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MASOC – News Letter

Jubilee Convention Special

Malankara Archdiocese of the Syrian Orthodox Church
Jubilee Convention –2010
Somerset New Jersey (July 22-25, 2010)

“But thanks be to God, which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ” 1 Corinthians 15:57

Message from Arch Bishop HE Theethos Mor Yeldhos Volume 1, Issue 1

Dec 2009
Dearly Beloved,

It is with immense pleasure that I The Malankara Archdiocese Special points of interest:
am addressing you through this under the fatherly guidance of • Briefly highlight your point of inter-
News-letter releasing in connec- His Holiness the Patriarch has est here.
tion with our Jubilee Convention. grown to a mature Archdicoese
In 2010 July we are conducting in the Holy Church. I am happy • Briefly highlight your point of inter-
the Convention to mark the com- to invite you all to the Jubilee est here.
pletion of 25 years of Archdioce- Convention which will be held in
• Briefly highlight your point of inter-
san Family Conference. This is a July 22- 25, 2010 in New Jersey.
time for thanks giving and grati- est here.
Mark your calender well in ad-
tude. We are greatful to our lov- vance to attend the Conven- H.E. Theethos mor Yeldo • Briefly highlight your point of inter-
ing Lord who brought us all to tion and to share the joy of get- Arch Bishop of USA & Canada est here.
this great Country and providing together when our entire fami-
everything for a smooth life. We lies are coming together.
remember with gratitude all
those who initiated our parishes
to worship in our own Tradition May God bless you,
and to protect our Faith.
+ Archbishop Theethose Yeldho
Inside this issue:

Editorial 2
Message from General Convenor
Publicity Committee 2

Respected Priests, Brothers The Jubilee Convention Com- This Convention is a once in a
and Sisters in Christ, mittee is making elaborate lifetime opportunity and I Registration Kickoffs 3
arrangements and we expect a strongly encourage you all to
Let me take this opportunity to
turnout of 500-600 families attend this historic event.
extend yet another warm wel- Convention Website 4
participating in the event. As I
come for the Silver Jubilee
write this note, we have 250
Convention of Malankara
families signed up for the
Archdiocese at the Garden
event and we need to step up
State Convention Center in
our efforts to bring more fami-
Somerset, New Jersey to be
lies into this event. So, I
held from July 22nd – July 25th,
strongly encourage those of
2009. We hope the Jubilee
you who have not yet regis-
Convention will be a blessing
tered to do so immediately.
for all and that it may enable
Now more than ever, we need
each one of you to approach Joby George
your help, support and prayers
our Lord more closely in wor- General Convener
for the Jubilee Convention.
ship and with gladness.
Volume 1, Issue 1 Page 2

Message from the Editor

Small steps for a giant leap ing all the faithful together. And, the intent of the
MASOC News Letter is to be the effective media
Our Lord Jesus Christ was the greatest com-
to communicate the happenings and bring them to
municator who ever lived. He communicated through
your personal attention for further action.
small parables to the multitude; a language that was
In this ‘twitter’ and instant messaging age,
well understood by the kings and pharisees
we would like to keep our stories and updates short
(theologians) and the common men alike. If our des-
and crisp to keep the attention span of our readers.
tiny is to mature into God’s character and if this char-
These communications would be invitational, life-
acter is best seen in Jesus who took on the “form of a
giving, and geared for growth for the individuals
servant,” then, as we work out our own salvation in
and the church.
the realm of conflict and communication, our best
Saju Skaria
choice of conversation is to emulate the form used by
We look forward to your feedback to make the Editor
efforts more meaningful in the coming days.
Our Archdiocese is in a rapid growth path and
Jubilee convention is playing a significant role in bring-

Publicity and Public Relations Committee:

