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1 AlGORITHMS C«JtI>Jg Op Progm""

2 FINITE AUTOMATA Tbr /J/ad. 8w: ,


n.. JlO"I~ Ca,/o Jlc'bod "

5 ,"OOEl'S THfORlM Lfm,tton L08iC n "
• "
I lU.NDOM NUMIlRS Thr ella;lIn KoI-.,oroITlJooor)' ..
, 1'~IIGIlAM COFIRECTHUS I 'II/",,,,~ I)d'''!<}','''1l 56 31 HEAPS AND MERGES Th<' FMI"sl Sorl. ofJnrt.< 2~5

1D SEARCH TREES 'lhJo'rrSA{'w,t lI",,,te"''''cc 62 NP.COMPlETENESS TIN! "'al/of'mmCla!""I) 252



t,:<prrJ</o". "',,' C".... /ls

70 "
Cbf"e.e Arllhmetic
Tb<> K~J' "'N "'Id"'.... 264

13 REGULlA LANGUAGES I~mlpf"f! 11'0...-1. B4 " CELLULAR AUTOMATA TIHo Game ofUfe 211
14 TIME AND SPACE COMPl.UITY 71J<o 1#80 NollllM' a9 " COOf['S THEOREM a"d IloIIJ 2n


TilE I\AHDOM ACCESS MACHINE It .. Aosua<t C"mpu,er
SPliNE CURVES ,f"".otblmc'PO/t>I,O'. IOJ

STORING IMAGES A Cal '" a Qu"d Tru
Cr><fd 's MaaJl"~


I'rJJ'lwd...1 ~u"n
C'...... II.lfI..''''i.;:otlon
111 ."
\''''P/t/t~d Compul~~

7lw £IIISI'~ Codl'J

It FIUI AIIt'",,1mI

l/ntW""'..) .... 5),.,.....

Tk S'r'1" ....f run.. 139
III ..
ontCTlllG PRIMES Au AJROnlbm lbaIAt",""A'_)'" 11'0''''

Jill!","" C(J</'''R
as 1'rogro"'J
T"- of'''I....''''/),I,f)· ,~

"23 fAST MUU1P\JCATIOH Dttfd<>,mdCo"qUrT UT

",,-COMPlETE I'l1081EMS Trn

51 fTEllATIlIN AND N:CUFlSIOM 11» Toa-.; of 1/">101

li(lNll£T£RMllUl1ON tuto_ra IN. G.. ~,dr tS(
" NEURAl. IfETS IlII.....IN ," .. &0;" lit
52 VSU COMI'lITtIlS O~""G ,.. $>/"", W

"Z6 ENCODERS AHO MlJI.TlI'I.D:EIlS lol""'/J<IU>''''8

CAT SCANNING C""'I Snl,. ...,1 X R4l1:f 171
151 53 UNfAll PltOGIlAMMIMG 7lw 51"pW¥ Ifnbod
54 PRtOlCATt tN..CUlUS
7lw Ifl'Jl(J/lI1"'u ,,,..'bod 351

27 l1'lE PARnTMlH PROIlUM II /'k1UI."f;ul Aisnnt'- 111 55 TIt( tw.nNG l"fIOktM n.l"'o""'''li'bl~ Jill

" TURING IIlACHINU 7~ S""pJnt Ci•..."..'.. O'S 1_

" SUllCHING STRIMGS J7:or 1fI» .... 1f"",~AJ8"'"t"' ~

" THE Fo\$T fOUlllER TIlAlISfOllM

3D ANAlOfi COMPUlATJOM Sf>a$boWI Co...pu,~rs
NfillSl'lbu''''B f","!fl'J
Pmc~ .. II/) C......." " _
IJkllGnanl'J <u pmgn:t_ 3n

J1 SATJSflMkJTY A C~UI"'" PmN~",

" lOGIC I'ROGFlAMMING l"roIe>gIl. If> a" ~ S)'1l"'" 3112

SEOU(Kl1Al SOfITING A l(>IJ.v~ 11...11,,<1 Q/'t SlHN 21&
" CHlIIICH'S THESIS AU(('",pu"......., Crwtlft1 Equal _

PfAetmONS Alacll(fl'u<>"
f'U8Ul: KEY CAYI'1D&RAP1I'I' IUmJcli'bI~
$rcrtG m " AtLATIOIW. nATA ....US lJv-11)<wrs-tIfQuml'J 391

. 35
A C6"""'I~~,lt~·

Ht".v~ PrubI~,., 2H
AI Ih~ ht'll,nfltn/C of ... rh ,·h~l'1.. r. all Icon id..."uli,,< 'h" of romp"'''' ,hf'QI')'
Uf p,..c"a f",m ...·hidll~ chap"";~ d",.,.. These ., "-,,h ,I",", 'eon.<. and
tIM.' dul""'" 'ndudo.'d "i'h'" •...,•. or..

ArdJ)'~b of AlllO""l'hn,~ AppllC:IIllon~

CIupo,,1') l, 9. 19, U. 2~. " •. ~ •• S· Clul'l<-" i. 26. 19. 53

Anlfidalln,,,I1,,,,,ntt Codln(l and Crl pl~OJl}'

C~r\.6,1·.s.l59 Ch;tpon$ 1I.}4, .. 6
Comp"':Ili.,· Tb"'"T
C_JlUltr GroophJ....
Ch:lpo:rn 8. l~ ..\.8. 'fl, SO. bll Ouple... 16, II ..

~ run", 0... .."'... U a ,\"h,,-k 'h.o' ""'< ~Itclcd bnd:roark.. 0( (l""1'"

~~n n... b"dmarl<J; 'ndudoe In(lfIum.eIUS of 1M...·• "TfIUe'1i ,-.( "1'1'11.......
I" "AI. of \n'..... ~ .~ ... ~ 1M ..... n... «lUI 1) ..... :on ""tuu..."... su,,~· ,f I
~,!" I>w:. l"l""l~ ~~n,,~ umph'll! "f 1l~ 1'>\8I1!,ghl'
Da... S..•..... un:>
C~p":·,,. 10..\~ • ..o. i9, S6. tol
Au ......... ''" ...... LanIlWlS'D
CIupl,"" 2. -. L\. 20... 1
I1Ic ..
"I ~ /OIl""'.>mtli~ ~ ,u~al during: a ""1>t..I1<:"' .....
,n [nllltnd LM~. r~_ doMlbl.. U«.... r .""mbusC'< n:aml from Slop 10 SlOp
'Ilt 'trhan Od,>n,\ I.-.d",~pe and. funlw:" ........1'>. ,I' ... >AoJ,.... [ngl<>Ad,~,Ilt· b
If 'lan n,,·ng .."',.., "PC'. =,lw:'nul1<JJ I=,marlon ..~ fuC'1ed b.-f.:lnu.,~
b.:a,,~ Inl.. l~('t TUl1nll' 'llJ"':iI''''''..
ngl<' k'P~ ml-lSl be' lhC' roncqM 011
T, II m.o.b...... ao,elf 1·.......11'" "'I''''
,.., ..1\0 IIC'>., ,he "TonIng 1Il.:l,·bIQ
L<>&k I~.n Tbrory of Compu.adon b!;rn". ,nlllbnn In 1'''''' m'lth ·.. I1I""'ll'..... a bill red """ 8 ..... ,be.. dl
Chaplrn J, \1, Ill, 25..n, ..5. 52".~5, I;, H.18.31.36.iS, 5558 ~ ... " .' ' be' .:l ..·,>ndt",f~lh· >lmpl.. (t"'cqMull dC'v1 ,I>;at an be' .. ><pia",
~'rhe m.on or .. """n ,n.1>C' ""...1 h1.1>C' Tunng m.a,-I'>" "-'f'<~",~tb,

