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By: Jeff Farley
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)hi report wa dili'ently reear%hed and %ompiled with the intent to provide information
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Reader of thi report hall not rely olely on any u%h information or advi%e$ All %ontent,
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a reult of any dama'e or lo alle'ed to be %aued or %aued indire%tly or dire%tly by thi
Your reult may vary from mine$ I put a lot of time, effort and di%ipline into my
The YouTube Traffic Loophole: How to Get Your Videos Ranked at the Top
of Google........................$/
Step /( #hat Are You Goin' to Sell1$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$2
Step 3( #hat 4eyword Are You Goin' to )ar'et1$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$/5
Step 6( Creatin' Your 7ideo..................$33
Step 0( Ran*in' Your 7ideo in Goo'le..............38
My name i !eff "arley, 9 I have been mar*etin' online in%e 3552$ In that
time, not only have I made money in a variety of different way, but I have
alo een a lot of trend %ome and 'o$ In fa%t, ome of thoe trend were
,uite profitable for me$ If you:ve been doin' thi a lon' a I have, you will
remember the day of ;<um Mar*etin'$= I would write a bun%h of arti%le
on >+ine, and 'et %onverion a a reult, ?/555 to ?/@55 a month$ )hat
'ave me ome avin' whi%h I wa able to ue to pend on ad with the 255
lb$ 'orilla in the internet world, Goo'le Adword$ A a reult, I wa able to
add an e-tra +ero to that ?/555A?/@55 a month
<oth method went out the window a lon' time a'o for me and almot every
other affiliate out there$ After month Band even yearC of tryin' to play %at
9 moue with Goo'le, tryin' to nea* ba%* in to their almi'hty advertiin'
platform, for the lat year or o, I:ve hardly even thou'ht about tryin' to 'et
ba%* in
#hat about ear%h en'ine optimi+ation1 Ye, it: till a viable way of
ma*in' money$ <ut it: definitely mu%h harder than it ued to be$ Goo'le
ha 'otten a lot better at dete%tin' the trate'ie that affiliate were uin' to
;'ame the ytem$= If you:re aimin' to ran* for a profitable *eyword,
you:re 'oin' to have to either pend a lot of time or money, and I upe%t
you don:t want to do either$ I *now I don:t
Now, doe that mean that the enormou or'ani% ear%h world of Goo'le i
dead to you, the affiliate mar*eter1 HardlyD You Eut have to thin* beyond
your mini affiliate ite, but the 'ood new i, you don:t have to loo* too far$
In fa%t, you only need to loo* to the webite with the 6
hi'het amount of
traffi% in the world$ And that ite i..
)he Goo'le ear%h en'ine LOVES You)ube$ And why wouldn:t it1 After
all, the %ompany own thi 'iant video platform$ )hey brin' in %ountle
dollar from all of the ad they pla%e on You)ube video$ So a a mar*eter,
you don:t have to deal with nearly a many S>O hale a you to if you are
tryin' to ran* for an affiliate ite$ OnApa'e optimi+ation i a bree+e$ You
don:t have to %ontantly %he%* your video on Copy%ape to ma*e ure it
doen:t violate Goo'le: ;dupli%ate %ontent= penalty$ #ant to end a ton of
ba%*lin* to a You)ube video to 'et it ran*ed ,ui%*ly, but you:re worried
you:ll be penali+ed the ame way you would be if you did thi for a webite1
Fon:t weat itD "ire awayD )he ame rule do not apply to You)ube
And maybe the bet part of all thi i ran*in' peed$ You often have to wait
wee* Bif not monthC to ee your webite ran* in Goo'le$ )hi i not the
