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Pre-Intermediate Progress Test Unit 1 Test A

Name: ___________________________________________
1 Complete the sentences. Use the present simple or present continuous form of the vers in
1 I _______________ (not go) to Marys party next Saturday. I dont have time.
2 Im sorry, hes busy. e _______________ (ta!") on the phone at the moment.
# $!ease turn the radio o%%& I _______________ (hate) rap musi'.
( )hi'h _______________ (you * pre%er)+ pop musi' or indie bands,
- )hat _______________ (she * .ear), Its a terrib!e 'o!our&
/ 0hey _______________ (not .or") on 0hursdays. 0he shop is '!osed a!! day.
1 It o%ten _______________ (rain) in the 23 in Mar'h.
Mark: ___ /7
" Complete the sentences. Use the present simple or present continuous form of the vers
%!y meet not "no. .ant send study
1 o. many messages _______________ (he) you every day,
2 I _______________ 4enny at the station at %ive o'!o'" this a%ternoon.
# )e _______________ to $aris on business every .ee".
( e _______________ many peop!e here. Introdu'e him to some o% your %riends.
- She _______________ to be a tea'her .hen she gro.s up.
/ )hi'h sub5e't _______________ (you) at the moment,
Mark: ___ /6
$ Complete the sentences. Use the infinitive or -ing form of the vers in rac!ets.
1 I rea!!y en5oy _______________ (.at'h) sport on te!evision.
2 )e spent hours _______________ ('oo") dinner.
# 0hey de'ided _______________ (go) to the 2S6 this summer.
( I %an'y _______________ (stay in) to .at'h a %i!m this evening. o. about you,
- She expe'ted _______________ (hear) %rom him, but he didnt 'a!! her.
/ es very po!ite. e o%%ered _______________ ('arry) my bags.
1 I %inished _______________ (.rite) the essay at midnight.
Mark: ___ /7
Photocopiale 7 8x%ord 2niversity $ress So!utions 2nd edition $re9Intermediate $rogress 0ests 2nit 1 1
Pre-Intermediate Progress Test Unit 1 Test A
% Complete the sentences #ith the #ords elo#. There are t#o #ords &ou do not need.
arrogant 'on%ident %unny generous !a;y nasty rude shy
1 <ey& Give me some orange 5ui'e& <=ont be so ____________ & Say <p!ease.
2 My brother 'an ta!" to anyone. es so ____________ .
# <Ginas hair and '!othes are a.%u!& <=ont be ____________ . I thin" shes a very ni'e gir!.
( My aunt is ta"ing me to $aris %or my birthday. Shes very ____________ .
- <$!ease he!p me .ash the dishes. <=ont be ____________ & I .ashed them yesterday.
/ <>har!ie isnt ta!"ing to anyone. Is he 83, <?es. es 5ust ____________ .
1 arry thin"s hes better than other peop!e. es so ____________ &
@ ?ou!! !i"e my 'ousin. Shes rea!!y ____________ . She 'an te!! some great 5o"es.
Mark: ___ /8
' Complete the diar& entr& #ith the #ords elo#.
a'tivities expedition p!an s"i!! time vo!untary
My best %riend and I have de'ided to do the Aron;e !eve! =u"e o% Bdinburgh 6.ard. Im so ex'ited&
I need to .rite my
____________ and start thin"ing about the
____________ Im going to do. Id
rea!!y !i"e to spend
____________ he!ping the environment or doing
____________ .or" .ith
anima!s at the .i!d!i%e 'entre. Ive a!ready 'hosen my ne.
____________ + Im going to !earn to
p!ay the saxophone. Aut the thing Im rea!!y !oo"ing %or.ard to is going on the
____________ .
I .ant to go hi"ing in S'ot!and. Its going to be great&
Mark: ___ /6
( Complete the sentences. Use the negative form of the #ords elo#.
ambitious a'tive grate%u! sensitive honest patient
1 e never than"ed me %or my he!p. es so ____________.
2 In the daytime, night anima!s are ____________.
# 4u!ia is very ____________. I dont trust her.
( Im very ____________. I dont !i"e .aiting %or things.
- My brother is ____________. e sometimes says nasty things and hurts peop!es %ee!ings.
