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Strategic Management Practices: A study on Private

Universities in Bangladesh
Strategic Management Practices: A study on
Private Universities in Bangladesh
Course Code: MBA !""
Credit: #!
Section: BMBA $C
Su%mitted To
Md& 'ahidul (slam
Senior Lecturer of Management,
Department of Business Administration,
Northern University Bangladesh
Name () NO
Sa%yasachi Bosu BMBA"##"#++,
Md& Ti-u Sultan BMBA"##$#./0
Md& Asra1ul BMBA
)ate o1 Su%mission: 6e%ruary ""7 $#""
5etter o1 Transmittal
February , !"
Md# $ahidul %slam
Senior Lecturer of Management,
Department of Business Administration,
Northern University Bangladesh,
&hulna 'ampus#
Sub(ect) *rayer for submission on term paper#
Dear Sir,
% am submitting my term paper on +Strategic Management Practices: A study on
Private Universities in Bangladesh,# % have composed as much in se-uence as
possible to complete the term paper# % have collected data from various sources to
complete this term paper#
% assume that this term paper has enhanced both my .no/ledge 0 e1perienced about
ho/ to ma.e term paper and present scenario of higher education in Bangladesh# But
you have supplementary -ueries on the topic of this report, please let me identify# you for your valuable advice and cooperation
3ours truthfully,
8Sa%yasachi Bosu9
%D No4 BMBA ""5"667
8n behalf of my group#
First, % e1press my deep gratitude to the Almighty 9od /ho created and nurture us in
this transitory /orld# % also have to put my heartfelt respect and gratitude for the
.indness and cooperation that /as provided to me to complete my assigned term paper
on the topic of +:nvironment of ;igher :ducation in Bangladesh< =ole of *rivate
University,, in preparing my report % have ta.en great assistance and support from some
persons and organi>ation# % /ould li.e to e1press my gratitude and heartfelt than.s to all
/ho supervised me and gave guidance throughout the study#
% convey my open than.s to respected teacher Md# $ahidul %slam, Senior Lecturer of
Management, Department of Business Administration, Northern University Bangladesh,
&hulna campus for seriously the evolution of /or. from time to time and his regular bac.
up during the complete course of my study# % e1press my sincere gratitude to respected
teacher Md# Mourtu>a Ahamed for is helping attitude to complete this study#
Besides % provide special than.s for those students of Northern University Bangladesh,
&hulna 'ampus /ho provide their opinion, e1pectation and helped us to perform our
research study#
Last of all % /ould li.e to e1press, my than.s to the authors, researchers, article /riters
and friends, all of my classmates /ho helped me in every stage of the report by
providing valuable information and suggestion in respect of preparing this term paper#
E<ecutive Summary
Since that enactment of the *rivate Universities Act of ??!, Bangladesh has seen a
tremendous gro/th in the number of private educational platforms over the recent
years, mainly through the emergence of a large number of universities in the private
sector# 3et, this gro/th also has a do/nside to it, as rapid e1pansion entails a ris. of
compromise on -uality and e1penses# ;o/ever, the combined effect is a vibrant
education sector /ith a healthy rivalry among the competing institutions# Undoubtedly,
the main beneficiary is the student community, /hich gains access to a /ider platform of
selection /ith the comparative cost advantage of domestic study over studying abroad#
2hus, society and the nation are the ultimate gainers#
Surprisingly, about ?@A of these universities are located in Dha.aBs metropolitan areas#
Chile in the year !""" there /ere only 7 of these universities, today the number has
reached @5# 8bviously, this gro/th rate seems unhealthy in consideration of the per
capita income of the country and also in terms of -uality assurance in higher education,
as education at these universities is much more e1pensive than at the public universities
of Bangladesh# 8ne very familiar feature of these universities is the /ay they follo/ the
American method of education rather than the British model# 2hey offer four4year
bachelor degree programs /ith credit4based courses# 2his system has also created
popular appeal in Bangladesh# Still, regulators and consumers have concerns about
service -uality, design and costs# As of today, there is nobody to regulate private
universities and to assure the -uality of education other than through the /ea.
supervision of the University 9rant 'ommission DU9'E# Since private universities receive
no funding from the U9', there is little that the U9' can do e1cept report some facts for
the government# 2he issue is, therefore, an important variable for higher educational
private institutes that aspire to that degree of e1cellence# 2his study is, thus, an attempt
to e1amine the opinion or satisfaction level of the clientele or consumers DstudentsE
regarding the -uality and cost of education in the private sector in Bangladesh#
%n my term paper % have analy>ed the strategic management practices of leading private
universities in our country# 2hrough this analysis /e have gained the real e1perience of
our private education#
Ta%le o1 Contents
Contents Pages
2itle %
Letter of 2ransmittal %% %%%
:1ecutive Summary %F
'ontents F
List of 2ables F%
Cha-ter=": (ntroduction "=$
# %ntroduction
#! 8b(ectives of the study
#G Methodology of the study !
#H Limitation of the Study !
Cha-ter=$: An Overvie; o1 the (ssue !=""
!# Definition of *rivate University in Bangladesh G
!#! :mergence of *rivate University G
!#G *rivate University Acts of ??! H4?
!#H *rivate UniversityBs in Bangladesh ?4
!#@ 8ffered 'ourses of *rivate UniversityBs
C2APTER=!: Strategic Management Practices o1 Private
G# ;igher :ducation in Bangladesh !4G
G#! *rivate University G
G#G Ma(or Strategic Management *ractices of *rivate Universities G45
G#H :nvironment of ;igher :ducation in Bangladesh 547
G#@ of private universities 746
C2APTER=/: 6indings > Analysis ".=$$
H# Findings ?4!!
H#! Analysis !!
