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Migrating to

Partner Portal 3.0
With the Spring 08 release of, we introduced a new infrastructure platform for
the partner portal. We are calling this new version of the portal the Partner Portal 3.0. As the
title of this document implies, existing PRM customers will need to migrate to the Partner Portal
3.0 in order to leverage all the new features. This document outlines the process for migrating
an existing PRM customer from the Partner Portal 2.0 to the Partner Portal 3.0. It’s important to
note that you can have both versions of the portal running at the same time. This enables you
to have partners logging into Partner Portal 2.0 while you are configuring Partner Portal 3.0.

The Partner Portal 3.0 is based on the same infrastructure as the Customer
Portal. made the move to this new infrastructure so that Salesforce Partners
customers could leverage powerful platform features such as s-controls, VisualForce, etc in
their partner portal. Additionally, by moving to this new infrastructure, will be
able to more quickly deliver new partner portal features such as Reports and Salesforce
Content in future releases.

All customers that enable PRM after the Spring 08 release will automatically be using the
Partner Portal 3.0. Customers that enabled the Partner Portal prior to Feb 8th are probably
using the Partner Portal 2.0. If your partners are logging into, then
you are using the Partner Portal 2.0.

New Features in Partner Portal 3.0

The new partner portal released with Spring 08 includes the following new features:
• Support for S-controls, custom links, and custom buttons
• Support for web-tabs in the portal
• Community Idea Forums to get feedback from your partners
• A consolidated Tasks list for partners
• Better self-service with the ability to change your password
• Printer friendly formatting of leads, opportunities, etc
• Ability to expose Sales Team, Partner related list, and other related lists
• Support for HTML solutions

Additionally, once VisualForce becomes generally available, customers will be able to develop
VisualForce pages in the partner portal. All of these new features were made possible by
moving to this new infrastructure.

Missing Features from Portal 2.0 product management generally recommends that existing customers wait until
the Fall 08 release (or possibly Summer 08 depending on what features you use) before

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migrating to the Partner Portal 3.0. We are recommending that existing customers wait to
migrate because there are several existing Partner Portal 2.0 features that are not yet available
in Partner Portal 3.0. The existing features that are missing from the Partner Portal 3.0 include
the following:

Feature Description
HTML Messages The ability to expose HTML content at the top of each tab in the
Login as Partner Allows a channel manager to login to the portal as a partner user
from their contact record. Does not require the Channel Manager
to have the partner’s password. Useful for debugging issues and
assisting partners.
Lead Inbox A component on the partner portal home page that shows all the
Leads assigned to any queue that partner is on. The partner clicks
Accept to accept the lead and the partner is then made the owner
of the lead.
Channel Manager Name & My A component on the partner portal home page that displays the
Company Profile partner’s Channel Account Manager, a link to their company profile,
and a link to their user profile.
Approval Requests History A summary list of every item that the partner has submitted for
approval. The list also includes the status of each approval
Current Stats Links to two list views in the portal. The links also include the
number of records in the list view.
Shark Tank Logic applied to the Lead Inbox that restricts how many leads a
partner can accept off of a queue.
Customizable Help Ability to specify a customized help file for the partner portal in
HTML or PDF format.

We plan to deliver many (but not all) of these features in the Summer 08 release in order to
achieve feature parity with the existing partner portal. We plan to have Login as Partner
available with the Summer 08 release. We hope to have the HTML Message, Lead Inbox, and
Channel Manager Name & My Company Profile features available by the Fall 08 release. All
feature and product release dates are subject to change and all buying decisions should be
made based on current functionality. Please do not make any internal release plans based on
dates specified in this document. Please read our safe harbor statement on our website at

Although some of these features are not yet available, there are workaround for many of these
features. The following table outlines the workaround options for each of the missing features.

