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Federal Program Inventory 2013

Department of State
U.S. Agency for International
Foreign Assistance Programs

Federal Program Inventory

Federal Program Inventory 2013
Table of Contents

Federal Program Inventory 2013
The GPRA Modernization Act (GPRAMA) of 2010 requires a central inventory of all Federal
programs. The Federal Program Inventory has the potential to facilitate coordination across
programs by making it easier to find programs that can contribute to a shared goal, as well as
improve public understanding about what Federal programs do and how programs link to budget,
performance and other information.
This document describes the foreign assistance programs of the Department of State (State) and
U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), as well as how each program supports the Joint
StateUSAID Strategic Goals (Joint Strategic Goals) and Strategic Objectives. Please refer to for program contributions to our Agency Priority Goals as well as Cross
Agency Priority (CAP) Goals.
Approach Summary
State and USAID makes progress towards the seven Joint Strategic Goals through State Operations
and its foreign assistance programs. This document applies to foreign assistance programs only.
Please see the State Departments Administration of Foreign Affairs Federal Program Inventory for
information on State Operations programs.
The State and USAID foreign assistance programs are defined as the Foreign Assistance Dashboard
sectors. There are thirtyseven applicable Foreign Assistance Dashboard sectors organized under
eight broader foreign assistance categories across two agencies State and USAID. For example, a
category is Health, with Malaria as the sector. The full list of the Foreign Assistance Dashboard
categories and sectors and corresponding definitions can be found here.
The Foreign Assistance Dashboard was created in response to the principles of the Paris
Declaration on Aid Effectiveness and President Obamas Open Government Initiative. The goal of
the Foreign Assistance Dashboard is to make all U.S. Government foreign assistance investments
available in a uniform, accessible, and easytounderstand format. OMB Bulletin No. 1201 provides
additional information on this statutory requirement for all U.S. Government agencies to provide
foreign assistance data.
The State and USAID foreign assistance programs make progress towards five of the seven Joint
Strategic Goals, see below. Next to each State and USAID foreign assistance program is the
applicable Joint Strategic Goal(s).
Joint Strategic Goal 1 (SG1): Counter threats to the United States and the international
order, and advance civilian security around the world.
Joint Strategic Goal 2 (SG2): Effectively manage transitions in the frontline states.
Joint Strategic Goal 3 (SG3): Expand and sustain the ranks of prosperous, stable and
democratic states by promoting effective, accountable, democratic governance; respect for
human rights; sustainable, broadbased economic growth; and well being.

Federal Program Inventory 2013
Joint Strategic Goal 4 (SG4): Provide humanitarian assistance and support disaster
Joint Strategic Goal 7 (SG7): Build a 21
century workforce; and achieve U.S. Government
operational and consular efficiency and effectiveness, transparency and accountability; and
a secure U.S. government presence internationally.
The Department of State and USAID do not currently have Strategic Objectives, but are in the
process of developing the next Joint StateUSAID Strategic Plan, which will be released in early
2014. That plan will include Strategic Goals and Strategic Objectives to support those goals. This
inventory will be updated to reflect alignment to the new Strategic Objectives at that time.
Program Inventory
Below are the thirtyseven State and USAID foreign assistance programs organized under eight
broader foreign assistance categories. The State and USAID foreign assistance programs are
defined as the Foreign Assistance Dashboard sectors. For more information, including budget
information, please click on the category headings or go here:
State and USAID both support Programs under each of these categories.

Peace and Security

Foreign Assistance Program Joint Strategic Goal
CounterTerrorism SG1 and SG2
Combating Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) SG1 and SG2
Stabilization Operations and Security Sector Reform SG1 and SG2
CounterNarcotics SG1 and SG2
Transnational Crime SG1 and SG2
Conflict Mitigation SG1 and SG2

Democracy, Human Rights, and Governance

Foreign Assistance Program Joint Strategic Goal
Rule of Law and Human Rights SG2 and SG3
Good Governance SG2 and SG3
Political Competition and ConsensusBuilding SG2 and SG3
Civil Society SG2 and SG3

Foreign Assistance Program Joint Strategic Goal
Tuberculosis SG2 and SG3
Malaria SG3

Federal Program Inventory 2013
Pandemic Influenza and Other Emerging Threats (PIOET) SG3
Other Public Health Threats SG2 and SG3
Maternal and Child Health SG2 and SG3
Family Planning and Reproductive Health SG2 and SG3
Water Supple and Sanitation SG2 and SG3
Nutrition SG2 and SG3

Education and Social Services

Foreign Assistance Program Joint Strategic Goal
Basic Education SG2 and SG3
Higher Education SG2 and SG3
Policies, Regulations, and Systems SG2 and SG3
Social Services SG2 and SG3
Social Assistance SG2 and SG3

Economic Development
Foreign Assistance Program Joint Strategic Goal
Macroeconomic Foundations for Growth SG2 and SG3
Trade and Investment SG2 and SG3
Financial Sector SG2 and SG3
Infrastructure SG2 and SG3
Agriculture SG2 and SG3
Private Sector Competitiveness SG2 and SG3
Economic Opportunity SG2 and SG3

Foreign Assistance Program Joint Strategic Goal
Environment SG2 and SG3

Humanitarian Assistance
Foreign Assistance Program Joint Strategic Goal
Protection, Assistance, and Solutions SG2 and SG4
Disaster Readiness SG2 and SG4
Migration Management SG2 and SG4

Program Management
Foreign Assistance Program Joint Strategic Goal
Direct Administrative Costs SG7
Monitoring and Evaluation SG7

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