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Faculty of Engineering

Subject: 48541 Signal Theory

Assignment Number: 1
Assignment Title: Lab 1 DSO Measurements
Tutorial Group:

Students Name(s) and Number(s)
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Lab + Multiple Choice
Practical Exam: /3

Office use only

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Assignment Title: Lab 1 DSO Measurements
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Signal Theory Autumn 2006
Lab 1 DSO Measurements
Vertical setup. Horizontal setup. Trigger setup. Storage setup. Automatic time
measurements. Automatic voltage measurements. Cursor measurements.
Reducing random noise on a signal. FFT. Sample rate. Frequency resolution.
Aliasing. Windowing.
The digital storage oscilloscope (DSO) is a versatile tool for the engineer. It
has the ability to sample and store voltage waveforms, giving it the ability to
capture transient waveforms and also the ability to perform mathematical
operations on the sample values. One very important operation is known as the
Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) which gives the DSO the ability to display the
spectral content of a waveform. Like any tool though, it has its limitations, and
careful operation is required to interpret results correctly.
1. To become familiar with setting up a DSO.
2. To become familiar with basic time and voltage measurement techniques
using a DSO.
3. To become familiar with the FFT and aliasing when using a DSO.
1 Digital Storage Oscilloscope (DSO) Hewlett Packard HP5460xA/B
with measurement/storage module
1 function generator (FG) GW Instek GFG-8216A
1 tims trainer with 1 adder, 1 headphone amplifier or tunable LPF
4mm leads (assorted colours), 2 BNC to 4mm leads, 1 BNC to 4mm
Signal Theory Autumn 2006
This is a Category A laboratory experiment. Please adhere to the Category A
safety guidelines (issued separately).
Basic Setup
You will be asked to perform various and wide-ranging tasks with the DSO, so
it is important that you have the Lab Equipment Guide (LEG) as a reference.
Function Generator Setup
1. Set the function generator (FG) up for a sinusoidal wave of around 4 kHz.
Set the amplitude to 4v p-p. Ensure the offset knob is pushed in.
2. Ensure the DSO has been set to its default setup configuration.
3. Connect the FG output to Channel 1 of the DSO.
Vertical Setup
1. Centre the signal on the display with the Position knob.
2. Press the Channel 1 button. Select each softkey option within the vertical
setup menu and notice that each change affects the status line differently.
Turn the Volts/Div knob to display the peaks of the sinusoid.
Horizontal Setup
1. Turn the Time/Div knob and notice the change it makes to the status line.
2. Press Main/Delayed. Toggle the Time Ref softkey to see the effect.
Change the horizontal mode to see the effect.
3. Turn the Delay knob to see the effect. Reset the delay to 0.00s.
4. Restore the horizontal mode to Main and display four cycles of the

Cat. A lab
Refer to the Lab
Equipment Guide
Signal Theory Autumn 2006
Q. What is the value of time/div? How does the value relate to displaying
four cycles of a 4kHz sinusoid?

Trigger Setup
1. Turn the tims trainer on. Connect the 2 kHz message from the tims to
Channel 2 of the DSO. Check and make sure Channel 2 is ON.
2. Set the voltage/div on both channels to 2v/div. Use the Position knobs in
the vertical menu to adjust the vertical positions of Channel 1 and 2 such
that Channel 1 centres on the top half of the display and Channel 2 centres
on the bottom half of the screen.
3. Press Source. Toggle between softkeys 1 and 2.
Q. Describe the effect of toggling the softkeys between 1 and 2.

