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Maggie or Cadbury Chocolate

Table of Contents
Type of the product/ services identified and the process involve there in
Brand name and the product
Type --
subsidiary of
#ndustry--- $ood
$ounded ----%&'(
--+ulius Maggi
--Cham. !/it0erland
1ey people --
Alain 2edersen
Maggi noodles is a
brand of instant
noodles manufactur
ed by Nestl34 The
brand is popular in Australia. #ndia. !outh Africa. Bra0il. Ne/
5ealand. Brunei. Malaysia. !ingapore. !ri "anka. Bangladesh.2akistan. $i6i and
the 2hilippines4 #n several countries. it is also kno/n as 7maggi mee7 )mee is
#ndonesian/Malay/,okkien for noodles*4 Maggi noodles are part of the Maggi family. a
Nestl3 brand of instant soups. stocks. and noodles4 #n Malaysia. there are fried noodles
made from maggi noodles kno/n as Maggi goreng4 Maggi noodles recently introduced a
ne/ variety of its noodles. to cater for the health conscious like 8No M!98. 8"ess !alt8. and
8No Trans fat84 A /hole/heat flour based noodle variation marketed by the name
7:egetable Atta Noodles7 has been introduced in #ndia )Atta flouris used in preparing
most forms of /heat based breads in #ndia* and caters to health conscious buyers /ary of
the refined flour used in the regular Maggi noodles4 This move helps the brand in #ndia as
suburban mothers. /ho feed the noodles to children as an afterschool snack. are the
primary customers of the brand4 ;ecently. a line of rice noodles and /hole /heat /ith
pulses. carrots. beans. and onions has also been introduced in #ndia4 #n fact. 7Maggi7 has
become a /ell-kno/n brand for instant noodles in #ndia and Malaysia4
;ange of the product
#dentification mark or logo
Tag line
"abeling and packaging
Ma6or changes are re-uired in the packaging of Maggi Noodles as suggested by the
Marketing ;easearch !urvey<
Maggi noodles packets to be flimsy /hich re-uire to be torn apart carefully so as to
not spill the contents4
Another issue is /ith the multi brick packets4 =nce opened they cannot be stored as it
is and the contents have to be transferred to another container
4To counter the problem. /e plan to

#ncrease the thickness of the plastic sheets used in the Maggi Noodles packets to give
more strength to the packet and allo/ easy > safe opening of the pack
To provide a 5ip-!eal facility along /ith the e?isting sealing to allo/ the packets to
be stored easily

2rice of the product and basis of price fi?ation
!elected channels of distribution thereof
2lace refers to the location /here the products are available and can be sold
or purchased4 Buyers can purchase products either from physical markets or
from virtual markets4 #n a physical market. buyers and sellers can physically
meet and interact /ith each other /hereas in a virtual market buyers and
sellers meet through internet4 Thus /ith the ease and options through /hich
you make your product or service available to your customers /ill have an
effect on your sales volumes4
Physical Distribution of Maggi noodles:
To keep up /ith the gro/ing trends in the Noodles sector. an intensive
dealer-distributor net/ork is desired4 Maggi has a /ell established
distribution net/ork4
Maggi @istribution Net/ork -
Thus from the chart it can be said that the distribution net/ork is /ell spread
almost every/here in #ndia. as it is easily available in all local stores. retail
store etc4
But in order to strengthen the distribution, NIL should e?pand its market to
;ural #ndia /ith products targeted to the market4 Thus this can be one of the
/ay by /hich they can increase its volume of sales4 !o ma6or focus should
be done to this market as /ell4
The distribution network is well spread.
Easily available in all retail stores.
Distribution channel PRODUCER - D!TR"UTOR - RET#$ER
They pro'ote their product very e((ectively throu)h television.
They have applied the strate)y o( brand e*tension.
They also sponsor various cookery shows to pro'ote alternate usa)e o(
They also use strate)y o( (ree product sa'ples to pro'ote it.
Celebrity endorse'ents. E). +aved +a((eri PRO&OTO%
$ess pro'oted as co'pared to 'a))i.
%o particular celebrity endorse'ent.
The utter con(usion re)ardin) the lon)-ter' strate)y (or ,issan brand was
visible throu)h the e*peri'ents that were conducted on this brand by -ll.
"ut with a brand which had a tre'endous e.uity durin) the late nineties
and early /0001 -U$ had weird plans. One o( the 'a2or casualties o( &!
"an)a3s Power brand strate)y was ,issan. Durin) the early /0001 the
brand ,issan was rebranded as ,issan #nnapurna. ,issan #nnapurna
was 'arketin) not 2a's and s.uashes by #tta1 salt and other staple (oods.
