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Marketing Plan

2.1 Sales and marketing

As we are producing chickens of different types and eggs so both of them will be our
premium product. We can also go for ducks and pigeon in near future which will
expand our product line. But at present we want to continue focusing on the
chickens& their eggs only.
Contract into contracts with stores in Parjatan, Hotel and restaurants
For increasing product awareness among the various classes of people we will go for
contracts to take our chickens for making the foods. This will increase awareness
about our chickens and eggs.
Pricing Strategy
n a recent survey we have found that the price of chicken meat fluctuates regularly. A
new farm should try to provide slightly lower price than the prevailing !arket "rice.
t can buy chicken from #a$i% Brack or other suppliers at a price of 35-40 taka.
And can sell these to around 80-90 T#& #'. n future the farm can plan for
export fro$en chicken out side the country% especially the !iddle (ast where the
demands for chicken meat is very high.
Also in case of eggs the price of egg is increasing rapidly. The current price of
chicken egg is 400-420 Tk / 100 eggs at the wholesale market. As many as eggs
can sell the cost of eggs sell while come down lower and profit would be higher
as well.
After the findings we have come to the point that we will use three important factors
for reaching at the price at which we will sell our product. They are)
Cost: n case of our pricing we will focus on the fixed and variable cost mainly.
As more farms are in action we can take some hints from them. The points we will
consider are)
Fixed cost: As the fixed cost will be the cost of land% building%
electricity which all the other firms also has to give. *o in
case of fixed cost we can not change that much.
Variable cost: n case of variable cost the things we will focus on are)
+. ,ost of raw materials
-. ,ost of labor
.. ,ost of birds food
Prottasha Poultry Ltd.

/. ,ost of birds maintenance
0. ,ost of the machineries
For a firm like us the fixed cost will always be higher. *o% if a farm can sell more
at a lower price 1economic of scale2 it can make profit.
Cometitio!) We tried to figure out the following 3uestion answer through our
analysis and tried to draw an effective pricing strategy)
"ublished competitive price list and advertising
,ompetitive reaction to price moves in the past.
nformation on competitors4 special campaigns.
,ompetitive product line comparison.
,ompetitors reported financial performance.
Assumption of the competitors4 pricing&marketing ob5ectives.
As large number of firms are out there to compete with us but not a single one of them
is up to our thinking standard. *o if we can manage to plant all the stuffs we can make
such difference.
"ema!d) n case of demand we will have to make the progress through the
survey and market research. Through our search we found that mega cities like
6haka and ,hittagong have higher demand for our products. *o we can make
a smooth chain of supply with the ma5or places so the product doesn4t fall
short and the price goes up. t will help to make our image up to our level as
we don4t have to increase the price.
2.2 Distribution
6istribution is a key factor in marketing. As this is the way to communicate with
the customers properly and in timely manner. As we are concentrating on the
generic products% we will use different distribution channels.
Transportation is a key factor of distribution. As we want to be efficient in our
distribution channels we will use the following vehicles)
7ehicle 8umber
"ick up .
Prottasha Poultry Ltd.

9ickshaw van +0
As we are focusing on ma5or cities at first so we will start with the above
transportation systems. We have to support by distributing the product on regular
basis. For the eggs we will use the pick up to transport eggs and meats from 'a$ipur
to 6haka city. *tarting from #arwan ba$aar up to Agora and 8andan we will cover
them by using the rickshaw vans.
Channel structure strategy
Direct distribution: A* we are having -::%::: chicken and the eggs would be
produced +0::::;+<:::: per day so we have huge 3uantity to supply in the
market. We can use pickups to deliver the chickens in superstores and ba$aars.
Also the vans and rickshaws can be use to send the eggs. =ence% we will have
economies of scale and bargaining power would be high and we will have our
own distribution channel to ensure the proper supply of eggs and meat at our
buyer. We will also use retailers and wholesalers to distribute our product up to
places where we will not be able to send our products straightforward.
*o our distribution strategy would be)
+. Firm>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>..*uperstores
#$erstore%%%%%%%%%%%%%%& %%%%%%%'!d Co!s$mer
2& Firm%%%%%%%()olesaler%%%%retailer%%%%%'!d Co!s$mer
Distribution Scoe strategy
t is extremely important for us to choose dealer who most closely match our
marketing goals and image of us.
*!te!si+e distrib$tio!
This distribution will provide a farm with)
?ow degree of control@
=igher sales volume
Wide customer recognition
=igh turnover
"rice discounting
2." #d$ertising% roduct romotion!
As poultry firm we will go for supplying eggs and chickens to different shopping
malls and ba$aars. *o we will focusing on basically providing outlets and maybe
Prottasha Poultry Ltd.

some time discount on our product. The prominent superstores of 6haka city are
Agora% 8andan% !eena Ba$ar. *o besides supplying to the whole seller a farm should
also try to build good relation with the superstores personals. Ance they will
successful in doing this they can do direct marketing to these superstores through
sending salesmen to visit these superstores with occasional gifts.
Promotion&'(enditure Strategy! "romotion is a vital part in the total
marketing process. The products that we are going to sell need very less advertising.
This is actually a B-B selling. *o% the bottom line is to keep good relationship with
the superstores and the wholesalers. *o% to be successful farm promotion expenditure
should include the cost of maintaining good relationship with the superstores and
We will actually do the promotion for our products by using the followings)
,ro+idi!g t)e b$-ers .it) disco$!t /acilities: We will provide discounts on our
products for different circumstances. For example we will give discounts on (ids.
Also for the bulk purchasing we will give discounts. This will also count for the
shops as well as single customers.
,oster ad+ertiseme!ts: We will go for poster advertisements to post our farm
advertisements at production area and other nearby districts walls% buses% and
other transportation vehicles like Bscooters. t is possible to create very attractive
posters with colors% graphics etc which attracts a lot of people. This can cover a
wide range of people% which can be time saving and very cost effective. Also it
will cover a wide segment of the people. We will also do pestering on the
shopping centers. *o that people can see them and give us a try.
Cale!dar a!d 0roc)$re ad+ertiseme!ts: We will publish calendars of our firms
which will be distributed to bigger companies and potential markets of the local
markets. This will increase our identity to the mass segment of customers that we
are targeting for. Also we will make brochures which will be given free to the
customers who will come to the malls for buying products. The brochures will
have the following things)
The names of the products that are currently offered and the products
that would be offered shortly
The kind of business practice they are in
,ustomer responsiveness features
6iscount facilities
The hygienic features of products
The extensive level of animal healthcare facilities
"otentials in a contractual agreement with the farm
Pre&rinted inserts % )ewsaer insertion! "re; printed inserts will be
distributed inside the newspapers. This is another medium through which a farm can
communicate with out audience effectively. An the day before the inauguration of the
Prottasha Poultry Ltd.

farm it can use newspaper insertions in daily newspapers .The newspaper insertion
will state their mission and vision which will help to identify who we are and what we
are willing to do in present and also in near future.
2.* Customer ser$ice
!ay be this option has not yet been practice in this segment of the industry yet. But
we will try to make full utili$ation of it and make our customers more reliable on us.
We have made some selective duties and responsibilities for our customer service.
They are)
The manager has to take the main responsibility of the consumer goods and
!anagers have to build strong relationship with the consumers and they have to
maintain the consumers.
,ustomer should always get better service from the company and they should be
the most preferred.
The manager is responsible for monitoring the overall day;to;day activities of the
farm employees. =e will also be responsible for maintaining an extensive level of
relationship and contacts with the buyers and other local agents.
The manager will look after the operations of the farm staffs every day and ensure
a smooth flow of works in poultry farm.
#nowledge on ,ustomer 9elationship management issues in the agro;based
farms. t is very much important for the company because this will help in the
long run for the company with the old% traditional loyal consumers. This is very
important part of the company. ,ompany should focus on this.
,ourteous mannerism to interact with the agents of the buyers. (xtensive level of
knowledge in farming of poultry% livestock and poultry.
,apability of handling consumer problems. Because there exist all the time
various types of consumer problems.
They should focus on more about the time to time the acceptance of no leave
decision for the welfare of the firm.
The managers would be provided with normal form of environment. The workload
may increase above expectations during the heavy working days. *itting arrangement
may be confined. (xtended periods of standing or sitting may be there so that our
customers can come and communicate with ourselves.
Market Overview
Prottasha Poultry Ltd.

