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Salah Steps Summary

Going to the court of The King ?

Review your words and gestures!

All Steps Overview
Rakaah 1 Rakah 2 Rakah 3 Rakah 4
Takbir al Ihram
[Raf al Yadayn]
Takbir Takbir [RY] Takbir
Qiyaam Qiyaam Qiyaam Qiyaam
Ruku [RY/RY] Ruku [RY/RY] Ruku [RY/RY] Ruku [RY/RY]
Qaumah Qaumah Qaumah Qaumah
Sajdah Sajdah Sajdah Sajdah
Jalsah Jalsah Jalsah Jalsah
Sajdah Sajdah Sajdah Sajdah
Jalsah al istiraahah 1
Tashahhud Jalsah al istiraahah 2
Rakah 1 in Focus !
Rakah 1 Whats to be Said Whats the Body Gesture
Takbir al
Saying the words of Takbir RY: Raf al Yadayn: Raising hands upto
Feet firmly planted, reasonably spaced.
Qiyaam Dua al Istiftaah
Al Faatihah, some recitation
Hands folded on chest, palms inside
Right hand on top of left as discussed.
Eyes at the point of sajdah.
Transition: Takbir RY: when Going into Ruku
One Rakah in Focus !
Rakah 1 Whats to be Said Whats the Body Gesture
Ruku Masnoon Tasbihaat Hands on knees,
fingers spread out such as to grasp.
Eyes on the point of sajdah/straight
Transition: Saying
SamiAllahu li mun hamidahu
RY when coming up from Ruku
Qaumah + Masnoon Tasbihaat Standing straight, hands on the sides.
One Rakah in Focus !
Rakah 1 Whats to be Said Whats the Body Gesture
..contd.. Takbir in transition Bend towards the ground, Hands first,
Sajdah 1

Masnoon Tasbihaat +
Masnoon Duas
Hands placed parallel to shoulders,
fingers non-spaced,
firmly set on ground on 7 bones,
Arms raised from ground,
Body/ abdomen separated from thighs,
No Bundling / cuddling .
Feet bent and facing Qiblah,
heels joined.
Takbir in transition [Contd]
One Rakah in Focus !
Rakah 1 Whats to be Said Whats the Body Gesture
Jalsah Masnoon Dua

Takbir in transition
Sitting on heels, or in Iftiraash position.
Hands on edge of thighs and knees.
Sajdah 2 Masnoon Tasbihaat + Duas
Takbir in transition.
Same as first
Jalsah al
Moment of silence Sit up properly doing iftiraash or on heels.,
then get up.
First Rakah completed.
Final Rakah
Whats to be Said Whats the Body Gesture
All steps as Rakah 1 except instead of Jalsah al istiraahah, one sits for Tashahhud
Tashahhud Tashahhud:
Masnoon zikr
Salaat al AlNabi [durood]
Masnoon Duas after durood
Sitting in Tawarruk position.
[on left buttock, right foot propped up,
left foot reclined and protruding
outside from under the right leg.]
Hands on each edge of thigh/knee,
Index finger bent and moving, others
folded per sunnah
Eyes on index finger
Taslim Assalamu alaykum wa
Face turning to right shoulder, then left

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