$ater #nnapurna and ,issan was splited into two separate brands 1 one
concentratin) on staple (oods and other on processed (oods. This
'i)ration strate)y proved to be very costly (or both ,issan and #nnapurna
brand. ,issan was synony'ous with +a's and !.uashes durin) its initial
years. ,issan ,etchup was a 'arket leader in ketchup se)'ent but these
e*peri'ents and 'yopic strate)ies pushed the brand behind the (ocused
and a))ressive &a))i.
!o all throu)h the period /004-/0051 ,issan was in a sticky wicket. "ut
now accordin) to reports1 the brand 'andarins o( -U$ is now clear about
,issan as a brand (or processed (ood like +a's 1 ketchups and like1 That
chan)e is visible in the recent ca'pai)n o( ,issan which takes a uni.ue
view o( ,etchup. Takin) the ta)line 6 #ao banaye pakode behtar6
translated to 6 &akin) Pakode taste better6.
n these series o( ads1 the brand plays a second (iddle to the 'ain snack.
The brand takes the positionin) o( a 67reat #cco'pani'ent 6
&a))i has (aced lot o( hurdles in its 2ourney in ndia. The basic proble' the brand
(aced is the ndian Psyche. ndian Palate is not too adventurous in ter's o( tryin)
new tastes. That 'ay be the reason why we are still stuck with Dal. !o a new
product with a new taste that too (ro' a di((erent culture will have di((iculty in
appealin) to ndian 'arket.
nitially %estle tried to position the %oodles in the plat(or' o( convenience
tar)etin) the workin) wo'en. "ut it (ound that the sales are not pickin) up
despite heavy pro'otion .Research then showed that ,ids were the lar)est
consu'ers o( the brand. Realisin) this1 %estle repositioned the brand towards
the kids usin) sales pro'otions and s'art advertisin).%ow ndians are the
lar)est eaters o( &a))i %oodles in the world. &a))i %oodles is a 'arketin)
success story.
Durin) 4889 &a))i chan)ed its (or'ulation. t was durin) that ti'e that ndo
%issin - a +apanese co'pany launched its %oodles brand 6Top Ra'en6 with lot
o( pro'otion and with !R, endorsin) the brand. TopRa'en )ave &a))i a run (or
its 'oney. The chan)e in taste o( &a))i was a 'istake. The consu'ers re2ected
the new taste o( &a))i. #nd in 4888 &a))i relaunched %oodles with the ori)inal
taste. %estle was ready to accept the consu'ers verdict and it paid o((
handso'ely. Top Ra'en could not sustain the )rowth it had (or lon).
&a))i3s ca'pai)ns were revolved around its 6convenience to 'ake and )ood to
eat 6 .ualities. Ready in 6 / 'inutes 6 was a proposition that was well received by
the 'arket.
n /005 %estle 'ade a very s'art 'ove. t knew that althou)h kids love noodles1
parents were bothered about the health aspect o( %oodles which was 'ade o(
&aida. -ence &a))i launched &a))i #tta %oodles with the baseline 6 taste bhi
health bhi6 .Reports su))est that a(ter 40 'onths o( the launch 1 the product has
been well received by ndian consu'ers. &a))i noodles is an e*a'ple o( a
brand that knows the custo'er and willin) to learn (ro' the 'istakes.
&a))i also tried to levera)e the success o( the %oodles to other (ood products
like sauces 1 taste'akers 1 soups etc.
&a))i sauces needs special 'ention because it is another success story. &a))i
have a 'arket share o( :5; in the 4<0crore ketchup 'arket in ndia. &a))i
levera)ed the brand e.uity very e((ectively. The product .uality was )ood and the
co''unication was e*cellent. The brand was positioned as a 6Di((erent6 sauce
with the baseline 6 ts di((erent6.
Custo'ers was intri)ued as to what is di((erent about the brand and was curious
to try the sauce = 'ay be surprised to (ind nothin) di((erent1but that is 'arketin)
honey>?. The ads (eaturin) +aved and Panka2 kapoor was superb and (unny. t
was created by +@T. The new ca'pai)ns are handled by Publicis and the
baseline has been chan)ed to 6 en2oy the di((erence6.
There was no need to chan)e the baseline1'ay be ad a)encies have an e)o
proble' in acceptin) the creativity o( another a)ency. !o a)encies chan)e the
baseline even at the cost o( the brand.n this case even thou)h the new baseline
6 en2oy the di((erence6 was not very di((erent (ro' the old one1 was it a chan)e (or
the sake o( chan)e A

stron)ly (eel that the brand 'ana)ers should take the ownership o( the brand
and the way it is co''unicated. ( it is le(t to a)ency alone1 every ti'e the
a)ency chan)es1 the co''unication chan)es.

