President's Message - This Changes Everything

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The title of this messageThis Changes
Eveiythingis also the title of Naomi Klein's new
book on climate change, which iuentifies
capitalism as the piimaiy souice of the woilu's
climate ciisis.

The evening befoie the 9-21 New Yoik People's
Climate Naich, Naomi appeaieu at All Souls
Chuich togethei with Senatoi Beinie Sanueis,
Chiis Beuges, PuffinNation Piize iecipient Bill
NcKibben anu Kshama Sawant, foi a conveisation
moueiateu by WNYC's Biian Lehiei.

The basic message of the event was in oiuei foi
humanity to tackle the secuiity anu humanitaiian
consequences of climate change, we must
uiastically change how we oiganize ouiselves. 0ne phiase that echoeu uuiing the
maich anu at the event the evening befoie was, you can't change what you uon't

With global goveinments in the possession of multinational coipoiations that aie
not iesponuing to the challenges of climate change, we will neeu to ietuin
goveinments ovei to peopleto those who will take the necessaiy steps to slow the
iapiuly ueveloping conuitions foi iauical climate change to a pace at which science
can auequately uevelop mitigating stiategies.

Kshama Sawant, a socialist who
sits on the Seattle City Council
anu helpeu win the $1S-an-houi
minimum wage in that city,
calleu foi public owneiship of all
coipoiations. I woulu piobably
not go that fai. I am olu enough
to iemembei something that
useu to be calleu public
utilitiespiivately owneu,
publically iegulateu watei anu powei companies that pioviueu uepenuable anu
cheap watei anu electiicity.

When Reagan became goveinoi of Califoinia, anu these public utilities weie
piivatizeu anu foi the fiist time evei, Califoinia expeiienceu powei outages anu
iates incieaseu 4uu%. In the public inteiest, I believe that all oil, gas, electiic anu
watei companies shoulu be publically iegulateu with the aim of incieasing use of
ienewable foims of powei anu eliminating oui uepenuence on fossil fuels.

Why is this impoitant to the Nu0 Committee on Bisaimament, Peace anu Secuiity.

Alieauy theie aie massive migiations anu conflicts causeu by climate change. The
0.S. Pentagon has wai scenaiios that game futuie wais tiiggeieu by climate
change. The wai in Syiia has a climate element, as uiought has plagueu faim lanus
theie foi yeais, foicing moie anu moie Syiians to move into cities wheie theie aie
not enough jobs. These tensions, taken togethei with othei political anu economic
piessuies, contiibute to the
cuiient faileu status of the Syiian
state. Such outbieaks of conflict
will occui with gieatei fiequency
unless we act now to slow the
ueteiioiation of the eaith's
climate to sustain life on this

I paiticipateu in the 4uu,uuu-
stiong New Yoik People's Climate
Naich, togethei with 0N Secietaiy
ueneial Ban Ki Noon anu many
otheis aiounu the woilu. We let the woilu know we neeu things to change anu
change quickly.

But we know one event will not change the woilu. It will take the sustaineu
commitment of all of us to commit to iesponu (Commit2Responu) to the climate
challenge befoie us. The Nu0 Committee on Bisaimament, Peace anu Secuiity will
uo its pait. }oin us to leain moie anu to get engageu in the ciitical issue of oui times.

In Peace,
Biuce Knotts

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