%ae with You)ube$ You %an ran* ,uite ,ui%*ly$ And on the ubEe%t of
peed, developin' a You)ube video i mu%h fater than developin' a full
webite Bno matter how *illed you are at web dei'nC
Now that I:ve hopefully %onvin%ed you that You)ube video are the way to
'o in S>O, let: loo* at what you need to do to 'et a video ran*ed o that
you %an have ome more money in your po%*etDDD
Step 1: Wat are yo! "oin" to sell#
&erhap you are already ma*in' money a an affiliate mar*eter, and don:t
need any advi%e on what produ%t to mar*et and how to find them$ If o,
%on'ratulationD However, I till thin* you %an benefit from my
perpe%tive$ I:d bet the ret of you are tru''lin' with what to ell$ I *now I
wa when I 'ot tarted
<ut then I tumbled upon a %on%ept from a woman named Ale-i Fawe,
and that i the %on%ept of the deperate buyer$
I 'o after %utomer who need a olution RIGH) NO# and are willin' to
pay what they need to in order to 'et it fi-ed$ )hey donGt have time to mine
throu'h web forum, tryin' to find ome free nu''et of information$ No,
thee fol* eentially have their %redit %ard in hand, ready to buy
You need to be the one to 'ive them that olution
Ale-i Fawe unlo%*ed the *ey to thi method for u%%e when he old an
eboo* on how to 'et a %he%*in' a%%ount, even if you are on Che-Sytem$
If youGre not familiar with thi, a peron who overdraw their %he%*in'
a%%ount and never put fund ba%* in to ma*e the a%%ount balan%e poitive
will eventually 'et pla%ed on Che-Sytem, ma*in' it very diffi%ult to 'et a
new %he%*in' a%%ount elewhere
Can you ima'ine how hard it would be to not havin' a %he%*in' a%%ount1
And %an you ee how badly omeone who wa in thi ituation would want
to fi- it, even if they had to pend ome money to find out the information to
do o1
I hould *now$ I hate to admit it, but that wa me in 355H$ "or month, I
had to pay my bill with a money order$ Sometime, I would Eut end %ah,
prayin' it would arrive o*ay

If you:d li*e to learn more about Fawe: ;deperate buyer= trate'y, it:
outlined here in her eboo* ;Feperate <uyer Only$= I alo want you to
ma*e a lit of problem you thin* people have, and the type of produ%t that
olve thoe iue
Step $: Wat %ey&or's are yo! "oin" to tar"et#
My buine trate'y i pretty imple$ I don:t tar'et *eyword phrae li*e
;how to loe /5 pound in a wee*$= In fa%t, I %ouldn:t %are le about them
Nothin' wron' with 'oin' after *eyword phrae, if you %hooe to 'o that
route$ <ut I:m all about findin' ;warm= buyer$ A'ain, thoe who have
their %redit %ard in hand, ready to buy$ )hat: why I only tar'et *eyword
related to produ%t name$ #hy1 <e%aue I *now they are ready to buy, or
at leat thin*in' about it$ If not, why would they be ear%hin' for that
produ%t1 )hey Eut need a little en%oura'in', and that i where I %ome into
the pi%ture$ I reaure them in my %opy that thi produ%t will fi- their
problem, and that they hould by it
Iet: ue the e-ample of a %utomer who want to loe wei'ht$ )he peron
ear%hin' for a produ%t li*e Truth About Abs i mu%h more li*ely to buy than
a peron ear%hin' for omethin' li*e ;how to 'et ripped ab$= "irt of all,
the peron ear%hin' for ;how to 'et ripped ab= mi'ht be loo*in' for a free
olution$ And e%ondly, let: ay that peron read on a ite that The Truth
About Abs i the bet produ%t to ma*e thi happen$ #ell, they mi'ht end up
doin' another ear%h to ee what other people are ayin' about Truth About
Abs$ )hey may very well end up buyin' that produ%t, but %han%e are, they