/ :era doesnt .ant to have a good 5ob or ma"e !ots o% money. Shes tota!!y ____________.
Mark: ___ /6
Photocopiale 7 8x%ord 2niversity $ress So!utions 2nd edition $re9Intermediate $rogress 0ests 2nit 1 2
Pre-Intermediate Progress Test Unit 1 Test A
2se o% Bng!ish
) Complete the te*t #ith the #ords elo#.
a'tor 'hara'ters good good9!oo"ing !ives musi'a! p!aying p!ays restaurant .or"ing
4ohnny =epp is an 6meri'an
____________. eCs (@ and
____________ in Dran'e, the 2S6 and
0he Aahamas. eCs
____________ and %ashionab!e. eCs a!so
____________ and he
____________ the guitar E he !i"es
____________ ro'" musi'. eCs interested in %ood and he
o.ns a
____________ in $aris .ith some o% his a'ting %riends. 6s an a'tor, he p!ays many di%%erent
____________. 0heyCre o%ten a !itt!e strange but usua!!y
____________, su'h as 4a'" Sparro. in
The Pirates of the Caribbean. 6t the moment, heCs
____________ on a %i!m 'a!!ed Dark Shadows.
Mark: ___ /10
+ ,isten to the people tal!ing aout the music the& li!e. -atch the spea!ers #ith the musical
st&les elo#. There is one st&le &ou do not need.
'ountry and .estern heavy meta! indie 5a;; pop rap
1 Spea"er 6 ____________
2 Spea"er A ____________
# Spea"er > ____________
( Spea"er = ____________
- Spea"er B ____________
Mark: ___ /5
Photocopiale 7 8x%ord 2niversity $ress So!utions 2nd edition $re9Intermediate $rogress 0ests 2nit 1 3
Pre-Intermediate Progress Test Unit 1 Test A
. /ead the te*t. Are the sentences true or false0
Can Mozart make you clever?
Some people believe that young children should listen to classical music. They think it can change a
childs brain and make the child clever. They call this the Mozart eect.
This idea became very popular in the 1!!"s. #overnments and universities spent a lot o money over
the ne$t t%enty years to test i it is true. The research sho%s that it is not. &istening to Mozart does
not have a permanent eect on your brain.
'o%ever( research sho%s that listening to music can help children learn. Mike )d%ards teaches
eight*year*olds. 'e %orks in a special school or children %ith behaviour problems. 'e is not a music
teacher( but in his classroom there is al%ays music.
+ play the music at the beginning o the lesson( Mike says( and it really %orks,
Mikes students are sometimes diicult to control. Theyre not stupid or lazy( he says( but theyre
sometimes noisy and rude and you have to be very patient. The music is calm and -uiet. +t helps the
children to eel calm and -uiet too. Then they can learn better.
+ dont think music changes a childs brain or personality( but it helps them to concentrate so they
can be more creative. They en.oy coming to class and it makes my .ob easier because theyre more
polite and hard*%orking.
So does Mozart make you a better student/ Maybe. 0ut Mikes students are listening to the blues,
1 In the !ast ten years o% the t.entieth 'entury, many peop!e be!ieved in the Mo;art e%%e't. _____
2 Iesear'h proved that !istening to '!assi'a! musi' doesnt ma"e students more '!ever. _____
# Mi"e tea'hes 'hi!dren about musi'. _____
( Mi"es students are a!.ays bad!y behaved. _____
- Mi"es students arent !istening to '!assi'a! musi' in '!ass. _____
Mark: ___ /5
11 2ou #ant to do the 3u!e of 4dinurgh A#ard and &ou are loo!ing for people to do it #ith
&ou. 5rite a message to put on the ulletin oard in &our school.
Introdu'e yourse!% and exp!ain .hat your idea is.
=es'ribe your persona!ity.
Suggest the a'tivities you .ou!d !i"e to do, and say .hat "ind o% peop!e you are !oo"ing %or.
0e!! peop!e ho. they 'an 'onta't you.
Mark: ___ /10
Total: ___ /70
Photocopiale 7 8x%ord 2niversity $ress So!utions 2nd edition $re9Intermediate $rogress 0ests 2nit 1 1

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