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The open tube gives a series of consecutive whole numbers,

because the reflected wave is symmetric with both end of
the tube. The closed tube gives a odd number series and
not a consecutive numbers.


No, they have different series. The open tube has a whole
number series while the close tube has a series of odd
Open tube resonate half wavelength or antinodes that fit
between the ends of the tube, while in close tube, it have
node happen at the closed end and antinode happen at the
open end.

Vair = 332m/s + 0.6(t)
= 332 m/s + 0.6 (25oC)
Vair = 347 m/s

std. formula

V = f
std. formula
f = V/
f = (347m/s) / [15.5cm*(1m/100cm)]
f = 2238.71 Hz

Ltube = 1.2 m
Lwire = .50 m
Mwire = 5g
Fundamental frequency
= m/L = [5g* (1kg/1000g)] / (.50m)
= 0.01 kg/m
V = sqrt(T/)
V2 = T

but V = 332m/s

T = (0.1 kg/m)*( 332m/s)2

T = 1102.24 N
= 2L/n
= 2(1.2)/1
= 2.4 m

but n = 1

f = (1/)*[sqrt(T/)]
f = (1/2.4m)*[sqrt(1102.24 N / 0.01 kg/m)]
f = 138.33Hz

L = 60cm
T = 20oC



= 2*L = 2*[60cm*(1m/100cm)] = 1.2 m

Vair = 332m/s + 0.6(t)
= 332 m/s + 0.6 (20oC)
Vair = 344 m/s
f = v/ = (344m/s) / (1.2m)
f = 286.67 Hz

std. formula

Experiment 3 is all about sound wave. In this experiment
we are required to investigate the property of the sound wave using
the resonance tube. In this experiment, we will see what happen when
we have an open tube and a closed tube when sound wave occurs.
In the open tube, we set the initial frequency to 100 until
we get the highest point of the wave length, the crest or the highest
point have a frequency of 172.7 Hz. Then wait for the wave to
decrease to find another frequency of the sound. We get a frequency
of 350.4 Hz, 528.1 Hz, 686.7 Hz, 870.3 Hz and 1030.3 Hz. When we
divide the fundamental mode or the first highest wave we get a series
of whole numbers starting from 2-6.
In the closed tube experiment, we get the first highest
point at 138.9 Hz. We do the same test like the open tube and obtain
the data 151.8, 401, 687.2 982.3 and 1242.7 Hz. When we divide our
overtone to the fundamental mode, we compute a series of odd
numbers starting from 3 to 11. Our data in the closed tube have a
small fundamental mode than the open tube but have the highest
frequency in the fifth overtone.
In the open tube I found out that the frequency of the
open tube have a whole number. In the closed tube, we got an odd
number series. It is because of the resonance of the open and the
closed tube. The open tube has both ends open that produce a more
symmetric and has an antinode on both end. While in the closed tube,
one end is closed making the wave bounce and that closed end makes
a node and have just one antinode making the wave incomplete. The
wavelength doesnt make an exact segment making an odd number
series at the closed tube.
We must consider the frequency of the wave in making the
experiment. Wrong frequency will result to a different value of f/f o. In
order to minimize this error, we must carefully listen to the sound
wave that the system produced. We must hear a wave that lowers and
still goes up within that frequency. Also, by checking the highest wave
in the apparatus will also help minimize error. We must consider the
two to minimize the error in the experiment.
Also wrong computation will result to an error, must
carefully looked at the required data. Like in our data, we get a

different answer. We divide our fundamental mode to the frequency

that we get resulting to a very different answer that not satisfy the
I can conclude that open and close tube have different
overtones. A complete segment will produce a whole number overtone
and an incomplete segment will result a consecutive odd numbers.
Also, the wavelength of a specific frequency has an effect, the higher
the frequency the more it is easier to get a clear response from the
I found out the different relationship of frequency from the
experiment that frequency is proportional to the overtone and tension
but inversely proportional to the linear mass density and length. In
real life, sound waves is useful in our daily life, we can hear music
because of the sound wave.
For the sources of error, we must consider the wave that
the apparatus make and the sound we hear. By considering the two,
we will get a less error experiment.

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