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Halloween Party Invitation

My sister made a cute invitation to a

Halloween party. It was cut in the shape
of a gravestone by rounding off the top
of the paper. It was white with 1/2 inch
black edging. At the top it said !.".#.$
instead of !.I.$.. It also said
Halloween $arty and had black lines
like the stone was cracked.
%he inside was orange paper with various
Halloween stickers around the invitation.
&hange things as needed to rhyme with
your address' etc.
A costume party is what(s happening
&ause we want to celebrate Halloween)
%he time is *+,,' the place --------
"aturday' .ctober 2*' is the date.
%here will be tricks and treats for all to
/or you ghosts and goblins and those
who dare
%o come to this creepy Halloween bash'
%o hear scary tunes like the Monster
0e will play some
and also dance,
We will pick best costume, so take a chance.
Dress real cute or dress real spooky!
Dress real cool or dress real kooky!
&ome as /rankenstein or a mutant 1in2a)
3racula or the famed &leopatra4
&ome real early and stay real late
5ust please come to celebrate.
0e will have witches brew and apples a
"o come on all you ghosts and goblins.
3on(t forget the place to be
Is the ----- house 6
!.I.$. 7.ops) I mean !.".#.$.8
Halloween Riddles
9. 0hy don(t witches like to ride their
brooms when they(re angry4
A. %hey(re afraid of flying off the
9. 0ho did /rankenstein take to the
A. His ghoul friend.
9. 0hat do ghosts serve for dessert4
A. Ice "cream.
9. How do witches keep their hair in
place while flying4
A. 0ith scare spray.
9. 0hy did the monster eat a light
A. :ecause he wanted a light snack.
9. 0hat kind of mistakes do spooks
A. :oo boos.
9. 0hy couldn(t 3racula(s wife get to
A. :ecause of his coffin.
9+ 0hat was the witches( favorite
sub2ect in school4
A+ "pelling.
9+ 0ho was the most famous /rench
A+ 1apoleon bone6apart
3o ;ombies eat popcorn with their
A+ 1o' they eat the fingers separately
9+ 0hat do ghosts add to their morning
A+ :ooberries
9+ 0hat is a vampire(s favorite holiday4
A+ /angsgiving
9+ 0hat did one ghost say to the other
A+ 3o you believe in people4
9+ 0hy do mummies have trouble
keeping friends4
A+ %hey(re so wrapped up in themselves
9+ 0hat kind of streets do ;ombies like
the best4
A+ 3ead ends
9+ 0hat is a ghost(s favorite mode of
A+ A scareplane
9+ 0hat type of
do vampire's like the best?
A: loodhounds
9+ 0hat is a skeleton(s favorite musical
A+ A trombone
9+ 0hat do birds give out on Halloween
A+ %weets
9+ 0hy do vampires need mouthwash4
A+ %hey have bat breath
9+ 0hat 3o <ou =et 0hen <ou &ross a
"nowman 0ith a #ampire4
A+ /rostbite.

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