It is with profound happiness that we are professionals having good experience in journalism /
releasing the first edition of this news letter in connec- latest technology could bring our dreams in to real-
tion with the Silver Jubilee Celebration of Malankara ity. Archbishop His Eminence Yeldho Mor Theethos
Archdiocese. The main purpose of this monthly publi- Thirumeni, Mr.Joby George (General Convenor),
cation is to bring updates and details of the convention Mr.George Korath (National Coordinator),
to public. A variety of interesting matters would add in Rev.Dr.Vargheese Manikat(Diocesan Secretary),
future editions including regular updates from the Mr.Abraham Mathew (Diocesan Treasurer) and Mr.
diocesean leadership . As Thirumeni mentioned in His Sunny Paulose (Council rep to Publicity committee)
Eminences message, this is a time for thanksgiving and are thankfully remembered for their guidance and
gratitude to our Almighty Lord who brought us all to leadership support. Special word of thanks is due to
this great land of freedom and opportunities and show- Mr. Jijo Joseph for his sincerity and efforts. Let the Biju Cherian,
ering all blessings on our life journey. When we brush godly love and truthfulness lead us through the green Coordinator,
up our memory, we visualize many members of clergy pastures. Publicity and
and laity of the Archdiocese who put their selfless ef- Public Relations
forts , time and money to keep up our rich tradition
Publicity and Public Relations committee:
and good faith in this new world. Mr. Biju Cherian, NY(Coordinator)
On behalf of Publicity and Public Relations Mr. Sunny Paulose,NY(Diocesan Council Representative)
committee a yahoo group named MASOC-NA has Mr. Saju Skaria, AZ(Co Cordinator)
been formed mainly to circulate this news letter Mr. Varghese Palamalayil,Chicago,ILL( Co Cordinator)
Mr. Abey Abraham, PA
among our parishioners and church members. Mr. Saju Mr. Alexander Kunjukunju,NJ
Skaria, AZ has agreed to be The Editor of news Letter Mr. M.G.Abraham, Dallas,TX
and Mr.Aby Abraham, PA as the moderator of the Mr. Vinu Kuriakose, Austin,TX
group MASOC-NA. I hope the publicity and public Mr. Sony Alex,PA
Mr. Lal.T.John, Canada
relations committee of a group of talented and skillful
Mr. George varghese, Houston, TX
Volume 1, Issue 1 Page 3

Philadelphia Registration Kick off

The Silver Jubilee Convention
kickoff for registration was held at the St
Peter’s Syrian Orthodox Church, in Phila-
delphia, Pennsylvania on October 10,
2009. HE Mor Titus Yeldho, Archbishop
and Patriarchal Vicar of the Archdiocese,
inaugurated the event. Many people from
the Northeast region attended the event.
Over 60 families registered for the 2010
Convention at the event itself.

Staten Island Registration Kick off

The local kickoff held at Mor Gregorios (Facility Committee Cocordinator)
Syrian Orthodox Church(Malayalam)Inc Rev.Fr.Rajan Peter etc lead the kickoff
on october 31st saturday during the 34th ceremony
anniversary of the parish and 107th
Picture: Archbishop receiving registration
blessed memory of the patron saint of
form from Mr.John Joseph Alummoottil
the first parish in Archdio-
of Mor Gregorios church
cese. H.E.Archbishop officiated the cere-
mony. Rev.Dr.Varghese manikat(dio.sec)
Rev.Fr.geevarghese Jacob(Dio.Joint
Sec),Biju Cherian,Mr.Saju Paulose Maroth

Westbury Registration Kick off

The New York region registration kickoff Dr.Sunny Thomas(Please varify the name) Diocesan secretary Dr.Manikatt,Treasurer
held at St.Peters and St.Pauls Syrian Or- of St.George church Newcity.Along with Mr.Abraham mathew,venerable corepis-
thodox Church on October 24th Satur- Mr.Joby george(general convenor) copos , clergy and decons attended this
day,2009 during the Corepiscopo eleva- Mr.George Kattakuzhy colourful ceremony.
tion ceremony of V.Rev.Fr.Issac Paily (registration),Mr.Sabu Skaria
Corepiscopo.Several members of various (Sports),Mr.Geemon George
churches within the region has registered (Cultural),Mr.Biju Cherian(Publicity and
at this occasion. Archbishop Yeldho Mor Public Relations) and coucil members
Theethos officially inaugurated the kickoff Mr.George Padiyedath,Mr.Sunny Paulose
ceremony by accepting sponsorship from coordinated the event to a grant success.
Jubilee Convention Website
Volume 1, Issue 1 Page 4

Jacob Mathew


“But thanks be to God, which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ” 1 Corinthians 15:57

The Malankara Archdiocese of the Syrian Ortho-

Malankara Archdiocesan Headquarters
10 Stonehurst Court dox Church in North America is a non-profit religious
Pomona, New York 10970 ,USA
organization in the United States, incorporated in the
Phone: 845-364-6003
Fax: 562-309-6003 State of New York. The Archdiocese is under the ecclesi-
astical jurisdiction of His Holiness the Patriarch of Antioch
and All the East, Moran Mor Ignatius Zakka I Iwas, the Su-
preme Head of the Universal Syrian Orthodox Church.
This Archdiocese comprises of the parishes all over the
United States and Canada for the people predominantly
from India who follow the Syriac tradition. The Church
uses the Syriac language, a dialect of Aramaic spoken by
Lord Jesus, as the Liturgical language along with English
& Malayalam, a vernacular language of South India.

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