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works for your business

policy training events promotion international

Upcoming Events
Members News
New Members
Ireland's Economic Recovery: What's Next?
Nominees for Digital Awards Announced
Cork Chamber Works Campaign
the search is on
policy training events promotion international
4 A New City Centre Strategy for Cork
5 Ireland's Economic Recovery: What
Next? (Conference)
6 inBusiness inCork 2014
Cork Foundation luncheon
cover story
7 Could Your Business be Cork
Company of the Year 2015
8 Cork Digital Marketing Awards 2014
- Nominees Announced
10 Business Opportunities Exist in India
11 Workshop: A Targeted approach to
International Growth
12 New Members of Cork Chamber
13 Cork Chamber Works
14 Announcing Cork Chamber's Annual
Christmas Lunch
15 Upcoming Events
16 Recent Events
- Sunday Business Post
- Cork Opera House
- Pont Aven
- Global Economic Forum
- Breakfast Brieng
18 On the Move
19 Members News
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Chamberlink is Sponsored by
Chamberlink is published by Cork Chamber and is a monthly
publication exclusive to members. The opinions expressed in
Chamberlink are not necessarily those of Cork Chamber, neither do
they accept any responsibility or liability for any legal implications
arising there from.
Cork Chamber, Fitzgerald House, Summerhill North, Cork
T: (021) 4509044 F: (021) 4508568 E: W:
Registered in Ireland no. 13918
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Dear Chamber Member
The fnal quarter of the year promises to be a busy one for all our members with
a selection of events, seminars and awards all of which are outlined within this
months edition, so stay up-to-date and to not miss out on opportunities to
showcase your business.

One of the largest events in the calendar and now in its fourth year Cork Chambers
Dublin Dinner, in association with EY will take place in the Doubletree Hilton Hotel
on Tuesday November 18
. Tickets are already selling well across the two regions
so we look forward to seeing our members maximise the unique potential for
networking this event brings.
The search is on for Corks top business as we launch the Cork Company of the Year
Awards, in association with Vodafone. This is a fantastic opportunity to showcase
your business with the media exposure the awards generate each year, profle on
the night of the Annual Dinner and presentation in front of the regions business
leaders. We are delighted to introduce a Special Award Category, and this year we
will be honouring Corks Top Retail outlet, to acknowledge the work of businesses in
the retail sector.
Also on the subject of awards, the Business School at Cork Chamber are in the fnal
stages of choosing the winners of the newly introduced Digital Awards, all will be
revealed at the Awards lunch on November 6
Budget 2015 has made some eforts to reduce income tax and boost consumer
confdence; however we believe it has neglected to support the Indigenous SME
and self-employed sectors.
Finally I ask you to please mark the Friday 21
November in your diary as the Annual
Dinner tickets are going on sale that morning and have sold out in a matter of hours
in recent years.
Best regards,
Conor Healy
Chief Executive
A New City Centre Strategy for Cork
Over the summer months, City Council invited feedback on its
newly released City Centre Strategy.
The city centre strategy aims to help deliver a healthy heart
for the Cork Region and the South of Ireland by rebalancing
economic activity towards the city centre. It proposes fresh
structures, such as a city centre partnership team and a new city
centre liaison, akin to a best in class regional shopping centre
manager to broker relationships, deal with day to day business
and operational issues and animate the city centre. The Strategy
highlights the major opportunity to capitalise on the citys many
natural assets and resources by rebuilding a vibrant, character-
flled, attractive city centre that can act as the shop-window for
the wider Cork region.
In its response to City Council, Cork Chamber welcomed the
New city centre partnership organisation and operation
of the city centre. Given that Cork Chamber has already
initiated a Cork City Centre Forum comprised of city centre
businesses from across retail, hospitality and commercial
sectors, including the Cork Business Association we
recommended that this Forum form the basis of the new
partnership structure to fast track the delivery of much
needed revitalisation actions across the city; and
Appointment of a city centre liaison ofcer to broker
relationships and deal with the day to day business and
operational issues. The Chamber highlighted its willingness
to facilitate such an appointment and in this way bridge the
City Council/business link.
The Chamber also recommended that City Council:
Postpone its proposed usage of BIDs until specifc actions
have been introduced and the positive impact of these felt
by city centre businesses. We also called for an evaluation
of the value and potential of any proposed BID to be
undertaken prior to any decision to proceed.
Put in place a comprehensive action plan to progress
the release of the under-used property assets owned or
controlled by state agencies and large corporate businesses
across the city.
Identify the quick wins from the Strategy to immediately
increase city centre footfall and put in place action plans
with timelines and budgets to implement the quick
win actions as efciently as possible. Engagement with
businesses across the relevant character areas is essential
prior to the fnalisation and roll out of action plans.
The 'transformational projects' need to be categorised
according to feasibility, priority and requirements to
progress them. A thought-out, solid plan clearly identifying
the required steps to get these projects to the shovel ready
and delivery phase is vital to deliver results.
To view Cork Chambers submission on the City Centre Strategy or
its recent submission on the City Development Plan (2015 2021)
which incorporates recommendations across transport, tourism,
economy, city centre and docklands developments, please visit
cfm or contact
The Strategy aims to:
Further develop existing character areas across the
city, e.g. an eclectic shopping and leisure mix area
around Mc Curtain Street, a business district area
around South Mall, an elegant shopping area around
Mc Curtain Street and a cosmopolitan independent
retail and leisure quarter around Oliver Plunket
Introduce a way fnding system and cultural
promotion signage across the City
It also identifes a number of transformational projects
such as:
A colour corridor of decorative buildings and high
quality street art from South Parish to Shandon
A Food Innovation Hub in the city centre
A cosmetic makeover of the ex Revenue
Commissioners Building for use as a modern ofce
space or a centre of creativity leveraging existing
studio space for small businesses
The transformation of the Beamish and Crawford site
for enhanced residential, leisure, cultural, civic facilities
and public space
The Chamber and its City Centre Forum also proposed a
number of additional actions for consideration as part of
the city centre revitalisation strategy including:
The release of an annual city-centre events calendar and
supplementary quarterly update bulletins
The introduction of new events that tie in with Corks
heritage, culture, education and natural resources, and that
align with and promote the Citys diverse character e.g. a
series of street festivals celebrating the distinctiveness of
each the character areas over the summer as an ofcial
opening act
New parking initiatives such as the release of regular
counts of available spaces across city centre car parks and
the designation of a proportion of spaces at reduced rates
to incentivise increased foot-fall
Pop up shops and the usage of the usage of existing vacant
retail unit windows to promote Cork city centre products
Implement the climbing wall proposed as part of the TEAM
strategy and new events at the bonded warehouse to grow
vibrancy across the waterfront
Submission for purple fag award to increase evening and
night time city centre safety
A range of other initiatives, including specifc apps (with
potential to promote Cork as a cash free city) and social
media tools to promote the city centre as a vibrant and
young city are also under consideration by the Forum.
