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Student at times be Ayotzinapa 1

Mxico Libre

Student at times be Ayotzinapa
October 22, 2014
Global Day of Action for the live presentation of the 43 students Ayotzinapa, Guerrero, Mexico.

"The university is public awareness of social movements, as this is in itself an achievement of the
struggles day to day living; It is, therefore, a source of knowledge that identifies with commitment
and will the big problems we encountered. The public university exceeds the capitalist status boost
growth through university actions strictly reproduce the bourgeois ideology, when mating interests
for university gets its essence Pot constantly emerging new society. "(U)
On September 26, 43 students from the Rural Normal School Ayotzinapa were missing after a clash
in Iguala Guerrero by municipal and state police. On September 27, the body of one of the skinning
normalistas found. During the fighting, there were attacks by alleged armed commando who shot
normalistas, teachers, reporters and citizens, where 6 people victims of the blasts killed. The normal
school were arrested after making "botting", which means leaving cities to borrow money to
continue her studies at the insufficient government resources. The most outrageous of this is that
we are talking about future rural teachers who are in the need to borrow money on the streets to
pay their studies, which will serve to educate future generations of the country.
Mexico has experienced a silent war for several years. Hunger, poverty, death and corruption were
sleepy small perturbations in our society, until the social network came, gave voice to the cries of
the missing forgotten and brought out the dead numbering in the pit (28 bodies in a grave in Iguala
Guerrero, 43 bodies in another grave in Ecatepec, Mexico and 12 more in another pit in Michoacan
to name a few); they all Mexicans have been erased name and reduced to elements of statistics.
We know the history of Ayotzinapa, was big news around the world, but who will tell the story of
the unnamed graves? Who are the 36,718 dead of the first twenty months peista management?
75 in Yucatn
74 in Aguascalientes
29 Campeche
85 in California
145 Tlaxcala
511 in San Luis Potosi
175 in Quertaro
305 in Hidalgo
324 in Nayarit
308 in Colima
348 in Quintana Roo
357 in Tabasco
Student at times be Ayotzinapa 2

Mxico Libre

511 in San Luis Potosi
556 in Zacatecas
782 in Durango
775 in Puebla
866 in Chiapas
1,197 in Oaxaca
1,052 in Sonora
1,333 Nuevo Len
1,406 in Baja California
1,633 in Tamaulipas
1,649 in the Federal District
1,180 in Veracruz
1,180 Guanajuato
1,199 Coahuila
3,301 in Guerrero
2,050 in Sinaloa
2,385 in Jalisco
2,403 in Michoacn
4,876 in the State of Mexico
And most importantly where are his murderers?
In connection with this fact, the most important university of the country houses of study, have
assumed a unity of interests to sympathize with this slaughter. No less violent and significant
events have served to ferment broth of this outrage and courage.
While students reported the weakness and inefficiency of the state of Mexican law, President
Enrique Pea Nieto is determined to continue the campaign of "decrease in the crime rate" where in
the words of Secretary of Interior Osorio Chong "violence is down to lowest terms. "
The complex Mexican political situation is still changing, and again in the streets with the cry of the
university and the people will demand the government "took them alive alive we want."
And for Mexican nameless graves still hiding under the Carpet we say, you are all of us.
Mexico Libre

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