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Mar Bselios Christian College of Engineering & Technology, Peermade, Idukki, Kerala
Seminar on Challenges of Technical E!ca"ion in #erala$
&resen"a"ion of A'ars "o Ran( holers an To))ers
M*C +- Belli & # % ,i-osh Ma"he's
adies and !entlemen, May I re"uest you to rise as Chief guest of the ceremony #on #ome Minister Sri
Thiru$anchoor Radhakrishnan ha$e %ust entered the hall&
The 'rice of success is hard (ork, dedication to the %o) at hand, and the determination that (hether (e
(in or lose, (e ha$e a''lied the )est of oursel$es to the task at hand&
adies and !entlemen, a (arm good afternoon to one and all, It gi$es me immense 'leasure to (elcome
you all to MBC Merit *ay& +e ha$e gathered here today for , reasons-
./ To felicitate the meritorious students (ho ha$e hel'ed MBC to accom'lish a greater le$el of
0/ To attend the seminar on C#1E2!ES 34 TEC#2IC1 E*5C1TI32 I2 KER11
,/ To officially launch the documentary a)out MBC College&
This day is a much a(aited day in e$ery students life, as it gi$es the returns to the effort 'ut in )y them
throughout the academic endea$or& It gi$es a sense of achie$ement and a sense of res'onsi)ility to(ards
fulfilling further commitments&
#ere at MBC, (e $alue our intellectual and s'orts ca'ital, and nurture it through a 'erfect )lend of the
traditional as (ell as contem'orary (ays and means, for the com'rehensi$e de$elo'ment of students
'ersonality& This ensures that e$ery year the society at large is )enefitted (ith the (ell e"ui''ed
'rofessionals (ho can significantly contri)ute to $alue creation 'rocess&
To )egin the aus'icious occasion may I in$ite College Choir to in$oke the 1lmighty, adies and !entleman
May I re"uest all of you to stand for in$ocation&
&rof & C A,IAS &R03I,E
#e is PR3 of Malankara 3rthodo6 Syrian Church& #e (as the former 'rinci'al of Baselios College and
director of !ood She'herd School Kottayam&
I no( in$ite Prof& P&C& 1lias, P&R&3 to deli$er the (elcome s'eech&
714TER T#E SPEEC#/ Thank you sir&
I.A454RATI0.6 &RESE.TATI0. 03 A1ARDS T0 MISS* .EET24 702.
T2IR4/A.C200R RAD2A#RIS2.A. &R03I,E
Sri Thiru$anchoor Radhakrishnan, a nati$e of Thiru$anchoor, Kottayam com'leted B&1 and Bachelor of
a( 7&&B/ degrees& #e currently re'resents Kottayam constituency& In 08.. he )ecame the Minister of
home and $igilance in Kerala& 7#e (as ad%udged as the )est minister of the state )y-/& #e is one of the
'ersons (ho hel'ed in significant de$elo'ment of Kottayam
In this occasion I (ould like to "uote one of the 'oints said )y #on #ome minister earlier, he said that the
gro(th of a society de'ended on its educational achie$ements and as such, the contri)ution made )y
Kottayam to the de$elo'ment of Kerala society (as immense&
I am $ery 'roud to say that MBC has created another set of )right 'rofessionals (ho (ill ho'efully
contri)ute much more to the society&
I no( in$ite #on #ome Minister to inaugurate the ceremony )y lighting the lam' & then to deli$er the
714TER T#E SPEEC#/ Thank you Sir
#ere is the star of the ceremony Miss 2EET#5 93#2 (ho has )agged 7M! 5ni$ersity/ ,rd rank in B&Tech
ECE e6aminations 08.,
.EET24 702. &R03I,E
She (as one of the most acti$e and talented students in MBC& The college re(arded her (ith most
co$eted honor of the best out going student for the year 08.,& She has )een $ery 'assionate not only in
ac"uiring kno(ledge )ut also in co curricular acti$ities& The 'oems & short stories (ritten )y her in$ited
a''laud from many corners& Being a $ery acti$e 2SS $olunteer she 'ro$ed her hel'fulness and altruistic
nature a num)er of occasions& She remarka)ly o$ercame her illness during the final e6aminations and
deli$ered her )est& 1s success is )rought only to the deser$ing, here she is in all flying colors&
#er com'etent 'erformance during 'lacement dri$e hel'ed her to secure the lucrati$e 'osition of Soft(are
Engineer at Si6 *ee Telecom Solutions:Bangalore
I in$ite #on #ome Minister Thiru$anchoor Radhakrishnan to distri)ute the medal, cash 'ri;e and memento
to 2eethu 9ohn& adies and !entleman 'lease gi$e a standing o$ation to the 7'roud MBCian/ Miss 2eethu
9ohn, M! 5ni$ersity ,
rank holder&
S'i"ch on of Doc!men"ar8 a9o!" M*B*C College
I in$ite Sri& Thiru$anchoor Radhakrishnan for S(itching on the documentary a)out MBC college
714TER S+ITC#I2! 32/ Thank you sir
Mary J Blige, Famous American Singer once said that .. Music makes us want to live. You don't know how
many times people have told me that they'd been down and depressed. But then a special song caught their
ear and that helped give them renewed strength. That's the power music has.