2.+ Potential customers
,ustomers are our king. *tarting from Agora and "C* up to individual customers% we
have to satisfy them all from every angel. As we are planning to deliver our product to
all over the country so we need to maintain customer satisfaction to get more of them.
*till we do a segmentation based on the product delivery.
Basically we will have two segments of customers. They are)
,egular customers) n case of regular customer we have two more sides.
They are)
o The -holesaler! The wholesalers will take supply from us on regular
basis to distribute our products to the bigger towns as well as newly
potential places.
o ,estaurants! 8ow a day there are plenty of restaurants% fast food shop
through out 6haka city and also in other places. They need our product
simultaneously. *A they are one of our regular customers. Who will do
the bulk purchases of our meats and eggs.
.rregular customers! Autside those customers regular customers we are
also targeting some irregular customers who buys poultry goods for a particular
occasion. !ost of the time they need a balk amount of products% so we can give
some discount for them. As we are giving the markup for the regular wholesalers%
we give a percentage of that markup for those irregular balk amount buyers.
2./ Si0e and growth o1 the market
2$er$iew o1 Poultry Sector in 3angladesh
n the last few years people have found this sector a good source of income. *o newer
companies are coming up with good financing and technical support. "oultry farms
having si$es ranging from a few hundred birds to several hundred thousand birds are
mushrooming throughout the country. This phenomenal growth has resulted from the
decline in the supply of the other two protein sources% namely% fish and beef.
The potential of this sector is not even half;utili$ed in the country% and so there is call
for a greater attention% officials said. To feed the potential industry% +.: hatcheries and
+% <:%::: commercial layer farms have been set up throughout the country.
This poultry sector is growing may be because the fish population is declining and
people are switching to poultry as a source of animal protein. According to a -::+
census completed by the 6epartment of ?ivestock *ervices 16?*2 and the "oultry
*ector 6evelopment "ro5ect 1"*6"2% there are approximately --%0D: commercial
poultry farms housing E/%+:%::: layers and 0D%E/%0::: broilers in Bangladesh
1Far5our% -::-2. These poultry farms are producing approximately //D/ tons every day
in the country.
Prottasha Poultry Ltd.

The ,ole o1 Small holder Poultry 4irms in the country
"oultry firms are mainly owned and managed by women and are often essential
elements of female headed households. "oultry are socio;culturally important with
few religious taboos attached. "roduction is feasible at village level% where only low
cost technology is needed to improve production considerably. ?ow investments only
are re3uired to achieve such change% land ownership is not a constraint% and village
production is environmentally friendly. Family poultry production represents an
appropriate system to contribute to feeding the fast growing human populations and to
provide income to poor small farmers% especially women.
The .nternational )etwork 1or 4amily Poultry De$eloment 5.)4PD6
8F"6 is mainly a network for information exchange% one of its ob5ectives being to
encourage higher standards of husbandry that can sustainable increase the
productivity of family poultry units. The steps they are taking are)
*!ter!atio!al do!or e//orts
1el o/ 234s a!d ot)er age!cies
Constraints o1 oultry de$eloment in 3angladesh
"oultry is essential to the national economy of Bangladesh and the welfare of human
beings as well. *everal constraints% the diseases% poor husbandry% low productivity and
shortage of food affect the optimal performance of this industry in Bangladesh.
2.7 Strategic 8rou analysis
n the strategic group analysis it is re3uire focusing on the competitors within the
same industry. Also focus on the way of doing business by them and how they are
building strategies to operate. Among the ma5or poultry firm with whom our firm
might face competitions are brother poultry% confidence poultry% selim% and saf agro
poultry. =ere are some strategic issues about our competitior)
Sa1 agro!
Their goal is to start small scale production to some extent not to go for mass
production with high investment. Try to serve the market in a best possible way. The
company is ,hittagong based. !onthly production is going to be .:::;/::: and will
increase the production level accordingly. "resently operating in a 0::: sft area.
=owever% have a capacity to increase the area up to 0:%::: sft.
Prottasha Poultry Ltd.

Operational Plan:
2.9 '(isting core cometencies
When we will come in business we will have some competencies which will make our
product portfolio. As we are not manufacturing anything% it is difficult to trace a core
competency in the production process.
For the operational process% we have some core competencies efficiency in the
management process over our competitors.
We recruit trained employees who are our one of the core competencies.
Aur base line is our 3uality for the chicken foods and other re3uired facilities.
There will be no impurity in our chickens.
Also the chickens will be properly taken care of which includes giving
medicines and keep in safe position.
2.: 4uture cometencies
We will go for new product line and that will be supported by strong finance.
Aur financial strength is going to be a competency factor for us as other firms
of this industry are not backed by proper financial support.
We are strongly depending on the e3uity financing and our adopted debt will
be much lower than the available limit. *o% there will be a high possibility to
grow in the market.
With the technological improvement% we are going to adopt technological
developments to our business and that will obviously provide us more
competencies in the industry.
2.1; Product ser$ice o$er$iew
Prottasha Poultry Ltd.

The e3uipment and machinery re3uired to set up the plant will have to be either
locally bought or imported and installed at the location. There are several machineries
that are re3uired for the production and these machineries can be obtained from a
number of different sources. The management will take a decision on the e3uipment
and machinery based on the comparison of the machines from the different sources
and their prices. The 3uality of the machines will also be a key factor the decision
2.11 4acilities
n case of our poultry firm we are considering on several facilities to improve the
production of chickens. They are)

5a!d: The land has to be suitable for the production of chickens. t must have
connection to all other facilities including good sources of workers and specially
water resource.
0$ildi!g: We are having 5 t)ree stored buildings for our birds. !any poultry farms
are keeping chickens into non concrete building or rooms made with fences. This is
certainly not good for the chickens as such rooms can not protect chickens from bad
environment and also not hygienic as such these sorts of rooms are not a good place
for keeping chickens free from virus attack. An the other hand% fluctuation in
temperature is also a great problem for the foster and productivity of chicken. *o the
best option could have kept those chickens into air conditioned rooms. But it is very
expensive for us and would be difficult to sustain in market through competing with
competitors by incurring such a huge amount of utilities cost. =owever% concrete
building is good enough for the current state of our country.
(are)o$se: We can use ware houses to stock the eggs and processed chickens so that
we can directly sell our product to bigger shops like Agora% "C*. f we can make an
agreement with them% we don4t need the help of supply chain in this case. We can do
stockpiling and sell our products to them.
,ro/essio!al .orkers: We will work with professional workers in our firm with good
skills of production and we will introduce lessons sessions so that they can learn about
different situations from practical examples.
6tilities: For a poultry farm not too many utilities facilities are need. *upply ample
amount of water and ensuring consisting supply of electricity is re3uired only. To
provide such facility it is a good choice to plant such farm in Ba$itpur@ #ishorgan5%
where it will be easy to get water. For electricity supply we will primarily take the
connection from the rural electrification board and will have . generators as back;up
that would ensure consistent power supply.
Prottasha Poultry Ltd.

