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BEGPRODNO : M-INT-00017133

BEGBATES : 265A-NY-280350-CI-125
DATE = 09/12/2001
INPUTBATCH : NCTA_004 (1 st Batch of unredacted 302's delivered in August)
FULLTEXT : FD-302 (Rev. 10-6-95)

-1- _.X9/11 Personal Privacy


Date of transcription 09/13/2001

WILLIAM P. MCNEER, Vice President Safety-Security,

Executive Jet. Inc.. 4111 Bridaewav Avenue. Columbus, Ohio, 43219,
taiophnnol I was advised of the identities of the
interviewing agents and the purpose of the interview. MCNEER then
provided the following information:
After MCNEER learned that Executive Jet 956 may have been
in the vicinity of United 93 during a highjacking, MCNEER ordered
the removal of the cockpit voice recorder CVR from 956. The
recorder was removed from the jet on September 11, 2001 at the
Columbus, Ohio base of Executive Jet, by MARK MOBERLY at
approximately 12:00 noon. MOBERLY then gave the recorder to JOE
BOCSY, Director of Avionics, who then secured the recorder in his
office over night. At 11:00 a.m. on September 12, 2001, MCNEER
took custody of the CVR from MOBERLY, then gave the same to the
undersigned agents.
Prior to giving the CVR to the undersigned agents, MCNEER
downloaded the recorded information from the CVR and made two audio
tapes of the information. MCNEER gave one of these tapes to
Special AgentsT ion September
11,2001. He gave the other tape to the undersigned agents at the
same time he released custody of the CVR.

/9/11 Law Enforcement Privacy

Investigation on at
09/12/2001 / Columbus, Ohio

File # . Date dictated

265D-NY-280350-CI 265D-NY-280350-302 N/A

by AX

This document contains neither recommendations nor conclusions of the FBI. It is the property of the FBI
and is loaned to your agency;
it and its contents are not to be distributed outside your agency.

[PDF page 1]

April 27, 2004 11:09 am Page 1

BEGPRODNO : M-INT-00017134 '
BEGBATES : 265A-NY-280350-CI-126 VltbfLs
DATE = 09/12/2001
INPUTBATCH : NCTA_004 (1 st Batch of unredacted 302's delivered in August)
FULLTEXT : FD-302 (Rev. 10-6-95)
9/11 Personal Privacy

Date of transcription 09/13/2001

TODD SHERWOOD EDGAR, date of birtr| Ij Social

Security Account Number f /
i \t with
the interviewing agents at EXECUTIVE JET, INCORPORATED 4111
Bridgeway Avenue, Columbus, Ohio 43219. EDGAR was advised of the
identity of the interviewing agents and the nature of the
interview. During the interview, the agents played a cassette tape
containing approximately 20 minutes of aircraft communications.
This tape was duplicated from the Voice Cockpit Recorder from the
flight of EXECUTIVE JET 956 on September 11. 2001. EDGAR provided
the following information:

EDGAR has been employed as a pilot by EXECUTIVE JET, INC.

since February 15, 2000. He recently became a captain, however, on
September 11, 2001, EDGAR was flying as the co-pilot onboard
EXECUTIVE JETs Cessna Citation 10, which was referred to as
"EXECUTIVE JET 956", for purposes of communicating via the aircraft
radio on that day. The Pilot-in-Command on the flight was ROGER
LAMPMAN. The flight departed the airport at Teterboro, New Jersey
at 8:36 a.m. and was en-route to Chicago Midway airport. During
the flight, EXECUTIVE JET 956 was in radio communication with two
different Air Traffic Control centers. New York and then Cleveland.

Approximately fifteen minutes into the flight, EXECUTIVE

JET 956 was at an altitude of 39,000 feet. While monitoring the
aircraft radio. EDGAR and LAMPMAN heard a pilot from FRONTIER
AIRLINES inquire about a plane crash. The Frontier Airlines' pilot
was advised of the incident at the WORLD TRADE CENTER.

EDGAR explained that while in flight, a commercial radio

was turned on in order to gain more news. EDGAR also explained
that there was conversation with their two passengers who were
aboard to make them aware of what was taking place with regard to
United flight 93 and what had transpired at the WORLD TRADE CENTER.

While listening to the tape, EDGAR identified portions

which he and LAMPMAN believed to be from United flight 93. These
included sounds of fighting and mention of a bomb being onboard the
aircraft. EDGAR also advised that their EDGAR'S and LAMPMAN's

Investigation on at
09/12/2001 Columbus, Ohio

File # Date dictated

CI 265D-NY-28D350-302 N/A
9/11 Law Enforcement Privacy

This document contains neither recommendations nor conclusions of the FBI. It is the property of the FBI

April 27, 2004 11:1 Oam Page 1

and is loaned to your agency;
it and its contents are not to be distributed outside your agency.

[PDF page 1]

FD-302a (Rev. 10-6-95)


Continuation of FD-302 of Todd Sherwood Edgar , On 09/12/2001 .Page 2

best view of United Flight 93 was when United Flight 93 was at a

2:00 - 3:00 position from them and was climbing. The altitude of
United flight 93 varied during their observation of it and
Cleveland Center was keeping them and other aircraft away from it
since they lost radio contact with it. EDGAR was unsure of
EXECUTIVE JETs exact location during the time that he and LAMPMAN
had a "visual" on the plane since he is not as familiar with the
area as LAMPMAN is. United flight 93 was last observed by EDGAR
in level flight and eastbound. Shortly after this, EXECUTIVE JET
956 landed at Port Columbus.

[PDF page 2]

April 27, 2004 11:10 am Page 2

ATC 13
BEGPRODNO : M-INT-00113238
BEGBATES : 265A-NY-280350-302-96843
DATE = 01/08/2002
INPUTBATCH : NCTA_004 (1st Batch of unredacted 302's delivered in August)
FULLTEXT : FD-302 (Rev. 10-6-95)

_., _ I9/II Personal Privacy


Date of transcription 01/09/2002

JOHN WERTH, Social Security Numberf T~J date of

telephone ni]mhF»H I was interviflwari at his places of
employment, Cleveland Air Route Traffic Control Center ARTCC. 326
E. Lorain St., Oberlin, Ohio, telephone numhar~ 1
After being advised of the identity of the interviewing agents and
the nature of the interview, he provided the following information:

WERTH stated that he has worked for ARTCC as an Air

Traffic Control Specialist ATCS for 31Vs years. He advised that
on the morning of September 11, 2001 he was working the 6:00 A.M.
to 2:00 P.M. shift, controlling airline traffic in the Lorain
sector of Cleveland Center airspace when United Airlines Flight 93
UAL Flight 93 checked in by radio at approximately 9:25 A.M.

WERTH recalls UAL Flight 93 was south of Youngstown, OH

along the Pennsylvania border flying at an altitude of 35,000 feet
when the pilot checked in with him at Cleveland Center. WERTH
stated that he called out traffic advisories to UAL Flight 93 upon
initial contact. Within a few minutes of the initial contact he
heard something unintelligible over the radio. WERTH advised that
he made several general calls over his frequency of 133.37 MHz, to
asked if someone was trying to contact Cleveland Center. WERTH
said that approximately twenty seconds later, he heard a muffled
radio transmission sounding like a struggle in which someone said
something like "get out of here." UAL Flight 9_3_ immediately dropped
700 feet and increased its airspeed by 50 to 60 knots. WERTH
indicated that by this time the air traffic controllers have been
made aware of the attacks on the World Trade Center, He said that
based upon his inability to re-establish radio communications UAL
Flight 93, along with the UAL Flight 93's erratic maneuvers, he
strongly believe UAL Flight 93 had been hijacked.

WERTH advised that he also heard radio transmissions in

which someone said there was a bomb on the aircraft. He continued
to attempted to contact UAL Flight 93 several more times, without
success. WERTH indicated that as other airliners checked in with
Cleveland Center on his frequency, it appeared as if UAL Flight 93
would change direction and altitude in an attempt to intercept the

Investigation on at
01/08/2002 Oberlin

File # Date dictated

265A-NY-28Q35Q 01/09/2002
9/11 Law Enforcement Privacy
by ' I

This document contains neither recommendations nor conclusions of the FBI. It is the property of the FBI

April 27, 2004 11:13 am Page 1

and is loaned to your agency;
it and its contents are not to be distributed outside your agency.

[PDF page 1]

FD-302a (Rev. 10-6-95)


Continuation of FD-302 of JohnWerth , On 01/08/2002 .Page 2

newly announced airliners. WERTH stated that in order to avoid any

possible in-flight collisions, he vectored all other aircraft out
of the airspace and away from any possible course that UAL Flight
93 could use to intercept them.

WERTH stated that when UAL Flight 93 passed west of

Cleveland, OH, the aircraft turned southeast toward Pittsburgh, PA.
It was during this time that Cleveland Center stopped receiving
transmissions from UAL Flight 93's transponder. WERTH advised that
he turned on the "primary return" on his radar scope in order to
continue tracking UAL Flight 93. WERTH said that the primary return
used ground based radar to track aircraft, but that it is unable to
provide altitude readouts. WERTH advised that he was able to
continued tracking UAL Flight 93 using the primary return, until it
went under the radar southeast of Pittsburgh.

WERTH stated that based upon his knowledge and experience

as an air traffic controller, he believes one of the hijackers had
impersonated himself as a pilot from another airline company in
order to gain access to one of the available jump seats located in
the cockpit of UAL Flight 93, allowing the UNSUB to execute the
hijacking with minimal resistance. WERTH advised that he was the
only controller at Cleveland Center to handle UAL Flight 93 on
September 11,2001. He said Cleveland Center never received any
emergency communications from the pilots of UAL Flight 9J3, leading
him to believe that the hijackers must have gained access to the
cockpit without prior warning to the pilots of UAL Flight 93

WERTH stated that he has not talked with the media. He

advised that his home phone number is unlisted, and that is why he
believes the media has not contacted him.

[PDF page 2]

April 27, 2004 11:13 am Page 2

BEGPRODNO : M-INT-00124732
BEGBATES : 265A-NY-280350-302-106714
DATE =09/11/2001
INPUTBATCH : NCTAJ504 (1st Batch of unredacted 302's delivered in August)
FULLTEXT : FD-302 (Rev. 10-6-95)

- 1-


Date of transcription 09/11/2001

RICHARD J. KETTELL, Air Traffic Manager, Federal Aviation

Administration FAA, Cleveland Air Route Traffic Control Center,
326 E. Lorain Street. Route 511. Oberlin. Ohio 44074, telephone
numbeft /cell phone
Aiuag interviewed at his
place of employment. KETTELL, after having been apprised of the
official identity of the interviewing agents and that the nature of
the interview concerned FAA recordings and flight data for a
9/11/2001, United Airlines UA Flight FLT. #93., en route from
Newark, NJ to San Francisco, CA, KETTELL provided the following

KETTELL advised that BOB HERAK, Air Traffic Control

Facility was compiling the flight recordings for United Airline
Flight 93. The interviewing agents reviewed along with HERAK the
flight recordings and radar data for UA FLT. 93.

The flight data recordings, maintained in Greenwich Mean

Time GMT, indicate that there were the following voice


1. 9:28:19 a.m. Brief noise in cockpit of

GMT 13.28.19 hollering, inaudible

2. 9:28:53 a.m. Screaming sounds in cockpit

GMT 13.28.53

3. 9:32:02 a.m. Male voice; the word "bomb" is

GMT 13.32.02 heard

4. 9:39:15 a.m. Male with Middle Eastern accent

GMT 13:39:15 heard saying, "The captain would
like you to remain seated. We
have a bomb on board. We are
going back to the airport until
our demands are met. Remain

Investigation on at
9/11/2001 Oberlin, Ohio

File # Date dictated

265D-NY-280350-CV 9/11/2001
, 9/11 Law Enforcement Privacv
by i i y

This document contains neither recommendations nor conclusions of the FBI. It is the property of the FBI

April 27, 2004 11:15 am

and is loaned to your agency;
it and its contents are not to be distributed outside your agency.

