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WHEREAS, N.J .SA. 40A:14-146.

10 provides for the appointment of Special Police (hereinafter

referred to as Auxiliary Police) by municipalities to augment the forces of the regular police
department in the event of unusual or emergency circumstances; and
Section 1: Pursuant to N.J .S.A 40A:14-146.10 et seq., there is hereby created within the
Borough of Roselle Park, a Class I Volunteer Auxiliary Police Unit. The Borough may appoint
Auxiliary Police for terms not exceeding one (1) year and may revoke such appointments for four
months or less without cause or hearing. Auxiliary Police shall be under the control and supervision
of the Chief of Police of Roselle Park.
A. No person shall be appointed by the Police Commissioner or appropriate authority
established by law as a member of the auxiliary police unless:
1. The appointee is a resident of the State during the term of appointment;
2. The appointee is a resident of the Borough of Roselle Park.
3. The appointee is able to read, write, and speak the English language well and
intelligently and has a high school diploma or its equivalent:
4. The appointee is sound in body of good health;
5. The appointee is of good moral character;
6. The appointee has not been convicted of any offense involving dishonesty or which
would make him/her unfit to perform the duties of his/her office;
7. The appointee has successfully undergone the same psychological testing that is
required of all full/time police officers in the municipality or has successfully
undergone a program of psychological testing approved by the Commission;
B. The Auxiliary Police shall not carry or be issued fire-arms or other similar weapons.
C. Every applicant for the position of Auxiliary Police who is appointed shall have fingerprints
taken, which fingerprints shall be filed with the Division of State Police and the Federal
Bureau of Investigation.
D. Auxiliary Police shall comply with the rules and regulations applicable to the conduct and
decorum of the regular police within the municipality.
E. No person shall be appointed to serve as an Auxiliary Police officer in more than one local
unit at the same time, nor shall any permanent regularly appointed full-time police officer
of the Borough of Roselle Park be appointed as an Auxiliary Police officer in any local unit.
No public official with responsibility for setting law, enforcement policy or exercising
authority over the budget of the Borough of Roselle Park or supervision of the police
department of the Borough of Roselle Park shall be appointed as an Auxiliary Police officer.
F. Before any Auxiliary Police officer is appointed, the Chief of Police, or, in the absence of
the Chief, the designee of the Chief of Police shall ascertain the eligibility and qualifications
for the applicant and report these determinations in writing to the appointed authority.
G. Any person who, at any time prior to appointment, had served as a duly qualified, fully-
trained full-time officer in any municipality of this State and who was separated from that
prior service in good standing. shall be eligible to serve as an Auxiliary Police officer.
A. The duties of the Auxiliary Police shall include but not be limited to service to the Borough
of Roselle Park with regard to special events, or functions and traffic control. In addition, duly
appointed regular Auxiliary Police shall have all the powers of on duty regular police officers at the
following times only:
1. During any emergency, as defined in N.J .S.A. App. A:9-33 et seq., as amended and
2. During any practice, drill, or activity in preparation for such emergency duly
authorized by the State Civilian Defense Director.
3. While actually engaged in training while attached to the Police Department
The Auxiliary Police are hereby attached to the Roselle Park Police Department for the
purpose of training. During the period of time that the Auxiliary Police are attached to the Police
Department, they shall be under the supervision of the Chief of Police.
Section 5: If any section, subsection, paragraph, sentence, clause, phrase, or portion of this
ordinance shall be adjudged invalid for any reason whatsoever, such portion shall be deemed a
separate, distinct, and independent provision, and such holding shall not affect the validity of the
remaining portions hereof which shall remain in full force and effect
Section 6: That all other ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict or inconsistent with the
ordinance are hereby repealed, but only to the extent of such conflict or inconsistency.
Section 7: That this ordinance shall take effett after final passage and upon expiration twenty
(20) days following publication unless otherwise provided by resolution of the Governing Body.

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