2.12 '<uiment and machinery
The e3uipments and tools that we will use for production are mainly available in local
market. Also we will bring some other machinery from abroad.
#i& ,artic$lars 2os& 7ate/Tk& Val$e/Tk&
+. Feeder Box <:%::: +.: DE% ::%:::
-. 6rinker /0%::: /0 -:% -0%:::
.. ?aying Box .:%::: .0 +:% 0:%:::
/. Weighing balance ?.*. ; -:%:::
& others
0. ,ages -%0:: .%-:: E:% ::%:::
Total: +% EE% G0%:::
,)-sical Facilities:
As poultry firms don4t need of that much technological support so we will be
concentrating on physical support mainly which we will be needing the whole time of
operations. *tarting from the feedings of the birds up to their maintenance the whole
process need of physical help.
+. An agreement to grow chickens must be reached with a poultry company
before proceeding with any plans to build or produce a poultry operation.
-. "roperty should be located within approximately -0 miles of complex
facilities;feed mill% processing plant% and hatchery.
.. Buildings 1poultry facilities2 must conform to industry standards and may vary
from company to company. ,onsult company representatives for details.
/. =ouse e3uipment must conform to industry standards as to type% amount%
installation% etc.% which will vary from company to company.
0. Farmstead% especially immediate area around the poultry buildings% must be
prepared to accommodate feed trucks% catch and haul e3uipment and other
vehicular traffic. n addition% poultry houses should be built a reasonable
distance from neighbors to minimi$e problems.
<. *itting of buildings should be discussed with proper authorities before
construction% concerning state and local laws that may affect your operation.
D. *i$e and number of houses must be settled with poultry company before
Prottasha Poultry Ltd.

E. f you are considering purchasing an existing poultry farm% prospective
contracting company and&or company representatives should inspect premises%
with you% to determine suitability for growing birds. Hou should discuss what
e3uipment or building upgrades will need to be made before birds are placed.
#-stem mai!te!a!ce
Any well;designed lighting system will deliver the light for which it was designed
only if the system is properly maintained. A good maintenance program involves
prompt replacement of blackened or burned out lamps% washing lamps and luminaries%
periodically cleaning and repainting walls and ceilings on a scheduled basis.
2.1" Production and manu1acturing rocess
The production process is not very critical in our company as it depends on the nature
mostly. ?ike@ for poultry production we are going to fully depend on the natural
productivity of chickens to lay eggs. The whole process is actually done by manually
with some trained workers with the direction of experts.
The pro5ect will procure dayIold chicks from #a$i farm% Brac farm or Aftab
farm. These chickens are to be rearedIup to -: weeks to make them laying
At the infant stage% chicks are to be kept in brooder by maintaining specific
temperature and supply of food as per specified 3uality and 3uantity must be
?aying birds are made habituated to lay eggs in the laying box. t is seen that a
high breed species of layer 1e.g. Fiomi *onali% =isex White% *haver *tar ,ross2
generally lays -E: to .-: eggs in a year and it remains laying bird for about +0 to
+< months.
2.1* ,esearch and de$eloment
There is very limited amount of research & development in this sector. Almost all the
firms in the country still depend on research & development done in the western
We always re3uire interacting with the environment. And communicate with the
surrounding market. We need to know what are the customer needs% what are our
competitor doing and are we in any danger to lose our market.
Also we need proper data analysis and examine different procedures that might help
us to find a proper way of reducing the cost as well as maintain excellent 3uality. To
Prottasha Poultry Ltd.

carry out all of these steps we need proper research and development method which
will help us to gain market share and also sustain in the long run.
2.1+ =uality assurance
Cuality Assurance 1CA2 procedures ensure that the 3uality of the products is
maintained by strict compliance with international specifications on raw materials%
packaging materials and finished products. n addition to raw and finished product
testing% tests are carried on work;in;process to ensure the process and hence products
are always within acceptable 3uality limits. A perfect and effective value chain is the
ultimate mean of supreme 3uality. Adding value in the every level of work ensures the
real 3uality of the product. The following +< aspects have been finally considered as
comprehensive issues for intervention. They are)
Comrehensi$e oultry olicy! ?ack of comprehensive poultry policy guideline
was considered as a basic constraint to ensure proper implementation of rules and
regulations pertaining to sustenance of the industry. This was true for the entire value
chain where concerns related to bio;security% health management% pricing policies%
3uality assurance% etc. were identified as issues re3uiring immediate attention.
The associations! The associations of the poultry farmers across the chain were
considered weak as well as across the value chain they were found to be competitive
rather than complementary. Thus a symbiotic relationship is non existent resulting in
exploitation by certain groups.
Technology! ?ack of Technical know;how% both technologies as well as trained
people to handle the technology were found to be inade3uate at all levels of the
value chain.The technology related issues included knowledge regarding rearing%
disease handling% productivity% etc.
>aintenance o1 bio security! !aintenance of bio security was considered
extremely important for ensuring 3uality consumption by human beings. n case of
grand parent farm or parent farm% bio security was more a concern due to location of
the farms while for the layer and broiler farms it was more of internal environment
>anagement o1 oerations! !anagement of operations was another ma5or
weakness prevalent across the value chain resulting in poor performance% low
productivity% inade3uate capacity utili$ation% low profitability% business ethics% etc.
The lack in management was mainly in the areas of general management of the
firm% marketing operations% financial management% and 3uality control management.
Prottasha Poultry Ltd.

>anower! ?ack of trained manpower 1technical% medical% management2 to
facilitate training programs at all levels was found to be another ma5or cause
hampering growth.
Training! The training inade3uacy was a result of lack of ade3uate materials% low
incentive for trainers% and inade3uate facility for providing practical training.
>.S! ?ack of proper management information system to ensure efficient
collection% processing% and dissemination of information surfaced as another ma5or
impediment towards success of the poultry sector.
?aboratory testing! ?ack of ade3uate laboratory testing facility which is
considered as a key to 3uality control of feed% medicine% chicks and disease control
measure was identified as another ma5or hurdle to inade3uate 3uality and disease
control practices.
Handling o1 medicine and $accine! mproper handling of medicine and
vaccine was another cause of low productivity% low growth and high mortality of
chicks which has a direct impact on both layers and broilers. The primary reason for
this was identified to be inade3uate number of trained medical practitioners and
misuse of medication by some medical practitioners as well as agents under intense
promotional campaign resulting from stiff competition from the manufacturers of
drugs and vaccines.
Practice o1 knowledge! #nowledge and practice on 3uality standards for feed%
medicine% vaccination% and chicks is hardly visible. This has resulted in availability
of spurious feed and medicine and wide variation in 3uality of chicks and other
essential supplies.
Publicity @ Promotion! nade3uate publicity and negative promotion of the
sector by the mass media was considered an impediment towards growth of the
sector and low level of consumer trust. At the same time% the smaller farms 1layers
and broilers2 did not have ade3uate financial strength to promote their contribution
to the society which was considered essential for influencing the media as a
promotional vehicle.
The role o1 Consumer #ssociation o1 3angladesh 5C#36! The role o1
Consumer! Association of Bangladesh 1,AB2 in both monitoring the activities of
the producers as well as educating the consumers regarding the produce was found to
be highly lacking. This was also considered to be a ma5or cause of unethical practices
by few followed by negative media campaigning resulting in low consumer trust.
Channel members! The dependence on the channel members both at the
intermediate as well as the end product level was considered a ma5or hindrance
towards growth of the smaller firms. The problem is associated with price control%
Prottasha Poultry Ltd.

