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Official Update Version 1.2
Although we strive to ensure that our codexes are perfect,
sometimes mistakes do creep in. In addition, we occasionally
print new versions of our rules, which require amendments to be
made in older versions of our codexes. When such issues arise,
we feel that it is important to deal with them as promptly as we
can, and we therefore produce regular updates for all of our
codexes. When changes are made, the version number will be
updated, and any changes from the previous version will be
highlighted in Magenta. Where a version number has a letter,
E.g. 1.1a, this means it has had a local update, only in that
language, to clarify a translation issue or other minor correction.
Each update is split into three sections: Errata, Amendments,
and Frequently Asked Questions. The Errata corrects any
mistakes in the codex, while the Amendments bring the codex
up to date with the latest version of the rules. The Frequently
Asked Questions (or FAQ) section answers commonly asked
questions about the rules. Although you can mark corrections
directly in your codex, this is by no means necessary just keep
a copy of the update with your codex.
Page 42 Obliterators, Obliterator Weapons
Change the final sentence to An Obliterator unit cannot
choose to fire the same weapon in two consecutive shooting
Page 57 Abaddon the Despoiler, Mark of Chaos Ascendent
Add the following sentence If Abaddon rolls Spawnhood or
Dark Apotheosis on the Chaos Boon Table, re-roll this result
(and any further results of the same). The Despoiler is not
meant for Daemonhood just yet!
Page 61 Typhus, Plague Zombies.
Change the second sentence to read Plague Zombies are
Chaos Cultists that have the Fearless, Feel No Pain and Slow
and Purposeful special rules and cannot purchase options
other than to add additional models to the unit.
Page 69 Axe of Blind Fury.
Change first rules sentence to Models with the Mark of
Khorne, or Daemons of Khorne, only.
Page 91 superscript note 5.
Change to Models with the Mark of Khorne, or Daemons of
Khorne, only.
Page 94 Daemon Prince, Options.
Change the first bullet point to Must be upgraded to be one
of the following:
Page 97 Chaos Terminators, Options, second bullet point
Change to Any Chaos Terminator may choose any of the
following three options:
Page 97 Helbrute
Change points value to 100 points.
Page 98 Plague Marines, Plague Knife.
Add the following Designers Note:
Note that, for the purposes of the Plague Champion purchasing items
from the Melee Weapons section of the wargear list, his Plague Knife
can be exchanged in the same fashion as a close combat weapon.
Page 99 Noise Marines, Wargear.
Add Close combat weapon (Champion Only)
Page 99 Noise Marines, Options.
Change the third bullet point to One Noise Marine may
replace his boltgun with a blastmaster at 30 pts/model. If the
squad numbers ten or more models, an additional Noise
Marine may replace his boltgun with a blastmaster at 30
Q: If a model rolls Spawnhood or Dark Apotheosis on the Chaos Boon
Table, does it retain the effects of any Chaos Boon Table rolls that have
been applied to it so far during the game? (p29)
A: No.
Q: If a model with a Mark of Chaos becomes a Daemon Prince due to
the Dark Apotheosis result on the Chaos Boon Table, do they lose the
benefit of their Mark of Chaos? (p29)
A: Yes.
Q: Does a Warpsmith need a To Hit roll of 6 (as if taking a Snap
Shot) when using his Master of Mechanisms special rule to curse a
Zooming Flyer? (p34)
A: Yes.
Q: How do I determine the Arc of Sight for a Heldrakes ranged
weapon? (p52)
A: Treat the Heldrakes ranged weapon as a Turret
Mounted Weapon, measuring all ranges from the edge of
the Heldrakes base nearest to the target unit.
Q: Does a Defiler with a power scourge gain the effects of the
Flailspecial rule, reducing its opponents WS in addition to
fighting with its power fists? (p53)
A: Yes.
Q: If a Helbrute rolls Fire Frenzy on the Crazed table but there are
no viable enemy units within range/line of sight, is the Helbrute
still Immobilised until the end of your turn? (p56)
A: Yes.
Q: If a Helbrute that is already Immobilised rolls Fire Frenzy, does
it lose an additional Hull Point? (p56)
A: No.
Q: Does Abaddon the Despoilers Mark of Chaos Ascendant prevent
him from joining friendly units chosen from Codex: Chaos Space
Marines that have a Mark of Chaos ? (p57)
A: No.
Q: If Khrn the Betrayer is engaged in a Challenge, do his To Hit
rolls of a 1 still hit friendly models locked in the same combat?
A: Yes.
Q: If Khrn the Betrayer rolls a 1 To Hit in close combat and
subsequently re-rolls this roll of a 1 due to his Hatred Incarnate
Warlord Trait, does the original roll of a 1 still count for the
purposes of inflicting hits on friendly models due to The Betrayer
special rule?
A: No.
Q: If Typhus is engaged in a Challenge and chooses to use the
Destroyer Hive, do you centre the template over him and resolve hits
as normal against all units with models under the template, or
does the Destroyer Hive only hit the model against which Typhus is
fighting his Challenge? (p61)
A: It hits all units with models touched as normal.
Q: Is Lucius the Eternals Lash of Torment a close combat or melee
weapon? (p62)
A: No, it is an artefact with specific abilities that are always
in effect.
Q: The Maulerfiend model has a pair of magma cutters. Does this
mean that if it hits with at least one Attack in the Fight sub-phase
it gets to make one additional Attack with each magma cutter and
if it hits with all of its Attacks, it instead makes two additional
Attacks with each of its magma cutters? (p68)
A: No. The Magma Cutters rule covers the effects of both
the Maulerfiends magma cutters, which are treated as a
single weapon. They are also treated as a single weapon for
the purposes of Weapon Destroyed results.
Q: Is a model equipped with the Scrolls of Magnus that does not
begin the game as a Psyker, considered to have become a Psyker once
they acquire one or more additional psychic powers from the scrolls?
For example a Dark Apostle with the Mark of Tzeentch. (p69)
A: Yes, the model has the Psyker rule from that point
onward, and is considered to have Mastery Level 1.
Q: Must a Forgefiend exchange its hades autocannons for
ectoplasma cannons before being allowed to take the additional
ectoplasma cannon upgrade? (p103)
A: No.
Last updated April 2013

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