et us no( re%u$enate the am)iance (ith a solo song )y MBCian 1)el !eorge
714TER T#E S32!/Thank you 1)el
&RESIDE.TIA, ADDRESS % &RESE.TATI0. 03 MEME.T0S T0 T0&&ERS- 2*5 5ee:arghese Mar
Coorilos Me"ro)oli"an
#is grace (as )orn on <
3cto)er .=>=& 1fter his P! from Sri ?enkates(ara 5ni$ersity, #is !race did B*
from 3rthodo6 Theological Seminary, Kottayam & got P! di'loma in Theology and mission from 5r)an
Theology 5nit, Shefield, 5K&
#is !race is kno(n for his (orks among students and thus (as ser$ing M!3CSM as general secretary for
almost a decade& This 'a$ed (ay for 4r !eorge to $isit many foreing countries&
#is grace (as elected to E'isco'al rank in .=@= and thus )ecame a monk in .==8 & (as su)se"uently
ordained in .==.& Soon he (as a''ointed as 1sst& Metro'olitan, Mum)ai diocese and (orked steadfast
(ith late *r Phili'ose Mar Theo'hilus for the 'rogress of Mum)ai diocese&
#is !race held many 'ositions in the church and other Christian society&
I no( in$ite 2*5 5ee:arghese Mar Coorilos Me"ro)oli"an to deli$er the 'residential address&
714TER T#E SPEEC#/ Thank Aou 2*5 5ee:arghese Mar Coorilos Me"ro)oli"an
2o( it is time (e ackno(ledge the talent of our other meritorious students, lets )egin (ith 'ri;e
I in$ite 2*5 5ee:arghese Mar Coorilos Me"ro)oli"an to distri)ute the 'ri;e
*e'artment of EC ha$e < glorious students (ho ha$e achie$ed first class (ith distinction in M! 5ni$ersity
e6aminations& +ith no dou)t, 2eethu is the to' scorer of de'artment& et us a''reciate the other
1 scholar of MBC (ho (as al(ays study oriented (as one of the class to''ers& She (as 'laced in Tech 0<
systems, )ut as she is study oriented she is no( 'ursuing her M&Tech
I call u'on 1I2 M1RA ?1R!#ESE to acce't her medal
1nother )right student of MBC (ho (orked hard e$ery day to e6cel in academics& She is a $ery acti$e
student and good friend& She (as also 'laced in Tech 0< systems, )ut she chose to 'ursue her M&Tech as
she is research oriented&
I in$ite 12CA P M12I to collect her medal
She (as the class re' and an acti$e organi;er of $arious e$ents in the de'artment& She is also the lead
'rayer singer in college hostel& She is currently 'laced in Poornam Info ?ision&
I re"uest SIMA S33S12 T#3M1S to take her medal
She is a scholar as (ell as a good singer, s'ecially in #indi& She is currently doing M&Tech
I ask M1*#5RI ES1 E1PE2 to o)tain her medal
She is a $ery acti$e organi;er and anchor of $arious 'rogrammes in de'artment and college& She is
currently doing her M&Tech
I in$ite 1295 M1RI1M 1BR1#1M to collect her medal
She is a $ery good singer and a hard(orking student (ho (as al(ays study oriented&
