere
a%$ abrupt "% )a%%er+ a% "ras'"b(e )a% #ho $"$ %ot ?u"'/(y 'ha%e h"s )"%$+
sober "% h"s $a"(y hab"ts a%$ a!erse to a(( [1K] e3e)"%a'y+ but "f I a) to be("e!e
the h"stor"a%s of that per"o$ #ho #rote about h")+ he #as %ot at a(( ("/e that
#he% h"s re"% bea%. 5 'ha%e too/ p(a'e "% h"s 'hara'ter after he a''e$e$ to
the thro%e+ a%$ "%stea$ of (ea$"% h"s for)er $"sso(ute+ !o(uptuous sort of ("fe+ he
be'a)e a )a% of reat e%ery. It #as the pressure of e!e%ts that brouht about
th"s 'o)p(ete a(terat"o% "% the 'ourse of h"s ("fe. H"s 'hara'ter st"3e%e$+ so to
spea/. 6eeb(e%ess a!e #ay to stre%th a%$ the o($ s(a'/%ess $"sappeare$
before a %e# 1&"ty of purpose. I% h"s ear(y $ays he use$ to feast ?u"te ope%(y+
a%$ fre?ue%t(y "%$u(e$ "% the p(easures of (o!e. H"s )a"% 'o%'er% #as #"th h"s
ba%?uet"% a%$ h"s ("fe #as spe%t "% the ay+ "%$o(e%t at)osphere of the 'ourt.
The 'o)b"%at"o% of youth a%$ u%(")"te$ po#er a!e h") opportu%"t"es for se(f2
"%$u(e%'e a%$ he e%4oye$ the) to the fu((. The 'o)p(ete 'ha%e "% h"s )o$e of
("!"% $ates fro) the atte)pte$ re!o(ut"o%s of the %otor"ous S'(erusDDH a%$ of
Pho'as.DD< S'(erus t#"'e ra"se$ the sta%$ar$ of re!o(t a%$ there #ere other
asp"ra%ts to the thro%e+ #"th t#o part"es "% oppos"t"o% to the e)peror. 6ro) that
t")e o%#ar$+ *as"(-s 'arefree e&"ste%'e #as forotte% a%$ he #ho(ehearte$(y
app("e$ h")se(f to ser"ous ob4e'ts. O%'e the 1rst b(o# ha$ bee% stru'/ aa"%st
those )e)bers of h"s fa)"(y #ho ha$ se",e$ po#er+ he set h")se(f reso(ute(y to
'o)pass the"r utter $estru't"o%.DDN
<. 5 po("'y so $rast"'+ %ot u%%atura((y+ st"rre$ the %ephe#s of N"'ephorus Pho'as
to b"tter re!o(t. The troub(e bea% #"th S'(erus+ a )a% #ho #as %ot o%(y a
'o)pete%t p(a%%er+ but e&tre)e(y '(e!er "% 'arry"% out h"s s'he)es+ possesse$
of !ast #ea(th I%o )ea% asset "% o%e #ho a")e$ at a thro%eJ+ #"th the prest"e of
roya( b(oo$ a%$ of su''ess "% reat #ars+ #"th a(( the )"("tary 'aste at h"s s"$e to
he(p o% h"s e%terpr"se. S'(erus-s atte)pte$ 'oup $-Ptat fou%$ 'o%s"$erab(e
support. It #as the 1rst of these $ar"% e3orts to $epose *as"(+ but the prete%$er
#as !ery 'o%1$e%t of !"'tory. He )ar'he$ aa"%st the e)peror "% fu(( for'e+ #"th
'a!a(ry a%$ foot2so($"ers+ th"%/"% he ha$ but to stret'h forth h"s ha%$ to se",e
the E)p"re. 5'tua((y+ the hea!y2ar)e$ "%fa%try ha$ ra(("e$ to S'(erus e% b(o' a%$
the e)peror-s a$!"sers+ /%o#"% th"s+ at 1rst be("e!e$ the"r 'ause to be hope(ess.
O% se'o%$ thouhts+ ho#e!er+ they 'ha%e$ the"r )"%$s a%$ the #ho(e a3a"r
too/ o% a $"3ere%t aspe't. Despa"r a!e #ay to 'ourae [1H] #he% "% a 'erta"%
*ar$as they thouht they ha$ $"s'o!ere$ a #orthy oppo%e%t for the rebe(.DDL To
the) *ar$as represe%te$ a safe a%'horae+ a she(ter fro) the stor). He #as+
"%$ee$+ a )a% of %ob(e b"rth a%$ reat !a(our+ %ephe# of the e)peror
N"'ephorus. So they e%truste$ to th"s *ar$as #hate!er for'es st"(( re)a"%e$. He
#as )a$e 'o))a%$er2"%2'h"ef a%$ se%t forth to $o batt(e #"th the 'o))o%
N. The"r "))e$"ate $">'u(t"es #ere thus o!er'o)e+ but the"r %e# e%era( #as %o
(ess for)"$ab(e tha% S'(erus. He #as $es'e%$e$ fro) a% e)peror. I% a((
probab"("ty he #ou($ %e!er be 'o%te%t to o''upy a subor$"%ate pos"t"o%. So they
str"ppe$ h") of h"s '"t",e%-s robes a%$ a(( "%s"%"a of roya(ty+ a%$ for'e$ h") to
e%ter the Chur'h. The% they bou%$ h") by the )ost fearfu( oaths %e!er to be
u"(ty of treaso%+ %e!er to tra%sress the pro)"ses he ha$ )a$e. Ha!"% ta/e%
these pre'aut"o%s aa"%st a%y a)b"t"ous s'he)es he )"ht e%terta"% "% the
future+ they se%t h") out #"th the #ho(e of the e)peror-s for'es.
L. 5''or$"% to the h"stor"a%s+ th"s )a% *ar$as re)"%$e$ peop(e of h"s u%'(e+ the
e)peror N"'ephorus+ for he #as a(#ays #rappe$ "% (oo)+ a%$ #at'hfu(+ 'apab(e
of foresee"% a(( e!e%tua("t"es+ of 'o)prehe%$"% e!eryth"% at a (a%'e. 6ar fro)
be"% "%ora%t of #ar("/e )a%oeu!res+ there #as %o aspe't of s"ee #arfare+ %o
tr"'/ of a)bush %or ta't"' of p"t'he$ batt(e+ "% #h"'h he #as %ot thorouh(y
!erse$. I% the )atter of phys"'a( pro#ess+ )oreo!er+ *ar$as #as )ore e%eret"'
a%$ !"r"(e tha% S'(erus. I% fa't+ a%yo%e #ho re'e"!e$ a b(o# at h"s ha%$ #as a
$ea$ )a% stra"ht#ay+ a%$ #ho(e ar)"es tre)b(e$ e!e% #he% he shoute$ fro)
afar. He %o# $"!"$e$ up h"s for'es+ arra%"% the) "% batta("o%s+ a%$ )ore tha%
o%'e22"%$ee$+ o% se!era( o''as"o%s22put h"s oppo%e%ts to 7"ht+ $esp"te the"r
%u)bers. I% truth+ *ar$as see)e$ to surpass h"s e%e)"es+ "% s/"(( a%$ stratey
a%$ !"our+ "% "%!erse proport"o% to h"s o#% "%fer"or"ty "% %u)bers.
B. Ea'h s"$e #as 'o%1$e%t "% fa'e of "ts foes+ a%$ the t#o (ea$ers+ by 'o))o%
'o%se%t+ $e'"$e$ to e%ae "% s"%(e 'o)bat.DDB So+ r"$"% out to the spa'e that
$"!"$e$ the t#o ("%es of batt(e+ they sp"e$ o%e a%other a%$ #"thout )ore a$o
'a)e to '(ose ?uarters. The rebe( S'(erus+ u%ab(e to 'urb h"s %atura( ")petuos"ty+
bro/e the ru(es of th"s /"%$ of 1ht"%+ a%$ as he approa'he$ Pho'as stru'/ h")
#"th a(( h"s )"ht o% the hea$. The b(o# a"%e$ a$$"t"o%a( po#er be'ause "t #as
$e("!ere$ o% the 'hare. Pho'as+ $u)bfou%$e$ at the [1<] u%e&pe'te$%ess of
th"s stro/e+ )o)e%tar"(y (ost 'o%tro( of h"s re"%s+ but 'o((e't"% h"s #"ts aa"%+ he
retur%e$ the b(o#+ o% the sa)e part of h"s a$!ersary-s bo$y. The (atter thereupo%
(ost "%terest "% the 'o)bat a%$ ro$e a#ay "% 7"ht.
;. *oth patr"ots a%$ rebe(s #ere 'o%!"%'e$ that here #as the $e'"s"!e po"%t "% the
#ar. Certa"%(y %o e!e%t 'o%tr"bute$ )ore to the e)peror-s !"'tory+ for S'(erus
#as 'o)p(ete(y e)barrasse$. He 'ou($ %o (o%er #"thsta%$ Pho'as "% batt(e. He
#as too asha)e$ to be ter)s fro) the e)peror. I% these '"r'u)sta%'es he
a$opte$ a po("'y #h"'h #as %e"ther !ery #"se %or !ery safe+ tra%sferr"% h"s
#ho(e ar)y fro) Ro)a% terr"tor"es to 5ssyr"a. There he )a$e h")se(f /%o#% to
the /"% Chosroes a%$ rouse$ h"s susp"'"o%s+ for Chosroes feare$ the reat
%u)bers of h"s ar)y+ a%$ poss"b(y he #as %er!ous+ too+ "% 'ase the Ro)a%s
p(a%%e$ so)e su$$e% atta'/ o% h")se(f. The upshot of the )atter #as that a((
S'(erus-s )e% #ere )a$e pr"so%ers a%$ 'arr"e$ o3 to ao(.
1A. Mea%#h"(e *ar$as Pho'as retur%e$ to the e)peror. He #as "!e% the
pr"!"(ee of a tr"u)ph a%$ too/ h"s p(a'e a)o% the perso%a( fr"e%$s of h"s
so!ere"%. So e%$e$ the 1rst re!o(t. 5ppare%t(y *as"( #as %o# free$ fro) a(( h"s
troub(es+ but th"s see)"% 'o((apse of the oppos"t"o% pro!e$ to be o%(y a pre(u$e
to the host of e!"(s that #ere to fo((o#. Pho'as+ after re'e"!"% h"h ho%ours #he%
he 1rst retur%e$ to *y,a%t"u)+ (ater fou%$ h")se(f %e(e'te$. H"s a)b"t"o%s
appeare$ to be o%'e )ore s("pp"% fro) h"s rasp. Th"s /"%$ of treat)e%t+ "% h"s
op"%"o%+ #as u%$eser!e$. He ha$ %ot betraye$ the trust repose$ "% h")O he ha$
e%tere$ "%to a% aree)e%t+ o% spe'"1' ter)s+ a%$ he ha$ fa"thfu((y /ept "t. So+
$"sru%t(e$+ he bro/e a#ay "% re!o(t22a re!o(t )ore ser"ous a%$ )ore $">'u(t to
'ou%ter tha% the pre!"ous atte)pt of S'(erus22#"th the reater part of the ar)y
ra%e$ bes"$e h") "% oppos"t"o% to *as"(.DD; Ha!"% #o% o!er the (ea$"% a%$
)ost po#erfu( fa)"("es+ he $e'"$e$ to pro'(a") h")se(f a% ope% e%e)y of the
re")e. 5% ar)y of Iber"a%s #as 'o%s'r"pte$+ 1er'e+ prou$ #arr"ors sta%$"% up
to te% feet "% he"ht.D [D ".e. !ery ta((. 5 *y,a%t"%e say"%.] It #as %o (o%er "%
")a"%at"o%+ but "% !ery truth+ that he put o% the ")per"a( robes+ #"th the
e)peror-s 'ro#% a%$ the roya( "%s"%"a of purp(e. [1N]
11. I #"(( $es'r"be #hat happe%e$ %e&t. 5 fore"% #ar surpr"se$ the *aby(o%"a%+
that sa)e /"% Chosroes to #ho) S'(erus a%$ h"s ar)y ha$ 7e$ a%$ fro) #ho)
they ha$ hope$ for ass"sta%'e. Those hopes+ as I ha!e sa"$+ ha$ a(rea$y bee%
$ashe$. 8e((+ th"s #ar pro!e$ to be a terr"b(e stra"% o% the /"%-s resour'es a%$
reat %u)bers of ar)e$ )e% #ere "%!o(!e$ "% the stru(e. It #as ")poss"b(e for
Chosroes to fee( a%y 'o%1$e%'e "% h"s o#% %at"!e for'es #"thout fore"% a"$. So
he tur%e$ for he(p to the e&"(e$ Ro)a%s. They #ere at o%'e re(ease$ fro) the"r
bo%$s+ brouht out of the"r pr"so%s+ stro%(y ar)e$ a%$ set "% batt(e2array aa"%st
h"s e%e)"es. They IS'(erus a%$ h"s )e%J+ be"% !"r"(e a%$ #ar("/e so($"ers+
a'?ua"%te$ #"th the $"spos"t"o% of "%fa%try "% batt(e+ arra%e$ the)se(!es "% t#o
roups+ o%e o% e"ther 7a%/. The%+ 'har"% o% horseba'/ "% )ass2for)at"o% a%$
shout"% the"r #ar2'ry+ they /"((e$ so)e of the e%e)y there o% the spot a%$
others they put to 7"ht. The pursu"t 'o%t"%ue$ as far as the earth#or/s a%$ the
foe #as 'o)p(ete(y a%%"h"(ate$.DD1A O% the"r #ay ba'/ the Ro)a%s+ as "f "%sp"re$
#"th o%e 'o))o% "$ea+ too/ to 7"ht the)se(!es. The reaso% for th"s #as that
they feare$ Chosroes. They e&pe'te$ ("tt(e 'o%s"$erat"o% fro) h") a%$ they
be("e!e$ that he #ou($ thro# the) ba'/ "%to pr"so%. So they )a$e o3+ #"th a((
the spee$ they 'ou($ )uster+ a%$ they 'o!ere$ a reat $"sta%'e before the
5ssyr"a%s %ot"'e$ they ha$ o%e. IThese operat"o%s too/ p(a'e "% 5ssyr"a.J
Chosroes+ #hose ar)y ha$ %o# reasse)b(e$+ "))e$"ate(y "ssue$ a% or$er that
a(( so($"ers of the 5ssyr"a% ar)y #ho )et these Ro)a%s #ere to 4o"% "% pursu"%
the). 5 reat )u(t"tu$e $"$ "% fa't fa(( upo% the) fro) the rear+ but they soo%
$"s'o!ere$ ho# "%fer"or they #ere to the Ro)a% so($"er+ for the ru%a#ays
su$$e%(y #hee(e$ about a%$ $efeate$ the"r pursuers. I%$ee$+ the e%e)y su3ere$
su'h (osses that they retreate$ fe#er "% %u)ber tha% the Ro)a%s+ a(thouh they
ha$ !ast(y out%u)bere$ the) #he% the e%ae)e%t starte$.
1=. Here+ S'(erus $e'"$e$+ #as the opportu%"ty to re!"!e h"s stru(e for po#er.
The #ho(e E)p"re+ he thouht+ #as r"pe for the p(u'/"%+ for Pho'as ha$ a(rea$y
o%e a#ay to 5%ato("a a%$ a(( the e)peror-s for'es #ere s'attere$. Ha!"%
arr"!e$ at the Ro)a% fro%t"er+ ho#e!er+ he (ear%t that Pho'as ha$ $es"%s o% the
thro%e h")se(f+ a%$ s"%'e he #as "% %o pos"t"o% to ta/e o% both the e)peror a%$
h"s r"!a(+ he "%$u(e$ "% a fresh outburst of "%so(e%'e at the e&pe%se of the
for)er+ #h"(e he prese%te$ h")se(f to the (atter "% the [1L] u"se of !assa(.
Pho'as-s hee)o%y #as re'o%",e$ a%$ S'(erus aree$ to ser!e u%$er h").
Thereupo% the"r for'es #ere $"!"$e$ "% t#o a%$ the rebe( ar)y #as reat(y
stre%the%e$. 6u(( of 'o%1$e%'e "% the"r so($"ers a%$ )"("tary $"spos"t"o%s+ they
'a)e $o#% as far as the Propo%t"s a%$ stro%po"%ts o% the seashore+ )a$e the"r
e%tre%'h)e%ts se'ure a%$ a(( but tr"e$ to (eap o!er the sea "tse(f.
1K. The e)peror *as"( #as #e(( a#are of $"s(oya(ty a)o% the Ro)a%s+ but %ot
(o% before th"s a p"'/e$ ba%$ of S'yth"a%s ha$ 'o)e to he(p h") fro) the
Taurus+ a%$ a 1%e bo$y of )e% they #ere.DD11 He ha$ these )e% tra"%e$ "% a
separate 'orps+ 'o)b"%e$ #"th the) a%other )er'e%ary for'e+ $"!"$e$ by
'o)pa%"es+ a%$ se%t the) out to 1ht the rebe(s. They 'a)e upo% the "%sure%ts
u%e&pe'te$(y+ #he% they #ere o3 the"r uar$ seate$ at tab(e a%$ $r"%/"%+ a%$
after they ha$ $estroye$ %ot a fe# of the)+ s'attere$ the rest "% a((
$"re't"o%s.DD1= The re)%a%ts of the e%e)y a'tua((y ba%$e$ toether a%$
oppose$ Pho'as h")se(f+ #"th 'o%s"$erab(e e%thus"as).
1H. *as"( perso%a((y too/ part "% these operat"o%s #"th the Ro)a% ar)y. He ha$
4ust beu% to ro# a bear$ a%$ #as (ear%"% the art of #ar fro) e&per"e%'e "%
a'tua( 'o)bat. E!e% h"s brother Co%sta%t"%e too/ h"s p(a'e "% the batt(e2("%e+
ar)e$ #"th breastp(ate a%$ (o% spear.
1<. So the t#o fa'e$ o%e a%otherO o% the o%e s"$e+ by the sea+ the e)peror-s
for'es@ o% the h"her parts+ the rebe(s+ #"th a reat spa'e bet#ee%. 8he% Pho'as
$"s'o!ere$ that *as"( a%$ Co%sta%t"%e #ere "% the e%e)y-s ra%/s+ he %o (o%er
put o3 the batt(e.DD1K That $ay+ he $e'"$e$+ #as to be the tur%"%2po"%t of the
#ar+ the $ay #h"'h #as to $eter)"%e the future of the E)p"re. So he 'o))"tte$
h"s 'ause to fortu%e. It #as 'o%trary to the a$!"'e of the astro(oers "% h"s
ret"%ue+ for they #ou($ ha!e $"ssua$e$ h") fro) 1ht"%. The"r sa'r"1'es '(ear(y
sho#e$ the fo((y of "t+ but he a!e re"% to h"s horse a%$ obst"%ate(y refuse$ to
("ste%. It "s sa"$ that s"%s of "((2o)e% appeare$ to h")+ as #e(( as to the
astro(oers+ for %o soo%er ha$ he )ou%te$ h"s horse tha% the 'harer s("ppe$
u%$er h")+ a%$ #he% he seate$ h")se(f o% a se'o%$+ that too+ a fe# pa'es
further o%+ su3ere$ the sa)e fate. H"s s/"%+ )oreo!er+ 'ha%e$ 'o(our+ h"s heart
#as 1((e$ #"th forebo$"%+ a%$ h"s hea$ #as troub(e$ #"th "$$"%ess. Pho'as+
ho#e!er+ #as %ot the )a% to "!e #ay o%'e he ha$ set h")se(f to a tas/+ so+
r"$"% at the hea$ of h"s ar)y+ a%$ be"% a(rea$y so)e#hat %ear the e)peror-s
for'es+ he athere$ about h") so)e foot2so($"ers. [1B] The )e% I refer to #ere
the 1%est 1hters a)o% the Iber"a%s+ a(( of the) you% )e%+ 4ust ro#"% the"r
1rst bear$s+ "% the 7o#er of the"r youth+ ta(( )e% a%$ )e% of e?ua( he"ht+ as
thouh they ha$ bee% )easure$ o3 #"th a ru(er+ ar)e$ o% the"r r"ht #"th
s#or$s+ a%$ "rres"st"b(e #he% they 'hare$. 8"th these #arr"ors about h")+ u%$er
o%e sta%$ar$+ Pho'as )o!e$ fore#ar$ to atta'/ "% fro%t of h"s ar)y. 0ather"%
spee$+ he )a$e stra"ht for the e)peror #"th a #"($ #ar2'ry+ h"s s#or$ up("fte$ "%
h"s r"ht ha%$+ as "f he "%te%$e$ to /"(( the e)peror there a%$ the%.
1N. 8h"(e Pho'as #as so bo($(y 'har"% to#ar$s h")+ *as"( ro$e out "% fro%t of
h"s ar)y too. He too/ h"s sta%$ there+ s#or$ "% ha%$. I% h"s (eft ha%$ he '(aspe$
the ")ae of the Sa!"our-s Mother+ th"%/"% th"s "/o% the surest prote't"o% aa"%st
h"s oppo%e%t-s terr"1' o%s(auht. Pho'as s#ept o%+ ("/e a '(ou$ $r"!e% o% by
!"o(e%t #"%$s+ #h"r("% o!er the p(a"%. Mea%#h"(e those #ho #ere stat"o%e$ o%
e"ther 7a%/s hur(e$ the"r 4a!e("%s at h"). 5)o% others+ s("ht(y "% fro%t of the
)a"% ar)y+ #as the e)peror Co%sta%t"%e+ bra%$"sh"% a (o% spear. 5fter he ha$
a((ope$ for#ar$ so)e $"sta%'e fro) h"s o#% )e%+ Pho'as su$$e%(y s("ppe$ fro)
h"s sa$$(e a%$ #as thro#% to the rou%$. 5t th"s po"%t the a''ou%ts of $"3ere%t
authors be'o)e 'o%tra$"'tory. So)e 'o%te%$ that he #as h"t by the 4a!e("%2
thro#ers a%$ fe(( )orta((y #ou%$e$. Others a!er that he #as o!er'o)e by a
su$$e% fa"%t%ess+ the e3e't of a sto)a'h $"sor$er+ a%$ so fe(( $o#% fro) the
sa$$(e. 8hate!er the true e&p(a%at"o% )ay ha!e bee%+ Co%sta%t"%e arroate$ to
h")se(f the prou$ $"st"%'t"o% of ha!"% s(a"% the rebe(. The usua( story+ ho#e!er+
a%$ the o%e 'o%s"$ere$ to be )ost probab(e+ "s that the #ho(e a3a"r #as the
resu(t of a% "%tr"ue. Po"so% #as )"&e$+ Pho'as $ra%/ "t+ a%$ #he% he )o!e$
about+ the pot"o% be'a)e su$$e%(y e3e't"!e+ $epr"!e$ h") of h"s po#ers of
reaso%+ a%$ 'ause$ the "$$"%ess that (e$ to h"s $o#%fa((. The or""%a( "$ea #as
*as"(-s+ the )"%"ster"% ha%$ that of Pho'as-s 'upbearer. 6or )y o#% part+ I prefer
to e&press %o op"%"o% o% the sub4e't a%$ as'r"be a(( the (ory to the Mother of the
1L. 5t a(( e!e%ts+ he fe((+ he #ho u%t"( the% 'ou($ %e"ther be #ou%$e$ %or ta/e%
a("!e+ a p"teous a%$ )our%fu( s"ht. 5s soo% as the r"!a( ar)"es sa# #hat ha$
happe%e$+ the o%e #as "))e$"ate(y sp("t up a%$ retreate$+ the"r '(ose2pa'/e$
ra%/s bro/e%+ the"r rout 'o)p(ete. The e)peror-s for'es+ o% the other ha%$+
"))e$"ate(y after Pho'as-s 'o((apse+ (eapt upo% h")+ s'attere$ h"s Iber"a% bo$y
uar$+ a%$ 'hoppe$ h") "% p"e'es #"th repeate$ s#or$2b(o#s. H"s hea$ #as 'ut
o3 a%$ brouht to *as"(.DD1H
1B. The 'o)p(ete 'ha%e "% the e)peror-s 'hara'ter $ates fro) that t")e. 8h"(e
he re4o"'e$ at the $eath of h"s e%e)y+ he #as %o (ess r"e!e$ by the sa$
'o%$"t"o% of h"s o#% a3a"rs+ #"th the resu(t that he be'a)e susp"'"ous of
e!eryo%e+ a hauhty a%$ se'ret"!e )a%+ "((2te)pere$+ a%$ "rate #"th those #ho
fa"(e$ to 'arry out h"s #"shes.
1;. 6ar fro) a((o#"% the para/o")o)e%us *as"( to 'o%t"%ue "% h"s e%era(
super!"s"o% of the o!er%)e%t+ the e)peror+ fro) %o# o%+ $e'"$e$ to super!"se
h")se(f. 6urther+ he pro'ee$e$ to pursue h"s )"%"ster #"th a re(e%t(ess hatre$+
#h"'h he sho#e$ "% a(( )a%%er of #ays+ a%$ refuse$ to see h"). 5(thouh the
para/o")o)e%us #as a re(at"!e+ a(thouh the e)peror #as reat(y "%$ebte$ to
h") a%$ the )"%"ster ha$ $o%e oo$ ser!"'e+ at %o ("tt(e "%'o%!e%"e%'e to h")se(f+
a%$ $esp"te the !ery h"h o>'e "% the state that he he($+ *as"( rear$e$ h") as
a% e%e)y. Noth"% o% earth #ou($ persua$e h") to 'ha%e th"s att"tu$e. The
truth "s+ "t o3e%$e$ h"s pr"$e to th"%/ that he+ the e)peror a%$ a fu((2ro#% )a%+
shou($ be a((o#e$ o%(y a share "% the o!er%)e%t+ as "f he #ere a% or$"%ary
'"t",e%. O%e #ou($ ")a"%e he ha$ %e!er as'e%$e$ the thro%e+ but share$
author"ty o% e?ua( ter)s #"th a%other )a%+ or he($ "%fer"or ra%/ "% the
o!er%)e%t. He a!e the sub4e't 'o%s"$erab(e thouht+ a%$ "t #as o%(y after
)u'h !a'"((at"o% that he 1%a((y )a$e up h"s )"%$. O%'e the $e'"s"o% #as ta/e%+
ho#e!er+ he $"s)"sse$ the para/o")o)e%us a%$ $epose$ h") at o%e b(o#. 8hat
)a$e "t #orse #as the fa't that th"s 'ha%e "% the (atter-s fortu%es #as %ot
softe%e$ by a%y s"% of respe'tO "% fa't+ the e)peror-s a't"o% #as "%'re$"b(y 'rue(+
for he sh"ppe$ h") o3 "%to e&"(e.
=A. Nor $"$ th"s $"sra'e pro!e to be the e%$ of *as"(-s troub(es. Rather #as "t the
pre(u$e to further )"sfortu%es+ for the e)peror %e&t pro'ee$e$ to re!"e# the
e!e%ts of h"s re"% e!er s"%'e he a''e$e$ to the thro%e a%$ the para/o")o)e%us
bea% to o!er% the E)p"re. He e&a)"%e$ the !ar"ous )easures that ha$ bee%
ta/e% $ur"% a(( that per"o$. 8hate!er happe%e$ to 'o%tr"bute to h"s o#% Ithe
e)peror-sJ #e(fare+ or to the oo$ of the state+ #as a((o#e$ to re)a"% o% the
statutes. 5(( those $e'rees+ o% the other ha%$+ #h"'h referre$ to the ra%t"% of
(a)ours or pos"t"o%s of $"%"ty+ #ere %o# res'"%$e$. The for)er+ the e)peror
'o%te%$e$+ ha$ bee% appro!e$ by h")se(fO of the (atter he /%e# %oth"%. I%
e!eryth"% he stro!e to br"% about the eu%u'h-s $o#%fa(( a%$ $"saster. 6or
e&a)p(e+ the para/o")o)e%us ha$ bu"(t a )a%"1'e%t )o%astery "% ho%our of
*as"( the 0reat+ a )o%astery that bore h"s o#% %a)e too. It ha$ bee% 'o%stru'te$
o% a tre)e%$ous s'a(e+ at reat 'ost of (abour+ a%$ "t 'o)b"%e$ $"3ere%t sty(es of
ar'h"te'ture #"th beauty. Moreo!er+ the reater part of the )ater"a( use$ "% "ts
bu"($"% ha$ bee% obta"%e$ fro) e%erous !o(u%tary 'o%tr"but"o%s. The e)peror
%o# #"she$ to ra,e th"s e$"1'e to the rou%$. Ho#e!er+ s"%'e he #as 'arefu( to
a!o"$ the 'hare of ")p"ety+ o%(y 'erta"% parts of the )o%astery #ere re)o!e$+
a%$ %ot a(( those at o%'e. Other parts he $e)o("she$+ a%$ the rest of the bu"($"%+
the )o!ab(e fur%"ture a%$ the )osa"'s+ he treate$ "% )u'h the sa)e #ay. He
%e!er reste$ 'o%te%t u%t"(+ to ?uote h"s o#% 4est"% #or$s+ -he ha$ )a$e of th"s
p(a'e of )e$"tat"o% a p(a'e of thouht22 the thouht #h"'h those #ho $#e(t there
#ou($ %o# ha!e to ta/e for the bare %e'ess"t"es of ("fe Q-
=1. Natura((y+ the para/o")o)e%us+ torture$ ("/e th"s $ay after $ay+ #as 1((e$
#"th $espa"r. There #as %o re("ef for h"s su3er"%+ %o 'o%so(at"o% #hate!er.
Su$$e%(y 'ast $o#%+ "% o%e br"ef )o)e%t+ fro) h"s reat pos"t"o% of po#er+ th"s
h"h a%$ )"hty )a%+ #hose heart ha$ o%'e bee% 1((e$ #"th pr"$e+ %o# be'a)e
u%ab(e to o!er% h"s o#% bo$y. H"s (")bs #ere para(yse$ a%$ he a ("!"% 'orpse.
Not (o% after#ar$s he $"e$+ "% !ery truth a p"((ar of re)e)bra%'e+ h"s ("fe a 1%e
sub4e't for story2te((ers+ or sha(( I say a proof of the 1'/(e%ess of a(( #or($(y
fortu%e. *as"( the para/o")o)e%us ha$ fu(1((e$ h"s $est"%y.
==. Cet us retur% to the e)peror. No# that he obser!e$ the $"!erse 'hara'ter of
h"s $o)"%"o%s+ a%$ sa# that "t #as %o easy )atter to #"e($ su'h tre)e%$ous
po#er+ *as"( ab4ure$ a(( se(1%$u(e%'e. He e!e% #e%t so far as to s'or% bo$"(y
or%a)e%ts. H"s %e'/ #as u%a$or%e$ by 'o((ars+ h"s hea$ by $"a$e)s. He refuse$
to )a/e h")se(f 'o%sp"'uous "% purp(e2'o(oure$ '(oa/s. He put a#ay super7uous
r"%s+ e!e% '(othes of $"3ere%t 'o(ours. O% the other ha%$+ he too/ reat pa"%s to
e%sure that the !ar"ous $epart)e%ts of the o!er%)e%t shou($ be 'e%tra(",e$ "%
h")se(f+ a%$ that they shou($ #or/ #"thout fr"'t"o%. He a$opte$ a super'"("ous
)a%%er+ [=1] %ot o%(y "% h"s $ea("%s #"th other )e%+ but e!e% to#ar$s h"s
brother. To Co%sta%t"%e he a((otte$ a )ere ha%$fu( of uar$s+ as thouh he
ru$e$ h") prote't"o% of a )ore $"%"1e$ or ")pos"% 'hara'ter. Ha!"% 1rst
stra"te%e$ h")se(f+ so to spea/+ a%$ ha!"% 'heerfu((y str"ppe$ o3 the prou$
'o%trapt"o%s of )o%ar'hy "% h"s o#% 'ase+ he %o# $ea(t #"th h"s brother a%$
ra$ua((y $e'rease$ h"s author"ty too. He (eft h") to e%4oy the beaut"es of the
'ou%try+ the $e("hts of bath"% a%$ hu%t"%+ h"s spe'"a( hobb"es+ #h"(e he h")se(f
#e%t out to the fro%t"ers+ #here h"s ar)"es #ere be"% har$ presse$. H"s
a)b"t"o%+ "% fa't+ #as to pure the E)p"re 'o)p(ete(y of a(( the barbar"a%s #ho
e%'"r'(e us a%$ (ay s"ee to our bor$ers+ both "% the east a%$ "% the #est.
=K. Th"s pro4e't+ ho#e!er+ ha$ to be postpo%e$ to the future+ for S'(erus /ept the
e)peror o''up"e$ #"th a se'o%$ re!o(t+ a%$ the "%te%$e$ e&pe$"t"o% aa"%st the
barbar"a%s be'a)e ")poss"b(e+ at (east for the )o)e%t. 5fter Pho'as-s $eath that
part of h"s ar)y #h"'h ha$ bee% u%$er h"s 'o))a%$+ before h"s a(("a%'e #"th
S'(erus+ be"% fo"(e$ of the hopes "t ha$ p(a'e$ "% Pho'as+ $"sperse$ a%$
'o)p(ete(y $"sba%$e$+ #h"(e S'(erus a%$ those #ho ha$ es'ape$ #"th h") fro)
5ssyr"a retur%e$ to the"r ho)es. These (atter %o# !o(u%tar"(y refor)e$ the"r ar)y.
They 'o%st"tute$ #hat )"ht be $es'r"be$ as a% "%$epe%$e%t 'orps+ %u)er"'a((y
the e?ua( of Pho'as-s ar)y a%$ "% the eyes of the e)peror 4ust as )e%a'"%.
=H. Th"s )a% S'(erus+ thouh appare%t(y %ot to be 'o)pare$ #"th Pho'as "%
phys"'a( pro#ess+ #as a reater e&po%e%t of )"("tary stratey a%$ )a%ae)e%t.
He #as repute$ to be )ore resour'efu( tha% the other+ too. 8he% h"s ?uarre( #"th
*as"( 7are$ up a se'o%$ t")e+ therefore+ he #as 'arefu( %ot to 'o)e to r"ps a%$
4o"% batt(e. H"s "%te%t"o% #as to bu"($ up h"s ar)y #"th hea!y re"%for'e)e%ts a%$
harass the e)peror rather by uer"((a ta't"'s tha% #"th ope% #arfare. No atte)pt
#as )a$e to o!er#he() the e%e)y "% a'tua( operat"o%s+ but h"s tra%sports #ere
"%!ar"ab(y stoppe$ "% 'o%!oys+ he #as 'ut o3 fro) free use of the roa$s+ a((
)er'ha%$"se be"% 'o%!eye$ to the 'ap"ta( fro) abroa$ #as ")pou%$e$22 to the
reat a$!a%tae of S'(erus-s o#% ar)y. Moreo!er+ by )a"%ta"%"% str"'t [==]
!""(a%'e+ or$ers tra%s)"tte$ throuh state 'our"ers #ere "%ter'epte$ a%$ %e!er
'arr"e$ out.
=<. The rebe(("o% bea% "% the su))er a%$ $rae$ o% "%to the autu)%. 5 #ho(e
year passe$ by+ a%$ the "%tr"ue #as st"(( %ot 'rushe$. 5s a )atter of fa't+ th"s
e!"( troub(e$ the state for )a%y years to 'o)e. The truth #as+ the )e% #ho ha$
e%ro((e$ "% S'(erus-s ar)y #ere %o (o%er $"!"$e$ "% the"r (oya(t"esO e!ery o%e of
the) #as a $e'(are$ rebe(. The"r (ea$er "%sp"re$ the) #"th h"s o#% reso(ute
$eter)"%at"o% a%$ bou%$ the) "%to o%e 'ohere%t bo$y. *y fa!ours he #o% the"r
(oya(ty+ by h"s /"%$("%ess he ear%e$ the"r $e!ot"o%. He re'o%'"(e$ the"r
$"3ere%'es+ ate at the sa)e tab(e as h"s )e%+ $ra%/ fro) the sa)e 'up+ 'a((e$
the) by %a)e+ a%$ by h"s 7attery bou%$ the) to h"s a((e"a%'e.
=N. The e)peror tr"e$ a(( h"s #"(es a%$ tr"'/s to frustrate h")+ but S'(erus e!a$e$
a(( these atte)pts #"th the reatest of ease. C"/e a oo$ e%era(+ he a%s#ere$
h"s oppo%e%t-s s'he)es a%$ p(a%s #"th stratae)s of h"s o#%. So *as"(+ see"%
that h"s e%e)y 'ou($ %e!er be 'auht+ se%t a% e)bassy to h") #"th the
suest"o% that ter)s shou($ be arra%e$+ a%$ that S'(erus shou($ aba%$o% the
re!o(t. If he a''epte$ the e)peror-s proposa(s+ he #as to o''upy ra%/ se'o%$
o%(y to *as"( h")se(f. 5t 1rst+ the prete%$er $"$ %ot respo%$ to these o!ertures
#"th a%y reat a(a'r"ty+ but (ater+ #he% he ha$ "!e% the )atter $eep thouht
a%$ 'o)pare$ h"s prese%t pos"t"o% #"th the past+ uess"% #hat the future )"ht
ho($ for h") "% 'o)par"so% #"th the prese%t@ #he% he 'o%s"$ere$ h"s perso%a(
prospe'ts thus Ihe #as a(rea$y a% o($ )a%J+ the pro3ere$ %eot"at"o%s #ere %ot
u%attra't"!e. So he asse)b(e$ the #ho(e of h"s ar)y+ to support h") at the
re'ept"o% of the ")per"a( e%!oys+ a%$ )a$e pea'e #"th *as"( o% the fo((o#"%
ter)sO he IS'(erusJ #as to res"% h"s 'ro#% a%$ "!e up #ear"% the purp(e+ but
to ta/e pre'e$e%'e "))e$"ate(y after the e)peror@ the e%era(s a%$ other ra%/s
#ho ha$ re!o(te$ #"th h") #ere to reta"% the"r prese%t pos"t"o%s+ a%$ to e%4oy as
(o% as they ("!e$ #hate!er pr"!"(ees he ha$ 'o%ferre$ upo% the)@ they #ou($
be $epr"!e$ %e"ther of property for)er(y "% the"r possess"o%+ %or of a%y thereafter
a'?u"re$ throuh S'(erus+ %or #ou($ they be str"ppe$ of a%y other a$!a%taes
#h"'h ha$ fa((e% to the"r (ot.
=L. 5ree)e%t #as rea'he$ o% these 'o%$"t"o%s+ a%$ the e)peror set out fro)
the 'ap"ta( to o%e of h"s )ost )a%"1'e%t estates+ there to re'e"!e the rebe( a%$
rat"fy the treaty.DD1L *as"( seate$ h")se(f "% the [=K] roya( te%t. S'(erus+ so)e
$"sta%'e a#ay+ #as "%tro$u'e$ by the uar$s. They (e$ h") "%to the e)peror-s
prese%'e+ #"thout pre(")"%ar"es+ %ot r"$"% o% horseba'/+ but es'orte$ o% foot.
S'(erus #as a !ery ta(( )a%+ but he #as a(so a% ae$ )a%+ a%$ he 'a)e "%
supporte$ by uar$s o% e"ther s"$e. The e)perors see"% h") approa'h"% so)e
#ay o3+ tur%e$ to the bysta%$ers a%$ )a$e h"s 'e(ebrate$ re)ar/ Ie!eryo%e
/%o#s the storyJO -Coo/+ the )a% #ho) I feare$Q 5 supp("a%t $otar$+ u%ab(e to
#a(/ by h")se(fQ- 5s for S'(erus+ #hether be'ause of h"s eaer%ess+ or be'ause "%
a%y 'ase he ha$ forotte% the)+ he ha$ /ept o% h"s feet the sa%$a(s of purp(e
#he% he (a"$ as"$e the other "%s"%"a of po#er. It see)e$ that he #as arroat"%
so)e share "% the roya( preroat"!e. 5%y#ay+ he approa'he$ the e)peror
#ear"% the sa%$a(s. *as"( sa# a(( th"s fro) a $"sta%'e a%$ shut h"s eyes "%
a%%oya%'e+ refus"% to see h") at a(( u%(ess he 1rst '(othe$ h")se(f ("/e a%
or$"%ary '"t",e% "% e!ery $eta"(. 5t a(( e!e%ts+ there a%$ the% S'(erus shoo/ of h"s
purp(e sa%$a(s at the $oor of the te%t a%$ so e%tere$ the e)peror-s prese%'e.
=B. 5s soo% as he sa# h") e%ter+ *as"( rose a%$ they e)bra'e$ o%e a%other.
The% they he($ 'o%!erse+ the o%e e&'us"% h"s re!o(t a%$ e&p(a"%"% the reaso%s
#hy he ha$ p(otte$ a%$ 'arr"e$ "t out+ the other ?u"et(y a''ept"% the apo(oy
a%$ attr"but"% to ba$ (u'/ #hat ha$ o''urre$. 8he% they share$ a 'o))o%
$r"%/"%2bo#(+ the e)peror 1rst put to h"s o#% ("ps the 'up o3ere$ to S'(erus a%$
too/ a )o$erate s"p of "ts 'o%te%ts before ha%$"% "t ba'/ to h"s uest. Thus he
re("e!e$ h") of a%y susp"'"o% of po"so%+ a%$ at the sa)e t")e pro!e$ the sa%'t"ty
of the"r aree)e%t. 5fter th"s *as"( pro'ee$e$ to ?uest"o% h")+ as a )a%
a''usto)e$ to 'o))a%$+ about h"s E)p"re+ ho# "t 'ou($ be preser!e$ free fro)
$"sse%s"o%. S'(erus ha$ a% a%s#er to th"s+ a(thouh "t #as %ot the sort of a$!"'e
o%e #ou($ e&pe't fro) a e%era(@ "% fa't+ "t sou%$e$ )ore ("/e a $"abo("'a( p(ot.
-Cut $o#%+- he sa"$+ -the o!er%ors #ho be'o)e o!erprou$. Cet %o e%era(s o%
'a)pa"% ha!e too )a%y resour'es. E&haust the) #"th u%4ust e&a't"o%s+ to /eep
the) bus"e$ #"th the"r o#% a3a"rs. 5$)"t %o #o)a% to the ")per"a( 'ou%'"(s. *e
a''ess"b(e to %o o%e. Share #"th fe# your )ost "%t")ate p(a%s.-
=;. O% th"s %ote the"r 'o%!ersat"o% 'a)e to a% e%$. S'(erus #e%t o3 to the
'ou%try estate #h"'h ha$ bee% apport"o%e$ h")+ a%$ soo% after#ar$s he $"e$.
8e #"(( (ea!e h") a%$ retur% to the e)peror. I% h"s $ea("%s #"th h"s sub4e'ts+
*as"( beha!e$ #"th e&traor$"%ary [=H] '"r'u)spe't"o%. It "s perfe't(y true that the
reat reputat"o% he bu"(t up as a ru(er #as fou%$e$ rather o% terror tha% o%
(oya(ty. 5s he re# o($er a%$ be'a)e )ore e&per"e%'e$ he re("e$ (ess o% the
4u$)e%t of )e% #"ser tha% h")se(f. He a(o%e "%tro$u'e$ %e# )easures+ he
a(o%e $"spose$ h"s )"("tary for'es. 5s for the '"!"( a$)"%"strat"o%+ he o!er%e$+
%ot "% a''or$a%'e #"th the #r"tte% (a#s+ but fo((o#"% the u%#r"tte% $"'tates of
h"s o#% "%tu"t"o%+ #h"'h #as )ost e&'e((e%t(y e?u"ppe$ by %ature for the purpose.
Co%se?ue%t(y he pa"$ %o atte%t"o% to )e% of (ear%"%O o% the 'o%trary+ he
a3e'te$ utter s'or% 22 to#ar$s the (ear%e$ fo(/+ I )ea%. It see)s to )e a
#o%$erfu( th"%+ therefore+ that #h"(e the e)peror so $esp"se$ ("terary 'u(ture+ %o
s)a(( 'rop of ph"(osophers a%$ orators spra% up "% those t")es. O%e so(ut"o% of
the para$o&+ I fa%'y+ "s that the )e% of those $ays $"$ %ot $e!ote the)se(!es to
the stu$y of (etters for a%y u(ter"or purposeO they 'u(t"!ate$ ("terature for "ts o#%
sa/e a%$ as a% e%$ "% "tse(f+ #hereas the )a4or"ty %o#a$ays $o %ot approa'h the
sub4e't of e$u'at"o% "% th"s sp"r"t+ but 'o%s"$er perso%a( pro1t to be the 1rst
reaso% for stu$y. Perhaps I shou($ a$$+ that thouh a"% "s the ob4e't of the"r ,ea(
for ("terature+ "f they $o %ot "))e$"ate(y a'h"e!e th"s oa(+ the% they $es"st fro)
the"r stu$"es at o%'e. Sha)e o% the)Q
KA. Ho#e!er+ #e )ust retur% to the e)peror. Ha!"% pure$ the E)p"re of the
barbar"a%s+ he $ea(t #"th h"s o#% sub4e'ts a%$ 'o)p(ete(y sub4uate$ the) too22
I th"%/ -sub4uate- "s the r"ht #or$ to $es'r"be "t.DD1B He $e'"$e$ to aba%$o% h"s
for)er po("'y+ a%$ after the reat fa)"("es ha$ bee% hu)"("ate$ a%$ put o% a%
e?ua( foot"% #"th the rest+ *as"( fou%$ h")se(f p(ay"% the a)e of po#er2po("t"'s
#"th 'o%s"$erab(e su''ess. He surrou%$e$ h")se(f #"th fa!our"tes #ho #ere
%e"ther re)ar/ab(e for br"(("a%'e of "%te((e't+ %or of %ob(e ("%eae+ %or too (ear%e$.
To the) #ere e%truste$ the ")per"a( res'r"pts+ a%$ #"th the) he #as a''usto)e$
to share the se'rets of state. Ho#e!er+ s"%'e at that t")e the e)peror-s
'o))e%ts o% )e)ora%$a or re?uests for fa!our #ere %e!er !ar"e$+ but o%(y
p(a"%+ stra"htfor#ar$ state)e%ts Ifor *as"(+ #hether #r"t"% or spea/"%+
es'he#e$ a(( e(ea%'e of 'o)pos"t"o%J he use$ to $"'tate to h"s se'retar"es 4ust
as the #or$s 'a)e to h"s to%ue+ str"%"% the) a(( toether+ o%e after the other.
There #as %o subt(ety+ %oth"% super7uous+ "% h"s spee'h.
K1. *y hu)b("% the pr"$e or 4ea(ousy of h"s peop(e+ *as"( )a$e h"s o#% roa$ to
po#er a% easy o%e. He #as 'arefu(+ )oreo!er+ to [=<] '(ose the e&"t2$oors o% the
)o%"es 'o%tr"bute$ to the treasury. So a hue su) of )o%ey #as bu"(t up+ part(y
by the e&er'"se of str"'t e'o%o)y+ part(y by fresh a$$"t"o%s fro) abroa$. 5'tua((y+
the su) a''u)u(ate$ "% the ")per"a( treasury rea'he$ the ra%$ tota( of =AA+AAA
ta(e%ts.DD1; 5s for the rest of h"s a"%s+ "t #ou($ "%$ee$ be har$ to 1%$ #or$s
a$e?uate(y to $es'r"be the). 5(( the treasures a)asse$ "% Iber"a a%$ 5rab"a+ a((
the r"'hes fou%$ a)o% the Ce(ts or 'o%ta"%e$ "% the (a%$ of the S'yths22 "% br"ef+
a(( the #ea(th of the barbar"a%s #ho surrou%$ our bor$ers22 a(( #ere athere$
toether "% o%e p(a'e a%$ $epos"te$ "% the e)peror-s 'o3ers. I% a$$"t"o% to th"s+
he 'arr"e$ o3 to h"s treasure2'ha)bers a%$ se?uestrate$ there+ a(( the )o%ey of
those #ho rebe((e$ aa"%st h") a%$ #ere after#ar$s sub$ue$. 5%$ s"%'e the
!au(ts of the bu"($"%s )a$e for th"s purpose #ere %ot b" e%ouh+ he ha$ sp"ra(
a((er"es $u u%$errou%$+ after the Eypt"a% sty(e+ a%$ there he /ept safe a
'o%s"$erab(e proport"o% of h"s treasures. He h")se(f too/ %o p(easure "% a%y of "tO
?u"te the re!erse "%$ee$+ for the )a4or"ty of the pre'"ous sto%es+ both the #h"te
o%es I#h"'h #e 'a(( pear(sJ a%$ the 'o(oure$ br"(("a%ts+ far fro) be"% "%(a"$ "%
$"a$e)s or 'o((ars+ #ere h"$$e% a#ay "% h"s u%$errou%$ !au(ts. Mea%#h"(e *as"(
too/ part "% h"s pro'ess"o%s a%$ a!e au$"e%'e to h"s o!er%ors '(othe$ )ere(y "%
a robe of purp(e+ %ot the !ery br"ht purp(e+ but s")p(y purp(e of a $ar/ hue+ #"th
a ha%$fu( of e)s as a )ar/ of $"st"%'t"o%. 5s he spe%t the reater part of h"s
re"% ser!"% as a so($"er o% uar$ at our fro%t"ers a%$ /eep"% the barbar"a%s
fro) ra"$"% our terr"tor"es+ %ot o%(y $"$ he $ra# %oth"% fro) h"s reser!es of
#ea(th+ but e!e% )u(t"p("e$ h"s r"'hes )a%y t")es o!er.
K=. O% h"s e&pe$"t"o% aa"%st the barbar"a%s+ *as"( $"$ %ot fo((o# the 'usto)ary
pro'e$ure of other e)perors+ sett"% out at the )"$$(e of spr"% a%$ retur%"%
ho)e at the e%$ of su))er. 6or h") the t")e to retur% #as #he% the tas/ "%
ha%$ #as a''o)p("she$. He e%$ure$ the r"ours of #"%ter a%$ the heat of
su))er #"th e?ua( "%$"3ere%'e. He $"s'"p("%e$ h")se(f aa"%st th"rst. I% fa't+ a((
h"s %atura( $es"res #ere /ept u%$er ster% 'o%tro(+ a%$ the )a% #as as har$ as
stee(. He ha$ a% a''urate /%o#(e$e of the $eta"(s of ar)y ("fe+ a%$ by that I $o
%ot )ea% the e%era( a'?ua"%ta%'e #"th the 'o)pos"t"o% of h"s ar)y+ the re(at"!e
fu%'t"o%s of "%$"!"$ua( u%"ts "% the #ho(e bo$y+ or the !ar"ous roup"%s a%$
$ep(oy)e%ts su"te$ to the $"3ere%t for)at"o%s. H"s e&per"e%'e of ar)y )atters
#e%t [=N] further tha% thatO the $ut"es of the protostate+DD=A the $ut"es of the
he)"(o'h"tes+ DD=1 the tas/s proper to the ra%/ "))e$"ate(y 4u%"or to the)22 a((
these #ere %o )yster"es to *as"(+ a%$ the /%o#(e$e stoo$ h") "% oo$ stea$ "%
h"s #ars. 5''or$"%(y+ 4obs appropr"ate to these ra%/s #ere %ot $e!o(!e$ o%
others+ a%$ the e)peror+ be"% perso%a((y 'o%!ersa%t #"th the 'hara'ter a%$
'o)bat $ut"es of ea'h "%$"!"$ua(+ /%o#"% to #hat ea'h )a% #as 1tte$ e"ther by
te)pera)e%t or by tra"%"%+ use$ h") "% th"s 'apa'"ty a%$ )a$e h") ser!e there.
KK. Moreo!er+ he /%e# the !ar"ous for)at"o%s su"te$ to h"s )e%. So)e he ha$
rea$ of "% boo/s+ others he $e!"se$ h")se(f $ur"% the operat"o%s of #ar+ the
resu(t of h"s o#% "%tu"t"o%. He professe$ to 'o%$u't h"s #ars a%$ $ra# up the
troops "% ("%e of batt(e+ h")se(f p(a%%"% ea'h 'a)pa"%+ but he preferre$ %ot to
e%ae "% 'o)bat perso%a((y. 5 su$$e% retreat )"ht other#"se pro!e
e)barrass"%. Co%se?ue%t(y+ for the )ost part he /ept h"s troops "))ob"(e. He
#ou($ 'o%stru't )a'h"%es of #ar a%$ s/"r)"sh at a $"sta%'e+ #h"(e the
)a%oeu!r"% #as (eft to h"s ("ht2ar)e$ so($"ers. O%'e he ha$ )a$e 'o%ta't #"th
the e%e)y+ a reu(ar )"("tary ("a"so% #as estab("she$ bet#ee% the $"3ere%t
for)at"o%s of the Ro)a% ar)y. The #ho(e for'e #as for)e$ up ("/e a so("$ to#er+
hea$?uarters be"% "% tou'h #"th the 'a!a(ry s?ua$ro%s+ #ho #ere the)se(!es
/ept "% 'o))u%"'at"o% #"th the ("ht "%fa%try+ a%$ these aa"% #"th the !ar"ous
u%"ts of hea!y2ar)e$ foot. 8he% a(( #as rea$y+ str"'t or$ers #ere "!e% that %o
so($"er shou($ a$!a%'e "% fro%t of the ("%e or brea/ ra%/ u%$er a%y '"r'u)sta%'e.
If these or$ers #ere $"sobeye$+ a%$ "f so)e of the )ost !a("a%t or $ar"% so($"ers
$"$ r"$e out #e(( "% fro%t of the rest+ e!e% "% 'ases #here they e%ae$ the
e%e)y su''essfu((y+ they 'ou($ e&pe't %o )e$a(s or re#ar$s for !a(our #he%
they retur%e$. O% the 'o%trary+ *as"( pro)pt(y $"s'hare$ the) fro) the ar)y+
a%$ they #ere pu%"she$ o% the sa)e (e!e( as 'o))o% 'r")"%a(s. The $e'"s"!e
fa'tor "% the a'h"e!e)e%t of !"'tory #as+ "% h"s op"%"o%+ the )ass"% of troops "%
o%e 'ohere%t bo$y+ a%$ for th"s reaso% a(o%e he be("e!e$ the Ro)a% ar)"es to be
"%!"%'"b(e. The 'arefu( "%spe't"o%s he )a$e before batt(e use$ to ara!ate the
so($"ers a%$ they abuse$ h") ope%(y+ but the e)peror )et the"r s'or% #"th
'o))o% se%se. He #ou($ ("ste% ?u"et(y+ a%$ the%+ #"th a ay s)"(e+ po"%t out that
"f he %e(e'te$ these pre'aut"o%s+ the"r batt(es #ou($ o o% for e!er. [=L]
KH. *as"(-s 'hara'ter #as t#o2fo($+ for he rea$"(y a$apte$ h")se(f %o (ess to the
'r"ses of #ar tha% to the 'a() of pea'e. Rea((y+ "f the truth be to($+ he #as )ore
of a !"((a"% "% #art")e+ )ore of a% e)peror "% t")e of pea'e. Outbursts of #rath
he 'o%tro((e$+ a%$ ("/e the pro!erb"a( -1re u%$er the ashes-+ /ept a%er h"$ "% h"s
heart+ but "f h"s or$ers #ere $"sobeye$ "% #ar+ o% h"s retur% to the pa(a'e he
#ou($ /"%$(e h"s #rath a%$ re!ea( "t. Terr"b(e the% #as the !e%ea%'e he too/ o%
the )"s'rea%t. 0e%era((y+ he pers"ste$ "% h"s op"%"o%s+ but there #ere o''as"o%s
#he% he $"$ 'ha%e h"s )"%$. I% )a%y 'ases+ too+ he tra'e$ 'r")es ba'/ to the"r
or""%a( 'auses+ a%$ the 1%a( ("%/s "% the 'ha"% #ere e&o%erate$. So )ost
$efau(ters obta"%e$ for"!e%ess+ e"ther throuh h"s sy)pathet"' u%$ersta%$"%+ or
be'ause he sho#e$ so)e other "%terest "% the"r a3a"rs. He #as s(o# to a$opt a%y
'ourse of a't"o%+ but %e!er #ou($ he #"(("%(y a(ter the $e'"s"o%+ o%'e "t #as
ta/e%. Co%se?ue%t(y+ h"s att"tu$e to fr"e%$s #as u%!ar"e$+ u%(ess per'ha%'e he
#as 'o)pe((e$ by %e'ess"ty to re!"se h"s op"%"o% of the). S")"(ar(y+ #here he ha$
burst out "% a%er aa"%st so)eo%e+ he $"$ %ot ?u"'/(y )o$erate h"s #rath.
8hate!er est")ate he for)e$+ "%$ee$+ #as to h") a% "rre!o'ab(e a%$ $"!"%e(y
"%sp"re$ 4u$)e%t.
K<. so )u'h for h"s 'hara'ter. 5s for h"s perso%a( appeara%'e+ "t betraye$ the
%atura( %ob"("ty of the )a%+ for h"s eyes #ere ("ht2b(ue a%$ 1ery+ the eye2bro#s
%ot o!erha%"% %or su((e%+ %or yet e&te%$e$ "% o%e stra"ht ("%e+ ("/e a #o)a%-s+
but #e((2ar'he$ a%$ "%$"'at"!e of h"s pr"$e. The eyes #ere %e"ther $eep2set Ia
s"% of /%a!"sh%ess a%$ 'u%%"%J %or yet too pro)"%e%t Ia s"% of fr"!o("tyJ+ but
they sho%e #"th a br"(("a%'e that #as )a%(y. H"s #ho(e fa'e #as rou%$e$ o3+ as "f
fro) the 'e%tre "%to a perfe't '"r'(e+ a%$ 4o"%e$ to the shou($ers by a %e'/ that
#as 1r) a%$ %ot too (o%. H"s 'hest #as %e"ther thrust out "% fro%t of h")+ %or
ha%"% o% h")+ so to spea/+ %or aa"% #as "t 'o%'a!e a%$+ as "t #ere+ 'ra)pe$O
rather #as "t the )ea% bet#ee% the t#o e&tre)es+ a%$ the rest of h"s bo$y #as
"% har)o%y #"th "t.
KN. 5s for he"ht+ he #as of (ess tha% %or)a( stature+ but "t #as proport"o%ate to
the separate parts of h"s bo$y+ a%$ he he($ h")se(f upr"ht. If you )et h") o%
foot+ you #ou($ 1%$ h") )u'h ("/e [=B] so)e other )e%+ but o% horseba'/ he
a3or$e$ a s"ht that #as a(toether "%'o)parab(e+ for "% the sa$$(e he re)"%$e$
o%e of the statues #h"'h the reat s'u(ptors 'ar!e$+ #"th the"r r"$ers a$opt"% a
s")"(ar pose. 8he% he a!e re"% to h"s horse a%$ ro$e "% the assau(t+ he #as ere't
a%$ 1r) "% h"s sa$$(e+ r"$"% uph"(( a%$ $o#%h"(( a("/e+ a%$ #he% he 'he'/e$ h"s
stee$+ re"%"% "t "%+ he #ou($ (eap o% h"h as thouh he ha$ #"%s+ a%$ he
)ou%te$ or $"s)ou%te$ a("/e #"th e?ua( ra'e. I% h"s o($ ae the bear$ u%$er h"s
'h"% #e%t ba($+ but the ha"r fro) h"s 'hee/s poure$ $o#%+ the ro#th o% e"ther
s"$e be"% th"'/ a%$ !ery profuse+ so that #ou%$ rou%$ o% both s"$es "t #as )a$e
"%to a perfe't '"r'(e a%$ he appeare$ to possess a fu(( bear$. It #as a hab"t of h"s
to ro(( "t bet#ee% h"s 1%ers+ a esture to #h"'h he #as part"'u(ar(y pro%e #he%
rouse$ to a%er or "!"% au$"e%'e+ or #he% he #as e%ae$ "% $eep thouht.
That #as a fre?ue%t hab"t@ a%other #as to put h"s 1%ers o% h"s h"ps+ ar)s
a/")bo. He #as %ot a 7ue%t spea/er. The phrases #ere %ot rou%$e$ o3+ %or #ere
they (e%the%e$ out "%to per"o$s. I% fa't+ he '("ppe$ h"s #or$s+ #"th ("tt(e pauses
bet#ee% the)+ )ore ("/e a peasa%t tha% a )a% of oo$ e$u'at"o%. He ha$ a (ou$
(auh+ #h"'h 'o%!u(se$ the #ho(e of h"s bo$y.
KL. The e)peror see)s to ha!e ("!e$ a !ery (o% t")e+ )ore tha% a(( the other
so!ere"%s+ for fro) b"rth up to h"s t#e%t"eth year he share$ ")per"a( po#er #"th
h"s father a%$ Pho'as N"'ephorus+ a%$ (ater #"th Joh% T,")"s'es+ the (atter-s
su''essor. Dur"% th"s per"o$ he o''up"e$ a subor$"%ate pos"t"o%+ but for the %e&t
1fty2t#o years he ru(e$ supre)e. He #as therefore "% h"s se!e%ty2se'o%$ year
#he% he $"e$.DD=1
The notes which follow are not bibliographical and are only intended to give
some indication of background to those who have no knowledge of the period.
Fuller references and information can be found by referring to the works cited in
the Bibliographical Note.
!. "sellus begins where #eo the $eacon %nishes& at the death of 'ohn ( T)imisces
in *+,. #eo /& ((& p. (++0 describes the circumstances of the emperor1s
death& but whether he died from poisoning or after a severe illness is not certain.
2edrenus -,34& p. 4!50 de%nitely asserts that the #ord 2hamberlain& Basil& bribed
'ohn1s cupbearer to poison him& but both "sellus and 2edrenus are probably
biased in their accounts of Basil.
6. The young emperors ascended the throne on !! 'anuary *+,. Basil was now
eighteen years old and his brother two years younger. Both were already
theoretically invested with the purple& for they had been crowned during their
father1s reign and after 7omanus ((1s death in *,8 had been under the
guardianship of their mother Theophano and then of the co9emperor Nicephorus
(( "hocas -who had married Theophano0 and 'ohn ( T)imisces.
8. Basil the #ord 2hamberlain -parakoimomenus0 was the illegitimate son o:
7omanus ( #ecapenus -*l*9*440 and had been promoted to his high o;ce by
Nicephorus (( "hocas& with the additional title of "resident of the Senate. .e
afterwards sided with T)imisces in the revolt of *,* which ended with the death
of Nicephorus. The historians agree that Basil was a man of great energy and
4. Bardas Sclerus had been brother9in9law of 'ohn ( T)imisces& who had married
his sister <aria. .e had e=pected to succeed 'ohn for he had been promised the
throne by the emperor on his death9bed.
5. The "hocas family had its origin in 2appadocia and for several generations had
en>oyed high repute in the Empire as soldiers. The father of Bardas "hocas was
that #eo who had won military fame under the emperor 7omanus ((. .is uncle
Nicephorus was an even greater soldier and had himself ascended the throne im
*,8& when he married Theophano. The family was banished from the capital on
the orders of the #ord 2hamberlain when T)imisces gained power.
,. That Basil never carried out his intention of destroying the "hocas family can
be inferred from the fact that as late as !?66 a son of Bardas& another
Nicephorus& was in revolt and was actually crowned emperor in 2appadocia.
Fortunately for Basil the pretender was assassinated by a >ealous accomplice&
Nicephorus /iphias& and the the rebellion proved abortive. @6*4A
+. Bardas "hocas had revolted against T)imisces in *+!& with the help of his
brother #eo and their father. .e was actually proclaimed emperor at 2aesarea&
but the rebellion was crushed by Bardas Sclerus and the whole family was sent
into e=ile on the island of 2hios. #eo the younger attempted a second revolt the
ne=t year and again the e:ort proved unsuccessful. The "hocas family had the
active support of the Nicephorus party and of some clergy& and Basil no doubt
believed that his own position would never be secure until the whole faction was
wiped out.
3. This single combat took place on 64 <arch *+* at "ancalia.
*. The second revolt of Bardas "hocas came to a head on !5 Bugust *3+ when
was proclaimed emperor at 2hresianus. Sclcrus had meanwhile escaped from
Baghdad& and according to the terms he concluded with his rival "hocas was to
have 2onstantinople and the European provinces& while Sclerus was to rule over
Bsia <inor. Barely a month later "hocas broke his word and on !4 September
Sclerus was imprisoned by him at Tyropaeum and stripped of all imperial
!?. This battle apparently took place late in *3,.
!!. This Scythian force of ,&coo arrived at 2onstantinople in the spring of *33.
Cladimir of 7ussia was persuaded to help on condition that Basil gave him his
sister Bnna in marriage. On his part he was to be bapti)ed into the 2hristian
faith& an act that was destined to inDuence 7ussia for centuries to come. The
Scyths -or Carangians0 remained in Ereece after the defeat of "hocas and formed
the (mperial 2uard until they were to some e=tent replaced by western
Europeans late in the ne=t century.
!6. The Battle of Ehrysopolis in the summer of *33.
!8. The Bade of Bbydos& !8 Bpril *3*.
!4. Fith this defeat opposition to Basil faded away. Bll the leaders of "hocas1s
army were put to death e=cept #eo <elissenus& his second9in9command& and
Sderus& who had been set free by "hocas1s wife as soon as she heard of her
husband1s death& was soon reconciled to the emperor. The circumstances of #eo1s
amnesty are recorded in 2edrenus -+??& pp. 4459,0.
!5. "sellus seems to have misunderstood the chronology of Basil1s reign& for the
#ord 2hamberlain was deposed in *35 and died in e=ile soon after. 2edrenus
-,**& p. 4480 implies that his downfall coincided with the rise of 7omanus& son of
Sclerus. This young man was sent by his father to the emperor immediately after
his -Sclerus1s0 escape from Baghdad. .e reali)ed that he would never carry out a
successful coup d1etat without the assistance of "hocas. Bt the same time he
secretly sent 7omanus to the capital& pretending that his son was a deserter from
his own army. .e calculated that if "hocas beat the emperor he would probably
be able to save the young man9 on the other hand& if Basil won the son would be
able to save him. Basil& after the #ord 2hamberlain had been dismissed& did in
fact welcome 7omanus and appears to have relied much on his >udgments.
!,. Sclerus1s second revolt lasted only a few months& for the reconciliation
between the emperor and his rival was e:ected in October *3*. (t seems likely
that Sclerus was supported mainly by the 2hurch and Bardas "hocas by the
army. "sellus1s remarks about the opposition that 1dragged on for many years1
may refer to the activities of Sclerus1s men who refused to accept the agreement
made by their leader. Sclerus died in retirement on , <arch **!& blinded and
practically a prisoner of Basil. .e had accepted the title of 2uropalates.
!+. Bt $idymotichus.
!3. (t was the policy of Basil to ensure that the great feudal families should never
agaiin be able to rebel against his government. The 1favourites1 mentioned later
in the chapter were the civil servants who passed under the name of 1Senators1&
the bureaucrats who were no less interested than Basil himself in the
maintenance cf peace. By the Novel of 'anuary **, it was enacted that land
taken from the people by the rich landowners since the reign of 7omanus
#ecapenus was to be restored without compensation. The rich were further
curbed by the famous allelengyon& by which men with money were reGuired to
pay ta=es for those who were impoverished. .owever politic these measures
may have seemed to Basil& they were not only most di;cult to carry out& but
caused great bitterness among the various classes in the state.
!*. $espite his reputation for hardness Basil was accustomed to grant the poor
time in which to pay o: their ta=es -2edrenus& +6!& p. 4340& and when he died
there was some tributum already two years overdue. 2onstantine& his successor&
compelled the debtors to pay %ve years1 ta= in one lump sum.
6?. <ilitary ranks& >unior o;cers.
6!. Basil died on !5 $ecember !?65. Bccording to 2edrenus he had reigned as
sole emperor for %fty years and was seventy years old. .e was buried in the
monastery of St. 'ohn Evangelist in the .ebdomon at 2onstantinople.
CONST5NTINE :III 1A=< 2 1A=B [p.K1]
(OO) T*O
1A=<22 1A=B
1. O% the $eath of *as"(+ h"s brother Co%sta%t"%e be'a)e e)peror for the se'o%$
t")e. There #as %o oppos"t"o%. 5s a )atter of fa't+ the $y"% *as"( su))o%e$
h") to the pa(a'e 4ust before the e%$+ a%$ there ha%$e$ o!er to h") the re"%s of
o!er%)e%t. Co%sta%t"%e #as at th"s t")e "% h"s se!e%t"eth year+ a perso% of
$e'"$e$(y e3e)"%ate 'hara'ter #"th but o%e reat ob4e't "% ("fe22 to e%4oy h")se(f
to the fu((.DD== S"%'e he "%her"te$ a treasury 'ra))e$ #"th )o%ey+ he #as ab(e
to fo((o# h"s %atura( "%'("%at"o%+ a%$ the %e# ru(er $e!ote$ h")se(f to a ("fe of
=. 5''or$"% to tra$"t"o% he #as a )a% of s(u"sh te)pera)e%t+ #"th %o reat
a)b"t"o% for po#er@ he #as phys"'a((y stro%+ but a 'ra!e% at heart. 5(rea$y he
#as a% o($ )a%+ %o (o%er 'apab(e of #a"% #ar+ a%$ e!ery "(( ru)our 1((e$ h")
#"th e&asperat"o%. The barbar"a%s e%'"r'("% our bor$ers ha$ o%(y to st"r a 1%er
aa"%st us a%$ Co%sta%t"%e #ou($ ho($ the) "% 'he'/22 #"th ra%t"% of t"t(es a%$
"!"% of br"bes. If h"s o#% sub4e'ts rebe((e$+ "t #as $"3ere%tO they #ere pu%"she$
#"th sa!ae retr"but"o%.DD=K Susp"'"o% of re!o(ut"o%ary p(ots+ or of party fa't"o%s+
resu(te$ "% !e%ea%'e a%$ the suspe'ts #ere 'o%$e)%e$ #"thout tr"a(. The
Ro)a%s be'a)e h"s s(a!es+ %ot #o% o!er by a'ts of /"%$%ess but sub$ue$ by a((
)a%%er of horr"b(e pu%"sh)e%ts. No )a% #as e!er )ore ?u"'/2te)pere$. H"s
a%er #as u%'o%tro((e$+ a%$ he #as rea$y to ("ste% to a%y ru)our+ espe'"a((y "f "t
'o%'er%e$ those #ho) he suspe'te$ of trea'hery. O% these !"'t")s a#fu(
tortures #ere "%$"'te$. It #as %ot a ?uest"o% of te)porary restr"'t"o%s+ or of
ba%"sh)e%t+ or of pr"so%O h"s )etho$ #as to pu%"sh )a(efa'tors o% the spot+ #"th
b("%$"% of [K=] the eyes by a re$2hot "ro%. Th"s #as the pe%a(ty ")pose$ o% a((
a%$ su%$ry+ ?u"te apart fro) the fa't that+ "% o%e 'ase+ he #as $ea("% #"th
appare%t(y 7ara%t 'r")e+ "% a%other #"th )"%or $e("%?ue%'"es. No $"st"%'t"o%
#as )a$e bet#ee% the perpetrat"o% of a 'r")e a%$ )ere susp"'"o% of #ro%2
$o"%. H"s 'o%'er%+ "%$ee$+ #as %ot to a#ar$ pu%"sh)e%t "% proport"o% to the
o3e%'es+ but rather to free h")se(f fro) h"s o#% $oubts+ a%$ to h") "t see)e$
that su'h torture as b("%$"% #as )ore hu)a%e tha% others. Moreo!er+ "t
re%$ere$ the !"'t")s he(p(ess+ a% e&'e((e%t reaso% for "ts #"$er use. He
)a"%ta"%e$ th"s po("'y "rrespe't"!e of the h"h or (o# ra%/ of h"s sub4e'ts. The e!"(
pra't"'e #as e!e% e&te%$e$ to "%'(u$e so)e of the '(ery+ a%$ the !ery b"shops
#ere %ot e&e)pt. O%'e 'arr"e$ a#ay by h"s a%er+ the )a% 'ou($ o%(y be
restore$ to a reaso%ab(e fra)e of )"%$ #"th $">'u(ty+ a%$ he #ou($ tur% a $eaf
ear to a(( a$!"'e. Met+ ?u"'/te)pere$ as he #as+ Co%sta%t"%e ha$ %ot bee% utter(y
$"!or'e$ fro) p"ty+ for at the s"ht of $"saster he #ou($ be troub(e$+ a%$ he #as
ofte% ra'"ous to those #ho ha$ a #oefu( story to te((. H"s a%er+ too+ #as %ot
(ast"%+ ("/e that of h"s brother *as"(. He ?u"'/(y re(e%te$ a%$ #as terr"b(y
$o#%'ast at #hat he ha$ $o%e. *etter st"((+ "f so)eo%e 'ou($ ?ue%'h the r"s"%
1re of h"s #rath+ he #ou($ refra"% fro) "%7"'t"% 'hast"se)e%ts a%$ e!e% be
tha%/fu( for so)e restra"%"% "%7ue%'e. 8here there #as %o res"sta%'e+
"%$"%at"o% 'arr"e$ h") o% to a%y e&'ess. The%+ at the 1rst #or$ of apo(oy+ he
#ou($ be r"e!e$+ 'o)pass"o%ate(y e)bra'e h"s !"'t")+ (et tears fa(( fro) h"s
eyes+ a%$ be for"!e%ess #"th #or$s fu(( of 'o%tr"t"o%.
K. He #as e%erous "% h"s fa!ours+ )ore tha% a(( other e)perors+ but th"s oo$
?ua("ty #as %ot+ "% h"s 'ase+ te)pere$ by 4ust"'e. To )e)bers of h"s 'ourt he
thre# #"$e ope% the ates of h"s fa!our+ heap"% o($ o% the) as thouh "t #ere
sa%$@ but to those far re)o!e$ fro) the pa(a'e th"s !"rtue #as (ess $"sp(aye$.
They #ere h"s fr"e%$s )ost of a(( #ho) "% the"r "%fa%'y he ha$ ha$ 'astrate$ a%$
#ho) after#ar$s he use$ as 'ha)ber(a"%s a%$ pr"!ate ser!a%ts.DD=H These )e%
#ere %ot of %ob(e b"rth %or free2bor%. 5'tua((y+ they #ere barbar"a%s a%$
heathe%s+ but they o#e$ the"r e$u'at"o% to the e)peror+ a%$ be'ause they
)o$e((e$ the"r o#% 'o%$u't o% h")+ they #ere a''ou%te$ #orthy of reater
respe't a%$ ho%our tha% others. The"r phys"'a( $era$at"o% #as obs'ure$ by a%
a$ro"t a%$ ("bera( $"str"but"o% of "fts+ by the"r eaer%ess to 'o%fer be%e1ts+ by
the"r $"sp(ay of other e%t(e)a%(y ?ua("t"es.
[KK] H. 5t the t")e #he% h"s brother *as"( ha$ be'o)e e)peror+ Co%sta%t"%e
#h"(e st"(( a you% )a%+ ha$ )arr"e$ a (a$y 'a((e$ He(e%a. She #as a $auhter of
the re%o#%e$ 5(yp"us+ the% the (ea$"% )a% "% the '"ty a%$ )e)ber of a %ob(e
fa)"(y he($ "% h"h repute. Th"s (a$y+ #ho #as %ot o%(y beaut"fu( but a(so !"rtuous+
bore h") three $auhters before she $"e$. The pr"%'esses #ere brouht up "% the
pa(a'e a%$ e$u'ate$ "% a )a%%er #orthy of the"r e&a(te$ ra%/. The respo%s"b"("ty
for the"r tra"%"% $e!o(!e$ o% Co%sta%t"%e+ for a(thouh *as"( e&presse$ the
stro%est a3e't"o% a%$ (o!e for h"s %"e'es+ he too/ %o further "%terest "% the"r
future. He #as too busy uar$"% the E)p"re o% h"s brother-s beha(f.
<. The e($est of the $auhters bore %o reat rese)b(a%'e to the rest of her
fa)"(y. She #as of a )ore tra%?u"( $"spos"t"o%+ )ore e%t(e "% sp"r"t+ a%$ her
beauty #as o%(y )o$erate I"% 'h"($hoo$ she ha$ bee% atta'/e$ by so)e
"%fe't"ous "((%ess+ a%$ her (oo/s ha$ bee% )arre$ e!er s"%'eJ. The se'o%$
$auhter+ #ho) I )yse(f sa# "% her e&tre)e o($ ae+ #as !ery rea( "% her #ays+
a #o)a% of reat beauty+ )ost ")pos"% "% her )a%%er a%$ 'o))a%$"%
respe't. 5bout her I #"(( spea/ "% )ore $eta"( at the appropr"ate po"%t "% )y
h"story. 5t the )o)e%t I a) )ere(y "!"% a br"ef out("%e of the"r 'hara'ter"st"'s.
The th"r$ a%$ (ast $auhter #as !ery ta((+ 'urt a%$ ("b of to%ue+ but %ot so
beaut"fu( as her s"ster. The"r u%'(e+ the e)peror *as"(+ $"e$ #"thout )a/"% a%y
p(a% for the"r subse?ue%t pro)ot"o%+ a%$ as for the"r father+ e!e% he+ #he% he
a''e$e$ to the thro%e+ fa"(e$ to rea'h a%y #"se $e'"s"o% about the"r future+
e&'ept "% the 'ase of the se'o%$ s"ster+ the o%e #ho #as )ost ("/e a% e)press. I
#"(( te(( the story of that $e'"s"o%+ a%$ of the p(a% he )a$e o% h"s $eath2be$+ as
)y %arrat"!e pro'ee$s. 5'tua((y+ th"s pr"%'ess a%$ the th"r$ s"ster a'?u"es'e$ "%
the "$eas of the"r u%'(e a%$ father+ a%$ )a$e %o p(a%s of the"r o#%+ but the
e($est+ Eu$o'"a Ifor that #as her %a)eJ+ #hether be'ause she ha$ %o $es"re for
po#er+ or be'ause she ha$ her a3e't"o%s 1&e$ o% h"her th"%s+ bee$ her
father to $e$"'ate her to the ser!"'e of 0o$. He rea$"(y aree$+ a%$ she #as
prese%te$ to the Cor$ as a% o3er"%+ the 1rst2fru"ts+ so to spea/+ of her pare%ts-
)arr"ae. Co%sta%t"%e-s "%te%t"o%s for the other t#o #ere /ept a $ar/ se'ret.
Ho#e!er+ I )ust %ot spea/ of that yet.
N. I #ou($ ("/e %o# to s/et'h the e)peror-s 'hara'ter+ #"thout b"as e"ther o%e #ay
or the other. 8he% the #ho(e o!er%)e%t 'a)e to $epe%$ o% h")se(f+ he #as by
%o )ea%s the )a% to e&pe%$ h"s [KH] o#% e%er"es o% 'ares of state. Putt"% the
#"ser of h"s sub4e'ts "% 'hare of a3a"rs+ he )ere(y a!e au$"e%'es to e)bass"es+
or a$)"%"stere$ so)e other easy )atter+ seate$ )ost roya((y o% h"s thro%e.
Ho#e!er+ #he% he $"$ ha!e o''as"o% to )a/e a spee'h+ he asto%"she$ a(( hearers
by h"s (o"'a( aru)e%ts. 5s a )atter of fa't+ he ha$ %ot )u'h (ear%"%. He ha$
a'?u"re$ a s)atter"% of 'u(ture+ 4ust as )u'h as o%e 'o%s"$ers e%ouh for
'h"($re%+ but he #as possesse$ of reat %atura( "%te(("e%'e a%$ )ore tha%
or$"%ary ra'e. He ha$ the a$$e$ a$!a%tae of a to%ue both )e(o$"ous a%$
re1%e$O aru)e%ts 'o%'e"!e$ "% h"s )"%$ #ere+ so to spea/+ br"(("a%t(y $e("!ere$
by h"s to%ue. He $"$+ "%$ee$+ perso%a((y $"'tate so)e of the ")per"a( res'r"pts
Ihe )a$e that a po"%t of ho%ourJ a%$ the ?u"'/est #r"ters 'ou($ %ot /eep up #"th
h")+ he spo/e so fast+ a%$ that $esp"te the fa't that he #as fortu%ate "% the
%u)ber a%$ ?ua("ty of h"s se'retar"es+ #r"ters so fast that fe# e%erat"o%s ha!e
see% the"r ("/e. O!er#he()e$ by the spee$ of h"s #or$s+ they use$ to "%terpret
)ost of h"s thouhts a%$ e&press"o%s by spe'"a( sy)bo(s of the"r o#%.
L. He #as a )a% of e%or)ous s",e+ sta%$"% up to %"%e feet "% he"ht. H"s
'o%st"tut"o%+ )oreo!er+ #as )ore tha% usua((y robust+ a%$ h"s $"est"!e po#ers
#ere e&traor$"%ary+ #"th a sto)a'h %atura((y a$apte$ to ass")"(ate a(( /"%$s of
foo$ #"th ease. He #as espe'"a((y e&pert "% the art of prepar"% r"'h sa!oury
sau'es+ "!"% the $"shes 'hara'ter by 'o)b"%at"o%s of 'o(our a%$ perfu)e+ a%$
su))o%"% a(( Nature to h"s a"$22 a%yth"% to e&'"te the pa(ate. *e"% $o)"%ate$
by h"s (utto%y a%$ se&ua( pass"o%s+ he be'a)e aR"'te$ #"th arthr"t"s+ a%$ #orse
st"((+ h"s feet a!e h") su'h troub(e that he #as u%ab(e to #a(/. That "s #hy+ after
h"s a''ess"o%+ %o o%e sa# h") atte)pt to #a(/ #"th a%y 'o%1$e%'eO he use$ to
r"$e o% horseba'/+ "% safety.
B. 6or the theatre a%$ horse2ra'"% he ha$ a% abso(ute obsess"o%. To Co%sta%t"%e
these th"%s #ere a )atter of rea( 'o%'er%+ as he 'ha%e$ horses+ har%esse$
fresh )ou%ts+ a%$ a%&"ous(y /ept h"s eye o% the start"%2po"%ts "% the are%a. The
y)%epo$"a+DD=< (o% ao %e(e'te$+ #as a(so re!"!e$ "% h"s re"%. He
re"%tro$u'e$ "t "%to the theatre+ %ot 'o%te%t #"th the e)peror-s %or)a( ro(e of
spe'tator+ but h")se(f appear"% as a 'o)bata%t+ #"th oppo%e%ts. It #as h"s #"sh+
)oreo!er+ that h"s r"!a(s shou($ %ot be !a%?u"she$ s")p(y be'ause he #as the
e)peror+ but he ("/e$ the) to 1ht ba'/ #"th s/"((22 h"s o#% 're$"t for the !"'tory
#ou($ the% be the reater. He use$ to [K<] 'hatter a#ay+ too+ about h"s 'o%tests+
a%$ he )"&e$ #e(( #"th the or$"%ary peop(e. The theatre a(so attra'te$ h")+ a%$
%o (ess the 'hase. O%'e e%ae$ "% the (atter he #as ")per!"ous to heat+ "%ore$
the 'o($. a%$ %e!er a!e #ay to th"rst. Most of a(( he #as s/"((e$ "% 1ht"% #"th
#"($ beasts+ a%$ "t #as be'ause of th"s that he (ear%e$ to shoot #"th the bo#+ hur(
the 4a!e("%+ $ra# h"s s#or$ #"th $e&ter"ty+ a%$ a") h"s arro# stra"ht at the )ar/.
;. He %e(e'te$ the a3a"rs of h"s E)p"re as )u'h as he $e!ote$ h")se(f to h"s
'he'/ersDD=N a%$ $"'e+ for so ar$e%t #as he "% the pursu"t of a)"% a%$ so
e%rapture$ by "t+ that e!e% #he% a)bassa$ors #ere #a"t"% to atte%$ o% h")+ he
#ou($ %e(e't the) "f he #as "% the )"$$(e of a a)e. He #ou($ $esp"se )atters
of the ut)ost ")porta%'e+ spe%$ #ho(e %"hts a%$ $ays at "t+ a%$ fast
'o)p(ete(y+ !ora'"ous eater thouh he #as+ #he% he #a%te$ to p(ay at the $"'e.
So+ p(ay"% a#ay h"s E)p"re+ he #as surpr"se$ by Death+ a%$ O($ 5e re)"%$e$
h") su$$e%(y of the $e'ay that Nature or$a"%s. 8he%+ therefore+ he fe(t that the
e%$ #as %ear+ e"ther persua$e$ by h"s 'ou%se((ors+ or throuh h"s o#% re'o%"t"o%
of $uty+ he bea% to 'ast rou%$ for a% he"r to h"s thro%e+ "%te%$"% to betroth the
se'o%$ of h"s $auhters to the )a% he 'hose. 5s+ ho#e!er+ he ha$ %e!er
rear$e$ a%y )e)ber of the Se%ate #"th )ore tha% a 'ursory (a%'e before+ "t
#as $">'u(t for h") to )a/e a reaso%ab(e 'ho"'e.
1A. O%e of the perso%s 'o%s"$ere$ #as a 'erta"% )a%+ pro)"%e%t "% the Se%ate+
#ho ha$ bee% pro)ote$ to the o>'e of Epar'hDD=L22 a% ")per"a( $"%"ty+
a(thouh "t $"$ %ot 'arry #"th "t the pr"!"(ee of #ear"% the purp(e22 but s"%'e th"s
e%t(e)a% ha$ )arr"e$ #h"(e st"(( "% h"s 'h"($hoo$+ he har$(y see)e$ a su"tab(e
'a%$"$ate. I% the )atter of fa)"(y a%$ so'"a( pos"t"o%+ he #as )ore a''eptab(e
tha% h"s r"!a(s+ but "% the eyes of the Chur'h h"s pre!"ous )arr"ae #as a%
obsta'(e to further pro)ot"o%. It #as 'o))o%(y aree$ that he )ust be passe$
o!er. Mea%#h"(e+ s"%'e '"r'u)sta%'es $"$ %ot per)"t of )ore $e("berat"o%+ a%$
the %ear approa'h of $eath pre!e%te$ the e)peror fro) e&a)"%"% the '(a")s of
!ar"ous )e% "% $eta"(+ he 'o%$e)%e$ e!eryo%e e(se as u%#orthy of a roya(
)arr"ae+ a%$ a!e h"s fu(( support to Ro)a%us. He /%e# that Ro)a%us-s #"fe
oppose$ the s'he)e+ so he prete%$e$ to be "% a )ost !"o(e%t+ ")p(a'ab(e rae
#"th her husba%$. Messe%ers #ere se%t+ oste%s"b(y to ta/e a#fu( !e%ea%'e o%
h") a%$ to 'arry her o3 to a %u%%ery. She+ %ot /%o#"% the se'ret of the p(ot+ %or
see"% that the e)peror-s a%er #as o%(y [KN] a )as/+ "))e$"ate(y sub)"tte$ to
her fate. Her ha"r #as 'ut o3+ she #as '(othe$ "% the %u%-s robe of b(a'/+ a%$
a$)"tte$ "%to the %u%%ery+ #h"(e her husba%$ #as ta/e% up to the pa(a'e+ to #e$
"%to the ")per"a( fa)"(y. The )ost beaut"fu( of Co%sta%t"%e-s $auhters #as %o
soo%er "% h"s s"ht tha% she #as )a$e h"s br"$e. So her father+ ha!"% sur!"!e$
4ust (o% e%ouh to see the )arr"ae 'ere)o%y 'o)p(ete$+ passe$ a#ay a%$ (eft
the E)p"re to h"s /"%s)a%+ Ro)a%us. DD=B
66. 2onstantine was already si=ty9four or si=ty9%ve years old& with a wife and
three daughters& Eudocia& Hoe and Theodora. "sellus wrongly says he was si=ty9
68. 2edrenus -+!* :.& p. 4380 gives details of persons e=ecuted or blinded by the
emperor. Bmong them is mentioned the Bishop of Naupactus.
64. 2edrenus -+6?& pp. 43?9!0 mentions si= eunuchs to whom the government
was entrusted.
65. B form of single combat& reminiscent of 7oman gladiatorial contests.
6,. Ised in the game of draughts.
6+. The Eparch& or 2ity "refect& ranked eighteenth in the %rst si=ty great o;cials
in By)antium. .is duties included the maintenance of order in the city&
superintendence of the factions in the 2ircus& control of the industrial guilds and
above all the supply of corn. .is o;ce is& in fact& a combination of the old 7oman
praefectus urbi and praefectus annonae. The Eparch mentioned here appears to
have been 2onstantine $alassenus -2edrenus& +66& p. 4340 who was at this time
in Brmenia and to whom the it emperor sent a trusted eunuch& Ergodotes&
o:ering him the 2aesarship and the hand of Hoe in marriage. This proposal was
revoked& says 2edrenus& because Simeon& the drungarius vigiliae& favoured the
claims of 7omanus. (t seems that Theodora refused to marry 7omanus
-2edrenus& lbid.0 because of their relationship99 they were cousins99 and because
he had already married .elena. There was some controversy over the divorce
but the "atriarch soon settled the matter in favour of the new emperor.
63. 2onstantine died on !!. November !?63& aged seventy& after an illness of
only two days.
ROM5NUS III 1A=B 2 1AKH [p.K;]
1A=B22 1AKH
1. Co%sta%t"%e #as su''ee$e$ as e)peror by h"s so%2"%2(a# Ro)a%us+ sur%a)e$
5ryropu(us.DD=; The (atter #as 'o%!"%'e$ that h"s re"% )ar/e$ the be"%%"% of
a %e# $y%asty. The ")per"a( fa)"(y $es'e%$e$ fro) *as"( the Ma'e$o%"a%DDKA
ha$ $"e$ #"th h"s pre$e'essor a%$ he %o# (oo/e$ for#ar$ to a %e# ("%e of
)o%ar'hs $es'e%$e$ fro) h")se(f. I% fa't+ that ("%e #as $est"%e$ to per"sh at
o%'e+ a%$ he+ after a short ("fe+ a%$ that fu(( of su3er"%+ #as fate$ to $"e
su$$e%(y. The story #"(( sho# a(( th"s "% )ore $eta"( as "t pro'ee$s. 6ro) %o# o%+
the h"story #"(( be )ore a''urate tha% h"therto+ for the e)peror *as"( $"e$ #he% I
#as a baby+ #h"(e Co%sta%t"%e e%$e$ h"s re"% 4ust after I ha$ beu% )y
e(e)e%tary stu$"es. So I #as %e!er a$)"tte$ to the"r prese%'e+ %or $"$ I hear
the) spea/. 8hether I e!e% sa# the) I 'a%%ot say+ for I #as too you% to
re)e)ber at that t")e. O% the other ha%$+ I both sa# Ro)a%us a%$+ o% o%e
o''as"o%+ a'tua((y ta(/e$ #"th h"). Natura((y+ therefore+ )y re)ar/s o% the 1rst
t#o e)perors are base$ o% "%for)at"o% supp("e$ by others+ but )y a''ou%t of
Ro)a%us "s ?u"te "%$epe%$e%t.
=. Th"s e%t(e)a%+ %urture$ o% 0ree/ ("terature+ a(so ha$ so)e a'?ua"%ta%'e #"th
the ("terary #or/s of the Ita("a%s. He ha$ a ra'efu( tur% of spee'h a%$ a )a4est"'
uttera%'e. 5 )a% of hero"' stature+ he (oo/e$ e!ery "%'h a /"%. H"s "$ea of h"s
o#% ra%e of /%o#(e$e #as !ast(y e&aerate$+ but #"sh"% to )o$e( h"s re"%
o% those of the reat I%$"a%a%s of the past+ the fa)ous ph"(osopher Mar'us a%$
5uustus+ he pa"$ atte%t"o% part"'u(ar(y to t#o th"%sO the stu$y of (etters a%$ the
s'"e%'e of #ar. Of the (atter he #as 'o)p(ete(y [HA] "%ora%t+ a%$ as for (etters+
h"s /%o#(e$e #as far fro) profou%$O "% fa't+ "t #as )ere(y super1'"a(. Ho#e!er+
th"s be("ef "% h"s o#% /%o#(e$e+ a%$ th"s stra"%"% beyo%$ h"s o#% "%te((e'tua(
(")"ts+ (e$ h") to 'o))"t )"sta/es o% a b" s'a(e. Doubt(ess+ "f there #ere a%y
spar/s of #"s$o) (y"% h"$ be%eath the ashes+ he a$$e$ fresh fue( to the 1re+ ar"$
he e%ro((e$ a #ho(e %e# tr"be of ph"(osophers a%$ orators a%$ a(( those #ho
bus"e$ the)se(!es "% the s'"e%'es22 or rather+ thouht they $"$.
K. That era pro$u'e$ fe# )e% of eru$"t"o%+ a%$ e!e% they stoo$ o%(y at the outer
$oor of the 5r"stote("a% $o'tr"%es a%$ )ere(y repeate$ the P(ato%"' a((eor"es+
#"thout a%y u%$ersta%$"% of the"r h"$$e% )ea%"% or of the ph"(osophers-
stu$"es "% $"a(e't"' or proof by sy((o"st"' $e$u't"o%. There be"% %o proper
'r"ter"o%+ the"r 4u$)e%t o% these reat )e% #as erro%eous. Ho#e!er+ ?uest"o%s
#ere propou%$e$ o% re(""ous sub4e'ts+ ?uest"o%s $ea("% #"th the "%terpretat"o%
of Ho(y 8r"t. Met )ost of the $">'u(t prob(e)s #ere (eft u%so(!e$. The truth "s
that they 'o%'er%e$ the)se(!es #"th su'h )yster"es as the I))a'u(ate
Co%'ept"o%+ the :"r"% *"rth+ a%$ )etaphys"'a( prob(e)s. The pa(a'e "%$ee$
'(othe$ "tse(f "% the out#ar$ for) of ph"(osophy for a(( to see+ but "t #as a(( a
)as/ a%$ prete%'eO there #as %o rea( test+ %o rea( ?uest for truth.
H. 5ba%$o%"% these stu$"es for a #h"(e+ Ro)a%us retur%e$ to stratey+ a%$ the
'o%!ersat"o% %o# "%'("%e$ to rea!es a%$ breastp(ates. The p(a% #as to a%%e&
the #ho(e barbar"a% #or($+ east a%$ #est a("/e. Nor #as h"s a)b"t"o% (")"te$ to a
sub4uat"o% "% theory. He #a%te$ to sub$ue the barbar"a%s by for'e of ar)s.
Doubt(ess+ ha$ the e)peror-s t#ofo($ e%thus"as) resu(te$ "% a e%u"%e
u%$ersta%$"% of h"s prob(e)s+ "%stea$ of be"% )ere !a%"ty a%$ )a/ebe("e!e+ he
#ou($ ha!e be%e1te$ h"s e)p"re reat(y. 5s "t #as+ he $"$ %oth"% )ore tha%
)a/e pro4e'ts+ or sha(( I say+ bu"(t 'ast(es "% the a"r a%$ the%+ "% a'tua( pra't"'e+
hur(e$ the) $o#% aa"%. *ut there+ I a) hurry"% o% be'ause of )y e&ubera%'e+
to the e%$ of )y story+ before+ so to spea/+ bu"($"% up the ate#ay to h"s re"%.
Cet us o ba'/+ therefore+ to the t")e of h"s a''ess"o%.
<. Ha!"% bee% 4u$e$ #orthy of the 'ro#%+ "% prefere%'e to a(( others+ Ro)a%us
$e'e"!e$ h")se(f "% the be("ef that he #ou($ re"% for )a%y years+ a%$ (ea!e to
su''ee$ h") a fa)"(y $est"%e$ to "%her"t the thro%e for )a%y e%erat"o%s.
5ppare%t(y "t $"$ %ot o''ur to h") that Co%sta%t"%e-s $auhter+ #"th #ho) he
("!e$ after h"s a''(a)at"o%+ #as too o($ to 'o%'e"!e a%$ a(rea$y barre% Ia'tua((y
she #as "% her 1ft"eth year #he% she )arr"e$ h")J.DDK( E!e% "% the fa'e of %atura(
"%'apa'"ty he '(u% e!er )ore 1r)(y to h"s a)b"t"o%s+ (e$ o% by h"s o#% fa"th "%
the future. He%'e he "%ore$ the phys"'a( prere?u"s"te for 'o%'ept"o%.
Ne!erthe(ess+ he $"$ ha!e re'ourse to the spe'"a("sts #ho $ea( #"th se&ua(
$"sor$ers a%$ '(a") the ab"("ty e"ther to "%$u'e or 'ure ster"("ty. He sub)"tte$
h")se(f to treat)e%t #"th o"%t)e%ts a%$ )assae+ a%$ he e%4o"%e$ h"s #"fe to $o
("/e#"se. I% fa't+ she #e%t e!e% furtherO she #as "%tro$u'e$ to )ost of the
)a"'a( pra't"'es+ faste%"% ("tt(e pebb(es to her bo$y+ ha%"% 'har)s about
her+ #ear"% 'ha"%s+ $e'/"% herse(f out #"th the rest of the %o%se%se. 5s the"r
hopes #ere %e!er rea(",e$+ the e)peror at (ast a!e up "% $espa"r a%$ pa"$ (ess
atte%t"o% to Goe. I% truths h"s $es"res #ere so)e#hat $u((e$ a%$ h"s bo$"(y
po#ers e&hauste$+ for he #as )ore tha% t#e%ty years o($er tha% she #as.
N. He ha$ bee% )ost 4ea(ous of h"s reputat"o% "% $"str"but"% the ho%ours of h"s
E)p"re+ a%$ h"s e%eros"ty "% the use of the ")per"a( treasures+ by #ay of fa!ours
a%$ $o%at"o%s+ ha$ #o% h") )ore rear$ tha% )ost so!ere"%s.DDK= The%'e
su$$e%(y+ as "f so)e fresh "$ea ha$ o''urre$ to h")+ as "f he #ere a%other perso%
a(toether+ th"s sp"r"t of e%"a( ("bera("ty passe$O the su$$e% ust e&hauste$ "tse(f.
He (ost 'o%1$e%'e "% h"s po#ers a%$ see)e$ out of p(a'e. 5%$ the% he re(a&e$+
there #as %o )o$erat"o% about "t. 6ro) the h"hest su))"t he 'rashe$ $o#% to
the $epths+ a(( "% o%e br"ef )o)e%t. 5s for the e)press+ t#o th"%s )ore tha%
a%y other !e&e$ herO the fa't that Ro)a%us $"$ %ot (o!e her+ a%$ that she herse(f
#as u%ab(e to s?ua%$er )o%ey. The treasure2'ha)bers #ere '(ose$ to her+
sea(e$ by the e)peror-s or$ers+ a%$ she #as 'o)pe((e$ to ("!e o% a 1&e$
a((o#a%'e. Not u%%atura((y+ she #as fur"ous #"th h") a%$ #"th the 'ou%se((ors
#hose a$!"'e he fo((o#e$ "% the )atter. They+ o% the"r s"$e+ #ere a#are of her
fee("%s+ a%$ they too/ pre'aut"o%s )ore str"%e%t tha% e!er+ espe'"a((y
Pu('her"a+ the e)peror-s s"ster+ a #o)a% of reat sp"r"t a%$ o%e #ho 'o%tr"bute$
%ot a ("tt(e to her brother-s su''ess. Ro)a%us+ )ea%#h"(e+ #as ?u"te ob("!"ous of
th"s u%$er'urre%t of susp"'"o%@ appare%t(y he #as u%$er the ")press"o% that so)e
super%atura( po#er #as bou%$ to preser!e h"s thro%e. H"s reputat"o% #as se'ure+
to be for e!er )a"%ta"%e$ "% (ory by th"s po#er+ as "f so)e /"%$ of 'o%tra't ha$
bee% )a$e bet#ee% h") a%$ "t.
[H=] L. Sett"% h"s heart o% )"("tary (ory+ he prepare$ for #ar aa"%st the
barbar"a%s+ east a%$ #est. :"'tory o!er the #ester% barbar"a%s+ ho#e!er easy+
see)e$ %o reat tr"u)ph+ but a% atta'/ o% the barbar"a%s of the east+ he
thouht+ #ou($ #"% h") fa)e. There he 'ou($ use the resour'es of h"s E)p"re o%
a 'o(ossa( s'a(e. 6or these reaso%s+ a(thouh %o rea( prete&t for #ar e&"ste$+ he
)a$e a% u%pro!o/e$ atta'/ o% the Sara'e%s+ #ho ("!e$ "% Coe(e2Syr"a a%$ #hose
'ap"ta( #as Cha(ep Ias they pro%ou%'e the %a)e of the p(a'e "% the"r o#%
(a%uaeJ.DDKK The #ho(e Ro)a% ar)y #as asse)b(e$ a%$ ora%",e$ to 1ht
these Sara'e%s. The ra%/s #ere "%'rease$ a%$ fresh for)at"o%s $e!"se$+ #h"(e
the )er'e%ar"es #ere #e($e$ "%to o%e for'e a%$ %e# troops 'o%s'r"pte$. H"s
p(a%+ "t appears+ #as to o!er#he() the e%e)y at the 1rst assau(t He thouht that
"f he "%'rease$ the ar)y beyo%$ "%s %or)a( stre%th+ or rather+ "f the (e"o% #as
)a$e )ore %u)erous+ #he% he 'a)e upo% the foe #"th su'h )asses of troops+
Ro)a%s a%$ a(("e$+ %o o%e #ou($ be ab(e to res"st h"). The (ea$"% e%era(s tr"e$
to $"ssua$e h") fro) th"s o3e%s"!e22 they #ere %ot a ("tt(e fearfu( of the
out'o)e22 but he ha$ the 'ro#%s )a$e Iat reat e&pe%seJ+ #"th #h"'h he #as to
a$or% h"s hea$ at the pro'(a)at"o% of h"s tr"u)phs.
B. So+ be"% sat"s1e$ #"th the preparat"o%s+ he set out fro) *y,a%t"%e terr"tory
for Syr"a. 8he% he o''up"e$ 5%t"o'h+ the e%try "%to the '"ty #as 'e(ebrate$ #"th
reat po)p. It #as 'erta"%(y a roya( sho#+ but the e?u"p)e%t #as so)e#hat
theatr"'a(+ %ot #orthy of 1ht"% )e%+ %or 'apab(e of str"/"% terror "%to the
hearts of the e%e)y. O% the"r s"$e+ the barbar"a%s too/ a )ore rea("st"' !"e# of
the #ar. 6"rst they se%t a)bassa$ors to the e)peror. They $e'(are$ that they ha$
%ot #a%te$ th"s #ar+ %or ha$ they "!e% h") a%y prete&t for "t. They #ere
sta%$"% by the pea'e ter)s a(rea$y 'o%'(u$e$+ a%$ they refuse$ to repu$"ate
the treaty st"(( "% for'e. O% the other ha%$+ see"% that he #as %o# a$opt"% a
po("'y of threats a%$ s"%'e he pers"ste$ "% para$"% h"s stre%th+ they
the)se(!es+ "f he pro!e$ ob$urate+ #ou($ fro) %o# o% )a/e the"r o#%
preparat"o%s for 'o%7"'tO they 'o))"tte$ the)se(!es to the fortu%es of #ar. Su'h
#as the purport of th"s e)bassy. Desp"te the #ar%"%+ the e)peror to a((
appeara%'es ha$ o%e ob4e't o%(y22 to $ra# up h"s ("%e of batt(e+ to set h"s )e% "%
array aa"%st the e%e)y+ to (ay a)bushes+ to o out fora"%+ to $" tre%'hes+ to
$ra"% o3 r"!ers+ to ta/e fortresses. I% fa't+ he #a%te$ to ")"tate the tra$"t"o%a(
$ee$s of the fa)ous Tra4a%s [HK] a%$ Ha$r"a%s+ or Ist"(( further ba'/ "% h"storyJ of
the 5uust" a%$ Caesars+ or of the"r pre$e'essor+ 5(e&a%$er the so% of Ph"("p. The
a)bassa$ors #ere therefore $"s)"sse$ #"th a 'o%'"("atory )essae #h"(e st"((
)ore stre%uous preparat"o%s #ere )a$e for #ar. To atta"% h"s ob4e't+ ho#e!er+ he
$"$ %ot 'hoose the best )e%. He thouht #ar #as $e'"$e$ by the b" batta("o%s+
a%$ "t #as o% the b" batta("o%s that he re("e$.
;. 8he% he (eft 5%t"o'h a%$ #e%t o% further+ a $eta'h)e%t of barbar"a% so($"ers+
a(( e?u"ppe$ "% the"r o#% fash"o%+ $ar"% bareba'/ r"$ers+ (ay "% a)bush o% e"ther
s"$e of the ar)y-s route. Su$$e%(y they appeare$ o% h"h rou%$. Me(("% the"r
#ar2'ry a%$ 1(("% the"r oppo%e%ts #"th 'o%ster%at"o% at th"s u%e&pe'te$ s"ht+
they )a$e a tre)e%$ous $"% as the"r horses 'hare$ to the atta'/. *y %ot
/eep"% "% '(ose or$er+ they 'reate$ the "((us"o% of reat %u)bers+ ru%%"% about
"% s'attere$ roups a%$ #"th %o reu(ar for)at"o%s. Th"s so terror",e$ the Ro)a%
so($"ery a%$ sprea$ su'h pa%"' "% th"s )"hty a%$ fa)ous ar)y+ a%$ so shattere$
the"r )ora(e+ that they a(( ra% a#ay+ $resse$ 4ust as they #ere+ a%$ %ot a thouht
$"$ they "!e to a%yth"% but 7"ht. Those #ho happe%e$ to be o% horseba'/
#hee(e$ about a%$ )a$e o3 as fast as they 'ou($+ #h"(e the rest $"$ %ot e!e%
#a"t to )ou%t the"r horses+ but (eft the) to the 1rst )aster #ho '(a")e$ the)+
a%$ e!ery )a%+ ru%%"% o3 or #a%$er"% a#ay+ souht h"s o#% safety as best he
'ou($. It #as a% e&traor$"%ary s"ht. Here #ere those sa)e )e%+ #ho ha$
brouht a 'o%t"%e%t to ter)s+ #ho "% the"r preparat"o%s for #ar a%$ "% the"r
)"("tary $"spos"t"o%s ha$ )a$e the)se(!es "%!"%'"b(e before the #ho(e )"ht of
*arbary+ %o# $ar"% %ot e!e% to (oo/ the"r e%e)"es "% the eye. 5s "f the thu%$er
of barbar"a% 'r"es ha$ $eafe%e$ the"r ears a%$ s)"tte% the"r hearts #"th fear+
they tur%e$ a%$ ra% a#ay ("/e )e% "% utter $efeat. 6"rst to fee( the e3e'ts of the
hubbub #ere the I)per"a( 0uar$s. 8"thout so )u'h as a ba'/#ar$ (a%'e+ they
$eserte$ the"r e)peror a%$ 7e$.DDKH I%$ee$+ "f so)eo%e ha$ %ot he(pe$ h") o%
to h"s horse+ "!e% h") the re"%s+ a%$ 'ou%se((e$ h") to es'ape+ he #ou($ ha!e
bee% a()ost 'apture$ h")se(f a%$ )a$e pr"so%er by the e%e)y22 he #ho ha$
hope$ to sha/e a #ho(e 'o%t"%e%tQ The truth "s+ "f 0o$ ha$ %ot at that )o)e%t
restra"%e$ the barbar"a% o%rush+ a%$ ha$ He %ot "%sp"re$ the) to )o$erat"o% "%
the hour of !"'tory+ %oth"% #ou($ ha!e sa!e$ the Ro)a% ar)y fro) 'o)p(ete
a%%"h"(at"o%+ a%$ the e)peror #ou($ ha!e fa((e% 1rst of a((. [HH]
1A. So the Ro)a%s ra% o3 "% $"sor$er. Mea%#h"(e+ the e%e)y+ as "f a)a,e$ at the
s"ht of Ro)a%s route$ a%$ 7ee"% for %o reaso% )ere(y stoo$ a%$ #at'he$ th"s
astou%$"% tr"u)ph. Cater o%+ after ta/"% a ha%$fu( of pr"so%ers o% the 1e($+ a%$
those )e% #ho) they /%e# to be of so)e ")porta%'e+ they to($ the rest to o
free+ a%$ tur%e$ to the (oot. 6"rst they se",e$ the ")per"a( te%t+ #h"'h #as %ear(y
as !a(uab(e as the pa(a'e of to$ay+ for "t #as 1((e$ #"th %e'/(a'es a%$ bra'e(ets
a%$ $"a$e)s+ pear(s a%$ pre'"ous sto%es e!e% )ore 'ost(y+ a(( /"%$s of (or"ous
booty. To 'ou%t the )u(t"tu$e of these treasures #ou($ ha!e bee% %o easy tas/+
%or to a$)"re e%ouh the"r beauty a%$ )a%"1'e%'e+ so reat a%$ so (u&ur"ous
#as the profus"o% of #ea(th "% the e)peror-s te%t. Ne&t they pro'ee$e$ to 'o((e't
the rest of the spo"(+ a%$ (oa$"% the)se(!es #"th "t they re4o"%e$ the"r
'o)patr"ots. The e)peror #as )ea%#h"(e r"$"% o% ahea$ of the Sara'e%s+
#a%$er"% o% #here!er the #h") of h"s 'harer bore h"). He 'a)e by a 'erta"%
r"$e a%$ here he #as see% by so)e )e% #ho #ere ru%%"% past a%$ re'o%",e$
#ho he #as by the 'o(our of h"s sa%$a(s. Ma%y of these fu"t"!es he stoppe$ there
a%$ stoo$ surrou%$e$ by the). Thereupo% the ru)our sprea$ far a%$ #"$e that
Ro)a%us st"(( ("!e$+ a%$ others 4o"%e$ h"). More ")porta%t tha% that+ so)eo%e
'a)e up #"th the "/o% of the Theo)etor+D [D The Mother of 0o$] the ")ae #h"'h
Ro)a% e)perors hab"tua((y 'arry #"th the) o% 'a)pa"%+ as a u"$e a%$
uar$"a% of a(( the ar)y. Th"s a(o%e ha$ %ot bee% ta/e% by the e%e)y.
11. 8he% the e)peror sa# th"s beaut"fu( s"ht Ihe #as part"'u(ar(y re!ere%t "% h"s
!e%erat"o% for th"s "/o%J he "))e$"ate(y too/ heart+ a%$ ho($"% "t "% h"s ha%$s22
but %o #or$s 'a% $es'r"be ho# he e)bra'e$ "t+ ho# he be$e#e$ "t #"th h"s tears+
ho# heartfe(t #ere the #or$s #"th #h"'h he a$$resse$ "t+ ho# he re'a((e$ Our
Ca$y-s /"%$%esses "% the past a%$ those )a%y t")es #he% She+ h"s a((y+ ha$
res'ue$ a%$ sa!e$ the Ro)a% po#er "% )o)e%ts of 'r"s"s. 6ro) %o# o% he #as
fu(( of 'ourae. He #ho ha$ but (ate(y bee% a fu"t"!e h")se(f %o# rebu/e$ others
#ho #ere ru%%"% a#ay. 8"th (ou$ 'r"es a%$ the !"our of a )a% years you%er
tha% h")se(f he stoppe$ the"r a")(ess #a%$er"%+ )a$e h")se(f /%o#% to the)
by h"s !o"'e a%$ appeara%'e+ a%$ ?u"'/(y athere$ toether a 'o%s"$erab(e for'e.
The%+ o"% o% foot #"th the)+ he ret"re$ to a te%t hast"(y ere'te$ to she(ter h")+
a%$ there he b"!oua'/e$. 5fter a br"ef rest+ at $a#% [H<] he 'a((e$ for h"s e%era(s
a%$ sueste$ that they shou($ $e'"$e #hat to $o. 8"thout e&'ept"o% they
a$!"se$ h") to retur% to *y,a%t"u). I% the 'ap"ta( a thorouh "%?u"ry "%to the
#ho(e a3a"r shou($ be he($. Ro)a%us aree$ #"th the)22 "t #as a 'ourse of
a't"o% ("/e(y to be%e1t h")se(f22 a%$ hurr"e$ ba'/ to Co%sta%t"%op(e.
1=. There fo((o#e$ b"tter repe%ta%'e for #hat he ha$ $o%e+ a%$ se(f2p"ty for the
su3er"%s he ha$ e%$ure$. The%+ a(( at o%'e+ h"s )oo$ 'ha%e$. H"s 'areer %o#
e%tere$ o% a %e# a%$+ for h")+ so)e#hat u%usua( phase. He hope$ that by
'arefu( )a%ae)e%t of pub("' fu%$s he #ou($ 'o)p(ete(y re'o!er h"s (osses. So
he be'a)e )ore ta&atherer tha% e)peror. Re!"!"%+ as the pro!erb has "t+ -pre2
Eu'("$ea% h"story-+ a%$ sub4e't"% "t to 'arefu( s'rut"%y+ he pro'ee$e$ to pry "%to
the a''ou%ts of so%s+ (o% after the"r fathers #ere $ea$ a%$ o%e22 a 'rue( th"%
to $o. :er$"'ts "% (a#2su"ts #ere %ot "!e% a''or$"% to the e!"$e%'e sub)"tte$ by
the 'o%test"% part"es+ but he #ou($ perso%a((y ta/e the part of o%e or the other.
Se%te%'e of the 'ourt+ therefore+ #as %ot so )u'h "% fa!our of p(a"%t"3 or
$efe%$a%t as of h")se(f. I% h"s !"e#+ the #ho(e popu(a'e #as $"!"$e$ "%to t#o
'(asses. O% the o%e ha%$+ there #ere the reaso%ab(e fo(/ #ho preferre$ to ("!e a
s")p(e+ ho%est ("fe a%$ too/ %o part "% pub("' a3a"rs@ for the) the e)peror 'are$
%ot a stra#. O% the other+ there #ere the $are2$e!"(s #ho e%r"'he$ the)se(!es at
the e&pe%se of the rest. These (atter a$$e$ the"r o#% ?uota of e!"( as fue( to the
e%era( 'o%7arat"o% 1re$ by the"r ru(er+ a%$ the resu(t #as %oth"% but
'o%fus"o% a%$ troub(e. 8hat )a$e "t )ore terr"b(e #as the fa't+ that #h"(e the
reat )a4or"ty #ere be"% p(u%$ere$ a%$ str"ppe$+ the ")per"a( treasury e%4oye$
%ot a pe%%y of the pro1ts bu"(t up fro) these e)be,,(e)e%ts+ for the r"!ers of
)o%ey #ere be"% $"!erte$ e(se#here. The truth of th"s #"(( be sho#% )ore
'(ear(y as the story proresses.
1K. Th"s part"'u(ar e)peror asp"re$ to a reputat"o% for p"ety. It "s ?u"te true that
he #as "%tereste$ "% re(""ous )atters+ but there #as )ore prete%'e about "t tha%
rea( p"ety@ a%y#ay+ he appeare$ to be a p"ous )a%. I% the 1rst p(a'e+ th"s (e$ to
e&tra!aa%'e "% $"s'uss"o%s about prob(e)s of $"!"%"ty. He #ou($ e&a)"%e 'auses
a%$ aru)e%ts #h"'h 'ou($ %ot be e&p(a"%e$ by )ere /%o#(e$e@ o%(y "f o%e ha$
re'ourse to M"%$+ #"thout a%y "%terpret"% )e$"u)+ 'ou($ the Myster"es be )a$e
"%te((""b(e. I% %atura( ph"(osophy+ ho#e!er+ he sho#e$ ("tt(e "%terest+ %or $"$ he
$"s'uss su'h )atters #"th the professors+ e&'ept #"th those #ho '(a")e$
Iu%4ust(yJ that they #ere $"s'"p(es of 5r"stot(e. Ro)a%us-s stu$"es+ as o%e of our
#"se )e% sa"$+ #ere )ore profou%$+ a%$ $ea(t #"th ob4e'ts 'o)prehe%s"b(e by
M"%$ a(o%e.
1H. That #as the 1rst #ay he $e!"se$ of sho#"% h"s p"ety. Cater o%+ be"% 4ea(ous
of the reat So(o)o%+ for h"s bu"($"% of the )u'h!au%te$ Te)p(e+ a%$ e%!"ous of
the e)peror Just"%"a%+ be'ause of the )"hty 'hur'h that #as %a)e$ after the
Ho(y a%$ I%e3ab(e 8"s$o)+ he $eter)"%e$ to bu"($ a%$ fou%$+ by #ay of
re'o)pe%se so to spea/+ a%other "% ho%our of the Mother of 0o$.DDK< It #as a
reat )"sta/e+ for #hat #as "%te%$e$ to be a% a't of p"ety+ tur%e$ out to be the
'ause of e!"( a%$ the o''as"o% for )a%y "%4ust"'es. The e&pe%$"ture "%'urre$ o!er
th"s 'hur'h #as 'o%sta%t(y "%'rease$. E!ery $ay he 'o((e'te$ )ore 'o%tr"but"o%s
tha% the #or/ %e'ess"tate$+ a%$ #oe bet"$e the )a% #ho tr"e$ to (")"t the
bu"($"%. O% the other ha%$+ a%yo%e #ho "%!e%te$ fresh e&tra!aa%'es a%$ %e#
!ar"at"o%s of sty(e #as sure of #"%%"% the e)peror-s fr"e%$sh"p at o%'e. E!ery
)ou%ta"% #as bore$ for )ater"a(+ a%$ the )"%er-s art estee)e$ h"her tha%
ph"(osophy "tse(f. Of the sto%es thus obta"%e$+ so)e #ere sp("t+ others po("she$+
others tur%e$ for the s'u(ptures+ a%$ the #or/ers o% these sto%es #ere re'/o%e$
#"th the ("/e of Phe"$"as a%$ Po(y%otus a%$ Geu&"s.DDKN Noth"% "% the #ho(e
#or($ #as thouht oo$ e%ouh for th"s 'hur'h. 5(( the roya( treasure #as )a$e
a!a"(ab(e+ e!ery o($e% strea) poure$ "%to "t. The )o%"es #ere e&hauste$+ a%$
yet the 'o%stru't"o% #e%t o%+ for o%e o% top of a%other %e# parts #ere a$$e$+
a%$ at the sa)e t")e so)e other part #ou($ be pu((e$ $o#%. Ofte%+ too+ the #or/
#ou($ 'ease a%$ the% su$$e%(y r"se up afresh+ s("ht(y b"er or #"th so)e )ore
e(aborate !ar"ety. 8he% r"!ers 7o# "%to the sea+ )ost of the"r #ater "s $ra"%e$
a#ay before e!er "t rea'hes the )outh+ a%$ so "t #as #"th th"s )o%ey+ for )ost of
#hat ha$ bee% 'o((e'te$ for th"s 'hur'h #as appropr"ate$ "% a$!a%'e a%$ #aste$
o% other th"%s.
1<. 8h"(e Ro)a%us )a%"feste$ h"s p"ety "% these a't"!"t"es+ he sho#e$ h")se(f a
roue fro) the !ery start+ be'ause he use$ )o%ey #h"'h ha$ bee% 'o%tr"bute$
for ?u"te $"3ere%t purposes tha% the bu"($"% of h"s 'hur'h. Doubt(ess "t "s a
beaut"fu( th"% to (o!e the House of the Cor$+ a%$ )a/e "t )a%"1'e%t+ as the
Psa()"st te((s us+ a%$ "t "s a 1%e th"% to (o!e the Taber%a'(e of H"s 0(ory. It "s
better to su3er $"sra'e )a%y t")es "% the eyes of )e% by ser!"% [HL] 0o$ thus+
tha% to a"% #or($(y r"'hes. Su'h $e!ot"o% "s "%$ee$ %ob(e+ a%$ #ho+ of those that
are ,ea(ous "% H"s ser!"'e a%$ 1((e$ #"th the Sp"r"t of the Cor$+ #ou($ br"%
the)se(!es to $esp"se "tS *ut+ sure(y+ there shou($ be %oth"% to )ar th"s
$e!ot"o%. It 'a%%ot be r"ht+ "% or$er to sho# o%e-s p"ety+ to 'o))"t reat
"%4ust"'es+ to put the #ho(e state "% 'o%fus"o%+ to brea/ $o#% the #ho(e bo$y
po("t"'. He #ho re4e'ts the har(ot-s o3er"%+ #ho utter(y $esp"ses the sa'r"1'e of
the u%o$(y+ as thouh the #"'/e$ #ere %o better tha% a $o22 ho# 'ou($ He "%
a%y #ay $ra# %ear a bu"($"%+ ho#e!er r"'h a%$ (or"ous+ #he% that bu"($"% "s
the 'ause of )a%y e!"(sS The sy))etry of #a((s+ the e%'"r'("% 'o(u)%s+ the
ha%"% tapestr"es+ the )a%"1'e%t o3er"%s+ a%$ the other th"%s of ("/e
sp(e%$our 22 #hat 'a% they 'o%tr"bute to the sa're$ ob4e't of p"etyS Sure(y "t "s
e%ouh that a )a%-s sou( be '(othe$ "% o$("%ess+ that h"s heart be $ye$ "% the
sp"r"tua( purp(e+ that h"s $ee$s be r"hteous+ h"s thouhts fu(( of ra'e. I% a #or$+
"t "s su>'"e%t "f a )a% be #"thout u"(e+ a%$ be'ause of th"s s")p(e fa"th there "s
bu"($e$ up #"th"% us a te)p(e of a%other sort+ a te)p(e a''eptab(e to the Cor$
a%$ be(o!e$ by H"). The ph"(osophy Ro)a%us /%e# #as 'o%'er%e$ #"th the
s'ho(ar-s "%?u"r"es+ the sy((o"s)sDDKL Tsor"tesU a%$ Tout"sU+ but "% h"s #or/s he
ha$ %o "$ea at a(( ho# to sho# forth that ph"(osoph"' sp"r"t. E!e% "f the e)peror
fe(t 'o)pe((e$ to bu"($ o% a )ore )a%"1'e%t s'a(e tha% a%yo%e e(se+ "t #as st"((
h"s $uty to 'are for h"s pa(a'e+ to (or"fy the a'ropo("s+ to repa"r #hat ha$ fa((e% "%
ru"%s+ to rep(e%"sh the ")per"a( treasury+ a%$ to $e$"'ate the )o%ey to the
up/eep of h"s ar)"es. Met he %e(e'te$ a(( th"s+ a%$ "% or$er that h"s 'hur'h )"ht
surpass a(( others "% beauty+ he re$u'e$ e!eryth"% e(se to ru"%. To te(( the truth+
he #as )a$ o% the #or/. He 'ou($ s'ar'e(y tear h")se(f a#ay fro) "t. So he
surrou%$e$ the p(a'e #"th a(( the parapher%a("a of a 'ourt+ set up thro%es there+
a$or%e$ "t #"th s'eptres+ hu% up purp(e '(oth+ a%$ spe%t the reater part of the
year "% th"s 'hur'h+ (ory"% "% the beauty of "t a%$ bea)"% #"th p(easure. It #as
h"s #"sh to ho%our the Theo)etor #"th so)e %a)e of )ore tha% or$"%ary beauty.
U%fortu%ate(y+ he fa"(e$ to %ot"'e that the ep"thet he a!e her #as "% fa't )ore
su"te$ to a #o)a% tha% a sa"%t+ that "s+ "f the %a)e TPer"b(eptos- $oes "%$ee$
)ea% TCe(ebrate$-.
1N. To these bu"($"%s a further a$$"t"o% #as )a$e a%$ the 'hur'h be'a)e a
hosp"'e for )o%/s+ so o%'e )ore there bea% fresh #ro%2$o"%s a%$ reater
e&'esses tha% before. He #as %ot [HB] su>'"e%t(y tra"%e$ "% ar"th)et"' or
eo)etry to $")"%"sh the s",e or the %u)ber of h"s bu"($"%s+ "% the sa)e #ay
that eo)etr"'"a%s s")p("fy a 'o)p(e& patter%. So+ #"sh"% to ha!e bu"($"%s of
e%or)ous s",e+ he )ust %ee$s ha!e reater %u)bers of )o%/s. The rest #as
proport"o%ateO as there #ere )u(t"tu$es of )o%/s+ so there #ere 'o%tr"but"o%s "%
)u(t"tu$es. 5%other #or($ #as ra%sa'/e$ a%$ the sea beyo%$ the P"((ars of
Her'u(esDDKB #as e&p(ore$@ the for)er #as to pro!"$e seaso%ab(e s#eet)eats+
the (atter 1sh of e%or)ous s",e+ e!e% #ha(es. S"%'e "t see)e$ to h")+ )oreo!er+
that 5%a&aorasDDK; ha$ ("e$ #he% he sa"$ the #or($s #ere "%1%"te+ he $e$"'ate$
the reater part of th"s 1%"te #or($ of ours to the (or"1'at"o% of h"s 'hur'h. P"("%
ra%$eur o% ra%$eur+ )u(t"tu$e o% )u(t"tu$e+ surpass"% the 1rst super(at"!e
#"th a se'o%$+ a%$ sett"% %o bou%$ %or (")"t to these th"%s+ he #ou($ %e!er
ha!e stoppe$ a$$"% to the) "% h"s bou%$(ess a)b"t"o%+ ha$ %ot the )easure of
h"s o#% ("fe bee% shorte%e$.
1L. There "s a tra$"t"o%+ "% fa't+ that h"s ("fe #as 'ut short by a 'erta"% e!e%t. I
#"sh to spea/ of "t+ but o%(y by #ay of prefa'e at th"s )o)e%t. I% so)e )atters
the e)peror sho#e$ ("tt(e respe't for the a''epte$ sta%$ar$s of )ora("ty. 6or o%e
th"%+ he ("!e$ #"th a )"stress. Perhaps+ at the be"%%"% of h"s re"%+ he #"she$
to ("!e 'haste(y. Maybe22 a%$ )ost fo(/ 'o%te%$ that th"s #as the truth22 he tur%e$
to fresh a)ours. 8hate!er the 'ause for h"s beha!"our+ he 'a)e to $esp"se the
e)press Goe. Not o%(y $"$ he absta"% fro) se&ua( "%ter'ourse #"th her+ but he
#as (oath to 'o%sort #"th her "% a%y #ay at a((. She+ o% her s"$e+ #as st"rre$ to
hate h")+ %ot o%(y be'ause the b(oo$ roya(+ )ea%"% herse(f #as treate$ #"th
su'h ("tt(e respe't+ but+ abo!e a(( other 'o%s"$erat"o%s+ by her o#% (o%"% for
"%ter'ourse+ a%$ that #as $ue %ot to her ae+ but to the soft a%$ se%sua( )a%%er
of her ("fe at the pa(a'e.
1B. There+ the%+ "s the prefa'e to the story@ the se?ue( 'a)e about as fo((o#s.
5)o% other perso%s #ho ser!e$ th"s e)peror+ before h"s a''ess"o% to the
thro%e+ #as a 'erta"% eu%u'h+DDHA a )a% of )ea% a%$ 'o%te)pt"b(e fortu%e+ but
e%$o#e$ #"th a% e&tre)e(y a't"!e a%$ "%e%"ous )"%$. I% h"s t")e the e)peror
*as"( ha$ treate$ th"s [H;] )a% #"th reat fa)"("ar"ty a%$ ha$ share$ se'rets #"th
h"). 8"thout pro)ot"% h") to a%y e&a(te$ pos"t"o%s of respo%s"b"("ty+ he st"((
use$ h") #"th e%u"%e respe't. Th"s eu%u'h ha$ a brother+ a )ere youth before
Ro)a%us be'a)e e)peror+ but %o# "% h"s ear(y )a%hoo$. He #as a 1%e(y2
proport"o%e$ you% )a%+ #"th the fa"r b(oo) of youth "% h"s fa'e+ as fresh as a
7o#er+ '(ear2eye$+ a%$ "% !ery truth Tre$2'hee/e$-. Th"s youth #as (e$ by h"s
brother "%to the e)peror-s prese%'e #he% he #as seate$ #"th Goe that they
)"ht see h")+ at the e&press 'o))a%$ of Ro)a%us. 8he% the t#o )e% 'a)e
"%+ the e)peror+ 'ast"% h") o%e (a%'e a%$ as/"% a fe# br"ef ?uest"o%s+ ba$e
h") ret"re+ but stay o% "% the 'ourt. The e3e't of the "%ter!"e# o% Goe #as ?u"te
$"3ere%t. Her eyes bur%"% #"th a 1re as $a,,("% as the you% )a%-s beauty+ she
at o%'e fe(( !"'t") to h"s 'har)+ a%$ fro) so)e )yst"' u%"o% bet#ee% the) she
'o%'e"!e$ a (o!e for h"). *ut )ost peop(e /%e# %oth"% of that at the t")e.
1;. Goe 'ou($ %e"ther rear$ the you% )a% #"th ph"(osoph"' $eta'h)e%t+ %or
'o%tro( her $es"res. Co%se?ue%t(y+ thouh "% the past she ha$ )ore tha% o%'e
sho#% her $"s("/e for the eu%u'h+ she %o# approa'he$ h") fre?ue%t(y. Her
'o%!ersat"o%s #ou($ be"% #"th refere%'e to so)e e&tra%eous )atter+ a%$ the%+
as "f by #ay of $"ress"o%+ she #ou($ e%$ #"th so)e re)ar/ about h"s brother. Cet
h") be bo($+ she sa"$+ a%$ !"s"t her #he%e!er he #"she$. The you% )a%+ so far
/%o#"% %oth"% of the e)press-s se'ret+ suppose$ the "%!"tat"o% #as $ue to her
/"%$%ess of heart+ a%$ he a''epte$ "t+ a(thouh "% a )o$est a%$ t")orous fash"o%.