[PDF page 1]

FD-302a (Rev. 10-6-95)


Continuation of FD-302 of RICHARD J. KETTELL , On 9/11/2001 , Page 2

In addition to the voice recordings information from the

flight data indicated the following:


9:36:05 UA FLT. 93 begins to turn from its

GMT 13:36:05 assigned flight path to San
Francisco. The airline begins to

9:39:00 UA FLT. 93 completes turnaround and

GMT 13:39:00 is flying eastbound.

9:40:56 UA FLT. 93, the aircraft's

GMT 13:40:56 transponder is turned off.

10:02:15 UA FLT. 93, alters eastemly flight

GMT 14:02:15 path, turns due south/easternly.

10:02:50 UA FLT. 93, transponder is

GMT 14:02:50 reactivated for approximately 20
seconds. The aircraft reports an
altitude of 8,200 feet.

10:03:59 UA FLT. 93, flight goes into a

GMT 14:03:59 "coast" pattern on control screen.
Radar contact is lost. A subsequent
report was received by the control
facility from a military C-130
aircraft screen identifier GOFER06
of seeing smoke in the area where the
plane was last tracked.

[PDF page 2]

April 27, 2004 11:15 am Page 2

BEG'PRODNO : M-INT-00154745
BEGBATES : 265A-NY-280350-302-111887
DATE = 02/25/2002
INPUTBATCH : NCTA_004 (1st Batch of unredacted 302's delivered in August)
FULLTEXT : FD-302 (Rev. 10-6-95)

-1 -


Date of transcription 02/28/2002

On February 25, 2002, ALESSANDRO SANDY D. ROGERS was

interviewed at his place of employment, UNITED AIRLINES UA, Elk
Grove Village, Illinois. The interviewing Agent identified himself
to Mr. ROGERS and told him that the interviewed concerned his
employment activities with UA on September 11, 2001. Mr. ROGERS
voluntarily provided the following information:

On September 11,2001, he began work at approximately

7:00 a.m., as an Air Traffic Coordinator for the west section of
the country. In his job responsibilities for that day he was
assigned any air traffic issues at the UA Hubs west of Chicago in
the United States. There is a separate position for all air
traffic issues to the east of Chicago.

He was aware of the crashes on September 11, from

watching a television in the UA Operations Center.

One of the problems on September 11, was some of the UA

flights had lost radio contact, referred to as Nordn, with FEDERAL
When an aircraft loses radio contact with the FAA ATC, the ATC will
often contact UA and request a message be sent up via the Aircraft
Condition and Reporting System ACARS to have that particular
flight contact the ATC on a specific radio frequency.

In regard to the ACARS message he sent to UA Flight 93,

he recalled receiving a call from the ATC that was handling UA
Flight 93 requesting the ACARS sent requesting UA Flight
93 contact the ATC. The procedure at the time was the message
would be sent to the aircraft on ACARS screen and that an audible
alarm would not be activated. The reason that he put the words
"ASAP" in the ACARS message was that he was aware of the crashes
into the World Trade Center.

He also sent an additional message to all dispatchers at

the UAL Operations Center which stated 'There may be addnl
hijackings in progress you may want to advise your fits to stay on
alert and shut down all cockpit access inflt, SANDY per MGMT."
This was sent at the request of UA management after the two

Investigation on at
2/25/02 Elk Grove Village, Illinois

File # Date dictated

265A-NY-280350 2/26/02
by 9/11 Law Enforcement Privacy

This document contains neither recommendations nor conclusions of the FBI. It is the property of the FBI
and is loaned to your agency;

April 27, 2004 11:16 am Page 1

it and its contents are not to be distributed outside your agency.

[PDF page 1]

FD-302a (Rev. 10-6-95)


Continuation of FD-302 of ALESSANDRO D. ROGERS , On 2/25/02 , Page 2

aircraft crashed into the World Trade Center. He provided a copy of

this message.

The following information was obtained from interview and



Sex: Male
Race: White
DOB: I ""}-...
1200 EAST ALGONQUIN ROAD >Q/11 „ , „ .
ELK GROVE VILLAGE. IL ...,-"/' 9/11 Personal Privacy
Work Telephone:
UA Employee Number: _^__^
Job Title: Flight Dispatcher Since 1989
Residence: I 1

[PDF page 2]

April 27, 2004 11:16 am Page 2

BEGPRODNO : M-INT-00152817
BEGBATES : 265A-NY-280350-30011 9/11 Personal Privacy
DATE = 01/22/2002
INPUTBATCH : NCTA_004 (1st Batch of unredacted 302's delivered in August)
FULLTEXT : 1/22/2002


\s interviewed at
United Airlines UAL Flight Operations in building 22A at John
F. Kennedy International Airport JFKIA. After being advised of
the identities of the interviewing agent and detective and the
nature of the interview she provided the following information:

CAMPBELL has been employed by United Airlines as a

Flight Operations Service Representative FOSR since June of

CAMPBELL recalled sending a ACARS message on 9/11/2001

to First Officer Leroy Homer on UAL 93.

CAMPBELL advised that the message she sent on 9/11/2001

was sent to the printer on UAL 93 and she further stated that is
the only way she can send a message. She advised that she does
not have the capability of sending a message to a display screen
on the aircraft.

CAMPBELL advised that she received a phone call from

Melody Homer on 9/11/2001 several minutes after the first plane
hit the World Trade Center WTC. Melody Homer wanted to know if
her husband Leroy was alright. CAMPBELL told Melody Homer that
she would send Leroy Homer an ACARS message to make sure he was

Campbell advised that she sent the ACARS message and

received no response from the cockpit. CAMPBELL advised that she
attempted to send the message two more times and on the third
attempt the word "SECURE" started flashing on her computer
screen. CAMPBELL advised that this was right after the second
plane hit the WTC.

CAMPBELL advised that she did not use any security or

safety codes in the ACARS message she sent to UAL 93. CAMPBELL
said that she did not send any other ACARS messages to UAL 93 on

1/22/2002 Jamaica, New York


L 9/11 Law Enforcement Privacy

[PDF page 1]

April 27, 2004 11:13 am Page 1

BEGBATES 265A-NY-280350-302-1888 201
DATE 09/11/2001
INPUTBATCH NCTA_004 (1 st Batch of unredacted 302's delivered in August)

Reference Lead Control Number SF162

Richard Belme. bomi \social security account

J was interviewed at
. San Francisco
International Airport, telephone number!, J •After being
advised of the identity of the interviewing agents and the nature•--....
of the interview, he provided the following information:
'9/11 Personal Privacy
On 9/11/01 at approximately 6:40 am, Belme, an UAL
System Aircraft Maintenance Controller, took control of a phone
call by an unidentified female flight attendant of UAL flight 93
initially received by Andrew Lubkemann. Belme was on the phone
with the attendant for only a couple of minutes. The female
flight attendant said that two male hijackers who had knives were
onboard, one of which was in the first class section of the plane
and the other was possibly in the cockpit. The first class /
section was secured, no passengers were able to leave or gain
entrance to the first class seating area.

Belme provided a hand written statement to the

interviewing agents, the statement reads as follows:

"I was called over to the STARFIX Desk at approximately

0640 PST. STARFIX informed me a flight.attendant was on the line
from Flight 93 and it was being hi-jacked; I took over the call
and the flight attendant reported two men with knives are
onboard. One man in the flight station and one man at first
class. One man attacked a flight attendant but no passengers or
crew were hurt. I asked the condition of the aircraft, she said a
few small dives but OK. Then .Host contact."

At approximately 7:23 am, Belme received information

from Robert Combs of Airphone, Oakbrook, Illinois, telephone
" "Tihat a passenger from UAL Flight 93 had
called Airphone. At 7:30 am, Combs informed Belme that the
passenger relayed information that there were three males who
have bombs, knives, and at present no injuries. At this time UAL
Flight 93 was flying over Pennsylvania and the hijackers had
taken over the aircraft. Belme had no further identifiable
information to provide on weapons or explosives used.

9/11/01 San Francisco, California

265D-NY-280350-SF 9/11/01

| 9/11 Law Enforcement Privacy |

[PDF page 1]

April 27, 2004 11:09 am Page 1

BEGPROdNO : M-INT-00001979
BEGBATES : 265A-NY-280350-302-1880
DATE =09/11/2001
INPUTBATCH : NCTA_004 (1st Batch of unredacted 302's delivered in August)
FULLTEXT : 9/11/01
Reference Lead Control Number SF162

Andrew Lubkemann. bor social security

niimhorl '9/11 Personal Privacy
L /was
interviewed at his place of employment, United Airlines. San ,
Francisco International Airport, telephone numbert T
After being advised of the identity of the interviewing agents
and the nature of the interview, he provided the following

On 9/11/01 shortly after 6:00 am pacific time,

Lubkemann a STARFIX Technician received a call through the
STARFIX phone system from a female flight attendant of United
AirlinesUAL Flight 93, Aircraft 5491. The unidentified female
flight attendant told Lubkemann that the plane had been hijacked.
Lubkemann told the Flight attendant to remain calm and that they
were aware of the situation.

Lubkemann provided a hand written statement to the

interviewing agents, the statement reads as follows:

"While answering calls from the STARFIX station, I was

contacted by a female flight attendant. She spoke to me in a
hurried and scared voice. I was informed that she was on Flight
93, Aircraft 5491. She said that the plane was being hi-jacked.
The hi-jackers were in the cabin and Flight deck. I informed her
that we had run into similar problems and were aware of her
situation. I told her to remain on the line and I was going to
transfer her call directly to my shift manager. His phone line
showed busy on the monitor screen, so I then spoke directly with
the 757 controller across the divider. We called across the room
and were able to contact a manager who then came to the STARFIX
table. He took over the call to Flight 93. All specific
information regarding where the hi-jackers were on the aircraft
and how the aircraft was flying, were then taken. This
information was then taken directly to the crisis center. All
information was passed on to the people monitoring the events."

Richard Belme was the manager who had taken over the
phone call from the female flight attendant of UAL Flight 93.

9/11/01 San Francisco, California

265D-NY-280350-SF 9/11/01

I 9/11 Law Enforcement Privacy

[PDF page 1]


Andrew Lubkemann 9/11/01

Information was received that everyone was removed from first

class seating and that the hijackers had knives and were in the
cockpit. Lubkemann had no further identifiable information of
weapons used.

April 27, 2004 11:08 am Page 1

[PDF page 2]

April 27, 2004 11:08 am Pa9e 2

BEGPRODNO : M-INT-00016606
BEGBATES : 265A-NY-280350-302-630
DATE = 09/11/2001
INPUTBATCH : NCTA_004 (1st Batch of unredacted 302's delivered in August)
FULLTEXT : 09/11/2001

Reference San Francisco Lead #7.