I ask REEM1 M3#1MME* to acce't her medals
*e'artment of CS has also < meritorious students (ho ha$e secured first class (ith distinction
7I.I #4RIA#0SE
To' scorer of CS de't is study oriented 'erson and one of the acti$e mem)ers of M!3CSM (hich focus on
, 'oints mainly (orshi', study and ser$ice& She (as 'laced in Colan Infotech, But her 'assion for research
made her to 'ursue M&Tech
I call u'on 9I2I K5RI1K3SE to acce't her medal and cash 'ri;e
,IDA # #4RIA#0SE
She (as the 'lacement re' and an acti$e student in class& She is currently 'ursuing her M&Tech
I in$ite I*1 K5RI1K3SE to o)tain her medal
1n acti$e mem)er of M!3CSM and a great scholar (ho is 'assionate a)out higher studies& She is no(
'ursuing her M&Tech
I ask 9EE21 K5RI1K3SE to acce't her medal
.EET24 5E0R5E
She is one of the student (ith great 'rogramming skills& 1nd it is her 'rofessional and 'ersonal skills
(hich hel'ed her to )e 'laced in Ernst & Aoung&
I in$ite 2EET#5 !E3R!E to collect her medal
7I.I 702.
She (as the class re' and acti$e student& She (as 'laced in EB Infotel )ut her enthusiasm for higher
studies made her to 'ursue M&Tech
I call u'on 9I2I 93#2 to acce't her 'ri;e
A.7A.A .AT2
She is a $ery talented student and a good dancer& She is currently (orking in 5?9 technologies, Kochi&
I re"uest 129121 21T# to acce't her 'ri;e
She is another student (ith $ery good 'rogramming skills&
I in$ite 9E2CA M1RI1M 93#2 to acce't her medal
*e'artment of EE has > meritorious students (ho ha$e secured first class (ith distinction
She is the class to''er (ith a hel'ing mentality (ho is interested in dancing and acting& She is also a
chess 'layer&
I call u'on *#12A1 1KS#MI R19 to acce't her medal and cash 'ri;e
#e is a Tech sa$y and technology oriented scholar (ho sho(ed MBC that one can achie$e greater heights
(ith strong determination and (ill 'o(er e$en in the midst of difficulties&
I (elcome 95STI2 S1M M1T#E+ to collect his medal
She is an all rounder (ho is $ery talented in dancing, mime etc& She (as 'laced in Tech 0< systems&
I call u'on 1T#IR1 B1B5R19 to o)tain the 'ri;e
A#2I, S ME.0.
#e is an all rounder of MBC (ho is talented in singing and organi;ing e$ents& #e (as the union arts clu)
secretary and is no( doing !1TE coaching&
I in$ite 1K#I S ME232 to acce't his 'ri;e
*e'artment of ME has , meritorious students (ho ha$e secured first class (ith distinction
#e is the to' scorer of ME de't and acti$e student& #e is currently doing !1TE coaching&
I call u'on T#3M1S B1B5 to collect his medal and cash 'ri;e
A,E; &2I,I& #4RIA.
#e is one of the de$oted scholars from Mechanical *e'artment&
I re"uest 1EB P#IIP K5RI12 to recei$e his 'ri;e
7Y0T2AS 04,,ASI.
