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Farming Guide for Watermelon Plantation

Family Name : Cucurbitaceae Botanical name: Citrullus Lanatus

Growing watermelons requires lots of space, lots of sun, lots of water and lots of
nutrients. They are greedy, rambling vines, lie all plants in the cucurbiteae family !e.g.
"ucchini, squash, pumpin, cucumbers#
$atermelons are not particularly difficult to grow, but because they are so demanding %
don&t consider watermelons a good plant for beginner gardeners. !'ou can get lucy if
you live in optimum conditions#.
% also don&t consider them a good plant for anyone with restricted space, water, or
average soils.
%n the true tropics the dry season !winter# is the best watermelon growing season. $atermelons do not cope well with e(treme heat or
the humid, soggy conditions of our wet season)summer. Fungal diseases and bugs will wipe them out in no time. %f you live in a
cooler climate, then summer is the time to grow watermelons. 'ou do need at least three months of reliably hot, sunny weather to
grow and ripen a watermelon. *uring that time your average daily ma(imum temperature should be at least about +,-+./0 or 1,-2,F.
$armer is even better.
!There are different watermelon varieties, so if you are at the low end of that, loo for a faster maturing variety.#
Grow watermelons in full sun. 'ou also need an abundant supply of water and nutrients !good soil#.
3nd you need space. 3s % said, a rambling vine. They lie to go wandering and smother everything around them.
Growing watermelons from seed
$atermelons are grown from seed. 'ou may be tempted to use seed out of a melon you bought, but don&t waste your time. %t is
almost guaranteed to be a hybrid. 4ybrid varieties are very special crosses that don&t grow true to type. !'ou would end up growing
what we call pig melons. 3 melon variety that&s only good for feeding to the pigs#
Buy your seed, and if possible buy an open pollinated heirloom variety. Because then you 03N use your own seed ne(t year. The
open pollinated varieties are also hardier. 'ou will find a lot more interesting varieties amongst the heirlooms then you cn find in the
standard collection of you local gardening centre. 5tart your watermelon seeds in the ground, right where they are supposed to grow.
The soil should be at least 62/0 for them to germinate.
7nless you have an e(tremely short growing season, do N8T start your watermelon
seed in a pot or punnet. *o N8T buy watermelon seedlings from a nursery.
$atermelon seed germinates easily and quicly, within a few days. $atermelon plants
outgrow the seedling stage very quicly, and they don&t lie transplanting. 'ou don&t
save much time and you end up with a weaer plant.
5ave yourself this totally needless e(tra wor and stic your seeds in the ground, about
two cm or an inch deep.
$atermelons need deep, rich, friable soils. To grow watermelons it helps to raise the soil !mae mounds or ridges#. 9aising the soil
has several advantages:
3 mound or ridge is free draining !melons don&t lie wet feet#. %f you have heavy clay soil, definitely raise the bed.
:ounds are also good if the soil is as poor as mine. % ;ust mae a mound of good soil with lots of compost in it to grow watermelons.
5ometimes % plant them in what&s left over from a compost pile after % used most of the compost.
%f you lie growing things in neat rows, or if you want to plant a large area, grow watermelons on ridges, lie the commercial growers
9ows should be about + m !< ft# apart and the plants spaced at =, cm)a foot apart. !5ow twice as many as you want, and eep the
stronger ones.#
% prefer growing watermelons in clumps on a mound, in several different locations in the garden. !:i(ing things up helps eeping
pests and diseases at bay.# %f you want several hills together, eep them about + m apart.
The mound should be about one metre square and a foot high. Then % plant about ten seeds in it, in three groups of three to four
seeds each. The groups are spaced about a foot apart !=, cm#.
3fter a few wees % can see which watermelon plants grow the strongest, and % snip off the weaer ones, leaving only one seedling in
each group. !*on&t pull them up, cut them off. 8r you disturb the roots of the others.#
%f you have a very small garden but absolutely have to have watermelons, you can try
growing them on a trellis. 9eally.
'ou need a very strong trellis, you need to train them up the trellis as they aren&t
climbers, and you need to support the developing fruit so the trellis holds the weight, not
the plant.
Growing watermelon plants
5lugs and other seedling chomping critters lie mulch and they lie watermelons. $ait until the watermelons have outgrown the most
vulnerable stage !where a slug can demolish them within minutes#. Then mulch the area well.