4. Turn off Channel 2 and reset the position of Channel 1 to centre the
display. Make sure the DSO is triggering off Channel 1.
5. Turn the trigger Level knob and notice the changes it makes to the display.
6. Press Mode. Toggle between the modes to see the effect on the status line.
Leave the mode on Auto Lvl.
7. Press Slope/Coupling. Toggle each of the softkeys and notice which
keys affect the status line.
8. Change the FG frequency to 2 Hz. Adjust the time base to display four
cycles of the sinusoid. Press Main/Delayed. Press the Roll softkey.
Change the FG wave shape to triangle, then square, then back to sinusoid.
Signal Theory Autumn 2006
Press Mode. Then press the Single softkey. Press the Run key to trigger
the DSO again.
9. Set the FG to a 20 kHz sinusoid, and the DSO to Main Horizontal Mode
and Auto Lvl Trigger Mode. Display two cycles.
Storage Setup
1. Press Autostore. Notice the change in the status line. Using the Position
knob, move the trace up and down about one division. Press Run. Press
2. Press Mode, then press the Single softkey. Press Run.
3. Press the Run key again - it rearms the trigger circuit and erases the
display. Change the FG to a triangle wave, and press Run again. Press the
Autostore key it rearms the trigger but does not erase the display.
Change the FG back to a sinusoid and press Autostore.
4. Return the trigger mode to Auto Lvl. Press Erase. Press Run.
Time-domain Measurement
Automatic Time Measurements
1. Set the FG to a 8 kHz sinusoid. Display eight cycles.
2. Press Time. Press the Source softkey to select Channel 1. Press the
Freq softkey.
Q. The frequency of the sinusoid on Channel 1,
f =
3. Turn on Channel 2.
4. Set the DSO to trigger off Channel 2.
5. Press Time. Press the Source softkey to select Channel 2. Press the
Freq softkey.
Signal Theory Autumn 2006
Q. The frequency of the sinusoid on Channel 2,
f =
6. Turn off Channel 2. Disconnect Channel 2 from the tims. Set the DSO to
trigger off Channel 1.
7. Change the FG wave shape to square. Pull out the Duty knob on the FG
and turn it fully clockwise.
8. Press Time, select source 1, press the Duty Cy softkey. Note the duty
cycle range of the FG. Change the FG wave shape back to sinusoid, and
push in the Duty knob on the FG.
9. Connect the earth of the FG lead to the green GND terminal on the tims
trainer. You may leave the earth of the DSO lead floating (since it is
connected to earth anyway).
10. Connect the FG to the Phase Shifter input, and measure the input and
output of the Phase Shifter on DSO Channels 1 and 2 respectively. On the
Phase Shifter unit, turn the coarse and fine knobs to half way, and turn the
180 switch off.
11. Turn on Channel 2. Set up the display so that Channel 1 and Channel 2 is
centred on the top and bottom half of the display respectively. Adjust the
time/div until you get four cycles of the waveform on the display. Press
Time. Press the Next Menu softkey until a Phase measurement is
available. Measure the phase difference between the two waveforms.
Determine which channel is used as the reference by the DSO for the phase
measurement. Vary the Phase Shifter Coarse knob to see the effect.
Q. Which channel is used as the reference when performing phase
measurement? What is the phase shift between Channel 1 & 2?

Signal Theory Autumn 2006
12. Decrease the time/div down to 10s/div. The display is now showing less
than one cycle (period) of the sinusoid and notice all the time
measurements now say not found. It is very important to adjust the
time/div so that the more than one cycle (period) of the signal is
displayed otherwise the auto time measurements wont work! Adjust
the time/div again to show 4 cycles of the signal.
Cursor Measurements
When the DSO performs the phase measurement, it relies on locating the zero
crossings of the signal on Channel 1 and 2. If the amplitude of the incoming
signal is too low, we cannot rely on the auto phase measurement to measure the
phase difference between the channels as the DSO might locate the zero
crossings incorrectly. Instead, we have to use the cursors to measure the phase
difference between the channels as described below.
1. Press Cursor. Press the Active Cursor softkey to select cursor t1.
Move the cursor to centre on one of the peaks of the signal in Channel 1.
You can do this by rotating the unlabelled knob in the Measure section.
This knob will change most things in the menus once the menu item has
been highlighted with a softkey press. Ensure the readout is in degrees by
pressing the Readout softkey to select degrees.
2. Press the Active Cursor softkey to select cursor t2. Move the cursor
to centre on one of the adjacent peaks (left or right with respect to the one
you chose in the previous step) of the signal in Channel 1.
3. Press the Set 360
softkey. This gives the DSO a reference of the time
difference of one full period of the signal.
4. Leaving cursor t1 untouched, move cursor t2 to the first peak of channel
2 to the left of the cursor t1.

Signal Theory Autumn 2006
Q. What the phase difference between channel 1 & 2 now? (Look at the
value of t ). Is it different from the value obtained by the automatic
phase measurement?