Th"s bashfu( reser!e+ ho#e!er+ o%(y )a$e h") the )ore $a,,("%. H"s fa'e+
su3use$ #"th b(ushes+ sho%e #"th a (or"ous 'o(our. She ease$ h"s fear+ s)"("%
e%t(y upo% h") a%$ forett"% her usua( r") arroa%'e. She h"%te$ at (o!e+
tr"e$ to e%'ourae h")+ a%$ #he% she pro'ee$e$ to "!e her be(o!e$ )a%"fest
opportu%"t"es to )a/e (o!e o% h"s part+ he set h")se(f to a%s#er her $es"re+ %ot
#"th a%y rea( 'o%1$e%'e at 1rst+ but (ater h"s a$!a%'es be'a)e )ore bra,e% a%$
he a'te$ as (o!ers #"((. Su$$e%(y he thre# h"s ar)s about her+ /"ss"% her a%$
tou'h"% her ha%$ a%$ %e'/+ as h"s brother ha$ tauht h") he shou($ $o. She
'(u% to h") a(( the '(oser. Her /"sses be'a)e )ore pass"o%ate+ she tru(y (o!"%
h")+ he "% %o #ay $es"r"% her Ifor she #as past the ae for (o!eJ+ but th"%/"% "%
h"s heart of the (ory that po#er #ou($ br"% h"). 6or th"s he #as prepare$ to
$are a%yth"%+ a%$ bear "t #"th pat"e%'e. 5s for those #ho ("!e$ "% the pa(a'e+
they at 1rst o%(y [<A] suspe'te$ or 'o%4e'ture$ #hat #as o"% or.+ but
after#ar$s+ #he% the a3a"r bro/e a(( bou%$s of )o$esty+ e!eryo%e /%e# of "t.
There #as %obo$y #ho $"$ %ot per'e"!e ho# "t #as o"%+ for the"r e)bra'es ha$
a(rea$y e%$e$ "% 'ar%a( u%"o%+ a%$ they #ere $"s'o!ere$ by se!era( peop(e
s(eep"% toether o% the sa)e 'ou'h. He b(ushe$ #"th sha)e a%$ #as 1((e$ #"th
apprehe%s"o% for the out'o)e of th"s+ but she $"$ %ot 'o%'ea( "t. I% the eyes of
a((+ she '(u% to h") a%$ o3ere$ her /"sses+ boast"% that she ha$ )ore tha%
o%'e ha$ 4oy of h").
=K. That she shou($ a$or% h")+ as "f he #ere so)e statue+ 'o!er h") #"th o($+
)a/e h") resp(e%$e%t #"th r"%s a%$ ar)e%ts of #o!e% o($ '(oth+ I $o %ot
rear$ as a%yth"% re)ar/ab(e+ for #hat #ou($ a% e)press %ot pro!"$e for her
be(o!e$S *ut she+ u%/%o#% to the #or($+ so)et")es #e%t so far as to seat h")+
tur% by tur% #"th herse(f+ o% the ")per"a( thro%e+ to put "% h"s ha%$ a s'eptre@ a%$
o% o%e o''as"o% e!e% $ee)e$ h") #orthy of a 'ro#%. Thereupo% she #ou($
thro# her ar)s about h") a(( o!er aa"%+ 'a(("% h") her T"$o(-+ Tthe $e("ht of her
eyes-+ Tthe 7o#er of beauty-+ Tthe 'o)fort of her sou(-. 5s she repeate$ th"s aa"%
a%$ aa"%+ she #as obser!e$ by o%e of those #ho ha!e eyes for e!eryth"%. Th"s
fe((o# #as a eu%u'h #ho ha$ bee% put "% supre)e 'hare of the ")per"a( 'ourt+ a
)a% respe'te$ for h"s $"%"1e$ bear"%+ as #e(( as for h"s e&a(te$ pos"t"o%+ a%$ a
fa)"(y reta"%er of the e)press. 8he% he sa# th"s e&traor$"%ary s"ht+ he a()ost
e&p"re$+ so a)a,e$ #as he. She+ ho#e!er+ 'a((e$ h") to her s"$e22 he #as by %o#
at h"s (ast asp22 a%$ she reassure$ h")+ for he #as utter(y 'o%fou%$e$+ a%$ ba$e
h") atta'h h")se(f to M"'hae(+ as he #as a(rea$y e)peror a%$ soo% #ou($ be
e)peror #"thout $"spute.
=1. 5(thouh %obo$y e(se #hate!er ha$ bee% $e(u$e$ "% a(( th"s+ "t $"$ %ot 'o)e
to the /%o#(e$e of the e)peror. Ro)a%us #as so 'o)p(ete(y b("%$. Ho#e!er+
#he% the 7ash of the ("ht%"% a%$ the roar of the thu%$er $"$ e!e%tua((y p(ay
rou%$ h"s eyes a%$ $eafe% h"s ears+ #he% he h")se(f sa# so)e th"%s o"% o%
a%$ hear$ of others+ e!e% the%+ as "f he preferre$ to be b("%$ a%$ $eaf+ he '(ose$
h"s eyes aa"% a%$ refuse$ to ("ste%. 8orse tha% that+ )a%y a t")e #he% he #as
s(eep"% #"th the e)press a%$ she+ '(othe$ "% so)e ar)e%t of purp(e+ #as
#a"t"% for h") to ("e $o#% o% the"r 'ou'h+ he #ou($ 'a(( for M"'hae(+ b"$$"% h")
'o)e a(o%e+ a%$ or$er h") to tou'h a%$ )assae h"s feet. I% fa't+ he )a$e h")
ser!a%t of the [<1] be$'ha)ber+ a%$ "% or$er that the you% )a% )"ht $o th"s
o>'e+ $e("berate(y aba%$o%e$ h"s #"fe to h"). 8he% h"s s"ster Pu('her"a a%$
so)e of the 'ha)ber(a"%s $"s'o!ere$ a p(ot aa"%st h"s ("fe a%$ to($ h") of "t a%$
#ar%e$ h") to be o% h"s uar$+ st"(( he $"$ %ot $estroy the se'ret a$u(terer a%$
'ut short the #ho(e $ra)a+ as he 'ou($ ha!e $o%e. He 'ou($ ha!e sueste$ a%y
reaso% but the rea( o%e a%$ st"(( ha!e ha$ h"s #ay+ but he refuse$. I% fa't+ he
)a$e %o e3ort to 'o)bat the "%tr"ue. O%'e he $"$ se%$ for the (o!er22or the
be(o!e$22 a%$ ?uest"o%e$ h") about the a3a"r@ ho#e!er+ as M"'hae( prete%$e$ to
/%o# %oth"% about "t+ Ro)a%us )a$e h") "!e h"s #or$ of ho%our a%$ s#ear by
the Ho(y Re("'s+ a%$ after the other ha$ 'o)p(ete(y per4ure$ h")se(f+ the e)peror
(oo/e$ upo% the stor"es of the rest as )ere 'a(u)%y+ ("ste%"% o%(y to M"'hae( a%$
'a(("% h") -h"s )ost fa"thfu( ser!a%t-.
==. 5%other fa'tor he(pe$ to 'o%1r) the e)peror "% th"s att"tu$e+ so that
M"'hae(-s u"(t see)e$ e!e% )ore u%("/e(y. E!er s"%'e h"s 'h"($hoo$ the you%
)a% ha$ bee% aR"'te$ by a terr"b(e "((%ess. Th"s )a(a$y too/ the for) of a
per"o$"' $era%e)e%t of the bra"%. 8"thout a%y pre!"ous sy)pto)s he #ou($ be
su$$e%(y 'o%fuse$+ ro(( h"s eyes+ thro# h")se(f $o#% o% the rou%$+ ba% h"s
hea$+ a%$ su3er pro(o%e$ a%$ 'o%!u(s"!e 1ts. The% he #ou($ be'o)e h")se(f
aa"% a%$ ra$ua((y retur% to h"s %or)a( appeara%'e. The e)peror ha$ see% h")
aR"'te$ by th"s "((%ess a%$ #as sorry for h"). He thouht the you% )a%
u%fortu%ate. H"s )a$%ess+ therefore+ he $"$ re'o%",e+ but he fa"(e$ to re'o%",e
h"s "%$u(e%'e "% the p(easures of (o!e. To )ost fo(/ "t see)e$ that th"s )a(a$y
#as a prete&t a%$ !e"( for M"'hae(-s s'he)"%+ a%$ the susp"'"o% #ou($ ha!e
bee% 4ust"1e$+ #ere "t %ot for the fa't that+ #he% he be'a)e e)peror+ he st"((
'o%t"%ue$ to su3er fro) th"s $era%e)e%t. Ho#e!er+ $"s'uss"o% of that prob(e)
)ust be postpo%e$ to the part of )y h"story 'o%'er%e$ #"th M"'hae(-s re"%. 8e
'a% say that the troub(e #as %ot se(f2"%$u'e$. E?ua((y+ #e 'a% say that the
)a(a$y+ #h"'h ha$ %o prete%'e about "t+ ser!e$ as a !e"( to h"$e h"s $es"%s.
=K. To 'o%!"%'e the e)peror+ therefore+ that those #ho (o!e$ o%e a%other #ere
%ot rea((y "% (o!e+ #as %o reat tas/+ for he #as !ery eas"(y 'o%!"%'e$. I ha$ a
'o%!ersat"o% #"th o%e of the e%t(e)e% #ho reu(ar(y atte%$e$ the ")per"a(
'ourt at that t")e+ a )a% #e(( a'?ua"%te$ #"th the #ho(e ?uest"o% of Goe-s (o!e2
a3a"rs+ a%$ o%e #ho supp("e$ )e #"th )ater"a( for th"s h"story+ a%$ he to($ )e
that [<=] Ro)a%us $"$ #"sh+ "% a #ay+ to be 'o%!"%'e$ that she #as %ot M"'hae(-s
para)our. O% the other ha%$+ he /%e# she #as reat(y attra'te$ to the oppos"te
se&+ o% 1re #"th pass"o%+ so to spea/. So+ to pre!e%t her shar"% her fa!ours
a)o% )a%y+ he #as %ot part"'u(ar(y $"suste$ at her asso'"at"o% #"th o%e.
5(thouh he prete%$e$ %ot to see "t+ he a((o#e$ the e)press to sat"sfy her
$es"res to the fu((. I ha!e bee% to($ a%other !ers"o% of the story. The e)peror+
a''or$"% to )y other "%for)a%t+ #as "%$u(e%t to#ar$s h"s #"fe-s a)orous
"%te%t"o%s or the"r 'o%su))at"o%+ but h"s s"ster Pu('her"a #as e%rae$+ a%$ so
#ere a(( those #ho) she treate$ as her 'o%1$a%ts. So she a%$ they #ae$ #ar
#"th M"'hae( a%$ the e)press. The arra%e)e%ts for the stru(e $"$ %ot pass
u%%ot"'e$+ but the"r a%t"'"pate$ tr"u)phs %e!er 'a)e to pass+ for the s"ster $"e$
%ot (o% after+ #h"(e of her fr"e%$s o%e a(so $"e$ su$$e%(y a%$ a%other (eft the
pa(a'e+ at the e&press $es"re of the e)peror. 5s to the rest+ so)e appro!e$ of the
bus"%ess+ others he($ the"r to%ues. Goe a%$ M"'hae(+ therefore+ far fro)
'o%su))at"% the"r (o!e "% a% u%$erha%$ #ay+ $"$ so #"th a% a()ost (ea(
=H. 8hat happe%e$ %e&tS I #"(( te(( you. 5% "((%ess of a(( u%usua( a%$ pa"%fu(
'hara'ter befe(( Ro)a%us. 5'tua((y+ the #ho(e of h"s bo$y be'a)e fester"% a%$
'orrupte$ "%s"$e. 5t a%y rate+ fro) the% o%#ar$s+ he (ost )ost of h"s appet"te+
a%$ s(eep+ po"se$ o% h"s eye("$s+ ?u"'/(y 7"tte$ a#ay. 5(( the "((2hu)ours fe(( upo%
h") toether 22 harsh%ess of 'hara'ter+ pee!"sh%ess of sp"r"t+ a%er a%$ #rath
a%$ shout"%+ th"%s u%/%o#% "% h") before. 5(( h"s ("fe+ fro) h"s ear("est years+
he ha$ bee% a fr"e%$(y sort of )a%@ %o#+ "t be'a)e %ot o%(y har$ to et "%to h"s
prese%'e+ but har$ to et a '"!"( rep(y to o%e-s ?uest"o%s. Cauhter $eserte$ h")+
a%$ h"s for)er ra'"ous%ess a%$ p(easa%t %ature. He truste$ %obo$y at a((+ %or
$"$ he see) to others trust#orthy h")se(f. Ea'h party suspe'te$ a%$ #as
suspe'te$ by the other. H"s (a'/ of e%eros"ty %o# be'a)e )ore pro%ou%'e$.
The $"str"but"o%s of )o%ey that he )a$e #ere %"ar$(y "% a%y 'ase+ a%$ he #as
sa!ae(y a%ry at e!ery re?uest for "t. E!ery ta(e of p"ty o%(y su''ee$e$ "%
"rr"tat"% h"). Met+ $esp"te the $rea$fu( 'o%$"t"o% of h"s hea(th+ he %e"ther
%e(e'te$ the usua( 'ourt 'ere)o%"a( %or $"$ he o!er(oo/ the ")porta%'e of the
")per"a( pro'ess"o%s. He e!e% [<K] '(othe$ h")se(f "% )a%"1'e%t robes shot #"th
o($ a%$ put o% the rest of the parapher%a("a proper to these o''as"o%s. It #as
("/e a hea!y (oa$ to h")+ "% h"s #ea/e%e$ 'o%$"t"o%+ a%$ after retur%"% to the
pa(a'e #"th $">'u(ty+ he #as )ore "(( tha% e!er.
=<. I ha!e ofte% see% h") )yse(f #he% he #as $"stresse$ $ur"% these
pro'ess"o%s Iat the t")e I #as 4ust u%$er s"&tee% years of aeJ a%$ he $"3ere$
("tt(e fro) a )a% #ho #as $ea$. H"s #ho(e fa'e #as s#o((e% a%$ the 'o(our of "t
#as %o )ore ha%$so)e to (oo/ upo% tha% that of )e% three $ays $ea$ "% the
to)bs. H"s breath"% #as fast+ a%$ after )o!"% a fe# pa'es he ha$ to rest. Most
of the ha"rs o% h"s hea$ ha$ fa((e% out+ as thouh he #ere a 'orpse+ but a fe#
stra%$s+ s'attere$ here a%$ there+ #ere tous(e$ rou%$ h"s forehea$+ )o!e$+ I
suppose+ by h"s breath"%. The others $espa"re$ of h"s ("fe+ but he h")se(f #as by
%o )ea%s #"thout hope. He ha$ put h")se(f "% the ha%$s of the $o'tors a%$ he
e&pe'te$ to be restore$ to hea(th by the"r s/"((.
=N. 8hether the (o!"% 'oup(e the)se(!es a%$ the"r a''o)p("'es 'o))"tte$ a
!ery horr"b(e 'r")e aa"%st h")+ I #ou($ %ot say #"th a%y 'erta"%ty+ be'ause "t "s
%o easy th"% for )e to br"% a''usat"o%s "% )atters that I st"(( $o %ot thorouh(y
u%$ersta%$.DDH1 Ho#e!er+ "t #as u%"!ersa((y a''epte$ a)o% the rest that they
1rst be#"t'he$ h") #"th $rus+ a%$ (ater ha$ re'ourse to a )"&ture of he((ebore
as #e((. I a) %ot $"sput"% that for the )o)e%t22 "t )ay or )ay %ot be true 22 but
I $o )a"%ta"% that Goe a%$ M"'hae( #ere the 'ause of h"s $eath. H"s state of
hea(th be"% #hat "t #as+ the e)peror )a$e h"s preparat"o%s for the Resurre't"o%
that a#a"ts a(( of us a("/e. 5t the sa)e t")e+ he #as )a/"% h")se(f rea$y for the
pub("' ser!"'es o% the )orro# I0oo$ 6r"$ayJ. *efore $a#% he set out to bathe "%
o%e of the baths s"tuate$ %ear the ")per"a( ?uarters. There #as %o o%e to ass"st
h")+ a%$ he #as 'erta"%(y %ot at $eath-s $oor the%. He ot up "% a perfe't(y
%or)a( #ay to a%o"%t a%$ bathe h")se(f a%$ ta/e h"s aper"t"!es. So he e%tere$
the bath. 6"rst he #ashe$ h"s hea$+ the% $re%'he$ h"s bo$y as #e((+ a%$ as he
#as breath"% stro%(y+ he pro'ee$e$ to the s#"))"% bath+ #h"'h ha$ bee%
$eepe%e$ "% the )"$$(e. To be"% #"th+ he e%4oye$ h")se(f s#"))"% o% the
surfa'e a%$ 7oat"% ("ht(y+ b(o#"% out a%$ refresh"% h")se(f #"th the [<H]
reatest of p(easure. Cater o%+ so)e of h"s ret"%ue 'a)e "% to support h") a%$
"!e h") a rest+ a''or$"% to h"s o#% or$ers.DDH= 8hether they )a$e a% atte)pt
o% the e)peror-s ("fe after they e%tere$ the bath I 'a%%ot say #"th a%y 'o%!"'t"o%.
5t a%y rate+ those #ho see so)e 'o%%e't"o% bet#ee% these e!e%ts a%$ the rest
of the"r !ers"o%+ say that #he% Ro)a%us p(u%e$ h"s hea$ u%$er the #ater22 h"s
usua( 'usto)22 they a(( presse$ h"s %e'/ a%$ he($ h") $o#% for so)e
'o%s"$erab(e t")e+ after #h"'h they (et h") o a%$ #e%t a#ay. The a"r "%s"$e h")+
ho#e!er+ 'ause$ h"s bo$y to r"se a%$ "t brouht h") to the surfa'e+ a()ost
breath(ess. There he 7oate$ about "% a hapha,ar$ #ay+ ("/e a 'or/. 8he% he ha$
re'o!ere$ a ("tt(e a%$ sa# "% #hat a% e!"( p("ht he #as+ he stret'he$ out h"s ha%$
a%$ bee$ so)eo%e to ta/e ho($ of "t a%$ he(p h") to h"s feet. I% p"ty for h")+
a%$ be'ause of h"s sa$ 'o%$"t"o%+ o%e )a% $"$ "%$ee$ o to h"s a"$. Putt"% h"s
ar)s rou%$ h")+ he $re# h") up out of the #ater a%$ 'arr"e$ h") to a 'ou'h+
#here he (a"$ h")+ 4ust as he #as+ "% a p"t"ab(e state. 5t th"s a% uproar e%sue$.
Se!era( perso%s 'a)e "%to the roo)+ a)o% the) the e)press herse(f+ #"thout
a%y bo$yuar$ a%$ appare%t(y str"'/e% #"th r"ef. 5fter o%e (oo/ at h")+ ho#e!er+
she #e%t o3+ ha!"% sat"s1e$ herse(f #"th her o#% eyes that he #as a $y"% )a%.
Ro)a%us a!e o%e stro% $eep )oa%+ a%$ the% /ept (oo/"% rou%$+ th"s #ay a%$
that+ #"thout be"% ab(e to spea/+ but sho#"% by s"%s a%$ %o$s #hat he
#a%te$. The%+ as st"(( %obo$y 'ou($ u%$ersta%$ h")+ he shut h"s eyes a%$ bea%
to breathe )ore fast aa"%. Su$$e%(y h"s )outh ape$ ope% a%$ there 7o#e$
e%t(y fro) "t so)e $ar/2'o(oure$+ 'oau(ate$ )atter+ a%$ #"th t#o or three
asps+ he $"e$.
6*. 7omanus1s greatgrandfather& 7omanus Brgyropoulus& had married a daughter
of 7omanus #ecapenus. 2onstantine1s grandfather& 2onstantine C((
"orphyrogenitus& had also married a daughter of the same emperor. Thus Hoe
and 7omanus were distantly related.
8?. Basil (& emperor from 3,+ to 33,.
8!. Hoe was forty9eight. She had been born in *3?.
86. Bmong other measures designed to relieve %nancial distress he abolished the
allelengyon imposed by Basil ((& and the imperial treasuries contributed great
sums to help debtors and the clergy in St. Sophia. 7omanus had good reason to
reverse this generous policy later in his reign& for apart from the Saracen
incursions the Empire su:ered a series of terrible disasters in !?8!96 -famine in
Bsia <inor& plague& loss of crops through the ravages of locusts& a great
earthGuake at 2onstantinople0.
88. <odern Bleppo.
84. This reverse took place in !?8?& near Bleppo. (t was partially avenged in the
ne=t year by the capture of Edessa by Eeorge <aniaces& who %rst became
prominent in these campaigns.
85. The emperor also began the rebuilding of the 2hurch of the .cly Sepulchre at
'erusalem and spent much money on gold and silver decorations for St. Sophia.
The foundation stone of the latter church was laid in 586& and again in 58+ after
the destruction of the cathedral by %re.
8,. The famous Ereek artists of the %fth century B.2. "heidias was a sculptor&
"olygnotus and Heu=is painters.
8+. Brguments propounded by the philosophers of the <egarian School& called
Eristikoi because of their fondness for dialectic.
83. The Straits of Eibraltar.
8*. Bna=agoras of 2la)omenae& the well9known (onian philosopher of the %fth
century B.2.& thought that other kosmoi -universes0 contemporaneous with our
own might and probably did e=ist ad in%nitum.
4?. 'ohn the Orphanotrophus had been protonotary -head of the civil
administration of a theme& and subordinate only to the strategus& or provincial
governor0 under Basil ((. .e had four brothersJ <ichael& Nicetas& 2onstantine and
Eeorge& the last two like himself being eunuchs. The family came from
"aphlagonia and appears to have been occupied in some disreputable business.
2edrenus -+88& p. 5?40 hints that they were even engaged in forgery. Through
'ohn1s inDuence with the emperor <ichael was promoted Brchon of the "antheon&
an o;ce of doubtful meaning& but probably a 2ourt appointrnent.
4!. 2edrenus -+88& p. 5?50 de%nitely asserts that 7omanus was being slowly
poisoned by Hoe.
46. Bccording to 2edrenus -ibid.0 he was drowned deliberately by <ichael1s
friends. The date was !6 Bpril !?84 -Eood Friday0. The emperor was over si=ty
years of age.
MICH5EC I: 1AKH 2 1AH1 [p.<L]
[ <L] MICH5EC I:
1AKH 22 1AH1
1. Su'h #as the )a%%er of Ro)a%us-s $eath+ after a re"% of 1!e a%$ a ha(f
years. The e)press Goe+ (ear%"% of h"s $eath 22 she ha$ %ot herse(f bee% prese%t
#h"(e he #as $y"% 22 "))e$"ate(y too/ 'o%tro( of a3a"rs+ appare%t(y u%$er the
")press"o% that she #as the r"htfu( he"r to the thro%e by $"!"%e per)"ss"o%. I%
po"%t of fa't+ she #as %ot so )u'h 'o%'er%e$ to se",e po#er o% her o#% beha(f@
a(( her e3orts #ere $"re'te$ to se'ur"% the 'ro#% for M"'hae(+ the perso% I ha!e
a(rea$y $es'r"be$. There #as oppos"t"o%+DDHK for those 'ourt"ers #ho ha$ bee%
a((otte$ pos"t"o%s of $"%"ty 22 )ost of the) #ere o($ fa)"(y reta"%ers 22 4o"%e$
#"th her husba%$-s fr"e%$s a%$ h"s reta"%ers+ #ho ha$ ser!e$ h"s fa)"(y e!er
s"%'e h"s father-s t")e+ "% try"% to pre!e%t her fro) a%y pre'"p"tate or $rast"'
a't"o%. They a$!"se$ her to 'o%s"$er the %ob(est 'ourse for herse(f before )a/"%
a%y $e'"s"o%s. O%e of the peop(e+ they sa"$+ shou($ be pro)ote$ to the 'ro#%+
so)e )a% pree)"%e%t a)o% the)se(!es a%$ a )a% #"(("% to treat her+ %ot as
h"s 'o%sort+ but as e)press "% her o#% r"ht.
= 5(( /"%$s of aru)e%t #ere pro$u'e$ to persua$e her. They be("e!e$ the"r
"%7ue%'e #ou($ ?u"'/(y pre!a"( a%$ she #ou($ 'o)e o!er to the"r po"%t of !"e#. To
the"r surpr"se+ she pers"ste$ "% her support of M"'hae(+ #"th u%#a!er"% (oya(ty@
there #as %o ?uest"o% of reaso% "% the )atter+ for her 4u$)e%t of the )a% #as
"%sp"re$ by se%t")e%t. It re)a"%e$ to set a t")e for the 'ere)o%y of 'oro%at"o%
a%$ for the assu)pt"o% of the other "%s"%"a of po#er. M"'hae(-s e($er brother
approa'he$ her o% the sub4e't pr"!ate(y Ihe #as the [<B] eu%u'h Joh%+ a )a% of
outsta%$"% "%te((e't+ as #e(( as a )a% of a't"o%J. -8e sha(( $"e+- he arue$+ -"f
there "s a%y further $e(ay "% pro)ot"% M"'hae(.- Goe+ %o# 'o)p(ete(y #o% o!er+
at o%'e se%t for the you% )a%+ '(othe$ h") "% a robe "%ter#o!e% #"th o($+
p(a'e$ o% h"s hea$ the ")per"a( 'ro#%+ a%$ set h") $o#% o% a )a%"1'e%t
thro%e+ #"th herse(f %ear h") "% s")"(ar $ress. She the% "ssue$ a% or$er that a((
those #ho #ere ("!"% "% the pa(a'e #ere to prostrate the)se(!es before both of
the) a%$ ha"( the) both as so!ere"%s "% 'o))o%. Of 'ourse+ the or$er #as
obeye$+ but #he% %e#s of "t rea'he$ those outs"$e the pa(a'e a(so+ a(( the '"ty
#a%te$ to share "% the re4o"'"%s at her 'o))a%$. To 7atter the"r %e# )o%ar'h+
the )a4or"ty fe"%e$ appro!a( of the pro'ee$"%s. 5s for the o($ e)peror+ they
'ast h") o3 as thouh he #ere so)e hea!y bur$e%. So+ ("ht2hearte$ a%$ b("the+
#"th p(easure a%$ sat"sfa't"o%+ they a''(a")e$ M"'hae( as e)peror.
K. Th"s pro'(a)at"o% #as arra%e$ "% the e!e%"% by the %e# e)peror-s perso%a(
fr"e%$s. I))e$"ate(y after#ar$s+ a t#ofo($ or$er #as se%t to the C"ty Epar'hus.
He+ #"th a(( the Se%ate+ #as to 'o)e to the pa(a'e at $a#%+ a%$+ #"th the)+ he
#as to prostrate h")se(f before M"'hae(@ %e&t+ he #as to 'arry out+ a(so #"th the"r
'o2operat"o%+ the 'usto)ary obse?u"es for the $e'ease$ Ro)a%us.DDHH
5''or$"%(y they prese%te$ the)se(!es for these $ut"es. E%ter"% o%e by o%e
they bo#e$ the"r hea$s to the rou%$ before the roya( pa"r+ #ho #ere seate$ o%
thro%es. To the e)press o%(y th"s ho)ae #as re%$ere$@ "% the e)peror-s 'ase+
the 'ere)o%y of /"ss"% the r"ht ha%$ #as 'arr"e$ out as #e((. Thereupo%
M"'hae( #as pro'(a")e$ e)peror a%$ so!ere"%+ a%$ #"thout )ore a$o he set
h")se(f to 'o%s"$er the best "%terests of h"s E)p"re. The fu%era( 'ere)o%y for the
$efu%'t Ro)a%us+ #ho ha$ bee% (a"$ out o% a )a%"1'e%t b"er+ #as a(rea$y
prepare$+ a%$ the #ho(e asse)b(y #e%t out to pay the"r respe'ts to the"r $ea$
e)peror "% the usua( fash"o%. O%e of those #ho pre'e$e$ th"s b"er #as Joh% the
Eu%u'h+ #ho) I #"(( $"s'uss at the appropr"ate po"%t "% )y h"story.
H. I sa# th"s fu%era( pro'ess"o% )yse(f. I ha$ %ot yet ro#% a bear$ a%$ o%(y
re'e%t(y ha$ I app("e$ )yse(f to the stu$y of the poets. E&a)"%"% the $ea$ )a%+
I $"$ %ot rea((y re'o%",e h")+ e"ther fro) h"s 'o(our or out#ar$ appeara%'e. It
#as o%(y be'ause of the "%s"%"a that I uesse$ the $ea$ )a% ha$ o%'e bee%
e)peror. H"s fa'e #as 'o)p(ete(y a(tere$+ %ot #aste$ a#ay+ but s#o((e%+ a%$ [<;]
"ts 'o(our #as a(toether 'ha%e$. It #as %ot that of a 'orpse+ but rather
re)"%"s'e%t of )e% s#o((e% a%$ pa(e fro) $r"%/"% po"so%+ so that they appeare$
abso(ute(y b(oo$(ess be%eath the 'hee/s. The ha"r o% h"s hea$ a%$ the ha"r of h"s
bear$ #ere so th"%%e$ out that h"s 'orrupte$ fra)e #as ("/e a 'or%1e($ ra!ae$
by 1re 22 you 'a% see the ba($%ess of "t fro) afar. If a%yo%e #ept for h")+ "t #as
for that reaso% a(o%e that the"r tears fe((+ for the #ho(e popu(a'e+ so)e be'ause
of the )a%y e!"(s they ha$ re'e"!e$ at h"s ha%$s+ others be'ause they ha$
e%4oye$ %o fa!our+ #at'he$ h") o by or es'orte$ the pro'ess"o% #"th the"r eyes
1&e$ upo% h")+ #"thout o%e s"%(e #or$ of respe't.
<. So ("!e$ Ro)a%us a%$ su'h #as the fu%era( #"th #h"'h he #as ho%oure$.
Desp"te the #or/ a%$ e&pe%se "%!o(!e$ "% the bu"($"% of h"s )o%astery+ he
h")se(f ha$ 4oy of o%(y o%e t"%y part of the 'hur'h 22 the spot #here h"s bo$y #as
N. T"(( %o#+ M"'hae( ha$ p(aye$ a partO h"s att"tu$e a%$ the (oo/ "% h"s eyes
sho#e$ (o!e for the e)press. It #as %ot (o%+ thouh+ before a(( th"s #as
'ha%e$+ a%$ her (o!e+ as #e(( as her fa!ours to ")+ #ere repa"$ #"th base
"%rat"tu$e. I 'a% %e"ther pra"se %or b(a)e h") for "t+ for thouh I 'a% s'ar'e(y
'o))e%$ th"s hatre$ for h"s be%efa'tress or h"s beha!"our to#ar$s her+ yet I
'a%%ot fa"( to app(au$ h"s fear of the (a$y+ fear (est he too shou($ be "%!o(!e$ "%
'atastrophe+ ("/e Ro)a%us.
L. The 'h"ef ob4e't"o% to a%y forthr"ht 'o%$e)%at"o% of the )a% ("es "% h"s o#%
'hara'ter+ for "f you a'?u"t h") of th"s o%e 'r")e 'o))"tte$ aa"%st Ro)a%us+
a%$ a'?u"t h") a(so of the 'hare of a$u(tery a%$ of a''usat"o%s that he e&"(e$
perso%s o% )ere susp"'"o%+ th"s )a% #"(( ta/e h"s p(a'e "% the forefro%t of Ro)a%
e)perors. He #as+ "t "s true+ e%t"re(y $e!o"$ of He((e%"' 'u(ture@ o% the other
ha%$+ he #as )ore har)o%"ous "% h"s %ature tha% the ph"(osophers #ho
professe$ that 'u(ture. E!e% "% the fu((%ess of )a%hoo$ a%$ the 7o#er of youth
he )astere$ h"s bo$y. 6ar fro) the phys"'a( pass"o%s beat"% $o#% h"s reaso%+ "t
#as reaso% that e&er'"se$ se!ere 'o%tro( o!er the $es"res. Nor #as "t )ere(y h"s
eye that #as r") 22 h"s sou( #as too. He #as rea$y )oreo!er+ #"th the #"tty
retort+ a%$ h"s to%ue #as #e((2e?u"ppe$ to th"s e%$+ for "t (a'/e$ )o%oto%y+ a%$
he spo/e 7ue%t(y+ #"th a !o"'e both 1%e a%$ reso%a%t.
B. So far as refere%'e to (a#s or 'a%o%s #as 'o%'er%e$+ #hether he ha$ to pass
4u$)e%t or pro!e a 'ase+ he #as "% $">'u(t"es+ a%$ ("b%ess of to%ue $"$ %ot
a!a"( h") !ery )u'h. *ut "f the po"%t "% ?ues2 [NA] t"o% ha$ to be sett(e$ by
reaso%"%+ he #ou($ "))e$"ate(y ta/e "t up #"th a host of suest"o%s a%$
"%tr"'ate aru)e%ts. The pra't"se$ e&pert #as o!er#he()e$ by the )a%-s
e&traor$"%ary %atura( ab"("ty.
Of 'ourse+ he ha$ %o t")e for that yet+ a%$ I )ust o ba'/ to the start of h"s
re"%. My ob4e't "s to sho# ho# 'arefu((y+ fro) the !ery $ay of h"s e%thro%e)e%t+
he #at'he$ o!er the a$)"%"strat"o% of pub("' a3a"rs.
;. C(ear(y "t #as %ot a %ob(e be"%%"% for a )a% pro)ote$ to supre)e po#er+ as
I ha!e sho#%. Ne!erthe(ess+ for a short per"o$ after he be'a)e )aster of the
E)p"re+ he treate$ the o!er%"% of "t as a /"%$ of 4o/e. He #ou($ put o3
$e'"s"o%s u%t"( so)e 'r"s"s arose or so)e u%e&pe'te$ tur% of e!e%ts+ #h"(e he
passe$ the t")e "% a)us"% h"s #"fe a%$ "% ora%","% p(easures a%$ past")es for
her. O%'e he sa# the )a%"tu$e of the E)p"re+ ho#e!er+ a%$ re'o%",e$ the
$"!erse ?ua("ty of forethouht re?u"re$ for "ts )a%a"% a%$ the )u(t"tu$"%ous
$">'u(t"es "%!o(!e$ "% the 'ares of state22$">'u(t"es #"th #h"'h a )a% #ho "s tru(y
a% e)peror )ust be fa'e$ 22 the% h"s 'hara'ter #as su$$e%(y a%$ ra$"'a((y
'ha%e$. It #as as "f he ha$ ro#% up to )a%hoo$+ %o (o%er a boy+ a%$ fro)
that )o)e%t he o!er%e$ h"s E)p"re "% a fash"o% at o%'e )ore )a%(y a%$ )ore
1A. There "s o%e )ore tra"t "% the e)peror #h"'h I 'a%%ot refra"% fro) a$)"r"%. It
"s th"s+ that a(thouh h"s or""% #as hu)b(e+ "% the hour of h"s reat oo$ fortu%e
he $"$ %ot (ose h"s se%se of ba(a%'e+ %or #as he o!er#he()e$ by h"s po#er. No%e
of h"s usua( hab"ts #as 'ha%e$. Mou #ou($ th"%/ he ha$ bee% 'arefu((y tra"%e$
for the tas/ (o% before+ a%$ he see)e$ to approa'h "t %atura((y. O% the $ay of
h"s a''ess"o% he beha!e$ ("/e a )a% #ho ha$ bee% a''(a")e$ e)peror years
before+ a%$ )e% rear$e$ h") as su'h. He )a$e %o "%%o!at"o%s "% estab("she$
'usto)s+ res'"%$e$ %o (a#s+ "%tro$u'e$ %o%e that #ere 'o%trary to the sp"r"t of
h"s pre$e'essor+ re)o!e$ %o )e)ber of the Se%ate22'ha%es #h"'h %or)a((y
o''ur #he% a %e# re"% 'o))e%'es. 5s to those #ho ha$ befr"e%$e$ h") before
h"s pro)ot"o%+ or )e% to #ho) he #as u%$er ob("at"o%+ #he% he be'a)e
e)peror he $"$ %ot 'heat the) of the"r hopes+ e&'ept "%as)u'h as the"r
pro)ot"o% to the h"hest o>'es #as %ot "))e$"ate. He e)p(oye$ the) 1rst+ by
#ay of tr"a(+ so to spea/+ "% the (esser a%$ hu)b(er $ut"es a%$ so ra$ua((y
prepare$ the) for pos"t"o%s of reater ")porta%'e. I )ust a$)"t+ that "f h"s
brothers ha$ %ot bee% [N1] bor% u%$er so)e e!"( star 22 a%$ "t #as for th"s reaso%
that he 'ou($ %e"ther #"pe out the fa)"(y root a%$ bra%'h+ %or )a/e ho%est )e%
of the)+ be'ause of the"r #"'/e$ %ature 22 ha$ "t %ot bee% for th"s+ %ot o%e of the
fa)ous )o%ar'hs #ou($ ha!e bee% h"s e?ua(.
11. Not o%e of the e)perors "% )y t")e 22 a%$ I say th"s #"th e&per"e%'e of )a%y
"% )y ("fe+ for )ost of the) o%(y (aste$ a year 22 %ot o%e of the)+ to )y
/%o#(e$e+ bore the bur$e% of E)p"re e%t"re(y free fro) b(a)e to the e%$. So)e
#ere %atura((y e!"(+ others #ere e!"( throuh the"r fr"e%$sh"p for 'erta"%
"%$"!"$ua(s+ a%$ others aa"% for so)e other of the 'o))o% reaso%s. So "t #as
#"th th"s )a%+ too@ "% h")se(f he #as oo$+ but "% the #ay he treate$ h"s brothers
he #as har$ to e&'ess. 5ppare%t(y Nature+ #he% she brouht the) to b"rth+
a''or$e$ the %ob(er ?ua("t"es to M"'hae(+ but "% the others she pro$u'e$
'hara'ter"st"'s e&a't(y the oppos"te. Ea'h of the) #a%te$ to usurp the p(a'e of
h"s brothers+ a%$ a((o#"% %o%e of the) to ("!e e"ther o% sea or e!e% o% (a%$+ to
$#e(( a(o%e "% the #ho(e #"$e #or($+ as "f by so)e $"spe%sat"o% of 0o$ both sea
a%$ (a%$ #ere h"s o#% "%her"ta%'e. Ofte% M"'hae( tr"e$ to restra"% the)+ %ot by
#ar%"%s but #"th harsh "%!e't"!e+ a%ry repr")a%$s+ a%$ the use of !"o(e%t a%$
fr"htfu( threats. 5(( to %o purpose+ for the e($est brother+ Joh%+ a$)"%"stere$ the"r
a3a"rs #"th reat $e&ter"ty. It #as he #ho assuae$ the e)peror-s #rath a%$ he
#ho #o% for h"s brothers per)"ss"o% to $o #hat they ("/e$. 5%$ he $"$ th"s+ %ot
be'ause he e&a't(y appro!e$ of the"r att"tu$e+ but be'ause+ $esp"te "t+ he 'are$
for the fa)"(y.
1=. It "s )y $es"re "% th"s h"story to "!e a so)e#hat fu((er $es'r"pt"o% of Joh%+
#"thout re'ourse to e)pty at (y"% state)e%ts.DDH< Mou see+ #he% I #as start"%
to ro# a bear$+ I sa# the )a% h")se(f+ a%$ I hear$ h") spea/ a%$ #"t%esse$ h"s
a't"o%s. I )ar/e$ h"s $"spos"t"o% '(ose(y+ a%$ I a) a#are that a(thouh so)e of
h"s $ee$s are pra"se#orthy+ there are other th"%s "% h"s ("fe #h"'h 'a%%ot )eet
#"th e%era( appro!a(. 5t that t")e there #ere )a%y s"$es to h"s 'hara'ter. He
ha$ a rea$y #"t+ a%$ "f e!er a )a% #as shre#$+ he #as@ the p"er'"% (a%'e of h"s
eyes betraye$ those ?ua("t"es. He pa"$ )et"'u(ous 'are to h"s $ut"es@ "% fa't+ he
#e%t to e&tre)es of "%$ustry "% the"r perfor)a%'e. H"s e&per"e%'e "% a(( bra%'hes
of o!er%)e%t #as reat+ but "t #as "% the a$)"%"strat"o% of pub("' 1%a%'e that
h"s #"s$o) a%$ shre#$%ess #ere espe'"a((y e!"$e%t. He bore %o o%e "((2#"((@ yet at
the sa)e t")e+ he #as "rr"tate$ "f a%yo%e u%$erest"2 [N=])ate$ h"s IJoh%-sJ
")porta%t. If he $"$ %o har) to a sou(+ yet "% h"s $ea("%s #"th the peop(e he
assu)e$ a 1er'e e&press"o% #h"'h terr"1e$ o%e a%$ a((. 5s far as (oo/s #ere
'o%'er%e$+ he rea((y hurt the). Most of the) shu$$ere$ at the s"ht of h") 22 a%$
refra"%e$ fro) the"r e!"( pra't"'es. Thus Joh% #as a !er"tab(e bu(#ar/ to the
e)peror a%$ a rea( brother+ for he %e!er re(a&e$ "% h"s !""(a%'e+ e"ther by $ay or
by %"ht E!e% #he% $e!ote$ to p(easure so)et")es+ or ta/"% part "% ba%?uets
a%$ pub("' 'ere)o%"es a%$ fest"!a(s+ he %e!er forot h"s ,ea( for $uty. Noth"%
e!er es'ape$ h"s %ot"'e a%$ %obo$y e!e% so )u'h as tr"e$ to e(u$e h")+ be'ause
e!eryo%e feare$ h") a%$ tre)b(e$ at h"s super"%te%$e%'e+ for at u%t")e(y hours
"% the %"ht he #ou($ su$$e%(y r"$e of o% h"s horse a%$ s'our e!ery %oo/ a%$
'ra%%y of the )etropo("s+ tra!ers"% a(( the "%hab"te$ $"str"'ts at o%'e+ ("/e a 7ash
of ("ht%"%. No o%e #ou($ e!er /%o# #he% he #ou($ 'arry out these "%spe't"o%s
a%$ so they a(( be'a)e %er!ous a%$ sub$ue$ a%$ restra"%e$. It be"% ")poss"b(e
to )eet "% pub("' )e% re)a"%e$ "% the"r ho)es+ ("!"% the"r o#% ("fe "% pr"!ate.
1K. Su'h are the ?ua("t"es "% the )a% that o%e 'a% a$)"re+ but there #ere others
of the 'o%trary sort. H"s )oo$s #ere 'ha%eab(e. He a''o))o$ate$ h")se(f to
e!ery sha$e of op"%"o% "% those #ho 'o%!erse$ #"th h")+ prese%t"% )a%y fa'ets
at ea'h "%ter!"e#. 8he% )e% approa'he$ h")+ he 'r"t"'",e$ the) #h"(e they #ere
st"(( far a#ay+ but as they $re# %ear+ a$$resse$ the) "% a% a3ab(e )a%%er as "f "t
#ere the% that he sa# the) for the 1rst t")e. 5a"%+ "f a%yo%e brouht %e#s
("/e(y to pro!e of reat ser!"'e to the state+ "% or$er to a!o"$ ob("at"o% to h"s
"%for)a%t+ he use$ to prete%$ that he ha$ /%o#% "t a (o% t")e ao+ a%$ the%
upbra"$ the )a% for h"s s(o#%ess. The (atter #ou($ o a#ay 'o!ere$ #"th
'o%fus"o%+ #h"(e Joh% too/ the %e'essary a't"o% a%$ by suppress"% the troub(e+
perhaps "% "ts "%"t"a( staes+ #as ab(e to root "t out a(toether. 5 $es"re o% h"s part
to a'h"e!e reater )a%"1'e%'e+ a%$ to )a%ae the a3a"rs of state "% a )a%%er
)ore be1tt"% a% e)peror+ #as th#arte$ by h"s o#% %atura( hab"ts+ for+ to te(( the
truth+ he %e!er su''ee$e$ "% r"$$"% h")se(f of h"s "%!eterate ree$. Thus+ o%'e
e)bar/e$ o% the $r"%/ 22 a besett"% s"% "% h"s 'ase 22 he #ou($ p(u%e hea$(o%
"%to a(( /"%$s of "%$e'e%'y. E!e% the%+ thouh+ he $"$ %ot foret the 'ares of
E)p"re+ %or re(a& that 1er'e2beast (oo/ o% h"s fa'e or the ster%%ess of h"s
1H. It has ofte% bee% a 'ause of surpr"se to )e+ #he% I ha!e sat [NK] #"th h") at
ba%?uets+ to obser!e ho# a )a%+ a s(a!e to $r"%/ a%$ "!e% to r"ba($ry+ as he
#as+ 'ou($ bear the bur$e% of E)p"re. I% h"s 'ups he #ou($ 'arefu((y #at'h ho#
ea'h of h"s fe((o#s beha!e$. 5fter#ar$s+ as "f he ha$ 'auht the) re$2ha%$e$+ he
#ou($ sub)"t the) to ?uest"o%"% a%$ e&a)"%e #hat they ha$ sa"$ a%$ $o%e "%
the"r $ru%/e% )o)e%ts. They 'a)e to fear h") )ore+ therefore+ #he% he #as
t"psy tha% #he% he #as sober. I%$ee$+ the fe((o# #as a% e&traor$"%ary )"&ture.
6or a (o% t")e he ha$ arbe$ h")se(f "% a )o%/"sh hab"t+ but %ot e!e% "% h"s
$rea)s $"$ he 'are o%e 4ot for the $e'e%t beha!"our that be1ts su'h a $ress. Met
he a'te$ the part+ "f (o%2estab("she$ 'usto) $e)a%$e$ a 'erta"% r"tua(. 5s for
those ("bert"%es #ho "%$u(e$ u%restra"%e$(y "% se%sua( p(easures+ Joh% hat
%oth"% but s'or% for the). O% the other ha%$+ "f a )a% 'hose to ("!e "% a $e'e%t
#ay+ or pass h"s t")e "% the free e&er'"se of !"rtue+ or pro1t h"s )"%$ #"th
s'"e%t"1' stu$"es+ he #ou($ 1%$ "% Joh% a% ")p(a'ab(e foe. The eu%u'h #ou($
#"(fu((y )"sreprese%t the other-s #orthy a)b"t"o%s "% so)e #ay or other. Th"s
para$o&"'a( 'o%$u't "% h"s $ea("%s #"th other )e% #as %ot repeate$ #he% he
ha$ to $o #"th the e)peror+ h"s brother+ for #"th M"'hae( he preser!e$ o%e a%$
the sa)e att"tu$e+ %e!er !ary"%+ %e!er 'ha%"%. I% h"s prese%'e there #as %o
$"ss")u(at"o% at a%y t")e.
1<. There #ere 1!e brothers "% a((. 5s far as 'hara'ter #as 'o%'er%e$+ the
e)peror M"'hae( #as the a%t"thes"s of the others+ but Joh% the Eu%u'h+ #ho) I
ha!e 4ust $es'r"be$+ #as "%fer"or "% !"rtue o%(y to h"). To 'o)pare h") #"th the
others #ou($ be ")poss"b(e+ for the )a% #as su" e%er"s. To put "t )ore '(ear(y+ I
#ou($ say that h"s att"tu$e to#ar$s the three others #as e&a't(y oppose$ to that
of the e)peror. I% 'o)par"so% #"th h")+ Joh% #as !ast(y "%fer"or+ but there #ere
'erta"% rese)b(a%'esO he too #as $"sp(ease$ #"th the brothers- "%'orr""b(e
out(oo/. O% the other ha%$+ he fe(t the $eepest a3e't"o% for the)O %o )a% e!er
sho#e$ )ore brother(y (o!e. He #as re(u'ta%t+ therefore+ to 'a(( the) to a''ou%t
for the"r )"s$ee$s. He #as "%'("%e$ rather to 'o%'ea( the"r #ro%2$o"%s a%$
'(a") for the) st"(( reater ("berty+ "% the be("ef that M"'hae( #ou($ %e!er %ot"'e
#hat #as happe%"%.
1N. So )u'h the% for the brothers. Cet us retur% to the e)peror. 6or so)e t")e he
treate$ Goe #"th )ar/e$ 'o%s"$erat"o%+ but that phase soo% passe$. He
suspe'te$ her )ot"!es 22 there #ere reaso%s for susp"'"o% "% that house 22 a%$ he
pro'ee$e$ to $e%y her a%y [NH] ("berty #hate!er.DDHN Per)"ss"o% to (ea!e the
pa(a'e "% her usua( #ay #as refuse$+ a%$ she #as shut up "% the #o)e%-s
?uarters. No o%e #as a((o#e$ to approa'h her+ u%(ess the 'apta"% of the uar$
ha$ 1rst "!e% author"ty+ after 'arefu( s'rut"%y of the !"s"tor-s "$e%t"ty+ or""%+ a%$
purpose+ so '(ose #as the #at'h /ept o!er her. She #as+ ?u"te %atura((y+
e)b"ttere$ by th"s sort of treat)e%t. Sure(y "t #as har$(y to be #o%$ere$ at+
#he% the be%e1ts she ha$ 'o%ferre$ upo% the e)peror #ere be"% repa"$ #"th
su'h hatre$. Ne!erthe(ess+ she restra"%e$ herse(f+ re7e't"% that to rebe( aa"%st
M"'hae(-s $e'"s"o%s #ou($ be ")proper+ a%$ "% a%y 'ase she ha$ %o opportu%"ty+
e!e% "f she #"she$+ to ta/e a%y a't"o% or oppose h"s #"((+ for she #as $epr"!e$ of
a(( prote't"o% fro) the I)per"a( 0uar$ a%$ bereft of a(( author"ty. 5%y#ay+ she
a!o"$e$ the $esp"'ab(e fe)"%"%e tra"t of ta(/at"!e%ess a%$ there #ere %o
e)ot"o%a( outbursts. She %e"ther re)"%$e$ the e)peror of the (o!e a%$ be("ef "%
her that he ha$ sho#% "% the past+ %or $"$ she e!"%'e a%er aa"%st h"s brothers
#he% they atta'/e$ her #"th the"r threats a%$ abuse. Not o%'e $"$ she (oo/ #"th
b"tter%ess o% the 'apta"% of the uar$ or $"s)"ss h") fro) her prese%'e. O% the
'o%trary+ she #as e%t(e to a((+ a%$ ("/e the '(e!erest orators+ a$4uste$ herse(f to
$"3ere%t perso%s a%$ $"3ere%t 'o%$"t"o%s.
1L. The others+ ho#e!er+ by %o )ea%s )o$"1e$ the"r o#% att"tu$e to p(ease Goe.
I% fa't+ they #ere e&'ee$"%(y afra"$ of her+ as "f she #ere so)e ("o%ess #h"'h+ for
a #h"(e+ ha$ (a"$ as"$e her fero'"ty. It #as %atura(+ therefore+ that they shou($
'o%su(t the"r o#% safety. E!ery /"%$ of barr"er+ e!ery /"%$ of ra)part+ #as ere'te$
to prote't the) fro) her atta'/s. They /ept u%'eas"% !""(+ #h"(e the e)peror+
for h"s part+ ra$ua((y stoppe$ see"% her at a((. There #ere+ I /%o#+ )a%y
reaso%s for th"s. Mar"ta( re(at"o%s #"th her ha$ be'o)e ")poss"b(e+ %o# that the
)a(a$y #h"'h threate%e$ h") ha$ a(rea$y )a$e "ts appeara%'e. H"s hea(th #as
u%$er)"%e$ a%$ h"s bo$"(y 'o%$"t"o% poor. The% aa"%+ he #as 'o!ere$ #"th
sha)e #he%e!er he (oo/e$ at Goe+ a%$ "t #as ")poss"b(e for h") to )eet her
a,e+ /%o#"% ho# he ha$ betraye$ h"s (o!e+ fors#or% h"s pro)"ses+ a%$ bro/e%
has #or$. I% the th"r$ p(a'e+ ha!"% 'o%!erse$ #"th 'erta"% sa"%t(y perso%s about
the $ee$s he ha$ 'o))"tte$ "% or$er to a"% po#er+ a%$ ha!"% re'e"!e$ so)e
#ho(eso)e a$!"'e fro) these e%t(e)e%+ he %o# es'he#e$ a(( /"%$s of e&'ess
a%$ refra"%e$ e!e% fro) (e"t")ate "%ter'ourse. There #as so)eth"% e(se that he
feare$+ [N<] too 22 so)eth"% that further pre!e%te$ h") fro) !"s"t"% the
e)press. The bra"%2stor)s %o (o%er atta'/e$ h")+ as heretofore+ at (e%thy
"%ter!a(s+ but they o''urre$ )ore fre?ue%t(y+ #hether throuh so)e outs"$e
"%7ue%'e #h"'h a(tere$ the %ature of the "((%ess or be'ause of so)e "%ter%a(
a3e't"o% #h"'h brouht o% the 1ts. I% fro%t of others he #as %ot so e)barrasse$
#he% these 'a)e o%+ but before the e)press he b(ushe$ $eep(y+ a%$ s"%'e the
)a(a$y aR"'te$ h") "% '"r'u)sta%'es that #ere u%pre$"'tab(e+ he /ept out of her
s"ht. If she ha$ see% h") ("/e that+ he #ou($ ha!e fe(t $"sra'e$.
1B. 6or these reaso%s he rare(y appeare$ "% pub("' a%$ he (a'/e$ se(f2'o%1$e%'e
"% the so'"ety of others.DDHL 8he%e!er he #"she$ to "!e au$"e%'e or to 'arry out
a%y other of the usua( 'ere)o%"es+ 'erta"% perso%s #ere e%truste$ #"th the $uty
of obser!"% a%$ /eep"% #at'h o!er h"). These o>'"a(s hu% re$ 'urta"%s o%
e"ther s"$e of h")+ a%$ as soo% as they sa# h") tur% h"s hea$ e!er so s("ht(y or
%o$+ or use #hate!er other s"%s they /%e# to hera($ the o%set of h"s )a(a$y+
they "))e$"ate(y as/e$ those #ho 'a)e "%to h"s prese%'e to ret"re+ $re#
toether the 'urta"%s+ a%$ so atte%$e$ h") beh"%$ the)+ "% pr"!ate. The atta'/s
'a)e o% ?u"'/(y+ but he re'o!ere$ e!e% )ore ?u"'/(y+ a%$ after#ar$s there #as
%o tra'e of "((%ess "% h"s 'o%$u't. He #ou($ s#"ft(y be'o)e )aster of h")se(f a%$
reaso% '(ear(y. If e!er he #e%t out o% foot or o% horseba'/+ a '"r'(e of uar$s
use$ to es'ort h")+ a%$ #he% he fe(t "((+ they #ou($ ather rou%$ h") o% a(( s"$es
a%$ so (oo/ after h")+ #"thout fear of stra%ers see"% h"s $"stress. There #ere
)a%y o''as"o%s+ ho#e!er+ #he% he #as see% be"% thro#% fro) h"s horse. O%'e+
#h"(e he #as 'ross"% a strea) of #ater o% horseba'/+ a% atta'/ 'a)e o%@ the
uar$s+ a%t"'"pat"% %o troub(e+ #ere so)e $"sta%'e a#ay at the t")e+ #he%
su$$e%(y he ro((e$ o3 h"s sa$$(e a%$ #as see% by the )ob+ (y"% o% the rou%$
there "% o%e of h"s spas)s. Nobo$y atte)pte$ to ("ft h") up+ but they #ere fu(( of
p"ty for h"s )"sfortu%e.
1;. The se?ue( to these e!e%ts #"(( be re(ate$ "% the appropr"ate p(a'e "% th"s
h"story. 8e ha!e see% the e)peror "% s"'/%ess@ %o# (et us see #hat /"%$ of )a%
he #as "% oo$ hea(th. I% the "%ter!a(s bet#ee% h"s 1ts+ #he% h"s reaso% #as
sou%$+ he $e!ote$ h")se(f e%t"re(y to thouht for h"s E)p"re. Not o%(y $"$ he
e%sure the oo$ o!er%)e%t of '"t"es #"th"% our bou%$ar"es+ but he stoppe$ the
%at"o%s beyo%$ our bor$ers fro) "%!a$"% Ro)a% terr"tory. Th"s [NN] he $"$+ part(y
by the $espat'h of e%!oys+ part(y by br"bery+ part(y by a%%ua( $"sp(ays of )"("tary
stre%th. Tha%/s to these pre'aut"o%s %e"ther the ru(er of Eypt %or of Pers"a+ %or
e!e% of *aby(o%"a+ bro/e the ter)s of treat"es they ha$ )a$e #"th us. Nor $"$
a%y of the )ore $"sta%t peop(es ope%(y sho# the"r host"("ty. So)e #ere a'tua((y
re'o%'"(e$ a(toether+ #h"(e others+ apprehe%s"!e of the e)peror-s #at'hfu( 'are
a%$ fearfu( of h"s !e%ea%'e+ fo((o#e$ a po("'y of str"'t %eutra("ty. The
ora%",at"o% a%$ 'o%tro( of pub("' 1%a%'e ha$ bee% $epute$ to h"s brother Joh%.
To Joh% a(so #as (eft the reater part of '"!"( a$)"%"strat"o%+ but the re)a"%"%
a3a"rs of state M"'hae( )a%ae$ h")se(f. No# so)e sub4e't of '"!"( o!er%)e%t
#ou($ '(a") h"s atte%t"o%@ at other t")es he #ou($ be ora%","% the -s"%e#s- of
the Ro)a% E)p"re+ that "s+ the 5r)y+ a%$ bu"($"% up "ts stre%th@ but a(( the t")e
that the $"sease #h"'h ha$ beu% to a3e't h") #as ro#"% to "ts '(")a& a%$
rea'h"% "ts ,e%"th+ he st"(( super!"se$ the #ho(e a$)"%"strat"o% of the E)p"re+
4ust as "f %o "((%ess #ere #e"h"% upo% h") at a((.
=A. 8he% h"s brother Joh% sa# h"s ra$ua( $e'("%e+ he #as fearfu( for h")se(f a%$
a(( h"s fa)"(y. 5fter the so!ere"%-s $eath+ "% the e%era( $"sor$er+ the E)p"re
)"ht foret h")@ he )"ht be 'o)pe((e$ to fa'e a(( /"%$s of troub(e. 8herefore
he a$opte$ a po("'y that #as+ to a(( appeara%'es+ )ost pru$e%t+ but "% fa't )ost
per"(ous+ as the out'o)e of the a3a"r #as to pro!e. I%$ee$+ "t #as the "))e$"ate
'ause of the"r sh"p#re'/+ #"th the (oss of a(( ha%$s+ "% #hat 'a% o%(y be $es'r"be$
as 'o)p(ete a%$ utter ru"%. Ho#e!er+ that story )ust 'o)e (ater. 8e(( the%+ Joh%+
ha!"% aba%$o%e$ a(( hope of the e)peror-s re'o!ery+ ha$ a% "%ter!"e# #"th h")
u%/%o#% to h"s brothers. The suest"o%s )a$e by h") at that )eet"% #ere
)ore spe'"ous tha% ho%est. It 'a)e about ("/e th"s. O%e $ay he fou%$ M"'hae(
a(o%e+ a%$ '(oa/"% h"s thouhts "% per"phras"s+ bea% to a$$ress h") "% the
fo((o#"% )a%%er+ ob!"ous(y #"th the "$ea of 'o)pe(("% h") to as/ ?uest"o%s.
-That I ha!e 'o%t"%ue$ to ser!e you+- he sa"$+ -%ot s")p(y as a brother+ but as
Master a%$ E)peror+ Hea!e% /%o#s+ a%$ a(( the #or($ /%o#s "t too@ you yourse(f
'ou($ s'ar'e(y $e%y "t. That+ ho#e!er+ I a(so pay so)e s)a(( atte%t"o%+ to put "t
)"($(y+ to the $es"res of the rest of the fa)"(y+ to the"r op"%"o%s of the 'o))o%
oo$ a%$ to the"r "%terests+ you+ )ore tha% a%yo%e e(se+ a(so /%o#. So I a) %ot
#orr"e$ about your prese%t te%ure of the thro%e. 8hat I #a%t to uara%tee "s the
future as #e((+ a%$ I #"sh [NL] to e%sure that the 'ro#% 'a% 'o%t"%ue free fro)
atta'/s. If I ha!e bee% u%ab(e to restra"% the to%ues of the peop(e+ at (east )y
po("'y 'o%s"ste%t(y $"re'te$ e!eryo%e-s atte%t"o% to you+ a%$ to you a(o%e. If the%
you ha!e re'e"!e$ sure proof of )y (oya(ty+ "f you /%o# that I ha!e fa"thfu((y $o%e
)y $uty+ $o %ot+ I be of you+ thrust as"$e th"s "$ea of )"%e. If you $o 22 #e((+ I #"((
ho($ )y to%ue. 8here our fortu%es #"(( e%$ I #"(( %ot say %o#+ (est I (ea!e you
=1. 5t these #or$s the e)peror #as thorouh(y $"sturbe$. He as/e$ #hat "% the
#or($ a(( th"s )ea%t+ #hat 'ou($ be the ob4e't of su'h a spee'h. -Mour (oya(ty to
)e "s a$)"tte$@ foret "t for a )o)e%t.-
The other+ se","% o% th"s a$)"ss"o%+ #e%t o%+ -Do %ot ")a"%e+ S"r+ that the
peop(e ha!e fa"(e$ to hear+ or see #"th the"r o#% eyes+ that you are aR"'te$ by a
$"sease #h"'h "s ob!"ous+ a%$ yet /ept se'ret. I /%o# ?u"te #e((+ of 'ourse+ that
you #"(( su3er %o $rea$fu( e3e'ts fro) "t+ but )e%-s to%ues 'o%sta%t(y sprea$
ru)ours that you ha!e $"e$. My a%&"ety+ the%+ "s th"s. Throuh the"r be("ef "% your
"))"%e%t $eath+ they )ay re!o(t aa"%st you. They )ay set up as the"r 'ha)p"o%
o%e of the peop(e+ a%$ e(e!ate h") to your thro%e. 6or )y o#% a3a"rs+ a%$ for the
a3a"rs of the fa)"(y "% e%era(+ I a) (ess 'o%'er%e$+ but I $o fear for you. It #ou($
be $rea$fu( "f so oo$ a%$ so 4ust a% e)peror shou($ be a''use$ of
thouht(ess%ess. Of 'ourse+ he #ou($ es'ape the $a%er h")se(f+ but he #"(( %ot
e!a$e the 'hare of fa"("% to pro!"$e for the future.- M"'hae( ha$ a rea$y rep(y to
th"s. -5%$ #hat+ )ay I as/+- he sa"$+ -#hat "s th"s pre!"s"o%S 5%$ ho# are #e to
'he'/ the peop(e-s oss"pS Te(( )e )ore about these $es"res for re!o(ut"o%.-
==.-5 !ery easy )easure+- a%s#ere$ Joh%+ -a%$ a(( rea$y. If our brother DDH; #ere
%ot $ea$+ you #ou($ ha!e ra%te$ h") the se'o%$ h"hest $"%"ty "% the state 22
the o>'e of Caesar. S"%'e $eath has
ta/e% h") fro) us+ there "s our s"ster-s so%+ M"'hae(+ #ho+ as you /%o#+ has bee%
e%truste$ #"th the 'o))a%$ of your bo$yuar$. 8hy %ot )a/e h") CaesarS He
#"(( be of )ore ser!"'e to you tha%
before+ a%$ as for the pos"t"o%+ he #"(( rear$ that as )ere(y %o)"%a(. 5part fro)
ho($"% the t"t(e+ he #"(( be %o )ore tha% a s(a!e to you+ [NB] o''upy"% the
(o#est ra%/.- 8"th these persuas"!e aru)e%ts he #o% o!er the e)peror+ a%$
o%'e aree$ o% the %e# po("'y+ they $ebate$ the )a%%er of 'arry"% "t out. Joh%
aa"% #as rea$y #"th a$!"'e. -Mou /%o#+ S"r+ that the E)p"re be(o%s by
"%her"ta%'e to Goe a%$ the #ho(e %at"o% o#es reater a((e"a%'e to her+ be'ause
she "s a #o)a% a%$ he"r to the thro%e. Moreo!er+ be"% so e%erous "% her
$"str"but"o% of )o%ey+ she has #o% the hearts of the peop(e 'o)p(ete(y. I
suest+ therefore+ that #e shou($ )a/e her )other to our %ephe# 22 "f she
a$opts h") "t #"(( be )ore prop"t"ous 22 a%$ at the sa)e t")e persua$e her to
pro)ote h") to the $"%"ty a%$ t"t(e of Caesar. She #"(( %ot refuse. Goe "s
a''o))o$at"% e%ouh+ a%$ "% a%y 'ase+ she 'a%%ot oppose us "% a%y #ay.-
=K. The e)peror aree$ that the p(a% #as a oo$ o%e+ a%$ #he% they "%for)e$
Goe of the s'he)e+ they fou%$ "t a !ery s")p(e )atter to 'o%!"%'e her. So at o%'e
they pro'ee$e$ to put "t "%to pra't"'e. 5% a%%ou%'e)e%t #as )a$e about the
pub("' 'ere)o%y+ a%$ a(( the $"%"tar"es #ere athere$ toether "% the 'hur'h at
*(a'her%ae. 8he% the sa're$ bu"($"% #as fu((+ the E)press2Mother+
a''o)pa%"e$ by her a$opte$ so%+ #as brouht fro) the pa(a'e. The e)peror
'o%ratu(ate$ h") o% h"s %e# re(at"o%sh"p to the e)press a%$ for)a((y pro)ote$
h") to the $"%"ty of Caesar. The asse)b(y thereupo% a''(a")e$ h")+ a%$ the
usua( r"tes a%$ 'ere)o%"es proper to su'h a% o''as"o% #ere perfor)e$ "% h"s
ho%our. 5fter th"s+ the )eet"% #as $"s)"sse$. 5s for Joh%+ be("e!"% that a(( h"s
troub(es #ere %o# at a% e%$ a%$ that the fa)"(y fortu%es #ere %o# se'ure$+ he
har$(y /%e# ho# to 'o%ta"% h")se(f for the reat%ess of h"s 4oy.
=H. 8hat ha$ ta/e% p(a'e #as+ "% rea("ty+ the be"%%"% of )"hty $"sasters "% the
future+ a%$ #hat #as+ to a(( appeara%'es+ the fou%$at"o% sto%e of the fa)"(y-s
(ory pro!e$ rea((y to be "ts utter $estru't"o%. I #"(( $e)o%strate the truth of that
(ater "% the h"story. Cet "t su>'e %o# that the e)peror-s fr"e%$s sett(e$ the )atter
"% the #ay I ha!e $es'r"be$ a%$ put th"s you% Caesar+ the he"r2presu)pt"!e+ "% a
pos"t"o% #here he #ou($ a''e$e to the thro%e+ as soo% as the e)peror
su''u)be$ to h"s "((%ess. Ha!"% $o%e so+ they 'ease$ to 'o%'er% the)se(!es
#"th the per)a%e%'e of the"r o#% pos"t"o%+ 'o%!"%'e$ that the"r "%terests #ere
%o# thorouh(y assure$. I $o %ot /%o# #hether the e)peror "))e$"ate(y
repe%te$ of h"s a't"o%+ or "f h"s fee("%s for h"s %ephe# u%$er#e%t so)e 'ha%e+
but he $"$ %ot treat h") as Caesar+ a%$ far fro) respe't"% h"s h"h ra%/+ he
fa"(e$ [N;] to a''or$ h") e!e% the re'o%",e$ ho%ours+ a%$ too/ 'are that he
shou($ e%4oy o%(y the out#ar$ sy)bo(s of po#er.
=<. I )yse(f ha!e see% the Caesar sta%$ as"$e a)o% the pa(a'e $"%"tar"es+ so
that so)eo%e )"ht pass o% so)e oo$ story at h"s e&pe%se to the e)peror. Nor
$"$ he share the e)peror-s tab(e+ e&'ept #he% he o''up"e$ the Caesar-s p(a'e at
o>'"a( ba%?uets. If e!er a te%t #as p"t'he$ for h")+ #"th uar$s at the e%tra%'e
a%$ #"th so)e se)b(a%'e of a Caesar-s hea$?uarters+ "t #ou($ ("e "% so)e
"%'o%sp"'uous spot a%$ (oo/e$ )u'h ("/e the te%t o''up"e$ by the e)peror-s
brothers. The s")"(ar"ty #as %ot a''"$e%ta(+ for they+ fear"% %o# for the"r
brother-s ("fe a%$ p"%%"% the"r hopes o% the %ephe#+ treate$ the (atter #"th
e&traor$"%ary $efere%'e. They "%s"%uate$ the)se(!es "%to h"s oo$ ra'es a%$
(a!"she$ o% h") ho%our be1tt"% a% e)peror. I% other #ays+ too+ the"r a't"o%s
#ere $es"%e$ to se'ure for the)se(!es a pre2e)"%e%t p(a'e "% the future
o!er%)e%t+ a%$ to prepare the #ay for "t. So "t 'a)e about that they ass"%e$
h") a res"$e%'e+ %ot "% Co%sta%t"%op(e+ but "% so)e part of the suburbs.
5ppare%t(y they $es"%e$ th"s as so)e s"%a( ho%our+ but rea((y "t #as a /"%$ of
$"su"se$ e&"(e+ for he 'a)e a%$ #e%t+ %ot #he% he h")se(f #"she$+ but #he%
they or$ere$ h"). Not e!e% "% h"s #"($est $rea)s $"$ he reap the s("htest be%e1t
fro) h"s u%'(e-s patro%ae.
=N. Cet )e %o# "!e so)e a''ou%t of th"s )a%.DD<A H"s fa)"(y+ o% h"s father-s
s"$e+ #as a(toether "%s"%"1'a%t a%$ 'o)p(ete(y obs'ure. H"s father 'a)e fro)
so)e abso(ute(y $eserte$ 'ou%try p(a'e or fro) so)e other o$$ 'or%er of the
#or($. H"s a't"!"t"es "%'(u$e$ %e"ther the so#"% of 'rops %or the p(a%t"% of
!"%eyar$s 22 "% truth+ he 'ou($ %ot 'a(( a s"%(e a're of (a%$ h"s o#%. There #as %o
her$ of 'att(e to $r"!e+ %o 7o'/ of sheep to te%$. He #as %ot a far)2ba"("3. He ha$
%o other ("!e("hoo$ there+ or e!e% a s"% of o%e. No+ the fe((o# tur%e$ h"s
atte%t"o% to the sea. He ha$ %o )"%$ to e%ae "% 'o))er'e+ or to a't as
%a!"ator o% a sh"p+ or to p"(ot !esse(s+ at a fee+ #he% they put "%to harbour or
sa"(e$ out to sea. Ho#e!er+ as he ha$ tur%e$ h"s ba'/ o% the (a%$ a%$ %o# (oo/e$
to the sea for h"s ("!"%+ he be'a)e so)eth"% b" "% the sh"pbu"($"% ("%e. P(ease
$o %ot ")a"%e that he 'ut t")ber or p(a%e$ o3 the #oo$ they use "% the sh"ps+
%or $"$ he 1t a%$ faste% toether the p(a%/s. Not a b"t of "t. 8hat he $"$ #as th"sO
#he% others ha$ $o%e the asse)b("%+ he !ery s/"(fu((y s)eare$ the asse)b(e$
parts #"th p"t'h. There #as %ot [LA] a boat+ fresh(y2bu"(t+ #h"'h 'ou($ e!er be
(au%'he$ o% the sea+ u%(ess th"s fe((o#+ #"th h"s 'u%%"% s/"((+ ha$ 1rst "!e% "t
the 1%"sh"% tou'h.
=L. Cater o% he be'a)e the p(ayth"% of 6ortu%e a%$ h"s #ho(e )a%%er of ("fe #as
'ha%e$. I sa# h") after the )eta)orphos"s+ a%$ there #as %oth"% #hate!er
about h"%ts "% har)o%y or 'o%ruous #"th the part he #as p(ay"%. H"s horse+ h"s
'(othes+ e!eryth"% e(se that a(ters a )a%-s appeara%'e 22 a(( #ere out of p(a'e. It
#as as "f a py)y #a%te$ to p(ay Her'u(es a%$ #as try"% to )a/e h")se(f (oo/
("/e the $e)"2o$. The )ore su'h a perso% tr"es+ the )ore h"s appeara%'e be("es
h") 22 '(othe$ "% the ("o%-s s/"%+ but #e"he$ $o#% by the '(ubQ So "t #as #"th th"s
)a%@ %oth"% about h") #as r"ht.
=B. 8e((+ that #as M"'hae(-s fa)"(y o% h"s father-s s"$e. If a%yo%e 'are$ to tra'e
h"s $es'e%t o% the )ater%a( s"$e+ he #ou($ 1%$+ #"th the e&'ept"o% of h"s u%'(e+
%o esse%t"a( $"3ere%'e fro) the a%'estors of h"s father. That #as the sort of fo(/
fro) #ho) he #as spru%. 5s for the )a% h")se(f+ "% a(( )atters that 'o%tr"bute
to o%e-s se(frespe't 22 super"or sta%$"% a%$ ra%/ "% so'"ety+ or at (east "ts
out#ar$ appeara%'e 22 he bore ("tt(e rese)b(a%'e to h"s pare%ts. He ha$ a%
e&traor$"%ary 7a"r for 'o%'ea("% -the 1re be%eath the ashes-+ that "s to say+ he
h"$ a% e!"( $"spos"t"o% u%$er a /"%$(y e&ter"or. He #as e&pert "% the 'o%'ept"o%
a%$ p(a%%"% of u%("/e(y $es"%s. He sho#e$ %o 'o%s"$erat"o% for be%efa'tors+ %o
rat"tu$e to a%yo%e for fr"e%$sh"p or so("'"tu$e or $e!ot"o% o% h"s beha(f. *ut h"s
po#ers of $"ss")u(at"o% #ere su'h that he 'ou($ h"$e a(( that. 5fter h"s pro)ot"o%
to Caesar+ there #as a fa"r(y (o% "%ter!a( before he be'a)e e)peror+ a%$ he
bea% to ")a"%e "% h"s o#% )"%$+ se'ret(y of 'ourse+ #hat "t #ou($ be ("/e to
ru(e. He bea% to p(ot the th"%s he #ou($ $o+ p"'tur"% the s'e%e to h")se(f.
E!ery )e)ber of the fa)"(y #as 'o%s"$ere$ "% tur%. 5(( those #ho ha$ sho#% h")
a fa!our a%$ he(pe$ to pro)ote h") he p(a%%e$ to $estroy. 8"th the e)press he
#ou($ be b"tter(y a%ry. So)e of h"s u%'(es he #ou($ /"((+ others he #ou($ $r"!e
"%to e&"(e. 5%$ a(( the t")e he #as ")a"%"% these th"%s+ he #as e!e% )ore
'arefu( tha% usua( to appear fr"e%$(y to#ar$s the). The eu%u'h Joh% #as the
pr"%'"pa( ob4e't of h"s trea'herous $es"%s+ but there #as %o h"%t of the) "%
M"'hae(-s beha!"our. I%$ee$+ the $"ss")u(at"o% "% th"s 'ase #as e!e% )ore a$ro"t+
for the %ephe# pers"ste$ "% a't"% ("/e a% "%fer"or a%$ [L1] 'a((e$ Joh% -s"r-. H"s
hopes of ("fe a%$ safety+ he sa"$+ reste$ "% Joh%-s ha%$s.
=;. The others #ere u%a#are of the Caesar-s art"1'e a%$ they /%e# %oth"% of
the h"$$e% $epths of h"s sou(+ but Joh%-s per'ept"o% #as )ore a'ute tha%
M"'hae(-s p(ay2a't"%. To Joh% the #ho(e bus"%ess #as susp"'"ous. Desp"te th"s+ he
thouht %o "))e$"ate 'ha%e of po("'y #as 'a((e$ for@ he #ou($ a't #he% a
fa!ourab(e opportu%"ty prese%te$ "tse(f. The Caesar+ o% the other ha%$+ #as %ot
$e(u$e$ by h"s )a%oeu!res. So both (ay "% #a"t for ea'h other+ ea'h se'ret(y
p(ott"%+ but s")u(at"% be%e!o(e%'e. Ea'h thouht he #as $e'e"!"% h"s r"!a(+ yet
%e"ther #as "%ora%t of the other-s $es"%s. It #as Joh% ho#e!er+ #ho #as
'auht+ be'ause he fa"(e$ to )a/e fu(( use of h"s 'u%%"%. *y putt"% o3 the
'ha%'e to $epose a%$ o!erthro# the Caesar+ he brouht $o#% o% h"s o#% hea$
the su)2tota( of the fa)"(y )"sfortu%es. I #"(( te(( that ta(e (ater.
KA. It "s )y 'usto) to attr"bute to D"!"%e Pro!"$e%'e the o!er%a%'e of reat
e!e%ts+ or rather I 'o%s"$er that a(( o''urre%'es $er"!e fro) Pro!"$e%'e+ "f o%(y
our hu)a% %ature "s %ot 'orrupte$. Th"s e!e%t a(so+ "% )y op"%"o%+ $er"!e$ fro) a
)ore tha% hu)a% pres'"e%'e a%$ $"re't"o% 22 the fa't+ I )ea%+ that the
su''ess"o% to the thro%e fe(( to the Caesar+ a%$ %ot to a%y other )e)ber of h"s
fa)"(y+ be'ause 0o$ /%e# "t #as throuh the Caesar that the #ho(e fa)"(y #ou($
be a%%"h"(ate$. Ho#e!er+ that "s a sub4e't #"th #h"'h I #"(( $ea( (ater.
K1. It #as %o# e!"$e%t that the #ho(e of the e)peror-s bo$y #as s#o((e%+ a%$
%obo$y 'ou($ fa"( to %ot"'e the hy$ropsy fro) #h"'h he #as su3er"%. He tr"e$
!ar"ous )etho$s+ su'h as prayers a%$ pur"1'at"o%s+ "% the hope of be"% 'ure$+
but he #as 'o%1$e%t of u(t")ate re'o!ery for o%e reaso% "% part"'u(ar 22 the
bu"($"% of a 'hur'h "% ho%our of the 5%aryro"+DD<1 "% a suburb of the '"ty+ o% the
east s"$e. It #as a (or"ous )o%u)e%t. 5'tua((y+ %ot a(( the fou%$at"o%s #ere (a"$
by M"'hae(+ but he thre# the) o!er a #"$er area. There ha$ bee% a sa're$
bu"($"% o% the spot before+ a(thouh "t #as %ot %ote$ for a%y )a%"1'e%'e+ %or
#as "t re)ar/ab(e for ar'h"te'tura( sty(e. Th"s ere't"o% he %o# beaut"1e$+ bu"(t
a$$"t"o%s o% to "t+ a%$ surrou%$e$ "t #"th #a((s. The %e# 'hape(s e%ha%'e$ "ts
(ory. 8he% a(( the #or/ #as $o%e+ he $e$"'ate$ th"s 'hur'h as a )o%astery. So
far as the bu"($"% of sa're$ 'hur'hes #as 'o%'er%e$+ M"'hae( surpasse$ a(( h"s
pre$e'essors+ both "% #or/)a%sh"p a%$ "% [L=] )a%"1'e%'e. The $epths a%$
he"hts of th"s e$"1'e #ere "!e% a %e# sy))etry+ a%$ h"s 'hape(s har)o%",e$
#"th the 'hur'h to besto# o% "t a% "%1%"te beauty. The )ost #o%$erfu( sto%es
#ere use$ "% the 7oors a%$ #a((s+ a%$ the #ho(e 'hur'h be'a)e resp(e%$e%t #"th
o($ )osa"' a%$ the pa"%ter-s art. I)aes that see)e$ a()ost to ("!e+ set "% e!ery
poss"b(e part+ 1((e$ the sa're$ bu"($"% #"th (ory. *es"$es a(( th"s+ there #ere
%ear th"s 'hur'h+ a%$ pra't"'a((y "%'orporate$ "%to "ts pre'"%'ts+ (o!e(y baths+
%u)erous fou%ta"%s+ beaut"fu( (a#%s+ a%$ #hate!er e(se 'a% $e("ht or attra't the
K=. The ob4e't of a(( th"s #as+ "% so)e )easure+ to ho%our the De"ty+ but the
e)peror a(so hope$ to prop"t"ate the -Ser!a%ts of 0o$-@ per'ha%'e they )"ht
hea( h"s aR"'t"o%. It #as a(( "% !a"% thouh+ for the )easure of h"s ("fe #as
fu(1((e$+ a%$ h"s hea(th st"(( 'o%t"%ue$ to brea/ up. 5t (ast+ therefore+ he
aba%$o%e$ a(( hope of re'o!ery. It #as the Ju$)e%t to 'o)e that %o# e%rosse$
a(( h"s atte%t"o%@ he )ust free h")se(f+ o%'e a%$ for a((+ fro) the s"%s that #ere
besett"% h"s sou(.
KK. There are so)e peop(e+ %ot e&a't(y #e((2$"spose$ to h"s fa)"(y+ but pre4u$"'e$
"% the"r op"%"o%s+ #ho say that before M"'hae( 'a)e to po#er+ 'erta"% )yster"ous
r"tes "%7ue%'e$ h") to see/ the Pr"%'"pate. 0host(y appar"t"o%s+ see% o%(y by
h")se(f Iso they sayJ+ prophes"e$ h"s future e&a(tat"o%+ a%$ "% retur% for these
ser!"'es+ they $e)a%$e$ that he shou($ $e%y h"s fa"th "% 0o$. 5''or$"% to the"r
story+ "t #as th"s tra%sa't"o% that %o# $"stresse$ h")+ "!"% h") %o resp"te a%$
$r"!"% h") o% to )a/e h"s pea'e #"th the 5()"hty. Those #ho too/ part "% these
'ere)o%"es #"th h") a%$ fa/e$ the appar"t"o%s+ #"(( /%o# #hether the story "s
true or fa(se. If "t "s a )ere fabr"'at"o% the% )y op"%"o% o% the sub4e't 'a%%ot be
$"srear$e$. Ob!"ous(y+ #here h"story "s 'o%'er%e$+ )e% are pro%e to "%!e%t"o%
a%$ for that !ery reaso% s(a%$ers 'urre%t a)o% or$"%ary fo(/ $o %ot rea$"(y
'o%!"%'e )e. *efore I trust #hat I hear+ I a(#ays put su'h stor"es to the test.
KH. I $o /%o# that the )a% #as a patter% of p"ety after h"s a''ess"o%. Not o%(y $"$
he reu(ar(y atte%$ Ho(y Chur'h+ but he pa"$ part"'u(ar hee$ to the ph"(osophers.
*y the #or$ -ph"(osophers- here I $o %ot )ea% those #ho ha!e tr"e$ to $"s'o!er
the pr"%'"p(es of the u%"!erse 22 a%$ %e(e'te$ the pr"%'"p(es of the"r o#%
sa(!at"o% 22 %or those #ho ha!e e&a)"%e$ the esse%'e of %ature. I )ea% those
#ho [LK] ha!e s'or%e$ the 8or($ a%$ #ho ("!e #"th the *e"%s abo!e th"s #or($.
8ho+ the%+ that ("!e$ su'h a ("fe+ es'ape$ the e)peror-s %ot"'eS 8hat (a%$ a%$
sea $"$ he %ot thorouh(y sear'h+ #hat '(efts % the ro'/s+ #hat se'ret ho(es "% the
earth+ that he )"ht br"% to the ("ht of $ay o%e #ho #as h"$$e% thereS O%'e he
ha$ fou%$ the) he #ou($ 'arry the) o3 to h"s pa(a'e. 5%$ the%+ #hat ho%our $"$
he %ot pay the)+ #ash"% the"r $ust2'o!ere$ feet+ e!e% putt"% h"s ar)s about
the) a%$ (a$(y e)bra'"% the"r bo$"es+ se'ret(y '(oth"% h")se(f "% the"r ras
a%$ )a/"% the) ("e $o#% o% h"s ")per"a( be$+ #h"(e he 'ast h")se(f $o#% o%
so)e hu)b(e 'ou'h+ #"th a har$ sto%e for a p"((o#S That by %o )ea%s e&hausts
the 'ata(oue of oo$ $ee$s+ but )y purpose here "s %ot to 'o)pose a eu(oyO I
a) %arrat"% s")p(e e!e%ts.
K<. The truth "s+ that #h"(e )ost )e% usua((y a!o"$ the so'"ety of perso%s
su3er"% fro) $"sease+ th"s )a% $"$ a% e&traor$"%ary th"%+ for he fre?ue%te$
the"r 'o)pa%y+ put h"s fa'e to the fester"% sores o% the"r bo$"es+ the% 22 e!e%
)ore a)a,"% 22 e)bra'e$ the)+ fo($e$ the) "% h"s ar)s+ te%$e$ the) #"th
bath"% a%$ #a"te$ o% the)+ as thouh he #ere a s(a!e a%$ they h"s )asters.
8hat r"ht+ the%+ ha!e the #"'/e$ to s(a%$er h")S 8hy shou($ th"s e)peror be
e&pose$ to the"r 'a(u)%"esS *ut I a) $e!"at"% so)e#hat fro) the )a"% 'ourse
of )y %arrat"!e.
KN. The e)peror $es"re$ for"!e%ess of h"s s"%s. He set h")se(f+ therefore+ to $o
a(( su'h th"%s as #ou($ p(ease 0o$+ a%$ he e%'ourae$ the '(ery to he(p h") "%
th"s ob4e't. I% fa't+ a 'o%s"$erab(e part of the ")per"a( treasures #as set as"$e for
the fou%$at"o% of )o%aster"es a%$ %u%%er"es throuhout the 'o%t"%e%t. 5 %e#
hosp"'e #as bu"(t too+ 'a((e$ by h") the Pto'hotrophe"u)+DD<= a%$ "% th"s #ay a
)"hty strea) of o($ #as poure$ out for the be%e1t of those #ho preferre$ a ("fe
of )e$"tat"o%. O%e "$ea fo((o#e$ a%other+ a%$ a)o% other s'he)es he $e!"se$
a p(a% for the sa(!at"o% of (ost sou(s. S'attere$ a(( o!er the '"ty #as a !ast
)u(t"tu$e of har(ots+ a%$ #"thout atte)pt"% to tur% the) fro) the"r tra$e by
aru)e%t 22 that '(ass of #o)a% "s $eaf a%y#ay to a(( a$!"'e that #ou($ sa!e
the)+ 22 #"thout e!e% try"% to 'urb the"r a't"!"t"es by for'e+ (est he shou($ ear%
the reputat"o% of !"o(e%'e+ he bu"(t "% the Vuee% of C"t"es a p(a'e of refue to
house the)+ a% e$"1'e of e%or)ous s",e a%$ !ery reat beauty. The%+ "% the
ste%tor"a% %otes of the pub("' hera($+ he "ssue$ a pro'(a)at"o%O a(( #o)e% #ho
tra>'/e$ "% the"r beauty+ pro2[LH]!"$e$ they #ere #"(("% to re%ou%'e the"r tra$e
a%$ ("!e "% (u&ury #ere to 1%$ sa%'tuary "% th"s bu"($"%O they #ere to 'ha%e
the"r o#% '(othes for the hab"t of %u%s+ a%$ a(( fear of po!erty #ou($ be ba%"she$
fro) the"r ("!es for e!er+ -for a(( th"%s+ u%so#%+ #"thout (abour of ha%$s+ #ou($
spr"% forth for the"r use-.DD<K Thereupo% reat s#ar) of prost"tutes $es'e%$e$
upo% th"s refue+ re(y"% o% the e)peror-s pro'(a)at"o%+ a%$ 'ha%e$ both the"r
ar)e%ts a%$ the"r )a%%er of ("fe+ a youthfu( ba%$ e%ro((e$ "% the ser!"'e of 0o$+
as so($"ers of !"rtue.
KL. The e)peror-s e3orts to #or/ out h"s o#% sa(!at"o% $"$ %ot e%$ e!e% there.
He put h")se(f "% the ha%$s of those #ho #ere $e$"'ate$ to the #orsh"p of 0o$+
)e% #ho ha$ ro#% o($ "% the as'et"' ("fe. He be("e!e$ that they #ere "%
"))e$"ate 'o%ta't #"th the 5()"hty a%$ e%$o#e$ #"th a(( po#er. To so)e of
these he (oo/e$ for sp"r"tua( u"$a%'e+ or 'o%!ers"o%+ #h"(e fro) others he
e&a'te$ pro)"ses that they #ou($ pray to the De"ty o% h"s beha(f a%$ for the
re)"ss"o% of h"s s"%s. Th"s (e$ to further troub(e+ for e!"(2)"%$e$ fo(/ "%$u(e$ "%
)a("'"ous oss"p+ espe'"a((y #he% so)e of the )o%/s #ere hes"ta%t o% th"s po"%t
22 %ot a(( of the) 'o)p("e$ #"th M"'hae( s $e)a%$s. 5s a )atter of fa't+ the
)a4or"ty a!e up the tas/ be'ause they #ere afra"$ that the e)peror+ ha!"%
'o))"tte$ so)e $rea$fu( 'r")e a%$ be"% asha)e$ to 'o%fess "t+ )"ht for'e
the) to tra%sress Ho(y 8r"t. Ho#e!er+ that #as )ere(y 'o%4e'ture+ a%$ to a((
appeara%'es he #as eaer a%$ a%&"ous to obta"% for"!e%ess of h"s s"%s fro)
KB. I a) a#are that )a%y 'hro%"'(ers of h"s ("fe #"((+ "% a(( probab"("ty+ "!e a%
a''ou%t $"3er"% fro) )"%e+ for "% h"s t")e fa(se op"%"o%s pre!a"(e$. *ut I too/
part "% these e!e%ts )yse(f a%$+ bes"$es that+ I ha!e a'?u"re$ "%for)at"o% of a
)ore 'o%1$e%t"a( 'hara'ter fro) )e% #ho #ere h"s "%t")ate fr"e%$s. My
'o%'(us"o%s+ therefore+ are fa"r 22 u%(ess so)eo%e "s te)pte$ to ?uarre( #"th )y
"%terpretat"o% of th"%s that I ha!e )yse(f see% a%$ hear$. Maybe the reater
part of )y a''ou%t #"(( prese%t the e!"(2%ature$ #"th a% opportu%"ty to "%$u(e "%
the"r "$(e 'hatter+ but I $o %ot be("e!e that a%yo%e #"(( $"spute the truth of #hat I
a) o"% to say %o#. It #ou($ ta/e a (o% t")e to $es'r"be "% fu(( h"s !ar"ous
a't"!"t"es a%$ )easures "% t")es of '"!"( $"s'or$ or fore"% #ars+ but I #"(( se(e't
o%e $ee$ a(o%e. I a) referr"% to the stru(e he #ae$ aa"%st the barbar"a%s. I
#"(( ru% o!er "t "% a br"ef su))ary.
K;. The peop(e of *u(ar"a+ after )a%y !"'"ss"tu$es of fortu%e a%$ after fre?ue%t
batt(es "% the past+ ha$ be'o)e sub4e'ts of the Ro)a% E)p"re . That pr"%'e of
e)perors+ the fa)ous *as"(+ ha$ $e("berate(y atta'/e$ the"r 'ou%try a%$
$estroye$ the"r po#er. 6or so)e t")e the *u(ar"a%s+ be"% 'o)p(ete(y e&hauste$
after p"tt"% the"r stre%th aa"%st the )"ht of the Ro)a%s+ res"%e$ the)se(!es
to $efeat+ but (ater they re!erte$ to the o($ arroa%'e. There #ere %o "))e$"ate
s"%s of ope% re!o(t+ ho#e!er+ u%t"( the appeara%'e a)o% the) of a po("t"'a(
a"tator+ #he% the"r po("'y at o%'e be'a)e host"(e to the E)p"re.DD<H
HA. The )a% #ho )o!e$ the) to th"s fo((y #as+ "% the"r op"%"o%+ a )ar!e(. He #as
of the"r o#% ra'e+ )e)ber of a fa)"(y u%#orthy of )e%t"o%+ but 'u%%"%+ a%$
'apab(e of pra't"s"% a%y $e'e"t o% h"s 'o)patr"ots+ a fe((o# 'a((e$ Do("a%us. I $o
%ot /%o# #hether he "%her"te$ su'h a %a)e fro) h"s father+ or "f he a!e h")se(f
the %a)e for a% o)e%.DD<< He /%e# that the #ho(e %at"o% #as set o% rebe(("o%
aa"%st the Ro)a%s@ "%$ee$+ the re!o(t #as )ere(y a pro4e't o%(y be'ause %o
(ea$er ha$ h"therto r"se% up a)o% the) ab(e to 'arry out the"r p(a%s. I% the 1rst
p(a'e+ therefore+ he )a$e h")se(f 'o%sp"'uous+ pro!e$ h"s ab"("ty "% 'ou%'"(+
$e)o%strate$ h"s s/"(( "% the 'o%$u't of #ar. The%+ ha!"% #o% the"r appro!a( by
these ?ua("t"es+ "t o%(y re)a"%e$ for h") to pro!e h"s o#% %ob(e $es'e%t+ "% or$er
to be'o)e the a'/%o#(e$e$ (ea$er of the *u(ar"a%s. IIt #as the"r 'usto) to
re'o%",e as (ea$ers of the %at"o% o%(y )e% of roya( b(oo$.J 9%o#"% th"s to be
the %at"o%a( 'usto)+ he pro'ee$e$ to tra'e h"s $es'e%t fro) the fa)ous Sa)ue(
a%$ h"s brother 5aro%+ #ho ha$ ru(e$ the #ho(e %at"o% as /"%s a short t")e
before. He $"$ %ot '(a") to be the (e"t")ate he"r of these /"%s+ but he e"ther
"%!e%te$ or pro!e$ that he #as a 'o((atera( re(at"o%. He rea$"(y 'o%!"%'e$ the
peop(e #"th h"s story+ a%$ they ra"se$ h") o% the sh"e($. He #as pro'(a")e$ /"%.
6ro) that )o)e%t *u(ar"a% $es"%s be'a)e )a%"fest+ for they se'e$e$ ope%(y.
The yo/e of Ro)a% $o)"%at"o% #as hur(e$ fro) the"r %e'/s a%$ they )a$e a
$e'(arat"o% of "%$epe%$e%'e+ e)phas","% the fa't that they too/ th"s 'ourse of
the"r o#% free #"((. 8hereupo% they e%ae$ "% atta'/s a%$ p(u%$er"%
e&pe$"t"o%s o% Ro)a% terr"tory.DD<N
H1. Ha$ the barbar"a%s $are$ to $o a th"% so foo("sh "))e$"ate(y after M"'hae(-s
a''ess"o%+ they #ou($ !ery soo% ha!e (ear%t #hat /"%$ of a so!ere"% they ha$
assa"(e$. I% those $ays he #as stro% "% [LN] bo$y a%$ !"r"(e "% fa'e of $a%er. It
#as %oth"% at a(( for h") ta/e up ar)s "% a )o)e%t+ a%$ #"th the e("te of h"s
e%era(s "%!a$e the"r (a%$@ "t #ou($ ha!e bee% a s")p(e )atter to tea'h the) %ot
to re!o(t aa"%st Ro)e #"th te)er"ty. Ho#e!er that )ay be+ #he% th"s part"'u(ar
re!o(t 'a)e to b"rth+ he # as a(rea$y fa"("%+ a%$ h"s bo$"(y 'o%$"t"o% #as
$esperate. It 'a)e at a t")e #he% e!e% the s("htest )o!e)e%t 'ause$ h") pa"%+
a%$ #he% he fou%$ "t har$ e!e% to put o% h"s '(othes. That #as the )o)e%t #he%
the *u(ar"a%s+ for a br"ef "%ter!a(+ $e'"$e$ to p(ay at ru("% the)se(!es+ ("/e
a'tors o% a stae+ a%$ to e%4oy the)se(!es #"th a b"t of )a/e2be("e!e 5%$ so
they $"$ 22 u%t"( a bur%"% a)b"t"o% for (ory su$$e%(y a!e the e)peror stre%th+
a%$ "% a burst of e&a(tat"o%+ 'arr"e$ h") aa"%st h"s foes.
H=. 5s soo% as the %e#s be'a)e /%o#% to h")+ a%$ a'tua((y before the fu((
a''ou%t #as re'e"!e$+ he $eter)"%e$ to 'arry the #ar to the *u(ars. He #ou($
)ar'h aa"%st the) h")se(f+ at the hea$ of h"s ar)y. It #as ")poss"b(e+ of 'ourse+
to $o th"s+ be'ause of the state of h"s hea(th+ a%$ "% a%y 'ase the Se%ate #as
a(toether oppose$ to the pro4e't. M"'hae(-s fa)"(y+ too+ bee$ h") %ot to (ea!e
the '"ty+ )u'h to h"s $"sust+ for he ha$ set h"s heart o% the #ar. It #as e&tre)e(y
$"sappo"%t"% 22 he e)phas",e$ th"s po"%t 22 "f h"s re"% #as %ot o%(y $est"%e$ to
#"t%ess %o ara%$",e)e%t of the Ro)a% E)p"re+ but a'tua((y so)e (oss of
terr"tory. He suspe'te$ that he #as perso%a((y respo%s"b(e+ before 0o$ a%$ )a%+
"f+ after #hat ha$ o''urre$+ he shou($ throuh a%y 'are(ess%ess o% h"s o#% part+
a((o# the *u(ars to se'e$e #"th ")pu%"ty.
HK. Th"s thouht aR"'te$ the e)peror )u'h )ore tha% phys"'a( su3er"%+ a%$
the har) "t pro$u'e$ "% h") #as ?u"te $"3ere%t+ for #hereas the $"sease 'ause$
h"s bo$y to s#e((+ the )e%ta( ao%y he e%$ure$ o!er th"s re!o(t ha$ the oppos"te
e3e't a%$ #aste$ h"). So he #as tor% bet#ee% t#o e!"(s+ #h"'h aR"'te$ h") "%
e&a't(y oppos"te #ays. H"s 1rst batt(e+ ho#e!er+ 22 a batt(e "% #h"'h he #as
!"'tor"ous 22 #as aa"%st h"s o#% "%t")ate fr"e%$s+ before he e!er 'a)e to r"ps
#"th the barbar"a%s+ a%$ the 1rst trophy of the #ar #as set up to 'o))e)orate
h"s tr"u)ph o!er h"s o#% /"%s)e% a%$ h"s asso'"ates 22 a%$ h")se(f. *o$"(y
#ea/%ess+ "% h"s 'ase+ #as )ore tha% [LL] 'o)pe%sate$ by stre%th of purpose+
a%$ "% th"s stre%th he 'o))"te$ h"s 'ause to 0o$. So preparat"o%s for the #ar
bea%. The )o!e #as to ta/e 'ou%se(+ $eter)"%e o% h"s ob4e'ts+ a%$ $"re't h"s
e3orts to the atta"%)e%t of h"s oa(. The e%terpr"se #as 'erta"%(y %ot ta/e% "%
ha%$ rash(y+ or #"thout $ue pre'aut"o%s. I %ee$ %ot o "%to $eta"(s+ but the
)"("tary preparat"o%s #ere a$e?uate. 5'tua((y %ot a(( the ar)y #as )ob"(",e$ a%$
)ere %u)bers #ere $"s'ou%te$. The best so($"ers #ere se(e'te$ a%$ e%era(s
#"th )ost e&per"e%'e "% the 1e($. 8"th the) he set out to )eet the S'yths+DD<L
a$!a%'"% "% $ue or$er+ h"s ar)y $"spose$ #"th proper rear$ for the ru(es of
HH Ca)p #as p"t'he$ "% a su"tab(e spot #he% the e&pe$"t"o% arr"!e$ at the e%e)y
bor$ers. 5 'ou%'"( of #ar #as he($+ a%$ after "t the e)peror $e'"$e$ to e%ae
the *u(ars 22 a% e&traor$"%ary p(a%+ about #h"'h e!e% h"s 'o))a%$ers #ho #ere
there #"th h") ha$ 'o%trary op"%"o%s. Nor "s th"s surpr"s"%+ for $ur"% the %"ht
he #as u%$er )e$"'a( treat)e%t a%$ %ear(y $"e$. Met at $aybrea/ he "))e$"ate(y
ot up+ so)e po#er appare%t(y "!"% h") %e# stre%th+ )ou%te$ h"s horse+ sat
1r) "% the sa$$(e+ a%$ )a%ae$ the a%")a( #"th '(e!er use of h"s br"$(e. The%+ a%
ob4e't of #o%$er to a(( #ho sa# h")+ he ro$e to the rear a%$ for)e$ up the
!ar"ous $"!"s"o%s of h"s ar)y "%to o%e 'ohere%t for'e.
H<. The #ar ha$ %ot yet bro/e% out #he% a )ost asto%"sh"% th"% happe%e$ 22
so)eth"% %ear(y as a)a,"% as the e)peror-s a't"o%.The )ore areeab(e of
5aro%-s so%s I5aro% ha$ bee% /"% of the
*u(arsJ+ o%e 5(ous"a%usDD<B by %a)e+ a )a% of e%t(e 'hara'ter+ #"th a 1%e
"%te((e't a%$ a pos"t"o% of 'o%s"$erab(e $"st"%'t"o%+ pro!e$ 'h"e7y respo%s"b(e for
M"'hae(-s !"'tory. Th"s #as %ot be'ause of a%y $es"re o% h"s part to he(p the
e)peror@ "% fa't+ "t #as ?u"te the re!erse. The truth "s+ 0o$ )o!e$ h") to $o #hat
he $"$+ a%$ thus brouht about the e)peror-s tr"u)ph+ "% $esp"te of h"s e%e)"es.
HN. No# th"s 5(ous"a%us #as by %o )ea%s "% fa!our at 'ourt. He #as %e"ther
'o%su(te$ o% )atters of po("'y %or ho%oure$ "% a%y #ay #"th the others. I%$ee$+
a% or$er #as "ssue$ that he )ust re)a"% "% h"s o#% ho)e a%$ he #as forb"$$e%
to e%ter *y,a%t"u) e&'ept by [LB] e&press 'o))a%$ of the e)peror. Natura((y
th"s restr"'t"o% "rr"tate$ a%$ $epresse$ the )a%+ but for the )o)e%t he #as
po#er(ess. Ho#e!er+ the e!e%ts "% *u(ar"a #ere reporte$ to h")+ a%$ he /%e#
that the peop(e there ha$ supporte$ the '(a")s of a% "((e"t")ate prete%$er to
the"r thro%e for o%e reaso% o%(y 22 be'ause %o o%e e(se "% the 'ou%try #as of
roya( b(oo$. U%$er these '"r'u)sta%'es he !e%ture$ o% rather a 'h"($"sh
e&pe$"t"o%. I%or"% the '(a")s of h"s o#% 'h"($re% a%$ forett"% h"s (o!e for h"s
#"fe 22 %o%e of the) #as a((o#e$ to /%o# a%yth"% of h"s p(a%s 22 he bo($(y
)ar'he$ fro) the e&tre)e east to the #est+ #"th a ha%$fu( of ser!a%ts+ )e%
#ho) he /%e# to be re'/(ess $are2$e!"(s+ rea$y for a%yth"%. To a!o"$
re'o%"t"o% "% the '"ty+ he a$opte$ a thorouh $"su"se. It #as %ot a )atter of
$"s'ar$"% so)e of h"s '(othes a%$ reta"%"% others+ but he $resse$ h")se(f as a
'o))o% )er'e%ary so($"er+ a%$ so es'ape$ $ete't"o% a(toether.
HL. O% t#o or three o''as"o%s he !"s"te$ )y "%for)a%t "% the 0reat C"ty. The (atter
e%t(e)a% to($ )e about "t after#ar$s. -The fe((o# #as ?u"te #e((2/%o#% to )e+-
he sa"$+ -a%$ he reete$ )e "% a fr"e%$(y #ay+ but e!e% so I fa"(e$ to re'o%",e
h")+ a%$ so $"$ a(( the others he !"s"te$.- Thus he es'ape$ the !""(a%'e of Joh%
the Orpha%otrophus+ h") of the )a%y eyes 22 %o )ea% tr"u)ph. Met h"s su$$e%
$"sappeara%'e ha$ rouse$ susp"'"o%+ ar"$ the author"t"es #ere o% the #at'h to
1%$ a%$ arrest h")+ "f they 'ou($. ho#e!er+ to 'ut a (o% story short+ he e!a$e$
the) a(( a%$ rea'he$ *u(ar"a "% safety. No# he $"$ %ot )a/e h")se(f /%o#% to
h"s peop(e at o%'e+ but 1rst approa'he$ 'erta"% "%$"!"$ua(s+ o% $"3ere%t
o''as"o%s. He referre$ to h"s father "% a% ")perso%a( #ay+ as thouh he h")se(f
#as a )e)ber of a%other fa)"(y. He the% pro'ee$e$ to spea/ #"th pr"$e of h"s
father-s a%'estry+ a%$ )a$e so)e te%tat"!e "%?u"r"esO "f a%y of h"s so%s tur%e$ up
"% the 'ou%try+ #ou($ the rebe(s 'hoose the (e"t")ate he"r as the"r /"%+ rather
tha% the prete%$erS Or+ %o# that the (atter ha$ a(rea$y assu)e$ the (ea$ersh"p+
#as the r"htfu( he"r 'o)p(ete(y forotte% S
HB. 8he% "t #as ob!"ous that the a'/%o#(e$e$ so% #as u%"!ersa((y preferre$ to
the $oubtfu( o%e+ he !e%ture$+ "% a so)e#hat )yster"ous #ay+ to re!ea( h"s true
"$e%t"ty to o%e of the perso%s he ha$ 'o%su(te$+ a )a% of #hose #ar) (oya(ty to
h"s fa)"(y he fe(t reaso%ab(y sure. Th"s )a%+ 1&"% h"s eyes stea$"(y o% 5(ous"a%us
Ihe ha$ /%o#% h") ?u"te #e(( "% the pastJ a%$ re'o%","% h")+ fe(( o% [L;] h"s
/%ees a%$ /"sse$ h"s feet. The%+ to a!ert a%y poss"b(e $oubt+ he as/e$ h") to
sho# a 'erta"% se'ret )ar/. Th"s #as a $ar/ pat'h o% the r"ht e(bo#+ #"th a th"'/
tuft of rouh ha"r ro#% o!er "t. 8he% he sa# that+ he fe(( o% 5(ous"a%us-s %e'/
e!e% )ore !ehe)e%t(y a%$ 'o!ere$ h"s breast #"th /"sses. The t#o the% set
about the"r $es"% '(e!er(y. They approa'he$ "%$"!"$ua( perso%s a%$ ("tt(e by ("tt(e
the story #as sprea$ abroa$. The )a4or"ty of the *u(ars tra%sferre$ the"r
a((e"a%'e to the rea( he"r+ a%$ the )o%ar'hy be'a)e a -po(yar'hy- as so)e
preferre$ th"s a%$ others that so%+ but both t"es #ere a%&"ous to )a"%ta"% pea'e
a%$ they re'o%'"(e$ the t#o protao%"sts. Thereafter they ("!e$ o% e?ua( ter)s+
#"th fre?ue%t )eet"%s but )utua( susp"'"o%.
H;. Ne!erthe(ess+ "t #as 5(ous"a%us #ho ot "% the 1rst b(o# a%$ frustrate$ the
p(a%s of h"s r"!a(+ for+ ?u"te u%e&pe'te$(y+ he arreste$ Do("a%us+ 'ut o3 h"s %ose
a%$ b("%$e$ h"s eyes+ us"% a 'oo/-s /%"fe for both operat"o%s.DD<; Thus the
S'yth"a%s o%'e aa"% be'a)e sub4e't to o%e )aster. Th"s e!e%t #as %ot fo((o#e$
"))e$"ate(y by %eot"at"o%s #"th the e)peror. I% fa't+ 5(ous"a%us )ob"(",e$ h"s
for'es a%$ )ar'he$ aa"%st the Ro)a%s+ but the atta'/ pro!e$ u%su''essfu( a%$
he ha$ to see/ refue. It #as '(ear that further oppos"t"o% to M"'hae(+ "% ope%
#arfare+ #ou($ "%!o(!e 'o%s"$erab(e $">'u(ty. There #as a(so the ?uest"o% of h"s
be(o!e$ #"fe a%$ 'h"($re%. So+ ha!"% su))e$ up the s"tuat"o%+ he 'o%!eye$
se'ret "%for)at"o% to the e)peror. The suest"o% #as+ that "f he obta"%e$ h"s
fa!our+ a%$ "f he re'e"!e$ other ho%ours that #ere h"s $ue+ he #as #"(("% to
'o))"t h")se(f a%$ h"s be(o%"%s to the e%e)y. Th"s propos"t"o% be"%
a''eptab(e to the e)peror+ further 'o))u%"'at"o%s passe$ bet#ee% the)+ "%
reat se're'y+ as 5(ous"a%us ha$ $es"re$. I% a''or$a%'e #"th the ter)s of
aree)e%t+ the (atter a$!a%'e$+ appare%t(y #"th the "%te%t"o% of 4o"%"% batt(e for
a se'o%$ t")e+ but su$$e%(y aba%$o%e$ h"s ar)y a%$ surre%$ere$. M"'hae(
treate$ h") #"th s"%a( ho%our+ a%$ he #as se%t ba'/ to *y,a%t"u). 5s for h"s
peop(e+ %o# tor% asu%$er #"th #ar o% a(( s"$es a%$ st"(( #"thout a (ea$er+ after
"%7"'t"% a 'rush"% $efeat+ M"'hae( aa"% )a$e the) sub4e't to the E)p"re fro)
#h"'h they ha$ re!o(te$. The% he retur%e$ to h"s pa(a'e "% (ory+ #"th a host of
'apt"!es+ a)o% #ho) #ere the )ost %otab(e )e% of the *u(ars a%$ the
prete%$er h")se(f+ the"r (ea$er+ )"%us h"s %ose a%$ $epr"!e$ of h"s eyes.
<A. The e%try "%to the '"ty #as a br"(("a%t a3a"r. The #ho(e popu2 [BA] (a'e
thro%e$ out to )eet h"). I )yse(f sa# h") o% th"s o''as"o%+ (oo/"% as "f he
#ere atte%$"% a fu%era( a%$ s#ay"% o% h"s horse. The 1%ers that r"ppe$ h"s
br"$(e #ere ("/e those of a "a%t+ for ea'h of the) #as as th"'/ a%$ (are as a
)a%-s ar) 22 the resu(t of h"s "%ter%a( troub(e. H"s fa'e+ too+ preser!e$ %ot a tra'e
of "ts for)er ("/e%ess. R"$"% thus+ he (e$ a #o%$erfu( tr"u)pha( pro'ess"o% to the
pa(a'e. The pr"so%ers #ere 'o)pe((e$ to )ar'h throuh the 'e%tre of the
TheatreDDNA 22 a re)"%$er to the Ro)a%s that ar$our breathes %e# ("fe "%to the
$ea$+ a%$ that $es"re for (ory "s stro%er tha% phys"'a( #ea/%ess.
<1. Ne!erthe(ess+ the po#er of %ature 'ou($ %ot be )astere$ "%$e1%"te(y+ %or
'ou($ the e)peror !a%?u"sh a%$ o!er#he() h"s $"sease for e!er. Se'ret(y a%$
step by step "t 'rept o% to the 1%a( $"sso(ut"o%. 6or a #h"(e h"s fr"e%$s atte)pte$
to h"$e h"s 'o%$"t"o% a%$ they too/ 'ou%se( for the state+ to foresta(( a%y
re!o(ut"o%ary )o!e)e%t+ but #he% the #ho(e '"ty #as ta(/"% about h"s "((%ess
a%$ the report of "t sprea$ e!ery#here+ they a(tere$ the"r for)er p(a%s. The"r %e#
po("'y #as rather $"re'te$ to the 'o%so("$at"o% of the"r o#% 'o%tro( of the E)p"re.
Cet us (ea!e the)+ for the )o)e%t+ "% that o''upat"o%.
<=. The e)peror+ before the $e'ease of h"s bo$y+ souht a%other )ore sp"r"tua(+
'ha%e. He $"s$a"%e$ the ")per"a( ra%/ #h"'h he #as "% so short a t")e to
re("%?u"sh+ )astere$ a(( h"s %atura( ")pu(ses a%$ tur%e$ to 0o$.DDN1 I% or$er that
he )"ht %ot be "%terrupte$ #h"(e thus 'ha%"% has ("/e a%$ )a/"% h"s
'o%fess"o% to the De"ty+ he set out fro) h"s pa(a'e a%$ ret"re$ to the )o%astery
he ha$ bu"(t+ or rather+ he #as 'o%!eye$ th"ther by h"s bearers. I%s"$e th"s p(a'e
of )e$"tat"o%+ /%ee("% o% the 7oor of the 'hur'h+ he praye$ to 0o$ that he )"ht
appear a #e((2p(eas"% sa'r"1'e a%$ be re'e"!e$ pure after h"s 'o%se'rat"o%. Thus
he 'o%'"("ate$ the 5()"hty a%$ #o% H"s fa!our. The% he put h")se(f "% the ha%$s
of the pr"ests+ as/"% the) to sa'r"1'e a #"(("% !"'t") 22 ausp"'"ous o)e% 22 a%$
they+ roupe$ rou%$ h") o% e"ther s"$e+ 'ha%te$ the ope%"% prayers of the
Sa'r"1'e to the Cor$. They too/ o3 h") the ")per"a( robe a%$ the purp(e+ a%$ they
arbe$ h") "% the Ho(y Ma%t(e of Chr"st. The% they too/ fro) h"s hea$ the $"a$e)
a%$ put o% the He()et of [B1] Sa(!at"o%+DDN= ar)e$ h"s 'hest a%$ ba'/ #"th the
Cross+ a%$ bra!e(y "r$"% h") aa"%st the sp"r"ts of e!"(+ (et h") o. So )u'h for
h"s ,ea( a%$ $eter)"%at"o%.
<K. I% the thouht that he #as %o# 'ha%e$ to a h"her ("fe+ he re4o"'e$ a%$ #as
e&'ee$"% (a$. He ha$ be'o)e s#"ft2foote$+ as "t #ere+ a%$ %")b(e for the
sp"r"tua( 4our%ey. H"s o#% househo($+ o% the other ha%$+ a%$ espe'"a((y the e($er
brother+ #ere 'o!ere$ "% a '(ou$ of $espa"r+ so )u'h so that they #ere u%ab(e to
restra"% the"r sy)pathet"' (a)e%ts. Not e!e% the e)press 'o%tro((e$ her e)ot"o%.
8he% she hear$ fro) so)eo%e about h"s to%sure+ she $are$ to (ea!e the
#o)e%-s ?uarters+ o!er'o)"% e!ery %atura( $"s"%'("%at"o%+ a%$ #e%t o% foot to
see h"). *ut M"'hae(+ #hether throuh sha)e at the e!"(s he ha$ brouht upo%
her+ or be'ause "% h"s atte%t"o% to 0o$ he ha$ forotte% her+ refuse$ her
per)"ss"o% to e%ter h"s prese%'e.
<H. She retur%e$ to the pa(a'e+ a%$ he+ #he% the hour of prayer su))o%e$ a%$
"t #as t")e for h") to atte%$ for the usua( hy)%s+ e%t(y rose fro) h"s 'ou'h.
8he% he #as about to put o% h"s shoes a%$ fou%$ that the foot#ear he ha$
for)er(y ha$ #as st"(( u%'ha%e$+ Ibe'ause the 'usto)ary (eather sa%$a(s of the
)o%/s ha$ %ot bee% prepare$ for h")J he #as a%ry at th"s (a'/ of pre!"s"o% a%$
#e%t barefoot to 'hur'h+ supporte$ o% e"ther s"$e. H"s resp"rat"o% #as (aboure$
a(rea$y a%$ he #as be"%%"% to breathe h"s (ast+ so he aa"% #e%t to h"s 'ou'h
a%$ (ay $o#%. 6or a ("tt(e #h"(e he #as s"(e%t+ for he ha$ (ost the po#er of spee'h
a%$ h"s breath"% #as $">'u(t. The% he a!e up h"s sou( to 0o$. I% the 'ourse of
h"s re"%+ M"'hae( ha$ $o%e a%$ p(a%%e$ )a%y th"%s@ "% fe# ha$ he )et #"th
fa"(ure. 6or )y o#% part+ #he% I e&a)"%e h"s $ee$s a%$ 'o)pare su''esses #"th
fa"(ures+ I 1%$ that the for)er #ere )ore %u)erous a%$ "t $oes %ot appear to )e
that th"s )a% fa"(e$ to atta"% the h"her ("fe. I% fa't+ I a) 'o%!"%'e$ that he $"$
obta"% a better (ot.
<<. So he $"e$+ "% the )o)e%t of reat !"'tory+ after a re"% of se!e% years+ a%$
o% the !ery $ay #he% he re'e"!e$ the to%sure.DDNK Met there #as %o )a%"1'e%t
fu%era( or bur"a(2p(a'e for h") #he% h"s ("fe o% earth #as $o%e+ for he #as bur"e$
"% the 'hur'h "tse(f+ o% the (eft s"$e as you e%ter+ bes"$e the ho(y a(tar.
48. The only man to oppose the accession of <ichael was the patrician
2onstantine $alassenus& at least according to 2edrenus -+84$& p. 5?,0. The
patriarch Ble=ius was induced to agree to Hoe1s marriage by substantial bribes.
44. 7omanus was buried on Eood Friday in the church of St. <ary "eribleptos.
45. 2edrenus has no good word to say of 'ohn. Bs soon as <ichael had been
crowned he e=pelled from the palace all Hoe1s trusted eunuchs and ladies9in9
waitingK she herself was kept under careful surveillance. .e even plotted to
dethrone the patriarch and to make himself supreme head of the 2hurch.
4,. Hoe actually tried to poison the Euardian of the Orphans -2edrenus& +4!2&p.
4+. The emperor spent much of his time in Salonica at the tomb of St. $emetrius.
No doubt the 1saintly persons1 of ch. !+ conversed with him there& and among
them was the monk 2osmas T)int)uluces through whose inDuence he was
induced to accept the tonsure on his death9bed.
43. <ichael 2alaphates& the future <ichael C& was adopted by Hoe in !?4?.
4*. Not strictly correct. 'ohn was speaking of his brother9in9law& Stephen&
husband of his sister <aria and father of the young 2aesar. .e was made admiral
of the 7oman Deet in Sicilian waters in !?85 and su:ered heavy defeats there in
the war against the 2arthaginians. .e incurred the righteous indignation of his
colleague& Eeorge <aniaces& for his ine;ciency and it was through his intrigues
that <aniaces was recalled -cf. 2onstantine (/& ch. +,0. SubseGuently he became
commander9in9chief of the 7oman forces in Sicily and it was not long before all
<aniaces1 conGuests were nulli%ed -!?4?0. .e undoubtedly owed his position to
his brother9in9law.
5?. 2f. note 4*.
5!. St. 2osmas and his brother St. $amian were put to death in the $iocletian
persecution at the beginning of the fourth century. They had been physicians and
made no charge for their medical services -hence their name Bnargyroi0.
'ustinian built the church in 2onstantinople in their honour.
56. 1.ospice for Beggars.1
58. .omer& Odyssey& (/& l?39*J oLte nMteMoMsMv MeMsNv nMtOv PMMMsMv& MM tM QspaM
ta MaN PvMMota pMvta nMovtaM.
54. The Bulgarian 7evolt broke out in (?4?. The leader of the Slavs was "eter
$elyan who claimed to be a grandson of Samuel. .e had been a slave at
By)antium& but Ded from the city. The rebels were at %rst highly successful and
the emperor barely escaped with his life from Salonica. The Bulgars were angry
because of the un>ust e=actions of 'ohn. Inlike Basil ((& who respected the native
methods of paying ta=es in kind& 'ohn had invented new tribute and was ruthless
in collecting it in money.
55. .is name could remind a Ereek of -treachery0.
5,. The rebels invaded Ereece& and all the province of Nicopolis& e=cept
Naupactus& >oined them.
5+. "sellus uses the name Scyths indiscriminately for all Slavs.
53. September !?4!. Blousianus was second son of Baron. 'ohn had %ned him
without trial on some unknown charge and had imprisoned his wife.
5*. Fhen $elyan was into=icated at a feast.
,?. The .ippodrome.
,!. !? $ecember !?4!& at the monastery of the .oly Bnargyroi.
,6. Epistle to the Ephesians& ch. ,.
,8. <ichael had reigned seven years and eight months.
*OO9 6I:EO
MICH5EC : 1AH1 2 1AH= [p.B<]
[B<] MICH5EC :
1. H"s %ephe#+ #ho) I ha!e )e%t"o%e$ se!era( t")es "% the (ast boo/+ su''ee$e$
h") as e)peror. I% fa't+ #he% Joh% a%$ h"s brothers per'e"!e$ that M"'hae( #as
at $eath-s $oor+ a%$ #he% they rea((y u%$erstoo$ that he #as past a(( hopes of
re'o!ery+ they "ssue$ a% or$er+ professe$(y fro) the e)peror+ author","% the"r
%ephe# to e%ter the pa(a'e. They $"$ th"s be'ause they #ere afra"$ they )"ht
(ose the"r o#% ho($ o% the o!er%)e%t a%$ (est the E)p"re shou($ pass "%to the
ha%$s of so)e other fa)"(y. They e!e% a%t"'"pate$ the o($ e)peror-s $eath+ a%$
as o%e so!ere"% #e%t out of the pa(a'e to $"e Ias I ha!e sho#%J+ a%other 'a)e
"% to ta/e h"s p(a'e.
=. The (ate e)peror ha$ three brothers. Of these the Orpha%otrophusD [D The
0uar$"a% of the Orpha%s.] Joh% #as at that t")e so(e(y respo%s"b(e for the
o!er%)e%ts. He ha$ )ore a3e't"o% for h"s brother tha% the rest+ a%$ #he%
M"'hae( $"e$+ he $"$ %ot (ea!e h") at o%'e+ but staye$ by the 'orpse for three
$ays+ as thouh he #ere st"(( a("!e. The other t#o sur!"!"% brothers )ea%#h"(e
es'orte$ the Caesar+ the"r %ephe#+ to the pa(a'e. The ob4e't of th"s #as part(y to
$efe%$ a%$ ta/e 'are of h")+ part(y to #"% reater 'o))e%$at"o% for the)se(!es.
Joh%-s "%te((e'tua( 'apa'"ty #as #"$er a%$ $eeper tha% the"r o#%+ a%$ #"thout h"s
he(p "t #as beyo%$ the"r po#ers to for)u(ate a%y po("'y o% the ra%$ s'a(e+ e"ther
#"th rear$ to the su''ess"o% or to a3a"rs of state. The"r [BN] a't"!"t"es #ere
therefore (")"te$ to a $"sp(ay of fe((o#sh"p a%$ /"%$re$ fee("%. 5s for Joh%+ ha!"%
ha$ h"s 1(( of (a)e%tat"o%+ or rather+ #he% he re# a(ar)e$ at the prospe't of
a%y further $e(ay "% $e'(ar"% M"'hae( e)peror+ #h"'h )"ht #e(( #re'/ a(( the"r
hopes 'o)p(ete(y+ he retur%e$ to the pa(a'e.
K. I )yse(f #"t%esse$ h"s retur%+ a%$ ha!"% see% #"th )y o#% eyes #hat rea((y
happe%e$+ I a) %o# 'o))"tt"% the story to #r"t"%. I #"(( $es'r"be the s'e%e
e&a't(y. 8he% the brothers hear$ that Joh% ha$ 'rosse$ the thresho($ of the outer
pa(a'e e%tra%'e+ they approa'he$ h") as "f they #ere about to )eet 0o$ H")se(f.
The 'ere)o%"a( #as prepare$ beforeha%$O they athere$ about h") a%$
s)othere$ h") #"th /"sses+ a(( /"ss"% $"3ere%t parts of h"s bo$y at o%'e. E!e% h"s
%ephe# stret'he$ out h"s r"ht ha%$ for h") to (ea% o%+ as "f there #as so)e
!"rtue to be a"%e$ fro) h"s !ery tou'h. The $e)a%$s of 7attery ha!"% bee%
sat"s1e$+ Joh% #"thout )ore a$o too/ the 1rst step "% h"s )aster p(a%. He ure$
the) to $o %oth"% #"thout the e)press+ to bu"($ o% her the fou%$at"o%s of the"r
o#% reat%ess a%$ of the"r future+ to $o a(( th"%s that they sa# #ere ("/e(y to #"%
her o!er.
H. So #"th o%e a''or$ they stra"ht#ay ba%$e$ toether for the 'o%test. 8"th the
art"((ery of the"r (o"' they (a"$ s"ee to her sou( 22 a% easy 'apture. They
re)"%$e$ her of M"'hae(-s a$opt"o%+ put the you% )a% u%$er the prote't"o% of
h"s )other a%$ )"stress+ a%$ thre# h") at her feet. Heap"% upo% her a(( the
7atter"% %a)es su"tab(e to su'h a )o)e%t+ they assure$ her that the"r %ephe#
#ou($ be e)peror o%(y "% %a)e+ #h"(e she+ apart fro) the t"t(e+ #ou($ ha!e
bes"$es+ the po#er that she "%her"te$ by r"ht of $es'e%t. If she so $es"re$+ she
#ou($ a$)"%"ster the state "% perso%@ "f %ot+ she #ou($ "!e her or$ers to h") a%$
use h") as a s(a!e2e)peror to $o her b"$$"%. They too/ so(e)% oaths a%$
p(e$e$ the"r (oya(ty by the Ho(y Re("'s. So they )a$e her the"r pr"so%er at the
1rst shot. 8hat e(se+ "%$ee$+ 'ou($ she $o+ bereft as she #as of outs"$e
ass"sta%'e a%$ spe((bou%$ by the"r sor'ery+ or sha(( I say rather+ (e$ astray by
the"r tr"'/ery+ beu"(e$ by the"r ruses+ a%$ 'o%!erte$ to the"r $es"resS
<. 8e((+ she e%truste$ the) #"th the o!er%)e%t a%$ she ?u"ete$ the '"ty+ #h"'h
#as )ea%#h"(e "% suspe%se a#a"t"% her $e'"s"o%+ [BL] by a% e&hortat"o% to /eep
the pea'e. The% the 'ere)o%y of the Caesar-s e%thro%e)e%t #as 'o)p(ete$. The
pro'ess"o% fo((o#e$+ the e%try "%to the 'hur'h+ the Patr"ar'h-s b(ess"%+ the
'oro%at"o% a%$ a(( the other r"tes 'usto)ar"(y perfor)e$ o% these o''as"o%s. 6or
the 1rst $ay+ at a%y rate+ the e)peror #as %ot foretfu( of h"s proper stat"o%+
e"ther "% #or$ or "% $ee$. Co%sta%t(y o% h"s ("ps #ere the e&press"o%s -the
e)press-+ -)y )"stress-+ -I a) her ser!a%t-+ a%$ -#hate!er $e'"s"o% she )a/es-.
N. 8"th s")"(ar 'a4o(ery he set out to 'har) Joh% too+ %o (ess tha% the e)press.
-My )aster-+ he #ou($ say+ a%$ a!e h") a thro%e to s"t o% %ear to h")se(f. If e!er
he #"she$ to spea/+ he 1rst souht so)e s"% of appro!a( fro) Joh%+ say"% that
he h")se(f #as ("/e a too( "% the 'rafts)a%-s ha%$s+ a%$ that the )e(o$y #as %ot
of the (yre but h") #ho p(aye$ "t "% har)o%y. 5((+ therefore+ #ere a)a,e$ at the
#"s$o) of the )a% a%$ )ar!e((e$ at the su''ess of Joh%-s s'he)"%. No# the
)a%-s $e'e"tfu(%ess #as u%per'e"!e$ by the others+ but h"s u%'(e /%e# #e(( that
h"s s)ooth%ess #e%t %o $eeper tha% #or$sO the har$%ess of h"s heart #as h"$$e%
$eep "%s"$e a%$ 'o!ere$ o!er. The )ore he a'?u"es'e$ "% Joh%-s s'he)es+ the
)ore Joh% suspe'te$ h"s )ot"!es. He p(u)be$ the ho((o# $epths of the you%
e)peror-s )"%$+ but he st"(( $"$ %ot /%o# #hat to $o+ %or ho# he )"ht )ost
eas"(y $epr"!e h") of po#er+ o%'e ha!"% bee% fo"(e$ of th"s hope #he%
opportu%"ty ha$ assure$ h") of 'erta"% su''ess. Ho#e!er+ he he($ h"s pea'e for a
#h"(e+ %ot by a%y )ea%s be'ause he ha$ aba%$o%e$ h"s s'he)e+ but "%te%$"% to
try "t out "f the other too/ the "%"t"at"!e a%$ #ro%e$ h") 1rst. I% fa't+ M"'hae( $"$
be"% to 'ha%e+ ("tt(e by ("tt(e+ fro) the e&'ess"!e )o$esty he use$ to e!"%'e "%
Joh%-s prese%'e at the be"%%"% of h"s re"%. So)et")es he fa"(e$ to #a"t for
Joh%-s op"%"o% o% h"s a't"o%s as e)peror@ so)et")es he $e("berate(y oppose$ h")
a%$ spo/e #"th perso%s #ho) he /%o# Joh% $"$ %ot to(erate.
L. He ha$ a% a((y to e%'ourae th"s e%)"ty to#ar$s h"s u%'(e+ Co%sta%t"%e+ the
(atter-s brother+ #ho for a (o% t")e ha$ bee% 4ea(ous of Joh%. The reaso% for th"s
#as that Joh%+ a(o%e a)o% the brothers he($ a% a't"!e post "% the o!er%)e%tO
he #as ("/e the"r )aster+ %ot the"r /"%s)a%. 5t that t")e he #as u%ab(e to sho#
hatre$ for h") ope%(y+ be'ause the (ate e)peror ha$ reat a3e't"o% for the )a%+
%ot o%(y as the e($est of the fa)"(y+ but a(so as the )ost "%te(("e%t+ a%$ as a )a%
thorouh(y pro!e$ "% the 'o%s'"e%t"ous [BB] perfor)a%'e of h"s o>'"a( $ut"es. O%
the other ha%$+ he abo)"%ate$ a%$ (oathe$ the rest of the fa)"(y+ be'ause they
%e"ther (o!e$ )o$erat"o% %or )a$e a%y usefu( 'o%tr"but"o% to the o!er%)e%t of
the E)p"re. Co%se?ue%t(y+ #he% the e)peror ha$ bee% a%ry #"th the brothers+
"t use$ to be Joh% #ho "%ter'e$e$ o% the"r beha(f+ Joh% #ho 'oa&e$ h") to (oo/ o%
the) aa"% #"th be%e!o(e%'e. Natura((y the%+ $esp"te the brothers- 4ea(ousy at
Joh%-s reputat"o%+ a%$ a(thouh Co%sta%t"%e "% part"'u(ar fe(t 'har"%+ yet "t #as
")poss"b(e tor the) to $are or $o a%yth"% to oppose h").
