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2013 Topic: Heat

Construct: Knowledge
Meaning of pressure

Construct : Conceptualisation
Pressure law

Construct : Understanding
Boyle law

Construct: Problem Solving
Improve the ventilation of the house
and ensure the temperature inside
the house is not high
Topic: Electricity
Construct: Knowledge
Function of microammeter

Construct : Conceptualisation
Charge and current

Construct : Understanding
Resistance and its factor

Construct: Problem Solving
modified the rheostat to increase its
Topic: Forces and Pressure
Construct: Knowledge
Name shape of aeroplane wing

Construct : Making decision
perfume spray to produce a fine
spray (Bernoullis principle)

Construct : Understanding
How aeroplane lift up

Construct: Problem Solving
Pressure and area
Topic: Electronics
Construct: Knowledge
Name electronic device symbol

Construct : Making decision
automatic barrier system (Logic gate)

Construct : Understanding
how to produce half-wave

Construct: Problem Solving
Transistor as automatic switch and
potential divider, resistance and

2012 Topic: Forces and Pressure
Construct: Knowledge
Meaning of density

Construct : Conceptualisation
Pressure and altitude

Construct : Understanding
how the liquid in the bottle can
sucked into the dropper tube

Construct: Problem Solving
design the vacuum cleaner which can
clean the dust faster and effectively.
Topic: Waves
Construct: Knowledge
What kind of wave for sound wave

Construct : Conceptualisation
wave length, angle of refraction,
speed of sound wave

Construct : Understanding
how the sound is produced by the
drum and can be heard by the
humans ear

Construct: Problem Solving
design a communication system
which can improve the quality of
signal transmission

Topic: Forces and Motion
Construct: Knowledge
Meaning of impulse

Construct : Making decision
flag pole that can withstand strong

Construct : Understanding
how follow through can increase
the impulse acting on the ball.

Construct: Problem Solving
Principle of conservation of energy
(GPE -> KE)
Topic: Electric
Construct: Knowledge
Meaning of power

Construct : Making decision
hairdryer for drying hair quickly and

Construct : Understanding
Potential difference and Current for
series and parallel circuit

Construct: Problem Solving
Parallel circuit (Power, effective
resistance, energy)
2011 Topic: Forces and Pressure
Construct: Knowledge
Function of stroboscope

Construct : Conceptualisation
Stroboscope image, velocity and

Construct : Understanding
how the wooden block is mashed by
the Taekwondo exponent

Construct: Problem Solving
suitable equipment and techniques
to improve aiming an arrow to a
target board

Topic: Electromagnetism
Construct: Knowledge
Meaning of electromagnetism

Construct : Conceptualisation
current and strength of

Construct : Understanding
how relay function and why using
soft iron

Construct: Problem Solving
design electric bell which can
produce louder sound

Topic: Forces and Pressure
Construct: Knowledge
Meaning of Pascals principle

Construct : Making decision
most effective hydraulic brake to be
used in a car brake system

Construct : Understanding
How hydraulic jack to lift up a car

Construct: Problem Solving
Pascal principle, force and area
Topic: Radioactivity
Construct: Knowledge
Meaning of radioisotope

Construct : Making decision
most suitable characteristic of the
radioisotope to be used as a tracer on
absorption of fertilisers by plant

Construct : Understanding
Radioactive track and cloud chamber

Construct: Problem Solving
Mass defect and energy
2010 Topic: Forces and Pressure
Construct: Knowledge
Meaning of weight

Construct : Conceptualisation
Volume and upthrust

Construct : Understanding
Explain why wooden block moves
upwards and then floats on the water

Construct: Problem Solving
design a raft which can accommodate
15 participants and be able to move
quickly in water.

Topic: Waves
Construct: Knowledge
meaning of wavelength

Construct : Conceptualisation
interference of light

Construct : Understanding
how sound refracted in day and night

Construct: Problem Solving
Using solar energy to boil water.
Topic: Forces and Motion
Construct: Knowledge
Meaning of frictional force

Construct : Making decision
lawnmower to cut glass effectively

Construct : Understanding
explain resultant force based on
incline surface

Construct: Problem Solving
Incline surface
Topic: Electric
Construct: Knowledge
Meaning of electric field

Construct : Making decision
most suitable circuit that can be used
to light up the bulbs with normal

Construct : Understanding
candle flame in electric field

Construct: Problem Solving
Series and parallel circuit and current
2009 Topic: Forces and Pressure
Construct: Knowledge
Meaning of pressure

Construct : Conceptualisation
depth of sinking, load and area

Construct : Understanding
Explain how the vacuum cleaner is
able to remove dust from the floor.

Construct: Problem Solving
build a hydraulic brake system which
can function effectively.

Topic: Radioactivity
Construct: Knowledge
meaning of radioactive decay

Construct : Conceptualisation
decay graph and half-life

Construct : Understanding
why alpha particles not suitable for
use as a tracer in medicine

Construct: Problem Solving
Precaution when using radioactive
ray in treatment of cancer.
Topic: Heat
Construct: Knowledge
Meaning of thermal equilibrium

Construct : Making decision
best thermos to maintaining the
temperature of hot drink

Construct : Understanding
thermal equilibrium and

Construct: Problem Solving
Specific heat capacity
Topic: Electric
Construct: Knowledge
Meaning of potential difference

Construct : Making decision
lamp that can produce brightest light

Construct : Understanding
V-I graph

Construct: Problem Solving
current, energy and efficiency of bulb

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