On Tuesday, September 11, 2001, RICHARD BELME, Manager,

Untied Airlines Maintenance Facility, San Francisco International
Airportr^ H was interviewed regarding events
surrounding the hijacking arjd downing of United Flight 93 en
route to San Francisco, California on September 11, 2001. After
being advised of the identity of th&.jnterviewing agent, BELME
provided the following information:

BELME stated that at approximately 6:40 AM, Pacific

Daylight Time PDT, he received a call from a female flight
attendant aboard United Flight 93 en route to San Francisco,
California. The flight attendant was not identified by BELME,
however she advised the aircraft had been hijacked by at least
two, possibly three individuals. She advised that one of the ...
hijackers was in the aircraft cockpit and a second individual was ..
at the First Class curtain wielding a knife.
/J9/11 Personal Privacy
The flight attendant did not provide any information
regarding the hijacker's identity, nationality, intentions or
other pertinent information. She stated to BELME that all . i
passengers appeared to be OK. At that point, communication was ;
terminated, or cut-off, from the aircraft. No further information. ;
was available from BELME. , /

The call was placed to San Francisco using a Starfix /

Airphone contained within the aircraft. BELME stated.the call ;
from the flight attendant was not recorded, however, Airphone, ;
the company that manages the telephonic system may have a
recording of the call. BELME provided the name of ROBERT COMBS at
Airphone and contact number I I /

The original point of contact at the United Airlines ?

San Francisco maintenance facility was DEREK SAN I I

09/11/2001 San Francisco, CA

265D-NY-280350-SF 09/11/2001

| 9/11 Law Enforcement Privacy |

[PDF page 1]

April 27. 2004 11:06 am Page 1

it and its contents are not to be distributed outside your agency.

[PDF page 1]

FD-302a (Rev. 10-6-95)

_...--"" 9/11 Law Enforcement

..-•-"'" Privacy

265D-NY-280350 ,.,

Continuation of FD-302 of COMBS, ROBERT , On 09/11/2001 .Page 2

SAl I was ready. Instead of patching BEAMER's call, a party

line call ensued, in which Captain JOHN NOONAN of the NEW YORK
STATE POLICE, advised he was currently on the phone with whom he
believed was the mother-in-law of UA Flight 93 passenger JEREMY
CLICK. Captain NOONAN advised the mother-in-law was relaying
information her husband was currently obtaining from CLICK. CLICK,
according to Captain NOONAN, described one of three hijackers as
having a red box which was described as a bomb, and the others had
knives. Captain NOONAN also stated he was told by CLICK'S mother-
in-law that the passengers had decided to rush the hijackers.

JEFFERSON asked BEAMER the location and number of

passengers; BEAMER replied there were 10 passengers in the front of
the plane, 27 passengers in the back, and 5 flight attendants.
BEAMER had also stated he believed the plane had changed course.
BEAMER also advised one or all of the hijackers had entered the
cockpit, locked the door, and pulled the curtain. Captain NOONAN
advised some screams were heard from CLICK'S phone, and then things
became quite. BEAMER was no longer heard from, but JEFFERSON
report no noise other what appeared to be background noise.

No further contact with CLICK nor BEAMER was reported,

and at 9:36 AM, both Captain NOONAN and JEFFERSON both stated they
lost the phone calls.

The following individuals can be contacted at the below

listed numbers:


anHl I




during party line call) .. \ /


on during party line call, and had some involvement ip. ; ,
relaying CLICK'S conversation) . ji; / /

[PDF page 2] , |//

9/11 Personal Privacy

April 27, 2004 10:52 am Pa9e 2

BEGPRODNO : M-INT-00000059
BEGBATES : 265A-NY-280350-302-22171
DATE =09/11/2001
INPUTBATCH : NCTA_004 (1st Batch of unredacted 302's delivered in August)
FULLTEXT : FD-302 (Rev. 10-6-95)



Date of transcription 09/11 /2001

Mercy Lorenzo, operator for AT&T Services AT&T,

telephonically contacted the Federal Bureau of Investigation FBI
to report an emergency phone call received by her while on duty at
AT&T. After being advised of the identity of the interviewing
agent and the nature of the interview, she provided the following

A female passenger called from the telephone located on

the back of the airplane seat. Passenger requested to be connected
with her husband, a sergeant who resides in Washington, D.C.

The passenger advised the plane was currently being hi-

jacked. The hi-jackers, armed with guns and knives, were ordering
the passengers to move to the back of the plane. The passenger
wanted to know how to let the pilots know what was happening. It
did not appear as if they were aware of the situation.

Investigation on at
09/11/2001 Los Angeles, California telephonically
File # Date dictated
265D-NY-28Q350-LA 09/11/2001
t9/ll Law Enforcement Privacy

This document contains neither recommendations nor conclusions of the FBI. It is the property of the FBI
and is loaned to your agency;
it and its contents are not to be distributed outside your agency.

[PDF page 1]

April?, 200412:21 pm Page 1

BEGPRODNO : M-INT-00015586
BEGBATES : 265A-NY-280350-302-97478
DATE = 09/12/2001 .
INPUTBATCH : NCTA_004 (1 st Batch of unredacted 302's delivered in
FULLTEXT : FD-302 (Rev. 10-6-95)
.49/11 Personal Privacy
-1 -


Oat& of transcription 09/12/2001

J After being advised of the

identity of the interviewing .agents an^l the nature of the
invpstinatinn I [provided the following information:

On 9/11/2001, at approximately 9 00 A M , L was

-wnknn gc a recnlt nf a tolonhnnQ rail frnm his life partner I I
\[ received this call at hjs residence
- numher\ ' •' . Jtoldf I to turn
on his television immediately, explaining that a plans had crashed
into the World Trade Certtier. /. / \r watchjfig .the televised hew reports for

hours, JOHNSON gQuiepress'ed and decided to .go upstajrs to sR^nd

time withhjs neighbtxtn" / / ; / / / / jexplained that
V ~l lives in' the!a6artment directly above/his. \ did not \\telephone nurtiber.1// / Iadviseaitnag ii
employed as a dborrnan at a local condominium building/1 \s
not know the building) wtSerftl • ~ gci'Kb.

.While , ap^rtmient,
, .k approxinjiktely 12:pp PM,
called .his brother/in law, jexplained
lis.4mploved as a flight attendant by United:Airlines.; i
1 • _Jhas; held/this position ifor over ten
years, ' •-'-'—• ligndthey; :
reside in theC
"toe not kno\ their exact arftjressl
diasfij J provided \
Jhome telephone numhar/as sl

Accordng, to 1 he initiated the call to||

ensure that! i was not on any ofIB flights
the tl that had been
hijacked that morning. Accordi indicated that
he was currently on vacation. Hescribed in
good spirits. CONNOR did not indicate t

Investigation on at
9/12/2001 Chicago, Illinois

File# Date dictated

265D-NY-28350 9/12/2001
9/11 Law Enforcement Privacy
This document contains neither recommendations nor conclusions of the FBI. It is the property of the FBI

Page 1
April 7, 200412:47 pm
and is loaned to your agency;
it and its contents are not to be distributed outside your agency.

[PDF page 1]

FD-302a (Rev. 10-6-95)

265D-NY-28550 .....•-<:;:'/t/1L Personal Privacy

Continuation of FD-302 of I | ..:::;:::: , pri 9/)-2|2||Ql .Page 2

personally knew anv of tire United Airlines emplo,yees,*|fq/We|B|on

the hijacked flights. I "fo^rihari his conversation wifh;
i "las being brief. ., . ' /;•'•' / /// \ Jestimated that sorrietime,after/3:0(yP

Standard Time, on September 11, 2,001, he jriftiated & felepl/ibne $all

to Continental Airlines Customer Service Dfrpartrherttfrom his Home
telephone. The purpose of this.eall was te-fnqulire afeput a ;|; ! !|
Continental flight ticket that i Itvad pfevipUsiy purchased; for
a flight to Providence, Rhode Island on Friday, &Sptembei/Jj1, ?0€J1.
The flight was scheduled to depart Q'Hare/airpp'rt/h Chica||b aj i j
5:30 PM- I fcould not regaH tha/nameVpf'the ferrjile customer
service representative he spoke to durijrg this call. I // / Iwa's
concerned because the ticket he purchased/was non-refMfidable, and
as such he might lose $200.Q£) if air.,{fanspprtation had rt&t resumed
normal operation by next Friday. Further,.as.fl result of/ihe I ::
terrorist attacks which had just oQpurred thal/mornina.l// / {was
afraid to flv. I bcknowledaed that'he had attempted to g0t a
full refund for his ticket by infoflriing the Customer SerWiGe ;
Representative that he was petrified his/piose i
friend was a flight attendanVon United FJight 93, whicH^rashed i
outside of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania'thafmorning as e/rgsult of ;
terrorist acts, i /]admitted tna/he did not h0yfe; a close i
friend who was a flight attendant 6n trtis flight and that^his i
statement was part of.a fabricated story he made up;tp: try and ;
obtain a refund on hjs previously/pufchased ticket./ // / i

To the t»est of his rec6ll^ction, I ; I told the :;

Customer Service Represerit^tive a fabricated story,which included
the following details: I Ihad received a telephone call frorri
his friend whp was working .as a flight attendant on; United Flight i
93 at the time the call wa's.pla.ced. I ^frfeind informed I
' 'thattheirfliciht had been hijacked bvttiree Arab i
terrorists. I "friend advised/^ _J^at ne expected tp
die. l~ t friend then asked | Jtotake care of his wife
and children.

I I ad vised that he probably provided the Continental

Customer Service Representative with additional fabricated !
information, but he was unable to recall this information. J 1
reiterated that he made up this entire story in anjeffort to
receive a refund for tiis travel ticket. I 1 advised that he
did not receive any .calls from anyone on any of the hijacked
flights. | ladvised that he had never worked for Northwest or

[PDF page 2]

FD-302a (Rev. 10-6-95)

April 7, 200412:47 pm Page 2

_..-•"'9/11 Personal Privacy


Continuation of FD-302 of | | , On 9/12/2001 , Page 3

any other airline as a flight attendant and did not know anyone who
works for an airline other than his brother-in-law.

[PDF page 3]

April 7, 2004 12:47 pm Page 3

BEGBATES 265A-NY-280350-302-3124
DATE 09/13/2001
INPUTBATCH NCTAJ304 (1 st Batch of unredacted 302's delivered in August)


Michael A. McNeil, date of birth DQBJ 9/11 Personal Privacy

Social Security Account Number SSANl

C6niacle6 me reaerai bureau ot Investigation FBI Grand

Junction Resident Agency GJRA from the Walker Field Airport,
2828 Walker Field Drive, Grand Junction, Colorado 81506, 970
244-9100. After being advised of the identity of the
interviewing Agent, McNeil provided the following information:

On September 11, 2001, McNeil, a free lance television

engineer sports, was a passenger on United Airline UAL Flight
1523. from LaGuardia, New York Airport to Denver in seat 6A, when
he overheard the flight communications from his plane, Cleveland
Center and UAL Flight 93, sometime after 9:00 a.m.. He had been
listening with earphones since he departed. He had been in New
York working the U.S. Tennis Open in Flushing Meadows, New York.

While listening, he heard that New York area airspace

was closed. He heard two ten second bursts of unintelligible
yelling and altercation. Cleveland Center asked for a repeat and
identification. Cleveland Center began a roll call of aircraft
in the air space. He next heard what sounded like, "I" or "We
have a bomb." The pilot or co-pilot on UAL 93 must have had
keyed open the microphone. Cleveland Center said, "Come back."
A Continental flight crew member responded with an
interpretation, "He said he had a bomb." Cleveland Center began
to instruct planes away from the area. The crew of his flight
turned off the passenger monitoring system.

After 15 to 20 minutes, the monitoring system was

activated. There was a different Cleveland Center air traffic
control, because they were in a different sector. One of the UAL
1523 flight crew asked Cleveland Center if there was any news
regarding UAL 93. Cleveland Center responded with a negative.