$atermelons have very shallow roots and they need lots of moisture. The soil should never dry out, and mulch helps with that.
:ulch also eeps weeds down. $eeding could disturb the shallow roots, so it&s better to not let them grow to start with. $atermelons
are >?9' hungry plants. %f your mulch is something lie compost or aged animal manures, all the better. !@ie all cucurbits,
watermelons can handle fairly raw compost and manures.# 8therwise, feed your watermelons regularly with something lie pelleted
choo manure or another organic fertiliser. !%deally you should use a high nitrogen fertiliser in the early stages, but cut bac on
nitrogen and give them lots of potassium once they flower and fruit.#
$hen the vines are about two metres long, pinch out the tips. %t encourages branching.
3s your watermelon vines grow bigger they will start trying to tae over more space. %f they start to smother other things you can
remind them about sticing to their area by gently moving the tips of the vines, so they grow into the right direction.
Watermelon flowering and fruiting
$atermelons grow male and female flowers on the same vine.
The smaller male flowers appear first. The female flowers are much larger !see the
photo# and you can&t miss them.
%f you don&t see any it could have several reasons: too hot, too cold, not enough water,
not enough nutrients... %n any way, it means the watermelon plant isn&t happy.
%f the plant does produce female flowers but the little fruit at the base of it shrivels up
and dies, then the flowers are not getting pollinated.
$atermelon flowers are insect pollinated. %f you suspect the insects aren&t doing their
;ob, you can do it yourself, ;ust to be sure.
4and pollination is best done early in the morning. Aull off a few male flowers and
remove the flower petals. Then brush the pollen laden stamen against the stigma in
the centre of the female flower, so the pollen stics to it. ?asy.
The first few female flowers on each branch will give you the best fruit.
To grow them as large as possible you can pinch out the tip of the branch after a
couple of fruits have set !are starting to swell up#.
But this isn&t an essential step. 'ou can also ;ust let them go...
Problems when growing watermelons
The biggest watermelon pest are the leaf eating beetles !they damage the flowers, too#
lie spotted and striped cucumber beetles, pumpin beetles with or without dots,
whatever you want to call them.
Those orange things...
They all loo similar and all do the same: chomp away on your watermelon plants...
4owever, if they become a real problem it is mainly a sign that your watermelons are
3 healthy watermelon in a balanced environment and in good soil should not attract too
many beetles. 3lso, a watermelon should grow fast enough to cope with a few beetles.
The other main problem with growing watermelons is mildew, a fungus that maes the leaves loo as if they were coated with white
powder. The fungus thrives in damp, humid conditions.
The best you can do is to avoid getting the leaves wet. %f you can&t avoid overhead watering, do it first thing in the morning so they dry
quicly. Never wet the leaves in the afternoon or evening.
%n the tropics you probably won&t be able to control the beetles or the mildew, once the build up for the wet season starts. 3nd it isn&t
worth it anyway... The oppressive heat and the humidity ;ust aren&t good conditions for growing watermelons. Grow something that
lies humditiy and wait for the ne(t dry season to grow watermelons again.
$atermelons are mainly cultivated in :aharashtra, Barnataa, Tamil Nadu, Aun;ab, 9a;asthan, :adhya Aradesh, and 7ttar Aradesh.
%t is a trailing annual vine with stems 6. m or more in length and branched tendrils having yellow flowers bearing globular to oblong
fruits loght green to almost blac and either solid or with pale green colour or marbled. striped
Name of the variety/Source its Characteristics
!sahi "amato
#!$#% New &elhi
:id-season variety, medium si"ed fruits with average fruit weight <-2 g. The rind colour is light green with deep pin-fleshC T55 66 to
6=D. The fruits ripen in E. days.
Sugar 'aby
#!$#% New &elhi(
The fruit slightly small in si"e, round in shape having bluish blac rind and deep pin flesh with small seeds. T55 66-6=DC average
weight =-. g. The fruits ripen in 2. days.
!r)a *yoti
##+$% 'angalore
0ross between %%49-+, F 0rimson 5weetC mid-season varietyC fruits round, rind colour is light green with dar green stripes and flesh
crimson colour, T55 66-6=D. 3verage fruit weight <-2g.
!r)a ,ani)
##+$% 'angalore
The fruits are round to oval with green rind and dull green stripes. The flesh is deep red, very sweet taste with T55 6+-6=D. 3verage
fruit weight is < g. %t stands well in transport and storage. 9esistant to powdery mildew and tolerant to anthracnose disease.