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Feature Workaround
HTML Messages You can still include HTML content on your portal homepage by
using and HTML Area component on your homepage. There is no
workaround for adding HTML content to tabs other than the Home
Login as Partner There is no workaround for this feature.
Lead Inbox You can implement an S-Control workaround for this.
Channel Manager Name & My You can implement an S-Control workaround for this.
Company Profile
Approval Requests History You can implement an S-Control workaround for this.
Current Stats You can implement an S-Control workaround for this.
Shark Tank There is no workaround for this feature. This feature is not used
often and we are considering no longer supporting it. Please keep
in mind that the Lead Inbox will still be supported..
Customizable Help You can create an HTML or PDF document in the documents folder
and then place a link to this document from the HTML Header of
the partner portal.

We have sample s-controls for the Lead Inbox, Channel Manager Name & My Company Profile,
and Approval Request History components. See the Additional Resource section of this
document for a link to an AppExchange package with these s-controls as well as an instruction
guide for installing the s-controls.

If you are an existing customer and are OK with the above limitations of the Partner
Portal 3.0, then you can chose to migrate early.

Navigation Differences
Some of the navigation and user interaction in the new portal is slightly different. Below is a
summary of some of the navigational differences.

Lead Conversion

In the Partner Portal 2.0, users convert a lead by changing the status of a lead to a status that is
flagged as a converted status. Once the lead is saved, the application automatically converts
the lead and then routes the user to the new opportunity.

In Partner Portal 3.0, partner users convert a lead by clicking on the Convert button as they do
in the CRM app used by internal users. The user is then asked to pick an Account from the
Account drop down list. Once they complete the conversion, they are routed to the Account

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Figure 1: Partner Portal 3.0 Lead Conversion

Change Owner

To change an owner in Partner Portal 2.0, the user clicks edit on the record and then clicks a
lookup icon on the owner record. This brings up the dialog box where the partner user can pick
the new owner. After picking
g the new owner the user clicks save.

Figure 2: Partner Portal 2.0 Change Owner

This works a little bit differently in Partner Portal 3.0. In the new portal, users need to drill into
the detail view of the record and then click the Change Owner link. ink. This brings up the dialog

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box where the user picks the new owner. After clicking Save in the dialog box, the ownership is

Figure 3: Partner Portal 3.0 Change Owner

Opportunity Products

The new portal does not use the opportunity products User Interface that was designed in the
Partner Portal 2.0. The new portal uses the same opportunity products functionality that is
included with the core CRM application.

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Figure 4: Partner Portal 2.0 Opportunity Products User Interface

Figure 5: Partner Portal 3.0

.0 Opportunity Products User Interface

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Record Types

In Partner Portal 2.0, multiple record types showed up as separate “Create New” links on the
partner portal homepage. In the new portal, you just see tthe “Create New”
New menu option where
you pick the object type and then you are prompted to pick the record type.

Figure 6: Record Types in Partner Portal 2.0

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Figure 7: Record Types in Partner Portal 3.0

Migration Summary
The following is a list of the high level steps to move to the new Partner Portal:

1) Have Salesforce Partners Product Management enable Partner Portal 3.0

2) Uncheck the “API

API Only User”
User setting on all relevant partner Profiles

3) Administer and brand your first partner portal

4) Configure your partner portal Home Page Layout

5) Test your new partner portal

6) Repeat Steps 2-5

5 for each portal (you can reuse the Home Page Layout)

7) Notify partners of the new portal URL

It’s important to note that you ca

n have both versions of the portal running at the same time. So
you can have partners logging into Partner Portal 2.0 while you are configuring Partner Portal

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Enabling Partner Portal 3.0
All customers that enable PRM after Feb 15th, 2008 will by default
ult be using the new Partner
Portal 3.0. If you are an existing customer that enabled PRM before this date, then you must
request that the Partner Portal 3.0 be enabled. You can request this by contacting your
Account Executive and asking him or her to put you in contact with the Salseforce Partner
product management team. Alternatively you can contact William Moxley
( or Adi Kuruganti (( directly to have it
enabled. When submitting your request you must provide the following information:

1) The Org Id of the org you want enabled for Partner Portal 3.0

2) The environment:
ironment: Production or Sandbox

3) Additionally, you must have an administrator grant login access to customer support.
This final step is required so that we can add profiles to your new portal so that your
existing Partner Portal 2.0 environment will continue to function as is.