Automatic Voltage Measurements
1. Switch Channel 2 off. Centre Channel 1s display. Ensure the DSO is
triggered on Channel 1.
2. Press Voltage. Measure Channel 1. Press the V p-p, V avg and V
rms softkeys. Change the FG waveform to triangle, then to square, and
observe the change in the measurements.
3. Set the FG to a sinusoidal wave, and vary the DC offset (this is done by
pulling out and turning the offset knob on the FG). Note the effect on the
Vp-p, Vavg and Vrms values.
4. Remove the DC offset if any (push the offset knob on the FG back in).
Decrease the voltage/div to 200mV/div. The peak of the sinusoid is now
out of display and notice all the voltage measurements now say not found.
It is very important to adjust the voltage/div so that the signal is not
clipped on the display otherwise the auto voltage measurements wont
work! Increase the voltage/div back to 1V/div
Reducing Random Noise on a Signal
If the signal you are applying to the DSO is noisy, you can set up the DSO to
reduce the noise on the waveform. There are two methods to reduce noise
bandwidth limiting and averaging.

Be careful when
using the automatic
measurements the
DSO cant
differentiate between
a noise peak and a
signal peak
Signal Theory Autumn 2006
Bandwidth Limiting
This method applies the incoming signal to a lowpass filter before it is sampled
by the DSO. This method works only when the measured signal has very high
frequency content. The bandwidth limiter cuts off frequencies above 20
1. Change the FG waveform to a sinusoid. Reduce the amplitude to minimum.
Press the FGs ATT 20 dB button to apply 20 dB of attenuation.
2. Change the DSO vertical setup so that the peaks of the sinusoid are visible.
It should be a noisy sinusoid.
3. Press 1 . Press the BW Limit softkey. The noise should be reduced.
4. Turn bandwidth limiting off by pressing the BW Limit softkey again.
The second method of reducing noise works when noise is present below the
cutoff frequency of the bandwidth limit filter. First, you stabilize the displayed
waveform by removing the noise from the trigger path. Second, you reduce the
noise on the displayed waveform by averaging the samples.
1. Press Slope/Coupling. Remove the noise from the trigger path by
turning on either high frequency Reject or Noise Rej (choose the one
that results in a stable trigger).
2. Press Display, then press the Average softkey.
3. Toggle the # Average softkey to select the number of averages that best
eliminates the noise from the displayed waveform. The higher the number
of averages, the slower the displayed waveform responds to waveform
4. Change the FG wave shape to triangle, then square, then back to sinusoid
to see the effect of averaging.
Bandwidth limiting
will only help if the
signal period is less
than about 1 MHz.
Averaging can only be
used to clean up a
signal if the noise is
Signal Theory Autumn 2006
5. Turn off the FGs ATT 20 dB button. Set the amplitude to one quarter of
full range.
6. Disconnect the lead from the DSO channel 2 BNC input (i.e. physically
remove the lead from the DSO input).
7. Press the DSOs Auto-scale button. If you did not disconnect the lead
from channel 2 (which has no signal, apart from noise) the DSO will try to
set the horizontal and vertical scales to view this interesting signal.
Frequency-domain Measurement
Normally, when a signal is viewed on an oscilloscope, it is viewed in the time-
domain. That is, the vertical axis is voltage and the horizontal axis is time. For
many signals, this is the most logical and intuitive way to view them. But when
the frequency content of the signal is of interest, it makes sense to view the
signal in the frequency-domain. In the frequency-domain the vertical axis is
still voltage but the horizontal axis is frequency.
g t ( )
G f ( )

The Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) is an algorithm that efficiently converts a
time-domain signal into its frequency-domain representation.
Sample Rate and Frequency Resolution
1. Set up a 4 kHz, 4 Vp-p sinusoid on the FG. Display four-cycles of the
waveform on Channel 1 of the DSO. Ensure the DC offset of the waveform
is zero, then turn Channel 1 off so it is not displayed.
2. On the DSO, press the key. Press the Function 2 On softkey.
autodetects the
probes attached
to the inputs, so it
is important to
remove any
unwanted signals
before hitting the
Autoscale button
The frequency-
representation, or
spectrum, is a graph
of the sinusoids
present in a signal
Signal Theory Autumn 2006
3. Press the Function 2 Menu softkey. Change Operation so it
displays FFT. The DSO will now perform an FFT on the Operand which
is set to Channel 1.
4. Adjust the reference level to 10.000 dBV by selecting the Ref Levl
softkey and then rotating the unlabelled knob in the DSOs Measure
section. The reference level is at the top of the display (i.e. with a reference
level of 10.000 dBV, the top line of the display is 10.000 dBV).
5. Adjust the Units/div to 5.000 dB and notice the change. The
Units/div determines the unit per division in the vertical (magnitude)
scale of the display and is actually a negative unit. Given the reference
level is 10.000 dBV, and Units/div at 5.000 dB, the vertical scale
on the display has a range from 10 to -30 dBV (from top to bottom).
Q. What is the magnitude scale (in dB) of the display given the reference
level is 10.000 dBV and Units/div at 10.000 dB? (from top to