&a))i a(ter its
lon) and tou)h
2ourney is
en2oyin) its
well deserved
The Product launched keepin) in 'ind the workin) wo'en and

t was the pioneer in instant noodle 'arket.
Distribution !ta)e PRODUCER D!TR"UTOR! RET#$ER!
PRC%7B The initial pricin) strate)y was low pricin) strate)y to
'ake product a((ordable.
- Pro'oted with ta) line C"#! / &%UTE.D
- Pro'otion done by )ivin) )i(t on e'pty packs.
- Pro'otion in school.
ncreased %o. o( sales.
#ccepted as ready to eat (ood.
En2oyed 50; 'arket share valued at /50 crores.
Pro(its be)in to rise.
&a))i beco'e the %o. 4 brand in nstant noodles 'arket.
PRC%7B Prices were kept nor'al.
PRODUCTB %o any new chan)es
PRO&OTO%B Pro'oted with the ta) line C7ood to eat (ast to cookD
Declinin) sales )rowth.
!aturated 'arket.
E*tendin) product line.
$ar)e pro'otional o((ers.
Entrance o( new players - Durin) the period o( 80Es &#77 (aces
the tou)h co'petition (ro' TOP R#&E%.
PRODUCTB &#77 introduced wide variety o( products like Dal
atta noodles1 chicken 'a))i1 'a))i cuppa 'ania.
PRCEB &a))i still co'es in very a((ordable prices startin) (ro' Rs.
51they reduced the .uantity instead o( increasin) price.
D!TR"UTO%B Distribution beco'e 'ore intensive. Farious
intensive pro)ra's (or encoura)in) products over other
!ales saw a decline in 4880Es Gor'ulation chan)ed (ro' (ried
base to air dried base.
%ew product launched but (ailed- Dal atta noodles sa'bar (lavor
Tou)h co'petition (ro' Top Ra'en.
Gailure o( other products like !oups1 Cookin) aids etc.
N!"# $%&%'! "( )*%" &+ ,*(-.)" )%"'(*/! .&-*
"0 1*%&- &%$ (2 3MAGGI45 T06 %-(,"- "0 2(##(+/&'
&a))i introduced the 'a)i sauce cate)ory and piHHa variant. t
is always easier to pro'ote a new product under the na'e o(
the established brand as the e*penditure and reco)nition ti'e is
%estle also used the cultural base 'arketin) in ndia as knowin)
the (act that ndian people like Rice1 they introduced &a))i Rice
%oodles &ania.
%estle was able to success(ully use the u'brella brandin) (or
&a))i. They introduced 'any variant under the brand na'e o(
&a))i. "y doin) so1 They were success(ul in 'akin) the product
&a))i also success(ully able to position its noodles in the 'inds
o( the consu'ers as the (ast (ood ite'.
On the other hand they also introduced so'e cate)ories which
are havin) the co'plete diet in the (or' o( noodles. They said
that these contain so'e protein and calorie level which is 'ust
(or the children. "y doin) the e'otional 'arketin) they were
success(ully able to pro'ote these productsB &#77 Fe)etable
atta noodles1 Dal atta noodles1 Rice noodle 'ania1 -ealthy soup
S"*(&' C.!"($* R#%"/(&!: The ca'pai)n desi)ned by %estlI (or
&a))iEs silver 2ubilee hopes to work on the brandEs stron) consu'er
connect throu)h television1 the nternet and print. The 2in)le )ets a
pro'inent play in the television ca'pai)n. %estlI1 ndiaEs lar)est (ood
products co'pany1 has decided not to litter the sky with hoardin)s on the
occasion. nstead1 the ads will play on nostal)ia. Consu'ers who (irst
sa'pled the brand as kids now run households. The ca'pai)n seeks to
stren)then the association.
Thus1 custo'ers will be invited to share their C&a))i 'o'entsD with the
co'pany. ( the co'pany likes the way you prepare &a))i1 you could (ind
your photo on &a))i packs. # new website called
www.'eand'eri'a))' is also in the works.
G((- P%)7%'/&' %&- S"*(&' D%#* V&-(* R#%"/(&!:
Convenience was the uni.ue sellin) proposition o( &a))i when it was
launched /5 years a)o. Gor the (irst ti'e1 consu'ers )ot so'ethin) that
was hy)ienically packed and convenient to prepare. t was also the (irst
(usion e*peri'ent on (ood in ndia.