C2APTER=0: Recommendations > Conclusion $!=$0
@# =ecommendations !G4!H
@#! 'onclusion !H4!@
Bi%liogra-hy > Re1erences A=(
5ist o1 Ta%les
Ta%les Pages
2able4) 2op ten private universities 6
"&" (ntroduction
*rivate universities are not operated by governments though many receive public
subsidies, especially in the form of ta1 brea.s and public student loans and grants#
Depending on their location, private universities may be sub(ect to government
regulation# *rivate universities compare to public universities and national universities#
*rivate Universities e1ist all over the /orld and operate the e1isting rules and regulation
of the country# %n the U#S#, many universities and colleges are private, operated as
educational and research nonprofit organi>ations# Chile most liberal arts colleges are
li.e/ise private, there are also some public liberal arts colleges# Some private
universities are closely affiliated /ith religious organi>ations Dfor e1ample, the University
of Notre DameE and some are directly operated by religious organi>ations Dsuch as
Brigham 3oung UniversityE#
2he U#S# system of education has also been transplanted to other countries# *rivate
universities such as the American University in 'airo and the American University of
Afghanistan typically offer a liberal arts curriculum to their students#
2uition fees at private universities tend to be higher than at public universities though
many private universities offer financial aid as /ell#
"&$ O%?ectives o1 the study
aE 2o e1plain the emergence of private university
bE 2o analy>e the standard of education given by private university
cE 2o compare the educational standard bet/een private and public university
dE 2o analy>e the system of private university
eE 2o identify the problems of higher education in private university
fE 2o suggest ho/ -uality and -uantity of education can be developed by private
"&! Methodology o1 the study
2he study has applied descriptive and e1ploratory methods are unfolding the higher
education system of Bangladesh in respect of diversity, -uality and accessibility# 2he
-ualitative and -uantitative methods have also been used for analy>ing data# %n order to
collect different types of e1periences and challenges about the higher education Northern
University Bangladesh is selected as study area for the present study#
Both -uestionnaire survey and observation methods have used for collecting primary
information of the study# Apart from these, Focus 9roup Discussion DF9DE method has
used for conducting the study#
"&/ 5imitation o1 the Study
2o analy>e the study /e have found some limitations# 2hese are given belo/4
i# Lac. of information
ii# Lac. of time
iii# Lac. of resources
iv# Lac. of capital
v# Lac. of .no/ledge
An Overvie; o1 the (ssue
$&" )e1inition o1 Private University in Bangladesh
2he system of private universities is a relatively ne/ concept in Bangladesh# Because of
the ever4gro/ing demand for education at the university level, and the fact that e1isting
public universities could not meet the need, the government passed a *rivate
Universities Act in ??!# Starting /ith a handful, the number of private universities has
gro/n rapidly and stands at @H to date, compared /ith ! public universities#
*art of the reason is that Bangladesh has one of the fastest4gro/ing populations in the
/orld, increasing from H@ million in ?7 to more than H@ million today# But private
universities are also popular because the public institutions could not offer enough places
in courses of high demand so students opted for universities rather than
study a sub(ect /hich might not have good (ob prospects#
$&$ Emergence o1 Private University
A University 9rants 'ommission report says the standard of education in most of the
public universities is not up to the mar.# 2he reasons include student politics, irregular
and interrupted classes and e1aminations, unsatisfactory teacher4student ratios and so
forth# %n contrast, most of these problems are non4e1istent in the private universities#
*rior to their introduction, most students /ere not able to enroll in the esteemed public
universities and had fe/ options left to them# Some /ent abroad to study, the ma(ority
going to %ndia and a fe/ to the US, U& and Australia#
:ventually, Bangladesh began to suffer from the loss of huge amounts of hard4earned
foreign currency, and the loss of many of its then highly -ualified citi>ens4the brain4drain
So the private universities have directly helped in saving foreign currency as /ell as
reducing the brain drain# Many scholarships are also available for students /ith brilliant
academic results although they are also popular /ith those /ho face financial
constraints# 'ritics say more need4based scholarships should be available to create
opportunities for a higher number of deserving candidates#
$&! Private University Acts o1 "..$
Chereas it is necessary to establish private universities in order to meet the increasing
demand of, and to e1tend pervasively, higher education in the country, to facilitate the
access of the general public to higher education and to create in this /ay a class of
s.illed persons< and /hereas several /ell4/ishing persons, associations, charitable funds
and institutions of the country are eager to establish and manage private universities<
and /hereas it is e1pedient to provide for the establishment of private universities<
No/, therefore, it is enacted as follo/s)4
"& Short title&= 2his Act may be called the *rivate University Act, ??!#
$& )e1initions&= Unless there is anything repugnant in the sub(ect or conte1t, in this
aE IFacultyI means a Faculty of a private university<
bE IAcademic 'ouncilI means the Academic 'ouncil of a private university<
cE IAuthorityI means any Authority referred to in, or constituted under, this Act<
dE I2rustee BoardI means the 2rustee Board referred to in sub4section DE of section H<
eE IManaging BoardI means the Managing Board referred to in sub4section DE of section
fE IFounderI means any person, association, charitable fund or any other institution
/hich establishes a private university<
gE Iprivate universityI means any private university established under this Act<
hE IassociationI means any association or group of t/o or more persons intenting to
establish a private university<
iE I9rants 'ommissionI means the University 9rants 'ommission of Bangladesh