B. *ut after the"r brother M"'hae( $"e$ a%$ su''ess"o% to the thro%e fe(( to the
%ephe#+ Co%sta%t"%e ha$ a !ery 'o%!e%"e%t start"%2po"%t for h"s atta'/ o% the
Orpha%otrophus+ for he 'arefu((y 'u(t"!ate$ the %e# e)peror #h"(e he #as st"((
o%(y the Caesar a%$ a((o#e$ h") to $ra# o% h"s o#% perso%a( treasures to h"s
heart-s 'o%te%t. Co%sta%t"%e s )o%ey #as there to be use$ a%$ the you% )a%
(oo/e$ upo% h"s #ea(th as a /"%$ of storehouse "%st"tute$ for h"s o#%
'o%!e%"e%'e. Certa"%(y th"s #as the #ay Co%sta%t"%e bouht h"s fa!our+ a%$ #h"(e
fortu%e ob!"ous(y s)"(e$ o% h"s e3orts+ he 'o%t"%ue$ to 'ourt h"s fr"e%$sh"p+ #"th
a% eye to the future. They share$ the"r se'rets. They stoo$ s"$e by s"$e "% the"r
'a)pa"% aa"%st Joh%+ /%o#"% that he+ o% h"s part+ #as s'he)"% aa"%st the).
If he ha$ h"s #ay+ the% the"r p(a%s #ou($ be frustrate$ a%$ so)e other )e)ber
of the fa)"(y #ou($ s"t o% the thro%e. U%$er these '"r'u)sta%'es+ therefore+ "t
#as to be e&pe'te$ that the Caesar #ou($ pro)ote Co%sta%t"%e to the $"%"ty of
Nob"("ss")us+ so soo% as he h")se(f ha$ bee% 'ro#%e$ e)peror. Co%sta%t"%e
be'a)e h"s boo% 'o)pa%"o%+ a)p(y re#ar$e$ for the (oya(ty he ha$ $"sp(aye$
before M"'hae(-s a''ess"o%.
;. 5t th"s stae+ I #"(( "%terrupt the %arrat"!e for a fe# )o)e%ts #h"(e I pass so)e
pre(")"%ary 'o))e%ts o% the e)peror-s )e%ta( a%$ sp"r"tua( out(oo/. My rea$ers
)ay poss"b(y be sa!e$ fro) a fee("% of perp(e&"ty #he% I $es'r"be h"s a't"o%s
(ater@ they #"(( %ot be surpr"se$ #he% they see "% the) a (a'/ of pre)e$"tat"o%
a%$ a 'erta"% "rre(e!a%'e+ ?ua("t"es #h"'h ha$ the"r or""% "% the 'o)p(e& fortu%es
of h"s ("fe. The outsta%$"% 'hara'ter"st"' of the )a%+ "%$ee$+ #as h"s "%terest "% a
reat !ar"ety of sub4e'ts a%$ a% e&traor$"%ary fa'"("ty "% )o!"% fro) o%e sub4e't
to a%other. 5 se'o%$ pe'u("ar"ty #as the 'o%tra$"'t"o% "% the )a% bet#ee% heart
a%$ to%ue 22 he #ou($ th"%/ o%e th"% a%$ say so)eth"% ?u"te $"3ere%t. Me%
#ou($ ofte% [B;] st"r h") to a%er a%$ yet )eet #"th a re'ept"o% of )ore tha%
usua( fr"e%$("%ess #he% they )et h")+ #h"(e he assure$ the) )ost so(e)%(y that
he ha$ the"r "%terests '(ose at heart a%$ rear$e$ the) #"th fee("%s of s"%'ere
atta'h)e%t. There #ere se!era( e&a)p(es of )e%s #ho at $a#% the %e&t )or%"%
#ere $est"%e$ by h") to u%$ero the )ost horr"b(e tortures+ be"% )a$e to share
h"s tab(e at $"%%er the e!e%"% before+ a%$ to $r"%/ fro) the sa)e 'up as h")se(f.
5s for the %a)es $e%ot"% fa)"(y2re(at"o%sh"p 22 I #ou($ o further tha% that a%$
say e!e% the a'tua( re(at"o%sh"p "tse(f 22 to h") they #ere so )u'h %o%se%se. He.
#ou($ %ot ha!e 'are$ o%e 4ot "f a s"%(e #a!e ha$ o!er#he()e$ a%$ e%u(fe$ the
(ot of the)+ a(( h"s /"th a%$ /"% at o%'e. He #as 4ea(ous of the)+ %ot o%(y "% the
)atter of o!er%)e%t 22 that #as %atura( e%ouh 22 but he ru$e$ the) the
e(e)e%tary %e'ess"t"es of ("fe a%$ a%y ("tt(e (u'/ that 'a)e the"r #ay. If po#er #as
to be share$+ "t #ou($ be #"th so)eo%e ?u"te "%s"%"1'a%t+ or #"th %obo$y at a((.
I% fa't+ )ore tha% that+ he see)s to )e to ha!e fe(t e%!y e!e% for the
super%atura(+ so reat #as h"s $"s("/e a%$ susp"'"o% of a(( )e% "% a((
'"r'u)sta%'es. 8he% fortu%e #as a$!erse+ %o )a% #as e!er )ore 'r"%"%+ "%
$ee$ a%$ "% #or$+ %o )a% )ore base "% sp"r"t. Met fortu%e ha$ but to 'ha%e a
("tt(e for the better a%$ at o%'e he thre# o3 the )as/ of ser!"("ty. The 'ou%terfe"t
appeara%'e #as put as"$e a%$ "))e$"ate(y he #as fu(( of 'ourae. Terr"b(e $ee$s
#ere $o%e+ others #ere sa!e$ up for the future. The )a% #as a s(a!e to h"s
a%er+ 'ha%eab(e+ st"rre$ to hatre$ a%$ #rath by a%y 'ha%'e happe%"%. So
there bur%e$ se'ret(y "% h"s heart a (oath"% for a(( h"s fa)"(y+ but to et r"$ of
the) #as a $"3ere%t )atter. 6or the )o)e%t he )a$e %o atte)pt to $o so+
be'ause he st"(( feare$ h"s u%'(e@ he /%e# that Joh% #as st"(( "% the pos"t"o% of a
father to the #ho(e fa)"(y.
1A. 5fter th"s "%terrupt"o% "% )y ope%"% re)ar/s o% th"s re"%+ I %e# retur% to the
s")p(e %arrat"!e. 8e((+ #he% Co%sta%t"%e be'a)e Nob"("ss")us+ he shoo/ o3 the
a#e #h"'h he fe(t for h"s brother. H"s for)er att"tu$e of re!ere%'e #as forotte%+
h"s 'o%!ersat"o% be'a)e bo($er+ a%$ he atta'/e$ Joh%-s po("'y #"th )ore
re'/(ess%ess. O% se!era( o''as"o%s he reproa'he$ the e)peror for h"s $efere%'e
to Joh%-s #"(( a%$ thre# the you% )a% "%to 'o%s"$erab(e 'o%fus"o%. There #ere
other reaso%s #hy M"'hae(-s 'o)posure #as ru$e(y shattere$+ there #ere other
"%7ue%'es #h"'h ure$ h") to rebe(+ but Co%sta%t"%e-s "%ter!e%t"o% a$$e$ fresh
fue( to the 1re+ a%$ the [;A] e)peror bea% to treat Joh% #"th 'o%te)pt "% %ear(y
e!eryth"%. The prospe't of (os"% h"s p(a'e a%$ the supre)a'y he #"e($e$ o!er
the fa)"(y #as part"'u(ar(y $"stastefu( to the Orpha%otrophus+ but as "t #as %o
easy )atter to $epose o%e #ho ha$ a(rea$y a''e$e$ to the thro%e+ he a$opte$ a
%e# po("'y to et h"s #ay. I )yse(f #"t%esse$ #hat #as o"% o% the% a%$ I
uesse$ he ha$ 'ha%e$ h"s "$eas+ but )ost peop(e /%e# %oth"% of "t. I% )y
op"%"o%+ h"s a)b"t"o% #as to tra%sfer the o!er%)e%t to o%e of h"s %ephe#s+ a
)a% 'a((e$ Co%sta%t"%e #ho he($ the ra%/ of Ma"ster. H"s p(a% #as %ot to atta'/
the e)peror h")se(f+ but to "!e th"s Co%sta%t"%e the 'ha%'e of p(ott"% aa"%st
h") "%stea$. Cater+ fear"% (est the %ephe# shou($ be 'auht a%$ ha!e to sta%$
tr"a( o% 'hares of se$"t"o%+ a%$ be"% afra"$ that he h")se(f )"ht %ot es'ape
$estru't"o%+ or fa"( to br"% $o#% $estru't"o% o% the rest of the fa)"(y at the sa)e
t")e+ he $e'"$e$ to pre'(u$e a%y su'h poss"b"("ty "% the future@ the ")porta%t
th"% #as that the prese%t shou($ o a''or$"% to p(a%. He pro'ee$e$ to e3e't a
re'o%'"("at"o% bet#ee% the e)peror a%$ h"s /"%s)e%. He persua$e$ h") to ra%t
'erta"% pr"!"(ees to the)+ #"th the pro)"se of others (ater o%. He #as espe'"a((y
"%s"ste%t that they shou($ be pro!"$e$ for "% the e!e%t of those troub(es #h"'h
)e% 'o))o%(y )eet #"th "% ("fe. So far the e)peror ra%te$ h"s re?uests a%$ h"s
pro)"ses #ere 'o%1r)e$ "% #r"t"%+ "% or$er that Joh%s )"ht ha!e a% assure$
uara%tee for the future. Ho#e!er+ %o soo%er #ere these pro)"ses put "%to
#r"t"% tha% Joh% a$$e$ a se'ret '(ause of h"s o#%+ to the e3e't that "f a%y of h"s
%ephe#s shou($ be 'o%!"'te$ of p(ott"% rebe(("o% aa"%st the e)peror+ he shou($
be %e"ther pu%"she$ %or 'o%$e)%e$+ but that the spe'"a( pr"!"(ee of e&e)pt"o%
fro) tr"a( #as to be ra%te$ by h"s u%'(e.
11. Ha!"% a$$e$ th"s '(ause+ he #a"te$ for a fa!ourab(e opportu%"ty a%$ #he%
he sa# M"'hae( %ot part"'u(ar(y "%tereste$ "% 'erta"% papers+ he ha%$e$ h") th"s
)a%us'r"pt for s"%ature. The e)peror rea$ "t throuh "% a 'ursory #ay a%$
'o%1r)e$ "t "% h"s o#% ha%$#r"t"%. Natura((y Joh% #as 1((e$ #"th e&u(tat"o%. It
#as a reat tr"u)ph a%$ the rea(",at"o% of h"s se'ret a)b"t"o%s #as brouht
appre'"ab(y %earer. 5%$ %o $oubt he #as rea$y to put h"s p(a%s to the test. I%
rea("ty+ thouh+ th"s #as the start of h"s tr"bu(at"o%s+ as a $eta"(e$ e&a)"%at"o% of
these e!e%ts #"(( sho#+ for before the Orpha%otrophus 'ou($ ta/e the "%"t"at"!e+
the e)peror suspe'te$ #hat #as afoot+ part(y be'ause of h"s o#% forebo$"%s+
part(y fro) [;1] the re)ar/s of h"s 'ourt"ers+ #ho to($ h") #hat they thouht
about the pro'ee$"%. They )a$e "t '(ear that h"s 'o%t"%ua( sub4e't"o% to Joh%
#as "%to(erab(e. There #ere %o# t#o a(ter%at"!es a%$ they #ou($ )o!e hea!e%
a%$ earth to br"% about o%e or the otherO e"ther they )ust preser!e the
e)peror-s author"ty "%ta't or they #ou($ per"sh #"th the state.
1=. Th"s u(t")atu) ha$ a% "))e$"ate e3e't. M"'hae( %ot o%(y 'ease$ to pay Joh%
the ho%our that #as $ue to h")+ but he e!e% $"3ere$ #"th h") o% ?uest"o%s of
po("'y. They rare(y )et "% 'o%fere%'e+ at (o% "%ter!a(s+ a%$ #he% they $"$ )eet "t
#as '(ear(y aa"%st the"r #"((. O%'e+ #he% they #ere $"%"% toether+ Co%sta%t"%e
$"re'te$ the 'o%!ersat"o% to a 'erta"% a3a"r+ a%$ ha!"% hear$ both )e% e&press
a% op"%"o% o% the sub4e't+ he pra"se$ the e)peror-s est")ate of the )atter+
a''(a")"% "t as -a% e&'e((e%t 4u$)e%t+ o%e rea((y #orthy of a% e)peror-+ but
re4e'te$ h"s brother-s op"%"o% as -a 'rafty b"t of "%tr"ue-. He ra$ua((y $e!e(ope$
th"s the)e a%$ prese%t(y (au%'he$ a b"2s'a(e atta'/. He re'a((e$ Joh%-s
arroa%'e "% the past+ e&pose$ h"s "((2#"(( a%$ $e'e"t "% the prese%t. The
Orpha%otrophus+ ?u"te "%'apab(e of ("ste%"% to su'h a% o%s(auht #"th pat"e%'e+
ot up at o%'e a%$ #e%t a#ay. He too/ h")se(f o3+ %ot to h"s usua( p(a'e of
res"$e%'e+ but to so)e spot far a#ay fro) the '"ty. Th"s 'ha%e of abo$e+ he
")a"%e$+ #ou($ 'o)pe( the e)peror to pray a%$ besee'h h") to retur%@ he
#ou($ !ery soo% br"% h") ba'/ to the pa(a'e. 8he% he #e%t o3+ h"s o#% pr"!ate
bo$yuar$ fo((o#e$ h")+ a%$ a 'o%s"$erab(e bo$y of se%ators #e%t a#ay #"th
h") too+ %ot throuh a%y fee("%s of fr"e%$sh"p for Joh%+ but+ "% )ost 'ases+
be'ause they be("e!e$ that he #ou($ be ba'/ aa"% "% h"s o($ hau%ts a()ost
"))e$"ate(y a%$ they #ere try"% to )a/e sure of h"s fa!our "% a$!a%'e. The"r
$eparture fro) the 'ap"ta( #ou($ be a% e&'e((e%t )etho$ of re)"%$"% h") of
the"r ser!"'es.
1K. Joh%-s $efe't"o% #as+ %o $oubt+ e&tre)e(y rat"fy"% to M"'hae(+ but "t 'ou($
%ot 'o)pe%sate the pa"%fu( susp"'"o%s rouse$ "% h") #he% the reater part of the
'"ty popu(a'e #ere 7o'/"% out to 4o"% the Orpha%otrophus "% h"s retreat. He
feare$ a poss"b(e re!o(ut"o%. So+ #"th e&tre)e 'raft"%ess a%$ %o ("tt(e
)a(e!o(e%'e+ he #rote h") a (etter. I% "t he upbra"$e$ the other for h"s e&'ess"!e
pr"$e a%$ re'a((e$ h")+ presu)ab(y "% or$er to $"s'uss 'erta"% se'ret )atters
'o%%e'te$ #"th the o!er%)e%t. Joh% at o%'e retur%e$. He ba$ assu)e$ fro) the
to%e of the (etter that the e)peror #ou($ 'o)e [;=] out to )eet h"). He
e&pe'te$ to be a$$resse$ "% ter)s be1tt"% h"s h"h o>'e a%$ treate$ #"th the
respe't to #h"'h he ha$ bee% a''usto)e$. 8hat a'tua((y happe%e$ #as ?u"te
$"3ere%t. 5 perfor)a%'e #as o"% o% "% the Theatre a%$ the e)peror+ #"thout
#a"t"% to see h"s u%'(e+ (eft for the e%terta"%)e%t ear("er tha% usua(. 8hat "s
)ore he (eft %o )essae for Joh%. 8he% the (atter per'e"!e$ #hat ha$ o''urre$+
he 'o%s"$ere$ h")se(f e!e% )ore "%su(te$ tha% beforeO the e)peror ha$ 'ast h")
o3. So+ "% h"h $u$eo%+ he retur%e$ #he%'e he ha$ 'o)e+ #"thout )ore a$o.
There #as %o $oubt %o# as to the e)peror-s "%te%t"o%s. 6ro) h"s a't"o%s "t #as
ob!"ous to Joh% that he ha$ to $ea( #"th a% e%e)y. The bo%$ of fr"e%$sh"p #as
%o# abso(ute(y bro/e% a%$ ea'h p(otte$ the other-s $o#%fa((. Joh% espe'"a((y+ #as
e%ae$ "% 'o%sp"ra'y 22 %atura((y+ for he #as at a $"sa$!a%tae as a% or$"%ary
'"t",e% 22 a%$ s'he)e$ #ays a%$ )ea%s of atta'/"% the e)peror+ #"thout the
/%o#(e$e of others a%$ #"thout e&pos"% h")se(f to arrest. M"'hae(+ o% the other
ha%$+ be"% the supre)e ru(er of the E)p"re+ #as "% a super"or pos"t"o% a%$ he
)a$e oo$ use of "t. There #as %o se'ret about h"s hatre$ for Joh%. The $ays of
prete%'e #ere o!er. He s")p(y or$ere$ h"s e%e)y to e)bar/ o% a sh"p a%$
appear "% h"s o#% $efe%'e. He #ou($ ha!e to e&p(a"% #hy he treate$ the e)peror
#"th ross 'o%te)pt a%$ #hy he refuse$ to obey h"s or$ers.
1H. 5''or$"%(y Joh% set sa"(. The e)peror+ )ea%#h"(e+ #at'he$ the sea fro) a
h"h !a%tae2po"%t "% the pa(a'e+ a%$ #he% the sh"p 'arry"% h"s u%'(e #as about
to a%'hor "% the 0reat Harbour+ he a!e a s"%a( fro) abo!e to the sa"(ors+ as
they #ere putt"% "%+ to tur% about. 5'tua((y+ th"s s"%a( ha$ bee% arra%e$
beforeha%$. 5 se'o%$ tr"re)e+ rea$y to put to sea a%$ "% the #a/e of the 1rst+
the% ha"(e$ Joh%-s sh"p+ too/ h") o% boar$+ a%$ 'arr"e$ h") o3 to a $"sta%t p(a'e
of e&"(e.DDNH It #as throuh th"s )a%-s e3orts that M"'hae( ha$ be'o)e 1rst
Caesar a%$ subse?ue%t(y e)peror+ yet the re!ere%'e he for)er(y fe(t for Joh%
%o# )ea%t so ("tt(e to h") that he "%$"'te$ pu%"sh)e%t o% h"s u%'(e #"thout so
)u'h as a b(ush of sha)e. I% fa't+ he ba%"she$ h") to a p(a'e reser!e$
e&'(us"!e(y for 'o%!"'te$ p"rates. It "s o%(y fa"r to a$$ that after#ar$s+ #he% h"s
a%er ha$ $"e$ so)e#hat+ he $"$ 'o%s"$er "t proper to a((o# h") 'erta"% s)a((
fa!ours. So Joh% #e%t a#ay+ %ot )ere(y to sat"sfy the e)peror-s !e%ea%'e+ but
$est"%e$ to see )"sfortu%es o%e after the other+ for the fate #h"'h by the $e'ree
of Pro!"$e%'e fe(( to h"s (ot 22 I #"(( spea/ [;K] "% )o$erate ter)s 22 %e!er a!e
h") a s"%(e resp"te@ e!"( fo((o#e$ e!"(+ t"((+ 1%a((y+ fate (a"$ o% h"s eyesDDN< the
ha%$ of the e&e'ut"o%er a%$ brouht h")+ #"th terr"b(e s#"ft%ess+ to a )ost
!"o(e%t $eath.DDNN
1<. The ras'a((y M"'hae( %o# too/ upo% h"s o#% shou($ers the so(e 'o%tro( of the
E)p"re. H"s "%te%t"o%s #ere a%yth"% but )o$erate+ for h"s 1rst e3orts #ere
$"re'te$ to a 'o)p(ete re!ersa( of po("'yO e!eryth"% ha$ to 'o%for) to h"s
#"shes. 0o!er%)e%t o>'"a(s #ere treate$ #"th %o s"% of fr"e%$("%ess #hate!er.
The e)peror-s host"("ty to the) #as e!"$e%t both "% h"s (oo/ a%$ "% h"s e%era(
att"tu$e. I% fa't+ h"s arroa%t spee'h a%$ )a%%ers terr"1e$ the). H"s a)b"t"o%
'e%tre$ o% o%e ob4e'tO to )a/e h"s rea() "% !ery truth -sub4e't- to h")se(f@ )ost
of the o>'"a(s #ere to be str"ppe$ of the"r 'usto)ary pr"!"(ees a%$ the peop(e
#ere to ha!e the"r free$o) restore$@ he #ou($ the% ha!e the support of the
peop(e+ #ho #ere )a%y+ rather tha% of the %ob"("ty+ #ho #ere fe#.DDNL 5s for h"s
perso%a( bo$yuar$+ he 1((e$ the 'orps #"th %e# so($"ers+ S'yth"a% youths #ho)
he ha$ bouht so)e t")e pre!"ous(y. E!ery o%e of the) #as a eu%u'h. They
u%$erstoo$ #hat he re?u"re$ of the) a%$ they #ere #e(( 1tte$ to ser!e h"s
$es"res. I%$ee$+ he %e!er ?uest"o%e$ the"r a((e"a%'e+ be'ause "t #as to h")se(f
that they o#e$ the"r pro)ot"o% to the h"hest ta%/s. So)e he e)p(oye$ "% a'tua(
uar$2$ut"es+ #h"(e others #ere e%ae$ "% !ar"ous other tas/s that he #"she$ to
be $o%e.
1N. I% th"s #ay h"s p(a%s #ere brouht to fru"t"o%. There re)a"%e$+ ho#e!er+ the
prob(e) of the others 22 the p"'/ of the '"ty popu(a'e a%$ a(( those #ho be(o%e$
to the )er'ha%t '(ass or #ere )a%ua( #or/ers. The"r a$here%'e+ too+ #as assure$
a%$ the hearts of the peop(e #o% o!er by h"s fa!ours. It #as a %e'essary
e&pe%se+ for o%e $ay+ "f %ee$ arose+ he )"ht #a%t the"r ba'/"% for h"s pro4e'ts.
The peop(e+ o% the"r s"$e+ #ere e%u"%e(y atta'he$ to h") a%$ the"r se%t")e%ts
fou%$ e&press"o% "% 'erta"% ob!"ous )ar/s of oo$#"((. 6or "%sta%'e they #ou($
%ot a((o# h") to #a(/ o% the bare rou%$@ "t #ou($ be a $rea$fu( th"%+ they
thouht+ "f he $"$ %ot trea$ o% 'arpets. H"s horse+ too+ )ust %ee$s re!e( "% 'o!ers
of s"(/. These 'o)p(")e%ts %ot u%%atura((y+ a!e h") p(easure a%$ "% h"s e(at"o%
he bea% to re!ea( #hat h"s se'ret $es"%s #ere. The truth "s+ the e)press #as
the ob4e't of h"s #rath+ the #o)a% #ho ha$ be'o)e h"s )other by a$opt"o%+
'o%trary to a(( propr"ety a%$ reaso%. Th"s fee("% of h"s+ )oreo!er+ #as %o %e#
o%e+ for "t $ate$ ba'/ to the t")e #he% throuh her e3orts he ha$ bee% )a$e
e)peror. He ha$ [;H] o%'e 'a((e$ her h"s -)"stress- a%$ the !ery thouht of "t
)a$e h") fee( ("/e b"t% o3 h"s o#% to%ue a%$ sp"tt"% "t a#ay "% $"sust.
1L. I% the pub("' pro'(a)at"o%s he hear$ her %a)e )e%t"o%e$ before h"s o#% a%$
after that "%$"%"ty he 'ou($ %o (o%er h"$e h"s 'har"%. It (e$ h")+ "% the 1rst
p(a'e+ to a$opt a% att"tu$e of $e1a%'e. 8he% she approa'he$ h")+ he tur%e$ a
$eaf ear@ the 'ou%'"( 'ha)ber #as '(ose$ to her+ a%$ #orse st"((+ she #as $e%"e$
a(( a''ess to the ")per"a( treasury. I% fa't+ the e)press #as he($ "% 'o%te)pt
e!ery#here. I%$ee$+ I #ou($ o further tha% that 22 he )a$e her a% ob4e't of
r"$"'u(e+ for he treate$ her ("/e a pr"so%er of #ar. She #as /ept u%$er sur!e"((a%'e+
"% the )ost "%o)"%"ous )a%%er+ her (a$"es2"%2#a"t"% 'o%tro((e$ by the e)peror
a%$ %o 'or%er of her pr"!ate apart)e%ts e&e)pt fro) "%spe't"o%. Not o%e of the
aree)e%ts )a$e #"th her #as respe'te$ by M"'hae(+ a%$ #he% e!e% these
restr"'t"o%s fa"(e$ to sat"sfy h")+ he brouht upo% her the 1%a( $"sra'e 22 %oth"%
(ess tha% e&pu(s"o% fro) the pa(a'e. Su'h #as h"s p(a%. There #as %o ho%est
e&'use for su'h a't"o%+ but the beast ha$ a fou( (y"% story a(( rea$y+ so
$eter)"%e$ #as he to ha!e the #ho(e pa(a'e to h")se(f. Of 'ourse+ o%'e th"s "$ea
#as 'o%'e"!e$+ a(( other $ut"es of state #ere %e(e'te$O a(( h"s e%ery+ a(( h"s
"%e%u"ty #as $e!ote$ to the a''o)p("sh)e%t of th"s $ar"% pro4e't.
1B. To be"% #"th+ therefore+ he $"s'(ose$ h"s p(a%s to the )ore e%terpr"s"% of h"s
a''o)p("'es. Cater o%+ as h"s s'he)e ra$ua((y a$!a%'e$+ he sou%$e$ other
perso%s as #e((. I% e!ery 'ase they #ere /%o#% to h")se(f perso%a((y as )e% of
/ee% 4u$)e%t a%$ e%$o#e$ #"th other "%te((e'tua( ?ua("t"es. So)e of the)
se'ret(y e%'ourae$ h"). The"r a$!"'e #as to fo((o# h"s o#% "%'("%at"o%. Others
'ou%se((e$ h") to "!e up the #ho(e s'he)e+ #h"(e a th"r$ party sueste$ that
the propose$ 'ourse of a't"o% shou($ be stu$"e$ 1rst "% reater $eta"(. 5%other
roup thouht the astro(oers shou($ be 'o%su(te$O he ouht 1rst to assure
h")se(f that the t")e #as prop"t"ous for the e%terpr"se@ so)e aspe't of the
hea!e%s )"ht be u%fa!ourab(e. Seate$ "% fro%t of the)+ he ("ste%e$ ra!e(y to
a(( these )o%"tors+ prepare$ to ta/e up a%yth"% #hate!er #h"'h 'ou($ he(p h")
to rea(",e h"s p(a%s. Noth"% #as a((o#e$ to sta%$ "% the #ay of the [;<] su''ess
of the p(ot. I% the e%$+ ho#e!er+ he re4e'te$ the aru)e%ts of a(( other
'ou%se((ors a%$ tur%e$ to the astro(oers. Throuh the) he #ou($ (ear% #hat the
future he($ for h").
1;. 5t that t")e there #as a roup of $"st"%u"she$ )e% e%ae$ "% the stu$y of
that s'"e%'e+ )e% #"th #ho) I )yse(f ha$ $ea("%s. These e%t(e)e% #ere %ot
spe'"a((y 'o%'er%e$ #"th the pos"t"o% or )o!e)e%ts of stars "% the 'e(est"a(
sphere Wa'tua((y they ha$ %o tra"%"% "% the proof of su'h th"%s by the (a#s of
eo)etry a%$ 'erta"%(y th"s po#er of $e)o%strat"o% #as %ot a'?u"re$ by the)
before they stu$"e$ astro(oyJ@ they 'o%1%e$ the)se(!es rather to the sett"% up
of astro(o"'a( 'e%tres+ the e&a)"%at"o% of the r"se a%$ fa(( of the ,o$"a'a( s"%s
abo!e or be(o# the hor",o%. Other phe%o)e%a 'o%%e'te$ #"th these )o!e)e%ts
a(so be'a)e the ob4e't of the"r stu$y 22 the ru("% p(a%ets+ the re(at"!e pos"t"o%s
a%$ (")"ts of the p(a%ets+ toether #"th those aspe'ts 'o%s"$ere$ fa!ourab(e a%$
those #h"'h #ere %ot prop"t"ous. Certa"% pre$"'t"o%s #ere the% o3ere$ to perso%s
#ho as/e$ for a$!"'e a%$ the"r ?uest"o%s #ere a%s#ere$. I% so)e 'ases+ too+
they $"$ "%$ee$ h"t o% the 'orre't a%s#er. I say th"s+ be'ause I )yse(f ha!e so)e
/%o#(e$e of the s'"e%'e+ a /%o#(e$e a'?u"re$ after (o% a%$ $"("e%t stu$y+
a%$ I ha!e bee% of so)e ass"sta%'e to )a%y of these )e% a%$ he(pe$ the) to
u%$ersta%$ the p(a%etary aspe'ts. Desp"te th"s+ I a) %o be("e!er "% the theory
that our hu)a% a3a"rs are "%7ue%'e$ by the )o!e)e%ts of the stars. That+
ho#e!er+ "s a prob(e) that )ust for) the sub4e't of "%?u"ry "% a%other #or/ 22 "t
"!es r"se to too )a%y 'o%tro!ers"es o% e"ther s"$e.
=A. Cet us retur% to the re"%"% e)peror. 8"thout $"s'(os"% the %ature of the
$ee$ he ha$ "% )"%$+ he sub)"tte$ a !aue "%?u"ry to the astro(oers. The o%(y
"%for)at"o% he as/e$ for #as th"s+ #hether the hea!e%(y aspe'ts #ere
"%ausp"'"ous to a )a% #ho too/ a reat r"s/. Obser!at"o%s #ere ta/e% a%$ the
e%era( pos"t"o% of the stars #as 'arefu((y e&a)"%e$ at the proper )o)e%t+ a%$
#he% the astro(oers sa# that e!eryth"% porte%$e$ b(oo$ a%$ sorro#+ they
#ar%e$ h") to "!e up h"s e%terpr"se. The )ore '"r'u)spe't a)o% the) a$!"se$
h") to put o3 the $ee$ u%t"( so)e (ater o''as"o%. 5t th"s the e)peror burst "%to a
(ou$ (auh. He )o'/e$ the"r s'"e%'e+ 'a(("% "t a frau$. -To b(a,es #"th youQ- he
sa"$. -5%$ as for your #o%$erfu( /%o#(e$e )y $ar"% !e%ture #"(( )a/e 'h"($-s2
p(ay of "tQ-
=1. So he at o%'e ot to #or/ a%$ #e%t o!er to the atta'/ #"thout [;N] $e(ay.DDNB
Certa"% 'hares #ere fabr"'ate$ aa"%st h"s a$opte$ )other+ #ho #as "%%o'e%t of
a%y p(ot a")e$ at h")se(f+ a%$ the #ret'he$ boy 'o%$e)%e$ the e)press as a
po"so%er. She+ st"(( /%o# ra %oth"% of h"s )a'h"%at"o%s+ #as $r"!e% fro) her
be$'ha)ber22she #ho ha$ bee% bor% there+ $r"!e% out by a par!e%uQ She+ the
$auhter of a )ost %ob(e fa)"(y+ #as $"spossesse$ by a )a% spru% fro) the
utter. 8"t%esses #ere subor%e$ to "!e fa(se e!"$e%'e a%$ he pro'ee$e$ to
?uest"o% her o% )atters of #h"'h she /%e# %oth"%. She #as 'o)pe((e$ to
a''ou%t for her a't"o%s a%$ #as the% 'o%!"'te$ of the )ost abo)"%ab(e 'r")es.
5t o%'e she #as put o% boar$ sh"p+ toether #"th 'erta"% perso%s #ho #ere "!e%
'arteb(a%'he to "%su(t her. E&"(e$ fro) the pa(a'e+ she #as (a%$e$ o% o%e of the
"s(a%$s (y"% o3 *y,a%t"u) 'a((e$ Pr"%/"po.
==. 5fter#ar$s I ta(/e$ #"th so)e of those #ho too/ her a#ay there a%$ they to($
)e+ that #he% the sh"p ha$ put out to sea for the !oyae+ Goe (oo/e$ ba'/ at her
roya( ho)e a%$ apostroph",e$ the pa(a'e "% a /"%$ of $"re. She spo/e of her
father a%$ her a%'estors Iher fa)"(y ha$ o''up"e$ the thro%e for four e%erat"o%s
before she "%her"te$ the E)p"reJ a%$ #he% she re'a((e$ her u%'(e 22 I a)
spea/"% %o# of the fa)ous *as"(+ that treasure a%$ (ory of the Ro)a% E)p"re
#ho outsho%e a(( other so!ere"%s #ho ru(e$ o!er "t 22 the% her eyes su$$e%(y
1((e$ #"th tears a%$ she e&'(a")e$O -It #as you+ )y u%'(e a%$ e)peror+ you #ho
#rappe$ )e "% )y s#a$$("% '(othes as soo% as I #as bor%+ you #ho (o!e$ )e+
a%$ ho%oure$ )e too+ )ore tha% )y s"sters+ be'ause+ as I ha!e ofte% hear$ the)
say #ho sa# you+ I #as ("/e yourse(f. It #as you #ho sa"$+ as you /"sse$ )e a%$
he($ )e "% your ar)s+ -0oo$ (u'/+ )y $ar("%+ a%$ )ay you ("!e )a%y years+ to
be the (ory of our fa)"(y a%$ the )ost )ar!e((ous "ft to our E)p"reQ- It #as you+
a(so+ #ho so 'arefu((y brouht )e up a%$ tra"%e$ )e+ you #ho sa# "% )y ha%$s a
reat future for th"s sa)e E)p"re. *ut your hopes ha!e bee% brouht to %oth"%+
for I ha!e bee% $"sho%oure$. I ha!e $"sra'e$ a(( )y fa)"(y+ 'o%$e)%e$ o% )ost
horr"b(e 'hares a%$ e&pe((e$ fro) the pa(a'e+ $r"!e% a#ay to I /%o# %ot #hat
p(a'e of e&"(e+ 'o%!"'te$ of 'r")e. 6or a(( I /%o#+ they )ay thro# )e a prey to
#"($ beasts+ or $ro#% )e "% the sea. I be you+ #at'h o!er )e fro) Hea!e% a%$
#"th a(( your stre%th prote't your %"e'eQ- 5fter rea'h"% the "s(a%$ that #as to be
her p(a'e of e&"(e+ ho#e!er+ she re'o!ere$ so)e#hat fro) her )oo$ of $espa"r.
She tha%/e$ 0o$ that she #as st"(( a("!e+ [;L] a%$ at o%'e o3ere$ up prayers a%$
sa'r"1'es to H") #ho ha$ sa!e$ her.
=K. She ha$ %o "%te%t"o% of )e$$("% "% state a3a"rs. I%$ee$+ ho# 'ou($ she+
spe%$"% her ("fe "% e&"(e+ #"th o%e (a$y2"%2#a"t"%S Met that ras'a( 'her"she$ e!e%
)ore terr"b(e $es"%s aa"%st her a%$ troub(e #as heape$ o% troub(e. I% the e%$+
a party #as $espat'he$ to 'ut o3 her ha"r 22 perhaps "t #ou($ be )ore a''urate
to say that they #ere se%t to /"(( her. She #as to be o3ere$ up+ so to spea/+ as a
#ho(e bur%t2o3er"%+ %ot to p(ease the Cor$+ )aybe+ but 'erta"%(y to appease the
#rath of the e)peror #ho a!e th"s or$er. Ho#e!er+ o%'e the $es"% #as
sat"sfa'tor"(y 'arr"e$ out+ he (eft her a(o%e. So far as he #as 'o%'er%e$+ the
e)press #as a(rea$y $ea$. *ut he a!e a $ra)at"' a''ou%t of the #ho(e a3a"r to
the Se%ate. It #as ("/e a s'e%e fro) a p(ay. Her so2'a((e$ p(ots aa"%st h")se(f
#ere re!ea(e$+ #h"(e he to($ the) ho# for a (o% t")e past he ha$ suspe'te$ her@
#orse tha% that+ he ha$ )ore tha% o%'e 'auht her re$2ha%$e$+ but ha$
'o%'ea(e$ her )"s$o"%s out of respe't for the Se%ators. 5fter "%!e%t"% su'h ("es
22 sheer %o%se%se "t #as 22 a%$ after #"%%"% the"r appro!a( Ithey passe$ re)ar/s
su"te$ to the o''as"o%J+ he 'o%s"$ere$ h"s $efe%'e before the Se%ate #as
a$e?uate+ a%$ %e&t put h"s 'ase to the peop(e. So)e of the (atter #ere a(rea$y
?u"te prepare$ to $a%'e to h"s tu%e+ a%$ to the) he to($ h"s story. They a!e h")
the"r !er$"'t. There # as ob!"ous(y support for h"s po("'y "% that ?uarter as #e((+
so th"s se'o%$ )eet"% #as $"s)"sse$+ a%$ he+ ("/e a )a% #ho has a''o)p("she$
so)e )"hty e&p(o"t+ too/ a rest fro) h"s reat (abours a%$ a!e h")se(f up to
'h"($"sh $e("ht+ a(( but $a%'"% a%$ (eap"% fro) the rou%$ "% h"s p(easure. Met
retr"but"o% #as !ery %ear@ the usurper-s pr"$e #as to )eet "ts $o#%fa(( "% the %ot
$"sta%t future.
=H. 5s for the e!e%ts that fo((o#e$+ #or$s are "%a$e?uate to $es'r"be the). The
hu)a% )"%$ 'a%%ot 'o)prehe%$ the #or/"% of Pro!"$e%'e. 8he% I say th"s I a)
4u$"% other peop(e-s rea't"o%s by )y o#%. Certa"% "t "s that %o poet+ #"th h"s
sou( a%")ate$ by the $"!"%e aRatus a%$ h"s to%ue "%sp"re$ by 0o$@ %o orator
#ho ha$ atta"%e$ the he"ht of sp"r"tua( a%$ rhetor"'a( perfe't"o%+ a%$ ha$
)oreo!er a$or%e$ #"th the s/"(( of art"1'e h"s o#% %atura( ab"("t"es@ %o
ph"(osopher+ e!e%+ #ho ha$ thorouh /%o#(e$e of the #ays of Pro!"$e%'e a%$ of
the"r re!e(at"o%+ or #ho ha$ (ear%t by the po#er of h"s #"s$o) a%y other th"%
that surpasses our hu)a% u%$ersta%$"%@ %o%e of these #ou($ be 'apab(e of
$es'r"b"% the e!e%ts that [;B] too/ p(a'e at th"s 'r"s"s+ at (east "% a )a%%er that
#ou($ $o the) Just"'e. Su'h a tas/ #ou($ be ")poss"b(e+ e!e% "f the poet
$ra)at",e$ the story #"th subt(e tou'hes of 'hara'ter@ e!e% "f the orator )a$e a
(or"ous spee'h+ #"th h"s per"o$s har)o%",e$ a%$ a(toether 1tte$ to the
!ast%ess of h"s the)e@ e!e% "f the ph"(osopher+ $e%y"% the spo%ta%eous or""% of
these e!e%ts+ e&p(a"%e$ the) by reaso% a%$ pro$u'e$ 'auses fro) #h"'h that
reat a%$ far2sprea$ )ystery 22 for o%e 'a%%ot $es'r"be "t as a%yth"% e(se 22 #as
$er"!e$. Natura((y therefore+ "t #as %ot for )e to )e%t"o% that e&traor$"%ary
so'"a( uphea!a(. Nor #ou($ I ha!e $o%e so+ u%(ess I ha$ rea(",e$ that by ho($"%
)y pea'e the supre)e 'r"s"s of )y h"story #ou($ be %e(e'te$. So+ "% )y t"%y
s/"3+ I ha!e !e%ture$ to 'ross a )"hty o'ea%. 5t a(( e!e%ts+ to the best of )y
ab"("ty+ I #"(( te(( )y story 22 a% a''ou%t of a(( those stra%e happe%"%s that
fo((o#e$ the e)press-s e&"(e+ e!e%ts that D"!"%e Just"'e brouht to pass at th"s
)o)e%t "% h"story.
=<. Up to th"s t")e the e)peror ha$ ("!e$ "% the (ap of (u&ury a%$ he #as
e&tre)e(y prou$ of h"s a'h"e!e)e%ts. Throuhout the '"ty+ ho#e!er+ 22 a%$ I a)
spea/"% here of perso%s of e!ery /"%$ a%$ fortu%e a%$ ae 22 a fee("% of
$"ssat"sfa't"o% a%$ 'o%fus"o% ra$ua((y be'a)e )ore appare%t. It #as as "f the
%atura( har)o%y of the '"ty ha$ bee% "%terrupte$. There # as at 1rst a%
u%$er'urre%t of a%&"ety #h"'h s(o#(y )a$e "tse(f fe(t e!ery#here. E!eryo%e #as
'o%'er%e$ o!er the e)press-s 'o%!"'t"o%. Deep "% the"r hearts )e% ha$ r")
forebo$"%s a%$ they bea% to spea/ free(y about the). 5s the story of her %e#
pos"t"o% "% the state be'a)e e%era((y /%o#%+ the #ho(e '"ty ?u"te ob!"ous(y
#e%t "%to )our%"%. Just as "% the reat uphea!a(s of %ature a(( )e% are sa$ at
heart a%$ /%o# %ot ho# to re'o!er the"r sp"r"ts 22 for so)e terr"b(e e!"(s they ha!e
a(rea$y e%$ure$ a%$ others they st"(( a#a"t 22 so the% a 'erta"% a#fu( $e4e't"o%
se",e$ o% e!ery sou( a%$ a se%se of )"sfortu%e that #as beyo%$ 'o)fort. O% the
se'o%$ $ay %o o%e a%y (o%er he($ h"s to%ue. The ru("% '(asses+ the '(ery+
e!e% the e)peror-s fa)"(y a%$ househo($ sta3+ #ere ta(/"% about "t. Those
e%ae$ "% bus"%ess+ too+ prepare$ the)se(!es for reat $ee$s of $ar"%+ a%$ %ot
e!e% the fore"%ers a%$ a(("es #ho) the e)perors are #o%t to )a"%ta"% by the"r
s"$e 22 I a) referr"% to the S'yths fro) the Taurus 22 #ere ab(e to restra"% the"r
a%er. The "%$"%at"o%+ "% fa't+ #as u%"!ersa( a%$ a(( #ere rea$y to (ay $o#% the"r
("!es for Goe.
[;;] =N. 5s for the 'o))o% )ob+ "t #as a(rea$y o% the )o!e+ reat(y st"rre$ at
the prospe't of e&er'"s"% tyra%%y o!er h") #ho ha$ h")se(f p(aye$ the tyra%t.
5%$ the #o)e% 22 but ho# 'a% I e&p(a"% th"s to peop(e #ho $o %ot /%o# the)S I
)yse(f sa# so)e of the)+ #ho) %obo$y t"(( the% ha$ see% outs"$e the #o)e%-s
?uarters+ appear"% "% pub("' a%$ shout"% a%$ beat"% the"r breasts a%$
(a)e%t"% terr"b(y at the e)press-s )"sfortu%e+ but the rest #ere bor%e a(o% ("/e
Mae%a$s+DDN; a%$ they for)e$ %o s)a(( ba%$ to oppose the o3e%$er. -8here 'a%
she beS- they 'r"e$. -She #ho a(o%e "s %ob(e of heart a%$ a(o%e "s beaut"fu(.
8here 'a% she be+ she #ho a(o%e of a(( #o)e% "s free+ the )"stress of a(( the
")per"a( fa)"(y+ the r"htfu( he"r to the E)p"re+ #hose fatherDDLA #as e)peror+
#hose ra%$father #as )o%ar'h before h") 22 yes+ a%$ reat2ra%$father tooS
Ho# #as "t th"s (o#2bor% fe((o# $are$ to ra"se a ha%$ aa"%st a #o)a% of su'h
("%eaeS Ho# 'ou($ he 'o%'e"!e so !"(e a thouht aa"%st herS No other sou( o%
earth #ou($ $rea) of "t.- Thus they spo/e a%$ hurr"e$ toether as thouh they
"%te%$e$ to 1re the pa(a'e. 5s there #as %o (o%er a%yth"% to stop the)+ for a((
)e% ha$ a(rea$y rebe((e$ aa"%st the tyra%t+ they too/ up the"r pos"t"o%s rea$y
for batt(e+ at 1rst "% s)a(( roups+ as "f they #ere $"!"$e$ by 'o)pa%"es. Cater+
#"th a(( the '"t",e% ar)y+ they )ar'he$ "% o%e bo$y to the atta'/.
=L. E!ery )a% #as ar)e$@ o%e '(aspe$ "% h"s ha%$s a% a&e+ a%other bra%$"she$ a
hea!y "ro% broa$s#or$+ a%other ha%$(e$ a bo#+ a%$ a%other a spear+ but the bu(/
of the )ob+ #"th so)e of the b"est sto%es "% the fo($s of the"r '(oth"% a%$
ho($"% others rea$y "% the"r ha%$s+ ra% "% e%era( $"sor$er. I )yse(f #as sta%$"%
at the t")e "% fro%t of the pa(a'e e%tra%'e. 6or a (o% t")e I ha$ bee% a't"% as
se'retary to the e)peror a%$ ha$ re'e%t(y bee% "%"t"ate$ "%to the 'ere)o%"es of
E%try to the I)per"a( Prese%'e. I #as "% the outer por'h $"'tat"% so)e of the
)ore 'o%1$e%t"a( $espat'hes+ #he% su$$e%(y there assa"(e$ our ears a hubbub
("/e the sou%$ of horses- hoo!es a%$ the hearts of )ost of us tre)b(e$ at the
sou%$. The% there 'a)e a )esse%er #"th the %e#s that a(( the peop(e #ere
rouse$ aa"%st the e)peror@ they #ere athere$ "% o%e bo$y@ they )ust be
)ar'h"% u%$er o%e 'o))o% sta%$ar$+ #"th o%e s"%(e purpose. To )ost of the
others "t see)e$ a se%se(ess re!o(t+ but I+ /%o#"% fro) #hat I ha$ see% before
a%$ fro) #hat I ha$ hear$+ that the spar/ ha$ 7are$ up "%to a 1re a%$ that "t
%ee$e$ )a%y r"!ers a%$ a fast27o#"% 'urre%t to put "t out+ I stra"ht#ay
)ou%te$ )y horse+ [1AA] a%$ o"% throuh the )"$st of the '"ty I sa# #"th )y
o#% eyes the s"ht #h"'h %o# I 'a% har$(y be("e!e.
=B. It #as as "f the #ho(e )u(t"tu$e #ere shar"% "% so)e superhu)a%
"%sp"rat"o%. They see)e$ $"3ere%t fro) the"r for)er se(!es. There #as )ore
)a$%ess "% the"r ru%%"%+ )ore stre%th "% the"r ha%$s+ the 7ash "% the"r eyes
#as 1ery a%$ "%sp"re$+ the )us'(es of the"r bo$"es )ore po#erfu(. 5s for
pre!a"("% o% the) to beha!e "% a )ore $"%"1e$ )a%%er or $"ssua$"% the)
fro) the"r "%te%t"o%s+ %obo$y #hate!er #as #"(("% to try su'h a th"%. 5%yo%e
#ho a!e a$!"'e of that sort #as po#er(ess.
=;. It #as $e'"$e$ 1rst to atta'/ the e)peror-s fa)"(y a%$ tear $o#% the"r prou$
a%$ (u&ur"ous )a%s"o%s. 8"th th"s ob4e't they a$!a%'e$ to the e%era( assau(t+
a%$ a(( #as ra,e$ to the rou%$. Of the bu"($"%s so)e #ere 'o!ere$ o!er+ others
#ere (eft ope% to the s/y@ roofs fa(("% to the rou%$ #ere 'o!ere$ #"th $Pbr"s+
fou%$at"o%s thrust up "% ru"%s fro) the earth #ere u%'o!ere$+ as "f the earth #ere
thro#"% o3 "ts bur$e% a%$ hur("% a#ay the 7oors. It #as %ot the ha%$s of stro%
)e% "% the pr")e of youth that pu((e$ $o#% the )ost of "t+ but you% "r(s a%$
'h"($re% of e"ther se& (e%t a ha%$ "% the $estru't"o% #"th the). E!ery bu"($"% fe((
stra"ht#ay at the 1rst assau(t a%$ the $estroyers 'arr"e$ a#ay #hat ha$ bee%
s)ashe$ or pu((e$ $o#%+ #"th utter "%$"3ere%'e. The ob4e'ts #ere put up for sa(e+
#"thout a thouht for the )a%s"o%s fro) #h"'h they ha$ 'o)e.
KA. Su'h the% #as the state of a3a"rs "% the '"ty a%$ so ?u"'/(y ha$ "ts usua(
appeara%'e bee% a(tere$. 5s for the e)peror+ he sat "% the pa(a'e+ at 1rst by %o
)ea%s a(ar)e$ at the 'ourse of e!e%ts. H"s "$ea #as to e%$ '"!"( #ar #"thout the
she$$"% of b(oo$+ but #he% the re!o(ut"o% #as afoot beyo%$ a(( $oubt a%$ the
peop(e a$opte$ )"("tary for)at"o%s+ #"th ?u"te a respe'tab(e batt(e2array+ the% he
#as fearfu((y troub(e$. He))e$ "% o% a(( s"$es+ he #as at a (oss #hat to $o. He
#as afra"$ to sa((y forth a%$ he #as %o (ess susp"'"ous of re)a"%"% #here he #as
to susta"% a s"ee@ he ha$ %o a((ay "% the pa(a'e %or 'ou($ he se%$ out for he(p+
a%$ e!e% the )er'e%ar"es )a"%ta"%e$ by h") #ere+ so)e of the)+ of $oubtfu(
a((e"a%'e a%$ %ot "%!ar"ab(y respo%s"!e to or$ers+ #h"(e others #ere ope%(y
host"(e+ a%$ #he% the"r $"s'"p("%e bro/e+ they bro/e out #"th the )ob.
K1. I% h"s utter perp(e&"ty a% a((y $"$ 'o)e to h"s a"$ 22 the Nob"("ss")us. 5t that
)o)e%t he happe%e$ to be a#ay fro) the pa(a'e+ but #he% he (ear%t of the
$a%er+ be"% 1((e$ #"th a(ar) at [1A1] the 'ourse of e!e%ts+ he at 1rst staye$ "%
h"s house. He #as terr"b(y afra"$ of the 'ro#$ sta%$"% at h"s ates a%$ #ou($ %ot
!e%ture outs"$e+ for he be("e!e$ he #ou($ $"e o% the spot "f he $"$. Cater o%+
ho#e!er+ he ar)e$ the #ho(e of h"s househo($ sta3+ #"thout putt"% o% $efe%s"!e
ar)our h")se(f+ a%$ #"th the"r he(p he a!e the $oor a su$$e% sho!e+ ot outs"$e
#"thout attra't"% a%y atte%t"o%+ a%$ #e%t throuh the '"ty ("/e ("ht%"%. H"s
ret"%ue #ere ar)e$ #"th $aers+ so that "f a%yo%e )et the)+ they 'ou($ s(ay
h") at o%'e. Char"% thus throuh the '"ty they $ashe$ to the ates of the
pa(a'e a%$ e%tere$ "t. The e)peror+ #ho) they ha$ 'o)e to he(p "% h"s hour of
$a%er+ re'e"!e$ the) #"th 4oy. He a()ost e)bra'e$ h"s u%'(e for 'hoos"% to $"e
#"th h"). They $eter)"%e$ the% to re'a(( the e)press fro) e&"(e at o%'e 22 "t #as
throuh her that the )ob ha$ bro/e% out "% re!o(t a%$ the #ar #as be"% fouht
o% her beha(f. 8"th rear$ to the)se(!es+ they 'a)e to the 'o%'(us"o% that they
shou($ use the )u(t"tu$e the% "% the pa(a'e+ the 4a!e("%2)e% a%$ sto%e2thro#ers+
aa"%st a%ybo$y #ho ha$ the e3ro%tery to atta'/ the). Ure%t %e'ess"ty
$"'tate$ "t. So these )e% hur(e$ $o#% the"r )"ss"(es a%$ shot the"r arro#s fro)
'o%'ea(e$ pos"t"o%s "% the h"h parts of the pa(a'e+ a%$ they s(e# a 'o%s"$erab(e
%u)ber of the e%e)y. The"r '(ose for)at"o% #as "%$ee$ bro/e% up+ but see"%
#hat the "$ea of the e)peror-s )e% #as+ they ra(("e$ aa"% a%$ for)e$ up )ore
t"ht(y tha% before.
K=. I% the )ea%#h"(e the e)press #as 'arr"e$ "%to the pa(a'e+ fu(( of 4oy at the
thouht that 0o$ #as #or/"% for her. *ut there #as a sha$o# 22 she feare$
pu%"sh)e%t st"(( )ore terr"b(e at the ha%$s of the #"'/e$ M"'hae(. It #as for that
reaso% she %e"ther se",e$ her 'ha%'e of re!e%e %or b(a)e$ the tyra%t for her
)"sfortu%es %or 'ha%e$ her $e)ea%our. She e!e% a!e h") her sy)pathy a%$
she$ tears at h"s $"stress. *ut "%stea$ of ta/"% fro) her the %u%-s hab"t a%$
'(oth"% her "% a robe of purp(e+ as he shou($ ha!e $o%e+ he 'o)pe((e$ her to
pro)"se that o%'e the stor) ha$ $"e$ $o#% she #ou($ ("!e as she #as the%+ #"th
the sa)e %u%-s hab"t@ she #ou($+ )oreo!er+ a'?u"es'e "% the $e'"s"o%s he ha$
a(rea$y )a$e about her future. E!ery proposa( he )a$e she aree$ #"th a%$
they )a$e a 'o!e%a%t to fa'e the $a%er toether. O% these 'o%$"t"o%s they
'arr"e$ her up to a ba('o%y o% the 0reat Theatre a%$ there they sho#e$ her to
the rebe( peop(e. They thouht "t #ou($ ?ue%'h the 1re of the rebe(s- a%er "f
they sa# the"r )"stress ha$ bee% re'a((e$ fro) e&"(e+ but the [1A=] peop(e #ere
"% %o hurry to re'o%",e the (a$y. Those #ho $"$ /%o# her #ere a(( the )ore
"%'e%se$ at the tyra%t-s stratae)@ they thouht "t )o%strous+ that e!e% "% the
)"$st of $a%er+ he st"(( 'ou($ %ot foret h"s %atura( fero'"ty a%$ #"'/e$%ess.
KK. The #ar+ therefore+ 7are$ up aa"%st h") a(( the )ore b"tter(y. *ut the rebe(s
#ere afra"$ (est the 'o)b"%e$ e3orts of M"'hae( a%$ Goe )"ht yet pro!e the"r
u%$o"%. Most of the"r supporters )"ht be persua$e$ by her a%$ "!e up the
stru(e. So a %e# po("'y #as a$opte$+ a po("'y #h"'h of "tse(f #as a 'o)p(ete
a%s#er to M"'hae(-s s'he)"%.
KH. 5t th"s stae I #ou($ ("/e to o ba'/ a ("tt(e+ so that the story 'a% be to($ "% a
)etho$"'a( #ay. I #"(( ha!e to refer to e!e%ts pre!"ous to th"s outbrea/ a%$ ("%/
the) #"th "t. 5s I ha!e sa"$ before+ Co%sta%t"%e ha$ %ot o%e $auhter+ but three.
The e($est of these (a$"es #as $ea$. The you%est for a short t")e 'o%t"%ue$ to
("!e #"th her s"ster after she be'a)e e)press a%$+ to a 'erta"% e&te%t+ share$ the
thro%e #"th her. The pr"!"(ee of a''(a)at"o% #as %ot e&te%$e$ to her+ but she
$"$ e%4oy e&'ept"o%a( ho%ours a%$ she ha$ her share of sp(e%$our "% the pa(a'e+
a(thouh her pos"t"o% #as "%fer"or to that of her s"ster. The"r '(ose re(at"o%sh"p
ho#e!er+ a%$ the fa't that they #ere bor% of the sa)e )other+ #ere %ot
su>'"e%t to a!ert 4ea(ousy+ a%$ e!e% her (o#er ra%/ e&'"te$ the e)press to e%!y
Theo$oraDDL( Ithat #as the you%er s"ster-s %a)eJ. 5t the sa)e t")e 'erta"%
perso%s )a("'"ous(y sprea$ ta(es about her a%$ pre!a"(e$ o% Goe to re)o!e her
fro) the pa(a'e+ 'ut o3 her ha"r+ a%$ "!e her o%e of the )ore state(y ")per"a(
houses to ("!e "%. The p(a'e #ou($ be a /"%$ of pr"so%+ but "t #ou($ be !e"(e$
u%$er a 1%e %a)e. Th"s a$!"'e #as fo((o#e$ at o%'e. Jea(ousy $"!"$e$ the t#o
s"sters a%$ /ept o%e "% a pos"t"o% of reater ")porta%'e+ the other "% a% "%fer"or
'o%$"t"o%+ but Theo$ora at (east reta"%e$ the se)b(a%'e of )a4esty.
K<. Met she ITheo$oraJ res"%e$ herse(f to her (ot. Ne"ther the $o%%"% of a %u%-s
robe %or separat"o% fro) her s"ster pro!o/e$ her to a%ers a%$ as for the
e)peror+ he st"(( treate$ her #"th so)e of h"s for)er 'ourtesy. He e!e% ra%te$
her 'erta"% ")per"a( fa!ours. *ut #he% he $"e$ a%$ M"'hae( IPaph(ao%J as'e%$e$
the thro%e+ the (atter+ as I ha!e a(rea$y sho#%+ soo% forot Goe a%$ 'o)p(ete(y
$esp"se$ Theo$ora. I% h"s tur%+ he too fu(1((e$ the a((otte$ spa% of ("fe a%$
$eparte$+ to be su''ee$e$ by h"s %ephe#+ M"'hae( Ca(aphates. Th"s e)peror %ot
o%(y $"$ %ot /%o# #ho Theo$ora #as+ [1AK] or "f she #as bor% of roya( sto'/+ but
as far as he #as 'o%'er%e$+ she )"ht %e!er ha!e bee% bor%+ )"ht %e!er ha!e
passe$ th"s #ay at a((. 5(thouh she #as "% th"s p("ht 22 perhaps I shou($ rather
say+ $esp"te the att"tu$e of the e)perors to#ar$s her 22 she %e!er oppose$ the"r
#"shes. Th"s #as %o e%for'e$ obe$"e%'e@ she sub)"tte$ of her o#% free #"((. I ha$
to e&p(a"% a(( th"s before I 'ou($ retur% to )y %arrat"!e.
KN. 5s I ha!e sa"$+ the peop(e re!o(te$ aa"%st the tyra%t+ but they #ere afra"$
the"r e3orts )"ht be #aste$. H"s for'e )"ht et the better of the) a%$ the
a3a"r )"ht $e!e(op "%to %oth"% )ore tha% a% uproar. S"%'e+ therefore+ they
'ou($ %ot (ay ha%$s o% the se%"or e)press 22 the tyra%t ha$ a%t"'"pate$ that
)o!e a%$ he #as #at'h"% her #"th a(( the !""(a%'e of a ta&2atherer #a"t"% to
'o((e't $ues fro) a sh"p "% harbour 22 they tur%e$ the"r atte%t"o% to her s"ster. She
#as+ after a((+ the se'o%$ 'h"($ of a% e)peror. There #as %o 'o%fus"o%+ %o
$"sor$er(y tu)u(t. O% the 'o%trary+ they appo"%te$ o%e of her father-s
reta"%ersDDL= to a't as e%era( at the hea$ of the"r 'o(u)%+ a )a% #ho #as %ot a
0ree/ by b"rth+ but a perso% of the %ob(est 'hara'ter a%$ a )a% of hero"' stature+
#hose h"h2bor% a%'estry "%sp"re$ respe't. 8"th th"s bra!e (ea$er they $eparte$
"% fu(( for'e to 1%$ Theo$ora.
KL. 5stou%$e$ by the u%e&pe'te$%ess of th"s s"ht+ she refuse$ at 1rst to "!e
#ay to the"r p(ea$"% a%$ shut herse(f up "% the 'hur'h+ $eaf to e!ery e%treaty.
The '"t",e% ar)y+ ho#e!er+ "!"% up a(( hope of persuas"o%+ use$ for'e+ a%$
so)e of the"r %u)ber+ $ra#"% the"r $aers+ rushe$ "% as "f to /"(( her. *o($(y
they $rae$ her fro) the sa%'tuary+ brouht her out "%to the ope%+ a%$ '(othe$
her "% a )a%"1'e%t robe. The% they )a$e her s"t o% a horse+ a%$ for)"% a '"r'(e
a(( about her+ they (e$ her to the reat 'hur'h of Sa%ta Soph"a. Ho)ae #as pa"$
to her+ %ot %o# by a )ere fra't"o% of the peop(e+ but by a(( the e("te as #e((.
E!eryo%e+ #"th utter $"srear$ for the tyra%t+ a%$ (ou$ app(ause for her+
pro'(a")e$ Theo$ora e)press.
KB. 8he% %e#s of th"s rea'he$ M"'hae(+ fear"% that the rebe(s #ou($ su$$e%(y
'o)e upo% h") a%$ (ay !"o(e%t ha%$s o% h") [1AH] there "% the pa(a'e+ he
e)bar/e$ o% o%e of the ")per"a( sh"ps+ a%$ (a%$e$ #"th h"s u%'(e at the ho(y
Stu$"te )o%astery. There he (a"$ as"$e h"s e)peror-s ar)e%ts a%$ put o% the
'(othes of a supp("a%t a%$ refuee. 5s soo% as th"s "%for)at"o% be'a)e /%o#% "%
the C"ty+ the hearts of a(( )e%+DDLK h"therto 1((e$ #"th fear a%$ r") forebo$"%+
#ere re("e!e$ of a%&"ety. So)e )a$e tha%/2o3er"%s to 0o$ for the"r $e("!era%'e+
others a''(a")e$ the %e# e)press+ #h"(e the 'o))o% fo(/ a%$ the (ou%ers "%
the )ar/et 4o"%e$ "% $a%'"%. The re!o(ut"o% #as $ra)at",e$ a%$ they 'o)pose$
'hora( so%s "%sp"re$ by the e!e%ts that ha$ ta/e% p(a'e before the"r eyes. More
%u)erous st"(( #as the 'ro#$ that rushe$ "% o%e #"($ s#oop upo% the tyra%t
h")se(f+ "%te%t o% 'utt"% h") $o#%+ o% s("tt"% h"s throat.
K;. So )u'h for the). Theo$ora-s 'o)pa%"o%s )ea%#h"(e se%t a uar$ for h").
The uar$ 'o))a%$er #as o%e of the %ob(esDDLH a%$ I )yse(f a''o)pa%"e$ h")
II #as a perso%a( fr"e%$ of the )a%J. 5'tua((y+ he ha$ "%!"te$ )e to a$!"se h")
a%$ he(p "% the 'arry"% out of h"s or$ers. O% our arr"!a( at the $oors of the
'hur'h+ #e sa# a%other uar$+ 'o)pose$ of !o(u%teers+ a 'o)pa%y of '"t",e%s
#ho ha$ 'o)p(ete(y surrou%$e$ the sa're$ bu"($"%. They #ere rea$y to $o
e!eryth"% but tear "t $o#%. So "t #as %ot #"thout $">'u(ty that #e )a$e our #ay
"%to the 'hur'h. 5(o% #"th us a reat )u(t"tu$e of fo(/ poure$ "%+ roar"% abuse
at the a''urse$ fe((o#. 5(( )a%%er of "%$e'e%t ep"thets #ere hur(e$ at h").
HA. Up t"(( the% I too ha$ o%e a(o% #"th the )ob #"th %o part"'u(ar(y )o$erate
fee("%s about h"). I #as %ot "%$"3ere%t to h"s treat)e%t of the e)press+ a%$ a
'erta"% )"($ rese%t)e%t aa"%st the )a% st"rre$ )e o% )y o#% a''ou%t. *ut
#he% I rea'he$ the sa're$ a(tar #here he #as+ a%$ sa# both the refuees+ o%e+
#ho ha$ bee% a% e)peror+ '("%"% to the a'tua( Ho(y Tab(e of the 8or$+ the
other+ the Nob"("ss")us+ sta%$"% o% the r"ht of the a(tar+ both #"th the"r '(othes
'ha%e$+ the"r sp"r"t o%e a%$ utter(y put to sha)e+ the% there #as %o tra'e
#hate!er of a%er (eft "% )y heart. I stoo$ there $u)bfou%$e$+ )ute #"th
asto%"sh)e%t+ as thouh I ha$ bee% stru'/ by a hurr"'a%e. I #as tra%sfor)e$ at
the stra%e%ess of the th"%. The%+ re'o!er"% )y sp"r"ts+ I bea% to 'urse th"s
("fe of ours+ "% #h"'h these stra%e a%$ terr"b(e th"%s so ofte% 'o)e to pass+ a%$
as "f so)e spr"% ha$ #e((e$ up #"th"% )e+ a 7oo$ of tears beyo%$ 'o%tro( poure$
fro) )y eyes. Th"s outburst 1%a((y a!e #ay to roa%s.
H1. No# the )ob that ha$ e%tere$ the 'hur'h athere$ "% a '"r'(e [1A<] rou%$ the
t#o )e%+ ("/e #"($ beasts (o%"% to $e!our the)+ #h"(e I #as sta%$"% by the
(att"'e$ ate o% the r"ht of the a(tar+ (a)e%t"%. *oth of the) sa# that I #as
reat(y $"stresse$ a%$ %ot e%t"re(y host"(e to the)se(!es. They $ete'te$ "% )e
so)e s"%s of )o$erat"o%. *oth therefore 'o%!ere$ o% )e. Cha%"% )y
)a%%er so)e#hat+ I bea% #"th e%t(e 'e%sure of the Nob"("ss")us. 5)o% other
fau(ts I 'hare$ h") #"th !o(u%tar"(y support"% the e)peror "% h"s perse'ut"o% of
Goe. The% I tur%e$ to h") #ho ha$ for)er(y bee% a(( po#erfu(+ as/"% h") #hat
poss"b(e hurt he 'ou($ ha!e su3ere$ at the ha%$s of h"s a$opte$ )other a%$
)"stress+ that he shou($ a$$ su'h #oe to her tra"' story. *oth a%s#ere$ )e. The
Nob"("ss")us $e%"e$ that he #as pr"!y to h"s %ephe#-s p(ot aa"%st Goe. He ha$
e%'ourae$ h") "% %o other $es"%s. -If I ha$ #"she$ to restra"% h")-+ he sa"$+ -)y
re#ar$ #ou($ ha!e bee% so)e 'a(a)"ty. The fe((o# #as so hea$stro%+- 22 a%$
here he tur%e$ to the e)peror 22 -so hea$stro% "% a(( h"s $es"res a%$ a)b"t"o%s.
Ha$ I bee% ab(e to 'he'/ h"s e%thus"as)s+ the #ho(e of )y fa)"(y #ou($ %ot ha!e
bee% )ut"(ate$+ a prey to 1re a%$ s#or$.-
H=. I #ou($ ("/e to "%terrupt the h"story for a )o)e%t a%$ e&p(a"% #hat he )ea%t
by th"s -)ut"(ate$-. 8he% the e)peror e&"(e$ the Orpha%otrophus+ thereby
br"%"% $o#%+ as he thouht+ the p"((ar of the fa)"(y+ he haste%e$ to the
$estru't"o% of the rest. 5(( h"s re(at"!es+ )ost of #ho) ha$ a(rea$y rea'he$ the"r
fu(( stature a%$ #ere bear$e$ )e%+ #ho ha$ be'o)e fathers a%$ bee% e%truste$
#"th o>'es of reat $"%"ty "% the state+ he 'o)pe((e$ to u%$ero 'astrat"o%+
)a/"% of the"r ("fe a se)"2$eath. The truth "s+ he #as asha)e$ to /"(( the)
ope%(yO he preferre$ to 'o)pass the"r $estru't"o% by )ut"(at"o%+ a pu%"sh)e%t
appare%t(y (ess se!ere.
HK. Su'h #as the rep(y of the u%'(e. The tyra%t+ ho#e!er+ s(o#(y sha/"% h"s hea$
a%$ for'"% a tear fro) h"s eyes I%ot #"thout so)e $">'u(tyJ sa"$+ -Tru(y+ 0o$ "s
%ot u%4ust- 22 those #ere h"s !ery #or$s 22 -a%$ I a) r"ht(y pay"% the pe%a(ty for
#hat I ha!e $o%e.- 8"th these #or$s he aa"% (a"$ ho($ of the Ho(y Tab(e. The% he
praye$ that h"s 'ha%e of ar)e%t )"ht re'e"!e (ea( sa%'t"o% a%$ the
'ere)o%y of re'ept"o% "%to the Chur'h #as perfor)e$ "% respe't of the) both.
Ne!erthe(ess+ they #ere utter(y $e4e'te$+ 1((e$ #"th apprehe%s"o% a%$ $rea$ (est
the )ob shou($ atta'/ the). 6or )y o#% part+ I thouht the"r turbu(e%'e #ou($
o %o further. I #as st"(( fas'"%ate$ by the $ra)a of the th"%. The u%ra!e(("% of
the p(ot [1AN] be#"($ere$ )e. *ut th"s pro!e$ to be "%$ee$ o%(y a short pre(u$e to
the #orse trae$"es #h"'h fo((o#e$. Ho#e!er+ I #"(( $es'r"be #hat happe%e$ "%
HH. Day #as a(rea$y $ra#"% to a '(ose #he% su$$e%(y there arr"!e$ o%e of the
%e#(y2appo"%te$ o>'"a(s+ say"% that he ha$ re'e"!e$ a% or$er fro) Theo$ora to
re)o!e the refuees to so)e other p(a'e. He #as a''o)pa%"e$ by a 'ro#$ of
'"t",e%s a%$ so($"ers. 5pproa'h"% the a(tar at #h"'h they ha$ souht sa%'tuary+
he "%!"te$ the)+ "% a so)e#hat pere)ptory )a%%er+ to (ea!e the 'hur'h. Desp"te
th"s+ #he% they sa# the )ob ta(/"% of pub("' e&e'ut"o% a%$ #he% #"th the"r o#%
eyes they per'e"!e$ the )ob (ea$er s"%a(("% that the )o)e%t #as at ha%$+ a%$
#he% they obser!e$ the 'ha%e "% the )a% 22 he #as )ore "%so(e%t tha% usua( 22
they refuse$ to 'o)e forth a%$ '(u% )ore reso(ute(y tha% e!er to the p"((ars that
support the a(tar. The other thereupo% (a"$ as"$e h"s "%so(e%'e a%$ a$$resse$
the) #"th reater respe't. He s#ore by the Ho(y Re("'s a%$ use$ a(( )a%%er of
persuas"o%+ say"% that they #ou($ %e"ther su3er a%y e!"( %or #ou($ he+ the
E)press-s e%!oy+ treat the) #"th a%y )ore se!er"ty tha% the o''as"o%
$e)a%$e$. E!e% so+ they re)a"%e$ $eaf to h"s e%treat"es+ 1((e$ #"th $rea$ a%$
e&pe't"% a(( /"%$s of $"saster to fo((o# the"r prese%t $"stress. It #as better+ they
thouht+ to be s(a"% "% the sa%'tuary tha% )eet #"th a%y a%$ e!ery outrae "% the
H<. So the o>'"a( a!e up a(( hope of reaso%e$ persuas"o% a%$ resorte$ to
!"o(e%'e. 5t h"s 'o))a%$ the )ob (a"$ ha%$s o% the) a%$ #"thout )ore a$o
pro'ee$e$ to brea/ the (a#+ hou%$"% the) out of the 'hur'h ("/e #"($ beasts.
The !"'t")s e)"tte$ 'r"es of a%u"sh u%restra"%e$. They ("fte$ the"r eyes to the
Ho(y Ca)b+ pray"% fer!e%t(y that they )"ht %ot be $"sappo"%te$ of the"r hopes+
that they )"ht %ot be 'rue((y $r"!e% a#ay after see/"% refue "% the house of
0o$. 5%$ )ost of those #ho #ere there #"th us #ere "%$ee$ put to sha)e by
the"r su3er"%s. They $"$ %ot $are to res"st outr"ht 22 a3a"rs #ere %o# hurry"%
o% to the '(")a& 22 but they $"$ )a/e a bara"% #"th the )ob a%$ they re("e$ o%
the s#or% #or$ of the"r (ea$er. So they ha%$e$ the) o!er to h")+ #"th the a"r of
)e% #ho ha!e 'o%'(u$e$ a treaty+ a%$ the% 'o%t"%ue$ to es'ort the)+
presu)ab(y "% or$er to "!e the) ass"sta%'e o%'e they #ere $r"!e% fro) the
'hur'h. I% rea("ty+ %oth"% 'ou($ he(p the)@ '"r'u)sta%'es #ere far too
u%fa!ourab(e a%$ the peop(e-s hatre$ too e%era(. [1AL]
HN. Theo$orT-s a$here%ts #ere a#are of Goe-s 4ea(ousy. They /%e# that she #ou($
be ?u"te #"(("% to see a stab(e2(a$ o% the ")per"a( thro%e rather tha% (et her
s"ster share po#er #"th herse(f. They $re# the %atura( 'o%'(us"o% that she #ou($
"% a(( probab"("ty s'or% Theo$ora 'o)p(ete(y a%$ pro)ote M"'hae( to the thro%e a
se'o%$ t")e+ by u%$erha%$ )ea%s. The"r u%a%")ous $e'"s"o%+ therefore #as to
$o a#ay #"th the fu"t"!e e)peror. The )o$erate e(e)e%t+ ho#e!er+ #as %ot
$"spose$ to fa!our se%te%'e of $eathO the a)b"t"o%s of M"'hae( a%$ h"s u%'(e
#ou($ ha!e to be e&t"%u"she$ by so)e other $e!"'e+ a%$ after 'arefu(
'o%s"$erat"o%+ they $eter)"%e$ the"r 'ourse of a't"o%. *o($+ reso(ute )e% #ere
$espat'he$ #"th a(( spee$. The"r "%stru't"o%s #ere to bur% out the fu"t"!es-s
eyes+ as soo% as they sa# the) outs"$e the sa're$ bu"($"%.
HL. 5'tua((y they ha$ a(rea$y (eft the 'hur'h+ a%$ a sha)efu( re'ept"o% a#a"te$
the) outs"$e. The rabb(e )a$e fu% of the)+ %atura((y e%ouh u%$er the
'"r'u)sta%'es. So)et")es the "%su(ts #ere te)pere$ #"th (auhter+ but )a("'e
"%sp"re$ others. 5%yho#+ they brouht the) out+ "%te%$"% to $r"!e the) throuh
the 'e%tre of the '"ty+ but they ha$ %ot o%e far o% the 4our%ey #he% they #ere
e%'ou%tere$ by the )a% #ho ha$ bee% 'o))a%$e$ to b("%$ the t#o )"s'rea%ts.
H"s party sho#e$ the"r "%stru't"o%s to the )ob a%$ they pro'ee$e$ to prepare for
the e&e'ut"o% a%$ sharpe% the "ro% for the bra%$"%. Mea%#h"(e the !"'t")s hear$
#hat #ret'he$ fate #as "% store for the). There #as %o (o%er a%y hope of
es'ape+ for #h"(e so)e app(au$e$ the se%te%'e+ the others $"$ %oth"% to oppose
"t+ a%$ the t#o #ere "%sta%t(y stru'/ $u)b #"th fr"ht. I% fa't+ they #ou($ ha!e
%ear(y $"e$+ ha$ %ot o%e of the se%ators stoo$ by the) to he(p. He o3ere$
'o%so(at"o% "% the"r )"sery a%$ ("tt(e by ("tt(e restore$ so)e 'ourae "% the"r
HB. I% sp"te of th"s e%'ourae)e%t+ the e)peror+ o!er#he()e$ by the s"tuat"o%
a%$ h"s #ret'he$ )"sfortu%es+ sho#e$ the sa)e #ea/%ess of 'hara'ter
throuhout the #ho(e t")e of h"s tr"bu(at"o%. He )oa%e$ a%$ #a"(e$ a(ou$.
8he%e!er a%yo%e approa'he$ h")+ he bee$ for he(p. He hu)b(y 'a((e$ upo%
0o$+ ra"se$ ha%$s "% supp("'at"o% to Hea!e%+ to the 'hur'h+ to a%y other th"% he
'ou($ th"%/ of. H"s u%'(e+ o% the other ha%$+ a(thouh at 1rst he fo((o#e$ h"s
'o)pa%"o%-s e&a)p(e+ o%'e he #as 'o%!"%'e$ that safety rea((y #as out of the
?uest"o%+ bra'e$ h")se(f for the tr"a(+ a%$ ha!"% ar)e$ h")se(f+ as "t #ere+
aa"%st the sho'/ of 'atastrophe+ he fa'e$ [1AB] su3er"% bra!e(y. The fa't "s+ he
#as a )a% of )ore $"%"1e$ a%$ stea$fast 'hara'ter tha% h"s %ephe#+ a )a%
#ho #ou($ %ot #"(("%(y surre%$er to a$!erse fortu%e. See"% the e&e'ut"o%ers a((
rea$y for the"r #or/+ he at o%'e o3ere$ h")se(f as the 1rst !"'t") a%$ 'a()(y
approa'he$ the)+ #a"t"% #"th ha%$s ath"rst for h"s b(oo$. 5%$ as there #as %o
'(ear spa'e bet#ee% h")se(f a%$ the )ob 22 for e!eryo%e there prese%t #"she$ to
be the 1rst #"t%ess of the"r pu%"sh)e%t 22 the Nob"("ss")us ?u"et(y (oo/e$ rou%$
for the )a% to #ho) the )"serab(e 4ob ha$ bee% e%truste$. -Mou there+- he sa"$+
-p(ease )a/e the peop(e sta%$ ba'/. The% you #"(( see ho# bra!e(y I bear )y
H;. 8he% the e&e'ut"o%er tr"e$ to t"e h") $o#%+ to pre!e%t h") )o!"% at the
)o)e%t of b("%$"%+ he sa"$+ -Coo/ you. If you see )e bu$e+ %a"( )e $o#%Q- 8"th
these #or$s he (ay 7at o% h"s ba'/ o% the rou%$. There #as %o 'ha%e of 'o(our
"% h"s fa'e+ %o 'ry"% out+ %o roa%"%. It #as har$ to be("e!e the )a% #as st"((
a("!e. H"s eyes #ere the% oue$+ o%e after the other. Mea%#h"(e the e)peror+
see"% "% the other-s su3er"% the fate that #as about to o!erta/e h") too+ ("!e$
throuh Co%sta%t"%e-s a%u"sh "% h")se(f+ beat"% h"s ha%$s toether+ s)"t"% h"s
fa'e a%$ be((o#"% "% ao%y.
<A.The Nob"("ss")us+ h"s eyes oue$ out+ stoo$ up fro) the rou%$ a%$ (ea%e$
for support o% o%e of h"s )ost "%t")ate fr"e%$s. He a$$resse$ those #ho 'a)e up
to h") #"th reat 'ourae 22 a )a% #ho rose super"or to the tr"a(s that beset h")+
to #ho) $eath #as as %oth"%. 8"th M"'hae( "t #as $"3ere%t+ for #he% the
e&e'ut"o%er sa# h") 7"%'h a#ay a%$ (o#er"% h")se(f to base e%treaty he bou%$
h") se'ure(y. He he($ h") $o#% #"th 'o%s"$erab(e for'e+ to stop the !"o(e%t
t#"t'h"% #he% he #as u%$ero"% h"s pu%"sh)e%t. 5fter h"s eyes+ too+ ha$ bee%
b("%$e$+ the "%so(e%'e of the )ob+ so )ar/e$ before+ $"e$ a#ay+ a%$ #"th "t the"r
fury aa"%st these )e%.DDL< They (eft the) to rest there+ #h"(e they the)se(!es
hurr"e$ ba'/ to Theo$ora. 5'tua((y+ of the t#o e)presses+ o%e #as "% the pa(a'e+
the other "% the reat 'athe$ra( of Sa%ta Soph"a.
<1. The se%ate #as u%ab(e to $e'"$e bet#ee% the). Goe+ #ho #as "% the pa(a'e+
they respe'te$ be'ause she #as the e($erO Theo$ora+ #ho #as "% the 'hur'h+
be'ause "t #as throuh her that the re!o(t ha$ bee% brouht to a% e%$ a%$ to her
they o#e$ the"r preser!at"o%. Ea'h+ therefore+ ha$ a '(a") o% the E)p"re.
Ho#e!er+ the prob(e) #as sett(e$ for the) by Goe. 6or the 1rst t")e+ she reete$
her s"ster [1A;] a%$ e)bra'e$ her #"th a3e't"o%. 8hat "s )ore+ she share$ #"th
her the E)p"re they ha$ both "%her"te$. The ?uest"o% of the o!er%)e%t #as thus
reso(!e$ by aree)e%t bet#ee% the). Ne&t+ Goe brouht her to ("!e #"th herse(f+
es'orte$ by a pro'ess"o% of reat )a%"1'e%'e+ a%$ )a$e her 4o"%t2ru(er of the
E)p"re. 5s for Theo$ora+ she (ost %o%e of her respe't for her s"ster+ %or $"$ she
e%'roa'h o% her preroat"!es. O% the 'o%trary+ she a((o#e$ Goe to ta/e
pre'e$e%'e+ a%$ a(thouh both #ere e)presses+ Theo$ora he($ ra%/ "%fer"or to
the o($er #o)a%.
,4. The Euardian of the Orphans was banished to the monastery of <onobatae.
2edrenus -+4*$& p. 5850 has a di:erent account. Bccording to him 'ohn was
banished by Hoe before <ichael was crowned.
,5. 'ohn was blinded in prison on the orders of <ichael 2erularius the "atriarch
who never forgave him for his own imprisonment during the reign of <ichael (C.
The date was !?48.
,,. (t was 2onstantine (/ <onomachus who put 'ohn to death& after banishing
him to <ltylene.
,+. $espite this criticism it must be remembered that <ichael restored Eeorge
<aniaces and 2onstantine $alassenus& both men of great ability. The future
patriarch 2onstantine #ichudes also %rst obtained promotion in this reign. The
By)antine historian <ichael Bttaliates altogether di:ers from "sellus in his
estimate of <ichael C -cf. E. Schlumberger& #1epopRe by)antine& (((& p. 8380.
,3. The te=t of the "roclamation of !* Bpril !?46& made in the Forum of
2onstantine the Ereat by the 2ity "refect Bnastasius& is preserved in 2edrenus
-+5?$& p. 58+0. (n it <ichael accused Hoe of treachery and Ble=ius the patriarch
-who was deposed at the same time0 of collaborating wich her. The account of
the whole episode is di:erent in 2edrenus. Bccording to him <ichael was
persuaded by the Nobilissimus and the Euardian of the Orphans -then in e=ile0
not to trust Hoe. They insisted that she was preparing to poison him. She was
sent to the island or "rincipo on !3 Bpril.
,*. Fomen inspired to ecstatic fren)y by $ionysus.
+?. Hoe1s father was 2onstantine C(((& her grandfather 7omanus ((& her
greatgrandfather 2onstantine C(( "orphyrogenitus.
+!. Theodora had been e=iled to the convent of "etrion during the reign of
7omanus ((( Brgyrus.
+6. 2onstantine 2abasilas.
+8. .eavy casualties were su:ered on both sides in the battle of !*96? Bpril. Bs
many as 8&??? men are said to have been killed.
+4. The newly9appointed 2ity "refect& 2ampanares. Hoe -2edrenus& +562& p. 54?0
was inclined not to punish <ichael. The people were >usti%ed in suspecting that
she might once again place him on the throne. Theodora& on the other hand& was
bitterly opposed to him. The patriarch Ble=ius seems to have played a leading
part in the whole revolt.
+5. The e=ecution took place at the Sigma on 6! Bpril !?46. Bfter being blinded
<ichael was banished to the monastery of Elcimon. Fhere the Nobilissimus went
to we do not know.
CONST5NTINE I. 1AH= 2 1A<< [p.11;]
THEODOR5 1A<< 2 1A<N [p.1;L]
(OO) I,
1A<< 2 1A<N
1. So the E)p"re passe$ "%to the ha%$s of the t#o s"sters+ a%$ for the 1rst t")e "%
our ("!es #e sa# the tra%sfor)at"o% of a y%ae'o%"t"s DDLN "%to a% e)peror-s
'ou%'"( 'ha)ber. 8hat "s )ore+ both the '"!"("a% popu(at"o% a%$ the )"("tary 'aste
#ere #or/"% "% har)o%y u%$er e)presses+ a%$ )ore obe$"e%t to the) tha% to
a%y prou$ o!er(or$ "ssu"% arroa%t or$ers. I% fa't+ I $oubt "f a%y other fa)"(y #as
e!er so fa!oure$ by 0o$ as the"rs #as 22 a surpr"s"% th"%+ #he% o%e re7e'ts o%
the u%(a#fu( )a%%er "% #h"'h the fa)"(y fortu%e #as+ so to spea/+ roote$ a%$
p(a%te$ "% the rou%$+ #"th )ur$er a%$ b(oo$she$. Met the p(a%t b(osso)e$ out
a%$ se%t forth su'h )"hty shoots+ ea'h #"th "ts roya( fru"t+ that %o others 'ou($
be 'o)pare$ #"th "t+ e"ther "% beauty or ra%$eur. *ut th"s "s a )ere $"ress"o%
fro) )y )a"% story.
=. 6or a #h"(e the s"sters preferre$ to o!er% a(o%e. The E)p"re #as a$)"%"stere$
#"thout the appo"%t)e%t of %e# o>'"a(s+ a%$ %o "))e$"ate refor)s #ere brouht
"% to a3e't the 'o%st"tut"o% a(rea$y estab("she$.DD LL 5fter $"s)"ss"% o%(y the
)e)bers of the rebe( fa)"(y+ Goe a%$ Theo$ora )a"%ta"%e$ "% the"r pos"t"o% of
author"ty the other )"%"sters of state+ #ho #ere )e% of pro!e$ (oya(ty a%$ /%o#%
for the"r tra$"t"o%a( a((e"a%'e to the)se(!es.DDLB These )e%+ be'ause they #ere
afra"$ (est at so)e future t")e they shou($ be a''use$ of "%tro$u'"% %e# "$eas
"%to the 'o%st"tut"o%+ or of )a/"% foo("sh [11H] $e'"s"o%s+ or of a't"% "((ea((y+
#ere )et"'u(ous(y 'arefu( "% the"r 'o%$u't of state a3a"rs+ both )"("tary a%$ '"!"(+
a%$ as far as poss"b(e+ they treate$ the e)presses #"th a(( $ue ho%our.
K. Court pro'e$ure+ "% the 'ase of the s"sters+ #as )a$e to 'o%for) e&a't(y to the
usua( obser!a%'e of the so!ere"%s #ho ha$ ru(e$ before the). *oth of the) sat
"% fro%t of the roya( tr"bu%a(+ so a("%e$ that Theo$ora #as s("ht(y beh"%$ her
s"ster. Near the) #ere the Ro$s a%$ S#or$2bearers a%$ the o>'"a(s ar)e$ #"th
the Rho)pha"a. I%s"$e th"s '"r'(e #ere the spe'"a( fa!our"tes a%$ 'ourt o>'"a(s+
#h"(e rou%$ the)+ o% the outs"$e of the '"r'(e+ #as the se'o%$ ra%/ of the
perso%a( bo$yuar$+ a(( #"th eyes 1&e$ o% the rou%$ "% a% att"tu$e of respe't.
*eh"%$ the) 'a)e the Se%ate a%$ the pr"!"(ee$ '(ass+ the% perso%s of the
se'o%$ '(ass a%$ the tr"bes+ a(( "% ra%/s a%$ $ra#% up at proper "%ter!a(s. 8he%
a(( #as rea$y+ the other bus"%ess #as 'arr"e$ o%. There #ere (a#su"ts to be
sett(e$+ ?uest"o%s of pub("' "%terest+ or 'o%tr"but"o%s of )o%ey+ au$"e%'es #"th
a)bassa$ors+ 'o%tro!ers"es or aree)e%ts+ a%$ a(( the other $ut"es that o to 1((
up a% e)peror-s t")e. Most of the ta(/"% #as $o%e by the o>'"a(s 'o%'er%e$+
but so)et")es+ #he% "t #as %e'essary+ the e)presses a(so a!e the"r
"%stru't"o%s+ "% a 'a() !o"'e+ or )a$e the"r rep("es+ so)et")es be"% pro)pte$
a%$ ta/"% the"r 'ue fro) the e&perts+ so)et")es us"% the"r o#% $"s'ret"o%.
H. 6or those #ho $"$ %ot /%o# the) "t )ay be "%stru't"!e "f I "!e here so)e
$es'r"pt"o% of the t#o s"sters. The e($er+ Goe+ #as the ?u"'/er to u%$ersta%$
"$eas+ but s(o#er to "!e the) uttera%'e. 8"th Theo$ora+ o% the other ha%$+ "t
#as 4ust the re!erse "% both respe'ts+ for she $"$ %ot rea$"(y sho# her "%)ost
thouhts+ but o%'e she ha$ e)bar/e$ o% a 'o%!ersat"o%+ she #ou($ 'hatter a#ay
#"th a% e&pert a%$ ("!e(y to%ue. Goe #as a #o)a% of pass"o%ate "%terests+
prepare$ #"th e?ua( e%thus"as) for both a(ter%at"!es 22 $eath or ("fe+ I )ea%. I%
that she re)"%$e$ )e of sea2#a!es+ %o# ("ft"% a sh"p o% h"h a%$ the% aa"%
p(u%"% "t $o#% to the $epths. Su'h 'hara'ter"st"'s #ere 'erta"%(y %ot fou%$ "%
Theo$oraO "% fa't+ she ha$ a 'a() $"spos"t"o%+ a%$ "% o%e #ay+ "f I )ay put "t so+ a
$u(( o%e. Goe #as ope%2ha%$e$+ the sort of #o)a% #ho 'ou($ e&haust a sea
tee)"% #"th o($2$ust "% o%e $ay@ the other 'ou%te$ her staters #he% she a!e
a#ay )o%ey+ part(y+ %o $oubt+ be'ause her (")"te$ resour'es forba$e a%y
re'/(ess spe%$"%+ a%$ part(y be'ause "%here%t(y she #as )ore se(f2'o%tro((e$ "%
th"s )atter. [11<]
<. To put "t ?u"te 'a%$"$(y Ifor )y prese%t purpose "s %ot to 'o)pose a eu(oy+
but to #r"te a% a''urate h"storyJ %e"ther of the) #as 1tte$ by te)pera)e%t to
o!er%. They %e"ther /%e# ho# to a$)"%"ster %or #ere they 'apab(e of ser"ous
aru)e%t o% the sub4e't of po("t"'s. 6or the )ost part they 'o%fuse$ the tr"7es of
the hare) #"th ")porta%t )atters of state. E!e% the !ery tra"t "% the e($er s"ster
#h"'h "s 'o))e%$e$ a)o% )a%y fo(/ to$ay+ %a)e(y+ her u%ru$"% ("bera("ty+
$"spe%se$ !ery #"$e(y o!er a (o% per"o$ of t")e+ e!e% th"s tra"t+ a(thouh "t #as
%o $oubt sat"sfa'tory to those #ho e%4oye$ "t be'ause of the be%e1ts they
re'e"!e$ fro) her+ #as after a(( the so(e 'ause+ "% the 1rst p(a'e+ of the u%"!ersa(
'orrupt"o% a%$ of the re$u't"o% of Ro)a% fortu%es to the"r (o#est ebb. The !"rtue
of #e((2$o"% "s )ost 'hara'ter"st"' of those #ho o!er%+ a%$ #here
$"s'r")"%at"o% "s )a$e+ #here the part"'u(ar '"r'u)sta%'es a%$ the fortu%e of the
re'"p"e%ts a%$ the"r $"3er"% perso%a( ?ua("t"es are ta/e% "%to a''ou%t+ there the
$"str"but"o% of (aress "s to be 'o))e%$e$. O% the 'o%trary+ #here %o rea(
$"s'er%)e%t "s e&er'"se$ "% these ?uest"o%s+ the spe%$"% of )o%ey "s #aste$.
N. Su'h #ere the $"3ere%'es that )ar/e$ the s"sters "% 'hara'ter. I% perso%a(
appeara%'e there #as a% e!e% reater $"!ere%'e. The e($er #as %atura((y )ore
p(u)p+ a(thouh she #as %ot str"/"%(y ta((. Her eyes #ere (are+ set #"$e apart+
#"th ")pos"% eyebro#s. Her %ose #as "%'("%e$ to be a?u"("%e+ #"thout be"%
a(toether so. She ha$ o($e% ha"r+ a%$ her #ho(e bo$y #as ra$"a%t #"th the
#h"te%ess of her s/"%. There #ere fe# s"%s of ae "% her appeara%'eO "% fa't+ "f
you )ar/e$ #e(( the perfe't har)o%y of her (")bs+ %ot /%o#"% #ho she #as+ you
#ou($ ha!e sa"$ that here #as a you% #o)a%+ for %o part of her s/"% #as
#r"%/(e$+ but a(( s)ooth a%$ taut+ a%$ %o furro#s a%y#here. Theo$ora+ o% the
other ha%$+ #as ta((er+ )ore taper of for). Her hea$ #as s)a((+ a%$ out of
proport"o% #"th the rest of her bo$y. she #as )ore rea$y #"th her to%ue tha%
Goe+ as I ha!e sa"$+ a%$ ?u"'/er "% her )o!e)e%ts. There #as %oth"% ster% "%
her (a%'e o% the 'o%trary+ she #as 'heerfu( a%$ s)"("%+ eaer to 1%$ a%y
opportu%"ty for ta(/.
L. So )u'h for the 'hara'ter a%$ phys"'a( appeara%'e of the t#o e)presses. I
#"(( retur% to the o!er%)e%t. I% those $ays+ "t see)s to )e+ a pe'u("ar
)a%"1'e%'e+ a%$ a% a$$e$ prest"e+ atta'he$ "tse(f to the e&e'ut"!e po#er. The
)a4or"ty of the o>'"a(s u%$er#e%t a su$$e% 'ha%e+ as "f they #ere p(ay"% parts
o% a stae a%$ ha$ bee% [11N] pro)ote$ to a ro(e )ore (or"ous tha% a%y they
ha$ a'te$ before. Caress #as poure$ out as %e!er "% the past. Goe+ "% part"'u(ar+
ope%e$ the 'o3ers of the ")per"a( treasury.DDL; 5%y tr"7es h"$$e% a#ay there
#ere $"str"bute$ by her #"th e%erous aba%$o%. These )o%"es ha$ %ot bee%
'o%tr"bute$ !o(u%tar"(y+ but #ere the fru"ts of robbery a%$ p(u%$er. I% fa't+ a(( th"s
s?ua%$er"%+ toether #"th the h"h sta%$ar$ of ("!"%+ #as the be"%%"% of the
utter $e'("%e "% our %at"o%a( a3a"rs a%$ the 'ause of our subse?ue%t hu)"("at"o%.
*ut that #as '(ear o%(y to the prophetsO o%(y the #"se sa# #hat #as rea((y
B. The pr",e2)o%ey for the so($"ers a%$ the re!e%ues $e!ote$ to ar)y
e&pe%$"ture #ere ?u"te u%%e'essar"(y $"!erte$ a%$ put as"$e for the use of other
perso%s 22 a 'ro#$ of sy'opha%ts a%$ those #ho at that t")e #ere $epute$ to
uar$ the e)presses 22 as "f the e)peror *as"( ha$ 1((e$ the ")per"a( treasur"es
#"th #ea(th for th"s !ery purpose.
;. Most )e% are 'o%!"%'e$ that the %at"o%s arou%$ us ha!e )a$e the"r su$$e%
"%'urs"o%s aa"%st our bor$ers+ these #"($ u%e&pe'te$ "%roa$s+ for the 1rst t")e "%
our $ay+ but I )yse(f ho($ a $"3ere%t !"e#. I be("e!e the house "s $oo)e$ #he%
the )ortar that b"%$s "ts br"'/s toether be'o)es (oose+ a%$ a(thouh the start of
the troub(e passe$ u%%ot"'e$ by the )a4or"ty+ there "s %o $oubt that "t $e!e(ope$
a%$ athere$ stre%th fro) that 1rst 'ause. I% fa't+ the ather"% of the '(ou$s "%
those $ays presae$ the )"hty $e(ue #e are su3er"% to$ay. *ut I )ust %ot
spea/ of that yet.
1A. I% the $es'r"pt"o% of the e!e%ts that fo((o# I #"(( spea/ #"th reater author"ty
a%$ )ore perso%a( /%o#(e$e. The a3a"rs of state ure%t(y $e)a%$e$ !"orous
a%$ s/"(fu( $"re't"o%. The 'ou%try %ee$e$ a )a%-s super!"s"o% 22 a )a% at o%'e
stro%2ha%$e$ a%$ !ery e&per"e%'e$ "% o!er%)e%t+ o%e #ho %ot o%(y
u%$erstoo$ the prese%t s"tuat"o%+ but a(so a%y )"sta/es that ha$ bee% )a$e "%
the past+ #"th the"r probab(e resu(ts. 8e #a%te$ a )a% #ho #ou($ )a/e pro!"s"o%
for the future a%$ prepare (o% beforeha%$ aa"%st a(( poss"b(e atta'/s or ("/e(y
"%!as"o%s fro) abroa$. *ut the (o!e of po#er+ or the (a'/ of po#er+ the appare%t
free$o) a%$ the abse%'e [11L] of super!"s"o% a%$ the $es"re for e!er reater
po#er 22 these #ere the th"%s that )a$e the e)peror-s apart)e%t "%to a
11. E!e% so+ )ost peop(e ha$ %o sett(e$ 'o%!"'t"o%s. O%e ru)our after a%other
#as bru"te$ abroa$+ e"ther fa!ourab(e or other#"se to Goe Ifor there #ere so)e
#ho thouht that Theo$ora shou($ r"ht(y be e)press+ o% the rou%$ that she
ha$ 'ha)p"o%e$ the 'ause of the peop(e@ )oreo!er+ they sa"$+ she ha$ %e!er
)arr"e$@ others+ aa"%+ be("e!e$ the e($er s"ster #as )ore su"te$ to ru(e+ be'ause
she ha$ pre!"ous e&per"e%'e of po#er+ a%$ po#er e&er'"se$ a pe'u("ar fas'"%at"o%
o% herJ. 8h"(e these ru)ours #ere sprea$"%+ 1rst o%e #ay+ the% a%other+ a)o%
the peop(e+ Goe a%t"'"pate$ the"r $e'"s"o% a%$ se",e$ a(( po#er for herse(f a
se'o%$ t")e. The %e&t )o!e #as to sear'h for a%$ $e'"$e o% the )a% of the )ost
"((ustr"ous $es'e%t a%$ of the )ost $"st"%u"she$ fortu%e+ #hether he he($ a seat
"% the se%ate or ser!e$ "% the ar)y.
1=. 5)o% others #ho #ere ("!"% at that t")e #as a %at"!e of Da(assa Ia )ost
'e(ebrate$ p(a'eJ #hose %a)e #as Co%sta%t"%e. He #as a% e&traor$"%ar"(y
ha%$so)e )a%+ a%$ "t see)e$ that Nature herse(f ha$ prepare$ h") for the
supre)e pos"t"o% "% the E)p"re. E!e% before h"s te%th b"rth$ay ru)our ha$ "t that
he #as $est"%e$ for the h"hest ho%ours. It #as "%e!"tab(e+ of 'ourse+ that the
e)perors shou($ fear su'h a )a%+ a%$ a(( of the) refuse$ h") a''ess to the
pa(a'e. I% fa't+ M"'hae( the Paph(ao%"a% e!e% 'o))"tte$ h") to pr"so%+ %ot so
)u'h throuh fear of h") perso%a((y as for $rea$ of the peop(e a't"% o% h"s
beha(f for there #as reat e&'"te)e%t "% the '"ty #he% he #as see%+ a%$ the
peop(e #ere so a"tate$ that a re!o(ut"o% see)e$ "))"%e%t. Ho#e!er+ M"'hae(
shut h") up "% a 'ast(e a%$ he #as '(ose(y #at'he$. M"'hae(-s %ephe#+ #ho
su''ee$e$ h")+ #as %o soo%er seate$ o% the ")per"a( thro%e tha% he put a% e%$
to the you% )a%-s hopes of pro)ot"o%+ by 'o)pe(("% h") to e%ter the Chur'h.
Co%sta%t"%e-s sp"r"tua( #e(fare )ea%t %oth"% to the e)peror a%$ h"s a$)"ss"o%
to a )o%astery #as $es"%e$ o%(y to pre!e%t h") fro) a'h"e!"% h"s se'ret
a)b"t"o%s. St"((+ Co%sta%t"%e #as too e%a)oure$ of ("fe to atte)pt res"sta%'e.
Opportu%"ty st"(( he($ out the prospe't of po#er+ a%$ he ha$ a% e&a)p(e %ear at
ha%$ #here a%other ha$ 'ha%e$ her profess"o%+ for the e)press ha$ o%'e
su3ere$ the sa)e fate a%$ st"(( ha$ "!e% up her %u%-s hab"t. 5'tua((y+ "t #as
so)e other bus"%ess that 'a((e$ h") to the pa(a'es but #h"(e there he #as
prese%te$ to the e)press. 5t [11B] th"s "%ter!"e# he spo/e #"th )ore tha% usua(
abrupt%ess+ e&press"% rather bo($ "$eas o% the sub4e't of the E)p"re a%$
sho#"% h")se(f rea$y to 'o)pro)"se o% %oth"%. I% fa't+ he a$opte$ a (ofty
att"tu$e of 'o%$es'e%s"o%. The resu(t #as that )ost peop(e fou%$ h") rather
u%p(easa%t a%$ a so)e#hat o!er#he()"% perso% to $ea( #"thO they suspe'te$
h"s )ot"!es a%$ too/ 'are to frustrate h").
1K. So o%'e aa"% the !otes #ere 'ast. I% th"s 'ase+ the )a% #as %ot part"'u(ar(y
$"st"%u"she$ "% fortu%e+ but b(esse$ #"th a 'o))a%$"% a%$ $"%"1e$
prese%'e.DDBA He #as se'retary o%'e to the e)peror Ro)a%us+ a%$ %ot o%(y
su''ee$e$ "% ")press"% the reat )a% #"th h"s a$)"%"strat"!e ab"("ty+ but a(so
#o% the appro!a( of Goe by h"s 'har)"% )a%%ers. I%$ee$+ she #as e!e% a''use$
of )eet"% h") se'ret(y. Ro)a%us+ ho#e!er+ #as %ot a !ery 4ea(ous )a% a%$ he
tur%e$ a $eaf ear to a(( su'h ru)ours. M"'hae(+ o% the other ha%$+ e&pe((e$ h")
fro) the pa(a'e. U%$er the prete%'e or "!"% h") a )ore ")porta%t o>'e+ he
#as poste$ a#ay fro) the 'ap"ta(. That b"ase$ the e)press "% h"s fa!our a%$
after h"s re'a(( fro) e&"(e+ he 'u(t"!ate$ her fr"e%$sh"p+ $e("berate(y e3a'"%
h")se(f "% or$er to p(ease her. *y th"s t")e e!erybo$y+ up to a po"%t+ #as "%'("%e$
to support h"s '(a")s+ but he #as su$$e%(y 'arr"e$ o3 by a% "((%ess+ a%$ the"r
hopes #ere %e!er rea(",e$.DDB1
1H. 6ate+ "%$ee$+ $e'ree$ that the %e# )aster of the E)p"re shou($ be
Co%sta%t"%e+ the so% of Theo$os"us.DDB= He #as the (ast s'"o% of the a%'"e%t
fa)"(y of the Mo%o)a'h"+ "% the )a(e ("%e. 5 (o% a''ou%t of h") #"(( be "!e% by
)e (ater+ #he% I (au%'h out "%to the $es'r"pt"o% of h"s re"% 22 a (o% a''ou%t+
be'ause he #as e)peror for )ore years tha% a%y of *as"(-s su''essors+ a%$
be'ause there #as )ore to re(ate. Co%sta%t"%e #as )ore a't"!e tha% h"s
pre$e'essors+ a(thouh "t )ust be a$)"tte$ that he #as %ot u%"for)(y )ore
su''essfu(. I%$ee$+ "% so)e #ays he #as reat(y "%fer"or. There "s %o reaso% #hy I
shou($ %ot be 'a%$"$ about th"s a%$ te(( the true story. I))e$"ate(y after h"s
a''ess"o% I e%tere$ h"s ser!"'e+ ser!e$ throuhout h"s re"%+ #as pro)ote$ to the
Se%ate+ e%truste$ #"th the )ost ho%ourab(e $ut"es. Thus there #as %oth"% that I
$"$ %ot /%o#+ %o o!ert a't+ %o se'ret $"p(o)a'y. Natura((y+ therefore+ I sha((
$e!ote )ore spa'e to h") tha% to the other e)perors. [11;]
1<. *ut th"s "s %ot the t")e to spea/ of these th"%s. Our prese%t tas/ "s to
$es'r"be ho#+ a%$ for #hat reaso%s+ a%$ by #hat tur% of fate+ he 'a)e to po#er.
*e'ause of h"s fa)"(y th"s )a% he($ !ery h"h ra%/ "% the E)p"re. He ha$ the
a$$"t"o%a( a$!a%tae of reat #ea(th+ a%$ h"s perso%a( appeara%'e #as s"%u(ar(y
'har)"%. *eyo%$ a(( $oubt he see)e$ a 1t perso% to )arry "%to the )ost
"((ustr"ous fa)"("es. I% the 1rst p(a'e he be'a)e so%2"%2(a# to the )ost pro)"%e%t
)e)ber of 'ourt so'"ety+ but h"s #"fe fe(( "(( a%$ $"e$. He #as for'e$ "%to a se'o%$
a(("a%'e. 5t the t")e Ro)a%us+ the future e)peror+ #as st"(( a pr"!ate '"t",e%+
a(thouh h"h hopes #ere e%terta"%e$ that he #ou($ e!e%tua((y be pro)ote$ a%$
the peop(e treate$ h") #"th the reatest respe't+ be'ause of h"s pos"t"o%.
Ro)a%us ha$ 'o%'e"!e$ a $eep a3e't"o% for Co%sta%t"%e 22 a you% )a% "% the
7o#er of h"s )a%hoo$ a%$ s'"o% of a )ost %ob(e fa)"(y 22 a%$ he rafte$ th"s 1%e
you% 'utt"% o% h"s o#% r"'h fert"(e o("!e. The (a$y "% ?uest"o% #as %o%e other
tha% the $auhter of h"s s"ster Pu('her"a+ #ho "% the past ha$ bee% )arr"e$ to
*as"( S'(erus Ihe ha$ the )"sfortu%e (ater to be $epr"!e$ of h"s s"htJ a%$ she ha$
be'o)e the )other of th"s o%e 'h"($+ a $auhter. 5(("a%'e #"th th"s fa)"(y
'o%ferre$ o% the you% )a% e&traor$"%ary br"(("a%'e+ but he st"(( he($ %o
")porta%t o>'e. *as"(-s a$!"sers+ be'ause of the hatre$ they %urse$ for the
father+ !e%te$ the"r sp"te o% the so%+ a%$ S'(erus-s re!o(ut"o%ary $es"%s ha$ a%
u%fortu%ate e3e't o% the e)peror-s re(at"o%s #"th Co%sta%t"%e. That #as the
reaso% #hy %e"ther *as"( %or Co%sta%t"%e+ h"s brother+ e!er pro)ote$ h") to a%y
respo%s"b(e post "% the o!er%)e%t. 5'tua((y+ they $"$ h") %o har)+ but he #as
s("hte$+ a%$ they 'erta"%(y %e!er $rea)e$ that the )a% ha$ a (or"ous future.
1N. E!e% the a''ess"o% of Ro)a%us $"$ ("tt(e to he(p Co%sta%t"%e "% h"s 'areer+ so
)"sta/e% #as the %e# e)peror "% h"s est")ate of the you% )a%-s ?ua("t"es.
Ho#e!er+ Ro)a%us $"$ at (east /eep h") at the ")per"a( 'ourt+ a%$ "f for %o other
reaso%+ he #as !ery )u'h "% the pub("' eye throuh h"s %ear re(at"o%sh"p #"th the
e)peror. H"s fresh 'o)p(e&"o% Ito the )e% of our e%erat"o% he #as as u%spo"(e$
as spr"% fru"tJ a%$ h"s ra'efu( )a%%ers a%$ h"s 'o%!ersat"o%+ "% #h"'h he
e&'e((e$ a(( others+ these #ere the th"%s that #o% the heart of the [1=A]
e)press. She $e("hte$ "% h"s 'o)pa%y aa"% a%$ aa"%. He for h"s part )a$e
h")se(f thorouh(y areeab(e to her+ a%$ by '(e!er(y a$apt"% h")se(f to p(ease
her o% a(( o''as"o%s+ he 'apt"!ate$ her 'o)p(ete(y. *y these arts he obta"%e$
fa!ours fro) her+ but at the sa)e t")e both he a%$ she #ere assa"(e$ #"th
'a(u)%y fro) the 'ourt. There #ere t")es #he% the"r '(a%$est"%e )eet"%s #ere
%ot )u'h to the ("/"% of )ost 'ourt"ers.
1L. 5t a%y rate+ these a't"!"t"es )a$e h") a ("/e(y 'a%$"$ate for pro)ot"o% to the
thro%e+ a%$ M"'hae(+ #ho su''ee$e$ Ro)a%us+ !"e#e$ h") #"th susp"'"o%. I% fa't+
M"'hae(+ e!e% after h"s o#% a''ess"o%+ re)a"%e$ stubbor%(y 4ea(ous+ a(thouh %ot
u%fr"e%$(y at 1rst. Cater he tru)pe$ up fa(se a''usat"o%s+ subor%"% #"t%esses
u%4ust(y+ a%$ Co%sta%t"%e #as $r"!e% fro) the '"ty. H"s pu%"sh)e%t #as
re(eat"o% to a 'erta"% $eter)"%e$ area+ "% th"s 'ase the "s(a%$ of M"ty(e%e+ a%$
there for se!e% years 22 the e&a't (e%th of M"'hae(-s re"% 22 he e%$ure$ h"s
)"sfortu%e. M"'hae( Ca(aphates+ ("/e Paph(ao%+ "%her"te$ the e)perors- hatre$ of
the you% )a%.
1B. Goe-s 1rst rea't"o%+ #he% for the se'o%$ t")e she fou%$ herse(f at the hea$ of
the E)p"re+ #as+ as I ha!e a(rea$y sa"$+ to prote't herse(f aa"%st a%y su$$e%
re!ersa( of fortu%e "% the future. To stre%the% her pos"t"o%+ she pro'ee$e$ to
(oo/ for a husba%$+ %ot a )a% fro) abroa$+ but so)eo%e "% the 'ourt '"r'(e.
Ho#e!er+ as o%e ha$ bee% $"s're$"te$ throuh )"sfortu%e+ a%other re4e'te$
be'ause of h"s "%ob(e ("%eae+ a th"r$ suspe'te$ as $a%erous+ a%$ stor"es ha$
bee% "%!e%te$ o%e after a%other to br"% "%to $"srepute her !ar"ous su"tors+ she
re%ou%'e$ a(( of the) a%$ aa"% 'o%s"$ere$ the '(a")s of Co%sta%t"%e. She spo/e
ope%(y o% the sub4e't to her perso%a( bo$yuar$ a%$ househo($ sta3+ a%$ #he%
she sa# that they #ere u%a%")ous "% the"r support of Co%sta%t"%e as the future
e)peror 22 the"r aree)e%t see)e$ a()ost pre'o%'erte$ 22 she "%for)e$ the
se%ate a(so of her $es"%s. There too her p(a% #as reete$ as a% "%sp"rat"o% fro)
0o$. So Co%sta%t"%e #as re'a((e$ fro) h"s e&"(e+ a%$ he set out+ st"(( a pr"!ate
'"t",e% a%$ #"thout the parapher%a("a of h"s %e# $"%"ty.DDBK
1;. 8he% he $re# %ear the '"ty+ ho#e!er+ a )ore su)ptuous (o$"% #as
prepare$ for h"s re'ept"o% a%$ a% ")per"a( te%t #as p"t'he$ for h")+ surrou%$e$
by a% ")per"a( uar$. I% fro%t of the pa(a'e there )et h"s eyes a !"s"o% of
)a%"1'e%t sp(e%$our. Peop(e of a(( aes a%$ 'o%$"t"o%s poure$ out "% a 7oo$ to
)eet h"). There #ere sa(utat"o%s a%$ a$$resses of 'o%ratu(at"o% a%$ oo$
#"shes. [1=1] The '"ty #ore a(( the appeara%'e of a popu(ar fest"!a(@ perhaps "t
#ou($ be %earer the )ar/ to say that there #ere t#o '"t"es+ for bes"$e the Vuee%
of C"t"es there ha$ bee% hast"(y ere'te$ a se'o%$ '"ty a%$ the to#%sfo(/ ha$
poure$ out r"ht up to the #a((s+ #"th )ar/ets+ a%$ fa"rs. 8he% a(( #as rea$y a%$
the preparat"o%s for h"s o>'"a( e%try ha$ bee% 'o)p(ete$+ the s"%a( to o
for#ar$ #as "!e%+ a%$ #"th reat )a%"1'e%'e Co%sta%t"%e e%tere$ the 'ourts
of the pa(a'e.
=A. S"%'e the 'o))o% (a#s respe't"% )arr"aeDDBH 'ou($ har$(y be 7oute$+ the
patr"ar'h 5(e&"us sett(e$ the ?uest"o% of the #e$$"%. He )a$e 'o%'ess"o%s to
e&pe$"e%'y 22 or sha(( #e say that he bo#e$ to the #"(( of 0o$ "% the #ho(e a3a"rS
Certa"%(y he $"$ %ot h")se(f (ay h"s ha%$s upo% the) "% b(ess"% at the
'oro%at"o%+ but he $"$ e)bra'e the) after the )arr"ae 'ere)o%y a%$ the a't of
'ro#%"% ha$ bee% perfor)e$.DDB< 8hether th"s #as $o%e "% a''or$a%'e #"th
pr"est(y tra$"t"o%+ or #as a b"t of 7attery a%$ $o%e to su"t the o''as"o%+ I $o %ot
=1. 6or the e)presses+ these e!e%ts )ar/e$ the e%$ of the"r author"ty a%$
perso%a( "%ter!e%t"o% "% the a3a"rs of state@ for Co%sta%t"%e+ the be"%%"% of h"s
re"%. H"s po#er #as %o# for the 1rst t")e estab("she$. So+ after a 4o"%t ru(e of
three )o%ths+ the s"sters ret"re$ fro) pub("' ("fe a%$ the e)peror 22 but #e )ust
%ot spea/ of h") yet. 6"rst I ha!e so)e br"ef re)ar/s to )a/e+ for the be%e1t of
those #ho )ay be "%tereste$.
==. Se!era( perso%s+ o% )ore tha% o%e o''as"o%+ ha!e ure$ )e to #r"te th"s
h"story. 5)o% the) #ere %ot o%(y )e% "% author"ty a%$ (ea$ers "% the se%ate+
but a(so stu$e%ts of theo(oy+ #ho "%terpret the )yster"es of Ho(y 8r"t+ a%$ )e%
of reat sa%'t"ty a%$ ho("%ess. Throuh the pass"% of t")e the h"stor"'a(
e!"$e%'e has a(rea$y pro!e$ "%a$e?uate for the #r"t"% of a proper re'or$. There
"s a $a%er that e!e%ts )ay be h"$$e% "% the re)ote past+ so forotte% that our
/%o#(e$e of byo%e $ays rests o% %o sure fou%$at"o%.
These e%t(e)e%+ therefore+ as/e$ )e to $o #hat I 'ou($ to re)e$y those
$e1'"e%'"esO "t #as %ot r"ht+ they arue$+ that our o#% 'o%te)porary h"story
shou($ be 'o%'ea(e$ a%$ utter(y obs'ure$+ #h"(e e!e%ts that too/ p(a'e before
our t")e #ere thouht #orthy of re'or$ by su''ee$"% e%erat"o%s. Su'h #as the
pressure a%$ su'h the aru)e%ts #"th #h"'h they ure$ )e to ta/e up th"s tas/+
but for )yse(f I #as %ot part"'u(ar(y e%thus"ast"' for the u%$erta/"%. It #as %ot
that I #as (a,y+ but I #as afra"$ of t#o a(ter%at"!es+ e"ther of #h"'h [1==] 'ou($
%ot be $"srear$e$O I )"ht pass o!er+ for reaso%s #h"'h I #"(( e&p(a"% (ater+ th"%s
$o%e by 'erta"% "%$"!"$ua(s+ or $"stort )y a''ou%t of the)+ a%$ so be 'o%!"'te$
%ot of #r"t"% a h"story+ but of )ere fabr"'at"o%+ as "f I #ere 'o)pos"% a p(ay.
That #as o%e a(ter%at"!e. The other #as that I )"ht o to e&tre)e (e%ths "%
hu%t"% $o#% the truth+ a%$ so be'o)e a (auh"%2sto'/ to the 'r"t"'s. They
#ou($ th"%/ )e+ %ot a (o!er of h"story+ but a s'a%$a()o%er.
=K. 6or these reaso%s I #as %ot !ery eaer to ta'/(e the h"story of our t")es+
espe'"a((y as I /%e# that "% )a%y th"%s I #ou($ '(ash #"th the e)peror
Co%sta%t"%e+ a%$ I #ou($ be asha)e$ of )yse(f "f I $"$ %ot se",e e!ery
opportu%"ty of 'o))e%$"% h"). I shou($ be u%ratefu( a%$ a(toether
u%reaso%ab(e "f I $"$ %ot )a/e so)e retur%+ ho#e!er s)a((+ for h"s e%eros"ty to
)e+ a e%eros"ty #h"'h sho#e$ "tse(f %ot o%(y "% pos"t"!e a'ts+ but "% the "%$"re't
#ays "% #h"'h he he(pe$ )e to better )y 'o%$"t"o%. It #ou($ be sha)efu( "f I $"$
%ot pro!e )y rat"tu$e "% )y #r"t"%s. It #as therefore be'ause of th"s )a% that I
'o%s"ste%t(y refuse$ to 'o)pose the h"story. I #as )ost a%&"ous to a!o"$ ")put"%
a%y b(a)e to h"). I $"$ %ot #a%t to re!ea( by )y #or$s a%y a't"o%s %ot to h"s
're$"t a%$ th"%s "t "s better to /eep $ar/. I #as (oath to put before the pub("' a
$"sho%est story+ yet at the sa)e t")e I #as u%#"(("% to sha)e the hero of )y
for)er eu(oy. I% )y op"%"o%+ "t #as #ro% to e&er'"se ("terary ta(e%ts+ #h"'h I ha$
perfe'te$ be'ause of h"s e%'ourae)e%ts to $o h") har).
=H. Ph"(osophers #"(( te(( you that the !a"% a%$ super7uous are of a(( th"%s o%
earth the )ost $esp"'ab(e. 6or the) the ob4e't of ("fe "s to u%$ersta%$ those
th"%s that are %e'essary to the"r %ature. 5(( e(se "s rear$e$ as )ere(y so )a%y
e&ter%a( attr"butes. Ho#e!er that )ay be+ I 'a%%ot use su'h a% aru)e%t as a%
e&'use for "%rat"tu$e+ espe'"a((y to o%e #ho ho%oure$ )e abo!e )y $eserts a%$
ra"se$ )e abo!e )y fe((o#s. 8hat I #ou($ ("/e+ therefore+ "s e"ther to
'o))e)orate h") "% a pa%eyr"' or to pass o!er "% s"(e%'e those a't"o%s "% h"s
("fe #h"'h $"$ %ot spr"% fro) #orthy )ot"!es. If+ ha!"% set out to eu(o",e h"s
'areer+ I the% re4e'te$ those $ee$s #h"'h #ere the 1t ob4e't of pra"se a%$ a!e
the ")press"o% that I ha$ (u)pe$ toether a(( that #as reprehe%s"b(e+ I #ou($ be
the #orst s'ou%$re( o% earth+ ("/e the so% of Cy&es+ #ho se(e'te$ the #orst $ee$s
of the 0ree/s for h"s h"story.DDBN [1=K]
=<. o% the other ha%$+ suppose I set as"$e th"s pro4e't for the )o)e%t a%$
propose to #r"te a h"story of the ("!es of the e)perors+ ho#+ #he% I (ea!e u%sa"$
th"%s #h"'h be(o% to the pro!"%'e of h"story+ a) I to $ea( #"th those #h"'h are
the proper ob4e't of eu(oyS ("t #ou($ (oo/ as "f I ha$ forotte% )y purpose+ or
#as 'ar"'atur"% the art of h"story+ by fa"("% to $"st"%u"sh "ts sub4e't)atter a%$
by 'o%fus"% the ro(e of t#o for)s of ("terature #hose a")s are "%'o)pat"b(e.
5'tua((y I ha$ 'o)pose$ )a%y pa%eyr"'s "% ho%our of Co%sta%t"%e before I
u%$ertoo/ th"s #or/+ %ot #"thout 'o))e%$at"o% fro) the pub("'. The h"h pra"ses
I (a!"she$ o% h") #ere %ot u%$eser!e$+ but other #r"ters ha!e fa"(e$ to
u%$ersta%$ )y )etho$s of 'o)pos"t"o%. The truth "s+ the a't"o%s of e)perors are
a 'o%(o)erate pat'h#or/ of ba$ a%$ oo$+ a%$ these other #r"ters 1%$
the)se(!es ab(e %e"ther to 'o%$e)% #"thout reser!at"o% %or to 'o))e%$ #"th
s"%'er"ty+ be'ause they are o!er)u'h ")presse$ by the '(ose 'o%4u%'t"o% of
oppos"te ?ua("t"es. I% )y o#% 'ase+ I $o o3er 'r"t"'"sr%+ but o%(y for for)-s sa/e or
"% $ra)at"' passaes #here the prose "s a3e'te$. I% the 'o)pos"t"o% of a eu(oy+
"% fa't+ )y sub4e't2)atter "s %ot 'hose% usua((y #"th 'o)p(ete "%$"3ere%'e to
oo$ or ba$O the (atter I re4e't+ the for)er I set o% o%e s"$e+ after#ar$s putt"% "t
"% proper or$er. So a ho)oe%ous patter% "s #or/e$ out+ a tapestry of the 1%est
=N. Su'h "s the )etho$ I ha!e a$opte$ "% 'o)pos"% eu(o"es of Co%sta%t"%e+ but
%o# that I ha!e u%$erta/e% to #r"te a h"story+ th"s p(a% be'o)es ")poss"b(e+ for I
'a%%ot br"% )yse(f to $"stort the fa'ts of h"story+ #here truth "s of )ore
")porta%'e tha% a%yth"% e(se+ "% or$er to es'ape the reproa'hes of )y
'o%te)porar"es. They )ay a''use )e of b(a)"%+ #here "% the"r op"%"o% I shou($
pra"se+ but I prefer to "%ore su'h 'r"t"'"s)s. 8hat I a) #r"t"% %o# "s %ot a%
"%$"'t)e%t+ %ot a spee$s for the prose'ut"o%+ but a true h"story. The% aa"%+ ha$ I
see% other e)perors pursu"% a% u%"%terrupte$+ "%!ar"ab(e 'ourse of %ob(e
a't"o%+ o% a(( o''as"o%s $"sp(ay"% a% a$)"rab(e 'hara'ter+ #hereas the re"% of
Co%sta%t"%e a(o%e #as )ar/e$ by $ee$s of the oppos"te /"%$+ the% I #ou($ ha!e
sa"$ %oth"% about h") at a((. Met %o o%e o% earth "s fau(t(ess a%$ #e 4u$e a )a%
by the tra"t #h"'h 'h"e7y $"st"%u"shes h") fro) e!eryo%e e(se. So #hy shou($ I
fee( asha)e$ to $e'(are ope%(y #hate!er "%4ust"'e or "%$"s'ret"o% th"s e)peror+ "%
'o))o% #"th the rest+ )ay ha!e 'o))"tte$S [1=H]
=L. Most )e% #ho ha!e set the)se(!es to re'or$ the h"story of the e)perors
ha!e fou%$ "t surpr"s"% that %o%e of the) /ept h"s reputat"o% u%tar%"she$ "%
e!ery part"'u(ar. So)e #o% reater pra"se for the"r 'o%$u't "% ear(y ("fe+ others
")presse$ )ore "% the"r (atter years+ a%$ #h"(e so)e preferre$ a ("fe of p(easure+
others $abb(e$ "% ph"(osophy+ o%(y to 'o%fou%$ the pr"%'"p(es they ha$ e(e'te$ to
fo((o# a%$ e%$ "% )u$$(e. 6or )y o#% part+ I 1%$ su'h "%'o%s"ste%'y %oth"% to
)ar!e( at@ o% the 'o%trary+ "t #ou($ be e&traor$"%ary "f so)eo%e #ere a(#ays
u%a(terab(e. Of 'ourse+ "t "s poss"b(e that you )ay $"s'o!er so)e or$"%ary '"t",e%
#ho pursue$ the sa)e u%$e!"at"% path throuhout ("fe+ fro) the !ery be"%%"%
to the !ery e%$ Ia(thouh there 'a%%ot be )a%y e&a)p(es of su'h 'o%s"ste%'yJ+
but a% e)peror+ o%e #ho "%her"te$ fro) 0o$ supre)e po#er+ espe'"a((y "f he
("!e$ (o%er tha% )ost+ #ou($ %e!er be ab(e to )a"%ta"% the h"hest sta%$ar$s a((
throuh h"s re"%. I% the 'ase of the or$"%ary )a%+ h"s o#% %ature+ p(us a oo$
start "% ("fe+ )ay be su>'"e%t to e%sure !"rtuous 'o%$u't+ for the s")p(e reaso%
that he "s %ot o!er)u'h troub(e$ by outs"$e a3a"rs+ %or $o e&ter%a( e!e%ts ha!e
a%y e3e't o% h"s pr"!ate $"spos"t"o%. Ho# $"3ere%t "t "s #"th a% e)peror+ #hose
pr"!ate ("fe "s %e!er+ e!e% "% "ts )ost "%t")ate $eta"(+ a((o#e$ resp"te fro) troub(eQ
Co%s"$er ho# br"ef are the )o)e%ts #he% the sea "s 'a() a%$ pea'efu(+ a%$ ho#
at other t")es "t "s s#o((e%+ or (ashe$ by #a!es+ as *oreas+DDBL or 5par/t"as+DDBB
or so)e other stor)2#"%$ $"sturbs "ts rest 22 a s"ht I ha!e see% )yse(f )a%y a
t")e. 5% e)peror-s ("fe "s ("/e that. If he see/s re'reat"o%+ at o%'e he "%'urs the
$"sp(easure of the 'r"t"'s. If he "!es re"% to /"%$(y se%t")e%ts+ he "s a''use$ of
"%ora%'e+ a%$ #he% he rouses h")se(f to sho# "%terest+ they b(a)e h") for
be"% )e$$(eso)e. If he $efe%$s h")se(f or ta/es b(u%t repr"sa(s+ e!eryo%e (e!e(s
abuse at h"s -#rath- or h"s -?u"'/ te)per-. 5%$ as for try"% to $o a%yth"% "%
se'ret 22 5thosDDB; #ou($ be )ore ("/e(y to h"$e "tse(f fro) hu)a% a,e tha% a%
e)peror-s $ee$s to es'ape the %ot"'e of h"s sub4e'tsQ No #o%$er the% that %o
so!ere"%-s ("fe has bee% b(a)e(ess.
=B. Natura((y+ I #ou($ ha!e #"she$ that )y fa!our"te e)peror ha$ bee% perfe't+
e!e% "f su'h a 'o)p(")e%t #as ")poss"b(e for a(( the others+ but the e!e%ts of
h"story $o %ot a''o))o$ate the)se(!es to our $es"res. So+DD;A $"!"%e sou(+
for"!e )e+ a%$ "f so)et")es "% $es'r"b"% your re"% I spea/ "))o$erate(y+
'o%'ea("% %oth"% a%$ te(("% the truth+ par$o% )e for "t. Not o%e of your %ob(er
$ee$s [1=<] sha(( be passe$ o!er "% s"(e%'e. They sha(( a(( be re!ea(e$. C"/e#"se+
#hate!er $er"!es %ot fro) the sa)e %ob"("ty+ that too sha(( be )a$e )a%"fest "%
)y h"story. 5%$ there #e )ust (ea!e the )atter a%$ retur% to our %arrat"!e.
