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Finite Element Analysis

of Pressure Vessel and

Nozzle Junction

Revision: 0
Date: 29 March 2013
Author: Dharmit Thakore

MOONI! EN"# P"$# %"& '
P a ( e 1 ' 1)

Executive Summary
"*e main o+,ecti-e of t*is .ro,ect /as to understand t*e Finite Element Analysis ca.a+ility of O.en
ource oft/are alome for Pre0.rocessin( and Post0.rocessin( and 1ode2Aster for analysis of a
Pressure Vessel Nozzle ,unction# Main (oal /as to calculate tresses +y *and and com.are t*em
/it* t*e Finite Element Analysis results#
Analysis /as carried out on a 3uarter section of a .ressure -essel /it* nozzle in t*e middle of t*e
(eometry4 /it* sufficient symmetry and ot*er +oundary conditions added for sta+ility of t*e model#
%inear analysis usin( "etra*edral elements /as carried out for t*is study#
alome -ersion 5#3#0 and Aster -ersion 1#10#0 /as used for t*is analysis#
From t*e study it can +e seen t*at *and calculations closely matc* t*e Finite Element Analysis
results# Furt*er studies are re3uired to e-aluate stresses and analyse t*em +ased on AME ection
VIII &i-ision 2#

P a ( e 2 ' 1)

Table of Contents
E6ecuti-e ummary ################################################################################################################################# 1
Introduction ############################################################################################################################################ 3
Model 7eometry ##################################################################################################################################### 8
%oads and 9estraints ############################################################################################################################### :
Mes* ####################################################################################################################################################### 5
Analysis of results ################################################################################################################################### )
!oo. tresses ###################################################################################################################################### )
%on(itudinal tresses ########################################################################################################################## ;
Internal Pressure ############################################################################################################################### 11
Only Force ######################################################################################################################################### 13
Force and Internal Pressure 1om+ined %oadin( ############################################################################### 1:
1onclusions ########################################################################################################################################### 1)

P a ( e 3 ' 1)

"*e main (oal of t*is study /as to -alidate Finite Element Analysis .erformed for follo/in( cases
1# Internal Pressure /it* !oo. stress only
2# Internal Pressure /it* %on(itudinal stresses only
3# Internal Pressure /it* +ot* !oo. and %on(itudinal stress
8# Force of ;000N in direction (oin( left to ri(*t if facin( t*e nozzle
:# All of t*e a+o-e four cases com+ined
<ased on t*e results and findin(s of t*is study4 my *i(*er (oal is to learn Pressure Vessel &esi(n
+ased on AME ection VIII &i-ision 2 Part :# A -ery small .art of t*e Pressure -essel desi(n is
considered in t*is study4 t*e Junction of Nozzle and Pressure -essel#
In t*is study tatic %inear Finite Element Analysis /as used to o+tain results# =uadratic mes* /as
not considered for t*is study as t*e main (oal of t*is study /as to in-esti(ate /*et*er t*e real /orld
e6.erience can +e modelled in Finite Element Analysis#
Vonmises stresses /ere calculated for t*e : load cases a+o-e and t*ey /ere com.ared /it* *and
calculations usin( first .rinci.les#

P a ( e 8 ' 1)

Model Geometry
"*e model (eometry is a 3uarter section
of a Pressure Vessel modelled in .ositi-e
>0$0? zone of t*e co0ordinate system# "*is
.ressure -essel *as a nozzle at t*e centre
of it .ointin( in .ositi-e >0$ direction#

"*e (eometry modellin( is carried out in
alome 7eometry module4 mes*in( /as
carried out in alome Mes* module and
t*en t*e mes* /as e6.orted in #ms*
format# Finite Element Analysis /as
carried out in 1ode2Aster and t*e result
/as e6.orted in anot*er #ms* format#
"*is result mes* /as im.orted in alome
a(ain and Post Processin( /as carried out
/*ere &is.lacements and Vonmises
stresses /ere e-aluated#
=uarter model of t*e entire .ressure
-essel /as used in t*is study as t*e not0
modelled section of t*e .ressure -essel
/as -ery remote to t*e Nozzle (eometry#
Flan(e /as not modelled on t*e nozzle end to minimise mes* size and com.utation time as t*is is
t*e standard .ractice used in commercial soft/are .ac@a(es#
olid modellin( /as carried out in t*is study# 1om.ara+le results can +e o+tained +y usin( s*ell
elements4 and in future anot*er study may +e carried out to understand t*e difference +et/een t*e
t/o modellin( a..roac*es#
O& of Pressure Vessel *ell A 3000mm I& of Pressure Vessel *ell A 2;B0mm
O& of Nozzle A 300mm I& of Nozzle A 2B0mm
!ei(*t of t*e Pressure Vessel *ell A 3000mm !ei(*t of t*e Nozzle A 200mm