'onstituted by the University 9rants 'ommission 8rder, ?7G D*8 No#" of ?7GE<
(E I=egency 'ouncilI means the =egency 'ouncil referred to in sub4section DE of section
.E ISanadI means a Sanad granted under section 5 for the establishment of a private
lE ISyndicateI means the Syndicate referred to in sub4section DE of section H#
!& Private universities&= DE 2here may be established one or more private universities
in accordance /ith the provisions of this Act#
D!E :very private university shall, sub(ect to the provisions of this Act, have po/er to
ac-uire, hold and transfer property, both movable and immovable, and suits may be filed
by or against it#
/& 5ocation o1 -rivate universities&= *rivate universities may, after prior consent of
the 9overnment and sub(ect to the provisions of this Act, be located at any place in
*rovided that a private university may initially, after prior consent of the 9overnment, be
established any/here in a provisional manner, but it shall, /ithin five years after the
date of the provisional establishment, be established permanently on its o/n ground, no
less than five acres and approved by the 9overnment, and /ith an ade-uate
0& University to %e o-en to any%ody irres-ective o1 caste7 religion&= *rivate
universities shall be open to men and /omen of any caste, religion, race and class#
& Sanad 1or the esta%lishment o1 -rivate universities&= DE No private university
shall be established or managed /ithout the ac-uisition of the re-uired Sanad from the
9overnment under this section#
D!E :very person, association, charitable fund or other institution intending to establish
or manage a private university shall, for the purpose of ac-uiring a Sanad under sub4
section DE, ma.e an application in the prescribed form to the 9overnment#
DGE 2he 9overnment may, after the receipt of an application under sub4section D!E,
demand from the applicant such further information as may be re-uired for the
consideration of the sub(ect, and it shall, if it is, after consideration of the application,
satisfied that the applicant has fulfilled the conditions for the establishment of a private
university under section 7, grant in the prescribed form a Sanad for the establishment of
a private university under sub4section DE in favour of the applicant#
DHE 2he 9overnment may, if it is satisfied that the applicant has failed to fulfill the
conditions for the establishment of a private university under section 7, re(ect by order
the application submitted by the applicant under sub4section D!E)
*rovided that no application shall be re(ected /ithout giving to the applicant a
reasonable opportunity for a hearing#
D@E :very person, association, charitable fund or institution afflicted by an order of
re(ection under sub4section DHE may ma.e an appeal against such order to the
'hancellor, and the decision of the 'hancellor on the appeal shall be deemed to be final#
,& Conditions 1or the ac@uisition o1 a Sanad&= :very private university has, for the
ac-uisition of a Sanad under section 5, to fulfill, among others, the follo/ing conditions,
aE the 9rants 'ommission shall give its prior approval of a plan concerning its teaching
bE it shall in the initial stages have no less than t/o Faculties<
cE every Faculty shall have such number of pedagogically competent specialist sub(ect
teachers as the 9rants 'ommission may approve of<
dE it shall have a reserved fund of no less than ten million, /hich shall be
deposited at a nationali>ed ban.<
eE it shall have a balanced and dense syllabus, approved by the 9rants 'ommission<
fE it shall reserve five per cent of the total number of seats fi1ed for the admission of
students for the admission of indigent or gifted students, and all such students shall
have opportunity to study /ithout paying fees<
gE the scale of pay of the teachers and the rate of the pay to be payed by the students
shall be clearly stated#
+& O11icers o1 -rivate universities&= DE :very private university shall have the
follo/ing officers, namely)4
aE a 'hancellor<
bE a Fice4'hancellor, =ector or *rincipal<
cE a 2reasurer<
dE a =egistrar<
eE Deans<
fE ;eads of Department<
gE an :1amination 'ontroller#
.& Chancellor= DE 2he *resident of the *eopleJs =epublic of Bangladesh shall be the
'hancellor of every private university, and he or a person to be nominated by him shall
preside the convocations for a/ard of academic and honorary degrees#
D!E :very proposal for the conferment of an honorary degree shall be sub(ect to the
confirmation of the 'hancellor#
DGE :very year or at such interval of time as the 'hancellor may determine, there shall,
after the prior approval of the 'hancellor, be performed a convocation for a/ard of
academic degrees#
"#& 3ice=Chancellor= DE 2he Fice4'hancellor, =ector or *rincipal of a private university
shall, after consultation /ith the Founder, be appointed by the 'hancellor for a period of
four years on such terms and conditions as may be determined by the 'hancellor, and he
shall be the 'hief :1ecutive 8fficer of such university#
D!E %f for absence, illness or any other reason the Fice4'hancellor, =ector or *rincipal is
unable to discharge his functions< the 2reasurer shall discharge the functions of a Fice4
'hancellor, =ector or *rincipal for the period of such inability#
""& Treasurer= DE 2he 2reasurer shall, after consultation /ith the Founder, be
appointed by the 'hancellor for a period of four years on such terms and conditions as
may be determined by the 'hancellor#
D!E 2he 2reasurer shall be responsible for the accounts of a private university#
"$& A--ointment o1 Registrar7 )eans7 etc& = DE 2he =egistrar, ;eads of Department
and :1amination 'ontroller of a private university shall be appointed by the Syndicate,
Managing Board, and =egency 'ouncil or, as the case may be, 2rustee Board for a period
of four years on such terms and conditions as may be determined by the 'hancellor#
D!E 2he Dean of any Faculty shall, after consultation /ith the Founder, be elected by the
;eads of the Departments concerned for such period as may be determined by the
"!& A--ointment o1 other o11icers= %f it is necessary to appoint any other officer in
addition to those referred to in section 6, the Founder shall be obliged to obtain the prior
consent of the 9overnment for the appointment of such other officer, and he may, in