His plane was diverted to Chicago, and made an unusual

approach. The flight arrived at approximately 10:00 a.m. Central
Time. The plane taxied to an empty space and sat for an hour
before the passengers could deplane. He rented a car from Hertz
and drove to Grand Junction, Colorado, to return the car.

9/13/2001 Grand Junction, CO telephonically

265D-NY-280350-DN 9/13/2001

9/11 Law Enforcement Privacy

[PDF page 1]

April 2, 2004 4:54 pm Page 1

BEGPRODNO : M-INT-00000061
BEGBATES : 265A-NY-280350-302-20230
DATE =09/11/2001
INPUTBATCH : NCTA_004 (1st Batch of unredacted 302's delivered in August)
FULLTEXT : FD-302 (Rev. 10-6-95)

-1 -


Date of transcription 09/12/2001

smg date of" birthl"

Dee Ann Freeman, \Social
. Account Numhar
since 03/11/2000 by Continental Airlines Reservations, 2715 West
Jetway Avenue, Salt Lake City, Utah, telephone number \
was interviewed at the West Valley Police Department. After being .
advised of the identity of the interviewers and the purpose of the i
interview, Freeman provided the following information: .^ . , ,
..,<;/?9/11 Personal Privacy
Freeman was at work at approximately..3:15 p,.* \r 11, 2001, when she received a telephone ca

African-American customer named i .-•-•" ..;>' . ; I

I *"~lwtio was scheduled to take a •
Continental flight from Chicago O'Hare to Cleveland and'then on tiy
Continental Express to Albany on 09/21/20p:i''. I .-• I calling frqm
Chicago, was upset, alternately crying and screaming, and had \d to discuss cancelling his flight-plans as a c

friend that day aboard United Flight #93 which Had crashed. i
Freeman spoke with Johnson for approximately 34 minutes and the;
conversation ended at approximately 3:44 p-:'m. i

I .-••'' Is'aid he was a NorthWest flight attendant and tQld

Freeman that.he haa received a cell phone call from his best ;
friend, a mate flight attendant on United Flight #93, who told I
I I to "[flake care of my wife arid kids. I'm a dead man. [
We're being hijacked." The conversation was then cut off.
tried to call his friend back but the line was busy. He called the
friend's wife after the flight crashed and was told by her that she
had previously spoken with her attendant husband. He told her that
the Captain and in-flight crew had been gathered in the back of the
plane, where the Captain Was held by a hijacker with a blade to his
neck. She told I Mhat they said they were going to Camp
David. They threatened to cut the Captain's throat with a box
cutter if the crew attempted to intervene.

I bdded that United Flight #g3 had changed the flight

plan from Las Angeles to Washington D.C. just before the crash. He
said that another of the in-flight attendants was a woman who was

Investigation on at
09/11/2001 West Valley, Utah

File # Date dictated

265D-NY-280350 09/12/2001
9/11 Law Enforcement Privacy

This document contains neither recommendations nor conclusions of the FBI. It is the property of the FBI

April 2, 2004 4:51 pm Page 1

and is loaned to your agency;
it and its contents are not to be distributed outside your agency.

[PDF page 1]

FD-302a (Rev. 10-6-95)


Continuation of FD-302 of Dee Ann Freeman . On 09/11/2001 , Page 2

married to a police officer. She called her husband during the

hijacking and was told by him of the Trade Center plane crashes, so
the captain and flight crew had knowledge that they might face a
similar end. At some point the Captain made a statement using
words to the effect that "I'd rather have my throat cut," or "Maybe
I should get my throat cut." ;;;:;:;;^9/ll Personal Privacy
Freeman advised that identifying information doricernTr|g
I Imitiht PR available on the computer Contirieijjtal
Airlines Reservations in Salt Lake City, Utah: Accordingly, . , ii
Freeman and the interviewers drove her place of'/ ; j
employment in the vicinity of the Satt Lake..City airport, wher.e I \y arrived at approximately..11:58 p.m: With the

Gene Savard, Operation.Analyst, who was the supervisor on duty,

Freeman looked up.and found the manifest information contained in
the Continental Airlines Reservation system concerning I I!
I i.Savard printecl.out a copy of the computer da^a concerning
| land provided it to the interviewers. The printout i
identifies I I e-mail address agl -..•''.•' ^ ancl
indicates that he made the reservation over thg internet using a
Discover Card, card nmnhfirl Texmration date of
January 2003. There is a September 11 notation entered by Freeman
as a consequence of her conversation with I fwhich states:



[PDF page 2]

April 2, 2004 4:51 pm Page 2

9/11 Personal Privacy x/9/11 Law Enforcement
/ Privacy

BEGBATES : 265A-NY-28.P350-302-116622
DATE = 07/01/2002 '--..
INPUTBATCH : NCTA_007 (2nd Batch of unredaqted 302's delivered in October)
07/01/2002 "">:;"' /

On 06/28/2002, MARK FJUGG, Manager of Network Operations. GTE Airfone Incorporated, 2809 Buttejfjfild
Road, Oak Brook, Illinois, finsyg-annril I was interviewed via telephone by Detective III |
I Ibf the New Jersey State Police, Having .been advised of the identity of the interviewer, RUGG
provided the following information:

On 11/6/2001, RUGG provided RAI la spreadsheet detailing the GTE Airfone records from
UNITED AIRLINES FLIGHT §3 (UAL 93). Those records were subsequently made part of the Events of
09/11/2001 Investigative Summary (Appendix A-3) produced by the Newark Division. On this date, RUGG was
asked to revisit those records and provide an understanding of the various fields that were depicted in the
spreadsheet. Attached to this report is an updated spreadsheet containing the GTE Airfone records provided
by RUGG. It will be maintained as a 1A with the case file and this report will serve as a reference for it.

Each field contained in the spreadsheet was reviewed and RUGG provided the following:

Call Date Time - Although the field is self explanatory it should be noted that two calls, 8:30:32 and 8:32:39
respectively, are listed in Central Time. At the time these calls were made from UAL 93 they were processed
through the Fort Wayne, Indiana, Radio Base Station (Rbs.) This station is positioned in the Centra! Time
Zone. The remainder of the calls were processed through stations in the Eastern Time Zone.
Acis Call Id -Acis is the computer used by GTE that controls billing. Each record receives a unique index
number. The Acis Call Id is the unique number.
Aircraft Id -Field is self explanatory.
Billed Card Type -This field identifies the initials of type of company credit card used to bill call. For example,
DC stands for Diner's Club.
Billed Card -Credit card number that call is billed to.
Swiped Card Type Non Indexed - GTE assigns a two digit code to credit card companies. This field is used to
index that credit card company used.

Swiped Card - This number reflects the credit card that was originally swiped to begin call process. It does not
have to be the same as the billed card if a card is billed to a third party. This would be the case if a caller
swiped his/her credit card but then called a car rental company that pays for Airfone calls.
First Name - Once a patron is registered to a corporate calling plan through GTE or had applied for credit in
the past with GTE their name is associated with the swiped credit card that is on file with GTE. Todd Beamer
was an Oracle employee. The Oracle company has a corporate call program. When he used his Diner's Club
card that was registered with a GTE Airfone corporate call program his name was associated with the credit
M I - Field is self explanatory
Last Name - Field is self explanatory
Destination Number - This is the telephone number out pulsed from the switch at GTE Airfone corporate
headquarters in Oak Brook, Illinois.
Last Dialed Number - This is the telephone number dialed by the patron.
Manual Entry Ind - This is True or false field identifying whether a patron manually entered a credit card
Validation Approval Code Decoded - This code reflects if the credit card was validated. It is specific to
the credit card company.
Validation Reply Code - It is a unique code specific to credit card companies. The number entered reflects
validation approval or disapproval.
Gsn Id - Stands for Ground Switch Node. GTE currently has only one in the US and one in Mexico. The number
001 stands for the ground switch in Oak Brook, Illinois..
Gsn Id Lcp - Stands for Last Call Path. If a call is handed off to a different cell sites this field would reference
the last cell site utilized.
Rbs Id - Stands for Radio Base Station. It references what ground cell site was used upon origination of phone
call. The following are ID#'s that were noted on UAL 93 Airfone records. 026 Fort Wayne, Indiana; 059
Columbus, Ohio; 091 Belleville, Michigan; 065 Coraopolis, Pennsylvania "
Rbs Id Lcp -Last ground cell site utilized when phone call was terminated.
Station Group - This field references the piece of equipment to track the routing of the call.
Terminal Unit - This field references the handset that was used to place phone call.

Distribution Unit - An aircraft is split into two segments with two distribution handling the handsets.

April 2, 2004 3:16pm Page 1

Number Of Handoffs - References the number of cell site handoffs made during a call.
Operator Id - If an operator is contacted during the call the operqator's ID# is referenced. During one of Todd
Beamer's calls to his home his Diner's Club credit card was denied. This routed his call to a GTE operator.
Phyllis Johnson (PJ) was the first operator to speak to him before she transferred the call to Lisa Jefferson.
Weight On Wheels - This field references if aircraft is in flight during the call. The designation 2 reflects the
aircraft is in flight.
Duration Connect - This field references how long, in seconds, it takes for the network to connect a call to its
dialed number.
Duration Operator - This field references how long a patron speaks to an operator. During the Todd Beamer
call, 3925 seconds were tallied for how long the call to the operator lasted. According to RUGG, even though
UAL 93 had crashed GTE kept the call open.
Scp Duration -This stands for the Switch Control Processor. It reflects the duration of the telephone call.

06/28/2002Newark, NJ(telephonically)

[9/11 Law Enforcement Privacy)

Mark Rugg06/28/2002 2

Mark Rugg06/28/2002

April 2, 2004 3:16 pm Page 2

BEGPRODNO : M-INT-00036632
BEGBATES : 265A-NY-280350-302-6399
DATE = 09/11/2001
INPUTBATCH : NCTA_004 (1st Batch of unredacted 302's delivered in August)
FULLTEXT : 09/11/01

Reference San Francisco lead #SF97

On September 11.2001. Federal Bureau of Investigation .

FBI Special Agents I 9/11 Law Enforcement Privacy |
interviewed Ray Kime. Data of BirthP^^^^l Manager. System '9/11 Personal Privacy
Aircraft Maintenance Control SAMC, United Airlines, located at
the San Francisco International Airport SFO. Kime was /'
interviewed at his residence: I ~T
California. After being informed of the nature of the interview
and the identity of the interviewing Agents, Kime provided the
following information:

Kime was working the night shift at the SAMC at SFO on

the morning of September 11,2001. His job entails coordination
of communications with all flights on the ground and in the air
for mechanical related problems. His office has the ability to
make contact utilizing a system that United Airlines calls
"Starflx". The "Starfix" system gives the SAMC the ability to
converse directly with flight attendants about issues arising on
board the aircraft. The SAMC also has the ability to contact the
flight crew utilizing a system called "Air Rinc". Kime said that
this system is similar to an airborne E-mail system, where the
SAMC can type messages to the flight crew and converse as if they
were using an E-mail system.

