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1) When Beneficial to Intee!te" Pe!on!# R$le %&# !ec' (
Section (' When court may authorize sale of estate as beneficial to interested persons. Disposal of
proceeds. ) When it appears that the sale of the whole or a part of the real or personal estate, will be
beneficial to the heirs, devisees, legatees, and other interested persons, the court may, $*on
a**lication of the e+ec$to or administrator an" on ,itten notice to the hei!, devisees, and
legatees ,ho ae intee!te" in the e!tate to be !ol"# a$thoi-e the e+ec$to o a".ini!tato to !ell
the ,hole o a *at of !ai" e!tate# altho$/h not nece!!a0 to *a0 "e1t!# le/acie!, or expenses of
administration2 1$t !$ch a$thoit0 !hall not 1e /ante" if incon!i!tent ,ith the *o3i!ion! of a ,ill .
In ca!e of !$ch !ale# the *ocee"! !hall 1e a!!i/ne" to the *e!on! entitle" to the e!tate in the
*o*e *o*otion!'
4) Con3e0ance of Realt0 ,hich Decea!e" Contacte" to Con3e0 "$in/ Lifeti.e# $le %&# !ec' %
Section %' When court may authorize conveyance of realty which deceased contracted to convey.
Notice. Effect of deed. ) Whee the "ecea!e" ,a! in hi! lifeti.e $n"e contact, binding in law, to
deed real property, or an interest therein, the co$t ha3in/ 5$i!"iction of the e!tate .a0# on
a**lication for that purpose, a$thoi-e the e+ec$to o a".ini!tato to con3e0 !$ch *o*et0
acco"in/ to !$ch contact# or with such modifications as are agreed upon by the parties and approved
by the court; and if the contract is to convey real property to the executor or administrator, the cle6 of
co$t !hall e+ec$te the "ee"' The "ee" e+ec$te" 10 !$ch e+ec$to# a".ini!tato# o cle6 of co$t
!hall 1e a! affect$al to con3e0 the *o*et0 a! if e+ec$te" 10 the "ecea!e" in hi! lifeti.e; 1$t no
!$ch con3e0ance !hall 1e a$thoi-e" $ntil notice of the a**lication for that purpose has been given
personally or by mail to all persons interested, and such further notice has been given, by publication or
otherwise, as the court deems proper; nor if the assets in the hands of the executor or administrator will
thereby be reduced so as to prevent a creditor from receiving his full debt or diminish his dividend.
7) Con3e0ance of Realt0 ,hich Decea!e" Hel" in T$!t# R$le %&# !ec' &
Section &' When court may authorize conveyance of lands which deceased held in trust. ) Whee
the "ecea!e" in hi! lifeti.e hel" eal *o*et0 in t$!t fo anothe *e!on# the co$t .a0 afte
notice /i3en a! e8$ie" in the la!t *ece"in/ !ection# a$thoi-e the e+ec$to o a".ini!tato to
"ee" !$ch *o*et0 to the *e!on# or his executor or administrator, for whose use and benefit it was
so held; and the court may order the execution of such trust, whether created by deed or by law.
Section 1' When o"e fo "i!ti1$tion of e!i"e .a"e' ) When the "e1t!# f$neal cha/e!# an"
e+*en!e! of a".ini!tation# the allo,ance to the ,i"o,# an" inheitance ta+# if an0# cha/ea1le to
the e!tate in acco"ance ,ith la,# ha3e 1een *ai"# the co$t# on the a**lication of the e+ec$to o
a".ini!tato# o of a *e!on intee!te" in the e!tate# an" afte heain/ $*on notice# !hall a!!i/n
the e!i"$e of the e!tate to the *e!on! entitle" to the !a.e# the. an" the *o*otion!# o
*at!# to ,hich each i! entitle"# an" !$ch *e!on! .a0 "" an" eco3e thei e!*ecti3e
!hae! fo. the e+ec$to o a".ini!tato# o an0 othe *e!on ha3in/ the !a.e in hi! *o!!e!!ion'
If thee i! a conto3e!0 1efoe the co$t a! to ,ho ae the la,f$l hei! of the "ecea!e" *e!on o
a! the "i!ti1$ti3e !hae! to ,hich each *e!on i! entitle" $n"e the la,# the conto3e!0 !hall 1e
hea" an" "eci"e" a! in o"ina0 ca!e!'
No distribution shall be allowed until the payment of the obligations above mentioned has been made
or provided for, unless the distributees, or any of them, give a bond, in a sum to be fixed by the court,
conditioned for the payment of said obligations within such time as the court directs.
Section 4':$e!tion! a! to a"3ance.ent to 1e "ete.ine"' ) :$e!tion! a! to a"3ance.ent .a"e#
o alle/e" to ha3e 1een .a"e# 10 the "ecea!e" to an0 hei .a0 1e hea" an" "ete.ine" 10 the
co$t ha3in/ 5$i!"iction of the e!tate *ocee"in/s; and the final order of the court thereon shall be
binding on the person raising the questions and on the heir.
Section 7' B0 ,ho. e+*en!e! of *atition *ai"' ) If at the time of distribution the executor or
administrator has retained sufficient effects in his hands which may lawfully be applied for the
expenses of partition of the properties distributed, such expenses of partition may be paid by such
executor or administrator when it appears equitable to the court and not inconsistent with the intention
of the testator; otherwise, the0 !hall 1e *ai" 10 the *atie! in *o*otion to thei e!*ecti3e !hae!
o intee!t in the *e.i!e!# an" the a**otion.ent !hall 1e !ettle" an" allo,e" 10 the co$t# an"#
if an0 *e!on intee!te" in the *atition "oe! not *a0 hi! *o*otion o !hae# the court may issue
an execution in the name of the executor or administrator against the party not paying the sum assessed.
Section (' Reco"in/ the o"e of *atition of e!tate' ) Cetifie" co*ie! of final o"e! an"
5$"/.ent! of the co$t elatin/ to the eal e!tate o the *atition theeof !hall 1e eco"e" in the
e/i!t0 of "ee"! of the *o3ince ,hee the *o*et0 i! !it$ate"'

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