are not 'oin' to %ome ba%* to your ite to do it
***Please note! a s"all nu"ber of products do not allow #ou to use their
product na"e $ia the search engines! %f the# find out #ou are using their
product na"e in #our &'( ca"paigns) the# "a# refuse to pa# #ou! %f #ou
ha$e an# *uestions) consult #our affiliate "anager
A far a whi%h *eyword phrae to tar'et, I primarily tar'et the a%tual
produ%t name$ <ut there are ome other related phrae you %an tar'et a
well$ So if I wa promotin' Truth About Abs I would tar'et the followin'
phrae other than the obviou one, Truth About Abs:
A)ruth About Ab review
A<uy )ruth About Ab
A&ur%hae )ruth About Ab
A)ruth About Ab %am
A)ruth About Ab %ot
A)ruth About Ab doe it wor*
A)ruth About Ab %am
Of %oure, to tar'et a produ%t name to ma*e %ommiion off that offer, you
have to be i'ned up with a networ* that ha that offer$ )he networ* that
mot affiliate mar*eter tart with i Cli%*ban*$ )hi networ* mainly offer
oftware produ%t and eboo*$ )here are alo a number of other C&A B%ot
per a%tionC networ* out there that will pay you for what: eentially a lead$
Many of thee are *nown a ;email ubmit= where the %utomer imply
enter their email addre and i entered to win, amon' other thin', a free
'ift %ard, or i&ad, or I>F )7$ )he %onverion rate are very 'ood on thee,
but the downide i that the payout i very low, uually about ?/$3@$ I
'enerally tay away from u%h low payin' offer$ )he other downide i
that thee offer are almot alway for wellA*nown produ%t name$ It:
'oin' to be very diffi%ult for you to ran* on pa'e one of Goo'le for iPad$ I:d
ti%* with hi'her payin' offer
In addition to Cli%*ban*, here are ome of the C&A networ* I would
re%ommend that you i'n up for(
A&eerfly Bvery repe%ted, truted networ*C
A&rofit 4in' Media
A&oint Cli%* )ra%*
Another 'reat affiliate networ* to ta*e advanta'e of here i the Ama+on
Ao%iate networ*$ Ama+on produ%t %onvert very well be%aue they:re
produ%t that people are already loo*in' to buy$ Your Eob i Eut to 'et a ite
Bor, in our %ae, a You)ube videoC with YOJR affiliate lin* to that produ%t
out in front of themD )here are a %ouple of drawba%* to Ama+on produ%t$
"irt, the %ompetition %an be fier%e, o don:t try and ran* a You)ube video
for the *eyword ;Sony 04 )7= and thin* it:ll be eay$ <ut there are
thouand of produ%t out there that aren:t ,uite o %ompetitive, o don:t let
thi %are you away from promotin' Ama+on tuff$ )he other drawba%* i
that the payout are not a hi'h a many other affiliate offer$ )hen a'ain,
the %onverion rate for Ama+on produ%t tend to be hi'her than traditional
affiliate offer
And on the topi% of %ommiion, there i one bi' benefit to Ama+on
produ%t that I would li*e to hare$ Iet: ay you are promotin' a Cuiinart
produ%t, and a %utomer buy it from your affiliate lin*$ #ell, for anythin'
ele that they buy on Ama+on for the ne-t 30 hour, you 'et %ommiion on
that a wellDDDD I on%e had a 'uy tell me he made a %ommiion off a
?/55,555 diamond rin' omeone bou'ht off Ama+onDDDDD And that wa
be%aue the %utomer ori'inally landed on hi pa'e that wa promotin' a
So now that we *now where to loo* for produ%t to ell, we till need to
anwer the ,uetion of ;what produ%t to promote1= In addition to uin' the
;deperate buyer= fa%tor, there are alo a %ouple of other metri% you %an
ue$ #hen 'oin' throu'h the offer on a C&A networ*, loo* for the >&C
Bearnin' per %li%*C and, if it: available, the %onverion rate Bwhi%h will
uually be hown a ;CR=C$ It: how mu%h uer earn for every /55 time