profit margins% inade3uate information% 3uality control% unethical practices% and
above all lack of integration and understanding across the poultry value chain.
-orking caital! Access to working capital by the smaller firms in particular was
considered a ma5or hurdle. This has resulted in higher dependence on the channel
members for loan and thus being dictated by them. An the other hand the financial
institutions find the smaller firms as high risk clients since they operate under
uncertainties of disaster and at the same time are difficult to monitor.
Distribution >anagement! The overall distribution management of chicks%
eggs% medicine% vaccine% and poultry was identified as another cause of high
mortality and low profitability.
.nade<uate $alue chain! The transportation% packaging% and branding was
considered as inade3uate across the value chain. For example inade3uate cool chain
resulted in low efficacy of drug and vaccine% inade3uate packaging resulted in high
mortality of chicks% "oor packaging of eggs causes damage as well as bacterial
infestation% inade3uate branding results in low 3uality monitoring% etc.
Human Resource Management and Planning
2.1/ Aey issues
=uman 9esource and its functions is the vital area of any kind of organi$ation and the
=uman 9esources are the main resources who will utili$e the other resources to come
up with best product or services with highest outcome. 8ow a day it has become the
critical issue as because% from a market study it was found that most of the farms
suffering in the industry were due to the bad management of its human resource.
Therefore% =9 functions should be maintain such a way so that% human resources of
our firm will be the main assets. Though the firm does not re3uire a concrete =9
department but the =9 functions will be maintained. *ome key issues of the human
resource that poultry farm should follow are)
The experience of the workforce especially in the poultry industry
=iring the appropriate workforce who will run the business
=aving proper Fob analysis before hiring people so that wrong people are not
selected for a certain position
The training of the workforce in the related field
The dedication% adaptability and flexibility of the workers
The spontaneous decision making capability of the workers at least to a small
(stablishing a proper compensation package for the employees and treat
everyone e3ually
Prottasha Poultry Ltd.

The integration of the working condition to the technological development by
the workers
=aving a ethical management with ethical leadership
Both way communication would be there
The loyalty of the workforce
!aintain a standard% friendly and common ethical culture so that all
employees or every person in the firm will have same interest with a single
goal and the behavior to the firm of all will be same
The complete focus of the workers on the welfare of the company
These are going to be critical issues for the workforce of our poultry business. f all
these issues and maintained and handled properly then it will create welfare to the
firm and the main goal and ob5ectives is the organi$ation would be met ultimately
with a noticeable profit maximi$ing.
2.17 Structure
Any organi$ations =9 structure is highly influenced by the organi$ation structure.
Based on the structure a certain culture is developed in the firm and =9 policies are
related with this structure. That is why% the first component would be our poultry
firm4s organogram and that is)
Arganogram of the poultry firm
Prottasha Poultry Ltd.

The =9! policies and practices creates a =9! style in any organi$ation and this
style depends on the organi$ation structure% it4s culture% strategic decision% policies%
=9 functioned% organi$ation culture. =9 strategy is always needed to be aligned with
the organi$ation strategies as these strategies would be implied by the human
resources. Atherwise% there would be ambiguity. Based on all these% strategic factors%
organi$ation culture% and pro5ected =9 practices we have came up with a certain =9
model that is our "roposed =9 !odel for the poultry firm.
Prottasha Poultry Ltd.

The organi$ation structure of the firm is flat that support democratic =9! style but
the business itself and the national culture of Bangladesh is autocratic so% the it won4t
follow democracy in their =9 practices and policies
,ontrol would be needed in the lower level of the 5ob positions% on the other hand%
in the managerial level or middle level the employed would needed empowerment
and they will participate in the decision making.
n the lower level of the organogram the structure is tall and in top and middle
level it would be flat and this type of mixed structure also affect the =9!
practices and style of the poultry firm. That is why% the =9! style is mixed in our
poultry business% where freedom will depend on 5ob position% trust and control
both will be available.
2.19 Sta11 re<uirements
Fob "osition 8o. of (mployee
9ange 1Tk2
'eneral !anager + person 18000-18000
800 189800
+ person 12000-15000
800 159800
*ales Afficer / person 5000-8000
800 289400
Accountant + person 8000-10000
800 109800
Prottasha Poultry Ltd.

7eterinary doctor + person 8000-10000
800 109800
*upervisor / persons 8000-8000
800 349400
6river . persons 3000-5000
800 189800
*ite Workers +: persons 5000
800 589000
*ecurity 'uards / persons 3000-4000
800 189400
,leaner D person 3000
200 229400
Total .< person
Total salar- :-earl-; Tk& 2<95<9800
=40 ,4#*T*42: 3'2'7>5 ?>2>3'7
The manager will be responsible for taking strategic decisions and monitoring the
overall day;to;day activities of the farm employees and also be responsible for
maintaining an extensive level of relationship and contacts with the buyers and other
local agents.
'##'2T*>5 "6T*'# >2" 7'#,42#*0*5*T*'#
The manager will look after the operations of the farm staffs every day and
ensure a smooth flow of works in poultry farm.
The general manager will be responsible for providing updated information
and performance report to the owners both in formal and informal form.
The general manager will be responsible for the recruitment process
coordination and will provide every possible help to the owners in this respect.
(nsure the buyers and their agents are properly dealt with by the staffs
?ook after the input and output handling operations through an extensive level
of supervision of the 5obs of the supervisors and site workers.
"roviding the pro5ect coordinator with knowledge and current situations about
the market potentials and opportunities
"repare and maintain a financial report of the farm operational expenses as
9esponsible for recruitment and selection% hires% discharges% transfers% and
promotes workers% enforces safety regulations% and interprets policies.
C4?,'T'2C*'#9 #@*55# >2" @24(5'"3' 7'A6*7'?'2T#
Prottasha Poultry Ltd.

!asters degree preferably in agricultural studies with 0;D years of experience
in agro;based farming activities
,apacity and capability to promote and expand the company business
operations through preparation of a market analysis and feasibility study.
,apability of handling labor disputes
#nowledge on =uman 9esource management issues in the agro;based farms.
(xtensive level of knowledge in farming of poultry% livestock and poultry.
,ourteous mannerism to interact with the agents of the buyers.
+<%:::;+E%::: T#. 18egotiable in case of extra;ordinary 3ualification2
<:: T#. !edical Allowance
=40 ,4#*T*42: ?>7@'T*23 ?>2>3'7
The manager is responsible for developing the marketing plan for the farm% building
strong relationships with the buyer and the superstores% introducing effective
marketing strategy for better selling of products.
'##'2T*>5 "6T*'# >2" 7'#,42#*0*5*T*'#
The manager will be responsible for the business development of the company
Building strong relationship with the buyer especially with the big ones like
Agora% 8andan etc
=e will find out new promotional ideas to boost the sales of the farm
C4?,'T'2C*'#9 #@*55# >2" @24(5'"3' 7'A6*7'?'2T#
BBA or !BA from any reputed Jniversity having at least - years real field
,apacity and capability to promote and expand the company business
operations through preparation of a market analysis and feasibility study.
,apability of handling labor disputes
(xtensive level of knowledge in farming of poultry% livestock and poultry.
,ourteous mannerism to interact with the agents of the buyers.
+-%:::;+0::: T#. 18egotiable in case of extra;ordinary 3ualification2
<:: T#. !edical Allowance
=40 ,4#*T*42: >CC462T>2T
The accountant is responsible for monitoring the overall day;to;day transactions of
the firm. =e will be responsible for all type of financial transaction inside and outside
the firm related to the firm.
Prottasha Poultry Ltd.