#mproved Shipper
P!-% .udhiana(
Fruits large in si"e with dar green rind, average fruit weight 2-E g)ha, moderately sweet with T55 2-ED.
Special No(/
P!-% .udhiana(
?arly maturing variety, Fruits are round and small with red flesh and seeds, average T55 is slightly lower than 5hipper variety.
&urgapura ,eetha
!$S% &urgapura% $a0asthan
3 late maturing variety, fruits are round rind is thic and light green in colour, flesh sweet and dar red in colour, good eeping quality,
T55 66D, average fruit weight <-2 g, seed with blac tip and margin. The fruit ripens in 6+. days.
&urgapura 1esar
!$S% &urgapura% $a0asthan
3 late maturing variety. 9ind is green in colour with stripesC flesh yellow in colour and moderately sweet, seeds are large. 3verage fruit
weight G-. g.
23otic Varieties
4able Purpose
$atermelon 4ybrid 'ellow *oll, $ater :elon 4ybrid 9ed *oll.
4able Purpose
3rriba, 3thens, 0arnival, 0elebration, *umara, Fiesta, Hade 5tar, :ardi Gras, 9egency, 9oyal Flush, 9oyal :a;esty, 9oyal 5weet,
Aaradise, 5angria, 8asis, 5tar Bright, Ferrari, 5unrise, Baron, :atador, 5amos.
Season of Planting
The land is brought to fine tilth by giving two crosswise ploughing. %n North %ndian plains, watermelons are sown in February-:arch
whereas in North eastern and western %ndia best time of sowing is during November to Hanuary. %n 5outh and 0entral %ndia, where
winter is neither severe nor long, these are grown almost round the year.
,ethods of Planting
Before sowing seeds are soaed in lue warm water for 6+ hours. The water is drained out and the seeds are ept overnight in a wet
gunny bag. This treatment increases the germination percentage. Normally 6..-+., g of seeds are required for planting one hectare
area. >arious system of sowing has been adopted depending on the season and system of cultivation.
Furrow method
%n this method, furrows are opened at a distance of +-= m apart. 5owing is done on either sides of furrows and the vines are allowed
to trail on the ground. =-G seeds are dibbled at a distance of <,-E, cm along the furrow.
Pit method
%n case of pit method, pits of si"e <, ( <, ( <, cm are dug at spacing of +-=.. ( ,.<-6.+ m and filled with F': and soil in equal
proportions. Four seeds per pit are sown and finally two to three healthy vines are retained.
+ill method
%n case of planting in river beds pits of si"e =, ( =, ( =, cm are dug at a distance of 6-6.. m. The pits are filled with equal quantities
of soil and F':. the soil is piled up in the form of a hill and two seeds are planted on each hill.
$atermelons can be grown on well-drained sandy to sandy loam, medium blac soils rich in organic matter. 3lluvial soil along the
river beds is also good for production of watermelons. 3 p4 range of <.,- 1., is considered as optimum.
$atermelon is a warm season crop grown mainly in sub-tropical and hot-arid regions. The crop requires dry weather with abundant
sunshine for quality fruit production. $atermelons are susceptible to light frost and are provided with partial protection if grown during
winter months. Temperature range of +G-+1, 0 is considered as optimum for the growth of the vines. 0ool nights and warm days are
ideal for accumulation of sugars in the fruits. The seed germinates best when temperatures are higher than +,, 0. 4igh humidity at
the time of vegetative growth renders the crop susceptible to various fungal diseases.
,anuring Fertili5ation
The fertili"er doses to be applied depend on variety, fertility of soil, climate and season of planting. Generally well decomposed F':
!6.-+, t)ha# is mi(ed with the soil during ploughing. The recommended dose of fertili"er to be applied per hectare is 6,, g N, ., gA
8 and ., g B 8. 4alf the + . + N and entire A F B should be applied before planting. The balance N is given =,-=. days after
planting. The fertili"er is applied in a ring at <-1 cm from the base of the stem. %t is better to complete all the fertili"er applications ;ust
before the fruit set.
For increasing the percentage of female flowers, N33 !6,, ppm# is sprayed once at two-leaf stage and
the same is repeated after <-1 days.