case that no consent has been received /ithin thirty days after the date of the
application for such consent, ma.e, /ithin thirty days after non4receipt of the approval,
an appeal to the 'hancellor, and such appeal shall, if the 'hancellor has not decided on it
/ithin si1ty days after its receipt, be considered to have been admitted#
"/& Authorities o1 -rivate universities= DE :very private university shall have the
follo/ing authorities, namely)4
DE aE a Syndicate, Managing Board, =egency 'ouncil or 2rustee Board consisting of no
less than nine members<
bE an Academic 'ouncil consisting of no less than nine members<
cE Faculties or Schools of Studies<
dE a Syllabus 'ommittee<
eE a Finance 'ommittee consisting of no less than five members<
fE an :lection 'ommittee consisting of no less than five members#
D!E 2he Founder may, after prior consent of the 'hancellor, constitute, in addition to
those referred to in sub4section DE, any other authority /hich may be re-uired for the
proper and perfect discharge of the functions of a private university#
DGE 2he Syndicate, Managing Board, =egency 'ouncil or 2rustee Board shall consist of
such persons as have gained over many years e1perience in the fields of education,
culture, industry, science, technology and administration#
"0& Teaching -rogram7 etc& = DE *lans, teaching methods, syllabuses and teaching
standards relating to teaching programs of private universities are to be approved by the
9rants 'ommission#
D!E An application for an approval under sub4section DE shall be made to the 9rants
'ommission< and the 9rants 'ommission shall, /ithin si1ty days after the date of receipt
of the application, decide on the application#
DGE %f the 9rants 'ommission notifies its refusal to approve of a plan, teaching method,
syllabus or teaching standard relating to the teaching program of a private university, an
appeal may, /ithin thirty days after the date of such notice of re(ection, be made against
it to the 'hancellor, and the decision of the 'hancellor on such appeal shall be deemed
DHE %f the 'hancellor fails to decide on an appeal under sub4section DGE /ithin si1ty days
after the date of receipt, the appeal shall be considered to have been admitted#
"& Cancellation o1 a Sanad&= DE %f there is lodged any complaint to the effect that a
forgery or fraud has been committed on the occasion of a/arding a certificate, diploma
or degree of a private university, or that the teaching standard of such university as
approved under section @ has not been maintained, the 'hancellor may have any such
person as is or has been holding the office of the *resident of the ;igh 'ourt ma.e an
investigation of that complaint, and the 9overnment may, if, on such investigation, the
complaint proves correct, cancel the Sanad for such university#
D!E Any person, association, charitable trust or institution afflicted by an order to cancel
a Sanad under sub4section DE may, /ithin thirty days after the date of such order, ma.e
an appeal to the 'hancellor against such order and the decision of the 'hancellor on
such appeal shall be deemed to be final#
DGE An appeal under sub4section D!E shall be decided upon /ithin si1ty days after the
date of its receipt and an appeal /hich has not been decided upon /ithin such period
shall be considered to have been admitted#
",& Statutes&= DE 2he Syndicate, Managing Board, =egency 'ouncil or 2rustee Board
may, after prior consent of the 'hancellor, ma.e statutes containing syllabuses, teaching
methods, boo.4lists and provisions relating to the discharge of administrative and other
necessary functions of a private university#
D!E Statutes made under sub4section DE shall come into effect on the date of notification
in the official 9a>ette#
"+& Certi1icates7 di-lomas etc& o1 -rivate universities&= All certificates, diplomas and
degrees a/arded by a private university shall be signed the Fice4'hancellor, =ector or, as
the case may be, *rincipal, and shall be stamped /ith the seal of such university#
".& 6und&= DE A private university shall have a fund#
D!E 2his fund shall, after the approval of the Syndicate, Managing Board, =egency
'ouncil or, as the case may be, 2rustee Board, be deposited in the name of the university
at a nationali>ed ban. and money may be /ithdra/n from the fund in the prescribed
DGE No private university may, nor may any person or institution in its behalf, raise any
fund /ithin, or outside of, the country /ithout the .no/ledge or prior approval of the
$#& Maintenance o1 account and audit&= 2he account of the income and e1penditure
of a private university shall be maintained by the 9rants 'ommission, and a chartered
accountant to be appointed after approval of the 'hancellor shall audit that account
every financial year#
$"& Po;er to ma:e rules&= 2he 9overnment may, by notification in the official 9a>ette,
ma.e rules for the purpose of this Act#
$&/ Private UniversityAs in Bangladesh
A number of private universities sprouted in Bangladesh after the *rivate University Act,
??! /as instituted# 2he leading private universities in Bangladesh are4
# North South University, Dha.a D??!E
!# University of Science and 2echnology, 'hittagong D??!E
G# %ndependent University, Bangladesh, Dha.a D??GE
H# 'entral ComenBs University, Dha.a D??GE
@# Darul %hsan University, Dha.a D??GE
5# %nternational University of Business Agriculture and 2echnology, Dha.a D??GE
7# %nternational %slamic University, 'hittagong D??@E
6# Ahsanullah University of Science 0 2echnology, Dha.a D??@E
?# American %nternational University Bangladesh, Dha.a D??@E
"# 'omilla University, 'omilla D??@E
# Asian University of Bangladesh, Dha.a D??5E
!# :ast4Cest University, Dha.a D??5E
G# Kueens University, Dha.a D??5E
H# University of Asia *acific, Dha.a D??5E
@# 9ono Bish/abidyalay, Dha.a D??5E
5# 2he *eopleBs University of Bangladesh, Dha.a D??5E
7# Dha.a %nternational University, Dha.a D!"""E
6# B=A' University, Dha.a D!""E
?# Manarat %nternational University, Dha.a D!""E
!"# Bangladesh University, Dha.a D!""E
!# Leading University, Sylhet D!""E
!!# B9' 2rust University Bangladesh, 'hittagong D!""E
!G# Sylhet %nternational University, Sylhet D!""E
!H# University of Development Alternative, Dha.a D!""E
!@# *remeir University, 'hittagong D!""E
!5# South4:ast University, Dha.a D!""!E