David McCarthy, Director of Policy & External Relations (Acting)
e: or t: 021-4530147
Siobhn Bradley, Policy & Research Projects Manager
e: or t: 021-4530132
Claire Davis, Policy & Research Executive
e: or t: 021-4530139
What lies in store for Ireland's economy? What still needs to be done to
make sure that the country's recovery is sustainable? What is the EU's role
now that Ireland has successfully exited its EU/IMF Programme and what
impact will new EU economic governance rules have on Irish economic
On Friday, 28 November, the European Commission will host a
Conference, in conjunction with Cork Chamber of Commerce, to address
these and other questions. Speakers will include Tnaiste and Minister for
Social Protection, Joan Burton TD, Minister Simon Coveney TD and other
senior Irish politicians, business leaders, economic commentators and
Under its EU/IMF Programme, Ireland implemented a series of reforms to
reduce the country's excessive defcit and improve its competitiveness.
In 2013, Ireland became the frst EU Member State to successfully exit its
Programme and return to the international credit markets where it is now
experiencing historically low borrowing costs.
As a result, Ireland is now a full participant in the EU's new economic
policy coordination arrangements, including the annual European
The goal of the European Semester is to support and guide policy-making
that delivers growth and jobs in Ireland and the rest of the EU. The process
underpins the eforts of all countries, including Ireland, to put their public
fnances back on a sustainable footing in a way that is tailored to each
country. It also includes coordination at EU level to help ensure that past
mistakes are never repeated.
The European Semester kicks of each November, when the key strategic
priorities for the year ahead are set out. The process culminates the
following year in June, with the publication by the European Commission
of recommendations for each Member State Country Specifc
This year, Ireland received seven of these recommendations addressing
challenges in areas such as healthcare; tackling youth and long-term
unemployment; afordable childcare; SME fnancing; mortgage arrears;
and legal services.
Ireland has regained much of its lost competitiveness and its economy
is again growing and creating jobs. However, as the country continues
to borrow an average of 600 million each month and is grappling with
a very large debt burden and high unemployment, the challenge is to
ensure that this recovery is sustained!
If you are interested in attending this free Conference, please contact
Claire Davis, ( or register on www.corkchamber.
Cork Chamber acknowledged the eforts made to reduce income
tax and boost consumer confdence; however Budget 2015 has
neglected to support the Indigenous SME and self-employed

Cork Chamber President, Gillian Keating stated that Budget
2015 missed a huge opportunity to support and encourage
indigenous SMEs and entrepreneurs who are the life blood of the
Irish Economy and will be the driving force behind creating new
jobs that will ultimately underpin Irelands economic recovery.
On a positive note, we welcome the focus that Government
has placed on introducing clarity around the 4 year phasing
out of the Double Irish tax position while maintaining Irelands
attractiveness as a location for MNCs through the retention of
the 12.5% Corporate Tax rate and a commitment to introduce a
Knowledge & Development Box scheme which will encourage

Assessing the overall Impact of the Budget Ms. Keating stated,
The retention of the 9 per cent VAT rate for the tourism and
hospitality sectors and the focus on stimulating the construction
sector through a 2.2bn injection is a positive move. We would
also welcome the governments positive focus on the Agri sector
and the ambition to grow the Blue Economy both of which are
of vital importance to economic growth and job creation in this
region. However Cork Chamber is disappointed with the Budgets
lack of detailed and pro-active incentives for the SME sector who
will be the main drivers of Irelands continued economic recovery.
Cork Chamber Responds to Budget 2015
partnered projects
Collette O'Connor, Cork Foundation
Siobhn Finn, Cork innovates
Cork Foundation, a not-for-proft fund for Cork businesses and
community enterprises, held their inaugural Dublin lunch at Fire
Restaurant, The Mansion House, Dublin on Friday, 10th October.
The Guest Speaker at the lunch was John Moran the Director of
the European Investment Bank and Former Secretary General
of the Department of Finance. The event brought together key
business people from both Cork and Dublin to generate jobs for
Cork City and County.
Speaking at the lunch, Yvonne Barry, Chairperson, Cork
Foundation and Partner at Quintas said: "We need to get the word
out, to tell people about how we are trying to help ourselves and
build jobs in Cork. We need contributions from the many Cork
people scattered all over the globe to make our goal of creating
sustainable jobs a reality.
Cork Foundation works with donors both in Ireland and abroad
to bridge the funding gaps currently in Cork, especially amongst
struggling community enterprises and start-ups.
Cork Foundation next two events are in the US; Denis OBrien is
hosting a dinner in New York and the Irish Embassy is hosting
a dinner to create new contacts and thank the Foundations US
For further information go to
Richard Martin, Ronan Daly Jermyn with ine
Collins TD, Fine Gael.
Anne OLeary, CEO Vodafone and Cork Foundation Strategic Advisory Board Member; Guest
Speaker, John Moran, Director of the European Investment Bank; Yvonne Barry, Chairperson
Cork Foundation and Partner at Quintas and John Mullins, CEO Amarenco and Board Member
Cork Foundation.
The third annual inBusiness inCork showcase at City Hall will
deliver breakthrough opportunities for businesses and startups
on Friday 14
November 2014. With more than 1,500 participants
expected to attend the business networking showcase and
conference, Cork innovates has teamed up with Vodafone and AIB
among other business partners to deliver a breakthrough event
for potential and existing entrepreneurs in the region.
Cork innovates has been recognised as a model for
entrepreneurship, both nationally and internationally, and has
received awards for driving business development in the Cork
region by Chambers Ireland and the European Commission DG
Enterprise. The inBusiness inCork 2014 showcase is supported
by a number of partners including Vodafone, AIB, Irish Examiner,
RedFM and more to bring a high quality event to the people of
For more information, or to register your place at the free event,
please visit
inBusiness inCork 2014
Provides Breakthrough Opportunities for Business
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Treasa Doran, Vodafone; John O'Doherty, Regional Director, AIB Bank and Siobhn Finn,
Project Director, Cork innovates. (Photograph: Diane Cusack Photography)
Key business leaders focus on Cork
Collette O'Connor, Cork Foundation
Siobhn Finn, Cork innovates
works for your business
cover story
The search is on for Corks top business as Cork Chamber,
in partnership with Vodafone Ireland, launches the
Company of the Year Awards. Open to businesses across all
sectors and sizes, Cork Chamber is calling on companies to
use this opportunity to showcase their achievements and
successes over the past year.

Speaking at the launch Gillian Keating, President of Cork
Chamber said; We are delighted to be working with
Vodafone Ireland to recognise companies that have
demonstrated expertise in the areas of strategic vision,
innovation, performance, sales, marketing and CSR. Now
in its 15
year the Cork Company of the Year Awards
have gone from strength to strength, attracting the top
businesses from Cork City and County. To further enhance
the awards we are delighted to introduce a Special Award
Category this year, honouring Corks Top Retail outlet,
acknowledging the work of businesses in the retail sector.
Ms. Keating continued, This is a fantastic opportunity
to showcase your business to a wide audience with the
media exposure the awards generate each year, thanks
to our media partner Irish Examiner. Finalists are also
showcased at Cork Chambers Annual Dinner, which is
attended by close to 1000 business people. Therefore
the Chamber encourages all businesses to use this
opportunity to refect on their success over the past year
and/or nominate companies that you believe have got the
WOW factor.
Anne OLeary, CEO, Vodafone Ireland said; Vodafone
Ireland is delighted to once again support Cork Chamber
in its search for the Cork Company of the Year. We continue
to be impressed by the agility of Cork companies, from
entrepreneurs to MNCs, to expand on the national and
international stage. We are really looking forward to what
the 2015 Cork Company of the Year Awards have in store.
