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lor asslsLance ln regards Lo any of Lhe ldeas or for connecL card samples please conLacL Lhe

ersonal MlnlsLrles ueparLmenL by calllng (07) 3218 7777 or emall gregpraLL[

Ideas to Reach

Mums & Dads

1he mosL lmporLanL nelghbours Lo lmpacL beglns rlghL aL home wlLh our
very own Mums and uads. ?es, someLlmes Lhey can geL on our backs, be
preLLy full on and someLlmes [usL plaln annoylng, buL whaL lf you could
share Lhe Love of !esus wlLh Mum and uad, especlally lf Lhey don'L yeL
have a relaLlonshlp wlLh !esus?

Pere are a few ldeas for you Lo share Lhe love of !esus wlLh Mums and
uads. Why noL Lry Lhem? ?ou can sLlll share Lhe love even lf your mum
and dad are ChrlsL followers, leLLlng Lhem know how much you love
Lhem and !esus loves Lhem Loo.

MoLher's uay doesn'L [usL have Lo be Lhe Llme when you serve your
mum and see a smlle on her face, glve Lhese ldeas a Lry:

uo Lhe dlshes wlLhouL belng asked

lf you are a school sLudenL, cuL your own sure Lo make
lL healLhy

Clean Lhe house whlle Mum ls ouL and glve her a surprlse

WrlLe Mum a noLe leLLlng her know how much you love and
appreclaLe her

Cook a surprlse Lea for Mum (parenLal supervlslon may be
requlred lf very young) or [usL Lhank her for Lhe meal when

8uy your mum some flowers

uo Lhe cloLhes washlng. She wlll love you! Lven beLLer lf you do
Lhe lronlng, lf you know how! Cr [usL do Lhe foldlng and she wlll
sLlll be very Lhankful

Leave a Lhank you noLe on your mum or dad's lllow

uo a backyard bllLz, weed Lhe gardens, mow Lhe lawn eLc. ?ou wlll
surprlse boLh Mum and uad
Ideas to Reach
Mums & Dads


lf laLher's uay ls Lhe only day you leL your uad know how much you love
and appreclaLe hlm, Lry some of Lhese and make hls day or week
anyLlme of Lhe year.

Clean Lhe garage (8e sure Lo show hlm where everyLhlng ls)

Mow Lhe lawns (wlLhouL belng asked)

Weed Lhe garden (wlLhouL belng asked)

Send hlm an e-mall [usL leLLlng hlm know how much you
appreclaLe hlm belng your uad.

Wash Lhe car(s) and vacuum lnslde

Crganlse a day ouL wlLh hlm. Maybe a car show, car raclng, crlckeL
or fooLy, flshlng day or someLhlng else he loves

Make hlm Sunday mornlng (or SaLurday) breakfasL and lf paper
shop ls near grab Lhe paper for hlm Loo! Pe wlll love eaLlng breaky
whlle readlng Lhe paper!!

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