7sually pits, ridges or beds are irrigated a day or two prior to planting of seeds and the ne(t irrigation, preferably light, is given G or .
days after planting of seeds. 5ubsequently the irrigation is given at weely intervals.
%n spring-summer crop, frequency of irrigation is very important as water stress during fruit development leads to fruit cracing.
:ulching of the hills after sowing reduces moisture loss at the time of emergence and prevents crust formation. %t is necessary to
eep the moisture well maintained at the root "one, to promote rapid taproot development. 3pplication of water should be restricted to
the base of the plant or root "one to avoid wetting of the vines or vegetative parts, especially when flowering, fruit set and fruit
development are in progress. Frequent wetting of stems, leaves and developing fruits will promote diseases and rotting of fruits.
Frequency of irrigation is reduced when the fruits reach near maturity while it is completely stopped at harvesting stage.
#ntercultural 6perations
Gap Filling and 4hinning
7nder ideal conditions, the seeds germinate within 2-6, days after sowing. 8ne to two healthy seedlings are retained at each spot
while the rest are removed or used for gap filling.
Weed Control
*epending upon the season about +-= weeding operations is required. The first weeding should be done +,-+. days after sowing
while subsequent weeding are done at an interval of one month. $hen the vines start spreading, weeding in between the rows, or
ridges, becomes unnecessary since vine growth can smother the weeds.
%n watermelon, apical shoots are pinched when the vines are 6m while allowing the side shoots to grow. This practice gives
significantly higher fruit yield. 3t the initial stages of fruit setting, malformed, diseased and damaged fruits are removed and only +-=
fruits per vine are retained. This results in increased fruit si"e and yield.
$atermelons can be profitably grown in the interspaces of newly planted orchards during the initial years provided there are sufficient
irrigation facilities.
The crop is ready for harvest in about 1.-6,, days after sowing depending upon cultivar and season. For local maret harvesting
should be done at full maturity while for transporting to distant marets, it is done slightly earlier. :aturity in watermelon can be
;udged from withering of tendril, change in belly colour or ground spot to yellow and thumping test. The mature fruits on thumping
gives dull sound as against metallic sound of unripe fruits. The fruit should be separated from the vines with the help of a nife.
The yield of watermelon varies according to the system of cultivation, variety, season and several other factors. The average fruit
yield varies from +, to +. t)ha.
Post +arvest 4echnology
$atermelons are graded according to their si"e for local maret. *istinction among grades is based predominantly on e(ternal
appearances. 4owever, watermelons should be symmetrical and uniform in appearance. The surface should be wa(y and bright in
appearance devoid of scars, sunburn, transit abrasions or other surface defects.
The fruits are transported by road in bul by stacing them on dried grass in trucs.
$atermelons can be stored for 6G days at 6./0. For short-term storage or transit to distant marets !I 1 days#, watermelons can be
stored at 1.+/0 with 2.-E,D relative humidity. ?(tended holding at this temperature will induce chilling in;ury. :any watermelons are
still shipped without pre-cooling or refrigeration during transit. These fruit must be utili"ed for prompt maret sales as quality declines
rapidly under these conditions.
$atermelons should not be stored with apples and bananas as the ethylene produced during storage
from these fruits hastens softening and development of off flavour to watermelons.

+umic acid increases yield substantially in watermelon
The farmer has made a net profit of more than Rs.50 lakhs last year
Photo: M.J. Prab

New technique: If humic acid is used, the cost of cultivation is about Rs. 1,000.
!armers shold "han#e $ith the times and try to implement ne$ te"hnolo#ies
if they mst s""eed. %hether it is one a"re or &00 a"res' a farmer mst be
$illin# to try ne$ te"hni(es and learn from past mistakes.
Mr. ). )eerara#ha*an' Mdaiyr *illa#e' Thirka+hikndram' ,abot 5 kms
from the temple- Tamil .ad' is a #ood e/ample of ho$ a farmer $ith only 01
2 a"res as an"estral property' s""essflly #ro$s $atermelon in &00 a"res.
3!rom "hildhood 4 $anted to a"hie*e somethin# bi#. After my diploma in
me"hani"al en#ineerin# 4 de"ided to do farmin#. 4 kne$ that farmin# in 012
a"res $old not help.
5hort "rops
36"kily' 4 "ame into "onta"t $ith Mr. Ra7a 4nthren' a pri*ate a#ri"ltral
"onsltant $ho ad*ised me to take p lar#e lands on lease and #ro$ some
short1term "rops $hi"h fet"h a #ood pri"e.
