Photo Gallery Documentation

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Task successful makes everyone happy. But the
happiness will be gold without glitter if we didnt state
the persons who have supported us to make it a
Success will be crowned to people who made it a reality
but the people whose constant guidance and
encouragement made it possible will be crowned frst
on the eve of success.
This acknowledgement transcends the reality of
formality when we would like to epress deep gratitude
and respect to all those people behind the screen who
guided! inspired and helped me for the completion of
our pro"ect work.
# consider myself lucky enough to get such a good
pro"ect. This pro"ect would add as an asset to my
academic profle.
I would like to express my thankfulness to Our project guide, Ms.
Pallavi Mukherjee for her constant motivation and valuable help
through the project work. $inally # would like to thanks my
friends for their co%operation to complete this pro"ect.

&ow a days most of our memories
comes out in the form of either selfes or
pictures from our phone or digital
cameras. 'ence for storing them our
hard drives are not enough. 'eres a
new memory where you can store and
view your memories seamlessly
anywhere anytime through your
internet. (nd hence heres the site
where you can do all these.....
Project Members:
. !"U#I$ R"%
'. !"UM%"DIP DA!
(. ANU)*A# +*"!*
,. ARI-IT !A*A

This is to certify that (ritra)utatunda *+eg. &o.%,-.//-,,/,01 of 2#S 3ollege
of 4ngineering!5alyani of #nformation Technology department successfully
completed the summer pro"ect on P*"T" +ALL/R% 12s3ng -a4a5-2ee
tec6nolog7 and "racle Database8 under the pro"ect co%ordinator /r.
Palla43 M2k6erjee of &#6T! Salt7ake sector%-!5olkata.(s a partial fulflment
of the re8uirements for the #nformation Technology *session -/,.%-/,91
during the period of 9 weeks *,:
2une -/,9 to ,:
2uly -/,91.The pro"ect
is successfully implemented in a team work.
Team Members:
,1(mit kr. ;andal *3S41
-1(nubhav<hosh *#T1
.1(ri"itSaha *#T1
91(ritra)utatunda *#T1
=1)ritam;ondal *#T1
:1Soumyadip >as *#T1
01Souvik +oy *3S41
."LL/+/ NAM/: -I! ."LL/+/ "0 /N+IN//RIN+
Signature of )ro"ect 3o%ordinator
1. Introduction
Introduction & Objective
Purpose of the project
2. SDLC Model
Iterative ater!all Model
". Project Plannin#
$. Project activities
&ctivit' (et)or*
+natt Chart
P,-. chart
/. !easibilit' Stud'
.echnical !easibilit'
Operational !easibilit'
,cono0ical !easibilit'
1. -e2uire0ent & Specification
3. Desi#n
Data !lo) Dia#ra0
4se Case Dia#ra0
5. Codin#
?.Testing @ ;aintainance

( photo gallery website is collection of images or
photos that is uploaded to a website and available for
website visitors to view. This term originally came from
the term AgalleryA which originally referred to a narrow
passageway on a ship which "oined rooms much like a
P2r9ose o: t6e 9roject:
This website is providing some uni8ue feature like one
can upload pictures here! can see what pictures are
there by visiting our gallery and can download picture

!DL. Model
Soft)are Develop0ent Life C'cle 6SDLC7 is a structured se2uence of
phases for i0ple0entin# an infor0ation s'ste0.
& S'ste08Soft)are develop0ent life c'cle is a lo#ical process b' )hich
s'ste0 anal'sts9 soft)are en#ineers9 pro#ra00ers and end:users:build
infor0ation s'ste0s and co0puter application to solve business
proble0s and needs.
.he S'ste08Soft)are develop0ent life c'cle 6SDLC7 is a conceptual
0odel used in project 0ana#e0ent that describes the sta#es involved in
an infor0ation s'ste0 develop0ent project.!ro0 an initial stud' throu#h
0aintenance of the co0pleted application.
In the soft)are develop0ent process )e focus on the activities directl'
related to the production of the soft)are9 for e;a0ple desi#n9 codin# and
testin#. & develop0ent process is a se2uence of steps. ,ach step
perfor0s a )ell:defined activit' leadin# to)ards the satisfaction of the
project #oals )ith the output of one stop for0in# the input of the ne;t
+enerall' )e *no) that spiral 0odel is the best 0odel for custo0er
satisfaction as )ell as ris* assess0ent. %ut here for this project )e have
no issue of custo0er satisfaction so )e used si0ple iterative )aterfall
0odel for developin# this s'ste0.
.he different phases of this 0odel are<
!easibilit' stud'
-e2uire0ent anal'sis & specification
Codin# & unit testin#
Inte#ration .estin#
Be discussed each of this phases after pro"ect
The drawing of the water fall S>73 ;D>47 is given in
the net page...