At approximately 5:30 A.M. on September 11, 2001, Kime

was in the SAMC, when Rich Belme, a day shift coordinator in the
SAMC, entered the room. The two men discussed issues related to
the aircraft that were currently not in service. At this time,
Marc Policastro, an employee who was manning the "Starfix"
system, approached Kime and Belme and informed them that he had
just taken a call over the "Starfix" system and that the flight
attendant that was calling said that her plane, Flight #175, had
been hijacked. The flight attendant also said that the another
flight attendant on-board had been stabbed and that the flight
crew was dead. Kime advised that the "Starfix" calls were not

At this time Kime contacted System Operations Control

in Chicago, Illinois. This center, which also goes by the name

09/11/2001 Martinez, California

265D-NY-280350-SF 09/11/01

L 9/11 Law Enforcement Privacy

{PDF page 1]


Ray Kime 09/11/2001

OPB, has many functions, one of which is similar to that of a
dispatch center for all of the planes in service. Kime contacted
Rich Miles at OPB and informed him of what he had been told by
Policastro. Miles said that they knew of the hijacking, and that
it was American Airlines Flight #11. Kime told Miles that it was

April 2, 2004 4:56 pm Page 1

in fact a United Airlines plane that was hijacked. Miles and
Kime discussed the situation. Kime said that United Airlines has
a policy where Crisis Centers are set-up in this type of
situation, and Kime and Miles began to follow the checklists for
this type of scenario. At this time Belme told Policastro to
write a statement as to exactly what happened.

At approximately 6:00 A.M., another employee, Kime

believed that the name of the employee was Paul Hamilton, but was
unclear, approached Kime and Belme regarding a new call received
over the "Starfix" system. The new call was from a flight
attendant on Flight #93. The flight attendant of Flight #93. said
that three people with knives and bombs were on board and that
they were taking over the plane.

Kime said that one of the procedures after this type of

event occurs is to attempt to use the "Air Rlnc" system to
contact the flight crew. Kime said that both flights were sent
messages via "Air Rinc". The message sent to the planes
requested that the flight crews respond if they were able. The
SAMC did not receive a response from either plane.

At this time Kime contacted OPB in Chicago again. This

time he spoke to Bill Ray, the director of OPB. They continued
to talk and followed the checklist for the crisis center.

Belme said that he did not know what to tell the flight
attendants on the "Starfix" system. At this time Belme and Kime
decided to contact United Airlines Security Personnel and a day
shift employee in the SAMC contacted the FBI.

Kime also said that they received other calls from

flights with airborne related concerns. A flight from Narita,
Japan requested assistance in disabling the in-flight phone
service. Kime was unclear as to why the crew wanted this done,
but he believed that it was to limit the panic on the flight.
The flight was diverted to Anchorage, Alaska, and it seemed as if
the in-flight problems stopped after the phones were disabled.

[PDF page 2}


Ray Kime 09/11/2001 3

A United Airlines employee working in London in a

facility similar to that of SAMC, contacted the SAMC to tell them
that they had received a call from a Satellite Phone SATCOM,
from an unknown aircraft. The person on the phone sounded as if
they were being choked. Kime told the United Airlines employee
to write a statement as to these events.

Kime did not have any further information in regards to

the type of weapons used or the people who ware on-board the
aircraft. Kime was instructed to contact the SA| |or
| | f . h e had any further information.

The notes from this interview have been placed in a 1A

envelope and have been sent to the'file.

[PDF page 3]
9/11 Law Enforcement

April 2, 2004 4:56 pm Pa9e 2

,,.••'''9/11 Personal Privacy
BEGPRODNO : M-INT-00113892
BEGBATES : 265A-NY-280350-302-97362 ...:::--'
DATE = 01/24/2002 , •-<-''
INPUTBATCH : NCTA_004 (1st Batch of unredacted 302's delivered in August)
FULLTEXT : 01/25/02
DAVID PRIHF nnRl .Juiriited Airlines UAL
employee numharl Iwas contacted at his place of work, the
UAL maintenance center, San Fjahcisco International Airport, San
Francisco, California. Also present during this interview was
DOUG NIXON, of the UAk Quality Assurance section, telephone
i After being advised of the identity of the
interviewing agent and the nature of the interview, PRICE
provided the following information:

PRICE has worked for UAL for approximately 13 years.

He was initially employed as a mechanic, but has worked for the
last four years as a systems maintenance controller. Before
coming to work for UAL, he served in the Air Force as a mechanic.

When sending a message to an aircraft flight crew via

the Aircraft Communications and Reporting System ACARS, a
controller can direct the message to either a computer screen or
to a small printer, both in the cockpit. If a message is routed
to the computer screen, a flashing message indicator appears, and
a member of the flight crew must use a computer keystroke to
retrieve the message. Messages on the computer screen can then
be printed out by the flight crew using additional commands.
PRICE usually routes weather and equipment repair information
directly to the cockpit printer, so the flight crew will have a
paper copy to refer to throughout the flight. He usually routes
all other traffic to the computer screen. It is possible to shut
off the ACARS system in the cockpit by pulling a circuit breaker,
but a controller on the ground would not receive any indication
that this had happened.

PRICE came in to work at approximately 5:30 a.m. on

09/1 1/2001 . At approximately 5:45 a.m., he heard from a Starfix
technician that UAL flight 75 had been hijacked. This technician
had received a telephone call from a flight attendant on board
flight 75 via a GTE air phone. Flight crew personnel onboard
aircraft can contact Starfix technicians on the ground directly
by dialing "*fix" *349 on these phones. Starfix technicians
are mechanics who usually deal with items inside the aircraft
cabins. PRICE did not recall the name of the Starfix technician
who received the call from flight 75, but believes he has been
interviewed by FBI agents.

01/24/02 San Francisco, CA

[9/11 Law Enforcement Privacy)

[PDF page 1]


David Price 01/24/02

Immediately upon hearing of the hijacking, PRICE

advised his manager, and sent a message to flight 75 via ACARS.
PRICE directed this message to the computer screen. He could not
recall the exact text of his message, but remembered asking the

Page 1
April 2, 2004 5:06 pm
flight crew to confirm reports of an incident onboard. He did
not use any code words in this message, and he did not receive
any confirmation of receipt from the flight crew. PRICE also
contacted the UAL facility in London, England, and advised them
to try and contact flight 75. PRICE subsequently heard reports
that flight 75 had crashed, and did not send any more messages to
that flight.

At approximately 6:30 or 6:45 a.m., RICH BELME, another

systems maintenance controller, received a call from a flight
attendant on board UAL flight 9_3_ via a GTE air phone. This
flight attendant advised BELME that flight 9_3_ had been hijacked.
Upon hearing this, PRICE again advised his manager, then sent an
ACARS message to the computer screen in the cockpit of flight 93.
When PRICE was shown the text of this message, contained in the
log of ACARS messages to flight 93, PRICE recognized it as the
message he sent. He specifically remembered that he asked the
aircrew to confirm reports of an "incident," and did not use the
word "hijacking." PRICE did not use any code words in this
message, and did not receive any confirmation of receipt from the
flight crew. He subsequently heard reports that flight 93 had
crashed, and did not send any more messages to that flight.

PRICE believes that BELME was interviewed by FBI agents

immediately after the hijackings in September.

[PDF page 2]

April 2, 2004 5:06 pm Page 2

BEGPRODNO : M-INT-00104326
BEGBATES : 265A-NY-280350-302-87231
DATE = 12/10/2001
INPUTBATCH : NCTAJD04 (1 st Batch of unredacted 302's delivered in August)
FULLTEXT : FD-302 (Rev. 10-6-95)

...-•'"9/11 Personal Privacy

-1 -

Date of transcription 12/10/2001

LOIS DANVIR, Manager of Emergency Response Planning,

United Airlines UA. 1200 East Algonquin Road, Elk Grave Village,
Illinois, 60007.F~ ~\g been advised of the
identity of the interviewing agent and the purpose of the interview
provided the following information during telephonic interviews on
11/5/2001 and 12/10/2001:

As Manager of Emergency Response Planning for UA, DANVIR

was responsible for, among other things, insuring that contact was
made with the next of kin of the passengers on UA Flight 93. in the
aftermath of the hijackings and terrorist attacks on 9/11/2001. As
the news of the hijackings was released, UA began receiving
telephone inquiries from individuals regarding possible passengers
on these flights. UA posted a toll free number which was accessible
within the United States US. The phone number was 800 932-8555.
Individuals in foreign countries would have to call the regular
reservation phone numbers in that particular country.

On 9/11/2001 the phone inquiries were handled by UA

Reservation Agents RA. The RA's had a "fill-in" format on their
computer screens. The RA's entered caller information into their
computers. The information would then be printed out. All printed
reports were retained. UA does not save any of these records on the
computer. All reports were generated on paper at the time of the
call. There are no computer records of any of the calls received
pertaining to UA FJight 93.

Prior to 2PM on 9/11/2001, the RA's did not have the

passenger manifest for Flight 93. Prior to obtaining the manifest,
the RA's inputted information into their computers from all callers
making passenger inquiries. This information included the name of
the passenger being inquired about. After obtaining the manifest,
the RA's would check the name being inquired about against the
manifest. If the check was negative the call would be let go, and
the name of the caller would not be recorded. If the check was
positive, information on the caller would be loaded into the
computer and printed.

Investigation on at
11/5-12/10/01 Newark, N. J. telephonically

File # Date dictated

by 9/11 Law Enforcement Privacy

This document contains neither recommendations nor conclusions of the FBI. It is the property of the FBI
and is loaned to your agency;

April 2, 2004 5:04 pm Page 1

it and its contents are not to be distributed outside your agency.

[PDF page 1]

FD-302a (Rev. 10-6-95)

,?9/ll Law Enforcement

265A-NY-280350-NK / / j \n of FO-302 of LOIS DANVIR , 0n

11/5-12/10/Olage. 2 ; \e headquarters for the Special Assistance1 Cente

set up at the UA Reservation Center in Chicago, located on the i

outskirts of O'Hare Airport. UA made contact with the next of jkin, \f any passengers whom they had not received i

believes that contact had been made with/every family by the i

evening of 9/11/2001. At that time UA had received approximately;
46,000 calls. UA received approximately 100,000 inquiries by the ;
Monday after 9/11/2001. / / i i

DANVIR had contact with .F Bl Special Agentl j j

who is stationed at O'Hare Airport/SAL fohone numbers are
| ~| 24 hour number. ;

The printed records of the phone calls are being i

maintained by UA. DANVIR is the point of contact should th<pse
reports be needed for a future court proceeding. |

Family Assistance Representatives FAR's have been

assigned for each of the Flight 93 victim's families. The Dublin
reservations office worked with the family of passenger CHRISTIAN
ADAMS who was from Germany. The Tokyo reservation office worked
with the family of passenger TOSHIYA KUGE, who is from Japan.

File folders have been prepared for each of the .!

passengers, including the hijackers. The files for each passenger
include all of the reports generated from inquiries made regarding
that passenger. DANVIR requests that a subpoena be provided if the
FBI needs records of the inquiries/notifications pertaining tq the
victims. j
A review of the records indicates that no inquiries! were
made of UA pertaining to the hijackers by either their family
members or friends. DANVIR would be able to testify regarding that
information if so needed at a later date. |

On 11/13/2001 DANVIR e-mailed SAl la list of UA

Flight 93 passengers. The list included the names of the next of
kin, as well as the names or relationship of the person making the
inquiry regarding the passenger. The list also specified whether UA
was contacted, or whether UA made contact with the family. This
list is being retained in the 1A section of the case file. DANVIR
would be able to provide more specific information regarding the
next of kin, Reservation Agents and Family Assistance
Representatives if necessary.

