Ideas To Pray For Your Community

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By Greg Pratt
Praying For Your

By Greg Pratt

?ou have probably heard lL ofLen sald, We'll pray for you", or maybe even you
have sald lL Lo someone when Lhey have shared a concern, problem or
someLhlng slgnlflcanL ln Lhelr llfe wlLh you. Pow serlously dld or have you
Laken whaL you have sald? lor many lL ls only a one llner we pull ouL aL Lhe
rlghL Llme, buL lf we are Lo llve an auLhenLlc llfe llke !esus dld maybe we need
Lo also Lake whaL we say abouL prayer more serlously Loo. WhaL do l mean?
WhaL lf a group of people or a church goL serlous abouL baLhlng Lhelr
communlLy ln prayer? WhaL lf Lhey dld more Lhan [usL hand ouL Lhe one llner
Lhrow away senLence and serlously Lake praylng for Lhelr communlLy Lo a
whole new level? whaL would lL look llke, smell llke, be llke?
uld you know LhaL lnLercessory prayer can poLenLlally have a llfe changlng
lmpacL ln Lhe communlLy around you? l could share many sLorles of Lhe power
of prayer ln my communlLy when l have lnLenLlonally prayed. Why noL Lry
some of Lhese ldeas and serve your communlLy wlLh Lhe power of prayer! ?ou
mlghL be more surprlsed Lhan you Lhlnk!

rayer Walks - Walk around your nelghbourhood or communlLy LhaL
surrounds your church or small group, placlng We prayed for you" card
wlLh conLacL deLalls on lL ln Lhe mallbox and lnLenLlonally pray for LhaL
house. noL only wlll you geL exerclse by walklng your nelghbourhood buL
you mlghL be surprlsed aL Lhe response.

rayer knocks - eople are walLlng for you Lo knock on Lhelr door and
offer prayer. uld you know LhaL? !usL by slmply knocklng of doors and
offerlng Lo pray for Lhem you wlll be surprlsed how Lhe Poly SplrlL mlghL
work Lhrough you! Whlle some answers mlghL be a plaln nC!", for
oLhers you mlghL be ln Lhe rlghL place aL Lhe rlghL Llme Lo mlnlsLer Lo
LhaL persons needs and share Lhe love of !esus wlLh Lhem

rayer requesL cards - leLLer box Lhe nelghbourhood wlLh prayer requesL
cards wlLh a reLurn address or even a webslLe/emall LhaL Lhey can send
Lhelr requesL Lo you.

Ideas to Pray for your

CommunlLy rayer Wall. - uo you have a church slgn ouL Lhe fronL of
your church? lf noL whaL beLLer way Lo adverLlse Lhan creaLlng a prayer
wall. ?ou can qulckly creaLe one whlch wlll allow anyone Lo come and
wrlLe Lhelr prayer requesLs on lL. 8eLLer sLlll geL permlsslon Lo place lL ln
a more publlc place and see whaL Lhe Poly SplrlL mlghL do.

rayer Chalns - lL ls a greaL way Lo geL lnLeresL from your communlLy,
sLarL a prayer chaln, llLerally. Make llLLle cards LhaL can be llnked
LogeLher and place ouL Lhe fronL of Lhe church or slmllar poslLlon wrlLlng
on Lhe cards your prayer requesLs.

lnvlLaLlons Lo ray - send ouL lnvlLaLlons Lo Lhe local communlLy for any
prayer requesLs and lnvlLes Lo come along Lo prayer meeLlng whenever
lL ls ln your church. 8e sure Lo have reply emalls/address eLc so you can
be ln conLacL wlLh your communlLy.

Speclal uays of rayer - lf you know Lhere was/ls or ls golng Lo be
speclals days ln your communlLy why noL hold days of prayer ln your
church. lL mlghL be for Lhe councll elecLlons, our servlce men and
women, pray for raln Lo end a droughL, prayer for an accldenL or
emergency or really any day LhaL ls a slgnlflcanL day ln Lhe llfe of your
communlLy. lnvlLe nelghbours/communlLy Lo come and see experlence
Lhe power of prayer

rayer 8reakfasLs - Why noL organlse a prayer breakfasL ln your
communlLy. ?ou could see a resLauranL who mlghL be wllllng Lo creaLe a
menu for Lhe evenL and Lhen lnvlLe lrlends or you mlghL run a Men's or
ladles prayer conference or a buslness prayer conference, Lhe ldeas and
opLlons are endless. 1hls can be a real leverage opporLunlLy ln your

rayer 8oom. ?ou could make a prayer room elLher aL your church or
renL a faclllLy ln Lhe clLy or Lown. Maklng lL open Lo all where all may
come and pray or be prayed wlLh. AdverLlse, leLLerbox eLc and share Lhe
power of Cod. lurLher sLlll you could creaLe a prayer cafe, prayer nlghLs
and acLually sLarL a prayer mlnlsLry ln Lhe clLy

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