they:re affiliate lin* ha been lin*ed$ So, for intan%e, if &rodu%t A ha an
>&C of ?2$H5, for every /55 %li%* that have been ent to &rodu%t A, uer
have made an avera'e of ?2$H5$ )hi 'ive you a 'eneral idea of how the
produ%t i %onvertin' if the CR i not available$ It alo %an 'ive you a bit of
an idea of how mu%h traffi% the offer 'et$ You may ee a produ%t with a
HJG> payout, but if you ee a ;NKA= in the >&C %olumn, %han%e are it
doen:t 'et a lot of ear%he Bat leat not on that networ*C$
Here: an idea of what I:m tal*in' about, uin' data from the &oint Cli%*
)ra%* networ*(
I have %ir%led in red the offer with the bet >&C, iConta%t$ <ut I till want
ome more information on how many people are ear%hin' for thi produ%t$
If no one i ear%hin' for it, then it doen:t ma*e mu%h ene to put the wor*
in to 'et a You)ube video on the produ%t ran*ed hi'h in Goo'le$ BAt leat
not at firt$ On%e you:ve tarted ma*in' ome money, you %ould reinvet
your profit, and build an army of You)ube video for a bun%h of different
produ%t$ Ima'ine if you had 355 video brin'in' in ?@ a dayDDDDDC
)o find out how many ear%he a produ%t 'et per month, we will 'o to the
Goo'le 4eyword &lanner, formerly *nown a the Goo'le 4eyword )ool$
)hi will 'ive u a rough etimate of how many ear%he per month a
parti%ular *eyword 'et
Iet: loo* up iConta%t(
)hi *eyword 'et 3H,/55 ear%he per month$ )hat i definitely enou'h
ear%he to be very profitable if you were to 'et your video to pa'e one of
Goo'leD BI'nore the %ompetition %olumnL that only deal with Adword pay
per %li%* B&&CC
However, we don:t have a winner Eut yet$ #e want to ma*e ure the
%ompetition in the or'ani% ear%h litin' of Goo'le in:t too tou'h$ So let:
type in iConta%t into Goo'le and ee what %ome up(
A you %an ee, there are a lot of maEor authority ite li*e "a%eboo*,
)witter, and #i*ipedia that are o%%upyin' the firt pa'e of Goo'le for thi
*eyword$ Jnle you have a very 'ood S>O bud'et, I would tay away
from thi *eyword$ BA a 'eneral rule, I tay away from produ%t *eyword
that are relatively wellA*nown in the mar*etpla%eC
)he other thin' we have to worry about i, how many ba%*lin* are pointin'
to thee ite$ If it: a hu'e number, then we hould i'nore thi produ%t
*eyword be%aue it: probably 'oin' to ta*e a lot of very 'ood Bi$e$,
e-peniveC ba%*lin* to ran* for it
Iet: e-amine the ba%*lin* profile for i%onta%t$%om, whi%h %ome up firt in
the ear%h ran*in'$ )o do thi, I will 'o to a ite %alled ahref$%om(
A you %an ee, thi JRI ha /6 MIIIION ba%*lin* pointin' to it$ <et
for u to Eut move on

Remem(er) &en in 'o!(t) yo! can al&ays email yo!r affiliate mana"er
an' as% tem &ic offers "et te most traffic an' &ic convert te (est
After %rollin' throu'h &oint Cli%* )ra%*: offer heet, I found a produ%t
that intri'ued me$ It: %alled +,, -a# Loans ./$ It 'et 6,855 ear%he per
month, and it: >&C i ?6$0@$ Fefinitely profitable
Now let: %he%* Goo'le to ee the %ompetition on pa'e one$ #e:ll do thi
by pe%ifi%ally ear%hin' in the J4, o we 'o to 'oo'le$%o$u*(
#ell, I:m not eein' a tremendou amount of %ompetition from hu'e
authority ite, o I thin* we have a winnerD >pe%ially %oniderin' there
are no other You)ube video on pa'e oneD
#hat if there are already You)ube video on pa'e one of Goo'le1 #ell for
now, I would re%ommend tryin' a different *eyword$ <ut if it: a *eyword
you have your heart et on, then you need to determine how diffi%ult it i
'oin' to be to outran* thee video$ Iet: ee how many ba%*lin* thi
