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Mail: office@shaftesburyprimary.dorset.sch.

Inspire Learn Achieve
Friday 4th July 2014
Work of the Week
Week commencing 30th June 2014
R Cedar Isobel Broad
1 Elm Olivia Sulecka
1 Lime Alfie Mullins
2 Ash Angel King
2 Walnut Aalia Khan
3 Chestnut Hebe Baker
3 Holly Ben Clark
4 Oak Codi Benson
4 Willow Ed Thornbury
5 Rowan Whole Class
5 Poplar Whole Class
6 Apple Callum Linstead, Chloe Northover
6 Juniper Craig Murray
Attendance Heroes
Week commencing 23rd June 2014
Year 2 Walnut - 97.95%

World Cup Reading
Well done to week 4 winners!
Holly Class
Dear Parents

To be deep or not to be deep in the newsletter this week? is the question I ponder
Yeah. Be deep
Im reading a book at the moment. Its called The Chimp Paradox and its all about how your mind
works. It suggests that we all have our Inner Chimp that acts on emotions alone and can cause us enormous
problems if we dont manage it properly anyway it makes sense to me! Its a fascinating read. I mention the
Chimp Paradox because there was a passage I read that made me think: I must share this with people! People
need to remember this! So here goes.
As humans, we carry round with us beliefs and values: I think its right to have 3 square meals a day or Its not
OK to wander up to someone in the street and punch them etc. Those beliefs and values impact on our human
behaviour all the time. Many if not most of those beliefs are generated as children and the book asserts that any
of those basic beliefs that are ingrained before the age of 8 are hard-wired and even after this until they are
teenagers, these messages are hard to shift! This is a very scary thought. Those messages we give our chil-
dren as they are developing their minds will be with them always. Imagine a child who has been given the mes-
sage early on that its OK to steal, for example, who will then find it very difficult to comprehend later in life that
this is indeed a problem. An extreme example for sure but still scary.
Think about some of these other messages we may inadvertently impart that may cause problems in the future
(these things tell our inner chimp how to react!).
This is too difficult I cant be bothered.
Shut up will you! Youre so annoying!
Grrr, I hate maths! Im rubbish at it

Absence Reminder
If your child is off school ill, please could
you either contact the school office first
thing in the morning or give a written
message to their class teacher to go in
the register. The registers are checked as
soon as completed and a text message
will be sent out to you if we have not al-
ready had a reason for absence from you.
It really makes you think about what we say and do around our children especially when they are so young.
Im off to manage my chimp. Its good to know that when I do (occasionally) get cross its down to my chimp re-
acting and not me! However, I need to keep him under control better and hence the book! By the way the book
suggests giving your chimp a name. So I have. If I start signing my newsletters: Chipper you know youve got
a problem.

Have a great weekend.



Year 5 Go Wild for the Lion King
The Year 5 classes have had an amazing time this week on their day trip to London.
After an early start they had an absolute ball in London having their lunch at the
Rainforest Caf, and were wowed by the Lion King performance at the Lyceum
Theatre. The children were all really well behaved and were a credit to the school -
we are sure they will be talking about their experience for a long time to come!
Pandemonium Theatre entertain the children!
Last week the school had a visit from
Pandemonium Theatre. They did two perfor-
mances, one for KS1 in the morning and the
second for KS2 in the afternoon. The children
thoroughly enjoyed it!
Road Safety campaign
Last Friday morning the school council started their
bid to raise money to buy the materials to make
models of children to place outside the school
gates. They had written and asked children and
parents to bring in spare
change to be placed on the
words Road Safety on the
playground. The result are
shown in the photo and
the school council have
raised almost 50 already!
Dorset Schools Equestrian Games
Shanice Monks in Year 4 Oak did us proud this
week by competing in the Dorset Schools
Equestrian Games at Bryanston School.
Shanice is the first pupil to represent
Shaftesbury CofE Primary School at this event.
Our Eco-Blog is here!
The new improved Eco blog is now
live on the school website. To catch up
on Eco news, see photos of our garden
and gardening club and fun eco facts
and activities, please click on the
Eco-Schools link under the About us tab.

Well done to Team Lolly
Congratulations to Fiona and the ladies from
Team Lolly who completed the Race for Life in
Sherborne recently. They have raised well over
700 so far for Cancer Research UK. Thank you
everyone who has sponsored them.
Year 6 proudly present

Let Loose! Let Loose! Let Loose! Let Loose!
Year 6 are working extremely hard towards their
end of year production.
Performances for Year 6 parents are on
Tuesday 15th July & Wednesday 16th July
starting at 7pm
Performers will need to be in school at 6.30pm,
both nights. The rest of the school will get to
watch the dress rehearsal on Monday 14th July.
Hot School Meals
We are sending out today the menus and order
forms for ordering hot school meals after the
summer holidays, starting Wednesday 3rd
September. If you would like your child to have a
hot lunch the first week back, please return your
order forms to the office by Monday 14th July.
Thank you
..Stop press.. Information for our up and coming ..Stop press.. Information for our up and coming ..Stop press.. Information for our up and coming ..Stop press.. Information for our up and coming
Sports Day will be sent out next week. Also look out for Sports Day will be sent out next week. Also look out for Sports Day will be sent out next week. Also look out for Sports Day will be sent out next week. Also look out for
the flyer for sew the flyer for sew the flyer for sew the flyer for sew- -- -on House badges! on House badges! on House badges! on House badges!
Shaftesbury CofE Primary School
Carnival Princess Success
Well done to Daisy-Mae Hill who was this years
Carnival Princess at the Shaftesbury Carnival.
She was attended by Shannon Neill and Molly
Jennings - well done girls!

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