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Name : Mariatun Lubis, S.Sos.

Date of Birth : 10 November 1982
Gender : ema!e
"e!i#ion : Mos!em
Nationa!ities : $ndonesia
%ddress : &om'. (eri)anan *+11 (s.Min##u ,a)se!
(hone : 081122-9.09
(erform a!! usua! se/retaria! assi#nments su/h as 'ro/essin#, t0'in#, fi!!in#,
re/ords )ee'in#, meetin# 're'aration, te!e'hone duties, s/hedu!e '!annin#,
/orres'onden/e, tas) re'ortin# , et/.
%dministration duties su/h as mana#in# data, re'ortin#, hand!in# 'ett0 /ash,
re'ortin# sa!es sto/) data, /o!!e/tin# data.
(ub!i/ "e!ation assi#nments su/h as media re!ease, 'ress re!ease, 1ritin#
ne1s and arti/!es, hand!in# event.
2" S'e/ia!ist duties su/h as re/ruitment 'ro/ess, mana#in# absen/es, 'a0ro!!,
trainin#, hand!in# em'!o0ee, re'ortin# 1or) a''raisa! and eva!uation.
(rofi/ien/0 in 3indo1s and Mi/rosoft 4ffi/e (ro#rams 5Ms 3ords, Ms 67/e!,
(o1er (oint and $nternet8
o UNPAD, Communication Management, Communication Faculty,
200. 9 200:, Graduated 5Ba/he!or8 G(% ..;<
o UNPAD, International Business, Economic Faculty, Bandun#.
2000 9 200., Graduated 5Di'!oma8 G(% ..-0
o 15 Senior Hig Scool, Bandun#
199<+2000, Graduated
o 1! "unior Hig Scool, Bandun#
199- 9 199<, Graduated
#raining $
o 200<
L(($, Bandun#
Secretarial #raining
o 2002
=N(%D >rainin# De'artment, Bandun#
E%&ort'Im&ort #raining
o 1998
-Curriculum Vitae -1
Formal Education
Non Formal Education
Qualifcations & Skill
6, Bandun#
Englis Course
Seminar an( )or*so&
1. S*>? Goes to /am'us
2. *ommuni/ation =nder *over
.. *itra (ari1ara
o 2002
Manager o+ Pu,lic -elation Di.ision o+ Bisnis International Stu(ent
/rgani0ation UNPAD
o 199<
Mem,er o+ Art Di.ision o+ Stu(ent organi0ation 15 Senior Hig Scool
Hea( o+ )oman Bas*et ,all grou& 15 Senior Hig Scool
o 1998
Hea( o+ S&orts Di.ison o+ Stu(ent organi0ation 15 Senior Hig Scool
"eadin#, trave!in#, !istenin# musi/, 1ritin#, s'ort, Bro1sin# internet
1st Augst 12 3 No4
Dealer Autori0e( o+ P#5 #el*omsel
As H-D an( 6A
Mana#e dea!er em'!o0ment, re!ated 1ith /ontra/t, absen/es, re/ruitment
5 's0/o!o#i/a! testin#, intervie1 and trainin#8, hand!in# em'!o0ee 'rob!ems 5/ase
b0 /ase8, re'ortin# 'oint of @ob a''raisa! and @ob eva!uation, su##estin#
'romotion of em'!o0ee. %s G%, %''oriation of offi/e eAui'ment, hand!in# offi/e
insuran/e in/!ude bui!din# and em'!o0ment, mantain/e re!ation bet1een
/om'an0 and #overment.
May, !117 3 81 A&ril, !112
P#5 Alam #e*nin(o 9estari :P#5A9#E;<
As Secretary o+ Director
%ssist the Dire/tor to do administrative tas)s su/h as t0'in#, fi!!in#,
/orres'onden/es, tas) re'ortin# 1ee)!0 and month!0 re'ort, distributin# dire/tor
instru/tion to the divisions, maintainin# #ood re!ationshi' to sta)eho!der,
arran#in# '!an s/hedu!e of Dire/tor, meetin# 're'aration in/!ude )ee'in# the
re/ord and distribute meetin# resu!t, 're'are business and 'ersona! trave! su/h
as hote!s reservation, air!ines reservation and other ne/essit0.
Dec, !11= 3 81
A&ril, !117
Uni.ersitas ;om&uter In(onesia :UNI;/M<
As >ice -ector Secretary
%ssist the ?i/e "e/tor to do administrative tas)s su/h as /orres'onden/es, fi!!in#
data, /he/)in# a/ademi/ s/hedu!e, meetin# 're'aration, 'resentation
-Curriculum Vitae -2
Orani!ation E"#$ri$nc$
%orkin E"#$ri$nc$
're'aration, (re'are business and 'ersona! trave! su/h as hote!s reservation,
air!ines reservation and other ne/essit0.
As Pu,lic -elation
(roto)o!er team at re/torat event, su/h as be a master /eremon0, event
're'aration, 1ritin# and trans!atin# 5into 6n#!ish version8 =ni)om ne1s,
='!oadin# =ni)om ne1s and arti/!es to 'ub!ished at =ni)om 1ebsite, u' datin#
(o!!in# =ni)om in ever0 1ee)s, Maintainin# uni)om 1ebsite, ma)e 'ress re!ease
about =ni)om, *reatin# and 1ritin# arti/!es about =ni)om re!ated 1ith
$nformation >e/hno!o#0 to 'ub!ishin# at &om'as Ne1s'a'er 53ee)!08.
Se&t, !118 3 !7
Fe, , !115
St??Angela Englis Course :E@SA<
As an A(ministration Sta++
%ssist the Genera! Mana#er to do %dministrative tas) su/h as fi!!in# students
data, t0'in# , /orres'onden/es, res'onsib!e for 'ett0 /ash and re'ortin# the /ash
f!o1 month!0, or#aniBe e7hibition and o'en house, maintainin# #ood re!ationshi'
1ith students 'arent, hand!in# student re#istration.
>han) 0ou for 0our time and /onsideration.
-Curriculum Vitae -3

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