!7# Stamford University, Dha.a D!""!E
!6# Daffodil %nternational University, Dha.a D!""!E
!?# State University of Bangladesh, Dha.a D!""!E
G"# %BA%S University, Dha.a D!""!E
G# 'ity University, Dha.a D!""!E
G!# America Bangladesh University, Dha.a D!""!E
GG# *rime University, Dha.a D!""!E
GH# Northern University, Bangladesh, Dha.a D!""!E
G@# Southern University, Bangladesh, 'hittagong D!""!E
G5# 9reen University of Bangladesh, Dha.a D!""!E
G7# *undra University of Science and 2echnology, Bogra D!""!E
G6# Corld University, Dha.a D!""GE
G?# Shanto Marium University of 'reative 2echnology, Dha.a D!""GE
H"# 2he Millenium University, Dha.a D!""GE
H# :astern University, Dha.a D!""GE
H!# Bangladesh University of Business 0 2echnology, Dha.a D!""GE
HG# Metropoliton University, Sylhet D!""GE
HH# Uttara University, Dha.a D!""GE
H@# United %nternational University, Dha.a D!""GE
H5# Fictoria University, Dha.a D!""GE
H7# University of South Asia, Dha.a D!""GE
H6# *residency University, Dha.a D!""GE
H?# University of %nformation 2echnology 0 Science, Dha.a D!""GE
@"# *rime Asia University, Dha.a D!""GE
@# =oyal University of Dha.a, D!""GE
@!# University of Liberal Arts, Bangladesh, Dha.a D!""GE
@G# Atish University of Science 0 2echnology, Dha.a D!""HE
@H# Bangladesh %slamic University, Dha.a D!""@E
(nternational University in Bangladesh
# %slamic University of 2echnology, 9a>ipur
!# Asian University of Comen, 'hittagong
All private universities must be approved by University 9rants 'ommission DU9'E before
they get a permit to operate# Besides, in future some private universities are proposed
for operating their operation#
$&0 O11ered Courses o1 Private UniversityAs
Most of the private universities offer dynamic and demandable courses to ma.e s.illed
human resources for Bangladesh# 2he private universities have capitali>ed on this
situation by limiting /hat they offer to a fe/ disciplines such as business, computer
science, engineering, medicine and so on /hich are very much in demand in the (ob All of the universities offer undergraduate and *ost 9raduate *rograms and
Some high profile university offers research facilities for the post graduate degree
holders# :very course of private universities is credit based system and approved by
Strategic Management Practices o1 Private Universities
!&" 2igher Education in Bangladesh
;igher education is one of the important parts of the education system# 2he .ey aims of
higher education are to generate the ne/ .no/ledge, e1plore research /or.s on
different social and development issues, anticipate the needs of the economy and
prepare highly s.illed /or.ers# %n these conte1ts, higher education should be standard,
/elfare and sustainable development oriented#
Under4graduate education of various duration D! to @ yearsE are offered to 6L students
at a number of public and private universities M degree collegesMtechnical collegesM
speciali>ed institutions# Successful completion of a degree course is a pre4re-uisite for
appointment to a /hite4collar civilian (ob#
*ost4graduate education normally of 4! year duration is provided at the universities and
selected degree colleges and institutions#
2he ma(or higher education institutions in Bangladesh include) degree4level liberal arts
colleges affiliated to a recently established affiliating university D2he Bangladesh National
UniversityE, publicly supported universities including a University of :ngineering and
2echnology and Agricultural Universities, private Universities established under the Non4
government Universities Act DAct GH of ??!E, autonomous institutes of technology,
previously called engineering colleges, agricultural colleges, medical colleges, dental
colleges, teachersJ training colleges, colleges of physical education, college of te1tile
technology college of leather technology#
2here is, also an 8pen University established under Act G6 of ??!# Chile each of the
other universities conducts its o/n e1aminations, the Bangladesh National University is
responsible for conducting bachelorJs and masterJs e1aminations of the affiliated degree
colleges throughout the country#
:ducation intends to promote such values and improve peopleBs capacity that sustains
environment and development issues of any countries# :ducation helps to create
a/areness, /elfare attitudes, s.ills and behavior as /ell as a sense of ethical
responsibilities among the people# :ducation has different levels such as primary,
secondary, higher secondary and university education# Among these, university or higher
education is one of the fastest gro/ing parts of the education system# %n these conte1ts,
higher education should be standard, /elfare and sustainable development oriented# 8ne
of the .ey aims of higher education is to anticipate the needs of the economy and
prepare highly s.illed /or.ers to ma.e it competitive#
Universities in Bangladesh represent about 7@ academic bodies out of a total of about
"@ institutions represent the conventional higher education institution D;:%E in
Bangladesh# Segmented by management and financial structure, these include GH public
universities, @5 private universities, ! international universities, G speciali>ed collages,
and ! special universities# 2here are speciali>ed universities in both categories offering
courses principally in technological studies, medical studies, business studies and %slamic
studies# 2here are t/o private universities dedicated solely to female students# 2he
number of universities is gro/ing mostly in and around the capital city of Dha.a#
2here are about @"" colleges organi>ed under the umbrella of National University 4 one
of the largest in the /orld# 2he 8pen University offers distance learning courses# 2here
also is a parallel religious high4ed education system#
University 9rants 'ommission of Bangladesh DU9'E serves as the regulatory body of all
the public Dgovernment fundedE and private universities of Bangladesh# 2he *rivate
University Act of ??! paved the /ay for vigorous sprouting of private universities# 6"A
of its universities are in their infancy# 2he country has severed shortage in higher
education capacity# 2he country is yet to have any research and education net/or.
D=:NE or digital library consortium DDL'E#
!&$ Private University
Private universities in Bangladesh came into being after institution of the Private niversit!