=;. 5t the start of h"s re"% Co%sta%t"%e ru(e$ %e"ther #"th !"our %or #"th
$"s'ret"o%. 5ppare%t(y+ before h"s a''ess"o%+ he ha$ ")a"%e$ that be"% a%
e)peror #as to 'o%fer o% h") u%$rea)e$2of happ"%ess+ so)eth"% he ha$ %e!er
e&per"e%'e$ "% h"s ("fe. He ha$ !"s"o%s+ ?u"te u%reaso%ab(y+ of a su$$e% a%$
'o)p(ete re!ersa( of h"s fortu%es+ a%$ %o soo%er ha$ he as'e%$e$ the thro%e
tha% he atte)pte$ to rea(",e these a)b"t"o%s. No# t#o th"%s "% part"'u(ar
'o%tr"bute to the hee)o%y of the Ro)a%s+ %a)e(y+ our syste) of ho%ours a%$
'ur #ea(th+ to #h"'h o%e )"ht a$$ a th"r$O the #"se 'o%tro( of the other t#o+ a%$
pru$e%'e "% the"r $"str"but"o%. U%fortu%ate(y+ Co%sta%t"%e-s "$ea #as to e&haust
the treasury of "ts )o%ey+ so that %ot a s"%(e obo( #as to be (eft there+ a%$ as for
the ho%ours+ they #ere 'o%ferre$ "%$"s'r")"%ate(y o% a )u(t"tu$e of perso%s #ho
ha$ %o r"ht to the)+ espe'"a((y o% the )ore !u(ar sort #ho pestere$ the )a%+
a%$ o% those #ho a)use$ h") by the"r #"tt"'"s)s. It "s #e((/%o#%+ of 'ourse+ that
there "s "% the po("t"'a( #or($ a proper s'a(e of ho%ours+ #"th a% "%!ar"ab(e ru(e
o!er%"% pro)ot"o% to a h"her o>'e+ but Co%sta%t"%e re$u'e$ th"s 'ursus
ho%oru) to )ere 'o%fus"o% a%$ abo("she$ a(( ru(es of a$!a%'e)e%t. The $oors of
the se%ate #ere thro#% ope% to %ear(y a(( the ras'a((y !aabo%$s of the )ar/et+
a%$ the ho%our #as 'o%ferre$ %ot o% t#o or three+ %or o% a )ere ha%$fu(+ but the
#ho(e a% #as e(e!ate$ to the h"hest o>'es of state by a s"%(e $e'ree+
"))e$"ate(y after he be'a)e e)peror.DD;( I%e!"tab(y+ th"s pro!"$e$ o''as"o% for
r"tes a%$ so(e)% 'ere)o%"es+ #"th a(( the '"ty o!er4oye$ at the thouht that the"r
%e# so!ere"% #as a perso% of su'h e%eros"ty. The %e# state of a3a"rs see)e$
"%'o)parab(y better tha% that to #h"'h they ha$ bee% a''usto)e$+ for the truth
"s+ fo(/ #ho ("!e "% the (u&ury of a '"ty ha!e ("tt(e 'o%'ept"o% of o!er%)e%t+ a%$
those #ho $o u%$ersta%$ su'h )atters %e(e't the"r $ut"es+ so (o% as the"r
$es"res are sat"s1e$.
KA. 0ra$ua((y the error of th"s po("'y be'a)e appare%t+ #he% pr"!"(ees that "%
the o($ $ays ha$ bee% )u'h 'o!ete$ #ere %o# $"str"bute$ #"th a e%erous
aba%$o% that /%e# %o (")"ts+ #"th the 'o%se?ue%'e that the re'"p"e%ts (ost
$"st"%'t"o%. 5t the t")e+ thouh+ )ost peop(e ha$ %ot yet rea(",e$ the ")p("'at"o%s
of a(( th"s profus"o%+ [1=N] a%$ so the s?ua%$er"% a%$ #aste #e%t o%+ a(( to %o
purpose. Ne!erthe(ess+ I /%o# that so)e (ater h"stor"a%s #"(( 1%$ "% th"s tra"t of
Co%sta%t"%e sub4e't for 'o))e%$at"o%. My o#% 'usto)+ o%e that I ha!e a(#ays
fo((o#e$+ "s to e&a)"%e %oth"% "% "tse(f a(o%e+ #hether appare%t(y oo$ or
repute$(y e!"(+ but to sear'h out the 'auses a%$ probab(e resu(ts of ea'h
o''urre%'e as #e((+ part"'u(ar(y #here )y "%for)a%ts are a(so "%tereste$ "% su'h
hypothet"'a( aru)e%ts. E&per"e%'e has pro!e$ that th"s syste)at"' treat)e%t "s
better tha% )y su''essors )ay perhaps be prepare$ to a$)"t.
K1. The e)peror-s 1rst a't+ therefore+ #as the resu(t of #hat I )ay 'a(( youthfu(
fo((y+ but there #as a%other s"$e to h"s 'hara'ter #h"'h I 'o%fess )et #"th )y
appro!a( at the t")e@ "% fa't+ e!e% to$ay I a) %o (ess 'o%!"%'e$ of "ts %ob"("ty. I
refer to the )a%-s utter (a'/ of boastfu(%ess a%$ fa(se pr"$e@ the fa't that %o
hauhty or bo)bast"' #or$s e!er fe(( fro) h"s ("ps@ that he bore %o )a("'e
to#ar$s those #ho ha$ treate$ h") %o%e too /"%$(y "% the past a%$ #ho ha$
o3ere$ h") ("tt(e he(p "% h"s 1ht for po#er. Not o%(y #ere a(( h"s for)er a''users
for"!e%+ but he too/ espe'"a( 'are to 'o%'"("ate those #ho )"ht reaso%ab(y
e&pe't h"s !e%ea%'e before a(( others.
K=. No )a% #as better e%$o#e$ by Nature #"th ?ua("t"es that e%$eare$ h") to
h"s sub4e'ts. He #as a oo$ )"&er+ #"%%"% e!eryo%e-s a3e't"o%s by a% art that
#as 'o%s'"ous+ yet u%a3e'te$. I% h"s e3orts to 'har) there #as %o tra'e of
"%s"%'er"ty+ o%(y a e%u"%e $es"re to 'u(t"!ate fr"e%$sh"p+ by $e("berate$ sett"%
out to p(ease.
KK. C"ste%"% to the e)peror-s 'o%!ersat"o% #as a rea( $e("ht. He #as a(#ays
rea$y to s)"(e a%$ h"s e&press"o% #as 'heerfu(+ %ot )ere(y "% )o)e%ts of
re'reat"o% #he% a s)"("% fa'e "s %or)a(+ but e!e% #he% he #as ob!"ous(y
e%ae$ "% ser"ous bus"%ess. H"s fa!our"te 'o)pa%"o%s #ere s")p(e perso%s+ the
type that $"$ %ot sta%$ reat(y "% a#e of h")se(f+ a%$ he hate$ to see a%ybo$y
approa'h h") #"th a #orr"e$ (oo/. He ha$ the (o#est op"%"o% of these (atter
"%$"!"$ua(s+ #"th the"r a"r of super"or"ty+ the"r preo''upat"o% #"th a3a"rs of
%at"o%a( ")porta%'e+ a%$ the"r a%&"ety to $"s'uss these )atters #"th h")se(f.
They )ust+ he thouht+ ha!e a )e%ta( out(oo/ ?u"te $"3ere%t fro) h"s o#%.
Co%se?ue%t(y+ those #ho ("!e$ #"th h") a''o))o$ate$ the"r beha!"our to p(ease
h"). If so)eo%e ha$ ser"ous bus"%ess to put before the e)peror+ he #ou($ be
'arefu( %ot to )e%t"o% "t at o%'e+ but to be"% the 'o%!ersat"o% #"th so)e p(ayfu(
re)ar/+ or )"& ser"ous a%$ p(ayfu( toether+ ("/e a )a% o3er"% [1=L] a% "%!a("$ a
purat"!e+ #"th a $ash of so)eth"% to s#eete% "ts b"tter taste.
KH. The truth "s+ Co%sta%t"%e (oo/e$ upo% the pa(a'e as a harbour+ "% #h"'h he
ha$ ta/e% refue after )u'h bu3et"% by the #a!es "% a stor) 22 the su3er"%s
he ha$ e%$ure$ as a% e&"(e 22 a%$ to re'o)pe%se h") for the past+ he %ee$e$
'o)p(ete rest a%$ abso(ute tra%?u"("ty. The )a% #ho fou%$ fa!our #"th h") #as
o%e #"th a s)ooth bro#+ a )a% #"th a to%ue a(#ays rea$y to te(( a $"!ert"%
story a%$ to utter the )ost fa!ourab(e prophe'"es about the future.
K<. 5(thouh he 'ou($ s'ar'e(y be 'a((e$ a% a$!a%'e$ stu$e%t of ("terature+ or+ "%
a%y se%se of the #or$+ a% orator+ yet he a$)"re$ )e% #ho #ere+ a%$ the 1%est
spea/ers #ere "%!"te$ to the ")per"a( 'ourt fro) a(( parts of the e)p"re+ )ost of
the) !ery o($ )e%.
KN. 5t that t")e I #as "% )y t#e%ty21fth year a%$ e%ae$ "% ser"ous stu$"es. My
e3orts #ere 'o%'e%trate$ o% t#o ob4e'tsO to tra"% )y to%ue by rhetor"'+ so as to
be'o)e a 1%e spea/er+ a%$ to re1%e )y )"%$ by a 'ourse of ph"(osophy. I soo%
)astere$ the rhetor"' e%ouh to be ab(e to $"st"%u"sh the 'e%tra( the)e of a%
aru)e%t a%$ (o"'a((y 'o%%e't "t #"th )y )a"% a%$ se'o%$ary po"%ts. I a(so
(ear%t %ot to sta%$ "% 'o)p(ete a#e of the art+ %or to fo((o# "ts pre'epts "%
e!eryth"% ("/e a 'h"($+ a%$ I e!e% )a$e 'erta"% 'o%tr"but"o%s of a )"%or
'hara'ter )yse(f. The% I app("e$ )yse(f to the stu$y of ph"(osophy+ a%$ ha!"%
a'?ua"%te$ )yse(f su>'"e%t(y #"th the art of reaso%"%+ both $e$u't"!e+ fro)
'ause to "))e$"ate e3e't+ a%$ "%$u't"!e+ tra'"% 'auses fro) a(( )a%%er of
e3e'ts+ I tur%e$ to %atura( s'"e%'e a%$ asp"re$ to a /%o#(e$e of the
fu%$a)e%ta( pr"%'"p(es of ph"(osophy throuh )athe)at"'s.
KL. If the rea$er $oes %ot 1%$ )e bor"% "% th"s a%$ #"(( a((o# )e to o o%+ I #"((
a$$ to #hat I ha!e a(rea$y sa"$ 'o%'er%"% )y o#% a't"!"t"es The fa't to #h"'h I
a) about to refer #"(( u%$oubte$(y #"% for )e h"h appro!a( a)o% )e% of
(ear%"%+ ?u"te apart fro) a(( other 'o%s"$erat"o%s. 5%$ you+ #ho rea$ )y h"story
to$ay+ #"(( bear #"t%ess to the truth of )y #or$s. Ph"(osophy+ #he% I 1rst stu$"e$
"t+ #as )or"bu%$ as far as "ts professors #ere 'o%'er%e$+ a%$ I a(o%e re!"!e$ "t+
u%tutore$ by a%y )asters #orthy of )e%t"o%+ a%$ $esp"te )y thorouh resear'h+
1%$"% %o er) of ph"(osophy e"ther "% 0ree'e or "% the barbar"a% #or($. I ha$
hear$ that 0ree'e ha$ a reat reputat"o% for ph"(osophy+ e&presse$ "% s")p(e
#or$s a%$ s")p(e propos"t"o%s+ a%$ the"r #or/ "% th"s 1e($ set a sta%$ar$ a%$
[1=B] 'r"ter"o% for the future. There #ere so)e #ho be("tt(e$ the s")p("'"ty of the
0ree/s+ but I souht to (ear% )ore+ a%$ as I )et so)e of the e&perts "% the art+ I
#as "%stru'te$ by the) ho# to pursue )y stu$"es "% a )etho$"'a( #ay. O%e
passe$ )e o% to a%other for tu"t"o%+ the (esser ("ht to the reater+ a%$ he aa"%
re'o))e%$e$ )e to a th"r$+ a%$ he to 5r"stot(e a%$ P(ato. Doubt(ess )y for)er
tea'hers #ere #e((2sat"s1e$ to ta/e se'o%$ p(a'e to these t#o.
KB. Start"% fro) these authors I 'o)p(ete$ a 'y'(e+ so to spea/+ by 'o)"% $o#%
to P(ot"%us+DD;= Porphyry+DD;K a%$ Ia)b("'hus.DD;H The%+ 'o%t"%u"% )y !oyae+
I put "% at the )"hty harbour of the a$)"rab(e Pro'(us+DD;< eaer(y p"'/"% up
there h"s $o'tr"%e of per'ept"o%+ both "% "ts broa$ pr"%'"p(es a%$ "% "ts e&a't
"%terpretat"o%. 6ro) Pro'(us I "%te%$e$ to pro'ee$ to )ore a$!a%'e$ stu$"es 22
)etaphys"'s+ #"th a% "%tro$u't"o% to pure s'"e%'e+ 22 so I bea% #"th a%
e&a)"%at"o% of abstra't 'o%'ept"o%s "% the so2'a((e$ )athe)at"'s+ #h"'h ho($ a
pos"t"o% )"$#ay bet#ee% the s'"e%'e of 'orporea( %ature+ #"th the e&ter%a(
apprehe%s"o% of these bo$"es+ a%$ the "$eas the)se(!es+ the ob4e't of pure
thouht. I hope$ fro) th"s stu$y to apprehe%$ so)eth"% that #as beyo%$ the
rea'h of )"%$+ so)eth"% that #as %ot sub4e't to the (")"tat"o%s of substa%'e.
K;. It #as therefore 'o%so%a%t #"th th"s p(a% that I shou($ pay espe'"a( atte%t"o%
to syste)s of %u)ber a%$ e&a)"%e eo)etr"'a( proofs+ #h"'h so)e 'a(( -(o"'a(
%e'ess"t"es-. Moreo!er+ I $e!ote$ t")e to the stu$y of )us"' a%$ astro%o)y+ as
#e(( as to the"r !ar"ous subs"$"ary arts. 6"rst I #ou($ 'o%'e%trate o% ea'h stu$y by
"tse(f+ the% sy%thes",e )y /%o#(e$e+ "% the be("ef that the se!era( bra%'hes of
(ear%"% #ou($ by the"r "%$"!"$ua( 'o%tr"but"o%s (ea$ )e to o%e s")p(e oa(+
a''or$"% to the tea'h"% of P(ato-s Ep"%o)"s.DD;N So+ tha%/s to these s'"e%'es+ I
#as ab(e to (au%'h out "%to the )ore a$!a%'e$ stu$"es.
HA. I ha$ hear$ "t sa"$ by the )ost (ear%e$ ph"(osophers that there "s a #"s$o)
#h"'h "s beyo%$ a(( $e)o%strat"o%+ apprehe%s"b(e o%(y by the "%te((e't of a #"se
)a%+ "% )o)e%ts of "%sp"rat"o%. E!e% here )y reso(ut"o% $"$ %ot fa(ter. I rea$
so)e of the )yst"' boo/s a%$ raspe$ the"r )ea%"% Ias far as hu)a% %ature
a((o#e$ )e+ of 'ourse for I )yse(f #ou($ %e!er '(a") that I ha$ a% a''urate
u%$ersta%$"% of these th"%s+ %or #ou($ I be("e!e a%yo%e e(se #ho sa"$ he ha$J.
O% the other ha%$+ "t "s by %o )ea%s beyo%$ our %atura( 'apa'"ty to $#e(( o% o%e
s'"e%'e+ as a spe'"a( sub4e't+ a%$ for sa/e of resear'h [1=;] to )a/e e&'urs"o%s+
as "t #ere+ "%to other bra%'hes of (ear%"% "% a e%era( sur!ey+ retur%"% (ater to
o%e-s or""%a( start"%2po"%t.
H1. C"terature has t#o bra%'hes. O%e 'o)pr"ses the #or/s of the orators a%$ the
ph"(osophers ha!e arroate$ the other. The 1rst+ /%o#"% %oth"% of the $eeper
th"%s+ "ssues forth )ere(y "% a )"hty torre%t of %o"sy #or$s@ "t 'o%'er%s "tse(f
#"th the 'o)pos"t"o% of spee'hes+ sets forth 'erta"% ru(es for the arra%e)e%t of
aru)e%ts o% po("t"'a( sub4e'ts a%$ for the !ar"ous $"!"s"o%s of po("t"'a( orat"o%s+
(e%$s $"st"%'t"o% to the spo/e% #or$+ a%$ "% e%era( beaut"1es the (a%uae of
po("t"'s. Ph"(osophy "s (ess 'o%'er%e$ #"th the e)be(("sh)e%ts of #or$s. Its a") "s
rather to e&p(ore the %ature of the u%"!erse+ to u%ra!e( "ts se'rets. Its (ofty
$"'tu)s are %ot e!e% 'o%1%e$ to the !"s"b(e #or($+ for #"th reat subt(ety "t
pra"ses the (ory of that rea()+ #hate!er "t be+ that ("es beyo%$ the hea!e%. No# I
ha$ %o )"%$ to fo((o# the e&a)p(e of )ost other )e%+ a%$ e)u(ate the"r
e&per"e%'es 22 )e% #ho stu$y the art of the orator #h"(e $esp"s"% the s'"e%'e of
the ph"(osopher+ or e(se e%ross the)se(!es "% ph"(osophy a%$ e%4oy the r"'hes to
be fou%$ "% the )ar!e(s of thouht+ but 'o%te)% the (or"es of rhetor"' a%$ the
s/"(( re?u"re$ to arra%e a%$ $"!"$e the !ar"ous parts of a spee'h. Thus+ fro) t")e
to t")e+ #he% I 'o)pose a% orat"o%+ I "%tro$u'e so)e s'"e%t"1' proof+ %ot #"thout
so)e e(ea%'e. Ma%y perso%s ha!e reproa'he$ )e for th"s a%$ they $"s("/e the
#ay I br"hte% a ph"(osoph"' $"s'ourse #"th the ra'efu( arts of rhetor"'. My
purpose "% th"s "s to ass"st the rea$er #he% he 1%$s "t $">'u(t to absorb so)e
$eep thouht+ a%$ so to pre!e%t h") (os"% the threa$ of ph"(osoph"' aru)e%t.
H=. *ut there "s a %e# ph"(osophy+ base$ o% the )ystery of our Chr"st"a% re(""o%+
#h"'h tra%s'e%$s the a%'"e%t syste)s. Th"s )ystery+ too+ has a $ua( aspe't+ "%
%ature Ihu)a% a%$ $"!"%eJ+ a%$ "% t")e I1%"te a%$ "%1%"teJ+ %ot to )e%t"o% a
further $ua("s) #he% o%e 'o%s"$ers ho# "t "s 'apab(e of proof+ a%$ yet the ob4e't
of fa"th a%$ $"!"%e(y "%sp"re$ "%to )e%-s 'o%s'"ous%ess. It #as th"s ph"(osophy+
rather tha% the profa%e+ #h"'h be'a)e the ob4e't of )y spe'"a( stu$y. I% so)e
respe'ts I aree$ #"th the $o'tr"%e of the reat 6athers of the Chur'h+ but I a(so
)a$e so)e 'o%tr"but"o% to the bo$y of $"!"%e tea'h"% o% )y o#% a''ou%t. I say
th"s "% a(( s"%'er"ty a%$ #"thout boastfu(%essO "f a%y )a% shou($ fee( 'o%stra"%e$
to pra"se )y ("terary #or/s+ I #ou($ be h") %ot to 'o))e%$ )y resear'hes "%
the 1e($ of re(""o%+ %ot to e&to( )y e&te%s"!e rea$"% II a) %ot
[1KA] $e(u$e$ by a fa(se ")press"o% of )y o#% ")porta%'e+ %or a) I "%ora%t of
)y o#% (")"tat"o%sO )y 'apa'"ty "s !ery s)a(( #he% 'o)pare$ #"th the ab"("ty of
the orators a%$ ph"(osophers #ho ha!e surpasse$ )eJ. No+ "f a%yo%e pra"ses )y
e3orts+ (et "t be rather be'ause I $re# )y s)a(( )easure of #"s$o) fro) %o ("!"%
fou%tO the sour'es I $"s'o!ere$ #ere 'ho/e$ up+ a%$ I ha$ to ope% a%$ '(ea%se
the) )yse(f. The"r #aters+ too+ #ere h"$$e% "% the $epths a%$ o%(y brouht to
the surfa'e after I ha$ e&pe%$e$ )u'h e%ery.
HK. To$ay+ "% fa't+ %e"ther 5the%s+ %or N"'o)e$e"a+ %or 5(e&a%$r"a "% Eypt+ %or
Phoe%"'"a+ %or e!e% the t#o Ro)es Ithe a%'"e%t a%$ (esser Ro)e+ a%$ the (ater+
)ore po#erfu( '"tyJ+ %or a%y other state+ (or"es a%y (o%er "% ("terary
a'h"e!e)e%ts The o($e% strea)s of the past+ a%$ baser s"(!er+ a%$ strea)s of
)eta( )ore #orth(ess st"((+ a(( are b(o'/e$ a%$ 'ho/e$ upO the"r $a))"% "s
'o)p(ete. So+ s"%'e I #as u%ab(e to rea'h the ("!"% sour'es the)se(!es+ I
perfor'e stu$"e$ the"r ")aes. These se'o%$2ha%$ ")"tat"o%s I ree$"(y $e!oure$
"% )y )"%$+ a%$ ha!"% 'o((e'te$ the /%o#(e$e+ I ru$e$ %o o%e e(se a share "%
#hat I ha$ )yse(f a'?u"re$ at the 'ost of )u'h (abour. E!erybo$y #as #e('o)e
to (ear% fro) )e+ a%$ far fro) $e)a%$"% a fee for )y (esso%s+ I #as e!e%
prepare$ to he(p /ee% stu$e%ts #"th )o%ey fro) )y o#% purse. *ut that story
)ust #a"t u%t"( (ater.
HH. I% )y 'areer+ e!e% before the fru"t #as r"pe+ the b(osso) a!e pro)"se of a
br"(("a%t future. Certa"%(y the e)peror $"$ %ot /%o# )e as yet+ but I #as #e((2
/%o#% to a(( h"s bo$yuar$ a%$ they spo/e of )e "% h"s prese%'e+ so)e
re'ou%t"% o%e ?ua("ty+ a%$ others stress"% a%other. They to($ h")+ )oreo!er+
that I #as a% e(o?ue%t orator. I #ou($ ("/e to say so)eth"% o% th"s sub4e't here.
5t the t")e of our b"rth+ #e are e%$o#e$ #"th 'erta"% %atura( !"rtues+ or the"r
oppos"tes. 8he% I use the #or$ -!"rtue- "% th"s 'o%%e't"o%+ I a) %ot referr"% to
)ora( !"rtue+ %or to po("t"'a( !"rtue+ %or to the !"rtue #h"'h surpasses these others
a%$ atta"%s to the patter% or perfe't"o% of the Creator@ but 4ust as so)e bo$"es+
fro) the )o)e%t of b"rth+ are e%$o#e$ #"th beauty+ #h"(e o% others %ature fro)
the"r !ery be"%%"% besto#s b(e)"shes a%$ #r"%/(es+ so #"th sou(s+ too+ so)e
are $"st"%u"she$ at o%'e #"th e&tre)e ra'e a%$ attra't"!e%ess+ #h"(e others
(ea!e a tra"( of so)bre a%$ $eep (oo). 5s t")e oes o%+ the "%%ate ra'es of the
1rst sort be'o)e )ore a%$ )ore appare%t+ but "% the se'o%$ e!eryth"% oes
#ro% a%$ e!e% the reaso% fu%'t"o%s poor(y. [1K1]
H<. Ho#e!er that )ay be+ e!e% "% s")p(e uttera%'es I ha!e bee% to($ that )y
(a%uae "s pe'u("ar(y ra'efu(+ a%$ thouh I $o %ot str"!e after e3e't+ there "s "%
)y #or$s a 'erta"% %atura( beauty. Of 'ourse+ I #ou($ %ot /%o# th"s )yse(f+ ha$
%ot )a%y fo(/ to($ )e so "% the 'ourse of 'o%!ersat"o% a%$ ha$ they %ot ("ste%e$
#"th rapt atte%t"o% #h"(e I ta(/e$ #"th the). 5%yho#+ "t #as th"s 'hara'ter"st"'
that 1rst #o% )e a''ess to the e)peror+ a%$ "t #as the e(o?ue%'e of )y to%ue
that+ so to spea/+ pro!e$ to be )y fore2ru%%er+ "!"% h") a foretaste of the sp"r"t
$eep2h"$$e% #"th"% )e.
HN. 5t that 1rst "%ter!"e#+ )y #or$s #ere $"st"%u"she$ %e"ther by the"r 7ue%'y
%or by the"r e(ea%'e+ but I to($ h") about )y fa)"(y a%$ the sort of e$u'at"o% I
ha$ re'e"!e$ "% ("terature. 5s for Co%sta%t"%e+ he #as a3e'te$ by a stra%e
fee("% of p(easure+ as "%e&p("'ab(e as the $"!"%e(y2"%sp"re$ uttera%'e of )e% "% a
tra%'e. So "%7ue%'e$ #as he at the 1rst sou%$ of )y !o"'e that he a()ost
e)bra'e$ )e. Other )e% ha$ the r"ht of a''ess to h") at set t")es a%$ for a
(")"te$ per"o$+ but to )e h"s heart-s $oors #ere %o# thro#% #"$e ope%+ a%$
ra$ua((y+ as I be'a)e )ore "%t")ate #"th h")+ he share$ #"th )e a(( h"s se'rets.
P(ease $o %ot b(a)e )e "f I ha!e #a%$ere$ so)e#hat fro) the )a"% the)e of
)y h"story+ a%$ p(ease $o %ot ")a"%e that th"s $"ress"o% "s )ere se(f2
a$!ert"se)e%t. If I ha!e "%$u(e$ "% a 'erta"% a)ou%t of perso%a( re)"%"s'e%'e+
at (east "t "s a(( $"re't(y 'o%'er%e$ #"th the )a"% threa$ of the story. 8"thout
$"s'(os"% the reaso% for "t+ "t #ou($ ha!e bee% ")poss"b(e for )e to spea/ of that
1rst "%ter!"e#@ a%$+ of 'ourse+ "f I #"she$ to e&p(a"% the reaso%+ "t #as esse%t"a( to
"%tro$u'e so)e re)ar/s o% )y o#% 'areer. My h"story )ust be #r"tte% "% a
)etho$"'a( #ayO 1rst the refere%'e to )y sour'e+ the% the s"ft"% of e!"$e%'e+
a%$ 1%a((y the a''ou%t of subse?ue%t e!e%ts. That "s #hy so (o% a prefa'e #as
%e'essary. No# that I ha!e "%tro$u'e$ )yse(f #"th su'h a #ea(th of $eta"( "%to
th"s part of the h"story+ I 'a% assure you that )y e!"$e%'e #"(( a!o"$ a(( fa(sehoo$@
#hate!er "s %ot sa"$+ #"(( re)a"% h"$$e%+ but %o%e of the th"%s I a) o"% to say
#"(( be of $oubtfu( !era'"ty.
HL. Co%sta%t"%e ha$ %o !ery '(ear 'o%'ept"o% of the %ature of )o%ar'hy. He fa"(e$
to rea(",e that "t e%ta"(e$ respo%s"b"("ty for the #e((2be"% of h"s sub4e'ts+ a%$ that
a% e)peror )ust a(#ays #at'h o!er the a$)"%"strat"o% of h"s rea() a%$ e%sure
"ts $e!e(op)e%t o% sou%$ ("%es. To Co%sta%t"%e the e&er'"se of po#er )ea%t rest
fro) [1K=] h"s (abours+ fu(1()e%t of $es"re+ re(a&at"o% fro) str"fe. He ha$ e%tere$
the harbour of the pa(a'e+ so to spea/+ to e%4oy the a$!a%taes of a 'a() retreat
a%$ to a!o"$ the $ut"es of he()s)a% "% the future. 5s for the a$)"%"strat"o% of
pub("' a3a"rs+ a%$ the pr"!"(ee of $"spe%s"% 4ust"'e+ a%$ the super"%te%$e%'e of
the ar)e$ for'es+ they #ere $e(eate$ to others. O%(y a fra't"o% of these $ut"es
#as reser!e$ for h")se(f. I%stea$+ he 'hose a ("fe of p(easure a%$ (u&ury+ as "f "t
#ere h"s %atura( r"ht I%ot #"thout so)e 4ust"1'at"o%+ for he ha$ "%her"te$ a%
"%%ate pre$"(e't"o% for su'h th"%sJ. No#+ ha!"% a'?u"re$ supre)e po#er+ he
ha$ reater opportu%"ty for p(easure+ a%$ he "%$u(e$ h")se(f )ore tha% e!er.
HB. 5 hea(thy a%")a(+ #"th a thorouh(y stro% 'o%st"tut"o%+ "s %ot a(tere$ "% a
)o)e%t at the 1rst sy)pto)s of "((%ess. So #"th the e)p"re "% the re"% of
Co%sta%t"%eO "t #as by %o )ea%s )or"bu%$ a%$ "ts breath"% #as st"(( e%eret"'@
the %e(e't fro) #h"'h "t #as su3er"% see)e$ a% "%s"%"1'a%t "te)+ u%t"(+ by
s(o# $erees+ the )a(a$y re#+ a%$ rea'h"% a 'r"s"s+ thre# the pat"e%t "%to utter
'o%fus"o%+ 'o)p(ete $"sor$er. Th"s (ater stae+ ho#e!er+ ha$ %ot yet bee%
approa'he$+ a%$ the e)peror+ ta/"% ("tt(e share "% the a%&"et"es of po#er+ but
see/"% re'reat"o% "% a )u(t"tu$e of p(easures+ #as prepar"% the the% hea(thy
bo$y of h"s e)p"re for a thousa%$ )a(a$"es $est"%e$ to atta'/ "t "% the future.
H;. 8hat 'o%tr"bute$ "% %o )o$erate fash"o% to su'h "))o$erat"o%+ #as the
#ea/ 'hara'ter of the t#o e)presses+ a%$ Co%sta%t"%e-s #"(("% a'?u"es'e%'e "%
the"r (u&ur"ous+ (auhter2(o!"% hab"ts. Part"'"pat"o% "% these re!e(s he rear$e$ as
a ser!"'e to the)@ a%$ far fro) #"sh"% "% a%y #ay to oppose the"r $es"res+ he
too/ 'are to pro!"$e the) #"th e!ery a)use)e%t. 8he% a 'erta"% troub(e $"$
ar"ses he #ou($ soo% ha!e '(ashe$ #"th the)+ ha$ h"s #"fe %ot aree$ #"th h"s
po"%t of !"e#. 8hether she )ere(y 'o%'ea(e$ her 4ea(ousy o% th"s o''as"o%+ or
ha$ be'o)e $e!o"$ of "t be'ause of her ae+ I /%o# %ot.
<A. It a(( 'a)e about "% the fo((o#"% #ay. Co%sta%t"%e-sDD;B se'o%$ #"fe+ a
)e)ber of the fa)ous S'(erus fa)"(y+ $"e$+ a%$ s"%'e he #as at that t")e a%
or$"%ary '"t",e%+ he #as pre!e%te$ fro) )arry"% a
[1KK] th"r$ t")e+ o% 'o%s'"e%t"ous rou%$s Iby Ro)a% (a# su'h )arr"aes #ere
"((ea(J. *ut he subst"tute$ for )arr"ae a (ess reputab(e 'o%$"t"o% 22 a se'ret
a3a"re. It #as a'tua((y the %"e'e of h"s (ate #"fe+ a beaut"fu( a%$+ %or)a((y+ a
$"s'reet #o)a%+ #ho) he "%$u'e$ to share "% th"s s"%u(ar(y ")proper
asso'"at"o%s. He )ay ha!e br"be$ her@ poss"b(y he 'har)e$ her #"th #or$s of
(o!e@ or he )ay ha!e use$ other )etho$s of persuas"o% to a'h"e!e h"s purpose.
<1. 8hate!er the reaso%+ they #ere so )u'h "% (o!e #"th ea'h other that both
fou%$ separat"o% "%to(erab(e+ e!e% #he% they #ere threate%e$ #"th )"sery+ for
#he% Co%sta%t"%e #e%t "%to e&"(e Ias I ha!e re)ar/e$ "% a pre!"ous 'hapterJ+ th"s
#o)a% st"(( re)a"%e$ at h"s s"$e. 8"th (o!"% 'are she te%$e$ h"s #a%ts+ put at
h"s $"sposa( a(( her possess"o%s+ a!e h") a(( )a%%er of 'o)fort+ a%$ ("hte%e$
the b"tter (oa$ of h"s aR"'t"o%. The truth "s+ she+ %o (ess tha% h")se(f+ #as
susta"%e$ by hopes of po#er@ %oth"% e(se )attere$+ "f o%(y "% the future she
)"ht share the thro%e #"th her husba%$. I say -husba%$- be'ause at that t")e
she #as 'o%!"%'e$ that the"r )arr"ae #ou($ be (ea((y sa%'t"o%e$+ a%$ a(( the"r
$es"res fu(1((e$+ #he% Co%sta%t"%e+ as e)peror+ o!erru(e$ the (a#s. 8he% o%e of
these a)b"t"o%s #as rea(",e$ Ih"s e(e!at"o% to the thro%eJ+ but '"r'u)sta%'es $"$
%ot per)"t the rea(",at"o% of the se'o%$+ be'ause the e)press Goe se",e$ a((
po#er for herse(f+ she $espa"re$ a(toether+ %ot o%(y of her 'her"she$ hopes+ but
e!e% of ("fe "tse(f. The e)press 1((e$ her #"th $rea$+ a%$ she a%t"'"pate$ r"e!ous
<=. Ne!erthe(ess+ the e)peror $"$ %ot foret h"s be(o!e$+ e!e% after h"s
a''ess"o%. 8"th h"s phys"'a( eyes he behe($ Goe+ but "% h"s )"%$-s eye #as the
")ae of h"s )"stress@ #h"(e he fo($e$ the e)press "% h"s ar)s+ "t #as the other
#o)a% #ho) he '(aspe$ "% the ")a"%at"o% of h"s heart. Rear$(ess of the
'o%se?ue%'es+ rear$(ess of Goe-s 4ea(ousy+ tur%"% a $eaf ear to a(( e%treaty+ he
brushe$ as"$e e!ery 'ou%se( that #ou($ frustrate h"s #"shes. Pro)"%e%t a)o%
those #ho $"3ere$ #"th h") #as h"s o#% s"ster Pu('her"a+ o%e of the '(e!erest
#o)e% of our e%erat"o%. She a!e h") e&'e((e%t a$!"'e but "% !a"%+ for he
$esp"se$ a(( oppos"t"o%+ a%$ at h"s !ery 1rst )eet"% #"th the e)press spo/e to
her of th"s #o)a%. He referre$ to her+ %ot as a #"fe+ %or as a prospe't"!e
)"stress+ but as o%e #ho ha$ su3ere$ )u'h at the ha%$s of the ")per"a( fa)"(y.
Moreo!er+ she ha$ e%$ure$+ he sa"$+ )u'h for h"s o#% sa/e+ a%$ he bee$ Goe
to re'a(( her fro) e&"(e a%$ ra%t her reaso%ab(e pr"!"(ees.
<K. The e)press at o%'e a!e her 'o%se%t. The fa't "s+ Goe #as %o (o%er "!e%
to 4ea(ousy. She ha$ ha$ her o#% 1(( of troub(e+ a%$ "% a%y 'ase+ she #as %o# too
o($ to harbour su'h rese%t)e%t. Mea%#h"(e the e)peror-s be(o!e$ #as e&pe't"%
the #orst+ #he% su$$e%(y there arr"!e$ )esse%ers #"th a% ")per"a( bo$yuar$+
su))o%"% her ba'/ to *y,a%t"u). They a!e her (etters+ o%e fro) the e)peror+
the other fro) Goe herse(f+ pro)"s"% a fr"e%$(y re'ept"o% a%$ e%'oura"% her to
retur%. Su'h #ere the '"r'u)sta%'es "% #h"'h she arr"!e$ at the Vuee% of C"t"es.
<H. 5t 1rst "t #as 'o%s"$ere$ proper that she shou($ ("!e "% a )o$est house+ #"th
a bo$yuar$ of %o part"'u(ar $"st"%'t"o%. Ho#e!er+ "% or$er that he )"ht ha!e a%
e&'use for o"% there ofte%+ Co%sta%t"%e treate$ "t as a pr"!ate res"$e%'e of h"s
o#%. The%+ to "!e "t a% ")pos"% appeara%'e a%$ )a/e "t a p(a'e 1t to re'e"!e
a% e)peror+ he (a"$ $o#% %e# fou%$at"o%s for a% a%%e&e+ #"th ra%$ pro4e'ts for
the future.
<<. He a(#ays ha$ a prete&t tor these !"s"ts 22 that he #as super!"s"% so)e
$eta"( of the bu"($"% 22 a%$ se!era( t")es a )o%th he #ou($ o there+ %o)"%a((y
to #at'h the proress of the #or/+ but "% rea("ty to be #"th h"s )"stress. He use$
to be a''o)pa%"e$ by 'erta"% "%$"!"$ua(s of Goe-s fa't"o%+ a%$ (ast they shou($
busy the)se(!es too )u'h #"th h"s pr"!ate a3a"rs+ he #ou($ see that a tab(e
(oa$e$ #"th $e("'a'"es #as rea$y for the) outs"$e the house. They #ere "%!"te$
to 4o"% "% the ba%?uet. The )e%u #as 'hose% by the)se(!es beforeha%$+ a%$ a((
the"r $e)a%$s #ere sat"s1e$. They #ere #e(( a#are of the rea( 'ause of these
arra%e)e%ts+ but for a(( the"r "%$"%at"o% at the #ay he treate$ the"r e)press+ "t
'ou($ %ot out#e"h the p(easure they fe(t "% the fu(1()e%t of the"r o#% $es"res.
Thus+ "f they /%e# Co%sta%t"%e #as $ebat"% #hether to !"s"t h"s (a$y2(o!e+ but
hes"tat"% to set out a%$ a'tua((y asha)e$ to o Ia%$ he usua((y #asJ+ they
s)oothe$ the path for h")+ ea'h suest"% a $"3ere%t prete&t. It #as a
s"%u(ar(y e3e't"!e #ay of #"%%"% h"s fa!our.
<N. 5t 1rst+ Co%sta%t"%e /ept h"s a3a"re #"th th"s #o)a% a se'ret+ by !"s"t"% her
"% the #ay I ha!e $es'r"be$+ a%$ he #as st"(( 'arefu( to a!o"$ a% ope% s'a%$a(.
*ut ra$ua((y he (ost a(( se%se of ")propr"ety a%$ h"s rea( p(a%s #ere re!ea(e$. 5((
prese%'e of the (a$y-s -apart)e%t- "% h"s house #as aba%$o%e$. 6ro) %o# o%+ he
a''o)pa%"e$ her ?u"te ope%(y+ as ofte% as he #"she$+ a%$ ("!e$ #"th her. If I )ay
su) up the #ho(e story before I 'o%t"%ue+ the ("a"so% ha$ [1K<] a stra%e a"r of
u%rea("ty about "t. 8hether o%e sa# #hat #as o"% o% #"th o%e-s o#% eyes or
)ere(y hear$ of "t fro) others+ "t #as har$ to be("e!e+ for Co%sta%t"%e %o (o%er
!"s"te$ the #o)a% as a )"stress+ but as "f she #ere "% truth h"s #"fe.
<L. He #aste$ the ")per"a( treasures "% sat"sfy"% her e!ery #h"). 6or e&a)p(e+
he fou%$ "% the pa(a'e a bro%,e 'as/et+ or%a)e%te$ #"th 1ures 'ar!e$ "% re("ef+
a%$ ha!"% 1((e$ "t #"th )o%ey+ se%t "t as a "ft to her. Nor #as th"s a% o''as"o%a(
prese%t+ for there #as a 'o%sta%t strea) of su'h o3er"%s to h"s be(o!e$.

<B. So far+ ho#e!er+ the (o!e2a3a"r #as 'arr"e$ o% "% se)"2se're'y. Met e3orts at
'o%'ea()e%t pro!e$ (ess a%$ (ess e3e't"!e as t")e #e%t o%+ a%$ e!e%tua((y the
e)peror a$)"tte$ pub("'(y that he (o!e$ her. There fo((o#e$ a% "%ter!"e# #"th
Goe+ at #h"'h he sueste$ !ery p(aus"b(y that she shou($ 'o%se%t to ("!e #"th h"s
)"stress. E!e% #he% Goe aree$ he #as st"(( %ot sat"s1e$. 5 treaty of fr"e%$sh"p
#as set out "% a $o'u)e%t a%$ a% ")per"a( pa!"("o% bu"(t for the 'ere)o%y of
rat"1'at"o%. I% fro%t sat Co%sta%t"%e+ Goe+ a%$ S'(ere%a+ #h"(e the Se%ate 1(e$ "%
to #"t%ess th"s e&traor$"%ary 'o%tra't+ b(ush"% a%$ for the )ost part ta(/"% "%
u%$erto%es. Desp"te the"r e)barrass)e%t+ the se%ators st"(( pra"se$ the
aree)e%t as "f "t #ere a $o'u)e%t se%t $o#% fro) hea!e%. They 'a((e$ "t a
-(o!"%2'up-+ a%$ (a!"she$ o% "t a(( the other 7atter"% ep"thets that $e'e"!e a%$
'a4o(e a fr"!o(ous a%$ e)pty2hea$e$ perso%.
<;. The 'o%tra't be"% s"%e$ a%$ the oaths a$)"%"stere$+ she #ho ha$ h"therto
bee% o%(y a (o!er+ #as %o# "%tro$u'e$ to the pr"!ate apart)e%ts of the ")per"a(
pa(a'e+ %o (o%er 'a((e$ -)"stress-+ but -My Ca$y- a%$ -E)press-+ o>'"a((y. 8hat
#as )ost astou%$"% #as the fa't that+ a(thouh )ost peop(e #ere reat(y
$"stresse$ at the #ay "% #h"'h Goe ha$ bee% $e'e"!e$ a%$ %e(e'te$ a%$
$esp"se$+ she herse(f e!"%'e$ %o e)ot"o% #hate!er+ e&'ept that she s)"(e$ o%
e!eryo%e a%$ appare%t(y #as ?u"te p(ease$ #"th the arra%e)e%t. 5t a(( e!e%ts+
she e)bra'e$ her %e# part%er #"th u%usua( #ar)th+ a%$ both of the)
a''o)pa%"e$ the e)peror. *oth+ too+ $"s'usse$ #"th h") the sa)e prob(e)s.
Co%sta%t"%e #e"he$ the 4u$)e%t of ea'h #o)a% #"th e?ua( ")part"a("ty+
a(thouh "t )ust be a$)"tte$ [1KN] that o''as"o%a((y he a((o#e$ h")se(f to be
)ore rea$"(y "%7ue%'e$ by h"s 4u%"or 'o%sort.
NA. I% appeara%'e S'(ere%a #as %ot spe'"a((y re)ar/ab(e. O% the other ha%$+ she
#as 'erta"%(y %o easy taret for "%su(t or ra"((ery. 5s for her 'hara'ter a%$
"%te((e'tua( ab"("ty+ she 'ou($ 'har) a heart of sto%e+ a%$ she #as e&traor$"%ar"(y
a$ept "% her "%terpretat"o% of a%y )atter #hate!er. Her spee'h #as #o%$erfu(. It
ha$ a $e("'ate beauty of e&press"o%+ the rhyth)"' perfe't"o% of a s'ho(ar. There
#as "% her 'o%!ersat"o% a% u%a3e'te$ s#eet%ess of $"'t"o%+ a% "%e&press"b(e
ra'e "% her )a%%er of te(("% a story. She be#"t'he$ )e+ at a%y rate+ #he%+ as
ofte% happe%e$+ she #ou($ p(y )e #"th ?uest"o%s about the 0ree/ )yths a%$
a$$ a po"%t here a%$ there herse(f #h"'h she ha$ (ear%t fro) so)e e&pert o% the
sub4e't. No #o)a% e!er ha$ a )ore se%s"t"!e ear+ a(thouh I ")a"%e th"s #as
%ot a %atura( a''o)p("sh)e%t+ but a'?u"re$ be'ause she /%e# that e!eryo%e #as
ta(/"% about her. She 'ou($ hear a soft #h"sper ?u"te '(ear(y+ a%$ a #or$
)uttere$ u%$er the breath #as rea$"(y u%$erstoo$ by her.
N1. I #"(( "!e a% e&a)p(e of th"s. O%e $ay+ #he% #e+ the ")per"a( se'retar"es+
#ere a(( toether+ the e)press-s ret"%ue #ere ta/"% part "% a pro'ess"o%. Goe
herse(f a%$ her s"ster Theo$ora #a(/e$ "% th"s pro'ess"o%+ fo((o#e$ by the
5uusta Ia %e# t"t(e ra%te$ to her by the e)presses+ at the "%st"at"o% of
Co%sta%t"%eJ. 5s they #ere o% the"r #ay 22 the route (e$ the) to the Theatre a%$
th"s #as the 1rst t")e the or$"%ary peop(e ha$ see% S'(ere%a "% 'o)pa%y #"th
Goe a%$ Theo$ora 22 o%e of the subt(e 7atterers soft(y ?uote$ Ho)er-sDD;; -It
#ere %o sha)e. . .- but $"$ %ot 'o)p(ete the ("%es. 5t the t")e S'(ere%a a!e %o
s"% of ha!"% hear$ these #or$s+ but #he% the 'ere)o%y #as o!er+ she souht
out the )a% #ho ha$ uttere$ the) a%$ as/e$ h") #hat they )ea%t. She
repeate$ h"s re)ar/ #"thout a s"%(e )"sta/e+ pro%ou%'"% the #or$s e&a't(y as
he ha$ #h"spere$ the). 5s soo% as he to($ her the story "% $eta"(+ a%$ the 'ro#$
sho#e$ "ts appro!a( of h"s "%terpretat"o% of the a%e'$ote+ as #e(( as of the
?uotat"o% "tse(f+ she #as 1((e$ #"th pr"$e a%$ her 7atterer #as re#ar$e$ for h"s
'o)p(")e%t. The prese%ts she a!e h") #ere %ot a fe#+ %or #ere they pa(try
tr"7es+ but su'h as she #as use$ to re'e"!"% a%$ "!"% "% her o#% '"r'(e. 5s a
)atter of fa't+ the e)peror ha$ "!e% her a pr"!ate fu%$ for prese%ts to
"%$"!"$ua(s of e"ther se&+ "% or$er to #"% the sy)path"es of the 'ourt+ a%$
espe'"a((y of the t#o e)presses.
[1KL] N=. No# the e($er of the t#o s"sters IGoeJ ha$ a pass"o% for o($ 22 %ot for
the sa/e of )ere possess"o% or hoar$"% of "t+ but so that she 'ou($ sat"sfy her
"%st"%'t for e%eros"ty . She #as a(so fo%$ of s#eet herbs+ the purest I%$"a% /"%$+
espe'"a((y of those that st"(( reta"%e$ the"r %atura( )o"sture+ $#arf o("!es a%$ the
#h"test sort of bays. The you%er s"ster ITheo$oraJ $a"(y (oate$ o!er her
'o((e't"o% of $ar"'s+ for #h"'h she ha$ ha$ bro%,e 'o3ers )a$e. 9%o#"% the"r
hobb"es+ therefore+ the 5uusta #o% the rat"tu$e of the) both by "!"% the
prese%ts they ("/e$ best. It #as %o $">'u(t )atter+ for Goe %o (o%er fe(t 4ea(ous
of her r"!a( Ishe #as past the ae for thatJ a%$ there #as %o "((2#"(( o% her s"$e. 5s
the years passe$+ too+ she ha$ (ost her 'apa'"ty for !ehe)e%t hatre$. 5%$+ as for
Theo$ora+ s"%'e her o#% $es"res #ere sat"s1e$+ she sho#e$ e!e% (ess rese%t)e%t
tha% her s"ster.
NK. Thus the #ea(th #h"'h the e)peror *as"( ha$ a''u)u(ate$ "% the ")per"a(
treasury+ at the 'ost of )u'h s#eat a%$ (abour+ be'a)e the p(ayth"% of these
#o)e%+ to be e&pe%$e$ o% the"r p(easures. Prese%ts #ere e&'ha%e$ or "!e% as
re#ar$s o%e after a%other. So)e of the )o%ey #as e!e% pa"$ out to stra%ers+
a%$ soo% a(( #as spe%t a%$ e&hauste$. Ho#e!er+ that "s a sub4e't #h"'h I )ust
$ea( #"th (ater. I )ust 1%"sh the prese%t story. 8he% Co%sta%t"%e a%$ the #o)e%
ha$ $e'"$e$ #h"'h apart)e%ts ea'h #as to o''upy "% the pa(a'e+ the e)peror
ha$ the roo) "% the 'e%tre+ #"th the s"sters o% e"ther s"$e of h")+ but "t #as
S'(ere%a #ho ha$ the )ost pr"!ate apart)e%t. 5%$ Goe %e!er !"s"te$ the
e)peror-s roo)+ u%(ess she ha$ 1rst )a$e sure that he #as a(o%e a%$ h"s (a$y2
(o!e far a#ay. Other#"se+ she o''up"e$ herse(f #"th her o#% a3a"rs. I )ust %o#
e&p(a"% #hat these a't"!"t"es #ere.
NH. The tas/s that #o)e% %or)a((y perfor) ha$ %o appea( #hate!er for Goe. Her
ha%$s %e!er bus"e$ the)se(!es #"th a $"sta3 %or $"$ she e!er #or/ at a (oo) or
a%y other fe)"%"%e o''upat"o%. St"(( )ore surpr"s"%+ she a3e'te$ s'or% for the
beaut"fu( $resses of her ra%/+ thouh I 'a%%ot te(( #hether she #as so %e("e%t
"% the pr")e of ("fe. Certa"%(y "% her o($ ae she (ost a(( $es"re to 'har). Her o%e
a%$ o%(y 'o%'er% at th"s t")e+ the th"% o% #h"'h she spe%t a(( her e%ery+ #as
the $e!e(op)e%t of %e# spe'"es of perfu)es+ or the preparat"o% of u%ue%ts.
So)e she #ou($ "%!e%t+ others she ")pro!e$. Her o#% pr"!ate be$roo) #as %o
)ore ")press"!e tha% the #or/shops "% the )ar/et #here the art"sa%s a%$ the
b(a'/s)"ths to"(+ [1KB] for a(( rou%$ the roo) #ere bur%"% bra,"ers+ a host of
the). Ea'h of her ser!a%ts ha$ a part"'u(ar tas/ to perfor)O o%e #as a((otte$ the
$uty of bott("% the perfu)es+ a%other of )"&"% the)+ #h"(e a th"r$ ha$ so)e
other tas/ of the sa)e /"%$. I% #"%ter+ of 'ourse+ these operat"o%s #ere
$e)o%strab(y of so)e be%e1t+ as the reat heat fro) the 1res ser!e$ to #ar)
the 'o($ a"r+ but "% the su))er2t")e the others fou%$ the te)perature %ear the
bra,"ers a()ost u%bearab(e. Goe herse(f+ ho#e!er+ surrou%$e$ by a #ho(e
bo$yuar$ of these 1res+ #as appare%t(y u%a3e'te$ by the s'or'h"% heat. I%
fa't+ both she a%$ her s"ster see)e$ %atura((y per!erse. They $esp"se$ fresh a"r+
1%e houses+ )ea$o#s+ ar$e%s@ the 'har) of a(( su'h th"%s )ea%t %oth"% to
the) . o% the other ha%$+ o%'e they #ere "%s"$e the"r o#% pr"!ate roo)s+ o%e
sea("% o3 the 7o# of the o($e% strea)+ the other '(ea%"% out the 'ha%%e(s to
)a/e "t 7o# faster+ the% they rea((y e%4oye$ the)se(!es.
N<. 8"th rear$ to Goe-s other pe'u("ar"t"es 22 I )ust spea/ of her at rather
reater (e%th+ #h"(e the e)peror "s st"(( ta/"% h"s ease #"th h"s 5uusta 22 there
"s %ot )u'h that I 'a% 'o))e%$+ but o%e tra"t %e!er fa"(s to e&'"te )y
a$)"rat"o%+ her p"ety. I% th"s she surpasse$ a(( others+ both #o)e% a%$ )e%.
So)e )e% (ose the)se(!es "% the 'o%te)p(at"o% of 0o$@ the"r #ho(e be"% "s
$"re'te$ to o%e perfe't ob4e't+ a%$ o% that ob4e't they $epe%$ e%t"re(y. Others+
#"th st"(( reater $e!ot"o%+ a%$ tru(y "%sp"re$ #"th the D"!"%e Sp"r"t are e!e% )ore
"$e%t"1e$ #"th the ob4e't of the"r #orsh"p. So "t #as #"th Goe. Her pass"o%ate
!e%erat"o% for the th"%s of 0o$ ha$ rea((y brouht her "%to 'o%ta't+ so to spea/+
#"th the 6"rst a%$ Purest C"ht. Certa"%(y there #as %o )o)e%t #he% the Na)e of
0o$ #as %ot o% her ("ps.
NN. I #"(( "!e a% e&a)p(e of th"s p"ety of hers. She ha$ )a$e for herse(f a% ")ae
of Jesus+ fash"o%"% "t #"th as )u'h a''ura'y as she 'ou($ W"f su'h a th"% #ere
poss"b(eJ. The ("tt(e 1ure+ e)be(("she$ #"th br"ht )eta(+ appeare$ to be a()ost
("!"%. *y 'ha%es of 'o(our+ "t a%s#ere$ ?uest"o%s put to "t+ a%$ by "ts !ar"ous
t"%ts foreto($ 'o)"% e!e%ts. 5%y#ay+ Goe )a$e se!era( prophe'"es #"th rear$
to the future fro) a stu$y of th"s ")ae. So+ #he% she ha$ )et #"th so)e oo$
fortu%e+ or #he% so)e troub(e ha$ befa((e% her+ she #ou($ at o%'e 'o%su(t her
")ae+ "% the o%e 'ase to a'/%o#(e$e [1K;] her rat"tu$e+ "% the other to be "ts
fa!our. I )yse(f ha!e ofte% see% her+ "% )o)e%ts of reat $"stress+ '(asp the
sa're$ ob4e't "% her ha%$s+ 'o%te)p(ate "t+ ta(/ to "t as thouh "t #ere "%$ee$
a("!e+ a%$ a$$ress "t #"th o%e s#eet ter) of e%$ear)e%t after a%other. The% at
other t")es I ha!e see% her (y"% o% the rou%$+ her tears bath"% the earth+
#h"(e she beat her breasts o!er a%$ o!er aa"%+ tear"% at the) #"th her ha%$s. If
she sa# the ")ae tur% pa(e+ she #ou($ o a#ay 'restfa((e%+ but "f "t too/ o% a
1ery re$ 'o(our+ "ts ha(o (ustrous #"th a beaut"fu( ra$"a%t ("ht+ she #ou($ (ose %o
t")e "% te(("% the e)peror a%$ prophesy"% #hat the future #as to br"% forth.
NL. 6ro) )y rea$"% of 0ree/ ("terature+ I /%o# that perfu)es "!e o3 a !apour
#h"'h $r"!es a#ay e!"( sp"r"ts a%$ #h"'h at the sa)e t")e "%!o/es the sp"r"ts of
the 4ust+ attra't"% the) by "ts !ery %ature. The sa)e property "s fou%$ "% other
substa%'esO pre'"ous sto%es a%$ 'erta"% herbs a%$ )a"' 'ere)o%"es ha!e the
po#er of "%!o/"% $e"t"es. The theor"es of that sort e&pou%$e$ "% 0ree/ boo/s
)a$e %o ")press"o% o% )e #he% I 1rst rea$ the)+ a%$ far fro) be("e!"% "%
)a"' r"tes+ I re4e'te$ the) #"th s'or%. Goe-s re(""ous 'ere)o%"es+ ho#e!er+ for
a(( the"r atte%t"o% to $eta"(+ #ere %ot 'o%$u'te$ after the 0ree/+ or a%y other+
sty(e. She #orsh"ppe$ 0o$ "% her o#% #ay+ )a/"% %o se'ret of her heart-s $eep
(o%"% a%$ 'o%se'rat"% to H") the th"%s #h"'h #e rear$ as )ost pre'"ous
a%$ )ost sa're$.
NB. Ha!"% rea'he$ th"s po"%t "% our a''ou%t of the e)press+ (et us retur% o%'e
)ore to the 5uusta a%$ Co%sta%t"%e. Perhaps "t )ay be the rea$er-s #"sh that
#e rouse the) fro) the"r s(u)bers+ a%$ separate the). The e)peror #e #"((
/eep for a (ater $es'r"pt"o%+ but S'(ere%a-s ("fe2h"story #e #"(( 1%"sh %o#.
N;. It "s poss"b(e that the e)peror "%te%$e$ to fou%$ a% e)p"re for her "% the
future 22 at (east there #as )u'h ta(/ of "t. Ho# "t #as to be $o%e I $o %ot /%o#+
but he 'erta"%(y 'her"she$ a)b"t"o%s "% that $"re't"o%. 8hate!er h"s p(a%s+ they
#ere 'ut short+ toether #"th her hopes+ by a su$$e% "((%ess #h"'h res"ste$ a(( the
s/"(( a%$ atte%t"o% of the $o'tors. S'(ere%a #as aR"'te$ #"th 'hest pa"%s a%$
su3ere$ terr"b(y fro) asth)a. Desp"te a(( the"r e3orts to 'ure her+ she )a$e %o
proress a%$ $eath 'arr"e$ her o3 before her $es"res 'ou($ be [1HA] brouht to
fru"t"o% 22 she #ho t"(( the% ha$ ")a"%e$ for herse(f su'h a (or"ous future.DD(AA
LA. It shou($ be super7uous to "%terrupt the )a"% threa$ of )y h"story at th"s
po"%t+ by $"(at"% o% the tre)e%$ous e3e't her $eath pro$u'e$ o% the e)peror+
h"s (a)e%tat"o%s+ a%$ the #ay he beha!e$. It #ou($ be of %o rea( !a(ue to
$es'r"be ho#+ o!er'o)e by h"s sorro#+ he e&presse$ the r"ef he fe(t ("/e a 'h"($.
It "s %o part of the h"stor"a%-s $uty to "!e a )"%ute a''ou%t of a(( that "s sa"$ or
$o%e+ %or "s he re?u"re$ to #r"te o% #hat are 'o)parat"!e tr"7es. 8here $eta"(s
are of ("tt(e 'o%se?ue%'e+ they be(o% to the pro!"%'e of the 'r"t"'@ #here they
"!e o''as"o% for pra"se+ "t "s the pa%eyr"st #ho )ust use the). If I ha!e a fe#
t")es )a$e use of $eta"(s )yse(f 22the sort #h"'h I a) a$!"s"% h"stor"a%s to shu%
22 that %ee$ 'ause %o surpr"se+ for the pro!"%'e of h"story has %o pos"t"!e+
'(ear(y$e1%e$+ bou%$ar"es. There )ay be p(a'es #here "t "s e!e% r"ht to "%$u(e
"% $"ress"o% or pare%thes"s. 6or a(( that+ the h"stor"a% shou($ #aste %o t")e "%
retur%"% to h"s %arrat"!e. The ")porta%t th"% "s to 'o%'e%trate o% the sub4e't+
a%$ treat e!eryth"% e(se #"th reser!e.
L1. So I th"%/ I a) 4ust"1e$ "% pass"% o!er the $eta"(s "% th"s 'ase+ a%$ as for the
'h"ef th"% that resu(te$ fro) h"s )our%"% 22 the to)b #h"'h he bu"(t to
'o))e)orate her 22 I #"(( %ot refer to that yet. It sha(( be $ea(t #"th "% the proper
p(a'e+ after I ha!e 1rst "!e% a% a''ou%t of a(( the )atters that pre'e$e$ her
$eath. The fa't "s+ "% tou'h"% o% the )atter of S'(ere%a a%$ "% pr"$"% )yse(f
that her story ha$ bee% to($ "% "ts e%t"rety+ I ha!e o)"tte$ )a%y re)ar/ab(e
th"%s that happe%e$ before she $"e$. The reaso% #hy I $"$ th"s #as to a!o"$ the
%e'ess"ty of referr"% to her o% separate o''as"o%s a%$ so brea/"% up the
'o%t"%uous %arrat"!e. 5%yho#+ as far as she "s 'o%'er%e$+ the story e%$s at the
)o)e%t #he% she $eparte$ th"s ("fe. 8e #"(( retur% o%'e )ore to the e)peror+
the hero of th"s part of )y h"story.
L=. More tha% o%'e a(rea$y I ha!e re)ar/e$ that Co%sta%t"%e #as ("/e a )a% #ho
ha$ fouht the #a!es "% a reat stor)+ a%$ the% put "% to a shore #here a(( #as
pea'e+ the 'a() #aters of a% ")per"a( harbour+ a%$ he ha$ %o "%te%t"o% of sa"("%
the h"h seas a se'o%$ t")e. I% other #or$s+ he #a%te$ to ru(e h"s e)p"re "%
pea'e+ a%$ %ot 1ht a%y #ars+ e&a't(y ("/e )ost of the e)perors before h").
U%fortu%ate(y+ a3a"rs $o %ot usua((y fo((o# the 'ourse #e #ou($ prefer. 5 stro%er
po#er+ beyo%$ our 'o%tro(+ pres"$es o!er hu)a% $est"%y
[1H1] a%$ u"$es "t a''or$"% to H"s p(a%s. So)et")es the path "s s)ooth+ ofte%
stra%e(y rouh. So #"th Co%sta%t"%e+ a3a"rs $"$ %ot o as he ha$ hope$. 8a!es
of troub(e+ o%e after a%other+ $es'e%$e$ upo% h"). 5t o%e t")e the e)p"re #as
ra!e(y perturbe$ by '"!"( #ars+ at a%other by the "%'urs"o%s of barbar"' tr"bes+
#ho p(u%$ere$ )ost of our pro!"%'es a%$ retur%e$ to the"r o#% 'ou%tr"es (a$e%
#"th usefu( art"'(es of a(( /"%$s a%$ #"th booty to the"r hearts- 'o%te%t.
LK. It #ou($ re?u"re )u'h t")e a%$ )a%y #or$s to $es'r"be "% $eta"( a(( these
th"%s "% or$er as they o''urre$+ to "!e a% a''urate a''ou%t of the 'auses a%$
resu(ts of e!ery s"%(e e!e%t+ to te(( of the ar)"es a%$ 'a)ps+ the s/"r)"shes a%$
batt(es+ a%$ a(( the other )"%ut"ae "% #h"'h the 'arefu( h"stor"a% "s a''usto)e$ to
"%$u(e. 6or the )o)e%t I )ust $efer su'h a p(a%+ for "t #as your e&press $es"re+
)y $earest fr"e%$+DD1A1 that I shou($ pro$u'e a h"story #h"'h #as )ore a
su))ary tha% a% e(aborate treat"se. To )eet your #"shes I ha!e passe$ o!er "%
th"s #or/ )a%y fa'ts #orthy of )e%t"o%. The years ha!e %ot bee% %u)bere$ by
O(y)p"a$s %or $"!"$e$ "%to seaso%s Ias Thu'y$"$es $"!"$e$ h"sJ+ but I ha!e s")p(y
$ra#% atte%t"o% to the )ost ")porta%t fa'ts a%$ a(( the th"%s #h"'h I ha!e bee%
ab(e to re'o((e't as I #as #r"t"% th"s boo/. 5s I say+ I a) %ot )a/"% a%y atte)pt+
at the )o)e%t+ to "%!est"ate the spe'"a( '"r'u)sta%'es of ea'h e!e%t. My ob4e't
"s rather to pursue a )"$$(e 'ourse bet#ee% those #ho re'or$e$ the ")per"a(
a'ts of a%'"e%t Ro)e o% the o%e ha%$+ a%$ our o#% )o$er% 'hro%"'(ers o% the
other. I ha!e %e"ther asp"re$ to the $"3use%ess of the for)er+ %or souht to
")"tate the e&tre)e bre!"ty of the (atter+ for fear (est )y o#% 'o)pos"t"o% shou($
be o!er2bur$e%e$+ or e(se o)"t #hat #as esse%t"a(.
LH. I #"(( say %o )ore o% that sub4e't %o#. To retur% to Co%sta%t"%eO I #"(( $es'r"be
the e!e%ts of h"s re"% "% 'hro%o(o"'a( or$er+ be"%%"% #"th the !ery 1rst #ar "%
#h"'h he #as e%ae$ as e)peror. *ut 1rst I #"(( o ba'/ a ("tt(e further st"((+
putt"% the hea$+ as "t #ere+ o% the bo$y that I a) 'reat"%. -0oo$%ess-+ say the
ep"ra))at"sts+ -"s s'ar'e-.DD1A= True e%ouh+ but e!e% the fe# are %ot "))u%e
fro) the 'reep"% para(ys"s of e%!y. It "s u%"!ersa((y true that #here!er the 1%e
b(oo) of %atura( fert"("ty+ or of stouthearte$%ess a%$ 'ourae+ or of a%y other
oo$ ?ua("ty+ #here!er su'h a b(oo) appears+ there stra"ht#ay sta%$s the
pru%er rea$y #"th h"s /%"fe+ a%$ that part of the p(a%t "s 'ut o3. *ut the shoots
that ru% to #oo$ [1H=] a%$ pro$u'e %o 7o#ers at a((+ these are e%'ourae$ to
sprea$+ #h"(e the thor%s ro# apa'e. It "s %ot surpr"s"% that those #ho are (ess
e%$o#e$ #"th a$)"rab(e ?ua("t"es shou($ %or)a((y e%!y perso%s of outsta%$"%
'hara'ter+ but I $o rear$ "t as stra%e that e)perors a(so are %ot e&e)pt fro)
th"s fa"("%. It "s %ot e%ouh+ forsooth+ that they shou($ ha!e the"r $"a$e)s a%$
the"r purp(e+ for u%(ess they are #"ser tha% the #"se+ '(e!erer tha% the e&perts 22
"% short+ "f they are %ot p(a'e$ o% the h"hest su))"t of a(( the !"rtues 22 they
'o%s"$er the)se(!es r"e!ous(y )a(treate$. E"ther they )ust ru(e o!er us ("/e
o$s or they refuse to o!er% at a((. I ha!e see% so)e of the) )yse(f+ #ho #ou($
ha!e $"e$+ #"th the reatest of p(easure+ rather tha% a''ept he(p fro) 'erta"%
"%$"!"$ua(s+ rather tha% o#e the"r pos"t"o% of po#er to a%y ass"sta%'e these
perso%s )"ht re%$er the). Just #he% they shou($ ha!e re4o"'e$ that 0o$ ha$
ra"se$ up for the) a he(p"% ha%$+ they 'hose rather to 'ut "t o3+ s")p(y be'ause
of the ?uarter fro) #h"'h that he(p #as 'o)"%.
L<. I ha!e #r"tte% th"s (o% prefa'e #"th a% eye o% o%e #ho 7our"she$ "% our t")e+
a )a% #ho pro!e$ the #orth of oo$ e%era(sh"p+ #ho+ %o (ess by h"s bo($%ess as
a so($"er tha% by h"s reat s/"((+ th#arte$ the host"(e e&pe$"t"o%s of the
barbar"a%s+ a%$ #ho assure$ for the Ro)a%s a ("berty that #as free$ fro)
LN. Th"s 0eore Ma%"a'es $"$ %ot r"se to the ra%/ of ar)y2'o))a%$er fro) the
baae2)e% a(( at o%'e. It #as %ot a 'ase of b(o#"% a tru)pet a%$ a't"% as
hera($ o%e $ay a%$ the %e&t be"% e%truste$ #"th the (ea$ersh"p of a (e"o%.
5'tua((y h"s proress #as ra$ua(+ a%$ he he($ su''ess"!e ra%/s u%t"( he atta"%e$
the h"hest pos"t"o% ope% to a so($"er. No soo%er $"$ he #"% so)e su''ess+
ho#e!er+ tha% he #as aa"% thro#% "%to pr"so%+ e!e% "% the hour of h"s tr"u)ph.
He retur%e$ to the e)perors a 'o%?ueror+ a%$ for a ho)e he #as "!e% 22 the
pub("' ao(Q He #as se%t forth as e%era(+ #"th supre)e 'o))a%$ o!er a(( the
ar)e$ for'es+ #"th a sta3 of se%"or o>'ers to he(p h"). They #ere you% )e%
a%$ they ure$ h") to ta/e a roa$ he shou($ %e!er ha!e tra!erse$ 22 but here
th"%s #"(( o #ro% both for h") a%$ for us. E$essa #as 'apture$ a%$ he #as
a''use$@ he #as se%t to 'o%?uer S"'"(y+ a%$ the%+ to pre!e%t h") #"%%"% that
ho%or+ he #as re'a((e$ o%'e )ore+ "% $"sra'e.
[1HK] LL. I ha!e see% th"s )a% )yse(f+ a%$ I #o%$ere$ at h")+ for %ature ha$
besto#e$ o% h") a(( the attr"butes of a )a% $est"%e$ to 'o))a%$. He stoo$ te%
feet h"h a%$ )e% #ho sa# h") ha$ to (oo/ up as "f at a h"(( or the su))"t of a
)ou%ta"%. T here #as %oth"% soft or areeab(e abort the appeara%'e of
Ma%"a'es. 5s a )atter of fa't+ he #as )ore ("/e a 1ery #h"r(#"%$+ #"th a !o"'e of
thu%$er a%$ ha%$s stro% e%ouh to )a/e #a((s totter a%$ sha/e ates of brass.
He ha$ the ?u"'/ )o!e)e%t of a ("o% a%$ the s'o#( o% h"s fa'e #as terr"b(e to
beho($. E!eryth"% e(se about the )a% #as "% har)o%y #"th these tra"ts a%$ 4ust
#hat you #ou($ e&pe't. Ru)our e&aerate$ h"s appeara%'e a%$ the barbar"a%s+
to a )a%+ ("!e$ "% $rea$ of h")+ so)e be'ause they ha$ see% a%$ )ar!e((e$+
others be'ause they ha$ hear$ fr"htfu( ta(es of h"s pro#ess.
LB. 8he% #e #ere $espo"(e$ of Ita(y a%$ the %ob(est part of our e)p"re #as (ost+
the se'o%$ M"'hae( se%t th"s )a% to )a/e #ar o% the e%e)y #ho ha$ se",e$ "t.
He #as or$ere$ to re'o!er th"s pro!"%'e for the Ro)a%s. 8he% I spea/ of Ita(y
here+ I a) referr"% %ot to the #ho(e 'oast2("%e+ but o%(y to that part #h"'h ("es
oppos"te us a%$ has appropr"ate$ the %a)e of the #ho(e pe%"%su(a. Ma%"a'es
$es'e%$e$ o% those $"str"'ts "% fu(( for'e. No )"("tary stratae) #as (eft u%tr"e$+
a%$ "t #as '(ear that he #ou($ $r"!e out the 'o%?uerors a%$ 'he'/ the"r "%roa$s 22
"f a(( e(se fa"(e$+ the% he #ou($ $o "t #"th h"s o#% ha%$s.
L;. No# #he% M"'hae( #as for'e$ to ab$"'ate a%$ the prese%t e)peror
su''ee$e$ h")+ the (atter shou($ ha!e (ost %o t")e "% (oa$"% Ma%"a'es #"th
ho%ours@ he shou($ ha!e $"spat'he$ a(( )a%%er of (etters to re'o))e%$ h")+
$e'orate$ h") #"th te% thousa%$ 'ro#%s+ $o%e a%yth"% "% the #or($ to #"% h"s
fa!our. I%stea$+ the e)peror a3e'te$ utter 'o%te)pt for su'h th"%s+ a%$ thereby
so#e$ the see$s of $"strust "% Ma%"a'es a%$ (a"$ the fou%$at"o%s of troub(e
$est"%e$ to fa(( o% the e)p"re (o% after#ar$s. 8he% he $"$+ e!e%tua((y+ %ot"'e
the )a%+ a(thouh Ma%"a'es-s DD1AH e!"( "%te%t"o%s #ere by the% re'o%",e$ a%$
he #as /%o#% to be 'o%te)p(at"% re!o(t+ e!e% the% Co%sta%t"%e fa"(e$ to ha%$(e
the a3a"r #"th $"p(o)a'y. I%stea$ of prete%$"% to be "%ora%t of #hat+ e!e% at
that stae+ #as st"(( o%(y a pro4e't+ he burst out "% a%er aa"%st h"s e%era( as "f
he ha$ a(rea$y ra"se$ the sta%$ar$ of rebe(("o%.
BA. The e%!oys he se%t out to h") #ere "%te%$e$ %e"ther to 7atter+ %or s")p(y to
s)ooth out h"s troub(es a%$ br"% h") ba'/ to the [1HH] path of !"rtue. The"r tas/+
to put "t b(u%t(y+ #as to /"(( h")+ or+ %ot so $rast"' to 'h"$e h") pers"ste%t(y #"th
h"s u%fr"e%$(y att"tu$e to the e)peror. They 'ou($ $o a%yth"% short of 7o"%
h")+ 'ast"% h") "%to pr"so%+ a%$ $r"!"% h") out of the '"ty. The (ea$er of these
a)bassa$ors+ )oreo!er+ #as %ot a )a% #ho ha$ pro!e$ h"s #orth "% )"ss"o%s of
th"s /"%$ before@ he ha$ %ot e!e% ha$ pre!"ous e&per"e%'e+ o!er a%y 'o%s"$erab(e
per"o$+ "% '"!"( or )"("tary a3a"rs. He #as+ "% fa't+ a par!e%u o3 the streets #ho
ha$ #or)e$ h"s #ay "%to the pa(a'e.DD1A<
B1. *y the t")e he ha$ sa"(e$ to Ma%"a'es+ the (atter ha$ a(rea$y $e'"$e$ o%
ope% re!o(t+ a%$ he #as %o# "% 'o))a%$ of a% ar)y a%$ a#a"t"% h"s arr"!a( #"th
susp"'"o%. The e%!oy a!e h") %o $e1%"te assura%'e+ before he a'tua((y arr"!e$+
that h"s erra%$ #as a pea'efu( o%e. I%$ee$+ he a!e %o pre!"ous "%t")at"o% of h"s
arr"!a( at a((. I%stea$+ he su$$e%(y ro$e up to h") o% horseba'/+ as "f he #ere
about to atta'/ h")+ a%$ #"thout o%e #or$ of appease)e%t #"thout a%y
"%tro$u't"o%+ su'h as #ou($ put h"s 'o%!ersat"o% #"th the )a% o% a proper
foot"%+ he pro)pt(y stru'/ out at h") #"th !"o(e%t abuse+ "% a hauhty )a%%er+
a%$ threate%e$ h") #"th the )ost $rea$fu( pu%"sh)e%t. Ma%"a'es+ %o# ?u"te
'o%!"%'e$ that h"s $"strust #as e&'usab(e+ a%$ %er!ous too of other se'ret
"%te%t"o%s of #h"'h he /%e# %oth"%+ 7are$ up "%to a rae a%$ ("fte$ h"s ha%$
aa"%st the a)bassa$or+ %ot "%te%$"% to str"/e+ but o%(y to s'are h"). The other+
as "f fro) that )o)e%t he ha$ 'auht h") "% the !ery a't of rebe(("o%+ 'a((e$ the
bysta%$ers to #"t%ess h"s au$a'"ty. He a$$e$ that Ma%"a'es #ou($ %ot es'ape the
'o%se?ue%'es+ for "t #as a ser"ous )atter to be 'auht "% su'h a% a't. Natura((y
Ma%"a'es+ a%$ h"s ar)y #"th h")+ #as ")presse$ by the $esperate pos"t"o%. 8"th
o%e a''or$ they fe(( upo% the e%!oy a%$ /"((e$ h"). *e("e!"% that the e)peror
#ou($+ "% a%y 'ase+ refuse to %eot"ate+ they there a%$ the% bro/e "%to ope%
B=. It #as %ot surpr"s"% that )u(t"tu$es 7o'/e$ to 4o"% a )a% so bra!e a%$ su'h
a )aster of stratey as Ma%"a'es+ %ot o%(y )e% of )"("tary ae+ but youths a%$
o($ )e%. He /%e# that !"'tor"es are %ot #o% by )ere %u)bers+ but by s/"(( a%$
e&per"e%'e+ a%$ so he p"'/e$ out for h"s ar)y those #ho ha$ the )ost pra't"'a(
a'?ua"%ta%'e #"th #ar+ )e% #"th #ho) he ha$ sa'/e$ )a%y '"t"es a%$ a"%e$
possess"o% of )u'h treasure a%$ )a%y pr"so%ers. The% #"th h"s ar)y he 'rosse$
o!er to the oppos"te )a"%(a%$+ after a!o"$"% [1H<] the atte%t"o% of a(( the
'oastuar$s. No%e of h"s a$!ersar"es $are$ to atta'/ h")@ #"thout e&'ept"o%+ they
ret"re$ to a safe $"sta%'e+ so terr"1e$ #ere they.
BK. Mea%#h"(e the e)peror+ ha!"% hear$ of the e%!oy-s assass"%at"o% a%$ of
Ma%"a'es-s foo("sh 'o%$u't+ (e!"e$ a% e%or)ous ar)y to 1ht h"). The% 'a)e the
prob(e) #ho #as to 'o))a%$ th"s for'e. Co%sta%t"%e #as afra"$ that the $efeat
of the e%e)y )"ht be the s"%a( for a%other re!o(tO h"s o#% e%era( )"ht tur%
aa"%st h")se(f+ the !ery perso% #ho ha$ put h") "% 'o))a%$+ a%$ a se'o%$
prete%$er )"ht #e(( pro!e )ore $a%erous tha% the 1rst+ #"th a 'o%s"$erab(e
ar)y a(rea$y )ob"(",e$ a%$ fresh (aure(s of !"'tory. The )a% appo"%te$+
therefore+ #as %ot a $"st"%u"she$ so($"er+ but he #as a (oya( ser!a%t of the
e)peror+ a eu%u'h "% fa't+ a%$ a perso% #ho "%sp"re$ %o respe't #hate!er "% h"s
troops.DD1AN Sett"% out fro) the 'ap"ta(+ th"s )a% a$!a%'e$ o% the rebe( ar)y
#"th h"s hue for'e. I%for)at"o% rea'he$ Ma%"a'es that the #ho(e Ro)a% ar)y
#as o% the )ar'h+ but the %e#s $"$ %ot a(ar) h"). Ne"ther the e%e)y-s super"or
%u)bers %or the"r strate"' 'ha%e of pos"t"o% 'ou($ $"!ert h") fro) h"s p(a%. H"s
ob4e't #as to 'at'h h"s oppo%e%ts o3 the"r uar$+ a%$ before they e&pe'te$ h")+
he (au%'he$ a% atta'/ #"th h"s ("ht2ar)e$ troops.
BH. The ")per"a( for'es #ere s(o# "% $ra#"% up the"r ("%e of batt(e+ a%$ o%'e they
#ere "% pos"t"o%+ they #ere )u'h )ore 'o%'er%e$ to #at'h Ma%"a'es h")se(f
tha% ta/e part "% a'tua( 1ht"%+ a(thouh r%ost of the) %e!er ha$ a 'ha%'e of
see"% h")+ be'ause he )o!e$ too fast. Thu%$er"% out #or$s of 'o))a%$+
r"$"% up a%$ $o#% h"s ra%/s+ he stru'/ terror at o%'e "%to the hearts of e!eryo%e
#ho sa# h")+ a%$ h"s prou$ bear"% o!er#he()e$ our !ast %u)bers fro) the
!ery start. Ne!erthe(ess he )et h"s $o#%fa((. It #as o%e of those a'ts of 0o$+ the
reaso%s for #h"'h are beyo%$ our /e%. He #as '"r'("% rou%$ our (e"o%s+
sprea$"% 'o%fus"o% e!ery#hereO he ha$ o%(y to atta'/+ a%$ the serr"e$ ra%/s
a!e #ay+ the so("$ #a(( of troops #"th$re#. I%$ee$+ our #ho(e ar)y #as be"%
bro/e% up "%to roups a%$ $estroye$. The%+ su$$e%(y+ he #as h"t "% the r"ht s"$e.
It #as %ot a super1'"a( #ou%$+ a%$ the b(oo$ 7o#e$ free(y at o%'e fro) the $eep
ash. 5ppare%t(y he #as u%a#are of the b(o# at 1rst+ but #he% he sa# the tr"'/(e
of b(oo$+ he tr"e$ to stau%'h "t #"th h"s ha%$. He rea(",e$ he ha$ bee% )orta((y
#ou%$e$ a%$ "% sheer $esperat"o% tr"e$ to rea"% h"s o#% ("%es. He $"$+ "% fa't+
et so)e [1HN] ("tt(e #ay fro) our ar)y+ but as he #as %o# u%ab(e to tur% h"s
horse-s hea$ 22 h"s bo$y ha$ (ost a(( stre%th a%$ he #as fa"%t"%22he a!e a
e%t(e )oa%+ a (ast esture+ $roppe$ h"s re"%s a%$ s("$ out of h"s sa$$(e to the
rou%$+ a p"t"ab(e s"ht.
B<. E!e% #he% our )e% sa# h") (y"% there+ they $"$ %ot re'o!er the"r bra!ery.
They st"(( re"%e$ "% the"r 'harers+ for fear (est the e%e)y #ere p(a%%"% a%
a)bush. Ho#e!er+ as Ma%"a'es-s atte%$a%t s?u"re #as so)e $"sta%'e a#ay a%$
h"s horse+ free to roa) %o# 'a%tere$ up a%$ $o#% the spa'e bet#ee% the t#o
ar)"es+ a(( of the)+ "% o%e reat )ob+ rushe$ up to the bo$y. The s"ht that )et
the"r eyes #as astou%$"%+ so reat #as the area of rou%$ 'o!ere$ by that
spra#("% 'orpse. The hea$ they 'ut o3 a%$ brouht "t ba'/ to the"r o#% e%era(+
#hereupo% a host of )e% '(a")e$ to ha!e /"((e$ h"). Des'r"pt"o%s of the )ur$er
#ere supp("e$ as "%!e%t"o% or ")a"%at"o% $"'tate$+ but s"%'e "t #as ")poss"b(e to
$e)o%strate the truth of these stor"es+ they "%!e%te$ a%other+ to the e3e't that
'erta"% u%/%o#% horse)e% ha$ fa((e% upo% h") a%$ 'ut o3 h"s hea$. Ma%y su'h
a''ou%ts #ere fabr"'ate$+ #"thout a%y 'o%!"%'"% e!"$e%'e. O% the other ha%$+
they $"$ '(a")+ fror% the fa't that he #as #ou%$e$ "% the s"$e+ that the #eapo%
)ust ha!e bee% a (a%'e. Met the )a% #ho "%7"'te$ the #ou%$ #as st"(( u%/%o#%+
r"ht up to the $ay #he% I #rote th"s h"story.
BN. That+ at a(( e!e%ts+ #as the )a%%er of h"s $eath. Ma%"a'es ha$ u%$oubte$(y
su3ere$ "%4ust"'e $ur"% h"s ("fe+ a(thouh o%e 'a%%ot 'o))e%$ a(( that he $"$. 5s
for h"s ar)y+ so)e ot a#ay to the"r %at"!e 'ou%tr"es #"thout attra't"% the
e%e)y-s atte%t"o%+ but the )a4or"ty $eserte$. The e)peror #as prese%te$ #"th
the rebe(-s hea$ before h"s ar)y a'tua((y retur%e$ to the 'ap"ta(+ a%$ he ha$ "t
")pa(e$ at the top of the 0reat Theatre+ suspe%$e$ "% )"$2a"r for a(( )e% to see+
e!e% at a $"sta%'e. The%+ #"th the a"r of a )a% #ho has bee% $e("!ere$ fro)
so)e #a!e that #as about to o!er#he() h")+ ("/e a )a% #ho ha$ #o% so)e
resp"te fro) $a%er+ he a!e tha%/s to 0o$.
BL. 8he% the ar)y 'a)e ba'/+ )ost of the so($"ers #ere $e'orate$ #"th 'ro#%s+
"% ho%our of the !"'tory. They #ere %o# e%'a)pe$ %ear the #a((s+ "% fro%t of the
'"ty+ a%$ Co%sta%t"%e $e'"$e$ that he )ust 'e(ebrate the"r su''ess #"th a
tr"u)ph. He ha$ a e%"us for ora%","% sho#s o% the ra%$ s'a(e. The
pro'ess"o%+ #orthy of "ts author+ #as arra%e$ as fo((o#sO 22 the ("ht2ar)e$
troops #ere or$ere$ to (ea$+ ar)e$ #"th sh"e($s+ bo#s+ a%$ spears+ but #"th [1HL]
ra%/s bro/e%+ "% o%e 'o%(o)erate )u(t"tu$e@ beh"%$ the) #ere to 'o)e the
p"'/e$ /%"hts+ "% fu(( $efe%s"!e ar)our+ )e% #ho "%sp"re$ fear+ %ot o%(y be'ause
of the"r forb"$$"% appeara%'e+ but by the"r 1%e )"("tary bear"%. Ne&t 'a)e the
rebe( ar)y+ %ot )ar'h"% "% ra%/s+ %or "% 1%e u%"for)s+ but seate$ o% asses+
fa'es to the rear+ the"r hea$s sha!e% a%$ the"r %e'/s 'o!ere$ #"th heaps of
sha)efu( refuse. The% fo((o#e$ the prete%$er-s hea$+ bor%e "% tr"u)ph a se'o%$
t")e+DD1AL a%$ "))e$"ate(y after "t so)e of h"s perso%a( be(o%"%s@ %e&t 'a)e
'erta"% )e% ar)e$ #"th s#or$s+ )e% 'arry"% ro$s+ )e% bra%$"sh"% "% the"r
r"ht ha%$s the rho)phaea 22 a reat host of )e% pre'e$"% the ar)y
'o))a%$er 22 a%$+ "% the rear of the) a((+ the e%era( h")se(f o% a )a%"1'e%t
'harer+ $resse$ "% )a%"1'e%t robes a%$ a''o)pa%"e$ by the #ho(e of the
I)per"a( 0uar$.
BB. Su'h #as the or$er of )ar'h. The e)peror+ )ea%#h"(e #as seate$+ !ery
$"st"%u"she$ a%$ prou$+ "% fro%t of the so2'a((e$ Cha(/e Phy(a/e+ "% the a'tua(
pre'"%'t of the sa're$ 'hur'hDD1AB bu"(t by Joh%+ the reat e)peror #ho
su''ee$e$ N"'ephorus Pho'as. Seate$ #"th h")+ o% h"s (eft a%$ r"ht+ #ere the
e)presses+ a(so #at'h"% the tr"u)ph. 8he% the pro'ess"o%+ as I ha!e $es'r"be$
"t+ #as 1%"she$+ he retur%e$ to the pa(a'e #ear"% h"s 'ro#%+ the ob4e't of
e&traor$"%ary tr"butes. It #as 'hara'ter"st"' of the )a% that he shou($ 'e(ebrate
h"s !"'tory #"th h"s o%e (or"ous tr"u)ph a%$ the% retur% to h"s usua( )o$erate
B;. Th"s part of the e)peror-s ("fe #as "%$ee$ br"(("a%t+ a%$ yet+ $esp"te a(( the
hero2#orsh"p+ he %e!er e&u(te$ "% h"s !"'tor"es %or )a$e !a"%(or"ous spee'hes.
He ot a %atura( p(easure #he% he tr"u)phe$+ but he st"(( /ept h"s hea$. It #as
%or)a( for h") to ("!e )o$erate(y. Ne!erthe(ess+ he #as (a'/"% "%
'"r'u)spe't"o%O ("/e a )a% #ho %ee$s rest after reat e&ert"o%s+ he #as "% the
hab"t of eas"% o3 22 a 'usto) #h"'h "%!o(!e$ h") "% #a!e after #a!e of
;A. I%$ee$+ th"s (a'/ of !""(a%'e #as the 'ause of the #ar aa"%st the barbar"a%s+
the #ar #h"'h fo((o#e$ the 'rush"% of Ma%"a'es-s re!o(t.DD(A; Russ"a% !esse(s+
a()ost too %u)erous to 'ou%t+ e"ther s("pp"% past the "%ter'ept"% s?ua$ro%s
that ha$ (o% /ept the) at bay+ [1HB] or for'"% the"r #ay "%+ o''up"e$ the
Propo%t"s. It #as ("/e a )"hty '(ou$ that 'a)e up fro) the sea a%$ e%!e(ope$
the '"ty "% $ar/%ess. 5t th"s stae of )y h"story I #ou($ ("/e to e&p(a"% the reaso%s
for th"s %a!a( e&pe$"t"o% o% the part of the Russ"a%s+ ?u"te u%pro!o/e$ by the
;1. Th"s barbar"a% %at"o% ha$ 'o%s"ste%t(y 'her"she$ a% "%sa%e hatre$ for the
Ro)a% E)p"re+ a%$ o% e!ery poss"b(e o''as"o%+ 1rst o% o%e ")a"%ary prete&t+
the% o% a%other+ they #ae$ #ar aa"%st us. 5fter the e)peror *as"( ha$ $"e$ Ihe
#as a rea( terror to the Russ"a%sJ a%$ after h"s brother Co%sta%t"%e+ h"s su''essor+
ha$ fu(1((e$ the a((otte$ spa% of h"s ("fe too Ia% e!e%t that )ar/e$ the e%$ of a
%ob(e $y%astyJ+ they o%'e )ore re!"!e$ the"r a%'"e%t a%tao%"s) a%$ ("tt(e by
("tt(e tra"%e$ the)se(!es for future stru(es. So)e tra'es of (ory a%$ $"st"%'t"o%
"% Ro)a%us-s re"% ")presse$ the) 22 the"r preparat"o%s #ere "% a%y 'ase st"((
"%'o)p(ete 22 but #he% he $"e$ soo% after h"s a''ess"o%+ a%$ #he% po#er fe(( "%to
the ha%$s of so)e obs'ure perso% 'a((e$ M"'hae(+ they pro'ee$e$ to )ob"(",e a((
the"r for'es. Re'o%","% the %e'ess"ty of a sea2bor%e "%!as"o%+ "f a%y atta'/ #as
to be (au%'he$ aa"%st us+ they 'ut $o#% trees "% the "%ter"or a%$ )a$e boats
(are a%$ s)a((. Step by step the"r preparat"o%s #ere )a$e "% se'ret u%t"( they
#ere rea$er for #ar. 5 reat 7eet #as+ "% fa't+ o% the po"%t of sa"("% aa"%st
M"'hae(+ but #h"(e they #ere )a/"% the 1%a( a$4ust)e%ts a%$ #ar hu% "% the
ba(a%'e th"s e)peror+ too+ $"e$ before the assau(t #as beu%. H"s su''essor+
#"thout )a/"% a%y %otab(e 'o%tr"but"o% to %at"o%a( a3a"rs+ a(so $eparte$ th"s
("fe+ a%$ the E)p"re passe$ "%to the safe /eep"% of Co%sta%t"%e. There #as %o
'o)p(a"%t+ as far as he #as 'o%'er%e$+ that the barbar"a%s 'ou($ )a/e to 4ust"fy
the #ar+ but (est the"r e3orts shou($ see) to be #aste$+ they atta'/e$ h")
1er'e(y #"thout pro!o'at"o%.DD1(A Su'h #as the 'ause the% 22 the u%4ust"1ab(e
'ause 22 of the"r assau(t o% the er%peror.
;=. Ha!"% es'ape$ $ete't"o%+ they ha$ a(rea$y ot "%s"$e the Propo%t"s #he%
they )a$e the"r 1rst proposa(s for pea'e+ 'o%$"t"o%a( o% the pay)e%t of a%
e%or)ous su) for reparat"o%s. They )e%t"o%e$ the a'tua( a)ou%t+ a thousa%$
staters for ea'h sh"p+DD111 o% the u%$ersta%$"% that th"s )o%ey shou($ be
'ou%te$ out to the) "% o%e #ay o%(y 22 o% o%e of the sh"ps "% the"r o#% 7eet.
Su'h #ere the proposa(s they put for#ar$+ e"ther be'ause they ")a"%e$ that
there #ere spr"%s of o($ "% our $o)a"%s+ or s")p(y be'ause they ha$ $e'"$e$
[1H;] to 1ht "% a%y 'ase. The ter)s #ere ")poss"b(e+ purpose(y so+ "% or$er that
they 'ou($ haste a p(aus"b(e e&'use for o"% to #ar. So+ as the"r e%!oys #ere %ot
e!e% 'o%s"$ere$ #orthy of a% a%s#er+ both s"$es prepare$ for 'o)bat. The
e%e)y #ere so 'o%1$e%t "% the"r o#% o!er#he()"% %u)bers that they thouht
the '"ty+ #"th a(( "ts "%hab"ta%ts+ #ou($ surre%$er.
;K. 5t the t")e our %a!a( for'es #ere be(o# stre%thDD11= a%$ the 1resh"ps #ere
s'attere$ at !ar"ous %a!a( stat"o%s+ so)e here a%$ so)e there+ o% uar$ $uty.
The e)peror therefore athere$ toether so)e hu(/s of the o($ 7eet a%$
stre%the%e$ the) #"th %e# th#arts+ a$$e$ so)e tra%sport !esse(s use$ "% the
")per"a( ser!"'e+ a%$ ot rea$y for sea a fe# tr"re)es+ o% #h"'h he e)bar/e$ a
'erta"% %u)ber of 1ht"% )e%. 5fter a e%erous supp(y of 0ree/ 1reDD11K ha$
bee% put aboar$ these sh"ps+ he ra%e$ the) "% the oppos"te harbour to fa'e the
Russ"a% !esse(s. He h")se(f+ #"th a p"'/e$ bo$y of se%ators+ spe%t the %"ht at
a%'hor "% the a'tua( harbour+ %ot far fror% the shore. 5 '(ear $e'(arat"o% of #ar at
sea #as )a$e to the barbar"a%s by a hera($+ a%$ #he% $ay bro/e Co%sta%t"%e set
h"s 7eet "% batt(earray. The e%e)y a(so put to sea fro) the port o% the other s"$e.
They sa"(e$ out as "f they #ere (ea!"% a )"("tary 'a)p+ 'o)p(ete #"th fort"1e$
ra)part. 8he% they #ere #e(( out fro) the (a%$+ they arra%e$ a(( the"r sh"ps "%
("%e+ so that they for)e$ a 'o%t"%uous 'ha"% stret'h"% a'ross the #ater fro) the
harbour o% o%e s"$e to the harbour o% the other. They #ere %o# rea$y to atta'/
us+ or+ "f #e )a$e the 1rst assau(t+ to repe( us. It #as a s"ht that pro$u'e$ the
)ost a(ar)"% e3e't o% e!ery )a% #ho sa# "t. 6or )y o#% part+ I #as sta%$"%
at the e)peror-s s"$e. He #as seate$ o% a h"(( #h"'h s(ope$ e%t(y $o#% to the
sea+ #at'h"% the e%ae)e%t fro) a $"sta%'e.
;H. Su'h the% #as the or$er of batt(e o% the"r s"$e a%$ ours. No atte)pt #as
)a$e to 4o"% 'o)bat+ ho#e!er+ for ea'h 7eet re)a"%e$ )ot"o%(ess+ #"th ("%e
"%ta't. 5 'o%s"$erab(e part of the $ay ha$ a(rea$y passe$+ #he% the e)peror
s"%a((e$ t#o of our b" sh"ps to a$!a%'e s(o#(y o% the e%e)y. They sa"(e$
for#ar$ ("%e abreast+ )o!"% beaut"fu((y+ #"th the p"/e)e% a%$ sto%e2thro#ers
'heer"% a(oft a%$ the hur(ers of 0ree/ 1re sta%$"% by "% oo$ or$er rea$y to
shoot. 5t th"s+ se!era( of the Russ"a% !esse(s (eft the"r ("%e a%$ bore $o#% o% our
sh"ps at fu(( spee$. The%+ $"!"$"% "% t#o+ they '"r'(e$ rou%$ ea'h of the tr"re)es
a%$ he))e$ the) "%+ #h"(e they tr"e$ to [1<A] ho(e the) be(o# $e'/ #"th (o%
po(es. Our )e%+ )ea%#h"(e+ e%ae$ the) #"th sto%es fro) abo!e a%$ fouht
the) o3 #"th the"r 'ut(asses. 0ree/ 1re+ too+ #as hur(e$ at the)+ a%$ the
Russ"a%s+ be"% u%ab(e to see %o#+ thre# the)se(!es "%to the #ater+ try"% to
s#") ba'/ to the"r 'o)ra$es+ or e(se+ at a (oss #hat to $o+ a!e up a(( hope of
;<. Thereupo% a se'o%$ s"%a( #as "!e% a%$ )ore tr"re)es put out to sea. Other
sh"ps fo((o#e$ or sa"(e$ a(o%s"$e. It #as our 7eet %o# that too/ 'ourae+ #h"(e
the e%e)y ho!e2to "% a)a,e)e%t. 8he% the tr"re)es %eare$ the barbar"a%s+ the
(atter (ost a(( 'ohere%'e a%$ the"r ("%e bro/e. So)e ha$ the fort"tu$e to stay
#here they #ere but the )a4or"ty 7e$. Su$$e%(y the su% attra'te$ a )"st o3 the
(o#(y"% (a%$ I)ost of the hor",o% 'o%s"ste$ of h"h rou%$J a%$ the #eather
'ha%e$. 5 stro% bree,e b(e# fro) east to #est+ p(ouhe$ up the sea #"th a
hurr"'a%e+ a%$ ro((e$ #a!es $o#% o% the Russ"a%s. So)e of the"r sh"ps #ere
o!er#he()e$ o% the spot u%$er the #e"ht of tre)e%$ous seas@ others #ere
$r"!e% far a#ay a%$ hur(e$ o% to ro'/s a%$ pre'"p"tous 'oasts. 5 'erta"% %u)ber
of these (atter #ere hu%te$ $o#% by our tr"re)es. So)e they sa%/ "% $eep #ater+
#"th the 're#s st"(( aboar$. The 1ht"% )e% "% the tr"re)es 'ut others "% ha(f a%$
to#e$ the)+ part"a((y sub)ere$+ to %earby bea'hes. So a reat )assa're of
barbar"a%s too/ p(a'e a%$ a !er"tab(e strea) of b(oo$ re$$e%e$ the seaO o%e
)"ht #e(( be("e!e "t 'a)e $o#% the r"!ers o3 the )a"%(a%$.DD11H
;N. 5fter th"s %otab(e !"'tory o!er h"s e%e)"es+ the e)peror retur%e$ to the
pa(a'e "% tr"u)ph. 5s a )atter of fa't+ there #as a #"$esprea$ (ee%$ 22 $esp"te a
thorouh e&a)"%at"o% of these stor"es I )yse(f $"s'o!ere$ %o rea( fou%$at"o% for
the prophe'y 22 ho#e!er "t #as sa"$ that a(thouh the e)peror #as $est"%e$ to
)eet #"th a host of $a%ers+ so)e ar"s"% fro) abroa$ a%$ the barbar"a% #or($+
others e%"%eere$ "% terr"tor"es the% u%$er Ro)a% $o)"%at"o%+ a(( of the) #ou($
'o)e to %oth"%. So)e spe'"a( oo$ fortu%e+ they sa"$+ fa!oure$ the e)peror+
a%$ be'ause of "t he #ou($ sta)p out e!ery re!o(t #"th the reatest ease. It "s a
fa't+ too+ that Co%sta%t"%e h")se(f use$ to refer prou$(y to 'erta"% prophe'"es a%$
auur"es 'o%%e'te$ #"th h"s re"%. He re'a((e$ e&traor$"%ary !"s"o%s a%$ $rea)s+
so)e that he ha$ e&per"e%'e$ h")se(f+ others that he ha$ hear$ of fro)
soothsayers. O% th"s sub4e't he ha$ so)e #o%$erfu( th"%s to say. So "t 'a)e
about that #he% $a%er #as "))"%e%t a%$ #h"(e other [1<1] )e% #ere a(ar)e$
a%$ 1((e$ #"th $rea$ for the future+ he h")se(f #as 'o%1$e%t of u(t")ate !"'tory.
He #ou($ 'o)fort the fa"%thearte$ a%$ fa'e $"saster #"th a se(f2'o)posure that
a!e %o "%$"'at"o% of the $a%ers that threate%e$ h").
;L. Perso%a((y+ I /%o# of %o po#er of $"!"%at"o% possesse$ by the )a%. I attr"bute
the phe%o)e%o% to a% easy2o"% a%$ 'arefree $"spos"t"o%. Me% #ho ha!e a% eye
for troub(e+ )e% #ho /%o# that t"%y 'auses ha!e ofte% "!e% b"rth to !ery reat
$"sasters+ are fu(( of #orry at e!ery u%usua( e!e%t+ a%$ #he% the"r troub(es are at
the ,e%"th+ they fear for the out'o)e a%$ tre)b(e at e!ery harass"% ru)our.
E!e% "f the"r (u'/ tur%s+ they st"(( 'a%%ot be("e!e "t. O% the other ha%$+ there are
the s")p(e2)"%$e$ fo(/+ #ho %e"ther suspe't the or""% of future troub(es %or
best"r the)se(!es to $ea( #"th the 'ause of the"r #oes. They ha!e a% "%'("%at"o%
for p(easures a%$ they $es"re to re!e( "% the) for e!er. 8hat "s )ore+ they ("/e to
'o%!ert stra%ers to the sa)e #ay of th"%/"%. I% or$er to ("!e a pea'efu(
e&"ste%'e+ to fo((o# the"r pea'efu( pursu"ts+ they te(( the rest of the #or($+ #"th
the a"r of soothsayers+ that they #"(( 1%$ s#"ft re("ef fro) the"r r"e!ous
)"sfortu%es. There "s a(so a th"r$ '(ass of peop(e+ #"th a 1%er te)pera)e%t. If
troub(e shou($ 'o)e upo% the) surrept"t"ous(y+ "t $oes %ot 'at'h the)
u%prepare$O 'erta"%(y the"r ears are %ot $"%%e$ #"th the 'rashes a%$ %o"se arou%$
a%$ outs"$e the). Troub(e $oes %ot s'are the)+ 'a%%ot 'o# the) "%to
sub)"ss"o%. O% the 'o%trary+ #he% a(( others ha!e "!e% up "% $espa"r+ these
perso%s sta%$ ")perturbab(e "% the fa'e of per"(+ re(y"% for support %ot o%
)ater"a( th"%s+ but o% the sou%$%ess of reaso% a%$ o% the"r o#% super"or
4u$)e%t. I )ust a$)"t+ thouh+ that so far I ha!e %ot )et #"th )e% of that sort
"% )y ("fe2t")e. I% our e%erat"o% "t "s 'o%s"$ere$ a 1%e th"% "f a )a%+ be("e!"%
troub(e to be at ha%$+ bra'es h")se(f to )eet the b(o#+ a%$ #he% "t has fa((e%+
tr"es to the (ast asp to repe( "t. I% the e)peror-s 'ase+ the peop(e #ere 'o%!"%'e$
that so)e super%atura( po#er foreto($ h") the futureO be'ause of th"s he ha$
)ore tha% o%'e sho#% h")se(f u%$au%te$ "% t")e of 'a(a)"ty. He%'e+ they
arue$+ h"s 'o%te)pt of $a%er a%$ h"s utter %o%'ha(a%'e.
;B. The reaso% #hy I ha!e )a$e su'h a (o% pre(")"%ary e&p(a%at"o% "s to
pre!e%t the )a4or"ty of )y rea$ers fro) th"%/"% the )a% #as possesse$ of
prophet"' po#ers. They )"ht be("e!e he ha$ su'h po#ers #he% I te(( the)+ "%
the 'ourse of )y h"story+ that he pre$"'te$ or repu$"ate$ th"s or that resu(t. They
)ust rea(",e that h"s [1<=] #or$s #ere )ere(y "% har)o%y #"th h"s e%era(
'hara'ter. The out'o)e of e!e%ts )ust+ of 'ourse+ be as'r"be$ to the 8"(( of 0o$.
5t th"s stae I #ou($ ("/e to $es'r"be a se'o%$ re!o(t aa"%st the e)peror+ a re!o(t
)ore terr"b(e e!e% tha% the 1rst. Cet )e o ba'/ therefore to the be"%%"% of the
story. 6"rst I #"(( e&p(a"% the or""% of th"s re!o(t a%$ #hat #ere "ts 'auses. The% I
#"(( "!e a% a''ou%t of the rebe(("o% that pre'e$e$ "t+ "ts 'hara'ter a%$
ba'/rou%$+ the perso% respo%s"b(e for both outbrea/s+ a%$ #hat "t #as that
e%'ourae$ h") to )a/e h"s atte)pt.
;;. I #"(( be"% the% #here I (eft o3 the %arrat"!e. The e)peror ha$ a se'o%$
'ous"% o% the )ater%a( s"$e+ a )a% 'a((e$ Ceo+ a )e)ber of the Tor%"'"a%
fa)"(y.DD11< He ("!e$ "% 5$r"a%opo("s a%$ ree/e$ of Ma'e$o%"a% arroa%'e. The
fe((o# #as %ot "%s"%"1'a%t as far as perso%a( appeara%'e #e%t+ but h"s
$"spos"t"o% #as 'rafty a%$ h"s )"%$ #as perpetua((y ope% to re!o(ut"o%ary "$eas.
He ha$ %ot yet ro#% up to )a%hoo$ before a br"(("a%t 'areer 22 the usua( /"%$ of
%o%se%se ofte% ta(/e$ of #"th rear$ to 'erta"% peop(e 22 #as pre$"'te$ for h") b"t
a reat %u)ber of perso%s. 8he% he $"$ be'o)e a )a% a%$ sho#e$ so)e
stre%th of 'hara'ter+ the Ma'e$o%"a% party $e1%"te(y atta'he$ "tse(f to h").
Dar"% atte)pts at re!o(t+ "%!o(!"% 'o%s"$erab(e $a%er+ #ere )a$e fre?ue%t(y+
but they fa"(e$ to )a/e the) at the r"ht t")e@ so)et")es Ceo #as %ot a!a"(ab(e+
be'ause he #as out of the 'ou%try@ so)et")es the e&'use for re!o(t #as
"%a$e?uate. Ho#e!er+ the "$ea of rebe(("o% #as st"(( se'ret(y 'her"she$ "% the"r
hearts. Su'h #as the state of a3a"rs #he% the fo((o#"% e!e%t too/ p(a'e+ a%
e!e%t that %ot o%(y st"rre$ the) to se'e$e fro) the E)p"re+ but to e%ae "%
a't"!e oppos"t"o% to the e)peror.
1AA. The e)peror Co%sta%t"%e ha$ t#o s"sters+ the e($er 'a((e$ He(e%a+ the
you%er Euprep"a. Of He(e%a he too/ %o %ot"'e+ but "% the 'ase of the you%er
s"ster h"s treat)e%t #as ?u"te $"3ere%t. I% her youth she ha$ %o part"'u(ar
$"st"%'t"o% to boast ofO her fortu%es ha$ %ot the% atta"%e$ the"r subse?ue%t
sp(e%$our. She #as a #o)a% of reat pr"$e. I% fa't+ of a(( the #o)e% I ha!e see%+
she #as the )ost stea$fast a%$ the har$est to "%7ue%'e. Her brother+ as I ha!e
a(rea$y re)ar/e$+ #as 'aut"ous "% h"s $ea("%s #"th her 22 %ot u%%atura((y. He ha$
%o brother(y fee("%s for the (a$y+ e!e% #he% she a'?u"es'e$ "% h"s #"shes. O%
the 'o%trary+ there #as )ore fear tha% respe't "% h"s $e)ea%our. She #as
therefore $e'e"!e$ of the prou$ hopes she ha$ bu"(t upo% her brother+ a%$
a(thouh she refra"%e$ fro) sho#2 [1<K]"% her $"sp(easure #"th Co%sta%t"%e by
rea((y e''e%tr"' beha!"our 22 she %e!er $"$ that 22 yet she rare(y approa'he$ h")+
a%$ #he% she $"$+ she #as %ot 'o%1$e%t "% h"s prese%'e+ as a s"ster shou($ ha!e
bee%. If she 'o%$es'e%$e$ to ta(/ #"th h") at a((+ "t #as "% a super'"("ous #ay.
8"th o($2fash"o%e$ arroa%'e she #ou($ 1%$ fau(t #"th )ost of h"s a't"o%s. She
#ou($ 1%$ fresh 'auses for 'o)p(a"%t a%$ the%+ #he% she sa# that he #as a%ry+
?u"et(y #"th$ra# #"th a (a%'e of $"s$a"%+ )ur)ur"% abuse u%$er her breath.
No# #he% she fou%$ that her brother #as by %o )ea%s fa!ourab(y $"spose$ or
rather $o#%r"ht host"(e+ to the aforesa"$ Tor%"'"us+ she #e('o)e$ the atte%t"o%s
of the (atter e%t(e)a% a%$ sho#e$ herse(f )ost a)"ab(e to h"). She he($
fre?ue%t 'o%!ersat"o%s #"th h")+ a(thouh "% the past her re(at"o%s ha$ %ot bee%
so fr"e%$(y. Co%sta%t"%e #as e&tre)e(y a%ry about th"s+ but he /ept $ar/ h"s
"%te%t"o%s #"th rear$ to Tor%"'"us@ so far he ha$ %o reaso%ab(e e&'use for $o"%
h") "%4ury. Ho#e!er+ "% or$er to separate the)+ he se%t h") a#ay fro) the '"ty+
#"thout for the )o)e%t $"s'(os"% h"s rea( purpose to Euprep"a. The prete&t #as
p(aus"b(e e%ouh 22 he #as to be )a$e o!er%or of Iber"a+ a%$+ a(thouh he $"$
%ot say so+ he #as thereby 'o%$e)%e$ to a% ho%ourab(e e&"(e.
1A1. Met e!e% #he% the )a% #as abroa$ h"s reputat"o% fo((o#e$ h"). Perhaps I
ouht rather to say that )ost peop(e se",e$ o% th"s reputat"o% of h"s as a%
opportu%"ty to a''use h"). They "%!e%te$ stor"es to s(a%$er h")+ $e'(ar"% that
he #as p(ott"% a 'oup+ a%$ so pers"ste%t #ere they that Co%sta%t"%e #as for'e$
to a%t"'"pate the $a%er. He h")se(f #as %ot u%$u(y perturbe$ at these ru)ours+
but #he% he sa# h"s s"ster ta/"% Tor%"'"us-s part+ a%$ #he% he hear$ her pass a
re)ar/ o% o%e o''as"o% to the e3e't that her 'ous"% #ou($ assure$(y %ot 'o)e to
a%y har)+ for the Cor$ o% H"h #at'he$ o!er h")+ he #as rea((y a(ar)e$.
5(thouh %o (o%er ab(e to 'o%ta"% h"s #rath+ he st"(( )a$e %o atte)pt to $estroy
the )a%O h"s po("'y #as rather to 'ut h") o3 fro) a(( poss"b"("ty of (ea$"% a
re!o(t. He therefore se%t )e% u%$er or$ers to 'ut o3 Tor%"'"us-s ha"r a%$ arb
h")+ #"th a(( spee$+ "% a )o%/"sh hab"t. So #as Tor%"'"us bereft of h"s hopes. O%'e
'(othe$ "% )a%"1'e%t robes+ he #as %o# su$$e%(y re$u'e$ to ras+ a%$ "t #as "%
th"s sorry p("ht that he retur%e$ to the '"ty. E!e% u%$er these '"r'u)sta%'es
Co%sta%t"%e ha$ %o #or$ of sy)pathy for h")+ %o p"ty for h"s fate+ that $est"%y
#h"'h ha$ o%'e buoye$ h") up #"th h"h e&pe'tat"o%s a%$ the% ha$ su$$e%(y
'ast h") $o#%. Ma%y a t")e #he% Tor%"'"us approa'he$ h") he se%t h") a#ay
harsh(y+ a%$ the% (auhe$ at h"s p"t"ab(e 'o%$"t"o%. O%(y Euprep"a+ #hether
be'ause of the"r /"%sh"p or for so)e other reaso% befr"e%$e$ h") a%$ reete$
h") "% a /"%$(y #ay. The"r re(at"o%sh"p a!e her a% e&'e((e%t prete&t for th"s
1A=. It happe%e$ that at that part"'u(ar t")e there #as a Ma'e$o%"a% 'o(o%y
("!"% "% the %e"hbourhoo$ of the '"ty. Pro)"%e%t a)o% the) #ere peop(e #ho
ha$ or""%a((y p"tte$ "% 5$r"a%opo("s. They #ere 'rafty "%$"!"$ua(s+ say"% o%e
th"% a%$ )ea%"% a%other+ o%(y too #"(("% to ta/e up a%y r"$"'u(ous pro4e't a%$
)ost e%eret"' "% 'arry"% "t out+ !ery '(e!er at h"$"% the"r thouhts+ a%$
abso(ute(y (oya( to the aree)e%ts they )a$e a)o% the)se(!es. The e)peror
treate$ the) #"th 'o)p(ete "%$"3ere%'e. 5s far as he #as 'o%'er%e$ the ("o% ha$
a(rea$y bee% sa'r"1'e$ a%$ h"s '(a#s ha$ bee% $ra#%. Ho#e!er that )ay be+ the
Ma'e$o%"a%s thouht that here at (ast #as the oft2souht 'ha%'e of re!o(ut"o%+
a%$ after a br"ef 'o%su(tat"o% bet#ee% the"r (ea$ers 22 they ha$ (o% ao
$eter)"%e$ the"r a")s 22 they st"rre$ Tor%"'"us to )a/e h"s r"$"'u(ous atte)pt a%$
e%'ourae$ the)se(!es to "!e )utua( u%$erta/"%s to str"/e the $ar"% b(o#.
They ot h") out of the '"ty by %"ht se'ret(y #"th the he(p of a fe# 'o%fe$erates
22 they #ere ?u"te "%s"%"1'a%t perso%s 22 a%$ $ro!e stra"ht for Ma'e$o%"a. To
pre!e%t horse)e% r"$"% out "% pursu"t a%$ rea'h"% the passes before the)+ or
hu%t"% the) $o#% by fo((o#"% the"r tra'/s+ ea'h t")e they stoppe$ at a stae
they /"((e$ the state horses. So+ press"% o% #"thout resp"te+ they 'rosse$ the
Ma'e$o%"a% bor$er+ se",e$ Ha$r"a%-s '"ty as a% a'ropo("s+ a%$ at o%'e set to
1AK. 5s they ha$ to (e!y troops a%$ %o )o%ey #as rea$y to ha%$+ %or a%yth"%
e(se ("/e(y to "%$u'e ar)y 'o))a%$ers to 4o"% ther) a%$ subs'r"be to the"r p(a%
of 'a)pa"%+ the"r 1rst )o!e #as to se%$ out "))e$"ate(y a ba%$ of e&pert
propaa%$"sts "% a(( $"re't"o%s. These )e% approa'he$ "%$"!"$ua( so($"ers
#here!er they 'ha%'e$ to be a%$ $e("berate(y 'o%1r)e$ that the e)peror #as
$ea$. They to($ the) that Theo$ora #as %o# )"stress of the E)p"re a%$ ha$
'hose% as her part%er+ "% prefere%'e to a(( others+ Ceo of Ma'e$o%"a+ a )a%
$"st"%u"she$ for h"s #"s$o)+ a%$ a )a% of a't"o%+ a%$ $es'e%$e$ fro) "((ustr"ous
forebears. Tha%/s to th"s ruse a%$ by "%!e%t"% th"s ("e+ they asse)b(e$ the
ar)"es of the #est fro) a(( $"re't"o%s "% a )atter of a fe# $ays. It #as %ot the
(y"% story a(o%e that e3e'te$ th"s [1<<] u%"o%O %o $oubt they %our"she$ so)e
hatre$ for the e)peror o% the"r o#% a''ou%t. There #ere reaso%s for th"sO he ha$
so)e#hat $"sparae$ the"r )"("tary ta(e%ts+ a%$ he suspe'te$ the) Ithere ha$
bee% so)e re!o(ut"o%ary )o!e)e%t before th"sJ a%$ "t #as h"s "%te%t"o% to
pu%"sh the) o%e by o%e. It #as %o# a ?uest"o% of #ho ot "% the 1rst b(o#.
1AH. The 'o%'e%trat"o% of the"r for'es #as 'arr"e$ out #"th a% e&pe$"t"o% #h"'h
surpr"se$ e!e% the)se(!es. 5 'o))o% po("'y #as a$opte$ a%$ they 'hose Ceo as
e)peror.DD11N The 'ere)o%y of pro'(a)at"o% #as perfor)e$ as far as
'"r'u)sta%'es a((o#e$+ #"th Ceo $resse$ "% )a%"1'e%t robes a%$ ra"se$ o% the
sh"e($. 6or h"s part+ o%'e he #as arbe$ "% a% e)peror-s appare(+ he (or$e$ "t o!er
h"s supporters "% a $"'tator"a( a%$ tru(y ")per"a( fash"o%+ as "f he ha$ a(rea$y #o%
su''ess "% h"s rebe(("o%. He forot that he #as )ere(y a /"%$ of a'tor p(ay"% a
rX(e o% the stae or str"/"% a pose. 5$)"tte$(y+ h"s fo((o#ers #ere ?u"te 'o%te%t
that he shou($ ru(e #"th a 1r) ha%$+ a%$ as for the )ass of the peop(e+ s"%'e he
#as %e"ther ab(e to $"str"bute (aress %or #"% the) o!er by br"bes+ he a"%e$
the"r a$here%'e by re)"ss"o% of ta&es. They #ere "!e% the pr"!"(ee+ too+ of
o"% out to p(u%$er a%$ of re'/o%"% as the"r o#% u%$"spute$ property #hate!er
they 'ou($ 'apture. 8"th rear$ to the o>'"a(s a%$ )e)bers of the se%ate+ o%'e
he ha$ )a$e h"s se(e't"o%+ he appo"%te$ so)e to 'o))a%$ h"s ar)"es+ others he
/ept %ear h"s ")per"a( thro%e+ others he 'o%st"tute$ a% "%%er 'ou%'"( of state. I%
a(( 'ases he 'o%for)e$ to the"r #"shes as #e(( as h"s o#%+ a%$ the a$)"%"strat"!e
posts #ere $"!"$e$ a)o% the) to su"t ea'h )a%-s "%$"!"$ua( 'apa'"ty. The% he
set out #"thout further $e(ay for the '"ty. They hope$ "% th"s #ay to foresta(( the
e)peror-s p(a%s by surpr"se a%$ thro# the)se(!es upo% h") before he 'ou($
)o!e h"s easter% ar)y to repe( the).DD11L *es"$es+ they #ere u%$er the
")press"o% that the "%hab"ta%ts of Co%sta%t"%op(e #ou($ %ot re)a"% (oya(O they
e&pe'te$ %o oppos"t"o% there+ be'ause the e)peror ha$ )a$e h")se(f u%popu(ar
by "%tro$u'"% refor)s #h"'h 'urbe$ the ("berty of the '"t",e%s. The peop(e
(oathe$ h") as a ru(er a%$ #a%te$ to see a so($"er2e)peror+ a )a% #ho #ou($
e%$a%er h"s o#% ("fe o% the"r beha(f a%$ put a% e%$ to barbar"a% "%'urs"o%s.
1A< Certa"%(y+ e!e% before they $re# %ear to the '"ty #a((s+ a 'o%s"$erab(e bo$y
$"$ 4o"% the) o% the )ar'h a%$ a host of so($"ers 'a)e fro) the up(a%$s too. The
#ho(e 'ou%try as far as the '"ty+ "% [1<N] fa't+ #as fa!ourab(e to the"r pro4e't a%$
(e%t "ts support. Su'h #as the state of the"r a3a"rs@ #"th the e)peror "t #as
a(toether $"3ere%t. There #as %o %at"o%a( ar)y@ %o au&"("ary for'es #ere
'o%'e%trate$ a%y#here "% the $"str"'t+ #"th the e&'ept"o% of a s)a(( ba%$ of
)er'e%ar"es #hose $uty #as to a't as es'ort "% the ")per"a( pro'ess"o%s. 5s for
the ar)y of the east+ "t #as %ot e!e% e%'a)pe$ "% "ts o#% pro!"%'es+ #here+ "f
the or$er #as "!e%+ "t 'ou($ 'o%'e%trate ?u"'/(y a%$ br"% he(p to the e)peror
#he% $a%er threate%e$. These )e% ha$ bee% ?uartere$ "% the $epths of Iber"a+
#here they #ere e%ae$ "% repe(("% a barbar"a% "%!as"o%. There #as %o hope of
su''our for Co%sta%t"%e fro) abroa$@ safety for h") $epe%$e$ o% o%e th"% o%(y
22 the '"r'(e of #a((s arou%$ h") 22 a%$ "t #as o% the a!a"(s that he e&pe%$e$ h"s
e3orts+ bu"($"% up the parts #h"'h ha$ bee% a((o#e$ by %e("e%'e to fa(( "%to a
state of $"srepa"r+ a%$ p(a%t"% h"s sto%ethro#"% )a'h"%es th"'/ o% the
1AN. *y so)e 'ha%'e at #as pre'"se(y at th"s )o)e%t that h"s out be'a)e
#orse. I% fa't+ "t be'a)e so $"stress"% that h"s ha%$s #ere 'o)p(ete(y $"s(o'ate$
a%$ h"s feet s#o((e% #"th terr"b(e pa"rs. 5part fro) that+ he #as ?u"te "%'apab(e of
#a(/"%. H"s sto)a'h+ too+ #as "% a $"sor$ere$ 'o%$"t"o%+ #"th $"arrhoea a%$
e%era( putrefa't"o%. H"s #ho(e bo$y #as be"% 'o%su)e$ a%$ eate% a#ay by a
#ast"% "((%ess+ so that he 'ou($ %e"ther )o!e %or 'o)e "%to 'o%ta't #"th the
peop(e. It #as %atura(+ therefore+ that the '"ty popu(a'e shou($ th"%/ he #as $ea$+
a%$ )ass )eet"%s #ere he($ "% $"3ere%t parts of the '"ty #here they $ebate$
#hether they ouht to ru% a#ay a%$ 4o"% the prete%$er. To 'ou%ter th"s+ a(thouh
"t #as aa"%st h"s "%'("%at"o%+ Co%sta%t"%e #as 'o)pe((e$ fro) t")e to t")e to
)"& #"th the peop(e+ or a((o# h")se(f to be see% fro) a $"sta%'e a%$ pro!e by h"s
estures that he #as st"(( a("!e.
1AL. So )u'h for the e)peror. The prete%$er+ )ea%#h"(e+ ru%%"% ("/e the #"%$+
e%'a)pe$ #"th a(( h"s ar)y o% a spot "% fro%t of the '"ty.DD11B The operat"o% #as
%ot #ar+ %or a p"t'he$ batt(e+ but a pure s"ee a%$ s")p(e #a((21ht"%. I hear$
so)e of the so($"ers a%$ so)e of the o($er )e% say that %e!er before ha$ a%y
rebe( bee% so $ar"% as to prepare to set up art"((ery "% fro%t of the '"ty a%$ be%$
h"s bo#s aa"%st "ts batt(e)e%ts+ #"th a% ar)y e%'"r'("% the #ho(e outer
'"r'u)fere%'e of the #a((s. 5)a,e)e%t a%$ 'o%fus"o% re"%e$ e!ery#here a%$ "t
see)e$ that the e%t"re '"ty #ou($ fa(( a% easy prey to the e%e)y. The rebe( ha$
)ea%#h"(e )o!e$ up to a pos"t"o% [1<L] so)e ("tt(e $"sta%'e fro) the #a((s. Here
he thre# up a ra)part a%$ p"t'he$ h"s 'a)p "% fu(( !"e# of the $efe%$"% ar)y.
He b"!oua'/e$ o% h"s ra)part for a short t")e that %"ht+ but the rest of the t")e
he spe%t o% horseba'/+ e%'oura"% h"s )e% to fo((o# h"s o#% e&a)p(e a%$ s(eep
o% the fort"1'at"o%. He arra%e$ h"s ("ht2ar)e$ troops a%$ #e%t for#ar$ h")se(f
o% foot. 5t brea/ of $ay they #ere a(( "% pos"t"o% before the #a((s+ %ot "% a
'o%fuse$ )ob+ %or )asse$ toether "% o%e reat bo$y+ but $"spose$ "% a so($"er2
("/e #ay a%$ "!"% e!ery s"% of rea$"%ess for batt(e. 5%$ "% or$er to 1(( us #"th
terror 22 #e+ forsooth+ ha$ %o e&per"e%'e of #ar 22 e!ery )a% #ore ar)our. So)e
#ere 'o)p(ete(y ar)e$+ #"th rea!es a%$ breastp(ate+ a%$ the"r horses '(a$ "%
)a"( at a(( po"%ts+ but others #ere prote'te$ #"th #hate!er they 'ou($ et.
1AB. The rebe( h")se(f+ r"$"% o% a #h"te horse+ #as "% the e&a't 'e%tre of h"s
ar)y+ toether #"th the p"'/ of h"s /%"hts a%$ the better part of h"s troops. He
ha$ surrou%$e$ h")se(f+ a(so+ #"th ("ht2ar)e$ so($"ers+ a(( of the) oo$ shots at
(o% ra%e+ a%$ ("ht(y e?u"ppe$ a%$ fast ru%%ers. The rest of the ar)y stoo$ o%
e"ther 7a%/ "% or$er of batt(e u%$er the"r se!era( 'o))a%$ers. 5(thouh the
batta("o%s preser!e$ the"r for)at"o%s+ they ha$ bee% $"!"$e$ "%to roups+ %ot of
s"&tee% )e%+ but (ess. The ob4e't of th"s #as to a((o# the #ho(e bo$y to $ep(oy
o!er a b"er area. Thus 'o%est"o% #as a!o"$e$ a%$ the )e% #ere %ot "% '(ose
or$er. *eh"%$ #as a reat )u(t"tu$e+ #h"'h+ to those o% the #a((s+ see)e$
'ou%t(ess+ for they a(so ha$ bee% $"!"$e$ "%to s)a(( roups. Ne!erthe(ess+ as they
'hare$ o% foot or o% horseba'/+ both roups at the sa)e t")e+ they a!e the
")press"o% %ot so )u'h of a stro% ar)y as of a $"sor$ere$ )ob.
(A;. I #"(( (ea!e the) a%$ 'o)e ba'/ to the e)peror. *es"ee$ as he #as "%s"$e
the '"ty #a((s+ h"s "))e$"ate ob4e't #as to pro!e to h"s e%e)"es that he #as st"((
a("!e. So+ $resse$ "% h"s ")per"a( robes+ he sat toether #"th the e)presses o% a
ba('o%y of o%e of the ")per"a( apart)e%ts+ breath"% fa"%t(y a%$ roa%"% "% a
feeb(e )a%%er. The o%(y part of the e%e)y-s ar)y that he sa# #as that
"))e$"ate(y "% fro%t a%$ %ear h"). The rebe(s #ere+ "% fa't+ $ra#% up "% oo$
or$er '(ose by the #a((s. The"r 1rst )o!e #as to re)"%$ the $efe%$ers o% the #a((
of the $rea$fu( th"%s they ha$ su3ere$ at the e)peror-s ha%$s. They brouht to
the"r %ot"'e the a((e!"at"o% that #ou($ resu(t fro) h"s 'apture+ the su3er"%s that
#ou($ fo((o# h"s 'o%t"%ue$ [1<B] free$o). Th"s "%for)at"o% #as pro3ere$ at
$"3ere%t parts of the #a(( "% tur%. They bee$ the $efe%$ers to ope% the ates
to the) a%$ re'e"!e #"th"% the"r '"ty a so!ere"% #ho #as /"%$(y a%$ )er'"fu(+
o%e #ho #ou($ treat the) #"th hu)a%"ty a%$ br"% %e# (ory to the Ro)a%
E)p"re by #a"% !"'tor"ous #ars aa"%st the barbar"a%s.
11A. 5s %o fa!ourab(e rep(y #as forth'o)"% fro) the perso%s to #ho) these
re)ar/s ha$ bee% a$$resse$ 22 a'tua((y they poure$ forth a torre%t of abuse+ #"th
a(( )a%%er of $"sra'efu( ep"thets+ both o% the) a%$ the"r prete%$er 22 they
$e1%"te(y a!e up a(( hope of support fro) the peop(e of the '"ty. Thereupo% they
bea% hur("% "%su(ts at the e)peror. They re!"(e$ h") for h"s bo$"(y #ea/%ess.
They 'a((e$ h") -a''urse$-+ a -$ee%erate see/er after u%ho(y p(easures-+ -the
ba%e of the '"ty-+ -'orrupter of the peop(e-+ #"th a #ho(e str"% of other $"sust"%
a%$ s'urr"(ous "%!e't"!es. Most of the Ma'e$o%"a%s+ be"% a fo(/ #ho $e("ht "%
arroa%'e a%$ "%so(e%t bear"% )ore a''usto)e$ to the bu3oo%ery of to#%s)e%
tha% the s")p("'"ty of the 'a)p+ )ost of the)+ I say+ $"s)ou%te$ fro) the"r
horses a%$ starte$ 'hora( $a%'es+ #here e!eryo%e 'ou($ see the). They
")pro!"se$ 'o)"' tur%s at the e)peror-s e&pe%se+ sta)p"% o% the rou%$ #"th
the"r feet "% t")e to the"r )us"' a%$ $a%'"% "% tr"u)ph. So)e of these
perfor)a%'es Co%sta%t"%e sa#+ others he o%(y hear$. I #as sta%$"% %ear h") at
the t")e+ sho'/e$ at the th"%s that #ere be"% sa"$+ but st"(( try"% to 'o)fort
h"). He $"$ %ot /%o# #hat to $o+ put to sha)e as he #as+ %ot o%(y by the"r
a't"o%s+ but a(so by the"r "%su(ts.
111. Ho#e!er+ so)e of the '"ty2)e% ot outs"$e the #a(( a%$ stoppe$ the"r
'a!a(ry as they #ere r"$"% up a%$ $o#%+ so)e by hur("% sto%es fro) the"r
s("%s+ others by shoot"% arro#s. The e%e)y fe"%e$ 7"ht 22 a )a%oeu!re they
ha$ rehearse$ beforeha%$ 22 a%$ ha!"% (ure$ our )e% to pursue the)+ they
su$$e%(y #hee(e$ about+ s(ay"% #"th s#or$ a%$ spear. O%e of the rebe(s+ #ho
/%e# ho# to shoot arro#s fro) horseba'/+ ot %ear the #a((s #"thout our
/%o#(e$e+ a%$ $ra#"% h"s bo# r"ht oppos"te the e)peror+ shot stra"ht at h").
The arro# spe$ throuh the a"r at tre)e%$ous spee$+ but the e)peror )o!e$
s("ht(y to o%e s"$e a%$ "t )"sse$ h")+ 4ust ra,"% o%e of h"s 'ha)ber(a"%s "% the
r"bs+ a you% )a% of so)e %ote.DD11; 8e ourse(!es #ere tra%s1&e$ #"th terror.
