January 2010 Elementary Session Syllabus FINAL

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Gyeonggi-do Institute for Foreign Language Education

Elementary Teacher’s Intensive Program, January 4-29, 2010


Course Title: Academic Essay Writing

Instructors: Christian Poon gifle.writing.christian@gmail.com

Darren Ng gifle.writing.darren@gmail.com

Course www.giflewriting.pbworks.com


The Writing module introduces students to the four-step writing process of

pre-writing, writing, editing, and sharing in academic essay writing. As

students are guided through this process, they will be encouraged to

develop skills and attitudes helpful to their growth as emerging writers.

Gyeonggi-do Institute for Foreign Language Education
Elementary Teacher’s Intensive Program, January 4-29, 2010

Trainees will also be encouraged to read a variety of texts to inspire both their writing

and professional development. Additionally, students will learn why writing is both a

necessary communicative and reflective skill critical to their on-going development as


As trainees gain more confidence, experience, and skill, it is hoped that students will

experience the unique joy that comes from crafting writing that is sincere, passionate,

and meaningful.


1. Trainees will improve their proficiency in English essay writing through various

individual and group writing activities, class readings, web-publishing, and one

consultation session with their instructor. By the end of the course, trainees should

be able to independently produce a formal essay (of at least four paragraphs)

comparable to a paper written by a native English senior high school student.

2. Trainees will be exposed to several genres of reading through the course Reading

Packs. These are intended to improve trainees’ overall writing ability, reinforce

Gyeonggi-do Institute for Foreign Language Education
Elementary Teacher’s Intensive Program, January 4-29, 2010

writing concepts introduced in class, further develop vocabulary and language

fluency, and encourage their professional development as EFL educators.

3. As a secondary focus, trainees will also explore ways they can adapt the writing

strategies taught in class to their own classroom environments through group

discussions and sharing sample elementary writing activities.


Students are expected to assume the identity of an emerging writer.

Therefore, we expect our students to…

…come to class on time (at least 5 min before the bell)

…be diligent in their work.

…be patient with themselves, their classmates, and their instructors.

…be enthusiastic in their attitude towards learning.

Gyeonggi-do Institute for Foreign Language Education
Elementary Teacher’s Intensive Program, January 4-29, 2010

…be open-minded when they experience something new.

…be helpful in their relations with others.

…be persistent in difficulty.

…to be eager to share what they have learned both at GIFLE at their home schools.

We hope that our students will…

…constantly improve their skills as writers and teachers.

…not compare themselves to fellow trainees, but to how much they have improved

since they first started.

Gyeonggi-do Institute for Foreign Language Education
Elementary Teacher’s Intensive Program, January 4-29, 2010

Gyeonggi-do Institute for Foreign Language Education
Elementary Teacher’s Intensive Program, January 4-29, 2010


Students will be required to complete one academic essay on a topic approved by the

instructor and two course Reading Packs.

In addition, students will be asked to complete various additional assignments that will

help them prepare for their weekly writing focus. Assigned homework is due at the

beginning of the class of the date indicated on the course schedule in print

format. Students must also email their writing task assignments to their instructor and

save their work on a USB memory stick device.

Gyeonggi-do Institute for Foreign Language Education
Elementary Teacher’s Intensive Program, January 4-29, 2010

Clas Assignment Point Assignment to

Value be returned by
1 N/A N/A N/A
2 Review course syllabus Participation N/A
“Getting To Know You” survey Marks
3 “About Me” section on PBWorks Participation Class 4
Prewriting Exercise 15
Reading Pack 1 10
4 Write your Introduction paragraph 20 Class 5
5 Write your Body & Conclusion paragraphs Class 6
First draft of essay is due by your consultation 30
6 Reading Pack 2 10 Class 7
7 Essay Final Draft is due 15 Class 8
8 Upload your essay to PBWorks Participation N/A
Vote for your favourite essay Marks


Section Marks Criteria

Pre-Writing 15 Students submit prewriting exercise in preparation for their essay.

Introductory 20 Students submit an introductory paragraph that includes a Hook,

Paragraph Supporting details, and a THESIS.

Gyeonggi-do Institute for Foreign Language Education
Elementary Teacher’s Intensive Program, January 4-29, 2010

First Draft of 30 Students submit a four-five paragraph formal academic essay for a

“My Hero scheduled consultation with their instructor. At the consultation session,

Essay” students will receive feedback on their essay, emphasizing areas they can

+ Instructor improve upon.


Final Draft 15 Students submit a final draft of their essay that includes significant

revisions based on their own editing, peer and instructor feedback.