[PDF page 2]

FD-302a (Rev. 10-6-95)

Page 2
April 2, 2004 5:04 pm

Continuation of FD-302 of LOIS DANVIR , On ,P

11/5-12/10/01age 3

[PDF page 3]

April 2, 2004 5:04 pm Pa9e 3

BEGPRODNO : M-INT-001 12509 /9/11 Personal Privacy
BEGBATES : 265A-NY-280350-302-96202
DATE = 01/16/2002 \R : MARK RUGG
INPUTBATCH : NCTA_004 (1st Batch of unredacted 302's delivered in/August)

Date bf transcription 01/16/2002

On 10/31/2001 MARK RUGG, Manager of Network Operations,

GTE Airfnnft Inmrnnrated. 2809 Butterfield Road. Oak Brook,
iinnnicl I- eel! phonel-Iwas
interviewed via telephone by Special Agent SAI I
of the Newark Division. Having been advised of the identity of the
interviewing agent and the purpose of the interview, RUGG provided /
the following information:

RUGG advised that he would forward

documentation of all GTE Airfone phone calls made ffom United /
Airlines UA Flight 93 on 9/1 1/2001 . ;

On 11/6/2001 SAI I received & Federal Express

package from RUGG. The package contained the following documents:

1 . A seating diagram consistent with UAjFlight 93,

2. A three 3 page spreadsheet depicting: GTE Airfbne
call activity on UA Flight 93 on 9/1 1/2001 which included the date
of call, the time of call, call billing information,\number dialed,
distribution unit and terminal unit. \
3. A spread sheet which lists approximate seat locations
of GTE Airfone phones as determined by the distribution .unit and
terminal unit. i ; /

The above listed items have been placed irt a 1 A envelope

and retained in the 1 A section of this file. \

/9/11 Law Enforcement Privacy

Investigation o n at , . . _ . , .
10/31/01 Oak Brook, IL telephonically

Piie # . Date dictated

265A-NY-280350-302 ,
by ' '
This document contains neither recommendations nor conclusions of the FBI. It is the property of the FBI
and is loaned to your agency;
it and its contents are not to be distributed outside your agency.

[PDF page 1]

Page 1
April 2, 2004 3:38 pm
BEGPRODNO : M-INT-00008857
BEGBATES : 265A-NY-280350-302-39685 - .9/11 Personal Privacy
DATE = 09/11/2001 .... , J
INPUTBATCH : NCTAJD04 (1st Batch of unredacted 302's delivered in August)
FULLTEXT : 09/11/2001

On September 11. 2Q&V. at approximately 1930 hours

Special Agent's SA'sJU
were assigned.atead to contact and interview RON MAY, AT I__I
I 1 The purpose of this interview was to speak with MAY
reference a telephone call with his daughter RENEE MAY while she .
was on board American Airlines Flight 77.

Mr. May informed SAI l-thathe was not interested

in speaking at this time, however would speak witty SA's I I
and! Ion September 12.2001. SA| |wil[contact May ,. \d meet reference information retated to tha..phon

/9/11 Law Enforcement

/' Privacy

09/11/2001 Las Vegas; Nevada (telephonically)

265D-NY-280350 . 09/11/2001

[PDF page 1]

April 2, 2004 3:48 pm Pa9e 1

BEGPRODNO : M-INT-00000058
BEGBATES : 265A-NY-280350-302-22170
DATE =09/11/2001
INPUTBATCH : NCTA_004 (1st Batch of unredacted 302's delivered in August)
FULLTEXT : FD-302 (Rev. 10-6-95)

-1 -


/9/11 Personal Privacy
/ Date of transcription 09/11/2001

Teresa Gonzalez, operator for AT&T Cervices AT&T,

telephonically contacted the Federal Bureau of Investigation FBI
to report an emergency phone call received by AJ&T. After being
advised of the identity of the interviewing agent and the nature of
the interview, she provided the following informa.tion:

Mercy Lorenzo, also an operator with AT&T, received a

call from a female passenger on flight 77 requesting to be
transferred to telephone number I I The female
passenger advised the plane was being hi-jacked. Hi-jackers were
ordering passengers to move to the back of the plane and were armed
with guns and knives. Lorenzo indicated the pilot might not yet be
aware of the take over of the plane.

Additionally, the number provided was the number of the

passenger's husband. He is a Sergeant and resides in Washington,

Investigation on at
09/11/2001 Los Angeles, California telephonically
File # Date dictated
265D-NY-280350-LA 09/11/2001
9/11 Law Enforcement Privacy

This document contains neither recommendations nor conclusions of the FBI. It is the property of the FBI
and is loaned to your agency;
it and its contents are not to be distributed outside your agency.

[PDF page 1]

April 2, 2004 3:49 pm Page 1

BEGPRODNO : M-INT-00008874
BEGBATES : 265A-NY-280350-302-39718
DATE = 09/12/2001
INPUTBATCH : NCTA_004 (1st Batch of unredacted 302's delivered in August)
FULLTEXT : 09/12/2001 "'/9/11 Personal Privacy
Ronald and Nancv May, home addressr J
J were contacted at
their home on September 12, 2001, at approximately 11:15 am, by
Special Agent SA| t. and /
FBI Hhaplair* | After being provided with the
identities of the interviewing agents and Chaplain .Mr.
and Mrs. May provided the following information:

On September 11, 2001, at approximately 6:13 am, Nancy/

May received a telephone call from her daughter, Renee May, g /.
flight attendant with American Airlines. Renee May advised her'-, / \r that she was on American Airlines Flight #77 and

were being hijacked. She indicated there were six 6 hijackers / .

and that the hijackers had moved them (unknown if she meant a/t
the passengers or only the flight crew) to the back of the plane.,.?
Renee May asked her mother to call American Airlines to make sure
they knew of the hijacking and provided the following three ph;6ne
numbers for her mother to call: ;/ ,/9/H Law Enforcement
' Privacy

During the phone conversation, Nancy May heard a male voice in/
the background who seemed to be assisting Renee with providing
the correct telephone numbers for American Airlines. Ngncy May
did not know whether her daughter was utilizing an in-flight
telephone or her own personal cellular telephone 410/935-4315.
The connection with her daughter was then lost. . /

Following this conversation, Nancy and Rori May

immediately contacted Patty Carson at American Airlines to relay
the information provided by their daughter. After confirming the
flight number and providing Renee May's employed number to Patty
Carson, Ron May was advised that American Ajrliries would check
into the information they had provided and would call them back.

Later, in the early afternoon, American Airlines

contacted Ron and Nancy May and informed them that their
daughter's flight had been the plane that was crashed into the
Pentagon and provided them with American Airlines telephone
numbers that they could call periodically to get updated
information. At that time, the Mays-were al$b asked for

09/12/2001 [


[PDF page 1]


Ronald & Nancy May 09/12/2001

permission to release their telephone number to the FBI so that

an Agent would speak with them. Ron May gave permission and was
subsquently called and telephonically interviewed by Special

April 2, 2004 4:21 pm Page 1

....-•••"" 9/11 Law Enforcement Privacy

Agent f ofthe FBI Washington Field Office, telephone

numbefl ~\d May was advised by SAI Tthat
FBI Agents from the Las Vegas Division would be contacting he and
his wife in person. Ronald May was also later contacted by Susie
Freeman from the American Airlines Office in Chicago and advised
that she had been assigned to assist the Mays through this
incident and would be flying out to see them as soon as national
flights resume.

It should be noted that Jeff May and Ken May, Ronald

and Nancy's sons brothers of Renee May were also present during
the interview.

[PDF page 2]

April 2, 2004 4:21 pm Page 2

BEGPRODNO : M-INT-00003811
BEGBATES : 265A-NY-280350-302-30777
DATE =09/11/2001
INPUTBATCH : NCTA_004 (1st Batch of unredacted 302's delivered in August)
FULLTEXT : FD-302 (Rev. 10-6-95)

-1 -


Date of transcription 09/11/2001

Theodore Olson, Solicitor General. United States of

America, was interviewed at his residence. I
I I: After being advised of the identity of the
interviewing agents and the nature"ofthe+rvterview, Qlsori
furnished the following information. 9/11 Personal Privacy

Barbara Olson, Theodore's wife, was a passenger on

American Flight # 77. departing Dulles Airport at approximately
8:1 Oam or 8:30am this morning, bound for LAX Airport in Los
Angeles, Oalifornia. i

At approximately 9:00am this morning, He did not look at

his watch, one of the women in his office advised him of the
terrorist attack at the World Trade Center WTC in N0w York. He
went to his back office and turned on the television. jAt that time
they were rerunning film of the second plane hitting the WTC.

At this time one of the women in his officje told him that
Barbara was on the phone. Helen Voss is his regular secretary.
She did not relay the call from his wife. It was someqne else in
the office. At the time he was thanking God that her flight could
not have had enough time to get to New York. He picked up the call
from his wife and spoke for about one 1 minute. Barbara told him
that her plane had been hijacked. She said they had: knives and box
cutters. He asked if they knew she was on the phona and she
replied that they didn't. Barbara told him that they pujt the
passengers in the back of the plane. She had been sitting in first
class. Olson's call was then cut off. i

After the first call. Olson used his direct lifie to the
Attorney General, but was unable to reach him, so he called the DOJ
Command Center and requested someone come to hjs office. He told
them that his wife's plane had been hijacked and gave them the
flight number. He wanted to pass this information to $omeone who
could possibly do something. \y after, the same person buzzed him again and said

Barbara was on the phone again. Barbara was put through to him.
Barbara said the pilot had announced that the plane had been

Investigation on at
9/11/01 C

File # Date dictated

. 9/11 Law Enforcement Privacy

This document contains neither recommendations nor conclusions of the FBI. It is the property of the FBI

April 2, 2004 4:24 pm Page 1

and is loaned to your agency;
it and its contents are not to be distributed outside your agency.

[PDF page 1]

FD-302a(Rev. 10-6-95)


Continuation of FD-302 of Theodore Olson , On 9/11/01 .Page 2

hijacked. She asked Olson what she should tell the captain to do.
Olson asked her for her location. She said they were over homes
and asked someone else in the plane who said they were traveling
North East. Olsen told his wife that two planes had been hijacked
and hit the WTC. Barbara did not seemed panicked. This call was
then cut off. She didn't manifest anything about a crash. Olson
then went back to the television and learned of the crash at the

Barbara did not say anything to describe the hijackers,

but did refer to them as "they". She told him "they" had knives
and box cutters. She did not make any statements about the
hijackers stabbing or slashing the passengers.

Barbara Olson's cell phone number is 202 365-5889.

Olson doesn't know if the calls were made from her cell phone or
the telephone on the plane. She always has her cell phone with

[PDF page 2]

April 2, 2004 4:24 pm Page 2

,/;9/ll First Responder/Family
/ iPrivacy
BEGPRODNO : M-INT-00103318 / I \S : 265A-NY-280350-302-86447


INPUTBATCH : N0TA_004 (1st Batch of unredacted 302's delivered in August)
FULLTEXT : f?D-302 (Rev. 10-6-95) / j \: BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION

I Date of transcription 09/12/2001

On this date, SAl "Tvas assigned a lead from the WFO

Command Center reference the Pentagon incident that took plaqe on
9/1 1/2001 . The lead-listed a contact person, R0N MAY, telephone
number I Irelative to a Flight Attendant on American ,
Airlines, Flight #77, that crashed into the Pentagon Building.

At approximately 5:30 pm, SAl Icontacted RONAtD MAY,

j at telephone numberT~1
JMAY provided..thefollowing information:

....--'" ..MAY stated that his daughter is RENEE MAY 39 Y.O.A..