on., m"W "''f'C' ,,, ...p ...... "'ben i. a>mC" h' de$<rib1OIl"-h.:a' is lUmpuubl<' ..
........... II I~. ,n a ,-..,.,. p.<"<be ........... """"ff'!;;J1
"Thoe r"n"R o..r",I>u~ .....1101" dUfl"8 mr o.r",01 ",hha"c.1 In 19tIO til '"
..... I>t,m,n" ..... I.!l or \1,'", ... c"IIt'S<", ~ .....11 k"""'n coml'>,...,>r,~J ..... I!It.." "h .:l .cf<lfIg ''''.. re.. In """fIUung. 0 .... <by on ...,Ilk ~ tbe CI>C'l"''Of
• C~t'U 2.. , jO, .n. 39.•3. $I
so 'h" In p'fllcul,1r, 'he Ie n~,h 01 ,n: ,hd"lh"ll~,n,)I II". I, I.·.~, h~n o,equ,1 '0
" I I",., xr ,'Utl'«IS of n(llhl"~ hUI " ',amI I """"15 uf .i1 1",-.. """" l{ " " "
folio... ,. I" 'll<" p"mp'''1l kmm. Iha"h,· "urd

'5.1", m I -.;"" ,," "'/1<"" ,he bet ,,,,- SOIIl<' '10"""'" llOfllll<] uf "",1.1 ,he
S'T'1lJl ,," tu; !'ot-.,,, roumr<-"<l. ' 0 ,lui. '" "8,,, In ,h,\ C:'M' ..-n." '-''''lOl
l'C'&ot>h he ,n I ,,~ " ~ ,,<it "- ,,"-lIndlom<" lb,.. onl, ,h,n/l ,lui c.n ho'e ilIOn<:
"'OIllI m,1I ,h,. 1C-xl'IlJl" the In:ti3l ~p1ion,~ f .'-"-' "'/lU:., Fnd"",I,.
"" IlOl
l""......... l"'ml"n/l k-m~ (ll(lI<'un], hk,' '1><- ' .... f,., .... /(Ut;or 'anlllUR""'
...., "mol., '" lopl.1l1 lor othrr sons of ab>Irx. lan~,l/O"''''; ...,,11. "'.... "<1"'8
< .......n·I"'" L;",~


I 'II hml.· ....,,'..... 1:.1 U"''lOf ......OSn'" Jl3hndrom... "cr>m<" "'" no ltJeal
,he, "he.
c:>nl'lOf n:"<'Ogn"<' pnmt' ""mtx-......

'ill'J....... ,,, k'''1 'hoI If ...· ......e
.....",. f'I""'" n ,.......... p..... • ""nit of pr;Kw..... • "e mJRh'.osk'" hcthc' ." ,...,.,ld bOO
• I",,, ....L" ..... ,~'n "h"h xn.......1all such ""n~ bod. """ur.II,·_ 0<11r ""'h
""nit" It", lho.· F'!JmplflJ{ lemm. 10 .00.. llut no ~<h finn" .",()rtl:JIton ";H]
2. Pro\ ,- ,Ik' l'uml''''lt k'm"', b) formJl","lt arkl .mphf, ,n/l ,he 'Il.... p"'.:,,<1 Tbe Big-O Notation
lUg II< "'.",·n"·'" h' l'.n;'ul:1I .'SUm,·. 6,,,,,· .u'om.llon "Ilh "",."•• :mll
J1ri'IJbel:l: !" hi
I",,, J pro~r.•m i, run on .J !.vmpu'e,. ,,,.(> 0f ,I><: moS' imporum


) t: H"",<"uf'."dJ l'llnun. f"'md,u!lo" ,,,A,,,,m,,,/(, 1!t<-o", f""S''''ll'-'S

"lUI (.(JI~f"'l(l/fO" Add,..,,, We,I"" R., Jd",~ ~l",,' 19~9
W c"""de'JI'(lnS a,,' ho" Im,g i, ""II, .• k" ,,,,,1 h"" much m~m"'1 "" ,II
It,,' Th"", OIC <JIher issw.', ,,,<h ", "h",II<;' 'he Proll"'" "'ill Cit'"
...wk (""~ C]up,er 9), hUI ,I.' '''U (. on",,",. of ron,pu'."Of1 I,nl<'
n",mon' "I'"'" <Iomi""'.. o<>, 'h"'klllil "'" numh," "f CO"'pU';"); "n",ronme",.
I Of ,· . . mpl,·. un l.'g,.' ",;",ff;.me oompu"'I1. ,,,",. I IU1lI"s ~", ... lrul;I..d on ,h,·
1>,)"$ al,h<' lIm"~ , 1..-QJl:,..1ll h"s run J,~l how ",uch metll<ll)· " u",--.I F"'~I on
Ihn'el ( II C.'t.... n 'm""l"rf/(m '" CO"'P"'''' 1lr<",,· J"h" \1;,1,·, " .... h>rk. .n,~·1 ,·oml"'''·''. "e .....m • p'og.. m 'n IWI ,,"irkl)' J,"l 001 10 "xe<...-d ,Ik'