Once we are provided with all this iinformation

nformation we can proceed to enable the new partner portal.
It generally takes a business day or two to process a request to enable the new portal.

Verifying That the New Portal is Enabled

You can verify that the new portal has been enabled if you see a New button under Partner

1) Navigate to

Setup | App Setup | Customize | Partners | Settings

2) Verify that you see a new button at the top of the list.

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3) Drill into the portall and verify that you see the highlighted new sections on the portal

Congratulations, the partner portal 3.0 has been enabled.

There are two additional settings you should check to make sure that your partners can
continue to log into the Partner
artner Portal
ortal 2.0 while you are configuring the Partner Portal 3.0. First
you need
eed to make sure that every partner profile is mapped to the first portal in the portal

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1) Navigate to the portal administration

Setup | App Setup | Customize | Partners | Settings

2) Drill into the one portal record you see.

3) Scroll down to the Assigned Profiles related list and click Edit Profiles

4) Make sure that every Active profile that has an active partner user assigned to it is
selected. If a profile isn’t associated to this first portal, then users associated to the
profile won’t be ablee to log into the Partner Portal 2.0.

Additionally, if you have IP profile ranges associated with a partner Profile, you will need to add
the IP Ranges for the servers used by’s Partner Portal 2.0.

1) Navigate to

Setup | Administration Setup | Manage Users | Profile

2) Drill into one of your Partner profiles.

3) Scroll down to the Login IP Ranges related list.

4) If the related list is empty, there is nothing for you to do.

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5) If the related list has IP ranges specified, then you will need to add an IP range from to as shown below.

6) Repeat this for each Partner Profile.

Enabling Users to Log into Partner Portal 3.0

After the Partner Portal 3.0 has been enabled, you need to update every partner profile so that
the partner users
ers can log into the new portal. The profiles currently have a setting
s called “API
Only User” that restricts them to logging into the old portal (which accessed the application via
the web-services
services API). With the Partner Portal 3.0, partner users are no longer entering the
application via the API so we need to uncheck this setting.

1) Navigate to

Setup | Administration Setup | Manage Users | Profile

2) Drill into one of your Partner profiles. In this example, we will use the “Gold Partner”

3) Edit the profile

4) Uncheck the API Only User setting under Administrative Permissions

5) Repeat this for every partner profile.

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This needs to be done for every partner profile in order for the profile to be able to log into the
new partner portal. If you do not make this change, users will receive an error when logging into
the new portal.

Logging in to the Partner Portal 3.0

Now that you have the new portal enabled and you have unchecked the API Only checkbox on
the profile, you can log into the new portal.

1) Navigate to the portal administration

Setup | App Setup | Customize | Partners | Settings

2) Drill into the portal

3) Copy the Login URL. This is URL you will need to log into this portal.

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4) Go to the Login URL and e
nter the partner username and password.

5) Congratulations, you should be logged in. If you get an error that means either you
didn’t uncheck the API Only User checkbox or you didn’t map the profiles to this portal.

Administering Partner Portal 3.0

Once you have the new portal enabled, you are ready to start configuring it. Unlike the Partner
Portal 2.0, the new portal does not require an AppExchange
AppExchange package to be installed. The portal
is entirely administered by navigating to:

Setup | App Setup | Customize | Partners | Settings

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From this view you can create new portals by clicking the “New” button:

There should be an existing record in the Portals related list. You can use this portal as your
first portal. If you have multiple
tiple portals in your existing Partner
P Portal
ortal 2.0, then you will need to
create new portals for each of the existing portals. None of the branding or tab sets will carry
over to these new portals. You will need to define these settings for each portal.

Editing your first portal

Drill into the new portal to see some of the new settings. You should see a page that looks like

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With the old partner portal, you could specify one set of email templates for all portals. With the
new portal you can specify different email templates for each po
portal. This is done in the Email
Notification Settings section.