.."61 flight attendant with American Airlines. At exactly 6:13
...-••'' ....-• aTm. Pacific Time, his wife NANCY MAY was called at their
...--•"' .....--•""" residence by RENEE MAY. RENEE was calling the family on what they
.,.-"" ... believed was her cellular phone. RENEE stated that she was on
.,.-••'' ... American Airlines Flight #77 bound for Los Angeles from Dulles
., - .....--""" International Airport. RENEE told her mother that the flight she
/..;:: was on had been hijacked by six 6 hijackers. RENEE further
•o'"/i i „ , . explained that the hijackers put "us" in the back of the airplane.
9/11 Law Enforcement
Privacy SAl khen spoke directly with NANCY MAY, the mother
of RENEE MAY, about the conversation she had with her daughter.
NANCY MAY verified the information provided by her husband and
further stated that her daughter sounded as though she was very
calm during the conversation. NANCY MAY further stated that her
daughter gave her contact phone numbers for American Airlines and
asked her mother to call the numbers in case the airlines were not
informed about the hijacking. NANCY MAY also indicated that she
could hear several other people in the background of the
conversation attempting to give contact numbers to her daughter.

After getting off the telephone with their daughter, the

MAY family immediately called the contact numbersJ I
and) [provided to them by RENEE, and spoke with PATH
CARSON at American, informing her about the situation on
the flight. After providing the Information to the airlines, the
MAY family was unable to contact ttieir..daughter again on her
cellular phone. ...

9/11 Personal Privacy

.Investigation on at
9/11/2001 Washington, D.C.

File .# Date dictated

by 1 I
This document contains neither recommendations nor conclusions of the FBI. It is the property of the FBI
and is loaned to your agency;

April 2, 2004 4:37 pm Page 1

it and its contents are not to be distributed outside your agency.

[PDF page 1}

FD-302a (Rev. 10-6-95)

.,.•-•'9/11 Law Enforcement Privacy


Continuation of FD-302 of Interview of RONALD and NANCY MAY , On 9/11/2001 , Page 2

:QNA'LD MAY provided the following personal information to

5AJ > regarding her their daughter, RENEE MAY:

Sex: Female
Age: 39 Y.O.A.
Address: not provided
Cellular Phone Number: 410 935-4315

The MAY'S stated that their daughter has worked for

American Airlines for approximately 15-16 yrs. and is based out of
the Washington-Baltimore area. The MAY'S also stated that RENEE MAY
has a fiancee and an uncle living in the Baltimore area.


[PDF page 2]

April 2, 2004 4:37 pm Pa9e 2

_...--"" 9/11 Law Enforcement Privacy

BEGPRODNO : M-INT-00158680 .
BEGBATES : 265A-NY-280350-IN-41864 .,-"""
DATE = 09/20/2001 .,-•"""
INPUTBATCH : NCTA_004 (1st Batch of unredacted 302's delivered in August)
FULLTEXT : On September 20. 2001. Intelligence Operations Specialist.
I I Conducted the following analysis of the airphone
usage on board the hijacked American Airline flights #11 and #77.


The following charts display the unique telephone calls

Eastern time that were made using the airphones on American
Airline flights #11 and #77, on Tuesday morning September 11,
2001. The charts also list the calling card or credit card number
that was used to make each call from the airphones on those
flights. This report does not contain any personal cell phone
calls that may have been made by the passengers, flight crew,
or hijackers. Moreover, the cell site hand-off phases of each
call are not included in this report. Although the identity
and seat number of each caller could not be determined, this
information is being furnished for whatever investigative
response is deemed appropriate.

NA = The flight records did not contain the information for that
particular call.

0,3 = It is not clear why the callers dialed these individual

numbers, but zero 0 may have been dialed in an attempt
to contact a live AT&T operator.


Number Called Time Calling Card Credit Card Number

1. 800-433-7300 8:18am AT&T CUD 8440417162

2. 3:22am NA NA NA

3. 8:25am NPT 8707936486

4. NA 8:28am NA NA """" NA..

5. NA 8:16am NA NA NA '

6. NA 8:20am NA NA NA ;:?:'9/ll Personal Privacy

7. I8:24am MA NA NA..., " ,,::::>

8. NA 8:25am NA NA. .---""NA .,••/•'''

9. NPT 8707.936486
1C 8:32am NPT ..4707936486

[PDF page 1]


Number Called Time Calling Card Credit Card Number

1.L J9:11 arii NA NA NA

2. NA 9:14affl NA NA NA
3. C I9:12am Visa 4744770000706490
4. 0,3,0 9:15am NA NA NA

April 2, 2004 4:38 pm Pagel

5.01 J9:18am NA NA NA

6. 0,3,0 9:20am NA ,. NA NA
7. 0,3,0 9:25am NA ..NA NA
8. 0,3,0 9:30am NA NA ,.. NA


On flight #11, at least one call was made to 800-433-7300 ...

American Airlines , with AT&T CUD calling card number
8440417162. even though it is a toll-free number. Approximately ....'.'.'.::::,.
five separate calls were made to I IfBoston Flight ... --f:: '9/11 Personal Privacy
Service MOD Office) in Massachusetts, and three of these calls... .
used NPT calling card number 8707936486. At least four other .
unique calls, or attempted calls, were made to unknown numbers.
All of the airphone calls were made between 8:1.6am and 8:32am.


On Flight #77. at least two calls were telephone

nnmherl~ ~kiihsr.riher unknown .in Nevada, and one of
them used Visa card number 4744770000766490 to make the call.
Another caller dialed zero 0. and was subsequently connected
to telephone numbed HSolicitor General's Office
in the District of Columbia. Approximately four other telephone
calls were made directly to the number zero 0, and the
callers may have dialed a three 3 and then another zero 0
before the calls were terminated. One other call was made to
an unknown telephone number. All of the airphone calls were
made between 9:11 am and 9:30am.

[PDF page 2]

April 2. 2004 4:38 pm Page 2

BEGPRODNO : M-INT-00048160
BEGBATES : 265A-NY-280350-302-63164
DATE = 09/19/2001
INPUTBATCH : NCTA 004 (1st Batch of unredacted 302's delivered in August)
FULLTEXT : FD-302 (Rev. 10-6-95) 19/11 First
-1 - / Privacy

Date of/transcription 09/19/2001

EARL ALEXANDER DORSEY, black male, datetf birth!

I was interviewed at
V After
being advised of the identity of the interviewing Agents and the
nature of the interview, he provided the following information:

DORA MARIE MENCHACA, the deceased wife of DORSEY, was born

on June 6,1956 and grew up in San Antonio, Texas. MENCHACA's
parents, JOSE and IGNACIA MENCHACA, still currently live in San
Antonio. MENCHACA had three brothers, JOSE JR., JOHN, MARK, and two
sisters, NANCY and JACQULIN.

DORSEY and MENCHACA were married on June 25,1988 and have

two children, IMANI DORSEY, date of birth December 20,1982, and
JARYD DORSEY, date of birth October 7,1996.

MENCHACA was employed as a research scientist at Amagen

Inc., One Amgen Center Drive, Thousand Oaks, California 91320,
business phone 805 447-3611.

DORSEY, their son JARYD, and MENCHACA were in Greensboro,

North Carolina during the weekend of September 8-9,2001. On Sunday
September 9,2001, MENCHACA boarded a 5:40 PM flight on American
Airlines to Washington, D.C. The purpose of MENCHACA's trip was to
have a business meeting with the Federal Drug Administration FDA
on September 10-11, 2001. DORSEY believes that MENCHACA may have
booked this flight and her return flight to Los Angeles on September
11, 2001, through the Amagen Travel Agency.

DORSEY spoke to MENCHACA at approximately 6:50 PM on

Sunday September 9, 2001, after she arrived in Washington, D.C.
DORSEY does not know where MENCHACA stayed while she was in
Washington, D.C. or how she got back and forth from the airport.

MENCHACA was scheduled to meet with the FDA on September

10 and September 11, 2001 and she was originally scheduled to fly
back to Los Angeles at approximately 2:00 PM or later on Tuesday,
September 11, 2001; however, the meeting with the FDA ended ahead of
schedule on Monday, September 10, 2001. DORSEY spoke telephonically

Investigation on at
9/19/01 Santa Monica, California

File # Date dictated

265A-NY-280350-302 9/19/01
i i
9/11 Law Enforcement Privacy
uy | I *
This document contains neither recommendations nor conclusions of the FBI. It is the property of the FBI

April 2, 2004 4:41 pm Pa9e 1

and is loaned to your agency;
it and its contents are not to be distributed outside your agency.

[PDF page 1]

FD-302a (Rev. 10-6-95)

9/11 First Responder/Family Privacy

265A-NY-280350-302 \n of FD-302 of EARL ALEXANDER pORSEY , On 9/19/01 .P

to MENCHACA on two or three occasions on September 10, 2001. During

these conversations, MENCHACA advisedUhat her meeting had ended
early and that she was going to attempt to catch an earlier flight
on Tuesday, September 11,2001. DORSEY's last conversation with
MENCHACA was at approximately 11:00 PM. EST on September 10, 2001.
During this conversation, DORSEY and MENCHACA agreed that MENCHACA
would call DORSEY's cell phone on September 11, 2001, to leave a
message pertaining to which flight she would be returning on.
DORSEY stated that it was agreed that MENCHACA would call DORSEY's
cell phone rather than the phone at their residence so as to not
wake up their son who would still be asleep.

At approximately 8:00 AM EST 5:00 PST on September 11.

2001, MENCHACA called DORSEY's cell phnngl I and left
a voice mail advising that she had caught an earlier flight back to
Los Angeles. DORSEY advised that, based upon the context of the
voice mail, it appeared that MENCHACA was calling from the boarding
area just prior to getting on the flight.

On Tuesday, September 11, 2001, at approximately 8:40 AM

PST, DORSEY received a telephone call from MENCHACA's mother
advising that there had been a plane crash and wanting to know if
MENCHACA was alright. DORSEY told MENCHACA's mother that MENCHACA's
flight departed from Washington D.C. and that she was probably
alright. Approximately 15 minutes later, MENCHACA's secretary
called to inquire if MENCHACA had changed her travel plans. DORSEY
advised MENCHACA's secretary of the change in travel plans. At
approximately 7:00 AM PST, MENCHACA began watching television
coverage of the airplane crashes. At approximately 7:30-7:45 AM,
DORSEY called American Airlines automated information system to try
to get information concerning MENCHACA's flight, American Airlines
flight #77, but he was not able to learn any information. DORSEY
subsequently spoke to an American Airlines representative but again
was not able to get any information pertaining to the flight.
DORSEY then tried to learn information from American Airline's
internet sight, but again was not successful. Later, DORSEY saw
coverage of the airplane crashes and learned that a flight in
Washington, D.C. had crashed. At approximately 8:10-8:20 AM, DORSEY
learned from television coverage that Flight #77 had crashed in
Washington. At approximately 8:40 AM, DORSEY learned from an
Associated Press AP news report that Flight #77 had been hijacked.
DORSEY then called MENCHACA's parents in Texas, their daughter in
Portland, and friends in Los Angeles to advise them of the crash.
During this time, American Airlines did not initiate contact with
DORSEY to advise that MENCHACA's plane had crashed. DORSEY's

[PDF page 2]

FD-302a (Rev. 10-6-95)

April 2, 2004 4:41 pm Page 2


Continuation of FD-302 of EARL ALEXANDER DORSEY , On 9/19/01 .Page 3

brother and a friend went to Los Angeles International Airport LAX

to talk to American Airlines about the crash. DORSEY was in contact
with American Airlines later in the day regarding the unconfirmed
list of passengers on Flight #77. DORSEY later learned that
American Airlines had contacted MENCHACA's employer to advise that
MENCHACA had been on Flight #77.

DORSEY advised that MENCHACA's luggage consisted of two

black bags, one was a rolling piece with a carry on that can be
strapped to the top of it. MENCHACA did carry a purse but DORSEY
did not know the exact contents of it other than it most likely
contained a wallet with credit cards and some photographs inside, a
cell phone, and eyeglasses.

