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Bag 1

- Forgotten queens of islam

- Women and the quran traditions and interpetations
- Ethnicity inc
- The muqadimmah
- Propaganda
- Hegemony
- Heritage and identity
- Culture on display
- Three mirrors for two biblical ladies
- Imagined communities
- Wallerstein
- Society of the spectacle
- Heritage and identity
- Peasants into Frenchman
- A study of religious innovation in southern Ethiopia
- the protestant ethic and the spirit of capitalism
- psyche in scripture
- Madness and civilisation
- Sexuality in islam
- the other path
- firing back
- discourse on colonialism
- tarikh Qatar
Bag 2 & 3
- discipline and punish
- the structural formation of the public sphere
- philosophical discourse of modernity
- the rise of the rich
- beyond eurocentrism
- consumption
- orientalism
- alqila3 wa al 7soon fi Qatar
- the legend of the queen of sheba in the tradition of axum
- arabia felix from the time of the queen of sheba
- ancient south arabia
- qataban and sheba
- Solomon falcon of sheba
- The culture of industry
- Selections from the prison notebooks
- The poetics of space
- The Arabic language and national identity
- The kebra nagast
- The queen of sheba and her only son menyelik
- The queen of sheba: legend, literature, and lore
- Cultural patterns of Ethiopia queens of shebas heirs
- Demonising the queen of sheba
- Dubai the city as a corporation
- Addressing the gap in the culture industry in the uae
- Alikhtilaf aljama3iya wa ba3th alashkal althaqafiya.
- Dirasat fi tarikh alkhaleej al3arabi al7adeeth
- Language and symbolic power
- The field of cultural production
- Islamic aesthetics
- Tales of the prophets
- On the reliability of the old testament
- The Africans
- The emergence of islam in late antiquity
- The queen of shebas land
- The queen of sheba (philby)
- The places where men pray together
Bag 4
- The history of Qatari architecture
- Travels in arabia desert
- Personal narrative of a pilgrimage
- Creating the Arabian gulf
- Reel bad arabs
- The evolving arab city
- The journal of david seton in the gulf
- Counter narratives
- Capitalism and class
- Popular culture and political identity
- The gulf family
- Higher education in the gulf states
- Ali7tifalat aljama3iyah wa ba3dh.
- Personal narrative of a pilgrimage
- Tradition
- Representation
Bag 5
- Mythologies
- The pleasure of the text
- Nations and nationalism
- Manufacturing citizenship
- Reading national geographic
- The practice of everyday life
- In the museum of maya culture
- Choreographing the global in European cinema
- The new face of political cinema
- The nation and its ruins
- Nostalgia for the modern
- Nationalising iran
- The birth of the museum
- Museums and the shaping of knowledge
- The disneyisation of society
- Curry
- Method meets art
- Gazeteer of the Persian gulf, oman, and central arabia
- Qatar a modern history
- the emergence of Qatar
- Jassim the leader
- Le villain petit
- Put in a couple of the image and article books
- Faniyya al sha3biyya fi Qatar (both)
- Badai3 al shi3r alsha3bi alqatari
Shelf 1
- When asia was the world
- Slavery in the arab world
- Creative reckonings
- Making big money
- Whose pharaohs
- Formation of the modern state
- Creating the new Egyptian woman
- Ordinary Egyptians
- Colonising Egypt
Shelf 3
- the women of madina
- the knight the lady and the priest
- speaking in gods name
- women, the family, and divorce laws
- gulf women
- chapters on marriage and divorce
I want you to also send me the book veils and daggers from my room (I think under the tv)

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