The four award categories are:
Cork Large Company of the Year (more than 100
Cork SME of the Year (less than 100 employees)
Emerging Cork Company of the Year (less than 3 years
in business)
NEW Special Award Category: Cork Retailer of the
To complete the entry form or to nominate a company
please visit: before
Tuesday 28
October, 2014.
Cover: Anne OLeary, CEO Vodafone and Gillian Keating, President Cork Chamber launching
the Cork Company of the Year Awards. (Photograph: John Sheehan Photography)
Could your business be Cork Company of the Year 2015
"Winning Cork Emerging Company of the Year was a milestone
achievement for AnaBio Technologies and it provided a stepping
stone to allow for our growth with national and international
customers. I am very grateful for the continued support from the
Chamber and also from the Munster business community."
Dr. Sinad Doherty, AnaBio Technologies Ltd.
Emerging Company of the Year 2014
Winning Cork Company of the Year in the SME Category was
a wonderful boost for our staf during a time of change in our
organisation. The coverage in the press and on-line was very
positive and a real contributor the continued success of the
company this year.
Mark Whitaker, Johnson & Perrott Motor Group -
SME Company of the Year 2014
"We thought that gaining international recognition was our
greatest accolade. Winning Cork Company of the Year in our own
city was, however, the ultimate achievement for the entire Voxpro
Dan Kiely, Voxpro - Large Company of the Year 2014
Overall Winner of Cork Company of the Year
Cork Digital Marketing Awards 2014
Many thanks to everyone who took the time to enter our Cork Digital Marketing Awards. We had a fantastic response to
the Awards with almost 300 entries from 105 diferent companies. This is a fantastic achievement for our very frst year so
many thanks to all for taking part! The Awards ceremony will be held on the 6
November next in the Kingsley Hotel at
12.30 p.m. so mark the date in your diaries! And the Semifnalists are...
Best Digital Marketing by an SME
J. Barter Travel
Fota Wildlife Park
Blarney Woollen Mills
Cavanaghs of Charleville Ltd
Fuzion PR
Cork Film Festival
EIL Ireland
Cork Airport
Best Digital Marketing by a Corporate
Hayfeld Manor Hotel
Ernest J Cantillon Solicitors
Laya Healthcare

Best Digital Marketing by a sole-trader/
Story Machine
LED Powerhouse
Mary Hennessy, HR & Training Consultant
Giles Norman Photography
The Gallery Kinsale
Best use of Twitter
Cork's Redfm
Fota Wildlife Park
The Bishopstown Bar
Irish Examiner
Coqbull Restaurant
Cork Airport
Cork Film Festival
Castlemartyr Resort
Clarion Hotel Cork
Best use of Facebook - with 20
employees or less
Cork Independent
Barnabrow House
Himalaya Yoga Valley Centre
The Hope Foundation
Mahon Point Shopping Centre
J. Barter Travel
EIL Ireland
Bia Beauty Skincare
Saville Menswear
Best use of Facebook - more than 20
Cork Opera House
Coqbull Restaurant
Hayfeld Manor
Irish Examiner
Fota Wildlife Park
Irish Guide Dogs for the Blind
Cavanaghs of Charleville Ltd
Castlemartyr Resort
Cork's Redfm
Laya Healthcare
University College Cork
Best use of Video - produced for and by
the Cork Ofce
Munster HR Associates
Cork Airport
Barry Group
Kearys Motor Group
Goldbergs Bar
The Nightmare Realm
Story Machine
Best Zero Budget Digital Marketing
EIL Ireland
Breakthrough Cancer Research
Essential French
Cavanaghs of Charleville Ltd
Lucky Meadows Equestrian Centre
Irish Guide Dogs for the Blind
Cork Opera House
Queen B Athletics

Best website - company with 20
employees or less
Wm O' Brien Energy Services
Mahon Point Shopping Centre
Gatelys Boardwalk Bar and Grill
Sober Lane (Agency: Zone Digital Ltd)
EIL Ireland
Cork Film Festival
Doodle Creative

Best website - company with more than
20 employees
Fota Wildlife Park
George Boole - University College Cork
Castlemartyr Resort
Irish Examiner
Morgan McKinley
Cavanaghs of Charleville Ltd
The Montenotte Hotel
Casey's (Agency: Studio49)
Cork's Redfm
works for your business
works for your business
Certifcate in Business & Executive Coaching
Leadership (FETAC Level 6)
Course Dates: 5
& 6
November, 3
& 4
December 2014 and
January, 2015
Member Rate: 720.00
Coaching is about unlocking a persons potential to maximise
their performance. This programme is designed to provide those
with responsibilities for developing workplace competencies
with the skills needed to develop individual performance in
others. Specifc features of this newly revised programme include
(a) an exploration of the Co-Active Coaching model (course book
provided) (b) enhanced practical coaching applications and (c)
an individual MBTI Personality assessment designed to provide
participants with signifcant understanding of the psychology of
workplace relationships. This course is suitable for managers and
other individuals who are responsible for developing workplace
competencies and who possess the interest and skills required to
develop individual performance in others.
Introduction to Technical Writing
Course Dates: 20
Member Rate: 150.00
This course aims to ensure that participants can make their
technical documentation accurate, brief, clear, complete and,
above all, reader-friendly. The emphasis is on writing to impart
complex technical information to a specifc target audience.
This course is designed for participants who are committed to
delivering reports, manuals and routine communications that are
accurate, concise, clear and focussed on the needs of the target
Google Analytics
Course Date: 24
Member Rate: 150.00
This course will give you a clear understanding of the important
metrics to look for in a Google Analytics account; show you
how you can set-up and use goals and funnels in your own
account to assess visitor quality and give you tips on how to get
more quality trafc back to your website. This course is ideal for
marketing professionals, IT professionals and all business owners.
Digital Media for Business
Course Dates: 25
November and 2
, 9
& 16
Member Rate: 440.00
This four day course provides an in-depth insight into the latest
innovations in Online Marketing and Digital Media. Day One: SEO
& Website Structure, Targeted Advertising. Day Two: Blogging
& Content Creation, Facebook. Day Three: Twitter & LinkedIn.
Day Four: Mobile Marketing, Mobile Applications & Devising a
Marketing Plan.
Efective Presentation Skills
Course Date: 26
Member Rate: 130.00
This course combines the perfect balance of theory with
practical presentation techniques over one day resulting in a
comprehensive training course giving participants the skills
required to deliver efective presentations in a clear, concise
and confdent manner. Participants will learn how to structure
a presentation to gain maximum efect and impact, control
their nerves and convey a professional image through the
Norma Lynch, Business School Manager
e: or t: 021-4530142
Aoife Dunne, Business School Executive
e: or t: 021-4530141
Biznetcork Skillnet and Munster Finuas Networks are funded by member companies and the Training Networks
Programme and Finuas Networks Programme respectively, initiatives of Skillnets Ltd. funded from the National
Training Fund through the Department of Education and Skills
Upcoming Training Courses
Cork Chamber Business School presents the inaugural
Cork Digital Marketing Awards 2014
12.30 p.m. 3.30 p.m.,
Thursday 6
The Kingsley Hotel
Save the Date
"Real Business Opportunities Exist in India"
'Discover Energy and Cleantech Business Opportunities in India' seminar speakers Vittal Kumar Dhage, EBTC;
Katherine Fitzpatrick, Enterprise Europe Network Manager and Don Buckley, PM Group.