"" 'l"'OlHM ,,( ~,",I""k- 1Ik'~

1 ho.'''' ". '-nt. ""'pi<' prot>k:m ,hat <;>" I", ulo<:d to,II""..,,, 'hese ,wu'""'J'N1'
"f .]JlO<"hm,r dlicH:''IC"'- SUl'flO""''' l......lIM· hM"l!r'" ...... st01<--.I in afT7j' A Mt"
,he' ,n,,,!t"1'S .11 <fj ... inct. Of 1<.... ,..Ve{ ,hem I~ ..Ilk" I". nllt .I,,--a<.",~,",'
I" 'I"" ''''phClll~ ,ot..!!"", b' ,."..
.~ ... t-\ .'I9,'IIl'Hi, 'Ill Nl I<>l _~,.Il~. 1~, H,lW_6t>.Il9.9'6.q~
11 ... r~i~h'f"ru~rd :dll<"U hm f(" d~,ect r,,~ durll~~t~< n",.\rd~"one jnh'Il~'" ""11 """",d 'he "u, pUI ."d r"U ,l;",·m~n". 'hc :I11':"'i'hm w( >uld h~,... d,sc
a lune ~t1d "... m :"f~l A. 1(I(lk",~ fo, ~ "'~I<.h .,rr·d ""'" Out "r ,ndk". and qu,' :In,,,,,,,
l·h,. '·.... mpk fa,,'" _"tTl<' 'e')' Ill'~' e.,1nll '1U~,'I"", r " gh~" "i"WI!<
"h.' " ,h,· !l'eat"" numl,,·, "f Urne unl" ,h~1 SG\ "Ii ",II '1""... 1(\ tl~'~'m
$C\N "I,...'h", ,I,., "''1",,"«' ,"Iltaln_ "uptlca'", inl"'Il"r<' Moth'" qUt"'io" of 'Ol
,rnl'0!Un"" I"~ 11, '" l(lllll, .,,, ~,er.Il", '" .11 ~CA' ,cqu,,~ 10 mak... 'hi' J ... '~n
f"r i' I 1o ,,- I (1o
forJ-' Ito"d" n:ltio,,? \1; ... , ... klr .,nl, Ih.. fi,s< '1''''''';0'' hr'"
if A(I) - A(/I
1',"1,.,,, I, SCAN .1"';0'., t.l,·, ,h., lo"Il"" 11m... "n ..... 'l"•. I\,,,
of ",mel:
tbco 0.......1 I.ndj, ,"'hen Ih,· I." '"'' """'11""5 (a"d .",1\,h,,,,,,· '''''I Of" dupliC<l'c> ~'l"" '"
.,,,It l'w<.'ulk,n vfrh,· ,nn.., "K'I' "h~n , .... Ir ",,,, f.. l~ "''1m,<:' ,\ .. cps \I; hen ,C
rl... <"ODlln""
S"Ub" i'h I I.Jntn. (,,'m ! 10 ,,;ond ,"" in"",. loop" ...' ....'Uled JI 1lltTl<"
• """, "r }( .. - II .. trf15 Th" ",<"Itl.. 1 + j(" - l) Sleps for all iMlruClK
,,"nuI..'d,,·h,lri I \l;h..n, ! ulsn",hanloo ....'t.",h.1tSCA-'",lI",...,
Th~ .ljlOn,hm '>CA'" ,,,.,,, ...·n hili.. "(><:Ill'", 1I1-",he ".,1"1\ lOUlI<>rls:>nd 'h" 1 + .\(" - l) ""'p!i l'hc .. 'I".'.. . ""n r". ,h.. wu.1 """" tak"" !Jo!.' SeA.... "
'''~, Ilklr" '''nab!" 'and J enn""'l""n,I), ........, ... Id sa, Iha' SU:- 'rqurr".
.. -f l ... (If't!.> ,>I ",o,,,Il". assumlnillhal ~ach""rd I~ la'l!" "'OOUllh 10 <'UDl::un .nl 1 ... .\( .. -lJ+I r.\, .. -ll~ ...1".IIl)+I" I
irIt~1l"'f 'Ill e " "h
T,' tklcrm'M 00.' mu.. h Un><' )C... o,: '''"'Iu""". "'" u..., a "mpl", chm'ng
lerllnf<l~" "h" h :o>sUm" Ih:ll each hM..,f ,I\., I'f'JRram e<..'" 1 un .. "f lin><' 10 ,,+1 .. •
_jor' - 2 ,ri-!
unU'''' To d",rct a 001'1..,..<: am"ng f( 'Uf .......""... In'elt"Q SCA." ,"'''.....· 'uion
p,Kf<."m ""'l b<: dun,-d :0. ("11.,,,,
T1>c ........... <Ok tl1..~ <IJ"'~I/I'ufan al"""hm ~,nll:on ~n 'npu' 'tl I
A" "mrll Ihe ",,,,,,mum It"'" lhao ,he alll"",hm ",II >f"""d on MI' 'n
I ......; "... nt ...... " Thr",.... ''''''' ..' 'mpl ....",,''' SCh..' tn ,he '><1 " .. h
".i.'I"rd ",n,,1 It .. II 1 Of,,,,,rqo lh"fox""'>rdO.ll n'
lin."n ,~... all Ino.lru.~ .. ,,~ in • l'f''gDm a1>oolb ,"'" ..."'" .""",m of '"
In<k-cd. 'hIS IS """ ..... , • .., 'n , Ill"-'"urnn"nll ~""E:"" runn,n/: on I
.!>to .......... undJ. "'''''rul''''' Ilof" .. f""l~.."'h I'" ,hlo' "':o."I(llXl\UI ",,,,,,i.,,,
"m<" , m.

d ...
«>n.I" ....
"t,r:ond:< ..'" b I '" ,nd,,,du:oll""JU<1.,n< and I" """" "'" ;aruj,,,,,,, t'$><:'llf.
hi«: I..... il""" aho."e In ..... to ,,,~, ""'" lItl!t"","'a", ~fonnul.l "\Ih tll'-'~
r:~"'Ik..",",', g, C l~,,' 1 I ....... ! IU) ! Am <,<,pc.." wit' ",m/:>od,,,,,,n
'>C" \ """ltI "",Id • ", c-~ runnlnll ."..., Io .. mub duI u quadnot:l<.
E:o.l'I .l.lI nn 1M <.. ~ .t'f"~ on 'l."GJIOO" <.>f ,''''' '''''''''''1001'1 'I«\lp"nll f" h~ "'.'IOn, "... IIn alr<..-d.n an ,"rkr-<Jf ""'gn'r...... 1lOI:II"'"
ltI<' ........ Inc! ... tM d"l 1J~ n""' ,1>< In. ""l' ", h""...m. Irit w np.. ..>.pr..""'ll ........ nd P""" ..'''''pi ", fc." "'ilhr' .lgur;lh_ or JIrOP"'a...
OfrJrr '" • ,.."...".".wk.n (>1''',... ,t.., algnmhm ' .....'1110. f'" a 'ip«~' insun..-., f"", 'K"'/I Al IS Q,tI ",b.·lhe bill Oo{aI"'" It· .. gt" 1,1,"e,," "':Illlm'1t'"' ,\
of •..., pn"'lf,m rn ,he' M:llmp~ abo>.... Ih.. I"", , nol """,,,,,nc... of doc> ,.".....' ~ .........anr ( ....... h 'M
.... n~lh""","'" ....... , .'andJ I In Ih .. ''2<0,' llw,..... irAt}) __i(~)
plISI><'<l. and 'ho: aJAl,nohm b.oh..... J,n ",Hpuu,ng j ""tl , bcftAe hal1O"1t- r,xall If"'-."
)",,:<:.1Ko <iIMt ........'" M !2 .."" "'" "uk! "" 'fur )(;A 'll'C<julfn U u,,,,,,,,f
.i..... 10 pm.:..... he ~~nct' ~ .",~, -1 lfthe S<'qucncr had """'n - .8.~,~ 'hrrI .he ... """t'
1::1>1 ,enl<;;ol '''''' ,tf dot, ","'Itl 11:1\... loo,j(cd Irk.. Ihr "'h..... At ,..._ " ..... hall
•- :od<'I" 'hIS ..-nn'''''''K'''. II.f, Ing "".... hrd ,h.. conlin .... sut"'n><:1Il aft'" ,DMf",•
Ami 'J " ,h<>uld ""ppe" ,h'lll( III (),j( "j) ..' ,n-II, ,hen 'h,' ""0 tunclIons "e The lime '"'''l''''''''' of STOll on Ihi, ""'1"en,·" " 1.\ "he....." .c \" ,
....IJ '" h~,,, ,h" "'m.· 0""" of mJJ;:""u,'" 22 ,'rp> "h,~ turf"'"'" '" 1-0.' 'he "'Or>' , ...'" 10< ,roll. .. h"" " - ,. ~n.! III
1 "",,nil no" lO SC \'1 .00 dc""""ll "_' "'oN ·a... "m" <u1Ople ..l\ m T,.(" I, .TOIl., "-on< u.'"
romp I.. ,,,, b
"" h.lw