'##'2T*>5 "6T*'# >2" 7'#,42#*0*5*T*'#
The manager will look after the financial and non financial operations of the
farm staffs every day and ensure a smooth flow of works in poultry farm.
=e will prepare the income statement% balance sheet for the firm after every
fiscal year.
=e will take note of every day transactions taken place in the farm and with
the buyer outside the firm.
C4?,'T'2C*'#9 #@*55# >2" @24(5'"3' 7'A6*7'?'2T#
!asters degree in Accounting with high command over the day to day
operation in a traditional farm
operations through preparation of a market analysis and feasibility study.
,apability of handling labor disputes
#nowledge on in farming of poultry% livestock and poultry and =uman
9esource management issues in the agro;based farms.
E%:::;+:%::: T#. 18egotiable in case of extra;ordinary 3ualification2
<:: T#. !edical Allowance
=40 ,4#*T*42: #6,'7V*#47
Through the initial periods of the farm% there will be two supervisors appointed in the
farm. Ane of them will responsible for taking care of the poultry4s segment which will
supply chicken for meat and another person will look after chickens using for
producing eggs. Both of the supervisors will be monitoring and coordinating the
activities of the site workers and also some other procurement and logistics
supervision is re3uired.
'##'2T*>5 "6T*'# >2" 7'#,42#*0*5*T*'#
The supervisor will be responsible to report to the general manger directly
with everyday performance% events% and incidents.
The supervisor will partly responsible for the marketing and sales activities of
his department.
Will monitor over the activities of the site workers and make sure no one is
evading their respective duties during the working hours.
The incumbent will count the number of the eggs laid by the hens in the farm
and monitor and instruct as necessary over the proper process and handling
during the egg plucking period.
Will be responsible for reporting to the pro5ect coordinator about any staff
related issues.
,oming to the premises on time and dispense necessary activities to the site
=andle any work related grievances and disputes from the site workers and the
security guards.
nteract with the buyers of the agents with an amicable mannerism.
Prottasha Poultry Ltd.

C4?,'T'2C*'#9 #@*55# >2" @24(5'"3' 7'A6*7'?'2T#
The incumbents will have to have an educational background of at least up to
the +-
grade with .;0 years works experience in the related field.
(xtensive knowledge of farming of poultry.
The veteran experience will be a preference.
,ourteous mannerism to interact with the agents of the buyers.
<%:::;E%::: T#. 18egotiable in case of extra;ordinary 3ualification2
<:: T#. !edical Allowance
=40 ,4#*T*42: #*T' (47@'7#
The site workers will be responsible for maintaining and caring for the poultry of the
farm. The plucking of eggs% feeding the chickens will be taken care of by these
workers. Their salaries will be pumped up with additional bonuses depending on the
farm output increment over a certain period of time.
'##'2T*>5 "6T*'# >2" 7'#,42#*0*5*T*'#
Will be responsible for the reporting to the supervisors directly and follow the
orders of the department supervisors strictly.
Feed the chickens@ clean the wastage of the chicken and plucking of eggs each
day with careful handling.
Assistance to be extended to the other site workers as re3uired and instructed
by the supervisor
Will be strictly responsible for every activity performed by them.
C4?,'T'2C*'#9 #@*55# >2" @24(5'"3' 7'A6*7'?'2T#
The incumbents will have to have an educational background of at least up to
the =.*.,. with extensive knowledge of farming of poultry
"revious experience in an agro;based farm is preferable.
Any training in the relation with poultry will be an added advantage.
0%::: T#. 18egotiable in case of extra;ordinary 3ualification2.
=40 ,4#*T*42: #'C67*TB 36>7"
The security guard will be responsible for maintaining and ensuring an overall
security for the farm through resisting and pilferage from within the farm as well as
prohibiting and barring any outside intrusions into the premises. =e will be reporting
directly to the farm supervisors and through which the farm manager will be notified
of any such issues.
Prottasha Poultry Ltd.

'##'2T*>5 "6T*'# >2" 7'#,42#*0*5*T*'#
Apening the gate for the staff every time they enter or leave the premises
(xamines doors% windows% and gates to determine that they are secure.
nforms and warns violators of rule infractions% such as loitering% smoking% or
carrying forbidden articles
Watches for and reports irregularities% such as fire ha$ards% leaking water
pipes% and security doors left unlocked@ sounds alarm in case of fire or
presence of unauthori$ed persons
C4?,'T'2C*'#9 #@*55# >2" @24(5'"3' 7'A6*7'?'2T#
The incumbents will have to have an educational background of at least up to
*.*.,. from any local school.
!inimum knowledge on operating and maintaining intercom facilities.
.%:::;/%::: T#. 18egotiable in case of extra;ordinary 3ualification2
<:: T#. !edical Allowance
2.1: '(ectations
Selection @ ,ecruitment
For the welfare of the farm% it is very important to maintain an extensively
experienced and dedicated workforce and so the selection and recruitment policy is
very important here.
We would emphasi$e mostly on experience of working in the related fields.
Would focus significantly on the attitude and the behavior of our expected
Try to hire people who are currently working in different farms. They will be
provided an attractive incentive package for the future.
"roviding a good working environment with safety to our employees.
Arranging an extensive training program for most of the employees in other
private or government farms or institutions and the performance in these
training programs will ensure their stay with the farm.
'ive enough liberty to the employees to exercise their skill or decision making
ability but for that% they must prove their ability first.
Prottasha Poultry Ltd.

Training and De$eloment
After selecting some candidates from the interview process% we will conduct a
training program in some established farms of the country or send them in some
government organi$ations% like@ Fubo Jnnayan *angastha. The training program will
be funded by the farm and the candidates will also be paid a certain amount for their
participation in the training program with a given condition that% if he passes the
training program he must 5oin the farm for minimum one year. Training and
development of new and existing employees through;
An;the;5ob training
Aff;the;5ob training
Before arranging any training program a farm should ensure an effective employee
orientation program that will help the employees to familiar about the farm facilities
and activities. And then should go for training activities as in poultry industry firms
are facing tremendous threats of various chicken diseases and re3uires well trained
employees who have ideas regarding these diseases and well informed about how to
keep farm rooms hygienic.
Cob #nalysis
*ection .+ "roper 5ob analysis will be done so that all the duties% task and
responsibilities would be easily identified for each 5ob position. That will help my
firm to select and re3uite right person for the right position and create a proper
compensation package for each particular 5ob. An the other hand% appropriate 5ob
analysis help other criteria like performance appraisal of the employees% training
employees when needed% performance development as oss these would be matched
with and measured according to the 5ob re3uirement after the proper 5ob analysis. An
the other hand% explicit and clear 5ob description also helps the employees to
recogni$e their responsibilities in the 5ob.
>oti$ation @ Comensation
The motivating factors are re3uired to be aligned with the 5obs of the employees in
order to expedite their working process and productivity. The employees will be
motivated to enhance their productivity according to the following processes)
3ai! #)ari!g) The managers and other workers will be provided with
gain sharing facilities in order to increase his performance.
0o!$s 4//eri!g: All the employees in the firm will be provided with
compulsory bonuses during the (id festivals% which is double the salary of
the corresponding month before the (id festival.
Prottasha Poultry Ltd.