Co%sta%t"%e sh"fte$ h"s seat a%$ too/ up a pos"t"o% further a#ay fro) the
e%e)y-s [1<;] troops. They ha$ r"se% ear(y+ as I ha!e sa"$+ a%$ they staye$ there
r"ht up to )"$2$ay+ ta(/"%+ ("ste%"%+ %o# 7atter"% us+ %o# utter"% threats.
The% they tur%e$ the"r horses as"$e a%$ )a$e for the"r ra)part. Ma'h"%es of #ar
#ere prepare$ a%$ the s"ee of the '"ty #as "))e$"ate(y beu% o%'e )ore.
11=. The e)peror+ after he ha$ re'o!ere$ h"s se(f2'o)posure+ thouht "t #ou($ be
$"sra'efu( "f he $"$ %ot et toether so)e so($"ers to oppose the)O they #ou($
ha!e to be pre!e%te$ fro) )a/"% atta'/s by a $"t'h a%$ 'ut of fro) e%try "%to
the '"ty by a barr"'a$e. He )ust /eep the) at a $"sta%'e+ so as %ot to hear the"r
re)ar/s or ha!e "%su(ts thro#% "% h"s teeth. That #as h"s 1rst ba$ )"sta/e. The
se'o%$ #as )a$e #he% he referre$ h"s p(a% to 'erta"% perso%s #ho ha$ %o
e&per"e%'e of #ar.DD1=A Most of the) #ere p(ease$ #"th h"s s'he)e+ so+ 1rst of
a((+ a thorouh sear'h of the pr"so%s #as 'arr"e$ out to 1%$ "f a%y so($"ers ha$
bee% shut up "% the). These )e% #ere ("berate$+ ar)e$ #"th bo#s a%$ spears+
a%$ e?u"ppe$ for batt(e. Co%sta%t"%e-s %e&t step #as to e%ro( "% #hat #as (eft of
h"s ar)y a )ob of or$"%ary '"t",e%s. They #ere ?u"te %u)erous+ !o(u%teers #ho
foo(e$ at #ar as "f "t #ere 4ust a%other of the"r a)es. Throuhout that %"ht the
$""% #e%t o% at a $"t'h to e%'"r'(e the '"ty a%$ a pa("sa$e #as set up "% fro%t
of "t. 5t $a#%+ before the e%e)y prese%te$ the)se(!es to our !"e#+ he $re# up "%
or$er of batt(e the e("te of our troops a%$ ot the) "%to pos"t"o% e&a't(y oppos"te
the e%e)y. They #ere part(y 'o)pose$ of s?ua$ro%s of 'a!a(ry+ part(y of
'o)pa%"es of ("ht2ar)e$ so($"ers+ a(( prote'te$ by $efe%s"!e ar)our. He
arra%e$ the #ho(e for'e "% batta("o%s+ a%$ the%+ seat"% h")se(f a se'o%$ t")e
o% a h"h !a%tae2po"%t+ he $e'"$e$ to #at'h #hat happe%e$ fro) a $"sta%'e.
11K. The e%e)y /%e# %oth"% of these preparat"o%s. 8he% they approa'he$ a%$
fou%$ our batta("o%s )asse$ "% the"r path+ they "))e$"ate(y $re# re"%+ 4u$"% "t
#"se to 1%$ out 1rst #he%'e a(( th"s ar)y of ours ha$ bee% 'o((e'te$. 8hat they
feare$ #as that so)e 'o%t"%e%t fro) the east ha$ 'o)e to our a"$. Ho#e!er+
#he% they $"s'o!ere$ that the $efe%$ers #ere )ere(y a pa'/ of !aabo%$s a%$
sa# the $"t'h #as sha((o# a%$ easy to 'ross+ they (auhe$ the e)peror to s'or%
for h"s fo((y. Here+ they $e'"$e$+ #as the 'ha%'e they #ere see/"%. So+ "% '(ose
or$er+ sh"e($ to sh"e($+ a%$ ho#("% the"r #ar2'ry+ they )a$e a 'o%'erte$ atta'/ "%
fu(( for'e+ o% horseba'/. The $"t'h #as '(eare$ #"thout the s("htest $">'u(ty a%$
the [1NA] $efe%$ers+ #ho u%t"( that )o)e%t ha$ /ept the"r ra%/s+ #ere at o%'e
put to 7"ht. The e%e)y the% #or/e$ rou%$ to the"r rear a%$ #"pe$ the) out to a
)a%+ so)e by the s#or$+ others #"th the"r spears. 5'tua((y the )a4or"ty #ere
4ost(e$ by the"r o#% 'o)ra$es+ s("ppe$ o3 the"r horses+ a%$ #ere tra)p(e$ to
$eath o% the spot. Nor #ere those #ho ha$ o%e outs"$e the '"ty the o%(y o%es to
ru% a#ayO the"r e&a)p(e #as fo((o#e$ by a(( those #ho 'ha%'e$ to be sta%$"%
%ear the e)peror. They be("e!e$ the rebe( #as a% the po"%t of e%ter"% the '"ty
a%$ a(( of the) #ou($ be $estroye$.
11H. 5part fro) aru)e%ts sueste$ by pru$e%'e+ there #as %oth"% to pre!e%t
the e%e)y ett"% "%s"$e the fort"1'at"o%sO the pr",e #as there to be ta/e% #"th
")pu%"ty. The o>'ers "% 'hare at the #a((2ates ha$ a(rea$y aba%$o%e$ the"r
uar$+ #h"(e they (oo/e$ for so)e p(a'e to "!e the) she(ter. Throuhout the '"ty
#ere )e% o% the #ay ba'/ to the"r ho)es+ or )e% #ho 'o%te)p(ate$ o"% o!er
to the prete%$er. *ut Tor%"'"us sh"r/e$ the 1%a( e%try. Perhaps "t #ou($ be truer to
say that he #as 'o%1$e%t(y a#a"t"% our "%!"tat"o% to )a/e h") e)peror@ he
e&pe'te$ to be (e$ up to the pa(a'e pre'e$e$ by tor'hes+ "% a pro'ess"o% #orthy
of a so!ere"%. So he put o3 h"s e%try to the )orro#. 6or the )o)e%t he #as
'o%te%t to r"$e o% horseba'/ to the se!era( $"!"s"o%s of h"s ar)y+ shout"% h"s
or$ers. There #as to be a% e%$ to the )ur$er of the"r /"%s)e%O the )assa're of
the e%e)y )ust stop. He e!e% set free "%te%$e$ !"'t")s a%$ pre!e%te$ a%y sho#
of for'e.
11<. Mea%#h"(e the e)peror ha$ bee% $eserte$. It #as be("e!e$ that he #as
about to $"e "% a fe# )o)e%ts. *ut #he% he hear$ Tor%"'"us shout"% these
or$ers a%$ sa# h") stopp"% the )assa're+ he tur%e$ to )e. -Th"s "s rea((y
ser"ous+- he sa"$. -8he% a 'rue( fe((o# ("/e th"s rebe( tur%s to 'o)pass"o% a%$
)er'y+ "t )ay #"% h") D"!"%e appro!a(.-
11N. H"s s"ster #as )ea%#h"(e (a)e%t"% b"tter(y II a) ta(/"% %o# of the e($er
s"ster+ for Euprep"a ha$ a(rea$y bee% 'o%$e)%e$ to e&"(eJ a%$ she ure$ h") to
7ee a%$ ta/e refue "% o%e of the 'hur'hes. Co%sta%t"%e (are$ at her 1er'e(y.
-Cet so)ebo$y (ea$ her a#ay+-- he sa"$+ -"f #e st"(( ha!e a%yo%e (eft. She 'a% /eep
her $"res to herse(f. *es"$es+ she )ay )a/e )e soft as #e((.- The% he a$$e$+
tur%"% to )e a se'o%$ t")e+ -The e%e)y-s oo$ (u'/ #"(( e%$ to$ay. 6ro) %o# o%
h"s fortu%es #"(( 'ha%e. He )"ht as #e(( try to et footho($ "% a ?u"'/sa%$.-
[1N1] 11L. 5fter 'o)p(et"% h"s arra%e)e%ts a%$ ta/"% a fa"r %u)ber of
pr"so%ers+ Tor%"'"us ret"re$ to h"s o#% e%tre%'h)e%ts "% oo$ or$er. 6or h"s part+
the e)peror $e'"$e$ aa"%st a%y fresh atte)pt at surpr"se. I%stea$+ he repa"re$
the brea'hes "% the '"ty #a((s+ a%$ pro'ee$e$ to 'urry fa!our #"th the peop(e. He
sho#e$ h"s appre'"at"o% of the"r (oya(ty "% the past+ a%$ pro)"se$ the) re#ar$s+
as "f at the 0a)es+ "f they 'o%t"%ue$ to be fa"thfu( "% the future. The s"ee "tse(f
ha$ ("tt(e e3e't o% h"). Mea%#h"(e h"s oppo%e%t+ after b"!oua'/"% 4ust that o%e
%"ht o% the ra)part+ a$!a%'e$ at $aybrea/ #"th h"s ar)y+ appare%t(y u%$er the
")press"o% that the E)p"re #as h"s for the ta/"%. 8"th h") he brouht h"s
pr"so%ers+ (oa$e$ #"th 'ha"%s+ a%$ set the) before the #a((s. They ha$ bee%
"%stru'te$ #hat to say at the appo"%te$ )o)e%t. So they stoo$ there+ so)e
$"sta%'e apart fro) o%e a%other+ st"rr"% p"ty by the"r 'r"es as #e(( as by the"r
estures. To the e)peror they sa"$ %oth"%+ but a$$resse$ the"r re)ar/s to the
peop(e. They bee$ the) %ot to treat #"th 'o%te)pt )e% of the"r o#% ra'e a%$
the"r o#% fa)"("es+ %or bear to #at'h the)se(!es+ a p"t"ab(e s"ht+ be"% ha'/e$
"%to p"e'es before the"r !ery eyes+ ("/e !"'t")s at a sa'r"1'e. They #ar%e$ us %ot
to te)pt Pro!"$e%'e by )a/"% ("ht of a so!ere"% su'h as the #or($ ha$ %e!er
see% before+ o%e #ho) they the)se(!es /%e# #e(( by e&per"e%'e. He 'ou($ ha!e
$estroye$ the) e!e% the%+ they sa"$+ a%$ he 'ou($ ha!e treate$ the) as
e%e)"es+ but %o+ 22 t"(( that )o)e%t he ha$ put o3 the )assa're+ spar"% the"r
("!es "% or$er to $o us a fa!our. Thereupo%+ by #ay of 'o%trast+ they a!e a
$ra)at"' a''ou%t of the terr"b(e $ee$s of our ru(er. They $es'r"be$ ho# "% the
be"%%"% of h"s re"% he ha$ ra"se$ !ery h"h the hopes of the '"ty+ o%(y to br"%
us $o#% fro) the '(ou$s to the e$e of a pre'"p"'e. Su'h #ere the )a"% po"%ts
tou'he$ o% by these pr"so%ers. *ut the peop(e-s (oya(ty st"(( $"$ %ot #a!er.
11B. The se?ue( to these e!e%ts 'a)e about "% the fo((o#"% #ay. The $efe%$ers
/ept thro#"% 'o%s"$erab(e )asses of ro'/ fro) "%s"$e the #a((s at the"r e%e)"es+
but %o o%e #as h"t+ for the )"ss"(es fe(( short. The% those #ho #ere #or/"% the
)a'h"%e pu((e$ ba'/ the s("% further tha% usua( a%$ shot o%e of the"r b"est
sto%es at Tor%"'"us h")se(f. They )"sse$ h")+ but so fr"hte%e$ h") a%$ h"s sta3
that they too/ to the"r hee(s. The pa%"' a%$ 'o%fus"o% 'ause$ a)o% the) by th"s
o%e "%'"$e%t %ot o%(y bro/e the"r ra%/s but )a$e the) ret"re to the"r o#%
11;. That e!e%t )ar/e$ the 'ha%e "% the"r fortu%es. 5fter be"% buoye$ up by
the"r hopes for a br"ef "%ter!a(+ a%$ I"t )ust be a$)"tte$J by the ser"ous 'o%$"t"o%
of our o#% a3a"rs+ the"r e&pe'tat"o%s s#"ft(y $e'("%e$ a%$ !a%"she$ a#ay. 5t a((
e!e%ts+ they %e!er 'a)e %ear the '"ty #a((s aa"%+ but after b"!oua'/"% a fe#
$ays "% the"r 'a)p they retur%e$ #he%'e they ha$ 'o)e+ )ost of the) "%
$"sor$er+ #"th a(( the appeara%'e of a% ar)y o% the ru%. 5t that stae+ %o $oubt+
"f o%(y s"&tee% or se!e%tee% /%"hts ha$ 'o)e "% s"ht of the"r rearuar$+ %ot
e!e% a pyrphorusDD1=1 #ou($ ha!e bee% (eft "% that s'attere$ $"sor$er(y for'e.
The e)peror e&pe'te$ the) to retreat+ but %o atte)pt #as )a$e to pursue
the)+ for he #as he($ ba'/ by )e)or"es of h"s pre!"ous sho'/+ a%$ so the
opportu%"ty #as (ost.
1=A. Ne!erthe(ess+ to us e!e% the #"th$ra#a( fro) the"r e%tre%'h)e%ts see)e$ a
)ost (or"ous tr"u)ph+ a%$ the popu(a'e of the '"ty poure$ out to see the). They
fou%$ reat ?ua%t"t"es of supp("es (eft "% the e%'a)p)e%t+ aba%$o%e$ be'ause
the e%e)y ha$ %o t")e to (oa$ the) o% the"r baae2a%")a(s. They ha$ bee%
)ore 'o%'er%e$ #"th the"r o#% retreat fro) the ("%es+ #"thout attra't"%
atte%t"o%+ tha% ett"% a#ay (oa$e$ #"th r"'hes a%$ fu(( e?u"p)e%t. Desp"te th"s
pre'aut"o%+ the rebe(s %o soo%er ot a#ay tha% they !e%te$ the"r #rath o%
Tor%"'"us. E!eryo%e #as eaer to $esert h") for they a(( $rea$e$ the future. O%
the other ha%$+ )utua( susp"'"o%+ as #e(( as the $">'u(ty of ru%%"% a#ay+ for'e$
the) to stay toether. Mea%#h"(e+ #he%e!er opportu%"t"es of es'ape $"$ o''ur
they se",e$ the) a%$ )a$e o3 to the e)peror a%$ the '"ty #"th a(( spee$. Not
o%(y #as th"s the 'ase #"th the or$"%ary so($"ers+ but #"th the o>'"a(s a%$
'o))a%$"% o>'ers too.DD1== The rebe( su3ere$ a ser"es of )"sfortu%es+ o%e
after the other. He atta'/e$ the fortresses "% the #est #h"'h for se!era( reaso%s
#ere easy to 'aptureODD1=K "% part"'u(ar+ the rou%$ fa!oure$ the assa"(a%ts+ a%$
the $"spos"t"o% of the #a((s 22 "t #as a (o% t")e s"%'e they ha$ bee% a
prospe't"!e ("%e of $efe%'e. Met he fa"(e$ to re$u'e a%y of the). The stor)"%2
party+ "% fa't+ #as )ore "%te%t o% ru%%"% o3 ho)e tha% o% press"% a s"ee+ a%$
they )a$e "t !ery p(a"% to the be(eauere$ e%e)y that they ha$ %o sto)a'h for
1ht"%+ e&'ept "% )o'/ batt(es.
1=1. Su'h #as the sha)efu( #"th$ra#a( fro) the 0reat C"ty of the )a% #ho ha$
o%'e 'o%teste$ "ts thro%e. St"(( )ore sha)efu( #as h"s repu(se before the 'ast(es
#h"'h he atta'/e$ "% su''ess"o%. The [1NK] e)peror+ )ea%#h"(e+ # as
su))o%"% the ar)"es of the east+DD1=H a%$ as soo% as they arr"!e$+ $espat'he$
the) to the #est+ #here the rebe( for'es #ere 'o)pose$ of %at"o%a( a%$
barbar"a% troops a("/e. 8he% the (atter hear$ of the"r a$!a%'e+ the ?uest"o% of
#ar or pea'e #as $ebate$ %o )ore@ the rebe(s at o%'e $"sperse$+ #"th
)a(e$"'t"o%s o% the"r (ea$er. So)e retur%e$ ho)e+ but the reater part 'a)e
o!er to Co%sta%t"%e+ foretfu( of the )a%y oaths they ha$ s#or%+ "%or"% the
fa't that they ha$ pro)"se$ by the Ho(y Re("'s to $"e+ u%"te$ "% o%e 'o))o%
'ause+ s"$e by s"$e u%$er the eyes of the"r rebe( e%era(. No#+ fro,e% #"th fear+
they ha$ ("tt(e thouht for those profess"o%s of (oya(ty.
1==. O%e )a%+ of a(( that %u)ber+ re)a"%e$ fa"thfu( to Tor%"'"us to the e%$ 22 a%
o($ 'o)ra$e2"%2ar)s+ Joh% by %a)e+ #"th the sur%a)e :atat,es+ a )a% #ho "%
phys"?ue a%$ stre%th of ar) r"!a((e$ the fa)ous heroes of o($. So #he%
Tor%"'"us 7e$ a%$ souht refue "% a sa're$ bu"($"%+ th"s )a% 7e$ #"th h") a%$
toether they as/e$ for sa%'tuary+ a(thouh :atat,es 'ou($ ha!e (eft h") a%$
#o% reat ho%ours for h")se(f. Met he refuse$ to brea/ h"s p(e$e$ #or$O %oth"%
e(se )attere$. They 7e$ the% to a 'erta"% ho(y 'hur'h+ a%$ $ra#"% the"r s#or$s+
threate%e$ to /"(( the)se(!es "f a%yo%e $are$ to $ra the) a#ay by for'e. *e"%
assure$ o% oath that they #ou($ be safe+ they 1%a((y (eft the sa%'tuary a%$
surre%$ere$ to the perso% #ho ha$ "!e% the pro)"se. 5t th"s stae the erst#h"(e
prete%$er (ost h"s 'ourae. Not o%(y $"$ he e)"t p"t"ab(e 'r"es+ but tur%e$ to
be"% for h"s ("fe. Nor #ere these the o%(y proofs of h"s 'o#ar$"'e. :atat,es+ o%
the 'o%trary+ e!e% "% these $rea$fu( '"r'u)sta%'es+ %e!er forot h"s pr"$e. He st"((
assu)e$ a% a"r of (ofty $"s$a"%+ a%$ h"s u%$au%te$ bra!ery #as e!"$e%t "% a(( he
1=K. 5t that t")e "t #as the e)peror-s "%te%t"o% to ra%t a e%era( a)%esty. No%e
of the rebe(s #as to be pu%"she$. 5%$ he )a$e th"s pro)"se before 0o$+ 'a(("%
$o#% o% h"s o#% hea$ the )ost fearfu( 'urses "f he fa"(e$ to sho# '(e)e%'y a%$
ra%t for"!e%ess to a(( #ho ha$ ra"se$ a ha%$ aa"%st h"). Ho#e!er+ #he% these
t#o ITor%"'"us a%$ :atat,esJ arr"!e$ at the #a((s+ he at o%'e re'a((e$ the"r
pre!"ous e3ro%tery. 8"thout a )o)e%t-s hes"tat"o%+ #"th %o thouht for reaso%+
he 'o%$e)%e$ the) to b("%$"% o% the spot. 5t that the prete%$er e)"tte$ a 'ry
of a%u"sh a%$ base(y (a)e%te$ h"s fate@ h"s 'o)ra$e )ere(y re)ar/e$ that the
Ro)a% E)p"re #as (os"% a !a(orous so($"er+ stra"ht#ay (ay $o#% o% the rou%$+
fa'e up#ar$s+ [1NH] a%$ %ob(y sub)"tte$ to h"s pu%"sh)e%t.DD1=< 5fter#ar$s the
e)peror 'e(ebrate$ a tr"u)ph reater tha% a%t of those #h"'h #o% re%o#% "% the
past+ a%$ ha!"% !e%te$ h"s sp"te o% the) so far+ )a$e pea'e #"th the rebe(s+
appare%t(y 'o%te%t #"th th"s !e%ea%'e.
1=H. There "s o%e th"% that I forot to )e%t"o% before+ %a)e(y the state of h"s
bo$"(y hea(th at the be"%%"% of h"s re"%+ the ?ua("ty of that )a%("%ess a%$
!"orous stre%th #h"'h (ater su3ere$ su'h 'o)p(ete $ee%erat"o%+ a%$ the
)a%%er "% #h"'h+ so far fro) preser!"% the fresh%ess of h"s youth u%spo"(e$ to
the e%$+ he e&h"b"te$ to a(( beho($ers h"s %atura( (ory $"))e$+ ("/e a su%
obs'ure$ by the '(ou$s. I #"(( $es'r"be these th"%s %o#+ be"%%"% #"th h"s
youthfu( e&'e((e%'e.
1=<. It #as a )ar!e( of beauty that Nature brouht "%to be"% "% the perso% of
th"s )a%+ so 4ust(y proport"o%e$+ so har)o%"ous(y fash"o%e$+ that there #as %o
o%e "% our t")e to 'o)pare #"th h"). To th"s sy))etry she a$$e$ a robust
!"our+ as thouh she #ere (ay"% 1r) fou%$at"o%s for a beaut"fu( house. Th"s
stre%th that she a!e h") #as %ot )a%"fest "% (o% ha%$s or the reat s",e of h"s
(")bs or other parts of h"s bo$yO rather+ I fa%'y+ she h"$ "t $eep "% h"s heart+ for "t
#as %ot re!ea(e$ I% the parts that #ere !"s"b(e. They+ "% fa'ts #ere )ore
$"st"%u"she$ for the"r beauty a%$ proport"o% tha% for a%y u%usua( s",e. I%$ee$+
h"s ha%$s #ere o%(y )o$erate(y b"+ a%$ the sa)e 'a% be sa"$ of h"s 1%ersO
the"r )e$"u) s",e #as )ost %ot"'eab(e+ but they #ere e%$o#e$ #"th )ore tha%
or$"%ary stre%th+ for there #as %o ob4e't+ ho#e!er har$ a%$ so("$+ #h"'h he
'ou($ %ot !ery eas"(y 'rush #"th h"s ha%$s a%$ brea/ "% p"e'es. 5% ar) r"ppe$ by
the )a% #as pa"%fu( for $ays. They $o say that he ro$e !ery #e(( too a%$ #as a
!ery fast ru%%er+ supp(e a%$ ("ht+ a%$ abso(ute(y #"thout a r"!a( "% the
pe%tath(o%+ so stro% #as he a%$ a"(e a%$ s#"ft of foot.
1=N. H"s beauty+ #e are to($+ #as that of 5'h"((es or N"reus.DD1=N *ut #hereas+ "%
the 'ase of these heroes+ the poet-s (a%uae+ ha!"% "% ")a"%at"o% e%$o#e$
the) #"th a bo$y 'o)pou%$e$ of a(( )a%%er of beaut"es+ bare(y su>'e$ to the"r
$es'r"pt"o%+ #"th Co%sta%t"%e "t #as $"3ere%t+ for Nature+ ha!"% for)e$ h") "%
rea("ty+ a%$ brouht h") to perfe't"o%+ #"th the 1%e s/"(( of the s'u(ptor [1N<]
shape$ h") a%$ )a$e h") beaut"fu(+ surpass"% #"th her o#% pe'u("ar art the
")a"%at"!e e3ort of the poet. 5%$ #he% she ha$ )a$e ea'h of h"s (")bs
proport"o%e$ to the rest of h"s bo$y+ h"s hea$ a%$ the parts that o #"th "t+ h"s
ha%$s a%$ the parts that o #"th the)+ h"s th"hs a%$ h"s feet+ she she$ o!er
ea'h of the) se!era((y the 'o(our that be1tte$ the). H"s hea$ she )a$e ru$$y
as the su%+ but a(( h"s breast+ a%$ h"s (o#er parts $o#% to h"s feet+ toether #"th
the"r 'orrespo%$"% ba'/ parts+ she 'o1oure$ the purest #h"te a(( o!er+ #"th
e&?u"s"te a''ura'y. 8he% he #as "% h"s pr")e+ before h"s (")bs (ost the"r !"r"("ty+
a%yo%e #ho 'are$ to (oo/ at h") '(ose(y #ou($ sure(y ha!e ("/e%e$ h"s hea$ to
the su% "% "ts (ory+ so ra$"a%t #as "t+ a%$ h"s ha"r to the rays of the su%+ #h"(e "%
the rest of h"s bo$y he #ou($ ha!e see% the purest a%$ )ost tra%s(u'e%t 'rysta(.
H"s perso%a( 'hara'ter"st"'s+ too+ 'o%tr"bute$ to the e%era( har)o%y of the )a%+
h"s re1%e$ spee'h+ h"s 'har)"% 'o%!ersat"o%+ a%$ a s"%u(ar(y attra't"!e s)"(e
#h"'h e&er'"se$ a% "))e$"ate fas'"%at"o% o!er those #ho sa# h").
1=L. Su'h #as the beauty #"th #h"'h the e)peror #as e%$o#e$ #he% he
as'e%$e$ the thro%e+ but a year ha$ %ot o%e by before Nature+ "% her e3orts to
(or"fy h")+ see)e$ to fa(ter before su'h #o%$er a%$ $e("htO "t #as as "f she
a!e up the tas/ "% e&haust"o%+ a%$ the% $estroye$ h"s stre%th a%$ ru"%e$ h"s
)a%hoo$. 5t a(( e!e%ts+ there 'a% be %o $oubt that a ra$"'a( 'ha%e too/ p(a'e "%
the $"spos"t"o% of the pr")ary substa%'es "% h"s bo$y Ithat "s+ the bas"' hu)oursJ
a%$ they a''u)u(ate$+ "% proport"o%s that )a$e har)o%y ")poss"b(e+ "% h"s feet
a%$ the 'a!"t"es of h"s 4o"%ts+ the% "% h"s ha%$s. Cater they $es'e%$e$ "% reat
#a!es o% the )us'(es the)se(!es+ a%$ the bo%es "% h"s ba'/+ sha/"% h")
throuh a%$ throuh+ ("/e sea'urre%ts 'o%!er"% o% a sh"p of burthe% #h"'h ha$
starte$ "ts !oyae "% 'a() #ater.
1=B. The sy)pto)s of $"sease #ere %ot a(( "))e$"ate(y appare%t. The hu)ours
1rst 7o#e$ "%to h"s feet+ a%$ at o%'e he #as 'o)pe((e$ to ta/e to h"s be$. If he
ha$ to #a(/ at a((+ he $"$ so #"th the he(p of other peop(e. The "((%ess #as
re'urre%t+ a%$ "t #as e!"$e%t that the 7u& 'o%t"%ue$ for a 'erta"% %u)ber of $ays+
fo((o#e$ by a% e?ua( per"o$ of rest. Cater o%+ the "%ter!a(s bet#ee% these atta'/s
[1NN] $")"%"she$ a%$ h"s re("ef be'a)e short2("!e$. 5s th"s 'o%$"t"o% $e!e(ope$+
the 7u& ra$ua((y approa'he$ h"s ha%$s+ the% #"th a /"%$ of up#ar$ 7o#+ the
hu)ours atta'/e$ h"s shou($ers+ a%$ 1%a((y o''up"e$ the #ho(e of h"s bo$y. The
resu(t #as that e!ery o%e of h"s )e)bers+ s#a)pe$ by th"s terr"b(e 7u&+ (ost the
ab"("ty to perfor) "ts %atura( fu%'t"o%s. H"s )us'(es a%$ ("a)e%ts #ere out of
p(a'e+ h"s (")bs 'ease$ to #or/ "% har)o%y+ #"th 'o%se?ue%t (a'/ of e%era(
e?u"("br"u) a%$ a $e!e(op)e%t of %er!ous e&haust"o%. I )yse(f sa# h"s 1%ers+
o%'e so beaut"fu((y for)e$+ 'o)p(ete(y a(tere$ fro) the"r %atura( shape+ #arpe$
a%$ t#"ste$ #"th ho((o#s here a%$ pro4e't"o%s there+ so that they #ere "%'apab(e
of rasp"% a%yth"% at a((. H"s feet #ere be%t a%$ h"s /%ees+ 'roo/e$ ("/e the
po"%t of a )a%-s e(bo#+ #ere s#o((e%+ )a/"% "t ")poss"b(e for h") to #a(/
stea$"(y+ or to sta%$ upr"ht for a%y (e%th of t")e. Most(y he (ay o% h"s be$+ a%$
#he%e!er he #"she$ to "!e au$"e%'e+ others ha$ to prop h") up a%$ )a/e h")
1=;. 6or the sa/e of the '"ty popu(a'e he 'o%s"$ere$ "t h"s u%a!o"$ab(e $uty to
atte%$ the ")per"a( pro'ess"o%s+ a%$ "t #as o% these o''as"o%s that he )ost
b"tter(y 'o)p(a"%e$. Ho#e!er+ throuh the s/"(( of h"s e?uerry he #as arra%e$
a%$ sett(e$ "% the sa$$(e+ a%$ s"%'e he fou%$ breath"% $">'u(t o%'e he #as
)ou%te$+ a%$ as the br"$(e hu% use(ess+ atte%$a%ts+ ta(( stro% )e%+ use$ to
prop h") up o% e"ther s"$e as he ro$e. So+ ho($"% h") stea$y o% r"ht a%$ (eft+
("/e so)e hea!y (oa$+ they #ou($ 'o%!ey h") to h"s "%te%$e$ $est"%at"o%. Met
e!e% u%$er these terr"b(e 'o%$"t"o%s+ he %e!er e%t"re(y forot h"s %or)a( hab"ts.
He #ou($ assu)e a% e&press"o% of reat be%e!o(e%'e+ a%$ e!e% )o!e$ a%$
'ha%e$ h"s pos"t"o% Ithe o%(y t")e he e!er $"$ so u%a"$e$J+ so that the
spe'tators #ere %ot rea((y sure that he #as "% pa"%+ or that h"s bo$y #as su3er"%
fro) para(ys"s. Su'h #ere the arra%e)e%ts )a$e for h") at the pre'ess"o%s.
E!e% the sto%es of the pa!e)e%ts #ere 'o!ere$ #"th 'arpets+ to pre!e%t h"s
horse s("pp"% o% the s)ooth surfa'e. Of 'ourse "t #as $"3ere%t "% h"s pa(a'e+ for
there he #as 'arr"e$ o% a ("tter+ a%$ he use$ to pass fro) o%e apart)e%t to
a%other a%$ be 'o%!eye$ #here!er he #"she$. *ut "f the 7u& 'a)e o% 22 #hat
a#fu( ao%"es he su3ere$Q
1KA. E!e% #h"(e I #r"te th"s h"story I a) st"(( abso(ute(y a)a,e$ to th"%/ ho# the
)a% #as ab(e to bear the e&'ru'"at"% pa"% of those atta'/s $ur"% that per"o$.
Para(ys"s fo((o#e$ para(ys"s "% rap"$ [1NL] su''ess"o%+ ")pa"r"% the parts st"((
u%tou'he$ by the $"sease a%$ $"s(o'at"% #hat #as st"(( 'ohere%t. He $"$ %ot
/%o# ho# to ("e o% h"s be$ so as to e%4oy a proper restO e!ery pos"t"o% pro!e$
u%'o)fortab(e. H"s !a(ets #ou($ ho($ up a%$ support h"s poor bo$y o% e"ther s"$e
u%t"( after )u'h e&per")e%t they $"s'o!ere$ the posture #h"'h a3or$e$ so)e
re("ef to h"). The% they #ou($ arra%e h") a%$ )a/e h") 'o)fortab(e+ #"th
'ush"o%s so p(a'e$ that he )"ht be /ept 1r) "% that pos"t"o%. *ut 'ha%e of
posture #as %ot the o%(y th"% that 'ause$ h") pa"%O e!e% h"s to%ue hurt h")
#he% he #as spea/"%+ a%$ the s("htest )o!e)e%t of the eyes set the hu)ours
"% )ot"o%. Co%se?ue%t(y he re)a"%e$ abso(ute(y st"((+ %e!er tur%"% "% e"ther
1K1. 8h"(e o% the sub4e't of th"s "((%ess+ I so(e)%(y $e'(are+ a%$ I 'a(( o% 0o$ to
#"t%ess the truth of )y #or$s+ that Co%sta%t"%e+ $esp"te the $rea$fu( troub(es
that e&hauste$ a%$ o!er#he()e$ h")+ $esp"te the a(toether p"t"ab(e 'o%$"t"o% "%
#h"'h he fou%$ h")se(f+ %e!er o%'e a((o#e$ a #or$ of b(asphe)y aa"%st 0o$ to
es'ape h"s ("ps. I% fa't+ "f he sa# a%yo%e e(se $"stresse$ at h"s o#% su3er"%s+ he
$"s)"sse$ h") fro) h"s prese%'e #"th )ore tha% usua( se!er"ty. The )"sfortu%e+
he sa"$+ #as (a"$ upo% h") as a pu%"sh)e%t. More ofte% he referre$ to "t as a
-'urb o% h"s %ature-. I%$ee$+ he #as afra"$ of h"s "%st"%'ts+ a%$ he use$ to say+
-8he% they refuse to "!e #ay to reaso%+ they y"e($ to bo$"(y pa"%. My bo$y "s
aR"'te$+ but at (east the u%ru(y $es"res of )y heart are %o# represse$.- So he
arue$ about h"s su3er"% ("/e a ph"(osopher+ a%$ "f o%e set as"$e a(( e(se that he
$"$+ a%$ 'o%s"$ere$ h") "% th"s )atter a(o%e+ sure(y o%e #ou($ say that here #as
a o$(y )a%.
1K=. He ha$ a%other oo$ ?ua("ty+ o%e that I )yse(f $o %ot #ho((y appro!e of+ but
he he($ "t "% h"h estee). Ho#e!er+ I #"(( (ea!e )y rea$ers to 4u$e for
the)se(!es. He 'o)p(ete(y %e(e'te$ to ta/e pre'aut"o%s for h"s o#% safety.
8he% he #as s(eep"% the $oors #ere (eft ope% a%$ %o uar$ /ept #at'h outs"$e
h"s be$'ha)ber. I%$ee$+ the 'ha)ber(a"%s ofte% (eft h") 'o)p(ete(y a%$ "t #as
poss"b(e for a%yo%e to #a(/ past h"s $oor+ a%$ pass "t aa"% o% the #ay ba'/+
#"thout the s("htest "%terfere%'e fro) others. If o%e too/ the ("berty of rebu/"%
h") for th"s (a&"ty+ Co%sta%t"%e #as %ot !e&e$ about "t+ but he $"s)"sse$ the
reproa'h as u%%e'essary. It #as $ue+ he sa"$+ to #ro% "$eas about 0o$. 8hat he
)ea%t by th"s+ #as that he o''up"e$ the thro%e by the ra'e of 0o$ a%$ by H")
a(o%e he #as [1NB] prote'te$. *e"% $efe%$e$ by the Perfe't 0uar$+ he sa# %o
%ee$ of hu)a% se%t"%e(s #ho fe(( short of perfe't"o%.
1KK. O% se!era( o''as"o%s I tr"e$ )yse(f to 'o%!"%'e h") of the $a%er. I ?uote$
the 'ase of bu"($ers a%$ he()s)e%+ a%$ 1%a((y of 'apta"%s a%$ e%era(s. -Not o%e
of these )e%+- I arue$+ -u%$erta/es h"s part"'u(ar tas/ #"thout p(a'"% h"s trust "%
0o$. Met the o%e (e!e(s o3 h"s bu"($"% #"th a ru(e+ the other u"$es h"s sh"p #"th a
ru$$er+ a%$ e!eryo%e #ho oes to #ar 'arr"es a sh"e($ a%$ s#or$. The so($"er-s
hea$ "s prote'te$ by a he()et+ #h"(e a breastp(ate 'o!ers the rest of h"s bo$y.-
Ha!"% ot so far+ I $e!e(ope$ the aru)e%t by po"%t"% out that these
safeuar$s #ere e!e% )ore appropr"ate "% the 'ase of a% e)peror+ but for a(( )y
e3orts I fa"(e$ to persua$e h"). It $oes 're$"t to the )a%-s %ob(e 'hara'ter+ but
h"s obst"%a'y )a$e th"%s easy for #ou($2be assass"%s.
1KH. There "s %o $oubt that "t brouht about a host of 'a(a)"t"es. O%e or t#o of
the) I #"(( $es'r"be+ a%$ (ea!e )y rea$ers to $e$u'e fro) the) the %ature of the
rest. Here I #"(( $e!"ate so)e#hat fro) the )a"% %arrat"!e for o%e )o)e%t. I%
#e((2o!er%e$ '"t"es there are "%s'r"be$ o% the '"t",e%2ro((s the %a)es %ot o%(y of
the best perso%s a%$ )e% of %ob(e b"rth+ but a(so of peop(e #hose or""% "s
obs'ure+ a%$ )"("tary author"t"es obser!e th"s 'usto) %o (ess tha% '"!"(
)a"strates. That+ at a(( e!e%ts+ #as the syste) fo((o#e$ by the 5the%"a%s a%$ "%
a(( those '"t"es #h"'h e)u(ate$ the"r for) of $e)o'ra'y. I% our po("ty+ ho#e!er+
th"s e&'e((e%t pra't"'e has bee% 'o%te)ptuous(y aba%$o%e$+ a%$ %ob"("ty 'ou%ts
for %oth"%. The pro'ess of 'orrupt"o% has bee% o"% o% "% the Se%ate for a (o%
t")eO "t "s+ "% fa't+ a her"tae of the past+ for Ro)u(usDD1=L #as the 1rst to
e%'ourae the /"%$ of 'o%fus"o% #e see %o#. To$ay the '"t",e%sh"p "s ope% to a((.
No $oubt you #ou($ 1%$ %ot a fe# #ear"% '"!"(",e$ '(othes+ #ho for)er(y
'o!ere$ the)se(!es "% a oat-s2ha"r '(oa/. Ma%y of our o!er%)e%t are+ I a)
sure+ e&2s(a!es #ho) #e bouht fro) barbar"a%s+ a%$ our reat o>'es of state
are e%truste$ %ot to )e% of the sta)p of Per"'(es+ or The)"sto'(es+ but to
#orth(ess s'a)ps ("/e Sparta'us.DD1=B
1K<. There #as a fe((o# "% )y t")e+ a 1(thy barbar"a% s'ou%$re( #ho far out$"$
the Ro)a%s "% arroa%'e a%$ #as so bra,e% that he [1N;] too/ a$!a%tae of h"s
e&a(te$ pos"t"o% a%$ phys"'a((y )a(treate$ so)e #ho after#ar$s be'a)e
e)perors+ a%$ the%+ #he% they ha$ a'tua((y as'e%$e$ the thro%e+ prou$(y
boaste$ of "t "% pub("'. -8"th th"s ha%$+- he #ou($ say+ sho#"% h"s r"ht ha%$+
-#"th th"s ha%$ I ha!e )a%y a t")e stru'/ Ro)a% E)perorsQ- I o%'e hear$ h")
utter those #or$s )yse(f a%$ I #as terr"b(y upset. I a()ost stra%(e$ the "%so(e%t
fore"%er #"th )y o#% t#o ha%$sO the sho'/ of those #or$s #as )ore tha% I
'ou($ bear.
1KN. 5'tua((y th"s re)ar/ 'ause$ %o )ore o3e%se tha% h"s pro)ot"o% to our
Se%ate+ the %ob(e )e)bers of #h"'h ha$ bee% po((ute$ by h"s prese%'e short(y
before the "%'"$e%t. I% the 1rst p(a'e he ha$ $o%e the e)peror so)e ser!"'e+
the% he #or)e$ h"s #ay "%to fa!our #"th the )a"strates+ a%$ h"s %a)e
appeare$ or the ro(( of the Se%ate. He #as+ as I ha!e sa"$+ a perso% of obs'ure
or""%. To be )ore e&p("'"t+ he #as a 'o))o% #orth(ess roue. Ho#e!er+ ha!"%
o%'e $ru%/ of the Ro)a% strea)s+ a%$ fou%$ the) oo$ to the taste+ he thouht
"t #ou($ be a p"ty "f he )"sse$ the 'ha%'e of be'o)"% )aster of the"r !ery
sour'e 22 e)peror+ "% fa't+ #"th Ro)a%s of the %ob(est fa)"("es h"s sub4e'ts+ a%$
he a s(a!e bouht at a pr"'eQ 8he% therefore the ras'a( 'o%'e"!e$ th"s "$ea+ he
sa# "% the e)peror-s u%uar$e$ state a o$se%$ for h"s !e%ture. Mea%#h"(e he
/ept h"s $es"% se'ret+ "%for)"% %o%e of h"s 'o((eaues+ a%$ s)oothe$ the path
to the rea(",at"o% of h"s $rea)s. 8he% the e)peror #as "% pro'ess"o% fro) the
Theatre to the Pa(a'e+ he )"%(e$ #"th the ra%/s "% the rear of the uar$ a%$
)ar'he$ #"th the). O%'e "%s"$e the Pa(a'e he (ay "% #a"t so)e#here %ear the
/"t'he%s+ e!eryo%e #ho )et h") be("e!"% that the e)peror ha$ to($ h") to stay
there+ a%$ so %obo$y #hate!er thre# h") out. Cater+ u%$er 'ross2e&a)"%at"o%+ he
$"s'(ose$ h"s se'ret "%te%t"o%s+ a%$ "t appears that h"s "$ea #as to fa(( upo%
Co%sta%t"%e "% h"s s(eep+ /"(( h") #"th a s#or$ I#h"'h he ha$ 'o%'ea(e$ "% h"s
'(othesJ a%$ )a/e h")se(f supre)e ru(er.
1KL. Su'h #as h"s p(a%. 8he% the e)peror #e%t to rest+ (y"% there+ as I ha!e
a(rea$y sa"$+ ?u"te u%uar$e$+ the $espera$o pro'ee$e$ to 'arry out h"s p(ot.
Ho#e!er+ after a$!a%'"% a fe# pa'es+ h"s %er!e a!e #ay a%$ he fa(tere$+
o!er'o)e #"th fa"%t%ess. He #as 'auht+ ru%%"% h"ther a%$ th"ther "% a% a")(ess
fash"o%+ ?u"te be#"($ere$. The e)peror #as at o%'e rouse$ fro) h"s s(eep.
Mea%#h"(e the uar$s ha$ 'o((e'te$ a%$ #ere ?uest"o%"% the barbar"a% #"th
so)e se!er"ty. Natura((y+ Co%sta%t"%e #as a%%oye$ at the [1LA] fe((o#-s $ar"%@
#hat p"?ue$ h") #as the fa't that su'h a )a% 'ou($ br"% h")se(f to treat a%
e)peror #"th ")pu$e%'e so bra,e%. He put h") "% 'ha"%s at o%'e+ a%$ o% the
%e&t $ay he h")se(f sat as 4u$e at the tr"a( 22 a !ery ster% 4u$e too. The )a%
#as 'ross2e&a)"%e$ about the atte)pte$ assass"%at"o%. Co%sta%t"%e as/e$ "f he
ha$ a''o)p("'es "% the p(ot+ "f there #as a r"%2(ea$er of the 'o%sp"ra'y+ "f
so)eo%e e(se ha$ "%st"ate$ h") to $are "t. These pre(")"%ary "%!est"at"o%s
ha!"% pro$u'e$ %o pro1tab(e a%s#er+ the pr"so%er #as put to the 'rue((est
tortures. He #as str"ppe$+ ho"ste$ up to a #oo$e% bea)+ a%$ suspe%$e$ fro) "t
by h"s feet+ the% 7oe$ t"(( he #as ha(f2$ea$. Th"s pu%"sh)e%t ha$ a 'rush"%
e3e't upo% h")+ I fa%'y+ for he $e%ou%'e$ 'erta"% h"h2ta%/"% o>'"a(s as h"s
a''o)p("'es+ a%$ a)o% h"s !"'t")s the barbar"a% )a$)a% %u)bere$ so)e
e%t(e)e% #hose (oya(ty a%$ ho%our #ere ?u"te u%$e%"ab(e. Ne!erthe(ess+ t")e
has restore$ the) to the"r or""%a( p(a'e of ho%our+ #h"(e he+ as the years o by+
"s st"(( %u)bere$ a)o% the reatest s'ou%$re(s of h"story.
1KB. 6or a #h"(e the e)peror $"$ ta/e pre'aut"o%s for h"s safety+ but (ater the !""(
#as aa"% re(a&e$ 22 a %e("e%'e #h"'h !ery %ear(y 'ost h") h"s o#% ("fe a%$
"%!o(!e$ the '"ty "% troub(es e!e% reater a%$ )ore terr"b(e st"((. I #"(( set forth
the 'auses of th"s 'a(a)"ty+ the e&te%t to #h"'h "t pre!a"(e$+ a%$ the )a%%er of
the e)peror-s $e("!era%'e fro) $a%er for a se'o%$ t")e+ after a(( ha$ $espa"re$
of h"s safety. Co%sta%t"%e ha$ a 'heerfu( $"spos"t"o%. 5%y /"%$ of past")e
appea(e$ to h") a%$ he re?u"re$ 'o%sta%t a)use)e%t. *ut he ha$ %o taste for
ora% )us"'+ or the )e(o$y of 7utes+ or a 1%e !o"'e+ or $a%'"%+ or )")es+ or
a%yth"% of that sort. O% the other ha%$+ "f so)eo%e ha$ a% ")pe$")e%t "% h"s
spee'h a%$ #as u%ab(e to pro%ou%'e h"s #or$s 'orre't(y+ or "f a )a% s")p(y
ta(/e$ %o%se%se+ utter"% a%y #or$ that 'ha%'e$ to 'o)e "%to h"s hea$+ he
thouht "t h"h(y $"!ert"%. 0e%era((y spea/"%+ "% fa't+ %oth"% #as )ore
'a('u(ate$ to p(ease Co%sta%t"%e tha% a #ro% use of #or$s.
1K;. No# at that t")e there use$ to !"s"t the pa(a'e a 'erta"% s'a((a#aDD1=;
aR"'te$ #"th 4ust that /"%$ of ")pe$")e%t "% h"s spee'h. 8he% he spo/e h"s
to%ue #ou($ stop fu%'t"o%"% a(toether+ or #he% he )a$e spe'"a( e3orts+ ("$e
o!er the #or$s. Th"s fe((o#+ )oreo!er+ e&aerate$ the %atura( $efe't+ a%$ the
resu(t"% 4u)b(e of sy((ab(es #as %o )ore e3e't"!e tha% the %o"ses of a )ute.
I%$ee$+ "% both 'ases+ #hether he spo/e %or)a((y or a3e'te$ $u)b2 [1L1]%ess+
the au$"e%'e #as ?u"te "%'apab(e of u%$ersta%$"% h"s )ea%"%.
1HA. 5t 1rst the e)peror treate$ the )a% #"th "%$"3ere%'e. I% fa't+ he o%(y
appeare$ at 'ourt e!ery %o# a%$ the% after the 'ere)o%y of ab(ut"o%. It #as
typ"'a( of the e)peror thouh+ that as t")e passe$ he shou($ ta/e )ore p(easure
"% h"s babb("%s+ t"(( he rea'he$ a po"%t #here he fou%$ h")se(f u%ab(e to be
parte$ fro) the fe((o#. Co%se?ue%t(y there #as %o t")e set apart for h"s foo(eryO
e!e% #he% Co%sta%t"%e #as ho($"% au$"e%'e+ appo"%t"% )a"strates+ or
'arry"% out a%y of h"s other pub("' $ut"es+ the )a% #as there #"th h")+ sho#"%
o3 h"s %atura( $efe't a%$ e%era((y a't"% the '(o#%. I%$ee$+ there 'a% be %o
$oubt but that the e)peror e%'ourae$ h"). He #e%t furtherO he )a$e a %e#
)a% of h")+ a% ")"tat"o% of the reat )e% of the rea()+ a%$ th"s street2(ou%er
#as tra%s(ate$ to the 'e%tre of Ro)a% o!er%)e%t. He #as rap"$(y pro)ote$ to
pos"t"o%s of ho%our+ too/ h"s p(a'e #"th the 'h"ef o>'ers of state+ ha$ per)"ss"o%
to o a%y#here+ a%$ #as appo"%te$ 'apta"% of the e)peror-s bo$yuar$. 8"th
'hara'ter"st"' (a'/ of 'ourtesy he $"$ %ot 'o%1%e h"s !"s"ts to h"s )aster to a%y
1&e$ t")e+ but su"te$ h"s o#% 'o%!e%"e%'e. He #ou($ o up to h")+ /"ss h") o%
breast a%$ fa'e a("/e+ spea/ to h") #"thout 1rst be"% a$$resse$ h")se(f+ a%$
the%+ brea/"% "%to a #"$e r"%+ s"t $o#% o% the sa)e 'ou'h+ a%$ s?uee,e the
e)peror-s feeb(e ha%$s bet#ee% h"s o#%+ a% a't"o% that pa"%e$ h")+ yet at the
sa)e t")e a!e h") p(easure.
1H1. 6or )y o#% part I $"$ %ot /%o# at #ho) to #o%$er the )ore+ th"s fe((o# #ho
ha$ bee% tra%sfor)e$ to su"t the #h") a%$ fa%'y of the e)peror+ or the
so!ere"% #ho brouht h")se(f $o#% to the other-s (e!e(+ for ea'h #as $es"rous of
p(eas"% the other+ a%$ they #ere $e!ote$ fr"e%$s. 8hat the )aster #a%te$ the
'o)e$"a% $"$O #hat he $"$ the )aster #a%te$. So "t 'a)e about that a(thouh
Co%sta%t"%e u%$erstoo$ the e%era( $r"ft of h"s '(o#%"%+ he #as st"(( 'o%te%t to
be the ob4e't of bu3oo%ery+ a%$ the a'tor )a$e )erry o!er h"s ru(er-s stup"$"ty+
)a/"% 4o/e after 4o/e a$)"rab(y su"te$ to the other-s s")p(e %ature.
1H=. It #e%t so far that the e)peror refuse$ to be parte$ fro) h") at a((. The
'(o#%+ o% the other ha%$+ be'a)e bore$ #"th th"s 'o%sta%t atte%$a%'e. He
(o%e$ for free$o)+ to pass the t")e as he #"she$. No# "t 'ha%'e$ o% a 'erta"%
o''as"o% that he (ost a part"'u(ar(y oo$ po(o2po%y. 5t that t")e he use$ to s(eep
bes"$e the [1L=] e)peror+ a%$ su$$e%(y+ "% the )"$$(e of the %"ht+ he ot up+
rouse$ h") fro) a $eep s(eep+ a%$ a!e #ay to u%'o%tro((ab(e $e)o%strat"o%s of
4oy. Co%sta%t"%e+ #ho #as by %o )ea%s $"sp(ease$ at be"% a#a/e%e$ "% th"s
)a%%er+ as/e$ h") #hat #as the )atter a%$ #hy he #as so e&u(ta%t. The '(o#%
put h"s ar)s rou%$ the e)peror-s %e'/ a%$ /"sse$ h")+ o!er a%$ o!er aa"%+ o%
the fa'e -S"r+- sa"$ he+ -he has bee% fou%$ 22 the horse that I (ostQ It "s a eu%u'h
that r"$es h") %o#+ a #r"%/(e$ o($ 'hap+ too o($ for r"$"%. P(ease (et )e ta/e a
horse %o# fro) the pa(a'e a%$ br"% h") here to you+ a%$ the )ou%t #"th h").-
5t these #or$s the e)peror (auhe$ )ost a"(y. -5h #e((+- he rep("e$+ -you ha!e
)y per)"ss"o% to o 22 but )"%$ you 'o)e ba'/ as ?u"'/(y as poss"b(e+ a%$ te((
)e a(( about "t #he% you 1%$ h").- So o3 he #e%t+ #"thout )ore a$o+ to e%4oy the
p(easures he ha$ "% )"%$. 5fter h"s feast"% #as $o%e+ ba'/ he 'a)e "% the
e!e%"%+ pa%t"% a%$ pu>%+ tra"("% beh"%$ h") a eu%u'h. -Here he "s+ S"r+- he
sa"$+ -the fe((o# #ho sto(e )y horse. He has "t for sure+ but refuses to "!e "t up.
8hat "s )ore+ he s#ears he %e!er sto(e "t "% the 1rst p(a'e.- 5t th"s+ the poor o($
)a% appeare$ to be #eep"%. He see)e$ to be at a (oss for #or$s to a%s#er the
'(o#%-s abuse. The e)peror+ )ea%#h"(e+ $"$ %ot /%o# ho# to refra"% fro)
1HK.To sett(e the )atter+ he 'o%so(e$ the o%e #"th a fresh horse a better o%e too+
#h"(e he ?ue%'he$ the 'ou%terfe"t tears of the eu%u'h #"th "fts #h"'h surpasse$
h"s #"($est $rea)s. 5'tua((y+ th"s eu%u'h #as o%e of the 'o)e$"a%-s )ost fer!"$
a$)"rers+ a%$ the ob4e't of h"s 7attery ha$ (o% $es"re$ h") to be%e1t fro) the
e)peror-s e%eros"ty. S"%'e+ ho#e!er+ he 'ou($ har$(y pet"t"o% the so!ere"% o%
beha(f of a )a% Co%sta%t"%e $"$ %ot /%o#+ he $e!"se$ the p(aya't"% about h"s
$rea) a%$ )a$e the e)peror h"s $upe+ tr"'/"% h") #"th the story of the o($ )a%
a%$ h"s o#% ")a"%ary !"s"o% 22 a $e'e"t )a$e the eas"er by the e)peror-s
so)e#hat $u(( #"t. 8hat )a$e "t e!e% )ore $ep(orab(e #as the fa't that #e #ere
a(( a#are of h"s $up("'"ty+ but as for $e%ou%'"% that $up("'"ty+ #e %e!er $rea)e$
of "tO #e #ere )ere(y the !"'t")s+ 'o)pe((e$ to #"t%ess the e)peror-s stup"$"ty
a%$ the other-s '(o#%"% "% pub("'+ for'e$ to (auh at th"%s #h"'h shou($ ha!e
)a$e us #eep. I%$ee$+ "f I ha$ %ot pro)"se$ to #r"te o% ser"ous )atters+ a%$ "f I
'are$ to re'or$ foo("sh tr"7es+ )y h"story #ou($ be au)e%te$ #"th a !ast
'o((e't"o% of su'h a%e'$otes. Th"s "s o%(y o%e of )a%y+ a%$ "t )ust ser!e as [1LK]
a% e&a)p(e of the rest. I #"(( retur% to )y %arrat"!e of e!e%ts as they happe%e$.
1HH. 8e((+ th"s '(o#% of ours %ot o%(y too/ possess"o% of the )e%-s apart)e%ts "%
the pa(a'es but ha!"% #or)e$ h"s #ay "%to the ")per"a( y%ae'o%"t"s I#o)e%-s
?uartersJ as #e((+ he #o% the fa!our of both e)presses. I%$u("% "% a(( /"%$s of
s"((y ta(/+ he )a"%ta"%e$ he ha$ bee% bor% of the e($er s"ster. 6urther tha% that+
he s#ore )ost so(e)%(y that the you%er s"ster+ too+ ha$ "!e% b"rth to a 'h"($.
H"s o#% b"rth+ sa"$ he+ ha$ ta/e% p(a'e thus 22 a%$ the%+ as "f re'a(("% ho# he
ha$ bee% brouht "%to the #or($+ he a!e a $es'r"pt"o% of her (abour+ #"th
sha)e(ess $eta"(s. H"s )ost #"tty a%e'$otes+ ho#e!er+ 'o%'er%e$ Theo$ora-s
a''ou'he)e%t+ the 'o%!ersat"o%s she ha$ #"th her 'h"($ $ur"% the pre%a%'y+
a%$ the )a%%er of her $e("!ery. These foo("sh #o)e%+ 'apt"!ate$ by the '(o#%-s
stor"es+ a((o#e$ h") to 'o)e a%$ o as he p(ease$ by se'ret $oors. It #ou($ %ot
be easy+ "%$ee$+ to e%u)erate a(( the pr"!"(ees that #ere sho#ere$ o% h")+ both
"% the )e%-s a%$ #o)e%-s apart)e%ts "% the pa(a'e.
1H<. 6or so)e t")e h"s foo(ery #as 'o%1%e$ )ere(y to p(ay2a't"% of th"s sort+ but
#he% the e)press $"e$ Ia% e!e%t #h"'h I #"(( $es'r"be short(yJ the s")p(eto%
bea% to 'o))"t 'r")es+ 'r")es #h"'h e!e%tua((y 'ause$ reat troub(e. I #"(( te((
part of the story+ but 1rst I #"(( a%t"'"pate )y h"story by tou'h"% o% a sub4e't
#h"'h #"(( be $ea(t #"th (ater. The e)peror ha$ a )"stress+DD1KA a "r( #ho #as
he($ as a hostae by us fro) a 'ou%try of %o reat ")porta%'e.DD1K1 She #as %ot
$"st"%u"she$ "% a%y #ay+ but be"% of roya( b(oo$ she #as respe'te$ by the
e)peror a%$ treate$ #"th reat ho%our. Our '(o#% 'o%'e"!e$ a $eep (o!e for th"s
"r(. 8hether she retur%e$ h"s a3e't"o% I 'a%%ot say #"th a%y 'erta"%ty+ but "t
appeare$ that the (o!e #as )utua(. Maybe she )o$erate$ her pass"o%+ but "% h"s
'ase 'o%'ea()e%t be'a)e ")poss"b(e 22 "t #as the o%(y t")e h"s a't"% fa"(e$ h").
Certa"%(y he a,e$ at her ?u"te bra,e%(y a%$ they )et fre?ue%t(y. He #as
u%$oubte$(y o% 1re #"th (o!e. Ho#e!er+ s"%'e "t #as beyo%$ h"s po#er to )aster
the a3e't"o%+ or #"% h"s be(o!e$ pr"%'ess for h")se(f+ he )a$e up h"s )"%$ to
be'o)e supre)e ru(er of the Ro)a% E)p"re. The "$ea+ of 'ourse+ sou%$s
abso(ute(y absur$+ a%$ ?u"te "%'re$"b(e+ but he $eter)"%e$ to 'arry "t out.
Perhaps he ba$ bee% "%7ue%'e$ by the a$!"'e of "((2$"spose$ perso%s+ or )aybe
the p(ot or""%ate$ "% h"s o#% )"%$@ I $o %ot /%o#+ but+ "% a%y 'ase+ he thouht
h"s p(a% #ou($ be e&tre)e(y easy to put "%to pra't"'e+ [1LH] for t#o reaso%s. He
'a('u(ate$ that there #as %o $">'u(ty "% )ur$er"% the e)peror+ a%$ se'o%$(y+
he h")se(f ha$ the /eys to the se'ret e%tra%'esO he ha$ po#er to shut or ope% a((
$oors as he #"she$. U%fortu%ate(y for h")+ he ha$ bee% (e$ to be("e!e that h"s
su''ess #ou($ be popu(ar+ a%$ "t s")p(y #as %ot true. The fa't "s+ he ("ste%e$ to
the %ot "%'o%s"$erab(e )ob of sy'opha%ts #ho fe$ at h"s tab(e+ a%$ o%e of the
(ea$ers of that 'horus+ a )a% #ho ha$ 'o)p(ete as'e%$a%'y o!er h")+ happe%e$
to be 'o))a%$er of the )er'e%ar"es.
1HN. 8e((+ to be"% #"th+ he /ept th"s p(a% to h")se(f+ a%$ %o o%e at a(( ha$ a%
"$ea that he #as 'o%s"$er"% a%y su'h s'he)e. *ut #he% h"s 'ra,y "%fatuat"o%
pro!e$ a(toether too )u'h for h")+ he thre# 'aut"o% to the #"%$s a%$ re!ea(e$
h"s "%te%t"o%s to ?u"te a %u)ber of other peop(e+ a )o!e #h"'h rap"$(y (e$ to h"s
$o#%fa((. 5'tua((y h"s arrest 'a)e %o%e too soo% 22 (ess tha% a% hour before he
#as to 'o))"t h"s horr"b(e 'r")e. 8he% e!e%"% 'a)e a%$ the e)peror+ fo((o#"%
h"s %or)a( 'usto)+ (ay $o#% to rest+ he #as probab(y e%ae$ "% sharpe%"% h"s
$aer rea$y for the )ur$er+ but o%e of h"s 'o%1$a%ts su$$e%(y arr"!e$ at the
pa(a'e+ say"% he ha$ a )essae for Co%sta%t"%e. St"(( pa%t"% har$+ he e%tere$
the I)per"a( be$'ha)ber+ a%$ #"thout #a"t"% to et h"s breath+ a!e h"s
#ar%"%. THe #"(( /"(( you+ S"rQ 5t o%'e 22 your $earest fr"e%$ I)e%t"o%"% the )a%
by %a)eJ. 6"%$ so)e #ay of es'ap"% "%sta%t $eathQT The e)peror 'ou($ %ot
be("e!e "t. He $"$ %ot /%o# #hat to $o. The '(o#%+ )ea%#h"(e+ rea(","% #hat ha$
happe%e$+ thre# a#ay h"s $aer+ )a$e for the 'hur'h #h"'h #as %ear there+
a%$ too/ refue at the Ho(y 5(tar. He 'o%fesse$ h"s p(ot a%$ a(( the $e'ept"o% he
ha$ pra't"se$ "% or$er to 'arry "t out. He a$)"tte$ the preparat"o%s he ha$ )a$e
a%$ a'/%o#(e$e$ that he ha$ "%te%$e$ to /"(( the e)peror outr"ht.
1HL. Co%sta%t"%e+ "%stea$ of retur%"% tha%/s to 0o$ for h"s $e("!era%'e+ #as
e&tre)e(y a%ry #"th the )esse%er+ be'ause+ forsooth+ h"s be(o!e$ fr"e%$ ha$
bee% 'auht. 5(rea$y+ before he e!e% hear$ the 'hares brouht aa"%st h")+ he
#as $efe%$"% the pr"so%er. Ho#e!er+ as the p(ot 'ou($ %ot poss"b(y be hushe$ up
Ifor e!eryo%e /%e# of "tJ+ he $e'"$e$ to ho($ a se)b(a%'e of tr"a( the %e&t $ay+
a%$ the 'u(pr"t #as (e$ "%to 'ourt+ "% 'ha"%s+ to hear se%te%'e pro%ou%'e$. 5t the
s"ht of h"s fr"e%$-s ha%$s bou%$ thus I"t #as a stra%e a%$ u%usua( spe'ta'(eJ+
the e)peror 'ou($ har$(y refra"% [1L<] fro) ope%(y sho#"% h"s sorro#. H"s eyes
1((e$ #"th tears. -*e oo$ e%ouh to set h") free+- he sa"$+ -for )y heart )e(ts
#"th p"ty #he% I (oo/ at h") thus.- 5%$ #he% those #ho ha$ bee% or$ere$ to $o
so ha$ (oose$ h") fro) h"s 'ha"%s+ Co%sta%t"%e e%t(y ure$ h") to )a/e h"s
$efe%'e@ the 'hares #ere $"s)"sse$ at o%'e. -Mou ha!e a )ost "%e%uous
'hara'ter+- he sa"$. -I /%o# your s"%'er"ty a%$ fra%/%ess. *ut te(( )e+ #ho pushe$
you "%to th"s r"$"'u(ous p(otS 8ho has $e'e"!e$ your s")p(e sou(S 8ho (e$ you
astray fro) the path of "%%o'e%'eS Te(( )e aa"%+ #h"'h of )y possess"o%s $o
you 'o!etS 8hat "s "t that p(eases you )ostS I assure you+ you sha(( ha!e a(( your
heart-s $es"re.-
1HB. Thus spo/e the e)peror+ h"s eyes a(( s#o((e% #"th #eep"% a%$ h"s 'hee/s
#et #"th tears. 5s for the '(o#%+ he "%ore$ the 1rst ?uest"o%s as thouh they
ha$ %e!er bee% as/e$O "% fa't+ he o3ere$ %o e&p(a%at"o% #hate!er. I% rear$ to
the (ater ?uer"es+ #h"'h referre$ to h"s $es"res+ he $"$ rep(y+ a%$ a #o%$erfu(
e&h"b"t"o% of p(ay a't"% "t #as. 9"ss"% the e)peror-s ha%$s a%$ (ay"% h"s hea$
o% the e)peror-s /%ees+ -Seat )e o% the ")per"a( thro%e+- he sa"$+ -a%$ a$or% )e
#"th a 'ro#% of pear(s. 0"!e )e th"s 'o((ar too Ipo"%t"% to the or%a)e%t
Co%sta%t"%e #ore rou%$ h"s %e'/J a%$ (et )e share "% the a''(a)at"o% #"th you. I
(o%e$ for th"s before+ a%$ %o# "t "s )y reatest $es"re.-
1H;. The e3e't of these #or$s o% the e)peror #as e&traor$"%ary. He #as rea((y
$e("hte$. 8hat he #a%te$ #as to 1%$ so)e reaso%ab(e e&'use for a'?u"tt"% the
fe((o# of )a/"% th"s absur$ atte)pt o% h"s o#% ("fe. If "t 'ou($ be sho#% that he
#as s")p(e a%$ ho%est+ the% he #ou($ be 'o)p(ete(y free of susp"'"o%+ a%$
'o%$e)%at"o% #ou($ be u%%e'essary. -I #"(( put a $"a$e) o% your hea$ as #e((+-
he sa"$+ -a%$ '(othe you "% a robe of purp(e. O%e th"% I be of youO p(ease be
your o($ se(f a%$ put a% e%$ to th"s troub(e. 5#ay #"th that $ar/ (oo/ o% your fa'e
a%$ (et )e see there the o($ e&press"o%+ the happ"%ess that use$ to sh"%e "% your
eyesQ- E!e% the ser"ousr%"%$e$ s)"(e$ at these #or$s+ a%$ the 4u$es+ #"thout so
)u'h as as/"% a s"%(e ?uest"o%+ (eft the 'ourt "% a bo$y+ (auh"%. They $"$ %ot
e!e% stay to see the e%$ of the 'o)e$y. 5s for the e)peror+ he )a$e a tha%/2
o3er"% to 0o$ for h"s safety a%$ re%$ere$ prayers of rat"tu$e+ as "f he h")se(f
ha$ bee% the a''use$ a%$ ha$ h")se(f bee% a'?u"tte$. Th"s #as fo((o#e$ by a
feast )ore su)ptuous tha% usua(+ the e)peror "!"% the ba%?uet a%$ pres"$"%
o!er "t+ a%$ the [1LN] uest of ho%our #as %o%e other tha% th"s '(o#%+ the !ery
)a% #ho ha$ p(otte$ aa"%st h").
1<A. 8he% [he e)press Theo$ora a%$ h"s s"ster Euprep"a+ ("/e the o$$esses "%
the poe)DD1K= e&presse$ se!ere $"sappro!a( of these pro'ee$"%s+ a%$ "%stea$
of be"% areeab(e 'o%sta%t(y 'r"t"'",e$ the e)peror-s stup"$"ty+ h"s 'o)posure
#as ruRe$+ a%$ to p(ease the) he 'o%$e)%e$ the 'u(pr"t to e&"(e. The p(a'e #as
%ot far a#ay+ DD1KK "% fa't+ he or$ere$ h") to res"$e ?u"te %ear+ o% o%e of the
"s(a%$s (y"% o3 the '"ty+ a$!"s"% h") to e%4oy the bath"% there a%$ a)use
h")se(f to h"s heart-s 'o%te%t. Cess tha% te% $ays after#ar$s he re'a((e$ h") #"th
e!ery )ar/ of ho%our. He #as to be ra%te$ )ore ("'e%se tha% e!erO reater
fa!ours shou($ be 'o%ferre$ o% h"). I% a h"story su'h as th"s+ I ha!e passe$ o!er
"% s"(e%'e )a%y re)ar/ab(e fa'ts+ th"%s #h"'h %ot o%(y "%4ure the reputat"o% of
a% author+ but bore h"s rea$ers. I% the 'ase of th"s part"'u(ar "%'"$e%t I ha!e %ot
to($ the #ho(e story. To 'o)p(ete "t+ I sha(( ha!e to $"ress at so)e (e%th a%$
"%sert here a%other a%e'$ote+ "% or$er to )a/e the h"story free fro) obs'ur"ty.
5fter th"s $"ress"o% I #"(( retur% to )y or""%a( story a%$ 1%"sh "t.
1<1. The e)press Goe #as a(rea$y past the ae for se&ua( re(at"o%s+ but the
e)peror-s $es"res #ere st"(( fe!er"sh. H"s 5uusta ha$ $"e$ so)e t")e ao+ a%$
h"s 'o%!ersat"o%s o% the sub4e't of (o!e te%$e$ to be'o)e "%!o(!e$ "% a )ass of
stra%e a%$ fa%'"fu( "$eas. He #as %atura((y "%'("%e$ to se&ua( "%$u(e%'e+ but he
'ou($ 1%$ %o sat"sfa't"o% "% 'heap har(otry. Met )e)or"es of h"s ear(y a)ours
#ere a(#ays rous"% "% h") fresh #a!es of $es"re+ a%$ e!e%tua((y he fe(( "% (o!e
#"th a you% "r(+ o%e of our hostaes fro) 5(a%"a II ha!e a(rea$y )e%t"o%e$ th"s
fa't ear("er "% )y h"storyJ. The /"%$o) of 5(a%"a #as %ot part"'u(ar(y
$"st"%u"she$ "% "tse(f+ %or ha$ "t a%y reat prest"e+ but "t reu(ar(y supp("e$
p(e$es of "ts (oya(ty to the Ro)a% E)p"re. Th"s "r( #as the $auhter of the /"%
there. She #as %ot re)ar/ab(e for beauty a%$ fe# su"tors souht her ha%$ "%
)arr"ae. O%(y t#o attr"butes (e%t her espe'"a( 'har) 22 the #h"te%ess of her s/"%+
a%$ the br"(("a%'e of her !ery beaut"fu( eyes. Met #he% the e)peror o%'e 'a)e
u%$er her "%7ue%'e+ he forsoo/ a(( h"s other para)ours. He ("!e$ #"th th"s "r(
a(o%e a%$ 'o%'e"!e$ for her a )ost !"o(e%t pass"o%.
1<=. 5s (o% as the e)press #as st"(( a("!e+ h"s "%tr"ues #ere )ore or (ess se'retO
he preferre$ to o a%$ 'o)e u%see%+ u%$er a '(oa/ of [1LL] )ystery. 8he% she
#as $ea$+ thouh+ he 7au%te$ h"s pass"o% a%$ ope%(y fa%%e$ the 7a)e of $es"re.
He !ery %ear(y ha$ a br"$a( 'ha)ber fur%"she$ a%$ es'orte$ h"s (a$y2(o!e there+
as "f she #ere "%$ee$ h"s #"fe. Her appeara%'e #as su$$e%(y tra%sfor)e$ "% a%
e&traor$"%ary #ay. Her hea$ #as ar(a%$e$ "% stra%e $e'orat"o%s+ her %e'/ #as
resp(e%$e%t #"th o($+ bra'e(ets of o($+ fash"o%e$ ("/e s%a/es+ t#"%e$ rou%$ her
ar)s+ a%$ hea!y pear(s #ere suspe%$e$ fro) her ears. 5s for her "r$(e+ "t #as
)a$e of o($+ a$or%e$ #"th a 'ha"% of pear(s. The #o)a% #as a !er"tab(e
Proteus+ #"th a(( h"s 'ha%es a%$ !ar"at"o%s.DD1KH
1<K. Rea((y he #a%te$ to 'ro#% her #"th the $"a$e) of a% e)press+ but t#o
th"%s restra"%e$ h")O the (a# (")"t"% the %u)ber of )arr"aes+ a%$ the e)press
Theo$ora+ #ho #ou($ %e"ther to(erate h"s "%su(t+ %or aree to be both ru(er a%$
ru(e$. So the (a$y #as %ot per)"tte$ to #ear the ")per"a( robes+ but Co%sta%t"%e
$"$ a((o# her to share h"s t"t(e+ for he 'a((e$ her 5uusta. 5% ")per"a( bo$yuar$
#as a(so pro!"$e$ for her. E!ery $oor that (e$ to her $es"res #as thro#% #"$e
ope%+ r"!ers 7o#"% #"th o($ #ere $"!erte$ for her p(easure+ strea)s of #ea(th+
e%$(ess 7oo$s of opu(e%'e. So o%'e )ore a(( our treasures #ere #aste$ a#ay a%$
s?ua%$ere$. So)e #ere s'attere$ "%s"$e the #a((s of the '"ty+ others 'arr"e$ a#ay
to the barbar"a% #or($. 6or the 1rst t")e "% "ts h"story the (a%$ of the 5(a%"a%s #as
surfe"te$ #"th oo$ th"%s that 'a)e to "t fro) our Ro)e. Sh"ps sa"(e$ "%to
harbour+ a%$ #he% they o%'e )ore put to sea+ they #ere a(( (oa$e$ #"th pre'"ous
th"%s that be(o%e$ to us+ th"%s that "% he o($ $ays )a$e the Ro)a% E)p"re
the ob4e't of e%!y.
1<H. It use$ to r"e!e )e the%+ see"% a(( our possess"o%s thro#% a#ay ("/e that+
a%$ I a) 4ust as $"stresse$ at the thouht of "t to$ay+ for %o o%e e!er a$)"re$ the
Ro)a%s or (o!e$ h"s 'ou%try )ore tha% I $o. I st"(( b(ush for )y )aster a%$
e)peror. T#o or three t")es e!ery year e%!oys use$ to 'o)e fro) her father "%
5(a%"a to th"s "r( 5uusta+ a%$ Co%sta%t"%e #ou($ sho# her o3 to the) I("/e a%
e&h"b"t"o% o% a staeJ+ pro'(a")"% that she #as h"s 'o%sort a%$ e)press+ a%$ he
a'tua((y 'a((e$ her by those %a)es. He h")se(f a!e the) so)e "fts+ others he
e%'ourae$ h"s beaut"fu( -#"fe- to prese%t to the).
1<<. The a'tor fe((o#+ of #ho) I spo/e so)e t")e ao+ ha$ bee% "% (o!e #"th th"s
pr"%'ess before+ a%$ he #as su''essfu( "% h"s #oo"%. So he p(otte$ aa"%st the
e)peror+ but the p(ot #e%t a#ry. [1LB] 8he% he retur%e$ fro) e&"(e+ he #as )ore
pass"o%ate(y "% (o!e tha% e!er. I #as #e(( a#are of th"s+ but I thouht Co%sta%t"%e
/%e# %oth"% about "t. Rea((y+ I #as rather $oubtfu(. Ho#e!er+ "t #as he h")se(f
#ho sett(e$ the ?uest"o% for )e. O% a 'erta"% o''as"o% #he% I #as a''o)pa%y"%
h") o% o%e of h"s !"s"ts to the (a$y Ihe #as be"% 'arr"e$ o% a ("tterJ+ her (o!er
#as a(so o%e of the party 5t the t")e she #as "% her pr"!ate apart)e%t "% the
pa(a'e+ sta%$"% by so)e (att"'e$ ates. *efore e)bra'"% her+ the e)peror
stoppe$+ th"%/"% of so)eth"%+ a%$ #h"(e he #as 'o%'e%trat"% o% the )atter "%
?uest"o%+ the '(o#% 'ast h"s eyes "% the $"re't"o% of h"s be(o!e$. See"% her+ he
s)"(e$ e%t(y a%$ the% sho#e$ other s"%s of h"s (o!e for her. 5a"% a%$ aa"% h"s
eyes tur%e$ to#ar$s her. 8h"(e th"s #as o"% o%+ the e)peror e%t(y %u$e$ )e
"% the r"bs. -See the ras'a(+- he sa"$+ -st"(( "% (o!e. H"s past pu%"sh)e%t has%-t $o%e
h") the (east oo$.- I))e$"ate(y I hear$ h")+ I #as 'o!ere$ "% 'o%fus"o%+ but he
#e%t o% to see the (a$y+ #h"(e the other+ by %o )ea%s abashe$+ (oo/e$ at her
#"th )ore "%so(e%'e tha% e!er. Ho#e!er+ "t a(( 'a)e to %oth"%+ for the e)peror
$"e$+ as I sha(( te(( you (ater "% )y h"story+ a%$ of the other t#o the 5uusta #as
aa"% 'o%s"$ere$ a )ere hostae+ a%$ the (o!er sa# h"s pass"o% e%$ "% %oth"%
but e)pty $rea)s.
1<N. It )ust be '(ear that "% th"s a''ou%t I ha!e repeate$(y passe$ o!er )a%y
e!e%ts that o''urre$ $ur"% th"s per"o$+ so I #"(( retur% to the e)peror. *ut 1rst I
#"(( $e!ote so)e paes to the e)press Goe+ e%$"% #"th her $eath+ a%$ the% I
#"(( ta/e up a%y )a"% story aa"%. 8hat she #as ("/e "% her youth I 'a%%ot say
#"th a%y 'erta"%ty+ I ha!e a(rea$y "!e% so)e $es'r"pt"o% of her ear("er "% th"s
boo/+ but #hat I #rote the% $epe%$e$ o% hearsay.
1<L. 8he% she ha$ ro#% o($+ she #as so)e#hat (a'/"% "% stab"("ty. I $o %ot
#"sh to 'o%!ey the ")press"o% that she #as $era%e$ or out of her r"ht )"%$+
but she #as abso(ute(y "%ora%t of pub("' a3a"rs a%$ her 4u$)e%t #as
'o)p(ete(y #arpe$ by the !u(ar e&tra!aa%'e that pre!a"(e$ "% the pa(a'e.
8hate!er "%te((e'tua( a$!a%taes she )ay ha!e e%4oye$ "% the past+ her
'hara'ter 'erta"%(y $"$ %ot su3er her to preser!e e!e% the) free fro) "%s"%'er"ty+
for a per!erse $e("ht "% $"sp(ay"% her /%o#(e$e sho#e$ her [1L;] for #hat she
#as 22 %ot "%te((e'tua((y ho%est+ but (a'/"% "% taste. 8e #"(( %ot spea/ of her
re!ere%'e for 0o$O I 'a%%ot 1%$ fau(t #"th "))o$erat"o% "% that. Sure(y %obo$y
'ou($ surpass her "% that oo$ ?ua("ty+ for she $epe%$e$ #ho((y o% 0o$+ as'r"be$
a(( e!e%ts to H"s "%7ue%'e+ thouht a(( th"%s #ere brouht about by H"). I ha!e
$u(y 'o))e%$e$ her for th"s ear("er "% )y h"story. 6or the rest+ she #as
'hara'ter",e$ %ot o%(y by te%$er%ess a%$ (a&"ty+ but a(so by e&tre)e harsh%ess
a%$ te%s"o%+ a%$ these t#o aspe'ts #ou($ "%ter'ha%e for %o reaso% at a(( "% a
s"%(e )o)e%t. She 'ou($ be both th"%s to the sa)e perso%. 6or "%sta%'e+ "f o%e
sa# her u%e&pe'te$(y a%$ )a$e prete%$ to fa(( $o#% as "f stru'/ by ("ht%"%
I)a%y p(aye$ th"s tr"'/ o% herJ+ he #as at o%'e prese%te$ #"th 'ha"%s of o($+ but
"f he e&presse$ h"s rat"tu$e #"th too )u'h e3us"o%+ he #ou($ pro)pt(y 1%$
h")se(f "% 'ha"%s of "ro%. 5a"%+ per'e"!"% that her father #as so)e#hat
"%$"s'r")"%ate "% the "%7"'t"o% of b("%$"% as a pu%"sh)e%t+ o%e ha$ but to
'o))"t the s("htest error+ a%$ she #ou($ put h") to a s")"(ar torture+ #"thout
a%y hes"tat"o%. Ha$ %ot the e)peror fro#%e$ o% th"s+ )a%y a )a% #ou($ ha!e
(ost h"s eyes for %o reaso% at a((.
1<B. She #as the )ost e%erous of #o)e%+ a%$ th"s !"rtue of e%eros"ty+ #h"'h
"% her 'ase /%e# %o bou%$s+ (e$ her to pour out a(( her #ea(th rear$(ess of a((
e'o%o)y. 8"th o%e ha%$ she #ou($ pay out the )o%ey+ a%$ at the sa)e t")e
ra"se the other "% supp("'at"o% to 0o$ for b(ess"%s o% the hea$ of her be%e1'"ary.
5%y e%thus"ast"' a''ou%t of the (or"ous $ee$s of her fa)"(y+ espe'"a((y those of
her u%'(e *as"(+ 1((e$ her #"th $e("htO the e3e't o% her sp"r"ts #as "%sta%ta%eous.
5(thouh she ha$ a(rea$y passe$ her se!e%t"eth year+ there #as %ot a #r"%/(e o%
her fa'e. She #as 4ust as fresh as she ha$ bee% "% the pr")e of her beauty. It
)ust be a$)"tte$+ thouh+ that her ha%$s #ere u%stea$y. She #as sub4e't to
tre)ors too+ a%$ her ba'/ #as be%t. 5s for or%a)e%ts about her perso%+ she
abso(ute(y $esp"se$ the)O she #ore %e"ther '(oth of o($+ %or $"a$e)s+ %or
beaut"fu( th"%s about her %e'/. Her ar)e%ts #ere %ot of the hea!y sortO "% fa't+
she '(othe$ herse(f "% a th"% $ress.
1<;. She (eft the a$)"%"strat"o% of the E)p"re e%t"re(y "% the ha%$s of
Co%sta%t"%e+ preferr"% to be re("e!e$ of a(( respo%s"b"("t"es "% that $"re't"o%. Nor
#as she "%tereste$ "% the th"%s that appea( to #o)e% 22 (oo)s+ $"sta3s+ #oo(+ or
#ea!"%. O%e th"% abo!e a(( '(a")e$ her atte%t"o%s a%$ o% th"s she e&pe%$e$ a((
her e%thus"as) 22 the o3er"% [1BA] of sa'r"1'es to 0o$. I a) %ot referr"% so
)u'h to the sa'r"1'e of pra"se+ or of tha%/s"!"%+ or of pe%"te%'e+ but to the
o3er"% of sp"'es a%$ s#eet herbs+ the pro$u'ts of I%$"a a%$ Eypt.
1NA. 5s her ("fe $re# to "ts appo"%te$ '(ose+ #he% she #as o% the po"%t of $y"%+
s("ht 'ha%es )a$e the"r appeara%'e "% her %or)a( state of hea(th+ s"%s that
the e%$ #as %ear. She (ost her appet"te a%$ as the (a'/ of %our"sh)e%t )a$e
"tse(f fe(t )ore a%$ )ore+ she 'auht a fe!er+ #h"'h pro!e$ fata(. It #as ob!"ous
fro) the p"%"% a#ay of her bo$y 22 o%e )"ht a()ost say "ts $e'ay 22 that $eath
#as at ha%$. Her 1rst thouht #as for those "% pr"so%. Debts #ere re)"tte$+ a%$
a% a)%esty ra%te$ to 'o%$e)%e$ 'r")"%a(s. She ope%e$ up the ")per"a(
treasury a%$ a((o#e$ the o($ /ept there to pour forth ("/e a r"!er. So the o($ #as
s?ua%$ere$ #"th a(( the u%'o%tro((e$ profus"o% of a 7oo$+ a%$ Goe+ after a short
a%$ pa"%fu( "((%ess+ but ("tt(e 'ha%e "% her out#ar$ appeara%'e+ $eparte$ th"s ("fe
at the ae of se!e%ty2t#o.DD1K<
1N1. Ha!"% 'o)p(ete$ )y a''ou%t of the e)press+ I #"(( retur% to Co%sta%t"%e.
6"rst+ ho#e!er+ I ha!e th"s obser!at"o% to )a/e. It #as %ot )y $es"re to #r"te a
h"story+ or to a'?u"re a reputat"o% for !era'"ty "% that sphere. 8hat I #a%te$ to $o
#as to 'o)pose a pa%eyr"' "% ho%our of th"s ru(er. Certa"%(y I shou($ ha!e bee%
ab(e to 'o%tr"bute a host of 'o)p(")e%ts to )y eu(oy+ for he a3or$e$ abu%$a%t
4ust"1'at"o% for the). The e%'o)"ast+ you see+ passes o!er a(( that "s u%#orthy "%
h"s hero+ a%$ 'o%'e%trates o% h"s %ob(er $ee$s. 8here the ba$ $ee$s are "% the
)a4or"ty+ the orator %ee$s to 1%$ o%(y o%e "%'"$e%t #here h"s sub4e't 'o%$u'te$
h")se(f "% a %ob(e fash"o%+ a%$ he #"(( pro$u'e a passab(e eu(oy. *y '(e!er
ha%$("% e!e% )ea% e&p(o"ts 'a% be )"s"%terprete$ so as to be'o)e a% e&'use
for pra"se. *ut the )a% #ho #r"tes a h"story "s ("/e a 4u$e+ %o respe'ter of
perso%s a%$ "%'orrupt"b(e. I% h"s $es'r"pt"o% of e!e%ts he "s b"asse$ "% fa!our of
%e"ther s"$e+ but a$epts "% h"s a''ou%t a po("'y of str"'t ")part"a("ty. He br"%s
for#ar$ %o subt(e aru)e%ts o% beha(f of the oo$+ or of the ba$+ but pure(y a%$
s")p(y te((s #hat happe%e$. 8here t#o perso%s are "%!o(!e$ "% the h"story+ a%$
of the) o%e Ia !"rtuous )a%J ha$ pre!"ous(y treate$ the author #"th bou%$(ess
'o%te)pt+ #h"(e the other Ia )a% of ?u"te a $"3ere%t sta)pJ use$ to 'o%fer o%
h") 'erta"% fa!ours+ the h"stor"a% #"(( %ot be "%7ue%'e$ by the beha!"our of e"ther
)a% to#ar$s h")se(f+ a%$ ea'h #"(( be represe%te$ "% h"s true 'hara'ter. Suppose
the h"stor"a% [1B1] #ere a((o#e$ to retur% fa!our for fa!our+ "% the 'ase of
so)eo%e #ho ha$ bee% fr"e%$(y to h") "% the past+ a%$ suppose he #ere ra%te$
the pr"!"(ee of per!ert"% the truth for that purpose+ a(( be'ause of so)e a't of
fr"e%$sh"p or e%eros"ty+ "s there a%y )a% )ore e%t"t(e$ tha% I to eu(o",e th"s
part"'u(ar e)peror "% h"s #r"t"%sS I%$ee$+ Co%sta%t"%e %e!er set eyes o% )e
before he as'e%$e$ h"s thro%e+ a%$ yet o%'e he ha$ see% )e+ he #as so 'har)e$
#"th )y e(o?ue%'e that he see)e$ to -ha% o% )y ("ps by h"s ears-+ as the
pro!erb says.
1N=. My $">'u(ty "s th"s 22 ho# a) I to preser!e the true story+ a%$ at the sa)e
t")e "!e h") the 're$"t that he $eser!esS If I a) u%$u(y part"'u(ar "% #r"t"% a
true h"story+ at (east I preser!e h"s reat reputat"o% "% o%e respe't+ for #he% I
)a/e a thorouh a%$ 'a%$"$ e&a)"%at"o% of h"s 'areer+ e!e% #here h"s a't"o%s
are appare%t(y ba$+ "f #e st"(( see the ("ht of !"rtue sh"%"% throuh h"s oo$
$ee$s+ a%$ "f #e 1%$ the oo$ s'a(e o% the ba(a%'e+ 'arry"% a fa"r(y hea!y
#e"ht of oo$ $ee$s+ out#e"hs the ba$+ the%+ sure(y+ Co%sta%t"%e #"(( be
'o%s"$ere$ a reater )a% tha% a(( those e)perors #hose pa%eyr"'s appear to
be suspe'ts p(aus"b(e rather tha% true. 8as there e!er a )a% Ihere I a) try"% to
4ust"fy h"s )"sta/esJ+ abo!e a((+ #as there e!er a% e)peror+ #ho #o% the 'ro#% of
pra"se for a(( h"s $ee$s+ #"thout e&'ept"o%S
1NK. 8he% #e (oo/ at the reat (ea$ers of )e%+ perso%s re%o#%e$ for the"r
'hara'ters a%$ the"r #or$s a%$ $ee$s+ )e% su'h as 5(e&a%$er the Ma'e$o%"a%+
the t#o Caesars+DD1KN Pyrrhus of Ep"rus+ Epa)"%o%$as the Theba%+ 5es"(aus the
Sparta%+ %ot to spea/ of others #ho #o% br"ef 'o))e%$at"o% fro) the"r a$)"rers+
#he% #e (oo/ at these )e%+ #e $o %ot 1%$ "% the"r ("!es a% e?ua( ba(a%'e of
!"rtue a%$ !"'e+ as #e /%o# fro) the"r b"oraphers+ but e%era((y they "%'("%e
so)e#hat to the #orse. 8hat the% 'a% o%e say of those #ho ")"tate$ the)+ "f
they see)e$ "%fer"or to the) "% so)e s)a(( $eree 22 I $o %ot )ea% "% a(( aspe'ts
of !"rtue+ but "% those #here these reat )e% ha!e su''ee$e$ abo!e a(( othersS
1NH. 8he% therefore I 'o)pare th"s !ery reat e)peror #"th the)+ I a) a#are
that he "s the"r "%fer"or "% bra!ery+ but he "s a 1%er )a% tha% they #he% o%e
'o%s"$ers the other oo$ ?ua("t"es 22 a%$ h"s super"or"ty here "s 4ust as )ar/e$ as
the"rs "% the 1rst 'ase+ #here he ha$ to y"e($ the) the pa(). He #as ")petuous
by %ature+ "fte$ #"th re)ar/ab(e shre#$%ess a%$ a )ost rete%t"!e )e)ory+ but
he e&er'"se$ su'h 'o%tro( o!er th"s ("!e(y te)pera)e%t that he+ )ore [1B=] tha%
a(( the others+ see)s to ha!e bee% e%$o#e$ #"th /"%$("%ess. I #as %ot $e'e"!e$
by appeara%'es )yse(f+ thouh+ a%$ I /%e# that he ha$ a te)per+ a%$ that he
he($ "t "% 'he'/+ as a 'har"oteer ho($s ba'/ a sp"r"te$ horse. So+ #he% the b(oo$
rushe$ to h"s fa'e a%$ h"s bo$y #as su$$e%(y )o!e$ #"th a%er+ he #ou($ 'a()
$o#% )ore ?u"'/(y st"((+ a%$ "!e #ay at o%'e to reaso%. If+ by a%y 'ha%'e+ "% the
'ourse of h"s $ut"es as e)peror+ he spo/e rather sharp(y or threate%e$ a%yo%e
#"th pu%"sh)e%t+ he #ou($ b(ush "))e$"ate(y after#ar$s+ as "f he re!ere
asha)e$ of utter"% #or$s #h"'h #ere+ to h")+ u%usua(.
1N<. 8he% he a'te$ as 4u$e+ "t #as ")poss"b(e for a% o%(oo/er to $"st"%u"sh
e"ther the su''essfu( ("t"a%t+ or the $efeate$ party+ by the"r beha!"our after he
ha$ "!e% the !er$"'t. To put "t )ore '(ear(y the party that obta"%e$ the #h"te
pebb(e %atura((y #e%t a#ay ra$"a%t #"th 4oy@ h"s oppo%e%t+ o% the other ha%$+
e!e% before he /%e# that he ha$ (ost h"s 'ase+ ha$ %o hopes of su''ess+ but
)eet"% #"th treat)e%t )ore (e%"e%t tha% he ha$ e&pe'te$+ he too #e%t a#ay "%
tr"u)ph+ )ore pr"!"(ee$ tha% he ha$ $are$ to a%t"'"pate.
1NN. Nu)erous 'o%sp"ra'"es #ere for)e$ aa"%st h")+ a%$ "% the )a4or"ty of
the) the rebe(s e!e% #e%t so far as to atte)pt assass"%at"o%. Met he preferre$ to
$ra# a !e"( o!er the"r re'/(ess%ess a%$ ta(/ #"th the) "% h"s %or)a( #ay+ as "f he
/%e# %oth"% of these atte)pts+ or ha$ at o%'e forotte% the"r ")pu$e%'e. 5%$
#he% those #ho surrou%$e$ the thro%e+ a%$ #ho ha$ %ot bee% $epr"!e$ of the
r"ht to spea/ free(y "% h"s prese%'e+ tr"e$ to pro!o/e h") to a%er aa"%st the)+
say"% that he #ou($ !ery soo% be /"((e$ "f he $"$ %ot ta/e steps to $efe%$ h")se(f
aa"%st these a$!e%turers+ he #as )ore 'o%'er%e$ to s'ore a !erba( tr"u)ph
o!er the) "% 'ourt+ tha% to "!e the) a reu(ar tr"a(. He appo"%te$ 4u$es to hear
the)+ a%$ h")se(f $"s'usse$ the"r $ar"% atte)pts "% a spee'h fu(( of bo)bast 22
a%$ #hat a '(e!er spea/er he #as+ #"th #hat ra%e of e&press"o%Q The%+ as he
sa# the) shu$$er"% #"th fear+ he 'o%'(u$e$ h"s spee'h #"th a br"ef $efe%'e+
'o%$u't"% e!e% that "% fr"!o(ous !e"% 22 a%$ stra"ht#ay se%t the) a#ay
1NL. 8"th rear$ to h"s pub("' a'ts+ I #"(( (ea!e the re'or$"% of the) to )a%y
other #r"ters #ho ("/e to 'hro%"'(e those th"%s. *ut I #"(( $"s'(ose a s)a(( %u)ber
of "%t")ate fa'ts about h")+ th"%s #h"'h are the 'o))o% top"' of 'o%!ersat"o%+
the /"%$ of $ee$s ("/e(y to be e"ther pra"se$ or b(a)e$. Of the ?ua("t"es #h"'h
ha!e [1BK] bu"(t up h"s oo$ reputat"o% I 'hoose o%e for spe'"a( 'o))e%$at"o%O
h"s '(e)e%'y. He /%e# that he #as by te)pera)e%t a /"%$(y a%$ )er'"fu( )a%+
a%$ he %e!er bore )a("'e aa"%st a%y of the "%$"!"$ua(s #ho !e%te$ the"r sp"te o%
h"). Th"s e%t(e%ess #as )ost ob!"ous "% h"s $ea("%s #"th )o$erate o3e%$ers 22
I )ea% by -)o$erate- those #ho $"$ %o reat har) to others. *ut "f he $"s'o!ere$
)e% o"% so far as to utter b(asphe)"es aa"%st the Cor$ H")se(f+ he pu%"she$
the) by e&"(e+ or restr"'te$ the"r )o!e)e%ts to a '"r'u)s'r"be$ area+ or /ept
the) "% '(ose 'o%1%e)e%t "% pr"so%+ a%$ he use$ to b"%$ h")se(f by se'ret oaths
%e!er to re(ease the).
1NB. I o%'e re)ar/e$ that he #ou($ %ot 1%$ "t easy to /eep th"s reso(!e a%$ he
u%$erstoo$ )e to )ea% that that #as the o%(y #ay he 'ou($ /eep e!"(2$oers "%
'he'/. 6or a fe# $ays+ a%yho#+ he stoo$ by h"s or""%a( $e'"s"o% 22 h"s r"hteous
"%$"%at"o% #as st"(( fresh "% h"s )"%$ 22 but as soo% as h"s a%er bea% to $"e Ithe
"%e!"tab(e resu(t of hear"% so)eo%e 'o))e%$ h"s /"%$%ess+ or spea/ h"h(y of
so)e pre$e'essor of h"s for the sa)e !"rtueJ+ he "))e$"ate(y re'a((e$ the
'u(pr"ts "% pr"so%. He burst "%to tears+ ?u"te at a (oss ho# to $ea( best #"th the).
He as/e$ for )y a$!"'e o% su'h a prob(e)+ a%$ I sueste$ that "t #as better to
err o% the s"$e of hu)a%"ty. He $"$ so+ too+ appeas"% 0o$ "% so)e other #ay.
1N;. I% a(( )y past e&per"e%'e+ I ha!e %e!er see% a )a% )ore se%s"t"!e to the
fee("%s of others. I% )y op"%"o%+ %o%e of the prese%t e%erat"o% 'a% 'o)pare
#"th h") "% that respe't. 8hat "s )ore+ I /%o# of %obo$y )ore e%erous+ %or o%e
#ho "% h"s beha!"our )ore rese)b(e$ the "$ea( e)peror. He #as persua$e$ that
h"s po#er ha$ bee% "%her"te$ for th"s !ery purpose+ that he )"ht e&h"b"t these
?ua("t"es. 5%y $ay+ therefore+ that passe$ #"thout so)e /"%$(y $ee$ o% h"s part+
a%y $ay #he% he $"$ %ot e&er'"se "% so)e #ay h"s e%erous "%st"%'ts+ )ar/e$ a
fa"(ure to fu(1( h"s $ut"es as a so!ere"%. Nor $"$ he so# the see$s of #e((2$o"% "%
#hat I )ay 'a(( fert"(e hearts+ "% or$er to reap the har!est of rat"tu$e at o%'e+
a%$ 'erta"%(y the re'"p"e%ts #ere %ot )ore eaer to sho# forth the fru"ts of
tha%/fu(%ess tha% he to so# -the earth+ r"'h2'(o$$e$ a%$ fat-.DD1KL
1LA. 6or the sa/e of those #ho appre'"ate su'h a%e'$otes+ I #"(( "!e a br"ef
e&a)p(e of th"s 'hara'ter"st"' !"rtue. 5 'erta"% )a% #as 'auht stea("% )"("tary
fu%$s+ a%$ he #as 'o%$e)%e$ to pay a hea!y 1%e+ far beyo%$ h"s )ea%s. He #as
a'tua((y o%e of the )o%eye$ '(ass a%$ a %ob(e)a%. The 'o((e'tor of 1%es #as
u%re(e%t2 [1BH]"% "% h"s $e)a%$s+ for the ")per"a( treasury+ as #e(( as the pub("'
fu%$s+ #as 'o%'er%e$ "% the 'ase. The $ebtor thereupo% $e)a%$e$ a% au$"e%'e
of the e)peror+ #"th the "$ea of ett"% h") to pass 4u$)e%t "% h"s fa!our. The
pub("' tr"bu%a( #ou($ thus be pre!e%te$ fro) e%for'"% the !er$"'t aa"%st h").
*oth part"es to the su"t #ere ra%te$ the r"ht of appea( to the e)peror+ a%$ the
tr"a( attra'te$ a (are au$"e%'e "% 'ourt. I #as there )yse(f+ "% the ")porta%t ro(e
of se'retary+ to re'or$ the $e'"s"o%s of The)"s.DD1KB 8he% the t#o part"es 'a)e
"%to 'ourt+ the perso% #ho ha$ 'o))"tte$ the theft 22 or appare%t(y ha$ $o%e so
22 $efe%$e$ h")se(f "% a stra"htfor#ar$ a%$ )ost pathet"' )a%%er. He p(ea$e$
that rest"tut"o% to the pub("' fu%$s shou($ be )a$e fro) h"s o#% perso%a(
property a(o%eO he $"$ %ot #a%t to (ea!e the ob("at"o% to )eet $ebts "%'urre$ by
h")se(f as a her"tae to h"s 'h"($re%. 5t th"s po"%t he pro'ee$e$ to str"p of h"s
'(othes+ as "f he 'ou($ )eet h"s ("ab"("t"es "% o%(y o%e #ay 22 by $"!est"% h")se(f
of a(( h"s possess"o%s.
1L1. Here Co%sta%t"%e "%terrupte$ h")+ h"s eyes fu(( of tears. -8a"t+ )y $ear
fe((o#Q Sure(y you #ou($ be asha)e$ to br"% th"s $"sho%our o% your fa)"(yS Mou
)ust%-t re$u'e yourse(f to su'h su$$e% a%$ e&tre)e po!erty that e!e% foo$ a%$
'(oth"% $epe%$ o% others- e%eros"tyQ- 22 -*ut S"r+- rep("e$ the )a%+ -#"th a(( the
oo$ #"(( "% the #or($+ I 'ou($ %ot poss"b(y pro!"$e the )o%ey they as/ for.- 5%$
the e)peror-s a%s#er to th"sS -If so)eo%e #ere to pay o3 a part of th"s $ebt+
#ou($ you be sat"s1e$ that 4ust"'e ha$ bee% $o%eS- -It #ou($ be a o$se%$+- sa"$
the )a%+ -but+ so far as I 'a% see+ %o a%e( or $"!"%e be"% has 'o)e $o#% fro)
hea!e% to #at'h o!er hu)a% 4ust"'e a%$ busy "tse(f #"th the a3a"rs of th"s #or($-s
'"t"es.- -Ne!er )"%$+- a%s#ere$ the e)peror+ -I #"(( a't the part a%$ re("e!e you of
a th"r$ of the $ebt.-
1L=. 5t these #or$s the %ob(e)a% 'ou($ restra"% h")se(f %o (o%er+ but fe(( o% h"s
/%ees o% the rou%$ a%$ a()ost e&p"re$ #"th 4oy. Co%sta%t"%e+ $eep(y ")presse$
by h"s rat"tu$e+ #e%t o%O -I #"(( $o )ore. I #"(( pay o3 t#o2th"r$s.- 5%$ the%+
before the other 'ou($ rea((y u%$ersta%$ #hat he ha$ sa"$+ he a$$e$O -5%$ the
restQ- The $ebtor ha$ %e!er $rea)e$ that the e)peror 'ou($ be so e%erous+ a%$
%o#+ a(( h"s #orr"es so(!e$+ ("/e a )a% #ho has #o% a reat !"'tory+ he '(othe$
h")se(f "% h"s 1%est robes a%$ #"th a ar(a%$ o% h"s hea$ o3ere$ tha%/s"!"% to
1LK. I 'ou($+ "f I #"she$+ te(( you other a%e'$otes of th"s sort about [1B<]
Co%sta%t"%e. There are th"%s #h"'h a h"stor"a% #ou($ probab(y re4e't+ but #h"'h
a rea((y 'o%!"%'"% orator #ou($ %ot $"s$a"% to use as the (e"t")ate )ater"a( for
a pa%eyr"'. I #"(( "!e a fe# e&a)p(es. The e)peror $e!ote$ so)e t")e to
a)use)e%ts+ a%$ #h"(e to other )e% -a)use)e%t-+ ho#e!er they rear$e$ "t+
ha$ o%(y o%e 'o%%otat"o%+ to h") "t #as a ser"ous bus"%ess+ "%!este$ #"th $"%"ty.
If he #"she$ to )a/e a ro!e+ or to fe%'e a par/+ or to 7atte% a ra'e'ourse+ "t #as
%ot su>'"e%t to 'arry out )ere(y the p(a% as he ha$ 1rst 'o%'e"!e$ "t. Ne# "$eas
at o%'e o''urre$ to h"). 5s so)e )e% 'o!ere$ the )ea$o#s #"th so"(+ others
#ere fe%'"% the) rou%$ Ia(( #"th the reatest e&pe$"t"o%JO !"%es a%$ trees #ere
roote$ up+ but others "))e$"ate(y too/ the"r p(a'e+ a(rea$y (oa$e$ #"th fru"t.
1LH. Ho# #as "t $o%eS 8e((+ suppose the e)peror #a%te$ to tra%sfor) a barre%
p(a"% "%to a fert"(e+ pro$u't"!e 1e($. No t")e #as (ost. Trees #h"'h #ere ro#"%
e(se#here #ere tra%sporte$ to the p(a"%+ 'o)p(ete #"th fru"t+ a%$ p(a%te$ "% the
earth there@ '(o$s of so"( 'o!ere$ #"th rass+ brouht fro) )ou%ta"% ro!es+ #ere
sprea$ a(( o!er "t. 5%$ "f rasshoppers #ere %ot soo% 'h"rrup"% a)o% h"s
b(osso)"% trees+ "f %"ht"%a(es #ere %ot soo% s"%"% e!ery#here "% h"s ro!e+
Co%sta%t"%e #as a 1ery $"sappo"%te$ )a%. He too/ the th"% ser"ous(y a%$ "t #as
%ot (o% before he #as e%4oy"% a(( /"%$s of sou%$s to h"s heart-s 'o%te%t.
1L<. These hab"ts a%$ the troub(e they "%!o(!e see)+ to )e at (east+ perhaps
u%#orthy of -a 'ou%se((or+ o%e to #ho) the u"$a%'e of the peop(e has bee%
e%truste$+ o%e #ho has so )a%y 'ares-+ to ?uote the poet"' (a%uae of
Ca(("ope.DD1K; 5%other )a%+ ho#e!er+ see"% the beauty of h"s #or/s+ )ay
a$)"re the e)peror for the"r )a%"1'e%'e+ a%$ he #"(( use e!ery aru)e%t he
'a% th"%/ of to persua$e you that Co%sta%t"%e sho#e$ e&traor$"%ary a'u)e% "%
$"!"$"% h"s ("fe bet#ee% bus"%ess a%$ p(easure+ so that %e"ther "%terfere$ #"th
the other. No e)be(("sh)e%ts+ he thouht+ #ere %e'essary for the ser"ous s"$e of
h"s ("fe 22 that #as a(rea$y e%$o#e$ #"th a pe'u("ar beauty of "ts o#% 22 but the
p(easure he "%!este$ #"th a )ost ra'"ous 'har)+ or rather+ #"th a rare $"%"ty.
5%$ as for h"s a'u)e%+ that #as pro!e$ by the pro1ts he )a$e@ by the '(e!er
#ays "% #h"'h he sa!e$ (abour@ by the su''essfu( a%$ yet e'o%o)"'a( bas"s o%
#h"'h he ra% h"s estates@ by the #ay he pro$u'e$ th"%s fro) %oth"%+ #"th the"r
?ua("t"es a(rea$y $e!e(ope$+ ("/e the Creator "% the be"%%"% of the #or($@ by the
#ay he foresta((e$ the seaso%s "% [1BN] the $e!e(op)e%t of h"s 'rops@ by the
"%e%"ous "%!e%t"o%s #h"'h e%ab(e$ h") to $"spe%se #"th far)2#or/ers@ by the
)"ra'(es of ")pro!"sat"o% he perfor)e$+ so #o%$erfu( that )ost peop(e 'ou($ %ot
be("e!e the"r o#% eyes #he% they sa# a 1e($ to$ay+ #here yester$ay they ha$
see% a 7at p(a"%+ a%$ t#o $ays ao a h"((.
1LN. 8he% I )a/e state)e%ts ("/e that+ I a) us"% )y arts of rhetor"' a%$
persuas"o% o%(y to a )"%")u) $eree. If o%e #ere #"(("% to br"% "%to p(ay the
fu(( for'e of o%e-s po#ers of aru)e%t+ "t #ou($ be poss"b(e to 'o%!"%'e a%y
"%te(("e%t au$"e%'e of a%yth"%. To )e+ ho#e!er+ su'h feats are %ot to be
'o))e%$e$ 22 I (oathe the /"%$ of '(e!er $"a(e't"' that per!erts the truth.
1LL. My ob4e't "% th"s h"story "s to st"'/ to the truth+ a%$+ "% )y op"%"o%+ these
tr"7es are abso(ute(y "%'o%s"ste%t #"th Co%sta%t"%e-s oo$ ?ua("t"es. So #as h"s
puer"(e "%fatuat"o% for a% e&tre)e(y 'a((o# a%$ foo("sh youth #ho+ a year before+
ha$ %ear use$ pe% a%$ "%/+ a utters%"pe pro)ote$ to the 'e%tre of a% e)p"re-s
o!er%)e%t Su'h a% "%7ue%'e $"$ th"s s'ou%$re( e&ert o!er Co%sta%t"%e that he
a()ost put "% h"s ha%$s supre)e po#er. He use$ to 'a(( h") -h"s s#eet boy-+ a%$
)a$e h") a (ea$"% )e)ber of the Se%ate. The -s#eet boy- #as "% rea("ty a
thorouh ras'a( a%$ oo$2for2%oth"%+ but the e)peror (oo/e$ upo% h"s e!ery
#or$ a%$ $ee$ as $"!"%e(y "%sp"re$. I #"(( e&p(a"% the reaso% for th"s su$$e%
a3e't"o% a%$ for the youth-s pro)ot"o%+ but 1rst I )ust o ba'/ to+ e!e%ts that
happe%e$ before he obta"%e$ th"s po#er.
1LB. 8he% Co%sta%t"%e a''e$e$ to the ")per"a( thro%e+ he thouht the t")e ha$
'o)e for a rest+ ("/e a )a% #ho has rea'he$ harbour after a (o% sea2!oyae. So
he ha%$e$ o!er the a$)"%"strat"o% of the e)p"re to so)eo%e e(se. The
e%t(e)a% "% ?uest"o% #as of %ob(e b"rth+ a 1rst2'(ass s'ho(ar+ a pra't"se$ a%$
#"tty spea/er "% a(( $epart)e%ts of oratory+ a%$ a% e&per"e%'e$ po("t"'"a%.DD1HA
I% a$$"t"o% to h"s stu$y of rhetor"' Ia% art o% #h"'h he 'o%ferre$ reater
$"st"%'t"o% be'ause of h"s u%usua( po#ers of persuas"o%J+ he ha$ app("e$ h")se(f
to '"!"( (a#. Th"s !ersat"("ty e%ab(e$ h") to e&press "% '(ear (a%uae the $">'u(t
po"%ts of (ea( "%terpretat"o%. He ha$ the ab"("ty to she$ %e# ("ht o% a%y "!e%
(a#. Moreo!er+ Pro!"$e%'e ha$ e%$o#e$ h") #"th a% "%te(("e%'e that #as
re)ar/ab(y pra't"'a(+ #"th the resu(t that he #as )ost a$)"rab(y a$apte$+ by
tra"%"% a%$ %ature+ to the "%tr"'ate tas/ of 'o%$u't"% pub("' a3a"rs. 5(thouh a%
ar$e%t stu$e%t of a(( bra%'hes of rhetor"'+ he $e!ote$ [1BL] h")se(f to fore%s"'
oratory "% part"'u(ar. 8he% $e("!er"% a pub("' spee'h+ he 'u(t"!ate$ a sty(e both
e(ea%t a%$ pure 5tt"'+ but "% e!ery$ay bus"%ess he spo/e s")p(y+ "% the $"re't
(a%uae of the or$"%ary )a%. He ha$ a $"st"%u"she$ prese%'e a%$ a 1%e 1ure@
h"s !o"'e+ too+ (e%t h") $"%"ty+ for "t ha$ reso%a%'e a%$ '(ar"ty 22 ?ua("t"es that
#ere )u'h "% e!"$e%'e #he% he rea$ the ")per"a( $e'rees fro) the ba('o%y o%
the Pa(a'e.
1L;. The e)peror+ ha!"% e%truste$ h"s $ut"es to th"s e&'e((e%t )a%+ "%$u(e$ "%
so)e ?u"et re'reat"o% 22 a %atura( rea't"o% for a )ar"%er #ho ha$ but (ate(y
es'ape$ a stor) at sea a%$ #ho #as st"(( sp"tt"% out the br"%e. Mea%#h"(e a3a"rs
prospere$+ or #ere 'ha%"% for the better+ a%$ h"s !"'e2ree%t ra$ua((y be'a)e
)ore pro)"%e%t+ u%t"( he #as p(ay"% the (ea$"% ro(e "% the state. The% the
e)peror be'a)e 4ea(ous. He #as u%ab(e to bear the thouht that po#er ha$
bee% tra%sferre$ to so)eo%e e(seO he #"she$ to 'o%tro(
)atters h")se(f+ %ot that the E)p"re )"ht be )ore e>'"e%t(y o!er%e$+ but "%
or$er to ha!e h"s o#% #ay. 5t the )o)e%t he #as %oth"% better tha% a puppet+
a%$ e!ery t")e he tr"e$ to fo((o# the e&a)p(e of h"s pre$e'essors+ h"s po#erfu(
)"%"ster restra"%e$ h").
1BA. I re'o%",e$ #hat #as o"% o% 22 there #ere 'erta"% "%$"'at"o%s 22 a%$ I
#ar%e$ the e%t(e)a% of the e)peror-s se'ret "%te%t"o%s. He+ be"% a )a% of
sp"r"t+ #as by %o )ea%s "%'("%e$ to re(a& h"s ho($+ %or to ha%$ o!er the re"%s to
h"s )aster. 8"th ph"(osoph"' $eta'h)e%t+ he re)ar/e$ that he #ou($ %ot
!o(u%tar"(y sta%$ by a%$ #at'h the e)peror 'rash+ but #he% he $"$ '(")b $o#%
fro) the 'har"ot a%$ res"% the #h"p+ he #ou($ %ot e%!y Co%sta%t"%e h"s %e#
1B1. 5fter o%e stor)y s'e%e+ the (atter $epr"!e$ h") of h"s !"'erea( po#er+ a%$
tur%e$ a $eaf ear to a(( re)o%stra%'e. O%e )"ht+ of 'ourse+ arue that th"s a't
#as to h"s 're$"tO o%e 'ou($ assert that the e)peror #as a h"h(y "%te(("e%t )a%
h")se(f+ ?u"te 'apab(e of susta"%"% o% h"s o#% shou($ers the #ho(e bur$e% of
o!er%)e%t a%$ "% %ee$ of %o outs"$e ass"sta%'e. 5%yho#+ he $epose$ h"). *ut+
by the #"(( of 0o$+ he #as pro)ote$ to a pos"t"o% e!e% )ore ")porta%t 22 %o other
tha% that of I%terpreter of the Myster"es a%$ of H"h Pr"est "% the Chur'h of St.
Soph"a.DD1H1 The story of that e(e!at"o% I #"(( te(( "% )ore $eta"( (ater "% )y
1B=. These a'ts are of $oubtfu( "%terpretat"o% 22 "t $epe%$s o% your po"%t of !"e#
22 but there #as %oth"% at a(( )o$erate about 'erta"% other a't"!"t"es #h"'h I
propose to spea/ aboutO he put h"s #ho(e heart a%$ sou( "%to the). It #as typ"'a(
of the )a%+ for "%sta%'e+ that #here he (o!e$+ h"s (o!e /%e# %o bou%$s@ a%$ "f he
#as a%ry #"th so)eo%e+ he #ou($ re'ou%t h"s troub(es )ost pathet"'a((y a%$
#"th )ore tha% 'o))o% b"tter%ess+ e!e% (ett"% h"s ")a"%at"o% ru% a#ay #"th
h"). O% the other ha%$+ "t #as "%'re$"b(e ho# a3e't"o%ate he 'ou($ be "f he ("/e$.
1BK. 5a"%+ #he% the e)press Goe $eparte$ th"s ("fe+DD1H= "% e&tre)e o($ ae+ he
#as 'o)p(ete(y heartbro/e% at h"s (oss. Not o%(y $"$ he )our% her a%$ she$ tears
at her to)b a%$ prop"t"ate Hea!e% o% her beha(f+ but he e!e% #"she$ to pay her
$"!"%e ho%ours. O%e of the ("tt(e 'o(u)%s that surrou%$e$ her bur"a(2p(a'e
be'a)e so)e#hat )o"st "% a spot #here the pre'"ous )eta( ha$ 'ra'/e$ I"t #as
p(ate$ #"th s"(!erJ a%$ by so)e tr"'/ of %ature a )ushroo) spra% up there. 5t
th"s phe%o)e%o% Co%sta%t"%e #as ("/e a )a% "%sp"re$ a%$ he pro'(a")e$ (ou$(y
"% the pa(a'e that the Cor$ ha$ #or/e$ a )"ra'(e at the e)press-s to)b+ so that
a(( )e% )"ht /%o# that her sou( #as %o# %u)bere$ #"th the a%e(s. E!eryo%e
/%e#+ of 'ourse+ #hat ha$ rea((y happe%e$+ but they a(( supporte$ h") "% h"s
ar$e%t be("ef+ so)e throuh fear a%$ others be'ause they sa# "% the ("e so)e
opportu%"ty for e%r"'h"% the)se(!es.
1BH. Su'h #as h"s att"tu$e to Goe+ but h"s s"ster He(e%-s $eath passe$ a()ost
u%%ot"'e$ a%$ )e%t"o% of "t ha$ %ot the (east e3e't o% h"). If h"s other s"ster Ithe
o%e #ho) I #rote about ear("er "% the h"storyJ ha$ o%e before h")+ he #ou($
ha!e bee% e?ua((y u%perturbe$.
1B<. I% th"s 'ata(oue of the e)peror-s foo("sh e&'esses+ I %o# 'o)e to the #orst
e&a)p(e of a(( 22 the bu"($"% of the Chur'h of St. 0eore the Martyr.DD1HK
Co%sta%t"%e pu((e$ $o#% a%$ 'o)p(ete(y $estroye$ the or""%a( 'hur'h@ the
prese%t o%e #as ere'te$ o% the s"te of "ts ru"%s. The 1rst ar'h"te't $"$ %ot p(a%
!ery #e((+ a%$ there "s %o %ee$ for )e to #r"te of the o($ bu"($"% here+ but "t
appears that "t #ou($ ha!e bee% of %o reat $")e%s"o%s+ "f the pre(")"%ary p(a%s
ha$ bee% 'arr"e$ out+ for the fou%$at"o%s #ere )o$erate "% e&te%t a%$ the rest of
the bu"($"% proport"o%ate+ #h"(e the he"ht #as by %o )ea%s outsta%$"%.
Ho#e!er+ as t")e #e%t by+ Co%sta%t"%e #as 1re$ by a% a)b"t"o% to r"!a( a(( the
other bu"($"%s that ha$ e!er bee% ere'te$+ a%$ to surpass the) a(toether. So
the area of the 'hur'h a%$ "ts pre'"%'ts #as reat(y e%(are$. The o($ fou%$a2
[1B;] t"o%s #ere ra"se$ a%$ stre%the%e$+ or e(se su%/ $eeper. O% these (atter
b"er a%$ )ore or%ate p"((ars #ere set up. E!eryth"% #as $o%e o% a )ore
art"st"' s'a(e. #"th o($2(eaf o% the roof a%$ pre'"ous ree% sto%es (et "%to the
7oor or e%'ruste$ "% the #a((s. 5%$ these sto%es+ set o%e abo!e a%other+ "%
patter%s of the sa)e hue or "% $es"%s of a(ter%ate 'o(ours+ (oo/e$ ("/e 7o#ers.
5%$ as for the o($+ "t 7o#e$ fro) the pub("' treasury ("/e a strea) bubb("% up
fro) "%e&haust"b(e spr"%s.
1BN. The 'hur'h #as %ot yet 1%"she$+ ho#e!er+ a%$ o%'e aa"% the #ho(e p(a%
#as a(tere$ a%$ %e# "$eas "%'orporate$ "% "ts 'o%stru't"o%. The sy))etr"'a(
arra%e)e%t of the sto%es #as bro/e% up+ the #a((s pu((e$ $o#%+ a%$ e!eryth"%
(e!e((e$ #"th the rou%$. 5%$ the reaso% for "tS Co%sta%t"%e-s e3orts to r"!a( other
'hur'hes ha$ %ot )et #"th the 'o)p(ete su''ess he hope$ forO o%e 'hur'h+ DD1HH
abo!e a((+ re)a"%e$ u%surpasse$. So the fou%$at"o%s of a%other #a(( #ere (a"$
a%$ a% e&a't '"r'(e $es'r"be$ #"th the th"r$ 'hur'h "% "ts 'e%tre II )ust a$)"t that
"t 'erta"%(y #as )ore art"st"'J. The #ho(e 'o%'ept"o% #as o% a )a%"1'e%t a%$
(ofty s'a(e. The e$"1'e "tse(f #as $e'orate$ #"th o($e% stars throuhout+ ("/e the
!au(t of hea!e%+ but #hereas the rea( hea!e% "s a$or%e$ #"th "ts o($e% stars
o%(y at "%ter!a(s+ the surfa'e of th"s o%e #as e%t"re(y 'o!ere$ #"th o($+ "ssu"%
forth fro) "ts 'e%tre as "f "% a %e!er2e%$"% strea). O% a(( s"$es there #ere
bu"($"%s+ so)e 'o)p(ete(y+ others ha(f2surrou%$e$ by '(o"sters. The rou%$
e!ery#here #as (e!e((e$+ ("/e a ra'e2'ourse+ stret'h"% further tha% the eye 'ou($
see+ "ts bou%$s out of s"ht. The% 'a)e a se'o%$ '"r'(e of bu"($"%s b"er tha%
the 1rst+ a%$ (a#%s fu(( of 7o#ers+ so)e o% the '"r'u)fere%'e+ others $o#% the
'e%tre. There #ere fou%ta"%s #h"'h 1((e$ bas"%s of #ater@ ar$e%s+ so)e ha%"%+
others s(op"% $o#% to the (e!e( rou%$@ a bath that #as beaut"fu( beyo%$
$es'r"pt"o%. To 'r"t"'",e the e%or)ous s",e of the 'hur'h #as ")poss"b(e+ so
$a,,("% #as "ts (o!e("%ess. *eauty per!a$e$ e!ery part of the !ast 'reat"o%+ so
that o%e 'ou($ o%(y #"sh "t #ere e!e% reater a%$ "ts ra'efu(%ess sprea$ o!er a%
area st"(( #"$er. 5%$ as for the (a#%s that #ere bou%$e$ by the outer #a((+ they
#ere so %u)erous that "t #as $">'u(t to see the) "% o%e s#eep"% (a%'eO e!e%
the )"%$ 'ou($ s'ar'e(y rasp the"r e&te%t.
1BL. It #as %ot )ere(y the e&'ept"o%a( beauty of the #ho(e+ 'o)pose$ as "t #as
of )ost beaut"fu( parts+ but 4ust as )u'h the "%$"!"$ua( $eta"(s that attra'te$ the
spe'tator-s atte%t"o%+ a%$ a(thouh he [1;A] 'ou($ e%4oy to h"s heart-s 'o%te%t a((
"ts 'har)s+ "t #as ")poss"b(e to 1%$ o%e that pa((e$. E!ery part of "t too/ the eye+
a%$ #hat "s )ore #o%$erfu(+ e!e% #he% you a,e$ o% the (o!e("est part of a((+
so)e s)a(( $eta"( #ou($ $e("ht you as a fresh $"s'o!ery. To atte)pt to p(a'e "ts
!ar"ous )er"ts "% a%y or$er of prefere%'e #as use(ess+ for #he% a(( the parts #ere
so (o!e(y+ e!e% the (east attra't"!e 'ou($ %ot fa"( to "!e p(easure "%")"tab(e. Its
e!ery $eta"( e&'"te$ the reatest a$)"rat"o%. Peop(e )ar!e((e$ at the s",e of the
'hur'h+ "ts beaut"fu( sy))etry+ the har)o%y of "ts parts+ the !ar"ety a%$ rhyth)
of "ts (o!e("%ess+ the strea)s of #ater+ the e%'"r'("% #a((+ the (a#%s 'o!ere$ #"th
7o#ers+ the $e#y rass+ a(#ays spr"%/(e$ #"th )o"sture+ the sha$e u%$er the
trees+ the ra'efu(%ess of the bath. It #as as "f a p"(r")ae ha$ e%$e$+ a%$ here
#as the !"s"o% perfe't a%$ u%para((e(e$.
1BB. Met to Co%sta%t"%e a(( th"s #as but the pre(u$e to the future. There #ere %e#
)"ra'(es to be $e!"se$+ fresh a$$"t"o%s to be )a$e. He ("!e$ "% a $rea)(a%$+
#here past a'h"e!e)e%t+ ho#e!er #o%+ ho#e!er a''(a")e$+ see)e$ to h") at
o%'e $esp"'ab(e+ a%$ he %e(e'te$ h"s )asterp"e'e. *ut he ha$ se'ret a)b"t"o%s.
These #ere h"s %e# "%'e%t"!esO "t #as they that 1re$ h") #"th a $es"re for paths
h"therto u%tro$$e%.
1B;. He #as )oo$y a%$ "%'o%s"ste%t+ but he ha$ o%e ob4e't abo!e a(( othersO to
)a/e h"s 'ou%try reat a%$ fa)ous. I )ust a$)"t that+ "% th"s respe'ts he #as %ot
a(toether u%su''essfu(+ for the bou%$ar"es of the E)p"re #ere )u'h e&te%$e$ "%
the east+ a%$ a 'o%s"$erab(e part of 5r)e%"a #as a%%e&e$. Certa"% /"%s of that
'ou%try #ere $epose$ a%$ for'e$ to a'/%o#(e$e Ro)a% su,era"%ty. O% the
other ha%$+ #he% e&pe$"e%'y $e)a%$e$ that he shou($ a$$ress other ru(ers "%
ter)s of e&tre)e arroa%'e+ he $espat'he$ e%!oys to the) #"th (etters that
#ere ab4e't+ ?u"te u%#orthy of a% e)peror 22 $oubt(ess be'ause he #"she$ to #"%
the"r fr"e%$sh"p.
1;A. I% the 'ase of the Su(ta% of Eypt+DD1H< for e&a)p(e+ he #as far too
'o%'"("atory 22 $e("berate(y so+ to a(( appeara%'es 22 a%$ the Su(ta% 7attere$
h")se(f be'ause of Co%sta%t"%e-s hu)"("ty. C"/e a #rest(er #ho "s (os"% h"s 1ht+
he 'ha%e$ h"s ta't"'s. I%stea$ of a((o#"% h"s oppo%e%t to $"'tate the stratey of
the 'o%test+ he "%tro$u'e$ r"ps of h"s o#% 22 a%$ #o%. He #as prou$ of "t+ too.
Ma%y a t")e the e)peror truste$ )e #"th se'ret $espat'hes a%$ or$ere$ )e to
#r"te the) for h") Ihe re'o%",e$ )y patr"ot"s) a%$ )y (o!e for the
[1;1] Ro)a%sJ+ suest"% that I shou($ !o(u%tar"(y hu)"("ate h")se(f a%$ (or"fy
the Eypt"a%. Ne!erthe(ess+ I 'o%!eye$ e&a't(y the oppos"te ")press"o% by subt(e
a((us"o%O #hat I #rote ha$ o%e )ea%"% for Co%sta%t"%e a%$ a%other for the
Su(ta%. I ha$ s(y $"s at the (atter a%$ hurt h"s $"%"ty #"thout be"% too o!ert.
5%$ that "s #hy (etters to the Eypt"a% #ere "% future $"'tate$ by Co%sta%t"%e
h")se(f+ )y o#% e3orts be"% a)b"uous. 8r"t"% o% states of bo$"(y hea(th+
H"ppo'rates the Coa%DD(HN po"%ts out that #he% they ha!e $e!e(ope$ to the"r
fu((est e&te%t+ "t "s ")poss"b(e for the) to re)a"% ?u"es'e%t+ o#"% to the 'o%sta%t
'ha%es o"% o% "% the bo$yO they )ust+ therefore+ e%ter o% a $e'("%e. No#
Co%sta%t"%e $"$ %ot su3er that e&per"e%'e h")se(f+ but he )a$e h"s fr"e%$s $o so.
He #ou($ ?u"et(y a$!a%'e the) to h"h o>'e+ the% su$$e%(y 'ast the) $o#%+ h"s
#ho(e att"tu$e 'o)p(ete(y a(tere$. It "s a fa't+ thouh+ that so)e of the) #ere
re"%state$ "% the"r for)er pos"t"o%s. It #as a(( a a)b(e.
1;1. The story that I a) about to te(( #"(( e&p(a"% #hy I a$opte$ the ("fe of a
)o%/. Most peop(e ha!e e&presse$ asto%"sh)e%t that I shou($ hurr"e$(y aba%$o%
the br"(("a%t reputat"o% so pa"%fu((y a'?u"re$+ 4ust at the )o)e%t #he% I ha$
o!er'o)e the 4ea(ous )a'h"%at"o%s of )y r"!a(s+ a%$ tur% to the Chur'h. The
'ha%e #as $ue part(y to a% "%%ate $es"re #h"'h I ha$ e&per"e%'e$ fro) )y
ear("est years+ a $eep (o!e for the )e$"tat"!e ("fe+ a%$ part(y to the 'o)p(ete
)eta)orphos"s "% po("t"'a( a3a"rs. The e)peror-s 1'/(e%ess a(ar)e$ )e. He #as
("/e a so($"er "% #ar+ str"/"% out at h"s foes "%$"s'r")"%ate(y. I% or$er to tra'e the
#ho(e story+ ho#e!er+ I #"(( e&p(a"% #hat happe%e$ fro) the !ery be"%%"%.
1;=. Ma%y perso%s ha$ '(a")s o% )y fr"e%$sh"p+ but t#o )e% "% part"'u(ar. They
'a)e fro) other 'ou%tr"es a%$ )"rate$ to our )a%"1'e%t 'ap"ta(. 6or these t#o
I ha$ the $eepest a3e't"o%.DD1HL The reaso% for our )utua( atta'h)e%t #as a%
"%terest "% (ear%"%. They #ere both )u'h o($er tha% I+ a%$ (est I shou($ be
a''use$ of per!ert"% the truth+ I )ust a$)"t that+ #h"(e they (o!e$ ph"(osophy+ I
#as )ore a$!a%'e$ "% )y stu$"es. 8he% they )et )e+ ea'h of the) re'o%",e$
"% )e so)eth"% of a /"%$re$ sp"r"t+ a%$ I+ %o (ess+ sa# )"rrore$ "% the) )y o#%
e%thus"as)sO #e #ere 'o)p(e)e%tary o%e to the other. Just as )y stu$"es #ere
)ore a$!a%'e$+ so+ "f I )ay [1;=] be a((o#e$ to say "t+ #as )y sp"r"tua( proress.
My pos"t"o% at 'ourt+ )oreo!er+ #as h"her tha% the"rs. S"%'e I 'ou($ %ot bear to
be separate$ fro) the) "% a%y #ay+ I at o%'e "%tro$u'e$ o%e of the) to the
e)peror. The other+ #ho #as %ot so #"(("% to approa'h the so!ere"%+ #as
prese%te$ (ater.