6. Adjust the Units/div back to 10.000 dB. Turn the Time/Div knob
and watch in the display as it tells you the sample rate,
f . Turn it until
you get 500 kSa/s. The effective sample rate of the DSO is determined by
the Time/Div knob. The FFT will only display frequencies from 0 to just
less than half the effective sample rate, 2
f .
7. Press FFT Menu. The Cent Freq and Freq Span controls can be
used to zoom in on a part of the FFT display. The Move 0Hz To Left
softkey can be used to set the centre frequency to half the frequency span.
Now set up the FFT parameters as follows (use softkeys and the measure

function displays the
frequency content of
the signal
An FFT only displays
frequencies from 0 to
half the sample rate
Signal Theory Autumn 2006
Sample rate Freq Span Center Freq Window
500 kSa/s 30.52 kHz 15.14 kHz Hanning
Q. What is the range of frequency that is shown on the display of the
DSO? (From left to right)

8. Press Cursors. Press softkey Find Peaks. Record the frequency of the
dominant spectral peak (which is a sinusoid):
9. Use the Time/Div knob to decrease the effective sample rate to
50 kSa/s. Adjust the FFT menu settings. Press Find Peaks.
Sample rate Freq Span Center Freq Window
50 kSa/s 6.104 kHz 3.027 kHz Hanning
Q. What is the range of frequency that is shown on the display of the
DSO? (From left to right)

10. Set and measure the following:
Sample rate Freq Span Center Freq Window
10 kSa/s 4.883 kHz 2.441 kHz Hanning
Note that the width of the spectrum main lobe is now quite small.
Q. With the last setting, decreasing the frequency span to 2.441kHz and
you can no longer see the spectral peak. Has the signal just simply
disappeared? Explain.

Signal Theory Autumn 2006

Q. Now, keeping the frequency span at 2.441kHz, adjust the Center
Frequency to 3.301kHz and the spectral peak reappears. Explain why.

The frequency 2
f is also known as the folding frequency. Frequencies that
would normally appear above 2
f (and therefore outside the range of the
FFT) are folded back into the normal range of the FFT. These unwanted
frequency components are called aliases, since they erroneously appear under
the alias of another frequency. To prevent aliasing, the DSO has to sample at
greater than twice the highest frequency in the signal being measured (twice
the bandwidth). It is therefore necessary to have some idea of the frequency
content of the signal being measured to interpret the DSOs FFT results
Fixed Signal with Varying Sample Rate
1. Set the FG frequency to a triangle wave of approximately 2.6 kHz.
Observe just the spectrum (turn off Channel 1) on the following settings.
Sample rate Freq Span Center Freq Window
100 kSa/s 48.83 kHz 24.41 kHz Hanning
You should observe a spectrum similar to the following.
To prevent aliasing,
we have to sample
at greater than twice
the bandwidth of the
A triangle waves
spectrum with no
Signal Theory Autumn 2006

The leftmost spectral line is the fundamental. The next line is the 3

harmonic. The next is the 5
harmonic and so forth. The higher harmonics
are small in amplitude with the 17
harmonic just visible above the FFT
noise floor. The frequency of the 17
harmonic is 17 x 2.6 kHz=44.2 kHz,
which is within the folding frequency of 2
f (50 kSa/s). Therefore, no
significant aliasing is occurring.
2. Turn the Time/Div knob to set an effective sample rate of 50 kSa/s (a
folding frequency of 25 kSa/s). Now the upper harmonics of the triangle
wave exceed the folding frequency and appear as aliases in the display. Use
display averaging to observe the higher frequency aliases.

