Unit 1 Exam Part 2

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AP US History

Unit 1 Test Part 2

Multiple Choice (2 pts each)

1. France decided to aid the North American colonies in their war for
independence primarily because France
(A) Was working to establish democratic rule in European countries
(B) Saw the war as an opportunity to end the international slave trade
(C) Wanted to weaken the British empire
(D) Was allied with Spain, which had already joined the colonists cause
(E) Had long been the primary trading partner of the North American
2. In the eighteenth century, British colonists wishing to settle west of the
Appalachians were principally motivated by
(A) The comparatively small numbers of American Indians in the old
(B) The low price and easy availability of land
(C) Freedom from the threat of Spanish authorities
(D) A desire to escape overcrowded cities along the Atlantic coast
(E) Promises of tax breaks for those willing to establish frontier
3. British colonists in North America objected to the Stamp Act primarily because
(A) Threatened the free press
(B) Disrupted trade with the West Indies
(C) Closed the colonial courts
(D) Enriched corrupt officials
(E) Taxed them without their consent
4. This peace treaty after Queen Annes War gave Acadia to the British
(A) The Treaty of Utrecht (1713)
(B) The Treaty of Paris (1763)
(C) The Treaty of Paris (1783)
(D) The Treaty of Ghent (1754)
(E) The Treaty of New York (1689)

5. The attack by George Washington on this French fort began the French and
Indian War
(A) Fort Necessity
(B) Fort Ticonderoga
(C) Fort Duquesne
(D) Fort Montreal
(E) Fort Detroit
6. The following was not true about the Albany Congress
(A) 7 of 13 colonies attended
(B) Some first signs of colonial unity
(C) Was led by Benjamin Franklin
(D) Delegates met in order to discuss possible attempts to leave the
British Empire during the war.
(E) Was held in Albany, NY
7. This order kept British colonists from crossing west of the Appalachian
(A) Law of Redistribution
(B) Proclamation of 1763
(C) Treaty of Pontiac
(D) Order of London
(E) New Royal Order
8. This economic way of thinking featured an emphasis on imports over exports
and keeping money within an empire.
(A) Capitalism
(B) Laissez-Faire
(C) Mercantilism
(D) Physiocracy
(E) Scholasticism
9. This founding father defended those British soldiers charged with the Boston
(A) George Washington
(B) Samuel Adams
(C) Thomas Paine
(D) John Adams
(E) John Hancock
10. The following is not true of the Repressive Acts
(A) They were called the Intolerable Acts in America
(B) They closed the port of Boston
(C) They limited the rights of Americans to assemble
(D) They revoked the Charter of Massachusetts
(E) They were repealed soon after due to outcries from Americans

11. The following is not true about the First Continental Congress
(A) First met in 1774
(B) Wrote of a first, unused draft of the Declaration of Independence
(C) Included 12 of 13 colonies
(D) Did not include Georgia
(E) Wrote a declaration of rights
12. This individual from abroad helped to whip the American army into shape
after the beginning of hostilities with Britain
(A) The Marquis de Lafayette
(B) Baron von Steuben
(C) George Washington
(D) Comte de Rochambeau
(E) Francis Marion
13. This small but critical battle convinced the French to come in on the side of
the Americans
(A) Battle of Bunker Hill
(B) Battle of Yorktown
(C) Battle of Cowpens
(D) Battle of Saratoga
(E) Battle of Manila
14. This proved to be the final major battle of the war
(A) Battle of Bunker Hill
(B) Battle of Yorktown
(C) Battle of Cowpens
(D) Battle of Saratoga
(E) Battle of Manila
15. The following is not true of the Treaty of Paris (1783)
(A) The British gave Florida to the Americans
(B) Americans got the Northwest Territory
(C) Britain officially recognized America as a sovereign nation
(D) Americans agreed to treat loyalists fairly
(E) America would retain some fishing rights in Newfoundland

Short Answer (5 pts each)

1. What was the significance of the Albany Congress of 1754? In what ways did
it signal a significant shift in how the colonies saw their relationships with
each other?

2. In what ways did the French & Indian War (and its direct legal aftermath, viz
proclamations) help to sow the seeds of the American Revolution?

3. How did the colonies become more closely associated between the years of
1754 and 1776?

4. What was the significance of Common Sense by Thomas Paine? How was it
different from other pamphlets advocating independence?

Free Response (20 pts)

How did the taxation policies of the British Empire help to push the colonists closer
to the brink of revolution? (hint: there are other reasons than just taxation without
representation. Think the reasons for the taxes, and if the colonists would have
agreed with those)

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