Figure 1: Model Geometr
P a ( e : ' 1)

Loads and Restraints
Vertical faces are (i-en symmetric +oundary
condition# Vertical Face in t*e >O? .lane
(ets +oundary condition of &$A0# Vertical
Face in t*e $O? .lane (ets +oundary
condition of &>A0# !orizontal +ottom face
(ets +oundary condition of &>A04 &$A0 and
Fi-e %oad cases /ere considered for t*is
study# "o +alance t*e un+alanced .ressure
an e3ui-alent force is a..lied on t*e front
face of t*e nozzle#
%oads to +e considered for t*is study are
Internal Pressure A 0#: MPa
Force A ;000 N
Modulus of Elasticity CED A 210 7Pa
As t*e nozzle is facin( .ositi-e >$ direction4
force on t*e nozzle face /as reduced in > and
$ direction and t*en a..lied to t*e face# o
t*e force of ;000N in lateral direction of t*e nozzle s*ell ,unction is reduced to 5353N in E$ direction
and 5353N in F> direction#

&>4 &$4 &? A 0
Figure 2: Restraints
P a ( e 5 ' 1)

3& tetra*edron mes* /as used for t*is study#
"etra*edron ma6imum -olume /as restricted to
ma6imum :0 in alome#
7lo+al (eometry /as mes*ed /it* t*e a+o-e
confi(uration usin( automes*# Automatic tetra*edron
!y.ot*esis /as used for (lo+al (eometry# "*e ed(es of
t*e nozzle Cinside and outsideD at +ot* ends /ere (i-en a
u+0mes* /it* e3ui0distance di-ision of 100#
"*e linear mes* *as BB)12 tetra*edron elements#
At t*is sta(e4 linear mes* is used /it* automatic mes*in(
for t*e (lo+al mes* /it* 100 linear elements on t*e nozzle
ed(es /ere modelled as u+0mes* to ma@e t*e ed(es fine
and *a-e more finite elements for +etter results around
t*e nozzle s*ell ,unction#

Figure 3: Mesh !n"ormation
P a ( e ) ' 1)

Analysis of results
Hoop Stresses
For t*e first load case4 stresses /ere o+tained for internal .ressure on t*e s*ell and nozzle ,unction
/it* force modelled on t*e nozzle face for +alancin( un+alanced .ressure# "*e dis.lacement and
VonMises .lot are s*o/n +elo/ in Fi(ures 8 and : res.ecti-ely#

Figure #: $oo% &tress ' Dis%lacement
1*an(e in &iameter for t*is Pressure Vessel is calculated as follo/s
1*an(e in &iameter A
(2 ) A
(2 u.S) A 0#B;Bmm
FE analysis a+o-e in Fi(ure 8 s*o/s dis.lacement in $ello/ colour *i(*li(*t as 0#5mm# One of t*e
ma,or reason to contri+ute to t*e lo/er dis.lacement com.ared to manual calculation is t*at t*e
+oundary conditions are -ery close to eac* ot*er and t*e .resence of Nozzle in t*e centre of t*e

!oo. stress for t*is Pressure Vessel is calculated as follo/s
!oo. tress A
A ):MPa
As can +e seen in Fi(ure : +elo/4 t*e VonMises stresses for t*e ma,ority of t*e s*ell a/ay from
+oundaries and Nozzle is at an a-era(e of ): MPa

P a ( e B ' 1)

Figure (: $oo% &tress ' )onMises

P a ( e ; ' 1)

