Ideas To Reach Your Friends

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lor asslsLance ln regards Lo any of Lhe ldeas or for connecL card samples please conLacL Lhe ersonal

MlnlsLrles ueparLmenL by calllng (07) 3218 7777 or emall gregpraLL[

Ideas to Reach Your
By Greg Pratt

ln Lhe 8lble !esus commands us Lo love our nelghbour buL qulLe ofLen we
elLher geL Loo busy and preoccupled Lo Lhlnk abouL lovlng our frlends and
nelghbours, or maybe don'L know how.
Pave you ever LhoughL of servlng your frlends wlLh Lhe love of Cod? lL's
pracLlcal, slmple and someLhlng !esus dld whlle on Lhls earLh.
1ry some of Lhese ldeas and see how Lhey mlghL help ln creaLlng opporLunlLles
Lo share !esus wlLh Lhose around you:

WrlLe and send noLes of encouragemenL ln Lhe mall Lo your frlends.
1hese are especlally good when you know Lhey may be golng Lhrough
hard Llmes.

Send an emall Lo Lhem. lL doesn'L have Lo be long, [usL a shorL e-mall
leLLlng Lhem know you are Lhlnklng abouL Lhem and LhaL you prayed for

Leave a 1lme CuL bar or oLher llLLle chocolaLe LreaL wlLh a connecL card
on Lhelr door sLep or somewhere Lhey wlll see lL.

lnvlLe Lhem around for 88C/ulnner and spend Llme geLLlng Lo know your
frlends beLLer. ?ou may do Lhls on Wednesday nlghL and you could even
call lL someLhlng caLchy when you and your maLes geL LogeLher every

Co ouL wlLh Lhem Lo a resLauranL, lnvlLe Lhem ouL or organlse lL, Lhls ls a
greaL way Lo sLop and share LogeLher. 8e sure Lo puL you phone away,
Lhough so your full aLLenLlon ls on your frlend(s)

Ideas to Reach Your
Crganlse a day ouL, lL mlghL be Lo Lhe zoo, crlckeL, fooLball, markeLs or
shops. WhaLever lL ls, lL ls all abouL connecLlng, spendlng Llme and belng
a frlend.

CaLch up aL a coffee shop, Lhere are plenLy of Lhese around, keep lL
slmple, and en[oy Lhe company of your frlend(s)

8egln an lnLeresL group. lL mlghL be phoLography, movle, book or crafL.
1here are many ldeas for lnLeresL groups. lf you are a moLher Lhls ls a
greaL way Lo geL and glve supporL Lo oLher moLhers [usL llke you.
AdverLlse ln Lhe communlLy and geL LogeLher Lo share wlLh one anoLher.

SLarL a playgroup ln your communlLy, lL mlghL be ln Lhe local church,
school or even your home (lf lL's blg enough). lL doesn'L Lake much and
can make a real blg dlfference allowlng you Lo connecL wlLh your frlends
whlle Lhe klds play.

1ake Lhem some food lf Lhey are golng Lhrough a Lough spoL ln Lhelr llfe.
We all have hard Llmes, buL who ls Lhere Lo help us Lhrough Lhem? lor
many lL can be no one! !usL a llLLle blL of food can make a world of

Cffer Lo do Lhelr shopplng lf Lhey are havlng a baby or unwell. SomeLhlng
so slmple yeL some slgnlflcanL.

nC1L: 8e sure Lo lnclude connecL cards wlLh any ouLreach evenL you may do,
Lhls should lnclude Lhe name, address and phone number of you or your

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