Project Plann3ng
Once a project is found to be feasible9 the ne;t phase is to plan
the project 0eans project plannin#. Project plannin# is
underta*en and co0pleted even before an' develop0ent
activit' starts. Project plannin# consists of so0e essential
attributes li*e cost esti0ation9 duration & effort etc. otherthan
schedulin# 0anpo)er and staffin# plans also included in this
project plannin#.
e are discussin# this attributes in the project plannin#
activities portion )ith so0e charts li*e %S9&ctivit' (et)or*
dia#ra09+natt chart9P,-. chart.

0eas3b3l3t7 !t2d7:
!easibilit' Stud' is basicall' to deter0ine )hether it )ould be financiall' and
technicall' feasible to develop the product. .he feasibilit' stud' activit' involves the
anal'sis of the proble0 and collection of the all relevant infor0ation relatin# to the
product such as the different data ite0s )hich )ould be input to the s'ste09 the
processin# re2uired to be carried out on these data9 the output data re2uired to be
produced b' the s'ste0.
It is a set of 0anual & co0puteri=ed co0ponents for #atherin#9 storin# & processin#
business data for an or#ani=ation. It also converts such data useful decision oriented
.he 0ain #oal of feasibilit' stud' is not to solve the proble0 but to achieve the
scope. In the process of feasibilit' stud'9 the cost and benefits are esti0ated )ith
#reater accurac'. It has three t'pes<
Operational !easibilit'.
.echnical !easibilit'.
,cono0ic !easibilit'.
Tec6n3cal 0eas3b3l3t7:
Technical feasibility centres on the eisting computer system
*hardware! software! etc.1 and to what etent it can support the
proposed addition. #f the budget is a serious constraint! then
the pro"ect is "udged not feasible.
.echnical feasibilit' spea*s about the e;istin# hard)are and the soft)are that )e are usin#
and the deviations that )e have to 0a*e fro0 the e;itin# one9 as )e are developin# the
bac*#round code )e #et the follo)in# facilities<
>O-&CL, 1?+ Server can 0ana#e a lar#e a0ount of data and is si0ple and secure
>4sin# @2,, helps us to desi#n and buildin# the )ebsite pa#es 0ore fle;ible and reliable
>@2,, full open database connectivit' 6@D%C7 )ith O-&CL, 1?+.
>ith the help of Cascadin# St'le Sheet 6CSS7 )e built the )ebsite desi#n 0ore attractive.
>Data accessibilit'9 response and output re2uire less ti0e.
"9erat3onal 0eas3b3l3t7:
People are inherentl' resistant to chan#e9 and co0puters have been *no)n to
facilitate chan#e. It is understandable that the introduction of a candidate s'ste0
re2uires special effort to educate9 sell9 and train the ne) people on the ne) )a's of
conductin# business.
&s this s'ste0 is reall' ver' user friendl' version it does not re2uire 0uch 0ore
trainin# or co0plete *no)led#e to use it. .he s'ste0 does not onl' 0a*e the tas*
eas' for ad0inistrator but also reduces the ti0e that )ould be consu0ed if done
0anuall'. ithout too 0uch *no)led#e of database 2uer' &d0in can 0ana#e the
users )ith ease. So this can be said that this product is Operational !easible.
/conom3c 0eas3b3l3t7:
This procedure is to determine the benefts and savings that
are epected from a system and compare the costs. #f benefts
are more than the building cost then we can say the design
should be made and implement the system. Dtherwise! further
"ustifcation or alterations should be made to the system that it
can have a chance of being approved.
Re<23rement Anal7s3s:
The re8uirement analysis activity is begun by collecting all
relevant data regarding the product to be developed from the
users of the product and from the customer through interviews
and discussions. Before starting the pro"ect there may be
several contradiction and ambiguities. Therefore its necessary
to identify all ambiguities and contradictions in the
re8uirements and resolve them through further discussions
with the customer. (fter all ambiguities! inconsistencies and
incompleteness have been resolved and all the re8uirements
properly understood! the re8uirements specifcation activity can
start. >uring this activity! the user re8uirements are
systematically organiEed into a Software +e8uirement
Specifcation *S+S1 document.
Re<23rement !9ec3=cat3on:
The customer re8uirements identifed during the re8uirements
gathering and analysis activity are organiEed into a S+S
document. The important components of this document are the
functional re8uirements! the non%functional re8uirements! and
the goals of implementation. There mainly two types of
