The HiLo RPG Is A Very Simple Set of Rules

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The HiLo RPG is a very simple set of rules for roleplaying in any genre.

Table of Contents
Basic Rules...........................1 Assisting......................1 Re-Rolls........................1
Characters.......................1 Criticals.......................1 Conflict........................1
Tasks................................1 Modifiers......................1

Basic Rules For dangerous tasks, such as climbing, assume that a

normal failure just means you failed. You only get hurt on
a critical failure.

Characters Modifiers
Characters are defined by a Level and a Cliché. Examples Modifiers apply to rolls once made. They usually come
of clichés; Jaded Smuggler, Daring Swashbuckler, Veteran from things like equipment or other circumstantial
Soldier, Honest Cop modifiers. They are usually measured in increments of
A cliché should, ideally, describe the characters skills and ten (e,g, +10, -10, +20, -20 and so on). A basic tool gives
abilities (such as Cop) and their demeanour (Honest). a +10, a good tool +20 and a superior tool +30.

Tasks Re-Rolls
When a character undertakes a task which is not an You get a number of re-rolls per game session equal to
automatic success (things like opening doors are your Level. These can be used to re-roll a roll you just
automatic successes) a test must be made. First of all the made or make another character re-roll a roll they just
player running the character decides how good a Fit the made (which was directed at you). Either way, the new
characters cliché is to the task being attempted, this roll replaces the original roll.
determines how they roll their dice:
• Cliché is a Bad Fit: Roll 2d10 and read the Conflict
lowest dice as the tens value (e.g. a 2 and an 8
is read as 28). If two or more characters try to oppose each other roll
• Cliché is an Indifferent Fit: Roll 2d10, before and the highest roll “wins” the conflict. Combat is best
rolling state which is the tens dice. handled as a series of rounds.
• Cliché is a Good Fit: Roll 2d10 and read the At the start of the combat have everyone make rolls to
highest dice as the tens value (e.g. a 2 and an 8 determine who acts first in each round. The person who
is read as 82). initiated the combat always gets to act first and doesn't
have to roll.
To succeed you need to equal or beat a Difficulty number In Combat situations roll to hit against a fixed DIFF based
(DIFF) set by the GM or an opposed roll by another on the targets skill at fighting (in melee) or their cover (in
character: The table below gives DIFF numbers for ranged combat), where Excellent Cover is DIFF 90, Good
qualitative difficulties and for opposing characters (based Cover is DIFF 70, Indifferent Cover is DIFF 50, Poor Cover
on their fit in opposing your task). is DIFF 30 and no Cover is DIFF 10 and.
On a hit, the effect is based on the successful roll, as
Easy 10+
• An ODD hit stuns the target, they lose their next
Routine/Opposing task is a Bad Fit for Opponent 30+ turn (though they can defend normally still).
• An EVEN hit disables the target immediately.
Challenging/Opposing task is an Indifferent Fit for 50+
They are out of play until the end of the combat.
If their side wins they survive, otherwise their
Very Challenging/Opposing task is a Good Fit for 70+ life or death is up to the winning side.
Opponent • An ODD Critical Hit stuns the target and they
cannot defend (DIFF 10 to be hit).
Extremely Challenging 90+ • An EVEN Critical Hit is an instant kill if using a
potentially deadly weapon.
Assisting Basic armour gives +10 on defense, +20 for good armour
and +30 for superior armour.
If one or more characters assist in a task everyone should A Basic weapon (pistol/knife) gives +10 attack, good
roll then take the highest roll and add the tens value of all weapon (carbine/sword) +20 attack and a superior
the other rolls to that one high roll. weapon (rofle/2h melee weapon) +30 attack.

A successful roll of doubles (both dice the same) is a
critical success, meaning you succeed exceptionally well.
A failure of doubles is a critical failure, meaning you fail
exceptionally badly.

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