Reading 10 Session 1-3 Readings and Mini-book


10 Session 4-6 Readings and Two Reading Responses

Total in this section: 20

Participation 16 For basic attendance and participation

4 For extra contributions that benefit the classroom community. E.g.. Lesson

Gyeonggi-do Institute for Foreign Language Education
Elementary Teacher’s Intensive Program, January 4-29, 2010

ideas and demo’s,Word or Phrase of the Day, Curriculum Posters, etc.

Total in this section: 20

Total: 120 Marks

Gyeonggi-do Institute for Foreign Language Education
Elementary Teacher’s Intensive Program, January 4-29, 2010


Session 1: Welcome to Writing Class!


1. To introduce trainees to the writing module, their instructor, and each other.

2. For trainees to reflect upon “Why is writing important?” in their role as EFL educators.

3. To acknowledge common barriers many Korean EFL teachers face when trying to write.

4. To Identify helpful attitudes that will help their writing become more enjoyable and effective.

Class Schedule Assignments

1. Trainee Introductions 1. Complete the “Getting to Know

Gyeonggi-do Institute for Foreign Language Education
Elementary Teacher’s Intensive Program, January 4-29, 2010

2. Why is writing important? You” survey.

3. Your new identity as an “Emerging Writer.” 2. Review Course Syllabus.

4. The Pile Game

5. Course administration

6. Applying what we have learned in our schools:

“Inspiring our students to write.”

Session 2: The 4 Step Writing Process


Gyeonggi-do Institute for Foreign Language Education
Elementary Teacher’s Intensive Program, January 4-29, 2010

1. Trainees will be introduced to their major writing assignment, “Describe Your Hero.”

2. Trainees will learn how to use the 4 Step Writing Process (Prewriting, Writing, Editing, and Sharing)

to develop more effective essays.

3. Using examples of pre-writing for reference, trainees will create their own Pre-writing webs.

Class Schedule Assignments

1. Intro. to the major writing task: “Describe Your Hero” 1. Complete your “About Me” wiki

2. The 4 Steps of Writing: An Overview

2. Complete the Prewriting

3. Prewriting for an essay


4. Formatting your essay using MLA guidelines 3. Complete Reading Pack 3 for next

5. Introduction to the GIFLE Writing website

Gyeonggi-do Institute for Foreign Language Education
Elementary Teacher’s Intensive Program, January 4-29, 2010

6. End of week reflection

Session 3: Essay Structure I


1. Trainees will be able to identify the components of effective paragraphs and essays.

2. Trainees will use the above skills to re-order the components of a “mixed-up” sample essay.

3. By showing various examples, trainees will learn how to compose their own Hooks for their


4. By introducing students to theThesis Formula and relevant samples, trainees will learn how to

construct their own Thesis statements for their “Introduction” paragraph.

Class Schedule Assignments

Gyeonggi-do Institute for Foreign Language Education
Elementary Teacher’s Intensive Program, January 4-29, 2010

1. Components of an effective paragraph and essay 1. Compose an “Introduction”

paragraph (with Hook and Thesis)

2. “Mixed Up” Essay Re-Ordering Exercise

2. Due: Reading Pack 1

3. How to write a good Hook

4. How to write a good Thesis

5. Applying what we have learned in our schools:

“Teaching students how to organize their writing”

“Teaching students how to identify parts of speech”

Session 4: Essay Structure II

Gyeonggi-do Institute for Foreign Language Education
Elementary Teacher’s Intensive Program, January 4-29, 2010


1. Trainees will learn how to develop effective Topic Sentences, Supporting Details, and Concluding

Sentences for a “Body Paragraph”, by using relevant student samples and referring to their

Prewriting work.

2. Trainees will also learn how to write an effective Conclusion paragraph that reflects the

“Introduction” paragraph by using relevant student samples and refering to their Prewriting work.

3. Trainees will learn how to use linking words and various bridging techniques to create more

coherent/cohesive writing (flow) by working in groups to complete an in-class worksheet.

4. To increase trainee proficiency in creating flow, trainees will be introduced to the Linking Words

Resource Pack.

Class Schedule Assignments

Gyeonggi-do Institute for Foreign Language Education
Elementary Teacher’s Intensive Program, January 4-29, 2010

1. In-class sharing: Your Hooks and Thesis sentences 1. Compose “Body” paragraphs and a

“Conclusion” paragraph.
2. How to develop strong “Body” Paragraphs

2. First draft of your Essay

3. How to finish your essay well with an effective

(Introduction, Body, and

Conclusion) is due by your

4. Creating Flow using Linking Words

consultation date.

