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... through Bertha Dudde

Pre-historic human beings....
"hroughout in#inite! ong periods o# time earth has e$o$ed such
that it can be home to countess i$ing beings and there#ore
compies %ith its true tas& as a pace o# education #or the spirit....
During this time o# e$oution the i$ing beings sti had a di##erent
nature' the! %ere more or ess a&in to the e$o$ing earth as #ar as
an! i$ing being %as at a abe to i$e.
"here %ere numerous de$eopmenta periods and #rom a certain
point on%ards earth %as abe to sheter i$ing beings on its sur#ace.
(o%e$er' as earth e$o$ed the more these increased in number' and
thus the de$eopment o# earth)s e*terna #orm ad$anced as %e as
the i$ing beings' %hich %ere assigned to earth #or the purpose o#
higher de$eopment.
+t too& an inconcei$ab! ong time !et this process o# e$oution %as
necessar! because the spirit %ithin' on the sur#ace and abo$e earth
#irst had to pro$e itse# during the condition o# constraint' %hich the
spirit in e$er! %or& o# creation is sub,ected to.
During this time o# de$eopment the spirit passed its test and coud
so%! e$o$e into a i$ing being. "he i$ing conditions %ere
considerab! more di##icut but it asserted itse# and gradua!
e$o$ed into some &ind o# human being %hich' ho%e$er' %as
compete! di##erent #rom the present da! human being.
"he being %as sti constrained' i.e. it acted instincti$e!'
to some e*tent it %as sti guided and did not ha$e its o%n #ree %i
and inteect. -though out%ard! the being resembed the human
being' it %as sti on the e$e o# the anima %ord in e$er! other
respect and i$ed in accordance %ith di$ine natura a% and
there#ore instincti$e!' %ithout consciousness o# its actions.
"his being %as not accountabe !et' its i#e %as sub,ect to the a% o#
compusion' moti$ated b! its inherent instincts' %hich in turn
e*pressed themse$es in the beings in accordance %ith di$ine %i.
"hese i$ing beings %ere compatibe %ith the primiti$e conditions o#
the earth)s sur#ace' but to a certain e*tent the! contributed to%ards
the earth)s de$eopment b! mutip!ing themse$es and %ith their
unconscious actions acceerated the changes on the earth)s sur#ace'
%hich became increasing! more suitabe to sheter more e$o$ed
i$ing beings
unti the #irst human beings' e.uipped %ith #ree %i and inteect'
%ere assigned to i$e on this earth. "he! coud ma&e use o#
e$er!thing on earth and' instructed b! God (imse#' i$e or %ere
supposed to i$e a conscious i#e' %hich %as the actua meaning and
purpose o# their embodiment on earth.
(o%e$er' no% the human being %as aso ans%erabe to God #or his
actions and thoughts. (e had achie$ed a certain degree o# maturit!
%hich enabed him to i$e in &eeping %ith God)s %i and in $ie% o#
this abiit! he no% %as aso responsibe ho% he used his i#e' since
it %as up to him to utiise a his gi#ts. (o%e$er' he %as in#ormed o#
the conse.uences o# his i#e during this incarnation on earth and
thus he is abe to ma&e use o# his #ree %i....
Pubished b! #riends o# ne% re$eations o# God / +n#ormation'
do%noad o# a transated re$eations' theme-boo&ets at0*.htm

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