(Photographs: Andy Gibson Photography)
'Discover Energy & Cleantech Business Opportunities in India' seminar attendees included John
O'Donnell, Bank Of Ireland; Yvonne Nolan, Etihad AIrways and Steve Lenox, William Fry.
On Monday 13
October, the Enterprise Europe Network hosted
an event on business opportunities in India. The Energy sector
specialist at the European Business and Technology Centre, Mr.
Vittal Kumar Dhage, outlined the business landscape in India and
gave details of business opportunities that currently exist for Irish
companies to get involved in specifc projects in sectors such as
biotechnology, energy, environment and transport.
To bring a local business perspective to the seminar, Don Buckley,
Senior Project/Operational Manager with PM Group outlined the
PM Group story in India. Don was the Operations Manager in PM
Groups India ofce during the start-up phase.
David Jennings, Global Investor; Frank Coombes, Coombes Corporate Finance; Victor
Donnelly, QUMAS Biovia and Gary Dufy, Excelsys Technologies.
Summary factfle:

One of the key challenges facing India is how
to meet its growing energy needs and sustain
economic growth without contributing to
climate change
India is aspiring to reach $100-billion (approx.
80b) in renewable energy investment in the
next fve years and become a world leader in
the sector.
New subsidies for Electric Vehicles are proposed
The Government of India has put a stress on
research and development in the pharma
sector, afordable healthcare and indigenous
screening devices.
Bio-agriculture is an emerging scientifc area
which is useful for breeding nutritious, high-
yielding and resource efcient crops.
About 32% of the total primary energy use and
more than 70% of the countrys population
depends upon biomass.
Agricultural sector uses around 80% of fresh
water and wastes up to four-ffths of the
irrigation water.
works for your business
11 11
This highly interactive one-day workshop, hosted by the
Enterprise Europe Network is designed for SMEs to focus their
resources where they can be most successful Internationally. The
workshop topics will include:
1. The challenge of addressing international markets
2. Know your market - what market research do you need to do
and how?
3. Adapting your business to international Markets - defning
your business model
4. How to market your business internationally
5. Your next steps
The workshop will include case studies of Irish companies
that have been successful and provide opportunities to share
experiences and learn from others. Exercises will be included
in each section of the workshop to encourage discussion.
Delegates will leave with a greater understanding of how to be
more targeted in their approach to the international growth
opportunity. They will also have specifc actions on the research
they will need to undertake. Finally they will have had an
opportunity to refne their business model, using a well proven
tool and have the beginnings of a marketing plan to target buyers
About the Trainer
Ray Clarke Chartered Marketer B.Sc.
Ray is a Chartered Marketer with
extensive international experience
in business marketing. As a
Marketing Consultant at Shaping
Business he has over twenty years
experience working with SMEs and
large multinational corporations in
researching and targeting markets
in the UK, Europe, Asia and the Americas. His experience includes
business modeling, strategy development, market research
& analysis, marketing planning, marketing management and
lead generation. Ray is an active member of the Chartered
Institute of Marketing (CIM) and Vice Chair on the Manchester
Branch Management Team. He is regularly involved in delivering
marketing seminars, consultancy and coaching to help businesses
in Ireland and the UK to be more efective in marketing and
business development.
For an application form please contact
Katherine Fitzpatrick, EU Trade & Innovation Services Manager
e: or t: 021-4530137
Eimear O'Mullane, EU Trade & Innovation Services Executive
e: or t: 021-4530138
Imelda Mulcahy, Export Documentation Manager
e: or t: 021-4530130
Workshop: A targeted approach to International Growth
Wednesday 26
November, Cork Chamber ofces, 9.30am-5.00pm (a light lunch will be provided)
* The Comprehensive Trade and Economic Agreement (CETA) is a
freshly negotiated EU-Canada treaty. Once applied, it will ofer EU
frms more and better business opportunities in Canada and support
jobs in Europe. CETA will tackle a whole range of issues to make
business with Canada easier. It will remove customs duties, end
limitations in access to public contracts, open-up the services' market,
ofer predictable conditions for investors and, last but not least, help
prevent illegal copying of EU innovations and traditional products.
Quick Facts on CETA:
comprehensive EU-Canada economic agreement
removing 99% of customs duties & many other obstacles for
to boost trade, strengthen economic relations and create jobs
an expected 12 billion increase for Europe's GDP
agreed text available for the public
presented for EU democratic approval
In the context of these political negotiations to improve and strengthen trade relations between the EU and Canada, the Enterprise
Europe at Cork Chamber will be hosting an event on Business Opportunities in Canada on Thursday 13
November. Suzanne Cormie,
Deputy Head of Mission and Senior Trade Commissioner Canadian Embassy Dublin will talk about Doing Business in Canada. Suzanne
will be accompanied by Cameron Branston, Trade Commissioner for the Government of Alberta, who will present on the general
Alberta business landscape, the inventory of major projects in the province of Alberta, opportunities within the Oil & Gas Sector and
further opportunities that will result from CETA. For more information please contact
* Text courtesy of (retrieved 14/10/14, 17:46)
Doing Business in Canada Focus on Alberta
Thursday 13
November, River Lee Hotel, 7.30am-9.30am
Frank V Murphy & Co Ltd
Estate Agent & Surveyors
Contact: Dennis Guerin
T: (021) 4274204
Building Contractors/Providers
Cathal Conlon & Co Ltd
Plumbing, Heating, mechanical
Contact: Martin Walsh
T: (021) 435 9585
Global Missions Ireland
Locally based charity that works
with the homeless in Cork to
rehabilitate them. We also run
mission trips.
Contact: Lucy-Anne O'Leary
T: (086) 1922710
Irish Sudden Infant Death
Association (ISIDA)
ISIDA ofers support to families
bereaved by the sudden, unexpected
and often unexplained death of an
infant or young child and to others
afected by it.
Contact: Louise O'Sullivan
T: (01) 8732 711
Mark Pollock Trust - Run in the
Non proft Trust seeking a cure for
spinal injuries. Run in the Dark is our
main fundraiser.
Contact: Piers White
T: (087) 3695 362
The Palace Theatre Fermoy
@ Fermoy Community Youth
The Fermoy Community Youth
Centre is home to the Palace Theatre
and is a completely self fnanced
registered charity. We ofer room
hire, theatre hire, sports complex
and far more in the picturesque
surroundings of Ashe Quay
Contact: Kieran Barry
T: (025) 32042
Sales Clinic
We are so confdent that we can
deliver on our promise to grow your
sales, that we provide you with a
money back guarantee!! Increasing
sales by steady growth that's easily
tracked and measurable.
Contact: Carsten Schnier
T: (089) 4355 607
More to Explore
We're highly qualifed professionals
with the experience who use expert
training & development programs to
help you take a strategic approach
to managing your performance and
Contact: Helen Prendergast
T: (087) 287 4044
Tiger Training Academy
Tiger Training Academy is Cork's
newest 5 star Training Centre
ofering a wide variety of VTCT
recognised courses in Fitness,
Beauty, Make Up Artistry, Fashion
and Photography.
Contact: David O'Keefe
T: 086 2011 033
AVEVA Engineering Software
AVEVA provides the worlds marine,
oil and gas, power and process
indutries with powerful integrated
engineering design, construction
and information management
Contact: Vicky Ison
T: (0044) 1246 572300
Waterman Consulting Engineers
Chartered Civil Engineering
Contact: Eric Waterman
T: (021) 4315730
At the Fitness Centre
Personal training and ftness studio
with weight loss coaching. Also hosts
the Northside Powerlifting Club.