0" ,he ..1Ih<-, iul'd '1011 t"<'<JU""'" /~, mOl.. "'''''4<' ,tt." ..... A,,, I lIuJ1
., ",m,our dUI .1, qu..dt"' fu,,,-",,o> of n l"" "",m" ,,,.10:.0( ~ni''''''' '0 IN """.lI" ,he" ~TOR ,,·'1U, ................. 2- memo<> .....'"
rorn'l-1 "1"""'''''''
f<w lIrI. " .."lll.•, "'"~'" .,,, ", .. n .. ,"" m~ '1.....Julle f.. onion of. ..
;n ... to"ko 10 IIlJICOl" ,"" or.!<'. -or .....!l1'JUJ.l,· ""'" .-oml'l"·"I\ « ::;c.\:-" Bl' coml"'''''Il,I,,: .. "'" ,-~,.." me C\)mpol.. ~,,, <Jl '>C. \" an.! "011 'I
11"~r1, "lA." .................. 1' (11 .. 1 ~ 'f1,I<e _'"'''' II + 1 GIll/I mmed....." oml<Mo'" h..-h ,lgomhnt " <up,:no,,.- .. boon ,Ite ""0 ,.....
..... eo)nlfbl In 'oC.\" ",' "".. eum""" • u,lJe""" , ','I",,,hn,,.. :q>proach 10 ~,., pkJI,,-d C r'I:"'" -01»
,ho.' f"''''I.-1O The .lllOfllhm S101l .,Jopl_ ,"""'''I'''' Uttl< or """mil each Al,it<>ullh '(.A" .. ~ .. > I...,. "me,!un \TORoo ...:q...."' .... o( Ienglh- I ....
""c;...... In .rt'2\ A ,n :.u>ol/ll=r .,n! H., "" ",d,,~ nJlJ.:IllU 1/11= '"1<:11''' ,'""II' t .... urn"" .~_ ~TOR .. ,lrc:><h ,h('"UO/l n' '"l'':'''w''' _",-II. concI
"wId Ite ""',,'1\ no flU" .., '" lui lrll"... ".mpl.., ,"~ ,he "''D.lgotllhm, h.
long .... 'l(.A," "'''-' qrl.,lr~u(' ~nd .1'011. ....' lIn .. ~,Sou"", 0' la'.. , ~I' a'
~TOIl ",,,h linu, lim" ('oml,le"" ",II OU'l'.. rf..w n 01'" ,,"h <Ju:lJ'~Il{ ,,,n'I'~
n", '.m.' ,h"'1l ",me 01111" 'J"Ice ,om"I,,'!I; oi ~Igo,,,hm. An alJl1
ruc,' 1 '0 "do ""h '1"... .1'.'1< "'ernul') ,,,qui,em"''',, ",I1ll'e".. raity .. "<,,"<I'h,, >I0''''Re
If 11(.-4(I)J -, 0
11\ of 0 <'Om l'Uler much _onner Ihon ~n ~IRO'" hm ,dIll I in".. ·'I~l"> wmr
Ihen 0"'''''' ,.1( 'i. _IUU, .._..,1 ,h... n",,, ,nd 'I""''' 00"'1'''''"\ (,j ... Ill' ,m" ",. lend '0 {un,-e
exl. "" 11", 'Iu..,,,,,-," of h..,,, f.." ~ gll'ell prohl..", ••n he o.olved ,11l"'lIl1m
eI"" 8(.-4(1)-1 ! .nl .. "" "'or~Il." ''''Iu'rem"n", Ofe e,,,,h'l.Int, ,h... "'.,,, '1"'''''00 ~ho<rI •
• 11.10"'h"', dlin..nq .' ""u~lI,'_ <.an "'e hnJ a ';1..'01.." ~1J.,~,nthm ,,, ... ~
""me p.-ohlem·
It ;, ...",,,mtd ,h:I,
~n» H ",,,,.lk cont.,r, 0- '-~<'h "/fIe:tn ""0.'8'" ,,;.
-Uf'I'<"" Ih,'I"<"" ~ !,r"hkm Pf", Wlh"h lite ''''''e-! knO"n .ll:"'''''m
......"c'e',-.I. " .. 1 1:\_ to I In ,h" ..... 1"""lOllSl, " ... ou",,,,..-.I ,m,·g.-" .'"
....·".. lO'd tn Ill<' if "''"'.. m,,'"
T.... u"., of • n,r"",
10 be '-',..... ll .... Ihe ~'" fu•• romr"'"'''''' 01 ." '-''''''..,.:
~. lIndnl,,,,, Ih<- ...... h""IO" lno:>..".,. bwb,OIJf I...,.. (,.h:lI"'" ,,~l In !he
,...- .... '"'''''''' of 1Wl"'1l u ....... ""-",,... , "''''' ""....m.., Itu, .IT» H151.u1'<'
'-'"'JU~h '" ("OI'.Uln..", ,,(,h.. ,,,,.. ~ SlO -d on ~
I' I> 11'''''''1 " .. 'o,om...... ,he ..., ...... ,..,.,. Urn,' comple...,. '" .TOIl ""h ,IL-.
of. '(..AS eon"de._ fur ,'uml,I", ,1.\ p..riOrm:lJl<., <on lll<: ....m.· lou, r.umbe'
....'<!UftI<.(' -.8.~.1