1;K. 8he% #e #ere a(( a$)"tte$ to the ")per"a( '"r'(e a%$ e%4oye$ to the fu((
#hat )e% 'a(( -h"h ("fe-+ #e %atura((y ot to /%o# ho# a3a"rs #ere 'o%$u'te$+
a%$ #e #ere %ot !ery fa!ourab(y ")presse$ by th"s out#ar$ sp(e%$our. Ho#e!er+
ea'h of us #as afra"$ to e&press h"s fee("%sO ea'h #a"te$ for a su"tab(e
opportu%"ty before re!ea("% h"s "%)ost thouhts. The pr")ary 'ause of our
)utua( re!e(at"o%s #as pro!"$e$ by the e)peror h")se(f. It #as he #ho set "%
)ot"o% the 'har"ot of state+ a%$ of those #ho ro$e "% "t )ost #ere thro#%
o!erboar$ or stru'/ $o#% by h"). 5s #e+ too+ #ere aboar$+ there #as e!ery
reaso% #hy #e shou($ fear so)e reat 4o(t o% the #hee(O he )"ht 4er/ us o3+ as
#e(( as the rest+ for #e #ere %ot !ery 1r)(y seate$.
1;H. Su'h #as the reaso% for our 'o))o% $e'"s"o% 22 "t #as the e)peror-s o#%
'hara'ter that )a$e us 'hoose the )o%ast"' ("fe. Ha!"% o%'e arr"!e$ at the
sa)e 'o%'(us"o%+ ea'h of us re!ea(e$ h"s se'ret "%te%t"o% to the other t#o. It #as
as "f ea'h rea$ the other-s thouhts. 8e #ere aree$+ therefore+ o% the a't"o% to
be ta/e% a%$ #e )a$e a% e!er(ast"% 'o!e%a%t+ but see"% that a%y "))e$"ate
or su$$e% a(terat"o% of status o% the part of a(( toether #ou($ be+ %e'essar"(y+
out of the ?uest"o%+ #e postpo%e$ "t for the prese%t. Ne!erthe(ess+ #e bou%$
ourse(!es by so(e)% oaths to fo((o# the e&a)p(e of the 1rst o%e to be'o)e a
1;<. 6"rst to (ea$ us a(o% the path to 0o$ #as he o% #ho) 6ortu%e ha$ s)"(e$
)ost fa!ourab(y. True to h"s 'hara'ter+ ha!"% o%'e )a$e a $e'"s"o% o% so("$
rou%$s a%$ ha!"% o%'e $eter)"%e$ to ser!e 0o$+ he brouht for#ar$ a prete&t
for h"s 'o%!ers"o%. He p(ea$e$ "((2hea(th. *"t by b"t+ #"th )u'h pa%t"% a%$
pu>%+ he "%for)e$ the e)peror of h"s troub(e+ a%$ bee$ to be a((o#e$ to o.
Co%sta%t"%e #as )u'h 'o%'er%e$ o!er the )atter+ but he a!e h"s per)"ss"o%. It
r"e!e$ h") e&'ee$"%(y to (ose so soo% a )a% of su'h ?ua("t"es.DD1HB
1;N. The out'o)e of th"s "%ter!"e# rea'te$ "%sta%t(y o% )e. I 'ou($ %e"ther s(eep
%or rest be'ause of "t+ a%$ "t #as e?ua((y $">'u(t to #a"t pat"e%t(y for )y o#%
opportu%"ty to o. I !"s"te$ )y fr"e%$ [1;K] a%$ #"th )a%y tears of protestat"o% I
pro)"se$ that I #ou($ fo((o# h"s e&a)p(e forth#"th. 5%$ he+ o%'e aa"% #"th a
fe"%e$ e&'use 22 th"s t")e that h"s hea(th ha$ )"ra'u(ous(y ")pro!e$ s"%'e he
ha$ $o%%e$ the )o%/"sh hab"t 22 #"thout )ore a$o ret"re$ to the ho(y )o%astery
o% Mou%t O(y)pus.
1;L. I $e'"$e$ to ")"tate h") e&a't(y+ a%$ a((ee$+ by #ay of e&'use+ that I #as
su3er"% fro) ("!er troub(e a%$ ser"ous heart2bur%+ I prete%$e$ to be $e("r"ous
a%$ ta(/e$ to )yse(f+ as thouh the bus"%ess of e!ery$ay ("fe #ere too )u'h for
)e. I #e%t $u)b a%$ )a$e s"%s #"th )y 1%ers that I $es"re$ to%surat"o%.
Messaes soo% rea'he$ the e)peror that I #as out of )y se%ses. He #as to($
that I #as o% the po"%t of $y"%+ that I #as heartbro/e% by the terr"b(e $"saster
that ha$ o!erta/e% )e+ but that #he%e!er I $"$ re'o!er )y #"ts+ I (o%e$ for the
'ha%'e to e%ter Ho(y Chur'h. 5t the %e#s of )y -"((%ess- Co%sta%t"%e #as reat(y
upset+ far )ore tha% )y pos"t"o% $eser!e$. H"s 1rst 'o%'er% #as that )y ("fe #as
"% $a%er 22 a prospe't that 1((e$ h") #"th 'o%ster%at"o% a%$ 'a((e$ forth b"tter
(a)e%ts. The thouht that he #as about to (ose )e part"'u(ar(y #orr"e$ h")+ for
he (o!e$ )y 'o%!ersat"o% "))e%se(y. There "s %o reaso%+ sure(y+ #hy I shou($ %ot
a$)"t "t. Perhaps I )ay be per)"tte$ to spea/ #"th so)e ("tt(e pr"$e of )y o#%
resour'efu(%ess "% $ea("% #"th h"). My ("fe+ as far as poss"b(e+ #as $e$"'ate$ to
the pursu"t of ph"(osophy+ but I 'arefu((y a''o))o$ate$ )yse(f to h"s e!ery
)oo$. He #as a )a% #ho soo% t"re$ of h"s e%thus"as)s. He ("/e$ 'ha%e 22 "%
)us"'a( par(a%'e+ he a(ter%ate$ the h"hest treb(e #"th the $eepest bass@
so)et")es he stru'/ a 'hor$ of both toether. There #ere 'erta"% o''as"o%s+
therefore+ #he% I #ou($ $"s'ourse to h") "% ph"(osoph"' !e"% o% the 6"rst Cause+
o% the U%"!ersa( 0oo$+ o% :"rtue+ o% the Sou(. I #ou($ pro!e to h") ho# the sou(
'a% be !"s"b(e "% the bo$y+ a%$ aa"%+ ho# "t 'a% 7oat abo!e the bo$y+ ("/e a 'or/+
but st"(( atta'he$ to "tO th"s phe%o)e%o% I 'o)pare$ to so)e ob4e't+ suspe%$e$ "%
the a"r+ ba(a%'"% "tse(f ("ht(y o% the #"%+ re(y"% e%t"re(y o% "ts o#% stre%th
a%$ a(toether u%a3e'te$ by the #e"ht of the bo%$ that t"es "t to so)eth"% e(se
be(o# "t.DD1H; The%+ #he% I sa# that he #as be'o)"% bore$ #"th these (e'tures+
a%$ that he #a%te$ to 'ha%e the sub4e't to so)eth"% )ore to h"s taste+ I #ou($
tur% to the Muse of Rhetor"' a%$ "%tro$u'e h") to a%other aspe't of E&'e((e%'e+
$e("ht"% h") #"th #or$2har)o%"es a%$ rhyth)"' 'a$e%'es+ 'o)pos"t"o% a%$
1ures of spee'h I#h"'h (e%$ the art "ts
[1;H] pe'u("ar for'eJ. The fu%'t"o% of Rhetor"' "s %ot )ere(y to $e'e"!e by
persuas"!e aru)e%t+ or to $e'/ "tse(f out #"th a)b"uous se%t")e%tsO "t "s a%
e&a't s'"e%'e. O% the o%e ha%$+ "t e&presses ph"(osoph"' "$eas@ o% the other+ by
)ea%s of "ts 7o#ery ")aery+ "t beaut"1es the). The ("ste%er "s e?ua((y 'har)e$
by both. Rhetor"' tea'hes a )a% to th"%/ '(ear(y+ u%$"sturbe$ by the asso'"at"o%s
of #or$s@ to '(ass"fy+ to a%a(yse+ to )a/e o%e-s )ea%"% p(a"% #"thout u%$ue fuss.
Its pe'u("ar e&'e((e%'e ("es "% "ts free$o) fro) 'o%fus"o% "ts '(ar"ty+ the #ay "t
su"ts "tse(f to t")e or to '"r'u)sta%'e+ e!e% #he% a )a% uses s")p(e $"'t"o%+
#"thout re'ourse to per"o$s or (o% se%te%'es. *y $#e(("% o% a(( these po"%ts I
"%sp"re$ h") to a (o!e of the art. *ut "f I per'e"!e$ that he #as ro#"% #eary+ I
#ou($ a(ter )y ta't"'s a%$ prete%$ that )y )e)ory #as fa"("%+ or that )y 1re+
after the )a%%er of Her)oe%es-s Heat+ ha$ a()ost bur%t "tse(f out throuh "ts
o#% e&'ess.DD1<A
1;B. Co%sta%t"%e+ re'a(("% these 'o%!ersat"o%s+ #as by %o )ea%s "%'("%e$ to (et
)e o to a )o%astery. To be"% #"th+ "% h"s eaer%ess to stop )y $es"%s+ he se%t
)e (etters a%$ $eputat"o%s of %ob(e)e%. He assure$ )e that I #ou($ soo%
re'o!er )y hea(th+ a%$ pro)"se$ )e a br"(("a%t future. E!e% to th"s $ay I 'a%%ot
rea$ those (etters #"thout she$$"% tears+ so reat #as the a3e't"o% he $"sp(aye$
"% the). He 'a((e$ )e -the app(e of h"s eye-+ -the 'o)fort of h"s sou(-+ -h"s heart
a%$ ("ht a%$ ("fe-. He bee$ )e %ot to -(ea!e h") "% $ar/%ess-. Desp"te th"s+ I
#as $eaf to a(( e%treat"es+ for )y fr"e%$+ #ho ha$ pre'e$e$ )e to the )o%astery+
)ea%t )ore to )e tha% Co%sta%t"%e-s (etters. So+ as e%t(e persuas"o% ha$ fa"(e$+
he aba%$o%e$ the fo& for the ("o%+ a%$ bra%$"she$ the b" st"'/. He s#ore that he
#ou($ 'o%s"% )e+ a%$ )y fe((o#2'o%sp"rators+ to the 7a)es #"th %o )ore a$oO
he #ou($ br"% utter $"saster+ %ot o%(y o% )yse(f+ but o% a(( )y fa)"(y.
1;;. I hear$ these threats #"th 'o)posure 22 they #ere a% o)e% of better th"%s
to 'o)e 22 a%$ too/ refue "% the harbour of Ho(y Chur'h. There I surre%$ere$
that #h"'h 'o!ere$ )y hea$+ a%$ 'ut )yse(f o3 fro) the ("fe of th"s #or($.DD1<1
8he% he hear$ that I ha$ u%$ero%e the 'ere)o%y+ he $"$ %ot bear )e a ru$e.
I% fa't+ he se%t )e other )essaes+ of ?u"te a $"3ere%t te%or+ "% #h"'h he
'o%ratu(ate$ )e o% preferr"% the sp"r"tua( ("fe a%$ a'tua((y e%'ourae$ )e "%
)y reso(!e. He 'r"t"'",e$ the 'ourt"er-s br"(("a%t 'o(oure$ robes+ a%$ pra"se$ the
rouh hab"t I #as %o# #ear"%@ he 'ro#%e$ )e [1;<] #"th the !"'tor-s $"a$e) 22
a(( be'ause I ha$ r"se% super"or to e!ery e%t"'e)e%t.
=AA. *ut e%ouh about )yse(f+ for "t #as %ot )y #"sh that I shou($ 1ure "% th"s
h"story. U%fortu%ate(y+ )y p(a%s #ere upset by these $"ress"o%s. 8hat
'o)pe((e$ )e to a$opt a )o%ast"' ("fe #as the e)peror-s "%'o%sta%'y. 8e #ere
afra"$ of h"s #h")sy a%$ therefore #e preferre$ a )o%/-s ("fe to the "%fer"or
e&"ste%'e of a 'ourt"er+ the u%troub(e$ 'a() of the Chur'h to the 'o%fus"o% a%$
$"sor$er of the Pa(a'e.
=A1. No# that the e)peror #as $epr"!e$ of our 'o)fort"% prese%'e+ a%$ %o#
that he %o (o%er ha$ the (yre of rhetor"' to 'har) h")+ he too/ refue aa"% "%
#or($(y p(easures. 6or "%sta%'e+ "% the )"$$(e of a par/+ tee)"% #"th a(( /"%$s of
fru"t+ he ha$ a $eep po%$ )a$e. It #as so 'o%stru'te$ that the e$e of "t #as
(e!e( #"th the surrou%$"% earth. 8ater #as the% $"re'te$ "%to "t by 'ha%%e(s. The
resu(t #as+ that u%(ess so)eo%e /%e# beforeha%$ that the rou%$ "% the )"$$(e
of the par/ ha$ bee% e&'a!ate$+ he #ou($ #a(/ about u%suspe't"%(y to ather
app(es or pears+ a%$ fa(( "%to the po%$. 0ett"% "%to $eep #ater+ he #ou($ bob up
to the surfa'e a%$ s#") for "t 22 )u'h to the a)use)e%t of the e)peror.
Ho#e!er+ the po%$ #as %ot )a$e o%(y for fu%+ a%$ a p(easure2house #as bu"(t
%ear "t+ "% )ost beaut"fu( surrou%$"%s. Here Co%sta%t"%e #ou($ bathe se!era(
t")es a $ay "% the #ar) #ater+ a%$ "t #as #h"(e o"% "% a%$ out o% o%e of these
o''as"o%s that he 'auht a 'h"((. 5t the t")e he $"$ %ot %ot"'e "t+ a%$ a(thouh %ot
)u'h troub(e$ by "t at 1rst+ the po"so% (ater sprea$ to h"s !"ta( ora%s a%$
a3e'te$ h"s (u%s.
=A=. He thouht he #as o"% to $"e+ a%$ (ay o% h"s be$ ("/e a% e&p"r"% o& that
has 4ust bee% sa'r"1'e$. Met he he($ %o 'o%su(tat"o% #"th the e)press Theo$ora
about a su''essor.DD1<= I%stea$+ he /ept h"s $es"%s se'ret+ a%$ #"thout a%y
refere%'e to her 'o%s"$ere$ by h")se(f #ho #as to be the %e&t o''upa%t of the
thro%e. Su'h a% "%?u"ry+ of 'ourse+ 'ou($ %ot re)a"% a se'ret+ a%$ Theo$ora #as
to($ of "t. She at o%'e e)bar/e$ o% o%e of the ")per"a( a((eys #"th her (ea$"%
a$!"sers a%$+ ("/e a tra!e((er retur%"% ho)e fro) a stor)y !oyae+ too/ refue
"% the 'ourts of the pa(a'e. Ha!"% arr"!e$ she #o% o!er to her s"$e the #ho(e of
the ")per"a( bo$yuar$. There #ere 'erta"% fa'tors that )a$e her "%7ue%'e #"th
the) a((2po#erfu(O the fa't that she ha$ bee% bor% "% the purp(e@ her e%t(e
'hara'ter@ the sa$ '"r'u)sta%'es of her for)er ("fe. The e)peror #as ser"ous(y
[1;N] perturbe$ by th"s %e#s a%$ he be'a)e )ore "(( tha% e!er+ but as a
restorat"o% to %or)a( hea(th a%$ the )a/"% of a%y se%s"b(e p(a% #ere e?ua((y
out of the ?uest"o% %o#+ he p(u%e$ o%'e )ore "%to $eep )e$"tat"o%. H"s eyes
'(ose$@ h"s )"%$ a%$ to%ue #a%$ere$. He $"$ ra((y for a br"ef "%ter!a(+ e%ouh to
rea(",e the ser"ous%ess of h"s 'o%$"t"o%. The% he $"e$+ 'urs"% h"s fate.
=AK. So passe$ the e)peror Co%sta%t"%e Mo%o)a'hus+ after a re"% of t#e(!e
years.DD1<K I% pub("' ("fe+ he ha$+ for the )ost part+ 'o!ere$ h")se(f #"th (ory@ "%
h"s pr"!ate hab"ts too+ he ha$ set a 1%e e&a)p(e to those #ho 'u(t"!ate the oo$
("fe. I say th"s+ be'ause apart fro) h"s ?u"'/ te)per+ he #as "% other respe'ts the
)"($est of )e%. H"s h"story appears to be so)e#hat "%'o%s"ste%t+ o% a''ou%t of
h"s )oo$"%essO the 'ha%es "% h")se(f a%$ the !ar"ous phases of h"s 'hara'ter
are re7e'te$ "% )y re'or$ of h"s re"%. It "s a true re'or$+ %ot a rhetor"'a( e&er'"se
22 a sy)pathet"' p"'ture of the e)peror as he rea((y #as.

1. 8he% he $"e$+ supre)e po#er passe$ "%to the ha%$s of Theo$ora+ the
$auhter of Co%sta%t"%e I:IIIJ. E!erybo$y e&pe'te$ that she #ou($ e%trust the
a'tua( o!er%)e%t to o%e of the (ea$"% %ob(e)e%+ but 'o%trary to a(( op"%"o%
a%$ be("ef+ she too/ o% her o#% shou($ers the $ut"es of Ro)a% so!ere"%. The
truth "s+ she /%e# that there "s %o )a% o% earth so u%ratefu( as o%e #ho 1%$s
h")se(f e)peror throuh the e%eros"ty of so)eo%e e(seO h"s reatest be%efa'tor+
"%$ee$+ "s the (ast perso% to #ho) he sho#s h"s "%$ebte$%ess. She ha$ oo$
reaso% to be("e!e th"s+ %ot o%(y fro) her o#% e&per"e%'e but fro) that of her
"))e$"ate pre$e'essor+ a%$ she ha$ before her e&a)p(es of "t "% the 'ase of her
s"ster. She ha$ %o $es"re+ therefore+ to estab("sh a%yo%e e(se o% the thro%e. The
E)p"re #as her "%her"ta%'e a%$ hers a(o%e+ a%$ she herse(f super"%te%$e$ a(( the
a3a"rs of state. She #as supporte$ "% th"s reso(ut"o% by her ret"%ue a%$ pa(a'e
o>'"a(s+ )e% #ho fro) (o% e&per"e%'e u%$erstoo$ ")per"a( po("'y a%$ /%e#
ho# the a$)"%"strat"o% of the E)p"re fu%'t"o%e$.DD1<H
=. Co%!"%'e$ that she #as $o"% #hat #as r"ht+ the e)press pro'ee$e$ to use
her author"ty "% a(( )atters of o!er%)e%t+ ?u"te ope%(y. 8"thout the s("htest
e)barrass)e%t she assu)e$ the $ut"es of a )a% a%$ she aba%$o%e$ a((
prete%'e of a't"% throuh her )"%"sters. She herse(f appo"%te$ her o>'"a(s+
$"spe%se$ 4ust"'e fro) her thro%e #"th $ue so(e)%"ty+ e&er'"se$ her !ote "% the
'ourts of (a#+ "ssue$ $e'rees+ so)et")es "% #r"t"%+ so)et")es by #or$ of [1;B]
)outh. She a!e or$ers+ a%$ her )a%%er $"$ %ot a(#ays sho# 'o%s"$erat"o% for
the fee("%s of her sub4e'ts+ for she #as so)et")es )ore tha% a ("tt(e abrupt.
K. No# "t #as the 'usto) a)o% the Ro)a%s+ at the a''ess"o% of %e# e)perors+
that ho%ours shou($ be $"str"bute$ both to '"!"("a%s a%$ to the so($"ers. *ut th"s
e)press+ #h"(e "%or"% pre'e$e%t persua$e$ the peop(e that she ha$ %ot rea((y
bro/e% #"th tra$"t"o%. It #as+ "% fa't+ e%era((y a$)"tte$ that th"s #as %ot her 1rst
"%tro$u't"o% to the o!er%)e%t of the E)p"re. She #as %ot su''ee$"% to the
thro%e %o#+ but ha$ "%her"te$ "t (o% ao fro) her father o%(y to see "t s%at'he$
a#ay by outs"$e po#ersO %o# she #as aa"% assu)"% her %atura( a%$ r"htfu(
her"tae. Th"s e&p(a%at"o% see)e$ p(aus"b(e e%ouh+ a%$ a(thouh the peop(e
#ere rea$y to 'o)p(a"% before+ they #ere sat"s1e$ %o#.
H. E!eryo%e #as aree$ that for the Ro)a% E)p"re to be o!er%e$ by a #o)a%+
"%stea$ of a )a%+ #as ")proper+ a%$ e!e% "f the peop(e $"$ %ot th"%/ so+ "t
'erta"%(y see)e$ that they $"$. *ut "f o%e re)o!es th"s s"%(e ob4e't"o%s "t )ust
be a$)"tte$ that "% e!eryth"% e(se the E)p"re prospere$ a%$ "ts (ory "%'rease$.
No 'o%sp"ra'y #hate!er #as for)e$ aa"%st the o!er%)e%tODD1<< %obo$y he($
"% 'o%te)pt the pro'(a)at"o%s a%$ or$ers "ssue$ by "t. Throuhout the E)p"re
the seaso%s of the year #e%t #e((+ a%$ the har!est #as abu%$a%t. No Ro)a%
terr"tory #as p(u%$ere$ by )arau$"% barbar"a%s. There #as %o ope% #arfare. No
se't"o% of the state #as $"s'o%te%te$+ for 4ust"'e #as )a"%ta"%e$ e!ery#here.
<. Most peop(e e&pe'te$ her to ("!e a (o% ("fe+ past the %or)a( spa%. 8e(( they
)"ht+ for her bo$y #as "% %o #ay be%t+ $esp"te her e&'ept"o%a( he"ht+ a%$ her
)e%ta( po#ers #ere ?u"te e?ua( to )ore tha% usua((y (o% spe((s of #or/ or of
'o%!ersat"o%. To so)e prob(e)s she #ou($ $e!ote stu$y before $"s'uss"% the)+
but there #ore other o''as"o%s #he% she 'o%s"$ere$ the) #"thout a%y pre!"ous
$e("berat"o%+ a%$ her fa'"("ty of e&press"o% e%ab(e$ her perfe't(y to e&p(a"% #hat
she )ea%t.
N. Ne!erthe(ess+ the s"tuat"o% 'a((e$ for a% e%eret"' )a%+ o%e #ho u%$erstoo$
the fu%'t"o%s of o!er%)e%t+ o%e thorouh(y 'o%!ersa%t #"th the ")per"a(
res'r"pts+ but %o%e of Theo$ora-s 'ourt"ers #as e%truste$ #"th th"s respo%s"b"("ty.
She /%e# h"s $o#%fa(( #ou($ ?u"'/(y be brouht about+ for h"s 'o)pa%"o%s at
'ourt #ou($ soo% be'o)e 4ea(ous. Her sear'h for the best )a% "% the Se%ate
resu(te$ "% [1;;] a% u%fortu%ate 'ho"'e.DD1<N The perso% she p(a'e$ at the hea$
of a3a"rs #as %ot o%e #"th (o%2sta%$"% ?ua("1'at"o%s "% the rea() of ("terature
or of oratory. H"s re'o))e%$at"o%s 'o)pr"se$ a% ab"("ty to ho($ h"s to%ue a%$
/eep h"s eyes 1&e$ o% the rou%$+ a 'erta"% au'her"e "% so'"ety+ a 'o)p(ete (a'/
of a(( the other ra'es that %or)a((y 'hara'ter",e a po("t"'"a%. Th"s #as the )a%
#ho) she pro)ote$ to the )ost ")porta%t pos"t"o% "% the state. It "s a fa't+ of
'ourse+ that the e)perors a((ot the h"her o>'es to )e% #hose 1$e("ty "s (east
("/e(y to #a!er+ pro!"$e$ that they are $"%"1e$ "% appeara%'e+ rather tha% to
others #ho are e(o?ue%t a%$ h"h(y'u(ture$ "%$"!"$ua(s #"th a% "%her"te$ apt"tu$e
for po("t"'s. I% the 'ase of th"s )a%+ "t has to be a((o#e$ that he $"$ ha!e a 'erta"%
fa'"("ty "% spea/"%+ but h"s oratory o#e$ )ore to estures tha% #or$s+ for
a(thouh he use$ %e"ther to%ue %or ha%$ #"th a%y a$ro"t%ess+ he u%$oubte$(y
#as )ore su''essfu(( #"th the (atter 22 "%$ee$+ "t #as the o%e th"% "% #h"'h he
sho#e$ a%y %atura( ab"("ty+ for "f he tr"e$ to sho# o3 h"s /%o#(e$e "% #or$s+ the
")press"o% pro$u'e$ "% h"s au$"e%'e #as 4ust the oppos"te of #hat he "%te%$e$.
H"s sty(e #as so 'rabbe$ a%$ obs'ure.
L. 5t a%y rate+ th"s )a% too/ upo% h"s shou($ers the bur$e% of ")per"a(
a$)"%"strat"o%. Most peop(e fou%$ h") "%to(erab(e+ for he #as+ as I ha!e sa"$+
'o)p(ete(y (a'/"% "% po("t"'a( te)pera)e%t. There #as %oth"% !ery ra'"ous
about h")O h"s 'o%!ersat"o% "% so'"ety #as a#/#ar$+ a%$ "%!ar"ab(y "% #hate!er
'o)pa%y he happe%e$ to be+ he a!e the ")press"o% of hab"tua( ru$e%ess. He
a!o"$e$ a(( "%ter'ourse #"th others+ a%$ )a$e h")se(f e%era((y u%popu(ar
be'ause of h"s 1ts of rae a%$ "%hu)our. He "%$u(e$ "% these $"sp(ays of te)per
#he% so)eo%e fa"(e$ to o stra"ht to the po"%t of h"s sub4e't a%$ )a$e re)ar/s
by #ay of prefa'e. Nobo$y #as #"(("% to approa'h h")+ u%(ess 'o)pe((e$ by
abso(ute %e'ess"ty. I )yse(f a$)"re the "%7e&"b"("ty of su'h a )"%$+ but "ts proper
p(a'e+ "% )y op"%"o%+ ("es %ot "% t")e+ but "% eter%"tyO %ot "% th"s prese%t ("fe+ but "%
the e&"ste%'e hereafter. The abso(ute(y u%e)ot"o%a( a%$ the 'o)p(ete(y
"%e&orab(e+ I be("e!e+ are abo!e a(( the spheres+ outs"$e the '"r'u)fere%'e of the
u%"!erse. *ut hu)a% ("fe+ 4ust be'ause "t "s ("!e$ "% the #"$er '"r'(e of so'"ety+ "s
better 1tte$ to e%'ou%ter the !"'"ss"tu$es of "ts prese%t e&"ste%'e 22 "% other
#or$s+ the e)ot"o%a( e(e)e%t "% the sou( rea'ts har)o%"ous(y to the phys"'a(
st")u(" "% the bo$y. [=AA]
B. 5''or$"% to )y obser!at"o%s+ I $"st"%u"sh three /"%$s of sou(+ ea'h ha!"% a
'hara'ter of "ts o#%. The 1rst type "s that #h"'h ("!es "% "so(at"o%+ by "tse(f+ free$
fro) the bo$y+ u%be%$"% a%$ a(toether "%'apab(e of 'o)pro)"se@ the other t#o
I ha!e e&a)"%e$ "% the ("ht of the"r 'o2e&"ste%'e #"th the bo$y. 6or "%sta%'e+ "f
the sou(+ $esp"te the $eep a%$ %u)erous e)ot"o%s to #h"'h "t "s sub4e't+ 'hooses
to ("!e the ("fe of )o$erat"o%+ as thouh "t #ere the e&a't 'e%tre of a '"r'(e+ the%
"t br"%s "%to be"% the )a% #ho p(ays h"s part "% pub("' a3a"rs. Su'h a sou( "s
%e"ther rea((y $"!"%e %or e%t"re(y 'o%'er%e$ #"th the apprehe%s"o% of sp"r"tua(
th"%s+ %or yet o!erpro%e to "%$u(e the bo$y+ %or sub4e't to pass"o%. O% the
other ha%$+ "f the sou( tur%s as"$e fro) th"s )"$$(e 'ourse a%$ )ar'hes o% the
path that (ea$s to (o#+ base pass"o%s+ the% "t pro$u'es the !o(uptuous a%$ the
se%sua( )a%. Suppose the% that so)eo%e #ere ab(e to step outs"$e the bou%$s
of a(( th"%s perta"%"% to the bo$y+ a%$ ta/e up h"s pos"t"o% at the he"ht of
sp"r"tua( perfe't"o%+ #hat #ou($ he ha!e "% 'o))o% #"th the #or($ arou%$ h") S
-I ha!e put o3 )y tu%"'+- says the S'r"pture+ -a%$ ho# sha(( I put "t o%
aa"%S-DD1<L *y a(( )ea%s (et h") o up h"s h"h a%$ (ofty )ou%ta"%O (et h")
sta%$ #"th the a%e(s+ so that u%earth(y ("ht )ay be she$ upo% h")O (et h")
separate h")se(f fro) )e% a%$ a!o"$ the"r so'"ety. No o%e o% earth has e!er
tr"u)phe$ o!er the for'e of %ature to su'h a% e&te%t+ but "f th"s ")a"%ary perso%
#ere by 'ha%'e e%truste$ #"th the $"re't"o% of state a3a"rs+ I #ou($ 'ou%se( h")
to ta/e )atters "% ha%$ ("/e a )a% $ea("% #"th h"s fe((o#2)e%+ %ot to prete%$
that he #as e%$o#e$ #"th the u%err"% stra"ht%ess of a ru(er+ for %ot a(( ha!e
bee% )a$e e?ua((y perfe't. If he re%ou%'es a(( $e!"at"o% fro) the path of )ora(
re't"tu$e+ "t %atura((y fo((o#s that he at o%'e re4e'ts a(so those #ho tra!erse the
'roo/e$ path.
;. Th"s #"(( e&p(a"% #hy the e%t(e)a% I #as ta(/"% about+ by a't"% the
ph"(osopher "% )atters that #ere %ot the proper ob4e't of ph"(osophy+ ear%e$ the
reputat"o%+ %ot of be"% a ph"(osopher+ but a )")"' of o%e. Ho#e!er+ "% or$er to
'o%s"$er a(( aspe'ts of the )a%+ "t has to be a((o#e$ that he #as ?u"te $"3ere%t "%
pr"!ate ("fe+ for he ("!e$ o% a )a%"1'e%t+ su)ptuous s'a(e+ #as e%erous a%$
"%'orrupt"b(e. If so)eo%e+ $"%"% #"th h")+ assu)e$ a s)"("% a"ety a%$+ to
?uote fro) the poet+1<B -stret'he$ forth h"s ha%$s to the foo$ that #as rea$y-+ he
#ou($ eat #"th )ore usto tha% usua(+ 'hatter a#ay #"th h"s uest+ a%$ fo((o# h"s
)oo$ #"th a(( /"%$s of [=A1] p(easa%try. 5fter#ar$s+ he #ou($ 'ha%e aa"%+
retur%"% to h"s %or)a( hab"ts+ "% %o #ay )o$"1e$. Nobo$y e(se+ "f he ha$ h"s
#ay+ #ou($ share #"th h") the $ut"es of o!er%)e%t 22 but that #or$ re)"%$s )eO
I )ust $"ress o%'e )ore a%$ "%tro$u'e )yse(f aa"% to th"s h"story.
1A. Not (o% before Theo$ora-s a''ess"o%+ I ha$ a$opte$ the )o%/-s 'o#(. O#"%
to the fa't that I too/ th"s step short(y before Mo%o)a'hus $"e$+ )a%y perso%s
sur)"se$ that I ha$ pre!"ous /%o#(e$e of the e!e%t. 5''or$"% to the)+ I /%e#
he #as o"% to $"e a%$ for th"s reaso% 'ha%e$ )y )a%%er of ("fe. It "s a fa't
that )ost peop(e "!e )e 're$"t for )ore (ear%"% tha% I a'tua((y possess.
*e'ause I ha!e $abb(e$ "% eo)etry+ they ")a"%e that I a) 'apab(e of
)easur"% the #ho(e hea!e%s+ a%$ s"%'e I ha!e $e!ote$ a 'erta"% a)ou%t of
stu$y to the phe%o)e%a of the 'e(est"a( sphere+ they "%s"st that I )ust a(so be
a'?ua"%te$ #"th the phases+ the ob("?u"ty of the e'("pt"'+ e'("pses+ fu(( )oo%s+
'y'(es a%$ ep"'y'(es. They e!e% '(a") that I 'a% pre$"'t the future+ $esp"te )y
repu$"at"o% of boo/s #r"tte% o% these sub4e'ts.
11. 5%other th"% "% #h"'h I ha!e bee% "%tereste$ "s Horos'opy+ far e%ouh to
(ear% so)eth"% of the %o%se%se that $er"!es fro) "t. The truth "s+ )y e$u'at"o%
#as so #"$e a%$ the ?uest"o%s of those #ho 'o%su(te$ )e so $"!erse+ that there
"s %o s'"e%'e #h"'h I #as %ot "%$u'e$ to stu$y. *e'ause of th"s "%terest "%
horos'opes+ I 1%$ )yse(f "%e!"tab(y sub4e'te$ to troub(eso)e "%?u"r"es about
the). That I ha!e app("e$ )yse(f to the s'"e%'e "% a(( "ts aspe'ts I a$)"t but at
the sa)e t")e %o%e of these stu$"es+ forb"$$e% by the (ea$ers of the Chur'h+ has
bee% put to ")proper use. I /%o# the theory about the (ottery of 6ortu%e a%$
about a pres"$"% E!"( 0e%"us+ but I 'erta"%(y $o %ot be("e!e that the pos"t"o%s or
the appeara%'e of stars a3e't #hat oes o% "% the sub(u%ary #or($. To b(a,es
#"th a(( those #ho te(( us there "s a sp"r"tua( ("fe+ a%$ #ho the% $e'(are that "ts
$"re't"o% ("es "% the ha%$s of the"r %e#fa%(e$ o$sQ These are the fo(/ #ho $e%y
the u%"ty of hu)a% ("fe+ for #h"(e a''or$"% to the) ("fe o#es "ts or""% a%$ b"rth
to the Creator "% Hea!e%+ a%$ $er"!es fro) H") a(o%e+ they a(so "%s"st that the
stars+ #h"'h ha!e %o po#er of reaso%"%+ are ("!"% be"%s+ a%$ they "!e the) a
$#e(("%2p(a'e "% e!ery part of the hu)a% bo$y before "t ("!es+ raft"% o% to "t+ so
to spea/+ the po#er of thouht after#ar$s.
1=. Nobo$y #"th a%y se%se #ou($ 1%$ fau(t #"th a )a% #ho [=A=] /%e# these
theor"es+ but a!e the) %o 're$e%'e. O% the other ha%$+ #here a )a% re4e'ts
Chr"st"a% Do'tr"%e+ a%$ tur%s to su'h hypotheses+ h"s stu$"es are use(ess a%$ )ay
#e(( be rerette$. 6or )y o#% part 22 a%$ th"s "s the truth 22 "t #as %o s'"e%t"1'
reaso% that )a$e )e "!e up these "$eas+ but rather #as I restra"%e$ by so)e
$"!"%e for'e. It "s %ot a )atter of (o"'a( aru)e%t 22 a%$ I 'erta"%(y pay %o
atte%t"o% to other )etho$s of proof. *ut the sa)e 'ause+ #h"'h+ "% the 'ase of
reater a%$ )ore (ear%e$ "%te((e'ts tha% )"%e+ has brouht the) $o#% to a (e!e(
#here they a''ept He((e%"' 'u(ture+ "% )y 'ase e&er'"ses a 'o)pu(s"o% up#ar$s+
to a sure fa"th "% the truth of our Chr"st"a% Theo(oy. If the% )y $ee$s ha!e %ot
a(#ays har)o%",e$ #"th #hat I profess+ )ay I 1%$ )er'y #"th the Mother of the
8or$+ a%$ #"th the So% bor% of %o earth(y father+ #"th the su3er"%s He e%$ure$
#"th the 'ro#% of thor%s about H"s Hea$+ the ree$ a%$ the hyssop+ the Cross o%
#h"'h He stret'he$ out h"s Ha%$s+ )y pr"$e a%$ )y (oryQ
1K. *ut I )ust retur% to the or""%a( sub4e't that I #as $"s'uss"% a%$ 'arry o% )y
%arrat"!e. 5s I #as say"%+ short(y before the e)peror-s $eath I re%ou%'e$ the
#or($(y ("fe I ha$ bee% ("!"% a%$ be'a)e a )o%/. *ut #he% Theo$ora as'e%$e$
the thro%e+ she at o%'e se%t for )e. 5fter a tra"' a''ou%t of the treat)e%t she
ha$ re'e"!e$ at the ha%$s of her brother2"%2(a#+ she to($ )e of her o#% se'ret
p(a%s a%$ e%'ourae$ )e to !"s"t her fre?ue%t(y. If I ha$ a%y "%for)at"o% I #as o%
%o a''ou%t to 'o%'ea( "t fro) her. Th"s #as %ot the 1rst o''as"o% o% #h"'h I ha$
a% "%ter!"e# #"th her. I% fa't+ e!e% $ur"% Mo%o)a'hus-s ("fet")e+ "f she #"she$
to #r"te se'ret $"spat'hes or 'o%$u't a%y other pr"!ate bus"%ess+ "t #as her hab"t
to 'o%su(t )e about her (etters a%$ her p(a%s.
1H. My !"s"ts+ )a$e at her "%!"tat"o%+ e&'"te$ 4ea(ousy+ a%$ #he% those #ho ha$
ot there before )e #ere u%ab(e to "%4ure )y reputat"o% #"th )a("'"ous ta(es+
they pro'ee$e$ to 'r"t"'",e )y )o%ast"' robes a%$ the #ay I ("!e$ apart fro) the
others. Theo$ora ("ste%e$ to the"r 'o)p(a"%ts a%$ "% future she #as 'arefu( to
treat the) #"th the sa)e fr"e%$(y rear$ as )yse(f. Ho#e!er+ I sa# ho# th"%s
stoo$+ a%$ )y !"s"ts be'a)e (ess fre?ue%t+ #"th the resu(t that she aa"% tur%e$
to )e for a$!"'e. She reproa'he$ )e for (a'/ of "%"t"at"!e a%$ a''use$ )e of
%e(e't"% her or$ers a(toether.
1<. Th"s typ"1es her te%a'"ty of purpose a%$ the #ay she #ou($ set her heart o%
so)e 'ourse of a't"o%+ rear$(ess of 'o%se?ue%'es. [=AK] The truth "s+ she ha$
("tt(e fa"th "% her o#% op"%"o%s+ a%$ th"s (e$ her to fear for the future #e(fare of
the E)p"re. So she 'a)e to re(y )ore o% the a$!"'e of others tha% o% herse(f.
There "s %o $oubt that she ha$ a reat respe't for the e)peror #ho pre'e$e$
her+ e!e% after h"s $eath. Not o%(y $"$ she /eep a("!e the )e)ory of h"s %ob(e
$ee$s+ but %o $e'"s"o% )a$e by h")+ so far as she #as 'o%'er%e$+ 'ou($ be
(oo/e$ o% as #orth(ess. Desp"te th"s $eter)"%at"o% to fo((o# h"s e&a)p(e+ she
fa"(e$+ #"th the resu(t that )ost of h"s )easures #ere re%$ere$ use(ess. 5s a
)atter of fa't+ the perso% to #ho) she e%truste$ the e%era( super!"s"o% of the
o!er%)e%ts 22 the )a% I #as spea/"% of 4ust %o# 22 ha!"% fa"(e$ to obta"% h"h
ho%ours "% the re"% of the (ast e)peror+ a%$ ha!"% bee% $e%"e$ the pr"!"(ee of
sta%$"% bes"$e h") "% 'ou%'"(+ as he ha$ a(#ays $o%e "% the 'ase of the
so!ere"%s before h")+ ru)b(e$ at Co%sta%t"%e $ur"% h"s ("fet")e a%$+ %o# that
he #as $ea$+ bore h") )a("'e for past s("hts. Of 'ourse+ there #as so)e
4ust"1'at"o% for #hat he $"$+ as #e(( as for the att"tu$e of the e)press+ a%$ for the
fee("%s of others #ho ha$ bee% "((2$"spose$ to#ar$ Mo%o)a'hus. 8hat #as
"%$efe%s"b(e #as the #ay she forot that she #as o%(y a te)porary $#e((er o%
th"s earth+ a%$ her fa"(ure to )a/e proper pro!"s"o% for the future. Her 'ou%'"((ors+
)oreo!er+ shou($ ha!e ")presse$ th"s o% her+ "%stea$ of ")a"%"% that she
#ou($ ("!e for e!er+ a(#ays at the sa)e ae+ or e!e% that she #as free$ fro) the
"%7ue%'e of t")e a(toether a%$ ha$ b(osso)e$ afresh+ ("/e so)e you% p(a%t.
They thouht the"r fortu%es #ere se'ure$ for e!er+ refuse$ to 'o%s"$er the
appo"%t)e%t of a% e)peror+ )a$e %o e3ort to e%sure a s)ooth tra%sfer of po#er.
Sure(y %o o%e 'ou($ e&'use+ e"ther "% her or "% the)+ su'h e&tre)e a%$ su'h
$"sra'efu( fo((y.
1N. 8he% I sa# her a'tua((y "%sta(("% 'erta"% perso%s "% pos"t"o%s of author"ty "%
the Chur'h+ a%$ e&p(a"%"% her a't"o%s "% e%$(ess+ #ear"so)e $"s'ourse+ I 'ou($
'o%ta"% )yse(f %o (o%er. I e&presse$ )y $"ssat"sfa't"o% "% pr"!ate+ 'o)p(a"%"% of
her beha!"our to truste$ fr"e%$s. Her 'o%$u't surpr"se$ )e+ be'ause I /%e# she
#as )ost 'arefu( "% )atters 'o%'er%e$ #"th re(""o%. Des"re for abso(ute po#er
ha$ (e$ her e!e% to brea/ the (a#O at a(( e!e%ts+ "t a(tere$ her p"ous att"tu$e
to#ar$s Hea!e%(y th"%s+ a%$ she #as %ot so "%'("%e$ to be sy)pathet"' as she
ha$ bee% before. 8hether she #as re!ert"% to her rea( 'hara'ter+ to sho# that
her past ("fe ha$ bee% )ere(y a sha)+ or #hether th"s (a'/ of sy)pathy #as
$e("berate(y 'u(t"!ate$+ [=AH] to a!o"$ be"% ")pose$ o% by her 'ourt"ers+ or to
$"s'ourae atte)pts to #"% her o!er by su$$e% outbursts of e)ot"o%+ I a) u%ab(e
to say.
1L. The Oe'u)e%"'a( Patr"ar'h Ithe 'usto)ary t"t(e of the Patr"ar'h of
Co%sta%t"%op(eJ #as at that t")e M"'hae(+ the su''essor of the $"!"%e 5(e&"us o%
the Ho(y Thro%e.DD1NA 5(thouh she ha$ bee% )ost fr"e%$(y to#ar$s h") "% the
t")e before she be'a)e e)press a%$ ha$ treate$ h") #"th )ar/e$ respe't+ o%'e
she #as 1r)(y estab("she$ "% po#er she abo)"%ate$ the )a%+ refus"% e!e% to
)eet h"). There #as a reaso% for th"sO the patr"ar'h #as !e&e$ be'ause the
Ro)a% E)p"re #as be"% o!er%e$ by a #o)a%. Chara'ter"st"'a((y+ he #as 1((e$
#"th #rath at th"s state of a3a"rs+ a%$ he spo/e h"s )"%$ free(y. It "s %ot
")probab(e that she #ou($ ha!e $epose$ h") fro) h"s o>'e+ ha$ her )orta( ("fe
bee% so)e#hat pro(o%e$.
1B. The e&tre)e(y e%erous perso%s #ho passe$ a(( bou%$s of ("bera("ty+ #"th
the"r )u%"1'e%t "fts+ #ere %ot a%e(s 'arry"% )essaes to her fro) 0o$+ but
)e%+ #ho ")"tate$ the a%e("' be"%s "% out#ar$ appeara%'e+ a%$ at heart #ere
hypo'r"tes. I a) referr"% to the Na,"raea%s of our t")e.DD1N1 These )e% )o$e(
the)se(!es o% the D"!"%e+ or rather they ha!e a 'o$e of (a#s #h"'h "s+
super1'"a((y+ base$ o% the ")"tat"o% of the D"!"%e. 8h"(e st"(( sub4e't to the
(")"tat"o%s of hu)a% %ature+ they beha!e as thouh they #ere $e)"2o$s a)o%
us. 6or the other attr"butes of D"!"%"ty they a3e't utter 'o%te)pt. There "s %o
e3ort to har)o%",e the sou( #"th Hea!e%(y th"%s+ %o repress"o% of the hu)a%
$es"res+ %o atte)pt by the use of oratory to ho($ "% 'he'/ so)e )e% a%$ oa$ o%
others. These th"%s they rear$ as of )"%or ")porta%'e. So)e of the) utter
prophe'"es #"th the assura%'e of a% ora'(e+ so(e)%(y $e'(ar"% the #"(( of 0o$.
Others profess to 'ha%e %atura( (a#s+ 'a%'e(("% so)e a(toether a%$ e&te%$"%
the s'ope of othersO they '(a") to )a/e "))orta( the $"sso(ub(e hu)a% bo$y a%$
to arrest the %atura( 'ha%es #h"'h a3e't "t. To pro!e these assert"o%s they say
that+ ("/e the a%'"e%t 5'ar%a%"a%s+DD1N= they a(#ays #ear ar)our a%$ for (o%
per"o$s of t")e #a(/ o% a"r 22 $es'e%$"% !ery rap"$(y #he% they s)e(( sa!oury
)eat o% earthQ I /%o# the"r /"%$ a%$ I ha!e ofte% see% the). 8e((+ these #ere the
)e% #ho (e$ the e)press astray te(("% her she #ou($ ("!e for e!er+ a%$ throuh
the"r $e'e"t she !ery %ear(y 'a)e to r"ef herse(f a%$ brouht ru"% o% the #ho(e
E)p"re as #e((.
1;. They pre$"'te$ for her a ("fe o"% o% for 'e%tur"es #"thout e%$. I% fa't+ she
#as a(rea$y %ear"% the $ay #h"'h 6ate ha$ $e'ree$ shou($ be her (ast. I ouht
%ot to use su'h a% e&press"o% 22 #hat I )ea% "s that she ha$ %ear(y 1%"she$ her
("fe a%$ the e%$ #as at ha%$. 5s a )atter of fa't+ she #as assa"(e$ by a !ery
terr"b(e "((%ess. Her e&'retory pro'esses bro/e $o#%+ a%$ th"s #as fo((o#e$ by (oss
of appet"te a%$ !o)"t"%. Cater she #as aR"'te$ #"th !"o(e%t $"arrhoea a%$ a%
a()ost tota( e!a'uat"o% of the "%test"%es (eft her at $eath-s $oor. E!eryo%e II a)
ta(/"% %o# of her "%t")ate fr"e%$sJ $espa"re$ of her ("fe+ ?u"te %atura((y+ a%$ they
at o%'e bea% to 'o%s"$er #hat #as to be'o)e of the E)p"re a%$ a(so of
the)se(!es. They starte$ to )a/e p(a%s. I a) %ot )a/"% th"s state)e%t fro)
hearsay+ for I #as prese%t )yse(f #he% these pro4e'ts #ere $"s'usse$ a%$ )a$e+
see"% #"th )y o#% eyes a%$ hear"% #"th )y o#% ears ho# they p(aye$ fast a%$
(oose #"th the E)p"re+ ("/e )e% p(ay"% at $"'e.
=A. It #as %ot yet )"$2$ay a%$ the e)press #as breath"% #"th $">'u(ty. She
appeare$ to be o% the po"%t of $y"%. The 'ou%'"((ors #ere athere$ toether
rou%$ the thro%e+ the"r (ea$er "% the )"$st+ $e'"$"% #ho) they shou($ e(e't as
the %e# e)peror+ "% prefere%'e to a(( others+ a )a% ("/e(y to fa!our the)se(!es+
o%e #ho #ou($ be re("ab(e a%$ #ou($ prote't the"r o#% "%terests. It "s %ot )y
purpose at the )o)e%t to $es'r"be the ob4e't of the"r 'ho"'e+ but I #"(( say that
the )a% 'hose% #as pretty #e(( the best 'a%$"$ate+ e&'ept that he #as the sort
of perso% (ess ?ua("1e$ to ru(e tha% to be ru(e$ a%$ (e$ by others. He #as a(rea$y
"% the autu)% of h"s years+ !er"% o% o($ ae+ a%$ h"s ha"r #as 'o)p(ete(y rey.
=1. Th"s #as the )a%+ therefore+ that they persua$e$ her to %o)"%ate as the"r
future so!ere"%. There #as %o hes"tat"o% o% her part a%$ she at o%'e 'ro#%e$
h") as her su''essor. She ("%ere$ o% for a ("tt(e #h"(e+ st"(( as e)press+ a%$ $"e$
four )o%ths before the year-s e%$.DD1NK So M"'hae( as'e%$e$ the ")per"a(
thro%e+ o%(y to be $epr"!e$ of po#er soo% after. *efore I e%ter o% a%y $es'r"pt"o%
of h") as a )a%+ ho#e!er+ I #"(( "!e a br"ef "%tro$u't"o% to h"s re"%.
+,. 1Fomen1s Guarters.1
++. (t had been the custom for high o;ces to be bought. This practice was now
forbidden and letters were sent to the provinces to this e:ect -2edrenus& +58& p.
+3. Nicolaus was appointed to high o;ce in the East and 2onstantine 2abasilas
in the Fest. Eeorge <aniaces became magister and was sent back to (taly as
supreme commander there -2edrenus& ibid.0.
+*. The Nobilissimus was recalled from e=ile and forced to surrender to the
empresses his own considerable fortune. .e was then banished a second time
-2edrenus& +58B& p. 54!0
3?. 2onstantine 2atepanus& surnamed Brtoclinas& who was said to have been a
lover of Hoe in the past.
3!. "ossibly poisoned by his own wife& who& says 2edrenus -+582& p. 5460& could
not bear to lose him.
36. 2edrenus& who is not without some humor& suggests that Hoe decided to
marry <onomachus because one 2onstantine was as good as anotherJ
2atepanus had been murdered& therefore another of the same name should take
his placeS Bt the beginning of the reign he had been recalled from e=ile -'ohn the
Euardian of the Orphans had sent him to <itylene0 and was given a post in
38. One of Hoe1s chamberlains& a eunuch& Stephanus "ergamenus& was sent to
escort him to the palace.
34. The By)antine 2hurch forbade a third marriage.
35. The ceremony was performed by the priest Stypes on !!. 'une !?46. The
patriarch crowned 2onstantine the ne=t day.
3,. .erodotus& the famous Ereek historian& is said to have beer the son of #y=es
and $ryo& and was born at .alicarnassus in 434 B.2. Several Ereek writers are
known to have attacked him on the ground that he was biased in tavour of the
"ersians vis9T9vis his own countrymen. 'udging by the work $e <alignitate
.erodoti& usually ascribed to "lutarch& their arguments were futile.
*+. #at. BGuilo& the north wind.
*3. #at. Septentrio& a north wind.
3*. The classical Bcte& the famous mountain on the most easterly of the three
peninsulas of 2halcidice in north9east Ereece& the home of thriving monastic
communities and known as the .oly <ountain.
*?. "sellus here apostrophi)es the emperor.
*!. Not altogether fair. 2onstantine relied on the advice and >udgment of such
eminent men as <ichael 2erularius& who became patriarch in !?48& 2onstantine
#ichudes& and "sellus himself. .is elevation of 7omanus Sclerus was perhaps not
so wise& but he could hardly be e=pected to foresee the rebellion of <aniaces to
which 7omanus directly contributed the cause. There were personal reasons why
this grandson of Bardas Sclerus was promotedJ he was the brother of the new
emperor1s mistress& Sclerena. Bt the beginning of the reign certain other changes
took placeJ <ichael C was sent to 2hios& the Nobilissimus to Samos& the Euardian
of the Orphans to <itylene -perhaps to remind him of 2onstantine1s own so>ourn
*6. "lotinus -B.$. 6?596,*0 was one of the great neo9platonist philosophers. The
facts of his life are known to us chieDy through the Cita of "orphyry pre%=ed to
the Enneads& the series of essays in which "lotinus e=plains his doctrines.
*8. "orphyry of Tyre -B.$. 6869c. 8?50 wrote voluminously on many sub>ects.
Blthough not an original thinker himself& he is important because of his freGuent
references to older authorities.
*4. (amblichus was born at 2halcis& in 2oele Syria& about B.$. 65?. .e en>oyed a
reputation Guite out of proportion to his real merit as a neo9platonic philosopher&
for his main interests were in thaumaturgy.
*5. "roclus Dourished in the %fth century B.$. .e was given the surname
$iadochus& because it was comrnonly believed that he had inherited the mantle
of "lato. 2ertainly his writings are e=tensive& and if one is to credit even a
fraction of what his admirers attributed to him& he must have been a remarkable
*,. The Epinomis& though usually ascribed to "lato& is really of doubtful origin.
$iogenes #aertius -(((. 8+0 hints that the author of the book was "hilip of Opus
who is said to hare transcribed the $e #egibus of "lato.
*+. Sclerena was a niece of "ulcheria& sister of 7omanus Sclerus and grand9
daughter of Bardas. She had shared 2onstantine1s e=ile on #esbos. She was
unpopular with the people. (n fact& so vehement was the feeling against her that
a riot broke out during the emperors1s procession to the 2hurch of the .oly
<artyrs -* <arch !?440 and he escaped with his life only through the
intervention of Hoe.
*3. .is second wife was "ulcheria1s daughter& niece of 7omanus ((( Brgyrus.
**. .omer& (liad& (((& (5,9+J 1(t were no shame that Tro>ans and well9greaved
Bchaeans should su:er pain long time for a woman such as she.1
!??. The e=act date is unknown& but she probably died in !?44. She was buried
in the monastery of <angana and eleven years later 2onstantine was interred
beside her.
!?!. "robably 2onstantine #ichudes.
!?6. "roverb ascribed to Solon.
!?8 . Eeorge <aniaces . (n the reign of 7omanus (((& he avenged the emperor1s
defeat near Bntioch by routing the Saracens. Shortly afterwards he captured
Edessa -!?860 and found there the famous letter said to have been addressed by
Our #ord to Bbgarus& the king of that city. This precious relic <aniaces presented
to the emperor. (n !?85 he was sent by <ichael (C "aphlagon to carry on the war
with the Saracens in South (taly. The conGuest of Sicily followed and a great
victory over the enerny -!?4?0. Stephen& who was in command of the Deet&
allowed the Saracen admiral to escape& and <aniaces was >ustly incensed -c&
note 4*0. The latter was recalled& accused of aiming at supreme power& and
imprisoned. .e was however soon released when <ichael C 2alaphates became
emperor& and once again he was put in command of the (talian armies -!?460. .e
Guickly restored the province to some semblance of discipline& although
outnumbered and despite the terrible reverses su:ered by his predecessors
$oceianus and Boioannus.
!?4. The true story is told in 2edrenus -+5,9+& pp. 54+930. (t appears that
<aniaces had possessions in the East. One of his neighbours was that 7omanus
Sclerus mentioned aheady -cf. note *!0. "ossibly owing to some insult he had
su:ered in the past& more probably because he saw in <aniaces a serious rival
for honours that he coveted himself& he plundered the general1s estates in
Bnatolia and seduced his wife. Not content with that he slandered him and
<aniaces was deprived of his title of <agister. (t was only then that rebellion was
seriously considered.
!?5. The protospatharius "ardus owed his appointment as successor to <aniaces
not to any outstanding ability but to the fact that he was known to the emperor.
!?,. Stephanus -cf. note 380. The batde took place near Ostrovo. The imperial
troops were routed and <aniaces1 men& Dushed with their triumph& saluted him
as emperor on the %eld of battle (t was at this moment that he fell mortally
wounded -2edrenus& +5+B& p. 54*0. The date was !?48.
!?+. (t had already been displayed in the .ippodrome -ch. 3,0.
!?3. St. Saviour of 2halce was founded by 7omanus ( #ecapenus and enlarged by
'ohn ( T)imisces.
!?*. 'une !?48.
!!?. The 7ussians had long been friendly with the By)antine emperors -cf.
2edrenus& +53& p. 55!0. Trade between them was cultivated and merchants
travelled freely. The immediate cause of the war was said to be the death of
some Scythian nobleman in a brawl at 2onstantinople. Cladimir& son of the ruler
of iev& collected a force of some !??&??? men and despite the e:orts of
2onstantine to avert war refused to accent compensation for this outrage.
!!!. The sum mentioned by 2edrenus -+5*B& p. 5560 is three pounds of gold for
each sailor.
!!6. <any ships had been lost in a great %re three years before.
!!8. The secretweapon of the By)antine emperors. (t is said to have been
invented by a Syrian engineer& one 2allinicus& in the seventh century. The 1liGuid
%re1 was thrown on to the ships of their enemies and as it was reputed to be
ine=tinguishable caused panic and dread. The secret formula was handed down
from emperor to emperor& >ealously preserved for seven centuries.
!!4. There were no less than some !5&??? enemy corpses washed up on the
shores of the Bosphorus -2edrenus& +53$& p. 5580. The commander of the 7oman
Deet was Basil Theodorocanus. Bfter this battle the 7ussians retreated by land up
the west coast of the Black Sea& harassed constantly by the victors -and not
invariably with success0.
!!5. #eo Tornicius& a patrician& traced his descent from Brmenian kings and had
in fact been governor of (beria. Fhile there he was accused of revolutionary
intentions and deposed& being compelled to become a monk. .e had other
reasons for hating 2onstantineJ in the %rst place& he had been sent to (beria in
order that the emperor might separate him from his -2onstantine1s0 sister&
Euprepia2possibly it was a lovea:airK secondly& he disapproved of the imperial
policy im Brmenia -it had been made a province of the Empire and its king& Eagik
((& had been sent into e=ile0.
!!,. (n September !?4+.
!!+. The army of the East was at this time engaged in Brmenia <agna.
!!3. (n the part near the monastery of the Bnargyroi& not far from Blachernae.
!!*. 2edrenus -+,5$& p. 5,40 says the arrow struck a servant1s helmet.
!6?. 2hieDy 2onstantine #ichudes. .e was vehemently opposed by Brgyrus
(talus& who did his best to dissuade the emperor from this course.
!6!. (n the Spartan army the pyrphoros was the priest who kept the sacri%cial
%re& never allowed to go out. .ence to say that not even a pyrophoros was left is
eGuivalent to admitting total defeat -cf. .erodotus& C(((& , and $io 2assius& 8*&
!66. 2f. 2edrenus& +,,2& p. 5,5& where three o;cers are mentioned by name.
!68. (n particular 7haedestus& on the Sea of <armora -October !?4+0.
!64. These reinforcetnents were put under command of <ichael (asitas.
!65. $ecember 64& !?4+.
!6, Nireus was said to have been& ne=t to Bchilles& the handsomest of the 2reeks
who fought at Troy.
!6+. "sellus apparently had only the ha)iest knowledge of 7oman history.
!63. #eader of the gladiators in the so9called Servile Far in South (taly and %nally
crushed by 2rassus and "ompey. The 7omans regarded him as no better than
common robber& but the man1s character has been deliberately maligned.
!6*. 7omanus Boilas rose to high rank about !?4*. 2edrenus -+33E& p. ,?50
speaks of him as being a person of some accomplishments.
!8?. The lady1s name is unknown.
!8!. Blania.
!86. Bthena and .era -.omer& (liad& (C& 6?0.
!88. "rincipo.
!84. The legendary old man of the sea who had the power to assume any shape
he pleased.
!85. Hoe died in !?5?.
(8,. "sellus is referring to 'ulius 2aesar and Bugustus.
!8+. .omeric epithets -cf. Odyssey& ((& 863& and /& 840.
!83. (n the poems of .omer Themis is the personi%cation of #aw and 'ustice.
!8*. 2alliope is the <use of Epic "oetry. "sellus Guotes .omer& (liad& ((& 6495.
!4?. 2onstantine #ichudes& who was promoted to the high o;ce of
protovestiarius as successor to <ichael 2erularius. The latter had become
"atriarch in !?48.
!4!. #ichudes became "atriarch in !?5*& appointed by (saac 2omnenus.
!46. Hoe was seventy9two when she died in !?5?.
!48. The 2hurch of St. Eeorge of <angana -2edrenus& +*?B& p. ,?30.
!44. St. Sophia.
!45. The Sultan sent presents to 2onstantine -2edrenus speaks of an elephant
and a gira:e& +3*2& p. ,?+0.
!4,. The well9known Ereek physician and contemporary of Socrates.
!4+. These two friends were 'ohn /iphilinus& a native of Trebi)ond& who had been
appointed "rofessor of #aw -Nomophyla=0 in the Iniversity of 2onstantinople
reorgani)ed in !?45 and probably 'ohn <auropous& a native of "aphlagonia who
was a distinguished scholar and "sellus1s old teacher.
!43. /iphilinus retired to a monastery on <ount Olympus in Bithynia as a monk.
!4*. B neo9platonic theory.
!5?. .ermogenes of Tarsus -c. B.$. !5?0 was a celebrated sophist and
rhetorician. .e acGuired a great reputation as an orator while still a very young
man& but it appears that he was aUicted with some disease that rendered him
totally un%t mentally and although he lived to an advanced age he did nothing
worthy of note after he was twenty9%ve. "sellus here obviously refers to this
e=traordinary collapse of ..1s intellectual powers.
!5!. (.e. "sellus was tonsured.
!56. Theodora had been in retirement and took no interest in state a:airs. .er
advisers showed great determination and energy at this crisis -2edrenus& +*!2&
p. ,!?0.2onstantine consulted the leading men of his government and together
they decided that the new emperor should be one Nicephorus& governor of
Bulgaria. Theodora1s faction Guickly cut short their plans. Nicephorus was
detained at Salonica and deported.
!58. The emperor died on !! 'anuary !?55 and was buried in the monastery of
<angana beside Sclerena.
!54. "sellus does not mention <ichael 2erularius by name& but the "atriarch was
undoubtedly e=pected to play a leading part. To the surprise of everyone
Theodora resisted his claims and appointed her own eunuchs to high o;ce.
Bmong others the future emperor (saac 2omnenus was deprived of his military
command and Nicephorus Bryennius& whose e=ecution in the ne=t reign
precipitated the generals1 revolt against <ichael C( Stratioticus& was sent into
!55. Nevertheless& a revolt was plainly imminent. Not only was 2erularius
plotting against the regime& but Theodora1s own parsimony alienated the
sympathy of the people.
!5,. #eo "araspondylus& the protosyncellus -the patriarch1s con%dential adviser0.
"sellus is biased in his >udgment of this man.
!5+. Septuagint& Song of Songs& C& 8.
!53. .omer& Odyssey& (& !4*.
!5*. 2f. note !5,.
!,?. (.e. <ichael 2erularius. The real trouble was that the "atriarch wanted to be
completely free of all control in the ecclesiastical sphere.
!,!. To the By)antine writers 1Na)iraean1 is synonymous with 1monk1. The word is
derived from the .ebrew na)ir& 1separate1. "sellus clearly has nothing but
contempt for these %ghting monks.
!,6. "sellus knew hisThucydides well. Fe are told by the Ereek historian that the
Bcarnanians& being semi9civili)ed& still went about armed in his time -(& 50.
!,8. Theodora died 8! Bugust !?5,& at the age of seventy9si=.
MICH5EC :I 1A<N21A<L [p.=A;]
IS55C COMNENUS 1A<L21A<; [p.=KA]
CONST5NTINE . 1A<;21ANL [p.=<K]
ROM5NUS I: 1ANB21AL1 [p.=NB]
MICH5EC :II 1AL121ALB [p.=B1]
1. 5ppare%t(y+ the (ast fe# e)perors #ere 'o%!"%'e$ that they #ere 1r)(y
estab("she$ o%'e the '"!"( e(e)e%t a''(a")e$ the). I%$ee$+ the"r '(ose re(at"o%s
#"th these perso%s #ere su'h that the e)perors be("e!e$ the thro%e #as safe(y
e%sure$ beyo%$ a(( $"spute "f the '"!"("a%s #ere #e((2$"spose$. Natura((y+
therefore+ as soo% as they too/ up the s'eptre "t #as to the '"!"( party that they
ra%te$ the r"ht to spea/ "% the"r prese%'e before a(( others. If they e!"%'e$
p(easure+ "f they uttere$ 7atter"% spee'hes a%$ a!e !e%t to a ("tt(e %o%se%s"'a(
'(ap2trap+ the% the e)perors %ee$e$ %o further ass"sta%'e. It #as as "f they ha$
the sa%'t"o% of 0o$. Rea((y+ of 'ourse+ the"r po#er rests o% three fa'torsO the
peop(e+ the Se%ate+ a%$ the ar)y. Met #h"(e they )"%")",e$ the "%7ue%'e of the
)"("tary+ ")per"a( fa!ours #ere ra%te$ to the other t#o as soo% as a %e#
so!ere"% a''e$e$.
=. I% the 'ase of the ae$ M"'hae( the 'o%ferr"% of ho%ours surpasse$ the
bou%$s of propr"ety. He pro)ote$ "%$"!"$ua(s+ %ot to the pos"t"o% "))e$"ate(y
super"or to that they a(rea$y o''up"e$+ but e(e!ate$ the) to the %e&t ra%/ a%$
the o%e abo!e that. I% fa't+ the e)peror-s 'ourt"ers ha$ o%(y to put the)se(!es
for#ar$ as 'a%$"$ates [=1A] for a fourth pro)ot"o% a%$ he #ou($ rea$"(y 'o%s"$er
the"r '(a")s. Thereupo% a%other+ sta%$"% at h"s other s"$e a%$ p(u'/"% at h"s
other s(ee!e+ so to spea/+ #ou($ as/ for a%$ et a 1fth. H"s e%eros"ty (e$ to a
state of abso(ute 'haos.
K. 8he% th"s 'a)e to the ears of the so($"ers+ a%$ a)o% the) those #ho he($
pos"t"o%s of 'o))a%$ a%$ #ere 'ra'/ troops+DD1NH they 'a)e to *y,a%t"u) too+
#"th the ob4e't of #"%%"% e?ua( ho%ours for the)se(!es+ or e!e% reater o%es. 5
$ay #as therefore 1&e$ for the) to ha!e au$"e%'e #"th the e)peror a%$ I )yse(f
#as prese%t o% the o''as"o%+ sta%$"% bes"$e h"). The )e% #ho 'a)e "%to h"s
prese%'e #ere %ob(e #arr"ors+ )e% of 1%e reputat"o%. 5fter bo#"% to h") a%$
)a/"% the usua( a''(a)at"o%+ they stoo$+ at the e)peror-s 'o))a%$+ a#a"t"%
the"r tur%. No# at th"s 4u%'ture he shou($ ha!e ta/e% the) as"$e "%$"!"$ua((y. He
shou($ ha!e beu% h"s 'o%!ersat"o% #"th e%erous #or$s "% a )a%%er #orthy of
h"s h"h ra%/.DD1N< I%stea$+ he starte$ by 1%$"% fau(t #"th the) e% b(o 22 22 a
)ea% th"% to $o. The%+ ha!"% )a$e the"r (ea$er sta%$ forth "% the 'e%tre of the
roup+ toether #"th h"s se'o%$2"%2'o))a%$ 22 Isaa' Co)%e%usDD1NN #as the
'h"ef )a% "% the $eputat"o% a%$ Ce'au)e%us+ fro) Co(o%us+ #as the otherDD1NL
22 he poure$ out a torre%t of abuse o% Isaa'. He 'hare$ h") #"th a(( but (os"%
5%t"o'h a%$ #"th 'orrupt"% h"s ar)y@ he ha$ sho#% %o s"% of a((a%try or
(ea$ersh"p@ o% the 'o%trary+ he ha$ (e!"e$ the peop(e-s )o%ey for h"s o#% use+
a%$ "%stea$ of us"% h"s 'o))a%$ to #"% (ory+ he ha$ )a$e "t a prete&t for
sat"sfy"% h"s perso%a( ree$. I% the fa'e of these su$$e% b(o#s Isaa' stoo$
tra%s1&e$. He ha$ 'o)e e&pe't"% pro)ot"o%@ "%stea$ he ha$ bee% ross(y
"%su(te$. 8he% h"s fe((o#2e%era(s tr"e$ to $efe%$ h")+ the e)peror forba$e the)
e!e% to spea/. E!e% "f he $esp"se$ the others+ he shou($ ha!e 'o%s"$ere$ Isaa'+
at (east+ #orthy of a% ho%ourab(e hear"%. Met he+ too+ #as $e%"e$ that fa!our.
H. 5(( th"s )a$e a% e%or)ous ")press"o% o% the so($"ers+ a%$ the"r rebe(("o%
aa"%st M"'hae( $ates fro) th"s "%ter!"e#. I%$ee$+ the [=11] e3e't pro$u'e$ by
th"s tra"'a( e!e%t o% the"r )ora(e #as %oth"% (ess tha% shatter"%. Met+ a(thouh
the see$s of $"sa3e't"o% #ere so#e$ there+ %o "))e$"ate atte)pt #as )a$e to
se",e po#er. 5 se'o%$ "%ter!"e# #as tr"e$ 1rst+ "% the hope that the e)peror
)"ht pro!e )ore fr"e%$(y.DD1NB *ut #he% they as/e$ h") for brea$ he o3ere$
the) sto%es@ #he% they proteste$+ e!e% the sto%es #ere refuse$. They #ere
repe((e$ a%$ re4e'te$. The others #ere a(( for "))e$"ate a't"o% 22 they #ere
a()ost prepare$ to (ay !"o(e%t ha%$s upo% h") there a%$ the%+ a%$ to tear h")
$o#% fro) h"s thro%e 22 but Isaa' restra"%e$ the). There #as %ee$+ he sa"$+ for
#"ser 'ou%se(. Ne!erthe(ess+ fro) that )o)e%t the 'o%sp"ra'y #as afoot a%$
they bea% the sear'h for a (ea$er+ so)e )a% 'apab(e of o!er%"% the
<. Desp"te Isaa'-s pers"ste%t refusa( to press h"s o#% '(a")s to the thro%e+ a%$
$esp"te h"s assert"o% that a(( of the) #ere e?ua( to the tas/+ "t #as u%a%")ous(y
$e'"$e$ that the ho%our #as h"s.DD1LA He #as "% fa't pre2e)"%e%t+ %ot o%(y by
b"rth but "% h"s /"%(y appeara%'e@ h"s %ob"("ty of )"%$ a%$ 1r)%ess of 'hara'ter+
too+ #ere outsta%$"%. O%e (oo/ at the )a% #as e%ouh to "%sp"re respe't.
Ho#e!er+ I )ust $es'r"be h"s ?ua("t"es "% a (ater 'hapter. 5fter the 'o%sp"rators
ha$ aree$ o% the"r a")s+ there #as a%other br"ef e%'ou%ter #"th the e)peror
a%$ they a(( #e%t a#ay to the"r ho)es. *y the ear(y )or%"%+ ho#e!er+ #he% the
su% #as 4ust r"s"%+ they #ere #"th"% easy 'a(( of o%e a%other. So+ after #a"t"% a
fe# $ays+ they asse)b(e$ "% o%e p(a'eDD1L1 a%$ 'o%'erte$ the"r p(a%s. E!e% so+
the"r $e("berat"o%s #ere %ot 'o)p(ete$ before a a((a%t ar)y #as a(rea$y 7o'/"%
to the"r sta%$ar$. 5 host of #arr"ors 4o"%e$ the)+ a$$"% fresh stre%th to the"r
'o%1$e%'e. The %e#s sprea$ that a !a("a%t e%era( #as the %e# e)peror+ a%$
that he ha$ #o% o!er to h"s s"$e the )ost po#erfu( fa)"("es+ perso%s #ho) they
/%e# by %a)e. 8"thout the (east hes"tat"o%+ therefore+ re'ru"ts poure$ "%+ e!ery
)a%+ ("/e a oo$ ru%%er+ str"!"% to et there before h"s 'o)ra$es.
N. E!e% before th"s t")e "t ha$ bee% the a)b"t"o% of the )"("tary to sub4uate the
#ho(e of the Ro)a% E)p"re+ to ser!e a so($"er2e)peror a%$ brea/ $o#% the '"!"(
su''ess"o% to the Pr"%'"pate+ but h"therto these $es"%s #ere /ept se'ret. The"r
fo%$ $es"%s #ere 'her"she$ o%(y "% pr"!ate 22 for the s")p(e reaso% that %obo$y
see)e$ 'o)pete%t to ru(e. Not e!e% "% the"r #"($est $rea)s ha$ they e&pe'te$
Isaa' to e%terta"% a)b"t"o%s for so!ere"%ty+ be'ause of the [=1=] $">'u(t"es
atte%$a%t o% su'h a% e%terpr"se. No# the pos"t"o% #as a(toether 'ha%e$. They
sa# Isaa' at the hea$ of a re!o(ut"o%ary partyO they sa# h") perso%a((y ta/"%
the $e'"s"o%s %e'essary to "ts su''ess. The t")e for 'o)pro)"se #as %o# o!er.
8"thout )ore a$o a$here%ts ra(("e$ to h"s s"$e+ stro%(y e?u"ppe$ a%$ pro!"$e$
for the e&"e%'"es of #ar.DD1L=
L. Co%s"$er"% that th"s #as the 1rst t")e he ha$ 'o))a%$e$ su'h a%
e&pe$"t"o%+ Isaa'-s 'o%$u't of the re!o(t sho#e$ )ore #"s$o) tha% bo($%ess.
*e"% a#are of the supre)e ")porta%'e of reat #ea(th "% )a%a"% h"s ar)y+ he
bea% by barr"'a$"% o3 a(( the roa$s "%to the '"ty a%$ (ea!"% a% a$e?uate uar$
at ea'h obstru't"o%. Per)"ss"o% to o "% or out #as refuse$ u%(ess Isaa' h")se(f
ha$ 1rst bee% "%for)e$ a%$ ha$ a(rea$y aree$ to )o!e)e%t "% e"ther $"re't"o%.
H"s %e&t )o!e #as to e&a't the pub("' ta&es. Th"s #as %ot $o%e "% a%y hurr"e$ or
'o%fuse$ )a%%er+ but ro((s #ere $ra#% up+ ho%est ta&2atherers appo"%te$+ a%$
separate e%tr"es )a$e "% the a''ou%ts+ so that #he% he #as o>'"a((y )a$e
e)peror he )"ht ha!e a''urate re'or$s of the re!e%ues. No# you #"((
u%$ersta%$ #hat I )ea%t #he% I sa"$ that he sho#e$ )ore pru$e%'e tha%
au$a'"ty. 5%$ here #e )ay %ote a%other a$)"rab(e pro!"s"o%. 5fter $"!"$"% the
reat for'e that ha$ 4o"%e$ h") "%to appropr"ate ra%/s+ he set o% o%e s"$e the
bra!er )e% a%$ so($"ers /%o#% to be 'oo( a%$ stea$y u%$er 1re. These )e% #ere
the% $"str"bute$ a)o% the !ar"ous 'o)pa%"es a%$ re")e%ts. 5'tua((y the
sereate$ )e% #ere "% the )a4or"ty+ a%$ the others pro!e$ the)se(!es "% %o
#ay "%fer"or to the) "% !a(our.
B. Isaa'-s 1rst or$er #as that they shou($ /eep to the"r o#% separate roups a%$
a!o"$ a%y $"sor$er(y )"%("% a%$ 'o%fus"o%. They #ere to a$!a%'e "% s"(e%'e+
preser!"% the ra%/s a%$ 'o)pa%"es "% #h"'h he ha$ arra%e$ the)+ a%$ the
sa)e $"s'"p("%e #as to be obser!e$ #he% they e%'a)pe$. Ne&t he sett(e$ the
a)ou%t of rat"o%s re?u"re$ for the 'a)pa"% by ea'h so($"er+ a%$ the e?u"p)e%t
su>'"e%t for a )"("tary e&pe$"t"o%. Pro)ot"o%s #ere )a$e+ the h"her ra%/s be"%
ass"%e$ to the better so($"ers a%$ the (o#er to the others. H"s o#% safety #as
)a$e the spe'"a( 'are of )e% 'hose% fro) h"s o#% fa)"(y. So+ #"th h"s bo$yuar$
about h")+ he a$!a%'e$ fear(ess(y a%$ aa"% p"t'he$ 'a)p. The %"hts he spe%t
"% 'ease(ess !""( o!er the a3a"rs of state+ #h"(e "% the $ay2t")e h"s br"(("a%t
$"re't"o% #as )ore e!"$e%t st"((. There #as ster% reso(!e [=1K] "% the )a%%er of
h"s a$!a%'e+ but s"%'e )a%y th"%s are #o%t to befa(( ar)"es+ a%$ s"%'e )ost
so($"ers are )ore $"st"%u"she$ for bo($%ess tha% for #"s$o)+ Isaa' refra"%e$
fro) $"s'"p("%ary a't"o% aa"%st $efau(ters+ at (east for the )o)e%t. O%e (oo/
fro) h") #as e%ouh to terr"fy the) a%$ a s'o#( o% h"s fa'e #as as oo$ as a%y
'orpora( pu%"sh)e%t.
;. Thus the ar)y #as str"'t(y $"s'"p("%e$. Mea%#h"(e he #as a(rea$y at the ates
of the '"ty. The e)peror-s 4ur"s$"'t"o% #as 'o%1%e$ to *y,a%t"u) a(o%e. Met he
too/ %o 'ou%ter2)easures to 'he'/ h"s $ar"% oppo%e%ts@ %or $"$ h"s for)er
a$!"sers )a/e a%y e3ort to stop the rebe(s. Mou #ou($ ha!e be("e!e$ %o state of
e)ere%'y e&"ste$ at a((. 8hat "s )ore+ %o atte)pt #as )a$e to p"t aa"%st the
e%e)y #hat for'es #ere (eft to the e)peror. No a't"o% #hate!er #as ta/e% to
brea/ up the re!o(ut"o%ary ar)y. So)e of the 'ourt $"$ "%$ee$ 4er/ M"'hae( out of
h"s apathy by "%s"st"% o% the %e'ess"ty for 'o%su(tat"o% a%$ a oo$ supp(y of
)o%ey. They ure$ h") to 'o((e't a% ar)y. 5 'ou%'"( #as thereupo% su))o%e$+
a%$ bes"$es so)e other pub("'2sp"r"te$ e%t(e)e% 22 they #ere !ery %u)erous+
but u%t"( that )o)e%t the"r a$!"'e ha$ bee% 'o)p(ete(y $"srear$e$ 22 he a(so
'a((e$ "% )yse(f. He treate$ )e ("/e a% a$opte$ so% a%$ prete%$e$+ #"th the a"r of
a )a% #ho has )a$e a foo("sh error+ that he ha$ (o% rear$e$ )e as a boo%
1A. 8e((+ I bore h") %o )a("'e a%$ )y a$!"'e to h") #as to ta/e the fo((o#"%
three )easures at o%'e. I /%e# there #as a $"3ere%'e of op"%"o% bet#ee% h")se(f
a%$ the patr"ar'h+ a%$ I /%e# that the (atter #as a%ry #"th M"'hae(. So )y 1rst
'ou%se( #as th"s+ that he shou($ put a% e%$+ o%'e a%$ for a((+ to h"s ?uarre( #"th
the patr"ar'h a%$ 'o)e to so)e 'o))o% aree)e%t #"th h")+ be'ause h"s
pos"t"o% "% the prese%t '"r'u)sta%'es #as part"'u(ar(y stro%. U%(ess the e)peror
)a$e ?u"te sure of h"s a$here%'e 1rst+ he #as ("/e(y to 4o"% the rebe( party "%
the"r atta'/. My se'o%$ proposa( #as that a% e)bassy shou($ be $espat'he$ to
the e%e)y (ea$er+ #"th "%stru't"o%s to $"sba%$ h"s for'esO a re#ar$ shou($ be
pro)"se$ h") 22 a reaso%ab(e su) of )o%ey 22 a%$ the prospe't of further
"%$u'e)e%ts (ater o%. The e)bassy shou($ )oreo!er see/ to u%$er)"%e
$"s'"p("%e "% [=1H] the e%e)y-s 'a)p a%$ try to $"sora%",e h"s ar)y. To these I
a$$e$ a th"r$ suest"o%+ the )ost 'o%!"%'"% of a(( a%$ )ore 'oe%t tha% the
others+ that he shou($ )ass the ar)"es of the #est+ 'e%tra(",e #hate!er for'es
re)a"%e$ to h") "% o%e roup+ "%!o/e the a(("a%'es 'o%'(u$e$ #"th the
%e"hbour"% barbar"a%s+ stre%the% the )er'e%ary ar)y the% "% *y,a%t"u)+ put
the) u%$er the 'o))a%$ of a bra!e e%era(+ bu"($ up a% a$e?uate 'orps of )e%
for h")+ a%$ e!ery#here res"st the hor$es set "% )ot"o% aa"%st us. These
proposa(s #ere a'tua((y a''epte$ by the e)peror.
11. Cater+ ho#e!er+ he re4e'te$ the 1rst p(a% 22 a%$ the $"srear$"% of that a(o%e
#as e%ouh to 'ause h"s $o#%fa(( 22 but he $"$ app(y h")se(f to the se'o%$ a%$
th"r$. Ne!erthe(ess+ %oth"% #as a''o)p("she$ "% respe't of the se'o%$. 5s for
the ar)"es "% the #est+ they #ere prepare$ "% the )ost #ar("/e fash"o% a%$
re"%for'e$ by other a(("e$ for'es.DD1LK So+ after be"% $"!"$e$ up "%to 'o)pa%"es
a%$ roupe$ by re")e%ts+ they fa'e$ the easter% ar)"es %ot o%(y #e((e?u"ppe$
but #"th 'o%1$e%'e The t#o s"$es #ere e%tre%'he$ at %o reat $"sta%'e fro)
ea'h other a%$ the %o2)a%-s (a%$ bet#ee% the) #as ?u"te s)a((+ but that spa'e
re)a"%e$ e)pty+ for %e"ther party sa(("e$ out to $o batt(e. C(ear(y the e)peror-s
)e% #ere )ore %u)erous+ but the e%e)y ha$ the a$!a%tae "% $"s'"p("%e a%$
stre%th+ a%$ 22 )ore ")porta%t a%$ st"(( )ore asto%"sh"% 22 the"r ar)y #as
'ohere%t+ #"th a% u%#a!er"% be("ef "% "ts (ea$er+ #hereas "% our 'a)p there #ere
aps a%$ e)pty p(a'es+ #he% e!ery $ay bo$"es of )e% $eserte$ to the rebe(s.
Moreo!er+ our 'o))a%$erDD1LH 22 I %ee$ %ot )e%t"o% h"s %a)e 22 #as $"!"$e$ "%
h"s (oya(t"es@ "% fa't+ as I see "t+ he #as b"asse$ aa"%st us.
1=. 8e #ere therefore at a $"sa$!a%tae "% t#o respe'ts+ a%$ e!e% before "t #as
$e'"$e$ to )a/e #ar+ the att"tu$e of our e%era(s pro!e$ our u%$o"%. The ra%/
a%$ 1(e+ o% the other ha%$+ toether #"th #hat ha$ bee% (eft of our o#% %at"o%a(
ar)y+ #ere st"(( u%a#are of the"r (ea$er-s !a'"((at"o%. They fa'e$ the e%e)y+ -)e%
of #ar a%$ breath"% 'ourae-+DD1L< as the poet says+ e?u"ppe$ #"th the 1%est
#eapo%s a%$ a(( the best ar)our+ both for opu(e%'e a%$ $efe%'e. So+ #"th the
#ar2'ry o% the"r ("ps+ they a!e re"% to the"r 'harers [=1<] a%$ bore $o#% o% the
foe #"th "rres"st"b(e for'e+ a%$ our r"ht Sa%/+ ha!"% tur%e$ the"r (eft+ pursue$
the) afar.
1K. 8he% the rebe( r"ht 7a%/ sa# #hat ha$ happe%e$+ they )a$e %o atte)pt to
ho($ the"r rou%$ or fa'e the e)peror-s troops roar"% to the atta'/+ but ret"re$
a%$ $"sperse$ at o%'e. The truth "s+ they #ere afra"$ the !"'tors )"ht $"!ert the"r
atta'/+ a%$ by re("e!"% pressure o% the route$ (eft #"%+ br"% the fu(( for'e of
the"r 'hare o% to the"r o#% 7a%/. So both r"ht a%$ (eft 4o"%e$ "% the 7"ht a%$
!"'tory '(ear(y reste$ #"th the e)peror. 6"r)(y roote$ "% the 'e%tre+ )aster of
!"'tors a%$ !a%?u"she$ a("/e+ #as the rebe( (ea$er. So)e of our )e% sa# h")
Ithey #ere S'yths fro) the Taurus $"str"'t+ a%$ %ot )ore tha% four at thatJ a%$
atta'/e$ h") #"th spears+ $r"!"% "% o% both 7a%/s+ but the "ro% shafts pro!e$
"%e3e't"!e+ for they )"sse$ h"). Mea%#h"(e he bu$e$ "% %e"ther $"re't"o%+ for as
they pushe$ h") #"th e?ua( for'e th"s #ay a%$ that+ he re)a"%e$ po"se$ a%$
ba(a%'e$ "% the )"$$(e. To Isaa' th"s see)e$ a fa!ourab(e o)e%+ #he% atta'/s
fro) r"ht a%$ (eft both fa"(e$ to $"s(o$e h")+ a%$ he pro)pt(y ba$e h"s fo((o#ers
set about the"r e%e)"es #"th )ore !"our. He ure$ the) to ta/e heart+ rout the"r
a$!ersar"es a%$ pursue the) far a%$ #"$e.
1H. The %e#s of th"s re!erse+DD1LN "%7"'te$ o% us "% the )a%%er I ha!e $es'r"be$+
#as e!e% )ore terr"fy"% a%$ ser"ous tha% a%yth"% #e ha$ hear$ before. It
astou%$e$ us+ a%$ the e)peror #as thro#% "%to utter 'o%fus"o%. He #as %o#
'o%!"%'e$ that h"s 'ause #as hope(ess+ for "t #as ")poss"b(e to su))o% to h"s
a"$ the #ester% ar)y after "ts $efeat+ at (east for the t")e be"%+ a%$ he 'ou($ %ot
et rea$y other )e% by a fresh (e!y. The e%era( "% 'hare of h"s for'es+
)oreo!er+ the eu%u'h Theo$orus+ #ho ha$ pre!"ous(y bee% appo"%te$ to the
o>'e of proe$rus by the e)press Theo$ora+ a%$ #ho ha$ after#ar$s ta/e% o!er
the easter% ar)"es+ reso(ute(y oppose$ a )"("tary e&pe$"t"o%+ %ot so )u'h
be'ause he (a'/e$ the %e'essary 'o%1$e%'e to e%ae the e%e)y+ but be'ause
he ha$ a(rea$y 'o%'(u$e$ a trea'herous a%$ se'ret aree)e%t #"th Co)%e%us.
1<. The e)peror therefore+ after #a"t"% a fe# $ays+ as/e$ )e to 'o)e to ter)s
#"th Co)%e%us. I #as to (ea$ a% e)bassy o% h"s beha(f+ #"th se'ret proposa(s to
the e%e)y. *y )y e(o?ue%'e a%$ [=1N] po#ers of aru)e%t I #as to softe% h")
$o#% a%$ "%$u'e a 'ha%e of att"tu$e to the e)peror. My 1rst rea't"o% to th"s
"$ea+ #h"'h 'a)e upo% )e ("/e a bo(t fro) the b(ue+ #as to refuse the ho%our. -I
#ou($ %ot !o(u%tar"(y u%$erta/e su'h a 'o))"ss"o%+- I sa"$+ -frauht as "t "s #"th
'o%s"$erab(e $a%er+ the out'o)e of #h"'h+ so far fro) be"% a )atter of $oubt+
"s ?u"te ob!"ous to a%yo%e. It "s '(ear that a )a% #ho has 4ust #o% a !"'tory a%$
"s e(ate$ by h"s su''ess #"(( %ot aree to surre%$er h"s super"or pos"t"o%+ or so
$ebase h")se(f as to a''ept "%fer"or o>'e.-
1N. The e)peror ha$ a pro)pt rep(y to th"s. Sha/"% h"s hea$ a%$ a''us"% )e of
forett"% a(( the t"es of fr"e%$sh"p a%$ )utua( atta'h)e%t+ he #e%t o%O -So the
purpose of your u%'eas"% stu$"es #as to 'u(t"!ate a persuas"!e e(o?ue%'e+ but
#he% your fr"e%$s su3er )"sfortu%e+ or rather your )asters 22 0o$ for"!e )e for
us"% the #or$Q 22 you 'are %ot a 4ot ho# you )ay "!e the) ass"sta%'e. 8he% I
be'a)e e)peror+ )y re(at"o%s #"th you u%$er#e%t %o 'ha%eO I spea/ #"th you
as I ha!e a(#ays $o%eO I reet you a%$ e)bra'e you "% )y usua( #ay+ a%$ e!ery
$ay 22 "t "s r"ht that "t shou($ be so 22 TI taste the ho%ey of your ("ps.T *ut I
thouht to be repa"$ "% e?ua( )easure. *ut you 22 you $o %ot e!e% "!e )e as
)u'h 'o%s"$erat"o% as a e%t(e)a% a''or$s a% e%e)y #he% he "s $o#% a%$ out.
5h #e((+ I #"(( o a(o% the path that $est"%y has prepare$ for )e+ a%$ as for you+
be sure that so)e $ay so)eo%e #"(( br"% o% you 'e%sure a%$ reproa'h for
ha!"% betraye$ your )aster a%$ fr"e%$.-
1L. 5t the sou%$ of these #or$s I #as a()ost stru'/ $u)b #"th a)a,e)e%t. It
#as ")poss"b(e to )a"%ta"% )y or""%a( ob4e't"o%+ so I su$$e%(y 'ha%e$ )y
att"tu$e. -*ut+ S"re+- I ob4e'te$+ -I a) %ot refus"% to 'arry out your "%stru't"o%s
be'ause I a) afra"$ of th"s $uty. My "$ea "s rather to obser!e proper pre'aut"o%s
"% the )atter. I a) )ere(y postpo%"% a't"o% be'ause I suspe't that )ost of the
others #"(( be 4ea(ous.- -- -5%$ #hat+ )ay I as/+- sa"$ he+ -"s "t that )a/es you so
'arefu(S 8hy ha!e you %o 'o%1$e%'e "% th"s e)bassyS- 22 -The )a% you are
as/"% )e to !"s"t+- I rep("e$+ -has a(rea$y #o% a !"'toryO he "s fu(( of 'o%1$e%'e "%
h"s o#% future. I har$(y fa%'y+ therefore+ that he #"(( sho# a%y /"%$(y fee("%
to#ar$s )e+ %or #"(( he be $"!erte$ fro) h"s p(a%s by a%y aru)e%ts I 'a% put
before h"). Probab(y he #"(( a$$ress )e "% a hauhty fash"o%+ br"% $"sho%our o%
)y e)bassy+ a%$ se%$ )e a#ay #"thout a''o)p("sh[=1L]"% a%yth"%. The
others #"(( the% s(a%$er )e+ say"% that I ha!e betraye$ )y trust. 8hey #"((
arue thusO #he% he su''ee$e$ beyo%$ h"s e&pe'tat"o%s+ I ha$ o%(y )a$e h")
)ore arroa%t tha% e!er@ "% a%y future %eot"at"o%s+ therefore+ he #ou($ "%ore
a(( the e)peror-s or$ers a%$ a%y e)bassy se%t to h") thereafter #ou($ be
$"srear$e$. 8hyS *e'ause Co)%e%us "s u%$er the ")press"o% that he h")se(f "s
soo% to be'o)e supre)e ru(er of the E)p"re. Ne!erthe(ess+- I #e%t o%+ -"f "t "s
your #"sh that I shou($ obey th"s or$er+ p(ease "!e )e a 'o((eaue+ o%e of the
se%"or )e)bers of the Se%ate. Our proposa(s #"(( thus be put for#ar$ by t#o of
us+ 4o"%t(y+ a%$ h"s rep("es #"(( be a$$resse$ to both of us. The %eot"at"o%s #"((
the% be 'o%$u'te$ #"thout se're'y.-
1B. M"'hae( #as p(ease$ #"th th"s "$ea. -Choose a%y )e)ber of the Se%ate you
("/e+- he sa"$. I 'hose the )ost $"st"%u"she$ a%$ se%s"b(e )a%+ o%e #ho+ I #as
?u"te sure+ #ou($ ha!e the 'ourae to a''o)pa%y )e o% the e)bassy.DD1LL No
soo%er ha$ th"s e%t(e)a% hear$ )y proposa( tha% he aree$ to a't "% th"s
'apa'"ty a%$ share )y $ut"es. The%+ after 'o%su(tat"o% a%$ a% e&'ha%e of "$eas+
#e 'o2opte$ a th"r$ perso% to 4o"% "% the $eputat"o%+ a )a% #ho he($ h"h ra%/
a)o% the Ro)a%s+ a (ea$"% )e)ber of the Se%ate+ $"st"%u"she$ %o (ess for h"s
oratory tha% be'ause of h"s po#erfu( "%te((e't.DD1LB I% for)er t")es he ha$ bee%
u"$e a%$ 'ou%se((or to the e)peror Mo%o)a'hus+ a%$ (ater he brouht (ory to
the o>'e of Patr"ar'h. Ha!"% $e!ote$ h"s o#% ("fe to the ser!"'e of 0o$+ he
after#ar$s 'o%se'rate$ Isaa'+ too+ as a pr"est.DD1L;
1;. 8he% he a(so e&presse$ h"s rea$"%ess to 4o"% us 22 h"s patr"ot"s) #as %e!er "%
$oubt 22 he be'a)e the )ost $e("htfu( )e)ber of our )"ss"o%. 8e the% re'e"!e$
(etters for Isaa' fro) the e)peror+ or rather #e ourse(!es 'o%'o'te$ these
)essaes a%$ 'o)pose$ the) "% a for) as e&pe$"e%t as )"ht be. Our ob4e't
#as to e3e't a 'o)pro)"seO Isaa' #as to #ear the 'ro#% a%$ the "%s"%"a of the
Caesar+ a%$ yet+ at the sa)e t")e+ re)a"% sub4e't to the e)peror. So #e
'o%1$e%t(y set out o% our 4our%ey to )eet h")+ a%$ after 'o!er"% the 1rst stae
out fro) the '"ty+ #e a'?ua"%te$ h") of our arr"!a( a%$ #e assure$ h")+ )ost
e)phat"'a((y+ that #e #ou($ u%$er %o '"r'u)sta%'es e%ter "%to a%y %eot"at"o%s+
u%(ess he 1rst u%$ertoo/ by the )ost so(e)% oaths %ot to $eta"% us o%'e our tas/
#as $o%e+ %or to $o us a%y other "%4ury+ but to treat us #"th the ho%our $ue to
our pos"t"o% a%$ uara%tee our safe retur%.
=A. 5(( these assura%'es be"% "!e% a%$ other+ a$$"t"o%a(+ pro)"ses be"% )a$e+
#e "))e$"ate(y set sa"( "% our tr"re)es a%$ (a%$e$ %ear the spot #here he #as
e%'a)pe$.DD1BA 8e #ere reete$ at o%'e+ e!e% before the 'o%fere%'e #"th Isaa'
bea%+ a%$ they re'e"!e$ us )ost 'or$"a((y. O%e after a%other the (ea$ers of h"s
ar)y 'a)e up a%$ a$$resse$ us "% the p(easa%test )a%%er. 9"ss"% our hea$s
a%$ ha%$s+ they proteste$ #"th tears+ that thouh they #ore o% the"r bro#s the
ar(a%$s of !"'tory+ they #ere #eary of she$$"% the b(oo$ of the"r fe((o#2
'ou%try)e% a%$ of br"%"% $estru't"o% upo% the"r /"%sfo(/. The%+ putt"% us "%
the"r )"$st+ they es'orte$ us to the te%t of the"r e%era( Ifor he+ too+ #as
e%'a)pe$ there+ ("/e the)se(!es+ "% the ope% a"rJ. 5fter $"s)ou%t"% the)se(!es+
they )a$e us $o ("/e#"se a%$ ba$e us #a"t outs"$e. Per)"ss"o% #as the% ra%te$
us to e%ter the te%t a(o%e+ for the su% ha$ a(rea$y o%e $o#% a%$ Isaa' #as
u%#"(("% to a((o# a b" asse)b(y "% the ")per"a( te%t.
=1. He reete$ us as #e 'a)e "%+ seate$ o% a h"h thro%e+ #"th a s)a((
bo$yuar$ "% atte%$a%'e. He #as $resse$ %ot so )u'h ("/e a% e)peror as a
e%era(. He rose s("ht(y as #e e%tere$ a%$ ba$e us be seate$. No ?uest"o%s
#ere as/e$ about the purpose of our !"s"t+ but after a fe# br"ef re)ar/s "%
e&p(a%at"o% of h"s o#% 'a)pa"%+ a%$ after shar"% a $r"%/ #"th us+ he a((o#e$ us
to ret"re to our o#% te%ts+ #h"'h ha$ bee% p"t'he$ !ery %ear h"s. 8e #e%t out "%
a)a,e)e%t. The )a% ha$ )a$e %o (o% spee'hes at th"s 1rst )eet"%@ h"s o%(y
e%?u"r"es 'o%'er%e$ our !oyae. Ha$ #e ha$ a s)ooth !oyaeS Noth"% )ore.
So+ after $"spers"% to our respe't"!e te%ts a%$ s(eep"% for a #h"(e+ #e )et aa"%
about $a#% a%$ $e'"$e$ ho# #e #ere to 'o%$u't %eot"at"o%s at the %e&t
"%ter!"e#. 8e #ere 'o%!"%'e$ that "t #as #ro% to $e(eate the $uty to o%e
)e)ber a(o%eO better that a(( shou($ fra)e our ?uest"o%s a%$ a(( toether re'e"!e
h"s a%s#ers.
==. 8h"(e #e #ere e%ae$ "% these $"s'uss"o%s+ $ay bro/e a%$ the su% 'rept up
o!er the hor",o% a%$ #as up "% the s/y+ sh"%"% br"ht(y. *ut "t #as %ot (o%
before the (ea$"% 'ou%'"((ors arr"!e$ a%$ su))o%e$ us to h"s prese%'e. They
pra't"'a((y be'a)e our es'ort a%$ (e$ us a#ay to the"r e%era(. 8e fou%$ h") "% a
b"er te%t th"s t")e+ b" e%ouh for a% ar)y a%$ "ts )er'e%ary for'es as #e((.
Outs"$e "t a%$ a(( arou%$ there stoo$ a reat )u(t"tu$e of )e%+ %ot at ease or
)"%(e$ toether+ but $ra#% up "% ra%/s+ "% a ser"es of 'o%'e%tr"' '"r'(es+ #"th a
short "%ter!a( bet#ee% ea'h roup.
[=1;] So)e #ere ar)e$ #"th s#or$s+ others #"th the hea!y "ro% rho)pha"a+
others #"th (a%'es. Not a sou%$ #as hear$ fro) a%y of the). E!ery )a% stoo$
st"Ry to atte%t"o% "% a% att"tu$e of fear+ the"r eyes stea$"(y 1&e$ o% the so($"er
#ho #as "% 'hare at the $oor of the te%t. He #as a'tua((y the 'apta"% of the
e)peror-s perso%a( bo$yuar$+ a bra!e2hearte$ )a%+ ?u"'/2#"tte$ a%$ e%eret"'+
oo$ at spea/"%+ b"tter at ho($"% h"s to%ue+ a%$ at h"s best #he% "%
$e("berat"o% 22 the Du/e Joh%+ #ho ha$ fro) a (o% ("%e of a%'estors "%her"te$ a
sp"r"t at o%'e 'ouraeous a%$ stea$fast.DD1B1
=K. 8he% #e ha$ $ra#% %ear+ th"s )a% to($ us to sta%$ by the e%tra%'e #h"(e he
h")se(f #e%t "%s"$e the te%t. 5fter a short pause+ he 'a)e out aa"%+ a%$ #"thout
a s"%(e #or$ to us thre# ope% the te%t2$oor+ su$$e%(y. The s"ht that )et our
eyes #"th"% #as asto%"sh"%. It #as so u%e&pe'te$+ a%$ tru(y "t #as a% ")per"a(
spe'ta'(e+ 'apab(e of o!er2a#e"% a%yo%e. 6"rst+ our ears #ere $eafe%e$ by the
roars of the ar)y+ but the"r !o"'es #ere %ot a(( ra"se$ at o%'eO the fro%t ra%/
a''(a")e$ h") 1rst+ the% the se'o%$ too/ up the 'ry+ the% the %e&t ra%/+ a%$ so
o%. Ea'h ra%/ uttere$ "ts o#% 'ry #"th a $"3ere%t "%to%at"o% fro) the rest. The%+
after the (ast '"r'(e ha$ shoute$+ there #as o%e reat u%"te$ roar #h"'h h"t us ("/e
a '(ap of thu%$er a()ost.
=H. 8he% they e!e%tua((y re# ?u"et+ they a!e us (e"sure to obser!e #hat #as
"%s"$e the te%t Ifor #e ha$ %ot "))e$"ate(y e%tere$ #he% the $oor #as thro#%
ope%+ but stoo$ at so)e $"sta%'e #a"t"% for the s"%a( to o "%J. I #"(( $es'r"be
that s'e%e. The e)peror h")se(f #as seate$ o% a 'ou'h $e'orate$ #"th t#o
hea$2rests. The 'ou'h #as ra"se$ o% a h"h p(atfor) a%$ o!er(a"$ #"th o($.
U%$er h"s feet #as a stoo(. 5 )a%"1'e%t robe a!e h") a% a"r of reat
$"st"%'t"o%. :ery prou$(y he he($ up h"s hea$ a%$ pu3e$ out h"s 'hest Ia% e3ort
that 'ause$ h"s 'hee/s to ta/e o% a $eep re$ t"%eJ+ #h"(e h"s eyes+ #"th the"r far2
a#ay a,e+ sho#e$ p(a"%(y that he #as th"%/"% profou%$(y a%$ #ho((y "!e% up
to h"s o#% )e$"tat"o%s. The% the 1&e$ a,e re(a&e$+ a%$ "t #as as "f he ha$ 'o)e
fro) troub(e$ $eeps to the 'a() of so)e ha!e%. 5(( rou%$ h") #ere '"r'(es o%
'"r'(es of #arr"ors. The %earest '"r'(e+ a%$ the s)a((est o%es #as 'o)pose$ of the
)ost ")porta%t perso%s+ the (ea$"% represe%tat"!es of the %ob"("ty+ )e% #ho
r"!a((e$ the state(y ra%$eur of the 5%'"e%t Heroes. 5%$ there they stoo$+ the"r
o#% e&a(te$ ra%/ a% "%sp"rat"o% to the"r 4u%"ors. 5rou%$ the) #ere the"r
("eute%a%ts a%$ the fro%t [==A] ra%/ 1hters+ roupe$ "% a se'o%$ '"r'(e. 8"th
these stoo$ so)e so($"ers of "%fer"or batta("o%s a%$ 'erta"% h"h2ra%/"% 'o)pa%y
'o))a%$ers+ o% the e)peror-s (eft. Surrou%$"% these aa"% #e sa# the ("ht2
ar)e$ troops #"thout ar)our+ a%$ beh"%$ the) a(( the a(("e$ for'es #h"'h ha$
4o"%e$ h") fro) $"3ere%t barbar"a% %at"o%s. There #ere Ita("a%s+ a%$ S'yths fro)
the Taurus+ )e% of fearfu( appeara%'e+ $resse$ "% fearfu( arb+ both a("/e (ar"%
1er'e(y about the). They #ere %ot a("/e "% other respe'ts+ for #h"(e the o%e tr"be
pa"%te$ the)se(!es a%$ p(u'/e$ out the"r eyebro#s+ the other preser!e$ the"r
%atura( 'o(our@ the o%e )a$e the"r atta'/s as the sp"r"t )o!e$ the)+ #ere
")petuous a%$ (e$ by ")pu(se+ the other #"th a )a$ fury@ the for)er "% the"r 1rst
o%s(auht #ere "rres"st"b(e+ but they ?u"'/(y (ost the"r ar$our@ the (atter+ o% the
other ha%$+ #ere (ess ")pat"e%t+ but fouht #"th u%spar"% $e!ot"o% a%$ a
'o)p(ete $"srear$ for #ou%$s. These the% #ere the #arr"ors #ho rou%$e$ o3
that '"r'(e of sh"e($s+ ar)e$ #"th (o% spears a%$ s"%(e2e$e$ batt(e2a&es. The
a&es they 'arr"e$ o% the"r shou($ers+ a%$ #"th the sp"/e$ e%$s of the spears
4utt"% out before a%$ beh"%$ the) the "%ter!a(s bet#ee% the ra%/s #ere+ so to
spea/+ roofe$ "%.
=<. So )u'h for the #arr"ors. 5s for us+ #e #ere "!e% a s"% to 'o)e "% by the
e)peror+ #"th a )ot"o% of the ha%$ a%$ a s("ht %o$ of the hea$+ 4ust e%ouh to
te(( us that #e #ere to )o!e o!er to h"s (eft s"$e. 8he% #e ha$ passe$ throuh
the spa'e bet#ee% the 1rst a%$ se'o%$ '"r'(e a%$ #ere ?u"te %ear h")+ he aa"%
as/e$ us the sa)e ?uest"o%s as before+ a%$ be"% sat"s1e$ #"th our rep("es+ he
'o%t"%ue$ "% a (ou$er !o"'e+ -8e(( %o#+ (et o%e of you tur% about a%$ sta%$ "% the
)"$st of these )e% here Ipo"%t"% to those #ho stoo$ about h") o% e"ther s"$eJ
a%$ put "% )y ha%$ the (etter fro) h") #ho has se%t you. Mou 'a% a(so te(( )e
the )essae that you ha!e brouht to us here.-
=N. 5t th"s ea'h of us $e'("%e$ the ho%our of )a/"% rep(y+ a%$ ea'h as/e$ the
others to $o so "%stea$ of h")se(f. 8e he($ a 'o%fere%'e a)o% ourse(!es a%$ )y
t#o 'o)pa%"o%s presse$ the $uty o% )e. I #as best2e?u"ppe$+ they sa"$+ for
spea/"% free(y be'ause+ u%("/e the)se(!es+ I #as a ph"(osopher. They #ou($
'o)e to )y a"$ "f+ by a%y 'ha%'e+ )y aru)e%ts #ere refute$. So I at o%'e
'a()e$ the beat"% of )y heart a%$ steppe$ "%to the )"$$(e+ 'o((e'te$ )y #"ts+
a%$ a!e h") the (etter. The%+ ta/"% the s"%a( to spea/+ I bea% )y $"s'ourse. If
the %o"se #h"'h #as o"% o% there [==1] ha$ %ot s'are$ )e #h"(e I #as
spea/"%+ a%$ "f "t ha$ %ot so fre?ue%t(y "%terrupte$ )e that I forot )y (o%
hara%ue+ perhaps I #ou($ ha!e re'a((e$ the a'tua( #or$s I ha$ prepare$
beforeha%$. They #ou($ ha!e o''urre$ to )e "% the"r proper sett"% a%$
se?ue%'e #here!er I #as $e!e(op"% )y aru)e%t "% per"o$s+ or stress"% )y
"$eas #"th a ser"es of '(auses r"s"% to so)e '(")a&. Nobo$y there %ot"'e$ that
there #as subt(ety "% )y p(a"% spea/"%+ but the fa't #as+ that by a 'arefu(
")"tat"o% of Cys"asDD1B= "% h"s use of 'o))o% e!ery$ay spee'h+ I too/ s")p(e
e&press"o%s /%o#% to the or$"%ary )a%+ a%$ $e'/e$ the) out #"th $e("'ate
ph"(osoph"'a( tou'hes. 5%y#ay+ I #"(( re'a(( %o# the )a"% po"%ts of )y $"s'ourse+
as far as )y )e)ory ser!es )e.
=L. The "%tro$u't"o% #as )osO e)phat"'. I spo/e '(ear(y e%ouh+ but "t #as
artfu((y $o%e+ for to be"% #"th I a!o"$e$ a(( refere%'e to the"r u"(t+ a%$ starte$
#"th the Caesar a%$ the a''(a)at"o% he share$ #"th the e)peror. I e%u)erate$
other fa!ours+ a%$ ho%ours reater st"((+ #h"'h ha$ bee% 'o%ferre$ o% the) by
the"r true so!ere"%. Those #ho stoo$ %earest us re'e"!e$ th"s prea)b(e #"th
sat"sfa't"o% a%$ he($ the"r pea'e+ but the 'ro#$ "% our rear shoute$ as o%e )a%
that they refuse$ to a'/%o#(e$e a%y other ro(e for the"r (ea$er but that of
e)peror. Maybe the )a4or"ty $"$ %ot appro!e of th"s+ but they s(a!"sh(y sa"$ so
a%$ a''o))o$ate$ the)se(!es to '"r'u)sta%'es. 5t a(( e!e%ts they put to
sha)e the or$er(y e(e)e%t "% )y au$"e%'e a%$ for'e$ the) to shout $e1a%'e
too. Probab(y be'ause he #"she$ to a!o"$ the appeara%'e of $"saree"% #"th the
)ob+ the e)peror supporte$ the"r ob4e't"o%+ us"% pre'"se(y the sa)e #or$s.
=B. I #as "% %o #ay $"sturbe$ by th"s. I%$ee$+ I #as %o# "% a so("$ pos"t"o% base$
o% !ery substa%t"a( aru)e%ts 22 a%$ I a) %ot the sort of )a% #ho shr"%/s a#ay+
#he% I a) o%'e e%ae$ "% a 1ht. So I "%terrupte$ )y spee'h a%$ stoo$ "%
s"(e%'e+ #a"t"% for the 'ro#$ to ro# ?u"et. 5%$ after they ha$ ba#(e$ the"r
hea$s o3+ they $"$ stea$y $o#%+ a%$ I+ 'o%t"%u"% "% the sa)e stra"%+ bea%
e%t(y to re!ea( )y )ore $a)a"% po"%ts+ a(thouh st"(( %ot 1%$"% fau(t #"th
the rebe(s. I re)"%$e$ the) ho# o%e '(")bs a (a$$er+ po"%te$ out the )"sta/e of
o!er2rea'h"% #"th the foot+ a%$ pra"se$ the reaso%ab(e proress to the ")per"a(
thro%e. The proper or$er+ I sa"$+ #as th"sO 1rst+ e&per"e%'e+ a%$ after#ar$s+
ph"(osoph"'a( spe'u(at"o%s@ the )a% of pra't"'a( a3a"rs 1rst+ a%$ after#ar$s the
theor"st. [===] Most of those #ho ha$ ru(e$ as e)perors+ a%$ the best of the)+
ha$ bee% pro)ote$ to ")per"a( po#er fro) the ra%/ of Caesar.
=;. 5t th"s re)ar/+ so)e "%$"!"$ua(s ob4e'te$ that I #as ?uot"% o%e part"'u(ar
/"%$ of pro)ot"o%. Isaa'+ they sa"$+ ha$ bee% "%!este$ #"th po#er a(rea$y. -*ut+- I
7ashe$ ba'/+ -he has %ot be'o)e e)peror yetQ 8hat "s )ore+ "f your ob4e't"o%s
are %ot to be perfe't(y r"$"'u(ous+ your pos"t"o% II #as afra"$ to use the #or$
rebe(("o% e&press(yJ has %ot e!e% a respe'tab(e %a)e at a((.- The% I #e%t o% as
fo((o#sO -0"!e up the t"t(e of E)peror a%$ your a''ess"o% to the thro%e #"(( ha!e
the sa%'t"o% of (ea("ty.- 8he% I )e%t"o%e$ the a$opt"o% propose$ by the
e)peror+ they bro/e "%. -Do you )ea% to te(( us+- they as/e$+ -that a% e)peror-s
So% #"(( be $epr"!e$ of h"s po#er+ the so!ere"% po#erS- 22 -Mes+- I a%s#ere$+ -the
reatest e)perors ha!e treate$ e!e% the"r rea( so%s ("/e that.- 5%$ I stra"ht#ay
re)"%$e$ the) of the $"!"%e Co%sta%t"%eDD1BK a%$ 'erta"% other ru(ers #ho ha$
ho%oure$ the"r so%s #"th the t"t(e of Caesar 1rst a%$ after#ar$s pro)ote$ the)
to the e&a(te$ pos"t"o% of e)peror. The%+ $ra#"% toether the threa$s of )y
aru)e%t+ )ore "% the )a%%er of a sy((o"s)+ I )a$e th"s 'o)par"so%O -That "s
ho# they treate$ the"r o#% so%s+ )e% of the"r o#% 7esh a%$ b(oo$. Isaa' here "s
o%(y a so% by a$opt"o% . . .- a%$+ ha!"% thro#% "% the #or$ a$opt"o%+ I (eft the
rest of the se%te%'e "% suspe%se.
KA. Ho#e!er+ they /%e# #hat I )ea%t+ a%$ they pro'ee$e$ to e%u)erate a host
of reaso%s for the"r -'o))o% )o!e)e%t- 22 a euphe)"s) they pro$u'e$ for
-rebe(("o%-. I%stea$ of refut"% the"r aru)e%ts out of ha%$+ I rep("e$ as "f I #ere
ta/"% the"r part. I e&aerate$ the"r )"sfortu%es -Mes+ I /%o# these th"%s a%$
ofte% )y heart has b(e$ be'ause of the). Mour a%er+- I sa"$+ -your a%er "s
4ust"1e$+ a%$ so "s the $espa"r you fee( at your su3er"%s.- 5%$ ha!"% pa'"1e$
the) #"th these #or$s+ I shoo/ the) #"th a su$$e% assau(t fro) the 7a%/. -Those
are terr"b(e th"%s+ terr"b(e "%$ee$+ but they $o %ot 4ust"fy re!o(ut"o%O %oth"%
#hate!er "s a (e"t")ate e&'use for that. No# suppose that you #ere e)peror
Ihere I 'arr"e$ o% the aru)e%t #"th a $"re't refere%'e to the"r (ea$erJ a%$
suppose you #ere to be'o)e !ery "((2te)pere$+ a%$ the (ea$er of the Se%ate+
sha(( #e say+ or the 'o))a%$er2"%2'h"ef of the ar)y e%tere$ "%to a 'o%sp"ra'y
a%$ ot a''o)p("'es to a"$ h") "% h"s e!"( $es"%+ e%"%eer"% a p(ot to $ethro%e
yourse(f a%$ at the sa)e t")e e&'us"% h")se(f #"th a re'"ta( of a(( h"s su3er"%s
a%$ a $es'r"pt"o% of the [==K] "%$"%"ty #"th #h"'h he ha$ bee% treate$ 22 #ou($
the prete&ts he put for#ar$ 4ust"fy the p(ot "% your eyesS- 8he% Isaa' sa"$ -NoQ- I
#e%t o%+ -*ut "% your 'ase you ha!e %ot e!e% su3ere$ "%$"%"ty+ e&'ept "%as)u'h
as you ha!e fa"(e$ to et #hat you ha$ pre!"ous(y set your heart o%. 5s for the
terr"b(e su3er"%s you spea/ of+ those ha!e bee% 'ause$ by other )e%+ %ot by
the prese%t e)peror.- 5s he $"$ %ot rep(y to th"s+ Ifor he #as %ot so )u'h
'o%'er%e$ #"th aru"% persuas"!e(y h")se(f as #"th ("ste%"% to the s")p(e truth
fro) )eJ I presse$ h") st"(( furtherO -8e(( the%+ 'ha%e your )"%$. *e persua$e$
by your better 4u$)e%t. Ho%our your father "% h"s o($ ae+ a%$ you #"(( "%her"t
the thro%e by (ea( )ea%s.-
K1. My #or$s+ ass"ste$ by %u)erous ether aru)e%ts+ ha$ a(rea$y 'o%!"%'e$
h")+ #he% a 'ry rose up beh"%$ )e+ a 'ry #h"'h fro) that )o)e%t has %e!er
'ease$ to r"% "% )y ears. It #as a 'o%fuse$ 'ry+ for e!eryo%e there attr"bute$ to
)e a $"3ere%t ?ua("ty. So)e spo/e of )y "%!"%'"b(e rhetor"'+ others of the po#er
of )y #or$s+ others aa"% of the for'e of )y aru)e%ts. I )yse(f )a$e %o rep(y
to a%y of the)+ but the e)peror+ ho($"% up h"s ha%$ for s"(e%'e+ a$$resse$
the). -Th"s )a% has sa"$ %oth"% at a(( #h"'h "!es the appeara%'e of 'h"'a%ery
or #"(fu( $e'ept"o% of h"s au$"e%'e. He has fo((o#e$ the 'ourse of e!e%ts+ a%$ h"s
e&p(a%at"o%s ha!e bee% pro3ere$ "% s")p(e (a%uae. There "s %o reaso%
therefore #hy you shou($ upset our 'o%!ersat"o% or thro# our )eet"% "%to
$"sor$er.- Those #ere h"s !ery #or$s+ but sa)e of h"s e%tourae+ #"sh"% to
"%t")"$ate )e+ bee$ the e)peror -to sa!e the orator+ #ho "s sure to be
$estroye$ out of ha%$+ for )ost of the so($"ers ha!e a(rea$y $ra#% the"r s#or$s
aa"%st h")+ a%$ they #"(( 'ut h") "% p"e'es the )o)e%t he (ea!es the te%tQ- I
s)"(e$ at these #or$s. -If I+ #ho ha!e brouht to you a% E)p"re a%$ a(( the po#er
#h"'h you ha!e a'h"e!e$+ a) "% re'o)pe%se for these oo$ t"$"%s to be tor% "%
p"e'es by your o#% ha%$s+ sure(y you are )ere(y 'o%1r)"% the fa't of your
rebe(("o%. Mou be'o)e your o#% a''users. No+ your purpose "% these #or$s "s
e"ther to a )e or to for'e a re'a%tat"o%+ but I #"(( %e"ther 'ha%e )y op"%"o%s
%or a(ter )y #or$s.-
K=. 8he% I )a$e th"s $e'(arat"o%+ the e)peror rose fro) h"s thro%e a%$
$"s)"sse$ the asse)b(y+ after ho%our"% )e #"th se!era( 'o)p(")e%tary
re)ar/s. The so($"ers #ere or$ere$ to o o% ahea$ a%$ Isaa' too/ us as"$e by
ourse(!es. -Do you rea((y be("e!e+- he sa"$+ -hat th"s ")per"a( robe has bee% put o%
)e #"th )y appro!a(S Do [==H] you th"%/ that "f "t #ere poss"b(e for )e to ru%
a#ay I #ou($ refuse to es'apeS Of 'ourse %ot. They persua$e$ )e to ta/e th"s
'ourse "% the 1rst p(a'e+ a%$ %o# I a) "% the"r po#er+ he))e$ "% o% a(( s"$es.
Ho#e!er+ "f you #"(( ta/e a so(e)% oath to 'o%!ey 'erta"% pr"!ate "%for)at"o% to
the e)peror o% )y beha(f+ I #"(( te(( you+ %o#+ )y o#% se'ret "%te%t"o%s.- 8e
s#ore to preser!e the se're'y of th"s 'o%1$e%t"a( "%for)at"o%+ a%$ he #e%t o%O
-6or the prese%t I $o %ot 'o!et supre)e po#er. I a) sat"s1e$ #"th the pos"t"o% of
Caesar. Cet the e)peror therefore se%$ )e fresh $espat'hes+ to the e3e't that+
#he% he $"es+ he #"(( be?ueath the E)p"re to %obo$y e&'ept )yse(f+ that he #"((
%ot $epr"!e a%y of )y 'o((eaues of the ho%ours I ha!e besto#e$ upo% the)+ a%$
that he #"(( share #"th )e so)e+ at a%y rate+ of h"s ")per"a( po#er+ so that I )ay
be ab(e+ "f I #"sh+ to $"spe%se the (ess ")porta%t '"!"("a% posts to so)e of )y
fo((o#ers+ a%$ "% other 'ases e!e% 'o%tro( )"("tary pro)ot"o%s. I a) %ot )a/"%
these re?uests for )y o#% sa/e+ but for )y )e%. 5%$ "f he 'o%1r)s the)+ I #"((
'o)e to h") #"thout $e(ay a%$ pay h") the ho%our $ue to a% e)peror a%$ a
father. Natura((y+ these ter)s are %ot to the ("/"% of )y ar)y.DD1BH so I #"(( "!e
you a t#ofo($ )essae. O%e (etter I #a(( sub)"t 'ourteous(y to the"r "%spe't"o%
a%$ (et the) rea$ "t@ the other Ithe se'ret o%eJ #"(( be )e)or",e$ by yourse(!es.
5%$ o%e other fa!our for )y )e%. Ma/e sure that ("tt(e fe((o#DD1B< "s $epr"!e$ of
h"s pos"t"o% "% the o!er%)e%t. I% the past "t #as ob!"ous that he #as b"tter(y
oppose$ to our a)b"t"o%s+ a%$ #e st"(( suspe't h"). To$ay the% you #"(( $"%e #"th
)e. To)orro# you #"(( set out a%$ 'arry )y se'ret "%4u%'t"o%s to your )aster.-
KK. So #e sat at h"s tab(e a%$ )ar!e((e$ st"(( )ore at h"s perfe't )a%%ers+ for the
)a% 'o%$es'e%$e$ to us "% a )ost fr"e%$(y #ay. There #as %oth"% of the prou$
tyra%t about h"). Ear(y %e&t )or%"% #e prese%te$ ourse(!es before h") aa"%+
a%$ after re'e"!"% the se'o%$ )essae se'ret(y+ #e #e%t $o#% to the sea+
es'orte$ by the sa)e uar$ as before. 8e fou%$ the #ater 'a()+ s("ppe$ our
)oor"%2'ab(es+ a%$ sa"(e$ for *y,a%t"u). Day ha$ bro/e% #he% #e rea'he$ the
pa(a'e harbour. 8e a!e the e)peror a $es'r"pt"o% of the #ho(e a3a"r a%$
e&p(a"%e$ the se'ret proposa(s after ha%$"% h") the t#o (etters. He rea$ the)
throuh se!era( t")es a%$ the% ure$ us to re'ap"tu(ate #hat Isaa' ha$
sueste$. -8e((+- he sa"$+ -they )ust a(( be 'arr"e$ out. Cet h") ha!e #hate!er
he #a%ts. He 'a% e!e% #ear a 'ro#% 22 that #"(( "!e h") )ore prest"e tha% e!er.
He [==<] #ears a ar(a%$ %o#+ %ot a 'ro#%+ but there 22 he 'a% ha!e "t+ ho#e!er
u%usua( "t )ay be for a Caesar. He )ust e&er'"se po#er toether #"th )yse(f+ he
)ust share "% the appo"%t)e%t to o>'es. 5 spe'"a( ")per"a( te%t #"(( ha!e to be
set as"$e for h"s use a%$ a %ob(e bo$yuar$ )ust be a((o#e$ for h"s prote't"o%.
5%$ as for those #ho ha!e ser!e$ #"th h") o% th"s rebe(("ous 'a)pa"%+ ea'h of
the) 'a% reta"% #"th ")pu%"ty #hate!er pr"!"(ees Isaa' has ra%te$ h")+ )o%ey+
or property or h"h o>'e. 8hat I ha!e pro)"se$ sha(( be rat"1e$ "% #r"t"%+ a%$
by #or$ of )outh. It sha(( be 'arr"e$ out. I #"(( ha!e $o'u)e%ts $ra#% up a%$
sea(e$. I #"(( )oreo!er s#ear o% oath %e!er to brea/ these pro)"ses "% a%y
part"'u(ar. 5s he has e%truste$ you #"th se'ret proposa(s to )e+ so I a(so )a/e
)y 'ou%tersuest"o%s to h"). Mou sha(( 'o%!ey these proposa(s+ e!e% )ore
'o%1$e%t"a( tha% h"s o#%. Do you therefore s#ear so(e)%(y to Isaa' that a fe#
$ays he%'e I #"(( )a/e h") )y part%er+ after I ha!e )a$e the %e'essary e&'uses
for h"s pro)ot"o%. If for the )o)e%t I postpo%e th"s a't"o%+ he )ust for"!e )e.
The fa't "s+ I a) afra"$ of the peop(e a%$ the Se%ate+ a%$ I a) %ot at a(( sure that
they #"(( appro!e )y p(a%. To a!o"$ st"rr"% up troub(e aa"%st )yse(f+ therefore+ I
be h") to e&'use )e at prese%t 22 at the proper )o)e%t "t #"(( be $o%e. 5s for
the other pro)"ses "% )y (etter to h")+ )ar/ the) #e((@ but p(ease /eep se'ret
the o%e I ha!e 4ust )e%t"o%e$. 0o ba'/ to h") as ?u"'/(y as poss"b(e. No )ore
KH. So+ after o%e $ay-s "%ter!a(+ #e sa"(e$ ba'/ toether to the Caesar a%$
ha%$e$ o!er to h") the e)peror-s )essae.DD1BN Isaa' #as %ot $resse$ "% the
sa)e '(othes "% #h"'h #e ha$ see% h") before+ #he% he #as seate$ o% h"s
thro%e+ but "% so)e )o$est a%$ "%fer"or arb. 8he% he ha$ re'e"!e$ our (etter he
a!e or$ers for "t to be rea$ a(ou$+ so that a(( )"ht hear "t. It #as appare%t that
#hat he ha$ $o%e )et #"th e%era( appro!a(+ be'ause he ha$ a'te$ "% the
"%terests of h"s fe((o#2'o%sp"rators rather tha% for h")se(f. *oth he a%$ they+
therefore+ #ere u%a%")ous(y reso(!e$ that the"r re!o(ut"o%ary a't"!"t"es )ust be
aba%$o%e$. Cater #e ha$ a pr"!ate "%ter!"e# a%$ passe$ o% to h") our se'ret
"%for)at"o%. The e3e't of th"s #as "%sta%ta%eous. He #as ("/e a )a% "%sp"re$.
I))e$"ate or$ers #ere "!e% to the ar)yO the )e% #ere to $"s)"ss to the"r
ho)es for the prese%t+ but to retur% to the 'o(ours #he% h"s a3a"rs #ere 1r)(y
estab("she$. Isaa' #as e!e% )ore $"spose$ %o# to trust us+ for he /%e# that the
)a% #ho ha$ for)er(y bee% e%truste$ #"th the [==N] a$)"%"strat"o% of the
E)p"re ha$ s"%'e bee% for'e$ to res"% h"s o>'e.DD1BL He spo/e+ too+ of the
stra"htfor#ar$+ ho%est 'hara'ter of the E)peror. 5s he #"she$ %o t")e to be (ost
"% 'o%'(u$"% the %eot"at"o%s+ he ba$e us retur% %e&t $ay a%$ te(( M"'hae( that
he IIsaa'J #ou($ 'o)e to the 'ap"ta( a%$ that a(( h"s for)er susp"'"o%s #ere %o#
$"ss"pate$. Preparat"o%s #ere thereupo% )a$e for h"s $eparture o% the th"r$ $ay.
He #as to (ea!e 'a)p #"th a s)a(( bo$yuar$ a%$ 'o)e $o#% to the seaboar$
oppos"te the ")per"a( pa(a'e. He ha$ e&traor$"%ary fa"th "% the e)peror+DD1BB so
)u'h "%$ee$ that he $"$ %ot e!e% "%s"st o% a )a%"1'e%t re'ept"o% "% *y,a%t"u).
He )ere(y re?u"re$ us to o out to )eet h") a%$ #e #ere to es'ort h")
perso%a((y to the pa(a'e. I% th"s+ our se'o%$ e)bassy+ therefore+ su''ess aa"%
atte%$e$ our e3orts+ a%$ #e #ere 1((e$ #"th u%spea/ab(e 4oy to th"%/ that by our
oratory a%$ #"s$o) #e ha$ )a$e so)e 'o%tr"but"o% to our 'ou%try-s #e(fare. So
#e )a$e rea$y to $epart o% the )orro#.
K<. It #as %ot yet e!e%"%+ ho#e!er+ before so)e )esse%ers arr"!e$ fro) the
'a)p a%$ athere$ rou%$ the e)peror-s IIsaa'-sJ te%t+ #"th #hat #as+ %o $oubt+
oo$ %e#s for the Caesar. M"'hae(+ they sa"$+ ha$ bee% for'e$ to ab$"'ate. 5 p(ot
ha$ bee% set o% foot aa"%st h") by se%ators #ho ha$ ob("e$ h") to put as"$e
h"s ")per"a( robes a%$ 7y for refue to the Chur'h of Sa%ta Soph"a.DD1B; Th"s ta(e
ha$ %o reat e3e't o% Isaa'+ %or #ere #e !ery )u'h perturbe$ by "t the%. 8e
")a"%e$ the #ho(e story to be a 1't"o%+ a%$ tur%e$ to our o#% a3a"rs.
KN. *ut the 1rst bearers of oo$ t"$"%s ha$ %ot $"sperse$ before others 'a)e up+
a%$ the% aa"% others+ o%e after a%other+ a(( 'o%1r)"% the truth of the ru)our.
