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Beloved in Christ Jesus,

This is a December to remember. We have a service to render and a all life

to surrender. Every human being should react to the manifestation of God’s love
and move. The precious gift of God we have received, the grace of the Lord which
Virgin Mary enjoyed as the angel Gabriel delivered a message that not only
surprised and troubled her but also changed and transformed her all being and
existence. For no one can experience such an encounter with the divine, and stay
the same. An encounter of submission, a submission to revelation, a revelation of
elevation and an elevation for redemption.

The gospel of John this day tell us about the eternity and preexistence of
Christ as the divine logos, dispenser of light and life, the mission of John the Baptist
and the incarnation of the word.

He was at the beginning, before anything was found, before the creation of
heaven and earth, one with the father in eternity, and gave being to all creatures.
He is the true light which enlighten every man who comes into the world. He is the
fountain of all wisdom, who gives being, life, movement, knowledge, reason, to all
men. The grand source of revelation who has declared God to mankind.

Regardless of his own priestly descent, John the Baptist acknowledged the
greatness of Jesus Christ saying that he could not even untie Christ’s sandals lacets.
Aware of the messiah’s eternal nature, he introduced Christ as “ The Lamb of God
which takes away the sin of the world.” In John 3.38, John did not allow his own
nativity influence his integrity, nor did he allow success and fame make him loose
focus on the confines of his mission.

Beloved in Christ,

Christmas reminds us of the birth of Our Savior Jesus Christ. A birth which
occurred without man’s intervention. A birth that should blow anybody’s mind
because it had respect neither of Mendel’s law of fecundation in cellular biology,
nor, a Jewish sociological principles of marriage engagement in favor of a
revolutionary miracle.

The book of Leviticus says that the birth of a child caused a woman to be
unclean because she brought into the world a sinner. Mary was told that she was
not bringing a sinner into the world but a Holy One. In fact, the union of a man and
a woman can only produce a child with a sinful nature. The virgin birth is the only
way God could get that ”Holy thing” into the human family ( Psalms 51.5). Mary’s
son was different. He was virgin born.

We have enough reason to understand why His blood is so precious. It has

no human origin. It has power to heal, deliver, redeem, protect, save, wash away
sins and cleanse. This is the experience of those that have received Him into their
lives as Lord and Savior. Those that have received the divine energy and light. Not
only they are affected by divinity, but, as light outcasts darkness, so shall they get
rid of all negativity in their lives and radius of activity. They will experience a state
of consciousness, perfection and love.

We are heaving this Christmas when America and Europe are crawling out
the economic recession. Christmas has become a family party, a family reunion, gift
sharing with family members and good meal. This being my first Christmas since I
lost my wife and am away from my children, I know what I miss this period. But,
while we have good time, there are people out there, widows, orphans, jobless,
homeless, parentless, disabled, bruised, hungry and sick, that can’t afford a gift or a

It is of importance to know that Christmas doesn’t only remind us of the

birth of a little child but also the birth of the Savior of the world, lost in sin and
trapped in the claws of the devil. God has come among us in love, not for judgment,
but, to declare the restoration of peace with God. As we celebrate Christmas this
year let us proclaim this message of reconciliation, and go into the darkest places
and bring the light of the Good News found in Jesus and what he has accomplished
on the cross for us. As the Church, we can do it through our worship in 2010, the
administration of sacraments and being good Samaritans to the needy, the least
and the lonely.

With my apostolic blessings.

Merry Christmas

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