Social Endeavours Nepal: Generous Help!

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October, 2014




S.E.N. was delighted to receive an email from Tricia Jeffree (Qld, Australia) with the
wonderful news that her keen promotion of the Maitreya Pathshal Waldorf Inspired
School (Pokhara, Nepal) as a worthy charity for fund raising purposes, resulted in the
school being chosen as the charity for the fund raiser held by the Suncoast Jewellery
& Art EXPO at the past weekend. Approx 500 visitors make their way to the EXPO
that was held at Peregian Springs on the Sunshine Coast, Queensland. Trish writes:

We were the charity at the Jewellery Expo held in Peregian. Three of the artists
donated prizes, so all of the money raised from selling raffle tickets could go to
Maitraya Pathshala school

I was thrilled this year to have some of my beautiful students (from the Noosa Rudolf
Steiner School)...Louise, Faith, Tenai, Sam, Sophie, Phoebe (and my daughter Domi)
help me...selling tickets, or playing music.

S.E.N. was thrilled when Trish contacted us to say that Aus$740 had been deposited in
our account for forwarding to Maitreya Pathshala Waldorf Inspired School in Pokhara,

That is a phenomenal amount and we extend our most sincere thanks to Trish for putting
the school forward as a worthy recipient of the funds raised and for her hard work. Also
our grateful thanks to the event organisers for selecting the school and especially to the
three artists who donated works with which to raise the funds and not least the students
who so willingly gave of their time and skills. What a wonderful community effort!


A new sponsor has stepped forward to sponsor Deepesh on the next leg of his studies.
Fifteen year old Deepesh comes from a very poor family without a father to support the
blind widowed mother and children Life is indeed a struggle, as already made known
through the S.E.N. APPEAL for SHANTA, Deepeshs older sister.


The generosity of donor, Hildy.I. (Switzerland), enabled Deepesh to complete one year
of schooling. Hildy is in receipt of our warm thanks for her timely help, not just to
Deepesh, but also to other S.E.N. projects over the past years

Now the generous sponsorship of Dr. Bishwa.T. (UK) will take Deepeshs studies a
stage further along the path towards becoming a medical doctor. We wish him well
and extend sincere thanks to Dr Bishwa for his kindness.



When S.E.N. (then known as Papas Endeavours) first became formally involved with
street children (Sep 2012), young 16 year old Dipu was one of the first boys to enter
what was to become Papas Home in Kathmandu. His time there was relatively brief
before he once more returned to the streets around the Boudha stupa district of
Kathmandu. Through Hildy I.s (Switzerland) financial support, S.E.N. was able to
keep tabs on Dipu and from time to time offer material help and practical advice.

Dipu went through a 9 month period where he was employed as a refuse collector, but
that came to an end earlier this year and again he was back on the streets. But a few
days ago, Dipu contacted S.E.N. via SKYPE and proudly informed us that he was again
in employment as a trainee chef in a new caf in Boudha. He earns a pittance (Rs3,550 per
month (about Euro28) for an 17 hour day! S.E.N. will keep an eye on his progress and

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