DROPS Design

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10/9/2014 DROPS Design

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from 16.00 USD in yarn
DROPS 1032 by DROPS Design
" Cute, delicate and light with a hint of the 1940ies."
The set consist of: DROPS scarf and gloves with a zigzag
pattern in Fabel.
DROPS 1032
Size: approx 30 x 150 cm [11 3/4 59]
Materials:DROPS Fabel from Garnstudio
200 g col. no. 672, winered mix.
DROPS needles size 4 mm [US 6] or the size needle to
obtain the correct knitting gauge.
Size: S/M L/XL
Materials:DROPS Fabel from Garnstudio
100 g for both sizes col. no. 672, wine red mix.
DROPS double pointed needles size 2 mm [US 0] or the size
needed to obtain the correct knitting gauge.
All yarns are DROPS yarns. Color charts and updated retailer lists at
Thanks for all your name suggestions, votes and comments, they have weighed
heavily in the selection of the final designs for the DROPS Fall & Winter Collection
2014/15! Find the new patterns here! DROPS Baby 25 a brand new and adorable
baby collection online! Find DROPS Baby 25 here! And remember that we have
Tutorial Videos to help you! You can find these videos in every pattern, in the "Video"
tab to the right of the photos.
Yarn type USA
FABEL PRINT (50g) 4.25 USD
DROPS Needles & Hooks from 1.90 USD
Do you need help? Take a look at our video tutorials at www.garnstudio.com/lang/us/video.php
Bind/cast off from RS
Cast on new sts at side of work
Cast on with two needles
Decrease sl1, K1, psso
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Decrease K2tog (knit 2 together)
Double Pointed Needles Cast on / Stockinette
Double Pointed needles Garter st
Garter on a few sts (back and forth)
Garter stitch
Increase KFB (knit front back)
Increase with yo (yarn over)
Knit (K) continental
Knit (K) US/UK method
Marking thread (MT)
Move stitches from a thread back onto needles
Pick up sts along edge
Purl (P) continental
Purl (P) Norwegian method
Purl (P) US/UK method
Put stitches on a thread all at the same time
Ribbing K1,P1
Thumb on a knitted mitten
Zigzag knit
Knitting gauge: 28 sts in zigzag pattern = 10 cm [4] in the width.
Garter sts: Knit back and forth on all rows.
Pattern: See diagram M.1. The diagram is shown from the RS.
Cast on 84 sts on 2 needles size 4 mm [US 6] with Fabel (This is done to make the edge more elastic). Pull
out 1 needle and knit 2 rows of garter sts see explanation above. Continue with the zigzag pattern as
follows (1st row = RS): 5 garter sts, 1 stockinette st, M.1 (M.1= K into front and back of st, K6, slip 1 st as if
to K, K1, psso, K2 tog, K6, K into front and back of st) over the following 72 sts, 1 stockinette st, 5 garter
Continue until the piece measures approx. 149 cm [58]. Knit 2 rows of garter sts at the same time knit in
Zigzag pattern according to M.1. Bind off loosely.
Size: S/M L/XL
Materials:DROPS Fabel from Garnstudio
100 g for both sizes col. no. 672, wine red mix.
DROPS double pointed needles size 2 mm [US 0] or the size needed to obtain the correct knitting gauge.
Knitting gauge: 30 sts x 39 rows in stockinette sts = 10 x 10 cm [4 x 4]
Pattern: See diagram M.1 and M.2. The diagram are shown from the RS.
M.1 applies for size S/M. M.2 applies for size L/XL.
Rib: * K1 , P1*, repeat from **.
Glove: Remember the knitting gauge! Knit round on double pointed needles. Cast on 7280 sts on double
pointed needles size 2 mm [US 0] with Fabel. Knit 2 rounds of garter sts. Then knit M.1 or M.2 see
explanation abover. When the work measures 89 cm [3 1/8 3] K1 round at the same time dec. 16 sts
evenly distributed = 5664 sts. Continue in Rib see explanation above. When the piece measures 1011
cm [4 4 3/8] continue with stockinette sts all measures are now done from this point onwards. Insert 1
MT (marking thread) in the 2nd st. After 23 cm [3/4 1 1/8] of stockinette sts inc. for the thumb as