re8uirements consist. Dne is hardware re8uirements and
another is software re8uirements.
*ardware Re<23rements:
3D&T4&T >4S3+#)T#D&
-/<B ;#&
9/<B +43D;4&>4>
=,- ;#&
,<B +43D;4&>4>
!o:tware Re<23rements:
3D&T4&T >4S3+#)T#D&
D)4+(T#&< SFST4; B#&>DBS 0 D+ '#<'4+
>(T(B(S4 D+(374 >(T(B(S4 ,/<
T43'&D7D<#4S 2-44 B#T' 2S)
#>4 &4TB4(&S 0.,.- (&>
B+DBS4+ #4
74647 /
)hoto <allery
74647 ,
suc. reg.
74647 -
update aHc
upload photo
view photo
from gallery
give feedback
about our
Data 0low D3agram:
;anage <allery
;anage (H3
See photos in
Gpload Dwn )hoto
>ownload )hoto
(dd &ew $eatures
;anage 'ome
;anage >atabase
;anage <allery
Use .ase D3agram:
."D/ 0"R D";NL"ADIN+ PI.TUR/:
Testing a program consists of sub"ecting the program to a set of
test inputs and observing if the program behaves as epected.
The aim of the testing process is to identify all defects eisting
in a software product. ( software product goes through three
levels of testing and we also follow this three level testing
Gnit testing
#ntegration Testing
System Testing
Un3t test3ng:
Gnit Testing is undertaken when a module has been coded and
successfully reviewed. #n our pro"ect we tested each 2S) page indivisually
after forming. ;ainly it is tested for checked out the connectivity with the
Integrat3on Test3ng:
The primary ob"ective of integration testing is to test the module
interfaces in order to ensure that there are no errors in the parameter
passing! when one module invokes another module.
There are several approaches of integration testingI
Big%bang approach
Top%down approach
bottom%up approach
;ied approach
(mong these approaches we followed bottom%up approach for our pro"ect.
#n this approach each subsystem is tested separately and then full system
is tested.
!7stem Test3ng :
System tests are designed to validate a fully developed system to assume
that it meets its re8uirements.
There are mainly three kindsI
(lpha Testing
Beta Testing
(cceptance Testing
Reg3strat3on Page
Log3n Page
Pro=le Page
+aller7 Page
U9load P6oto Page
The project is identified by the merits of the system offered to the user. The merits of this
project are as follows:
It!s a webenabled project.
This project offers user to enter the data through simple and interactive forms. This is very
helpful for the client to enter the desired information through so much simplicity.
The user is mainly more concerned about the validity of the data, whatever he is entering.
There are checks on every stages of any new creation, data entry or updation so that the user
cannot enter the invalid data, which can create problems at later date.
"ometimes the user finds in the later stages of using project that he needs to update some of
the information that he entered earlier. There are options for him by which he can update the
records. #oreover there is restriction for his that he cannot change the primary data field.
This keeps the validity of the data to longer extent.
$ser is provided the option of monitoring the records he entered earlier. %e can see the
desired records with the variety of options provided by him.
&rom every part of the project the user is provided with the links through framing so that he
can go from one option of the project to other as per the re'uirement. This is bound to be
simple and very friendly as per the user is concerned. That is, we can sat that the project is
user friendly which is one of the primary concerns of any good project.
(ata storage and retrieval will become faster and easier to maintain because data is stored in
a systematic manner and in a single database.
(ecision making process would be greatly enhanced because of faster processing of
information since data collection from information available on computer takes much less
time then manual system.
)llocating of sample results becomes much faster because at a time the user can see the
records of last years.
*asier and faster data transfer through latest technology associated with the computer and
Through these features it will increase the efficiency, accuracy and transparency.
The si+e of the database increases daybyday, increasing the load on the database back up
and data maintenance activity.
Training for simple computer operations is necessary for the users working on the system.
$D+ &4TB4(&S #&ST(77(T#D& I
$D+ >4)7DF;4&T (&> )(35#&< D& S4+64+ I
$D+ D+(374
$D+ 2S) 3D>4SI

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