video ha pointin' to it$ )o fi'ure thi out, we will 'o ba%* to ahref$%om
I:m 'oin' to ee what the reult are for the *eyword ;&limleur,= a popular
lan'ua'e pro'ram that 'et 05,@55 ear%he per monthDDDD
A you %an ee, there i a You)ube video for thi *eyword on pa'e one$
Iet: %he%* it: ba%*lin* profile in Ahref(
Only /3 ba%*lin*DDDD )hat i 'reat newDDDD Fefinitely a *eyword you
%ould wor* with
So now that we have ome idea for produ%t to promote, let: move on
Step *: Creatin" +o!r ,i'eo
<efore you 'et tarted, pleae *now that your video need to be at leat a
minute lon', preferably two minute or lon'er$ You are 'oin' to have a very
hard time ran*in' your video on pa'e one of Goo'le if it: horter than one
Fon:t *now what you hould ay in your video1 #ant to learn the e-a%t
outline I ue to narrate my video to ma-imi+e %onverion for ANY offer
I:m promotin'111 )hen %li%* here
You may be wonderin' if you are 'oin' to fa%e a bi' %hallen'e in %reatin' a
You)ube video$ Fon:t worryDDDD It: very eayDDD
All you need are four thin'(
AA %heap mi%rophone BI 'ot one for around ?/0 at <et <uyC
AMi%rooft #ord Bor a imilar ytem for %reatin' te-tC
AGo to S%reen%atAoAmati%$%om Bit: freeD No a%%ount neededC
AYou)ube a%%ount
)he firt tep i the fi'ure out what you are 'oin' to how on your video$ I
*eep mine a imple a poible, and that mean brin'in' up Mi%rooft
#ord, inertin' a pi%ture of the produ%t I am promotin', and a lin* to the
Now, noti%e the lin* we are endin' the viitor to$ I have 'one and
hortened my affiliate lin*$ It would normally be
http(KKpoint%li%*tra%*$%omK%li%*Ktra%*KpKM3@2K%K862@@K/K$ )hat i way too
lon', and Eut loo* funny to the uer$ )hat: why I ta*e advanta'e of a
JRI hortener li*e bitly$%om
A you %an ee, I have pated my affiliate lin* in the bo- at the top of the
%reen$ I will then hit ;horten$=
)hi will 'ive me a hortened lin*(
It: now time to %reate the video$ I ue S%reenomati%$%om$ A I mentioned
earlier, it i free$ A lot of people ue !in', but the problem with that pro'ram
i that you %an:t dire%tly publih to You)ube unle you have the &ro
verion$ S%reen%atAoAmati% will 'uide you throu'h the pro%e
A I mentioned when you bou'ht the %oure, I am 'ivin' you the
opportunity to have M> ma*e your video for youD I will %hooe the
'raphi%, narrate the %ript, pi%* the title, de%ription and ta', and even
upload it to your a%%ount for you Bif you wihC$ Cli%* here if you are
Step -: Ran%in" +o!r ,i'eo in .oo"le
)he information I am about to hare with you really i the mot important
part of thi %oure$ 4nowin' whi%h produ%t to promote, and how to %reate
video i eential, of %oure, but you %ould have the 'reatet video for the
'reatet %onvertin' offer ever, but if no one ee it, you won:t ma*e any
)he *ey to 'ettin' your You)ube video ran*ed in Goo'le i really the ame
a 'ettin' any ite ran*ed, and that i ba%*lin*DDDD <ut thi i epe%ially
true for video, be%aue, li*e I mentioned earlier, the ame ;pam= poli%ie
Goo'le ha in pla%e for your re'ular ite do not apply to You)ube video$
If you end / million lin* to your webite in a wee*, it: 'oin' to 'et
lapped o far down in the ran*in' that it will never be een a'ain$ Send
that many to Goo'le1 Mu%h different tory
So what type of ba%*lin* do you need to build, and how many1 #ell, I
would ay a many a you %an afford$ Now you don:t have to build a ton of
ba%*lin* to ran* for many produ%tArelated *eyword$ <ut for more popular
*eyword, I:d ay build a many a you %an$ <ut for thi trainin', I will