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You’ll also notice that you specify the Header, Footer, and Login Message HTML files as well as
a Logo gif in the Look and Feel section.
section. To learn more about branding view the section titled
Partner Portal 3.0 Branding”.

Branding is also controlled by modifying the fonts and colors of the portal. This is done by
selecting the button titled “Change Portal Fonts and Colors” in the portal administration detail.
To learn more about branding view the section titled “Partner
“Partner Portal 3.0 Branding”.

The tabs that are exposed in the portal are controlled by clicking on the “Customize Portal Tabs”
button in the portal administration view.

nally, you can control which profiles have access to the portal by clicking Edit Profiles from the
Assigned Profiles related list in the portal administration detail view. Keep in mind that a profile
can be mapped to multiple portals. That means that one partner user can log into multiple

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portals. The partner user needs to access the URL for the appropriate portal in order to log into
that portal.

Partner Portal 3.0 Branding

Partner Portal 2.0 allowed customers to upload their header, footer, and logo as well as upload
their own CSS file. Partner Portal 3.0 still allows you to change the header, footer, and logo.
Additionally, you can specify a different HTML file for the login screen (the login message
HTML).. However, Partner Portal 3.0 does not allow you to upload your own CSS. Instead
there is a simplified style editor that lets you update a subset of the look-and
and-feel. Although
there isn’t as much flexibility as there is with a CSS, the modification is significantly easier to do.

The sections below describe how to change the look and feel using the Partner Portal 3.0.

Updating the logo

If you just want to update the company logo on the portal, you do not need to define a different
Header and Footer filele for your portal. Just follow the steps below if you only want to update the
logo. Do not touch the header and footer files. Defining a header and footer allow you more
granularity but require you to define a little bit of HTML.

1) Go to the Document ta

2) Create a folder or use an existing folder. Drill into that folder.

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3) Upload your logo image into the folder. Make sure to check the “Externally Available
Image” setting on the file.

4) Navigate to

Setup | App Setup | Customize | Partners | Settings

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5) Drill into the portal you want to customize

6) If you only want to update the Logo, Click Edit

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7) Click the browse icon on the logo.

8) Select the file you uploaded

9) Click Save

10) Log into the portal and refresh the portal screen.

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Updating the Header, Footer, and Login Message
If you want to have a custom header and footer, you will need o define your header and footer
HTML files. These files make up the sections highlighted in the screenshot below.

If you define your own HTML Header, you’ll need to reference the logo or images you uploaded
in your html code. In order to reference images within your HTML you will need to use a URL
with this type of format:

<img src = "/servlet/servlet.ImageServer?id=<doc

"/servlet/servlet.ImageServer?id= id>&oid=<org
<org id>">

For example:

<img src =

1) Go to the Document tab

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2) Create a folder or use an existing folder. Drill into that folder.

3) Upload your Header, Footer, and Login Message HTML documents. Note you don’t
need all three—just
just upload the ones you want to m

4) Navigate to

Setup | App Setup | Customize | Partners | Settings

5) Drill into the portal you want to customize

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6) Click Edit

7) Click the lookup next to the Header

8) Browse for the Header html file you uploaded and select it.

9) Repeat steps 7 and 8 for the Footer and Login Message html files.

10) Click save

11) Refresh the partner portal to see your changes reflected.

Updating the Fonts and Colors

1) Navigate to

Setup | App Setup | Customize | Partners | Settings

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2) Drill into the portal you want to customize

3) Click the “Change Portal Fonts and Colors”

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4) Update the Tab Styles, Page Styles, Section Styles, and List Styles to use the fonts and
colors used by your corporate branding.

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12) Click Save

13) Refresh the portal to see your changes.

HTML Messages on Home Page

The HTML Messages that existed in Partner Portal 2.0 do not exist in the new partner portal.
Instead you need to use the HTML Area component on a Home Page Layout. The new portal
uses Home Page Layouts to define the layout of the partner portal homepage—this is the same
component used to define homepage layouts for internal CRM users.

You will not be able to place HTML messages on tabs other than the homepage. Additionally,
the HTML Area home page component feature does not allow you to define multiple translations
of the HTML (as you can do with HTML Messages in Partner Portal 2.0).