?edical >llo.a!ce: (very one with in the company will be provide Tk
<:: medical Allowance for each month with their total salary.
>rra!gi!g ,roer Trai!i!g ,rogram: The supervisors% in this case% will
be responsible for training the site workers regarding various work related
issues that are re3uired for them to learn.
Per1ormance #raisal% 'mloyee 4eedback
The employee performance will be monitored and evaluations will be conducted
which will determine their incentive amounts. For instance% the site workers4
performances will be monitored on the basis of a standard goal setting approach. =ere
the site workers will be provided with a specific time limit within which to conduct
and finish their 5obs.

Performance Appraisal Cycle
f the time limit is met% their performance will be evaluated as satisfactory and
incentives will be provided accordingly. ncentives will be; money% eggs% time off etc
for the site workers. The supervisors4 performance will be appraised on the basis of a
.<:K performance appraisal procedure. The site workers evaluations will be
monitored and regarded in order to 5ustify the supervisors4 performance.
Prottasha Poultry Ltd.
'!tr- to

Risk Analysis
2.2; 4oreseeable ,isk
9isk is also a factor that all the firms have to consider. There are two types of risk in
poultry production. Ane is price risk% another is production risk.
Price risk
n case of price risk% broilers are perishable% if the farmer fails to sell at the proper
time% they will face a great loss. *o% the biological nature of broilers is the cause of
price instability. n the study period independent farmers received price of broiler 0<;
D: tk per kg% whereas contract farmer got 0/ tk per kg. A telling factor was that
contract farmers were not much affected by fluctuating prices since the price agreed
upon at contract signing was fixed% regardless of market price changes. As a result%
grower payment depends upon production outcomes but not price outcomes. *o%
growers do not bear price risk. Besides that most of the independent respondents
stated that sometimes they faced the problem of selling broilers at a time which
affects their selling price.
Production ,isk
"roduction risk mainly happens in broiler farming due to death loss of the birds.
Autbreak of disease is causing a considerable economic loss and erosion of
confidence in poultry farming. Again for the lacking of the employee fire can spread
out in the factory.
2.21 Dn1oreseeable risk
3ird 4lu ! 3ird 1lu $irus a serious threat, desite imro$ed resonse!
n Bangladesh bird flu has spread to "oultry farm which is a big king of threat.
LThe infection was detected at a farm in western !agura district -:: km 1+-0
miles2 west of the capital 6haka and five farms at *avar in the 6haka district%L a
spokesman at the poultry and livestock ministry said. The =08+ bird flu virus has
been spreading in poultry flocks in Bangladesh despite culling and banning of the
movement of chickens in areas with confirmed outbreaks.
Prottasha Poultry Ltd.

,ontaining and eradicating the virus will re3uire a long;term financial and
political commitment from 'overnments% including modifying or changing high
risk poultry production and marketing practices to ensure safer supply.
Political instability! 6ue to strikes and other political problems the distribution
is affected most of the time which can hamper the distribution channels.
'n$ironmental 4actors! 8atural calamity might occur and that will create a
huge barrier on the way of our prosperity. !any farms suffered from natural
calamity like earth;3uake% storms and so on.
. Financial Management plan
2.22 #ssumtion
8rowth o1 the oultry rice 51;E6!
?ast five years% the overall price increase in the poultry products egg% chicken and
processed meat of poultry chicken is nearly about <M to DM. But the more interesting
thing is the increased more than +:M during the last three years. *o we assume that
for the next +: years of their forecasting% prices of all poultry goods will be increased
at least by +:M. *imilarly because of the inflation it should always keep in mind that
the cost for operating poultry firm would also be increased in future.
Debt&e<uity assumtion!
#ey sources of finance for that of the farm in the initial years would be more based
upon the e3uity with some /:;/0M on debt among with ma5ority would be long term
debt. ?ater on it will be a standard debt; e3uity form that is <:)/:.
?oan .nterest rate!
?oan interest rate from the bank for this industry is +-M;+0M and it varies from farm
to farm. We assume average interest rate for our farm that is +..0M.
2.2" 4inancial Plan
-ays o1 1inancing!
Prottasha Poultry Ltd.

We are focusing on only 6ebt; e3uity financing and we are taking loans from one
nationali$ed bank which is Agrani Bank and one commercial bank which is Bank Asia
ltd. Aur debt; e3uity ratio would be <:)/:.
?and @ location
The pro5ect is proposed to be located on a plot of land measuring - acre& ten biga. For
our pro5ect we proposed for leasing the land which will incurs Tk. 0%::%::: as an
initial payment and then Tk. /:%::: per year for the next ten years.
,artic$lars >mo$!t/ Tk&

Four stored building% a food store house%
*heds for employees% construction of tools +%-:%::%:::
keeping rooms and others.
Fehicles 1or Transortation
Ve)icle ,er $!it Cost i! Tk& 2$mber Total cost
"ick up E%::%::: . -/%::%:::
9ickshaw van E%::: +0 +-:%:::
Total +E -0%-:%:::
Tools and e<uiment
#i& ,artic$lars 2os& 7ate/Tk& Val$e/Tk&
+. Feeder Box <:%::: +.: DE% ::%:::
-. 6rinker /0%::: /0 -:% -0%:::
.. ?aying Box .:%::: .0 +:% 0:%:::
/. Weighing balance ?.*. ; -:%:::
& others
0. ,ages -%0:: .%-:: E:% ::%:::
Total: +% EE% G0%:::
'lectricity and water
An amount of Tk. /0%::: per annum has been provisioned in (lectricity and two
pump will cost around tk .:%:::.
,eair and >aintenance
Prottasha Poultry Ltd.

9egular repair and maintenance would be necessary for fixed assets of the pro5ect.
This cost is estirnated at Tk. <:%::: per year.
,rod$cts 'xisti!g ?arket rice/
,rod$ct selli!g
rice/ Tk&
(gg /.0:& egg /.::& egg
,hicken G0.::; +::.::& kg G:.::& kg
Project Cost @ 4inancing Plan
>mo$!t i! Taka
eD$it- 547,', loa! Total
?and1advance and development2 0%::%::: 0%::%:::
Building & others constructions
+%-:%::%::: +%-:%::%:::
7ehicles -0%-:%::: -0%-:%:::
Tools and e3uipment +% EE% G0%::: +% EE% G0%:::
Total Fixed cost
.:%-:%::: .%:E%G0%::: 39399159000
Working ,apital
0 589299800
Total cost o/ t)e roEect
889499800 39089959000 39959449800
-orking Caital #ssessment
Working capital re3uirement to be re3uired for maintaining li3uidity and for
,artic$lars Tied $ Bear 1 Bear 2 Bear 3
Prottasha Poultry Ltd.