Natura((y #e #ere e&tre)e(y #orr"e$ at th"s+ a%$ ha!"% )et toether+ #e
'o%ferre$ o% the poss"b(e 'auses of th"s be("ef. The o''upa%t of the 1rst te%t+
a%y#ay+ assure$ us that the ru)our #as true+ for o%e of h"s o#% ser!a%ts+ he
sa"$+ ha$ 4ust arr"!e$ fro) the '"ty+ a )ost re("ab(e a%$ ser"ous fe((o#+ a%$ he ha$
"!e% a !"!"$ a''ou%t of the #ho(e a3a"r. 5ppare%t(y+ 'erta"% se$"t"ous a%$
troub(eso)e perso%s 22 a%$ here he )e%t"o%e$ "%$"!"$ua(s #ho+ as #e ourse(!es
/%o# ?u"te #e((+ ha$ "%s"%uate$ the)se(!es "%to fa!our #"th the Se%ate 22 these
perso%s+ he sa"$+ ha$ 1rst thro#% the '"ty "%to a tur)o"( a%$ thorouh(y upset the
o!er%)e%t+ threate%e$ pea'efu( '"t",e%s #"th bur%"% a%$ other )"sfortu%es+
sto(e% "%to the sa're$ pre'"%'ts of Sa%ta Soph"a a%$ $are$ to !"o(ate "ts [==L]
sa%'tuary+ a%$ the%+ after e%("st"% the sy)path"es of the patr"ar'h+ #"thout a%y
oppos"t"o% fro) h")+ ha$ )a$e h") the (ea$er of the"r fa't"o%.DD1;A 5fter #h"'h+
#"th #"($ shouts of e&u(tat"o%+ they 'a((e$ $o#% 'urses o% the e)peror+ uttere$
a(( /"%$s of s(a%$er to $"s're$"t h")+ a%$ ha"(e$ Isaa' as a(o%e #orthy of ru("% the
E)p"re. That+ sa"$ he+ #as a(( h"s "%for)a%t /%e#+ but "f a%yth"% further ha$
happe%e$ s"%'e+ %o $oubt #e shou($ soo% hear of "t.
KL. 5t th"s %e#s #e $eter)"%e$ to )a/e our #ay to the Caesar-s te%t+ to see "f
there #as a%y further %e#s to be (ear%t fro) h"). So #e athere$ there+ a%$
fou%$ h") $"'tat"% h"s (etter to M"'hae(. 8hat he ha$ to te(( us #as the sa)e as
beforeO the stor"es #ere+ to h")+ 4ust "%'re$"b(e. *ut #h"(e he #as "% the ope% a"r
#"th us 22 the su% ha$ %ot yet set 22 there 'a)e a%other )esse%er+ pa%t"% for
breath #h"(e he #as st"(( so)e $"sta%'e a#ay+ a%$ #he% he ha$ a()ost rea'he$
us he fe(( $o#% Io% purpose+ I fa%'yJ+ a%$ h"s #or$s 'a)e "% asps. The%+
prete%$"% to 'o((e't h"s #"ts+ he to($ us the e)peror ha$ ab$"'ate$+ the '"ty #as
)a/"% preparat"o%s to re'e"!e h"s su''essor+ a(rea$y a% ")per"a( a((ey ha$
bee% e?u"ppe$ for Isaa'+ a%$ h"s es'ort #ere sta%$"% by #"th the"r tor'hes. He
assure$ us that he h")se(f ha$ #"t%esse$ these th"%s. He ha$ see% M"'hae(+ #
ho o%(y that )or%"% ha$ bee% our so!ere"%+ be'o)e a% or$"%ary '"t",e% a%$
soo% after#ar$s he ha$ bee% $resse$ "% the 'oarse 'o#( of a )o%/+ #"th %o
out#ar$ s"% of ")per"a( ra%/. The fe((o#-s a''ou%t #as st"(( u%1%"she$ #he%
a%other )esse%er 'a)e up+ a%$ after h") a th"r$+ a(( #"th the sa)e story.
6"%a((y+ there rea'he$ us o%e of the )ore "%te(("e%t a%$ e$u'ate$ '(ass+ a%$ he
too a!e us a $ra)at"' a''ou%t of the #ho(e s'e%e. The e)peror be("e!e$ h") 22
the o%(y 'our"er he $"$ be("e!e. 8e #ere thereupo% or$ere$ to re)a"% ?u"et by
our te%ts. The re"% of Isaa' ha$ beu%.
KB. Ho# )y fe((o#2a)bassa$ors passe$ that %"htDD1;1 I 'a%%ot say+ but to )e
("fe see)e$ hope(ess a%$ I thouht "t #as a )atter of )"%utes before I shou($ be
sa'r"1'e$ ("/e a beast. Mou see+ I /%e# that e!eryo%e #as !"o(e%t(y a%ry #"th
)eO there 'ou($ be %o es'ape. I #ou($ per"sh )"serab(y+ a%$ a(( )a%%er of throat2
s("tt"% a%$ )a")"% #ou($ be )y (ot. 5bo!e a(( I #as afra"$ of the %e# e)peror.
Perhaps he #ou($ re'a(( the th"%s I ha$ sa"$ to h")+ a%$ ho# I ha$ persua$e$
h") to re)a"% a% or$"%ary '"t",e%@ probab(y he #ou($ sub4e't )e to a(( /"%$s of
!e%ea%'e a%$ torture. So+ #h"(e e!eryo%e e(se ha$ $roppe$ o3 to s(eep+ I #a"te$
"% so("tu$e for )y [==B] e&e'ut"o%ers. 5t the s("htest sou%$ of a !o"'e or a%y
%o"se rou%$ about )y te%t+ I #as at o%'e petr"1e$ #"th fear+ th"%/"% $eath #as
at ha%$. 8he% the reater part of the %"ht ha$ passe$ "% th"s #ay 22 I ha$ %o
"$ea the t")e ha$ e(apse$ 22 a%$ #he% the $a#% #as about to brea/+ I re'o!ere$
so)e#hat+ for "t see)e$ a (esser e!"( to $"e "% the ("ht of $ay. *e%$"% for#ar$ a
("tt(e to peep out of )y te%t+ I sa# #at'h21res bur%"% a%$ rou%$ the e)peror-s
?uarters ("hte$ (a)ps. There #as hurry a%$ bust(e e!ery#here+ for the #ho(e
ar)y ha$ bee% or$ere$ to )a/e rea$y a%$ pa'/ for the 4our%ey to the 'ap"ta(.
The su% ha$ %ot yet r"se%+ #he%+ su$$e%(y+ Isaa' ro$e out o% horseba'/ a%$ #e
too (eft 'a)p+ %ot "% h"s "))e$"ate e%tourae+ but "% the rear.
K;. 6or )y part+ I e&pe'te$+ after a reaso%ab(e $"sta%'e ha$ bee% tra!erse$+ that
he #ou($ su))o% )eO I shou($ be 'o))a%$e$ to e&p(a"% #hy I ha$ "!e% )y
for)er a$!"'e. 8he% he $"$ se%$ for )e+ )y hopes a%$ fears #ere e&hauste$. To
)y surpr"se+ ho#e!er+ he spo/e "% a perfe't(y stra"htfor#ar$ )a%%er@ there #ere
%o rhetor"'a( propos"t"o%s+ %o ba(a%'e$ aru)e%ts+ %o refutat"o%s+ %o artfu(
"%s"%uat"o%s or syste)at"' $"s'uss"o%+ %o atte)pt to "%7ue%'e )y 4u$)e%t or to
(ea$ )e astray. I%stea$+ he pro'ee$e$ to te(( )e h"s se'ret p(a%s a%$ 'o%1$e$ "%
)e about the 'ares he ha$ for the E)p"re. He as/e$ )e #hat "% )y op"%"o% #as
the best #ay to o!er%+ #hat 'ourse of a't"o% he shou($ fo((o# "% or$er to r"!a(
the reatest so!ere"%s. I re'o!ere$ )y sp"r"t at these #or$s. My 'ourae
re!"!e$+ a%$ as I e&pat"ate$ at reat (e%th o% th"s sub4e't+ )y reputat"o% #"th
h") #as )u'h e%ha%'e$. I% fa't+ the e)peror ha$ %oth"% but a$)"rat"o% for )y
$"s'ourse+ so that he pers"ste$ "% as/"% )e ?uest"o%s a%$ 'arefu((y po%$ere$ )y
a%s#ers+ %ot sat"s1e$ #"th a%y super1'"a( rep(y. 5fter our ta(/+ he su))o%e$ )y
fe((o#2a)bassa$ors to h"s prese%'e a(so+ a%$ he e&pou%$e$ to the) h"s
"))e$"ate po("'y+ treat"% the) as part%ers "% the s'he)e. Su'h #as the pos"t"o%
"% our re(at"o%s #he% the su% rose a%$ the #ho(e s'e%e #as 7oo$e$ #"th "ts ("ht.
HA. 5(( the popu(a'e of the '"ty poure$ out to ho%our h").DD1;= So)e brouht
("hte$ tor'hes+ as thouh he #ere 0o$ H")se(f. Others spr"%/(e$ s#eet perfu)es
o!er h"). E!eryo%e+ "% h"s o#% pe'u("ar #ay+ tr"e$ to p(ease h"). 8"thout
e&'ept"o% the peop(e rear$e$ the o''as"o% as a festa( $ay. There #as $a%'"%
a%$ re4o"'"% e!ery#here. Mou #ou($ th"%/ Isaa'-s e%try "%to the 'ap"ta( [==;] #as
so)e re!e(at"o% of the De"ty H")se(f. *ut ho# 'ou($ I+ "% a fe# br"ef #or$s+
$es'r"be to you the )a%"1'e%'e of that #o%$erfu( s"htS I ha!e ta/e% )y part "%
)a%y ")per"a( pro'ess"o%s+ a%$ I ha!e ass"ste$ at 'ere)o%"es of a )ere re(""ous
'hara'ter+ but "% a(( )y ("fe I ha!e %e!er see% su'h sp(e%$our. It #as %ot )ere(y
the peop(e of the '"ty+ %or the Se%ate+ %or the host of far)ers a%$ )er'ha%ts+
that )a$e up that happy thro%O there #ere stu$e%ts of the theo(o"'a( 'o((ees
there+ a%$ $#e((ers o% the )ou%ta"%2tops+ a%$ her)"ts #ho ha$ (eft the"r
'o))u%a( ho)es "% the 'ar!e$ ro'/to)bs@ the sty("tes+DD1;K too+ #ho ("!e$ "%
)"$2a"r+ 4o"%e$ "% the 'ro#$s. 5(( of the)+ #hether they ha$ s("ppe$ out fro) the"r
ro'/s+ or 'o)e $o#% fro) the"r aer"a( per'hes+ or e&'ha%e$ the )ou%ta"%
he"hts for the (e!e( p(a"%s+ a(( )a$e the e)peror-s pro'ess"o% "%to the C"ty a
)ost )e)orab(e s"ht.
H1. Isaa' h")se(f #as %e"ther $e'e"!e$ by th"s ho((o# tr"u)ph %or u%$u(y e(ate$.
H"s 1rst rea't"o% #as to suspe't the e&traor$"%ary 'ha%es "% h"s fortu%es. It #as
typ"'a( of the )a%-s shre#$ per'ept"o%. He #as st"(( )e$"tat"% o% the sub4e't
#he% he tur%e$ a%$ spo/e to )e+ rather u%e&pe'te$(y. -Ph"(osopher+- he sa"$+ -th"s
a)a,"% p"e'e of oo$ (u'/ see)s to )e a 1'/(e bus"%ess. I% )y heart I a) %ot
at a(( sure "t #"(( ha!e a happy e%$"%.- 22 -The thouht of a ph"(osopher+- I
a%s#ere$+ -but fortu%ate be"%%"%s are %ot "%!ar"ab(y fo((o#e$ by $"saster. If
6ate has set a (")"t+ "t "s %ot for us to probe. I% fa't+ )y a'?ua"%ta%'e #"th (ear%e$
boo/s a%$ prop"t"atory prayers te((s )e+ that "f a )a% betters h"s 'o%$"t"o%+ he "s
)ere(y fo((o#"% h"s $est"%y. 8he% I say that+ I a)+ of 'ourse+ e&press"% the
$o'tr"%e of the He((e%es+DD1;H for a''or$"% to our Chr"st"a% 6a"th+ %oth"% "s
pre$eter)"%e$+ %oth"% foreor$a"%e$ "% our ("!es. Ne!erthe(ess+ there "s a (o"'a(
'o%%e&"o% bet#ee% e3e'ts a%$ the"r "))e$"ate 'auses. O%'e you 'ha%e that
ph"(osoph"' out(oo/+ ho#e!er+ or be'o)e e(ate$ #"th pr"$e be'ause of these
(or"es+ D"!"%e Just"'e #"(( assure$(y oppose your p(a%s+ a%$ !ery ?u"'/(y at that.
So (o% as your heart "s %ot 1((e$ #"th pr"$e+ you 'a% ta/e 'ourae+ for 0o$ "s %ot
4ea(ous #here He "!es us b(ess"%s. O% the 'o%trary+ He has )a%y a t")e set
)e% o% the path of (ory by o%e s#"ft )o!e. *ut+ sett"% as"$e a(( su'h
'o%s"$erat"o%s+ )y o#% 'ase o3ers a 1%e opportu%"ty for you to e&er'"se Just"'e.
Ma/e a oo$ start a%$ bear %o )a("'e for the re'/(ess spee'hes I )a$e as a%
e%!oy. I #as obey"% a% e)peror-s 'o))a%$ a%$ I ser!e$ h") #e((. So "t #as %ot
throuh [=KA] a%y "((2#"(( to#ar$s you+ but "% (oya(ty to M"'hae(+ that I arue$ as I
H=. 5t these #or$s h"s eyes 1((e$ #"th tears. -Do %ot spea/ so+- he sa"$+ -for I
appre'"ate$ your to%ue the%+ #he% you spo/e "% "%so(e%'e+ )ore tha% %o#+
#he% "t pra"ses a%$ 7atters. Ho#e!er+ I #"(( )a/e a be"%%"%+ as you suest+
#"th your o#% 'ase. I% fa't+ I rear$ you as 1rst a)o% )y fr"e%$s+ a%$ I #"((
)ar/ the o''as"o% #"tty a spe'"a( ho%our+ the t"t(e of Pres"$e%t of the Se%ate.-
8h"(e #e #ere ta(/"%+ the su% ha$ a(rea$y rea'he$ "ts ,e%"th+ a%$ #e sa# the
u(f o% #h"'h #e #ere to sa"(. The ")per"a( a((ey 'a)e "%to s"ht. Isaa'+ pe(te$
#"th 7o#ers a%$ $eafe%e$ #"th 'r"es of -0oo$ (u'/Q-+ "))e$"ate(y #e%t o% boar$
a%$ )a$e h"s tr"u)pha( proress a'ross the sea fro) the Propo%t"s to the
I)per"a( Pa(a'e. E!e% "% the )"$st of these preparat"o%s he re)a"%e$ seate$ by
us. So+ #"th a(( $ue (ea( sa%'t"o%+ Isaa' Co)%e%us a''e$e$ to the thro%e.DD1;<
HK. The e)peror M"'hae( the 5e$ ha$ spe%t o%e #ho(e year "% po#er. He $"e$
soo% after h"s ab$"'at"o%+ a pr"!ate '"t",e%.DD1;N

HH. Ha!"% "%her"te$ the thro%e+ Co)%e%us+ a(#ays the )a% of a't"o%+ (ost %o
t")e "% )a/"% h")se(f 'o)p(ete )aster of the E)p"re. 6ro) the !ery be"%%"%
he perso%a((y super!"se$ the a3a"rs of state.DD1;B I% the e!e%"% o% #h"'h he
e%tere$ the pa(a'e+ a%$ before he ha$ t")e to sha/e o3 the $ust of batt(e or to
'ha%e h"s '(othes a%$ or$er baths for the )orro#+ he #as "ssu"% "%stru't"o%s to
the ar)y a%$ the peop(e of the '"ty. There #as %o pause for rest. He re)"%$e$
)e of a )a% #ho has bare(y es'ape$ a )"hty stor) at sea+ a%$ after s#"))"%
for h"s ("fe+ has bee% (u'/y e%ouh to rea'h harbour but has %ot yet spat the sa(t
br"%e out of h"s )outh or re'o!ere$ h"s breath. The rest of that $ay+ a%$ a(( that
%"ht+ he spe%t o% )atters of state.
H<. H"s ar)y ha$ 7o'/e$ "%to the '"ty+ at (east those #ho ha$ r"s/e$ the"r ("!es
#"th h") a%$ $are$ to fa'e $a%er "% h"s ra%/s+ a%$ Isaa' #as afra"$ they )"ht
ru% a)o/ "% the streets+ or+ trust"% "% h"s "%$u(e%'e+ 'ause troub(e for the '"!"(
popu(at"o%. H"s 1rst 'are+ therefore+ #as to pay the) the usua( tr"butes a%$ se%$
the) o3 to the"r o#% 'ou%tr"es. They #ere to rest at ho)e for a #h"(e a%$ report
to the 'o(ours (ater+ "% or$er to ser!e u%$er the e)peror "% [=K1] #ar aa"%st the
barbar"a%s. It #as suppose$ that the operat"o% of $"sba%$)e%t #ou($ ta/e p(a'e
"% a )atter of )o%ths+ but o%e ha$ s'ar'e(y t")e to uess h"s p(a%s before he
$"sperse$ these for'es a%$ #"th$re# the) fro) the 'ap"ta(. He re)"%$e$ the)
"%$"!"$ua((y of the"r $ee$s "% the #ar+ $e'orat"% so)e for bra!ery "% the 1e($+
others for $"st"%u"she$ (ea$ersh"p@ for others he ha$ so)e #or$ of
'o))e%$at"o%. 5(( a("/e #ere )e%t"o%e$ "% so)e #ay a%$ re'e"!e$ the"r
appropr"ate re#ar$ fro) the %e# e)peror. 6or )y o#% part+ I #as (a$ to see
the) o. The a3a"r re)"%$e$ )e of '(ou$s "% the s/y su$$e%(y pe%etrate$ by the
su%+ "ts br"ht rays s'atter"% the sha$o#s.
HN. So the '"ty #as free$ of the troub(eso)e prese%'e of the so($"ers a%$ the
"%hab"ta%ts )ar!e((e$ at the #ay "% #h"'h Isaa' ha$ ha%$(e$ the). 5 reat future
#as pre$"'te$ for h"s re"%. Th"s #as %atura( e%ouh+ for h"s a't"o%s ha$ a(rea$y
'o%fou%$e$ the"r e&pe'tat"o%s a%$ the future pro)"se$ to surpass the"r #"($est
$rea)s. I% fa't+ they a%t"'"pate$ a t")e of #o%$erfu( prosper"ty. 8"th rear$ to
the e)peror-s 'hara'ter+ peop(e #ho )et h") o%(y at 'erta"% t")es+ #he% he #as
seate$ o% h"s thro%e+ "% the pro'ess of $ea("% #"th state a3a"rs+ or "!"%
au$"e%'e to so)e e)bassy+ or utter"% the )ost $rea$fu( threats aa"%st the
barbar"a%s+ ha$ the ")press"o% that he #as abrupt a%$ har$.DD1;; To su'h fo(/ "t
#as "%'o%'e"!ab(e that there 'ou($ be a softer s"$e to the )a%-s 'hara'ter. *ut "f
o%e sa# h") "% h"s ho)e2("fe+ or 'hoos"% h"s o>'"a(s+ o%e rea(",e$ the
e&traor$"%ary $ua("ty of Isaa'-s %ature. It #as ("/e hear"% the str"%@ of so)e
)us"'a( "%stru)e%t p"t'he$ to o%e 'erta"% %ote+ but pro$u'"% t#o sou%$s+ o%e
soft+ the other harsh. I )yse(f ha!e see%
h") "% both )oo$s+ "% )o)e%ts of te%s"o% a%$ )o)e%ts of re(a&at"o%+ a%$ "% )y
op"%"o% h"s 'hara'ter #as "%$ee$ t#ofo($. 8he% he #as re(a&"%+ "t #as "%'re$"b(e
to )e that he #ou($ e!er 'o%'e%trate aa"%@ #he% he #as 1er'e(y 'o%'e%trate$
o% so)e purpose+ that he #ou($ e!er re(a& aa"% or foret h"s ser"ous
$e("berat"o%s a%$ 'o)e $o#% to earth. He #as so ra'"ous a%$ p(easa%t "% the
o%e 'ase+ a%$ "% the other 22 #hy+ e!e% h"s fa'e 'ha%e$+ h"s eyes 7ashe$+ a%$
h"s bro#+ to put "t )etaphor"'a((y+ hu% threate%"% o!er the '(ear ("ht of h"s sou(
("/e so)e $ar/ '(ou$.DD=AA
HL. 8he% the thro%e #as rea$y for h") a%$ the se%ators #ere sta%$"% "% roups
o% e"ther s"$e of "t+ Isaa' #ou($ at o%'e re(apse "%to s"(e%'e+ a perfe't ")"tat"o% of
.e%o'rates-sDD=A1 p"'ture+ h"s )"%$ [=K=] ope%+ as "t #ere+ to re'e"!e "$eas. Th"s
s"(e%'e of h"s stru'/ %o ("tt(e fear "%to the hearts of the se%ate. So)e stoo$ roote$
to the spot+ as "f they ha$ bee% h"t by ("ht%"%+ "% the sa)e pos"t"o% as #he% the
thu%$erbo(t fe((+ $ry a%$ b(oo$(ess+ ("/e )e% #"thout sou(s. Others rea'te$
$"3ere%t(yO o%e sta%$"% st"Ry to atte%t"o%+ a%other fo($"% h"s ar)s )ore t"ht(y
tha% usua( a'ross h"s 'hest+ a th"r$ star"% at the rou%$. 5%other Ia%$ th"s #as
true of the) a((+ for they #ere a(( 1((e$ #"th terrorJ represse$ a $es"re to )o!e by
sheer #"((2po#er+ sh"ft"% h"s posture as ?u"et(y a%$ u%obtrus"!e(y as he 'ou($.
E!ery t")e the e)peror refuse$ h"s 'o%se%t to proposa(s set before h")+ the"r
breath #ou($ 'o)e fast+ a%$ you re'o%",e$ the 'ha%e "% the) by the beat"%
of the"r hearts.
HB. More tha% a%y other )a% he #as (a'o%"' "% the e&tre)e+ %ot e&press"% a((
h"s "$eas "% so )a%y #or$s+ yet (ea!"% %o $oubt as to h"s )ea%"%. Those #ho
$es'r"be Cys"asDD=A= Ithe orator Cys"as+ the so% of Cepha(usJ attr"bute to h")+
a)o% other !"rtues to #h"'h they bear #"t%ess+ the ab"("ty to br"$(e h"s
e(o?ue%'e at the appropr"ate )o)e%t. They te(( us+ )oreo!er+ that $esp"te h"s
'o))a%$ of (a%uae+ he #as sat"s1e$ #"th say"% o%(y #hat #as esse%t"a(+ so
that h"s au$"e%'e )"ht "%fer fro) the) those th"%s that #ere (eft u%sa"$. I% the
sa)e #ay Isaa' a(so ha$ a to%ue #h"'h by e%t(e sho#ers+ so to spea/+ a%$ %ot
by hea!y ra"%+ fatte%e$ the %ature rea$y to re'e"!e the)+ a%$ as the )o"sture
?u"et(y sa%/ $eep "%to the so"(+ he arouse$ h"s ("ste%ers to the /%o#(e$e of #hat
ha$ bee% passe$ o!er "% s"(e%'e. The truth #as that he #"she$ to a!o"$
refutat"o%+ a%$ be"% %o# e)peror a%$ (or$ of a((+ he ha$ %o $es"re to foster a%y
"%opportu%e r"!a(ry #"th h")se(f "% the sphere of e(o?ue%'e.
H;. 6or that reaso% he (eft the stu$y of rhetor"' to us (esser fo(/+ a%$ to or$"%ary
'"t",e%s. I% h"s 'ase+ a %o$+ a )o!e)e%t of the ha%$+ a% "%'("%at"o% of the hea$ to
o%e s"$e or the other+ #ere a(( that he 'o%s"$ere$ %e'essary to "%$"'ate h"s
#"shes. He #as %ot part"'u(ar(y 'o%!ersa%t #"th the (a#s+ so he ")pro!"se$ a
(ea( pro'e$ure of h"s o#%. 6or "%sta%'e+ #here a !er$"'t ha$ to be pro%ou%'e$+
he #ou($ %ot ta/e the "%"t"at"!e h")se(f+ but refer the )atter to h"s 4u$es+ a%$
#he% they $e'"$e$ the 'ase+ he use$ to support the )a4or"ty+ a%$ o%(y the%
#ou($ he ta/e the (ea$ a%$ re'or$ h"s !ote+ a(( the t")e prete%$"% that h"s o#%
4u$)e%t ha$ bee% u%"%7ue%'e$ by the others. To a!o"$ a%y )"sta/e "% (ea(
phraseo(oy+ he (eft that to h"s [=KK] 4u%"ors+ but "%!ar"ab(y he a$$e$ so)eth"%
#h"'h he sa"$ shou($ ha!e bee% "%'(u$e$ "% the $o'u)e%ts+ or e(se erase$
so)eth"% o% the rou%$ that "t #as super7uous.
<A. 8he% $ea("% #"th a)bassa$ors he pursue$ %o set po("'y+ e&'ept that he
a(#ays he($ 'o%!erse #"th the) $resse$ "% the )ost )a%"1'e%t appare(. O%
those o''as"o%s he poure$ out a 7oo$ of #or$s+ )ore abu%$a%t tha% the r"s"%
N"(e "% Eypt or Euphrates p(ash"% aa"%st the shores of 5ssyr"a. He )a$e pea'e
#"'h those #ho $es"re$ "t+ but #"th the threat of #ar "f they tra%sresse$ so )u'h
as o%e ter) or h"s treaty. Su'h #as the 'o%tra't he )a$e #"th Parth"a a%$ Eypt.
I% the 'ase of other %at"o%s+ ho#e!er+ he #as %ot so areeab(e. So)e+ ha!"%
'e$e$ )a%y to#%s a%$ surre%$ere$ the"r ar)e$ for'es+ #ere e!e% prepare$ to
(ea!e the"r %at"!e so"( a%$ e)"rate at o%'e+ but Isaa' refuse$ h"s 'o%se%t a%$
they #ere or$ere$ to re)a"% ?u"et(y #here they #ere. He $"$ th"s+ %ot be'ause he
ru$e$ the Ro)a% E)p"re the a'?u"s"t"o% of %e# terr"tory+ but be'ause he /%e#
that a% ")per"a("st po("'y of that sort 'ou($ %ot be e3e'te$ #"thout )u'h
e&pe%$"ture of )o%ey a%$ )e%+ as #e(( as a su>'"e%t reser!e. 8here these #ere
(a'/"%+ e&pa%s"o% be'a)e )ere(y a $")"%ut"o% of stre%th. O% )ost of the
barbar"a% e%era(s he 'ast aspers"o%s 22 I ha!e )yse(f hear$ these th"%s be"%
sa"$ 22 'har"% the) #"th #a%t of )a%("%ess a%$ repr")a%$"% the) for the
'are(ess )a%%er "% #h"'h they 'arr"e$ out the"r $ut"es as o>'ers. The"r )ora(e
ha$ fa((e% !ery (o#+ but he re!"!e$ "t+ #"th the "%te%t"o% of us"% the) as a
bu(#ar/ aa"%st the aress"o% of stro%er %at"o%s.
<1. 8hat I ha!e #r"tte% "s su>'"e%t eu(oy for Isaa'. If "% a$$"t"o% there "s so)e
(esso% to be $ra#% for the future+ that tas/ "s o%e the h"stor"a% #"(( 1%$ to h"s
("/"%. I #"(( try to $o so. I% other )atters tha% the '"!"( a$)"%"strat"o% he
a$!a%'e$ the #e(fare of h"s e)p"re by ra$ua( proress+ a%$ ha$ he fo((o#e$ the
sa)e po("'y "% the %o%)"("tary sphere a(so+ by pur"% the state of "ts rotte%
e(e)e%ts+ 1rst re$u'"% the ross e!"( a%$ the% app(y"% h"s re)e$y+ t#o th"%s
#ou($ ha!e happe%e$O he h")se(f #ou($ ha!e ear%e$ u%$y"% ho%our+ a%$ the
bo$y po("t"' #ou($ %ot ha!e bee% brouht to utter ru"%. *ut Isaa' #a%te$ to
re!o(ut"o%",e e!eryth"%. He #as eaer to (ose %o t")e "% 'utt"% out the $ea$
#oo$ #h"'h ha$ (o% bee% a''u)u(at"% "% the Ro)a% E)p"re. 8e 'a% ("/e% "t to
a )o%strous bo$y+ a bo$y #"th a )u(t"tu$e of hea$s+ a% u(y bu((2%e'/+ ha%$s
[=KH] so )a%y that they #ere beyo%$ 'ou%t"%+ a%$ 4ust as )a%y feet@ "ts e%tra"(s
#ere fester"% a%$ $"sease$+ "% so)e parts s#o((e%+ "% others #ast"% a#ay+ here
aR"'te$ #"th $ropsy+ there $")"%"sh"% #"th 'o%su)pt"o%. No# Isaa' tr"e$ to
re)e$y th"s by #ho(esa(e surery.DD=AK He atte)pte$ to et r"$ of the bu(es
a%$ restore the bo$y to a %or)a( shape+ to ta/e a#ay th"s a%$ bu"($ up that+ to
hea( the "%test"%es a%$ breathe "%to th"s )o%ster so)e ("fe2"!"% breath+ but the
tas/ #as beyo%$ h")+ a%$ "% 'o%se?ue%'e he (a'/e$ fa"th "% h"s o#% su''ess.
Ho#e!er+ to a!o"$ a%y 'o%fus"o% "% our h"story (et us 1rst e&p(a"% ho# our bo$y
po("t"' ot "%to th"s ross 'o%$"t"o%+ the% ho# Isaa' atte)pte$ to 'ut out "ts
rotte%%ess+ a%$ th"r$(y+ ho# these e3orts of h"s #ere %ot u%"!ersa((y su''essfu(.
8he% I ha!e $o%e a(( th"s+ I #"(( a$$ a% a''ou%t of the e%$ of h"s re"% a%$ 1%"sh
)y h"story.
<=. 5fter the $eath of *as"( the 0reat I*as"( the so% of Ro)a%us+DD=AH #hose
fa)"(y "%her"te$ the E)p"re to the th"r$ e%erat"o%J h"s brother+ Ro)a%us-s
you%er so%+ su''ee$e$ to the thro%e. He "%her"te$ reat #ea(th+ for *as"( ha$
bee% e)peror for )a%y years+ (o%er tha% a%y other so!ere"%+ a%$ ha$ )a$e
h")se(f )aster of )a%y %at"o%s #hose r"'hes he tra%sferre$ to the ")per"a(
treasury. I% *as"(-s re"%+ therefore+ the re!e%ues !ast(y e&'ee$e$ e&pe%$"ture@
a%$ #he% he $"e$ "))e%se su)s #ere at the $"sposa( of h"s brother Co%sta%t"%e.
The (atter #as a(rea$y a% o($ )a%O )a%y years ha$ passe$ before he 1%a((y
rea(",e$ h"s a)b"t"o%. Met+ o%'e that a)b"t"o% #as atta"%e$+ he %ot o%(y )a$e %o
atte)pt to #"% )"("tary re%o#% a%$ a$$ to the $o)"%"o%s he possesse$ but $"$
%ot e!e% 'are to preser!e the bou%$s of h"s po#er "%!"o(ate. O% the 'o%trary+ he
p(u%e$ "%to a ("fe of p(easure+ $eter)"%e$ to s?ua%$er a%$ spe%$ e!eryth"%+
a%$ "f $eath ha$ %ot ?u"'/(y 'arr"e$ h") o3+ Co%sta%t"%e a(o%e #ou($ ha!e
su>'e$ to the $estru't"o% of the E)p"re.
<K. He #as the 1rst e)peror to 'orrupt a%$ s#e(( out the bo$y po("t"'+ part(y by
fatte%"% so)e of h"s sub4e'ts #"th reat #ea(th+ part(y by ra"s"% the) to
pos"t"o%s of ho%our a%$ "!"% the) opportu%"t"es to ("!e "% $epra!"ty a%$ !"'e. 5t
h"s $eath+ h"s /"%s)a% Ro)a%us be'a)e e)peror+ #"th the "%te%t"o% of be"% a
rea( auto'rat. The fa)"(y of the Porphyroe%"t"DD=A< #as %o# e&t"%'t+ a%$
Ro)a%us-s a)b"t"o% #as to (ay 1r) fou%$at"o%s of a r"!a( $y%asty. I% or$er+
therefore+ that the '"!"( popu(at"o%+ as #e(( as the )"("tary '(ass+ )"ht be rea$y
a%$ #"(("% to a''ept the pr"%'"p(e of here$"tary [=K<] su''ess"o% "% h"s o#%
fa)"(y+ he pro'ee$e$ to a%t"'"pate the"r appro!a( #"th the $"str"but"o% of (aress
o% a e%erous s'a(e+ thus a$$"% to a bo$y #h"'h #as a(rea$y ross+ a%$
ara!at"% the $"sease+ a%$ 1(("% the 'orrupte$ part #"th super7uous fat. H"s
a)b"t"o%s e%$e$+ ho#e!er+ "% utter fa"(ure+ %ot o%(y "% h"s "$eas about h"s fa)"(y+
but a(so "% h"s hopes of be?ueath"% to h"s $es'e%$a%ts a #e((2ora%",e$ state.
<H. 5t h"s $eath+ M"'hae( as'e%$e$ the thro%e. He stoppe$ )ost of the e!"(
pra't"'es+ but he #as %ot stro% e%ouh to $e%y so)e s)a(( a$$"t"o%s of fat to
th"s bo$y+ so a''usto)e$ to "ts %our"sh)e%t of ba$ 4u"'es a%$ u%#ho(eso)e+ fat2
)a/"%+ foo$s. E!e% M"'hae( 'o%tr"bute$ so)e#hat to "ts ross%ess+ ho#e!er
%"ar$(y. Doubt(ess he #ou($ ha!e per"she$ o% the spot "f he ha$ %ot fo((o#e$+ "%
so)e s)a(( )easure+ the po("'y of h"s pre$e'essors. O% the other ha%$+ ha$
M"'hae( 'o%t"%ue$ a fe# years (o%er "% po#er+ h"s sub4e'ts #ou($ o%e $ay ha!e
(ear%t to ("!e #"se(y. I% a%y 'ase+ a burst"%2po"%t #as "%e!"tab(e o%e $ay+ for they
#ere ore$ to the (")"t of #e((2be"%.
<<. Th"s e)peror a(so ha!"% ?u"'/(y )et h"s e%$ 22 I #"(( pass o!er h"s %ephe#
#ho+ after a #ret'he$ re"%+ 'a)e to a% e!e% )ore #ret'he$ $eath 22
Co%sta%t"%e Eueretes+ the %"'/%a)e by #h"'h he "s /%o#% to )ost fo(/ II refer to
Mo%o)a'husJ+ su''ee$e$ to the ")per"a( thro%e. He too/ o!er the state as
thouh "t #ere a )er'ha%t)a% (oa$e$ to the safety2("%e+ so that "t bare(y toppe$
the #ash of the #a!es+ a%$ ha!"% 'ra))e$ "t up to the !ery $e'/s+ he sa%/ "t.
To put "t )ore p(a"%(y+ a%$ at the sa)e t")e re!ert to )y for)er 'o)par"so%+ he
1rst a$$e$ a host of %e# (")bs a%$ %e# parts to a bo$y a(rea$y (o%2'orrupte$+
"%4e'te$ "%to "ts e%tra"(s ("?u"$s e!e% )ore u%#ho(eso)e+ a%$ the%+ ha!"% $o%e
th"s+ too/ "t out of "ts %atura( state a%$ $epr"!e$ "t of pea'efu( a%$ '"!"(",e$
e&"ste%'e. He pra't"'a((y $ro!e "t )a$ a%$ brouht "t to the !ere of sa!aery+ by
)a/"% )a%y2hea$e$+ hu%$re$2ha%$e$+ )o%sters of the )a4or"ty of h"s sub4e'ts.
5fter h")+ the E)press Theo$ora be'a)e so!ere"%+ #"th )ore (ea( '(a") to
po#er. 5(thouh she appare%t(y refra"%e$ fro) re$u'"% th"s stra%e a%")a( to a
state of 'o)p(ete "%sa%"ty+ yet e!e% she ")per'ept"b(y a$$e$ so)e ha%$s a%$ a
fe# feet to "t.
<N. Theo$ora-s $ra)a p(aye$ out to "ts 1%"sh+ the re"%s #ere put "%to the ha%$s of
the o($ )a% M"'hae(. U%ab(e to bear the )o!e2 [=K<] )e%t of the ")per"a(
'har"ot+ #"th h"s horses ru%%"% a#ay #"th h") fro) the start+ he )a$e the sho#
)ore 'o%fuse$ tha% e!er+ a%$ be"% s'are$ out of h"s #"ts at the uproar+ he
ret"re$ fro) the ra'e a%$ too/ h"s p(a'e by the %o%2ru%%ers. Of 'ourse he ouht
to ha!e he($ o%@ he shou($ ha!e /ept a pretty t"ht ho($ o% the b"t. I% pra't"'e+
ho#e!er+ he #as ("/e a )a% #ho "s $"s)"sse$ the ser!"'e 22 "% h"s 'ase+ the thro%e
22 a%$ retur%s to h"s for)er )a%%er of ("fe.
<L. Here the% #e ha!e the 1rst 'r"s"s. The reater part of the %at"o% ha$ bee%
'ha%e$ fro) )e% "%to beasts. They ha$ bee% fatte%e$ up to su'h a% e&te%t that
"t #as %e'essary to a$)"%"ster purat"!e $rus+ a%$ that "% 'o%s"$erab(e $oses. 5
se'o%$ 'ourse of treat)e%t #as $e)a%$e$ 22 I )ea%+ of 'ourse+ sur"'a(
operat"o%s+ 'auter",at"o%+ 'athart"'s. The opportu%"ty for hea("% re'urre$ a%$
Isaa' Co)%e%us+ #ear"% h"s 'ro#%+ '(")be$ "%to the Ro)a% 'har"ot. I% or$er
that #e )ay 'o%s"$er h")+ too+ "% the ("ht of a((eory+ (et us ("/e% h"s pos"t"o%
part(y to that of a 'har"oteer+ part(y to that of a $o'tor.
<B. Isaa' #as a $e!otee of the ph"(osoph"' ("feO he abhorre$ a%yth"% that #as
phys"'a((y $"sease$ or 'orrupt. *ut h"s hopes #ere $"sappo"%te$+ for he fou%$
%oth"% but $"sease a%$ fester"% sores+ the ")per"a( horses ru%%"% at fu(( spee$
fro) the start"%2post+ ?u"te ")poss"b(e to )aster+ hee$(ess of the re"%s. I% the
o%e 'ase he ouht to ha!e #a"te$ for the appropr"ate )o)e%t before he app("e$
sur"'a( re)e$"es a%$ 'autery@ "t #as #ro% to operate o% the "%ter%a( ora%s
#"th the sureo%-s heate$ "ro% #"thout reaso%ab(e pre)e$"tat"o%. I% the 'ase of
the horses+ the r"ht 'ourse #as to $"s'"p("%e the) e%t(y #"th the re"%s+ a%$
brea/ the) "%+ 'aress the) ("ht(y "% a profess"o%a( #ay+ a%$ )a/e a fuss of
the)+ the% '(")b aboar$ h"s 'har"ot a%$ "!e the) the re"%+ after the sty(e of
Ph"("p-s so% #he% he tauht *u'epha(us to a%s#er the b"t.DD=AN *ut Isaa' #a%te$
to see the 'har"ot bor%e a(o% o% a stra"ht 'ourse at o%'e+ before th"s "%"t"a(
tra"%"%. He #a%te$ to see the s"'/ bo$y restore$ to hea(th "))e$"ate(y. 8hat
#"th h"s bur%"% a%$ 'utt"% here+ a%$ h"s )"hty pu(("% a%$ tu"% #"th the
re"%s o% h"s ru%a#ay horses there+ he so)eho# or other fa"(e$ to %ot"'e that he
h")se(f ha$ 'auht the $"sease before he ot 'o%tro( o!er these troub(es a%$
restore$ the) to or$er. Do %ot ")a"%e that I a) 1%$"% fau(t #"th the )a% for
try"%. I $o a''use h")+ thouh+ for 'hoos"% the #ro% t")e for h"s u%su''essfu(
e3orts. 5s for the th"r$ stae of the $"sease+ that )ust #a"t. Cet us $#e(( o% the
se'o%$ a ("tt(e (o%er. [=KL]
<;. 5s I ha!e ofte% re)ar/e$+ the e)perors before Isaa' e&hauste$ the ")per"a(
treasures a% perso%a( #h")s. The pub("' re!e%ues #ere e&pe%$e$ %ot o% the
ora%",at"o% of the ar)y+ but o% fa!ours to '"!"("a%s a%$ o% )a%"1'e%t sho#s.
6"%a((y+ to e%sure that after the"r $eath the fu%era(s shou($ be )ore ")press"!e
a%$ the "%ter)e%t )ore e&tra!aa%t+ they prepare$ )o%u)e%ts of Phry"a% or
Ita("a% )arb(e+ or of Pro'o%%es"a% s(ab. Houses #ere the% bu"(t rou%$ the) a%$
'hur'hes (e%t the) sa%'t"ty. 0ro!es #ere p(a%te$+ #h"(e par/s a%$ )ea$o#s
e%'"r'(e$ the #ho(e area. The%+ as they ha$ to e%r"'h the"r p(a'es of )e$"tat"o%
Ithe %a)e they "%!e%te$ for these bu"($"%sJ #"th )o%ey a%$ possess"o%s+ they
%ot o%(y e)pt"e$ the pa(a'e treasury+ but e!e% 'ut "%to the )o%ey 'o%tr"bute$ by
the peop(e to the pub("' re!e%ues. Nor #ere they sat"s1e$ #"th the prese%tat"o%
of a )ere su>'"e%'y to the"r p(a'es of )e$"tat"o% I#e ha$ better 'a(( the) thatJ.
The ")per"a( #ea(th #as $"!"$e$ "%to three partsO o%e to pay for the"r p(easures+
a%other to (or"fy the"r %e#2fa%(e$ bu"($"%s+ a%$ a th"r$ to e%ab(e these #ho
#ere %atura((y (a,y a%$ )a$e %o 'o%tr"but"o% to the ba(a%'"% of the %at"o%-s
bu$et+ to ("!e "% (u&ury a%$ br"% $"sho%our o% the pra't"'e a%$ %a)e of !"rtue+
#h"(e the )"("tary #ere be"% st"%te$ a%$ treate$ harsh(y. The prese%t e)peror+ of
'ourse+ ha$ bee% 'o))a%$er2"% 'h"ef of the ar)y. He #as a(rea$y a#are+ for
)a%y reaso%s+ of the 'ause of the Ro)a% E)p"re-s 'o%te)pt"b(e state. He /%e#
#hy "t #as that our %e"hbors prospere$ #h"(e a(( our a3a"rs ha$ $e'("%e$+ a%$
#hy %ot o%e Ro)a% ha$ bee% ab(e to put a stop to the atta'/s a%$ robber"es
'arr"e$ out by barbar"a%s. 8he% he ha$ the a$$"t"o%a( prest"e 'o%ferre$ by the
t"t(e of -E)peror-+ Isaa' at o%'e roote$ up the 'ause of our troub(es. So far h"s
a't"o%s #ere #orthy of h"s e&a(te$ pos"t"o%+ but I a) by %o )ea%s $"spose$ to
'o))e%$ h"s e3orts to $o e!eryth"% at o%'e. Ho#e!er+ (et )e $es'r"be #hat he
NA. I% the 1rst p(a'e+ o%'e he ha$ ta/e% the o!er%)e%t o% h"s o#% shou($ers 22
fro) the )o)e%t of h"s 'oro%at"o% "%$ee$ 22 a%$ o%'e he ha$+ by h"s 'oro%at"o%+
(ea(",e$ h"s pos"t"o% as e)peror+ h"s po("'y #as ra$"'a((y oppose$ to that of the
ae$ M"'hae(. Do%at"o%s #h"'h M"'hae( ha$ "!e%+ Isaa' too/ a#ay@ #here!er
M"'hae( ha$ $o%e so)eth"% of %ote+ Isaa' $estroye$ "t. The%+ be'o)"%
ra$ua((y )ore bo($+ he #e%t too far "% h"s refor)s+ a%$ here too he #"pe$ out
a%$ res'"%$e$ )u'h of M"'hae(-s #or/. Vu"te a %u)ber [=KB] of h"s )easures he
'o)p(ete(y a%%u((e$. The 'o%se?ue%'e #as that the peop(e 'a)e to hate h")+
a%$ %o s)a(( se't"o% of the ar)y aree$ #"th the) 22 a(( those so($"ers+ "% fa't+
#ho fou%$ the)se(!es $epr"!e$ of the"r #ea(th by the"r %e# ru(er. Ha!"% o%e so
far+ "%stea$ of re(a&"% h"s prora))e so)e#hat+ he #e%t further+ ("/e the
ra))ar"a% #ho "% a%a(ys"s starts #"th the 'o)p(e& a%$ the% pro'ee$s to the
s")p(e. He '(asse$ u%$er o%e hea$"% the a'ts of h"s pre$e'essors+ thus
atta'/"% a(( a%$ br"%"% a(( "%to $"s're$"t at o%'e. I% pursu"t of su'h a po("'y "t
#as "%e!"tab(e that he shou($ a$$ to h"s other !"'t")s the pr"ests of the Chur'h.
I%$ee$+ he 'ut o3 the reater part of the )o%"es set apart for the"r sa're$
bu"($"%s+ a%$ ha!"% tra%sferre$ these su)s to the pub("' fu%$s+ he est")ate$
the bare %e'ess"t"es for the '(ery+ thereby )a/"% the %a)e -p(a'e of
)e$"tat"o%- rea((y appropr"ate. He $"$ th"s #"th the "%sou'"a%'e of a )a% p"'/"%
up a ra"% of sa%$ fro) the seashore. He 4ust set h"s ha%$ to the tas/+ a%$ "t #as
a(( $o%e #"thout the s("htest 'o))ot"o%. I%$ee$+ I %e!er sa# a%y )a% o% earth
so $e("berate "% h"s reaso%"%@ or so ?u"et "% the e&e'ut"o% of !ast "$eas.
N1. Th"s 'o%$u't at the t")e ser"ous(y a(ar)e$ )ost of h"s sub4e'ts+ but after a
#h"(e the )a4or"ty be'a)e )ore res"%e$ to "t. Ob!"ous(y+ "f )e% #"she$ to !"("fy
the e)peror-s a't"o%s+ "t #as su>'"e%t for h") to po"%t out that they #ere "% the
pub("' "%terest. 5%$ the po("'y #ou($ ha!e bee% ha"(e$ #"th app(ause+ "f o%(y the
e)peror+ ("/e a )a% #ho has s#u) to shore out of the sea+ ha$ "!e% h")se(f
so)e t")e to et ba'/ h"s breath. Isaa'+ ho#e!er+ $"$ %ot /%o# #hat "t #as to ("e
at a%'hor for a #h"(e+ or rest "% harbour. O% the 'o%trary+ he bra!e$ the sea a
se'o%$ t")e+ a $"3ere%t sea th"s t")e+ a%$ the% a th"r$+ a%$ after that a reater
a%$ )ost fearfu( o%e+ as "f he #ere %ot )ere(y e%ae$ "% st"rr"% up the #a!es
of po("t"'s+ but "% '(ea%"% up the $u% of 5ueas-s stab(e.DD=AL
N=. 5s I ha!e e)phas",e$ before+ "f th"s e)peror ha$ 'hose% the proper t")e for
h"s refor)s@ "f he ha$ 'o%$e)%e$ o%e pra't"'e+ sha(( #e say+ a%$ a((o#e$ a%other
to sta%$ for the t")e be"%+ $estroy"% "t at so)e (ater $ate@ "f+ after the
a)putat"o%+ he ha$ reste$ before atte)pt"% a%other operat"o%@ "f he ha$
a$!a%'e$ thus+ step by step+ "% h"s e&ter)"%at"o% of e!"(+ ?u"et(y a%$ #"thout
attra't"% atte%t"o% ("/e the Creator "% P(ato+ th"s )a% #ho+ ("/e h")+ ha$ "%her"te$
a #or($ 22 "% h"s 'ase the #or($ of po("t"'s 22 "% a state of 7u&+ #"thout har)o%y+
#"thout or$er+ the% he too+ I a>r)+ #ou($ ha!e brouht [=K;] "t ba'/ fro) 'haos
to 'a()+ a%$ he too #ou($ ha!e "%tro$u'e$ rea( har)o%y "%to the a3a"rs of state.
0o$ "s $es'r"be$ by Moses+ the (ea$er of H"s peop(e+ as 'reat"% the u%"!erse "%
s"& $ays+ but "f Isaa' $"$ %ot 'o)p(ete h"s #ho(e tas/ "% a s"%(e $ay+ he re'/o%e$
the fa"(ure "%to(erab(e+ su'h #as the e&'ess"!e ,ea( #"th #h"'h he tr"e$ to
a''o)p("sh h"s purpose. Noth"% o% earth restra"%e$ h")+ %o pro3er"% of #"ser
'ou%se(s+ %o fear for the future+ %o hatre$ of the )ob+ %o%e of the other fa'tors
#h"'h+ "% %or)a( )e%+ 'urb !a%"ty or 'he'/ )"hty a)b"t"o%. Ha$ so)e re"% /ept
h") u%$er 'o%tro(+ he #ou($ ha!e o!erru% the #ho(e "%hab"te$ #or($+ 'ou%try by
'ou%try. He #ou($ ha!e #o% (ory o% e!ery batt(e1e($+ a%$ %o%e of the e)perors
before h") #ou($ ha!e bee% h"s r"!a(.DD=AB *ut (a'/ of restra"%t+ refusa( to a''ept
reaso% as h"s u"$e+ these #ere the ru"% of h"s %ob(e 'hara'ter.
NK. I ha!e $es'r"be$ )ore or (ess+ the a(ar) a%$ 'o%fus"o% he 'ause$ "% the
po("t"'a( #or($. I% the #or($ of fore"% a3a"rs+ h"s a)b"t"o% #as to e3e't a u%"o% of
the easter% a%$ #ester% barbar"a%s. They the)se(!es #ere heart"(y afra"$ of h").
6or the 1rst t")e they 'ha%e$ the"r usua( ta't"'s. Ha!"% obser!e$ the ?ua("ty of
the )a% they ha$ to $ea( #"th+ "%stea$ of pursu"% a% aress"!e stratey they
souht safety "% obs'ur"ty. The Su(ta% of Parth"a+ for e&a)p(e+ the ar'h2
re!o(ut"o%ary of for)er t")es+ %o# a$opte$ a% a()ost retroress"!e po("'y. I% %o
p(a'e #ou($ he stay for a%y (e%th of t")e+ ha$ %o 1&e$ abo$e+ a%$ 22 a th"%
#h"'h "s rea((y asto%"sh"% 22 #e%t "%to 'o)p(ete ret"re)e%t+ 'utt"% h")se(f o3
fro) "%ter'ourse #"th e!eryo%e. The ru(er of Eypt+ too+ e!e% to th"s $ay "s
terr"1e$ of the )a% a%$ st"(( 'ourts h"s fa!our #"th 7attery. He e!e% oes so far as
to (a)e%t Isaa'-s $o#%fa((. The truth "s+ the e)peror-s appeara%'e a%$ the
e)peror-s #or$s #ere as pote%t as h"s ha%$s #ere stro%+ ha%$s #"th #h"'h he
ha$ tor% $o#% )a%y a '"ty a%$ $estroye$ #a((s $efe%$e$ by thousa%$s of
NH. He preferre$ to be "%ora%t of %oth"%+ e!e% $o#% to the s)a((est $eta"(+ but
s"%'e he /%e# th"s to be ")poss"b(e+ he #ou($ try to obta"% h"s "%for)at"o% by
"%$"re't )ea%s. He use$ to se%$ for a% e&pert a%$+ #"thout ?uest"o%"% h") o%
the sub4e't about #h"'h he #as "%ora%t+ by '(e!er )a%oeu!r"% rou%$ "t+ he
#ou($ )a/e the other re!ea( #hat he h")se(f $"$ %ot /%o#+ "% su'h a #ay that
the e&pert #as appare%t(y e&p(a"%"% so)eth"% that #as 'o))o% /%o#(e$e to
both of the) a("/e. He ofte% tr"e$ to 'at'h )e ("/e [=HA] that too+ but #he% o%
o%e o''as"o% I !e%ture$ to te(( h") "t #as a se'ret+ he #as ta/e% aba'/ a%$
b(ushe$ as "f he ha$ bee% 'auht $o"% so)eth"% #ro%. *e"% a )a% of reat
pr"$e+ he ha$ a horror of be"% rebu/e$+ #hether ope%(y or subt(y.
N<. 5% e&a)p(e of th"s "s fou%$ "% h"s treat)e%t of the Patr"ar'h M"'hae(.DD=A;
The (atter ha$ spo/e% fra%/(y to h") o% a 'erta"% o''as"o%+ us"% (a%uae that
#as so)e#hat bo($. 5t the t")e the e)peror passe$ "t o!er a%$ 'he'/e$ h"s
a%er+ but he 'her"she$ rese%t)e%t $eep "% h"s heart. It bro/e out u%e&pe'te$(y+
a%$ "% the be("ef that he #as fo((o#"% a pre'e$e%t he e&pe((e$ M"'hae( fro) the
'"ty. He #as 'o%$e)%e$ to e&"(e "% a '"r'u)s'r"be$ area+ a%$ "t #as there that he
$"e$. Ho#e!er+ I #"(( %ot e&p(a"% ho# th"s 'a)e about %o#+ for "t "s a (o% story. If
a%yo%e 'ares to e&a)"%e the ?uarre( bet#ee% these t#o+ he #"(( b(a)e the o%e
for the start of "t+ the other for "ts e%$"%+ #he% the e)peror 'ast the patr"ar'h o3
as "f he #ere a (oa$ o% h"s shou($ers. O%e po"%t here that I a()ost forotO a
)esse%er retur%"% fro) a $"sta%t )"ss"o% brouht to h") the %e#s of the
patr"ar'h-s $eath+ #"th the a"r of a )a% #ho #as free"% h") fro) a(( troub(e "%
the future+ but Isaa'+ #he% he hear$ of "t+ h"s heart "))e$"ate(y tou'he$+
be#a"(e$ (ou$(y a% u%usua( th"% for h") 22 a%$ )our%e$ h") $eep(y. He #as
sorry for the #ay he ha$ treate$ the patr"ar'h a%$ ofte% tr"e$ to prop"t"ate h"s
sou(. 5s "f to 4ust"fy h")se(f+ or rather to appease the $ea$ )a%+ he at o%'e
ra%te$ to M"'hae(-s fa)"(y the pr"!"(ee of spea/"% free(y "% h"s prese%'e+ a%$
they #ere a((o#e$ to 4o"% h"s "))e$"ate ret"%ue. 5s M"'hae(-s su''essor "% the
sa're$ o>'e+ he prese%te$ to 0o$ a%$ ho%oure$ #"th h"h ra%/ o%e #ho) h"s
pre!"ous ("fe ha$ sho#% to be b(a)e(ess+ o%e #hose e(o?ue%'e ha$ (eft h")
#"thout a r"!a(+ e!e% a)o% the )ost e)"%e%t s'ho(ars.
NN. Th"s e%t(e)a% #as %o%e other tha% the fa)ous Co%sta%t"%e+ #ho "% the past
ha$ o% )ore tha% o%e o''as"o% restore$ pea'e to a stor)2tosse$ E)p"re a%$ ha$
bee% )u'h souht after by )a%y of the e)perors. The 'ro#%"%2po"%t of h"s
'areer 'a)e #"th h"s e(e!at"o% to the Patr"ar'hate.DD=1A 5(( other 'a%$"$ates for
the o>'e y"e($e$ to h"s '(a")s.DD=11 5(( #ere aree$ that he ha$ pre2e)"%e%t
?ua("t"es #h"'h 1tte$ h") for the $uty abo!e the rest. 5%$ to the (or"1'at"o%
[=H1] of th"s $"%"ty he $e$"'ate$ a(( h"s e3orts+ a )a% #ho ("!e$ the ("fe of a
pr"est+ yet possesse$ ?ua("t"es of states)a%sh"p a%$ reat pub("' sp"r"t. I% the
'ase of other )e%+ !"rtue "s suppose$ to be so)e su'h th"% as %ot y"e($"% to
'"r'u)sta%'es+ %ot te)per"% o%e-s free$o) of spee'h+ %ot atte)pt"% by o%e-s
o#% )"($%ess of 'hara'ter to tur% )e% of ster%er )ater"a( "%to s(a!es. So "t has
'o)e about that )a%/"%$ has $are$ e!ery sea+ o%e "% the fa'e of a(( #"%$s+ a%$
so)e+ 'auht by the #a!es+ ha!e su%/+ #h"(e others ha!e bee% rebu3e$ #"th
)u'h !"o(e%'e. 8"th Co%sta%t"%e+ ho#e!er+ the !ar"e$ patter% of h"s ("fe e%ab(e$
h") to $ea( su''essfu((y #"th e!ery pre'"se ph"(osoph"' prob(e)+ a%$ at the sa)e
t")e #"th a(( ?uest"o%s of pra't"'a( o!er%)e%t. Moreo!er+ he ha%$(e$ a3a"rs+ %ot
("/e a% orator+ but as a ph"(osopher #ou($ $ea( #"th the)O there #ere %o #aste$
#or$s+ %o h"str"o%"'s. He p(aye$ e"ther rX(e+ 'hur'h)a% or po("t"'"a%+ #"thout
$e!"at"% o%e "ota fro) h"s %atura( hab"ts. 5s a po("t"'"a%+ he ")presse$ h"s
"%terroators by h"s pr"est(y $"%"ty+ yet #he% you approa'he$ h") "% h"s 'apa'"ty
of Patr"ar'h+ e!e% "f you stoo$ "% 'o%s"$erab(e a#e of h") a%$ tre)b(e$ a b"t+ he
st"(( appeare$ hu)a%+ #"th the ra'efu( )a%%ers of a $"p(o)at+ a )a% of stur$y
'hara'ter a%$ s)"("% ra!"ty. H"s #ho(e ("fe "%sp"re$ 'o%1$e%'eO o% the o%e s"$e+
h"s )"("tary a%$ po("t"'a( 'areer+ o% the other+ h"s reat $"%"ty+ h"s 'ourtesy. It
#as %atura(+ e!e% before th"s appo"%t)e%t+ that I shou($ ofte% pre$"'t for h")
pro)ot"o% to the Chur'h-s h"hest o>'es. H"s )a%%er of ("fe tauht )e #hat to
e&pe't "% the future+ a%$ %o#+ after he has a'tua((y be'o)e H"h Pr"est+ I st"(( see
"% h") a e%t(e)a% of the %ob(est 'hara'ter.
NL. *y appo"%t"% su'h a )a% as M"'hae(-s su''essor+ therefore+ the e)peror pa"$
a 'o)p(")e%t to the (ate Patr"ar'h. I #"(( %o# $ea( #"th the barbar"a%s. I% the east
Isaa' put a% e%$ to the"r "%'urs"o%s@ "% that part of the #or($ the tas/ pro!e$ to
be #e(( #"th"% h"s po#er. No# he pro'ee$e$ to )ar'h "% fu(( for'e aa"%st the
#ester% barbar"a%s. I% the o($ $ays they ha$ bee% 'a((e$ Mys"a%s+DD=1= but (ater
the"r %a)e #as 'ha%e$ to "ts prese%t for). They ("!e "% a(( 'ou%tr"es $"!"$e$
fro) the Ro)a% E)p"re by the R"!er Ister IDa%ubeJ. Su$$e%(y they (eft these
$"str"'ts a%$ e)"rate$ to our s"$e of the r"!er. Th"s )o!e)e%t areas 'ause$ by
the a't"!"t"es of the 0etae+ the"r %e"hbors+ #ho by the"r p(u%$er"% a%$ ra!a"%
'o)pe((e$ the) to aba%$o% the"r o#% ho)es a%$ see/ %e# o%es. So+ at a t")e
#he% the Ister #as fro,e% o!er+ they 'rosse$ as thouh o% $ry (a%$ [=H=] a%$
e)"rate$ fro) the Tra%s2$a%ub"a% terr"tor"es to our pro!"%'e. The #ho(e %at"o%
#as tra%sporte$+ ba a%$ baae+ o!er our bor$ers+ "%'apab(e of ("!"% at pea'e
the)se(!es+ a%$ bou%$ to sprea$ 'o%ster%at"o% a)o% the"r for)er %e"hbors.
NB. More tha% other %at"o%s they are $">'u(t to 1ht a%$ har$ to sub$ue. They
are %e"ther !"orous of bo$y+ %or bra!e "% sp"r"t. They #ear %o breastp(ates+ put
o% %o rea!es+ a%$ %o he()ets prote't the"r hea$s. They 'arry %o sh"e($s of a%y
/"%$ #hatsoe!er+ %e"ther the (o% sort ("/e those tra$"t"o%a((y bor%e by the
5r"!es+ %or the rou%$ sh"e($+ %or $o they "r$ o% s#or$s. The o%(y #eapo% they
'arry "% the"r ha%$s "s the spear+ the"r so(e $efe%s"!e ar)our. They are %ot
$"!"$e$ up by batta("o%s+ a%$ #he% they o to #ar they ha!e %o strate"' p(a% to
u"$e the). The ter)s -!a%uar$-+ -(eft #"%-+ -r"ht 7a%/- )ea% %oth"% to the).
They bu"($ %o pa("sa$es for the"r o#% prote't"o%+ a%$ they are u%a'?ua"%te$ #"th
the "$ea of $efe%s"!e $"t'hes o% the per")eter of the"r 'a)ps. I% o%e )ass+ '(ose2
pa'/e$ a%$ pe((2)e((+ fort"1e$ by sheer $esperat"o%+ they e)"t (ou$ #ar2'r"es+ a%$
so fa(( upo% the"r a$!ersar"es. If they su''ee$ "% push"% the) ba'/+ they $ash
aa"%st the) "% so("$ b(o'/s+ ("/e to#ers+ pursu"% a%$ s(ay"% #"thout )er'y. O%
the other ha%$+ "f the oppos"% for'e #"thsta%$s the"r assau(t a%$ "f the"r ra%/s
preser!e a% u%bro/e% ("%e "% fa'e of the barbar"a% o%s(auht+ the (atter forth#"th
tur% about a%$ see/ safety "% 7"ht. *ut there "s %o or$er "% the"r retreat. They
s'atter "% a(( $"re't"o%s+ "% s)a(( roups. O%e hur(s h")se(f "%to a r"!er+ a%$ e"ther
s#")s to (a%$ or "s e%u(fe$ "% "ts e$$"es a%$ s"%/s@ a%other oes of "%to a th"'/
#oo$ a%$ so be'o)es "%!"s"b(e to h"s pursuers@ a th"r$ es'apes "% so)e other
#ay. They a(( $"sperse at the sa)e )o)e%t+ but (ater+ "% so)e stra%e fash"o%+
they )eet aa"%+ o%e 'o)"% $o#% fro) a )ou%ta"%+ a%other fro) so)e ra!"%e+
a%other fro) a r"!er+ a(( fro) $"3ere%t h"$"%2p(a'es. 8he% they are th"rsty+ "f
they 1%$ #ater+ e"ther fro) spr"%s or "% the strea)s+ they at o%'e thro#
the)se(!es $o#% "%to "t a%$ u(p "t up@ "f there "s %o #ater+ ea'h )a% $"s)ou%ts
fro) h"s horse+ ope%s "ts !e"%s #"th a /%"fe+ a%$ $r"%/s the b(oo$. So they ?ue%'h
the"r th"rst by subst"tut"% b(oo$ for #ater. 5fter that they 'ut up the fattest of the
horses+ set 1re to #hate!er #oo$ they 1%$ rea$y to ha%$+ a%$ ha!"% s("ht(y
#ar)e$ the 'hoppe$ (")bs of the horse there o% the spot+ they ore the)se(!es
o% the )eat+ b(oo$ a%$ a((. The refresh)e%t o!er+ they hurry [=HK] ba'/ to the"r
Pr")"t"!e huts a%$ (ur/+ ("/e s%a/es+ "% the $eep u(("es a%$ pre'"p"tous '("3s
#h"'h ser!e as the"r #a((s.
N;. Ta/e% "% the )ass+ th"s "s a %at"o% to be feare$+ a%$ a trea'herous o%e.
Treat"es of fr"e%$sh"p e&er'"se %o restra"%"% "%7ue%'e o!er these barbar"a%s+ a%$
e!e% oaths s#or% o!er the"r sa'r"1'es are %ot respe'te$+ for they re!ere%'e %o
$e"ty at a((+ %ot to spea/ of 0o$. To the) a(( th"%s are the resu(t of 'ha%'e+ a%$
$eath they be("e!e to be the e%$ of e!eryth"%. 6or these reaso%s they )a/e
pea'e #"th reat a(a'r"ty a%$ the%+ #he% they 1%$ "t %e'essary to resort to #ar+
they at o%'e !"o(ate the ter)s of the"r treaty. If you 'o%?uer the) "% #ar+ they
"%!o/e a se'o%$ treaty of fr"e%$sh"p@ "f "t "s they #ho #"% the 'o)bat+ they
)assa're so)e of the"r 'apt"!es a%$ ho($ a )a%"1'e%t sa(e of the rest. 6or the
r"'h pr"so%ers they 1& the pr"'e h"h+ a%$ "f they fa"( to et ra%so)+ they /"((
LA. Deter)"%e$ to $r"!e th"s peop(e fro) Ro)a% terr"tory+ Isaa' set out aa"%st
the) #"th a stro% for'e. He #as part"'u(ar(y 'o%1$e%t before a% e%e)y that #as
so s'attere$ a%$ ha$ su'h a $"3ere%t 'o%'ept"o% of #ar@ he (e$ h"s ar)y "% a%
atta'/ o% the stro%est e%e)y 'o%'e%trat"o%. It #as $">'u(t to 1ht the) a%$ %o
(ess $">'u(t to ta/e the) 'apt"!e. 5s he $re# %ear+ they #ere 1((e$ #"th terror+
%ot o%(y o% h"s o#% a''ou%t+ but a(so be'ause of h"s ar)y. I% fa't+ they ha$ %ot
the 'ourae to $efy a )a% #ho) they (oo/e$ upo% as -#"e($er of the
thu%$erbo(t-+ a%$ #he% they sa# the u%bro/e% ("%e of Ro)a% sh"e($s+ they
aba%$o%e$ the "$ea of 1ht"% "% )ass. So they atta'/e$ "% "so(ate$ roups+
ho#("% the"r #ar2'r"es. *ut they fou%$ the Ro)a%s too 'o)pa't for the)+ a%$
ha!"% $"s'o!ere$ that they 'ou($ %e"ther 'at'h the) by a)bush %or fa'e the)
"% ope% batt(e+ they )a$e a pro'(a)at"o% that they #ou($ 1ht o% he th"r$ $ay
fro) the%. Thereupo%+ o% the se(f2sa)e $ay o% #h"'h hey )a$e th"s $e'(arat"o%+
they (eft the"r te%ts+ forsa/"% a(( those "%'apab(e of 7"ht+ that "s+ ae$ peop(e
a%$ the !ery you%+ a%$ he% $"sperse$ "% the "%a''ess"b(e re"o%s of hat 'ou%try.
5''or$"% o the aree)e%t+ the e)peror )ar'he$ out to )eet the) o% the th"r$
$ay+ #"th h"s troops ("%e$ up for batt(e+ but %ot a barbar"a% as to be see%. 5s he
thouht "t u%#"se to pursue the)+ part(y be'ause he #as %er!ous of se'ret
a)bushes+ a%$ part(y be'ause they a$ three $ays start o% the"r 7"ht+ he
$estroye$ the"r te%ts+ a%$ ta/"% a#ay #hat booty he fou%$ there+ retur%e$ (a$e%
#"th the troph"es of #ar. The retur% 4our%ey+ ho#e!er+ pro!e$ u%fortu%ate+ [=HH]
for a su$$e% stor) fe(( upo% h"s ar)y #"th reat !"o(e%'e+ a%$ he (ost )a%y of h"s
so($"ers.DDK St"((+ he $"$ retur% to the 'ap"ta(+ h"s (ea$ 'ro#%e$ #"th the ar(a%$s
of !"'tory.
L1. 6ro) that t")e there appeare$ "% the )a% %e# ?ua("t"es+ fore"% to h"s %or)a(
beha!"our. I a) spea/"% fro) perso%a( obser!at"o%+ as I #as pretty fa)"("ar #"th
h"s 'hara'ter. He be'a)e )ore hauhty to su'h a% e&te%t that he he($ e!eryo%e
e(se "% 'o%te)pt. I% fa't+ he treate$ h"s o#% re(at"!es 4ust ("/e the others+ a%$ h"s
brother+DD=1H #he%e!er he approa'he$ the outer e%tra%'es to the pa(a'e+ at
o%'e $"s)ou%te$ fro) h"s horse+ "% a''or$a%'e #"th the e)peror-s e&press
'o))a%$+ a%$ there #as %oth"% #hate!er to $"st"%u"sh h") fro) the rest #he%
he ha$ au$"e%'e #"th Isaa'. I%$ee$ he #as the 1%est e%t(e)a% I e!er )et+ a%$
he a''epte$ the 'ha%e of att"tu$e #"thout ra%'our+ a%$ far fro) sho#"%
"rr"tat"o% at th"s %e# state of a3a"rs+ he obeye$ the e)peror-s 'o))a%$s a%$
treate$ h") #"th $ue respe't. He #as e%era((y u%obtrus"!e+ a% e&a)p(e to other
)e% to 'ha%e the"r $e)ea%our "% ("/e )a%%er.
L=. 8"th th"s 'ha%e "% the e)peror-s 'hara'ter the se'o%$ per"o$ of h"s re"%
'a)e to a% e%$. No# be"%s the th"r$. Isaa' #as pass"o%ate(y $e!ote$ to
hu%t"%. No o%e #as e!er )ore fas'"%ate$ by the $">'u(t"es of th"s sport. It )ust
be a$)"tte$+ )oreo!er+ that he #as s/"((e$ "% the art+ for he ro$e ("ht(y a%$ h"s
shouts a%$ ha((oos (e%t #"%s to the $os+ bes"$es fr"hte%"% the 'ours"% hare.
O% se!era( o''as"o%s he e!e% 'auht the ?uarry "% fu(( 7"ht #"th h"s ha%$. He
#as+ too+ a $ea$ shot #"th a spear. *ut 'ra%e2hu%t"% attra'te$ h") )ore+ a%$
#he% the b"r$s #ere 7y"% h"h "% the a"r he st"(( refuse$ to "!e up the hu%t. He
#ou($ shoot the) $o#% fro) the s/y+ a%$ tru(y h"s p(easure at th"s #as %ot
u%)"&e$ #"th #o%$er. The #o%$er #as that a b"r$ so e&'ept"o%a((y b"+ #"th feet
a%$ (es ("/e (a%'es+ h"$"% "tse(f beh"%$ the '(ou$s+ shou($+ "% the t#"%/("% of a%
eye+ be 'auht by a% ob4e't so )u'h s)a((er tha% "tse(f. The p(easure he $er"!e$
fro) the b"r$-s fa((+ for the 'ra%e+ as "t fe((+ $a%'e$ the $a%'e of $eath+ tur%"%
o!er a%$ o!er+ %o# o% "ts ba'/ %o# o% "ts be((y.
LK. The e)peror too/ $e("ht "% both /"%$s of 'hase. Ho#e!er+ to a!o"$ re$u'"%
the %u)ber of a%")a(s /ept "% spe'"a( reser!es by hu%t"% the) $o#%+ he use$ to
o out+ #he% the fa%'y too/ h")+ to 1%$ beasts "% the"r %atura( hab"tat+ hu%t"%
the) both o% horse2 [=H<]ba'/ a%$ #"th the fa('o%+ at h"s (e"sure. He #ou($ stay
at a% ")per"a( (o$e outs"$e the '"ty+ a p(a'e surrou%$e$ by sea a%$ e?u"ppe$
#e(( e%ouh to p(ease or$"%ary hu%ts)e% of e"ther /"%$+ but %ot to the
sat"sfa't"o% of Isaa'. He #ou($ r"se ear(y "% the )or%"% a%$ 'o%t"%ue hu%t"% t"((
(ate e!e%"%. 8"th th"s 'o%sta%t thro#"% of spears at bears a%$ hos+ a%$ #"th
the repeate$ stra"% o% h"s r"ht ar)+ he 'auht a 'h"(( "% h"s s"$e. 5t the t")e the
troub(e #as %ot espe'"a((y ob!"ous+ but o% the fo((o#"% $ay he ha$ fe!er+ #"th
1ts of sh"!er"%.DD=1<
LH. I+ /%o#"% %oth"% of th"s+ #e%t out to see h") a%$ pay )y respe'ts as usua(.
He reete$ )e (y"% o% a be$. 5 s)a(( bo$yuar$ stoo$ %ear a%$ there #as a(so
prese%t h"s 'h"ef phys"'"a%. 5fter reet"% )e he re)ar/e$+ #"th a 'heerfu( (oo/+
-Mou 'o)e at a% opportu%e )o)e%t-+ a%$ pro)pt(y a!e )e h"s ha%$ to fee( h"s
pu(se+ for he /%e# that bes"$es )y other a't"!"t"es I ha$ a(so pra't"se$ )e$"'"%e.
I re'o%",e$ the "((%ess fro) #h"'h he #as su3er"%+ but )a$e %o "))e$"ate
'o))e%t. I%stea$+ I tur%e$ to the afore)e%t"o%e$ $o'tor. -I% your op"%"o%+- I sa"$+
-#hat sort of fe!er "s th"sS- I% a so)e#hat (ou$ !o"'e+ so that the e)peror )"ht
hear+ he rep("e$+ -Ephe)era(. *ut "f "t $oes %ot pass o3 to$ay+ there "s %o 'ause
for surpr"se. The fe!er so)et")es ta/es that for) as #e(( 22 the %a)eTephe)era(T
"s $e'ept"!e.- -8e((+- sa"$ I+ -I $o %ot e&a't(y aree #"th your $"a%os"s. The artery
pu(sat"o% te((s )e "t #"(( be a three $ays fe!er. Ho#e!er+ (et us hope your
Do$o%"a% 'au($ro%DD=1N "s r"ht a%$ )y De(ph"' tr"po$ #ro%. Probab(y "t #"(( be
#ro%+ for )y o#% stu$"es ha!e %ot bee% a$!a%'e$ e%ouh for )e to p(ay the
L<. 8e((+ the th"r$ $ay arr"!e$ a%$ the 'r"t"'a( stae of the "((%ess ha$ a(rea$y ru%
o% past the %or)a( per"o$. It pro!e$ that o%e of us #as a s/"((e$ phys"'"a%+ a%$ "t
a(so pro!e$ that )y 'a('u(at"o%s #ere %ot ?u"te a''urate. 5fter#ar$s so)e %ot
!ery so("$ foo$ #as prepare$ for the e)peror+ but before he ha$ t")e to taste "t a
su$$e% !"o(e%t fe!er assa"(e$ h"). They $o say that Cato+DD=1L #he% he #as "% a
fe!er or su3er"% fro) so)e other "((%ess+ use$ to re)a"% 'o)p(ete(y )ot"o%(ess
a%$ st"((+ rest"% u%t"( the atta'/ passe$ a%$ the state of h"s hea(th too/ a 'ha%e
for the better. Isaa'+ ho#e!er+ u%2 [=HN]("/e Cato+ /ept a(ter"% the pos"t"o% of h"s
bo$y a%$ t#"st"% about. H"s breath"% #as ?u"'/er+ a%$ (aboure$. Nature a!e
h") %o resp"te #hate!er. The% at (ast he $"$ et so)e rest+ he thouht of
retur%"% to the pa(a'e.
LN. 5t o%'e he e)bar/e$ o% the ")per"a( tr"re)e a%$ put "% at *(a'her%ae. *a'/
"% the pa(a'e+ he fe(t eas"er a%$ re!e((e$ "% the 'ha%e. He ta(/e$ "% a rather
pro!"%'"a( $"a(e't+DD=1B 'ra'/"% 4o/esDD=1; )ore tha% #as h"s #o%t+ a%$ /ept us
u%t"( e!e%"% #"th stor"es of the o($ t")es+ re'a(("% a(( the #"tty say"%s of
Ro)a%us-s so%+ the e)peror *as"( the 0reat.
LL. 5t su%set he $"s)"sse$ us a%$ prepare$ for s(eep. 6or )y part+ I (eft the
pa(a'e fu(( of 'o%1$e%'e a%$ buoye$ up #"th fo%$ hopes of the e)peror-s
re'o!ery. I retur%e$ rather ear(y the %e&t )or%"%. Just before I rea'he$ the $oors
so)eo%e a!e )e the )ost a(ar)"% %e#sO the e)peror #as su3er"% fro) a
stabb"% pa"% "% h"s s"$e+ h"s resp"rat"o% #as $">'u(t+ a%$ the breath"% #as %ot
!ery stro%. I #as asto%"she$ at th"s "%for)at"o%. Vu"et(y e%ter"% the be$roo)
#here he (ay+ I stoo$ there "% s"(e%'e+ 1((e$ #"th "%sta%t $"s)ay. He (oo/e$ at )e
as "f he #ere as/"% #hether he #as past hope a%$ o% the po"%t of $y"%+ a%$ at
o%'e stret'he$ out h"s ha%$ to )e fro) u%$er the 'o!er(et. *efore I put )y
1%ers o% h"s #r"st+ the 'h"ef phys"'"a% 22 there "s %o %ee$ to )e%t"o% h"s %a)e 22
"%terrupte$+ -Do%-t test the artery. I ha!e a(rea$y ta/e% h"s pu(se. It-s "rreu(ar. I
'ou($ $ete't o%(y ha(f the pu(sat"o%s. Ea'h a(ter%ate beat "s !ery #ea/. C"/e the
teeth of a% "ro% sa#.-
LB. I )yse(f pa"$ ("tt(e atte%t"o% to the fe((o#+ but at e!ery brea/ "% the pu(sat"o% I
'arefu((y #at'he$ the )o!e)e%t of the artery. I $"$ %ot re'o%",e the -sa#- pu(se+
but "t #as beat"% rather fa"%t(y+ %ot so )u'h re)"%"s'e%t of the )o!e)e%ts of a
pa(s"e$ foot+ but rather of o%e he($ by 'ha"%s a%$ try"% har$ to )o!e. The "((%ess
aR"'t"% the e)peror ha$ %o# rea'he$ "ts 'r"s"s. 5'tua((y )ost of the others #ere
u%a#are of th"s a%$ a(( of the)+ or %ear(y a((+ #ere "% $oubt #hether he #ou($
L;. 6ro) that )o)e%t 'o%fus"o% re"%e$ "% the pa(a'e. The e)pressDD==A 22 a
)ost re)ar/ab(e #o)a%+ $es'e%$e$ fro) a !ery %ob(e fa)"(y+ fore)ost "% #or/s
of p"ety 22 a%$ her $auhterDD==1 by Isaa'+ herse(f a beaut"fu( "r(+ %ot o%(y at the
t")e #he% her ha"r # as 'ut ear(y "% her ("fe but e!e% after to%surat"o%+ her
s")p(e robes sho#"% o3 to a$!a%tae the #ar)th of her 'o)p(e&"o% a%$ the
[=HL] o($2re$ of her ha"r+ these t#o #o)e%+ a%$ the e)peror-s brother+DD===
a%$ h"s %ephe#+DD==K for)e$ a '"r'(e rou%$ h"s be$+ "!"% h") the"r (ast
)essaes a%$ she$$"% tears of fare#e((. They e&horte$ h") to o at o%'e to the
0reat Pa(a'e+ so that there he )"ht )a/e a%y $e'"s"o%s that #ere %e'essary.
They #ere a%&"ous+ too+ (est the fa)"(y shou($ fa(( o% e!"( t")es at h"s $eathO they
)"ht (ose the fortu%ate status they the% he($ as the e)peror-s /"%sfo(/. So Isaa'
)a$e rea$y to (ea!e. Dur"% these preparat"o%s there 'a)e to h")+ %o%e too
soo%+ the H"h Pr"estDD==H of Sa"%t Soph"a+ o3er"% sp"r"tua( a$!"'e a%$ a(( /"%$s
of 'o%so(at"o%.
BA. 5s I sa"$+ the e)peror aree$ #"th h"s fa)"(y that "t #as $es"rab(e for h") to
)o!e+ a%$ here he sho#e$ he ha$ (ost %o%e of h"s pr"st"%e 'ourae. He (eft the
be$roo) (ea%"% o% %o o%e-s ar). It #as typ"'a( of the )a%-s "%$epe%$e%t sp"r"t.
C"/e so)e to#er"% 'ypress be"% !"o(e%t(y sha/e% by usts of #"%$+ he 'erta"%(y
tottere$ as he #a(/e$ for#ar$+ but he $"$ #a(/+ a(thouh h"s ha%$s tre)b(e$@ a%$
he $"$ "t u%a"$e$. I% th"s 'o%$"t"o% he )ou%te$ h"s horse+ but ho# he fare$ o% the
r"$e I $o %ot /%o#+ for I hurr"e$ o% by the other roa$ to et there before h"). I
#as su''essfu(+ but #he% he arr"!e$ I sa# that he #as e&tre)e(y a"tate$ a%$ "%
a state of utter 'o((apse. 5(( the fa)"(y sat rou%$ h") (a)e%t"%. They #ou($
#"(("%(y ha!e $"e$ #"th h")+ ha$ they bee% ab(e. Cea$er of the 'horus of $"res
#as the e)press@ a%s#er"% her )other-s (a)e%tat"o%s a%$ #eep"% "% a )a%%er
e!e% )ore (uubr"ous+ #as the $auhter.
B1. 8h"(e they #ere e%ae$ thus+ the e)peror+ re)e)ber"% that he #as about
to pass o% to a h"her ("fe+ e&presse$ a $es"re to e%ter the Chur'h. It #as h"s o#%
#"sh. 8e ha$ %ot "%7ue%'e$ h") at a((+ but the e)press+ #ho $"$ %ot /%o# that+
b(a)e$ a(( of us for the $e'"s"o% rather tha% h"). The%+ see"% )e there as #e((
as the others+ she e&'(a")e$+ -Pray Hea!e% #e be%e1t fro) your a$!"'e as )u'h
as you hope+ ph"(osopherQ *ut #hat a 1%e #ay to sho# your rat"tu$e 22 p(a%%"%
to 'o%!ert your e)peror to the ("fe of a )o%/Q-
B=. I a!e her )y #or$ of ho%our+ before she 'ou($ say a%other #or$+ that I ha$
%e!er e%terta"%e$ su'h a thouht. More tha% that+ I as/e$ the s"'/ )a% #ho ha$
a$!"se$ h") to ta/e th"s 'ourse. -Not you+- he rep("e$+ -but th"s (a$y Ithe !ery
#or$s he use$J+ th"s (a$y+ true to her #o)a%(y "%st"%'ts+ 1rst tr"es to pre!e%t us
fro) fo((o#"% #"ser 'ou%se(+ a%$ the% b(a)es e!eryo%e e(se for a suest"o%
that I [=HB] )a/e )yse(f- 22 -I%$ee$ I $o+- sa"$ she+ -a%$ ta/e o% )y o#% shou($ers
a(( the s"%s you e!er 'o))"tte$+ a%$ "f you $o et #e(( aa"% 22 at (east I ha!e
#hat I see/ a%$ (o% for@ "f %ot+ the% I )yse(f #"(( $efe%$ you before your Ju$e
a%$ 0o$. I #"(( a%s#er for the s"%s you ha!e 'o))"tte$. P(ease 0o$ you )ay be
fou%$ u"(t(ess+ but "% a%y 'ase I #ou($ (a$(y be $e!oure$ 22 yes+ e!e% by #or)s
for your sa/e. The $eepest $ar/%ess 'a% 'o!er )e+ the outer 1re 'a% bur% e!ery
b"t of )e 22 I #ou($ #e('o)e "t. 5%$ you 22 ha!e you %o p"ty %o# for us "% our
$eso(at"o%S 8hat sort of fee("% ha!e you+ to ta/e a#ay yourse(f fro) the pa(a'e+
a%$ (ea!e )e beh"%$+ 'o%$e)%e$ to a #"$o#hoo$ fu(( of sorro#+ a%$ your
$auhter+ a #ret'he$ orpha%S Nor #"(( that be the e%$ of our su3er"%s. More
$rea$fu( th"%s #"(( fo((o#. Ha%$s+ )aybe %ot e!e% fr"e%$(y ha%$s+ #"(( 'arry us o3
to fara#ay p(a'es of e&"(e. They )ay $e'"$e o% so)e #orse fate. It )ay be so)e
p"t"(ess fe((o# #"(( she$ the b(oo$ of your $ear o%es. No $oubt you #"(( ("!e o%
after you e%ter the Chur'h+ or perhaps you #"(( $"e %ob(y+ but #hat #"(( be (eft for
usS 22 a ("fe #orse tha% $eathQ-
BK. Met she fa"(e$ to 'o%!"%'e h") #"th these aru)e%ts+ a%$ #he% she ha$ "!e%
up a(( hope of #"%%"% h") o!er to her o#% po"%t of !"e#+ she #e%t o%+ -5t (east+
the%+ %o)"%ate as e)peror the roa% #ho ser!es you #"th reatest (oya(ty a%$
$e!ot"o%. 5s (o% as you ("!e+ he #"(( treat you #"th $ue ho%our+ a%$ he #"(( be
4ust ("/e a so% to )e.- 5t these #or$s the e)peror a"%e$ fresh stre%th. The
$u/e Co%sta%t"%eDD==< #as "))e$"ate(y se%t for a%$ 4o"%e$ us. Co%sta%t"%e #as
a )a% of reat re%o#% #hose a%'estors ha$ bee% )ost $"st"%u"she$. H"s
$es'e%t "% fa't #as tra'e$ fro) the 'e(ebrate$ Du'as II refer to 5%$ro%"'usDD==N
a%$ Co%sta%t"%eDD==LJ #ho are the ob4e't of )u'h 'o))e%t "% the #r"t"%s of
h"stor"a%s+ both for the /ee%%ess of the"r "%te((e't a%$ for the"r bra!e $ee$s. The
$u/e #as %o (ess prou$ of h"s )ore "))e$"ate a%'estors.
BH. H"s ("%eaes therefore+ #as e%ouh to 'o!er the )a% #"th (ory+ but %o o%e+
"% atte)pt"% a b"oraphy of Co%sta%t"%e h")se(f+ #ou($ be #ro% "f he referre$
to h") as a% 5'h"((es. Just as that hero-s fa)"(y ha$ a )"hty or""% 22 h"s
ra%$father #as 5ea'us+ #ho the )yths say #as beotte% of Geus+ a%$ h"s father
#as Pe(eus+ #ho) the 0ree/ stor"es e&a(t a%$ represe%t as a husba%$ of Thet"s+
herse(f a o$$ess of the sea 22 a%$ yet 5'h"((es- o#% $ee$s surpasse$ the (or"es
of h"s fathers+ a%$ far fro) 5'h"((es be"% ho%oure$ [=H;] be'ause of those #ho
beat h")+ "t "s they #ho #"% re%o#% fro) the fa't that he #as the"r proe%y@ so
"t #as a(so "% the 'ase of Du/e Co%sta%t"%e #ho )ust be the %e&t e)peror "% )y
h"story. *r"(("a%t as the ear(y re'or$s of h"s fa)"(y #ere+ st"(( )ore br"(("a%t are the
$ee$s that ha$ the"r or""% "% h"s o#% %ature a%$ )ora( purpose .
B<. *ut the story of h"s re"% )ust #a"t a ("tt(e. 8h"(e he #as st"(( ("!"% as a%
or$"%ary '"t",e%+ he r"!a((e$ e!e% the reatest e)perors+ as far as apt"tu$e for
o!er%)e%t #as 'o%'er%e$+ or pr"$e of ("%eae. 5bo!e a(( other th"%s+ he stro!e
to ("!e pru$e%t(y+ to a!o"$ "!"% o3e%se to h"s %e"hbors or treat"% a%yo%e #"th
a patro%","% a%$ (or$(y 'o%$es'e%s"o%. He #as )ost 'arefu( to pro!e h"s (oya(ty
to the re"%"% e)perors+ #h"(e h"s o#% br"(("a%'e+ ("/e the su% beh"%$ '(ou$s+ #as
/ept "% obs'ur"ty+ to a!o"$ attra't"% atte%t"o% to h")se(f.
BN. I say these th"%s+ %ot o% the e!"$e%'e of other )e%+ but re(y"% o% )y o#%
se%ses a%$ )y o#% op"%"o%s+ after perso%a( obser!at"o% of a 'arefu( a%$ ?u"te
e&'ept"o%a( %ature. Others )ay boast of h"s )a%y sp(e%$"$ su''esses+ but so far
as I )yse(f a) 'o%'er%e$+ o%e th"% 'ou%terba(a%'es a(( the restO the fa't that
th"s )a%+ #ho #as so a$)"rab(e+ %ot o%(y "% appeara%'e+ but "% rea("ty+ shou($
p(a'e )ore 'o%1$e%'e "% )y 4u$)e%t tha% "% the s'he)"% of )y r"!a(s.
8hether he ha$ %ot"'e$ so)e#hat )ore e!"$e%'e of #"s$o) "% )y op"%"o%s tha%
"% those of the others+ or #hether "t #as be'ause )y 'hara'ter p(ease$ h")+ I
/%o# %ot+ but he #as so )u'h atta'he$ to )e+ a%$ (o!e$ )e so )u'h )ore tha%
the rest+ that he ("ste%e$ "%te%t(y to e!ery #or$ that I uttere$+ $epe%$e$ o% )e
abso(ute(y for sp"r"tua( a$!"'e+ a%$ e%truste$ to )y perso%a( 'are h"s )ost
pre'"ous possess"o%s.
BL. Desp"te h"s ?ua("t"es+ Co%sta%t"%e ha$ a hearty 'o%te)pt for o>'es of reat
$"%"ty a%$ preferre$ to ("!e "% ret"re)e%t. He use$ to $ress "% a rather 'are(ess
fash"o%+ o"% about ("/e a 'ou%try yo/e(. Co!e(y #o)e%+ of 'ourse+ e%ha%'e the"r
beauty by the #ear"% of s")p(e '(othes@ the !e"( #"th #h"'h they 'o%'ea( "t o%(y
ser!es to )a/e )ore e!"$e%t the"r ra$"a%t (ory+ a%$ a ar)e%t 'are(ess(y #or%
"s 4ust as e3e't"!e+ #he% they #ear "t+ as the )ost 'arefu((y prepare$ )a/e2up.
So "t #as #"th Co%sta%t"%e. The '(othes he thre# rou%$ h")+ far fro) h"$"% h"s
se'ret beaut"es+ o%(y re%$ere$ the) )ore 'o%sp"'uous. It #as "%e!"tab(e that a((
to%ues shou($ be (ou$ "% h"s pra"se. Me% %atura((y referre$ to h") as $est"%e$
for the [=<A] ")per"a( thro%e. So)e prophes"e$ h"s future #"th a(( the so(e)%"ty of
a% ora'(e@ others #ere )ore uar$e$ "% the"r (a%uae+ 'arefu( to refra"% fro)
'aus"% h") e)barrass)e%t. 5(( the sa)e+ "t #as %ot the ope%(y host"(e+ but h"s
o#% a$)"rers+ #ho )a$e h") )ost %er!ous+ a%$ he put up a(( )a%%er of barr"ers
to /eep the) at a $"sta%'e. U%fortu%ate(y+ fro) h"s po"%t of !"e#+ they pro!e$ to
be the )ost pu%a'"ous $are2$e!"(s a%$ )a$e ("ht of the obsta'(es he put "%
the"r path.
BB. H"s e&traor$"%ary 'aut"o% a%$ sou%$ 4u$)e%t #ere pro!e$ #he% the ar)y
e(e'te$ "ts (ea$er a%$ Co)%e%us #as preferre$ to a(( others+ for Co)%e%us+ the
)a% #ho ha$ a'tua((y bee% $es"%ate$ as the %e&t e)peror+ #as rea$y to ha%$
o!er the 'o))a%$ of the ar)y to Co%sta%t"%e+ after the so($"ers- $e'"s"o% #as
)a$e /%o#% but he re%ou%'e$ a(( '(a") to "t "% #r"t"% a%$ !o(u%tar"(y a!e up
h"s a)b"t"o%s "% that $"re't"o%+ 'o%s"$er"% the '"r'u)sta%'es "% #h"'h the o3er
#as )a$e. Certa"% "t "s that those #ho atte%$e$ that 'o%fere%'e #ou($ %e!er
ha!e rea'he$ a u%a%")ous $e'"s"o% o% the sub4e't+ ha$ he %ot "%ter!e%e$ "% the
$ebate h")se(f. *y sheer for'e of 'hara'ter he u%"te$ the !ar"ous fa't"o%s. The
ar)y+ %o# a't"% "% 'o%'ert+ ha$+ so to spea/+ t#o str"%s to "ts bo#+ a stro%er
a%$ a #ea/er+ or perhaps I shou($ say a #ea/er a%$ a stro%er+ for a(thouh
Isaa' ha$ bee% e(e'te$ e)peror a%$ Co%sta%t"%e ha$ bee% pro)"se$ the (esser
ho%our of Caesar+ the (atter-s )ore %ob(e a%'estry a%$ h"s e&tre)e(y (o!ab(e
'hara'ter )a$e h") a fa!our"te a)o% the peop(e. To sho# e!e% )ore '(ear(y
#hat a% a$)"rab(e perso% he #as+ #he% the rebe(("o% e%$e$ "% Isaa'-s a''ess"o%
to the thro%e a%$ he #as 1r)(y estab("she$ "% po#er+ Co%sta%t"%e a!e up to h")
the Caesarsh"p as #e((+ thouh he 'ou($ ha!e $"spute$ #"th h") the h"hest
pos"t"o% of a((. The )a%-s 'hara'ter #as+ "% fa't+ #"thout para((e(. I #ou($ ("/e to
a$$ a% obser!at"o% of )y o#% here. There 'a% be %o $oubt that h"s fa"(ure to
obta"% e(e't"o% at the t")e of the 'o%fere%'e+ a%$ h"s prese%t pro)ot"o%+ #ere
both the resu(t of D"!"%e "%ter!e%t"o%+ for "%stea$ of be"% e(e!ate$ to the
supre)e pos"t"o% "% the E)p"re by )ea%s of a re!o(ut"o%+ a '"r'u"tous route+ he
#as 'hose% $"re't(y fro) the "%%er '"r'(e of the 'ourt.
B;. It #as %ot surpr"s"%+ therefore+ that #he% he #as su))o%e$ o% th"s o''as"o%
by Isaa'+ appare%t(y breath"% h"s (ast+ he appeare$ b(ush"% a%$ sho#"% s"%s
of h"s a''usto)e$ )o$esty+ h"s ha%$s h"$$e% be%eath h"s robe Ia hab"t of h"sJ.
The e)peror+ spea/"% #"th reat $e("berat"o%s a$$resse$ h"). -Of those #ho
sta%$ arou%$ )e here+- he sa"$+ po"%t"% to h"s fa)"(y+ -o%e "s )y brother+ a%other
)y %ephe#+ a%$ $earest of a((+ here "s )y #"fe+ the e)press+ a%$ here )y
$auhter+ )y o%(y 'h"($DD==B "% fa't+ but )y 'ho"'e fa((s o% you rather tha% o%
the). Mour ?ua("t"es ha!e a reater '(a") o% )e tha% the t"es of /"%sh"p. It "s to
you that I be?ueath the E)p"re+ a%$+ )ore tha% that+ )y be(o!e$ fa)"(y. Nor are
they u%#"(("% that th"s shou($ be soO "%$ee$+ they ha!e stro%(y a$!"se$ )e to
ta/e th"s 'ourse. Th"s "s %o %e# "$ea+ 'o%'e"!e$ o% the spur of the )o)e%t+ %or "s
"t )y u%fortu%ate "((%ess that has $r"!e% )e to a$opt "t. E!e% at the t")e #he% I
#as e(e'te$ e)peror+ I /%e# you #ere the better )a%+ )ore 1tte$ for the o>'es
a%$ s"%'e the% I ha!e 'o)e to the 'o%'(us"o%+ after a $eta"(e$ e&a)"%at"o% of
your '(a")s "% 'o)par"so% #"th other 'a%$"$ates+ that you are #"thout a%y $oubt
#hatsoe!er the )a% )ost 1tte$ to su''ee$ )e as e)peror. 5s for )yse(f+ you
see that I a) 1%"she$O )y ("fe "s %ear"% "ts '(ose. 6ro) %o# o%+ you #"(( assu)e
po#er+ a%$ the o!er%)e%t #"(( be "% safe ha%$s+ for "% the past 0o$ has 4u$e$
you #orthy. No# the E)p"re "s your "%her"ta%'e. My #"fe a%$ )y $ear $auhter I
p(a'e "% your ha%$s as a sa're$ trust. 5s for )y brother a%$ %ephe#+ I be you
ear%est(y to 'are for a%$ 'her"sh the).-
;A. 5t these #or$s there #as app(ause+ %ot u%)"%(e$ #"th tears+ a%$ the
e)peror-s e%tourae a''(a")e$ Co%sta%t"%e.DD==; He+ ha!"% %o# bee% 'hose%
to su''ee$ Isaa'+ stoo$ respe'tfu((y a%$ )o$est(y at the (atter-s s"$e+ #"th the a"r
of a )a% be"% "%"t"ate$ "%to so)e ho(y )ystery or "%tro$u'e$ to so)e stra%e
r"te. Su'h #as the 'ere)o%y that 'o))e%'e$ h"s re"%. The e!e%ts that
subse?ue%t(y o''urre$ $"$ %ot ru% so s)ooth(y as the a''ou%t of the) #ou($
(ea$ o%e to suppose. Certa"%(y he ha$ so)e "))e$"ate su''esses+ but there #ere
$">'u(t"es+ e!e% re!erses.
;1. If he #as ass"ste$ "% a%y #ay by )yse(f+ "t "s sure(y %ot for )e [=<=] to say so.
I #ou($ %ot $rea) of '(a")"% su'h a% ho%our. Doubt(ess the e)peror h")se(f
#ou($ /%o# that #here!er oppos"t"o% arose I res"ste$ "t+ a%$ #he% h"s a3a"rs
prospere$+ I #as at ha%$ to he(p o% the oo$ #or/. Su'h #as the e&te%t of )y
e%thus"as) a%$ )y $e!ot"o% to h"s 'ause+ that #he% he #as "% $esperate stra"ts I
se",e$ the he() )yse(f+ a%$ by $r"ft"% #"th the t"$e here a%$ pu(("% har$ o% the
t"((er there+ I brouht h") "%to the ")per"a( harbour "% safety.
;=. It "s %o# )y purpose to e&a)"%e+ a%$ $es'r"be "% $eta"(+ the e!e%ts of h"s
re"%+ h"s e%era( po("'y+ the part he p(aye$ "% the o!er%)e%t. I #"(( $"s'uss the
pr"%'"p(es o% #h"'h he base$ h"s ru(e a%$ the )o$"1'at"o%s he "%tro$u'e$ "%to
the)+ the "$ea(s for #h"'h he stro!e as e)peror+ the )easures he 'arr"e$ throuh
su''essfu((y the "%%o!at"o%s for #h"'h he #as perso%a((y respo%s"b(e+ h"s
pre4u$"'es for a%$ aa"%st 'erta"% ("%es of 'o%$u't+ h"s ha%$("% of '"!"(
a$)"%"strat"o%+ h"s att"tu$e to#ar$s the ar)y+ a%$ so o%.
1A<; 22 1ANL
1. I #"(( abbre!"ate )y a''ou%t of th"s e)peror as far as "s 'o%!e%"e%t+ $e!ot"%
the usua( spa'e that I a((ot to these $es'r"pt"o%s. 5fter#ar$s I #"(( o "%to reater
$eta"( a%$ #r"te of h"s fa)"(y+ the appeara%'e of h"s house+ h"s perso%a( hab"ts+
h"s ("/es a%$ $"s("/es+ both before he 'a)e to the thro%e a%$ after. There "s %o
other e)peror #ho) I a) ?ua("1e$ to $es'r"be #"th su'h "%t")ate /%o#(e$e+ for
here #as a )a% #ho as a% or$"%ary '"t",e% ear%e$ )y pra"se+ as a 'ro#%e$
e)peror )y a$)"rat"o%+ o%e fro) #ho) I #as %e!er estra%e$ "% the s("htest
$eree. I ha$ a spe'"a( p(a'e of ho%our at h"s s"$e #he%e!er he too/ h"s seat o%
the ")per"a( thro%e+ #as 'o%sta%t(y e%ae$ "% 'o%!ersat"o% #"th h")+ share$ the
sa)e tab(e+ re'e"!e$ at h"s ha%$s fa!ours that baRe $es'r"pt"o%.
=. 5s soo% as he a''e$e$ to po#er+ th"s )a%+ a% e)peror "% !ery truth appo"%te$
by 0o$+ )a$e "t h"s 1rst 'o%'er% to e%sure "% h"s E)p"re fa"r $ea("% a%$ oo$
or$er+ to put a% e%$ to frau$u(e%'e a%$ "%tro$u'e a )o$erate a%$ 4ust syste) of
o!er%)e%t.DD=K1 *e"% e%$o#e$ #"th a %atura( apt"tu$e for a(( /"%$s of $ut"es+
he #as fu((y 'apab(e of $ea("% #"th h"s respo%s"b"("t"es as a so!ere"%. 6or
"%sta%'es #he% a't"% as 4u$e "% (a#su"ts+ he sho#e$ h")se(f by %o )ea%s
"%ora%t of the pr"%'"p(es of '"!"( (a#. He #as+ "% fa't+ e&traor$"%ar"(y '(e!er "%
ett"% stra"ht to the po"%t. 8"thout )a/"% a spe'"a( stu$y of ph"(osophy a%$
rhetor"'+ he pro!e$ to be "% %o #ay "%fer"or to the ph"(osophers a%$ orators #he%
he e%ae$ [=<H] "% 'o%tro!ersy+ or )a$e a spee'h+ or $ashe$ o3 a (etter. I%
)"("tary a3a"rs+ too+ the super"or"ty of h"s )etho$s #as %o (ess pro%ou%'e$.DD=K=
K. 6"%$"% the E)p"re re$u'e$ to ser"ous stra"ts 22 a(( "ts re!e%ues ha$ bee%
s?ua%$ere$ 22 he "%auurate$ a )o$erate 1%a%'"a( po("'y. There #as %o foo("sh
spe%$"%+ %o reap"% W"f I )ay ?uoteJ #here he ha$ %ot so#e$+ %o ather"% of
#hat he ha$ %ot s'attere$. O% the 'o%trary+ he #as 'arefu( to $eter)"%e "%
a$!a%'e #hat 'ap"ta( he #as prepare$ to e&pe%$+ thereby sa!"% h")se(f fro)
troub(e "% the future. 5s a resu(t he (eft the ")per"a( treasury %ot fu((+ 'erta"%(y %ot
o!er7o#"%+ but ha(f2rep(e%"she$. Of a(( the e)perors he #as the )ost p"ous@
%obo$y+ "% fa't+ r"!a((e$ h") "% that !"rtue. I% #ar he a'h"e!e$ se!era( su''esses+
#"thout u%$ue e3ort+ a%$ #ore the ar(a%$s of !"'tory.DD=KK
H. He a$)"%"stere$ the E)p"re for s("ht(y o!er se!e% years+ a%$ #he% he $"e$+ a
!"'t") of $"sease+ he (eft abu%$a%t )ater"a( for #ou($2be eu(o"sts. He 'o%tro((e$
h"s te)per+ $"$ %oth"% by "%st"%'t+ a(#ays fo((o#e$ the $"'tates of reaso%. No
o%e #as e!er put to $eath by h")+ e!e% #here the )ost $rea$fu( 'r")es ha$
bee% 'o))"tte$.DD=KH No o%e su3ere$ )ut"(at"o% at h"s 'o))a%$. He rare(y
uttere$ threats a%$ e!e% these #ere forotte% soo%+ for he #as "%!ar"ab(y )ore
"%'("%e$ to she$ tears tha% to resort to 'rue(ty.
<. Ha!"% thus "!e% a br"ef out("%e of the )a%+ I #"(( %o# pro'ee$ to a fu((er
$es'r"pt"o% a%$ 1(( "% the $eta"(s+ as I pro)"se$ I #ou($ "% the 'ase of th"s
a$)"rab(e a%$ re)ar/ab(e ru(er.
N. H"s fa)"(y+ as far ba'/ as h"s reat2ra%$fathers+ ha$ bee% both $"st"%u"she$
a%$ aRue%t+ the /"%$ of perso%s h"stor"a%s re'or$ "% the"r #or/s. Certa"% "t "s that
to th"s !ery $ay the %a)es of the 'e(ebrate$ 5%$ro%"'us+DD=K< of
Co%sta%t"%e+DD=KN of Pa%ther"us+DD=KL are o% e!erybo$y-s ("ps 22 a(( re(at"!es of
h"s+ so)e o% the pater%a(+ others o% the )other-s s"$e. H"s "))e$"ate a%'estors+
too+ #ere %o (ess pro)"%e%t. 5%$ 4ust as 5'h"((es+ $es'e%$e$ fro) the fa)ous
5ea'us a%$ Pe(eus+ #o% )ore re%o#% tha% they+ so th"s e)peror a(so+ ha!"%
before h") su'h e&a)p(es "% h"s o#% fa)"(y+ %ot o%(y fo((o#e$ the"r patter%+ but
far surpasse$ h"s forefathers+ be"% h")se(f 'o%sp"'uous for a(( the !"rtues. 6ro)
ear("est 'h"($hoo$ he ha$ see)e$ a ("/e(y 'a%$"$ate for ")per"a( ho%ours+ a%$
#he% he $"$ as'e%$ the thro%e he 'o%$u'te$ h")se(f so #e(( "% h"s $ut"es that he
#o% u%"!ersa( approbat"o%. Co%sta%t"%e #as 'arefu( to a!o"$ the #"($ oss"p a%$
petty ta(/ of the 6oru)+ a%$ )ost of h"s t")e [=<<] #as spe%t "% the 'ou%try+
#here he bus"e$ h")se(f o% h"s father-s estate. 5fter h"s )arr"ae he (e$ a ("fe of
stu$"e$ )o$erat"o%. H"s #"fe #as herse(f a )e)ber of a )ost $"st"%u"she$
fa)"(y Ishe #as a $auhter of the fa)ous Co%sta%t"%e Da(asse%us+ a )a% #e((
/%o#% throuhout the '"!"(",e$ #or($ for h"s stre%thJ a%$ she #as a (a$y of reat
beauty. 8he% $eath 'arr"e$ her o3+ (est he shou($ aa"% be e&pose$ to ob(o?uy
or "!e "((2%ature$ fo(/ a%y opportu%"ty for s(a%$er+ he )arr"e$ a se'o%$ t")e.
Th"s (a$y #as a(so of %ob(e b"rth+ a #o)a% of reat sp"r"t a%$ e&'ept"o%a(
beauty.DD=KB *y her he ha$ both so%s a%$ $auhters+ %ot o%(y before h"s
a''ess"o% to the thro%e but after#ar$s.DD=K; The e($est of these 'h"($re% #as
M"'hae(+ #ho su''ee$e$ h") as e)peror a%$ share$ that pos"t"o% #"th h"s
brothers+ surpass"% a(( other ru(ers before h"). 8he% I ha!e to($ the story of h"s
father-s re"%+ I #"(( pass stra"ht o% to a $es'r"pt"o% of h").
L. 5t th"s stae of the h"story I #ou($ ("/e to "%tro$u'e )yse(f "%to the %arrat"!e+
$er"!"% fro) the !"rtues of Co%sta%t"%e so)e re7e'te$ (ory. 5t that t")e I #as a
pro)"%e%t orator. I% fa't+ )y re%o#% #as $ue rather to e(o?ue%'e tha% a%y
fa)"(y 'o%%e't"o%s. The e)peror h")se(f #as pass"o%ate(y fo%$ of rhetor"'+ a%
e%thus"ast "f e!er there #as o%e+ a%$ )y fr"e%$sh"p #"th h") a%$ the "%t")a'y #e
e%4oye$ o#e$ "ts or""% to th"s fa't. 5 )utua( a$)"rat"o% spra% up after our 1rst
'o%!ersat"o% a%$ tr"a( of s/"((+ a%$ #e be'a)e so atta'he$ to o%e a%other that #e
fre?ue%t(y !"s"te$ ea'h other-s houses+ re!e(("% "% th"s $e("htfu( fr"e%$sh"p.
5%other fa'tor+ too+ 'o%tr"bute$ to the h"h rear$ "% #h"'h #e he($ o%e a%other.
O#"% to )y orator"'a( s/"((+ I #as "%tro$u'e$ at 'ourt a%$ be'a)e se'retary to
the re"%"% e)peror+ %o%e other tha% Co%sta%t"%e+ hea$ of the Mo%o)a'h"+ a
pos"t"o% #h"'h #as "% !ery truth h"s by r"ht.DD=HA I #as the% t#e%ty21!e years
o($. Of 'ourse+ I ha$ to a$opt a )ore $"st"%u"she$ )o$e of ("!"% a%$ a 1%er
house ha$ to be fou%$ to ("!e "%. E!e% "% th"s )atter the e)peror pro!"$e$ for
)e. He a((o#e$ )e to ta/e o!er )y fr"e%$-sDD=H1 house+ "!"% h") a )a%s"o% "%
e&'ha%e+ a%$ thereby u%"te$ us )ore 1r)(y st"(( "% the bo%$s of fr"e%$sh"p. I
truste$ h") I)y fr"e%$J ")p("'"t(y o% a(( o''as"o%s a%$ pa"%te$ a (o#"% p"'ture
of h"s !"rtues to the e)peror. I #as e!e% ab(e to a"% for h") 'erta"% a$!a%taes.
The%+ of 'ourse+ th"s e)peror $"e$ a%$ h"s p(a'e o% the thro%e #as ta/e% by
M"'hae( the 5e$ II #"(( %ot re'a(( aa"% the )a%y e!e%ts that o''urre$ [=<N]
bet#ee% the t#o re"%sJ. There #as a 'r"s"s "% the state+ #he% the )"("tary fe(t "t
"%'u)be%t o% the) to e%ter the stru(e for po#er prepare$ to r"s/ the"r ("!es "%
or$er that they )"ht ru(e the E)p"re Ch"ef respo%s"b"("ty for th"s state of a3a"rs
reste$ o% the se%ate be'ause of "ts 'ho"'e of )a"strates "% the o!er%)e%t a%$
be'ause "t fa"(e$ to see the $a%ers "%!o(!e$. No $oubt+ too+ the e)peror a!e
the) a prete&t for $"s(oya(ty a%$ a$$e$ fue( to the 7a)es. 8e((+ the so($"ers
$e'"$e$ to re!o(t o% the"r o#% "%"t"at"!e+ ho($"% a 'ou%'"( of #ar "% *y,a%t"u)
a%$ "))e$"ate(y after#ar$s sett"% out for the"r 'hose% re%$e,!ous. I ha!e to($
the #ho(e story "% $eta"( "% the se't"o% $e!ote$ to Co)%e%us.
B. The peop(e #ere u%a%")ous "% the"r support of Co%sta%t"%e a%$ #"she$ h") to
be'o)e e)peror. They ure$ h") to se",e po#er h")se(f+ but he refuse$+ %ob(y
#"th$ra#"% h"s o#% '(a")s a%$ )a/"% #ay for Isaa' Co)%e%us. So 0o$+ (o%
before h"s a''ess"o%+ u"$e$ h"s a't"o%s+ #"sh"% h") to 'o)e to the thro%e by
(e"t")ate )ea%s. I prefer %ot to repeat the h"story of the subse?ue%t
happe%"%s+ but br"e7y Co)%e%us be'a)e )aster of the E)p"re+ a%$ forot )ost
of the pro)"ses he ha$ )a$e to Co%sta%t"%e. The (atter 'o%te%te$ h")se(f+ o%'e
)ore+ #"th a )"%or rX(e. He #as 'arefu( to a!o"$ "!"% a%y o3e%'e to the ru("%
)o%ar'h. Ho#e!er+ #he% Co)%e%us fe(( "(( a%$ %ear(y $"e$+ he re)e)bere$ the
aree)e%ts pre!"ous(y )a$e #"th h"s ("eute%a%t. He souht )y a$!"'e o% the
s"tuat"o% W%o%e of the e)perors "% a%y ("fe2t")e ha$ a h"her op"%"o% of )e+ or
a$)"re$ )e )ore tha% he $"$J. The resu(t of th"s 'o%!ersat"o% #as that he set
as"$e the '(a")s of h"s o#% fa)"(y a%$ tur%e$ #ho(ehearte$(y to Co%sta%t"%e.
;. I #"(( $#e(( for a fe# )o)e%ts o% th"s a3a"r a%$ the reaso%s for "t. It #as )"$2
$ay+ a%$ the e)peror #as su3er"% fro) a re'urre%'e of h"s "((%ess+ a )ore tha%
usua((y !"o(e%t atta'/. *e("e!"% that he #as about to $"e a()ost at o%'e+ he se%t
for Du'as+ a!e h") a !erba( assura%'e that he #as the %e# e)peror+ a%$ ope%(y
e%truste$ to h"s 'are those #ho) he he($ )ost $ear+ h"s #"fe a%$ $auhter+ h"s
brother a%$ the rest of h"s fa)"(y. The "%s"%"a of the so!ere"% #ere %ot yet
ha%$e$ o!er to Co%sta%t"%e+ but the pro)"se #as e&p("'"t.
1A. Cater+ the e)peror re'o!ere$ so)e#hat+ a%$ as "t appeare$ that he #as %o#
restore$ to h"s %or)a( hea(th+ he rerette$ h"s pre!"ous a't"o%+ #h"(e Co%sta%t"%e+
after be"% pro)ote$ to the [=<L] thro%e+ %o# fou%$ h")se(f "% a $a%erous a%$
e)barrass"% pos"t"o%. Not o%(y #as he afra"$ that h"s hopes #ere 'o%fou%$e$+
but he #as fearfu( of the )"sfortu%e a%$ the susp"'"o% that )"ht fo((o# h"s
'o((apse. So+ aba%$o%"% a(( others+ he too/ 'ou%se( #"th )e+ "% the %a)e of our
o($ fr"e%$sh"p. 8hate!er I propose$ to $o+ #hate!er "%"t"at"!e I too/+ he #as
prepare$+ he sa"$+ to fo((o# #"thout hes"tat"o%. D"!"%e+ spot(ess sou( II a) )o!e$
to #r"te as thouh you "%$ee$ hear$ )eJ+ I $"$ %ot fa"( you. My fr"e%$sh"p #as
true. Mou /%o# yourse(f ho# fro) the !ery start I stoo$ by you+ ho# I e%'ourae$
a%$ uphe($ you+ ho# I 'heere$ you "% )o)e%ts of $espa"r+ ho# I pro)"se$+ "f
%ee$ arose+ to share your per"(s+ ho# I #o% o!er to your s"$e the Patr"ar'h+
sat"s1e$ a(( the $e)a%$s of fr"e%$sh"p+ a((o#e$ %o opportu%"ty to $"p.
11. To 'o)p(ete the story+ the e)peror #as se",e$ #"th a #orse atta'/ a%$
e!eryo%e $espa"re$ of h"s ("fe+ but %obo$y at a((+ e&'ept )yse(f+ $are$ to array
Co%sta%t"%e "% the ")per"a( "%s"%"a. I spo/e out free(y a%$ seate$ h") o% the
")per"a( thro%e+ putt"% o% h"s feet he sa%$a(s of purp(e 22 the sa%$a(s h"therto
$e%"e$ to h") 22 a%$ the Se%ate a!e "ts u%a%")ous appro!a(. The other
'ere)o%"es fo((o#e$+ the )eet"% of the )a"strates+ the"r prese%tat"o% to the
so!ere"%+ the ho)ae $ue to a% e)perors the prostrat"o%+ a%$ a(( the for)a("t"es
usua((y obser!e$ #he% a %e# ru(er "s pro'(a")e$.
1=. 8he% he sa# )e (ea$"% the a't of ho)ae+ he at o%'e rose fro) h"s thro%e
a%$ ope%(y e)bra'e$ )e+ h"s eyes 1((e$ #"th tears. He #as ?u"te o!er'o)e+ a%$
the fa!ours he the% pro)"se$ "% h"s reat tha%/fu(%ess #ere )ore tha% he 'ou($
e!er ha!e fu(1((e$ 22 thouh he $"$ 'arry "%to e3e't )ost of the).
1K. These e!e%ts too/ p(a'e "% the e!e%"%+ a%$ %ot (o% after Isaa'+ %o# utter(y
$espa"r"% both of h"s thro%e a%$ h"s ("fe+ a((o#e$ h")se(f to u%$ero the
'ere)o%y of to%sure a%$ assu)e$ the robe of a )o%/. 5bout )"$%"ht the "((%ess
be'a)e (ess se!ere a%$ he re!"!e$ a ("tt(e. The%+ rea(","% h"s pre$"'a)e%t a%$
"!"% up a(( hope for the future+ #he% he sa# that Co%sta%t"%e #as %o# "%
po#er+ he a$)"tte$ that the a3a"r ha$ h"s fu(( appro!a( a%$ #"thout )ore a$o (eft
the pa(a'e. 5 4our%ey by sea brouht h") to h"s retreat "% the )o%astery at
1H. I ha!e a(rea$y $es'r"be$ ho# he #e%t o3 there+ to $"e a ("%er"% $eath+DD=HK
"% the h"story of the (ast re"%. Co%sta%t"%e #as %o# 'o)p(ete )aster of the
E)p"re a%$ 1r)(y estab("she$ o% the thro%e. [=<B]
I% the pr"!a'y of the thro%e2roo)+ #"th the separat"% 'urta"% st"(( $ra#%+ a%$
#"th o%(y )yse(f sta%$"% bes"$e h") at h"s r"ht ha%$ h"s 1rst a't #as to re%$er
tha%/s"!"% to 0o$+ h"s ha%$s ra"se$ abo!e h"s hea$+ h"s eyes 1((e$ #"th tears.
5fter th"s pre(")"%ary a't of $e$"'at"o%+ he $re# as"$e the 'urta"% a%$ 'a((e$ "%
the Se%ate a(( the so($"ers #ho happe%e$ to be there at the t")e+ the /eepers of
the pub("' re'or$s+ a%$ the )a"strates #ho pres"$e$ "% the 'ourts of 4ust"'e.
8he% a(( #ere asse)b(e$+ he )a$e a% e&te)pore spee'h o% the sub4e't of
4ust"'e a%$ )er'y a%$ r"hteous $ea("%. The a$$ress #as su"te$ to h"s au$"e%'e+
as he appea(e$ %o# to the"r se%se of 4ust"'e+ %o# to the"r hu)a%"ty a%$ the
respo%s"b"("t"es of E)p"re. 5t the e%$ he "%!"te$ )e to say a fe# #or$s
appropr"ate to the o''as"o%+ a%$ the% $"s)"sse$ the asse)b(y.
1<. He pro'ee$e$ at o%'e to put "%to pra't"'e the a$!"'e he ha$ "!e%+ u"$e$ by
the t#o pr"%'"p(es 4ust e)phas",e$+ %a)e(y+ -Do oo$- a%$ -D"spe%se Just"'e-. Not
a s"%(e )a% out of that asse)b(y #as se%t a#ay #"thout so)e re#ar$. The
o!er%)e%t o>'"a(s+ the"r $eput"es+ the )"%or $"%"tar"es+ e!e% the )a%ua(
#or/ers+ a(( re'e"!e$ so)eth"%. I% the 'ase of the (ast2%a)e$+ he a'tua((y ra"se$
the"r so'"a( status. U%t"( h"s t")e there ha$ bee% a sharp $"st"%'t"o% bet#ee% the
'(ass of or$"%ary '"t",e%s a%$ the Se%ate+ but Co%sta%t"%e $"$ a#ay #"th "t.
He%'eforth %o $"s'r")"%at"o% #as )a$e bet#ee% #or/er a%$ Se%ator+ a%$ they
#ere )ere$ "% o%e bo$y.
1N. See"% that the )a4or"ty of h"s sub4e'ts #ere $"sturbe$ at the "%4ust"'e of the"r
(ot+ so)e perso%s e&er'"s"% )ore po#er tha% they shou($ ha!e $o%e+ #h"(e the
rest #ere oppresse$ by the)+ he $e'"$e$ to a't as a 4u$e h")se(f+ -see"%
th"%s-+ as the Prophet29"% has "t+ -#"th a% u%b"ase$ eye-. 8ro%2$oers he
treate$ #"th se!er"ty+ but to the "%4ure$ part"es he sho#e$ h")se(f )ost ra'"ous
a%$ /"%$. So (o% as a tr"a( #as "% proress there #as %o pre4u$"'e for or aa"%st
e"ther ("t"a%t+ p(a"%t"3 or $efe%$a%t+ a%$ both #ere 'ross2e&a)"%e$ #"th e?ua(
respe't. Th"s ")part"a("ty (e$ to the $"s'(osure of se'retsO %ot o%(y #as the
'hara'ter of "%$"!"$ua( #"t%esses e&pose$ to s'rut"%y+ but )ore ofte% tha% %ot
fresh $e("%?ue%'"es #ere brouht to ("ht. Ne# 'usto)s )a$e the"r 1rst
appeara%'e at 'ourt+ the"r "%"t"at"o% be"% pro'(a")e$ #"th the ut)ost so(e)%"ty.
U%4ust 'o%tra'ts #ere a%%u((e$. E!ery or$er "ssue$ by the e)peror+ e!ery #r"tte%
"%stru't"o%+ ha$ the sa)e+ or e!e% reater+ for'e tha% the (a#. 5s for the 'ou%try2
fo(/+ #ho "% for)er t")es $"$ %ot e!e% /%o# [=<;] #ho the ru("% e)peror #as+
they #ere u%#a!er"% "% the"r (oya(ty to Co%sta%t"%e+ #h"(e the /"%$(y a3e't"o% he
ha$ for the) #as e!"$e%t fro) the #ay he spo/e to the)+ a%$ st"(( )ore fro) the
#ay he treate$ the).
1L. These #ere %ot h"s o%(y )easures+ for the pub("' re!e%ues a(so $e)a%$e$
atte%t"o%. I a) %ot 'o)pos"% a pa%eyr"' but a true h"story+ so I )ust a$)"t
here that there #ere o''as"o%s o% #h"'h h"s po("'y fe(( short of perfe't"o%+ #he%
he re("e$ o% h"s o#% 4u$)e%t a%$ refuse$ outs"$e a$!"'e. 6or e&a)p(e+
"%ter%at"o%a( $"3ere%'es+ a''or$"% to h"s "$eas+ ha$ to be sett(e$+ %ot by
re'ourse to ar)s+ but the se%$"% of "fts a%$ by other to/e%s of fr"e%$sh"p 22 for
t#o reaso%sO "% the 1rst p(a'e+ he #ou($ a!o"$ ha!"% to spe%$ the reater part of
the ")per"a( re!e%ues o% the ar)y+ a%$+ se'o%$(y+ h"s o#% )a%%er of ("fe #ou($
%ot be $"sturbe$.DD=HH
1B. 5'tua((y+ he #as reat(y )"sta/e% "% th"s+ for #he% the )"("tary ora%",at"o%
bro/e $o#%+ the poster of our e%e)"es "%'rease$ a%$ they be'a)e )ore a't"!e "%
the"r oppos"t"o%. Of 'ourse+ e)perors shou($ be abo!e su'h foo("sh%ess 22 refusa(
to a''ept a$!"'e+ I )ea%+ a%$ (a'/ of fores"ht 22 but se(1sh%ess o% the o%e ha%$+
a%$+ o% the other+ the 7atter"% spee'hes of or$"%ary fo(/+ #ho persua$e$ so)e
of the) that they 'ou($ $o e!eryth"% u%a"$e$+ these for the )ost part #ere the
th"%s that 'ause$ the"r $o#%fa(( a%$ (e$ the) astray+ of the path of $uty. If a
)a% spea/s h"s )"%$ "% $efe%'e of #hat "s oo$+ they suspe't h")+ #hereas a
#ar) #e('o)e a#a"ts the paras"teO he "s a((o#e$ to share the"r se'rets. Here"%
("es the 'ause of the Ro)a% E)p"re-s $e'("%e. It #as th"s that brouht $"s're$"t o%
our a3a"rs. Met )ore tha% o%'e I tr"e$ to sa!e th"s e)peror+ "f %o other+ fro) su'h
a )"sta/e. O% th"s po"%t+ ho#e!er+ he #as e)phat"' a%$ ?u"te "%7e&"b(e. Cet us
(ea!e "t at that+ a%$ e&a)"%e h"s reputat"o% for hu)a%"ty+ as #e(( as for #"s$o).
8e ha!e a(rea$y $ea(t fa"th h"s '(a") to be 4ust. *ut here I re'a(( a po"%t that ha$
es'ape$ )y )e)ory+ a%$ I #"(( )e%t"o% "t %o#.
1;. 5t the t")e #he% he #as 'ro#%e$+ he )a$e a !o# to 0o$ that he #ou($
%e!er "%7"'t 'orpora( pu%"sh)e%t. It #as a pro)"se that he /ept+ a%$ )ore tha%
/ept+ for %ot o%(y $"$ he absta"% fro) phys"'a( !"o(e%'e+ but usua((y fro) !"o(e%t
(a%uae+ e&'ept #he% he purpose(y assu)e$ a terr"b(e e&press"o% a%$ uttere$
threats of !e%ea%'e that he %e!er "%te%$e$ to 'arry out. 5s a 4u$e+ he #e%t
stra"ht to the po"%t+ $ea("% #"th 'ases o% the"r )er"ts a%$ "!"% [=NA] ea'h
party a reaso%ab(e 'ha%'e to state the"r '(a")s+ 'arefu( to )a"%ta"% 4ust"'e #here
"%4ust"'e ha$ bee% $o%e.
=A. The rea$er )ay ("/e to /%o# so)eth"% of h"s ho)e2("fe. 8"th the 'h"($re% he
#as $e("htfu(+ 4o"%"% (a$(y "% the"r a)es+ (auh"% at the"r baby2ta(/+ ofte%
ro)p"% #"th the). 6ro) "%fa%'y he sa# to "t that they ha$ a oo$ e$u'at"o%+
both "% )"%$ a%$ bo$y. Three so%s ha$ bee% bor% before he a''e$e$ to the
thro%e+ a%$ t#o $auhters. The se'o%$ boy ("!e$ o%(y a short t")e after h"s father
be'a)e e)peror a%$ the% $"e$+ a )ost beaut"fu( 'h"($. Of the $auhters+ the
you%er ha$ a(rea$y bee% betrothe$.DD=H< She #as a (a$y of reat 'har) a%$
!"rtue. The other+ #ho bore the s"%"1'a%t %a)e of 5rete I:"rtueJ+ $e$"'ate$ her
("fe to the ser!"'e of 0o$.DD=HN (f She "s st"(( #"th us. May she ("!e to a r"pe o($
=1. The su% ha$ %ot yet 'o)p(ete$ "ts year(y 'y'(e after Co%sta%t"%e-s pro)ot"o%+
#he% a%other 'h"($ #as bor% to h")+ a%$ at o%'e $"%"1e$ #"th the ")per"a( t"t(e.
The other t#o brothers+ ha!"% bee% bor% before h"s a''ess"o% Ithe re)ar/ab(e
M"'hae( a%$ the you%er so%+ 5%$ro%"'usJ+ 'ou%te$ as or$"%ary '"t",e%s.
Ho#e!er+ "t #as %ot (o% before h"s father a$or%e$ the e($est a%$ )ost
ha%$so)e so%+ th"s sa)e M"'hae(+ the tru(y $e!out M"'hae(+ #"th the ")per"a(
$"a$e)+ but 4ust before he too/ h"s seat o% the thro%e+ Co%sta%t"%e put h") to a
se!ere test+ to 1%$ out "f the you% )a% #as rea((y su"te$ to be e)peror. The
?uest"o% he as/e$ h") 'o%'er%e$ po("t"'a( theory. 5s M"'hae( so(!e$ the prob(e)
a%$ a!e the 'orre't a%s#er+ the e)peror rear$e$ "t as a% o)e% that he #as
$est"%e$ to #"% reat re%o#% "% h"s future re"%+ a%$ the 'ere)o%y of
e%thro%e)e%t #as at o%'e perfor)e$.
==. Cater o% 'erta"% "%$"!"$ua(s set o% foot a p(ot aa"%st the e)peror-s ("fe.DD=HL
The"r ob4e't #as to $epose h") a%$ set up so)eo%e e(se as hea$ of the state.
The 'o%sp"rators "%'(u$e$ a)o% the"r %u)ber )e% of obs'ure b"rth+ perso%s
#ho #ere ?u"te u%/%o#%+ but there #ere a(so ")p("'ate$ so)e of the %ob(es a%$
)e% of $"st"%'t"o%. The p(ot #as pre'o%'erte$ "% su'h a #ay that so)e of the
rebe(s )a$e the"r atte)pt fro) the sea+ #h"(e others #ere 'arry"% o% the"r
$"sreputab(e bus"%ess o% (a%$+ but at the !ery )o)e%t #he% th"%s rea'he$ a
'r"s"s+ the a3a"r #as brouht to ("ht throuh D"!"%e "%ter!e%t"o% a%$ the"r e!"(
p(a%s #ere $"s'o!ere$. Co%sta%t"%e )"ht #e(( ha!e ha$ the) behea$e$. They
)"ht ha!e (ost the"r ha%$s or bee% )ut"(ate$ "% so)e other #ay. I%stea$+ so)e
of [=N1] the) #ere for'"b(y sha!e$ a%$ the rest 'o%$e)%e$ to e&"(e. The
e)peror+ as "f to 'e(ebrate h"s %arro# es'ape fro) $a%er+ "%!"te$ )e to h"s
pr"!ate apart)e%t a%$ or$ere$ )e to $"%e at h"s tab(e. *ut he ha$ %ot 1%"she$
the )ea( before he burst "%to tears. -Ph"(osopher+- he sa"$+ -#hat a p"ty our e&"(es
'a%%ot share "% su'h p(easuresQ I 'a%%ot poss"b(y e%4oy )yse(f ("/e th"s #he%
others are "% $"stressQ-
=K. 8he% a% a(("a%'e ha$ bee% 'o%'(u$e$ bet#ee% the #ester% Mys"a%sDD=HB
a%$ the Tr"ba(("+ a%$ these t#o %at"o%s for)e$ a u%"te$ fro%t+ the Ro)a% E)p"re
fou%$ "tse(f "% a !ery ser"ous pos"t"o%. 5t the 1rst opportu%"ty Co%sta%t"%e hurr"e$
o3 to 1ht the)+ but (ater+ tha%/s to )e 22 I s%at'he$ h") fro) $a%er a()ost by
)a"% for'e 22 he retur%e$ to the pa(a'e. Ho#e!er+ he $"$ )ob"(",e a s)a(( ar)y
a%$ se%t "t o3 to oppose the). 5t th"s po"%t 0o$ #or/e$ a #o%$er %o (ess stra%e
tha% the )"ra'(es perfor)e$ by Moses+ for the barbar"a%s "))e$"ate(y too/ to
the"r hee(s+ terror2stru'/+ s'atter"% "% a(( $"re't"o%s+ a%$ )ost of the) #ere 'ut
$o#% by our )e%-s s#or$s as they fo((o#e$ the) "% hot pursu"t. It #as as "f the
e%e)y ha$ see% a host of a%e("' be"%s. The"r $ea$ #ere (eft to the b"r$s of
prey+ #h"(e the ru%a#ays $"sperse$ a(( o!er the 'ou%trys"$e. If I ha$ propose$ to
#r"te a pa%eyr"'+ therefore+ "%stea$ of a 'o)prehe%s"!e h"story+ "% th"s )ar!e( I
#ou($ ha!e fou%$ e%ouh )ater"a( for pra"se beyo%$ a(( bou%$s. 5s "t "s+ I )ust
$"!ert )y e%thus"as) to other )atters.