You will want to define a few html messages to put on the partner portal home page. These
messages can be leveraged for partner communications via the homepage.

Define a New Home Page Component

1) Navigate to

Setup | App Setup | Customize | Home | Home Page Components

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2) Click New to create a new home page component

3) If you see this page, review it. Click Next. If you don’t want to see I again

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4) Give the component a name and select “HTML Area” as the type.

5) Write your HTML in the component

6) Click Save

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Define a New Home Page Layout and Add HTML Component
1) Navigate to

Setup | App Setup | Customize | Home | Home Page Layouts

2) Click New

3) Select the Home Page Default to clone and give the layout a name like “Partner Home
Page Layout”

4) Select the components you want. Make sure to select the Partner Message custom
HTML component you defined earlier. You might also want to select Tasks, Search,
Document Search, Create New, and Recent Items.

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5) Order the components on the Narrow and Wide sections of the page layout.

6) Click “Save and Assign”. Alternatively, you can click Save and then click the “Page
Layout Assignment” button.

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7) The next step is to map the home page layout to the partner profiles. Assign all the
partner profiles you have to this page layout

8) Click Save

9) Log into the portal and refresh the screen to see your changes reflected.

Testing and Quality Assurance

The new portal supports s-controls,
controls, custom links, and custom
custom buttons. Also, it exposes certain
related lists that were not supported with the Partner Portal 2.0. For example, the Sales Team
and Partner related lists on the Opportunity object will now appear in the partner portal.
Consequently it is important to test all the processes you have enabled on the Partner Portal to
ensure that custom buttons, custom links, or related lists--that
lists that you do not want exposed—do
exposed not

Custom Buttons
If you have defined a custom button that you do not want partners to vi
ew, you will need to
create a separate page layout for partners that hides this button. For example, if you use the
MDF module and expose Budgets to channel partners, the “Recalc Budget”
Budget button will now
appear in the partner portal. You will need to def
ine a new Budget Page Layout for partners
where you remove this custom button.

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Custom Links
Custom links that didn’t use to show will also now start to appear. Below is an example of the
custom links that now appear on the Account Detail.

In this particular
articular example, the custom links are fine to expose on the portal because they just
link out to Google, Yahoo, or Hoovers to search for information on the account. You will need to
look through all the detail pages to make sure that more sensitive cust
om links do not appear. If
they do, you will need to edit the partner’s page layout (or create a new one) that does not show
the custom links you don’t want partners to use.

Related Lists
Related Lists such as Account Team, Sales Team, and Partners will now now start to appear in the
partner portal. You will also need to check the detail views to ensure that the related lists that
appear are the right ones. For example below, these are a few of the Account detail related
lists. You will notice that the Partners
Part related list is visible.

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If a detail view contains a related list that you do not want visible to partners, you will need to
edit the partner’s page layout (or create a new page layout for partners)ers) to remove the related

You will need to look throughout your portal to remove any unexpected functionality and ensure
that existing functionality behaves as expected.

Final Steps
After you have completed setting up your portals and testing each portal, you are ready to let
your partners log into the new portal.

If you partners log into the portal directly from the HTTPS://
HTTPS://apps.salesforce URL, you will
need to send them the new URL. Keep in mind that the new URL is longer and must contain
the OrgId and PortalId parameters in order for the partner to log in.

If partners go through Single Sign On to log into the portal, then you will need
eed to update the
SSO process to point to a new URL. To log in directly into the new portal you will need to
specify the username
rname using the “un” parameter and the password or token using the “pw”
this is in addition to the OrgId and PortalId.
PortalId Additionally
dditionally you will need to pass the
following parameter: loginType=2. So an entire URL might look like this:

Other Resources
Please visit the PRM Blog at The PRM Blog is constantly
updated with implementation best practices
pract and tools. The S-Control
ontrol workarounds for the lead
inbox, approval requests, and the channel manager name are included
included in the following blog

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post: The post also includes
instructions for installing the s-controls.

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