Contact: Chris McSweeney
T: (021) 4552915
E: bookingsattheftnesscentre@
Dee's Wholefoods
We make good food, thats good.
Good for your body and good for the
planet. All our tasty food is gluten
free, dairy free, egg free, soy free,
wheat free, GMO free and free from
all artifcal additives.
Contact: Deirdre Collins
T: 085 8030855
Healthcare Provider
GReat Nutrition
Nutritional Therapist passionate
about food, health and wellness. Its
been proven that making sensible
food choices can help you feel good,
look good and live longer.
Contact: Gillian Ryan
T: (086) 3731 313
Recruitment/Executive Search
Intalex connects employers to
a global supply chain of the
best recruiters in the world and
also connects recruiters to other
recruiters to enable free sharing of
Contact: Emma-Jane Finnegan
T: (01) 4004400
Prendergast HR
Providing a dedicated Executive
Search service, at a highly
competitive rate, across all industry
Contact: Mary Prendergast
T: (087) 8258 528
Stelfox IT Recruitment
Stelfox IT Recruitment is an award
winning technology specialist search
and recruitment agency with ofces
based in Dublin, Cork and Galway.
Contact: Jennifer O'Sullivan
T: (021) 4217 319
Giles Norman Photography
Black and White Landscape Gallery
Contact: Catherine Norman
T: (021) 4774373
The Rising Tide
An award winning restaurant just
10 minutes from Cork City. We cater
for all occassions. Private dining
Contact: Sandra Murphy
T: (021) 4353233
Irish Custom Throws by
Custom Made Throws
Contact: Jamie Monagan
T: (086) 8924 447
Town and Country Hampers
Town and Country Hampers is
regarded as one of Irelands leading
hamper companies and is highly
acclaimed for its superior quality
products and classic presentation.
Contact: Mary Leahy
T: (021) 480 8100
Services Contractors
Area Carpet and Flooring
For all your carpet and fooring
Contact: David Neary
T: 086 0404 474
Software/Software Services
BK Media
We build a professional, efective
and hassle-free website for your
business. We help you get found by
the people looking for your products
and services.
Contact: Mchel Brennan
T: (085) 875 4218
Magnet Networks
Magnet Networks are a leading
telecommunications provider.
Providing cloud based hosted voice
solutions and connectivity to SME
and corporate customers.
Contact: Ailish O'Connor
T: (086) 8578 648
We welcome the following new members
Patrick Doyle, Membership Development Manager
e: or t: 021-4530145
Cork Chamber launched a new initiative highlighting
its diverse range of members by showcasing some well-
known faces from the SME sector on billboards and bus
routes throughout the city.
Representing the retail, food and service sectors by adding
their face to the campaign are Jack Crotty, The Rocket
Man; Maria ORiordan, Brookfeld Leisure Centre; Sinead
Healy, Translation Loft; JP Darcy, Auto Tech Services; Pat
OConnell, K OConnell Seafood and Pam ORegan, Saville
Speaking at the launch Conor Healy, CEO, Cork Chamber
said; 85% of our members are from the SME sector and we
are delighted to showcase the opportunities and value that
exists for businesses through active engagement with the
Chamber team.
Commenting Jack Crotty, The Rocket Man said, "Cork
Chamber allows me the platform to bring forward ideas
bigger than myself and has a network of like-minded
people who can come on board and make them happen.
Cork Chamber members can access a network of 1,100
businesses at over 70 events per year, through Chamber
communication, social media networks and a database of
key contacts creating sales opportunities every day!
You can follow the campaign on Cork Chamber Twitter
account #ccworksforme or call our membership team for
more information on 021 4509044.
Cork Chamber Works
works for your business
Patrick Doyle, Membership Development Manager
e: or t: 021-4530145
Great timing, bus with Works for me passes as picture is snapped: (Above): Conor Healy, CEO
Cork Chamber with Membership Team Deborah Barrett, Patrick Doyle and Danielle Healy.
(Photographs: Gerard McCarthy Photography)
(Left): Cork Chamber team members in front of billboard.
Chamber highlights focus on SMEs
Be ready at 9am on Friday 21
November as tickets for Cork Chamber's
Annual Dinner 2015 go on sale on
Cork Chamber Annual Christmas Lunch
in association with
Cork Chamber, in partnership with the Marketing Institute of
Ireland is delighted to bring you the Christmas Lunch, which
will this year take place on Friday 19
December at 12.30pm in
the Radisson Blu Hotel, Little Island.
This hugely popular annual event sells out every year and is
the kick-of point for many of the Christmas celebrations in the
corporate world. As always, there will be prizes galore to be
won from the rafe, in which well also be able to give some
much needed help to local Cork Chamber charities.
Our Key Note speaker will be John Lonergan, who has worked
in the prison service for 42 years, 24 of them as the most
senior prison ofcer in this country. John Lonergan entered
the prison service in 1968 and in the years that followed, as
he saw human nature at its worst - and often, unexpectedly,
at its best. Johns description of life in the prison service is not
only a gripping account of humanity at its rawest, but is also
invaluable for anyone in a management position anywhere.
John will talk about change
management and its importance
in business today, as well as
recounting some more amusing
stories from his time at the top.
Take a table to entertain your clients or come with a few
colleagues and network at one of Cork Chambers busiest
Annual Events.
Friday 19th December
12.30pm 3.30pm
Radisson Blu Hotel, Little Island
60 members / 75 non members
works for your business
Leigh Gillen, Events Manager
e: or t: 021-4530133
Places for events are limited, please quote Purchase Order if required. Events Cancellation Policy: Cancellations will be accepted up to 72hrs
before each event. After this all places will be charged. This policy applies to all events.
On Friday 28
November, the European Commission will host a Conference, in conjunction with Cork
Chamber, to address these and other questions. Ireland has regained much of its lost competitiveness
and its economy is again growing and creating jobs. However, as the country continues to borrow
an average of 600 million each month and is grappling with a very large debt burden and high
unemployment, the challenge is to ensure that this recovery is sustained!
Speakers will include Tnaiste and Minister for Social Protection, Joan Burton TD, Minister Simon Coveney
TD and other senior Irish politicians, business leaders, economic commentators and journalists.
For more information contact
Ireland's Economic Recovery: What next?
Friday 28
8.15am 3.00pm
County Hall
FREE to attend, please register online
Upcoming Events - Book Now on
Tuesday 11
5.30pm 7.00pm
Celtic Interiors Showroom, Douglas
Woollen Mills
FREE for Cork Chamber members
Cork Chamber is delighted to partner with Celtic Interiors to host a truly stylish Business After Hours
Event in the heart of Douglas Village.
Celtic Interiors was established in 1993 and is located in Douglas Woollen Mills, where they manufacture
and supply ftted bespoke furniture specialising in kitchens and bedrooms. The multi-award winning
showrooms are laid out over three foors, and are surrounded by an extensive manufacturing workshop.
All the displays are attractively presented and many are fully functional. Celtic Interiors has defnitely got
something to suit everyone's taste. Join with your fellow Cork Chamber members and have a browse
around Celtic Interiors stunning showrooms as well as of course, an opportunity to network and grow
your business.