"ct of 1992# "s of 2008$ over 56 of them have come into being# %hese universities are mostl!
affiliated &ith universities abroad

and follo& an o'en credit s!stem#
!&! Ma?or Strategic Management Practices o1 Private
*rivate universities in Bangladesh follo/ some ma(or strategic management practices
/hich are analy>ing belo/
!&!&" S:ill Personals
Most of the leading private universities appoint some resource professors for full time
and part time in their university# Such as Dr# ;afi> Siddi-i, F#' of NSU and :14dean of
%BA, DU< *rofessor 9olam Mohammed, *hd, Director of MBA of NSU< *rofessor Dr#
An/arul ;aider, *ro4F#' of A%UB< *rofessor Dr# M# Shamshl ;a-ue, F#' of NUB, :14
Director, %BA, DU< *rofessor A#B#M =asidu>>aman, :14Dean Business Administration, &U<
*rofessor M#A =a>>a-ue, Dean of Business Administration, NUB, Former *ro4F#' of
Bangladesh 8pen Universities#
2his policy enhance the educational -uality of university as /ell as increase itBs image#
!&!&$ O;n Cam-us
8/n campus plays a vital role to ma.e the university standard and -ualified# Besides it
helps to raise the position of universities table# But unfortunately only
four private universities in our county have their o/n campus# 2hese are NSU, %UB, 9ono
Bish/abidyalay, %nternational %slamic University 'hittagong, ASA University Dha.a# But
due to the policy of government no/ private universities are purchase their o/n land to
run their operation#
!&!&! Create Em-loyment
All of the private universities recruit brilliant students as lecturer or other administrative
posts# %t /ill help to minimi>e the unemployment problems from country#
!&!&/ Modern classroom and environment
Most of the leading private universities arrange comfortable classroom /ith all .ind of
modern amenities such as multimedia pro(ector, /hite board, air4conditioned class
rooms, lift facilities, generator and %nstant *o/er Supply D%#*#SE etc# But it depends on
the financial strength of each university#
!&!&0 6ree 1rom -olitics
Student politics, 2eacher politics is strictly prohibited of every private university in
Bangladesh# As a result, there is no session (am, no violence< educational and academic
activities run very smoothly here#
!&!& Admission Test
Some leading private universities li.e NSU, A%UB, B=A', %UB, U%U etc ta.e /ritten
admission test and intervie/ test to admit students# 2he process of their admission e1am
is very challenging and hard# 2heir -uestion standard is recogni>ed by U9'#
!&!&, Academic Scholarshi-
All of the private university provide academic scholarship base on semester e1am
results# Besides they offer scholarship based on students ;#S#' and S#S#' results# So
students can get chance to complete their education /ith in convenience pac.age#
!&!&+ Training 6acilities
Some leading private universities arrange various training facilities to ma.e their
students fit for the (ob Among of the training facilities computer training,
Business :nglish training, Business ethics training and various sub(ect related training
!&!&. Part time ?o% and internshi- 1acilities
Some of the pioneer private universities provide (ob facilities for their students to
enhance their e1perience from their student life# Beside almost every private university
offer mandatory internship program for their students to reali>e and face the real /or.
environment before achieving their professional degree#
!&!&"# Credit Trans1er 6acility
Most of the private universities are collaborate /ith various national and international
universities and they offer credit transfer facilities to the convenience of their students#
!&!&"" O-en Credit System
All of the private universities operate their education system at open credit system# As a
result student of every can complete hisMher sub(ect at specified time#
!&!&"$ U-grading su%?ects
Most of the leading private universities offer various modern sub(ects /hich is not
present or number of sits is very limited in our public universities# Among of them ;otel
Management and 2ourism, :vent Mar.eting, M%S, :::, 'S:, BBA, MBA, MBM, Fashion
Designing etc
!&!&"! Rich 5i%rary
For the convenience of students leading private universities in our country have rich and
modern library /ith all .ind of facilities# Cith te1t and reference boo.s it collects various
(ournals, articles, maga>ines and daily ne/spapers for the students#
!&!&"/ Modern 5a% 1acilities
Al most every private universities in our country provide modern lab facilities /ith hi
speed internet communication# Besides some universities provide online registration
facility for the convenience of itBs students#
!&!&"0 Bo% 6air
Most of the leading private universities arrange fre-uently (ob fair for its students# ;ere
all of the national and multinational corporate firms, ban.s, service organi>ations
participate and offer instant (ob to the brilliant students# As a result students do not
tense about their (ob after enter into the (ob
!&!&" Sto- to -ass %rain drain
Before the culture of private universities most students in our country /ent %ndia, U&,
USA, and Australia for higher education# Because public universities cannot fulfill demand
due to its limited sit# But after establishing private universities they have got chance to
carry their education in o/n country# As a result, /e can save our money and our human
!&/ Environment o1 2igher Education in Bangladesh
Since that enactment of the *rivate Universities Act of ??!, Bangladesh has seen a
tremendous gro/th in the number of private educational platforms over the recent
years, mainly through the emergence of a large number of universities in the private
sector# 3et, this gro/th also has a do/nside to it, as rapid e1pansion entails a ris. of
compromise on -uality and e1penses# ;o/ever, the combined effect is a vibrant
education sector /ith a healthy rivalry among the competing institutions# Undoubtedly,
the main beneficiary is the student community, /hich gains access to a /ider platform of
selection /ith the comparative cost advantage of domestic study over studying abroad#
2hus, society and the nation are the ultimate gainers# Surprisingly, about ?@A of these
universities are located in Dha.aBs metropolitan areas# Chile in the year !""" there /ere
only 7 of these universities, today the number has reached @G# 8bviously, this gro/th
rate seems unhealthy in consideration of the per capita income of the country and also in
terms of -uality assurance in higher education, as education at these universities is
much more e1pensive than at the public universities of Bangladesh# 8ne very familiar
feature of these universities is the /ay they follo/ the American method of education
rather than the British model# 2hey offer four4year bachelor degree programs /ith credit4
based courses# 2his system has also created popular appeal in Bangladesh# Still,
regulators and consumers have concerns about service -uality, design and costs# As of
today, there is nobody to regulate private universities and to assure the -uality of
education other than through the /ea. supervision of the University 9rant 'ommission