Longitudinal Stresses
For t*e second load case4 stresses /ere o+tained for force actin( on t*e to. face of t*e s*ell to
simulate %on(itudinal tresses# "*e dis.lacement and VonMises .lot are s*o/n +elo/ in Fi(ures 5
and ) res.ecti-ely#

Figure *: +ongitudinal &tress , Dis%lacement

%on(itudinal stress for t*is Pressure Vessel is calculated as follo/s
%on(itudinal tress A
A 3)#:MPa
As can +e seen in Fi(ure ) +elo/4 t*e VonMises stresses for t*e ma,ority of t*e s*ell a/ay from
+oundaries and Nozzle is at an a-era(e of 3) to 80 MPa
P a ( e 10 ' 1)

Figure -: +ongitudinal &tress ' )onMises

P a ( e 11 ' 1)

Internal Pressure
For t*e t*ird load case4 stresses /ere o+tained for +ot* Internal Pressure actin( on t*e internal face
of t*e Pressure Vessel and Nozzle to simulate !oo. stress and Force actin( on t*e to. face of t*e
s*ell to simulate %on(itudinal tresses# "*e dis.lacement and VonMises .lot are s*o/n +elo/ in
Fi(ures B and ; res.ecti-ely

Figure .: !nternal /ressure ' Dis%lacement
P a ( e 12 ' 1)

Figure 9: !nternal /ressure , )onMises
1om+ined stress for t*is Pressure Vessel is calculated as follo/s
1om+ined tress A (Eoop Strcss
IongituJinol Strcss
) A (7S
) A 58#;:MPa
As can +e seen in Fi(ure ; a+o-e4 t*e VonMises stresses for t*e ma,ority of t*e s*ell a/ay from
+oundaries and Nozzle is at an a-era(e of 5: MPa

P a ( e 13 ' 1)

Only Force
For t*e fourt* load case4 stresses /ere o+tained for %ateral force actin( on t*e nozzle face# "*e
dis.lacement and VonMises .lot are s*o/n +elo/ in Fi(ures 10 and 11 res.ecti-ely

Figure 10: Force 0nl ' Dis%lacement
P a ( e 18 ' 1)

Figure 11: Force 0nl , )onMises
ome close u. screen s*ots of nozzle0s*ell interface are s*o/n +elo/# First screens*ot is for t*e
VonMises stress on t*e outside surface of t*e nozzle s*ell ,unction#

Figure 12: Force0nl 1loseu% o" 0utside sur"ace
P a ( e 1: ' 1)

econd screens*ot +elo/ is for t*e VonMises stress on t*e Inside surface of t*e Nozzle s*ell

Figure 13: Force0nl 1loseu% o" !nside sur"ace

Force and Internal Pressure Combined Loading
For t*e fift* load case4 stresses /ere o+tained for %ateral force actin( on t*e nozzle face and Internal
Pressure actin( on t*e inside face of t*e s*ell and nozzle# "*e dis.lacement and VonMises .lot are
s*o/n +elo/ in Fi(ures 18 and 1: res.ecti-ely
P a ( e 15 ' 1)

Figure 1#: Force and !nternal /ressure 1om2ined ' Dis%lacement

Figure 1(: Force and !nternal /ressure 1om2ined , )onMises

P a ( e 1) ' 1)

From t*is study it can +e concluded t*at Finite Element analysis results matc* t*at of *and
calculations# "*is study is not e6*austi-e and /as conducted to try doin( Finite Element analysis of a
Pressure Vessel Nozzle section usin( alome for modellin( and .ost0.rocessin( and 1ode2Aster for
"*is study is ,ust a .reliminary analysis# For furt*er study follo/in( actions are recommended
1# Gse of !e6a*edral elements
2# Gse of 2
order or !i(*er order elements
3# Mes* refinement around t*e nozzle s*ell ,unction
8# !a-e minimum : elements in t*e t*ic@ness of t*e s*ell and nozzle
:# E-aluate tresses +ased on AME ection VIII &i-ision 2 Part : rules#
5# Gse lar(er surface of t*e s*ell so t*at t*e distance +et/een t*e nozzle and +oundary
conditions is more t*an /*at is used in t*is study#

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