Session 5: Editing 1-Self Editing


1. Trainees will identify and correct common grammatical, stylistic, and formatting errors that

beginning Korean EFL writers often encounter through a group activity called, “English 101: Dos

and Don’ts in English Academic Writing.”

Gyeonggi-do Institute for Foreign Language Education
Elementary Teacher’s Intensive Program, January 4-29, 2010

2. Trainees will gain a better understanding of the importance of Editing in their own writing and

learn Editing strategies through in-class discussion, a class edit of a trainee’s paper, in-class self-

editing time, and instructor consultation for scheduled trainees.

Class Schedule Assignments

1. English Writing 101: Dos & Don’ts in English 1. Edit your paper using the

Academic Writing strategies we learned in class.

2. Why is Editing Important? 2. Ensure you have scheduled a

Consultation date with your

3. “How Do I Edit My Paper?”-Class editing a trainee’s

instructor to receive essential


feedback on your essay.

4. Self Editing Time/ In-Class Consultations

5. Mid-course Reflection

Gyeonggi-do Institute for Foreign Language Education
Elementary Teacher’s Intensive Program, January 4-29, 2010

Session 6: Editing 2 –Peer Editing


1. Trainees will learn the value of peer-editing by participating in a small group peer-editing activity.

2. Trainees will review and apply writing concepts they have learned in sessions 1-5 to peer edit

another trainee’s paper.

Class Schedule Assignments

1. Guided Peer Editing Activity 1. Final Draft of your essay is due on

the 7th Session.

2. In-class editing time

2. If you haven’t already, meet your

3. If applicable, in-class Consultation with instructor.

instructor for Consultation.

Gyeonggi-do Institute for Foreign Language Education
Elementary Teacher’s Intensive Program, January 4-29, 2010

4. Applying what we have learned in our schools: 3. Due: Reading Pack 2

“How can we help our students to become better

editors of their own writing?”

Gyeonggi-do Institute for Foreign Language Education
Elementary Teacher’s Intensive Program, January 4-29, 2010

Session 7: Web Publishing


1. Trainees will experience the joy and satisfaction that comes from sharing a finished essay with

their peers by reading

their essays to each other in small groups.

2. Trainees will learn how to use the PB-Works on-line collaboration tool to share their writing with a

larger audience by

creating their own Wiki-page of their essays for the GIFLE Writing Website.

3. Trainees will be encouraged to review their peers’ essays by selecting their favorite paper and

providing online


Gyeonggi-do Institute for Foreign Language Education
Elementary Teacher’s Intensive Program, January 4-29, 2010

Class Schedule Assignments

1. In-class reading of essays 1. Complete your PB Works page

2. How to create and design your PB Works page for 2. Complete the “My Favourite Essay”

your essay worksheet.

3. How to comment on your peer’s Wiki pages

4. Introduction to “My Favorite Essay” activity

Session 8: Oh the Places You’ll Go!


1. To encourage the trainees both professionally and personally by doing a group read-aloud of “Oh

Gyeonggi-do Institute for Foreign Language Education
Elementary Teacher’s Intensive Program, January 4-29, 2010

the Places You

Will Go!” by Dr. Seuss.

2. To provide trainees with further online and offline writing resources to supplement their ongoing

development as

emerging writers.

Class Schedule Assignments

1. Welcome and Congratulations! None!

2. Student Reading: Oh the Places You Will Go!

3. What’s next in our writing Journey?

4. Suggested Offline and Online Resources

Gyeonggi-do Institute for Foreign Language Education
Elementary Teacher’s Intensive Program, January 4-29, 2010

5. End of course Reflection

Gyeonggi-do Institute for Foreign Language Education
Elementary Teacher’s Intensive Program, January 4-29, 2010


1. Basic English Grammar 3rd Edition by Betty Schrampfer Azar, Pearson

Education, 2002.

2. Fundamentals of English Grammar 3rd Edition by Betty Schrampfer Azar,

Pearson Education, 2002.

3. Understanding and Using English Grammar 3rd Edition by Betty Schrampfer

Azar, Pearson Education, 2002.

*The instructor also strongly endorses students to supplement the above

texts with a comprehensive Korean English grammar text.


1. Hackers Writing Start by David Cho, Soul Shi Publishing, 2006


1. Effective Academic Writing: The Paragraph by Alice Savage and Masoud

Shafie, Oxford University Press, 2007.

Gyeonggi-do Institute for Foreign Language Education
Elementary Teacher’s Intensive Program, January 4-29, 2010

2. Effective Academic Writing: The Short Essay by Alice Savage and Masoud

Shafie, Oxford University Press, 2007.

3. Effective Academic Writing: The Essay by Alice Savage and Masoud Shafie,

Oxford University Press, 2007.


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