Business After Hours at Celtic Interiors, Douglas Woollen Mills
Dan Kiely, CEO, Voxpro
Wed 26
7.30am 9.00am
Kingsley Hotel
25 members / 35 non members
Cork Chamber is delighted to host the November Business Breakfast featuring Dan Kiely, Chief
Executive of Voxpro. Voxpro is an award-winning, multi-lingual, business process outsourcing provider
headquartered in Cork, with an ofce in Dublin and an international ofce in San Francisco. Founded
in 1995 by Dan and his wife and business partner, Linda, Voxpro delivers customer contact solutions
on behalf of more than 100 multinational corporations and leading international blue chip companies
worldwide, including Google, Airbnb, Nest and Travelzoo.

Voxpro continues to go from strength to strength and its success has been recognised in a number of
forums over the last twelve months. The company featured in the Deloittes Best Managed Companies list
in 2013 and 2014, and was named as MSL Cork Company of the Year 2013 and Cork Chamber Company of
the Year 2014. Voxpro was recently listed in the 2014 Tech Top 100 by Business & Finance magazine, while
Dan and Linda Kiely were fnalists in the EY Entrepreneur of the Year Awards 2013.
Book your place online on
Business Breakfast in association with
One of the most prestigious events of the year, Cork Chamber's Dublin Dinner will this year take place on
Tuesday 18
November in the Doubletree Hilton Hotel, Dublin.
At this Black Tie Event, we will once again honour a prominent business person with the Outstanding
Achievement in Business Award on the night of the event, and this year we will be honouring Darina
Allen of Ballymaloe, a world famous brand. We are also delighted to announce that our key note speaker
on the night will be Johnny Walker, Global Diagnostics, Finalist in the EY Entrepreneur of the Year Award
2010 (International Category).
Cork Chamber's Dublin Dinner 2014 in association with
Tuesday 18
7.30pm 11.30pm
Doubletree Hilton Hotel
125pp / 1250 for a table of 10
Recent Business Breakfasts
Terry Clune, Connect Ireland with John Mullins, President Cork
Chamber. (Photograph: Denis Scannell)
Business After Hours at the Cork Opera House
Eibhln Gleeson, Cork Opera House and Colin O'Mara,
Cork Taxi Co-op.
Keith Farrell, Proof and Catherine Kearney, Celtic Interiors.
Cork Chamber companies gathered in the Blue Angel
Lounge on 17
September for a Business After Hours Event
with a diference! With stunning views of the city, the
Blue Angel Lounge in the Cork Opera House is a fantastic
corporate entertainment venue.
Almost 100 members crowded the space and enjoyed the
speed networking, as well as the delicious canapes and
The members heard soapboxes from Cork International
Hotel, The Hope Foundation and Europe Enterprise Network.
Raluca Saceanu, Smarttech and Siobhan Brennan,
Cork Opera House.
Cork Chamber, Chambers Ireland and the Sunday Business Post
collaborated in order to deliver an Economic Overview for Cork
Chamber members on Tues 16th September in the Clarion Hotel.
Pat Leahy, Business Editor and award winning journalist and SME
specialist, Ian Keohe of the Sunday Business Post event gave their
views on the increasingly positive economic landscape. Using
the growth in hotel bookings as a barometer of the economy's
improved health, both journalists discussed how the gains of
economic recovery are now starting to become more apparent
across regions outside of Dublin, and touted Cork as a region
where the 'knock-on' efect of growth has been particularly
Zoning into two key growth areas where Cork's economy is
especially well-placed to capitalise on global opportunities,
Rosemary Sexton of Enterprise Ireland discussed the vital role
that the agrifood & drinks sector is playing in driving growth and
Dr Val Cummins, Director of the Irish Maritime & Energy Resource
Cluster (IMERC), located in Ringaskiddy highlighted the major
global opportunities across the maritime sector for economic and
employment creation.
Rosemary stressed how well placed Cork is to develop a real edge
in the agri food sector with its strong existing business base, its
strong food tradition and research infrastructure and its strong
cohort of entrepreneurs. The fact that the growth in food demand
is most prominent across dairy, drinks, seafood and speciality
foods which tap into the health/wellness trend was stressed as a
major advantage for Cork given its excellent track record across
each of these areas.
Dr Cummins highlighted how Government's commitment to
double GDP from the maritime economy by 2020 presents
a major opportunity for Cork which is home to IMERC, an
exceptionally progressive maritime cluster which includes
the Irish Naval Service, the National Maritime College, Marine
Renewable Energy Ireland, and the Beaufort Research Laboratory
as partners. By working together, the IMERC partners aim to
exploit global opportunities and create up to 3,000 jobs in
maritime security & safety, marine energy, shipping, logistics and
transport; and boating products and services by 2025.
Economic Overview & Pre-Budget Panel Discussion
in association with Sunday Business Post
works for your business
Leigh Gillen, Events Manager
e: or t: 021-4530133
works for your business
Leigh Gillen, Events Manager
e: or t: 021-4530133
Laya healthcare MD Donal Clancy with Cork Chamber President, Gillian
Barry Hanrahan, Laya healthcare chatting with Paul Dennehy,
Carmel O'Keefe, Dress For Success and Claire Liston,
Weddings and Events by Franc.
Anne O'Dwyer, Alpha Wealth Ltd, having her blood pressure checked by nurse Eimear Cofey
of Laya healthcare.
Neil McSorley, Top Security and Mick O'Regan,
Dermot O'Hara, Kenneth Kling and Declan O'Hara, all of MSL Mercedes Benz Cork,
attending the Cork Chamber business after hours event.
Michelle Ryan, Ronan Daly Jermyn; Carla Manning, CACM Accountants; Catherine Kearney, Celtic Interiors and
Karl O'Flanagan, Brand Magic.
works for your business
Leigh Gillen, Events Manager
e: or t: 021-4530133
works for your business
Leigh Gillen, Events Manager
e: or t: 021-4530133
Over 120 Cork Chamber members and guests attended the
September Business Breakfast, featuring Jim Barry, Managing
Director of the Barry Group, in the Imperial Hotel.
Jim gave an open and forthright presentation on the vital
changes his company needed to make over the past few years
to ensure that both Barry's customers and themselves have a
long term future. The Barry Group now has a strong One Team
Approach which has helped them to evolve.
Soapboxes on the morning came from Studio Forty9, Focus
Ireland and Cork Chamber Business School.
Captain L Barbancon; Jim Rice, President France Ireland Chamber of Commerce; Gillian
Keating, President Cork Chamber; Patricia Mallon, French Consulate Cork and Lord Mayor of
Cork, Cllr. Mary Shields. (Photograph: John Sheehan Photography)
Jim Barry, MD Barry Group with Gillian Keating, President Cork Chamber and Conor Healy,
CEO Cork Chamber.
Business Breakfast with Jim Barry
On 1
October, the second Cork Global Economic Forum took
place in City Hall. The event chaired by former Chamber President
Mr. John Mullins focused on economic development in Cork in
2014 and sought to address and expand on key developments
across the 4 economic themes of food, entrepreneurship,
branding/economic marketing and tourism since the inaugural
Global Economic Forum of 2013.
Conor Healy, Cork Chamber CEO chaired the afternoons Food@
Cork seminar which was well attended by industry, policy makers,
education and R & D and focused on the key actions that Cork
should prioritise over the forthcoming 12 months to assist the
region in further growing its successes across the agrifood and
drinks sector.
