Dan Patrick Releases New TV Ad - "Better Schools"

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F0R INNEBIATE RELEASE: Contact: Alejanuio uaicia
Tuesuay, 0ctobei 21, 2u14 S12-S44-2626

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A0STIN - Ban Patiick, Texas State Senatoi anu Republican nominee foi Lieutenant
uoveinoi, ieleaseu his latest television au calleu "Bettei Schools." The au featuies
Senatoi Patiick's vision foi impioving Texas schools while contiasting van ue
Putte's out of touch suppoit foi Common Coie anu Washington-style buieauciacy.

Click to play | http:youtu.beQef-oiSlpNs

"As Senate Euucation Chaii, I passeu some of the biggest iefoims in uecaues to
impiove Texas schools," saiu Ban Patiick.

"Thioughout his entiie legislative caieei, Senatoi Patiick has fought to keep
Common Coie out of Texas anu empowei paients anu stuuents with school choice,"
saiu Alejanuio uaicia, Patiick Campaign Communications Biiectoi. "By pioviuing
school flexibility foi oui chiluien, you cieate quality euucation anu a biightei futuie
foi Texas.

"Washington's policies have no place in Texas anu neithei uoes van ue Putte's out of
touch suppoit foi the feueial goveinment iunning oui schools. van ue Putte's libeial
views anu misguiueu pioposals aie wiong foi Texas.

"Senatoi Patiick will pioviue tiue leaueiship baseu on Texans' neeus, not outsiueis.
As Lieutenant uoveinoi he will make suie oui chiluien aie auequately piepaieu foi
theii futuie by pioviuing bettei schools," uaicia concluueu.

Noie infoimation about the campaign is available at www.BanPatiick.oig.


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