C(&"/&.(.! ,*()!! /&&(8%"/(&: nstant noodles was an entirely
new cate)ory in the country1 but it was )iven an ndian twist. &a))i ca'e
in (our variantsB&asala1 chicken1 sweet J sour and capsicu'. O( these1
only two have survived K 'asala and chicken which sells lar)ely in the
eastern states.&asala continues to be the (la)ship (lavour. n the days that
(ollowed1 it e*peri'ented with 'ore variants1 like a )arlic- and onion-(ree
one (or 7u2arat.!o'e o( these still e*ist1 others were discontinued.
The turnin) point ca'e in /0051 when %estlI ca'e out with &a))i atta
=whole-wheat (lour? instant noodles. #ll over the country1 atta is considered
healthier than 'aida or re(ined (lour which the co'pany was usin) (ro'
day one. This helped the co'pany take the health plat(or'1 thou)h %estlI
7eneral &ana)er =(ood business? !hivani -e)de insists that the product
never ran the dan)er o( bein) classi(ied 2unk (ood. t was then that it added
the ta)line1 health bhi1 taste bhi =health as well as taste?.
R,(!/"/(&/&' %! % 0%#"0/* !&%)7: Ct is no lon)er an aspirational
product (or any socio-econo'ic cate)ory o( consu'ers1D says -e)de
That was also the ti'e when %estlI was repositionin) itsel( worldwide as a
health and wellness co'pany. #t the )rassroots level1 &a))i started
associatin) with .uiH contests and other such events connected to 'ental
and physical wellbein).
This positionin) )ave %estlI the plat(or' to launch 'ore products under
the &a))i brand. t already had &a))i soups1 sauces and coconut 'ilk in
the 'arket1 but )iven the stron) e.uity o( the brand1 %estlI could now
e*tend it to newer cate)ories. Thus1 it recently ca'e out with (ried 'asala
n /00<1 two brand e*tensions K &a))i "huna &asala and &a))i Cuppa
&ania nstant %oodles .
P*/) I&)&"/8!: The co'pany is takin) no chances and is e*tendin)
its distribution reach to s'aller towns and cities. &a))i happens to be
%estlIEs 'ost widely distributed brand in the country. Throu)h independent
channels1 it reaches those villa)es where the co'pany has no presence1
accordin) to -e)de. This is also the ti'e that &a))iEs value-(or-'oney
pack priced at Rs 5 is e*pected to co'e handy. =The re)ular pack co'es
(or Rs 40.?
C%,".*/&' N+ C.!"($* B%! : &a))i realised that one o( the
reasons (or a low 'arket share in 7u2arat was that 'ost o( )u2aratis do not
eat )arlic and Onions so (or 7u2arat &a))i has co'e up with a special
product which is devoid o( onions and )arlic and 'arketed it as +ain
&a))i. This helped the' )ain a co'pletely uncon.uered 'arket o( +ain
%oodle eaters.
M%''/ ".*&! 9:; N!"# )($! ., +/"0 &+ )%$,%/'&
%estle ndia is out with a new 'arketin) drive to 'ark the /5th anniversary
this year o( its instant %oodles brand1 &a))i Called &e J &eri &a))i1 the
ca'pai)n is celebratin) the consu'erEs bond with &a))i. The co'pany is
doin)CLM0 de)ree activationD across television1 print and the internet1
beside on-)round activities. %estle has also launched an interactive
website (or the consu'ers1www.'eand'
The packa)in) has been tweaked to acco''odate the pictures o(
consu'ers whose entries the Co'pany chooses. C( a consu'er has a
story to tell about &a))i will put hi' or her on the Packa)in)1 TF or print1D
9rading and standardisation
$ive competitive brands
!ocial message for your label
The product mi? of Maggi is divided into various categories defined belo/4
The company has launched various products under each category as
mentioned belo/4
%4 Noodles
Maggi B-Minute Noodle ) Masala . Chicken.