Iflj(,,{.)) "0
"'0'-'1".,,, ,'"ml'I",II)' O(j( fll 1. If il c.n be ~I><""l fh~1 no f...", .Igml'hm 2, ~h""'· fh;1I if ~ O. tlwn
",ast'. "fl<" "'hich Ius compl",,,,· 11<") ",hN" If.") OVtn») hUl fl.") +
C/(I/I ,,)1. Ih.m II", rruhl..m I... elf Cln he <old '0 h,"" comf'I,,~,,)" o:f(Il)). for ,,1"11" 0:,,')
e1Oml'le. under ",~~""hle _'B"l'ti,,,,, .IIOU' h<)v.'. """ing .1/l'JIl.llm mO\
nuke <,<>mp;in ...,,\,. II (':0" be ,1>09,." ,hoi <0<11"11 "Inl~t< ,s.n 0(" I"" ,,)
I'robl"m (..... 0"'",,,, r I l"nfo"un:nd\'_ ' ...." f.· h":o,, l"oble",.. Iu,,,, k""""n
conlp1t~"'· P''''''ns! fh..t,. gi'e" .Igonlhm .' ,he r ~ 11<"""hle fo<. gl'-"n
""' or'; O(orlO8fll
prohkm ",>rMonOtlsl\' dllliroh
Indent. ,he,r Me "'''''' problems "hl<:l\ 0rJ>('0, 10 ha.... eXI"'O""IIt",1 com
p~r." I M'e ChapiN JII) ...., on" \la_ "'.... I",,,,d • 1""'"1>(""",1 """" .I~...."hm
J. G"'~n ,hot • <cq.....oce of "'n''1(''....
eOf\U'n., ..ucth·,...,dupllC;l1.." "'Iu,
fo, :at, of Iht1fl Allhov~h.n O(!~ lalll"fllhm m~)" exu.l no one ~ ~Ned ,he '" ,'.-ail" " ..... compi..nt)-uf STOlP 0...,.. Jil 'och ""JUC"K"".......... lon.ll; do.
'n .llI'101fhM .. hkh runs In "me ..iltCh '" "'..... Of"-I It '" fIOI h:lrd ,oshoo!o' '1011 olce llo der.-o fhe d ... pI,,·.'....)
lL' ~ r"""'lOn of fI'
lh:Ir ...h .... n " 1.,R<' enough, . . - < !~ ... 111e ....'- '" ..illCh ,he .."" uf ~ prohIem .5 me"""...:! ..",...,.~m:o~c.. bo
All pr"blfllls tIu, ..,<: mlglu COOICe"'''>!' .. ",h 10 ...>I'e ~nd th:Iil tuo,"C ~ fd>Un ..,t.....,,,,,,,n ,tl<: lime ....... pk~",. uf In o1ll'lfOlhm f", UuII pt"obIern Fot exAl
.t>le ...... ~ n •of lnsuncc s,ze m:I\ Jlf"e'UmobIy be r:UI~ed In or...... of com
jW. '" ,boo: problem soh""" .,.,. '-CA' <:-.loCh uMqlN ill the inpllf ~ue<J(
pie",,,' Ar .he "'JI of lhe I... come I"""," problems 'rcru,nr.lI ()( !~, <leplo Cor
.... " .. ) 10 10.>1,,<: ,"""••", lOre>-n OUI of prX'l".. 1 """,h r...... ....quen,,,,t cum
roon,...:! OIlt'· """,-;mi n. 'M problem ..... It""""...,fl""''' ...
",gle inl"flN "' .
plII," '''ll W ..... ,ho<e problems Iu, ;nll poI'..-.onn.1 Ume fOIU11OO> III ordc' .r.p" ,..." mJl room Mos ("I SL;" I fin sa~ I<Jg "', ..... (C) " " " " lkn",
SlT~'Khfr"""~'d 31110fllhm for der."ml"mll .."heIhe, '" 15 pome ~ ,tI
of.he pi'" "'Im",l, ...,..... problems nu~ h:n.., romrk'"'· ()( "'I. ""he" I1U\
h;t'e ",mpleu" oi 0( ,,) or C"-en I~ In f...... ,he,e "e prvl:>lems oi tnte'..... under h I ,Ile,e" no Upp"f bound on """ Ionll yountgonthm ..~111:i1. ~hu
d':tI.. complexl" for eJUmpie. th:tt Ufllkr (I) }0Il' .Igon,hm """ "me romplelCll\'~' le;ost O(!-), "hN'"
unde, (c)" \la_ polynom",l·ume eomplelu,
Of,,) < Of" log "J < 0( .... ) < 0( n>j
Th" e..mhlll~'<)f..1""'fllemOlK:"''' J;.,:k Fdmond.....J~ fhe h,.. lO dr.n,· "'...n- Refen:llcc:
lion r\lfdhl, 10 ,he d"ufI(1IQ" \>et..·.... n .. ~plIn.. nll~1 .nd 1"I(,lyno",,~J lime
pmhl... m< alld '~If .lll"flI""'~ In 19tJ'; If ......e n"..1"C'l <lr~llll" lh~l ",me pr<.>/>. n",lIel It G'een., ~nd [}("'lld F "'"",h .!/a/h,:mutl,s fori"" A,,,,I)~J"ifAlit
len", 'ueh as findu'll ,II" .hofle,' I',,'h I""''''e.·" I"'" POll\!< in ~ ll"'l'h _".....10 rilhms I.lof~hlU,""f, 130"0". 19111
hJ''''.1I 0( ,,') ,Ime ~IIlQrifhmic~Iu'ion "'hlt.... Olh..', sec"'lnll'" c1o<etl' ,daf.-<t
rroblenl~, 'o,h '" hnd,ng Ih.... I"nl;e'ol ,oe" fl"lh, ,1"~Jld h,,, ... <>nl} ,n 0(2~) I)""ald I' ~lan'l .nd l' McAIli."e. Olse,."I" .Ugt/),'mtll!<:s i" CO~If"'tl
flm~ .III'-""hmk ",IYllun Thl! d','"flCUOn "':« '<> he ,'xl'l",~,t;",o.lOan ~Xl.·,,,. '·cl,',,,·,, PTe'nlle" H.Il. E".l:I~.\"(>od Cllff<, 'lJ i9"'-"
e""I~I,...d hI SI<1)he" Coo~ in ) 'r1 (,,,.. Ch'p'~1 "!),


I. Thr ~TOK .lll"nthm Ope"'fe. cor,.,.,.ly OI,tl ,f II U,,",_ ~n ;ural' A ,Iu, "
.1,,'2dl 0 lilled 'Cnte. lie" Jigurflhm ,ru., ""-_
fl>o:· q....., lime «,ml""""y;l>
STOll bu, docs 001 'cqyue,( 10 be O-lilled

-• IlIml Use .... ~y~,I~' ~""'- Bh:n~ng ... Ie;t>t " ""m.... 1

(~n "'c rc, II r~ .. nd "f Iho,•• Ipluh.,,_ ,,~' 3J,J rhe' "bn1< (' tu.rael..
sUfi ~II 0''''' all"n .. " , Foo- ,,;'(~mplc. "n" ~ - I Ilw "0,<1 ~~CRF.1
InGvJX If d,,· ,cn:I... , ond .",,,<1,,, of II", mCS,Jllc ~no .. I);>lh lhe
.nd lho,' ""~ to Ikn ..1l<.llll'w:f1nll ond <ke'p...."n!!. IfIO'M"-Jl" or" hodI
OllO'",,\(>m;, npn",lI, I~ <omp<Jl'" If lho: alg<> """,,,,,,,,,,, puhI
nIgO'. 1I<w..... "r, it "'-.><lid ..... a e"1JU""h~ 1otIIllod................. _

PUBLIC KEY a I'll:'"


