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Legacy System

Migration Workbench
Version 3.0
I nstal lati on Gui de
Da t e : Oc t o b e r 2 1 , 2 0 1 4
2001 SAP AG. All rights resere!.
2001-2005 SAP AG. All rights reserved.
No part of this documentation ma !e reproduced or transmitted in an form or for an
purpose "ithout the e#press permission of SAP AG.
SAP AG further does not "arrant the accurac or completeness of the information$ te#t$
graphics$ lin%s or other items contained "ithin these materials. SAP AG shall not !e
lia!le for an special$ indirect$ incidental$ or conse&uential damages$ including "ithout
limitation$ lost revenues or profits$ "hich ma result from the use of these materials. 'he
information in this documentation is su!(ect to change "ithout notice and does not
represent a commitment on the part of SAP AG in the future.
21 $ktober 201% ii
Legacy System Migration Workbench SAP AG
"ha#ter 1& General 'otes
'his guide descri!es the installation of the )egac Sstem *igration +or%!ench ,ersion
-.0 .short/ )S*+ -.00. )S*+ -.0 is an implementation tool "hich supports the data
migration from non-SAP sstems to SAP sstems.
1 installing )S*+ -.0$ no o!(ects are imported that are also part of the standard version
delivered for our SAP Sstem. 2nstalling )S*+ -.0 "ill therefore not affect the
functions of the SAP Sstem in an "a.
Sco#e o) *eliery
1esides the soft"are .archive LSMW30.CAR0$ additional materials are availa!le for
do"nload in SAPNet .http/*+0 $ e.g./
'his installation guide in German .LSMW30_InstallationGuide_D.doc0 and
4nglish .LSMW30_InstallationGuide_E.doc0
A &uic% introduction to "or%ing "ith )S*+ -.0 in German
.LSMW30_HowTo_D.doc0 and 4nglish .LSMW30_HowTo_E.doc0
2f ou should encounter pro!lems during installation or detect an error$ please contact
our SAP sstems consultant or open a message in the 53- 6nline Service Sstem
.component 17-S5,-89-)S*0.
2f ou do not have access to the 53- 6nline Service Sstem$ ou can also call our :otline
Service directl.
"om#atibility (ith $ther ,ools
)S*+ -.0 is technicall completel independent of 532 to 53- migration tool. 1oth
tools can therefore !e used in a parallel "a.
21 $ktober 201% 1
"ha#ter 2& -nstallation o) LSMW 3.0
'his chapter descri!es ho" to proceed "hen installing the )S*+ -.0.
Prere&uisites for the installation of the )S*+ -.0 are/
'he SAP sstem has maintenance level ;+e! Application Server< .=.100
'he correction and transport sstem has !een set up correctl and tested.
'he follo"ing !ac%ground (o!s are released .see/ Sstem Services >o!s >o!
overvie" ?!e sure to enter ;* in the @Start after eventA fieldB0/
RDDIMPDP in client 000
RDDIMPDP_CLIENT_<client> in the remaining clients.
6ther"ise$ start report RDDNEWPP as user DDIC in all clients.
-nstallation& Part 1 0 -nstallation o) the So)t(are
7op the archive )S*+-0.7A5 to an ar!itrar director <sourcedir.
S"itch to director !usr!sa"!trans/
cd /usr/sap/trans
Cnpac% the archive named LSMW30C!R/
C!R "#$% <s&urcedir>/LSMW30C!R
S"itch to director !usr!sa"!trans!#in /
cd 'in
2mport the transport re&uest named 15'D000=52/
tp addt&'u%%er ()T*000+), <SID> -p%.<TMS PR/0IL D!TEI>1
tp i2p&rt ()T*000+), <SID> -p%.<TMS PR/0IL D!TEI>1 34
-nstallation& Part 2 0 *istrib/tion o) A/thori1ation Pro)iles
7reate as user <sidad% or <SID&'R the file LSMW.CMD "ith the follo"ing
client cascade . 5es
%ile . 6/usr/sap/trans/data/R000+),()T6
21 $ktober 201% 2
Legacy System Migration Workbench SAP AG
includin7 6R3TRT!(36
includin7 6R3TRTD!T6
4#ecute as user <sidad% resp. <sido(r the follo"ing command/
R3trans 8u 9 LSMWCMD
7hec% the file trans.lo) in the current director. 'he ma#imum admissa!le return
code is .see end of trans.lo)0 is E.
-nstallation& Part 3 0 2esetting the 3/))ers
5eset the !uffer using the follo"ing command in the command field/
21 $ktober 201% 3
"ha#ter 3& What nee!s to be !one a)ter the installation o)
LSMW 3.0
'his chapter descri!es the steps that need to !e e#ecuted after the installation of
)S*+ -.0.
Fou have installed )S*+ -.0 as descri!ed a!ove.
"ase 1& $n the 243 System no #reio/s ersion LSMW (as installe!.
Add one of the follo"ing profiles to our user master record/
*_LSMW_SH&W .8ispla0
*_LSMW_E+EC .8ispla and 4#ecute0
*_LSMW_CHG .8ispla$ 4#ecute and 7hange0
*_LSMW_ALL .All0
"ase 2& $n the 243 System LSMW 1.5 or LSMW 1.6 ha! alrea!y been installe!
Add one of the follo"ing profiles to our user master record .if not et done0/
*_LSMW_E+EC .8ispla and 4#ecute0
*_LSMW_CHG .8ispla$ 4#ecute and 7hange0
*_LSMW_ALL .All0
'he mapping and rules can from )S*+ 1.= and 1.G can !e used in version -.0
21 $ktober 201% %

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