Global Cork Economic Forum
Cork Chamber and the Ireland France Chamber of Commerce
hosted a joint networking lunch on board the Brittany Ferries
Pont Aven in September.
This unique event brings IFCC and Cork Chamber members
together in a convivial setting with a delicious banquet and some
fne French wines to help oil the networking wheels!
A special thanks to Brittany Ferries for a fantastic French cuisine
experience as well as a very warm welcome on board.

Networking Lunch on board the Pont Aven
Panel speakers Eoin O'Driscoll, Chairman Forfas; MC Matt Cooper; Anne O'Leary, CEO
Vodafone Ireland; Sean O'Driscoll, Glen Dimplex plc & Leslie Buckley.
Matt Conlon, Quintas Wealth
Alexandra Manning, Occasions
New at Occasions
Occasions Event and Entertainment
Consultants are delighted to announce
the appointment of Alexandra Manning
as their Corporate Project Manager.
Alexandra is a graduate of University
College Cork and Edinburgh Napier
University. Alexandra will be responsible
for concept and event design and will
co-ordinate with, and assist, in-house
event planners in the organisation of
their corporate events. Alexandra is also
delighted to be a point of contact for
conference planners who choose Munster
as their conference location.
Matt Conlon joins Quintas
Quintas Wealth Management (QWM) is
pleased to announce the appointment
of Matt Conlon as Senior Wealth Manger.
Matt has joined QWM from Allied Irish
Bank where he worked as a Senior
Wealth Consultant. Matt is a Qualifed
Financial Advisor and has over 20 years
experience in Financial Services focusing
on Retirement Planning, Protection
and Investments. Matt's main area of
responsibility will be the servicing of
wealth management needs of clients
based in the midlands region of Ireland.
Joey has new title
Joey Sheahan has been appointed
Director of Financial Services and
Restructuring at sister companies and MyFinances. He
specialises in reviewing individuals,
business owners and SMEs new as well
as existing credit facilities ensuring they
are not paying too much interest and that
the terms and the security requirements
for their facilities are realistic. Joey is a
Qualifed Financial Advisor (LIA), holds a
Property Services Providers License (PSRA)
and is a registered Personal Insolvency
Practitioner (ISI).
Joey Sheahan, &
Cork Chamber Board Appointments
Cork Chamber is delighted to announce the
co-option to its Board of:
Colm Leen, Carbery Group Cliona Murphy, PepsiCo
Ronan O Dubhghaill, UCC Paula Cogan, River Lee Hotel
Donal Kelleher outgoing Chair presenting the chain of ofce to new Chair Brian Curtis, also in picture
Conor Healy, CEO of Cork Chamber.
Curtis is new Chair of Cork Regional Chambers
At its recent Annual General Meeting Cork Regional Chambers elected Brian
Curtis as Chair for the coming year. Brian is currently President of Cobh and
Harbour Chamber. Brian Curtis is Business Development Manager for PACIV
Europe and is involved locally with the construction of Whitepoint marina
in Cobh this is due to come on stream in early 2015. He is also involved with
Cork Waterbus which operates a guided tour of Cork Harbour daily. The Cork
Regional Chambers consists of Cork, Cobh & Harbour, Charleville, Clonakilty,
Kanturk, Mallow and Midleton & Area Chambers. Representatives from
these Chambers meet regularly to discuss and move forward issues of
common interest in the region.
works for your business
Mercedes-Benz MSL Fashion Week Cork
October in Cork saw a series of ultra glamorous events take place
in the city centre. In its six years of growth and development,
Cork Fashion Week has become a force to be reckoned with
on the national events calendar, bringing fashionistas and
business owners from all over Ireland. Mercedes-Benz has been
a longstanding partner of the fashion industry, sponsoring over
30 fashion weeks worldwide. The MSL team in Cork provided
unrivalled support to the week of events as well as exhibiting
some of the most stylish current ranges of Mercedes at the
historic Imperial Hotel. CFW Directors Emer OMahony and
Vivienne Kelly enlisted Jenny OFlynn and her team at The Event
Planner to meet the growing demand and scale of events, thus
allowing for larger participation and production, with over 19
boutiques showcased on the opening night and designers
from all over Ireland exhibiting the following night. Feedback
from the Boutique show saw local independent retailers selling
out of garments the following morning, proving the need for a
prosperous Fashion Week each year to celebrate and showcase
the local fashion industry to keep people in retail in employment.
KPMG took part in 2 peaks challenge
32 People from KPMG Cork took part in a charity '2 peaks
Challenge' which consisted of a climb of Carrantuohill (Irelands
highest peak at 1,038 metres) and Caher (Irelands third highest
peak at 1,001 metres. 4,100 was raised and donated to the Cork
University Hospital Children's Unit.
PwC celebrating successes
Emma Barry Senior Associate in PwC Cork who was recently
awarded FIRST place in the Cap 2 (pre-fnals) Chartered
Accountancy exams. Emma works in Audit in PwC Cork. PwC
Cork ofce experiences 40% growth in headcount over the last 3
years The PwC Cork ofce has experienced signifcant growth in
recent times with headcount now over 105 people - an increase
of 40% over the last 3 years. This is due to client demand and
the development of the frm's advisory practice coupled with
strong growth in the assurance and tax lines of service. And
as our economy's recovery takes hold, we are experiencing
growing demand across a number of sectors including FDI and,
importantly, from the rebounding local indigenous marketplace.
Eircom Hosts Digital Spider Workshop
Event Chair Colin Meagle of Continuum pictured with event
speakers, Renate Murphy, Cameo Communications, Gary Disley,
Eircom Business Solutions and Stephen Ryan, Fota Wildlife Park
at the Eircom Spiders Digital Workshop at The River Lee Hotel,
Cork recently. The Spiders Workshop in Cork aimed to help local
SMEs engage with their customers online using social media,
online PR and digital marketing, while learning the latest trends,
innovations and growth areas in digital marketing. With over
130 attendees, the event was very well subscribed and included
speakers from EMC, Trustev, Dog Day Media, Studio Forty9 among
Emma Barry with Ger O'Mahoney and Anthony Reidy Partners at PwC.
Members News
Colin Meagle, Continuum, Renate Murphy, Cameo Communications, Gary Disley, Eircom
Business Solutions and Stephen Ryan, Fota Wildlife Park.
Barrie O' Connell, KPMG Cork Partnerin Charge with Stacey Sutton, KPMG CSR; Liam
Mullane, KPMG CSR; Clodagh McCarthy, CUH Charity and Helen Sleator, KPMG CSR.
Dermot O'Hara, MSL and Emer O'Mahony, Co-Director of Fashion Week with TV presenter
Brendan Courtney at the Imperial Hotel for the opening night.
Members News
GRIFFINS Garden Centre in Dripsey has been announced as
Corks Friendliest Business 2014. The award was presented
to them yesterday at the JCI/Evening Echo Cork Friendly
Business Awards, in association with Silversprings Moran
Hotel and Cork Chamber. Grifns got the honour after
nominations from members of the public in recognition of
their customer care ethos.
A number of category winners were also presented: Best
Customer Care, Grifns Garden Centre; Layout and Design
winner, Energy Fitness; Eco Friendliness winner, Cogans
Garage, Carrigaline; Disability Access winner, Brookfeld
Leisure Centre, College Road; Digital Experience winner,
McCarthy's Bar, Model Farm Road.