After some initial hntin# for lands Mr. )eerara#ha*an took &00 a"res on
lease for "lti*ation and started #ro$in# $atermelon.
%hy did he "hoose $atermelon $hen there are hndreds of other "rops8
3%atermelon is a short term "rop ,90 days- and if done in lar#e a"rea#e a
farmer "an earn a #ood profit': he says. Unlike the re#lar ,red flesh-
$atermelon *ariety' the farmer is also #ro$in# yello$ ,mythila-' also "alled
ne/t #eneration or i"e pa"k *ariety' and oran#e ,de*yani- *arieties.
3There is *ery #ood demand for the yello$ and oran#e *arieties' espe"ially
from star hotels' as the spply of these t$o *arieties is lo$': he says.
.o parti"lar season
The most distin#ishin# featre of these *arieties is that they #ro$ all
thro#h the year' nlike the red ones $hi"h are a*ailable only drin#
;hemi"al fertili+ers are applied in &00 a"res and hmi" a"id sed in the
remainin# 00 a"res to #ro$ the $atermelons.
3Mr. Ra7a initiated me into the benefi"ial effe"ts of sin# hmi" a"id. 4
de"ided to e/periment in 00 a"res and srprisin#ly fond the yield in"reased
from &0 tonnes to &0 tonnes per a"re after sin# the a"id. 4 soon plan to
"lti*ate all the &00 a"res sin# hmi" a"id alone': he says.
Bt $hat abot the "ost of "lti*ation sin# this a"id8
34f a farmer "lti*ates a "rop in 00 a"res' the e/pense for byin# the
fertili+ers and sprays "omes to abot Rs. &0'000. Bt if he ses hmi" a"id'
then he needs to spend only abot Rs. &'000.
6o$ e/pense
3My e/penditre in 00 a"res after sin# the a"id has drasti"ally "ome do$n.
<ther farmers shold also start sin# this a"id and realise its benefit': he
!armers "an pr"hase the a"id from .ey*eli 6i#nite ;orporation of 4ndia'
phone: 0=&=1005>&=? and @r. 4lan#o' 5enior le"trer' Annamalai Uni*ersity'
Tamil .ad' mobile: ?==200A9&?.
The "ost of a one litre bottle is Rs.05. 4t shold be dilted in 0 litres of $ater
and sprayed for an a"re' or "an also be mi/ed $ith the soil ,dilted in abot
&0100 litres of $ater- and sprinkled. The farmer also ses t$o ma#net blo"ks
$hi"h he atta"hes to the irri#ation pipeline. By sti"kin# the ma#nets he says:
Physi"al property
3The physi"al property of $ater is altered $hile the "hemi"al property
remains the same. !or e/ample' drin# drip irri#ation the no++les in the drip
tbe #et blo"ked after some time de to the salts ,s"h as ma#nesim'
potassim- present in the $ater.
%hen the ma#nets are atta"hed to the main pipeline this blo"ka#e problem
does not o""r': he says.
!or those $ho do not ha*e drip fa"ility the ma#nets mst be atta"hed to the
main pipe $hi"h deli*ers the $ater to the irri#ation "hannel.
Marketin# "hannels
3The problem $ith or farmers today is they think their 7ob is o*er on"e the
"rop is har*ested.
3!armers mst be"ome more a$are abot the marketin# a*enes for their
"rops. They shold #ro$ only those "rops $hi"h ha*e marketable (alities':
he stresses.
At present' alon# $ith his prod"e' the farmer is also sor"in# from se*eral
other farmers. 3Any interested farmer "an "onta"t me and 4 am ready to help
him to market his prod"e': he says.
4n the last one year Mr. )eerara#ha*an has sold nearly &0'000 tonnes of
frits and has made a net profit of more thanRs.50 lakhs.
!or details readers "an "onta"t Mr. ).)eerara#ha*an' Mdaiyr *illa#e' 902
&0?' Thirka+hikndram' Tamil .ad' mobile: ?A?=&=5&=2.
Watermelon cultivation through precision farming 7 !n e3perience 4op

% have practiced the precision farming in watermelon in last year !+,,E#. % would lie to share the e(perience of
watermelon cultivation.