=H. It #ou($ be poss"b(e for )e to %a)e e)perors #ho r"!a((e$+ e!e% e?ua((e$+
Co%sta%t"%e "% other th"%s+ but %ot #here be("ef "% 0o$ #as 'o%'er%e$+ or the
)ystery of the "%e3ab(e $"spe%sat"o% of 0o$ the 8or$. Th"s (atter+ to Co%sta%t"%e+
#as )ore tha% a%yth"% e(se beyo%$ 'o%'ept"o%O %o #or$s 'ou($ poss"b(y e&p(a"%
"t+ ho#e!er s")p(e+ ho#e!er '(e!er. E!ery t")e I tr"e$ to e&pou%$ to h") the
Mystery e%a'te$ o% our beha(f+ h"s heart #ou($ 1(( #"th 4oy+ h"s #ho(e bo$y
tre)b(e "% e&u(tat"o%+ a%$ the tears #ou($ strea) fro) h"s eyes. He ha$ )a$e a
stu$y of Ho(y 8r"t "% a(( "ts fu((%ess+ a%$ h"s /%o#(e$e #as %ot 'o%1%e$ )ere(y
to the te&t+ but e&te%$e$ to the $eep sp"r"tua( "$eas that u%$er("e "t. 8hate!er
(e"sure fro) pub("' $ut"es he e%4oye$ #as spe%t "% the rea$"% of the Sa're$
=<. He too/ pe'u("ar p(easure "% )y 'o)pa%y. No o%e e(se ha$ the sa)e restfu(
"%7ue%'e o% h"). If+ therefore+ I fa"(e$ to prese%t )yse(f se!era( t")es "% a $ay+
he #ou($ 'o)p(a"% about "t a%$ fret. [=N=] He respe'te$ )e )ore tha% a%yo%e
e(se a%$ -$ra%/ h"s 1(( of #aters at )y fou%t-O to h") they #ere as %e'tar. I to($
h") o%'e that o%e of the '"t",e%s #as $ea$. To )y asto%"sh)e%t+ he $"sp(aye$
e&traor$"%ary p(easure+ a%$ #he% I as/e$ h") #hy+ he rep("e$O -*e'ause "f you
)ust /%o#+ I ha!e hear$ )a%y 'o)p(a"%ts about the fe((o# before a%$ %o# . . .-+
but here I bro/e "% Ia'tua((y I #as afra"$ he )"ht "!e #ay to !"o(e%'e a%$ burst
"%to a rae aa"%st the )a%JO -8e((+ s"%'e he "s $ea$+ (et the a''usat"o%s aa"%st
the )a% $"e too. It #ou($ be #e(( for h"s $etra'tors to foret "t+ for a(( hatre$
per"shes #he% a )a% )eets h"s e%$.-
=N. Co%sta%t"%e pro)ote$ h"s brother Joh%DD=H; to the $"%"ty of Caesar. He
sho#e$ reat a3e't"o% for h")+ espe'"a((y after h"s e(e!at"o%+ a%$ share$ #"th
h") the a$)"%"strat"o% of the E)p"re. Th"s #as %ot surpr"s"%+ for the brother #as
e%$o#e$ #"th #"s$o). He #as+ )oreo!er+ a )a% of h"h "$ea(s a%$ reat
pra't"'a( ab"("ty. It #as %atura(+ the%+ that #he% the e)peror Iso)e t")e before
h"s $eathJ fe(( !"'t") to a ser"ous "((%ess+ he shou($ p(a'e u%$er Joh%-s tute(ae h"s
o#% 'h"($re%. Joh% #as to be a father to the)+ toether #"th the )a% #ho)
Co%sta%t"%e h")se(f ha$ appo"%te$ Patr"ar'h.DD=<A The (atter e%t(e)a% #as a
perso% of reat !"rtue a%$ thorouh(y su"te$ to be Hea$ of the Chur'h.
=L. Ho#e!er+ the e)peror re'o!ere$ fro) that "((%ess+ thouh "t #as %ot (o%
before there #ere s"%s of phys"'a( $e'ay a%$ he ra$ua((y $e'("%e$. O% th"s
o''as"o% he e%truste$ a(( h"s $ut"es to h"s #"fe+ Eu$o'"a. I% h"s op"%"o%+ she #as
the #"sest #o)a% of her t")e a%$ he thouht that %o o%e #as better ?ua("1e$ to
e$u'ate h"s so%s a%$ $auhters. Cater o% "% the h"story I #"(( "!e a )ore $eta"(e$
a''ou%t of Eu$o'"a. Co%sta%t"%e h")se(f $"$ %ot (o% sur!"!e the a$)"%"strat"!e
'ha%es that I ha!e )e%t"o%e$+ a%$ after 'o))"tt"% the 'h"($re% to her 'are+ he
$"e$.DD=<1 He ha$ ("!e$ s("ht(y o!er s"&ty years.
=B. I $oubt #hether a%y other e)peror ("!e$ a ("fe )ore (or"ous+ or $"e$ )ore
'o%te%te$. 5part fro) the o%e 'o%sp"ra'y aa"%st h"s ("fe a%$ the $"saster fro)
#h"'h he #as sa!e$+ the rest of h"s re"% #as spe%t "% tra%?u"(("ty a%$ p(easure.
8hat "s )ore+ he (eft beh"%$ so%s to su''ee$ h") o% the thro%e+ so%s #ho #ere
the ("!"% ")ae of the"r father+ rese)b("% h") both "% 'hara'ter a%$ "%
=;. Ha!"% "!e% a% a$e?uate a''ou%t of h"s $ee$s+ (et us %o# re'or$ a fe# of h"s
say"%s.DD=<= 8he% spea/"% of those #ho ha$ [=NK] p(otte$ aa"%st h")+ he
use$ to re)ar/+ that far fro) $epr"!"% the) of ho%our or )o%ey+ he #ou($ treat
the) as s(a!es+ %ot as free )e%. -*ut "t "s %ot I #ho ha!e ta/e% a#ay the"r
free$o)O "t "s the (a# that has e&"(e$ the) fro) the"r 'ou%try.- He #as a /ee%
stu$e%t of ("terature a%$ a fa!our"te say"% #as th"sO -8ou($ that I #ere better
/%o#% as a s'ho(ar tha% as e)perorQ- He #as a !a("a%t 1hter h")se(f+ a%$ #he%
so)eo%e professe$ that he #ou($ (a$(y sh"e($ the e)peror #"th h"s o#% bo$y "%
batt(e+ Co%sta%t"%e a%s#ere$O -*ra!oQ a%$ p(ease $o%-t foret to $ea( )e a b(o#
yourse(f+ #he% I ha!e fa((e%Q- To a perso% #ho #as )a/"% a 'arefu( stu$y of the
(a#s+ so that he )"ht $o so)e #ro% #"th ")pu%"ty+ he re)ar/e$+ -These (a#s
are the ru"%at"o% of usQ- 8"th that I e%$ )y a''ou%t of th"s e)peror.

1ANB 22 1AL1
1. 8he% the e)press Eu$o'"a+ "% a''or$a%'e #"th the #"shes of her husba%$+
su''ee$e$ h") as supre)e ru(er+ she $"$ %ot ha%$ o!er the o!er%)e%t to
others. 6ar fro) 'hoos"% to spe%$ )ost of her ("fe I% "$(e%ess at ho)e+ #h"(e the
)a"strates ha$ 'hare of pub("' a3a"rs+ she assu)e$ 'o%tro( of the #ho(e
a$)"%"strat"o% "% perso%. 5t 1rst she beha!e$ )o$est(y e%ouhO %e"ther "% the
")per"a( pro'ess"o%s %or "% her o#% '(oth"% #as there a%y )ar/ of
e&tra!aa%'e. She )a$e herse(f 'o%!ersa%t #"th a(( her $ut"es+ a%$ #here!er "t
#as pra't"'ab(e+ she too/ part "% a(( the pro'esses of o!er%)e%t+ the 'ho"'e of
)a"strates+ '"!"( a3a"rs+ re!e%ues a%$ ta&es. Her pro%ou%'e)e%ts ha$ the %ote
of author"ty #h"'h o%e asso'"ates #"th a% e)peror. Nor #as th"s surpr"s"%+ for
she #as "% fa't a% e&'ee$"%(y '(e!er #o)a%. O% e"ther s"$e of her #ere her t#o
so%s+ both of #ho) stoo$ a()ost roote$ to the spot+ ?u"te o!er'o)e #"th a#e
a%$ re!ere%'e for the"r )other.
=. That Co%sta%t"%e shou($ respe't her+ be"% a 'h"($ a%$ st"(( "%'apab(e of
u%$ersta%$"% the a3a"rs of state+ #"(( 'ause %o surpr"se+ a%$ I 'a%%ot br"%
)yse(f to pra"se h") for a )o$esty that #as %atura(+ but M"'hae(-s 'ase "s
$"3ere%t. He #as a(rea$y (o% past h"s [=N<] boyhoo$ a%$ ab(e to th"%/ for
h")se(f. H"s "%te((e'tua( po#ers #ere fu((y $e!e(ope$+ ha$ bee% fre?ue%t(y put to
the test. It "s %o easy )atter+ therefore+ to 1%$ a para((e( to h"s obe$"e%t att"tu$e+
or to the #ay he (eft the #ho(e a$)"%"strat"o% to h"s )other. I 1%$ "t a(toether
")pass"b(e to pra"se the you% )a% e%ouh for th"s. O% se!era( o''as"o%s I ha!e
see% h") )yse(f+ #he% he 'ou($ ha!e spo/e% "% h"s )other-s prese%'e+ /eep
s"(e%t+ as "f spee'h #ere beyo%$ h")+ a%$ thouh he ha$ the ab"("ty to u%$erta/e
a%y tas/ you ("/e to %a)e+ he too/ %o part "% )atters 'o%'er%e$ #"th the E)p"re.
K. Met "t #ou($ %ot be true to say that h"s )other $esp"se$ h")+ at the be"%%"%
of her re"%. 5s a )atter of fa't+ she perso%a((y tra"%e$ h") for h"s future 'areer+
a%$ (ater o% a((o#e$ h") to appo"%t )a"strates a%$ e%'ourae$ h") to a't as a
4u$e. She ofte% $e)o%strate$ her a3e't"o% for h") #"th /"sses. There #ere
t")es #he% she 'o))e%$e$ h")+ e&presse$ her pr"$e "% #hat he ha$ $o%e+ a%$
a(#ays she #as bu"($"% up h"s 'hara'ters ?u"et(y prepar"% h") for the !ar"ous
$ut"es that a% e)peror has to perfor). She fre?ue%t(y ha%$e$ h") o!er to )e
a%$ sueste$ that I shou($ "%stru't h") "% the fu%'t"o%s of h"s o>'e a%$ "!e
h") a$!"'e. He use$ to s"t o% the ")per"a( thro%e bes"$e h"s brother Co%sta%t"%e+
a%$ be"% e%$o#e$ #"th a% e&'ept"o%a((y e%erous %ature+ he ha$ %o "%te%t"o% of
/eep"% a(( po#er to h")se(f. I% fa't+ he ofte% a((o#e$ h"s brother to share "% h"s
$ut"es as e)peror. Su'h #as the state of a3a"rs at that t")e+ a%$ these
arra%e)e%ts #ou($ ha!e bee% preser!e$ #"thout a(terat"o% to the e%$+ "f they
ha$ %ot su3ere$ "%terrupt"o% fro) a 'rue( b(o# of fortu%e.
H. 5t th"s stae "% )y %arrat"!e I #ou($ ("/e to say 4ust th"s about the e)press
Eu$o'"aO I $o %ot /%o# #hether a%y other #o)a% e!er set su'h a% e&a)p(e of
#"s$o) or ("!e$ a ("fe 'o)parab(e to hers+ up to th"s po"%t@ I #"(( %ot o so far as
to say that she be'a)e (ess #"se after th"s e!e%t+ o%(y that she (ost so)e of her
o($ pre'"s"o%O her "$eas 'ha%e$ as she re# o($er. I #ou($ o3er th"s $efe%'e o%
her beha(f+ that e!e% "f there #as so)e a(terat"o% "% her+ she $"$ %ot be'o)e a
s(a!e to p(easure or "!e #ay to !o(uptuous e)ot"o%s. The truth "s+ she #as !ery
#orr"e$ o!er her so%s. She feare$ they )"ht be $epr"!e$ of the 'ro#%+ "f there
#ere %o o%e to prote't a%$ u"$e the). 5'tua((y+ ("fe at the pa(a'e he($ %o
attra't"o% so far as she herse(f #as 'o%'er%e$. The fo((o#"% "%'"$e%t #"(( pro!e
th"s )ost 'o%!"%'"%(y. The prese%t author #as a brother II a) us"% [=NN] the
#or$ "% a sp"r"tua( se%seJ of her father+ a%$ she ha$ a% e&traor$"%ary respe't for
)e. I% fa't+ she (oo/e$ upo% )e as so)eth"% $"!"%e. I happe%e$ o% o%e
o''as"o% to be #"th her "% a sa're$ 'hur'h+ a%$ #he% I sa# the ear%est%ess of her
fa"th "% 0o$ a%$ ho# $e!ote$ she #as to her Cor$+ I #as $eep(y )o!e$ a%$
praye$ #"th a(( )y heart that she )"ht e%4oy po#er as (o% as she ("!e$. *ut
she+ tur%"% rou%$+ rebu/e$ )e for "t. The prayer+ she sa"$+ #as rea((y a 'urse. -I
hope "t #"(( %ot be )y fate to e%4oy po#er so (o% that I $"e a% e)press.- These
#or$s 1((e$ )e #"th su'h terror that e!er after#ar$s I rear$e$ her as )ore tha%
<. Ho#e!er+ )a% "s a !ery "%'o%sta%t be"%+ espe'"a((y #he% e&ter%a(
'"r'u)sta%'es "!e h") a% e&'use for 'ha%"%. Th"s part"'u(ar e)press #as a
#o)a% of stea$fast 'hara'ter a%$ %ob(e sp"r"t but her to#er of #"se 'ou%se(s #as
!"o(e%t(y sha/e% by the r"!ers that $ashe$ aa"%st "t+ a%$ she #as persua$e$ to
)arry a se'o%$ t")e. 5 %u)ber of peop(e /%e# #hat #as o"% o%. They e!e%
sueste$ that Dest"%y ha$ a ha%$ "% the )atter. Met she %e!er so )u'h as
h"%te$ at her "%te%t"o%s to )e. No $oubt she he($ her to%ue for sha)e. She
#"she$ to a!o"$ %a)"% the husba%$2to2be a%$ at the sa)e t")e put a% e%$ to
the 'o%7"'t"% ru)ours about h"s "$e%t"ty. O% the other ha%$+ she #a%te$ )e to
/%o# of her p(a%. Co%se?ue%t(y+ I #as !"s"te$ by o%e of her e!"( 'ou%se((ors. He
ure$ )e so spea/ free(y to her o% the sub4e't+ a%$ to suest that she shou($
p(a'e a %ob(e)a% o% the thro%e. My a%s#er #as 'o%'"seO I #ou($ %e"ther o3er
th"s a$!"'e %or see/ to persua$e her by aru)e%t+ %or #ou($ I use )y e(o?ue%'e
"f a oo$ opportu%"ty prese%te$ "tse(f.DD=<K
N. I% the )ea%t")e there ha$ bee% #h"spere$ ru)ours+ a%$ the 'ourt ot to /%o#
of the a3a"r. The future e)peror ha$ a(rea$y bee% 'hose% by her+ a%$ a''or$"%
to the arra%e)e%ts they ha$ )a$e+ th"s #as the !ery $ay o% #h"'h the
prospe't"!e br"$eroo) #as e&pe'te$ to arr"!e "% the '"ty. O% the )orro# the
'ere)o%y of 'oro%at"o% #as to be perfor)e$. That e!e%"% the e)press se%t for
)e. 8he% #e #ere a(o%e+ she spo/e to )e #"th tears "% her eyes. -Mou )ust be
a#are+- she sa"$+ -of our (oss "% prest"e a%$ of the $e'("%"% fortu%es of our
E)p"re+ #"th #ars 'o%sta%t(y spr"%"% up a%$ barbar"a% hor$es ra!a"% the
#ho(e of the east.DD=<H Ho# 'a% our 'ou%try poss"b(y es'ape $"sasterS- I /%e#
%oth"% of the th"%s that ha$ bee% o"% o%+ %or that the future e)peror #as
a(rea$y [=NL] sta%$"% at the pa(a'e $oors+ so I rep("e$ that "t #as %o easy )atter
to $e'"$e. -It re?u"res 'arefu( 'o%s"$erat"o%+- I sa"$. -*etter propose to$ay a%$
("ste% to)orro#+ as the pro!erb says.- 8"th a ("tt(e (auh she #e%t o%+ -*ut
$e("berat"o% "s super7uous %o#. The )atter has bee% 'o%s"$ere$ a(rea$y a%$ the
$e'"s"o% "s )a$e. Ro)a%us+ the so% of D"oe%es+ has bee% "%!"te$ to ru(e as
e)peror+ "% prefere%'e to a(( others.-DD=<<
L. These #or$s 1((e$ )e #"th "%sta%t 'o%ster%at"o%. I 'ou($ %ot 'o%'e"!e #hat
#ou($ be'o)e of )e. -8e(( the%+- I sa"$+ -to)orro# I too #"(( "!e )y a$!"'e o%
the )atter.- 22 -Not to)orro#+- she rep("e$ -but %o#. 0"!e )e your support.- I
retur%e$ to the atta'/+ #"th 4ust o%e ?uest"o%O -*ut your so%+ the e)peror+ #ho
#"(( presu)ab(y o%e $ay o!er% the E)p"re a(o%e 22 $oes he /%o# #hat has
happe%e$ tooS- 22 -He "s %ot e%t"re(y "% the $ar/+ a(thouh he $oes %ot yet /%o#
a(( the $eta"(s+- she sa"$. -Ho#e!er+ I a) (a$ you )e%t"o% )y so%. Cet us o up to
h") toether+ a%$ e&p(a"% ho# th"%s sta%$. He "s s(eep"% abo!e "% o%e of the
")per"a( apart)e%ts.-
B. So #e #e%t up to h"). Ho# she fe(t about "t I $o %ot /%o#+ but I #as )ost
a"tate$. 5 su$$e% 1t of tre)b("% shoo/ )e throuh a%$ throuh. She sat $o#%
o% her so%-s be$+ 'a((e$ h") -her e)peror-+ -her best of so%s-. -R"se up+- she sa"$+
-a%$ re'e"!e your step2father. 5(thouh he ta/es the p(a'e of your father+ he #"((
be a sub4e't+ %ot a ru(er. I+ your )other+ ha!e bou%$ h") "% #r"t"% to obser!e th"s
arra%e)e%t.- 8e((+ the you% )a% ot up fro) h"s be$ at o%'e+ a%$ a(thouh he
(oo/e$ at )e susp"'"ous(y I ha!e %o "$ea #hat he #as th"%/"%. Toether #"th h"s
)other he (eft the roo) "% #h"'h he ha$ bee% s(eep"%+ a%$ "))e$"ate(y 'a)e
fa'e to fa'e #"th the %e# e)peror. 8"thout the s("htest tra'e of e)ot"o%+ h"s
!"sae ?u"te e&press"o%(ess+ he e)bra'e$ Ro)a%us+ be'o)"% at o%'e h"s
'o((eaue o% the thro%e a%$ h"s fr"e%$.
;. Thereupo% the Caesar #as a(so su))o%e$.DD=<N Ne!er #ere h"s $"p(o)at"'
?ua("t"es see% to better a$!a%tae. 6"rst he )a$e so)e ta'tfu( "%?u"r"es about h"s
%ephe# the e)peror+ the% a$$e$ a fe# #or$s of 'o))e%$at"o% "% pra"se of
Ro)a%us. Th"s #as fo((o#e$ by 'o%ratu(at"o%s for a(( the ")per"a( party. O%e
'ou($ a()ost hear h") s"%"% the #e$$"% so% a%$ see h") ta/"% h"s 1(( fro)
the %upt"a( $r"%/"%2bo#(. 5%$ that "s ho# the o!er%)e%t of the E)p"re passe$
"%to the ha%$s of the %e&t so!ere"%+ Ro)a%us.DD=<L

1A. Th"s e)peror+ Ro)a%us+ so% of D"oe%es+ 'a)e of a% a%'"e%t a%$
$"st"%u"she$ fa)"(y. O%(y "% o%e respe't #as "t $"sho%oure$ 22 by h"s father. The
(atter ha$ bee% arreste$ o% a 'hare of atte)pte$ re!o(ut"o% $ur"% the re"% of
Ro)a%us 5ryrus a%$ ha$ 'o))"tte$ su"'"$e by hur("% h")se(f o!er a pre'"p"'e.
There #ere o''as"o%s #he% he $"$ a't "% a stra"htfor#ar$ fash"o%+ but for the
)ost part he #as a hypo'r"te a%$ a braart. E!e% Ro)a%us h")se(f $"$ %ot
es'ape the ")putat"o% of trea'hery at the t")e+ but a%y $es"%s he )ay ha!e
'her"she$ $ur"% the rest of h"s ("fe passe$ u%%ot"'e$+ u%t"( Eu$o'"a be'a)e
e)press II ha!e $es'r"be$ th"s (a$y "% the pre'e$"% 'haptersJ. It #as %ot u%t"(
her re"% that he re!ea(e$ h"s se'ret "%te%t"o%s. He #as at o%'e apprehe%$e$+
a%$ h"s au$a'"ty #ou($ ha!e )et #"th "ts 4ust $eserts+ ha$ %ot the e)press
e&er'"se$ her '(e)e%'y o% h"s beha(f a%$ sa!e$ h") fro) 'o%$e)%at"o% 22 a%
error of 4u$)e%t o% her part. She ouht to ha!e put h") to $eath. I%stea$+ she
preser!e$ h"s ("fe+ a%$ ha!"% $o%e so+ she thouht that her o#% supre)a'y
#ou($ be assure$ "f she )a$e h") e)peror. He #ou($+ she be("e!e$+ %e!er aa"%
oppose her #"shes. It #as a reaso%ab(e 'o%4e'ture+ but her p(a%s #e%t astray.
5fter prete%$"% for a fe# $ays to be her (oya( sub4e't+ he su$$e%(y re!erte$ to
h"s %or)a( hab"ts. The )ore she tr"e$ to $o)"%ate h")+ to treat h")+ #ho #as
rea((y her )aster+ ("/e a ("o% "% a 'ae+ the )ore he frette$ at her restra"%"%
"%7ue%'e a%$ (are$ at the ha%$ that /ept h") "% 'he'/. To be"% #"th+ he
ro#(e$ "%#ar$(y+ but as t")e passe$ h"s $"sust be'a)e ob!"ous to
11. I )ust a$)"t that h"s att"tu$e to )yse(f #as o%e of reat $efere%'e. The fa't
"s+ #he% he #as st"(( a pr"!ate '"t",e%+ he ha$ 'ourte$ )y fa!our #"th the )ost
ab4e't ser!"("ty+ a%$ I ha$ "% so)e )easure he(pe$ h") "% h"s 'areer. 6ar fro)
forett"% these ser!"'es #he% he as'e%$e$ the thro%e+ he sho#e$ su'h a3e't"o%
a%$ rear$ for )e that he #ou($ r"se up #he% I 'a)e "%to h"s prese%'e a%$
treate$ )e as h"s reatest fr"e%$. Ho#e!er+ that "s by the #ay a%$ outs"$e the
e%era( s'ope of )y %arrat"!e. The )a"% po"%t "s that he #"she$ to ru(e
u%'ha((e%e$ by a%yo%e e(se a%$ to o!er% the E)p"re e%t"re(y o% h"s o#%.
U%fortu%ate(y+ he ha$ )a$e %o %otab(e 'o%tr"but"o% to pub("' a3a"rs "% h"s
pre!"ous 'areer. Ne!erthe(ess+ he #a"te$ pat"e%t(y for the opportu%"ty+ a%$ the
$e'(arat"o% of #ar aa"%st the Pers"a%s [=N;] o#e$ "ts or""% %o (ess to h"s
perso%a( a)b"t"o%s tha% to a $es"re to safeuar$ the #ho(e 'o))o%#ea(th.
1=. It #as )y hab"t to "!e the e)perors usefu( a$!"'e+ so I tr"e$ to restra"% h")+
po"%t"% out that "t #as 1rst %e'essary to $"s'uss the ?uest"o% of )"("tary for'es+
to $ra# up ("sts of %a)es+ to 'a(( o% he(p fro) abroa$+ a%$ the%+ #he% a((
preparat"o%s ha$ bee% 'o)p(ete$+ to $e'(are #ar. *ut the babb(ers #ho )a/e a
hab"t of 'o%tra$"'t"% a(( I say I#"th a fe# e&'ept"o%sJ ha!e brouht ru"% o% our
a3a"rs. They $"$ "t the%+ a%$ they are $o"% "t %o#. So the #orse op"%"o%
pre!a"(e$+ a%$ he+ $o%%"% h"s #ar("/e ar)our "% the pa(a'e+ ta/"% a sh"e($ "% h"s
(eft ha%$ a%$ a spear "% h"s r"ht+ -#e(('o)pa'te$ #"th ba%$s+ t#e%ty2t#o 'ub"ts
"% (e%th-+DD=<; thouht that #"th the o%e he 'ou($ bar the e%e)y-s "%roa$s+
#h"(e he p(u%e$ the other "% h"s a$!ersary-s 7a%/s. Others uttere$ the"r #ar2'ry+
'(appe$ the"r ha%$s at th"s+ but )y fa'e #as '(ou$e$ #"th (oo)+ for I uesse$
#hat the resu(t of "t a(( #ou($ probab(y be.
1K. 5t a(( e!e%ts+ he (eft the '"ty #"th a(( h"s ar)yDD=NA a%$ a$!a%'e$ aa"%st the
barbar"a%s+ %ot /%o#"% #here he #as )ar'h"%+ %or #hat he #as o"% to $o.
He #a%$ere$ o!er the 'ou%trys"$e+ p(a%%"% to o o%e #ay+ )ar'h"% by a%other+
tra!ers"% Syr"a+ as #e(( as Pers"a 22 a%$ a(( the su''ess he )et #"th #as to (ea$
h"s ar)y "%to the "%ter"or+ estab("sh h"s )e% o% so)e h"h h"((s+ br"% the) $o#%
aa"%+ 'ut the) o3 "% %arro# passes+ a%$ su3er hea!y 'asua(t"es throuh h"s
)a%oeu!r"%. Ho#e!er+ he retur%e$+ st"(( to a(( appeara%'es !"'tor"ous. Ne"ther
fro) the Me$es %or fro) the Pers"a%s $"$ he br"% us a%y spo"(s of #ar. O%e th"%
a(o%e sat"s1e$ h")O that he ha$ )ar'he$ aa"%st h"s foes.
1H. There"% (ay h"s 1rst e&'use for !a"%(ory. 6ro) %o# o%+ he a3e'te$ 'o%te)pt
for the e)press+ 'o)p(ete(y $esp"se$ the o>'ers of state+ refuse$ a$!"'e+ a%$ 22
"%'urab(e )a(a$y of e)perors 22 re("e$ o% %o 'ou%se(+ %o u"$a%'e but h"s o#%+
u%$er a(( '"r'u)sta%'es #"thout e&'ept"o%. 5s for )yse(f+ I s#ear by 0o$+ the 0o$
#ho) ph"(osophy re!eres+ that I tr"e$ to tur% h") fro) h"s a)b"t"o%s.DD=N1 I /%e#
h"s trea'herous $es"%s. I feare$ for the e)press a%$ the 'o))o%#ea(ths (est a((
shou($ be (ost "% re!o(t a%$ $"sor$er. I re)"%$e$ h") of h"s so(e)% u%$erta/"%s.
8here!er poss"b(e+ I e!e% atte)pte$ to fr"hte% h") #"th the prospe't of u(t")ate
fa"(ureO h"s s'he)es )"ht tur% to h"s o#% $estru't"o%. 5%$ #he%+ as ofte%
happe%e$ Eu$o'"a #as st"rre$ to "%$"%at"o% at h"s "%su(ts+ a%$ [=LA] #he% she
#as r"e!e$+ I too/ both s"$es a%$ tr"e$ by )y #or$s to re'o%'"(e the"r
1<. Not (o% after#ar$s+ at the !ery be"%%"% of spr"%+ DD=N= "% fa't+ there #as
troub(e fro) the e%e)y+ a%$ the e)peror-s pre!"ous 'a)pa"% #as sho#% to
ha!e bee% a ho((o# tr"u)ph. So o%'e )ore there #ere preparat"o%s for #ar+ a%$
Ito pass o!er the "%ter!e%"% o''urre%'esJ I )yse(f too/ a s)a(( part "% the
e&pe$"t"o%. The fa't "s+ he put su'h o!er#he()"% 'o)pu(s"o% o% )e to 4o"% h")
o% the 'a)pa"% that I 'ou($ %ot poss"b(y refuse.DD=NK I #ou($ rather %ot say
a%yth"% at the )o)e%t of the reaso% #hy he #as so "%s"ste%t that I shou($
a''o)pa%y h")+ be'ause I a) abr"$"% )ost of th"s story+ but I #"(( spea/ of "t
#he% I #r"te the h"story of these e!e%ts. I a) st"(( u%$er a% ob("at"o% "% the
)atter+ a(thouh %obo$y 'a% a''use )e of a%y $"s(oya(ty to h")+ %or b(a)e )e
be'ause a(( h"s p(a%s #e%t astray.
1N. He aree$ that "% a(( )atters 'o%%e'te$ #"th ("terature he #as )y "%fer"or II
a) referr"% here to the s'"e%'esJ+ but #here )"("tary stratey #as 'o%'er%e$ "t
#as h"s a)b"t"o% to surpass )e. The /%o#(e$e that I #as thorouh(y 'o%!ersa%t
#"th the s'"e%'e of )"("tary ta't"'s+ that I ha$ )a$e a 'o)p(ete stu$y of
e!eryth"% perta"%"% to )"("tary for)at"o%s+ the bu"($"% of #ar2)a'h"%es+ the
'apture of '"t"es+ a%$ a(( the other th"%s that a e%era( has to 'o%s"$er+ th"s
)o!e$ h") %ot o%(y to a$)"rat"o%+ but a(so to e%!y. So far as he 'ou($+ he arue$
aa"%st )e+ a%$ tr"e$ to out$o )e "% these $ebates. Ma%y of those #ho share$
that 'a)pa"% #"th us #"(( /%o# that th"s $es'r"pt"o% "s %ot e&aerate$.
1L. Th"s se'o%$ #ar of h"s #as %o )ore su''essfu( tha% the 1rst. It #as+ "% fa't+
a(toether "%$e'"s"!e a%$ the e%e)y he($ the"r o#% e!ery#here. If our )e% fe(( "%
the"r te%s of thousa%$s+ #h"(e a )ere ha%$fu( of our a$!ersar"es #ere ta/e%
pr"so%er+ at (east #e #ere %ot beate% 22 a%$ #e su''ee$e$ "% )a/"% a (ot of
%o"se at the barbar"a%sQ The resu(t of "t a(( #as that Ro)a%us be'a)e )ore prou$
a%$ )ore "%so(e%t tha% e!er+ be'ause+ forsooth+ he ha$ t#"'e 'o))a%$e$ a%
ar)y. He (ost respe't for e!eryth"%+ a%$ 22 #orse st"(( 22 the e!"( 'ou%se((ors to
#ho) he ("ste%e$ (e$ h") 'o)p(ete(y astray.
1B. 5s for the e)press+ he treate$ her ("/e a 'apt"!e ta/e% "% #ar. 6or %e&t to
%oth"% he #ou($ ha!e aree$ e!e% to $r"!e her out of the pa(a'e. The
CaesarDD=NH he suspe'te$+ a%$ o% se!era( o''as"o%s haste%e$ to arrest h") a%$
put h") to $eath+ but 'ha%e$ h"s )"%$ [=L1] after#ar$s a%$ a!e up the "$ea.
6or the prese%t+ at a(( e!e%ts+ he #as 'o%te%t to b"%$ h") a%$ h"s so%s to s#ear
o% oath that they #ou($ be (oya(. Ha!"% %o reaso%ab(e prete&t for 'arry"% out
the p(a%s #h"'h he se'ret(y 'her"she$ aa"%st the Caesar+ he set out o% h"s th"r$
a%$ (ast e&pe$"t"o% aa"%st the barbar"a%s+DD=N< #ho #ere %o# $"st"%'t(y host"(e.
5'tua((y+ they #ere e%ae$ "% p(u%$er"% ra"$s o% Ro)a% terr"tory a%$ as soo%
as spr"% 'a)e+ they o!erra% "t "% 'o%s"$erab(e for'e. So Ro)a%us o%'e aa"% (eft
the 'ap"ta( to 1ht the)+ a''o)pa%"e$ by a (arer 'o%t"%e%t of a(("es a%$ %at"!e
troops tha% before.DD=NN
1;. 8"th h"s usua( 'o%te)pt of a(( a$!"'e+ #hether o% )atters '"!"( or )"("tary+ he
at o%'e set out #"th h"s ar)y a%$ hurr"e$ to Caesarea. Ha!"% rea'he$ that
ob4e't"!e+ he #as (oth to a$!a%'e a%y further a%$ tr"e$ to 1%$ e&'uses for
retur%"% to *y,a%t"u)+ %ot o%(y for h"s o#% sa/e but for the ar)y-s. 8he% he
fou%$ the $"sra'e "%!o(!e$ "% su'h a retreat "%to(erab(e+ he shou($ ha!e 'o)e to
ter)s #"th the e%e)y a%$ put a stop to the"r a%%ua( "%'urs"o%s. I%stea$+ #hether
"% $esperat"o%+ or be'ause he #as )ore 'o%1$e%t tha% he shou($ ha!e bee%+ he
)ar'he$ to the atta'/+ #"thout ta/"% a$e?uate )easures to prote't h"s rear. The
e%e)y+ see"% h") a$!a%'e+ $e'"$e$ to (ure h") o% st"(( further a%$ e%s%are h")
by 'u%%"%. They therefore ro$e o% ahea$ of h") a%$ the% ret"re$ aa"%+ as
thouh the retreat #as p(a%%e$. *y 'arry"% out th"s )a%oeu!re se!era( t")es+
they su''ee$e$ "% 'utt"% o3 so)e of our e%era(s+ #ho #ere ta/e%
=A. No# I #as a#are Ithouh he #as %otJ that the Su(ta% h")se(f+ the 9"% of the
Pers"a%s a%$ 9ur$s+ #as prese%t "% perso% #"th h"s ar)y+ a%$ )ost of the"r
!"'tor"es #ere $ue to h"s (ea$ersh"p. Ro)a%us refuse$ to be("e!e a%yo%e #ho
$ete'te$ the Su(ta%-s "%7ue%'e "% these su''esses. The truth "s+ he $"$ %ot #a%t
pea'e. He thouht he #ou($ 'apture the barbar"a% 'a)p #"thout a batt(e.
U%fortu%ate(y for h")+ throuh h"s "%ora%'e of )"("tary s'"e%'e+ he ha$ s'attere$
h"s for'es@ so)e #ere 'o%'e%trate$ rou%$ h")se(f+ others ha$ bee% se%t o3 to
ta/e up so)e other pos"t"o%. So+ "%stea$ of oppos"% h"s a$!ersar"es #"th the fu((
for'e of h"s ar)y+ (ess tha% ha(f #ere a'tua((y "%!o(!e$.DD=NB
=1. 5(thouh I 'a%%ot app(au$ h"s subse?ue%t beha!"our+ "t "s ")poss"b(e for )e
to 'e%sure h"). The fa't "s+ he bore the #ho(e bru%t of the $a%er h")se(f. H"s
a't"o% 'a% be "%terprete$ "% t#o [=L=] #ays. My o#% !"e# represe%ts the )ea%
bet#ee% these t#o e&tre)es. O% the o%e ha%$+ "f you rear$ h") as a hero+
'ourt"% $a%er a%$ 1ht"% 'ouraeous(y "t "s reaso%ab(e to pra"se h")O o% the
other #he% o%e re7e'ts that a e%era(+ "f he 'o%for)s to the a''epte$ ru(es of
stratey )ust re)a"% a(oof fro) the batt(e2("%e+ super!"s"% the )o!e)e%ts of
h"s ar)y a%$ "ssu"% the %e'essary or$ers to the )e% u%$er h"s 'o))a%$+ the%
Ro)a%us-s 'o%$u't o% th"s o''as"o% #ou($ appear foo(har$y "% the e&tre)e+ for
he e&pose$ h")se(f to $a%er #"thout a thouht of the 'o%se?ue%'es. I )yse(f
a) )ore "%'("%e$ to pra"se tha% to b(a)e h") for #hat he $"$.DD=N;
==. Ho#e!er that )ay be+ he put o% the fu(( ar)our of a% or$"%ary so($"er a%$
$re# s#or$ aa"%st h"s e%e)"es. 5''or$"% to se!era( of a%y "%for)a%ts+ he
a'tua((y /"((e$ )a%y of the) a%$ put others to 7"ht. Cater+ #he% h"s atta'/ers
re'o%",e$ #ho he #as+ they surrou%$e$ h") o% a(( s"$es. He #as #ou%$e$DD=LA
a%$ fe(( fro) h"s horse. They se",e$ h")+ of 'ourse+ a%$ the E)peror of the
Ro)a%s #as (e$ a#ay+ a pr"so%er+ to the e%e)y 'a)p+ a%$ h"s ar)y #as
s'attere$. Those #ho es'ape$ #ere but a t"%y fa't"o% of the #ho(e. Of the
)a4or"ty so)e #ere ta/e% 'apt"!e+ the rest )assa're$.
=K. I $o %ot "%te%$ at th"s )o)e%t to #r"te of the t")e spe%t by the e)peror "%
'apt"!"ty or of the att"tu$e a$opte$ to#ar$s h") by h"s 'o%?ueror. That )ust #a"t
t"(( (ater. 5 fe# $ays after the batt(e o%e of those #ho ha$ es'ape$+ arr"!"%
before h"s 'o)ra$es+ brouht the terr"b(e %e#s to the C"ty. He #as fo((o#e$ by a
se'o%$ )esse%er+ a%$ by others. The p"'ture they pa"%te$ #as by %o )ea%s
$"st"%'t+ for ea'h e&p(a"%e$ the $"saster "% h"s o#% fash"o%+ so)e say"% that
Ro)a%us #as $ea$+ others that he #as o%(y a pr"so%er@ so)e aa"% $e'(are$ that
they ha$ see% h") #ou%$e$ a%$ hur(e$ to the rou%$+ #h"(e others ha$ see% h")
be"% (e$ a#ay+ "% 'ha"%s+ to the barbar"a% 'a)p. I% !"e# of th"s "%for)at"o%+ a
'o%fere%'e #as he($ "% the 'ap"ta(+ a%$ the e)press 'o%s"$ere$ our future po("'y.
The u%a%")ous $e'"s"o% of the )eet"% #as that+ for the t")e be"%+ they shou($
"%ore the e)peror+ #hether he #as a pr"so%er+ or $ea$+ a%$ that Eu$o'"a a%$
her so%s shou($ 'arry o% the o!er%)e%t of the E)p"re.
=H. 5t th"s 'o%fere%'e so)e 'ou%'"((ors #"she$ M"'hae(+ a%$ h"s you% brother+ to
'o%tro( the a$)"%"strat"o% e%t"re(yO the"r )other #as to ta/e %o a't"!e part
#hate!er. Others aa"% fa!oure$ the 'o)p(ete restorat"o% of Eu$o'"a-s ru(e+ to
the e&'(us"o% of her so%s. 6or )y o#% part+ %e"ther so(ut"o% of the prob(e)
see)e$ sat"sfa'tory. My perso%a( op"%"o% 22 I #"(( spea/ fra%/(y 22 #as that both
shou($ a't "% 'o%'ertO the so% shou($ pay her respe't+ be'ause she #as h"s
)other+ a%$ she shou($ o!er% the #ho(e E)p"re as so!ere"% o% e?ua( ter)s
#"th her so%. Th"s #as "% fa't the proposa( #h"'h the e)peror M"'hae( h")se(f
fa!oure$ a%$ he supporte$ )e. There #ere perso%s #ho #"she$ to et supre)e
po#er for the)se(!es a%$ to o!er% the state for the"r o#% pro1t+ a%$ these #ere
4ust the peop(e #ho ure$ her to ru(e a(o%e. 5t the sa)e t")e they #ere bus"(y
e%ae$ "% try"% to for'e a ?uarre( bet#ee% M"'hae( a%$ h"s )other.
=<. It "s $">'u(t for )e+ at th"s stae+ to e&press a$e?uate(y the a$)"rat"o% I fee(
for th"s you% )a%. He $"s'usse$ the 'o%st"tut"o%a( ?uest"o% #"th )e pr"!ate(y+
a%$ he #as prepare$+ "f h"s )other so $es"re$ to ab$"'ate. He #as )ost a%&"ous
to a!o"$ a%y )ar/ of $"srespe't for herO at a(( 'osts she )ust be treate$ #"th a((
$ue 'o%s"$erat"o%. 5a"% a%$ aa"% I )a%ae$ to e3e't a sett(e)e%t bet#ee%
the)+ but M"'hae( #as so obsesse$ #"th the "$ea that he )ust %e!er oppose h"s
)other+ that e!e% the thouht of )eet"% her fa'e to fa'e #ou($ 'ause h") to
b(ush. He "%s"ste$ o% hu)"("at"% h")se(f a(toether. Su'h #as the pos"t"o%+ #"th
the #ho(e )atter st"(( u%$e'"$e$+ #he% the Caesar arr"!e$ "% the '"ty+ at Eu$o'"a-s
"%!"tat"o%+ a%$ (e%t h"s support to )y s'he)e. He #as stro%(y "% fa!our of 4o"%t2
ru(e by the fa)"(y.
=N. Th"s troub(e ha$ %ot 'o)p(ete(y $"e$ $o#% before a%other ho#("% te)pest
bro/e o!er our hea$s+ a%$ o% the se(f2sa)e $ay. The 'o))a%$er2"%2'h"ef of the
e%e)y for'es+ #he% he per'e"!e$ that the Ro)a% e)peror ha$ fa((e% "%to h"s
ha%$s+ "%stea$ of e&u(t"% "% h"s tr"u)ph+ #as ?u"te o!er'o)e by h"s o#%
e&traor$"%ary su''ess. He 'e(ebrate$ h"s !"'tory #"th a )o$erat"o% that #as
beyo%$ a(( e&pe'tat"o%. O3er"% h"s 'o%$o(e%'es to the 'apt"!e+ he share$ h"s
o#% tab(e #"th h")+ treate$ h") as a% ho%oure$ uest+ a!e h") a bo$yuar$+
(oose$ fro) the"r 'ha"%s those pr"so%ers he 'are$ to %a)e a%$ set the) free.
6"%a((y+ he restore$ ("berty to Ro)a%us h")se(f a(so+ a%$ after )a/"% a treaty of
fr"e%$sh"p a%$ after re'e"!"% fro) h") assura%'es o% oath that he #ou($ (oya((y
ab"$e by the aree)e%ts they ha$ )a$e+ se%t h") ba'/ to Ro)a% terr"tory+ #"th
as %u)erous a% es'ort a%$ bo$yuar$ as a%yo%e 'ou($ #"sh for.DD=L1 5'tua((y+
th"s pro!e$ to be the be"%%"% of troub(e+ the )a"% [=LH] 'ause of a )u(t"tu$e of
$"sasters. The e)peror+ ha!"% obta"%e$ )ore 'o%'ess"o%s tha% he ha$ thouht
poss"b(e+ #as u%$er the ")press"o% that he #ou($ %o# re'o!er h"s thro%e #"thout
a%y $">'u(ty+ a%$ to s"%a(",e the oo$ fortu%e that ha$ fo((o#e$ o% h"s $efeat+
he #rote a (etter "% h"s o#% ha%$#r"t"% to the e)press+ te(("% her of a(( h"s
=L. I))e$"ate(y there #as #"($ 'o%fus"o% "% the pa(a'e+ #"th 'o)"%s a%$ o"%s
e!ery#here. So)e professe$ asto%"sh)e%t at the %e#s+ others #ou($ %ot be("e!e
"t. Eu$o'"a fou%$ herse(f "% a% e)barrass"% pos"t"o%. She #as u%ab(e to $e'"$e
#hat to $o %e&t. 8he% I )yse(f arr"!e$ "% the )"$st of the tur)o"( there #as
e%era( $e)a%$ that I shou($ a$!"se o% the best po("'y. My be(o!e$ e)peror
IM"'hae(J #as part"'u(ar(y "%s"ste%t a%$ 4o"%e$ the others "% ur"% )e to spea/. I
$e'(are$+ therefore+ that "t #as %o (o%er %e'essary to re'e"!e Ro)a%us "% the
E)p"reO he shou($ be out(a#e$ a%$ "%stru't"o%s shou($ be for#ar$e$ to e!ery
p(a'e "% the Ro)a% $o)"%"o%s that h"s re"% #as o!er. The )o$erate e(e)e%t
#ere 'o%!"%'e$ that th"s po("'y #as "% our best "%terests+ but the oppos"t"o%
fa!oure$ a $"3ere%t p(a%.
=B. That #as the state of a3a"rs+ #he% M"'hae(+ fear"% for h"s o#% safety a%$
$"strust"% the 'rue( %ature of D"oe%es+ $e'"$e$ o% h"s o#% 'ourse of a't"o%. The
p(a% he a$opte$ u%$oubte$(y sa!e$ h") a%$ "t #as a$)"tte$(y a #"se )o!e. He
'ut h")se(f o3 fro) h"s )other a%$ he%'eforth be'a)e h"s o#% )aster. The%+ o%
the a$!"'e of h"s 'ous"%s+ the Caesar-s so%s+DD=L= he #o% o!er to h"s a((e"a%'e
the pa(a'e uar$s.DD=LK IThese )e% are+ #"thout e&'ept"o% ar)e$ #"th sh"e($s
a%$ the rho)pha"a+ a o%e2e$e$ s#or$ of hea!y "ro% #h"'h they 'arry suspe%$e$
fro) the r"ht shou($er.J 8e((+ the uar$s ba%e$ o% the"r sh"e($s a(( toether+
ba#(e$ the"r hea$s o3 as they shoute$ the"r #ar2'ry+ '(ashe$ s#or$ o% s#or$+
#"th a%s#er"% ?ue((s+ a%$ #e%t o3 "% a bo$y to the e)peror+ th"%/"% he #as "%
$a%er. The%+ for)"% a '"r'(e about h")+ so that %o o%e 'ou($ approa'h+ they
'arr"e$ h") o3 to the upper parts of the pa(a'e.
=;. So )u'h for the). Mea%#h"(e those #ho #ere #"th the e)press 22 a%$ I #as
o%e of that %u)ber 22 %ot /%o#"% #hat #as happe%"%+ #ere a()ost petr"1e$
#"th fear. 8e thouht that terr"b(e th"%s #ere about to befa(( us. The e)press
$"$ "%$ee$ (ose her %er!e+ a%$ pu(("% her !e"( o!er her hea$ she ra% o3 to a
se'ret 'rypt be(o# rou%$. 8h"(e she #as h"$"% "% the $epths of th"s 'a!er%+
[=L<] I staye$ by the ope%"% that (e$ to "t. I ha$ %o "$ea #hat to $o+ %or %o#here
to tur% for safety. Ho#e!er+ o%'e h"s o#% se'ur"ty #as uara%tee$+ M"'hae(
re)e)bere$ )e. I #as the 1rst perso% he thouht of+ a%$ )esse%ers #ere se%t
to a(( parts of the pa(a'e+ to 1%$ out #here I #as. Ha!"% $"s'o!ere$ )y
#hereabouts+ they ("fte$ )e up "% the"r ar)s a%$ 'arr"e$ )e "% 'heerfu( tr"u)ph
to the"r so!ere"%+ as "f I #ere so)e (u'/y 1%$+ or so)e pre'"ous "ft. 5%$ he+ as
soo% as he set eyes o% )e+ #as ("/e a )a% #ho breathes a s"h of re("ef #he% a
stor) has passe$. 5t o%'e he ha%$e$ o!er to )e the respo%s"b"("ty of ta/"% a((
$e'"s"o%s that )"ht be %e'essary.
KA. So I bus"e$ )yse(f #"th a3a"rs of state. There #ere p(a%s to be )a$e+
pre'aut"o%s to be ta/e%+ "f the a$)"%"strat"o% of the C"ty #as to r"$e th"s stor).
Mea%#h"(e the others #ere $ea("% #"th the ?uest"o% of the $o#aer e)press. To
'ut a (o% story short+ "t #as $e'ree$ that she )ust (ea!e the '"ty a%$ ("!e "% a
'o%!e%t that she herse(f ha$ fou%$e$ by the sea "% ho%our of Mary+ the Mother of
0o$.DD=LH No t")e #as (ost "% 'arry"% out th"s $e'"s"o%+ a(thouh her so%
refuse$ to rat"fy "tO he 'ou($ %ot aree to h"s )other-s e&"(e. I /%o# that for a fa't+
a%$ I a) prepare$ to )a"%ta"% "t before a(( the #or($+ #"th 0o$ as )y #"t%ess.
The truth "s+ '"r'u)sta%'es #ere too stro% for h") a%$ o!erru(e$ h"s o#% #"shes.
K1. I% )atters of th"s /"%$+ h"story "s apt to repeat "tse(f. Mou 1%$ the sa)e sort of
th"%s happe%"%+ the sa)e sort of th"%s be"% sa"$. I% th"s 'ase+ )e% $"3ere$
#"$e(y "% the"r op"%"o%s about the e)press+ a%$ a 'o%sta%t strea) of propaa%$a
#as $"re'te$ aa"%st her. The resu(t #as a se'o%$ $e'ree+ to the e3e't that she
)ust %o# ta/e the !e"( of a %u%. 8"thout )ore a$o+ th"s or$er #as a(so 'arr"e$
out+ a%$ the e)press-s 'areer #as brouht to a% abrupt 'o%'(us"o%.
K=. D"oe%es+ )ea%#h"(e+ "%stea$ of re4o"'"% "% h"s $e("!era%'e+ #as 1((e$ #"th
'har"% at the prospe't of (os"% h"s thro%e. 5'tua((y+ a (are bo$y of so($"ers ha$
a(rea$y 7o'/e$ to h"s sta%$ar$+ a%$ as he )o!e$ fro) p(a'e to p(a'e+ #"th the
'o)fort"% /%o#(e$e that there #as %o o%e to oppose h")+ he appropr"ate$ to
h"s o#% use the )o%ey fro) the pub("' fu%$s. 6"%a((y he arr"!e$ #"th h"s ar)y at
the fa)ous '"ty of 5)asea+ the p(a'e that e!eryo%e "s ta(/"% about.
KK. M"'hae(-s "))e$"ate a%s#er to th"s #as to appo"%t the Caesar-s you%er
so%DD=L< 'o))a%$er2"%2'h"ef of the Ro)a% ar)y. The %e# e%era( #as a )a% of
reat e%ery+ b(est #"th a ?u"'/ #"t a%$ a [=LN] re)ar/ab(e 7a"r for $"s'er%"%
the r"ht 'ourse of a't"o%+ a%$ for e&p(a"%"% "t "% (a%uae that a(( 'ou($
u%$ersta%$. Ha!"% approa'he$ the '"ty 22 D"oe%es ha$ a(rea$y estab("she$
h")se(f "% 5)asea 22 he 1rst 'o%'e%trate$ h"s ar)y. Th"s $o%e+ he bea% ser"es of
s/"r)"shes+ us"% a(( )a%%er of #"(y tr"'/s "% or$er to 'apture h"s oppo%e%t+ or
e(se $r"!e h") out of the '"ty. 5s h"s pos"t"o% re# stea$"(y #orse+ D"oe%es )a$e
a $ar"% sa((y a%$ $re# up the #ho(e of h"s for'es "% batt(e2array aa"%st the
atta'/er. I% the e%su"% stru(e+ both s"$es su3ere$ 'o%s"$erab(e (osses. Our
e%era( 'hare$ the e%e)y ("/e a horse)a% o% #"%s+ a%$ fa(("% o% the host"(e
ra%/s+ a !er"tab(e to#er of stre%th+ for'e$ the) ba'/ a%$ s)ashe$ the"r ("%e "%
)a%y p(a'es. So)e of those #ho res"ste$ fe(( 1ht"% o% the batt(e1e($+ others
#ere 'apture$+ #h"(e a s)a(( %u)ber es'ape$ by 7"ht. 5)o% these (ast #as
D"oe%es+ r"$"% as fast as h"s horse 'ou($ 'arry h"). 6or the 1rst t")e #e ha$
reaso% to fee( 'o%1$e%t "% the future.
KH. 5s a )atter of fa't th"s $efeat )ar/e$ the be"%%"% of D"oe%es-s $o#%fa((.
8"th a ha%$fu( of h"s fo((o#ers+ he too/ refue "% a )"%or fortress+DD=LN a%$ he
#ou($ !ery soo% ha!e fa((e% "%to our ha%$s+ but for the "%ter!e%t"o% of so)eo%e
e(se.DD=LL 5% 5r)e%"a% by b"rth+ a 'rafty "%$"!"$ua( oppose$ to us o% pr"%'"p(e
th"s )a% ha$ bee% pro)ote$ to h"h ra%/ by D"oe%es+ #h"(e he #as st"(( re"%"%
e)peror+ a%$ %o#+ see"% "% the (atter-s prese%t )"sfortu%e a% opportu%"ty to
repay the fa!ours he ha$ re'e"!e$ fro) h") "% the past+ he 'a)e to )eet h")
#"th a 'o%s"$erab(e ba%$ of so($"ers. He e%'ourae$ Ro)a%us to ta/e heart+
)a$e h") #o%$erfu( pro)"ses+ a%$ "%stea$ of a((o#"% h") to 1ht our troops+
'arr"e$ h") o3 to C"("'"a. The re)ote !a((eys of that 'ou%try+ he arue$ #ou($
"!e h") a resp"te fro) our atta'/s. Ne&t he e?u"ppe$ a% ar)y for h")+ a!e h")
)o%ey+ '(othe$ h") "% the robes of a% e)peror+ a%$ the%+ ha!"% ar)e$ h") for
batt(e+ the '(e!er roue #a"te$ for a fa!ourab(e 'ha%'e to re%e# the stru(e
aa"%st us.
K<. O%'e aa"%+ therefore+ #e he($ a 'ou%'"( a%$ $ebate$ our future po("'y. O%e
party #as "% fa!our of )a/"% pea'e. It #as better+ they 'o%te%$e$+ to a((o# h")
so)e share "% the o!er%)e%ts a%$ to $o %oth"% )ore "% the )atter. Others
#ere $eter)"%e$ to prose'ute the #ar a%$ )a/e sure that he ha$ %o se'o%$
'ha%'e to e)bar/ o% h"s re'/(ess s'he)es. 8e((+ #e $e'"$e$ to try a%$ )a/e
pea'e 1rst. 5 fr"e%$(y a%$ sy)pathet"' (etter #as $espat'he$ to h") [=LL] fro)
the e)peror. D"oe%es+ ho#e!er+ rear$e$ M"'hae(-s /"%$(y att"tu$e as a%
outraeous "%su(t. He )a"%ta"%e$ that he h")se(f #as e%t"re(y free fro) b(a)e+
a%$ he pro'ee$e$ to )a/e spe'"1' $e)a%$s. He refuse$ to ab$"'ate or "% a%y
#ay )o$erate h"s '(a")s to the thro%e. I% fa't+ to 4u$e fro) h"s rep(y+ he #as
)ore presu)ptuous tha% h"s p(ott"% ha$ (e$ us to be("e!e.
KN. So the e)peror #as re(u'ta%t(y 'o)pe((e$ to aba%$o% h"s p(a%s for pea'e.
5%$ro%"'us #as "!e% 'o))a%$ of the ")per"a( ar)"es+ the e($er of the Caesar-s
so%s. Th"s 5%$ro%"'us #as a% a)a,"%(y ta(( )a%+ e%erous+ /"%$(y+ a%$
e&tre)e(y fa"r. He #as %o# e%truste$ #"th the 'o%$u't of a(( the for'es of the
Easter% Co))a%$+ a%$ #as se%t out to $o batt(e #"th the e%e)y. H"s 1rst ob4e't
#as to "%st"( "%to h"s ar)y a 'orporate sp"r"tO the (oya(t"es of h"s )e% )ust be
'e%tre$ "% o%e 'o))o% ob4e't. 8"th th"s "% !"e#+ he treate$ a(( ra%/s #"th
)et"'u(ous fa"r%ess. He tr"e$ to u%$ersta%$ h"s so($"ers as "%$"!"$ua(s+ a%$ to
pro!e that he #as the"r fr"e%$. H"s se'o%$ ob4e't #as to es'ape D"oe%es-s %ot"'e
#he% he $re# %ear the passes "%to C"("'"a+ to )a/e h"s #ay ?u"et(y throuh the
tortuous )ou%ta"% $e1(es+ a%$ after tra!ers"% a(( the $">'u(t parts+ to prese%t
h")se(f u%e&pe'te$(y before the e%e)y. Our )e% set about th"s tas/+ a%$ "%
a''or$a%'e #"th the p(a%+ they )ar'he$ throuh the pass o% a %arro# pre'"p"tous
path. Mea%#h"(e the e)peror #as terr"b(y #orr"e$ "% 'ase h"s r"!a( shou($ be
'auht by our so($"ers+ a%$ e"ther fa(( 1ht"%+ or ha!"% bee% ta/e% a("!e be
)ut"(ate$ "% so)e part of h"s bo$y.
KL. Ma%y a t")e I ha!e see% h") #eep o!er th"s+ r"s/"% h"s o#% ("fe "f o%(y h"s
a$!ersary )"ht be spare$ a%y su3er"%. The )a% #as h"s fr"e%$+ he sa"$+ a%$
there #ere 'o!e%a%ts bet#ee% the)+ #h"'h he #as afra"$ )"ht be bro/e%. So
'erta"% pr"ests+ )e% of pea'e+ #ere e%truste$ #"th a fr"e%$(y )essae to
D"oe%es.DD=LB They ha$ a (etter fro) M"'hae(+ "% #h"'h he )a$e a(( /"%$s of
pro)"ses+ but at the sa)e t")e 'ou%se((e$ h")+ stubbor% as he #as+ to sub)"t.
KB. *efore th"s )essae arr"!e$+ ho#e!er+ D"oe%es #as a(rea$y e%ae$ "% #ar.
He h")se(f re)a"%e$ "%s"$e the fortressDD=L; pre!"ous(y se",e$ by h") #"th a
ha%$fu( of )e%+ but pra't"'a((y a(( h"s ar)y #as u%$er the 'o))a%$ of the
5r)e%"a% Chatatoures+ #ho) I )e%t"o%e$ "% a pre'e$"% 'hapter+ a%$ ha$ bee%
se%t out to $o batt(e+ appare%t(y #"th e!ery 'ha%'e of su''ess. The 5r)e%"a%+
a$!a%'"% #"th "%fa%try a%$ 'a!a(ry+ ha$ se",e$ the po"%ts of !a%2[=LB]tae
before our )e% arr"!e$+ a%$ h"s for'es #ere $ra#% up "% batt(e or$er. 6or the
)ost part+ they #ere 1%e phys"'a( spe'")e%s+ a%$ )ost eaer for 'o)bat.
K;. 6a'"% Chatatoures+ #"th h"s ar)y a(so arra%e$ for batt(e #as 5%$ro%"'us.
*efore the so($"ers for)e$ up "% '(ose or$er a%$ the t#o ar)"es 'a)e to r"ps+
Cr"sp"%us the 6ra%/DD=BA II a) #r"t"% these #or$s o% the !ery $ay he $"e$J #as
sta%$"% #"th 5%$ro%"'us a%$ they #ere e%'oura"% o%e a%other. Th"s Cr"sp"%us
ha$ at 1rst appeare$ as a% e%e)y to the Ro)a%s+ but (ater he 'ha%e$ h"s
att"tu$e+ a%$ h"s %e# (oya(ty #as %o (ess e!"$e%t tha% h"s for)er host"("ty. See"%
D"oe%es-s )e% %o# prepare$ for batt(e+ Cr"sp"%us e&horte$ 5%$ro%"'us to trust
h")+ say"% that he #as o"% to 'hare the e%e)y 'a!a(ry. 8"th that+ he a%$ h"s
)e% ro$e at fu(( a((op aa"%st the"r 'e%tre. He 'ut r"ht throuh the ra%/s+ a%$
#he% he sa# res"sta%'e #as feeb(e+ the rebe(s o%(y #"thsta%$"% h"s atta'/ for a
fe# )o)e%ts a%$ the% ru%%"% a#ay+ he pursue$ the fu"t"!es #"th a ha%$fu( of
h"s /%"hts. Thus he "%7"'te$ hea!y (osses a%$ too/ st"(( )ore pr"so%ers.
HA. D"oe%es-s ar)y #as bro/e% a%$ route$. 5%$ro%"'us+ )ea%#h"(e+ retur%e$ "%
tr"u)ph #"th Cr"sp"%us to the te%t #h"'h ha$ bee% prepare$ for h"). Cater+ o%e of
the /%"hts 'a)e up+ br"%"% to the e%era( a% e%e)y 'apt"!e. It #as the
5r)e%"a% Chatatoures. I% the 7"ht+ he sa"$+ he ha$ fa((e% fro) h"s horse at a
$"t'h a%$ ha$ 'rept u%$er a bush. O%e of the pursuers ha$ spotte$ h") a%$
#ou($ ha!e )a$e short #or/ of h")+ but #he% he sa# the 5r)e%"a%-s tears+ he
)ere(y str"ppe$ h") of h"s '(othes a%$ #e%t a#ay+ (ea!"% h") %a/e$ u%$er the
bush. The% a se'o%$ #arr"or+ see"% h") "% th"s sorry p("ht+ rushe$ up to /"(( h")+
but Chatatoures to($ h") that "f he #ou($ spare h") a%$ ta/e h") a#ay to a
'erta"% e%era( I#ho) he )e%t"o%e$ by %a)eJ+ he #ou($ be )ost ha%$so)e(y
re#ar$e$. Re'o%","% #ho the )a% #as+ 5%$ro%"'us fe(t $oub(y !"'tor"ous.
Ho#e!er+ '(othes a%$ e?u"p)e%t #ere pro!"$e$ for h")+ a%$ thouh he #as /ept
a pr"so%er+ %o 'o%stra"%t #as put upo% h")+ as be1tte$ a bra!e (ea$er.
H1. D"oe%es+ of 'ourse+ 'ou($ fee( %o 'o%1$e%'e "% the s)a(( re)%a%ts of h"s
ar)y+ but he st"(( hope$ that ass"sta%'e #ou($ spee$"(y 'o)e fro) h"s Pers"a%
a(("es.DD=B1 I%$ee$+ he e%'ourae$ h"s )e% #"th th"s assura%'e a%$ he($ out
prospe'ts of re("ef "% the %ear future. Met the !ery troops o% #hose (oya(ty he #as
re(y"%+ the )e% [=L;] to #ho) he ha$ e%truste$ the /eys of h"s arr"so%+ #ere
the 1rst to betray h"). 5'tua((y+ they )a$e a% aree)e%t #"th our e%era(+ a%$
be"% pro)"se$ o% oath that they the)se(!es #ou($ su3er %o har)+ they thre#
the ates #"$e ope% a%$ a$)"tte$ our so($"ers. The% they (e$ the) to the house
#here D"oe%es #as ("!"%. There he stoo$+ a stra%e+ )e(a%'ho(y spe'ta'(e+ a((
h"s hopes o%e+ h"s ha%$s fettere$ as thouh he #ere a s(a!e+ surre%$er"%
h")se(f u%'o%$"t"o%a((y to h"s 'aptors. 5t o%'e he #as for'e$ to $o% the b(a'/
robe of a )o%/+ a%$ ta/"% o3 h"s hea$$ress+ he a((o#e$ h"s ha"r to be 'ut short+
%ot 'ar"% #ho $"$ "t. So the 'ere)o%y of "%"t"at"o% #as hurr"e$(y perfor)e$+ %ot
by the perso%s #ho shou($ ha!e 'arr"e$ "t out+ but by "%$"!"$ua(s #ho 'ha%'e$ to
be there. Ha!"% )a$e h") a )o%/+ they the% (e$ h") out of h"s fortress a%$+
#"th the reatest 4oy ")a"%ab(e+ too/ h") o3 to 5%$ro%"'us. I%stea$ of re'e"!"%
h") "% a h"h2ha%$e$+ arroa%t fash"o%+ he a'tua((y sy)path",e$ #"th the
pr"so%er. He shoo/ ha%$s a%$ "%!"te$ h") to h"s o#% te%t. 6"%a((y+ he as/e$ h") to
be h"s uest at tab(e+ #here a )a%"1'e%t ba%?uet #as prepare$.
H=. So far the story has pro'ee$e$ #"thout a h"t'hO I ha!e ta/e% you a(o% -the
roya(+ s)ooth h"h#ay-+ as the Ho(y S'r"pture has "t. To pass o% to #hat happe%e$
thereafter "s a )ost $"sareeab(e tas/. I a) re(u'ta%t to $es'r"be a $ee$ that
shou($ %e!er ha!e ta/e% p(a'e. 5%$ yet+ "f I )ay a(ter )y #or$s s("ht(y+ "t #as a
$ee$ that shou($ ha!e ta/e% p(a'e by a(( )ea%s. O% the o%e ha%$+ the s'rup(es of
re(""o%+ as #e(( as a %atura( u%#"(("%%ess to "%7"'t pa"%+ #ou($ forb"$ su'h a
$ee$O o% the 'o%trary s"$e+ the state of a3a"rs at the t")e+ a%$ the poss"b"("ty of
su$$e% 'ha%es "% the fortu%es of both part"es+ pro'(a")e$ that "t )ust be $o%e.
The th"% 'a)e about as fo((o#s. The )ore e%thus"ast"' e(e)e%t "% the e)peror-s
'ou%'"( #ere afra"$ that D"oe%es )"ht su''ee$ "% h"s p(ots a%$ o%'e )ore
e)barrass the %e# so!ere"%. So+ 'o%'ea("% the"r "%te%t"o%s fro) M"'hae(+ they
#rote a (etter to a 'erta"% perso% #ho #as 'o%!e%"e%t(y ab(e to 'arry the) out+
#"th or$ers to b("%$ h").DD=B=
HK. The e)peror #as ?u"te "%ora%t of #hat #as be"% $o%e 22 a%$ 0o$ /%o#s I
a) %ot say"% that to 7atter M"'hae(. Th"s "s a perfe't(y true a''ou%t. 8he%+
therefore+ he fou%$ out+ too (ate+ #hat ha$ o''urre$+ he #ept )ore b"tter(y e!e%
tha% D"oe%es $"$ before u%$ero"% h"s torture. The %e#s ha$ the )ost
$"stress"% e3e't o% h"). I%$ee$+ M"'hae( $"$ %ot (eap for 4oy+ or sho# a%y other
s"% [=BA] of p(easure+ e!e% #he% he 1rst hear$ that h"s e%e)y ha$ bee% ta/e
pr"so%er. There "s %o $oubt but that he #ou($ ha!e (o% 'o%t"%ue$ to )our% h")
ope%(y+ ha$ he %ot feare$ pub("' rese%t)e%t. 5s or D"oe%es+ he #as brouht "%
h"s b("%$%ess to the )o%astery #h"'h he h")se(f ha$ fou%$e$+ o% the "s(a%$ of
Prote+ a%$ there he $"e$+ %ot (o% after#ar$s. H"s re"% ha$ (aste$ (ess tha% four
years.DD=BK M"'hae( #as %o# u%$"spute$ ru(er of the E)p"re.

[=B1] 1. No# that I a) about to #r"te a% a''ou%t of the e)peror M"'hae( Du'as+
or at (east to "!e a rouh out("%e of h"s re"%+ as far as the (")"te$ spa'e of th"s
h"story a((o#s )e+ I )ust 1rst be )y rea$ers %ot to (oo/ upo% )y !ers"o% of the
)a%-s 'hara'ter a%$ $ee$s as e&aerate$. O% the 'o%trary+ I sha(( har$(y $o
4ust"'e to e"ther. 5s I #r"te these #or$s+ I 1%$ )yse(f o!er'o)e by the sa)e
e)ot"o%s as I ofte% fee( #he% I a) "% h"s prese%'eO the sa)e #o%$er thr"((s )e.
I%$ee$+ "t "s ")poss"b(e for )e %ot to a$)"re h"). 5%$ I #ou($ as/ )y rea$ers %ot
to $"strust )y a''ou%t+ %or to rear$ #"th susp"'"o% the #or$s that I sha((
prese%t(y #r"te here+ be'ause they are pe%%e$ $ur"% th"s e)peror-s ("fet")e. The
!ery reaso% #hy I u%$ertoo/ to #r"te th"s h"story #as+ "% fa't+ %o%e other tha%
th"s+ that )e% )"ht /%o# there e&"sts a hu)a% %ature of su'h $"!"%"ty+ o%e that
far surpasses a(( others that #e ha!e e!er /%o#% before.DD=BH
=. It "s $">'u(t to $e'"$e #h"'h of h"s ?ua("t"es I a) to $e("%eate 1rst+ but I
'o%s"$er the fo((o#"% 'hara'ter"st"' )ost #orthy of %oteO $esp"te the fa't that
%o%e of h"s sub4e'ts+ ho#e!er hu)b(e+ ho#e!er $"st"%u"she$ "% a%y #ay+
ho#e!er "((ustr"ous+ re)a"%e$ for (o% perso%a((y u%/%o#% to the e)peror+ %ot
o%e #as e!er abuse$ by h")+ or "%su(te$ "% pub("'+ or refuse$ a$)"tta%'e to h"s
prese%'e be'ause of so)e $e("%?ue%'y. 6urther tha% that+ e!e% #he% M"'hae(
ha$ bee% $e("berate(y a3ro%te$+ he preferre$ to $"srear$ ba$ )a%%ers rather
tha% to rebu/e the) ope%(y. The supre)e e&a)p(e of th"s tra"t o''urre$ #he% he
'auht 'erta"% "%$"!"$ua(s 22 a%$ they #ere+ "%'re$"b(e thouh "t )ay see)+
)e)bers of h"s o#% bo$yuar$+ [=B=] e%truste$ #"th h"s o#% safety 22 a'tua((y
haste%"% to $o h") so)e "%4ury. Met the"r ")pu$e%'e ear%e$ the) %e"ther
reproof %or threats of terr"b(e !e%ea%'e. There #ere se!era( 'ases+ too+ of
atte)pte$ robbery fro) the ")per"a( treasury+ #here the bur(ars #ere 'auht
re$2ha%$e$. They a(so #ere re(ease$+ a%$ far fro) treat"% the) #"th a%y
se!er"ty+ M"'hae( $"$ %ot e!e% ")pu% the"r )ot"!es. He #as a )a% of
e&traor$"%ary "%te(("e%'e+ a%$ throuh 'arefu( obser!at"o% he a'?u"re$ a
/%o#(e$e of a3a"rs. He ha$+ for "%sta%'e thorouh rasp of the #ho(e syste) of
ta&at"o%+ of re!e%ues a%$ pub("' e&pe%$"ture+ of the "%'o)es pa"$ fro) the
e&'he?uer a%$ the per'e%tae of "%'o)e pa"$ ba'/ to the treasury "% the for) of
ta&es. He /%e# a(( about the )"%t+ the e&a't #e"ht of a stater+ ho# a tou'hsto%e
fu%'t"o%e$+ #hat proport"o% of pre'"ous )eta( #as "%'(u$e$ "% e!ery o($ 'o"%. I%
short+ h"s "%for)at"o% o% the #ho(e bus"%ess of 1%a%'e #as e&tre)e(y a''urate+
#"th the resu(t that the e&perts o% a%y part"'u(ar sub4e't fou%$ the)se(!es at a
$"sa$!a%tae #he% he ta(/e$ #"th the). Me% #ho $e!ote$ the"r ("!es to a stu$y
of these th"%s #ere u%ab(e to r"!a( h") "% the"r o#% sphere.
K. E!e% #he% he #as a youth+ #"th the $o#% of h"s 1rst bear$ st"(( fresh o% h"s
'hee/s+ he #as "% %o #ay the "%fer"or of h"s e($ers "% #"s$o). He #as a$$"'te$ to
%o p(easures+ #as %o s(a!e to (utto%y+ $"$ %ot e%'ourae su)ptuous
ba%?uet"%. 6ro) the $e("hts of (o!e he absta"%e$ so r"orous(y that of )ost of
the) he ha$ %o /%o#(e$e at a(( a%$ #as ?u"te "%ora%t of se&ua( pra't"'es
'o%$e)%e$ by (a#. So e&'ess"!e #as h"s )o$esty+ "% fa't+ that "%$e'e%t 4est+ or
e!e% a )ere )e%t"o% of the #or$ -(o!e- #ou($ br"% to h"s 'hee/s a $eep b(ush "%
a )o)e%t.
H. The rea$er #"(( probab(y ("/e to /%o# #hat #ere the e)peror-s fa!our"te
o''upat"o%s+ o% #hat he pr"$e$ h")se(f )ost. Noth"% p(ease$ h") )ore tha%
rea$"% boo/s o% a(( /"%$s of (ear%e$ sub4e'ts+ stu$y"% ("terary essays+ p"thy
say"%s+ pro!erbsO he $e("hte$ "% e(ea%t 'o)pos"t"o%s+ subt(e 'o)b"%at"o%s of
#or$s+ 'ha%es of sty(e+ 'o"%"% of %e# #or$s+ poet"' $"'t"o%O but+ abo!e a(( e(se+
he 'u(t"!ate$ a (o!e of ph"(osophy+ of boo/s that e%r"'h the sp"r"tua( ("fe+ of
a((eory a%$ "ts "%terpretat"o%.DD=B< No%e of h"s pre$e'essors o% the thro%e+ I
shou($ ")a"%e+ #as )ore thouhtfu(+ %o%e ?u"'/er "% ett"% to the 'e%tra( po"%t
of a%y "!e% prob(e). *ut I #"(( be )ore e&p("'"t. It "s aree$ that 'erta"%
sta%$ar$s of beha!"or+ 'erta"% )a%%ers of spea/"% are appropr"ate to a%
e)peror+ others [=BK] to a ph"(osopher+ others to a% orator+ others to a )us"'"a%.
S")"(ar(y+ ea'h '(ass spe'"a(",es "% "ts o#% sub4e'tO astro(oers spe%$ the"r t")e "%
stu$y"% the hea!e%sO eo)etr"'"a%s "% $e)o%strat"% #"th eo)etr"'a( 1uresO
the sy((o"s) "s reser!e$ for ph"(osophers+ the se'rets of %ature for the s'"e%t"sts
22 e!eryo%e has h"s o#% part"'u(ar )Pt"er+ h"s o#% part"'u(ar sub4e't. 8"th
M"'hae(+ ho#e!er+ "t #as $"3ere%t for he spe'"a(",e$ "% the) a((. He too/ h"s p(a'e
#"th the ph"(osophers+ 'o%!erse$ #"th the orators o% e)phas"s or ,eu)a+ ta(/e$
# "th the opt"'"a%s about the refra't"o% or $"3ra't"o% of raysO a%$ ofte%+ #he% #e
spo/e o% a((eory+ he surpasse$ h"s prese%t h"stor"a%+ #ho)+ "% prefere%'e to a((
others+ he 'hose as h"s tutor+ a%$ #hose %a)e he )e%t"o%e$ #"th e&traor$"%ary
ho%our. 5(thouh he $oes %ot app(y h")se(f to "a)b"'s+ he $ashes the) o3
e&te)pore+ a%$ "f the rhyth) "s e%era((y $efe't"!e+ at (east the se%t")e%ts are
sou%$. I% br"ef+ M"'hae( "s a pro$"y of our e%erat"o%+ a%$ a )ost be(o!e$
<. I% appeara%'e he rese)b(es a% o($ )a% so)e#hat+ #"th so)eth"% about h")
of the th"%/er or pe$aoue. H"s eyes are "%te%t+ h"s bro# %e"ther hauhty %or
beet("%+ ("/e that of a )a% #ho suspe'ts h"s fe((o#s. H"s e&press"o% "s fra%/+
)ar/e$ #"th a su"tab(e ra!"ty. There "s %oth"% hurr"e$ about h"s a"t+ %oth"% of
$"sor$erO O% the other ha%$+ he "s %e"ther s(o#2)o!"% %or "%$o(e%t. 5 )us"'"a%+
#ho fro) the %ature of h"s !o'at"o% )ust u%$ersta%$ the reu(ate$ su''ess"o% of
%otes+ #ou($ pra"se h"s )o!e)e%ts. H"s !o"'e+ too+ "s both har)o%"ous a%$
rhyth)"'a(+ #"thout a suest"o% of harsh%ess or ")petuos"ty+ '(ear a%$ $"st"%'t.
N. There are )a%y th"%s that 'a% be sa"$ or $o%e to ta/e the heart out of a )a%+
or to pro!o/e h") to so)e 'ourse of a't"o%O but M"'hae( /eeps h"s hea$. He "s
%e"ther $"sp"r"te$ by the o%e+ %or e&asperate$ by the other. He has a )ost
p(easa%t (auh+ #eeps "% the )ost p"teous )a%%er ")a"%ab(e+ !ery rare(y
be'o)es a%ry+ a%$ e%era((y "s "% better hu)our tha% e!er after#ar$s. Not
ha!"% )a$e a spe'"a( stu$y of (ea( )atters+ he ta/es a broa$ !"e# of the"r
"%terpretat"o%+ a%$ passes 4u$)e%t rather "% a''or$a%'e #"th the sp"r"t tha%
#"th the (etter of the (a#. He "s !ery pro%e to b(ush+ but there "s %e!er "% h"s
'o%$u't the s("htest h"%t of a%y ")propr"ety. 5(thouh he "s a '(e!er ba((2p(ayer+
h"s e%thus"as) "s reser!e$ for o%e ba(( o%(y 22 the hea!e%(y sphere+ for he "s #e((
a#are that the 'ourse of ("fe+ a%$ a(( "ts 'ha%es+ $epe%$ o% the thro# of a $"'e2
[=BH]'ube+ a%$ that "t "s a 'ube 22 the eo)etr"' 'ubeDD=BN 22 that P(ato
attr"butes to the earth. I% the 'hase he ta/es p(easure+ but o%(y pro!"$e$ that he
sees the ?uarry es'ape u%har)e$+ a%$ "f the hu%ts)a% ets %ear "t+ he "s #orr"e$
a%$ refuses to #at'h.
L. The )a%"1'e%t appare( of a% e)peror ho($s %o part"'u(ar 'har) for h")O he
prefers to 'ro#% h"s hea$+ %ot so )u'h #"th )ater"a( $"a$e)s+ as #"th u%see%
!"rtues. 5%$ %ot e!ery #or$ that "s #h"spere$ "% h"s ears a3e'ts h") $eep(yO
har)fu( re)ar/s+ stor"es that usua((y "%7"'t pa"%+ he "%ores a(toetherO others+
#h"'h or$"%ar"(y pro$u'e )ost p(easure "% the hearer+ he erases 'o)p(ete(y fro)
h"s )"%$. 6or "%sp"rat"o% he (oo/s to h"s father+ a%$ a(thouh "% )ost th"%s he
surpasses h")+ he professes that he "s "% e!ery #ay h"s "%fer"or. Here I )ust
)e%t"o% so)eth"% that I fee( "s beyo%$ pra"se the )ost re)ar/ab(e fa't about
M"'hae(-s re"%. 5t a t")e #he% our a3a"rs+ %o (ess "% the east tha% "% the #est+
#ere at the"r (o#est ebb 22 a 'o%$"t"o% brouht about "% the 1rst p(a'e by the
so!ere"%s #ho pre'e$e$ h") 22 a%y other )a%+ ho#e!er reso(ute+ #ou($ ha!e
a((o#e$ h")se(f to $r"ft #"th the t"$e of )"sfortu%e+ #ou($ ha!e "!e% up the
stru(e. 8"th #hat resu(tS The 'ab(e that he($ the sh"p of state #ou($ ha!e
'ra'/e$ u%$er the stra"%+ a%$ #e shou($ ha!e see% the roof of the e$"1'e 'o)e
'rash"% $o#%+ the fou%$at"o%s tor% up. *ut the t"$e of )"sfortu%e #as 'he'/e$
by M"'hae(-s stea$fast sp"r"t+ by h"s u%sha/ab(e reso(!e+ a%$ "f+ so far+ #e ha!e
%ot bea'he$ our !esse( "% harbour+ at (east #e are r"$"% the stor) "% $eep
#aters a%$ #e ha!e %ot bee% $r"!e% ba'/ "%to the ope% sea. DD=BL
B. H"s att"tu$e to the others I ha!e $es'r"be$. No# I #"(( e&a)"%e h"s re(at"o%s
#"th )yse(f. There #as+ "% fa't+ %o 'o)par"so% at a(( bet#ee% the #ay he treate$
the) a%$ h"s beha!"our to#ar$s )e+ h"s b"orapher. Not o%e of h"s brothers
e%4oye$ the 'o%1$e%'e that he p(a'e$ "% )e+ %or $"$ the reat %ob(es+ %or the
'hur'h)e%. 6a!ours #ere heape$ upo% )e. 0"fts+ "% e!er2"%'reas"% profus"o%+
#ere se%t to )e+ a%$ boo%s fo((o#e$ o%e a%other "% rap"$ su''ess"o%+
au)e%t"% the #ea(th that I a(rea$y possesse$. Others+ of 'ourse+ ha!e $o%e
)u'h the sa)e th"%+ but there are 'erta"% 'hara'ter"st"'s that )ar/ h") out as
$"3ere%t fro) a(( the restO the $epth of h"s fee("% for )e+ %ot o%(y o% )e%ta(+ but
sp"r"tua(+ rou%$sO h"s u%hes"tat"% fra%/%ess a%$ the ob!"ous p(easure he ta/es
"% )y 'o)pa%yO h"s be("ef "% )y supre)a'y as a )a% of (ear%"%+ both here+
a)o% )e% #"th #ho) he "s perso%a((y a'?ua"%te$+ a%$ a)o% others+ of #ho)
he [=B<] has hear$ o%(y by repute. I pray that the $arts of 4ea(ousy a%$ )a("'e
)ay %e!er $"sturb that fr"e%$sh"p.
;. I% )y e3orts to 'o)press th"s a''ou%t+ I ha!e "%a$!erte%t(y passe$ o!er )a%y
th"%sO for e&a)p(e+ M"'hae(-s (o!e for h"s #"fe+DD=BB by #ho) he has a baby
so%@DD=B; a%$ h"s a3e't"o% for h"s t#o brothers+ #ho+ thouh a$)"rab(e
the)se(!es+ are %ot h"s e?ua(. It #ou($ be super7uous to pra"se the e)press
be'ause of her fa)"(y+ a(thouh "ts #ea(th a%$ a%t"?u"ty 'a%%ot fa"( to 'o%fer
(ustre o% the h"hest o>'esO her o#% pre2e)"%e%'e+ %ot o%(y "% !"rtue+ but a(so "%
beauty+ "s 'o))e%$at"o% e%ouh. If+ as the tra"' poetDD=;A says+ -s"(e%'e "s a
#o)a%-s (ory-+ the% she+ abo!e a(( other #o)e%+ "s #orthy of ho%our+ for she
spea/s to %o o%e but her husba%$+ a%$ her %atura( (o!e("%ess "s far )ore e3e't"!e
tha% a%y art"1'"a( a$or%)e%t $"'tate$ by 'o%!e%t"o%.
1A. The rea$er #"(( probab(y #"sh to /%o# #hat "s the e)peror-s att"tu$e to h"s
brothers. 6ar fro) /eep"% the) "% sub4e't"o%+ perpetua((y tu"% at the re"%s+ so
to spea/+ he "!es ea'h of the) a 'ha%'e to e&er'"se ")per"a( po#er+ #"th
'o)p(ete free$o) of a't"o%. Nor )ust I foret h"s u%'(e+ the Caesar+ o% #hose
op"%"o%s he p(a'es 'o%s"$erab(e re("a%'e. H"s #"se 'ou%se( a%$ a((2rou%$ ab"("ty
are+ "% fa't+ reat(y a$)"re$ by the %ephe#. M"'hae( $e!otes h"s atte%t"o% to '"!"(
a$)"%"strat"o%+ but e!eryth"% perta"%"% to )"("tary a3a"rs "s (eft to the Caesar.
11. There "s o%e th"% that I )ust a$$ here. The e)peror /%e# that I #as
prepar"% to pub("sh h"s b"oraphy a%$ "%stru'te$ )e %ot to #r"te u%t"( he ha$
1rst "!e% )e a br"ef out("%e of h"s o#% 'hara'ter. Cater+ h"s se'retary rea$ to )e
#hat he ha$ #r"tte%. I )yse(f+ before I hear$ th"s e3us"o%+ #as e&pe't"%
so)eth"% too "%t")ate+ so)eth"% rather o% the ra%$ s'a(e. 8hat he $"$ "% fa't
pro$u'e #as ?u"te the re!erse. Su'h #as the hu)"("ty+ su'h the $">$e%'e #"th
#h"'h he $es'r"be$ h")se(f+ a%$ so 'r"t"'a( the #ay "% #h"'h he e&a)"%e$ h"s
"%%er)ost be"%+ that e!e% a heart of sto%e 'ou($ %ot forbear to #o%$er at the
$epths of h"s se(f2abase)e%t. 0o$2("/e e)peror+ %o other !"rtue+ %o other oo$
?ua("ty 'ou($ $e)o%strate )ore '(ear(y your rea( 'hara'ter.
1=. I sa# Co%sta%t"%e+DD=;1 the so% of the e)peror M"'hae( Du'as+ #he% he #as
a t"%y baby. He #as be"% fe$ "% the ar)s of h"s %urse [=BN] a%$ #as #ear"% a%
")per"a( hea$ba%$. To h") I 'a% attr"bute %e"ther say"%s %or $ee$s+ for he has
%ot yet $o%e a%yth"%+ %or spo/e% a #or$+ but I 'a% 'o))e%t o% h"s appeara%'e
a%$ o% the 'hara'ter that "t e&presses+ as far as "t "s poss"b(e to 4u$e a%yo%e-s
%ature fro) the"r (oo/s+ for %e!er ha!e I see% su'h beauty o% earth. H"s fa'e "s
rou%$e$ "%to a perfe't '"r'(e+ the eyes rey+ !ery b"+ a%$
)ost sere%e+ #"th the eyebro#s for)"% a% abso(ute(y stra"ht ("%e s("ht(y
separate$ at the base of the %ose a%$ e%t(y 'ur!"% to#ar$s the te)p(es. The
t"p of h"s %ose "s stra"ht+ but there "s a t"%y r"se o% the br"$e a%$ to#ar$s the
base "t "s so)e#hat a?u"("%e. H"s hea$ "s 'o!ere$ #"th ha"r o($e% as the su%+ a%$
h"s ("ps are $a"%ty+ h"s eyes e%t(e+ e%t(er tha% the a%e(s. I% the) you )ay see
a %ature %e"ther prou$ %or hu)b(e+ but 'har)"%+ $"!"%e(y "%sp"re$.
1K. There "s a story that Hera'(es sa# 54a&+ the so% of Te(a)o%+ #h"(e st"(( a
%urs("%+ a%$ #rapt h") "% h"s ("o%2s/"%. C"/e#"se+ I ha!e r%a%y a t")e he($ "% )y
ar)s th"s ("tt(e pr"%'e a%$ praye$ that he )ay be%e1t fro) )y #or$s. I% t")e to
'o)e I #"(( ta/e h") "% )y ar)s aa"%+ !ery ofte%+ a%$ I hope+ that #he% he
ro#s to )a%hoo$ a%$ "%her"ts the E)p"re fro) h"s father+ I too )ay be%e1t fro)
h"). Nestor of Py(os+ after the 'apture of Troy+ to($ Neopto(e)us+ 5'h"((es- so%+
ho# a )a% )"ht 'u(t"!ate shre#$%ess. I #ou($ "!e o%(y th"s a$!"'e to the ("tt(e
o%e 22 for )aybe o%e $ay+ #he% he be'o)es a youth+ he #"(( rea$ )y h"story 22
th"s a$!"'e+ to fo((o# the e&a)p(e of h"s father a%$ to as/ h")se(f ho# %ear(y he
approa'hes that )o$e(. Mes+ ("tt(e o%e+ )ay you "%$ee$ be ("/e your s"reO you
#ou($ -ro# up %o )ea% )a%-.DD=;= If I ("!e o% beyo%$ the %or)a( spa%+ I #"((
'o)pose a%other h"story+ for you+ #he% you ha!e "!e% )e $ee$s to #r"te of@ "f
%ot+ the% #hat I ha!e #r"tte% here #"(( sat"sfy you a%$ pro!"$e for other h"stor"a%s
a start"%po"%t+ #he% they re'or$ your re"%.
1H. Th"s 'har)"% pr"%'e "s 4ust past h"s boyhoo$. 5(thouh a% eaer stu$e%t of
oratory+ he "s %ot $"spose$ to %e(e't the )ore profou%$ sub4e'ts 22 at a%y rate+
he e)barrasses )e #he% he $"s'ourses o% the a%t"po$es a%$ $e%"es the"r
e&"ste%'e+ 'o%te%$"% that+ "f they $"$ e&"st+ they #ou($ ha!e to #a(/ ups"$e
$o#%Q H"s ha%$s are [=BL] so)e#hat (are+ but he "s '(e!er #"th the) a%$ has a
$e("'ate tou'h. He ta/es to h"s ath(et"' tra"%"% eas"(y+ "s ("hthearte$+ u%a3e'te$+
a%$ a(toether fra%/+ re1%e$ "% h"s tastes+ a usefu( horse)a%+ pass"o%ate(y fo%$
of the 'hase+ %ot 'o%te%t #"th /eep"% abreast of the hare+ but a%&"ous to 7y
a(o% #"th the 'ra%e. He "s o%(y a )o$erate spea/er+ but 'o%'(u$es ra'efu((y
#he%e!er he (apses "%to %o%se%se.
1<. Not !ery ?u"'/2#"tte$+ but be"% #rapt up "% h")se(f+ he has a(( the
appeara%'e of a th"%/er. He "s e%era((y obser!a%t+ thouh+ a%$ #he% #or$s are
'a((e$ for+ he "s a pretty '(e!er spea/er. He "s %ot o%e to "!e #ay to h"s
a$!ersar"es ?u"'/(y+ but a%s#ers aru)e%t #"th aru)e%t+ a%$ tr"es to #"% h"s
po"%t. Met he 1%"shes #"th a s)"(e a%$ $er"!es a ?u"et sat"sfa't"o% fro) h"s e3orts.
He has a% o($ hea$ o% you% shou($ers+ reat te%a'"ty of purpose a%$
stea$"%ess. He "s )o$erate(y e%erous+ %ot too ("bera(+ %or yet t"ht21ste$+ a
'(e!er horse)a%+ a reat hu%ts)a%+ the $ar("% both of h"s )other a%$ of h"s
1N. Ho# 'a% I $o 4ust"'e to the %ob(e ?ua("t"es+ the !"rtues+ of th"s e%t(e)a%S
Su'h !ersat"("ty+ su'h outsta%$"% "fts+ baRe $es'r"pt"o%. T#o 'hara'ter"st"'s+
rare(y fou%$ "% 'o%4u%'t"o%+ are e&tre)e(y )ar/e$ "% h") 22 a ("!e(y "%te(("e%'e II
%e!er sa# or hear$ of a%yo%e so ?u"'/2#"tte$J a%$ /"%$%ess of heart. He re)"%$s
)e of a r"!er of o"( 7o#"% %o"se(ess(y o% "ts #ay+ so )"($ he "s. 5%$ as for )"("tary
stratey+ he has a'?u"re$ a /%o#(e$e of the s'"e%'e of the a%'"e%ts 'o)parab(e
to that of the fa)ous Caesars the)se(!es. He has stu$"e$ the bra!e $ee$s a%$
!"'tor"es of the Ha$r"a%s+ the Tra4a%s+ a%$ others of the sa)e 'o)pa%y. Th"s
/%o#(e$e+ )oreo!er+ has %ot $e!e(ope$ spo%ta%eous(y+ %or by 'ha%'es but
fro) the rea$"% of boo/s o% ta't"'s a%$ stratey a%$ s"ee2'raft+ fro) the #or/s
of 5e("a%DD=;N a%$ 5po((o$orusDD=;L a%$ the"r $"s'"p(es. It )"ht be "%ferre$ that
o%e so !erse$ "% )"("tary s'"e%'e #ou($ be $e1'"e%t "% the arts of '"!"(
a$)"%"strat"o%+ of 4ur"spru$e%'e+ of 1%a%'e+ but su'h a be("ef #ou($ be ?u"te
erro%eous. The truth "s+ to #hate!er %ob(e stu$y he $e!otes h"s e%er"es+ Joh%
e&'e(s "% "t+ sharp as the [=BB] pro!erb"a( ra,or. Perhaps+ so)eo%e )ay suest+
he "s ba$2te)pere$. Not a b"t of "t+ a(thouh he $oes sho# a 'erta"% a)ou%t of
sp"r"t. Perhaps !"%$"'t"!eS No )a% #as e!er (ess re!e%efu(2 h"s for %ature "s e!e%
)ore )ar/e$ tha% h"s se(f2'o%tro(. Maybe he "s too rea$y #"th h"s to%ue+ too
outspo/e%+ too presu)ptuous "% the prese%'e of h"s brother a%$+ to a (ess
$eree+ #he% ta(/"% #"th h"s %ephe#S 8ro% aa"%. I% fa't+ Joh% sets us a(( a%
e&a)p(e of $"p(o)a'y+ a(#ays 'arefu( to a!o"$ e&tre)es+ te)per"% h"s ser"ous
pursu"ts #"th (e!"ty. O%(y "% th"s )atter of past")es $oes he sho# (a'/ of restra"%t
a%$ (ose a se%se of proport"o%.DD=;B
1L. He "%$u(es "% a(( /"%$s of hu%t"%+ obser!"% 'arefu((y the 7"ht of b"r$s a%$
the tra'/s fo((o#e$ by #"($ beasts. He ures o% the $os a%$ 'hases the $app(e$
h"%$. He "s )a$ about bears+ too 22 I ha!e ofte% reproa'he$ h") for that+ but a(( to
%o purpose+ for the past")e %e!er fa"(s to "!e h") a)use)e%t. H"s ("fe "s spe%t
"% t#o pursu"ts 22 boo/s a%$ hu%t"%O "% other #or$s+ h"s (e"sure hours are $e!ote$
to the (atter+ a%$ #he% he #or/s+ the #ho(e #or($ "s h"s stu$y+ e!eryth"% "% "ts
p(a'e. Nor "s he (ess 'o%!ersa%t #"th the fu%'t"o%s of #ar tha% #"th the
o''upat"o%s of pea'e. He 'a% $"s'ourse o% 'o)pa%"es+ batt(e2for)at"o%s+ ar)y
roups+ ho# to set out a pha(a%&+ ho# to $efe%$ "% $epth+ ho# to for) ho((o#
s?uare. He u%$ersta%$s #hat "s )ea%t by ho((o# #e$e or for)"% '(ose 'o(u)%.
He /%o#s a(( about #a((21ht"%+ 'a!a(ry s/"r)"sh"%+ the arra%e)e%t of "%fa%try
appropr"ate to $"3ere%t '"r'u)sta%'es or $"3ere%t terra"%s. *ut #hy o "%to
further $eta"(S 8hate!er aspe't o%e 'o%s"$ers+ the )a% "s #"thout a r"!a(.
1B. I% th"s (etter the e)peror bea% #"th a refere%'e to the harsh%ess of Pho'as-s
e&"(e+DDKAA a%$ to the t")e he ha$ #aste$. He re'a((e$ the $eso(at"o% of h"s
fr"e%$s+ the 1%a%'"a( $">'u(t"es+ the 1(thy tu%"'s a%$ tattere$ ar)e%ts. 5fter th"s
prefa'e+ he #rote of Pho'as-s restorat"o%+ a 'ha%e of fortu%e for #h"'h he
IM"'hae(J ha$ bee% perso%a((y respo%s"b(e+ a%$ of the reat ho%our a''or$e$ h")
at h"s re'ept"o% "% the pa(a'e Ihere he re)"%$e$ h") of fa!ours -#orthy of a
satrap- a%$ of "%$es'r"bab(e s'e%es of #e('o)eJ. He po"%te$ out ho# ?u"'/ he
ha$ bee% to 'o%fer o% Pho'as a(( the reatest a%$ )ost 'o!ete$ ho%ours of the
Ro)a% State@DDKA1 ho#+ fro) the 1rst+ he [=B;] ha$ e&a(te$ h") to pos"t"o%s of
po#er+ both "% the '"!"( a%$ "% the )"("tary sphere@ ho# he ha$ pro)ote$ h")
abo!e a(( others a%$ assure$ h") of a% "%'o)e #h"'h+ e!eryo%e #ou($ aree+ #as
'o))e%surate #"th the h"h o>'e he e%4oye$. To ?uote h"s o#% #or$s+ -8ho has
re'e"!e$ at )y ha%$s a reater re#ar$ tha% yourse(fS 8ho has a$4u$e$ to be
the e)peror-s fr"e%$+ h"s ears a%$ eyes+ but youS 8ho but you obta"%e$ fro) )e
h"s e!ery $es"reS 8"th #ho) $"$ I share the )ost ")porta%t fu%'t"o%s of
o!er%)e%tS There #ere se'rets+ /ept h"$$e% fro) )y brother a%$ )y )other+
#h"'h I $"s'(ose$ to you a(o%e. 5%$ #ho %o# has the po#er to "!e a#ay or
#"thho($ the h"hest o>'es "% the rea()S Those o>'es+ re)e)ber+ ha!e brouht
you reat re%o#% a%$ )u'h ara%$",e)e%t. I #"(( %ot spea/ of the fa!ours I
ha!e 'o%ferre$+ for your sa/e+ o% your father a%$ brother a%$ /"%s)e%@ I #"(( %ot
)e%t"o% a(( those #ho) I ha!e pro)ote$ fro) obs'ur"ty a%$ "%$"e%'e to h"h
ra%/+ )ere(y to p(ease you@ %or #"(( I spea/ of the )a%y #ho ha!e a'?u"re$ %ot
"%'o%s"$erab(e r"'hes+ a%$ %o#+ "%stea$ of e&"st"% "% the pe%ur"ous )a%%er of
the"r forbears+ ho($ 'o))a%$s "% the ar)y a%$ 1(( respo%s"b(e posts "% the '"!"(
a$)"%"strat"o%. The"r "%4ust"'es+ #hether 'o))"tte$ "% se'ret or "% the broa$ ("ht
of $ay+ #ere purpose(y "%ore$ by )e+ for I /%e# these )a(efa'tors #ere (e"o%
a%$ he($ )y pea'e at the"r #ro%2$o"%+ be"% prepare$ to to(erate a%yth"% for
your sa/e. My o%e 'o)fort "% the hour of troub(e #as+ I be("e!e$+ yourse(f 22 after
0o$+ of 'ourse. I 'hose you to sta%$ by )e throuhout the t")e of )y
tr"bu(at"o%s+ a%$ e(e'te$ you to super!"se )y a3a"rs 'o%sta%t(y+ be'ause I
thouht that "% you+ a(o%e of a(( )e%+ I ha$ #o% a% a((y a%$ a part%er+ a%$
be'ause I #as 'o%1$e%t that the perp(e&"t"es #h"'h assa"(e$ us #ou($ be sett(e$
by your a"$. *ut )y p(a%s 22 ho# !a"% they appear %o#+ ho# rou%$(ess )y
hopesQ Throuh your se%se(ess pr"$e+ the treasure that I souht has tur%e$ out to
be %oth"% but rubb(e. Hope #"(( %ot a(#ays spr"% eter%a(O a host of e!"(s ta/es
the heart out of a )a%. *ut there 22 #e ha!e brouht th"s troub(e o% ourse(!es+
$e(u$e$ "%to th"%/"% that 1re 'a% be e&t"%u"she$ #"th o"(.
1;. -I% p(a'e of the 'o)fort that I (oo/e$ for+ you br"% o% )e $"sasterO "%stea$ of
a% a((y+ I 1%$ "% you a% ope% e%e)y+ "%stea$ of a fe((o#2#or/er+ a $estru't"!e
ae%t. So+ at (east+ "t appears+ "f the ru)ours that are sprea$ abroa$ about you
are true. Me% say that you are ar)"% yourse(f for the fray+ "%te%t o% !e%ea%'e+
as "f you ha$ [=;A] su3ere$ at )y ha%$s the !"(est of #ro%2$o"%+ the supre)e
$"sser!"'e. They te(( )e that you are ear%est(y str"!"% to thrust )e forth fro) )y
ho)e+ the pa(a'e of a% e)peror+ a%$ prepar"% to #"% "t for yourse(f a%$ )a/e "t
your o#%. I be of you+ )a"stros+ #"th a(( )y heart a%$ sou(+ %e!er+ %e!er to
'o%te)p(ate su'h a 'ourse. 5 p(aue o% the ru)our2)o%ers a%$ the "%!e%tors
of "$(e ta(es+ the #"'/e$ #ho so# tares a)o% the #heat+ #ho )a%"fy "%to
pro$""es #hat $oes %ot e!e% e&"st+ "%sp"re$ o%(y by the"r 4ea(ousyQ The"r
)o%strous absur$"t"es are be%eath 'o%te)pt+ ("es fabr"'ate$+ I a) sure+. #"th o%e
spe'"a( "%te%t 22 to brea/ up our u%"ty of purpose a%$ to s)ash the har)o%y that
b"%$s us toether. These e!"( )e% are %oth"% to us. If the a$!ersary spea/s
aa"%+ (et h") %ot re4o"'e at our $"s'o)1ture. 5%$ as for yourse(f+ I pray that you
)ay for e!er 'ast fro) your )"%$ the thouht of a $ee$ so abo)"%ab(e "% the
eyes of 0o$+ so utter(y $epra!e$. I p(ea$ #"th you %ot to sho# yourse(f so
u%fee("%+ so u%4ust as to atta'/ those #ho ha!e treate$ you #"th /"%$%ess a%$
are b(a)e(ess. Do %ot a((o# yourse(f to be'o)e a% ob4e't of (oath"% to )e%+ a
)o$e( of #"'/e$%essQ-
=A. The e)peror #e%t o% to re)"%$ Pho'as that he ha$ 'a((e$ o% 0o$ as h"s
8"t%ess+ #"th oaths )ost terr"b(e. He po"%te$ out that D"!"%e Pro!"$e%'e ea'h $ay
s'a%s the #ho(e "%hab"te$ #or($+ but #"th u%s(eep"% eye "t a(so #at'hes o!er the
a3a"rs of "%$"!"$ua( )e%+ a%$ )etes out to the) the 4ust re'o)pe%se for the"r
$ee$s a%$ to ea'h of the) re%$ers )easure for )easure. Those #ho #a(/ "% the
path of u%r"hteous%ess are 'auht "% the %et of Pro!"$e%'e+ a%$ throuh the
#or/"% of Pro!"$e%'e e!e% the $"'tates of 6ortu%e are re!erse$. -If you sta%$ "%
a#e of the Ju$)e%t of 0o$+ "f you e&pe't H") to pass se%te%'e o% your $ee$s+
the% tre)b(e for the su''ess of th"s e%terpr"se. Cet #"s$o) u"$e your steps+ (et
pru$e%'e $"re't your p(a%s. D"s'ret"o% before $"s(oya(tyQ He #ho fo((o#s ba$
'ou%se( p(ots+ fro) the !ery be"%%"%+ h"s o#% $estru't"o%Q-
I5t th"s po"%t the Chro%oraph"a e%$s abrupt(y. Pse((us %e!er 'o)p(ete$ "t.JDDKA=

!,4. The deputation of generals& headed by 2atacalon 2ecaumenus& (saac
2omnenus& <ichael Burt)es& 2onstantine and 'ohn $ucas& met the emperor on
Easter $ay& !?5+.
!,5. Bccording to 2edrenus -+*4& p. ,!50 <ichael did speak to the generals
individually and praised their services to the Empire& but he obstinately refused
to grant their reGuests.
!,,. The 2omneni came originally from 2omne& near .adrianople& and had
estates in the 2astamon district of Bsia <inor. They were destined to play a
preeminent role in By)antium during the ne=t hundred years. (saac himself was
the son of <anuel Eroticus& a distinguished prefect under Basil ((. .e had married
the daughter of a king of Bulgaria and had two children& a son who died young
and a daughter who became a nun some time after !?5+. Both (saac and his
brother 'oahn had already held high o;ce.
!,+. 2atacalon 2ecaumenus& $uke of Bntioch& had been supplanted by the
emperor1s nephew <ichael.
!,3. The generals tried to persuade #eo "araspondylus to intercede for them& but
he was unable to inDuence the emperor.
!,*. "sellus does not mention Bryennius and .ervR Francopullus. The former was
in command of the <acedonian army in 2appadocia& having been recalled from
e=ile by <ichael and ordered to prosecute the war against the Turks. .e
demanded the restoration of his property& sei)ed by Theodora& but having failed
in this went o: to his army in disgust& accompanied by one Opsaras& obviouslv an
agent of the emperor. Bryennius attempted to pay the troops more than the
authori)ed amount and when Opsaras denounced him threw the agent into
chains. The result of this impetuosity was that he lost his eyes and was betrayed
to the emperor& and& more important& other generals who had hitherto refrained
from action -such as 7omanus Sclerus& Botaneiates& and the sons of Basil
Brgyrus0 hurried to proclaim (saac emperor& because they heard that the whole
conspiracy might now be revealed. .ervR was an Brmenian and a soldier of some
distinction. .e demanded the rank of magister only to be treated by <ichael with
the utmost rudeness& and after this he >oined the Turks.
!+?. (n St. Sophia with the connivance of 2erularius.
!+!. On the plain of Eunaria where& on 3 'une !?5+& (saac was acclaimed as the
new emperor.
!+6. The headGuarters of the rebel army was now at Nicaea. (saac was in no
hurry to occupy the cityJ he wished to avoid battle at %rst& con%dent that the
enemy would desert the emperor. (n fact& the imperial leaders remained loyal but
the rank and %le melted away -2edrenus& 3??B& p. ,6+0.
!+8. They were put under the command of Theodorus& a eunuch of the late
empress& and of Baron $ucas& brother9in9law of 2omnenus himself. They crossed
to Nicomedia and broke down the bridge over the 7iver Sangares. Their camp
was %nally established on <ount Sophon.
!+4. Theodorus -cf. note !+80.
!+5. .omer& (liad& (((& 3 :
!+,. The Battle of .ades& not far from Nicaea& on 6? Bugust !?5+. 2edrenus
describes this engagement in some detail -3?!96& p.,63 :.0.
!++. Theodorus Blopus& a senator.
!+3. 2onstantine #ichudes.
!+*. .e later succeeded 2erularius as "atriarch and presided at the ceremony of
(saac1s own tonsuration in !?5*.
!3?. Bt Nicomedia& 64 Bugust.
!3!. Brother of (saac.
!36. The Bthenian orator -c. 45*983? B.2.0.
!38. 2onstantine the Ereat appointed his sons 2aesars before his deathJ 2rispus
and 2onstantine (( in 8!+& 2onstantius (( in 868& and in 888 2onstans. The last
three afterwards became emperors.
!34. 2atacalon& who was chieDy responsible for the victory of 6? Bugust& is said
to have been most vehement in opposing any compromise with the emperor.
!35. #eo "araspondylus.
!3,. 2omnenus had meanwhile moved to 7heae. There is no doubt that these
negotiations were deliberately prolonged& and "sellus with his fellow9
ambassadors was plotting with 2erularius to get rid of <ichael. Fe are told by
2edrenus -3?8& p. ,880 that the ambassadors persuaded 2atacalon to oppose
their terms in order to delay the %nal decision until everything was ready at
!3+. 2f. note !35.
!33. (saac had every reason to feel con%dent2the uprising timed for the 8?
Bugust was arranged.
!3*. 2edrenus1s account is interesting -3?495& pp. ,859,0. The "atriarch
pretended to be reluctant to endorse the proclamation of (saac as emperor. (n
the end he sent messengers to both the rivalsJ one to advise <ichael to abdicate&
the other to 2omnenus warning him to hasten to the palace. (n fact& <ichael did
not take refuge in St. Sophia. The "atriarch remained there.
!*?. <ichael Bnastasius& Theodorus 2hryselius& 2hristophorus "yrrhus. The
"atriarch sent his nephews& Nicephorus and 2onstantine& to negotiate with them&
but the crowd threatened to strangle these emissaries unless 2erularius himself
condescended to meet the conspirators.
!*!. The night of 8! Bugust !?5+. (saac was now at 2hrysopolis.
!*6. ! September.
!*8. .oly men who lived on pillars.
!*4. "sellus uses this generic term for "agans.
!*5. .e was crowned by the "atriarch in St. Sophia.
!*,. <ichael lived his last days as a monk in By)antium.
!*+. (saac was about %fty years old. .e was born about !??5.
!*3. Essentially a soldier9emperor& (saac had little respect for the 2ourt. .is reply
to someone who reproached him for rebelling against <ichael was typicalJ 1(
couldn1t bear to serve my fellow9slave any more S1 -Scylit)es& 3!8& p.,5?0.
!**. (saac used to say that an emperor should be terrible to foreigners& but
accessible to his friends.
6??. 2f. Scylit)es -3!8& p. ,5?0J 1-(saac0 was a man of %=ed habits& fair9minded&
sharp9witted& strong& intelligent& a great leader in war& a terror to his foes& kindly
to his friends.1
6?!. /enocrates of 2halcedon& a follower of "lato& was head of the Bcademy from
88* to 8!4 B.2. .e was a philosopher of great moral earnestness. "sellus may
however be referring to another /enocrates& a sculptor of the school of #ysippus&
who Dourished in the third century B.2. and who wrote on art -"liny& ///C& !?&
8,K $iogenes #aertius& (C& !50.
6?6. 2f. note (36. <any writers of antiGuity wrote commentaries on the orations
of #ysias& most of which have unfortunately perished.
6?8. (saac1s coinage gives the clue to his reign. (nstead of the labarum -the
imperial standard0 a drawn sword appears in his hand. The days of eunuch9rule
were overJ henceforth the Empire was to be governed by a soldier. .ence he had
little sympathy for the court party. Bll kinds of economy were practised. The
monasteries were among the %rst to su:erK many noble families were compelled
to surrender property and wealthK certain allowances previously given to men
who held o;ce were cancelledK ta=ation became much heavier and was enforced
without mercyK donations which other emperors made freely were now withheld.
These measures naturally caused no little dissatisfaction -Scylit)es& 3?3& p. ,460.
6?4. 7omanus ((.
6?5. The title -1born in the purple10 gave special distinction to the ruling dynasty.
.ere "sellus is speaking of the <acedonian .ouse.
6?,. Ble=ander the Ereat& who mastered his favourite horse by turning him
towards the sun. (n its memory -it died in battle0 he founded the city of
6?+. The si=th labour of .eracles.
6?3. 'udging by (saac1s conduct of the "at)inak campaign of !?5*& he was not an
outstanding strategist.
6?*. 2erularius. (saac owed his throne to the "atriarch1s intervention in !?5+. (n
return the emperor renounced certain >urisdiction over the a:airs of the 2hurch.
Emboldened by this 2erularius tried to e=tend his powerJ he wore -or perhaps
destined for his relative 2onstantine $ucas0 the purple buskins that were
considered the prerogative of the emperor only. (n November !?53 (saac
arrested him and sent him int e=ile at "roconnesus. Bs the "atriarch refused to
abdicate& "sellus& at the emperors reGuest& drew up the Bccusation& an
interesting and informative docunnen which charges him with heresy and
treason and gives a wealth of corroborative detail. 2erularius however died
before he could be brought to trial and was succeeded by #ichudes in !?5*
-Scylit)es& 3?*& p. ,440.
6!?. February& !?5*.
6!!. Vet #ichudes was not allowed to take up his new appointment without delay.
(saac insisted that he should submit to some inGuisition before the Synod
-Scylit)es 3?*& 29$& p. ,450.
6!6. The "at)inaks crossed the $anube -(ster0 it !?5*. The .ungarians also
threatened the 7omans but peace was arranged with them. The campaign
against the "at)inaks was almost brought to a successful conclusion& but an
unusually early fall of snow and heavy rain caused the emperor to withdraw
under great di;culties -September0. There were rumours that the Turks were
preparing to invade the easts provinces and (saac had to return to the capital.
6!8. 64 September.
6!4. 'ohn 2omnenus.
6!5. November !?5*. The account of Scylit)es is di:erent -3!!B& p. ,4+0
6!,. $odona and $elphi were both noted as oracles.
6!+. <. "orcius 2ato -6849(4* B.2.0 was regarded as the typical 7oman& the
perfect e=ample of a vir moribus antiGuis.
6!3. Not improbable& for (saac was not a native of 2onstantinople.
6!*. .e had a sense of humour -Scylit)es& 3!8& pp. ,5?9!0.
66?. 2atherine -or Becaterina0& daughter of 'ohn Cladislav& a Bulgarian prince.
66!. <aria. Bfter the emperor1s death both she and her mother retired to a
convent. The empress changed her name to .elena.
666. 'ohn.
668. This was probably <anuel& who distinguished himself afterwards as a
general. But 'ohn had four other sons and the reference may be to Theodorus
$oceianus& his sister1s son.
664. #ichudes.
665. 2onstantine $ucas& "resident of the Senate. (t is said that he o:ered the
throne %rst to his brother who refused it.
66,. Bndronicus was implicated in a conspiracy against #eo C( the Fise in *?,.
The family had long been distinguished at By)antium.
66+. 2onstantine was one of the contestants for the imperial throne after the
death of Ble=ander -*!80 and had he not died suddenly might well have
succeeded him.
663. (saac had a son& but he died early in life.
66*. November !?5*.
68?. Seven years and si= months -from November !?5* to <ay !?,+0.
68!. The truth is that 2onstantine / was a mediocre person. .e neglected the
army& he allowed the barbarians to attack the Empire almost with impunity&
devoted his time to civil administration -particularly to legal problems0 and
openly admitted that he preferred to be known as a great orator rather than as a
great emperor -Scylit)es& 3!89!4& pp9 ,5!980.
686. .e had earned sorne reputation as a general in the past& but during his
"rincipate he was lacking in all initiative and dilatory in the e=treme.
688. (n the East the Turks plundered and ravagedJ Brmenia& (beria and the
provinces on the Euphrates su:ered severely at their hands. Bni was lost.
<eanwhile in the Fest some ,??&??? I)es crossed the $anube& defeated the
7oman and Bulgarian forces who opposed them& captured the 7oman generals
Basil Bpocapes and Nicephorus Botaneiates& broke into Thrace and Ereece& and
threatened <acedonia. Bfter much delay 2onstantine marched out against them
with !5?&??? men& but before he could >oin battle he received news that the
enemy& attacked by "at)inaks& Bulgarians& famine ard disease& had retreated
over the $anube. Scylit)es -3!,2& p. ,5,0 ascribes this reverse to $ivine
intervention -!?,50.
684. The 2ity "refect and several nobles were implicated in a plot to kill the
emperor on St. Eeorge1s $ay -!?,?0& but they were only punished by the
con%scation of all their property -Scylit)es 3!8$& p. ,560.
685. 2f. note 66,.
68,. 2f. note 66+.
68+. "ossibly the grandfather of the almost legendary $igenes Bcritas& who is
said to have carried on a permanent freebooting campaign against the Saracens.
Bccording to the legend he was the son of a daughter of a general of the $ucas
family and a Saracen emir -whence his name $i9genes0. See By)antium& ed.
Baynes and <oss& pp. 64, :.
683. Eudocia <acrembolitissa& a relative of <ichael 2erularius.
68*. <ichael and Bndronicus before his accessionK after he became emperor&
2onstantine. There were two daughters Theodora and Hoe.
64?. 2onstantine (/.
64!. 2onstantine /.
646. (saac submitted to the discipline of this monastery and was even content to
act as >anitor.
648. Some time in !?,!.
644. 2onstantine1s parsimony was notorious -Scylit)es& 3!5$& p. ,550.
645. Hoe married Bdrian 2omnenus& brother of the future Ble=ius (.
64,. She was also known as Theodora Bnna.
64+. 2f. note 684. They intended to sink the imperial galley and drown the
emperor while he was on his way back to the palace from <angana.
643. 2f. note 688.
64*. They were the sons of Bndronicus $ucas.
65?. 'ohn /iphilinus of Trebi)ond was elected "atriarch in !?,4& a%er the death of
#ichudes. .e was appointed to the o;ce against his will -Scylit)es& 3!+2& ".,530
for he was loth to leave his monastery. .e was now Bbbot there -"sellus& Funeral
Oration on 'ohn /iphilinus& ed. 2. N. Sathas& Bibl. Eraec. <ed. Bev.& iv& p. 4430.
65!. The emperor1s illness began in October !?,, and lasted until the following
<ay. On his deathbed he compelled his wife to swear that she would never marry
again& and the 2aesar 'ohn and other intimates were reGuired to promise that
they would recogni)e no other emperor but 2onstantine1s sons.
656. (t is noteworthy that the whole of this section dealing with the emperor1s
sayings is found verbatim in Scylit)es& 3!32& ". ,,?. <edieval writers regarded
the work of their predecessors or even contemporaries as common property. -2&
Bnna 2omnena& Ble=iad& C& *. where she uses a passage taken from "sellus&
2hronographia& 7ornanus (((& 698 .0
658. Eudocia was particularly concerned at the attitude of the "atriarchJ he was
insistent that she should remain faithful to the oath she had given to her dying
husband. (n order to obtain his consent to her new marriage& she conspired with
one of the 2ourt eunuchs& a person of low character. This eunuch suggested to
the "atriarch that his brother Bardas should marry the empress. /iphilinus&
Dattered by this proposal& consulted the Senate& but did not press his brother1s
claims -Bardas was Guite unsuitable for such a position0K he %nally agreed
instead that 7omanus $iogenes should marry her -Scylit)es& 36!96& p.,,4 :.0.
654.The Turks were en>oying uninterrupted successJ in 2ilicia& helped by a 7oman
deserter& Bmertices& who had been e=iled because of an attempted assassination
of 2onstantine /& they had won victories and ravaged the landK in Syria
Nicephorus Botaneiates tried to stem their advance with an ill9eGuipped force&
short both of supplies and of money& and eventually resigned his command. (n
Europe the "at)inaks had again gone over to the o:ensives but had been
repulsed by the 7omans. For his success in this campaign 7omanus had been
promoted by 2onstantine at the end of his reign and -probably with some >ustice0
had plotted to dethrone the empress. .e was denounced& arrested and sent into
e=ile& but soon recalled. On 64 $ecember !?,+ he was made magister and put in
command of the army& with the approval of the Senate. One man consistently
opposed him& 'ohn $ucas.
655. 7omanus& son of 2onstantine $iogenes& was born in 2appadocia. .is father
had conspired against 7omanus Brgyrus -7omanus (((0 but had escaped capture.
65,. 'ohn $ucas. 2f. note 654.
65+ The marriage took place on ! 'anua y !?,3 and 7omanus (C1s reign begins
from that date.
653. The elevation of 7omanus was really a victory for the military party in the
state. "sellus himself e=ercised great inDuence& but only as long as the 2ourt
held the upper hand. (n his account of the new emperor it is not di;cult to see
that he is to some e=tent biased.
65*. cf. .omer& (liad& /C& ,+3.
6,?. 7omanus had a conglomerate force of <acedonians& Bulgarians&
2appadocians& I)es& Franks& and some poor levies from "hrygia. The army was
ill9paid and ill9eGuipped2a state of a:airs that was due entirely to his
predecessor& 2onstantine. "sellus is not altogether fair to him& for his strategy
was not so aimless as the historian infers. The enemy had the initiative and were
able to strike at many points& while the emperor had generals whom he could
scarcely trust. (t is certain that he himself was a brave man and more than once
saved the day when his lieutenants had su:ered defeat. Bfter pushing back the
Turks in the north he inDicted a severe reverse on them in the south -6?
November !?,30.
6,!. The leaders of the peace party were "sellus himself& Nicephorus "alaeologus
and 'ohn $ucas.
6,6. Spring !?,*. This campaign was indecisive& though the enemy took
6,8. The probable reason is that 7omanus dared not leave "sellus in the capital
while he was conducting the war. .e must have been aware of the other1s
6,4. 'ohn $ucas.
6,5. "sellus does not mention that the campaign of !?+? was carried on by
<anuel 2omnenus. .e was defeated and taken prisoner& but persuaded his
captor to desert to the By)antines and& contrary to all e=pectations& arrived
safely at 2onstantinople. 7omanus1s third campaign against Blp Brslan& the
Sel>uG ruler& took place in !?+!. Bfter varying fortunes the Sultan o:ered peace&
but the emperor refused to accept his terms and a pitched battle was fought at
<an)ikert -6, Bugust !?+!0. Bs a result of treachery on the part of some o;cers&
he was defeated and captured& but not without great gallantry in the face of odds
-Scylit)es& 34!& p. ,**0.
6,,. Scylit)es speaks of omens which foreshadowed the disaster that was to
follow -3859,& pp.,3*9*?0.
6,+. Bryennius in particular.
6,3. The Battle of <an)ikert. 2f. note 6,5.
6,*. "sellus conveniently ignores the fact that if Bndronicus& the son of 'ohn
$ucas& had not run away and deliberately spread the rumour that the battle was
lost& 7omanus might never have been compelled to take such a risk -Scylit)es&
34?$& p. ,*30.
6+?. (n the hand. .e fought on after his horse had been shot down under him.
6+!. B full account is preserved in Scylit)es -346& p. +??0. The Sultan asked
7omanus what be would have done if the 7omans had won and the Turkish ruler
had been captured. The emperor& without any dissimulation& replied& 1( would
have Dogged vou to deathS11But !&1 said Brslan& 1will not imitate you. ( have been
told that your 2hrist teaches gentleness and forgiveness of wrong. .e resists the
proud and gives grace to the humble.1
6+6. Bndronicus and 2onstantine $ucas.
6+8. The famous Carangian guards.
6+4. Fe are told by Scylit)es -348& p. +?60 that Eudocia was sent into e=ile by
the 2aesar 'ohn& by his sons& and above all by "sellus -who& says Scylit)es
1glories in his deed in one of his books10.
6+5. 2onstantine.
6+,. Tyropaeum. The defeat of ch. 88 was really su:ered by Theodorus Blyates&
one of the emperor1s lieutenants who was taken prisoner and blinded.
6++. 2hatatoures& the $uke of Bntioch -see ch. 830.
6+3. The Bishops of 2halcedon& .eraclea& and 2olonus.
6+*. Bpparently Bdana& in 2ilicia.
63?. This 2rispinus had >oined 7omanus on his %rst campaign. "reviously he had
been in (taly. Bs he was not treated with the consideration which he thought was
his due& he revolted -Easter& !?,*0 and appears to have carried on a freebooting
campaign& plundering the ta=9collectors and defeating the forces sent against
him. Bfter putting to Dight the army of the emperor1s brother9in law& Samuel
Blousianus the Bulgarian& in Brmenia& he showed remarkable clemency to his
captives and set them free. Thereupon he sent an embassy to the emperor
begging for pardon& and he was restored& but not for long. Once more he became
suspect and lost his command& being sent into e=ile at Bbydos. (f Scylit)es is to
be believed& he was a great warrior and a valuable ally.
63!. (.e. the Turk Blp Brslan& who had made an alliance with the emperor.
636. Scylit)es -345B& p. +?50 asserts that it was 'ohn $ucas who gave this order
without the knowledge of <ichael.
638. From the time of his accession to his capture at Bdana he reigned three
years and eight months -i.e. to September !?+!0. Further details are to be found
in Scylit)es& who cannot conceal his dislike of "sellus and the $ucas family. .e
writes -36!& p. ,,40 that 7omanus was a man of %ne appearance& tall& with broad
shoulders and a deep chest. .e constantly refers to the emperor1s personal
bravery and pays tribute to his fortitude at the time of his %nal calamity -345. p.
634. The truth is that <ichael "arapinaces w as a despicable person and some of
the blame for his ine;cient rule must fall upon "sellus. The young emperor was
being trained in logic and philosophy& but the situation of the Empire demanded a
soldier& a strong character such as 7omanus $iogenes had already proved
himself. On all sides the enemies of the By)antines were meeting with success.
Serbia was becoming a dangerous neighbourK the Normans were threatening the
westK the <uslims were advancing in the eastK the nomad tribes over the $anube
were re9commencing their foraysK and the 7oman armies were discontented and
disorgani)ed. (n the By)antine Empire itself there was constant tension tooJ the
$ucas family was losing grip and the 2ornneni were steadily building up a great
635. Scylit)es W35,$& p. +650 is scathing in his condemnation of the emperor1s
activitiesJ 1Fhile he spent his time in the useless pursuit of eloGuence and
wasted his energy on the composition of iambic and anapaestic verse -and they
were poor e:orts indeedX& he brought his Empire to ruin& led astray by his
mentor& the philosopher "sellus.1 Bgain -34,& p. +?,0J 1Fhile he -Nicephorit)a& the
emperor1s favourite0 concentrated all power in his own hands& <ichael found time
for nothing but triodes and childish games. The leading philosopher& "sellus& had
made hirn Guite un%tted for the position he occupied.1
63,. Obscure& but maybe a reference to "lato1s perfect number -7ep.& C(((0.
63+. <ichael1s worst mistake was appointing the eunuch Nicephorit)a logothete.
This man was an unscrupulous rascal of the most despicable type. Bt By)antium
his one ob>ect was to aggrandi)e himself. (n the perpetual wars carried on
against the enemies of the Empire& it is patent that he had no consistent policyJ
each successive crisis was met with some new make9shift plan& with no thought
for honour or prestige. The heartless sel%shness of the emperor1s advisers Wfor
he himself was merely a tool in their hands0 is e=empli%ed in their treatment of
the Norman 7oussel de Bailleul -7uselius0.
633. <aria& an Blan princess& who was afterwards married to the emperor
Nicephorus Botaneiates. <entioned in the Ble=iad of Bnna 2omnena passim.
63*. 2onstantine& betrothed to .elena the daughter of 7obert Euiscard& but later
to Bnna 2omnena. .e probably died before she was of marriageable age.
6*?. Sophocles& B>a=& 6*8.
6*!. 2f. note 63*.
6*6. Sophocles& B>a=& 55!.
6*8. Bndronicus played little part in the history of these times and his
subseGuent fate is unknown.
6*4. Bfter the abdication of <ichael C(( "arapinaces& 2onstantine -or 2onstantius0
was con%ned in a monastery by Nicephorus& the new emperor. .e appears to
have died in cattle at $ura))o -!?360.
6*5. The Sultan made war on <ichael& determined to avenge the death of
7omanus& and after (saac 2omnenus and 7oussel had both been taken prisoner
by the Turks& the emperor appointed 'ohn $ucas commander9in9chief. 7oussel
was liberated and decided to throw in his lot with 'ohn. .e proclaimed him
emperor. Thereupon <ichael& with his usual duplicity& caked upon the Sultan to
help him. The rebels were soon captured and although they were ransomed& 'ohn
became a monk. Towards the end of the reign he arranged a marriage between
his grand9daughter (rene and Ble=ius 2omnenus& the future emperor. This
alliance united the two most powerful families at By)antium. (n !?3! he emerged
from his monastery to help Ble=ius in his successful revolt against Nicephorus.
6*,. Buthor of a book on strategy. #ived probably in the reign of Tra>an -B $.
6*+. Bpollodorus of $amascus wrote on Engines of Far at 7ome in the %rst
century B.$. .e also planned the Forum of Tra>an.
6*3. (n fact& 'ohn was a crafty intriguer and cruelly revengeful.
6**. Nicephorus Botaneiates& the future emperor& claimed to be a descendant cf
the ancient Fabii family or 7ome. .e was one of the two contestants for the
throne when the generals revolted against <ichael C(( in !?++. .e eventually
defeated his rival Bryennius amd forced <ichael to abdicate and retire to a
monastery. .e reigned for three years before he himself was compelled to resign
and become a monk.
8??. "ossibly a reference to the fact that 7omanus (C $iogenes had dismissed
him in !?+!& when preparing for the campaign that was to end at <an)ikert.
8?!. .e had been promoted to the o;ce of curopalates.
8?6. Nothing appears to be known about "sellus after the abdication of <ichael
C(( in 'anuary !?+3.

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