follows: Inc. 1 st each side of the MT on every 4th row a total of 67 times = 1315 thumb sts (knit new sts
in stockinette sts). On the next row put those 1315 st + 1 st each side = 1517 sts on a thread or a stitch
holder and cast on 3 new sts behind the gusset = 5664 sts. Continue to knit until the piece measures 9
10 cm [3 4]. On the next round knit as follows: 2124 sts, put 1315 sts on a thread or a stitch holder
= no. 1, for the little finger. Cast on 1 new st and knit over the remaining 2225 sts. Knit 4 rounds in
stockinette sts over 4450 sts. Then put the new st and 1315 sts each side (= 2731 sts) on a thread or a
stitch holder = no. 2, for the third finger and the ring finger.
Index finger: Knit 1719 sts and cast on 1 new st = 1820 sts. Knit in stockinette sts until the finger
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measures approx. 77 cm [2 3/4 2 7/8]. Knit the sts tog. 2 by 2, cut the thread and pull it through
the remaining sts.
Middle finger: Knit 78 sts from one end of thread or stitch holder no. 2. Cast on 2 new sts, knit 78 sts
from the other end of thread or stitch holder no. 2, and pick up 2 sts towards the index finger = 1820 sts.
Knit in stockinette sts until the finger measures approx. 88 cm [3 1/8 3 ]. Now knit the sts tog. 2
by 2, cut the thread and pull through remaining sts.
Ring finger: Knit the last 1315 sts from thread or stitch holder no. 2, and pick up 3 sts towards the third
finger = 1618 sts. Knit in stockinette sts until the finger measures approx 77 cm [2 3/4 2 7/8].
Knit sts tog. 2 by 2 , cut the thread and pull through the remaining sts.
Little finger: Knit the 1315 sts from thread or stitch holder no. 1 and pick up 1 st towards the ring finger =
1416 sts. Knit in stockinette sts until the finger measures approx. 66 cm [2 3/8 2]. Now knit sts
tog. 2 by 2, cut the thread and pull through the remaining sts.
Thumb: Knit the 1517 sts from the thread over the gusset, and pick up 3 sts behind the gusset = 1820
sts. Knit in stockinette sts until the thumb measure approx. 66 cm [2 3/8 2]. Now knit sts tog. 2 by
2, cut the thread and pull it through the remaining sts.
Knit 1 more glove, but knit it reverse: Insert the MT in the second but last st. Separate for the little finger as
follows: Knit 2225 sts, put 1315 sts on a thread or stitch holder, cast on 1 new st and then knit 2124
DROPS Max Prices Your guarantee of a great purchase!
We know that you invest a lot of time and effort in your knitting projects. When you choose
to use our patterns, it is therefore a pleasure for us to provide you with affordable quality
yarn that ensures a great result. As Northern Europe's largest brand of hand knitting yarns
and designs, we have unique opportunities to work with the very best raw materials and
make savings that benefit you. That's why you can buy DROPS yarn 2030% cheaper than similar products!
Nordic Mart
=K from the RS, P from the WS
=slip 1 st as if to knit, K1, psso
=K2 tog
=Increase as follows: K into the front and the back of st. (K 2 sts in 1 st)
Diagram for DROPS 1032
We take pride in providing knitting and crochet patterns that are correct and easy to understand. All patterns are
translated from Norwegian and you can always check the original pattern for measurements and calculations. All
patterns are carefully reviewed, but we make reservation for possible mistakes. In the case of discrepancies please
post your remark in "knitting help" or contact your local Garnstudio retailer.
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19822014 DROPS Design A/S. We reserve all rights.
This document, including all its subsections, has copyrights.
Read more about this by clicking on the "Copyright" link on the footer of our website.

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