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Film guide
Our resources are designed to be used with selected lm titles, which are available free for clubs at
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The Cinema of Childhood season is curated by lmmaker Mark Cousins, presented by Filmhouse and
supported by the BFIs Programming Development Fund, awarding funds from the National Lottery. The Cinema of Childhood season is curated by lmmaker Mark Cousins, presented by Filmhouse and
supported by the BFIs Programming Development Fund, awarding funds from the National Lottery. The Cinema of Childhood season is curated by flmmaker Mark Cousins,
presented by Filmhouse and supported by the BFIs Programming
Development Fund, awarding funds from the National Lottery.
Into Film is a trading name of Film Nation UK. Registered Charity number 1154030.
Talk about it (before the lm)
Have you seen any lms that deal with divorce or family difculties?
How realistic did you nd these lms? How well did portray the
childrens experience?
Talk about it (after the lm)
How do the children at Rens school react to families that
are diferent? Do you think many people still react like this to
families with divorced parents?
What questions does Ren have about her parents divorce? How
helpful do you think they are in helping her understand the
situation? What could they have done better?
How were you able to distinguish between reality and dream or
memory sequences in the lm? Was the diference always clear?
What do you think was happening when Ren was watching
herself and her parents in the water?
Does it remind you of any other lms - the story, setting,
characters, the way it is lmed or edited, the music or sound?
What are the similarities?
Write about it
Bring your ideas together in a review and share it on our lm clubs
website. You could include a summary of the story, mention other
lms its like, describe what you particularly liked or disliked and give
it your star rating.
Extension activity:
Have a go at drawing up a contract for up your own family or class.
Consider what reasonable demands you can make and what you
will need to contribute to the relationship. Do you think this kind
of contract is a good basis for a relationship with family or friends?
What might be the advantages and disadvantages?
Filmhouse (2014) All rights reserved.
Japan | 1993 | Cert. PG | 124mins
Director: Shinji Somai
Ren is having a difcult time, her parents
are splitting up and neither of them seem
to be able explain why or what will happen
next. In frustration, she ghts, argues
and runs away intent on causing trouble
until she gets some answers. Moving
avoids sentiment and cliche to deliver
a vivid depiction of a child on the verge
of growing up and working out a new
relationship with her family.
I Wish (2011, PG)
The Cinema of Childhood
Arrow (2011) All rights reserved.

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