"1:,,~u:>"'" had """n inI.. fn1>lC'd II IS ..... ""1. """,c'."Jrlro If
"r."lrhe 'm" ..... lransf",nullon l ,,,!:>s<,,,,,,njl, '" letl.:r p.
tI,,· un,: hr1l'R <\o:'cr,p,.,<I) J 'cldl ;on Inl.. I1I11,hl c "'C''''I«' In Ihl$ pon"
if III" """I) p,Ion ,1 Ill"ri,hm ""re nnll'uhlt<- , It "'0,,1<1 n,\( ",k.. "
f., '""'"'
CRYPTOGRAPHY I''SI IonIl'O ", rxk <ht: n>dO" H,....,,,,,,,, cbhor.." U:lnsfonn:l
at<- ••,.olahl,' 1r.m:sf0l1IU<\(""" IIkll a"" 5(> 1'Um1'1",...d thai ' ...... n If1
mad.: publ... In<N.1O''Ilj:<' of rhe lC) "'''''Id "" ~NL01 on denph
~ 110", '00.1"""",1 O'OCI'JI"onn "' >olcms sull requlrC Ilta Jo.e... t
"o.oU l "S\,.11~ I" ""..",,,,) 10 Ill<- '... lOUs u.... '" of I"" ,)sl"m ""\011 ',."
Ill/rae/able Secrets ,lion!:"., 'his (,m ht: n·t) e06ll~ and. in somc e~sc•. 1<:,<, '-<'>11\ ~nd 1
~umh\R ,,",-n lu COfl.>'dc'
In PUt-IK k", '-"1JC''Ill';lph\- .-a.. h~, ,i ,,,", 1.\51"m is II'''''' a ....1
........ , d. 10 he dunRtd Mh,j ~ ,,'cn br It.... d ,n, I'"hlk d,....,
('tlmmuniUllOll " ~ need noc onl' 0' .....-..,,:>n<,Ir..
m,lou,,' ~od ,,- mc_1l<'" In Itm ",-"..m h.'" r,!:Urc II ~) "",.""",,,. has a p

<neI m ..."
1Il..,II,I.l<"l'K\" "lien,s buI a~) ,,f Lilli<' <,o",""",nal ~od ",dURNI ~rmJ '" "h",,, "" """d o".ml'k''''''nlU'1l thO' In'.. .'...., ,un,'" r ' I
...Ir.-illll """'dt'n",l ,nf"u"...""" In ,<><1:1,- ••orld p.."I",b1r'" "'..".\10 'he,r " • "'I:I"""'h'l' ll<·,"....,n "~nd "", .nd In f;t("' ,he ,""UR' ,i lhal
I"',,,,,m (~ "'lI'lIh~' '>r .«re, ;"f","".""n "'''lS''''1I"J .. I.,..,,,)O,,,,U)
orises ,n I h., Ian", >cnur One ~ onll' lUI hlnl of 'he flow of (,,-dll ,nf".. m","""
;In'''''ll ';lfl<)I,IJo filUnnJI "",tUlhons
11..- ''''lI>C'nd<",~q''''nllll'''' of stl\:h ,nf,,'IR:I'onn rrult " ,m.,.."""..,.1131 ,.."Ii
, ,
.........:.10',- "" llU.IUlU~~.... >'"'\I,'m oi .."" '1""0" .. hieh .. both , -,
... l~ brill<' ,nd ~"" '''''lltlrd .... do-':,,'JlII .. ""n ,nC,,,ltUItoon I< ,lI'C1t'-p'M
1,..><1"I0I>.:l11", ,h" c '1J'lioll proc<:~ h:" ,1I,'OI..,d ,,'u "."ruform...,lon ,I/lO-
nthm' Tand r-' "1 ,.,Ilng on ;I n'"s.",~<' For ~x.,mpl .. _ in FI~LJrt: I H [1,,"
m"''''lle .Y ""llh' he ,n Fnlliish .semen"".•oo ,he ll':m!J'orm.""n Tmillht I", lh"
Tb<.__ .....-----
- """",,,ulion. 10< C'2Ch ~lt.. r 01 ,h.,. ,1ph:ll)"I, of ,h" .hl> ,.."", b"'l-on<! rh:>r OPt· 11....., , "
[ 4"V ,,u1 ~\en IX' ,.... dl..-d "-11 h<>1Jt U)mp",n"""lt 'h<- «<urI{>" of ~ The ,-",'!en,
lui ..u~ c' lila" I. ~ ..full, 1.....1,0 "'IJII'Ule. g1,-.,n " BuI ",\ '"n- ~"I,
<'OOI"f'll,<"d Il""" ." ... n,,- 'lui lfom " ,one ..... ;n I n ) m2lU..,../
Ii"... " 110", lh.· ""poogr."">< ,~",..m I"osed on .h" p....hlem ", ... 1.$ S
• u",' Iu-' ,,>me ,.mJi,wnlI11 ,nfo"'T.Moon 10 " .. ~"" I h' rhe ,,,en.., 1
,. iu'< hetn II""" a puhl,,-· "" """""""'11 of n Inleg.· ... <I,. ", J
..."'lpUle ~ Lmiquo" puhTic ~~. f... ';1 " " ' IN:f ,,' tht- ,,","m ",f._"'" .. lran<Sormed .0. """II 01 b,n:an' di/U", .nd "len lhoe"
0 .... <Ii 'he iN pubI..: ..~ c~l>t"g",pl", """en.' ..",. <k\ ,-1"p"J '" ":ltl,n .~ ....,ltmohlod.;oIk"'llIh" 'TIrblodrx (x, ."" -".)l,,,,,,pJ
Itdlm,,, R';tlph \kr~k. a"d ~ h,'~dd ",llie ., "anf"rd \'ni'-''''!>l', In til.. I..... ,I", ''''''I\<"'
1<)"''(1) 11 "'.' b:l,..d on" " ... ,,.,,, Wffil"" ... "",.1I1' d,,.,,,,11
prd,I<'''' ,';tIled Ih", '
",t.> :E• A·~.
"'hi"1 Sl'm !>''ObI...'' In m,,<h of!h... I"e,al "n puhh,' h'l njl'll'll",ph,.. ,hi.
b ,.n,..J ,I,,: hwps<<cl pmbI,'m, hill It " r,-:lII\ " ,pKl.1 0'<' 01 n