Grifns Corks Friendliest Business
Mary O'Mahony, Margaret Fehilly and Patricia O'Regan of Grifn's (front centred) with
members of the judging panel Ray Lougheed, The Evening Echo; Marcin Soltysiak and
Kieran Desmond of JCI Cork; Miriam Forde, Cork Chamber and Norina O'Callaghan,
Silversprings Moran Hotel.
Documatics 10 years in busines
DOCUMATICS, the Irish owned software company, will celebrate
10 years in business this month and global success with a
multi-million dollar revenue stream spanning 3 continents. The
indigenous company, which has thousands of users globally,
has won several signifcant deals in Australia, Ireland and the
USA. Documatics was founded in 2004 when David Boland) and
solicitor John Brooks joined forces to create a software solution
specifcally catering for the legal sector. Documatics is now
being used by over 4,000 users in Australia, USA and Ireland, and
in just 10 years we have gone from being an indigenous tech
startup to an internationally recognised brand, said founder
and CEO David Boland. Documatics is one of the top four legal
technology frms in Australia, following the establishment of an
ofce in Sydney in 2008 when the Irish market was contracting
due to recession.
Shandon Travel are
40years in business
Michael Doorley, began his career
in the travel industry in 1969 and in
1974 opened his frst Shandon Travel
outlet on Oliver Plunkett Street, Cork
employing just two staf. During
the next 40 years Shandon Travel
expanded and opened additional
locations in the Wilton Shopping
Centre, as well as West Cork Travel,
Clonakilty & Bantry. They also
diversifed to include additional brands such as Sayit Travel, The
Cruise Centre, Family Holiday Centre, Incredible India, Beacon
South America, Over 50s Travel and Shandon Corporate Travel, all
now based at their Grand Parade location. They now employ 32
SolarWinds announce 100 new jobs
The Minister for Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation, Richard Bruton,
announced that SolarWinds, a leading provider of powerful
and afordable IT management software, expects to create up
to 100 new jobs over the next two years at the companys Cork
ofce.This investment is supported by the Department of Jobs,
Enterprise and Innovation, through IDA Ireland. SolarWinds
has increased its headcount by over 35% in the last year. Its
Europe, Middle East and African (EMEA) headquarters opened
in 2007 in Cork and currently employs over 140 employees. In
addition to expanding its workforce, SolarWinds has expanded
its ofce space with an additional 7,100 square feet in City Gate,
Cork City. Operations in its EMEA HQ include: multilingual sales
and technical support, international fnance (outside of North
America), HR, marketing and customer service. SolarWinds
EMEA operations have also recently added products for sale from
SolarWinds acquisitions of N-able and Confo.
Bart Kalsu, Executive Vice President - Finance, Chief Accounting Ofcer of SolarWinds; Lord
Mayor of Cork, Cllr Mary Shields; Minister for Jobs, Enterprise & Innovation, Richard Bruton
and David Owens, Senior VP Solarwinds.
Michael Doorley, Managing
Directer Shandon Travel with
customer Lavender Trevor.
To submit articles for Members News to e:
Tnaiste and Minister for Social Protection, Ms. Joan Burton
receives Report that identifes up to 90,000 new jobs from
climate action by Irish business and Government
Innovation, skills development, operational efciency and new
market opportunities are main benefts to Irish business from
switch to low carbon economy
The Irish Corporate Leaders on Climate Change the business
grouping involving Vodafone Ireland, Diageo, NTR, Bord Gais,
Bord na Mona, Siemens and Sodexo, recently presented its report
Unlocking Opportunity: the business case for climate action
in Ireland to An Tnaiste and Minister for Social Protection, Ms.
Joan Burton TD. The Report identifes up to 90,000 new jobs
that would be created by clear climate action by Irish business
and Government. These gains are underpinned by signifcant
innovation and skills development, the opening up of new
market opportunities and operational and commercial benefts
for Irish business.
Accepting the Report, An Tnaiste and Minister for Social
Protection, Ms. Joan Burton, said: We welcome this report and
the initiative taken by these leaders in business to infuence
positive change. It is clear to me that private organisations and
public sector institutions need to work together to confront this
global challenge.
The Irish Corporate Leaders Report sets out a seven-pillar
framework for climate change actions and assesses the types
and signifcance of opportunities for business in the period to
2050. This framework addresses key aspects of the economy
including the power supply system, transport, renewable energy,
construction, fnance and agriculture. The key benefts evaluated
in the Report include new job creation, competitiveness gains
and exports, efciency and productivity gains, innovation, supply
chain development, energy security, health benefts, reductions
in fuel poverty and greater regional development.
The Irish Corporate Leaders Report includes case studies of some
of the low carbon actions that are already being taken by Irish
business and members of the group.
The full report can be found at this link: http://www.
Vodafone joins business leaders in highlighting employment
and commercial opportunities of climate action
Carolanne Henry, Vodafone Ireland with An Tanaiste and Minister for Social Protection, Joan
Burton TD and Tina Roche, Business in the Community.
a little bit
racy this
call our booking team on
1890 269 969
Thursday Friday `Saturday
27th Nov 28th Nov 29th Nov
4th Dec 5th Dec 6th Dec
11th Dec 12th Dec 13th Dec
18th Dec 19th Dec 20th Dec
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LIVE Races followed by Live Music
Christmas Event Nights
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Call us on 1890 269 969
Christmas Bands
Happy Days Band
every night with the exception of Thursday 27th
Nov (DJ)
Christmas Packages
Hotel of the Year
Maryborough Hotel & Spa were recently awarded AA Hotel of the Year
2014-2015. Pictured at the announcement were Conor Faughnan,
AA Ireland and Justin McCarthy, GM Maryborough Hotel & Spa.
(Photograph: Gerard McCarthy)
Cracking the frst egg
Aodan Enright, founder, Smarter Egg with guest speaker Denis
Collins, CEO, Smarter Dynamics; at the frst of the new Smarter Egg
season of events which took place at the White Horse in Ballincollig.
(Photograph: Neil Danton)
Kick start for Tudor
Miss Ireland Jessica Hayes on a Ducati motorbike at the launch of
TUDOR watches at Keanes Jewellers Cork. Jessica is wearing the
Tudor Fast Rider Black Shield, Ducati motorbikes are ofcial timing
partner to TUDOR.
Members Gallery
a little bit
racy this
call our booking team on
1890 269 969
Thursday Friday `Saturday
27th Nov 28th Nov 29th Nov
4th Dec 5th Dec 6th Dec
11th Dec 12th Dec 13th Dec
18th Dec 19th Dec 20th Dec
Gates open 6.45pm. First Race 7.47pm
LIVE Races followed by Live Music
Christmas Event Nights
Includes: Admission, Racing Card, Mulled
Wine Reception, 4 Course Gourmet Meal,
Table Side Tote Betting, Table Side Drink
Service, Live Racing & Live Music
Thursday Friday Saturday
45 per person 55 per person 55 per person
Snug Christmas Package
Minimum 15, maximum 25 people.
Includes: Admission, Racing Card, Mulled
Wine Reception, Reserved Area, Finger Food
OR Chicken Supper, bottle of beer or glass of
wine. T & Cs apply, Live Racing & Live Music
25 per person
Call us on 1890 269 969
Christmas Bands
Happy Days Band
every night with the exception of Thursday 27th
Nov (DJ)
Christmas Packages
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