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Acuvlues for Llule klds Aged 2-3

Schedule noL nallzed
1. lace alnung - 8oclo, 8uLh, Mlranda
2. CosLume arade - 8euy
3. emng Zoo - Chrls Marunez and 8lologlsL
4. lrog Aquarlum
3. ComposL / worm Lunnels - 8everly
6. Co llsh - Margle and !u seL up
7. WaLer Savlng: Wash Pands, 8rush 1eeLh, Shower or 8aLh
8. WaLer uance - uancers
9. llsh ArL - 8euy
10. A urop of WaLer
11. SLory 1elllng (Cheryl)
12. 8ulldlng an Cllas - Wendy Lynch
Acuvlues for klds Aged 6 - 12 (Ayesha)
Schedule noL nallzed
1. Clobe 1oss (LarLh = 70 waLer, 30 land)
2. A urop Cf WaLer (less Lhan 1 of our waLer ls blologlcal waLer")
3. Whlch ls beuer: boule or Lap waLer?
4. 8ulld a waLer lLer (Lou)
3. uesallnauon uemonsLrauon - Sasuke 8reen
6. Condensauon - Cheryl
7. lankLon ldenucauon
8. LecLs of Lhe uroughL on olllnaLors (8uuerles) - 8uuery Whlsperer
9. P2C waLer molecules wlLh Lego's
10. Crlgaml lrogs - Shumel loundauon
11. WaLer uance (Lhe waLer cycle)
12. WaLer Wlsdom Culz (see documenLs)
13. WhaL ls Lhe waLer conLenL ln frulL and veggles?
14. 8amboo, lce, pebbles - Scou
13. 8ulldlng an Cllas (wlLh llule klds) Wendy Lynch
Acuvlues on Lhe SLreeL
roposed Acuvlues
1. lrlends of Lhe LA 8lver - Lraller
2. Arroyo Seco loundauon
3. nauve lanLs for medlclnal and cullnary use - nlcholas Pummlngblrd
4. Lawn 8ebaLe rogram - ClLy of asadena
3. SmarL Cardenlng rogram
6. WaLer and ulsasLer reparedness - Cary Safen8eady + Mlke Polmes
7. Slerra Club - 8oule vs. 1ap waLer
8. Cluzens CllmaLe Lobby - Carbon 1ax roposal
9. AzLec uancers
10. Sucked ury - 8eehlve Collecuve
11. 8lpe AlLadena - Sharlng Local lrulL
12. Aquaponlcs
13. arkways 8ebaLe rogram
under Lhe Cak 1ree
resenLauons for WaLer lalr
1. SLory 1elllng (Cheryl)
2. 1he Meanlng of WaLer ln !apanese CulLure - 8lo Cmrl
3. Crlgaml: lrog - Shumel loundauon
4. oeLry Workshop - Mlnda Mangero
3. Marco 8arranLes, La Loma uevelopmenL
6. Ldlble nauve lanLs
7. asadena's WaLer SysLem
8. WaLer and LarLhquake reparedness
9. WaLer 8eclamauon - Lelgh Adams
10. WaLer 8eclamauon - Pey1anksLa
11. 1he Search for WaLer on Mars
12. llsh losslls
13. Muslc
14. SLorm WaLer 8uno - 8lll aLzerL
13. Cral PlsLorles - Cheryl and oLhers
16. 1he 8uuery Whlsperer
Mlscellaneous aL Lhe lalr
WaLer urop Memory 1ree
Welcome 1able
Carden ArL and 8lrd 8aLhs
SeL up - Lables, chalrs, canoples
lood - napklns - [ars for drlnklng waLer
ulsh Wash - seL up

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