Feed& medicine +0 days 0:%::%::: 0:%::%::: 0:%::%:::
Wages & salaries + month 29299800 29299800 29299800
Ather expenses + month /%::%::: 0%::%::: <%::%:::
Total 589299800 5<9299800 589299800
2.2* .ncome statement
,roEected *!come #tateme!t
Amount in Taka
,artic$lars Bear 1 Bear 2 Bear 3

#ales 7e+e!$e +D%-E%::%::: +E%/:%::%::: +E%/:%::%:::

Cost o/ 3oods #old

"rocurement of ,hicken
1-%::%::: nos. N Tk. .:.::
each2 <:% ::%::: <:% ::%::: <:% ::%:::
Feed G%DD%::%::: G%DD%::%::: G%DD%::%:::
!edicine .%::%::%::: .%::%::%::: .%::%::%:::
Wages and salaries 2<95<9800 2<95<9800 2<95<9800
Jtilities /0%::: /0%::: /0%:::
Transportation +%0:%::: +%0:%::: +%0:%:::
6epreciation and write off 339309000 339309000 339309000
!iscellanous E%::%::: +-%::%::: +-%::%:::

Total cost o/ goods sold: +/%:D%E-%<:: +/%:<%+:%-:: +/%:<%+:%-::
2et ro/it be/ore
i!terest:'0*T; .%-:%+D%/:: /%..%EG%E:: /%..%EG%E::
nterest expense 0:%<:%::: 0:%<:%::: 0:%<:%:::

2et ro/it a/ter i!terest:2*; -%<G%0D%/:: .%E.%-G%E:: .%E.%-G%E::

Prottasha Poultry Ltd.
"ereciatio!F (rite o//
Building and other construction N +:M +-%::%:::
Tools and e3uipment N +:M +E%E:%0::
7ehicles1 straigt line dep over ten yrs.2 -%/G%0::
Total/ Tk& 339309000

2.2+ Cash 1low statement
,roEected Cas) Flo. #tateme !t
Amount in Taka
,artic$lars Bear 0 Bear 1 Bear 2 Bear 3
#o$rse o/ F$!d
"aid up ,apital .%.D%::%:::
?oan 0%::%::%:::
6epreciation & Write off 339309000 339309000 339309000
8et profit after interest -%<G%0D%/:: .%E.%-G%E:: .%E.%-G%E::
Total so$rce o/ /$!d: E%.D%::%::: .%:-%ED%/:: /%+<%0G%E:: /%+<%0G%E::

6tilisatio! o/ F$!d
,apital expenditure D%E<%<:%:::
ncrease in current assets 00%::%::: 0<%::%::: 0D%::%:::
9epayment of loan 0-%::%::: 0-%::%::: 0-%::%:::
Total $tiliGatio! o/
/$!d: D%E<%<:%::: +%:D%::%::: +%:E%::%::: +%:G%::%:::

,ash surplus1deficit2 0:%/:%::: +%G0%ED%/:: .%:E%0G%E:: .%:E%0G%E::
Apening cash balance -0%::%::: .:%::%::: /:%::%:::
,losing cash balance 0:%/:%::: -%-:%ED%/:: .%.E%0G%E:: .%/E%0G%E::
Prottasha Poultry Ltd.

Here we can see that our project generate cash in future or it gives
positive cash flow. At our starting year our cash surplus is low in
amount but in year 1 it generates cash at high in higher amount and it
increases more in year 2 and 3.
Prottasha Poultry Ltd.

2.2/ Projected 3alance sheet
,artic$lars Bear 0 Bear 1 Bear 2 Bear 3
C$rre!t >ssets
,ash balance 0<%-G%E:: <:0:::: D<00::: E/-:0::
Ather current assets 00::::: 0<::::: 0D:::::
Total c$rre!t assets 0<%-G%E:: ++00:::: +.-00::: +/+-:0::
4t)er >ssets
Fixed assets .%.G%+0%::: ./+0:::: /-E/:::: /E::::::
Total ot)er assets .%.G%+0%::: ./+0:::: /-E/:::: /E::::::
Total >ssets: 39959449800 495<9009000 59809959000 89219209500
5iabilities F 'D$it-:
*hort; term liabilities 0%0.%<.: +:%G<%E:: +-%/:%::: +<%::%:::
?ong; term liabilities -%D+%-D%D.: -%<.%-.%-:: -%++%GE%::: +%D:%.<%+0:
Total ?iabilities) -%D<%E+%.<: -%D/%-:%::: -%-/%.E%::: +%E<%.<%+0:
"aid up capital +%+E%<.%//: D+%-G%-:: <D%.+%/:: /.%/E%/.0
9etained earning +%++%0:%E:: -%<G%-0%<:: .%G+%.0%G+0
Total (3uity +%0E%+D%G-: +%E-%E:%::: .%.<%0D%::: /%./%E/%.0:
Total 5iabilities F
'D$it-: 39959449800 495<9009000 59809959000 89219209500
Fi!di!gs a!d a!al-sis
S-2T #)#?BS.S
Prottasha Poultry Ltd.
#(4T >!al-sis

'(erienced worker
"oultry firms are doing in our business for a longer period. *o for generations people
of Bangladesh are working on poultry firms. (ven also now ?ots of people are
employed with this industry. As a result a good number of people who was connecting
with the poultry firm have gained significance experience in this field. n many
industries which are situated in the industrial park poultry is not like that. t can be
establishing any where and there are always local people who are willing to do 5ob in
the se firms.
The standard o1 oultry
Our poultry industry is not only growing but also the quality is also improving. Now
more and more people are eager to finance on poultry. *o The poultry industry is
established because it has been consistent with its 3uality. Aur product from poultry
firms are superior then our neighboring countries. As a result general people are
always buying the products from these firms. Aut of these poultry products there are
also lots of further processing industries.These industries also using poultry product
for their raw materials. The consumer in our country has full confident in these
4inancial Suort
n several ways poultry firms can be financed. t is possible to take loan from the
banks or also can take financial assistance from the micro credit institutions and from
8'A. The government and several development partners also try to expand this
industry. *o in this regard there are lots of facilities are given to the entrepreneur for
financing the poultry firms.
The hysical maintenance
"oultry firm is a labor incentive industry. *o it is necessary to maintain the procedures
that will ensure that preservation of these e3uipments. The whole firm needs to be
Prottasha Poultry Ltd.

neat and clan as the environment has to be healthy to make sure that there is no threat
of any kind of deadly disease spread.
Strong demand
Bangladesh has a large population. 8ot only eggs and meats but also of their wastage
as well. *o there is always huge demand for commodities and for daily necessities of
poultry firms in households and also in industries. "oultry products en5oyed high
demand through out the year within our country.
Dse o1 the wastage
We have poultry all around the rural area. The waste from the poultry has high
demand on these poultry since these wastages are using as a fish food for long period
of time.
The scale o1 roduction
The production of big si$e poultry firms are significant and it some time helps to
reduce the cost and help to become more efficient in the longer and the shorter run.
Jltimately it helps us to reach economic of scale and utili$ing the resources properly.
The di$ersi1ication
6iversification also provides assistance to the poultry industry. Any poultry firm do
not sell single product. They have several different product and different consumer
segment. As a result it helps to reduce the risk. (ven if one of the products lost its
market demand others are helping to fill the gaps.
>aintenance cost
Although in our country there are lots of unemployment so it is very easy to get cheap
labor. To maintain the poultry industry we need lot of man power. *ome time it is
difficult to finance all the employees. And there are also issue that are related with the
maintains. For example it is re3uire having electricity for the poultry firm. But as we
are suffering from basic utility service it become very difficult to get the necessary
energy to maintain the temperature for the hens and chickens. 'etting different type
of e3uipment that are used in the poultry firm are also very difficult to manage. t
re3uires time. !oney and man power to overview all these necessary things.
Dneducated emloyees
n our country most of the labor forces are un educated. t re3uires some of the
general knowledge and also about the procedure show to deal with the poultry.
(mployees of the poultry firm have to understand the 3uantity re3uire for the
chickens food% what will be the amount in mixture% what medicine re3uire and how to
Prottasha Poultry Ltd.