how you what: needed to 'et the avera'e produ%tArelated *eyword with
de%ent ear%h volume to the top of Goo'le
I:m 'oin' to tart by havin' a "iverr$%om uer %reate a lin* wheel for me$
So eentially, the peron who perform the "iverr 'i' i 'oin' to put my
You)ube lin* on a bun%h of different webite, but they:re alo 'oin' to lin*
a lot of thoe ite to'ether, o that ea%h will 'et more ;lin* Eui%e$= It: alo
'oin' to be ,uite varied, o the whole thin' will loo* natural
Here: a 'reat "iverr 'i' for ma*in' thi happen(

)hi 'i' ha more than 8855 poitive voteDDD An outtandin' ervi%e
provided here by %ror*ervi%e
#e:re not done yet with ba%*lin* thou'h$ #e are now 'oin' to %reate
ome ba%*lin* from $>FJ 9 $GO7 ite$ )hee type of ba%*lin* are very
powerful be%aue Goo'le 'ive them a lot of wei'ht$ I:ll re%ommend
another 'reat, hi'hly ran*ed 'i'(
Here: a tep that i not eential, but %an peed up the ran*in' pro%e
Bwhi%h, by the way, uually ta*e about a month or oC$ )hi optional tep
will 'et your video a ton of ba%*lin*$ You:ll be uin' a ervi%e %alled
S%rapebo-$ It: an automated oftware pro'ram that automati%ally pot to
ite all over the world$ And the 'reat thin' about it i, you %an eaily let it
run for hour in the ba%*'round on your %omputer$ I:m not 'oin' to 'ive a
tutorial on S%rapebo- here, but you %an find lot of information on how it
wor* by doin' a Goo'le or You)ube ear%h$ S%rapebo- i normally ?MH,
but you %an 'et a ?0@ di%ount here( http(KK*in'warrior$%oK%rapebo-A
So far, we:ve tal*ed about how to 'et ran*ed in Goo'le, the N/ ear%h
en'ine in the world$ <ut what about the N3 ear%h en'ine1 And no, I am not
tal*in' about <in'KYahoo$ No, the N3 ear%h en'ine i You)ube itelfD And
what better pla%e to have your video how up in the ear%h reult than
You)ube itelf1
In order to ma*e thi happen, we need to loo* at two more "iverr pa%*a'e$
)he firt i to buy ome hi'h retention view$ Noti%e the word ;hi'h
retention$= )hi i important be%aue thi mean the maEority of your view
will be wat%hed$ Goo'le and You)ube %an obviouly tra%* thi, and if they
ee omeone %li%*ed on your video ri'ht away and then immediately went
elewhere, you won:t ee any benefit
Here: a 'ood hi'h retention view ervi%e to ue(
#e alo need to 'et ome li*e, but that number need to be mu%h lower
than the number of hi'h retention view be%aue mot people that view a
video don:t hit the li*e button$ I alo want a "iverr ervi%e that will 'ive me
ome manual %omment$ )hi help add ome ;o%ial proof=
Here: a 'ood one here( http(KKfiverr$%omKfeelfreemeK/55AyoutubeAli*eAandA35A
At thi point, you:ve %ompleted the pro%e$ A I mentioned earlier, it will
ta*e about a month for your video to be ran*ed, dependin' on the
%ompetition$ You may need to repeat thee tep to 'et your video to where
you want it to be, but don:t 'ive upD
On%e you 'et a video ran*ed and you tart ma*in' money, %ale thin'
upDDDD )he potential to ma*e money off many different affiliate offer i
One final word( pleae promie me you will perform the tep I have laid out
in thi 'uide$ Fon:t Eut read thi 'uide and let it it on your %omputer:
hard drive$ I honetly %an:t thin* of a better our%e of %heap traffi% than
And don:t for'et, it: till not too late to pi%* up your %opy of You)ube
Cli%* 9 Converion matery and my FoneA"orAYou You)ube 7ideo
Creation Servi%eD
Cli%* here to %he%* out You)ube Cli%* 9 Converion Matery
Cli%* here to %he%* out my FoneA"orAYou You)ube 7ideo Creation Servi%e

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