.<..",. I "".. PmhI,,,.. G~ .. n n - I Jl'<Nl"" ,n,cpc" l', ' tI,. >nd I~.""mlllnl
lOO. '''~ ,01 lhe a, ,h...... m.lo 11 T"...u" the en~,,1l'oonpnJ<~ 1Il(If"(,""'........~llullhe .....
'FCRF.T and Uul " "tn!.,.ckd in - II" A~ II
~"r ""ump].... <Uf'POS" '..... ~ !Ii'"'' horh ,,- ~ Illl"~'''' 5. II. ~ II, 6'00
B _ ~O (..n ",e h"d • >ubwt ," ,m, h ... inlql<-'_ ... h, .....· 'Urn" .'0>
• , C , ,
An<dk r ".y of "Ie" 'lilt ,hi, pf\~,I.. m " '" Im'llin" lh.u lh.. " ",,,.. ~,.,, a,c ,h,. 10lOOll 1000101 lilOOOll 1010010 lOOO1U1 w,
lIe'llh" "f III<",k. ,lIll fit "'Ulliv ,n,n a b." <If hdllhl H (F'llu,C 1161 C.n nne fl nd
• ""1>",,. (Ii lhe blr",~, "h,d, ~ ... (r1,' lill- llIe hn, (,<,t t~P'''' ~.» f." (,>n""fl,,,n,,e ,n thl' ...... mpk ... " uk.. n - (.llhc.ullh "'.... It It'l(h,,,
1" lI'h t"'<.mpI ... ,. doe, not I.h 'n)o l""ll. :01 ,. r..... u)mb",~ ,<0,,, ,or"",,-"lI. .,.. n",,,,,,II\' u~1 .nd ,he'''''l' """p/lo" ,he Ii.... I....'er" ,,-,
to .I, .... , " "UI ~ - ~ ~ II - ll'J In ll"nO'fal. "'<'1'. I........,.. J.n< .... , an .Iso-
rilfun " "llU""""~ 10 ..,h.. ,I.... ~ ",m prohlrm u> pol,-notI" ..ll1rn.: In (\lOll 0" 1'5681..- I Ull31 -+- 0" '19,
f..a.lhe p..,hkm" 'P ,,<>mpl..... ('.'.. Clupo.., ~2) Tllu~.n, .1~ .. "lImg1D,..n "'OX(.. SCH~ 1>.(6-t~I~ IX
1.·...<1 ul"m~e1~ 1<, "'~, .. Ih.. rroNem ,... 11 pn,tuhlv """.... 10 If) a "pub...m
(,..n,<o" of ,he 2" 1"""lllle ,·, ..,.h"..,io'l> ,.f lru"llc" 10 <II"""'.... , '" hwh ",h,,,t, ...h...... (901. %1:1, 80'. 39. ~~I, 6-tS. II-.~)" 'kpulll,~ k,,~ «(I" «"
(If ,,,,,.1 """ '" I/. ,,~<I (I ,0, 1,0,0,1 I)" ,h" hl<l,k ."rn,I"~ "I\<lph...".,] The ,...'ult"'ll"llejll\
.\~~J I. lh..." ""","ulI,,d <l'. . "r lh... ",,,,,,ore ,h.~ 1 ""~"n" ...I ;nl( IC
"'....,"""'''''ll'' " .',,('1'\'(><..... ,n :lS~2. "'"'' .r k or kn.."",n... ,,' u •
• 1<>11 "f'he publ,.; ~ 'n'''Il...... ""'-' ",,,,I_n!, m'¢>t .,,It
he .nlnll' "!l'
f..... ~>n "f "'" ~- 12lJ J'<""hl" ,omt>ln.ol>On' hcl'\ff ..""nl(" ,he.
""" If" '" _..... much l.arll"f ,hut -, ,he' ltme II m'llt. ,...... '" .I" rh ,
~ 1'",h,II",..• .-hl' ..,,,.,. 100 ~"~Oo ~ ,u"'P'J""1llim<'" 'n
de<. ,phi
I''''' ~ ,m".-m'II01l .. tit, h, ,h,,"gh "'"C1O'l n""'. '"
,ll al",,'" ".. ".,,,1>'
"n, h~ 'he "m.. " ,,<1..... lph,·~? In fac,. '" IIh •·..11 I illl~ .<klt"onal ,n~,.."l
'" '''ltd"p", ml~l" he f",,<.'<! .. 'lI' a I""bl,,'" "hkh "'"uld ,.k,· th.. Iif,,~
,he ""i_,""" 10 ."h..
, rhe _>0.500g" 8~ a"" .... ., ii' ,m..ndnl de->,tna.r'''n. rhe ,t'CO'''''''
..." ..... k,>q <I;. <I;, , d ~l.nd l"'-.-. ~"'('I.. J ''''''11'''"
It and "'''' Je,.;'Pi

.....' ..Il"
1'ht" publIC ~<"l ( <I,. d. ' <1.1 ..., ''''ll'""I1~ """PUr.... "" ,he h
!hi, 1""..... ",f,,,,,,,,,KIO", f"l1"""

fl. U II, m"tlm

--"'••,,'c "H nH"T(

To relfle'" ,he """"'11" bit, x,. rile ,~-<:clw. for ",ullle' , '11<-,.:,,1 version of 11...., \\ hy d,d cwntl1injl ,..",k ",,, ...' nicely' I'erll:op, 'he ~Ig,'h.. of T'
,ubM1 'um prohl~m p,O\idc' ,h,' '''"pk'' e~pl.llm'on

IX 111,-h ",bsel of (a;. a;. . ,,~) ,um' ") IJ~, ",h,-,<:

II. 8. u I mod '" ,
He.e "'~'" .he in,..""" of ,,'In the 'eI,1 ,Jlln":Il"D modulo m In OIh:r ",-..".<1"
1/"" ' " 1 lllQJ on
.. •
I"', ''''';'''00 m

1'he ....,Iulioll of lhe ......."",. >f/<.'(i;I1 >l,!l>e, MIn, prubkn, i, "'all" the ,n
, ..."., u'"",fornullOO " 1 hu., if rho.- ft..-t>" ",', ",,,,,,,e kl"}'luppcn> lol", (I, 2.
5. 1 I..\!. I:I~ I ~ 1I, .10001l ...~,h tho: <Jl<'ual j",,,lt"" .. 90 1and ... - 123i, ,hen fl. H,'" mod '"
1"'-' problem" lO ..h>C'O'c< ..-t1lch ,,,,,-,... of III" J'<"....,. k.") '"[<'11"" .... m' to •
- ~ -",lI"";"'" mod '"
IJ, .\~n x t9QU 'mod 1231
\~!! . 11-1 mod 123~

T1l" ~m h3pp<.'11' 10 "" "'t)' ,':l'l)'" ......." quodl'j- TJ>., "",,,,,='~ p<"...r."
,ntc/l'-"" • ., .omm~ 10 l~ .-xfl I, LUlie< ,h3fl the >um ol.hc IJ\lCgt:r" p"-"""l
1ll{l,1 in I~ ..............<'<' It" not h::Inl h••"". ,h;ll ,h,o, foil"", lflllalp"hm ...,h",-",
,hI> problcnl on Ion.:'" time.
In Olho... ....,>n1,. ,II<" R\~llt' -"C1lcod.:<1 in B....
..f . . ...-.'"rn~ CIUllO""'.,