% have cultivated watermelon in +.+ hectares of my land through precision farming drip irrigation system. % used
Numhems companyJs Auee"a variety in one hectare of land and in remaining one hectare of land % cultivated
3poorva variety of 5eminis 0ompanyJs.
Cultivation Practices
%n the beginning stage of cultivation, % ploughed the land twice per month and applied farm yard manure at the rate
of + loads per hectare. Then ploughed the land to get good tilth. Before last ploughing, applied < bags of *.3.A.K =
bags of Aotash. 3fter leveling the land, % digged a small canal and placed lateral pipes above the canal. Fi(ed at
the rate of 6 lateral pipe per . feet and %rrigated for few minutes. Then, sowed one seed at every place of dripper.
% got loan from Ban for one hectare and remaining capital spent by myself to install drip system. For that,
horticulture department gave +.2 Bg of Aotassium Nitrate fertili"er. From the day of transplanting, % gave . Bg
potassium Nitrate K . Bg 7rea through drip irrigation at three days interval.
3fter 6. days of planting, % have removed the weeds by engaging labourers. First weeding done at = *ays after
planting. Then, made a pit near every plant. :i(ed G bags of potash K G bags of 7rea and placed evenly into every
pit and closed. % ad;usted the lateral pipes properly to irrigate over the pit. 3fter =. days of planting, applied = bags
of 6., Bg 0alcium ammonium Nitrate and irrigate the field evenly by the drippers. 5econd hand weeding done at
G,th day of planting. 3fter =,th day and G,th day of planting, applied 6, liters of 4umic acid evenly by the drip
irrigation. %n between this practice, % applied Aotassium Nitrate K 7rea at the rate of . BG)ha at three days of
6. 5prayed Tata-9ogger L=ml)lit. at 6+th day after planning by using hand pump.
+. Then, sprayed ?ndosulfan L=ml)lit. and %mida 0hloride L6ml)+lit at 6Eth day after planting by using
hand pump.
=. 3fter day of planting,
?ndosulfan L=ml)lit.
%mida 0hloride L6ml)+lit.
4umic acid L=ml)lit.
Fantac L .ml)6< lit. sprayed by using the hand pump.
6. == days after planting,
>oltage!Flora# L 6,ml)tan
4umic 3cid L =ml)lit
5pic 5yto"yme =ml)lit. sprayed by using the hand pump.
6. G, day after planting
Tri"ophos L .ml)lit.
5iaptron L +ml)lit. sprayed by using sprayer.
6. ., day after planting
>oltage!Flora# L 6,ml)tan
Biovita L . ml)lit.
Tri"ophos L . ml)lit. sprayed by using sprayer.
Cost of Cultivation
1 Ploughing 7 ploughs Rs.10,000
2 Farm Yard Manure- 4 loads Rs.4,000
3 D..P. Fer!ili"er -10 #ags Rs.$,000
4 Po!ash Fer!ili"er-7 #ags Rs.1,%4$
$ &rea Fer!ili"er-7 #ags Rs.1,'20
% (al)ium mmonium *i!ra!e- 3
7 Firs! hand +eeding Rs.1,%00
' ,e)ond hand +eeding Rs.2,000
- Forming ridges Rs. %00
10 , pes!i)ides Rs.13,%%0
11 /a#our )os! 0or Rs. 3,000
Total Rs.45,575
!%ncluded the cost of +.2 Bg Aotassium Nitrate was given by horticulture department#

Nunhems Auee"a variety watermelon )6 hectare of land
3t first harvest got .. tones of watermelon and
% sold this at 9s.=6,,)ton ..M=6,,
3t second harvest got < tonnes of watermelon
and % sold this at 9s.6,,,)ton <M6,,,
Total 9s.6,1<,.,,
5eminis 3poorva >ariety watermelon)6.+ hectare of land
3t first harvest got <6 tonnes of watermelon and % sold at 9s.=6,,)ton

9s.6, 2E,6,,
3t second harvest got G tonnes of watermelon and sold this at 9s. 6,,,)ton
Total 9s.6, E=,6,,

%ncome from +.+ hectares of land totally - 9s.6, 1<,.,, K 9s. 6, E=,6,, N 9s.=, <E,<,,
?(penditure N9s.G.,.1.
Net income N9s. =, +G,,+.

Contact !ddress8
0.:uruga Aerumal
5)o >.:. 0hinnappan
Thiruvannamalai *istrict-<,<1,<
Ah.No. E,G1EEE,.+6

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