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Alaska Social Justice Issues

Statewide Survey
N=600 Alaska Registered Voters
Conducted Sept. 8-10, 2014
Pollster: The Cromer Group
Released Oct. 21, 2014

1. Which of the following do you feel is the most pressing social issue in Alaska THE
ONE issue you personally are MOST concerned about the social issue you want to
hear how this years candidates are going to handle? The social issues are:

1. Broadening economic opportunities so more families can achieve financial

2. Broadening access to family planning and reproductive services./4%

3. Broadening Alaska Native rights and self-governance in accordance with tribal
ethics, morals, and justice./4%

4. Broadening rights for women through equal pay for equal work./10%

5. Broadening access to early voting rights in Rural Alaska./2%

6. Broadening rights of Non-discrimination for the states gay, lesbian, bisexual, and
transgender people./2%

7. Broadening educational rights for Alaskas children to include funding for pre-K
and after-school programs./11%

8. Broadening Alaska Native rights, especially for priority access to fish, game, and
plants on their ancestral homelands./3%

9. None of these (VOL.)/14%

10. Not Sure (VOL.)/7%

Now Im going to read you some statements others have made and please tell me if you strongly
agree, somewhat agree, somewhat disagree, or strongly disagree with each.

4. Adequate funding for the public schools educating all Alaskas children, K through 12, is
more a social issue than a financial issue.

1. Strongly Agree/32% 3. Somewhat Disagree/15%
2. Somewhat Agree/17% 4. Strongly Disagree/26%
5. Cant Say/10%

5. Alaska should include lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people in the states Non-
discrimination laws.

1. Strongly Agree/43% 3. Somewhat Disagree/13%
2. Somewhat Agree/15% 4. Strongly Disagree/21%
5. Cant Say/9%

6. The State of Alaska needs to work with Native Tribal governments to share civil and
criminal jurisdiction in Native communities.

1. Strongly Agree/60% 3. Somewhat Disagree/5%
2. Somewhat Agree/19% 4. Strongly Disagree/10%
5. Cant Say/6%

7. What do you feel would be a fair and decent monthly wage or salary that is the minimum
necessary to support a family of four in your community?

$ _ _ _ _ _ _/per month (dollars only) MEAN MEDIAN
$3,700 $4,000







16% 6% 11% 12% 10% 18% 8% 21%

01. Not sure/0%

8. On average, Alaska Women earn 67 cents for every dollar earned by a man in this state.
Do you strongly favor, somewhat favor, somewhat oppose or strongly oppose legislation
to eliminate this gender pay gap and provide equal pay for equal work?

1. Strongly Favor/69% 3. Somewhat Oppose/3%
2. Somewhat Favor/13% 4. Strongly Oppose/9%
5. Cant Say/7%

9. And, do you strongly favor, somewhat favor, somewhat oppose or strongly oppose
guaranteed access to 14 consecutive days of early voting in Rural Alaska, prior to both
primary and general elections just as Urban Alaska already has?

1. Strongly Favor/58% 3. Somewhat Oppose/7%
2. Somewhat Favor/18% 4. Strongly Oppose/9%
5. Cant Say/8%

10. Do you feel that access to a full range of family planning and reproductive health services
is a very important component of health care; is it somewhat important; not too
important; or is it not an important component of healthcare at all?

1. Very important/55%
2. Somewhat Important/28%
3. Not Too Important /3%
4. Not an Important component at all/8%
5. Cant Say/6%

11. And, do you feel that all Alaskans generally have access to quality healthcare, or not?

1. Yes/42%
2. No/53%
3. Cant Say/6%

12. Do you feel that the lack of access to quality health care in Alaska is due more to
geographical issues or due more to affordability issues?

1. Geographical issues/20%
2. Affordability issues/35%
3. Both/42%
4. Neither/2%
5. Cant Say/2%

Federal law protects the traditional hunting, fishing and gathering rights of Alaska Natives on
federally managed lands, sometimes known as subsistence rights and provides for co-
management for some subsistence resources. However, the state of Alaska does not provide
similar protections, or subsistence rights, or co-management opportunities on Alaska managed
state lands with sovereign tribal governments and Native entities.

13. Do you strongly favor, somewhat favor, somewhat oppose or strongly oppose the state of
Alaska working with Alaska Natives and Native entities to ensure Native people have an
equal voice in the management of subsistence resources on Alaska state lands?

1. Strongly Favor/53% 3. Somewhat Oppose/10%
2. Somewhat Favor/23% 4. Strongly Oppose/9%
5. Cant Say/7%

14. And, do you strongly favor, somewhat favor, somewhat oppose, or strongly oppose
Alaska Natives having priority access to the fish, game, and plant resources on the Alaska
Native peoples ancestral homelands?

1. Strongly Favor/50% 3. Somewhat Oppose/14%
2. Somewhat Favor/19% 4. Strongly Oppose/11%
5. Cant Say/7%

15. Do you feel Alaska should provide equal access to pre-kindergarten programs for all its
children, or not?

1. Yes/84%
2 No/11%
3. Cant Say/5%

16. There are some who want the state to invest in a public-private partnership to create an
Alaska Housing Trust Fund that would create jobs and provide affordable housing across
the state. How do you feel about this idea would you say it is a very good idea;
somewhat of a good idea; somewhat of a bad idea; or it is a very bad idea?

1. A Very Good Idea/39%
2. Somewhat Of A Good Idea/32%
3. Somewhat Of A Bad Idea/10%
4. A Very Bad Idea/8%
5. Cant Say/11%

17. Do you feel that immigration status should determine ones ability to get a drivers
license from the State of Alaska, or not?

1. Yes/63%
2. No/26%
3. Cant Say/10%

18. Please tell me, in which age group are you?

1. 18-24,/6% 4. 45-54,/21% 7. Refused/1%
2. 25-34,/16% 5. 55-64, or/23%
3. 35-44,/17% 6. 65 or older./16%

19. What was the last grade of schooling you have completed?

1. 8th Grade or less,/1%
2. Some high school,/6%
3. High school graduate or GED,/29%
4. Some college,/21%
5. 2 year college graduate,/14%
6. 4 year college graduate, or/22%
7. Post graduate./7%
8. Refused/0%

20. What is your race or ethnic group? Is it

1. Caucasian,/75%
2. African American,/3%
3. Native Alaskan/American Indian,/9%
4. Pacific Islander/Asian, or/3%
5. Hispanic./3%
6. Other/5%
7. Refused/4%

21. When thinking about politics and government, do you consider yourself to be

1. Very Conservative/18%
2. Somewhat Conservative/22%
3. Moderate/35%
4. Somewhat Progressive/10%
5. Very Progressive/5%
6. Cant Say/Refused/10%

22. Do you work for the federal, state, local government, for the local public school system,
or do you work for a private company?

1. Federal Government/2%
2. State Government/4%
3. Local Government/2%
4. Public School System/4%
5. Private Company/52%
6. Not in workforce/33%
7. Refused/4%

23. And, again, just for statistical purposes, we need to know your total family income
bracket for 2013. Was it below $50,000 or above $50,000? Is that...?

8. Below $50,000/4% 9. Above $50,000/4%

1. Below $20,000,/3% 5. $50,000-$75,000,/23%
2. $20,000-$30,000,/5% 6. $75,000-$100,000, or/16%
3. $30,000-$40,000, or/9% 7. Above $100,000./11%
4. $40,000-$50,000/18%
10. Refused/Dont Know/8%

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