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Making Introduction

Created by :
1. Oktavela Enggar P.
2. Rizky Amanda Rachman


Scene 1
One day when all students will face a test for enter the college, there is a boy that cant find
his test room and then a girl come to him.
Rizky : Hmm, where is my test room ? I cant find it. Am I in a wrong building ?
Vela : Excuse me, I find you in a trouble. Can I help you ?
Rizky : Oh yes, I cant find my test room. Im so nervous because Im alone here. Sorry for
bothering you.
Vela : Dont worry. Let me help you to find the room. By the way, whats your name ?
Rizky : My name is Rizky, and you ? Thanks for your help before.
Vela : Hehe dont mention it. My name is Vela. Nice to meet you.
Rizky : Nice to meet you too. Im so happy because Im not alone anymore now.
Vela : Well, where do you come from ? It looks like you're from out of town.
Rizky : Thats right, I come from Kebumen. The city known for its food called Lanthing.
Do you know it ?
Vela : Of course I know it. I hear that Kebumen using Ngapak language, is it true ?
Rizky : Hahaha. Yes, its 100% true. Thats the unique thing of my hometown. Why ?
Vela : Oh no, it sounds funny. Can you give me an example ?
Rizky : [EXAMPLE]
Vela : [LAUGH]
Rizky : OK, thats enough. Then tell me, what about your hometown ?
Vela : My hometown is Cepu, about 4 hours from here. Do you know it?
Rizky : Sorry, I dont know your hometown. I rarely travelling and I just like to stay in home.
Vela : OK, nevermind. My hometown is just a small city, but I like to stay there. Someday
you should come to my house.
Rizky : Yeah, its called home sweet home. Uhm come to your house ? OK, I will do it when
we get the holiday.
Vela : Good! Im waiting for it. Oh, it is 15 minutes again before we get the test !
Rizky : Lets find the room quickly. My room in SBI-04. Where is yours ?
Vela : Im in SBI-06. Lets go together, your room isnt far from mine.
Rizky : Lets go! I hope the test isnt difficult. I'm not much study.
Vela : I hope so. Cmon.
They look for the room quickly. After the room was found, they get in immediately . The test
begin ...

2 hours later, the test end ...
Vela : Waaah I feel free now, I hope the best for my result.
Rizky : Mmm I felt scared, because Math is difficult. But I did my best.
Vela : Yeah, it's great if you're optimistic. Lets go back home now.
Rizky : What if we go to eat ? I'm so hungry, I will take you to my favorite place accross the
Rizky bring Vela to his favorite place for eat.

Scene 2
Finally, theyd arrived in the place.
Rizky : Yuhuuuu we had arrived. This is grilled chicken noodles. The food here is so
delicious and has a cheap price.
Vela : Is there only one type of food here ?
Rizky : No, you can get a grilled chicken noodles with meatball and mushroom.
Vela : Mmmm good. What about the drink ? Is there any ice fruit ? I like it very much.
Rizky : Of course. There are many fruit on it. Its so fresh.
Vela : Waow thats great ! Hey, look ! Its Bubble teas shop. I want some before we leave.
Rizky : OK, we will get it later. I want some too because today is so hot and I dont know
Vela : Maybe this is because the global warming. Anyway, will you stay here or leave today
Rizky : I will stay here for three days. I want to go around this city with my sister. What
about you ?
Vela : I leave this evening. My train will arrive at 4 p.m. in Tawang Station.
Rizky : OK, forget about the chicken noodles. We must get the bubble tea soon before you
Vela : Okay, lets get it now !
Vela: Thanks for today... I must leave now and I hope we could meet again and become a
good friends.
Rizky: I have no doubt about it. See you next time !
Vela: Yeah, See ya!
Now they become friend and knowing much about each other.

Scene 3
The day for re-registration has come. Rizky and Vela meet again. Apparently they had
received in the college.
Rizky: Oh, Hi Vela ! Long time no see ! How are you ? Its good to see you again.
Vela : Mmm sorry, do you know me ?
Rizky : Yes, of course! Ive been met you in the test room. Do you remember ?
Vela : Ah, I see. Ough, sorry for forgotten you before. You are Rizky, right ?
Rizky : Thats right haha. Calm down, its not a big problem. Im not take it seriously.
Vela : Wait... If you are here, it means that you had registered here ? Oh my God! Me too!
Rizky : Great! I wonder because the test is difficult and I feel pesimistic before. By the way,
whats your course ?
Vela : I'm Informatic engineering. What is yours?
Rizky : Wah, it seems like me! Yeah! So, our life is all about coding. But, my passion is
making a wonderful application by myself.
Vela : Ooh fantastic, but thats different from me, I want to make a big website. Then, my
wish is not going crazy haha. By the way, are you alone here ?
Rizky : Nope, I was with my friend. But, he is still busy with administration now.
Vela : Lets wait him. But if its more than 15 minutes, I will leave first.
Rizky: OK, be patient yaa. Where is your home here?
Vela: At Perumda regency. Its not my own house. I just rent a room there. What about you ?
Rizky: I live in my auntie house in Simpang Lima, its close with post office.
Vela : Waaaw, its so far from here. Do you riding a motorcycle today ?
Rizky : Yes, I do. How do you know it ?
Vela : Because I saw a boy like you this morning.
Rizky : Hey, thats my friend. Lets go back home. My handsome motorcycle needs to
Vela : Im sorry, Im still have something to do here. Bye!
Rizky: Bye!
Next week, they join The Student Orientation Activities. It was tiring, but fun. All students
become friend.

Scene 4
Today is the first day for school. But, Vela had a little accident in the morning. She collided
with someone who is apperently Rizkys friend.
Vela: Ough, its so hurt... Hey! Be careful please! Dont use your handphone when youre
Digo: Oh, Im so sorry. Are you OK ? There is an important thing so I use my handphone.
Vela: Im OK, but be careful next time. Mmm looked from your face, I think Ive been met
you before.
Digo: Really ? When did you met me ?
Vela : Yesterday when we did re-registration, I saw you with Rizky. Are you Rizkys friend ?
Digo : Yes. He is my close friend. Who are you ?
Vela : Im a girl who was accompany Rizky when re-registration. Do you also take
Informatic Engineering ?
Digo : Oh yeah, I see now. Yes, its same with Rizky. And you ?
Vela : Me too. Let me introduce my self, my name is Vela. Whats your name?
Digo : My name is Digo Syarief. What is your class ?
Vela : My class is A class.
Digo : So do I. How pity, Rizky has a different class.
Vela : We should go to the class. The first class will begin 5 minutes again.
Digo : OK, lets go, hurry up.
Now, they meet a new world in the college. The days to study begin.


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