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W WH HO O G Gl lo ob ba al l T Tr ra ai in ni in ng g N Ne et tw wo or rk k - - P Pa ar rt tn ne er rs sh hi ip p B Bu ui il ld di in ng g w wi it th h t th he e M Me ed di ia a

Role Play Exercise: Rumours about the vaccine!

Time - 20 minutes

Exercise: to examine how to respond to rumours circulating about measles vaccine
on local radio.

Instructions to Facilitator

Select three individuals from the group to participate in a role play exercise. One
individual will be given the role of Manager of the Radio Station, the second
individual will play the role of Fictitias Immunization Programme Manager and the
third will be a professional interviewer, employed by the radio to defend its
reporting of the "Vaccine cause infant hair-loss report. Give the three participants
their instructions separately. The interviewer might most usefully be a genuine
member of the press if one is available. You may want to play the Manager of the
Radio Station yourself.

Instructions to Fictitias Immunization Programme Manager

You have just hearded the local radio station "Fictitia 109" broadcast a feature about
how measles vaccine is causing the hair of infants to drop out due to the careless
way the vaccine is administered. You have called the station manager and he has
agreed to discuss it with you. Seat yourself at the table in front of the class and
discuss with the radio station manager how you want to handle the situation. For
instance, you may want him/her to apologize or give you the chance to put your point
of view across in an interview.

Instructions to station manager

Sit at the table in front of the class and listen to the participant (Fictitia Immunization
Programme Manager) tell you how angry he/she is about the feature on measles
vaccine. Be un-persuaded by his comments but reluctantly agree to give him an
interview. Call in your interviewer to do the interview immediately.

Instructions to interviewer

Enter when the manager calls you. Conduct an interview with the programme
manager but do not allow him to express himself fully. Cut him off and try and leave
the audience with the impression that the station was right all along.


Conclude the session by asking whether the audience thinks the programme
manager achieved anything by his approach. Was it the right approach and could he
have handled it any other way (if they do not come up with suggestions, yourself
suggest a more conciliatory approach, not expecting them to "eat their words" or
apologize. Ask how else rumours might start and how they could be combated.
Hand out article.

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