3. Change the sample rate to 10 kSa/s, then 5 kSa/s. The frequency plot is
severely aliased. Turn off display averaging.
A triangle waves
spectrum with aliasing
Signal Theory Autumn 2006
Often the effects of aliasing are obvious, especially if you have some idea as to
the frequency content of the signal. Spectral lines may appear where no
frequency components exist.
Signals that are bandlimited (that is, have no frequency components above a
certain frequency) can be viewed alias-free by making sure that the effective
sample rate is high enough.
Varying Signal with Fixed Sample Rate
1. Push Auto-scale. Set the FG frequency to a sinusoid of approximately
2.3 kHz. Use the 10k range button on the FG. Observe the spectrum.
Sample rate Freq Span Center Freq Window
10 kSa/s 4.883 kHz 2.441 kHz Hanning
2. Press Cursors. Press Find peaks. Confirm that the DSO is detecting
a large spectral peak at 2.3 kHz.
3. Increase the FG frequency slowly. The spectral peak (representing the FG
sinusoid) should move to the right as you increase the frequency this is
what we expect. Slowly increase the frequency to 4.6 kHz.
4. Continue increasing the FG frequency slowly. Aliasing occurs as the
frequency exceeds 5 kHz. Slowly increase the frequency from 5 kHz to
10 kHz. The spectral peak moves to the left on the display.
5. Slowly decrease the FG frequency
f so that the spectral peak returns for
the first time to the vertical cursor positioned at 2.3 kHz. (The FGs
frequency should still be greater than 5 kHz). The DSO is now telling us
that a frequency component exists at 2.3 kHz!
Actual frequency of FG =

It is important to
recognise aliasing
and take steps to
prevent it
Were setting the
measured signals
bandwidth above
the DSOs folding
Signal Theory Autumn 2006
6. Slowly increase the FG frequency from
f 10 kHz to
15 kHz. The spectral peak now moves to the right on the display. Slowly
decrease the FG frequency
f so that the spectral peak returns to the
vertical cursor positioned at 2.3 kHz.
Actual frequency of FG =

7. Slowly increase the FG frequency from
f 15 kHz to
20 kHz. The spectral peak now moves to the left on the display. Slowly
decrease the FG frequency
f so that the spectral peak returns to the
vertical cursor positioned at 2.3 kHz.
Actual frequency of FG =

Q. From the above measurements, can you form a relationship between
the frequency that is displayed on the DSO (i.e 2.3 kHz) and the actual
frequency generated by the FG. (Hint: the relationship would be a
function of the sampling frequency and the frequency displayed on the
DSO) From what you observed, is it possible to determine the frequency
of the sinusoid if we know the range of frequency the sinusoid might lay
with respect to the sampling frequency? Explain.

Signal Theory Autumn 2006
The FFT operates on a finite length time record, but assumes that this time
record is exactly one period of an infinitely long signal. With the waveform
shown below, where an integral number of periods fits exactly within the time
record, the infinitely long signal assumed by the FFT is correct.
real signal
Time Record
assumed signal by FFT

However, we do not normally have control over how the waveform fits into the
time record of the DSO, with the result that discontinuities are introduced by
the replication of the time record by the FFT over all time:
real signal
Time Record
assumed signal by FFT

This effect is known as leakage, and the effect in the frequency-domain is very
apparent. For the case of a single sinusoid as shown, the normally thin spectral
line will spread out in a peculiar pattern.
The solution to the problem of leakage is to force the waveform to zero at the
ends of the time record so that no discontinuity will exist when the time record
is replicated. This is accomplished by multiplying the time record by a window
The window function modifies the time record and will produce its own effect
in the frequency domain, but for a properly designed window, the effect is a
vast improvement over no window at all.
The Hanning window, and its effect in the time-domain, is shown below:
real signal
Hanning window
assumed signal by FFT

FFT replicas
producing the
desired waveform
FFT replicas
Windowing reduces
spectral leakage
Signal Theory Autumn 2006
Even though the overall shape of a time-domain signal is changed by a
window, the frequency content remains basically the same. There are many
windows, all suited to different purposes. The HP5460xA/B DSO has four, and
are used for the following measurements:

Window Useful for:
Hanning Frequency resolution
Flat Top Amplitude accuracy
Rectangular Synchronized waveforms
Exponential Transient waveforms
We normally use the Hanning or Flat Top window. The rectangular and
exponential windows should be considered windows for special situations.

The Hanning and
Flat Top windows
should be used
most of the time
Signal Theory Autumn 2006
1. Set the FG frequency to 3 kHz. Connect the output of the FG to input A of
the Adder in the tims. Connect the 2kHz message from tims input B of the
Adder. Turn the gain knobs of the adder (labelled G and g) to half way.
Connect the channel 1 lead to the output of the Adder and display the
spectrum on the following settings:
Reference level at 10.000 dBV and Units/div at 10.000 dB
Sample rate Freq Span Center Freq Window
10 kSa/s 2.441 kHz 2.607 kHz Rectang
Sketch the spectrum:

2. Set the following.
Sample rate Freq Span Center Freq Window
10 kSa/s 2.441 kHz 2.607 kHz Exponen
Sketch the spectrum:

Signal Theory Autumn 2006
3. Set the following.
Sample rate Freq Span Center Freq Window
10 kSa/s 2.441 Hz 2.607 kHz FlatTop
Sketch the spectrum:

4. Set the following.
Sample rate Freq Span Center Freq Window
10 kSa/s 2.441 Hz 2.607 kHz Hanning
Sketch the spectrum:

5. Decrease the frequency on the FG to 2.1kHz and set the following:
Reference level at 0 dBV and Units/div at 2.000 dB
Sample rate Freq Span Center Freq Window
5 kSa/s 305.2 Hz 2.095 kHz Hanning
6. Slowly decrease the frequency on the FG until you can just make out there
are still two separate spectral components displayed on the DSO.
Signal Theory Autumn 2006
7. Cycle through the different windows (i.e. Hanning, Rectangular, Exponent
and Flat Top ) and note the difference. For the Exponent window you need
to change the reference level to -10dBV to see the peaks.
Q. From your observation, which window would you choose if you want to
observe multiple spectral components that are very close in frequency?
Which one would you not use?
Signal Theory Autumn 2006
Practical Exam [3 marks]
You will be asked by a tutor to perform the following tasks:
Set up a 3 V p-p sinusoid at 3 kHz, with 3 V DC offset. Display the entire
waveform on the DSO with the 0 V reference set to the middle of the display.
Apply 40 dB attenuation to the signal. Set up the DSO to get a stable, noise-free
(averaged) display.
Remove the attenuation and the DC offset and apply the FG signal to the tims
phase shifter. Set the coarse knob halfway and the 180 switch to on. Measure
the phase difference.
Apply the FG to the A input of a tims adder. Apply the 2 kHz tims MESSAGE
signal to the B input of the adder. Observe the output of the adder on channel 2 of
the DSO. Display the spectrum at 10 kSa/s. Measure the two dominant
frequencies in the signal.
Signal Theory Autumn 2006
Multiple Choice Questions [1 mark]
Encircle the correct answer, cross out the wrong answers. [one or none correct]
All questions are worth 0.2 marks each.
1. DSO Basics
The DC offset knob on a FG is set to 0. The resulting waveform:
(a) is AC only (b) may have DC (c) is DC only
The spectrum of a square wave on a DSO that uses a rectangular window will
in general look like:
(a) (b) (c)
A DSOs sample rate is set to 100 kSa/s. The DSO will display frequencies in
the range:
(a) 50 kHz to 50 kHz (b) 0 to 100 kHz (c) 0 to 50 kHz
The spectral leakage of the Hanning window, compared to the rectangular
window, is:
(a) less (b) more (c) the same
A waveform consisting of a 3 V peak-to-peak sinusoidal voltage is
superimposed on a 1.5 V DC voltage. A DSO measuring the signal using AC
coupling will display:
(a) a shifted sinusoid (b) a DC voltage only (c) a sinusoid only
Signal Theory Autumn 2006
2. Aliasing
A sinusoid of frequency 13 kHz is sampled at 20 kHz. The DSO display has a
span of 0 Hz to 9.77 kHz. The spectrum will look like:

(b) (c)

A signal has bandwidth B and is ideally sampled at a rate of
f . Aliasing will
NOT occur when:
(a) B f
< (b) 2 B f
> (c) B f
2 >
A signal has a known bandwidth of 23 kHz. For maximum frequency
resolution, the DSO sample rate should be set to:
(a) 20 kSa/s (b) 50 kSa/s (c) 100 kSa/s
A signal is known to be of the form ( ) ( ) ( ) t f t f t g
2 1
2 cos 2 cos = , where
< f kHz and kHz 15
= f . It is desired to measure the frequency
f using a
DSO spectrum. For maximum frequency resolution, the DSO sample rate
should be set to:
(a) 10 kSa/s (b) 20 kSa/s (c) 50 kSa/s
A 67 kHz sinusoid is ideally sampled at 100 kHz. The ideal spectrum is:
( ) G f
f (kHz)
33 -33 133 233 -133 -233

( ) G f
f (kHz)
67 -67 133 200 -133 -200 0

( ) G f
f (kHz)
33 67 -33 -67 133 167 233 -133 -167 -233

Complete the questions as part of your lab report.
Signal Theory Autumn 2006
Only submit ONE report per lab group.
Complete the assignment cover sheet.
Ensure you have completed:
1. Lab Work measurements and sketches.
2. Post-Work complete the multiple choice questions.

The lab report is due in exactly two (2) weeks.
You should hand the report directly to your tutor.

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