DU9'E# Since private universities receive no funding from the U9', there is little that the
U9' can do e1cept report some facts for the government# 2he issue is, therefore, an
important variable for higher educational private institutes that aspire to that degree of
e1cellence# 2his study is, thus, an attempt to e1amine the opinion or satisfaction level of
the clientele or consumers DstudentsE regarding the -uality and cost of education in the
private sector in Bangladesh#
!&0 Ran:ing o1 -rivate universities
Actually there are no ran.ings of private universities in Bangladesh by any proper
authorities or 9overnment# But according to the follo/ing criteria the universities
many sort as follo/s in Bangladesh)
aE Universities activities concentrated students proper education parallel to
international standardi>e
bE Number of *;D holders 2eachers
cE Achievement of global and local endo/ed activities
dE After graduation students enrollment rate to multinational or brand corporate or
high :ntrepreneurship#
eE 'omparable less educational cost
fE Number of universities collaborated /ith in abroad
gE Number of Scholarship facilities
hE Number of 9raduate Scholars output
iE Cell e-uipped modern infrastructure facilities campus, faculty, lab, classroom etc#
(E 9overning Bodies around /ith number of erudite personalities#
2op ten private universities of Bangladesh4
Sl& Name
North South University
! American %nternational University Bangladesh
G Brac University
H Daffodil %nternational University
@ %ndependent University of Bangladesh
5 United %nternational University
7 Ahsanullah University of Science 0 2echnology
6 :ast Cest University
? ASA University
" 9ono Bis/abidhaloy
Ta%le "
8ther universities are performed /ell and try to develop their standard under the rule of
private university act, ??! and U9' guardians#
6indings > Analysis
/&" 6indings
28 analy>e the study /e have gained both positive and negative findings of strategic
management practice of private universities in Bangladesh# 2heses findings are given
A& Positive 6indings
i# Foremost private universities sign up high profiles faculty members# %t
helps them to develop their standard and achieve their ob(ective#
ii# All of the private universities recruit fresh students as lecturer or other
administrative post# As a result ne/ employment opportunity has been
iii# Some private universities has o/n campus# %t /ill give them huge facilities
to admit students and separate themselves from other#
iv# *rivate universities are free from student politics, irregular and interrupted
classes and e1aminations, unsatisfactory teacher4student ratios and so
v# *rivate universities can complete their schedule at proper time#
vi# ;igh profile private university arrange (ob fair, training facilities corporate
firms, arrange practical intervie/, industry tour etc for the development of
their students#
vii# All of the private universities offer modern, dynamic and demanded
courses in (ob
viii# Most of the students cannot get admitted in public university after
completed their higher secondary and ma(ority of them going to %ndia,
U#&, U#S#A, and Australia# :ventually, Bangladesh began to suffer from the
loss of huge amounts of hard4earned foreign currency, and also the loss of
many of its then highly -ualified citi>ens4the brain4drain factor# So the
private universities have directly helped in saving foreign currency as /ell
as reducing the brain drain#
i1# Many scholarships are also available for students /ith brilliant academic
results although they are also popular /ith those /ho face financial
1# Most of the private universities are collaborated /ith foreign universities
and the students have got the chance to transfer their credit from the
foreign university at any time#
1i# Some of the high ran.ed private universities provide education by modern
facilities li.e multimedia classroom, sophisticate technology labs, modern
library /ith high speed internet access# Besides their have provided all
modern support system li.e suitable building infrastructure, air
conditioned class room, integrated electric supply, canteen facilities,
recreational and sports facilities, cultural and e1tracurricular activities for
their students#
1ii# Some of the private universities offer their students to pay their semester
fees in installment basis as DH"A, G"A, G"AE# As a result, students /ho
come from poor and middle class family can continue their education and
pay their fees easily#
B& Negative 6indings
*rivate universities in our country are not free from criticism# 2hough it is established
under the act of ??! but some of the universities are segregated from the acts# 2he
criticism are given belo/4
i# universities /ent operational /ithout a U9' approval /hich /as made
a necessity under the *rivate University Act D??!E in Bangladesh#
ii# !7 private universities in Bangladesh /ere found running /ithout a Fice4
iii# " universities /ere issued a deadline of one year from the U9' to
improve -ualities#
iv# :ight universities the U9' of Bangladesh recommended for shutting do/n
due to poor -uality of academic standards# Some /ere served /ith sho/4
cause notice by (udicial authorities /hy it /ould not be closed
v# Some of these universities introduced ne/ academic courses /ithout U9'
approval along /ith a number of other private universities#
vi# Some private universities advertise they have big shot faculty members
but in real situation their advertisement is vague#
vii# Some universities conduct their classes by high school, college teachers or
lo/ -ualify graduate students and pay very fe/ payments# As a result,
students are derivates from the taste of real education#
viii# Some others /ere found to deliver instructions in unauthori>ed courses
and have illegal campuses and outer campus# Admission of ne/ students
are totally prohibited these illegal and outer campuses by the order of the
;igh 'ourt# But some of them challenge the rule and operate their
activities due to the /ithhold order of the Supreme 'ourt#
i1# Some of the founders, governing body of private universities are blessed
by any political party# As a result they recruit ne/ teachers, officers based
on the identity of the special political party#
1# 2he cost of education in private universities in Bangladesh is also an
important concern /here, about H!A to H@A of households live under the
absolute poverty line# 8nly rich parents can consider paying the high fees
and other costs of studies for their children# %n e1change for high tuition
fees and other costs, the students that come from affluent families e1pect
to receive high -uality education from these private universities#
1i# 2he private universities in fact spend most of their funds on renting for the
campus buildings instead of on high salaries to attract the highly -ualified
faculty members# As a result, there e1ist serious -uestions about the
-uality of the education offered at these universities#
1ii# Almost all private universities D/ith fe/ e1ceptionsE are founded on rented
space and buildings< campus facilities such as academically suitable