1'\11)10.... ~ c"'...... ~'C on!>' ['flU 1"0"',1>1<: porn'" <;0( ",,' \ <taofl
'1 ~hOl\" pri< ...c 11<.-,' bC'ln,l <h.. (><c,.,. .. l .
I. w ... -O
1. foc f _ .. ""p I "n,1I I do
An a'l.I'.I'~m hkl) 00"" "P'<lmpl",,, problem.' qUJC!<h'
Ir .., J "H. An ~lll"fl'''m h.. h "-,I,,... ,h" l"'M'.roLu 1" P·compl",.. ') pmbl...... oro
,. ,-nl",~hic: '".en. '-, ~
, SU" - <"... a•.
",,,,",1(11- I ","""(11-0 "l'h<.- 1.« fU""bol",' ... u.",,J,... nt '0 "" h>j:hh unhkl.-b\ ""I""" ,n """'•
I~'. bllf ,t." .....und (""~n h:Jppcon If ,he p"lll<."\ilM ~ """" n"
j. if $"'" - 8~ ,bn> "d, "lIh ...,1>.<...
d ... "'" .. "h 'b,lu,,,
:odC'quac" 1~.....-.n"1(':I1 ~fC'j[\W<b Th", plffl,,·l, ..-ha !'uppnIe<J
RI3n .\" DdIi.. ,nT'h.>gr-.rlw: ""'We", "'" ...... ,,1,...,J It tum,'d OUI ,
r"""'~ .ho.. 'puNK .., <um ptoblcm ~ '0 1>.' a 1I'"T>t"QI ,~
111... 2IflO".hra SUItS .. "."~,, u'l"l"Sl ("ltto:""",,1 ,n,'-"tl"n on .~ P",...... k"l. .......Iwrflll ,1>0:>-< ... ~ 1\ h pr....... m~b1'· =koe ,!>to prob"'m cx:mp"Ul.I
"0 '0 'i"'al<. ~ d,,,,,,,rdi nII: any ..t1>d1 do not
:It'" "'poon!t'O' &t lhC' III '"'0 ,to;, boll: ltllr~",abl" " ,,-all, • ." "'II Mb ~bm;,. ~, the \l~hu~.., .. In"lU'" .,(
lie I...... 1<> h.:ou'iC ...... h <I... bfll"" ,h;w"t,1M' >u'" of ,II<" ,",cgn-s .. h,ch ..~Il no~ drC<;o....rt'd lhal " • .,.. m..... h ......., of a >f"-"C.. I ''a'C (~hn hl
fo/m' ~ ,n ,~ .. "lIht ,o·kfo ordC't pi""'" ...."".. ~m problem) ,han If' de\;~ I'C'::lhHd. Sham... fc
!\ppl),nR St'l~L\ F '<l't>., In"-"",,,, (I, l~. II, U. ir, Ii II and K. - 2'H, Pohnom'allt ..... ,I~,hm rlul 'OI"oed 11""" ,II<" publIC '..,f5KIf\ of ,he •
..'" quKilly 100 ltal w\)o;n - ( 1,0, I .0,0.1.1 I, Of rou~. ,h.. " ,I><! ASCII ",nng "Um I"ubkm
1010011 ..... ~. ,t." b.... lelln of lhe ~fC.F1 n......",.ge In ,h- I~. , n,,,, ruhh, ....). ('f\pl<'W2PhiC .s.... em "'Pl'la",e<J the
"un \!ellde I)llIic ... ,1,.."",, <:.11<'<1 ,he H.H c')PIO<,~/(·~, (,h<>r! fo, Sho I{,,,,..., Prublcm,.
mit. an,1 Ad"'","" .h,,"· I , wmp\"." ",-'i,'n"\1> ,•.-1\<., 1''''1''''''',) i, in th., lal<'
19~f\<; l. " <lcl'"nds on Ihe JI'I'Jr<'nl p"I\'n"mlol "me ",,,,JI>.>I,,
li,y "r ,he IJ<.·w,· I, SUPP0<C Ihe ,,,,,'j,..,. ,p,l'a'" k,'" hlPI'.'rl,.o 1:0<' (l. ~. lll, l6, 112, I!
;1..II10n l"<.>hlem If""" hil nllml,.., 1< n,~ p'l""·. Ill'''' lonll muSl" take l<) l,n<1 J
II U' - 1\IIH and'" 1!09. ",,,k ,h"'''llh 11", .",-, t1ccirhc,lrq
""""" lal f.><:IO' hy' wmp''''''' II, "' man,' ",-I<'n','" 'hlnk, " cannOl be solved in <lur" "ul, ~
a 1",lm."",.1 ""ml:>c, of >fCps. lhen lh<' (nU.", ,nJl U)lllOSfHCm has 0 d"""., of
'I" 'cceding , 1. Ik, ,.,'. '''·... puhl i<. ~,.l' "'''''P'''''' >"~"'m ha...,<1 011 th" p"" i""" Jl
In Ihe N'lA c"l11''''I<lcm. I"" """!W" • and" a,,, Ill\cn "-' I,uhlk ky". If. l:nd." "tu, .·",·u",,,..1<'·' c~n ,Il<' 1'",,,,1<. pohnomlJl ,I"", algor,"
m.'.""I'l" ... I> "0''''''<1,,<1 h) an 1".",11<" In.' ,hau ", ,ken >I, ma, be cn,;r"l"cd ""If,·<1 III Ctupft', ~~ I... u",<1 to b'<:Jk th,s "l's,em'
"'...· u'Jmg 10 ,I>..' I,,,,,,ub
oJ. '1M,,, ,lui ",<.1'" 1 m"d II (,,, an) inl<"gc, m I.... 'han II p q
c" ... ·mod"

Tho' ,nlt'ndt-d re<:ch...' 1lJ. 'I""..

,e kel ,hal "'''''''>1'
of ."', I",me f:t<'l0r5. p.nd References
.,. of .. In OIhe' ",><d>. " /HI 11lts lllC.n.,.h.. lbe n:=<.ci,c, of ,he mcs.>:.l~ On
e...,I\' 6nd a" """ll'"
d,uch 1M lJ<u<,' f!.o'>"'><lh CtJd,os, C'p#wrs., alia C""'put.,,",,, All I"rroducflon I<) I.
INn ~uruJ' 1I"'''''n, Rochclle ..... 1.... J 1980,

DonIfh,· f.huho.~1> !luhl'''1l l)"n";n~ C.-rpI~ alld IJIlt.. .5.-.ur

,,-n..-... oM".. 1 -
1 )(q 1) To oo,phe, me',""/:,-' c. the rr."Ce•..." .-...mpt:""
tl,son "'''''''',Ilead.nll, "':ass. 198J
.,4 mod " lllb numhe, ,"n h.: :aruh--.,-.I a., r.>lIo,,-.,

c" mod.. ",04 mod "

........ ·'·'mod " fn, .......... nr,,~"
", ",,,,,, -/ mod "
.. ",mod .. ."",e"""'" I mod ..
• <.",-.. ", <.: "

~....., "'.In Ix- •. h......"

""I> JfhIl'.1\ 1....1<..-<. p,n,J q I"" 1'....1 ''''''11 poubl~
"~rluo"~ ,n ,lit R.',\ c'11" ....'!of.. m "noml'k.... l. 1tt.... ,..1 and not open 1<' ~
'fI'C<-W MLkk.... ,,~ lilt I',e' OOUS ",1Itme' [(h)ru, nxUm"" lR the chn:<.1,on 01
g.-, ..k ... ng b" f",·"",r.Jfk'" ~'!tO''''''"' .,..
b., 'M fa"...... weI> '!gor-<Ihm ...


Tht· ........... qt....,...'" of the 1~1',f lhto.-..,,~,J "''''>I'PK>n!o un pcl>IK kc!

""-pi"'" ,,","ffI> 1lJ, madr, cru,n JU,hor" ...<,,"" are a1rr.'Jd, dtlrr-nc:lrnr on >UCh
S\-.;(.. m' undc,'Untbhh nr'''...... In 1981 , ..... l .. •.... """'1 s.-eunr,' Al'l"fIC\
,he ",.n",
...."'I....>f..-..l a Sludl' of

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