DORSEY was not aware of any threats that had been made
towards MENCHACA. He advised that she would have told him of any
threats made towards her.

MENCHACA had life insurance through AMGEN. MENCHACA's

health insurance was through U.S. Healthcare. DORSEY advised that
she had recently been using a new personal physician but he did not
know the identity of the doctor. MENCHACA had not undergone any
type surgical of procedures since being married to DORSEY. DORSEY
had information regarding MENCHACA's dentist on his persona!
computer; however, DORSEY advised that the computer had recently
crashed and he was not able to access that information.

DORSEY provided the following physical description of


- Ethnic background - Mexican-American

- Height - 5'6 Vi" tall
- Weight -170 pounds
- Hair - Salt and pepper colored; cheek length
- Eyes - Hazel; wears glasses/contact lens
- Other - one circular scar on the right or left wrist
wore wedding band with 4-5 diamonds in a row
on ring finger of left hand.
pierced ears - usually wore stud type earrings

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BEGPRODNO : M-INT-00125731
BEGBATES : 265A-NY-280350-302-107780 ./ 9 /ll Law Enforcement Privacy
DATE = 12/19/2001 / i\R : INTERVIEW

FULLTEXT : FD-302 (Rev. 10-6-95) // \\ /1 - i \L BtJFtEAU OF: INVESTIGATION

/; / ! \Dateoftranscription 12/19/2001

I /I'Special lnvest|gator\and Firearms

Instructor, Firearms Training Unit, FBI Academy, was interviewed at
the Dulles International Airport. Also present for initial part of
the interview were Assistant-United States Attorneys ROBERT
SPENCER, Eastern District of Virginia, KENNETH KARAS, Southern
District of New York, and .0AVID J. NOVAK, EDVA, Richmond Division.
After being advised of the identities of the interviewing and
observation Aaents.r" / J provided the following information:

I [escorted the interviewing Agents aboard a United

Airlines UA Boeing 757 for the purpose of a farriiliarizatioh
exercise, i [pointed out and described the functionality of
the Aircraft Communication and Reporting System ACAR$, the Flight
Management Computers FMCs, the Inertial Reference Units IRUs,
the VOR, autopilot and communications systemis of the plaVie.

Regarding the FMC, the flight path ip programmed in the

FMC by either entering latitude and longitude coordinates or the
three letter identifier for a specific navigation aioj navaid or \. After the initial flight path has been entered in the

GPS, anyone with some familiarity with the FMC system can easily
modify the initial flight plan with only a few keystrokes. The \l Boeing 737-300 series possesses an FMC w

to the 757 but commercial Boeing 727s do not Have an FMC. \g GPS systems.! ladvised that with a

handheld GPS, one could travel to an area and obtain a way point
to determine the coordinates for that particular place. The wave,
points can then be used to manually fly the aircraft to the desired
location. In addition by entering the latitude and longitude of \e wave point into the FMC, the pilot can progra

200 miles of the tower site to receive the radial beacon signal. \e VOR is an older navigational aid and is ty

265A-NY-280350-302 12/19/2001


This document contains neither recommendations nor conclusions of the FBI. It is the property of the FBI

April 27, 2004 11:15 am Page 1

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FD-302a (Rev. 10-6-95)

_...;:="'/]9/ll Law Enforcement Privacy
Continuation of FD-302 of | [ //Oh 12/18/2001 , Page 2

back up to land the plane in the event the elecjroniq GPS aids are
not functioning. . .• . I

I 1 pointed out the microphones from which records

sounds on the Cockpit Voice Recorder CVR. Thes.e microphones are
located above the Captain's head, in.the Pilot's and First
Officer's radio headset, the Captain and First Officer's handheld
radio and in the Captain's and First Officer's oxygen masks.
Federal Aviation Administration ,FAA regulations dictate oxygen
mask usage by the Pilot or the Firs.t Officer in theievent the Pilot
or First Officer is alone in the-cocjfpjt at altitudes greater than
25,000 feet. FAA regulations further dictate that .when a
commercial airliner is flying at altitudes greater than 41,000
feet, both the Captain arid the, First Officer are required to wear
an oxygen mask when in thecockpit. I hoted that oxygen mask
usage results in muffled voices and speculated that the occurrence
of muffled voices oil the CVR could be indicative of oxygen mask
usage. I [demonstrated the functionality of the aircraft's
radio and public address PA buttons. These buttons control with
whom the Captain or the First Officer speaks. Only one of the
buttons can be selected at a time. There are two sets of the
buttons. One set isfor the Captain and the other is for the First
Officer. I |rJid not believe that the hijacker pilot used the
Captain's headset because the headset probably would not have fit
him properly and would have been tossed aside. If the headset were
tossed aside, the CVR may reflect banging noises if the headset
impacted the walls of the cockpit.

A fire axe is located behind the seat of the First

Officer near the floor. The First Officer sits on the right of the
cockpit while the Captain sits on the left. The fire axe is used to
break through panels to aid in the extinguishing of on-board fires
and is also used as an extrication tool for escape. Some Boeing
757s have two jumpseats in the cockpit while others only have one.

Since September 11, 2001./

9/11 Closed by Statute

Cockpit keys are maintained by the Captain, the First

Officer and some Flight Attendants. Some Flight Attendants used to
carry the cockpit key on their security badge neck chains. Prior
to September 11, 2001, a cockpit key was also maintained outside
the cockpit in the forward galley area.

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FD-302a (Rev. 10-6-95)

April 27, 2004 11:15 am Page 2

Law Enforcement Privacy


Continuation of FD-302 of | [ , On 12/18/2001 .Page 3

| demonstrated the .use of/the AGARS system by

retrieving and displaying several weather reports; which had been
sent earlier in the day. The ACARS system is a VHR-IJ>ased radio
system which is synchronized wiltK Coordinated ilnivfefsal Time UTC.
ACARS messages are received on either the ACARS Display screen or a
small printer.! ^printed but an example .of ia piriftted ACARS
message. This message wa£-placed in a/IA env.elope;. A visual
indicator on the ACARS scre.en labeled "IUSG1'flashes! when a message
is received. This indicator is difficultto sge. Because the
indicator is difficult to se.e/critical m.essa,ges are typically
forwarded to the printer which is mbre obvious to the; Captain or
First Officer rather than to the display screen; ; ; ;

provided access to the prelirhiriary National

Traffic Safety Boaro* NTSB UA $3 Flight Prqfilej Flight Data
Recorder FDR narrative, Altitude Profile graph and FDR graphs.
The full flight FDR graph reflected that at about 09:4p, the
altitude of the aircraft increased to over 40|QOO feet While the
speed decreased to less than 200 knots. I • Inoted that a
potential stajf of the aircraft might have occurred if the aircraft
speed had .decreased to less than 190 knots at this altitude.
plarified that a.stall in tfie engines would not have
occurred, however, "the/wings Would have stopped flying.

The NTSB Final 6-minute FDR graph, Flight Profile and FDR
narrative reflect that at about 10:00, a "serie$ of control Column
inputs caused the aircraft to pitch nosefup ahd nose-down
aggressively" which caused the gravitational pull to range from +4
to -1 G. I InntBri that the FDR;graph only reflected the
negative G force to -1 G an,d questioned whiether the nedative G
force was even measurable at a level/greater than -1 G.I "H
speculated that UA flight §3 might have experienced negative G
force greater than -1 G. The Boeing/757 is rated for negative G
force up to -1 G. Any negative G force greater than -1 would have
unpredictable and potentially detrimental effects on the integrity
of the aircraft's structure. I [speculated that the UA flight
93 was probably "comipg apart" if the negative G force of the
aircraft was greater than -1 G. ;;

The Flight Plan Forecast contains weather briefings and

might also contain previous pilot reports.;

I Ireviewed the UA ACARS log for UA flight 93 on

9/11/2001. The abbreviation EWR is the three letter identifier for
Newark International Airport. The abbreviation CHIDD represents

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FD-302a(Rev. 10-6-95)


Continuation of FD-302 of | | , On 12/18/2001 .Page 4

April 27, 2004 11:15 am Page 3

.•J9/11 Law Enforcement Privacy

the DA Dispatch in Chicago, IL. The abfreyialjori D.TW is the three

letter identifier for Detroit International Airport/The; \n JFKFOUA refers to the UA (rfigtit Operations Office at

JFK International Airport P" IrniWmarSfoH ihkf tha message sent

from UA flight 93 at 13.:21 9:21 Easterr/Time indicated that the
Captain had encountered occasionaLflght,.<;hop $nd the wind was
290/50.1 Isurmised that the.:.Capta)h coqld have delayed
allowing cabin movement due to the occasionaliigtH c.hop.

Regarding the message stating "Leroy, Mjelody wants to

make sure you are o.k. send me back a message"iwtvjch was sent to
UA 93 from JFKFOUA at 13:22 9:22 FT I j tonimented that it is
unusual for messages of a personal .nature to fee forwarded on the
ACARS system. I Inpinarl th'at it was suspicious that Leroy did
not acknowledge receipt of that message because if hel ivere
piloting an aircraft and received such a message, he would
immediately respond. / / / I

Regarding the ACARS message staging "HOW'S THE WX. CAN

DISPATCH BE OF ANY ASSISTANCE?" sent by Chicago Dispatch at 13:36
9:36 PT I Istateri that.thiS message Which appeared to be
inquiring about the weather was/ not a standard UA code, but that it
appeared to be an attempt by the dispatcher^ ascertain the status
of UA flight 92. / / !

I previewed .the FAA radio Communications transcript

for UA flight 931 I explained LibertyiWest, Franklin-R, and
Lorain-R are names given tp aircraft controljtowers that have
responsibility for a specific geographic flight area. The
controllers operating under the given name? could be at the same
physical location sitting side by side.

Of particular interest on the FAA radio communications

transcript was a transmission at 9:35:36 iniwhich Cleveland Tower
directed UA flight 93. "if able ah squawk trip please." The word
trip is an old codeword to identify a hijacking in progress and
squawk is a codeword to instruct the Captain to turn the
transponder to 7500/ !

•eviewed the VCR trarjiscript of ExecuJet 956.

The Aeronautical Radio Incorporated ARINC relays radio

transmissions from aircraft to its respective home company
counterpart. ARINC allows United pilots.'and pilots of other
airlines to communicate via radio transmissions with their
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FD-302a (Rev. 10-6-95)


Continuation of FD-302 of | | , On 12/18/2001 .Page 5

respective corporate offices even though the aircraft is physically

located on the other side of the world.

The UA e-mail system is called UNIMATIC.

Robert Spielman is the UA Chief Pilot for the New York

April 27, 2004 11:15 am Page 4

Pilot domicile. Spielman could identify the First Officers who
have flown with UA 93 Captain Jason Dahl. These First Officers
could provide information regarding Dahl's in-flight habits
including when he allowed Flight Attendants to begin food service,
when he allowed passengers to move around the cabin, his food and
beverage habits and if and where he allowed cockpit keys to be
located outside the cockpit.

A representative of UA In-Flight Services can provide

specifics regarding UA 93's in-flight service routines.

Several photographs were taken of the cockpit and First

Class and Coach sections of the plane. These photographs were
placed in 1A envelopes.

Copies of the preliminary NTSB UA 93 Flight Profile, NTSB

FDR narrative, NTSB Altitude Profile graph, NTSB FDR graphs, the
FAA Tower communications transcript and the ExecuJet 956 CVR
transcript were placed in a 1A envelope.

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