give these medicine. 'enerally most of the firm work in our country has very little
idea about this matter. And as the most of them are illiterate it is difficult to give them
training as it re3uires some educational back ground to sustain all the information.
The cost o1 1eeding
Bangladesh economy is suffering from the inflation. Which have chain effect in all the
way to the agriculture sector as well. As the cost of necessary raw material increases
the ultimate negative impact is on the firm owners carry. n the initial stage the for
feeding it re3uire to take extra care as in this stage most of the chickens lost out. *o
with high initial cost it is possible to face financial difficulty and under pressure.
?ack o1 medicine
n the recent years all around Asia the poultry firms were hardly hit by the deadly bird
flu. The problem with the bird flu is that it not only destroys all the chickens but also
this virus can affect the human being. *o if in Bangladesh we can not protect our
poultries from these viruses then our poultry firm owners might face problems in the
future. t is not only the medicine for bird flu but also for the protection from the other
diseases. The government has restriction on importing of these medicine and some of
these are not produce in our country.
High uses o1 utility
The cost of using utility is increasing continuously. To maintain a poultry firm it
re3uires heavy use of electricity and also water. *o using electricity some times
become burden for the poultry firms as the firm owners have to pay the excess bills.
And in many places in our country the proper service of utility are not available. *o
even the utility are exists some times these are out of service. And alternative of these
utilities are very hard to manage.
Potentiality o1 a huge market
Bangladesh is one of the biggest markets in the south Asia for the poultry product. As
the population is booming the demand is always exceeds the supply. *o in the poultry
industry three are less risk because there will be always consumer who will want these
product. There is also scope for more demand in the future because now days the
poultry product become more and more popular. There are lots of ways these poultry
products are consume. *o targeting these huge population and future increases in
demand give us encouraging attitude towards this industry.
The go$ernment suort
Bangladesh government has taken many steps to promote the agricultural and farming
activity. n the recent years the government ahs actively provide different type
incentives to the entrepreneurs to encourage them to involve in the poultry business.
'overnment has given financial incentives including easy loan from the agriculture
bank% low rate of interest% 3uick procedure of loan money% easy installation process
etc. there is also agriculture ministry that are also in corporation with other
Prottasha Poultry Ltd.

government agency to provide necessary assistance to the poultry. As these industry is
crating lots of employment in our country government will be always try to expand
the poultry firms.
The consistent demand
n our daily life there are some of the products specially the consumer products we
need them every single day. The poultry product is also consumer products and
throughout the year people consumes these. As a result the demand for these products
is consistent with not for a limited period of time but for every single day.
The integration o1 the distribution channel
There are several distribution channels the poultry firms are use. *ome times these are
have negative effects on the price. Because the middle man are taking more profit.
But if there is co operation and understanding between the distribution players that
will help to reduce the price and also by integrating the entire channel participant
there will be better result in the price reduction% secure supply of the product also
increase efficiency by using the resources.
The lack o1 cometition
As the standard of poultry firms are not yet up to date in our country. *o there are
always a escalating demand from the consumer it is also reduce the risk of
completion. And another factor is that there is little differentiation of the poultry
products. *o because of this the consumption is always in the up ward trend. There is
some completion from the big poultry firms but most of the times it is low. The
government has also restriction for import of poultry product as a result there is also
no tough competition from the outside companies.
Heling the economy or society
Aur country has very less employment opportunity. This situation is even worse in the
rural areas. t is important to create 5ob for the well being of the society and for the
nation. As the employment crates it also strength the rural and national economy.
There are 5obs are created directly and also indirectly those who are involve in
distribution% selling and processing different products from the poultry.
For Bangladesh in the poultry industry there are many diseases can be seen as threats.
There can be more diseases exist in the poultry firm and this could be very much risky
for the existence and to compete. 0ird /l$ is an example of deadly diseases% for which
a poultry firm can be lost it ground. t takes years to recover if any firm is infected
with the bird flu. But there are also bigger picture once a poultry firm is affected with
virus it spreads very 3uickly though out the region as result the whole industry
Prottasha Poultry Ltd.

?ack o1 medicines
We have shortage of medicines import because of complicated procedures. !any
poultry owners fail to get medicine in time and also suffer from shortage. *o have to
buy this medicine in higher price. There are also lack of coordination between the
importer and the supplier and it creates confusion and miss communication among the
poultry owners.
4luctuation o1 the 1ood rices
Food price are fluctuating all the time. The inflation rate is increasing alarming way.
Which have also negative impact in the pricing of the poultry product. As the cost of
raw material and utility service increase poultry product cost are increasing too. There
is no price tag for the product. As the price is always down and up it is crating
dissatisfaction among the general consumers. When the price increases without any
prior notice the sales volume also decrease.
High death rate o1 small chickens
The death rate of chicken is reach in peak if the whether is not our side. (specially in
the summer because of hit lots of chicken lost life. The cost of these has to be bear by
the owner. 'enerally there is +:;+0M loss in chicken life but if these limit is exceed
then it might seen as threat to the poultry firm as a whole.
The una$ailability o1 small chicken
Bangladeshi poultry are suffering from the small chickens as it is selling most of their
eggs. n the recent years Bangladesh have recently imported small chicken from
Thailand to solve this problem. After the bird flu has found in Thai land Bangladesh
government ban on importing chicken from there. *o this can be threat because we do
not have secure supply of raw material.
'n$ironment deendency
(nvironment of the poultry are now in the position of almost at the danger $one. t
re3uire sound environment for the betterment of the poultry firm. But as our
environment become very much polluted it crates obstacle for the poultry firms.
Poultry roducts smuggling
t is another problem. Bangladesh is known as one of the high smuggling country
where we can get almost anything from our neighboring country ndia. The daily
consumer products like poultry are repeatedly smuggling from ndia as result the local
industry suffer. As most of the time these smuggling products are less expensive then
the local one people go for the cheaper one. And it is also very difficult to come up
with any differentiation that can be done to protect the local product.
*.+ P'ST?' #nalysis
Factor 5ikel- to i!cl$de
Prottasha Poultry Ltd.

,olitical Worldwide% 'overnment directives% funding council
policies% national and local organi$ationsO
re3uirements% institutional policy
'co!omic Funding mechanisms and streams% business and
enterprise directives% internal funding models%
budgetary restrictions% income generation targets
#ocial *ocietal attitudes to education% relation to government
directives and employment opportunities. Also
general lifestyle changes% changes in populations%
distributions and demographics and the impact of
different mixes of cultures
Tec)!ological !a5or current and emerging technologies of relevance
for teaching% research or administration
5egal (uropean and national proposed and passed
'!+iro!me!tal ?ocal% national and international environmental
impacts% outcomes of political and social factors
Prottasha Poultry Ltd.

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