1sst& editor of college maga;ine, inter college cultural fest (inner, Mirror dancer, Machenist, )asket )all
and )adminton 'layer, 3ne among the flash mo) dancer and an intellectual& Truly he is one of the )est all
rounderCs of MBC&
I call u'on 9A3T#1S 351SI2 to acce't his 'ri;e
She is the to's scorer of 1EI de't& She is 2SS $olunteer, hard (orking and a research oriented student&
She (as the Best outgoing student from *e't of 1EI&
I in$ite BETTA !E3R!E to collect her 'ri;e
714TER !I?I2! T#E PRIDE/ Thank you 2*5 5ee:arghese Mar Coorilos Me"ro)oli"an
Seminar on Challenges of Technical E!ca"ion in #erala$
Kerala has se$eral firsts to its credit& It is the most literate State in the country& It is also the first State to
fulfill the constitutional mandate of 'ro$iding uni$ersal, free, 'rimary education to all the children u' to
the age of fourteen years& In .==. Kerala has achie$ed the distinction of the first State in India to )e
declared as .88 'er cent literate&
1 'arado6 of higher education in the State is that e$en though the e6tent of unem'loyment among the
educated is more among those coming out of the institutions of higher education of a general ty'e, the
demand for esta)lishing more and more of such institutions is increasing year after year&
+e are fortunate that (e ha$e got an e6'ert (ho kno(s more a)out the Challenges of technical education
in Kerala
&R03* C2I##4 ABRA2AM <MEMBER6 50/ER.I.5 B0ARD6 M*B*C= &R03I,E
et me introduce &R03* C2I##4 ABRA2AM* #e did his B&Tech from M1 college and M&Tech from IIT
Bom)ay& #e has .0 years of (ork e6'erience and is currently #3* of Electrical *e't in Mangalam College&
I in$ite Prof Chikku 1)raham to 'resent the seminar&
714TER T#E SEMI21R/ Thank you Sir, That (as an informati$e 'resentation, I ho'e e$eryone 'resent here
)enefitted from the session&
Re$ 4r Prof E M Phili', *irector of MBC has ser$ed $arious educational institutions as a 'rofessor and has
)een a mentor for , decades& #e is a great academician and a key decision maker in our college&
I no( call u'on Re$ 4r Prof E M Phili', to deli$er the message
714TER T#E SPEEC#/ Thank you Sir
&RI.CI&A, &R03I,E
*r Paul K Mathe(, Princi'al of MBC is a man (ho needs no introduction, ho(e$er in this delighted
occasion I (ould like to highlight some as'ects of his credentials& #e (as the .
rank holder in B&Sc CE
from Kerala 5ni$ersity in the year .=<>& #e did his M&Tech from IIT Mum)ai and secured Ph&* from IIT
Chennai& +e are $ery much honored to ha$e him as our leading light&
May I re"uest *r Paul K Mathe( to deli$er the message
714TER T#E SPEEC#/ Thank you sir
#istory has demonstrated that the most nota)le (inners usually encountered heart)reaking o)stacles
)efore they trium'hed& They (on )ecause they refused to )ecome discouraged )y their defeats& +inners
make a ha)it of manufacturing their o(n 'ositi$e e6'ectations in ad$ance of the e$ent& et us hear (hat
our star of the ceremony has to say&
I in$ite Miss 2EET#5 93#2 to e6'ress her feelings and e6'erience&
714TER T#E SPEEC#/ Thank you 2EET#5
/0TE 03 T2A.#S
It is time to thank all dignitaries, students, 'arents, teaching and non teaching staff and all the resource
'ersons (ho made this function a grant success&
*r Ra%an Panicker (as the former Prof & #3* of commerce de'artment, K! College Pam'ady and has
,8E years of e6'erience& #e is also a diocesan council mem)er, Malankara orthodo6 Syrian Church&
I call u'on Prof& *r& Ra%an !eorge Panicker to deli$er the $ote of thanks&
714TER T#E SPEEC#/ T#12K A35 SIR
This function has )een magnificent )ecause of the outstanding 'erformance of the students& Aou ha$e
hel'ed MBC to accom'lish another cele)rated achie$ement& Thank you dear students, )ecause of your
$ictory MBC has )ecome more )lissful& +ith the grace from the 1lmighty, (e ho'e MBC (ill create more
meritorious students and after all great citi;ens&
+ith 21TI321 12T#EM (e (ind u' the 'rogramme, I re"uest e$ery)ody to rise for the same&

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