Curry and Tomato*
Maggi @al Atta Noodles ) !ambhar taste*
:egetable Atta Maggi Noodles
Maggi ;ice Noodles )"emon Masala. Chilly
Cho/ and !hahi 2ulao*
Maggi Cuppa mania )Masala yo. Chilli cho/ yo*
B4 !auces
Teekha masala
Tomoto chatpat
#mli khata mitha
Tomato ketchup
,ot and s/eet
Tomato pudina
9inger. 9arlic > Coriander
Maggi =riental Chilli 9arlic
9inger. 9arlic > Coriander
C4 Maggi 2ichko
D4 !oups ,ealthy
Chef !tyle
- Cream Mushroom
- !/eet !our Tomato Noodles
- Tangy Tomato :egetables
,ome !tyle
- Creamy Chicken
- Mi?ed :egetable
- ;ich Tomato
Chinese !tyle
- Chinese ,ot !our Chicken
- Chinese !/eet Corn Chicken
- Chinese !/eet Corn :egetables
- Chinese ,ot > !our :egetables
E4 Maggi soup san6ivni
F4 Maggi bhuna masala
Bhuna masala for gravy dishes
Bhuna masala for vegetable dal
G4Maggi magic cubes
:egetarian masala
The product mi? of Maggi is divided into various categories defined belo/4
The company has launched various products under each category as
mentioned belo/4
%4 Noodles
Maggi B-Minute Noodle ) Masala . Chicken.
Curry and Tomato*
Maggi @al Atta Noodles ) !ambhar taste*
:egetable Atta Maggi Noodles
Maggi ;ice Noodles )"emon Masala. Chilly
Cho/ and !hahi 2ulao*
Maggi Cuppa mania )Masala yo. Chilli cho/ yo*
B4 !auces
The product mi? of Maggi is divided into various categories
defined belo/4 The company has launched various products
under each category as mentioned belo/4
%4 Noodles
Maggi B-Minute Noodle ) Masala . Chicken.
Curry and Tomato*
Maggi @al Atta Noodles ) !ambhar taste*
:egetable Atta Maggi Noodles
Maggi ;ice Noodles )"emon Masala. Chilly
Cho/ and !hahi 2ulao*
Maggi Cuppa mania )Masala yo. Chilli cho/ yo*
B4 !auces
Teekha masala
Tomoto chatpat
#mli khata mitha
Tomato ketchup
,ot and s/eet
Tomato pudina
9inger. 9arlic > Coriander
Maggi =riental Chilli 9arlic
9inger. 9arlic > Coriander
C4 Maggi 2ichko
D4 !oups ,ealthy
Chef !tyle
- Cream Mushroom
- !/eet !our Tomato Noodles
- Tangy Tomato :egetables
,ome !tyle
- Creamy Chicken
- Mi?ed :egetable
- ;ich Tomato
Chinese !tyle
- Chinese ,ot !our Chicken
- Chinese !/eet Corn Chicken
- Chinese !/eet Corn :egetables
- Chinese ,ot > !our :egetables
E4 Maggi soup san6ivni
F4 Maggi bhuna masala
Bhuna masala for gravy dishes
Bhuna masala for vegetable dal
G4Maggi magic cubes
:egetarian masala
Teekha masala
Tomoto chatpat
#mli khata mitha
Tomato ketchup
,ot and s/eet
Tomato pudina
9inger. 9arlic > Coriander
Maggi =riental Chilli 9arlic
9inger. 9arlic > Coriander
C4 Maggi 2ichko
D4 !oups ,ealthy
Chef !tyle
- Cream Mushroom
- !/eet !our Tomato Noodles
- Tangy Tomato :egetables
,ome !tyle
- Creamy Chicken
- Mi?ed :egetable
- ;ich Tomato
Chinese !tyle
- Chinese ,ot !our Chicken
- Chinese !/eet Corn Chicken
- Chinese !/eet Corn :egetables
- Chinese ,ot > !our :egetables
E4 Maggi soup san6ivni
F4 Maggi bhuna masala
Bhuna masala for gravy dishes
Bhuna masala for vegetable dal
G4Maggi magic cubes
:egetarian masala
Positioning of Maggi
Maggi B Minute Noodles /ill continue /ith its current positioning of
convenience and as a Hfast to cook. good to eatI snack as this seems to be
/orking /ell4
To prevent Top ;amen. the main competitor. from eating into its market
share some product innovation is re-uired as other/ise Maggi may get
stereotyped as an une?citing product4 Top ;amen is follo/ing a cost
differentiation techni-ue4
To deal /ith this Maggi has to position itself as a differentiated product4 The
market is very sensitive to taste and re6ects any flavour it dislikes /ith
Maggi having learnt it the hard /ay. thus the product cannot be greatly
differentiated /ith on basis of taste4
=n the other hand Maggi has to deal /ith the negative perception of Maggi
has of being unhealthy in an increasingly health conscious market. a ma6or
threat in the current scenario4
Both these problems can be tackled by positioning Maggi as a snack /ith
nutritional value4 The recent launch of H:eg Atta NoodlesI and H@al Atta
NoodlesI /ith the promise of good nutritional value ventures in this area4

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