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The front page of "Politika" from February 3rd 1930.

under the headline "Unveiling

of the Gavrilo Prinip ommemorative pla!ue"" the #ara$evo orre%pondent
de%ribe% the very at of unveiling thu%ly&
"'n the %tand deorated (ith greenery and palm branhe%" %ymbol% of peae" %tood
the mother of the deea%ed a%%a%%in )li*. +e,t to her (a% -ovanka .ubrilovi*" the
(ife of the late a%%a%%in .ubrilovi*" follo(ed by Trifko/% %i%ter" 0ilena Graba1" and
the %i%ter of 0i2ko -ovanovi*" 0ara. 3t eleven" 4a%il$ Gr5i*" 0ilan 6o1i*" #avo
7$ubibrati*" 8amdi$a +ik2i* and 6orivo$e 7eonti* got up on the %tand. )mmediately
upon limbing onto the %tand" 0r. 4a%il$ Gr5i* turned to the gathered publi and (ith
an unu%ually 9rm voie delivered unto them the follo(ing (ord%& /People" (e are
gathered here to pay our la%t re%pet% to the greate%t among u%. Today" today it i%
mo%t digni9ed to pay tho%e re%pet% in %ilene./ Then 4a%il$ Gr5i* him%elf bo(ed hi%
head and remained a% %uh for t(o minute%" then he held hi% head up high and in a
booming voie prolaimed& Glory to the hero Gavrilo Prinip:/ The ro(d took up thi%
hant and on thi% hi%torial %pot there (ere heard three thunderou% heer%& /Glory
be: Glory be: Glory be:/ (hile at the %ame time the young nationali%t 8amdi$a
+ik2i*" (ho (a% impri%oned during the (ar for grand trea%on" removed the (hite
%heet from the ommemorative pla!ue. 3fter 0r. 4a%il$ Gr5i*/% %peeh" the emi%%ary
from the ;almatian youth 0r. 6orivo$e 7eonti* delivered the follo(ing (ord%& /) plae
thi% (reath upon the hero/% monument a% a humble %ign of ;almatia/% youth for the
great hero/. 8i% delaration (a% follo(ed again by three roaring /Glory be:/ hant%.
3epting the %ilver laurel (reath" 0r. 4a%il$ Gr5i* e,laimed& /Prai%e be to eternally
patrioti ;almatia. 3nd thu% the eremony (a% onluded. <arved in gold upon the
pla!ue made out of blak marble (ere the follo(ing (ord%& On this historical place
Gavrilo Princip heralded liberty on Vidovdan 15/28 in the year 1914. 6efore learing
out" the gathered people tore out the greenery from the %tand" to keep a% a
memento of thi% day" after (hih they di%per%ed in an orderly fa%hion." =6ut" (hile
formal ommemorative pla!ue unveiling eremony in #ara$evo i% in progre%%" >ing
3lek%andar i% getting ready for a formal lunheon (ith the %tudent% (ho (ere
a(arded the 8?8 the >ing/% a(ard by the Univer%ity <ounil. The lunheon began
e,atly at noon on February the @nd" and (a% attended by the ?etor" vieAretor
and the %eretary of the Univer%ity of 6elgrade" the 0ini%ter for Bduation" dean% of
all the faultie%" along (ith the a(arded %tudent%.C Dithout ignoring )li*/% 0other"
.ubrilovi*/% (ido(" Grabe1/% %i%ter" 0ilan 6o1i* and #ava 7$ubibrati*" of our%e" let
u% 9r%t fou% here on the main protagoni%t% of the eremonial unveiling of the
ommemorative pla!ue& 4a%il$ Gr5i*" 8amdi$a +ik2i* and 6orivo$e 7eonti*" a% (ell a%
the one (ho de%ribed thi% event to u%" the #ara$evo orre%pondent for "Politika""
%igned only (ith the initial% 3.>. The 9r%t gave the %peeh" the %eond unveiled the
pla!ue" the third adorned (ith a (reath" and the la%t one relayed the entire %tory to
u%. The ommemorative pla!ue it%elf had already been built in 19@E. but (a%
eremoniou%ly unveiled only after a t(oAyear delay. 4a%il$ Gr5i*" (ho %poke at the
unveiling" al%o authored the in%ription engraved upon the pla!ue.

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