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Macroeconomics: Policy and Applications

ECON2234 (Term 2, 2014)

Assignment Six
(Due: 12 noon, 26 September, 2014)

* Please fill in assignment cover sheet and attach it to your assignment answers. You can
download the relevant assignment cover sheet from the Business School Current Students
web page You must state your tutorial
group (time and day) and the name of your tutor on the cover sheet. Otherwise, your
assignment will not be assessed and will receive a mark of zero.

1. Assume the aggregate production function is of the following form: Y = aK. At what
capitallabour ratio (k) can a steady-state equilibrium be reached? [3 marks]

2. Suppose you add a variable rate of population growth to a two-sector model of growth.
(Hint: Combine Figures 7.2 and 7.3)
a. What do the production function, investment requirement line and savings line look
like? [4 marks]
b. Characterize the set of equilibria for this model. Does output in any of the equilibria
have non-zero per capita growth? [4 marks]
c. Does the addition of the variable rate of population growth to this model help you to
explain anything that a simpler two-sector model with a fixed rate of growth, or a
one-sector model with variable population growth, cannot? [2 marks]

3. Consider an economy whose production function is: = K
with A = 4K N .
Suppose that it has a savings rate of 0.1, a population growth rate of 0.02, an average
depreciation rate of 0.03 and that = 0.5.
a. Reduce the production function to the form y = ok. What is a? [2 marks]
b. What are the growth rates of output and capital in this model? [4 marks]
c. Interpret a. What are we really saying when we assume that the labour-augmenting
technology, A, is proportional to the level of capital per worker? [2 marks]
d. What makes this an endogenous growth model? [2 marks]

4. Consider an economy in which production is characterized by the neoclassical function:
5 . 0 5 . 0
N K Y . Suppose, again, that it has a savings rate of 0.1, a population growth rate of
0.02 and an average depreciation rate of 0.03.
a. Write this production function in per worker form, and find the steady-state values
of capital per worker, k, and income per worker, y. [2 marks]
b. At the steady-state value of k, is there more or less capital than at the golden-rule
level? [4 marks]
c. Determine what savings rate would yield the golden-rule level of capital in this
model. [2 marks]
d. In the context of this neoclassical growth model, can a country have too much
saving? [2 marks]

~ End ~

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