building infrastructure, e1tensive library facilities, dormitory facilities,
canteen facility, sports and recreational facilities, computer laboratories
/ith high speed internet access and transport systems are e1tremely
limited# 2his factor influences the overall learning of the students, /hich
affects the -uality of their education# %n a similar fashion, research
facilities are also underdeveloped#
1iii# Most of the private universities do not have any syndicate# 2heir education
system is very /ea.# 2hey do not follo/ any updated syllabus and course
1iv# 2hey publish attractive advertisements to collect students# But in reality
they are unable to provide these .ind facilities /hich they declared in
advertisements# 2hey do not arrange any training facilities, (ob fair,
industry visit etc#
1v# %n university students can get the chance to ac-uire universal .no/ledge#
Besides students can get the opportunity to develop their latent talents at
the large area of campus# But most of the private universities operate in
rented building /ith in a limited space# So students are deprived from
these e1periences#
/&$ Analysis
2o analy>e the present scenario of higher education system in Bangladesh /e see that
private university play huge responsibility# But all of their activities are not free of
debate# %n one side their positive role unfastens the ne/ era in our countryBs educational
system# 8ne the other side, e1cept some private universities most of the private
universities are commerciali>e# *rovide proper education is neglected here< their main
motto is earning profits#
Recommendations > Conclusion
0&" Recommendations
%n this term paper /e provide some recommendation to overcome the e1isting obstacles
of private universities# 2he recommendations are given belo/4
i# *rivate universities are free from student politics, irregular and interrupted
classes and e1aminations, unsatisfactory teacher4student ratios and so forth# So
it should maintain the present condition#
ii# All of the private universities should follo/ all the criteria of the *rivate University
8rdinance Act, ??!#
iii# 8uter campus and illegal campus as /ell as distance learning program should be
iv# 2he cost of education in private universities in Bangladesh should be minimi>ed
and reasonable#
v# Founder, governing body should be free from the favor of any political party#
vi# 2o operate the outer campus they must follo/ the decision of the Supreme 'ourt
and stop ne/ admission#
vii# Some private universities conduct classes by belo/ -ualify graduates, high school
and college teachers and pay very salary# So this .ind of bad practices should be
strictly banned and teachers should be appointed on the basis of their result and
recruitment test and salary should be handsome#
viii# Most of the private universities do not have any syndicate# 2heir education
system is very /ea.# 2hey do not follo/ any updated syllabus and course
curriculums# So modern and up to date education syllabus and course curriculums
should be introduced and organi>e the syndicate body#
i1# 2here is no proper system# So, system should be introduced for
our universities# /ill create competitiveness among the universities and
institutions# 2he /ill be based on certain parameters /hich should be
selected on the basis of international e1ercise#
1# Almost all private universities D/ith fe/ e1ceptionsE are founded on rented space
and buildings# So government should force them by passing ne/ ordinance to
purchase o/n land and build o/n campus facilities, e1tensive library facilities,
dormitory facilities, canteen facility, sports and recreational facilities, computer
laboratories /ith high speed internet access and transport systems are properly
1i# Nob fair, training facilities, intervie/ system, and industrial visit should be
fre-uently practice# Besides, e1tracurricular activities should be regularly
1ii# Lucrative advertisement can not be published if it not be able to perform#
1iii# 2o regulate the activities of private universities the U9' should be stricter and
government should imposed ne/ ordinance to maintain their standard#
%n the US, as /ell as in many other countries around the /orld, private universities and
colleges are as good as the public ones, if not better at times# M%2, ;arvard, 3ale,
*rinceton and Dartmouth are all private institutions# %n Bangladesh, many private
universities are also e1cellent education institutions# Although some of the universities
have come under fire for failing to deliver /hat they had promised, it has to be
remembered that BangladeshJs /hole system of higher education is still in its
development stage#
0&$ Conclusion
*rivate education in Bangladesh is getting more competitive /ith the
increase in the number of academic institutions in the country# 2he ineluctable forces of
globali>ation in this ne/ millennium ma.e this gro/th path more comple1 and
challenging# Despite the relentless and continuous effort of private educational
institutions, -uality has not yet achieved at the desired level# 2he cost of private
education is another dimension to consider, as it is unaffordable in Bangladesh, and more
effort needs to be made if costs are to be lo/ered# ;o/ever, the system is proceeding
gradually to/ards greater improvement#
Nevertheless, all the problems considered here should be addressed more rigorously to
ensure the -uality of education in Bangladesh reaches the desired level# 2his study has
shed the light on the dimensions perceived by students as associated /ith the -uality of
education# 2hese dimensions are faculty credentials, the academic calendar, campus
facilities, research facilities and the cost of education# 2he study also concludes that, in
general, the cost of education in private universities in Bangladesh is some/hat
e1pensive due to the imbalance bet/een increasing tuition fees and an increasing
amount of financial aid and scholarships#
Bi%liogra-hy > Re1erences
# Alam, M#, ;a-ue, M# S# and Siddi-ui, S# F# D!""7E# Private higher education in
Bangladesh. =esearch papers# *aris) %nternational %nstitute for :ducation
!# Aminu>>aman, S# D!""7E# Overview of quality assurance in the context of
Bangladesh# *aper presented in a / organi>ed by American %nternational
University Bangladesh, Dha.a, Bangladesh#
G# 9rants 'ommission of Bangladesh, @45 April, !""#
H# ;u-, A2M $ahurul# !""# +A Scenario of ;igher :ducation in Bangladesh,,
Seminar paper
@# &abir, N# D!""5E# *rivate universities) An analytical assessment# The Daily New
Age, "O#
5# &otler, *# D!""GE# Mareting !anage!ent# Delhi) *earson :ducation %nc#
7# 81ford# D!""GE# The Oxford co!"act #nglish dictionary. Ne/ 3or.) 81ford
University *ress#
6# Sabur, M# A# D!""HE# Dha.a University verses private university) A comparative
analysis of -uality of education offered by the institutions# BSS diss#, University of
Dha.a, Bangladesh# presented in the National $e!inar on %igher #ducation in
Bangladesh. Dha.a) University
?# University 9rants 'ommission# D!""6E# Annual =eport !""6# Dha.a) University
9rants 'ommission#

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